Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 14 free porn video

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Over the last month, the daughters of Sibilius had gone down to the surface and, following Béla’s example of representing themselves as goddesses, successfully eradicated the wasting disease that had decimated over half the population of New Eden. The goddesses now represented authority on the inner surface and had the mundane duty of dispensing justice against any violators of the accepted civil codes, which they decided to leave unchanged to insure political stability.

Within a week of Béla’s confessing her actions to the Praetor via mind-link, a freight platform had flown down from Southern to collect her. Béla was instructed to board it and return to Southern. She was then escorted on a personnel carrier back to the great ship.

Almost daily for the next three weeks, the Praetor relentlessly explored her mind, going over memories of her entire existence on Earth. During that period of time, Béla came to realize that she was not being judged for that one single act of violence, but for the consequences of her actions, many of which could be attributed to her generally reckless behavior and attitude, which may have caused harm to others.

Regarding punishment, the least that could happen was that the daily personal invasions into her mind by the Praetor would cease. The worse that could happen would be a complete mind-wipe of her identity and all her memories. That terrified her more than anything she had ever faced before. What terrified her about that was her realization that she could actually become the violently murderous rogue her father had once believed she was. She hoped her father would kill her if she lost herself that way. She seriously doubted that he would be able to. After all, he failed, last time…

The Praetor had spent the last three sessions going over her memories of the massacre at Parson’s Landing, where she had been accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. Béla was forced to relive that nightmare over and over as the Praetor reviewed and processed the images in her mind. The fact that she had spent the remainder of her life on Earth trying to atone for what she had done that night was not yet being considered.

At Parson’s Landing, an early colony in Massachusetts, she had mercilessly and single-handedly hunted down and butchered twenty-three people. The Praetor carefully went over each act of violence she had committed that night until it was satisfied with what it knew. By the end of each session, Béla was nearly insane with grief and self-loathing.

Once a day, Béla was escorted to the communal baths. Her escort was equipped with a personal thought dampener so that she remained in isolation even in the corridors leading to the baths.

Elaine volunteered, as Béla’s roommate, to return to the great ship and allow the Praetor to probe her mind as a kind of character witness. Elaine and Béla had mind-linked almost every night they had roomed together during the long journey to New Eden, and Elaine knew her sister better than anyone else ever had.

The Praetor accepted her offer and spent several sessions with her, limiting its probing to what Elaine knew about Béla and not what Elaine herself had done. Elaine had already served almost eight hundred years in solitary confinement inside a Praetor for her vampiric crimes as a Mayan princess.

Elaine lay in the Communal Bath letting the bubbles relax her. She was alone, feeling stressed and unable to concentrate, having finished a mind-probing session with the Praetor several hours earlier. At the end of her session, the Praetor informed her that it had collected all the information she had available regarding her older sister. When Elaine inquired, the Praetor informed her that the knowledge she had presented would be helpful to Béla’s case.

Personnel aboard the great ship was minimal, currently. Most of the crew were down on the inner surface, either preparing the ground for planting, or already planting the grain that had been harvested and brought from Earth. There was a small crew still unloading the cargo bay. It would take almost a year to finish the task of transporting, delivering, unloading and setting up the remaining equipment that was on board. After that, it would take another year to re-supply the great ship for its return to Deimos, and then, Earth.

Elaine felt the ‘secure to quarters’ in her head for her section of the ship. She knew that once this section was secure, her sister, Béla, would be escorted down the corridors for her daily visit to the communal baths. Desperate to see her sister and despite the fact that she would be severely reprimanded and confined to quarters if she was caught, Elaine hid in Béla’s personal shower stall. She turned on the thought dampener so she couldn’t be detected, and waited.

After about ten minutes, Elaine heard them arriving. Béla was being escorted across the floor. Elaine stifled a cry of distress as she watched her favorite sister cross the room. Béla was thin and anemic, wasted away. Her strong character, her certainty and pride that manifested in the carriage of her body was completely missing. She walked unseeing, with her eyes cast down toward the floor immediately in front of her, like her spirit had finally been broken.

Béla stopped, surprising her escort, and straightened up slightly.

“I’d like to be alone while I bathe,” she told him. “I have much to think about.”

According to protocol, Béla was kept in isolation and continually surrounded by a thought-dampening field, with the exception of her daily bath and her sessions with the Praetor. Even during those times, she was not permitted to make conversation with her escort except for the most basic requests.

She stood and watched her escort until he was out of sight. He would remain at the entrance to the communal baths until she was finished and came out or until thirty minutes had passed. Béla looked toward her personal shower.

'She knows I’m here!' Elaine thought excitedly and stepped out, letting herself be seen.

As Béla and Elaine embraced, their minds merged into each other. Béla had been isolated from all physical and emotional contact for almost a month. As she touched her sister Elaine, she was no longer able to maintain the fragile structure that had been holding her emotions in check and the dam broke in one huge emotional broadcast.

Elaine was completely terrified by the flood of despair and loneliness that assaulted her as Béla came completely unglued. Béla had always been the strong one and now she was reduced to a quivering mass of raw emotion.

They knelt on the cold metal floor holding each other tightly, both crying so hard they couldn’t even breathe. Neither was able to speak as the emotional flood slowly subsided. Then Béla’s escort returned to take her back to her quarters. He glanced at Elaine briefly, his eyes full of sadness.

Without a word of redress to Elaine for violating Béla’s enforced solitude, he helped Béla to her feet, then carefully wiped her face though he knew he could be reprimanded for even that small personal interaction with his escort. Taking Béla by the hand, he led her away.

Elaine saw in the escort’s mind that he dearly loved the princess in his charge and was tormented by her rapidly deteriorating condition. She sat on the cold floor for a few minutes thinking about what she could do, then decided to confront her father about it.

As her bare feet stomped down the metal passageway she determined that Father would either see reason or find out just how much Elaine had learned from her older sister about creating bedlam on board the great ship. She believed that all she had to do was broadcast that image of Béla’s emotional barriers crashing down and father would have a ship-wide mutiny on his hands.

‘Nobody can treat my sister like that and get away with it!’

When Elaine arrived at her father’s lab, Béla’s escort was already there. Elaine saw in his mind that he had not come to report her security violation, but to resign his post and commission, if necessary, and go to the inner surface to take up farming.

Elaine saved him the trouble by angrily dropping an image of her last half-hour in the communal baths directly into her father’s mind, full volume. Sibilius staggered under the onslaught. The Praetor, becoming interested in the emotional forces being slung around the room, centered its attention on Elaine, determining that she had somehow attacked the Regent.

Sibilius, always in mental contact with the Praetor, ordered it to hold off, preventing it from attempting to electrocute Elaine. He then immediately dismissed both Béla’s escort and Elaine from his presence.

Outside the lab door, Elaine and the junior officer looked at each other.

“Thank you,” they both said at the same time.

They both laughed nervously. As Elaine walked away, she reviewed her short invasion of her father’s mind. In the few seconds she had been in contact with him after delivering her emotional payload, she had picked up a single stray thought before he was able to catch himself and recover.

I wonder what he meant by, ‘Oh, no! Not again!’

Dismissing the thought, Elaine returned to the temporary quarters that she had been assigned when she returned to the ship. Since she was now permanently transferred to the inner surface, she no longer had permanent quarters on board the ship. She sat down on her bed, unable to eat any of the fruit she’d brought over from the cooler, and brooded.

Her brief encounter with her older sister had been emotionally traumatic. She hoped she had done the right thing by going to her father and dumping it all on him.

'There’s nothing more I can do,' Elaine decided. 'If I stay here, I’m simply torturing myself. Tomorrow, I’d better go back to the surface.'

Elaine knew that leaving wasn’t right, but she didn’t know what else to do. When she didn’t know what to do, she always fled.

'When Béla doesn’t know what to do, she always attacks!' Elaine thought. 'That’s what I should do: Attack!'

She hopped off the bed, resolute in her decision. She had absolutely no idea what she was going to do when she got to her father’s lab, but she wasn’t going to back down. Her sister’s condition was going to get changed, right now!

Elaine stormed into her father’s lab and was immediately encased in a stasis field generated by the Praetor. She glared at her father.

'How dare you…' she blasted into his mind.

Her father, the Regent, held up his hand, silencing her.

'Now I remember why I always run away!' she realized, much too late.

“It occurred to me that you might return,” Sibilius stated, using formal speech. “It has been brought to my attention that you have violated security protocol. You are hereby remanded…”

Elaine radiated an angry blast of energy, interrupting her father. Sibilius held up his hand again, evaporating her anger into nothing.

“You are hereby confined to quarters. You are assigned new quarters in standing with your current status.”

Elaine couldn’t believe what was happening. Not only was her father going to ignore his eldest daughter’s predicament, he was also reprimanding Elaine for trying to help her. She decided to fight.

'If you resist me on this, my daughter, you will be remanded to solitary confinement. I am doing what is best for you both, within the limits that I am allowed to operate. You will not be disappointed,' Sibilius thought into Elaine’s mind.

Verbally, for the record, he continued. “There is an officer outside waiting to escort you to your confinement quarters. Report to him, now.”

The Praetor released the electrical field surrounding Elaine. She could move again. She turned toward the door, feeling numb and defeated. There was nothing she could do for her sister, after all.

'I hope I can make it up to you, someday, Béla,' she broadcast dejectedly to no one in particulare, knowing that Béla was shielded and couldn’t hear her.

The officer acting as her escort took Elaine to a waiting area where, when the ship was fully manned, passengers and crew had mingled.

“Your quarters are not prepared yet, Princess,” he informed her.

He was carrying a personal thought dampener so she couldn’t feel his mind. Elaine realized that, not only had she failed to help Béla, but she had worsened her own situation, as well.

'Now I’m under solitary confinement, too,' she supposed, sitting quietly across the table from her escort.

After ten minutes he got up and motioned for her to follow. Elaine hadn’t detected anything and didn’t know how her escort could have with his thought dampener operating. She followed him anyway down an unfamiliar corridor in what had been officer’s territory during the outward voyage.

‘Assigned new quarters in standing with my current status?’ Elaine wondered as she reviewed her father’s sentencing. 'Officer’s quarters? Are we stopping here? What is my status, anyway? I should have asked…'

The officer stopped at a door. The wall hummed with a thought-dampening field.

“Your new quarters, Princess,” he told her. “Please be aware that you are not permitted to wander the ship alone.”

He pressed the button, opening the door. Elaine entered and saw Béla standing in the middle of the room, looking around at her new quarters. The sisters stared at each other in disbelief.

“This is where you live now?” Béla asked her, incredulously.

Elaine nodded, tears of joy streaming down her face. 'Thank you, Father…' she broadcast happily, then realized that the thought dampeners wouldn’t allow anything to be heard outside the room. Somehow, though, she knew her father had received it.

“It is now,” Elaine answered, her voice breaking with emotion.

They hugged each other, crying more joyfully than they had in the communal baths. They spent the night mind-linked and holding each other, not making love, but simply embracing. For the first time since she had returned to the great ship, Béla slept peacefully.

‘Where are we?’ Elaine asked as she walked across the soft, yielding sand.

She looked up at the moon. It was early in its first quarter, looking down on them with its silly, white smile. Off to her right, the Northern Lights glowed on the horizon.

‘This is where Jake and I fell in love,’ Béla told her.

She showed her sister an image of her lover approaching them, then he and Béla had made love, her wings wrapped around them both.

‘Where is he now?’ Elaine asked. ‘That had to be a hundred years ago…’

She didn’t want to remind her sister of human mortality, but she also needed to know why Béla had shown her this.

‘I made him immortal, like us,’ Béla said.

She laughed when she saw Elaine’s quizzical face. ‘Immortal? I know we were playing ‘goddess’ down on the inner surface, but… Immortal?’

‘Of course, Darling,’ Béla smiled. ‘Our undiluted blood increases the life span of the humans by hundreds of years. That’s why, when I was using it as a serum for the disease, I made sure to dilute it with plenty of water. I’ve found that interrupting the human condition upsets them terribly, even when it’s for their own benefit.

‘Besides, if everyone in New Eden started living for centuries,’ Béla continued, ‘we’d run out of room in a very short time. The only one I’ve immortalized in New Eden is Geoffrey, the Bard.’

‘I can understand why,’ Elaine grinned. ‘He is pretty amazing – especially his imagination! What are we going to do here?’

‘Well, I’m going to stay here and look for Jake,’ Béla said, smiling at her sister. ‘You can just go to sleep if you want. When you wake up, you’ll be back on the great ship.’

Béla pulled Elaine into a warm embrace and kissed her cheek and neck.

‘I’ll see you in the morning,’ Béla whispered, then faded, leaving Elaine alone on the sand.

Curious, Elaine reached out with her mind, holding the image in place with her own energy now that Béla was no longer creating it. She could see that other images were connected to this one and decided to explore Béla’s dream world a little while longer before she went to sleep.

‘Hello?’ she called into a doorway. ‘Is anyone there?’

Suddenly she was in a bedroom. A gorgeous, disheveled blonde was sitting up in bed, looking at her.

‘Who are you?’ the blond girl asked, ‘and what are you doing in my bedroom?’

‘I don’t know,’ Elaine told her, timidly. ‘I’m not sure how this works… I’m sorry if I’m intruding, but I was just exploring a little before I went home. My sister brought me here.’

‘Your sister?’ the blonde asked suspiciously. ‘Where is your home? Where are your clothes? Do you need a ride or something?’

Elaine shrugged, not understanding half of what the blond girl was saying.

‘You’re very pretty,’ Elaine said apologetically, ‘but I don’t need a “ride” if you don’t want to. I wouldn’t mind, but I can sense that you’re not really in the mood right now. Anyway, I’m really more interested in finding out where I am…’

‘Where you are, my dear, is in my bedroom,’ the blonde said.

Tanya was starting to get annoyed. This strange girl wasn’t making any sense. What did she mean, ‘I’m not really in the mood right now…’ and what sister?

‘Please,’ Elaine pleaded, ‘don’t yell at me like that. I understand that you’re confused. I’m confused, too. I don’t know where I am!’

‘I wasn’t yelling,’ the blonde said, ‘I was simply telling you…’

Elaine interrupted, her voice rising anxiously. ‘You were screaming in my mind! I don’t make any sense to you!’

‘Your mind?’ the girl said, sitting up straighter on the bed. ‘Ohmygod! You’re a vampire!’

She scooted back against the headboard of the bed, suddenly afraid.

‘Well, yes,’ Elaine admitted, ‘I’ve been called that. But my official title is Princess Elaine, second daughter of the Regent of Deimos, currently residing in the realm of Jupiter in the land of New Eden.’

The blonde’s mouth dropped open. ‘Wow! That’s quite a mouthful!’ she thought to herself.

‘I suppose it is a bit regal,’ Elaine thought back, ‘but you wanted to know…’

‘She can read my mind!’ the blonde thought, getting excited. ‘She’s like Béla!’

Delighted at hearing a familiar name, Elaine grinned and nodded at the blonde girl. ‘Yes! My sister! She’s the one who brought me here! This is part of her dream, you see. We were mind-linked. Only she went looking for someone.’

‘You mean Béla was here? Then she shouldn’t be far away, asleep or not. These dream images kind of stick together in odd places.’

‘Well, she wasn’t in here. We were standing on sand. There was a moon and magic lights in the north, like the sacrificial mountain.’

‘Sacrificial what? Wait! Never mind. If Béla left you, I have a hunch where she might be. Let’s go look.’

‘Do you know how to get around in this… stuff?’ Elaine asked, uncertain of what to call these mentally linked little landscapes.

‘Not really – she’s only visited us a couple of times. I discovered that if I just start walking, the image changes. Like this! And, there she is, passed out on top of Jake (of course)! Now go wake her and she’ll take you home.’

As the blond girl faded, Elaine heard her say, ‘Jupiter, huh? Well, now I know where…’

No one interrupted them the next day to take Béla away for a session with the Praetor. Instead, Elaine was helping Béla heal her wounded soul just by being someone she could touch; someone she could talk to, someone she could love. She wasn’t so horribly alone, anymore.

“Will you stop feeding me, please?” Béla pleaded as her roommate climbed back on the bed yet again with her arms loaded with food from the cooler.

This time, Elaine had found a meat pack that someone put in there. Elaine didn’t care for meat; at least not from the cooler. It had to be warm and still bleeding before she was interested. Taking a bite out of her roommate every once in a while satisfied her vampiric cravings nicely.

“Absolutely not!” Elaine exclaimed. “You are nothing but skin and bones! There’s not a decent bite of good meat on your entire body! Not even on your butt!”

She handed her sister the meat pack and bit into a not-quite-ripe peach, noisily tearing a large chunk out of it with her teeth. Although the fruit had been stored in a stasis field until just recently, the skin had wrinkled and its texture was dry and tasteless. Elaine ate it anyway. She had to keep up her strength. She estimated that she was already down almost two liters of blood from letting her sister feed on her.

Several times during the night, especially after she left Jake, Béla’s nightmares had awakened her. Elaine comforted her delirious sister by letting Béla do what came naturally. She held her and rocked her back and forth while Béla fed on her blood.

It angered Elaine to know that, before last night, Béla would scare herself awake with her nightmares only to find herself alone and friendless in a darkened room. Elaine was determined that It wasn’t going to happen again.

Elaine gazed at her sister while they ate. Covered with juices from the meat she was eating, Béla had her full attention on the meat pack, having realized she was still ravenous now that she had some meat in her hands. Although she protested Elaine’s mothering attitude and the constant eating she was being forced to do, Béla craved the attention she was getting and loved Elaine even more for rescuing her.

As she ate, Béla glanced up at her sister and noticed Elaine watching her with that pixie-eyed expression she got when she was aroused and feeling playful. She grinned back at her through her mouthful of meat. Closing the meat pack, Béla sealed it so it wouldn’t leak all over the bed table and set it aside. She was still chewing, so she couldn’t lick her fingers off, either. Impulsively, Béla wiped her hands on her roommate’s breasts and belly.

Her sister vigorously retaliated, pushing her down onto the blanket with a cheerful growl.

'Dampers?' Béla suggested, laughing and wrestling playfully with her sister.

'Not today, Sis,' Elaine replied as she licked salty meat grease off her sister’s face. 'You’re not ready for serious carnage, yet! Maybe tomorrow…'

She looked forward to tearing into her sister, again, but she wasn’t going to do it until Béla looked healthier. Instead, she pushed her leg up between Béla’s warm, moist thighs and they just lay together, kissing, while Elaine gently flexed her leg muscles against Béla’s warm, inviting pussy.

After a few minutes, Béla tensed up and radiated pleasure through her sister as she came. They lay on the bed and relaxed awhile, then both heard the chimes to secure to quarters.

“This is usually when someone comes by to escort me to the public baths,” Béla explained, breaking their smeary embrace.

Elaine looked toward the door, then back at Béla. Climbing off her sister, Elaine trotted to the door and opened it. The passageway was quiet. No one was there. She stepped into the corridor, away from the thought dampeners in the wall. It was still quiet. Elaine returned to the doorway and looked across the room to her naked sister on the bed.

“Well,” she said, “either they’ve damped off the entire corridor between here and the communal baths, or we’re the only two left on the ship.”

“But, I’m supposed to be escorted,” Béla insisted. “I’m not permitted to go anywhere alone until we get this mind-murder thing resolved.”

“Mind-murder?” Elaine asked, surprised. “Wow! What did somebody do to get you that mad?”

“I’m not permitted to discuss it,” Béla said. “I shouldn’t have even mentioned it.”

“Well, Sis,” Elaine said, shrugging her shoulders, “all I knew was that you had killed some baron or something and turned yourself in. I didn’t even know you could kill someone just by thinking about it. That’s really scary.”

“I know,” Béla responded sadly. “That’s why I turned myself in. It mustn’t ever be permitted. It’s too dangerous. Even worse than playing God. Or goddess…”

The sisters were silent for a few minutes. Elaine thought about what her sister had just revealed.

‘This changes everything,’ Elaine realized fearfully. ‘If we can kill with just a thought, we’ll destroy ourselves. No matter how fiercely this is suppressed, the end of our kind is a certainty.’

Having come to that conclusion, she felt strangely empty inside - numb and devoid of all emotion.

“You’ve killed us,” Elaine said, sadly. “There’s no future for any of us now.”

“Actually, there is,” Béla said softly. “Everyone who knows about this will have to be mind-wiped so they don’t remember.” Tears were running down her cheeks. “That means you, too, now.”

Elaine laughed, almost crying, herself. “That only works until someone discovers how to do it all over again. And you’re the one who’s most likely to do that…”

“Then perhaps I should…” Béla sobbed, finding it hard to continue. “I should be removed from this environment.” She shook, visibly.

“I was wondering what could have happened to bring you down this hard,” Elaine said quietly, coming inside and closing the door behind her.

Elaine needed to let her sister know that what was going to happen to her wasn’t Béla’s fault.

“I knew what I was risking when I waited for you yesterday. If they exile you, I want to go with you. If I even remember you when the Praetor gets through with me…”

She stared at her older sister, stunned by the words she herself had just spoken.

“I will remember you!” Elaine promised, earnestly. “They can’t make me forget you!”

She was beginning to realize the seriousness of their situation.

The two sisters sat next to each other on the bed quietly for some time, the thought dampeners keeping their minds separate unless they touched, each working out their individual scenarios about what they would do if…

“I don’t think anybody’s going to come,” Béla said, finally.

“What?” Elaine asked, surprised back from her morbid thoughts.

“I don’t think anyone’s going to escort us to the baths,” Béla repeated.

Elaine slid off the bed. “Come on,” she said, glad to have something to do. “I’ll escort you.”

They left and went to the communal baths. The entire corridor was protected with thought dampeners. They didn’t meet anyone either coming or going and the communal baths were unoccupied when they arrived.

“They’re really serious about nobody finding out about this, aren’t they?” Elaine asked. She didn’t expect an answer, it being a rhetorical question.

“Father’s just trying to protect us,” Béla said, thoughtfully. “He’s probably as worried as we are.”

She had no idea what would happen to her. And now, because of a momentary lapse of judgement by each of them, Elaine would share her fate.

Surprisingly, Béla slept peacefully that night. Her nightmare no longer harbored by herself, but shared with her sister. Mind-linked with her sister, she knew that Elaine wouldn’t have it any other way, even if it meant sharing exile with her or worse.

Many hours later, an officer arriving at their door awakened them. “When you have fed and made yourselves ready, please report to the Council Room. You are expected in one hour.”

He turned around and left, the door closing automatically behind him.

“Made ready?” Elaine asked, trying to joke with her terrified sister. “He should know better; I’m always ready.”

Béla sat still on the bed, staring straight ahead.

“Hey, Sis,” Elaine said. “It’s okay. Whatever it is, we’ll face it together. Remember? It can’t be that bad…”

Elaine knew that it really could be that bad, or even worse; if their judges were afraid enough, both sisters could be terminated, their souls trapped inside the Praetor forever.

Béla turned her head slowly to look at her sister. She still had that look of horror on her face. After a moment, she spoke.

“I’m not afraid of the judgement,” she explained quietly but with her voice shaking, “I’m afraid of what I might do, afterward.”

Elaine’s eyes widened as she understood the meaning behind Béla’s words.

“Stay mind-linked with me, Sister,” Béla said. “If I do anything crazy, promise that you’ll kill me.”

She broadcast the image into Elaine’s mind, showing her how to do it.

‘You just pick up a small object from anywhere – anything you can see with your mind – and rematerialize it inside my brain.’

Looking into Béla’s mind, Elaine saw where Béla had actually done that twice; once to kill her jailer, a madman who wanted the power to control who lived or died from the wasting disease, and…

‘She actually killed a Praetor by teleporting electricity into it!’

Elaine fell back against the wall behind her, terrified by her new and unwanted knowledge. If a Praetor could be destroyed, it meant not only the end of their kind, but the end of their entire civilization. She had destroyed the Mayans with the misuse of her power over them, and now, her sister just handed her the very last thing she ever wanted: total life-and-death power over any living thing!

Enraged by what her sister had just done to her, Elaine leaped at Béla, screaming and clawing! They both fell in a heap on the other side of the bed. Elaine recovered first, pounding Béla’s face with her fists. Béla tried ineffectually to protect herself with her arms, but Elaine kept pounding her, screaming incoherently. Then Elaine began to strangle her.

‘Kill me! Damn you! Kill me or I’ll kill you!’ Elaine screamed into Béla’s mind. ‘Kill me or I’ll kill everyone!’

Béla tried to concentrate as Elaine’s grip tightened around her neck. She couldn’t breath and was beginning to black out. This wasn’t nearly as erotic as when Beth did that to her…

Concentrate! A small air pocket in Elaine’s aorta…

Elaine gasped, her eyes wide open, and collapsed to the floor as she felt her heart scream to a halt. Incredibly, as she fell, she radiated love and gratitude to her sister for her murder.

Béla dream-walked into Elaine’s body and removed the air blockage. Then she pounded into Elaine’s heart, forcing it to start beating again. Returning to her own body, she tried to mind-link with Elaine.

Elaine wasn’t in her body – she was dream-walking somewhere. A fading image surrounded her body. Leaving her own body sleeping on the floor, Béla reached out and stepped inside the image.

'I’m back on Earth!' Béla realized.

It was night. It was hot. She was in the middle of a jungle. In front of her, the ruins of an ancient temple glowed in the moonlight. Elaine stood at the base of the fallen structure, radiating grief and remorse. Sensing her sister’s arrival in her dream world, she turned around.

‘This is what I do with power,’ she stated, indicating the surrounding ruins. ‘This was once the heart of a magnificent civilization that stretched from sea to sea and into the great lands of the north and the south. It’s gone now, and everyone is dead. I killed them all.’

‘You didn’t personally kill each and every one of them…’ Béla asked.

‘No,’ Elaine admitted, ‘but they are dead all the same! Some fought to protect me; others fought to destroy me. They all perished because of me; who I was, what I did to them. It would happen again, with the power you gave me.’

‘No, Elaine,’ Béla pleaded. ‘You are wiser now! It won’t happen again. You have better control of yourself, now that you know the consequences…’

‘That may be, but it no longer matters,’ Elaine said with finality. ‘You killed me. This ruin, this Monumento de Espirito Sheba, is my final resting place; the last thing I’ll ever see. When the energy creating this image is gone and my mind is dead, I’ll be gone with it.’

‘You can wish it was that easy,’ Béla told her. ‘Don’t you think I would have done that if I could?’

She broadcast an image to her sister showing the difference between self-awareness as compared to a created image.

‘You’ll still exist, somewhere…’ Béla explained. ‘You may as well come back with me. Your body is regenerating quite nicely. You’ll be back in it when you wake up anyway.’

Elaine sat down on a large stone, looking forlorn. Béla could feel she was half-convinced to come back. She really had no choice. The laws of physics would not permit her soul to simply cease to exist.

‘Sister, we share the same burden,’ Béla continued as she knelt down in front of her. ‘We both have the power of gods. It’s how we use that power that makes us sane or not. I will help you stay in line, but I need your help to keep me in check as well. Come back with me… Please?’

The image of the ruins of her temple faded. Béla woke up. Elaine stirred beneath her. She opened her eyes and looked up at Béla’s bruised and bloodied face.

“Well, I guess we’re ready…” she said.

Using the bed and each other to balance themselves, they painfully got to their feet and staggered toward the door to meet their destiny.

End Part 2


Same as Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 14 Videos

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XIII

Chapter XIII – Bisexual Girl Wants Sex I/The Hunk and the Babe (based on Pictorial Romances No. 10 cover, St. John, November 1951)I know what people think about bisexuals, that we are just people that can’t decide between men and women and rather pick both and also too much ‘keen’ to sex. Well, in my case, that wasn’t me. I am bi, but not that kind of bi girl people usually think. In fact, I had only eyes and my pussy tingled for only two people, Mary and Scott.Mary and Scott are my friends...

1 year ago
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Steam Room Romp

I get to the and began my workout as normal. I get a lot of stares from men and women when I'm at the gym. I am 5'10 a dark skinned black male, 190 lbs and very sexy. Anyway I am working out and I see one of the personal trainers, named Antonio, with one of his clients. He happened to be one of the sexiest men at the gym. He was a 6'3 latin male with a body and the sexiest eyes. I try not to stare but I can't help it. I am doing the hip abductor work out and I start to feel my cock filling with...

1 year ago
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Toni takes Black

We had been trying to have a baby for a long time, and my wife, Toni, was really excited about the whole thing. It was great, because she was ready to fuck any time, anywhere. But when a few years had passed by without any sign of a baby, my wife became worried and depressed. On the advice of a family friend we went to see a fertility specialist who did couple of tests and said that we were both absolutely fine. The problem, he said haltingly, could be that my wife, in her late thirties, may be...

Cheating Wifes
4 years ago
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The Submissibe Part 1 Samatha

Darkness. It was on her, around her, in her. She could not escape. Silence that was broken only by the fluttering beat of a frightened heart and the shallow breath escaping parted lips. Cold griped at her bones, making her whole body ach and shudder with each minute that slowly ticked by. Sensations were now a part of her. Cold iron chains held her wrists above her head, her matted and knotted hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, her eyes unfocused and staring at nothingness toward...

3 years ago
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Britney Poshslut Part Five of the Britney Saga

[This is number 5 in a series, if you have not read the series it would be a good idea to use the author search function on to do so as this covers on from some characters that have all ready had some development] BRITNEY: POSHSLUT [PART FIVE OF THE BRITNEY SAGA] CHAPTER ONE: The Show goes On With a smile on my face a mile long knowing I was one up in my battle of wits against Victor, I slipped a soft hand down inside my red miniskirt. It was a good thing...

2 years ago
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I was seduced by my hair dresser Part 3

Not sure how long passed since my encounter at Phillippe and Jim's house before arranged for our next get together. I must have still looked nervous as Phillippe ushered me into the house and sat my in one of their high bar chairs. He started massaging my upper body from my hips up to my neck. As he slowly and sensually caressed me I felt that I was starting to loosen up. He then put his hands under my shirt and started massaging my skin up and down fron neck to waist. When he ran his hands...

3 years ago
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The BookCase 2

Memo: status- private. To: Dr. D. Roberts Fr: Dr. J. Williams Re: Anna Lauter case AL0005 Dt: March, 1981 Dave, I thought the following would be of interest. This is the summary of debriefing from the field agents combined with the thiopental sessions from the subject and coven. Our tech writers insist a narrative form is better for the synopsis. In general we all agree, but I know it isn't the normal form seen in the literature. Detailed reports from the agents and transcripts of the...

1 year ago
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A message on a Friday evening

It was Friday evening just after 6pm. I had just finished having an early dinner and was about to hop into the shower when I received a message on my phone. Standing naked in the bathroom I opened the message, it was from Sarah the ex escort who I use to pay to fuck. She said, "Hey Cane, how are you babe? Do you have any plans for this evening?"I replied, "Hello sexy lady, I'm good thank and you? No I don't have much plans for tonight, was going to just grab a few drinks with some friends but...

3 years ago
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Children of the Gods Part 1Chapter 2 The Awakening

Friday afternoon was a time of frustrated desires for Melissa and Mark. "I'll miss you." He kissed her slightly parted lips. "I wish there was some way we could convince your parents to let you come along. I feel it would be..." He paused and thought a moment before he continued. "I don't know why. It's just that for some reason I feel it would be right and proper for you to go with me." Melissa sighed. "God, my mother is too Molly Mormon to even consider such a thing as a weekend...

4 years ago
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Sissy in the Woods

David was up to something. Since we no longer had the luxery of my empty house to fuck in on weeknights other arrangements had to be made. He caught me one lunch time and told me to arrange a study date with him and his brother Peter that night. He told me he'd be picking me up at six and taking me for a drive. He wanted me to be ready with something particularly slutty. I being the ever obedient sissy slut agreed and looked forward to seeing my two favourite cocks again that evening. When I...

1 year ago
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Jenny part 2

Here is part 2...Your pussy, already sopping wet from watching her and I 69 each other, gets wetter as Jenny kisses you. "I have fantasized about this moment for a long time." she whispers in your ear.I sit across the room in a chair and watch the lust in both your eyes as she moves closer to you.Your hands begin to caress her young firm breasts as she leans down and kisses your lips. You feel her nipples grow harder between your fingers as you rub my slippery cum all over her. You rise up to...

1 year ago
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High School of the Damned

Well, welcome to the High School of the Damned. We have a few things to discuss. First of all, your name. The first name you entered is your name. The second name is my name and I'm your...well, we'll get to that...but think of it as a guardian angel. So, keep that in mind, and if you need to change it, go ahead. I'll wait. Good to go? Okay. My name is Slut and you are John. You are, or were, a Senior at Bellevue High School, but I have bad news for you, you're dead. We'll get back to that...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Skylar Snow 02272018

It’s that time of the year, again — the A.V.N.’s! The awards show, is held annually, and it’s a really big deal. There’s even a convention prior to the show in which fans can meet their favorite adult actors! That’s where super-cute P.A.W.G. Skylar Snow is headed. Skylar’s very excited because this is her very first show…and she’s catching a ride to the convention with the Dogfart Crew! What Skylar doesn’t know is there’s a...

2 years ago
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God, every muscle in my body aches. I haven't felt this exhausted and kicked around since I took on those five archmages from the Brotherhood of the Crystal Flame- Wait. That was years ago. What happened to me? More to the point, where the hell am I? And come to think of it, who am I? I took a quick look around. Light forest, with moderate undergrowth. I was lying against the trunk of an oak tree at the edge of a small clearing. Complete with babbling brook running through it. A more...

3 years ago
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What appened Was

As Always first things first. I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. I might add that we don’t always see eye to eye, so I take full responsibility for any cock-up in this story. * I still don’t know what went wrong between my wife Kathleen (Kathy) and I. Christ, I can’t say what went right either, really. When we meet in college I don’t think either of us realised that we would one-day fall in love with each other and...

1 year ago
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A very good day

So one day after work i decided to come home and have a little me time. I went up stairs and stripped off my clothes. I started stroking my cock to the sounds of me fucking my sister in law in my head.When i was about to spew a load everywhere i closed my eyes. Dreaming of blowing a load all over her face. When i opened them i found my niece staring at my cum squirting all over my body. I tried to cover up. She asked what i was doing and i said i thought nobody was home. What were you thinking...

2 years ago
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The best time

It was like any other summer day I was stuck inside bored out of my mind not sure what to do being only 15 years old I was always told that there was alot of things to do.The one thing I had been curious about was of all the things was sex but the thing was I liked my older cousin she was 19 years old she had the slim figure big tits beautiful eyes and long brown hair that reminded me of one of my favorite actresses. It was about a week later when she had came over I was in my room didnt...

4 years ago
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I remember the day I first saw her. I remember that day well. The heat from the sun, the mixed aromas of coffee and car exhausts as we sat in an outdoor cafe. I was alone, of course, but she wasn't. A punk ass was with her. Some chatty hollywood wannabe wearing a fifty dollar tee shirt and fancy sneakers. I had no interest in him. Weaklings neither excite or challenge my... darker sensibilities. My intuition told me that she secretly held the same disdain for him. Maybe it was the...

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Episode 82 Stephs African Adventure

IntroductionThis story is set in 2008 in Burkina Faso, which as we all ‘know’ is a land-locked West African country, has one of the lowest Ages of Consent in the world (13) and a history of barbarous FGM. My name is Steph from Cornwall, I featured as a ch1ld in Episode 33 and as a young teenager in Episode 37, meeting Kit where I first encountered the two native black beauties in her Dad Kurt’s limousine, at Paddington Station. I gave up trying to pronounce their proper African names, so just...

2 years ago
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A Clear Conscience II

Me and Lanie had separate rooms, and the entire time we were there, we didn’t have any private time, and I was left with no opportunity to try and make a move. Luckily, being around my mom and sister made me considerably less horny, and my rash and stupid attempt to grope Lanie was never thought of during my time there. That is, until one afternoon when my mom and sister decided to go shopping, leaving me and Lanie all alone in the house. I was sure Lanie knew I wanted to move past...

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My Stepdaughter and I

My name is Sammy and what I'm about to tell you happened between my youngest stepdaughter and I, back when I was fifty three and she was twenty three. My stepdaughter's name is Joanne, that has dark brown hair that almost looks to be black that comes down to the middle of her back with just a little bit of a natural wave to it, with beautiful brown eyes, and stands five feet three inches with perkey tits that looks to be about a B size cup that looks so inviting when she wears a T shirt or tank...

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GirlsWay Shyla Jennings Gia Paige BFFsInLaw

Gia Paige opens the door to her best friend and sister-in-law, Shyla Jennings. Although Gia is always happy to see Shyla, she’s too bummed out today to be her usual chipper self. Shyla instantly senses that something’s not right and has a heart-to-heart with Gia. Although Gia’s a bit embarrassed, she eventually admits that she and her husband are having problems. Shyla jokes, saying that she warned Gia about marrying her brother, though Gia insists that it’s much more...

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How we met Our Toyboy

My wife had just finished a Beauticians course and we initially setup a home operation in a spare bedroom while seeking commercial premises in a nearby shopping center We'd already bought the Massage bed and magnifying lamp and beauty products so designed a brochure mainly consisting of a price list including Brazilian Waxing and arranged for a letterbox drop in our and neighboring suburbs. Turned out to be quite successful with no additional overheads such as Rent or modifications. Came home...

3 years ago
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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 7

Joe woke alone in bed, hearing giggles and splashes from the bathroom. A glance at the clock informed him he’d slept for a couple hours. Walking naked to the source of the sounds, he saw two very different women share a bath. One tall and lean, dark hair, her skin the color of coffee and cream, her smallish round breasts hovering above the suds of the bubble bath. The other pale, reddish blonde, her much fuller breasts on a thicker body, shorter body resting on those suds, the pink nipples...

4 years ago
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Mere Andar Ki Aurat Ki Pyaas Bhujhwayi

Hello friends this is Heena ( my cross-dressing name),a 24 yr. old cross dresser from Lucknow, i am a bisexual though, 5’11,w- 81kgs,a bit plump with succulent boobs and juicy ass. I am going to narrate my latest steamy encounter with a mature top, i hope you guys like it. I am going to write this in Hindi to make it more masaledar ;). Anyways coming to the story now- Maine recently pr ke through ek mature top se dosti kari unka naam Vipin tha,waise woh jaipur se the par unhone bataya ki woh...

3 years ago
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Naughty School

I woke up in a haze, everything seemed so far away. I was surprised to find that my pussy was dripping wet, it was that same old dream again, Jeff comes up to me and says, "Hey, you're pretty hot, want to get some dinner?". We go to this little nook in the wall in the city-ish part of Anywhere, USA, he takes me to his place after and then he fucks me all night. It's a good thing I sleep naked, or else I would have ruined a good pair pf panties. I got up slipped on some pink cotton panties and a...

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Ladko Se Chudane Ki Aadat hai Mujhe

Hi friends I’m from Mumbai I stay in Mumbra city aur ye meri pehle story hai mai 19 saal ki hun aur aapko apne bare mein bata dun ki mera character kaisa hai meri hobby hai main har saal boyfriends change karti hun kya karun ek se dil Hi nahi bharta maine pehla boy friend apne 6 std me pataya tha uska naam abdul tha par wo kuch karta Hi tha isliye maine use chod diya Fir mere ek cousin ko pataya uska naam salman tha wo mere baju ki building me Hi rehta tha aur roz ghar par aata tha sab mere...

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From Toilet Brush to Cock a Girls Journey

If I asked a man to write a small essay every time he has a wank, to let me know what was going through his head as he stroked his flesh, I am sure of a couple of things:His cock would be sore, but his essay skills would approach geniusI would in all probability, read it and touch myself as I did, yes I do masturbate to some of the stories on here in xHamster.My point being, we as humans are confronted in daily life with sexual opportunities, that both entice and seduce us, even without the use...

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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 08

Chapter VIII   With his concentration centered on Don ramming his cock into his wife’s hungry pussy Mike didn’t notice the figure moving up behind him. ‘Looks like their having a good time?’ the soft female voice whispered.   Shocked at first, Mike turned around and saw Carol standing there with a smile on her face. ‘Man! You scared me!’ he said. ‘I saw you leaving, but didn’t know where you went?’   ‘Don pretended we needed ice so I volunteered to run down to the gas station carry-out and...

4 years ago
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Psychic Seductions

"Kiss my cock." I heard as plain as day. I was sitting across from a client who wanted to know where the key's to an old car were that he had misplaced. I stared at him and took some more notes. I crossed my long legs and he was visibly turned on. "I have never been to a psychic before.You are my first." He tells me with a smile. "Well, there is a first time for everything I guess." I say. I tell him to relax and I light a candle. There is a sexual tension in the air. I have never played around...

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Two black gentlemen share my wife

That night I was starting to get bored at that party; when suddenly that sexy mature woman sitting close to me whispered in my ear very softly:"Your slutty wife is going to get really fucked tonight..."Her slender fingers lightly grazed my hard cock through my pants as she whispered these words so softly. She also readjusted her luscious ass against my leg, and I could swear I could feel the heat radiating from her hot wet pussy where it touched me.A short while earlier, I had been sitting with...

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Fucked my hot neighbour Part 1

Hi, I am Maddy. This story is about my first sexual encounter with my neighbor, Sonakshi, a very hot girl who lived in the adjacent house. Both our families were good friends. Major festivals we used to spend together. It was when Sonakshi was getting married in some months, I noticed her lustfully. She had grown up well into a bbw mature woman already. Good height of around 5'7" slim and fit body, Long black hair, fair complexion, firm round 34D boobs and nice busty ass. I was of same height,...

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Learning to Love Sniffing Feet

TAUGHT TO LIKE FOOT SNIFFING        As the van cruised the streets it parked near the bus station.  There was the perfect target.  A young male around 18 or so with his back pack and ragged clothes stood alone outside smoking all alone.  He was not from here, that’s for sure.  The two women inside the van pulled up to him.        ?Killing time between busses I’ll bet,? the smiling short haired blonde in the passenger seat asked smiling.        Peeking in to the window past the short haired...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 437

Achim, adds a bit of Canadian History: Every time I was deployed overseas, we would always host our various allied militaries and various dignitaries and diplomats for key Canadian events (Canada Day and New Year’s Day). We would always serve “Moose Milk”. Our guests would inevitably ask about this “milk” and we would regale them with stories about the difficulty of having to milk a moose. As many had no idea...

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Black Spray

The knife felt good as it slipped into the fat whitey's chest, I could feel the blade scrape along his ribs then on to his heart. His eyes stared in to mine, not believing what was happening to him. His body fell lifeless to the alley floor. Quickly I removed his wallet and picked up the case he had given his live to protect, it was locked. I walked the half a block to where I parked my heap and put the case into the passenger foot well. The wallet contained a thick wedge of cash which...

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HornyHostel Susy Gala Stuck Under The Bed

While doing the laundry, Susy Gala goes under the bed for some clothes and gets stuck and the noise she makes trying to free herself alerts Tommy Cabrio which is taken by surprise when he sees her arched back and her perfectly round ass in the air. Not missing any opportunity he takes her jeans off and starts fingering her pussy then he grabs her big ass with both hand to pull her out from under the bed. Already turned on from the fingering and as a way to reward Tommy, she starts sucking and...

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Stresses of Studying

Sarah had started studying intensively for her exams a couple of weeks ago. She was locking herself in her bedroom trying to focus on her textbooks while the rest of her housemates were taking things a little less seriously. The differences in commitment had started leading to tension in the house. The boys were good for the first couple weeks, trying to keep things quiet, going out with their friends instead of inviting them over for drinks and video games. But just like their commitment to...

Straight Sex
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 7 A Change of Plans

June 16, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “So that’s it?” Clarissa asked when I hung up the phone on Saturday morning. “Yes. After I talked to the investigators on Thursday morning, they closed the investigation and late yesterday the base commander told Maggie’s dad he wasn’t going to take any action. According to what Karl said, the base commander gave Maggie’s dad an unofficial reprimand about what he said to me, but that won’t have any negative effect on his career.” “And Maggie is going to see...

3 years ago
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The Incredible Diary of Paula Page Entry 2

The Incredible Diary of Paula Page 2 This is the second posting of my diary. I get to write every few days, and there is no schedule because of the nature of my overall predicament. I left off when I found out that I was being genetically transformed into a female that was going to be the property of ten fraternity brothers that were altered genetically to be hyper male, and programmed to be sexual sadists that got off on my predicament. Sorry about leaving off like that last time....

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Fantasy Weekend

Fantasy Weekend By Salon Selective God knows I had bugged my wife long enough about it. I was a very part-time cross dresser. At least I guess that's what you would call it. Make-up and nails were my real turn on, and I had shared this with her. She reluctantly agreed to do some kinky things with me sometimes... a little bondage here, making my face up there, painting my toenails --- stuff like that. I wanted something more than that though, but didn't know how to tell...

1 year ago
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Sex no limits dogging

"Hi honey, are we all set?""Yes babe, I'll be round in about half an hour""Is it as we planned?""Pretty much, yes. Are you dressed as I said?""To the letter, hon""Good. I'll see you in about 30 minutes. Thanks for this.""No : thank you". Dave was such a good, regular client. He always phoned when he said he was going to phone and never let me down for a meet when he had booked. Once he had booked an hour of my time but had hAd his shifts changed at work, and he had worked nights the night...

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My Fantasy Sexventure 8211 Part 3 Lesbian BDSM

Thank you all for the positive comments/reviews on the previous parts. Now to make things a little more clear. This story is fiction about lesbian BDSM. The characters and events are fictitious and are not intended to represent anyone or any event in the real world. To some extent, I would also try to avoid using real places. But still, someone somewhere could have had similar experiences. If yes, then let me know in my email. I have made this story such that it completely fits in reality. The...

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The Professor keeps a diary of it. Noting it’s habits, it’s needs, it’s growth, etc.! His wife is mentally drawn to want pleasure from it!! Mind controlled by it!! This This creature, This “Thing” It had already taken her once and drained her of all her juices sucked them from her vagina and left her labia and clitoral area all scratched up from it’s rough Velcro like sucker mouth at the end of the tentacle it used . She was still dehydrated from it’s session with her. It was now...

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A Sexy Experiment

Dan Lesterman was just your average 23 year old guy, his childhood friend Jessica Waters was a quirky scientist who loved to pester him. There was something about her, she was the same age of course, 5'4 with B cup breasts and an ass you just want to spank. Dan was like pudding in her hand, always eager to please her, doing any favour she asked of him. They slept together once, but it was just an experiment to her, to see what it was like first-hand, she didn't have much interest in him. Dan...

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A Very Very Hot MotherDaughter encounter

Some parents relive their dreams through their c***dren, be it a career move, thoughts of untold wealth, either way they hamper their k**s ambitions and choices in life.My own daughter by year ten had won five beauty pageants, been on TV with advertisements, countless magazines and local newspaper photo-shoots, she by all standards had a bright future ahead of her.When you have a protegee you might have a problem c***d on your hands, but safe to say she entered that most troublesome time in a...

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The Hastings Whore Part 1

The Hastings WhoreOn Wednesday 3rd September 2012, me and my friends travelled down to Hastings for a friends engagement do. We arrived around about 3pm and made our way to the hotel we were staying at. Around 6pm, we left the Hotel and made our way to a pub called the Anchor before going to the engagement party. We arrived at the Anchor and it looked pretty busy. We got ourselves a table and decided a round or 2. Most of the lads including me are single and we thought, whilst we are down here,...

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I am a Teenage Boy

I look back on my life and wonder how I ever made it to become an adult instead of just drying up and blowing away. That is the part before I turned 15 then it was a whole new life. My name is Jason, But the name I answered to from first grade on was, 'Hey Little Guy.' even back then I had a secret. There was one part of me that wasn't little. No one, other than my Mother, knew. I began to hide it from her as well. I never let anyone see me nude. I wore Jockey shorts and would bend...

3 years ago
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Lost Tribe A new standard in sex fantasy

Sometimes being captured by a group of natives is better than the life you're living...Lost Tribe (A new standard in sex fantasy)As I sat at my desk I was literally counting down the hours. It was only two more hours till the end of the day and the start of my vacation. A well-deserved vacation I might add. I had been working long hours for months now without a day off in my new job. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the work. It was very gratifying and the boss appreciated my efforts. I just...

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Lori My Wifes Best Friend

Lori was no stranger to our home; she and Penny have been friends since grade school. They work together, they play together, they are tight. Lori was maid of honor at our wedding 5 years earlier and was in the delivery room when our son was born. She tried marriage twice but gave both of them up as interesting but failed experiments. Now she just strings along a few men. I think she is trying to set a record for greatest miles of cock between her legs. She hasn’t set the record yet, but...

1 year ago
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KinkySpa Kate England Kate England gives a happy ending massage

Kate England is tried of just working as the “clean up girl” at Kinky Spa. She’s certified as a massage therapist, but the boss won’t give her a chance. One of the masseurs ends up with a cancellation one day and instead of leaving, he decides to let Kate show him her stuff. Everything starts out fine, but when he flips over on his back he decides to get rid of his towel and exposes his big beautiful cock to her. She can’t help herself and she starts stroking it and once things get going, they...

4 years ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 38

What I told Vicky was true. Emma and Linda had decided not to do anymore work on the permanent dwelling until next spring. In that time, they were going to sit and work on the design plans that our 'benefactors' had provided them. They'd decided they'd rather build with adobe brick instead of recycled tires. The project as designed by our 'benefactors' would still require millions of bricks but the construction would be more traditional, while still meeting what our 'benefactors' had...

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Start Of Incest Journey With Shalini Didi Part 8211 4

Start of Incest Journey with Shalini Didi… Part 4 I am rajveer, working for an MNC as a regional head, 5’9″ height, fair complexion with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex or relationship with mature, committed, married, divorced, widows or single women (any female who wants to have a good time in any way, even in bed or outside), This incident is about how, I was seduced and had sex with a very distant older cousin sister shalini, who is married and has a son. She wasn’t my...

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4some experience with 2 Tops and a Bottom 8211 Part 1

Hello guys, welcome back. I’m very excited to share my experience with you all. Without wasting much time, let’s get started. Give your feedback at for as well. One fine day, I got a text from a person on Grindr saying, “Hey mate, your profile looks interesting. I like your pics too. We are 3 guys, 2 Tops and 1 Bottom. Would you like to join us and have fun?” After reading his message, I checked his profile. He even sent a few nudes of them having fun. I was very excited after looking at...

Gay Male
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HotMILFsFuck Sabrina Dior DP

“Just sitting here waiting on dicks,” giggles today’s hot MILF Sabrina Dior for a whole fist full of firsts again today. So if you’ve been living under a rock and you aren’t aware of our launch a few months back, then you’re probably painfully oblivious to the smoking hot Sabrina Dior who so graciously gave us her first Anal for our site’s inaugural launch. And by graciously gave us, I mean she took it like a champ. And if she can take Jake Adam’s man sausage up that fine ass with a smile...

2 years ago
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Accidental Daddy the NeighborsChapter 2

I had thought about talking to both sets of parents for a while considering one of the three girls involved was a juvenile, as she was only 12, but then I'd lose my status as a cool adult. I checked over the tapes later that morning and other than the trespassing, the other two didn't really do anything wrong. They hadn't stayed in the hot tub, nor had they gotten naked on camera and masturbated in there. I made sure to drain the hot tub after and clean it thoroughly though. My wife is OCD...

2 years ago
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My beginning

I have been a closet cross dresser since my early teens seeking my mother’s panty hose and underwear I thought I had kept it well hidden when I turned twenty I got a place of my own I found it very hard to get my women’s clothing since I didn’t have the courage to go out in public which brings me to my story . a friend of moms named Sherri was bag ng problems with her old man and they had spot up she came to me and asked if she could move in and help with the rent I was all for it Sherri wes a...

2 years ago
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Taking a chance

“Man, I’d love to suck his cock” I thought to myself as I looked over the personal ads on a gay dating site. I had just started college, and was away from home for the first time. I had never dared to experiment with another guy before, but always found myself secretly fantasizing about being the girl when I watched porn. Imagining I was I one sucking cock. When I came across Andres ad, I was immediately attracted to him. Tan skin, fit and hung, his photos had me contacting him before I had a...

2 years ago
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The Making of a Housewife

THE MAKING OF A HOUSEWIFE Tony Meacher loved his wife, Alice, unconditionally. He had been put out of work when his company relocated to a northern town, but his wife was working in a family business locally where she was valued highly. He didn't think that his job any more important than hers, and there was no question that she wanted to stay put, so they did. He found it difficult to accept that his wife was the breadwinner until he realised that he could shoulder all the...

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