flames as Paris
- 4 years ago
- 31
- 0
Saturday morning is busy with the processing of all of the paperwork and signatures. Ernie spends the afternoon working on his book, except for his shower and the changing of his bandages. Another dinner served by Gayatri, and a typical early night.
Sunday morning Ernie is up and at the local Uniting Church service to see what it’s like. Lunch at an eatery on his way back to the hotel, and the rest of the day is like Saturday.
Monday MorningThe documents for the ownership changes and selling Wells Farm to the trust are processed. Thus making Mount Station ninety percent of what it was in the first place. Also, an agreement is in place to sell the trust the last ten percent with a bit more land. When that’s enacted the property will be five percent bigger than before it was when first broken up. The other two properties are revalued as a paperwork exercise with the transfer of Wells Number 2 Farm settling the rest of the debt Argent owes to Wells and it has a credit with them.
Will has a huge smile when he rings Jason to say, “Jason, you have to go and organise employment paperwork for some new employees as well as sorting out how to incorporate their fields and work with the rest of the trust property.” He waits a moment, “Yeah, the farm is bigger because I just bought a place called Wells Farm.” A pause, “I know you haven’t heard of it. Until the weekend it was two farms known as Jim’s Farm and Jack’s Farm, and now it’s all part of Mount Station. I agreed to keep the current staff on, so go get them signed up.” Another break, “I didn’t do anything. You can blame Ernie for all of this extra work for you. Of course, we’ll have to give you a decent bump in pay now you have so much more responsibility. Somehow, I don’t think you’ll object to that.” After a little more talk he hangs up then he looks at Ernie, “Jason thinks you’re a miracle worker to get those two back into the fold. His family has worked on Mount Station since the first day and they never liked it being split up, so he’s real glad to have some more of it come back while he’s in charge of the property. I think he’ll cry when he learns about the other deal.”
The rest of the morning is spent with Will, John, and Ernie in the court or waiting to appear before the court while they process the rest of the paperwork. They finish at the court and go to lunch before John and Will go to finalise arrangements with various utilities about the different properties. During the day Ernie’s last legal action as Ernest Wells is to give Peter a power of attorney for the disposal of his apartment as he already has the legal authorities to manage the rest of his affairs.
By mid-afternoon John is officially the CEO of Argent Enterprises, a fully owned subsidiary of Wells Enterprises, and he’s the local Rivers rep for Wells Enterprises, a Sydney based company. Ernie is now legally Ernest Major Mount and the Board Chairman of Wells Enterprises and Argent Enterprises as well the Managing Director of Mount Station and on the Mount Station Trust Board.
Late Monday afternoon Ernie and John are on the phone to Peter and Peter asks, “What the hell is going on down there? Last week I had to organise with the bank to allow for a huge overdraft then approval to go about twenty percent more again, watched you pay it all out, and now over eighty percent of it’s paid back. Also, John had me signing so many papers I didn’t have time to read them all.”
John and Ernie laugh before Ernie says, “OK! Here’s the story. On Thursday and Friday I made deals to buy a lot of farm land. Most of it was two working farms in top condition. I got them for appraised value less ten percent for immediate payment in a walk in walk out type deal. The previous owners left on the weekend. I then merged the two blocks and sold them on Monday for their full appraised value. Technically, I made a good profit on them. At the same time I bought two other farms, one the same size as those and one a quarter of the size with no water and not worked for years, I did a similar deal there and I got the last one for ten percent off. All up it was about a sixth of the price of either of the first two for a quarter of the land. The other one was the same size as the first one but I got it for a third of what I should have paid for the first one. The cheap price was due to it having a few issues, one of which is an outstanding major court case that could cost millions, for which I got a simple out of court settlement arranged because I sold the other party the first two properties for their full value.”
“Damn! Sounds like you did some great deals and ended up with a lot of land for next to nothing. Well, the bank is happy to have all of their money back plus a few days’ interest on it for no real work or worries by them. I told them to cut the overdraft back to the usual level. Now what will you do with the land?”
“I’ll let you and John sort out the details. I’ve given him a general brief on what I want done with the smaller property on Barker Road. One of you will need to do some research for the other property. I need three or four plants for making bio-diesel with all of the information you can get on the performance of the various plant options and crop performances so we can do some real testing. Each of the first three plants should be able to process half of the crop output of Wells Number Two Farm in a fair time frame. One plant will be dedicated to process material from Mount Station as part of the out of court settlement deal and the others will be used to experiment with various crops etcetera on the farm. I want to end up with specifications on the best crops to grow here to have a good run of materials into the plants and still get a good diesel from it. I hope to end up with a series of crops that can be harvested in a way to keep a steady flow to the plants over the year.”
John says, “Ernie, some time back I did some research on bio-diesel for a friend and I found it was not a viable operation unless done in big plants and huge crops.”
Ernie replies, “I saw some information like that too. However, I did dig into it a bit. Part of the problem was the huge costs related to large scale commercial operations. Look, I know many people who run very small backyard bio-diesel plants to save a fortune in fuel. Why is it they can do that but a company can’t do it commercially? The answer is very simple and obvious when you think about it: Bureaucrats and their bullshit rules. You can manufacture all the bio-diesel you want to make and they don’t care. However, the moment you want to store a million litres in one location or sell a single litre of it they have a truck load of rules and regulations and inspections you have to comply with. They also have a load of fees and licences you need to have to operate. The cost of running a plant making a thousand litres a year for personal use is only a tenth of the cost of running the same plant for making fuel for commercial sale.”
Peter jumps in, “So you want to work out what’s best for a small to medium farmer to use to make his own fuel to become independent of the fuel companies. Is that it?”
“Exactly! On a farm there’s a lot of vegetable waste that can go into such a plant. They can turn that waste into fuel to reduce operating costs. They can dedicate a small section of their crops, probably grown in an out of the way area, that can be used just to reduce fuel costs.”
They discuss his plans in more detail then they end the discussion with plans for John and Peter to often talk a lot so they can co-ordinate the two businesses and what’s to happen on the lands involved.
After John leaves Ernie has his shower and rings to let Nurse Mason know he’s ready for new bandages. While packing up after billing him and being paid she says, “I’ll miss this little job. Easy work, good pay, and some interesting events to watch. Take care on your bus ride home tomorrow. I’ll look forward to seeing you down here in the future.”
Ernie thanks her for her care while they walk out together so he can go and have dinner at Mistri Meals.
On his walk to the restaurant he thinks on the purchases and sales. Using Jack’s Farm as the baseline measure for size and value he bought three farms of that size and one a quarter of its size. Two were valued the same at full price while The Daniels Farm was only a third of it due to the contamination, and Fred’s Folly’s was at twenty percent due to a cut for the lack of water. What he paid was ninety percent for the first two, one third of a unit for the third and sixteen percent of a unit for the last, making the total expenditure of almost two and a quarter times the valuation for Jack’s Farm. Then he sold the first two for full value, so he now has two farms totalling one and a quarter the size of Jack’s Farm and he paid less than a quarter of the value of Jack’s Farm for them. A great deal. By the time he’s finished with them they’ll be worth a lot more.
After his meal with Gayatri flirting with him Ernie goes back to the hotel for a very early night so he can be up early to catch the bus to Sydney tomorrow.
The Rest of the WeekThe driver on the bus back to Sydney is a different one but he has the rear corner seat reserved for Ernie, so that’s where he sits with his staff resting in the corner beside him. He left his new cane with John to look after because he can’t handle both on the bus. Like he did on the trip down Ernie bribes the driver with food to get his meal when they stop for morning-tea and lunch.
At just after 5:00 p.m. Ernie is checking his mail while he walks back to his apartment. Being very concerned about the gang he’s constantly checking all around him while he walks, but he sees nothing untoward.
An early night plus an early start on Wednesday morning. He’s away for almost a week and there’s no mail to be concerned about, part of this is due to him having all of his regular bills paid from his bank account. The apartment is clean because Maria has a key to let herself in to clean it every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at a time that suits her.
Ernie has his breakfast, works on his latest book a bit, and he’s making a few phone calls to check things when Maria arrives to clean house. He smiles as he asks, “Maria, do you know someone who’d like to buy an apartment in this complex?”
Her reply is, “I’ve a cousin who’d like to buy an apartment. But none are for sale. Why?”
After opening a drawer he pulls out one of Peter’s cards, “Give him this card and tell him this unit is for sale. Peter will handle the matter. I’ve got to leave Sydney so I’m selling as soon as I can get a buyer. If your cousin buys the place I’ll pay you the same commission I’d have paid an agent to sell it.”
“I can do with the money, but I’ll miss talking to you and being paid to clean here each week.”
“Maybe your cousin needs a cleaner! Talk to Peter as once the sale of here is done I can have him use the money to pay-out your mortgage and you can have a loan at a lower interest rate from me.”
“Won’t you need the money to buy your new place?”
“No. I’ll be living in work provided housing on the job site. So the money from here will only be invested. I can invest it by giving you a lower mortgage or by putting it in the bank. I prefer the first option.”
“I’ll call my cousin. How soon can he move in?”
“I can be out by the end of next week, maybe sooner.” They chat a bit more before she starts on the cleaning.
Ernie sits at his computer and he sends Peter an email about his talk with Maria plus the possible loan from the sale money. After doing a bit of Internet research he’s busy deciding what he’s taking and what he isn’t, then he’s packing up as much as he can. Some of the decisions are easy because it’s way too much trouble to take items like the furniture in the spare bedroom, the lounges, refrigerator, washing machine, and dryer so he offers them to Maria. She’s very happy to have them, and organises relatives to move them for her on Saturday. She’ll put her old ones in the apartment for her cousin to use. A few items like the dishwasher and the stove go with the apartment. He’ll leave the patio furniture because it’s not worth the effort to disassemble and take. However, all the cooking gear, cutlery, crockery, and linen will go into boxes to take with him, despite them having to stay in storage for a few months while the Mount Manor is refurbished. His special furniture like his bed, sound system cabinet, computer desk, and media storage are designed for easy disassembly and movement so they’re made ready to go. In three days it’s all packed and in a storage cube for removal.
Note: Maria’s cousin buys the apartment then a new loan on her apartment is organised through Peter at a rate a little above what the bank pays in savings bank interest and well below their home loan interest rates. Thus Maria’s payments are cut by a third to make her finances a lot easier to manage. The new owner, Maria’s cousin, is single so he hires her to clean for him at the same rate Ernie paid her.
The Wizard’s WagonSaturday morning Ernie wakes up on the spare bed. This morning Maria is taking it and he’s leaving the apartment. His special car ordered last month is ready to collect as it was finished late yesterday and he’ll collect it today. Peter is still sorting out the paperwork for the apartment sale, but Maria’s cousin has approval to move in this weekend. Several boxes of clothes and camping gear are waiting to be packed in Ernie’s new car when he collects it, and then he’s done here in Sydney.
Maria arrives at 8:00 a.m. with several helpers, by 11:00 a.m. the stuff she’s being given is in her apartment and her old stuff is in Ernie’s for her cousin to use, thus saving him a few purchases. The last of Ernie’s stuff is in Maria’s place, for now. The cousin arrives, is introduced, and handed the keys. He’s very happy with the great view and location. He’s given a walk through the apartment while Maria gives it a final clean, then he’s supervising moving his gear into the apartment.
Ernie leaves him to that and he has lunch with Maria.
After lunch Ernie takes a taxi to visit a friend who’s building a vehicle for him. The original unit was a long wheelbase Land Rover made for the Australian Army. Joshua, Ernie’s mechanic friend, bought a few of them for next to nothing because they’re being replaced. A couple were damaged and at scrap prices so he’s done something special for Ernie with one of the scrap trucks. Now it’s nothing like the original ones.
Joshua takes Ernie to look at his new truck when Ernie arrives at the workshop. At two and a half metres wide, six and a half metres long, a top two point four metres off the ground, and with a ground clearance of half a metre it’s a big truck and the twin double rear wheels give it ten wheels. Joshua used a mix of ideas he and Ernie had in building this truck. The 2.5 litre diesel engine drives a generator with an electric motor attached to each of the six wheel units, thus no drive shaft or long axles. The only things under the chassis are the suspension, the steering motors, and the wheel units. With a motor attached to each wheel unit this vehicle has six independent suspension units. The bottom has a smooth protective skid plate that reduces the risk of damage when driven over rough terrain.
Before taking Ernie to his truck Joshua shows him the prototype he made for himself. The original vehicles had a typical 4WD boxy look to them, but these don’t. The overall look is a very rounded, streamlined front in a wedge style. Joshua says, “As you can see, we did the front with well rounded corners. That’s for ease of turning clearance and improved streamlining. The wedge style front helps to hold it on the ground at high speed and it also lets any people you may hit fall onto the bonnet with less harm. The two ridges on the side help with the air flow and they also stop people from sliding off it. All windows are made of the best bullet resistant material I could get hold of while the body is also made of high impact resistant materials. That’s the main reason for the high cost. However, this truck is built so solid it’ll need a head on with a semi at high speed to do it any real damage. You’ll also love the ease of use and fuel economy I get out of the hybrid system.”
Ernie grins, “Good! That’s what I was hoping for with the motor design. This way you can run the diesel engine up to its best speed and leave it there while using the batteries to adjust the actual drive load and power usage.”
“Well, it works! Also, the streamlining cuts the fuel use too. I’ve one with the original engine and this body which uses less fuel.” He opens the back door as the car has a large van-style back on it. The two look in as Joshua says, “As you can see, there’s plenty of headroom in the back but the front cabin roof is a bit lower. That’s because I installed the air-conditioner on the roof over the driver’s cabin. That allowed me to seal the entire vehicle below the door windows. Because they can be wound down they aren’t water tight, but the rest of the vehicle is.” Ernie turns to stare at him with one raised eyebrow. “I’ve set the two front seats in a more upright position, thus the windows are higher and you can safely ford a stream up to one and a half metres deep. All three doors have water tight seals. In deep water it has some buoyancy but it doesn’t float. I had a test unit in three and a half metres of water. With sealed windows it lost a third of its traction but it still sat on the bottom and was under the surface. The exterior locks are the driver’s door and the rear door, both are high security ones with coded signals in the keys. The two front captain’s chairs can turn around and those two benches behind them will each seat four people so the approved capacity is ten adults, each of the seat positions has a racing style harness for safety.”
The dinner conversation on Ernie’s second Tuesday at the farm is on what Jason’s daughter, Linda, can take to school for her turn at ‘Show and Tell.’ A big issue with this program is so many of the students are farm kids with limited options of what to bring in, so it’s hard to find something another child hasn’t taken in over the last couple of years. It’s because of this each child has to do this just once a year due to the program being one child in each class once a week for each week of...
The flames dance along the wall as the fire flickers. Sending waves of warmth around us as we stand illuminated in the soft glow of the burning embers. You gently pull me to the floor. The fire flickering off our bodies as a lover’s touch would caress the soul. We gaze deeply into each other’s eyes and recognize the burning desire within their depths. With the cool soft fur of the bearskin rug caressing us as we lay there surrendering to the touch of each other. I hear a sigh escape your lips...
“Well Mother, I don’t have a real girlfriend to spend my allowance on, so we stopped at Victoria’s Secret for Roxy and Maurice’s for me.” “Why don’t you show us something you got for your sister, son?” Dad said in quiet anticipation. I walked into her room and suggested the red dress and her tallest heels. After a few moments I stepped up and announced, “Lady and Sir, I give you Roxanne Marie Flame in a red dress that will take your breath away!” With the start of ‘Lady in Red,’ (on my...
This is a completely fictional story and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. So, I’m resubmitting this story because I made a mistake in my first submission where I put a bit of part two into the file that I uploaded. I’ve removed that part and fixed a few minor errors I made in the story. Also, I’ve scrapped the original second part and am rewriting it completely since most of the surprise is pretty much already ruined. I appreciated all the comments I...
We left arm in arm, and I was flying high as though I had taken a pill to get high. I have never done that, it’s just an expression. I know one of those guys is going to say something on Twitter or Facebook. I needed a shower badly, so Roxy drove us to our hotel, where I took a shower, then changed into a T-shirt version of my uniform top. I deserved it after that. My hot sister agreed. I was very hungry, so we drove along until I saw a place to stop. The Red Robin logo caught my eye. We...
When dad came through the front door, he had a big smile on his face again. With a quick dinner on the table, we ate and found out that his deal has a $5000 bonus if he can be there in the next 30 days. They must really want him! Mom agreed it was too good to pass up, so after dinner she called her best friend at ReMax to come over and look at our place, for evaluation purposes. Roxy and I had agreed it was an awesome motivator to help give Dad a running start at the new job. After dinner...
In the shower we talked about some of the things we said end it ended up with a wallfuck! We fell asleep in each other’s arms. I love her so damn much!!! After our nap (3 hours) we walked out and heard a small kerfuffle of applause, mostly guys. Then I said, “Please meet my wife, sister, and mother Roxanne! She is 38C-23–34.” I paused for her separate applause. Her turn; “This stud is George, my husband, daddy, and brother in between the sheets, a perfect lover!” Instead of applauding...
We got to our front door, and I said as I opened it, “I have a proposition for you, Mrs. Flame!” “I love being called that ... sorry, go on Hubby!” I took her hand and we sat on our sofa, when after a moment of thought, I said, “First, based on where I would like to live, the Indiana Pacers are my first choice. Let’s wait until I am a Junior here at K-State. That year, after our KSU season, I wait to see where I am rated, amongst all college players, including those who had already...
Quick recap: I’m George W. Flame with a sister named Roxanne, who lets me call her Roxy. Along the way from being best friends when we were still only single digits old, she is now 18, I am a few months past my 16th b-day, things have changed. We are not best friends anymore, we have become lovers, in public, although we have relocated from our original home. I finished my first year as a K-State Wildcat, looking ahead to the possibility of becoming an NBA player. We lost the NCAA Finals...
After the four on four practice, I was worn out. I got some high fives from all the guys. Roxy was the arbiter, if a foul may have been called. She was fair. Dwight’s four beat my four, 77 to 71. I had 42 of our points, not being greedy, but was being passed to by everybody, so I took the shot! Playing with real pros for nearly the length of a real game was amazing. I had plenty of energy and stamina for the whole time. Roxanne took me back to our hotel so I could take a nice hot...
We visited the Denver Nuggets, Las Vegas High Rollers, and the Utah Jazz before the summer was over, and got back in time to start working out for my second year at K-State. My fellow Wildcats razzed me about going out to find out who wanted me. I tried to explain my reasons, which they seemed to understand, but still kept on giving me shit about it. We had some high schoolers practice with us, including one guy I recognized from where I came from. He was short (6ft0) by college and pro...
One Tuesday afternoon a taxi stops in front of a set of apartments in Shortland Street, Telopea, New South Wales, right opposite the Telopea Railway Station. The passenger pays the driver and says, “Have a good day, Hadi. I’ll call you the next time I need a taxi. Keep the change!” The driver grins while replying in his an accent, “In other words, the same as always. Thanks for the tip. I’ll see you next time, Ernie.” The passenger, Ernie Wells, opens the front passenger door while he lifts...
Arriving at work at 8:45 a.m. Will turns into the entrance to the staff car park at the rear of the firm’s building. The building is on a street corner so their rear access is a driveway in the side street. He’s thinking on what he has organised for today when he starts his turn, but the sight of the large flame coloured van parked on the street in the spot right next to his firm’s driveway grabs his attention. He’s quick to park his car and walk out of the gateway to look at the van instead...
So, I shall begin by apologizing for that stupid mistake on the first part. You’ll have to omit the last part of part 1 (The part after Erin and the narrator cuddle). That was part of Part 2, which I have decided to rewrite completely. So, based on the ratings of my first story, I’m guessing that my very first erotic story was received very well. I originally wasn’t going to make more than two parts, but I’ve already started work on part 3, and part 4 flashes through my mind every now and...
Here’s the conclusion to the story of Erin. I originally wasn’t going to write a conclusion, but I had a little spare time during summer so here it is! Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It would help if you read the parts before this, but it’s not completely necessary. There will just be some small holes missing. I couldn’t sleep the whole night. It had been about a month since the events at the library and the thing that had kept my mind up that night was the same...
So, this is part 3 of my series. It’s a pretty fun part because it has the narrator and Erin getting more experimental and crazy. The reason it’s been so delayed is that my classes really kicked my butt and I wasn’t able to write much if at all. But, I finally have it done, so enjoy! On Saturday, Erin came over to my apartment unannounced. Needless to say, it was a welcomed intrusion. She was wearing a green sundress that perfectly complimented her eyes. Her hair was glowing in the intense...
“Do you guys serve any food?” I meekly asked the bartender, while I tried to settle myself on a particularly uncomfortable stool.He stared at me, scrunching his eyebrows a little, and turned away. I must have looked like an absolute tourist, because the regulars glanced over at me, shaking their heads. He reached under the counter to grab a canister of mixed peanuts and unceremoniously poured them into a Styrofoam bowl. He didn’t say a word after sliding it across the counter, but instead left...
SpankingWe went back and forth, and front and back until we were tired. Dad and I doubled mom, but Roxy politely refused. My season averages were 19 Assists, 17 Rebounds, and 44 points ... pretty good, huh? My ‘35’ is the best-selling jersey in both pro and college basketball. I wear one with my name on the back wherever I travel, and Roxy has pens for me to use, on either the home or away jersey. I found out online that 171 basketball players have worn the number 35 over the years: (These...
I woke up with a bad headache! My eyes locked onto hers, wondering what just happened? “Sorry, Baby,” she said. “I bought a set of pregnancy pads recently to see how I looked. There are 6 different sizes to try on; did I scare you?” My brain hurt, but not so bad to say anything except, “Scare is not the right word to use. But I was confused.” NOW, I noticed the pad, she raised her shirt to show off. It was flesh-colored, makes sense? I started the car up, drove by the trash can, she...
After our game of switching elevators, we quietly laid together on the bed just like when we were hiding from mom and dad, or our sometime babysitter. We felt like kids of 10 and 12 again. But now we were much older and have fallen in love with one another. My closed eyes opened when I felt the lips of the most beautiful girl in the world. She let down her ponytail and her luscious tresses felt remarkable as my mouth opened to let in her tongue. My pants felt tight and I was reaching down,...
As per the hospital doctrine Ernie is taken to the front entrance in a wheelchair after he finishes with the admin staff. He stands and walks to the nearby taxi rank. The trip home is quick, and he gets out. He has several letters to deal with when he checks his mail. Once in his apartment he takes time to go through and deal with his mail while making a light snack and a hot drink. Next is the computer to check his email, with several he replies to. He has no phone messages to answer...
After his action packed week life settles down for Ernie until the tenth week after the start of work on the Manor when he’s surprised to be asked to do the final inspection of the work as he thinks it’s too soon. When he drives up to it Ernie is happy to see the Manor blends into the granite mound quite well. Only in the last hundred metres or so is it clear there are buildings there and it’s not all a large granite boulder. The drive comes up on the east side of the buildings to curve...
In the four months since Gayatri started working for Ernie he’s had her visit with all of the other families working on the farms. She gets on with the other women so well she’s often over in their houses for part of the day or they’re visiting her at the manor. They get on so well they start regular morning meetings where they all go to the one house to talk while sharing cooking tricks and recipes. This has a flow-on effect to the various households with Mexican, Chinese, Indian, English,...
Two months later Ernie and Gayatri are in Rivers shopping when Ernie goes into the store called Lambert Jewellery. By now Gayatri is used to Ernie doing almost anything because he does so much that seems not to be connected, yet it later turns out to be linked. At the counter he asks the young woman, “May I speak to ‘Enri Lamber,’ please?” She glances at him, turns, goes to the curtain to the back of the store, and pulls it aside while saying, with a French accent, “Papa, counter,” before...
Soon after returning from their honeymoon Ernie and Gayatri have a visit from John to discuss the Argent Estate income. This is separate from the Mount Station trust as it’s part of the Wells Trust. Estate rental income is now twenty-one thousand dollars a week. Add in his book royalties and the trust income is just over one and a quarter million dollars a year. John wants to know how Ernie wants to deal with it. Previously he put all of his inheritances and compensation pay-outs into stocks,...
The nice summer cool breeze blow through the camp, it had been a hard day at the beach, the sun pounding down all day. There were 7 of us camping down on the east coast enjoying our summer break and celebrating the end of the school year and just having a good time. It was getting late at night but the moon was all but full so there was some light illuminating my path back to the camp from taking a leak. I was expecting there to be no one else about as the previous nigh after we had finished...
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LesbianCHAPTER 16Kyle found that he really did enjoy the work of being a trainer at the gym and he used his spare time to continue to hone his own body to the peak of perfection, keeping himself busy all day. He found his three co-trainers an agreeable lot and they accepted him unquestionably so that as a newcomer he very quickly felt comfortable in his new environment. For Kyle it was heaven to be free from school and his parents home both of which he had hated and to be able to go back home – he...
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"You," Jason said sternly to his wife, "asked me to do this. Go get the brush." "Wait, let's talk about this," Megan replied. "We did. I didn't want to do this. But you convinced me that it's what you want." "Yes, but this isn't what it looks like." "No? You didn't say last week, I need consequences. I want you to spank me for real, if I smoke, and use the brush if I buy any?" Jason picked up a pack of cigarettes off of the kitchen table. "I did. But these aren't mine,"...
Part 1Ever since the age of 16yrs old, when I'd walked in on my stepfather fucking my mom's brains out, I've been obsessed with him. I was rendered speechless at the sight of him hammering her pussy, of course unsure what was going on. They didn't see me standing there in the doorway for the longest time... Both were naked, and he was giving it to her hard from behind. I'd been taught that nudity is something to be ashamed of, yet there they were, nude and glistening with sweat, and I couldn't...
Being a sissy housemaid to two sexy guys for the last five years has had lots of sexy exciting adventures. Richard and Gary are two silver bears who are incredibly horny and have few, if any, taboos.I was a barman in a well known gay bar in Benidorm when I got to know them, Richard in particular made it very clear I was going to end up having sex with them both and my first day off from work was spent at their villa near Alicante airport naked from the moment I arrived and fucked in every...
hi.. Handshake for guys and boob shake for gals. I m Avinash (name changed) from Mumbai. I like to read ISS stories. I am reading it for last 2 years. Now I am posting my own story here. This is a story which took place 3 months back. This is my first story here. I need your replies. My mail id is I am studying medical in one of the reputed college of Mumbai. I m 22 years old and am a fair, average looking person with a muscular built. I m 5 10 tall and dick is 7 inch big and 2 inch...
It all started innocently enough. I was working on my master’s degree while working full-time. My wife encouraged me to pursue it and I went at it with all the energy I could muster – which turned out to be not quite enough. The competing demands of work, marriage, and school took their toll and I fell behind in school. Beth did all she could at home to make time available to me to work on my thesis. She even invented a reward system for me. She laid out a timeline with different milestones on...
I crashed a wedding party and got lucky.I hadn’t intended on crashing the Party, but I needed to take a wiz in the worse way, so I parked across the street from this small boutique restaurant where a friend of my teenage son worked during the day. There was a private event going on and I knew the restaurant owner, so I saw no harm in sneaking in the back door to the restaurant and into the men’s room to relieve myself.I was surprised to find a young couple in the men’s room, doing some serious...
Quickie SexHi this is Sam,thank you for the reply & suggestions recd from many of iss readers.today im going to tell you about the true story when i intially joined the job,i just finished my graduation and i joined the (bpo).Those days because i had g.f(true love),so never had bad intensions on other girls,one day one of my friend(office friend) her name is keerthi(name changed).she was working as hr for some different process and she was a common friend of my friend.she used to do lunch daily with me...
While Kim and I were busy with the prom and graduation we were not the only busy ones. Tracy was head over heels in love with her boyfriend Alex. After spending the night with me in my bed Kim was in the kitchen when I heard her let out a scream like she had just found out she had won the million dollar lottery. I came running down to the kitchen to see what all the noise was about. When I arrived Kim was literally bouncing around the kitchen. Tracy was there with a very smug smile on her...
"I want you to be able to move around a little more, Rebecca." He untied her wrists from her ankles, but attached them to the headboard, forcing her arms up over her head. He stretched her out on the bed again, placing the punishment gloves back on his hands. "No, don't touch me with those. You're going to tear up my flesh with them," the thought of the pain the tacks would inflict on her body, especially her more intimate areas frightened her. She felt the hands touch her lightly,...
Introduction: Introduction to a nudist colony by my aunt and her daughters My first nudist experience with my aunt – Pt. 1 Hello everybody, my name is Tom and the following is the story of a nudist experience that happened a couple of years ago when I was 14. Well let me begin by introducing myself. I am very athletic with dark skin, brunette hair and brown eyes. I dont consider myself to be very attractive but I have sex with some girls from my high school so I guess Im not too ugly. I am...
(Holly Is a Winner) Holly and her two new friends Crystal and Vickie were all in the big circular bed with the overhead mirror that allowed them to see each other's naked bodies on top of the red silk sheets. Vickie, as usual, was the one with the strap-on and she looked fierce and dangerous. She could see her own backside was all red from the way that Crystal had spanked her a lot harder than she had expected. Not that she was complaining, it was so much fun that she had orgasmed twice...
For those interested in GH play, I have a favorite adult establishment for such indulgence. It is located south of Sioux Falls, SD. The venue is 1/2 retail store and 1/2 video booths and theaters. Having been absent for a few months, I had opportunity to revisit the site. It was pretty much the same, layout-wise, but they'd done some interior renovation: fresh paint, trim, etc. They also got some new video equipment and furniture for the theaters. Good to see.I checked in, paid my entry fee,...
This is where the story shall begin. Who are you and what is your story in this world of Monster Boys - are you a student, learning in our modern world? Or are you a squire, eager to explore or a young knight, just recently begun your journey of adventure and fame? Who are the monsters or males after you - are they kind and gentle, or devious and horny? What will you do when confronted by those whom are eager to taint and corrupt you - will you submit or will you attempt to fight against...
Gay1 April 2021 Ms Cum GirlCum CottageLower Snatch DrippingCunnyshire Dear Ms CumIt has been brought to our attention here at 'The Daily Heil Publishing Corporation' that the saddo website you're so fond of frequenting is hosting an international competition, and that as a saddo of minor repute and standing we expect you to fly the flag for this Sceptred Isle. All of us here at 'The Daily Heil Publishing Corporation' are rabid acolytes of the tousle-haired cockwomble and sport huge, throbbing,...
Gay MaleBrad’s turn: Sunday saw us packing for a return to normalcy. Reality returned. She’s packing HER bags, I’m packing mine. One thing we didn’t have to pack was leftover wine. Neither of us has a drinking problem, but we made short work of what we’d brought – a couple of bottles a day after that blow-out the first night. When I stopped by the park office to turn in the keys, the smiling lady at the desk said, “I trust y’all had a good time. You never even left...” “Great time, thank you,” I...
We rolled into the ranch compound with the latest rustler captive in the back of the wagon. We took him to the bunkhouse and called on Juanita to do what she could for his broken leg. She said we'd done a good job setting and splinting it, so there wasn't anything else for her to do. We'd just have to wait for the break to heal. After Juanita left, I talked to the rustler, "OK, I'm Bill Lang. What's yer name?" "I'm Jeb Walker." "OK, Jeb, next question. Who hired ya?" "I...
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Live Sex Cam SitesPart VI - Whispers and Shouts Sharon was up early Monday, and so by the time Jocelyn came out, dressed and ready to go, there was a light, healthy breakfast waiting for her. Two places were set, each with half a cantaloupe, a glass of juice, a cup of coffee and whole wheat toast. The New York Times was at Jocelyn's place as well as the Wall Street Journal. "Nothing in the Times and nothing new in the Journal," Sharon said. "Too soon," Jocelyn said. "The Journal will await...
Kean was in shock, happy, delightfully horny, shock. Pax was still looking at him wide-eyed, awaiting his reply. If she had looked down, she would have been able to tell. Just moments before … “I’ve meant to tell you something… Not so much as ask, but tell you because I already agreed to it and…” Pax was rambling nervously, trying to tell her boyfriend Kean some of her plans for their vacation. “Hm… What is it, baby…?’ Kean was distracted trying to make sure they got all their luggage from...
If You Go Down in the Woods It was a hot day so Michael decided to take his shirt off as he strolled along the bridle path. He took a swig from the bottle of water he was carrying and continued on his way. He’d been walking in the sun for more than an hour and up ahead he could see the path meandering towards the woods and he looked forward to reaching the shade and cooling down a little. Entering the woods he noticed the quiet calm that pervaded and he reflected on the fact that he hadn’t...
Group SexKing Comix! Man, I swear every cartoon out there these days has the most fuckable dimepieces in it. It’s no wonder that rule 34 exists. Some of these shows border on being porn right out of the gate. I mean, do you fucks remember Totally Spies? Those babes were always wearing skin-tight suits and getting strung up in bondage dens. And it’s not even just older cartoons. The current shit is hot as fuck. Rick and Morty, The Legend of Korra, and even Pokemon have big tittied babes in them just...
Porn Comics SitesPart Four For a minute she thought she had dreamed the whole thing, however his body next to hers as her legs lie draped over his frame told her it had been real. He was sleeping, his breathing even with an arm over his eyes, she was playing with fire and she knew it. She would softly trace the contour of his jaw where a stubble was beginning to form, he sure was something to look at. A fine specimen of a male and a worthy first partner. It made her proud for some reason to know this...
"what you up to master?" "nm just watching a movie, u" is what i reply "u alone master?" "ya, my roomate is gone and my gf is outta town visiting family for the weekend, why?" "ooooohhh" "this little girl needs cock, can i suck your cock master? ;)" "lol, behave kitten" "awww kitten needs cock! wether i get it from you or someone else....i neeed it! now!" "im sorry kitten, we said we would behave" "your loss, i know this guy and yes ive seen his hard cock on cam,...
For several weeks a discreet classified advertisement had been appearing on the back pages of our community newspaper, listed under 'Sundry Local Services.' It was an invitation for local men to attend the new hospital's sperm donation unit, to give samples for use in artificial insemination. I had read articles in the national media that said donation levels had slumped by as much as 40% since new legislation had come in entitling recipients (and their children) to know the identity of the...
MasturbationSean had seen them many times. Whenever he was on his way back from the nursing school, through the park, he saw them there. They were usually killing time, making fun of all the people happen to pass by, like they had not a single worry in the world. Baggy clothes, spiky hair, and way too much attitude. He hated guys like those. They were just a bunch of punks, trying to act and look cool, when they were good for nothing. He hated passing by them. They always made fun of his glasses, or his...
Written by Sharon Parsons and edited by Victor G. 16 year old Darren Peterman tries out his older woman disguise and is presented to his little brother as the boy's Aunt Nancy- a 46 year old smoker. Later that day, Aunt Nancy takes her young nephew to the park. *************** Chapter 7 ************** When I woke up Sunday morning, I felt as if an elephant was sitting on my chest. Of course, my heavy breast forms played a big role, but so did my heavy smoking the day...
I had left Tina sitting on the couch twenty minutes before, packaged in her new green sheath dress that hugged her curvy form so decadently. Not long before we'd enjoyed a few cocktails to get her tame for what was going to happen.“You get me too drunk I’ll be defenseless.”“And what would be wrong with that my dear?"I teased her by kissing her deeply and touching her firmly.“What are you trying to do to me?” she giggled."Priming the pump.”I stood up in front of her.“Show me what panties you...