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Not long ago, I went to a mandatory leadership seminar provided by our corporation. The featured speaker Dr. Justin Davies focused mostly on one basic theme. He said that the concept of a self-made man is nothing but an illusion. He went on to show by example how each of us are a sum of others input, both good and bad. Dr. Davies broke this down to different levels called the pyramid of influence as shown by a projected graphic. The bottom layer was representing our daily level of influence with people such as routine work contacts et cetera. In the middle were those that nurtured us in philosophical and spiritual ways. Finally, the top levels represented those most influential persons in our lives, with one standing out above all others.

After his opening lecture, he handed out blank legal pads and gave us an assignment of writing down who that person was and how they impacted our lives, either positive or negative. We each went off in different directions to find our place of solitude. I found a bench under a maple tree in the wooded area adjacent to the main building. I seriously thought about just taking a nap in the park but decided it prudent to cooperate if I wanted to be considered for promotion.

After searching my memories and considering the people that have influenced me, my first reaction was to take the easy route and pick someone like my wife or favorite college professor but after deeper thought, two people stood at the top. First was my father, who put me and my sister through a living hell of abuse. That was something I have spent a lifetime trying to bury, only to have it raise its ugly head at the most inopportune times. However, the flip side of that coin was a person whose influence would help shape me for a lifetime in ways I could never have expected. I was just not sure where to begin this story or how much I could share.


The summers in Ventura can be excruciatingly hot, as it was on that day in July of 1980. My dad was an ex-military man that could care less about personal comfort when there was an objective to be accomplished. So, by his command, I was pushing our old two stroke rotary mower, trudging along row after row, grumbling about the sweltering heat. I stopped to wipe the burning perspiration from my eyes with my T-shirt. Just about that time, an orange and white U-Haul truck pulled up across the street. It seemed we were about to get new neighbors. The house had been empty since the Wilsons’ had moved almost five months ago.

I watched as a man with grey hair stepped out of the cab. He twisted from side to side like he had just finished a long drive. After looking around, he noticed the only person crazy enough to be out in this punishing heat was me and he shot me a neighborly wave. I paused and returned his gesture. Moments later, a station wagon pulled into the driveway.

This must be the family, I thought. It was hard to see through the tinted windows. The driver’s door opened and a shapely leg emerged. That immediately caught my attention. I watched intently as a stunning brunette stepped from the car. She reached her hands high over her head, interlocking her fingers and stretched causing her to jut out her more than ample breasts. That scene was going to stick in my mind forever. Funny what a pubescent male will notice.

Then, two young kids bounded from the side door and ran around like a couple Jack Russell Terriers. They were obviously excited to be at their new home. I had been hoping for another teen boy to hang out with, like the previous owners’ son. Derrick Wilson hadn't exactly been my best friend but their twenty-five-meter pool had been perfect for me to practice my work-out. I was dedicated to making the swim team. Since they moved away, I had resigned myself to using the public aquatic center but it was difficult to swim my routine in a pool being so crowded with kids.

Oh well… I went back to work, mowing the lawn and cursing the relentless heat. After what seemed like forever, the lawn was finally finished. I remember sitting in front of the fan, watching some innocuous ball-game and drinking down a cold soda when the door-bell rang.

I waited, thinking my mom would answer. It rang again.

“Billy, would you be a doll and answer the door?” Mom asked, sweetly.

“All right, all right,” I replied, trotting down the hall.

Billy do this, Billy do that… I hate being the house servant! My silent complaints continued until I opened the door.

Holy cow! I stood there, tongue-tied, gawking at the prettiest face I'd ever seen in all my sixteen years on this planet. The mystery woman was standing in front of me with her two kids at her sides. I was captivated by her penetrating blue eyes and a gleaming white smile. She was wearing a snug white V-neck t-shirt, showing a peek of cleavage. I nervously stared at her, trying to find words to speak.

“Um--" I gulped, "C-can... I h-help you?"

“Hi! I'm Jennifer Hanson and these are my children, Dana and Scotty. We are moving into the house across the street and I noticed you mowing your lawn. How would you like to earn a few bucks by helping us unload the van? I know it's miserably hot out here, so I couldn’t blame you for saying no.”

Without hesitation, I eagerly replied, “Yes! I’ll help you. The heat doesn't bother me in the least.” I lied.

“And your name is…?”

"Oh, sorry. I'm Billy—Billy Gray. Let me get my gloves and I'll be right over.”

“There are quite a few heavy things. Just do what you can and don't hurt yourself,” she cautioned.

“Don't worry ’bout that, Mrs. Hanson. I'm real strong,” I said, proudly jutting out my chest.

“I'm sure you are.” She grinned, and tapped her perfectly manicured nail on my pectoral muscle. “Take your time,” she added. “There's plenty to do. Just come when you can.”

“Yes ma’am,” I replied.

“Please… I'm not yet a ma’am. Call me Jennifer.”

She turned and headed toward her house, with her two kids in tow. Then, looked back over her shoulder and smiled.

I watched her intently, focused on her shapely butt, that was constrained only by her tight shorts. She walked with a sway of her hips and moved as if she knew I was looking. Was she some sadist that got off on torturing sixteen-year-old boys, or was it all just my hormone riddled imagination?


Mr. Hanson certainly was not as friendly as his wife. He grumbled and complained about almost everything nonstop. I learned he had a bad back and a dozen other ailments, which he told me about in graphic detail. As the day wore on, he became even more agitated. I was puzzled why such a gorgeous charismatic woman would be married to an older man with a poor disposition.

Then, disaster struck. While we were attempting to carry, the living room couch off the truck, Mr. Hanson lost his grip and accidentally dropped his end. The couch leg hit the top of his foot with a bone-crunching thud.

“Oh good god! Fuck! I think I broke my god-damn foot!” He screamed like he was dying.

He sat on the tailgate of the van writhing in pain, while I attempted to take his shoe off. Jennifer came running after she heard all the cursing.

“Oh, good God, Sam! What the hell have you done to yourself this time?” Jennifer screamed.

I was no expert, but his foot looked pretty messed up. It was swollen and black and blue. We wrapped his foot in a towel with ice packs that Jennifer retrieved from their cooler. After helping him get into the car, Jennifer loaded the kids and then asked, “Billy, could you watch our things while we are at the hospital?”

I of course, agreed, “Yes ma’am… I mean Jennifer. I hope Mr. Hanson is going to be okay.”

After they drove away, I noticed a clipboard she had dropped in haste to help her husband. It was a floor plan that marked out where everything went. That's when I decided to finish unloading the truck myself. However, I knew couldn't do it alone so I called my best friend, Tom.

Tom and I have known each other since the fifth grade. He and I did everything together. We were in the same sports and many of the same classes. He lived just a street over, so he came over quickly. We managed to unload the rest of the heavy items and place the furniture and boxes in the appropriate rooms. I was just happy nothing broke. Tom and I were both sweating profusely, as the heat continued toward sundown. We went extra slow and careful, trying not to damage anything.

At about seven in the evening, Tom said, “Hey dude, I gotta run. I told mom I'd be home at six for dinner and I'm already late.”

“Alright, I'll catch you later. Thanks for all your help. I'll just finish up the small stuff myself. I couldn't have done it without you.”

“Shit dude, I've never ever seen you work this hard before. They must be paying you big bucks or there's a chick involved.”

“I really don't know how much they're paying, but I'll split it with you. I'm just doing this to get the use of the pool.”

“You still trying to make the swim team? I told you it's a waste of time. The coach picks the team before the tryouts even start. Stick with surfing… Besides, if you do make the team he’ll have you cut off your scraggly hair. Hey, later dude. I gotta run.” He offered me a high-five and I watched as Tom jogged away.

I turned back to the small items still in the truck, determined to finish.


It was about nine when they finally pulled into the driveway. Mr. Hanson had his foot in a cast and was on crutches. Jennifer helped him in the house and the kids followed. I could tell they were all exhausted. After about ten minutes Jennifer returned.

“I hope Mr. Hanson is going to be alright?” I asked.

“He will be in a cast for six weeks… Billy, I don't know what I can do to thank you for unloading the van. There's no way I could have done this without you. Take this, it's not much. How would you like a job to take care of our lawn and pool regularly?” she asked, handing me a wad of bills. Then she kissed me on the cheek. Her perfume was intoxicating. I couldn't believe she actually kissed me. Well… kinda.

"Jennifer, I’ll make you a deal. How ‘bout if I do your lawn and pool at half price, and you let me use the pool for my training?”

"Nonsense, I'd never allow that!” she replied. I frowned, disappointed.

"I'll pay you full price for your work and… you can have access to the pool whenever you like. You missed dinner. If I had anything in the fridge, l would offer to fix you something to eat.”

“I'm good. I'll just eat a sandwich. Thank you!” I walked away counting the cash. “Damn, a hundred dollars,” I thought to myself. That's the most I'D ever made.


I must have whacked off three times that night thinking about Jennifer. Those big tits were etched in my perverted mind. I stripped her over and over in my imagination, thinking what it must be like to caress her soft flesh.

I was up at dawn as usual to start my work-outs. I usually began by stretching and running a couple miles around the golf course. Then I'd swim about a mile.

It was about seven in the morning when I finished my run and entered the pool area through the side gate. The pool had been neglected for months, so I started out by skimming the leaves and turning on the filter system. I was familiar with the operation as I used to help Derrick do the maintenance. The pool house had a side storage area that contained the chemicals and pumps. Turning on the pumps could be as easy as twisting a few valves in the right order and flipping a switch, but first I needed to test the water for chlorine levels.

After adding the right chemicals and turning on the pumps, I noticed Jennifer was standing in the kitchen window drinking a cup of coffee and watching me. She waved when I looked at her and flashed me a big smile. I don't know why, but I remember I felt a bit naked standing there in my speedos under her gaze.

At that time in my life, I was totally unaware of how my fitness and muscular development affected the opposite sex. All I knew was that no girl at school ever aroused me the way Jennifer did. I'm not sure if she noticed but my speedos didn't hide much and I don't think covering my bulging erection with my hand helped either.

The water was stinging cold when I dove in. It would take a week for the heaters to bring up the temperature. I would continue this routine daily, each time under Jennifer’s watchful gaze.


As the next few weeks passed, Jen and I got to know each other better, seeing AS how I was at their place virtually every day for something. I was not just the pool and lawn guy but their painter, handyman, and babysitter. Her husband was noticeably unfriendly to me. I couldn't figure out why, as I was nothing but nice to him, but for now, it was a complete mystery.

One morning while I was toweling off, I just came out and asked her point blank, “Why is Mr. Hanson so unfriendly to me? I've been nothing but nice to him.”

She didn't answer right away but took my towel and blotted my back dry. Then she replied, “Billy, it's complicated. I'll tell you sometime when the time is right but for now, I am asking you to wait. Is that alright? I just want you to know it’s nothing you did.”

“Okay, I didn't mean to pry.”

“Don't fret, I'll tell you soon.”

It got to the point she would come out to visit while I swam and we would talk about everything and anything. We discussed how she and Sam had met while he was in the Air Force and she worked in the PX. She asked about my school and said how she admired my dedication to making the swim team.

Then one morning after I finished cleaning the clippings from trimming the hedge, she asked, “Billy, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, anything.”

“I never see you with a girl. Are you dating anyone?”

I flushed with embarrassment and mumbled, “Not right now. I don't have time. I'm… umm… between girlfriends. Why do you ask?”

“Well, I saw the bulletin in front of the high school about the spring formal and I wondered if you were going?”

"Naw, I don't dance.”

"Nonsense. Anyone can dance."

“You're wrong there. I have two left feet,” I replied with a chuckle.

“I tell you what, If you give swim lessons to Dana and Scotty, I will give you dance lessons.”

I happily agreed without realizing this was almost becoming a full-time job. As the days passed, we were becoming very comfortable together. Maybe too comfortable. I no longer saw her as a wife and mother but as A friend.

Then, as the summer became hotter she’d come out and suntan while I swam. That figure in a bikini was almost more than I could handle. Her body was toned and shapely and she had all the right curves in all the right places. I tried not to stare but that seemed impossible, as I hadn't yet developed the ability to hide my glances.

Then one day while Jennifer and her husband were both lounging on the deck, she asked, “Billy, would you do me a favor?”

“Sure, anything.”

"Would you rub some of this coconut oil on my back?”

I looked at Mr. Hanson first. He nodded his head and said, “Go ahead, I can't do it on crutches… Besides, you seem to do just about everything else around here.”

I got out of the pool and dried off with my eyes glued on Jennifer. With trembling hands, I took the bottle from her and squeezed out a glob on my palm, all the while not believing my good fortune. I stared down at her stunning figure, not sure what to do or where to start. She reached behind her while laying on her front and undid her bikini top. I stood there frozen in time, unable to move.

“Go ahead, she doesn't bite… Well, not much anyway.” Her husband chuckled.

I rubbed the lotion on both palms and knelt beside the recliner. My hands touched her skin for the first time and I could swear I felt something almost electric. She pulled her long hair forward, exposing her neck.

“I always forget my neck, so start there,” she instructed. “Rub it in well.”

After a few moments of rubbing, my fingers made love to her skin. They took on a life of their own. I caressed her neck and shoulders, adding oil as I went. I could feel the difference of the soft pliable skin of her neck and shoulders compared to the taunt skin over her shoulder blades. I was lost in the moment. I couldn't help but notice the sides of her boobs pressed against the patio recliner.

“Oh, my! Billy, you are good at this. You’re a natural.” Jennifer moaned softy.

I looked at her husband and saw him smile for the first time. It was like my caressing his wife made him happy. I worked my way down her back to her lower spine. I had rubbed lotion on my mom before but this was different. After I finished, I snapped the bottle shut.

“You’re not done yet. You still have my legs to do.”

“Ummm, okay,” I replied.

“Start with my feet.”

I repositioned myself at the foot of the chaise lounge and began to massage the oil in her feet, then moved my way up her legs. My head was spinning in delirium as I gazed at the camel toe formed into the crotch of her suit. Every time I looked up, Mr. Hanson was intently watching me sporting a smile.

Then, there was an instant mood change as the kids came running out of the house in their swimsuits and jumped in the pool. Dana was teasing her brother for wearing water wings. I stood to go, knowing my fantasy was at an end. As I stood, I wasn't aware of my monster erection.

“Thank you, Billy. That was kind of you. Would you mind giving Scotty a little swim instruction?”

“Of course,” I replied. Suddenly I was aware of my arousal. Jennifer looked at my bulging erection and just smiled.

I picked up the towel and held it in front of me as I walked to the pool. Mr. Hanson was grinning as I dove in, dropping the towel at water's edge.


A few days later we were talking in the kitchen after I took a break from painting their deck cover. Jennifer said, “Billy, I feel bad for taking up your whole summer vacation."

“Naw, I don't have anything else to do. Besides, I am determined to make the swim team and I don't have the time for much else.”

The following day they asked me to babysit for them while they went to a cocktail party at the officers’ club on the military base. I watched TV with the kids and we played Monopoly until they were too sleepy to continue. After tucking them in, I went back to the den and sat in the recliner watching some boring old black and white movie that was supposed to be a classic. My eyes were heavy but I fought off sleep.


“Wake up, sleepy boy,” a voice whispered in my ear.

I jerked awake and apologized. “I'm sorry, I must have nodded off.”

My eyes were glazed with sleep. The lights were off except the night light in the kitchen. As my vision cleared in the dim light, I saw Jennifer in her sexy cocktail dress. It was cut in such a way that it could hardly contain her large breasts. Not being diplomatic yet in my mannerisms, I stuttered, “Y-you look nice.” My eyes glued to her chest.

“You see something you like?” She grinned.

I don't have a clue where my boldness came from but I replied, “Yes I do. I see a couple things.” I bravely reached out and cupped her tits. She just smiled.

I always dreamed of what it would be like to feel a woman's breasts but I never considered what you do afterward. So, I stood there with my hands frozen on her chest. She gently took my hand in hers, softening my embarrassment.

I could hear Mr. Hanson snoring away. Jennifer asked in a low voice, “You've never touched a woman before, have you?”

“No.” If I said anything else she'd know I was lying.

She stared in my eyes for a long pause, like she was trying to decide something. Then still holding my hand Jennifer said, “Follow me.” She led me out the back door, across the breezeway and into the pool house. My heart was beating so fast I thought it might jump out my chest. I knew something was going to happen but was uncertain what.

Once inside the recreation room, she instructed, “Close and lock the door.” I did what she said. She stood in the middle of the room.

“Come over here.” I came to her as instructed.

“Kiss me.” I shook like a leaf and attempted to kiss her without making body contact. I bent forward and kissed her tight lipped like I would my sister on the corner of her mouth.

“That is not a kiss. Put one arm around my waist and one behind my head and pull me to you.”

I did as she said and our lips connected for the first time. It was the singularly most erotic thing of my life. The woman I dreamt of and fantasized about was in my arms. My erection was about to rip through my jeans. I felt her tongue pushing into my mouth making me delirious with passion as our tongues touched and twirled around each other. I had only seen this in the movies. It all seemed so surrealistic. I thought, “was I dreaming?”

After a few minutes, she broke the kiss and said, “Promise me that you won't tell anyone about this. I could get into big trouble.”

“I promise.” What else could I say?

She turned around and instructed, “Unzip me.”

With trembling hands, I fumbled to pull her zipper down. When I completed that task, she said, “Pull off my dress.” I put my hands on the straps and eased them over her shoulders and pulled them over her hips. The dress fell to the floor and she stepped out of it.

Jennifer stood there on display just for me. I had never in my wildest dreams believed I'd be standing where I was at that moment. She was incredibly beautiful in her black panties and bra. The garter belt fascinated me. I'd never even seen one, other than on a mannequin in a store.

“Your turn,” she said pulling off my t-shirt. She ran her hands over my chest and smiled approvingly. I kicked off my sneakers and she unbuckled my jeans. Then she pulled down my zipper in one smooth motion. I almost fell over trying to get them off fast. I thought how grateful I was that I put on fresh underwear this morning and they were not ones with characters on them.

She turned and walked toward the couch and said, “Help me with this.” She threw the cushions to the side and we unfolded the convertible bed. It was at that moment it struck me what we were about to do. My shorts were soaked with pre-cum and my mind was spinning with excitement.

Jennifer reached out to me and pulled me to her. She kissed me with a passion I'll never forget. Our bodies were crushed together, our tongues intertwined. I let my hands explore her body, feeling her soft skin and tried to unfasten her bra but fumbled with the clip.

"It's tricky. Let me help.” She reached one hand behind her and almost instantly the strapless bra fell away. I cupped her bare breast and for the first time, I heard her moan.

“Kiss them,” she directed. I put my mouth on her left nipple.

"Not too gentle.” I nibbled her protruding extended button and she moaned again.

“Pinch my other one.” I squeezed it with my free hand without taking my attention away from the other.

“Owww, too hard. Just roll it between your fingers… Yes! Perfect. Ohhh, that feels wonderful.” She reciprocated by feeling my raging erection through my shorts. I jumped at her touch.

Then she sat down on the bed and said, “I need you to take off my nylons.” She held out her right leg and I pulled off her high heel. “Unclasp it from the garter belt.” I was fumbling again, figuring it out when she helped me again. I remember thinking how complicated women are. Oh, I had no clue yet to the truth of that.

After I removed her stockings, she unclasped the garter belt and threw it into the pile of her other clothing. We were both in nothing but our shorts and I was faced with the moment of truth. Without hesitation, she grasped my waistband and peeled off my underpants. She smiled as my rock-hard erection stood up strong and proud.

“Very nice.” She said reaching out and squeezing me. “Now take my panties off.”

I crawled on the bed and slid my fingers in the top of her elastic. She lifted her hips and I pulled them down her legs and off. They were soaking wet. I thought she must have peed herself. She saw my look and said. “Billy, a woman produces lubricant when she's excited, preparing her for sex. You are going to want to keep those panties as a memento, something to remember this night. Come lie with me.”

I lay next to her and kissed her over and over but I sensed she wanted more now. She kissed my chest and licked my nipples and then down to my belly. My cock was twitching as she took hold of it and said, “I think you're going to make a lot of girls very very happy.”

She licked the head of my penis sending shivers throughout my whole body. The feelings that consumed me were beyond words. An intensity washed over me and I started to erupt, spraying my white thick cream all over her face and hair.

“Oh shit! I'm so sorry! I didn’t know that was going to happen.”

She looked up at me with some cum dripping off her nose and laughed. “I expected that might happen. It's okay, you'll be ready for round two quickly. Help me clean my face off.”

I scrambled off the bed and grabbed my t-shirt. She leaned forward and I wiped the semen off her face and neck. “My god, Billy, you could have populated half the earth,” she chuckled.

She lay back on the mattress and reached out for me. I went to her and we embraced. “Billy, this might be a good time to answer your question about why Sam is not friendly as he should be.”

I kinda felt it was a bit of a downer to be holding a stunning naked woman and discussing her husband, but I just simply asked, “Why?”

“It actually goes back before I even met him. Sam was horrifically injured in a car accident, damaging his ability to perform sexually. When we first met, he revealed his problem, but it didn't matter to me. We hit it off every way else and exclusively dated for a year. I knew I loved him and he loved me, despite his limitation.”

“But… Your…”

“My children? Be patient I'll get there. So… where was I? Oh yes, we decided we couldn't live without each other and got married. At first, it all went well, but I had certain needs that became obvious plus we both wanted a family. So, Sam came to me frustrated and said he had a plan. It was simple. I was to take lovers, but with certain rules.”

I gasped at what I was hearing and interjected a question, “Is that why he is unfriendly?”

“Smart boy! He knew you'd soon be my lover and he's jealous of what you can do he can't.”

“Then we should not be doing this.” I pushed up off the bed to go but she pulled me back.

“No, don't go. Stay here with me. It was his idea that you be the one.”

“I'm confused.”

“He really likes you, Billy. Sam needs to process his feelings. It's the early stages of courtship with other men that he gets jealous. He’ll be fine now. In fact, he offered to take the kids for day trips just to give us more time together.”

“Wow.” Was all I could utter. Then I asked, “What about the kids?”

“Well, it's kinda obvious they aren't his. Dana was fathered by my first lover, an older gentleman. Scotty was by a young man that was a few years older than you. Sam is a marvelous father and they were both born under his name, as will be any others.”

“So you want me to…”

“Father a child?” She asked.


“We haven't even fucked yet sweetie. We've got time to discuss that. Speaking of fucking, you've recovered nicely.” She gripped my rigid cock.

“But before we do. I want you to do something for me. I want you to do for me what I did for you.”

“You mean… kiss you… down there?” I stared at her sopping wet pussy.

“Do you want to learn TO be a great lover?”

“Yes,” I answered without hesitation.

“I promise you'll love it.”
She scooted up further on the bed and spread her legs. I slid down and repositioned myself between her legs. I examined a vagina for the first time. It was both unattractive but yet beautiful at the same time. It had folds and different layers. I wasn't sure how to proceed.

“Push a finger in me first… Oh yes! Feel how wet I am… now two fingers… Ahhh perfect… Taste it.”

I stuck out my tongue and touched her and her pussy opened like a flower. The inner folds spread and I tasted her secretions. It tasted like nothing I experienced before. I pushed my tongue in deeper and Jennifer’s body started jerking. I paused.

“Don't stop! Keep going!” I did and she shook some more, this time pulling my hair.

“Use your tongue to tickle that little protruding finger of skin. That's my clit… Yes, there. Oooh, my god that's incredible. Ahhhhh… that's it.”

I continued to follow instructions. She shook and jerked. Until that moment, I didn’t know women had orgasms. I always thought only men had orgasms. It was so erotic watching her pleasure I totally forgot my own. I was starting to see what Sam got out of it. Nothing in my life ever brought me more pleasure than her having pleasure.

“Okay, Billy, it's time for you to fuck me.”

I didn't need further incentive or instruction. I knelt between her spread legs and placed my cock head at her entrance. I hesitated. Then she thrust upward impaling herself. I pushed forward. After a few thrusts, my penis was soon buried to my balls.

“Ahhhh yes! Fuck me. That feels wonderful. Make me yours.”

The rest came naturally. We moved in unison. I paused once to just look at my cock half in her. I took a mental snapshot. The feeling was nothing like masturbation. It was a feeling of completeness. All my senses and entire nervous system were involved. The sounds of our skin slapping, the smell of sex and taste of her on my lips, all were parts of our mission to fill her with seed.

Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap….

Suddenly an almost paralyzing wave of ultimate pleasure washed over me. My climax was Imminent. She somehow sensed it and locked her legs around me like a vice. I started to spasm and flood her with my cum. Spurt after spurt pumped out of me but gradually subsided.

Jennifer gasped, “Oh god. Fill me give me it all.”

We lay in post coital embrace, catching our breath. I looked at the wall clock and it said four in the morning.

Jennifer said, “It will be time for you to start your workout in a couple hours.”

“Jen, I'll take a day off, I think. You were workout enough.” We laughed.

“You did well, stud boy. Making love is an art and you're learning fast but there is so much more.”


“Being a lover is more than sex. It is like reading a great book.”

“Reading a book? How so?” I asked not grasping the connection.

“Picture the sex as the final chapter of a great novel. Too many men want to just read the final chapter but it's all the rest of the book that determines if it's a great story.”

“I see what you mean, but didn't we kinda start at the end?”

“Not even close. Our story started the day we met. There was a connection between us from the beginning. We have been writing our story a day at a time and for us, there is a lot more to be written.”

“Hmmm, talking about writing more to our story… you up for thirds? I am.” I asked.

“And fourths, if you can muster it, tiger. God, I love your youth.”


The next week was busy and we found it difficult to sneak a few moments together. It was doubly difficult trying to not show our infatuation publicly. To look at her and remain neutral in my expression was impossible, so I just avoided looking.

Thursday became what I'll call the weirdest day of my life. I had just finished painting the patio deck and was taking a break reclining back in a lawn chair when Sam sat down and handed me a beer.

I wasn't sure what to say, so I just said, “Thank you.” I sat there holding the cold beer.

“Go ahead, drink it. You must be burning up,” Sam said.

“Well sir, I'm only sixteen.” I took a swig.

“Nonsense, if you're old enough to fuck my wife, you're old enough to drink my beer.”

I choked on the mouth full of beer and instantly panicked. I was looking at Sam in a way bordering on fear.

“It's okay, Billy, Jennifer told me what happened. I just wanted to tell you, thank you. It's been a long time since she's been this happy.”

I sat there dumbfounded, unable to speak.

“Jennifer told me everything, including that you know our special circumstances. I just wanted you to understand her happiness is paramount to me. I also know that you will fall deeply in love with her and that's understandable… Do you love her Billy?”

I thought for a moment thinking this might be a trick question. I replied, “I think so, sir, but I really know nothing of love.”

“Good answer, boy. I like you a lot. We've been married eight years and I've never experienced sex with her. Except when she lets me eat her of course. So, I rely on you to tell me. Tell me, Billy, is she good?”

This conversation was getting more bizarre by the moment but I could tell he was sincere, so I answered as best I could. “She was my first, sir, so I can truthfully say she's the best.” He chuckled at my answer.

“She wants you and her to have some alone time Saturday, so I'm taking the kids to Disney Land. We’ll be staying at the Disney resort and coming home late Sunday. How's that sound?”

I could hardly contain myself and enthusiastically replied, “That sounds great!”

“The last thing we need to discuss is that what is going on between you and my wife is highly illegal. So any public display of affection is totally forbidden. Dana came to me this morning saying she saw mommy kissing Billy. I told her that's what friends do. If that happens again it's over. Understand?”

“Yes, sir, I understand. I promise it won't happen again.”


Saturday morning finally came. I had just finished my swim when the kids came running to me excited about their trip. Each one gave me a hug. I truly was becoming part of the family. I had no clue at the time just how much I would.

Jen and I waved as they drove away on their trip, leaving us alone. I had been a week since we were together. A long, agonizing week where my mind could think of nothing else. I knew she felt the same. All week Jen would steal a moment to kiss me or give me that knowing smile.

As soon as we entered the house, Jennifer casually closed the blinds and then almost attacked me. Our lips collided and clothing flew. There was an urgency that wasn't there with us the first time. I picked her up and set her on the kitchen table, pulling off her panties. Forgetting her previous instruction, I went right to the final chapter. We were not making love. This was raw sex. I plunged into her without as much as a hello. Her nails dug into my back as I rapidly drove into her cunt.

I had no idea what came over me. Even though I'm non-assertive by nature, at that moment I was in control and I liked it. Her scent was intoxicating. This whole week had been like one long foreplay. The glances, the stolen moments and the touching every second we were alone all heightened our pent-up desires. Our bodies were glistening with perspiration as she wiggled beneath me. She climaxed first and her spasms caused me to erupt. A week of semen poured out of her, puddling on the table and dripping off the edge.

Dismayed by my actions I apologized, “I don't know what came over me. Are you alright? Did I hurt you?”

“I'm great. I've never been better. I think it is you with the battle scars.” She giggled, looking at the nail scratches on my back.

“What was that?” I asked still puzzled by my actions.

“That, my young stud, was fucking. Fucking in the most animalistic way… let's shower. I've planned a huge agenda for the day.”

After cleaning up the cum, I followed her into the bedroom. Her hips swaying in front of me had my full attention. She half turned and asked, “Looking at my butt?”

“Of course. What else?” I grinned.

There was a card propped up on table lamp by the bed. Jennifer opened the envelope and pulled out the card. She read it, smiled and handed it to me. It read, “My dearest wife Jennifer, I have not seen you this happy since Scotty was born and your happiness is essential to mine. Enjoy this time together. See you Sunday. Your loving husband, Sam.”

After showering, Jennifer had an agenda, one of many to come. She was interested in more than just my sexual development; she planned to teach me the social skills I wasn't taught in my home.

First on her list was dancing. We started what would become the beginning of my ballroom instruction. She also taught me basic courtesy like standing to greet a woman coming into a room, how to hold a chair and help with a woman's wrap. I would find that by practicing these things, they would quickly become second nature.

Except for her social agenda, Saturday was consumed mostly by sex. We laughed and played the whole day. We were quickly becoming partners and friends that night, Jennifer wanted to discuss something important. Actually a few things important.

“Billy, I want you to know this is more than sex for me. I have real feelings for you.” She paused waiting for my response.

“Jen, you must know that I feel the same. I think I'm in love with you.”

“You think?”

“I believe I am. You're my first and I have no experience. I think of you constantly, both awake and asleep. Your touch is magic to me. You occupy my thoughts in such a way, I don't think there is room for anything else. What do you think that is?”

“I think that you love me.” She laughed.

“Billy, I want to give you a gift tonight. Something I've never given anyone before.”

Jennifer had already given me so much, I had no idea what more she could give. We had fun cooking dinner together. She was also teaching me culinary skills. We made stuffed bell peppers. My favorite thing was learning to bake a fresh apple pie from scratch. I was covered in baking FLOUR. What I remember most was that we cooked everything in the nude, except for our aprons.

I was excited that we were to have all tonight and tomorrow. I had told my mom I was spending the night with my friend Tom. Little did I know at the time, that simple lie would complicate things.


I went out to clean the pool filter before it got dark. I was bending over shutting off the valves when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up startled.

“Tom, what are you doing here?”

“Hey, I could ask you the same thing. Your mom called our house looking for you. Evidently, you're spending the night with me.”

“Oh shit. What did you say?”

“No worries, I covered for you. I figured where you might be, but dude…”

“How much did you see?”

“I've been here an hour and I saw enough. Man, she’s hot!”

“Jennifer was teaching me to cook.”

"Cooking lessons? Damn, where do I sign up? I particularly like the part where you had her bent over the sink. Are you nuts? She's married. Aren't you worried her husband will shoot you?”

“No, I'm not worried. It's complicated. Tom, you can't say anything to anyone. She'll get into terrible trouble.”

“You should know that you have fueled my fantasy life forever.”

“Hey, I gotta finish this before dark. Please, I beg you to say nothing.”

“I promise. Later, dude. I gotta eat dinner. Wish I was having what you are.” Tom jogged off.

When I got back into the house, I immediately called my mom. She wanted to know if I wanted to go to Universal Studios Sunday. I told her Tom and I were going surfing.

I didn't tell Jennifer Tom saw us in the buff, but I closed kitchen blinds as soon as I got back in the house. I didn't see Jen anywhere. I called out her name.

“I'm in the bedroom,” she shouted.

When I entered, the lights were off and it was illuminated by only two candles. Soft music was playing from the radio and there was a sweet unrecognizable sent in the air. She had set up an atmosphere of romance. Jennifer was stretched out on the bed like a model, covered by a sheer shawl.

"Come here love.” She beckoned reaching out.

Jen was fresh from the shower and I could smell the scent of her perfume. It smelled like plumeria. She was a stunning vision, stretched out and inviting. But I needed to wash the grease from my hands after working on the pumps. I quickly washed and gargled with mouthwash.

She now was on her back with her knees bent up and rubbing her sex. “I was about to begin without you.”

“Go ahead. I'll watch. I’ve never seen a woman do this before.”

“Okay, but come closer.”

I crawled closer and watched her separate her folds. I could see her secretions oozing out of her opening. I was fascinated. I was receiving up close a personal sex education.

“See the outer mound? That is called Labia majora and it gets swollen when I'm hot." She put her fingers on the sides and pushed them.

“The inner folds are called Labia minora and they become the true indicators for if a woman is ready. Tell me, what does mine look like?”

I looked closely and replied, “It's like the petals of a flower.”

“When they open, that means I'm ready. You remember licking my clitoris?”

“Yes, it made you shake when I touched it.”

She spread her labia and I could see it clearly. “Go ahead, touch it.”

I touched it and it responded like a tiny penis. It was erect and unsheathed. I hadn't expected an anatomy lesson, but since she was teaching me how to be a lover, it made sense. Every time I touched it, she either shivered or moaned or both.

Jennifer rolled over on her hands and knees and propped up her butt, giving me another view of her. This was the most erotic view I'd ever seen.

"Billy, get on your knees and slip your cock in me.” She was so wet it slipped in with no resistance. I started to pump.

“No, don't fuck me. Just push it all in and hold it.” I did but my instincts were telling me to fuck her.

“You need to control those urges. That way you can make yourself last. Now fuck me for one minute and then resume this hold position.” I started pumping her and my natural self took over. I was humping her with purpose.

“Okay stop and hold.” It took every bit of my internal strength to stop, but I did. We repeated this exercise over and over. Suddenly I realized twenty minutes passed and I still had not cum.

“Okay love, go ahead and finish. You were perfect.” My balls were aching for release. I rapidly fucked her. The intensity and force of my thrusts made the headboard slam so hard, the family pictures shook. Jennifer was in one constant state of orgasm. She was crying out just below a scream.

“Fuck me… fuck me… Ahhh… I'm coming… yesss… don't stop.”

I was at the peak of no return; my climax was imminent when I pushed in and stopped. It slowed my orgasm and it became the most intense feeling of my life. It seemed I shot cum for longer than ever before.

“Wow, you are a quick study, Billy. We are going to have so much fun.”


In a relationship that was defined by ‘firsts’, I was about to sleep with a woman for the first time. However, we really didn't sleep much. I finally passed out from sheer exhaustion at about four. Our love making evolved, with Jennifer deliberately taking a passive roll. I discovered I had a natural inclination for dominance in bed. She informed me that her special gift was that she wanted me to take her anal cherry.

I declined, saying, “I want to save that for another time and make it special.” Truth was that I was afraid I'd not perform because I had reservations. I still had mental hang ups about that because I was sexually abused by my father early in my life. This was something I was not ready to share yet.

Sunday was a change of pace, as she convinced me to take her to the beach. She wanted me to teach her to surf. I went back to my house and grabbed a couple of boards and wetsuits. Jen was waiting in her SUV. As soon as I got in, she cautioned me to act like we were nothing but friends while at the beach. I knew her bikini would certainly attract some attention. It was a perfect day for teaching surfing; the surf report said two to three-foot swells.

On the way, she asked, "Have you given much thought about what you're going to do when you go back to school?”

“To do about what?”

“About girls, of course.”

"I've got a girl. I love you.”

"No, you don't have me. I'm married. This is complicated. I care for you deeply and what we have is special, but you need to develop relationships other than me.”

“Right now, I can't think beyond your bikini.”

Several of my friends were at the beach surfing, and I tried to maintain my control around Jennifer. We sat the boards down on the sand and I was trying to explain the basics of surfing while waxing the boards, while knowing my friends were staring at Jen.

“Hi, Billy!” I looked up to see Gail Copeland smiling at me. She is like the hottest chick in school and has never given me the time of day before.

“Oh hi, Gail. This is Mrs. Hanson, my neighbor.”

Jennifer smiled and said, “Billy promised me surf lessons if I gave him dance lessons. We just moved into town from Minnesota. I've always been fascinated by surfing. I just hope I can surf as well as he can dance.”

“You picked the right teacher. Billy is a fantastic surfer. Maybe I'll see you at the dance?”

“Well, maybe. I dunno. I haven't asked anyone.”

“I was going with Craig but he hasn't asked yet. I gotta go. Call me?”

“Well, I… uh… don't have your number.”

“Sure you do. It's in the class directory… bye.” She trotted off down the beach to join her friends.

Jennifer grinned a knowing smile and said, “It's all about image.”

“Yeah, I can see that. My stock just went up about a thousand percent. If you show up at my school, I'll probably be elected class president.” I laughed.

Jen struggled to put on my old wetsuit but she squeezed in. Hot damn, she looked amazing. It fit her like a second skin. I taught her the basics, but surfing is not something you pick up quick. We spent most of the morning with her spitting up seawater. It took every ounce of self control to not caress her butt while she was stretched out on the surfboard. Getting close to quitting time, she finally got up on her board for a few seconds and was jumping up and down in the surf raising her arms in victory. I couldn't help but laugh.

We rinsed off outside by the pool to get the sand off and then stripped off our wetsuits. She came close and I pulled her to me. We stared into each other's eyes as if we could communicate without speaking. I slipped my hands in her bikini bottoms and cupped her cheeks. She whispered, “Let's go inside. You still have my gift to claim.”

After showering, she lay on the bed reaching out to me. I crawled into bed, embracing her. Our skin together felt amazing. Her scent was intoxicating. I ran my fingers through her hair and nibbled her earlobe. I was addicted to her. We played and explored. I pushed my fingers into her wetness, triggering and instant response as she jerked and moaned. Her vaginal muscles clamped tight around my fingers as she rocked in another explosive orgasm.

“Billy… I want you to fuck my ass. Please, baby. I'm a virgin there.”

“I don’t know if I can. It seems so… dirty.”

“We showered and I'm extra clean down there. You can do this. This is special and just for you.”

“If it will make you happy, I'll try.” She kissed me deep.

Jennifer handed me a tube of KY Jelly and rolled over on her knees. “Put some on your finger and push it in gently.”

I opened the lid and squeezed some on my index finger. She reached behind and spread her cheeks. Her anus was a little pink and inviting. I put my lubed finger at her opening and paused.

“Push it in, Billy.”

“You sure? I don't want to hurt you.”

“Please, Billy, do it.”

I pushed my finger into the first digit and she moaned, thrusting back on my finger.

“Oh my God, that feels wonderful. Put in two fingers.”

I inserted two and pushed them in as far as I could. She wiggled her hips and moaned her approval.

“Oooh, that's it, incredible. Ahhhh, yes like that.”

After a few minutes of finger fucking, I was rock hard. So I pulled out my fingers and lubed the head of my cock. I added a glob to her opening and positioned myself at her entrance.

“Go ahead, take my virgin ass. It belongs to you.” She gasped as I pushed my head in. It just popped in. I waited. She pushed back and a couple more inches penetrated.

“Owww,” she moaned. “Don't stop!”

I stayed motionless but she begged, “Give me more.” I pushed until I felt the resistance of her barrier. “Don't stop.” I wasn’t about to, as I bore down and sunk the rest of the way in.

“Oh my god! Fuck me. Fuck me hard. This is amazing.”

Slap, slap, slap. OUR skin collided, as I pummeled her formally virgin ass. She eagerly thrust back as I rocked forward. I reached around, cupping her luscious titties, pinching her nipples. Her ass felt different than her pussy. It was tighter, and caused us both intense pleasure. Jennifer was multi-orgasmic and was overcome with one after the other. The pressure was building in me, so I applied her lesson and quit moving.

“Don't stop, Billy. Go ahead, cum in my ass." I needed no further encouragement, as I pumped her hard. My balls swelled and erupted into her, plastering her bowels with my semen. We collapsed on the bed totally spent and catching our breath. I looked in her face and she had the expression of total contentment.

"Thank you, sweetheart. I promise no other man will ever touch me there. That'll is exclusively yours. But… give me a couple days. I'm sore down there. We need to clean up. Sam and the kids will be home shortly.”


We continued our torrid love affair for many more months, but after I started dating Gail we tapered off until Jennifer decided we'd just be friends. I always knew this was forbidden love. No matter what happens or where I go, I will always be forever linked to that incredible woman. After I went away to college, we wrote regularly but that tapered off, and I got word from my mom they moved away, leaving no forwarding address.


Back in the conference room, it was my turn to speak. I stood up and addressed the assembly. “After much thought, there is one person that was more influential than any others. She was an amazing woman that brought so much into my life that I could go on way past the allotted time extolling all her virtues. She is in a category of her own. That woman is… my wife, of course.”

Okay, I copped out. There are some special things in our lives that should stay private. Dr. Davies was correct, we are indeed the sum of others. Whenever I think of Jennifer, I always remember that hot summer day in 1980 when she stepped out of that SUV and into my life. Her name is written on my heart.

The end. But not forgotten.


Much thanks to Mina (Sweetestsins) for her edit.





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Matt had told Grace to surprise him with some sexy pictures while he was out of town. Doing this always made his absence a little easier and allowed them some fun with each other despite the miles between them. This week she decided she would go all out for him.At the house, she packed a little beach bag and changed into one of the swimsuits that always drove Matt crazy; a little black thong with an equally small triangle top. She knew some selfies in this suit would be a welcome surprise for...

1 year ago
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Dare into Lesbian Fun

Fiction! "We were both young when I first kissed you" me and my friends were at a sleep over, and i hav a 'Truth or Dare' iPod app that u get to choose G, PG, PG-13, and R rated. We experimented with ONLY Rated R and this pops up as my dare. We did exactly this one by one as everyone watched and someone told us the steps, we both LOVED it! Here it is: both of you take off all your clothes except underwear, sit on her lap, wrap your legs around her waist, wrap your arms around her body, hav her...

2 years ago
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Recovery of a Hero Ch 17

Chapter 17: A Hero Falls Special thanks to Desert Pirate for his kind assistance. The next morning, I was still a bit stiff and sore. I got up slowly and put my bathrobe on. Going to Uncle Dar’s room, I saw that he was awake so I asked him if he minded me using the tub for a long soak. He looked at me and asked, ‘Bit sore this morning? Bet that teaches you to start a bit slower.’ I glared at him and said, ‘Well at least I did good. Jimmy and Megan were both happy with what I could do.’ ...

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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 40

Kelly woke me and said it was time to get going. We used the bathroom, changed into our workout clothing and left our room. Kelly knocked on Jenny’s and Rob’s bedroom door, opening it when Rob answered. “We’re going to workout. Are you going to join us?” Kelly said. “Yup, we’ll be down in a few,” Jenny said. Kelly made a pot of coffee while I sat at the table looking outside. Rob and Jenny came in as the coffee maker finished. We sat at the table sipping our coffee and trading...

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A King and His QueenChapter 40 Backgrounds

Cat’s departure from the project changed the feel of the house. Her presence had always had a bit of edginess to it, but it seemed like some of the energy left with her. Raven and Scarlet were the only women living in the house. Scarlet was Andrew’s fiancee and that made her involvement in the project a little different. She was sleeping with him and that made the sexual dynamics orient more on her and him than on Scarlet. Scarlet’s role transitioned into full time housekeeper who slept with...

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Cycles By Dimelza Cassidy An aging cross-dresser meets a young, beautiful attorney. Their anxious connection causes Bill to revisit his shrouded past, and Cynthia to examine her present condition. As their relationship grows, will they find personal contentment and a future --- or will Bill's darkest secret destroy both of them. This story doesn't contain any forced feminization, magical transformation, or explicit sex. It will be boring as all...

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NubileFilms Ashley Lane Love Me Like That

It’s not that Ashley Lane doesn’t trust her boyfriend, Will Pounder. She just happens to find his phone when it’s ringing. Once she has answered the call, she can’t help her curiosity as she browses on his phone. Imagine Ashley’s surprise when she finds videos of Will fucking old girlfriends. Ashley can’t believe her eyes, but she manages to hide the evidence of her snooping before Will catches her in the act. She tries to move on, but she can’t stop...

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EvilAngel Allie Haze Lily Labeau Allie Lily8217s Slobbery Anal Threesome

Porn babes Allie Haze and Lily LaBeau are into all kinds of nasty anal shenanigans. The playful sluts flaunt their furry twats and bodacious bods for Mike Adriano, and then kneel to share his thick, throbbing cock. They guzzle schlong in a vigorous, slop-soaked blow job. The hung stud porks Allie up the ass, with Lily contributing ass-to-mouth fellatio. When Mike plucks his prick from Allie’s sphincter, Lily gushes spit over the stretched anus. Slimy sodomy climaxes with Lily siphoning...

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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 6

Monday when Derrick went to work, he heard rumors that the top salesman was tendering his resignation from the company, and the soon to be opening was up for grabs. Derrick thought this could be good situation to get into, and approached the V.P. of sales. He wanted the job, and wasn't going to take the chance of going though the routine of submitting a resume and hoping to get an interview, let alone the job, and planed on using his newly found mental powers. When it was announced that...

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A Beautiful MessChapter 41 Lost

"It's a 1995 Dodge Dakota Sport, 4 x 4." "How many miles on it?" "Around 80. Seventy-nine-five, maybe. It runs fine." "Why you selling?" "I got a new car, for my birthday. My dad gave me this truck before he left. It was parked for like five years before I could even drive it, so it's in new condition still." "Alright. We'll see. Bring it by. I'll kick the tires, take it for a spin, and if it doesn't fall apart on me, I'll give you $2500. Cash. How's that sound?" It...

2 years ago
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The story of Nikita Cox college whore

It might come as a surprise to you that I never had sex until I was fifty years old. The why isn't hard to understand: bad experiences early in life made me wonder if I was just doomed to never be with a woman. When I turned fifty, though, I joined a site called AdultFriendFinder. You might remember it from that movie, but when I joined it, the movie was still several years in the future. No, I went looking for someplace I could find a date, either just a 'go out and have dinner' or one...

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A Cold Night by the Fireplace

It was cold out and I was horny so I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to come over so I could act out one of my fantasies. We would have the house to ourselves all night so I decided that this was the night to make love to him on the living room floor with the fireplace burning. I started the fire then put down some blankets and the comforter from my bed then I ran upstairs and put on my best lingerie.’ When he got to the house I opened the door and kissed him hard, pulling him right to the...

4 years ago
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Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan 8211 Part XXIX 8211 Bazaar Se Bistar Tak

Koi khas mauka ya koi khas baat nahi thi par mere pati mere liye kuch sexy dress kharidna chahte the. Sham ko, unke oggice se wapas aane ke baad ham nazdeek ke shopping mall me gaye jo hamare ghar se kuch hi duri par tha. Mall nazdeek hone ki wajah se ham dono paidal hi jaa rahe the. Unhone bade pyar se mera hath pakad rakha tha aur ham chalte huye shopping mall me pahunch gaye. Main khus thi ki w mujhe sexy dress ka tohfa dena chahte the. Un ko pata tha ki mujhe sexy dress pahan na bahut...

4 years ago
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me and my stepfamily 2

apparently I slept till the next day cuz I woke up to voices. "goddamn Aaron!" one voice said. "you took the words riqht outta my mouth Danny!" another said. I kept my eyes closed, but listened to their conversation. I was almost qoinq in shock cuz Aaron brouqht Danny! I wondered who else of his friends he brouqht over. "hold on quys. you've only seen her with clothes on. lookit this." Aaron said. and with that, he pulled my blanket off me. I pretended like I was qettinq woken up....

2 years ago
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Finding a Soul Mate

I was drunk, I knew it and I really didn't care, I'd wanted this ever since his father died, no, correction, I'd needed it! It had affected him quite badly for some time afterwards, he became very touchy feely and clung to me whenever he came home from school. He wet the bed too and my excitement was hard to contain when I allowed him to share my bed, I told him, "So what? It's no big deal, they're only sheets and they'll wash" He loved me to sleep facing him with my arms around him...

1 year ago
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MrLuckyPOV Joseline Kelly Juicy Booty Brunette Nympho Throws That Ass Back

Joseline Kavaski (previously Joseline Kelly) is ready to get raunchy, sloppy, nasty and covered in cum once again. This tattoo’ed brunette slut with perky natural breasts and a round, thick, incredible ass uses her prime pussy and dick sucking lips to keep this cock cumins over and over and over. She whispers filthy words while climaxing multiple times. She shakes her world famous ass and bounces it back from doggystyle and reverse cowgirl. Watch her pussy and mouth get stuffed with cum in this...

3 years ago
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My Uncle

This happened in the real life:I am Dianna and this is my experience.My father died when I was just a little k**. I knew my mother grieved too much over my father's death. And I just wanted for her to become happy that time. I wanted to help her get over the tragedy. I gave her present every Christmas or during her birthday. And i would do everything just to make her happy.As I grew up, my mother eventually forgot about what happened years ago. She was able to move on. Then she met Willie, a...

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Shannons Little Princess Goes Further

Cameron slowly started to wake, his mind struggling to clear the drowsy fog of morning. He smiled as he felt the warmth of his girlfriend's body pressing against his back and the weight of her arm draped over his side, hand resting on his heart. This was more or less the same position in which they always woke up together; however, as Cameron groggily opened his eyes, he looked down at himself and remembered why this was not a typical morning: Last night, Shannon had spanked him for...

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Retro Getting There Is Half The FunChapter 6

An interesting sidelight on the communicator was that you heard the person at the other end of the conversation speaking in the same accent as your own. This meant that conversation through the communicator was often easier to understand than when heard directly. We were given a general rundown on our target and how Venta's people thought we should be organized. The assignments were for Julia to be our demolition expert and the other six to be warriors, with me in charge. However, we would...

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Agatha Allbut The Bimbo Squad Ch 06 The Game Continues

Round 4Erin's attitude didn't improve much, but she was ignoring Aggie instead of attacking her. "Pick a nude player and sexually stimulate them for thirty seconds. If no players are nude, take something off," Erin pulled off her sock.Shay went next and read, "You must strip one item of your clothing, but you can make another player take something off." Shay looked around the group and her eyes stopped on Christina, "Christina, take something off," she said. Standing up and reaching...

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Dont disappoint mommy

You relish your latchkey moments, the golden time when you can dive deep into the pool of your perverted desires. Those occasions when you’re home alone, college is out, and your mom is still making her way back from work. It started out like so many times before. What you didn’t expect was that this time, your mom was going to catch you jerking off.You loaded up your laptop knowing your favourite porn videos were just a click away. As the clip started to play, you took off your pants and...

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Deputy PorterChapter 115

Having seen Rodney with his big hand around the junkie looking Dude's throat, I stopped worrying about him. He had come to cover my back, when it counted. It there had been a threat to his girl or Soda, he might not have been there. I would not have blamed him for covering Soda, while I dealt with the immediate threat. Of course Swamp Dog was gonna be pissed that we left Soda to take care of two guys running away with a shopping bag full of money. My argument, if Joan made a report, was a...

4 years ago
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Another wonderful day in grad school.  I was on my way back to my empty apartment, with papers to grade and some homework to do.  After I crossed the intersection, with just a few hundred feet to go to my place, I passed an old Quonset hut.  It looked pretty plain and unassuming.  I had heard it was owned by the art department but knew nothing else about it.  I had never, in all my weeks of passing the place, seen anyone going in or out, or around it.Until now.She was leaning on the post...

College Sex
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Sunday Morning Chapter 2 Part 1

We decided to split this chapter up into two parts to make things more enjoyable. I like how this one came out. Characters are showing their true colors now. Part one centers on Allison and Tyler while part two will concentrate on Alison and Camilla as well as bring more of this world into the light. Anyway, like always, thanks and comments are always welcomed. Ideas and suggestions too :3 Chapter was proofread by Luvbuster. Sunday Morning - Chapter 1.5 By: Fire Fly and Rin Ariel...

1 year ago
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Private Amaris Curvy Massage

Today on, the sexy Amaris returns to action as one of our masseuses in Private Specials, A Private Massage With… as she looks to satisfy her latest client, Potro de Bilbao, in the only way she knows how! With her big natural tits and oil in hand, this busty blonde can’t help but get horny as she escalates what started as a massage, into an incredible POV handjob, blowjob and titfuck. Then watch the rest of the action on as Amaris puts her killer curves to work,...

2 years ago
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Ill give you what youve always wanted

“Ryanair flight Foxtrot Romeo five-one-four you are cleared to land runway one seven over.” The Boeing 737 that had taken off from Stansted curved onto the final approach, the pilot engaged another 20 degrees of flap and the undercarriage lowered with a hum and a clunk Three greens lights lit up on the panel in front of the pilot to indicate the wheels were down and locked and at just after ten to four in the afternoon the tyres hit the tarmac with a squeal and a puff of smoke. The airbrakes...

Straight Sex
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Taking Celebrity Jane

For a while, I’ve made it a habit every weekend to visit the club that was run by my new sisters. It was my weekly treat and outlet, and since everything was free for me, I would make sure to go through all the girls and every kink I could think of. Once I met Triss, I would bring him along as well, giving us both a nice little adventure that would stay with us all week. One particular Saturday we came by when it was still early in the day, and they had just had their lunch break business, so...

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Maggies Farm

MAGGIE’S FARMSisyphusThe day I decided to break out of my usual routine and take a little journey changed my life in a most extraordinary way. I’ve lived a pretty quiet life since I retired from teaching to give myself more time to write historical novels for young people. I have a contract with a publisher to produce one or two books a year based on some historical event or famous person. I do the research by reading a half a dozen books or so, sometimes, though rarely, I travel to a place to...

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Sex with sister0

I am a internet freak and spend most of the spare time on net. I am not one of those desperate guys who keep on flirting with many girls to lure them, I talk normal and decent, may be that’s the reason I have many friends online. I have various types of friends, some typical and others weird, and I generally talk matured, as such I have many girls who call me brother, which I usually don’t mind. Many girls keep telling their worries and I advice them properly, so they become pretty close...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 10 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

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Through a Glass DimlyChapter 6

When I reached the top of the stairs, she said, "My room." I made the turn and released her to stand. We kissed while we removed my few clothes. She pulled down the top covers and we fell into bed together. We were kissing like we had no time and our hands were frantically wandering over each other's bodies. I was sucking on a nipple when my hand found her core. She was wet and I felt her hymen. I looked at her. Her eyes were shining. She said, "I am sure and you're the one!" I was as...

1 year ago
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Housewife to xxx actress 2

We came to home from hospital. My husband was looking normal. I was little but tensed as doctor said I have some problem and I need some treatment. I was happy that at least with treatment I will be ok. I asked my husband- Rajesh “Should I start going from tomorrow to doctor?” Rajesh “I think as I can take leave for one week and I don’t want you to go alone there, why don’t you call your sister lalita for one week to stay here and you can go with her.” Let me tell you about my sister – she...

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Dirty Tricks Chapter 8

Previously in "Dirty Tricks" While attending Alexa Grey's, the retiring mayor’s extravagant birthday party, an unknown photographer captures political opponents and electoral candidates, Heather Anderson, and Sean McCarthy, during an adulterous rendezvous. After being sent ominous instructions with photographic evidence of their indiscretion, they meet to discuss their predicament, only to have sex yet again.During the party, Bob Anderson is seduced by Alexa. She lures him to her office and...

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Taylor Takes Ballet Part 6

Part 6 As we left the store, we decided to head over to the food court to grab a bite to eat. I wanted Burger King, but my mom said, "Taylor, it's time you start watching your figure and eating more healthy foods. Vanessa and I like the Fresh Express for salad and I think you should join us." "OK, mom. I hate salad, but with all my new clothes want to make sure they continue to fit me!" After picking up our salads, we found a table and I plopped down into my chair. "Taylor,...

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