Therapist Ch. 02 free porn video

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It is early Sunday morning and Edgar is just returning to LSU from visiting his mother in New Orleans for Thanksgiving. He is on his way to Donna’s apartment on Nicholson Drive just off campus. He knows that Donna likes to sleep late on Sundays but he needs to see her. After everything that happened while he was visiting his mother, he needs to know that she still cares about him. He needs to know that she loves him.

While driving into the parking lot of her apartment he reminisces about when they first met and started dating.

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It was originally in his course on English literature. At that time, she approached him after class one day and asked him if he would like to work with her on an assignment that the professor had given the class. He agreed. He is not too good at grammar so she began helping him write some of his compositions.

They had been seeing each other, meeting for lunch in the student union together and studying together for a couple of weeks when she asked him to help her look up something in the library.

Later, as they walked back to her apartment, he held her hand. The next afternoon when they met in the Greek Theater, she kissed him on the lips. It was the first time he had ever been kissed by a girl. But he did not tell her this.

‘Want to go to the game together this weekend?’ Donna asks him.

They are sitting in the fifth row of the theater. She is sitting in his lap, straddling his thighs. Her arms are around his neck and she is playing with the label on the back of his polo shirt. He has his hands on her sides, just holding her.

‘Sure,’ Edgar answers her, ‘I haven’t been to any of the games yet. It will be nice to do something different for a change.’

‘Edgar, you’re a freshman at LSU and you tell me you have never gone to any of our football games? I don’t believe that. Why not? What’s wrong with you?’

‘There’s nothing wrong with me. I’ve never been to a football game in my life or a baseball game or a basketball game or any kind of ball game. I don’t like playing ball. I’d rather play chess. To me chess is a whole heck of a lot more brutal than any sport I can think of.’

‘Oh, come on,’ Donna says mockingly. ‘I’ve played chess before and it don’t seem all that vicious to me.’

‘You might have played chess but do you know the strategy behind the movement of the pieces?’

‘No, not really.’

‘Well in football there’s a rule against piling on once the man is down, but in chess if you don’t pile on the pressure you’ll lose. Again in football you cannot hit a man when he is down, but in chess if you don’t hit him when he’s down, then he’ll win the game. You cannot hit a man below the belt, but in chess if you don’t hit your opponent in his weak spot, then you’ll lose.’

‘You really think so? I mean, in other sports you psych your opponent up and there are all kinds of strategies to win, including hitting an offensive or defensive line in its weak spot and things like that.’

‘Sure there is some mental gymnastics and strategy in other sports but nothing like the psychological warfare and strategy that exist in chess.’

She brushes her fingers through his long blond hair.

‘For example, in football once you’ve broken through your opponent’s line and tackled the quarterback the play is over. Not so in chess, once you’ve broken through your opponent’s defenses you have to hit him again and again or he’s going to be able to regroup and then get you.’

Donna does not answer him. She is just sitting in his lap, straddling his thighs and looking into his eyes.

Edgar continues, ‘In chess if you’re not totally, ruthlessly brutal with your opponent, then you’ll lose the game.’

He pauses, looking into her eyes. There is a distant stare in them.

He continues, ‘In any contact sport you’re expected to conduct yourself in a sportsmanlike demeanor. You’re supposed to exhibit responsible conduct. If you don’t then you will be penalized. You cannot attack your opponent with the intention of actually hurting him physically. If you do then you or your team will be penalized. Your opponent can and does expect you to be somewhat merciful with him once you have him quote down unquote.’

He makes the quote sign with his fingers.

‘For example, you can’t repeatedly hit the quarterback once you’ve tackled him. But in chess there is no such expectation. You’re expected to continually hit the king until he surrenders or is checkmated.’

Donna still does not answer him. She is just looking into his eyes, seeing a brutal side of Edgar she has never seen before.

‘In chess you sit across from your opponent, you skewer his pieces and watch him squirm. You do not extend any mercy. You do not offer him quarters nor do you take prisoners. I can’t think of any sport that is more violent or more brutal than chess. In all other sports you merely attack a man’s physical body. In chess you attack his ego, his pride. There’s nothing more brutal than that except actual warfare.’

‘I never thought of chess that way. I always looked upon it as just a complicated board game.’

‘That’s how most people look at chess. But they don’t understand the strategy behind the game. When I was in high school I was called a geek and a loser by a lot of the other students. They laughed at me because I preferred to sit by myself and study chess moves than to play ball. But I didn’t . . .’

‘Edgar, I don’t think you’re a geek. I think you’re a kind, sweet, gentle soul. And I’m not just saying that. I like you Edgar. I’m falling in love with you Edgar. I’m sure of it.’

Edgar lowers his eyes momentarily. When he looks up she is leaning forward, her face only centimeters away from his. An October breeze catches her long brown hair and blows it in his face. She brushes the hair aside and kisses him lightly on the lips. Then she quickly kisses him again openmouthed, her tongue darting into his mouth.

He kisses her back. After several long seconds she breaks the kiss and says lightheartedly, ‘I don’t believe that I could fall in love with a geek.’

‘OK, let’s go to the game together. Who are we playing?’ he asks changing the subject. He doesn’t know what else to say. He has never been in love before.

‘I don’t know who we’re playing this week either but I want to buy you a new LSU T-shirt for the game. One that matches the one I have. That way we can go to the game as a team ourselves. Would you like that?’

‘Yes, I would love it.’ He wraps his arms around her hugging her. For the first time in his life Edgar is happy.

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As he is walking up the stairs to her efficiency apartment he notices a used condom on the top step. He thinks how disgusting it is.

‘If they must have sex outside of marriage, why don’t they dispose of their whoredom properly?’ he says to himself as he steps around it. He knows that Donna would never have sex outside of marriage. She’s not a tramp, she’s a nice girl.

He had hoped he would have been able to eventually introduce Donna to his mother. But now, because of what he has done, he can’t. He can never introduce the two of them. Why couldn’t his mother accept it when he told her about Donna? Why couldn’t his mother be more understanding? Why did that bitch have to force him to make a choice?

Now he is glad that Donna did not come with him to New Orleans as he originally wanted. He didn’t want to leave her on campus by herself over the Thanksgiving holidays but she insisted he go alone. She told him that it would be better if he just told his mother about their relationship for right now. She said that there would be plenty of time later for her to meet his mother.

He knocks on the door to her small apartment. After several minutes, she opens the door to let him in. She is still in her sheer neglige. The baby blue nighti
e is just long enough to cover her cheeks and vagina. It is tied with a bow just below her breasts, her navel is showing.

She invites him in but he hesitates, he can see her nipples through the sheer material. Edgar has never seen a woman dressed in a sheer neglige before.

His mother taught him that it is degrading to a woman for a man to look upon her if she is not properly dressed. She told him that people would think that she’s a tramp if he enters into her apartment and she is not properly dressed. He does not want to destroy Donna’s good reputation. So he says, ‘You’re not decent. I’ll wait outside until you’re dressed.’ He turns his head and looks away.

‘Edgar, you woke me up. Come in. Don’t be so modest, I’ll put on a robe. Just be quiet and don’t wake my roommate.’

While Donna gets a robe from the closet, Edgar keeps his eyes focused on the floor. He does not want her to see him looking at her body. He does not want to give her the impression that he is after her sex. He wants her to like him for himself. His mother taught him that.

Donna sits on the edge of her bed. She has not yet put on the robe, she is holding it in her lap. ‘What’s so important that you had to wake me at . . . what time it is,’ she looks at the clock on her nightstand, ‘at 7:19 on a Sunday morning?’

‘I just had to see you that’s all. I missed you. I thought about you all during the holidays.’

‘Come here and sit next to me on the bed. Hey! What happened to your eye, it’s all bloodshot.’

‘I tripped over some boxes in my garage,’ he lies to her as he sits down. He is glad that his long sleeve shirt hides his scarred wrists.

He looks across the room to see her roommate sleeping in her own bed. He can see her bare back and wonders if she has on any panties. Donna once told him that she sleeps in the nude. His mother told him that only whores and bad boys sleep in the nude.

Donna touches the side of his face with her hand. He takes her hand in his and looks away. He is very uncomfortable sitting next to the nearly nude coed.

‘Are you going to put your robe on?’ he asks her. He is embarrassed.

‘What’s the matter?’ she asks.

‘Nothing. It’s just that I’ve never seen a girl in a nightgown before.’

‘It’s alright. Why don’t we go out for some breakfast, my treat?’ She gets up and walks across the room to a vanity dresser. She throws the robe over the back of a nearby chair. Her back is to him. She watches him through the mirror behind the vanity dresser as she takes off the top to her nightie, dropping it on top of her robe.

He is watching her. She smiles seductively at him through the mirror. Then she bends over at the waist and slides the bottom of the neglige down her smooth legs, presenting her ass to him. She is naked when she stands up. She looks in the mirror again and sees that Edgar is looking away.

‘Edgar, I told you not to be so modest,’ she says to him as she places the neglige bottom on the seat of the chair. ‘It’s not like I’m stripping in front of an audience. I did it for you.’

He looks at her. ‘I’ve never seen a naked woman in the flesh before.’ In one glance, he takes all of her in. He can see her naked back and her very round, naked ass. Through the mirror, he can see her breasts, her navel and her vagina with a thin crop of brown pubic hair. Years of repressed sexuality suddenly floods upon him. He feels a stirring in his groin.

‘Well, you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all,’ she says to him jokingly.

She walks over to a chest of drawers. She opens a drawer and takes out a bra. She watches him as she puts it on. He is just staring at her, at her vagina. She takes a thong out of the drawer. She turns around and bends over again, again presenting her ass to him. She slides the thong up her legs.

When she straightens up, she turns around to face him. He is still just staring at her, mesmerized by her nudity.

‘Edgar, come out of it.’

‘Oh, I’m sorry. You’re beautiful.’

‘You’re just saying that because you’ve seen my naked ass.’

‘No, I’m not. I think you’re a very beautiful woman.’

She takes a pair of jeans out of a drawer and puts them on. ‘My breasts are too small,’ she says as she buttons the jeans and pulls up the zipper.

‘I don’t think so.’

She cups her breasts and adjusts her bra. ‘Are you saying that because you saw them just now?’

‘No.’ He bows his head and looks at the floor. He is very uncomfortable, never having been in the same room with a naked woman and never having discussed sex with a woman before this. The only thing he knows bout sex is what very little his mother told him when he was younger. When the chapter on sex in his high school biology class came up his mother kept him home for two weeks.

Donna turns around, takes a T-shirt out of another drawer and puts it on, keeping her back to him. Then she takes a pair of socks out of a drawer and comes and sits next to him on the bed. She puts on the socks. Next she reaches under her bed and pulls out a pair of shoes. She puts them on.

While she is doing this neither of them says anything to the other. Edgar has just been sitting on the bed watching her get dressed. Then Donna turns to face him.

‘Edgar, have you ever had sex before?’

He looks away from her. Then he looks at the floor again. ‘No,’ he says almost inaudibly. ‘I’m a virgin.’

‘That’s great Edgar! That means you don’t have any STDs. I don’t have any STDs either and since I’m on the pill and can’t get pregnant, that means we don’t have to use a condom when we have sex.’ She puts her arms around his neck and tries to kiss him but he breaks away from her and stands up.

He looks at her incredulously. He cannot believe what he just heard her say. ‘Let’s go to breakfast,’ he says changing the subject.

‘Don’t you want to make love to me?’ she asks in a playfully but sexy voice.

‘No! Not now. I just want to eat breakfast.’ Never having been in this type of situation before, he does not know what else to say.

‘OK, but I’m yours when you want me baby,’ she says and then she pecks him on the cheek. ‘Let’s go to that little diner around the corner. I like their rolls.’

The noise of their talking causes Donna’s roommate to stir in her sleep. They have never met before. She turns over and Edgar can see her large naked breasts.

Edgar is suddenly filled with fear that she will wake up and get out of bed. Then he will see all of her naked body. She is a total stranger to him and he does not want to see her naked because his mother told him that only bad boys look at naked women. His mother would not like it if she found out that he had looked at a naked woman.

Also, he does not want to be in the room with her if she gets out of bed because it might embarrass Donna. He takes hold of Donna’s hand and pulls her from the room. They go to the diner around the corner that Donna suggested.

Neither of them says anything during the short walk to the diner. Donna is contemplating how she can get him into bed and Edgar is wondering how to avoid discussing sex with her. They find a seat in the back.

‘What would you like, my treat?’ she asks.

‘Just some eggs and sausage. I’ll pay for it.’

‘Let me get it Edgar. I can afford it, you can’t. Remember, I got that trust that I inherited from my parents and all you got is that cheap ass scholarship and that dirty dorm room you share.’

‘OK,’ he answers her.

Edgar is in shock. The events of the past weekend, seeing Donna naked — the only girl he has ever seen naked — and Donna’s wanting to have sex with him are all too much. He does not want to have sex with Donna. He wants to love her, to marry her and have children with her. Sex should come after marriage. That’s what his mother taught him. His mother told him that only whores have sex before marriage.

He eats his breakfast in silence wonde
ring why Donna suggested they have sex. Donna is a nice girl, she’s a virgin not a whore. She would never have sex before marriage. Donna notices his silence but says nothing. After his revelation to her that he is a virgin, she only wants to get him back in her apartment and make love.

After they finish eating, Edgar suggests they go for a drive to see the state capital, he has never seen it. He is afraid that she will try to get him into her apartment to have sex. Her talk of sex has puzzled him. Donna is a good girl and good girls don’t have sex before marriage. His mother told him that.

He is also confused over how he should respond if she approaches the subject again. So as he drives, he talks about the English Literature class they have together, a movie they saw together the other night, the LSU Tigers and their chances of going to a bowl game — he knows nothing about football. Normally quiet and reserved, he uncharacteristically talks incessantly about several subjects, anything but sex. Donna has resigned herself to waiting till later to make love with him.

After seeing the capital together, he continues to drive around Baton Rouge trying to think of something, someplace to go, always keeping the conversation off sex.

After driving around for over two hours, Edgar asks her if she wants to go to New Orleans and visit the Aquarium of the Americas. He knows that she loved to go to the aquarium when she lived in New Orleans. Donna agrees, thinking that she will get him into her apartment later this evening.

The drive on the I-10 Expressway to New Orleans is uneventful. Donna sleeps most of the way. Edgar is thankful for that as he is afraid that the subject of sex will come up again. He doesn’t know how to respond to questions about sex. His mother never told him how.

As he crosses the Jefferson Parish boundary line he wonders whether or not he should get off the expressway and introduce Donna to his mother while they are in New Orleans. Then he remembers that his mother is dead.

He is having a hard time differentiating reality from illusion as he drives on toward the Aquarium. He does not understand why.

When they finish touring the Aquarium they take a stroll along the River Walk and watch the riverboats go up and down Mississippi River. Then they go to the French Market adjacent to the New Orleans French Quarter to see the wares and merchandise offered for sale there. Donna is surprised when Edgar informs her that the open air flea market is the oldest of its kind in United States, she was unaware of that.

They end their walking tour in Jackson Square. Edgar tells her that there are several types of walking tours available to tourists visiting New Orleans. Donna informs him that she is aware of that.

It is nearing five o’clock. Donna wants to go to one of the seafood restaurants by the lake in Bucktown and get something to eat. Edgar readily submits. He wants to get back to LSU as late as possible in order to avoid discussing sex with her, in order to avoid having sex with her. He wants to wait until after they are married to have sex. That’s what his mother would want.

Dinner is quiet, they spend it in small talk. But the pressure on Edgar is immense. It has been that way all day. Donna is a good girl and good girls don’t have sex before marriage. That’s what his mother taught him. But then why did she say that they won’t have to use a condom when they have sex. He cannot think clearly. He is becoming more and more confused with each passing minute.

When they finish eating, they stroll together along the Lake Pontchartrain seawall. They sit on a nearby bench and Edgar begins to tell Donna about his mother, about how wonderful she is, about how kind and loving his mother is. He can hardly wait to introduce them. He tells Donna that he knows that his mother and she will get along fine.

Donna puts her arms around his neck and her head on his shoulder and tells him that she hopes so. She does not realize that he is speaking of a fantasy mother, the mother of his dreams. She does not realize that Edgar is slowly losing control of his mind.

A cool breeze blows up and she suggests they sit in the car where it’s warmer. Edgar opens the car door for her. They sit in silence for several minutes. Edgar is trying to think of something to say. But his mind is blank, he is in total confusion. He keeps saying to himself over and over again: Donna is a good girl and good girls don’t have sex before marriage.

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Two Of Both Worlds

It’s weird how two unsuspecting people could meet and suddenly end up together in unexpected ways. It all started in high school with my long time and now ex boyfriend, Bill, and my long time and now ex girlfriend, Charlene, we called Charley for short. Charley and I have been best friends ever since middle school. We would talk about everything. The clothes we wear, the girls we thought was unpopular, the guys we screwed. We were like sisters. Well, sort of. I remember when I was having a...

3 years ago
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First Gay Fuck

I am about 5.5 height with medium sized dick and fair complexion coming to sex story.I myself posted an ad on some social site and was waiting for a response. When no response came I myself started thinking of fuck. Well, I am a virgin till now.With very tight asshole so was thinking how it will be to be fucked.I started to feel horny and started to browse through the list of ads and came upon an ad seeking needed bottom gay.It seemed interesting and I contacted that person.His name is Raj(name...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Sexyaana Gutharaiyai Matter Seithen

Naanum enathu nanbanum dress edukalam endru oru maalku sendru irunthom, appozhuthu car parkingil carai park seithu vittu kizhe irukum liftil sellalam endru angu sendru ul ponom. En nanban ulle sendru irukum pozhuthu iru kaathalargal nadanthu vanthu irunthaargal, naan athai paarthu iruvar varugiraargal endru sonnen. Appozhuthu lift operator sirithu neram liftai niruthi vaithu irunthaar, appozhuthu puthithaaga thirumanam aagi irukum iruvar vanthu irunthaargal. Athil puthiya manaivi miga sexyaaga...

2 years ago
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srs Part 1

story is based on a comic by Gary Roberts She was bound with her hands behind her back with heavy metal handcuffs. She complained that they put them on too tight, but they ignored her. Her bra was gone, her shorts unzipped and open, her pink panties showing. She was pushed along the corridor of cells, some of them open to the hallway, others just ominous large metal doors, the unknown behind them. She looked in some of the cells and was surprised at what she saw. There were other girls in them...

2 years ago
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Fun With Teacher After Tution Lecture

Hi, friends, this is rocky (name changed ) today I am going to submit my first sex story on this site.I am a huge fan of iss and read a lot of stories here. Please forgive if any mistakes in the story as this is my first sex story. Let me describe self I am normal guy with 6.3-foot height and 6-inch tool. Let me describe the heroine of the story Mrs. Veena (name changed) she is a sex bomb her stats are 34-30-36. A divorced lady. Sorry story those lambi hai but real story hai islia please aapne...

2 years ago
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Rain Bride

She opened the box. Inside was a long robe of soft cotton, pure white and almost translucent. It was the garment worn by all Rain-Brides for their consummation with Sebak, but this one was made specifically for her. She put it on, savouring how silky it felt on her olive skin. She suppressed a nervous shudder as she tied the woven belt around her waist. Nailah had been elated when the high priest told her she had been chosen: such an honorable position seemed above her status. There were...

3 years ago
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Poker Dads Fuck Me

This is a story that was sent to me by one of my younger members/fans. With his permission I'm going to share it with you guys. If you like it, I'll have him share more details of his new Poker Mates.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The COVID shut down really stuffed up my life. I'm just twenty years old, I lost of my job, I moved back with my parents.I'm not out to my parents, so for a few months there I had no social life, no sex life...

4 years ago
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Cat and Mouse

It was a bright yet chill October morning that Shelley Balboni dropped her daughter off at school. Her eight year old daughter, Barbara, balanced her new leaf collection delicately on her lap as the line of cars waddled sporadically forward as they discharged their precious cargoes. The radio susurrated a stream of traffic reports and ballads as Shelley tried to focus on her task as exhilaration sang in her ears. Just when she had given up on meeting her favorite Internet author, a message...

4 years ago
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The Cuckolded Reviewer Part II

I slept fitfully that night. Tossing and turning as the events from the previous evening ran through my mind. I also felt incredibly horny and it did not help having Trish almost naked beside me. At one point she had turned and was lying on her back. Her top had risen right up and she was naked from her breasts down. He legs were also wide apart. I reached out with my hand to touch her but I held back. Instead my hand hovered inches from her mound. I was so desperate to touch her, desperate...

2 years ago
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Night Brings the HunterChapter 2

“Things got hot in El Salvador, CIA got caught, couldn’t do no more. He’s got diplomatic immunity. He’s got a lethal weapon that nobody sees. Looks like another threat to world peace for the envoy. Send the envoy. Send the envoy.” -Warren Zevon, “The Envoy” “Is your roll,” Propappou said to Helena, walking over to turn off the kettle on the hot plate. When his back was turned, Helena palmed two of the white stones from the backgammon board and slipped them in her home tray, then picked up...

2 years ago
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Everybodys Wish For Wishful Things Chapter XVI

As Jamie and Tyler followed their naked moms into the house, they took another opportunity to ogle their distinctly different but equally perfect derrieres as they swayed in front of them. They both did their own comparing and contrasting, noticing how Charlotte’s ass was full and succulent, with cheeks that bounced as her rounded hips moved to and fro, while Julie’s behind was tighter and firmer, looking like, as Charlotte had said, ‘A Beach Volleyball Player’s ass,’ as the high rounded cheeks...

2 years ago
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first anal with Ex girlfriend

Another true story, this time with my old girlfriend.This is the chick I worked with at the factory from previous stories. We were sitting around watching tv after dinner one night at her house and had not really been dating all that long. Out of no where she asked, " You ever try anal"? I said yeah a couple of times with the ex-wife to that she replied "Well, I'm not into that" I said it's ok, I like it but we don't have to do it if you don't want to and that's all there was to it. We went...

4 years ago
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Amar Sexy Secretary 8211 Part 11 Bangla

Ami du hatu gere boshe Rumar du pa amar kumorer dupashe tene anlam.Rumar dui nitombe thore tene amar aro kachakachi anlam.Ba hater moddho onguli diye or guder clit ghoste laglam.Ruma ‘ah-ah- ah-‘bole chukh bujlo.Ekhon ami or guder du thut fak kore amar lingo monita aste aste ghoste shuru korlam. Prothome khub dhire,tar por ektu ektu kore ghorshoner gothi barate thaklam.Ruma boro boro nihshash nite nite ek shomoy nijer thut nije kamrate laglo.Ek shomoy kumor dulate dulate amar duhat tene or...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Lulu Chu Step Daddy8217s Girl

Ron’s (Stirling Cooper) bratty stepdaughter Rose (Lulu Chu) engages in a power game, questioning his authority in his house. As Ron tries to regain control, Rose moves to seduce her stepfather to show who’s boss. Ron can’t help noticing his stepdaughter, Rose’s legs when he walks in on her in the living room one friday night. He quickly gets annoyed when she refuses to answer his questions, and she runs away to her room. His pride wounded, Ron can’t let it go and...

2 years ago
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Humilation and BDSM Mature Young

It was Saturday afternoon and my wife was getting ready for the night out. She 42 5'10" 36 c she was taking a shower and she was getting ready. He outfit for the evening was laid out on the bed. About an hour later she walked downstairs dress like the street whore and slut she is. Her outfit was nylons and 8 strap garter belt no thong and a bustier with the tops of her breasts perched on top. She wore her 6" hooker heals. I walked to her and reach down to feel her fresh shaved pussy and she...

4 years ago
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Nate and Connie

Well, the week was a very busy one and I was looking forward to getting on my Harleyand getting a good ride in and then hit up a bikers joint for a beer and onion rings.Saturday morning I got up and dressed in bikers clothes and put a few bottles of ice water in my saddle bags. The ride was great, three hundred and fifty miles of hi-way and back roads, the bike ran like a charm and by the end of the ride my mind was thinking about beers and onion ringsSo I dropped into my favorite bikers bar as...

1 year ago
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Bakers Dozen 1

The night was quiet as I baked. Baked isn’t as glamorous when I use it. By bake I mean, I placed frozen dough on pans lined with wax paper, sprayed with nonstick stuff, and put them in an oven. There’s no sifting or measuring for me. I work in a grocery store. I don’t mind it, though. My night starts at midnight, when I put my finger on a small device that clocks me in, grab a cart, and begin removing out of date product from the shelves. All the while I make a list of what I need to replace...

4 years ago
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Sex With Lady Manager

Today I would like to share one of my sex experience from Malaysia when I had a visit at my client base. I was been deputed there for a period of 1 year and I had often got chance to hook up with the Asian girls over there. I have went out for clubbing one night at a pub, and it was a nice feeling to enjoy pub. Actually there was a party hosted by my client and all his employees have joined the party. From senior to junior all level people were there. I took a beer and enjoying the party. The...

2 years ago
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Annie A Noblewoman in lust

Annie, or to give her her full name, the honourable Annabel Eizabeth Mary Weatherby-Hanines, strode across the meadow in the afternoon sun. The village lay before her in deep shadow as the sun began its slow descent to the western horizon. She barely considered that everything she could see she owned. She just felt lonely and persecuted. A woman alone in a man’s world. She knew everyone on her estate were taking advantage of her. It was pure luck that she had inherited the estate as back...

3 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 27 Birthday Girl

Going over all my relationships in my mind – and now adding Janelle into the mix (or at least re-adding her) – didn’t make things clearer. Finding somewhere for Megan and I to go parking so we could fuck each other, like we both really wanted would have to wait until we both felt it was ‘safe’. There was another report of a murdered and mutilated couple, this time on the south side of Sydney, around Cronulla. My suggestion to Megan, ‘well, maybe he’s moved away from this area, and we are safe...

1 year ago
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Penis Problems

In this particular case his painfully positioned erection was caused by his English teacher, one Ann Travotore. She was youthful, he guessed late twenties or early thirties. Her hair was just past shoulder length and loosely curly. She had a long angular face with a sharp chin, and deep brown eyes. She wore skirts with floral patterns that always went to her ankles. Her blouses were always in good taste, she never allowed an errant button to be open. Today her blouse/skirt combo were as...

1 year ago
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Tushy Jojo Kiss Babysitter Takes a Huge One Up Her Ass

Stunning Jojo is a babysitter for a sexy Italian guy. She is very lucky because he is a very generous man and always leaves her big tips for her work. After looking after his children for the day, he drives her home. She can feel the awkwardness between them, the sexual tension building. When he grabs her right there in the car and kisses her deeply, she cannot refuse his advances. After tasting the forbidden fruit, Jojo feels very guilty, and a week later, she is back babysitting for her...

1 year ago
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Fap For Fun! I’ve seen some of you neckbeards lurking in the back of an FYE where they have all of those DVDs covered up by 18+ cards. That’s just pathetic. And you know that cashier is judging your fat ass when you bring up that degenerate loli fuck fest that you have clutched to your chest with shaking hands. You guys already have it bad enough. Why make it so much worse on yourself? Have some fucking dignity and fap to hentai bitches without leaving your mom’s basement. If you’re going to be...

Hentai Porn Sites
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The Office Junior Part 17

With just a slight push from my thighs I had travelled 30 feet in the air and 50 metres from where I had 'launched'. Both girls screamed at the shock of my sudden arrival. "Micky! What the.....what are you doing?" screamed Emma. I laughed, "I'm flying." They looked at me dumbfounded, unable to process what was going on. I took the opportunity to show them. I crouched down again and launched myself straight up. I put a little more into this jump. It felt like I was...

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Summer Fun Chapter 4 Private Party

Marc and Jeff have been getting a little peeved at me for not being around much lately. Between working at Pizza Depot, and fucking- I mean, working, with Renee at the apartments, I can see their point, I’ve probably been a little scarce. Today, I have the day off and I’ll make sure to spend some time with them. We want to go swimming again today, but not at the community center pool, so we ride our bikes out to Tucker’s Pond. The pond is a hidden away, deep swimming hole, just past the...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Aiden Ashley Hime Marie Do I Turn You On

Aiden Ashley and her friend HIme Marie are enjoying some girl time together. Since they work together, they gossip a bit about their coworkers. When Aiden confesses that she once had a one night stand and went to work in a club dress only to get written up, Hime wants to know more. She soon learns that the one night stand was a girl named Taylor. Hime immediately demands all the details. Aiden is happy enough to share, but while she’s spilling the tea HIme starts to touch herself beneath...

3 years ago
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Faux RealmChapter 3

Lucian and his lovers were lying on cold, hard floor; talking animatedly; they did not seem to mind as their bodies accustomed to the cold surface, their thoughts drifted further and further away. Lucian was still feeling Liza’s teeth on the head of his member, dazed by the dull pain, he would momentarily come back when one of the girls would kiss his neck; gently dissuading any pain from coming back; both of them could only imagine how he felt. Both women had adoration in their eyes and for...

1 year ago
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My Cuckold Experience The Day After My Wife03

(Part 2)I open my eyes, and try to stretch my arms. The back of my hands hit the cold black metal of the headrest to the bed, with a loud clinking of the steel handcuffs. My arms were aching a little from being held up to the headrest all night long, I'm still handcuffed to the bed and notice my wife absent from my side. She didn't return home.In truth, I'm frightened by this, what if something had happened to her. What if the young stud turned out to be a real bad egg and hurt her. All sorts...

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German Shepherd 10

Introduction: Probably has some mistakes, but of course, not english class. It a Sex Story! When I got home, It was about noon time, and I was tired as hell, but hungry too. I then made a sandwich and went right to bed. The second I hit the pillow, I was out. Was awoken around 7 pm by my mom telling me that dinner was ready. She then asked me Why are you sleeping at this hour. I then gave her a lie and told her that I was playing tennis all day with my friends, and I was tired. She suspected...

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A Gift For My Son

I woke up early in the morning and went into my son's room. I started singing the song "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday Dear Mark Happy birthday to you". He then realized that it was his birthday. My son is 15,I hugged him and gave a peck on his cheek. I told him to get up, take shower quickly because I have made his breakfast.He got up and took his shower. On the breakfast table I told him that we were going shopping today. I asked him, what present he would like....

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Carl Carla and Hannah Epilogue

It’s now been nearly a year since Hannah and I got married, and my goodness, what a year it’s been! As soon as we reached the Bahamas on our honeymoon, Hannah and I (as Carla, naturally) had an absolute wonderful time. The days were full of warm sunshine, and the nights were full of… well, I think you can guess! When we got back, my plan to live full-time as Carla started well. After a couple of months, my request to work from home was granted, and two weeks after that I was living 24/7 as the...

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The High School Bully Part 2

"We would like to thank everyone for coming to our dinner party in celebration of our upcoming wedding," Frank said as he raised his glass of champagne, his arm tucked around Rachel's waist as they grinned out at their friends and family.I watched with disdain near the hallway. The party had been going on for an hour already and didn't look like it would be ending anytime soon. I'd already had several Aunts and Uncles come up to me with worried looks and patronizing, "How are you doing,...

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Author's note: I apologize for any grammatical error. Inevitably the chapters will come out first in Portuguese. Thank you for reading this story. I was still watching my father's coffin went down in the cemitery. Beside me my mother and little sister wept inconsolably the last "moments" with this special family being. I could still hear the words he told me when I last visited him in the chemotherapy ward of the hospital: "Take care of your mother and sister, promise me that." I promised him...

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The RescuedChapter 67 SM03Gamma Day 10

Steve woke to the exquisite sensations of a blow-job, one of the best he'd ever experienced. He glanced down and barely had time to recognize the top of Johnny's head before he shot his load into Johnny's mouth. Despite the minor fuzziness caused by being awakened, his brain suddenly connected a few dots. Andrew had said that Johnny had awakened him with an unsolicited blow-job, and now he'd done it to Steve as well. Steve was suddenly convinced that the Pi version of Johnny had been...

2 years ago
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Hannahs Hero Ch 02

Note: This is a continuation of the story ‘Hannah’s Hero Pt.1.’ See the earlier chapter for warnings about the content since they apply to this chapter as well. *** I stopped in the hall outside of Jennifer’s door and listened for a second before slowly opening it. She was lying on top of her covers, still fully dressed. She watched me with red, puffy eyes as I entered and sat next to her on the bed. After a moment I lay down next to my friend and wrapped my arms around her. ‘I’m okay,’ she...

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Lover8217s Mix First Encounter

Hello, this is my first ever story on ISS. I have been reading stories here for quite long and so got enthusiastic about writing my own. Please pardon me for any mistake. My name is Amit, this story is about me and my ex-girlfriend Riya (name changed). It was a regular day after the college hour and I got a friend request from a friend of my friend’s contact. I first hesitated then accepted and started chatting about how she knows me and all sort and got to know that it was by mistake but we...

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