flames as Paris
- 4 years ago
- 32
- 0
As per the hospital doctrine Ernie is taken to the front entrance in a wheelchair after he finishes with the admin staff. He stands and walks to the nearby taxi rank. The trip home is quick, and he gets out.
He has several letters to deal with when he checks his mail. Once in his apartment he takes time to go through and deal with his mail while making a light snack and a hot drink. Next is the computer to check his email, with several he replies to. He has no phone messages to answer because both his house and cell phone services have no message or text services on them. To Ernie a phone is for voice communication only.
A call to Will results in arrangements for Ernie to travel to Rivers on Wednesday so he can spend time with Will on Thursday before they go to visit the farm on Friday. Just as they’re finishing Ernie says, “Will, can you get the required papers organised for me to change my legal name from Ernest Major Mount Wells to just Ernest Major Mount? I’d like to sign them and file them while I’m down there.”
“Sure! I can do that. But it would go faster if done in Sydney.”
“I figure having you do it makes it easier for you to know how it’s going. Also, it means the official entry is down there and not up here. A serious event up here last week means it’s better for me to change my name and not have the record show as a Sydney one. Some members of a dangerous street gang attacked me on Thursday. I’ve been in hospital until this morning, but the three of them went to the morgue. My name is on the police record as Ernie Wells, so that’s what the gang will be looking for if they want to make an issue of it.”
“Riiight!! I’ll get onto it. I take it I’m your solicitor from now on.”
“Correct! I’ll sign the papers and pay a retainer when I see you down there. There will be a few things here to tidy up I’ll leave in the hands of my current solicitor here and then I’ll have a clean cut between the two identities. You’ll start me out as Ernie Mount and he’ll close me out as Ernie Wells. Thus, no obvious paper trail between them.”
To RiversWednesday Ernie is up early to get ready to reach the bus terminal in time. He has to take a train from Telopea into Strathfield to get on the intra-state bus service to Rivers he’s booked onto. He packs light but he has his notebook computer, tablet, and his staff, but he’s leaving his cane behind. After a light breakfast he’s off to the railway station.
When he reaches the bus the driver gives the staff a hard stare when Ernie hands over his backpack to go into the storage area. Before the man speaks Ernie says, “When I booked the ticket I told the office of my need to have the staff with me. They said it was OK but it limited what seat I’d have. I expect they’ve got me in the first or last row of seats.”
The driver frowns for a moment, then he says, “That explains why they have the ‘Reserved’ sign on the seat just behind me. Normally this run is first in best dressed. But with you in the seat behind me you can rest the staff in the corner and be out of the way. Why do you need it?”
“A few years ago I lost the use of the back of my left thigh muscle in an industrial accident and now my left leg can’t take my weight or lift me up or lower me. I use the staff to help me up and down stairs. I also have a cane I use some of the time, but the deeper stairs on the bus dictates I use the staff with the extra length and the better grip. That way I won’t fall. This is better for me and for you.” The man nods agreement as he waves Ernie onto the bus while he takes luggage from the other passengers arriving.
Only a few passengers are on the bus when Ernie gets on while using the staff for support as he climbs the steps. The window seat behind the driver has a ‘Reserved’ sign on it and an older lady is sitting in the aisle seat. Ernie says, “Excuse me, Ma’am. Would you mind standing for a moment so I can get into the corner seat and out of the way.”
The lady frowns but does as he asks, and her expression changes as she watches the way he has to get seated. Ernie reaches in with the staff, sets it on the floor, takes a double handhold, and hops most of the way to the seat while using the staff as a secure balance point. After landing on his right foot he turns and takes his weight on his arms while he lowers himself into the seat. Once he’s in the seat the lady takes her seat.
Ernie sets the staff leaning forward into the corner and up against his right leg. He slips the shoulder bag with his computer and tablet onto the floor beside his leg as well.
When he’s settled the lady says, “My name’s Anna. At first I thought that staff was for some game or something. But I see you need it to get around! What’s wrong, if I may ask?”
Holding out his right hand Ernie says, “Hello, Anna. I’m Ernie. My left thigh muscle is destroyed and useless due to an industrial incident a few years ago, thus my leg won’t take any weight. The doctors offered me the choice of removal of the leg high or having a useless leg hanging about all of the time. I felt removal was too much. Also, there was a real danger with the high amputation. So I’ve got a useless leg, except heavy rehab has given me some use of the lower leg and foot. I look fairly normal most of the time. However, it does give me a mobility issue, and that’s where the staff and a cane come in handy. The person who made them for me makes things for people who go to renaissance fairs and for people who do cosplay stuff. So he decided to make me a fancy staff and cane to suit me. Until I got hurt I was a fire-fighter, thus the theme of a pillar of fire for the staff, and the cane is the same but smaller.”
“Well, Ernie, they’re definitely striking and they stand out. I hope you won’t think I’m rude when I spend a lot of time talking to my friends across the aisle.”
“No, Ma’am. You don’t need to keep me busy. Any time you want to talk I’m happy to do so. But when you’re talking to your friends I can do some work on my computer. I’ve got a long ride to Rivers so I came prepared to keep busy during the ride.” She smiles and turns to talk to her friends across the aisle in the front row while Ernie gets his computer out to work on it. He’s soon buried in the story he’s writing.
On the trip down there’s a mid-morning snack break and a lunch break. Both at franchised fast-food outlets along the highway. In each case Ernie is the last person off the bus and the first person back on. However, he makes things easier for himself by asking the driver to get him a meal deal and giving him enough money to get something for himself too, while Ernie goes to the toilet.
Mid-afternoon Ernie is getting down off the bus outside the hotel he’s booked into. He chose this hotel because the bus stops outside of it. He’s one of several people getting off here so he waits for the others to get their luggage before getting his and going into the hotel. After a short wait for another passenger to book in Ernie is booking in as well.
A few minutes later he’s in his room and making a phone call to the local Community Health Centre. In a moment he’s talking to the woman whose name he was given by the hospital staff on Monday, and Ernie says, “This is Ernie Wells, I was told you’ll have a name and number of someone who can work for me as a nursing assistant for a few hours for each of the next few days. Can you please contact the person and have them call me. I’m in Rivers and booked into the Australian Hotel, room fourteen. I need to remove my bandages and take a shower because they were last changed about this time yesterday. However, I’ll need someone to tape me back together in about half an hour or so.”
The Nursing Co-ordinator laughs at his bandaging references and she promises to have a nurse visit the hotel in about forty-five minutes, then she adds, “I hope you understand you have to pay for an hour of her time despite the current task only taking a few minutes!”
“Yes, Ma’am! I know that. I also understand I’ll be paying her direct for this work as a private contractor. I won’t need any help again until about this time tomorrow afternoon and Friday I’ll need someone to be with me for the whole day from about seven on. I have to go look at a farm property and I want trained help on hand if I fall or something. I’ll be with Will Dunn on that trip, so you can check things with him.”
“Good! I was worried about her going off to the country with you.”
They hang up and he undresses to have a shower. Removing all of the bandages isn’t simple, but he can do it by himself. However, he can’t put them back on properly by himself, so he needs a nurse to do that.
Ernie is dried and in his underwear when there’s a knock on his door. He puts on a robe and opens the door. A late twenties woman in a nurse’s uniform is there and her ID matches the name he was given.
He lets her in and shuts the door behind her. In a moment he’s sitting on the bed while she re-bandages his shoulder and arm before doing his knee and ankle. Ten minutes later he hands her a fifty dollar note while she signs off on the forty dollar account as being paid.
When she reaches for her purse to get change Ernie says, “Keep the change. You did that with less pain to me than the staff in Sydney. Have you been told my schedule?”
“Yes. You’ll be ringing in again about this time tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday, plus all day Friday from seven in the morning. This time is good because I can drop in on my way home after my rostered shift which ended about an hour ago. I’ll stop by on my way home. If you’re not here I’ll wait at the desk until you arrive. That’ll be quicker than going home and coming back. I understand you’re risking our lives by getting in a car with Will Dunn on Friday.”
Ernie laughs, “I take it you know Will well!”
“Yes. He’s a cousin and neighbour. So I’ll ride in with him on Friday.”
“Good. Now I need to get started on finding a good restaurant for dinner. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon after I spend the day playing paper-chase with Will, and other things.” She laughs on her way out.
They leave the room and the hotel together, chatting while they walk.
Once outside on the main street Ernie walks down it while checking out the various businesses along the way. Most of the shops here are offices and retail operations. He can see a sign for an Indian Restaurant a couple of blocks down the street so he decides to eat an early dinner there. He passes two real estate agents along the way and stops to look at the properties for sale in the windows. He smiles when he sees three properties for sale are along Mount Road which is the road Mount Station is on, and they’re on the same side of the road so he makes a note of the details of the properties and the contact details.
Ernie phones his Sydney solicitor, Peter Halsey, with the details of the properties plus a request to check them and to locate a local solicitor.
Indian EncounterWhile entering the restaurant called Mistri Meals Ernie wonders if the owners are related to the fellow he shared a flat with for over five years, Dilip Mistri. A waitress greets him when he enters and she shows him to a table. Her name tag says ‘Gayatri,’ and this causes more speculation.
Ernie sits at the table, gives an order for a glass of coke, and studies the menu. When Gayatri returns with his drink he surprises her by placing his order while speaking Hindi. While writing the order down she asks, also in Hindi, “You speak our language so well. How did you learn it?”
Continuing in the language he says, “The fellow I shared a flat with for five years taught me his home language.”
“Since you speak as if you come from my home region I wonder if he does, too. What’s his name?”
“Dilip Mistri!”
“I’ve a cousin Dilip who is a fireman in Sydney! But Dilip is a very common first name and there are many in the Mistri family.”
Deciding to have a bit of fun with her Ernie says, “I doubt it is the same Dilip Mistri. The one I knew was always trying to talk me and a few others into paying the bride price for his cousin Gayatri so he can marry her younger sister. However, the price he stated was so low she must be as ugly as he is, while you are so beautiful you can’t be her.”
She laughs and replies, “That sounds like my cousin. Father is very traditional and he won’t let my sisters marry before I do. So Dilip is doing all he can to get me married off. He often sends me emails telling me about those he works with and saying they would be good husbands for me if I would just go to Sydney to meet them. He never sends me photos. The one who impressed him the most, and he spoke of a lot for many years, was his flatmate Ernie Wells. Is that you?”
“That confirms it! We’re speaking of the same Dilip. That’s me!”
“I’ll place your order and tell my father you’re here. He’s often said he’d like to meet anyone who could put up with living with Dilip while also working with him for as long as you did. He thinks you must have the patience of a saint or you may be a raving lunatic!” She laughs as she leaves to place his order with the kitchen.
A moment later her father comes out and they talk for a few minutes before he returns to the kitchen so Gayatri’s mother can speak with him. Ernie and Gayatri are both embarrassed by the way her mother goes on about how good a cook and home maker her eldest daughter is and how she needs a good man of her own to look after. It’s clear to both Ernie and Gayatri her parents approve of him as a possible suitor based solely on what Dilip has told them in the past.
Ernie and Gayatri have many conversations while he takes his time having his dinner. It seems every spare moment she has is spent talking with him, and he enjoys the attention.
After a two hour meal break Ernie returns to his hotel room. He stops to buy a steel cane from a small shop along the way. He plans to leave the staff with the hotel manager while in town tomorrow. In town a cane will do him and when giving the properties a casual check he’ll be in a car, if they’re worth checking out.
Once back in the room he starts his computer and checks his email. There’s one from Peter Halsey with a lot of information on the three properties Ernie asked about, some information on the owners, and the details of a local solicitor he can use who’s the son of a friend of Peter’s.
After a few hours of reading Ernie settles down for the night. He has a good night’s sleep. Which is a good thing because he’s very busy after he wakes up, gets dressed, and goes to his meeting with Will.
Note: Ernie took the bus to Rivers as it stops at the entrance to a hotel in Rivers while the train station is a long walk from the hotels.
Thursday TradingErnie arrives at Will’s office at 9:00 a.m. and he’s immediately shown into a small conference room covered with piles of papers. After a short greeting Will and Ernie sit down to go over the papers. The first task is for Ernie to produce his documents to prove his heritage, then into the papers Will has for them to go over. After a quick check of the family history documents Will has them copied and the copies are certified by his staff so they can put them on the file.
The first of Will’s papers is the name change information which will require a court appearance to be finalised. Then it’s a clause by clause discussion of Graham’s will and the trust deed. A written confirmation of Ernie’s interpretation of the work performed on the farm. Signature cards for the bank, power of attorney documents for Will to act for Ernie as Ernest Mount, a retainer agreement for Ernie’s personal affairs, and finally the big item is an involved discussion of the property, the history of the property, and the farms around it. One interesting aspect is the farm Howard Mount works is several kilometres closer to Rivers than Mount Station and it was never part of it. The reason for this is he’s a younger son who was forced to sell out his original inheritance to his older brother. He then used the money to buy into the farm of his father-in-law and later bought out his wife’s sister when she wanted out of the area after her parents died.
Farm OwnershipsDue to a number of changes in ownership twenty percent of the original farm is now known as Jack’s Farm and is owned by John Mills while the twenty percent strip beside it is called Jim’s Farm and is owned by Harry Mills, a cousin to John; but to say they don’t get on with each other is an understatement. The current Mount Station is next for fifty percent of the original farm while the last ten percent of the original farm is now known as The Daniels Farm and is double the size of the original slice of Mount Station because it was bought by the fellow who owned the farm on the other side of that strip. Daniels Farm is now owned by a company called Argent Enterprises and it’s run by a man who doesn’t really know what he’s doing.
Will tells Ernie, “The trust has a law suit against Argent and Mister Dixon, the manager of The Daniels Farm. Everyone around here is into organic farming as it gets a higher payment for the crop. On a windy day Dixon sprayed his crops with a pesticide not allowed for organic farming. A large section of the Mount Station fields beside his farm was contaminated by the spray. Thus that grain can’t be sold as organic. It also incurs a higher harvesting cost due to the need to clean all of the gear used to harvest the contaminated crops. We’re waiting to see how it affects the yield before we set a dollar figure on the case, but the starting court papers have been filed. Argent hasn’t much cash and they don’t have much in the way of other assets either. So it’ll be very interesting to see how things go when the case is finally presented in court.”
Ernie responds, “It just proves the old saying: ‘Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.’ From this map there’s another small farm before Barker Road, what’s the deal with that?”
“That’s not got a name but is known locally as ‘Fred’s Folly.’ It was part of the farm on the other side of Barker Road before the strip of land was sold to allow for the extension of the road. Fred Hammer, a local shopkeeper, bought it as a hobby farm to retire to. The trouble is it has no water on it or available to it. Thus it’s been sitting idle for some years while he tried to organise something. He’s now in a home with health issues and his daughter is trying to sell it. Why do you ask about it?”
“Walking down the street last night I saw some ads in the real estate windows offering three properties for sale: the unnamed farm you just called Fred’s Folly, The Daniels Farm, and Jim’s Farm. I wondered why the trust doesn’t buy them to expand Mount Station.”
“We’d love to! However, there’s no point in trying. Fred’s Folly is of no use unless we can get The Daniels Farm and when that was sold to Argent it included a clause to never sell it to the Mount Station Trust. Harry Mills has also said he’d never sell to the trust. So we’ve got no choice about it. I’ve heard John Mills would like to sell if offered a good price, but he won’t sell to Harry and Harry hassles everyone else who looks at the place. Their two farms were originally reformed into one a few generations back but then it got split up again by heirs in the same way as Mount Station got split up.”
They move on to discuss a few other matters before ending the meeting just before lunch. Ernie wants to go look at Mount Station but he wants to do it with Will on hand and Will is tied up in court for the rest of the day. Thus the farm inspection will be tomorrow morning.
Luncheon TalksWhile walking to a nearby eatery for his lunch Ernie calls John Wilson, the solicitor Peter referred him to. John is a recent law graduate who’s having troubles getting started in the trade. He wants to stay in Rivers so he can be handy to his family, but none of the local firms are in need of a new graduate so he’s trying to set up on his own. Working from his family home also makes it hard to get noticed. He’s free for the day so he agrees to see Ernie and have a nice free lunch.
During lunch they discuss how to go about buying the properties and to set up a retainer for John to represent the company Peter looks after for Ernie: Wells Enterprises. The company was set up with all of the inheritances and insurance pay-outs from the death of his family. Due to the circumstances special clauses came into effect so the large insurance policies were made bigger. Over the several years since their deaths Peter has more than doubled the original investment. Also, the insurance and compensation pay-outs Ernie received were added to the company funds. Thus he has a large bankroll to play with, except most of it is in various investments so it’s not readily available for immediate use.
When Ernie calls to have Peter appoint John as the company’s local representative Peter tells him, “Knowing the way you work, Ernie, I’ve made arrangements with the bank for us to have an extensive overdraft secured against the investments. So, if you decide to buy all of the farms, and a few more, we can pay them cash today.”
“You know me too well, Peter. If I can get a good cut by paying cash today I’ll do the deals. Now we have to go see some people about them.” After a quick visit to John’s office at home to exchange some faxes they’re all set for an afternoon of real estate adventures, so they head off to inspect the four properties surrounding Mount Station. By 1:30 p.m. the two are driving out in John’s SUV to look at the properties.
Afternoon AdventuresThe inspection of Fred’s Folly is a simple case of driving around the key points of the vacant property. At The Daniels Farm it’s a short look at the property by driving in and asking for Mister Dixon, who’s happy to show them around the farm. They promise to call in on the agent a bit later today. A drive up the road and a check of Jim’s Farm with Harry Mills directing them around the property. A similar promise to talk to the agent. Then a visit to Jack’s Farm and a talk to John Mills.
When they stop beside the men at a work-shed on Jack’s Farm John Wilson gets out and asks for John Mills. One man walks over and he introduces himself as John Mills. After a short talk they walk back to the SUV and get in. Like the other properties a quick visual inspection from the vehicle only takes fifteen minutes and they’re back at the main farmhouse where John Mills goes to get out.
Ernie asks, “Mister Mills, do you have a current farm appraisal, and can I look at it, please?”
Mills stops to look at Ernie for a moment because all of the talk, until now, has been by John Wilson. While taking a folded piece of paper out of his pocket John says, “Yes, why?”
“I represent a Sydney based company called Wells Enterprises. I’m down here to look at some properties and Mister Wilson has been chosen as our local representative. Although you’re not advertising the farm for sale I’d heard you’d be interested in selling for a fair price, as long as your cousin Harry didn’t end up with the farm. We’re prepared to pay a fair appraisal for the farm and to include a term to never sell to Harry Mills. I know the few staff you employ are good and we’d like to keep them on as well. Are you interested?”
John smiles as he nods yes while handing the paper to them to look at. John Wilson examines it and says, “This was done two weeks ago by a fellow with a good reputation. It seems fair for what we’ve seen.”
Ernie nods agreement and asks, “I think we can write a contract right now. But how soon do you want to be paid?”
“I’d like to be able to move north as soon as I can! However, it’ll take time to do everything.”
The dinner conversation on Ernie’s second Tuesday at the farm is on what Jason’s daughter, Linda, can take to school for her turn at ‘Show and Tell.’ A big issue with this program is so many of the students are farm kids with limited options of what to bring in, so it’s hard to find something another child hasn’t taken in over the last couple of years. It’s because of this each child has to do this just once a year due to the program being one child in each class once a week for each week of...
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“Well Mother, I don’t have a real girlfriend to spend my allowance on, so we stopped at Victoria’s Secret for Roxy and Maurice’s for me.” “Why don’t you show us something you got for your sister, son?” Dad said in quiet anticipation. I walked into her room and suggested the red dress and her tallest heels. After a few moments I stepped up and announced, “Lady and Sir, I give you Roxanne Marie Flame in a red dress that will take your breath away!” With the start of ‘Lady in Red,’ (on my...
This is a completely fictional story and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. So, I’m resubmitting this story because I made a mistake in my first submission where I put a bit of part two into the file that I uploaded. I’ve removed that part and fixed a few minor errors I made in the story. Also, I’ve scrapped the original second part and am rewriting it completely since most of the surprise is pretty much already ruined. I appreciated all the comments I...
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When dad came through the front door, he had a big smile on his face again. With a quick dinner on the table, we ate and found out that his deal has a $5000 bonus if he can be there in the next 30 days. They must really want him! Mom agreed it was too good to pass up, so after dinner she called her best friend at ReMax to come over and look at our place, for evaluation purposes. Roxy and I had agreed it was an awesome motivator to help give Dad a running start at the new job. After dinner...
In the shower we talked about some of the things we said end it ended up with a wallfuck! We fell asleep in each other’s arms. I love her so damn much!!! After our nap (3 hours) we walked out and heard a small kerfuffle of applause, mostly guys. Then I said, “Please meet my wife, sister, and mother Roxanne! She is 38C-23–34.” I paused for her separate applause. Her turn; “This stud is George, my husband, daddy, and brother in between the sheets, a perfect lover!” Instead of applauding...
We got to our front door, and I said as I opened it, “I have a proposition for you, Mrs. Flame!” “I love being called that ... sorry, go on Hubby!” I took her hand and we sat on our sofa, when after a moment of thought, I said, “First, based on where I would like to live, the Indiana Pacers are my first choice. Let’s wait until I am a Junior here at K-State. That year, after our KSU season, I wait to see where I am rated, amongst all college players, including those who had already...
Quick recap: I’m George W. Flame with a sister named Roxanne, who lets me call her Roxy. Along the way from being best friends when we were still only single digits old, she is now 18, I am a few months past my 16th b-day, things have changed. We are not best friends anymore, we have become lovers, in public, although we have relocated from our original home. I finished my first year as a K-State Wildcat, looking ahead to the possibility of becoming an NBA player. We lost the NCAA Finals...
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We visited the Denver Nuggets, Las Vegas High Rollers, and the Utah Jazz before the summer was over, and got back in time to start working out for my second year at K-State. My fellow Wildcats razzed me about going out to find out who wanted me. I tried to explain my reasons, which they seemed to understand, but still kept on giving me shit about it. We had some high schoolers practice with us, including one guy I recognized from where I came from. He was short (6ft0) by college and pro...
One Tuesday afternoon a taxi stops in front of a set of apartments in Shortland Street, Telopea, New South Wales, right opposite the Telopea Railway Station. The passenger pays the driver and says, “Have a good day, Hadi. I’ll call you the next time I need a taxi. Keep the change!” The driver grins while replying in his an accent, “In other words, the same as always. Thanks for the tip. I’ll see you next time, Ernie.” The passenger, Ernie Wells, opens the front passenger door while he lifts...
Arriving at work at 8:45 a.m. Will turns into the entrance to the staff car park at the rear of the firm’s building. The building is on a street corner so their rear access is a driveway in the side street. He’s thinking on what he has organised for today when he starts his turn, but the sight of the large flame coloured van parked on the street in the spot right next to his firm’s driveway grabs his attention. He’s quick to park his car and walk out of the gateway to look at the van instead...
So, I shall begin by apologizing for that stupid mistake on the first part. You’ll have to omit the last part of part 1 (The part after Erin and the narrator cuddle). That was part of Part 2, which I have decided to rewrite completely. So, based on the ratings of my first story, I’m guessing that my very first erotic story was received very well. I originally wasn’t going to make more than two parts, but I’ve already started work on part 3, and part 4 flashes through my mind every now and...
Here’s the conclusion to the story of Erin. I originally wasn’t going to write a conclusion, but I had a little spare time during summer so here it is! Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It would help if you read the parts before this, but it’s not completely necessary. There will just be some small holes missing. I couldn’t sleep the whole night. It had been about a month since the events at the library and the thing that had kept my mind up that night was the same...
So, this is part 3 of my series. It’s a pretty fun part because it has the narrator and Erin getting more experimental and crazy. The reason it’s been so delayed is that my classes really kicked my butt and I wasn’t able to write much if at all. But, I finally have it done, so enjoy! On Saturday, Erin came over to my apartment unannounced. Needless to say, it was a welcomed intrusion. She was wearing a green sundress that perfectly complimented her eyes. Her hair was glowing in the intense...
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SpankingWe went back and forth, and front and back until we were tired. Dad and I doubled mom, but Roxy politely refused. My season averages were 19 Assists, 17 Rebounds, and 44 points ... pretty good, huh? My ‘35’ is the best-selling jersey in both pro and college basketball. I wear one with my name on the back wherever I travel, and Roxy has pens for me to use, on either the home or away jersey. I found out online that 171 basketball players have worn the number 35 over the years: (These...
I woke up with a bad headache! My eyes locked onto hers, wondering what just happened? “Sorry, Baby,” she said. “I bought a set of pregnancy pads recently to see how I looked. There are 6 different sizes to try on; did I scare you?” My brain hurt, but not so bad to say anything except, “Scare is not the right word to use. But I was confused.” NOW, I noticed the pad, she raised her shirt to show off. It was flesh-colored, makes sense? I started the car up, drove by the trash can, she...
After our game of switching elevators, we quietly laid together on the bed just like when we were hiding from mom and dad, or our sometime babysitter. We felt like kids of 10 and 12 again. But now we were much older and have fallen in love with one another. My closed eyes opened when I felt the lips of the most beautiful girl in the world. She let down her ponytail and her luscious tresses felt remarkable as my mouth opened to let in her tongue. My pants felt tight and I was reaching down,...
Saturday morning is busy with the processing of all of the paperwork and signatures. Ernie spends the afternoon working on his book, except for his shower and the changing of his bandages. Another dinner served by Gayatri, and a typical early night. Sunday morning Ernie is up and at the local Uniting Church service to see what it’s like. Lunch at an eatery on his way back to the hotel, and the rest of the day is like Saturday. Monday Morning The documents for the ownership changes and...
After his action packed week life settles down for Ernie until the tenth week after the start of work on the Manor when he’s surprised to be asked to do the final inspection of the work as he thinks it’s too soon. When he drives up to it Ernie is happy to see the Manor blends into the granite mound quite well. Only in the last hundred metres or so is it clear there are buildings there and it’s not all a large granite boulder. The drive comes up on the east side of the buildings to curve...
In the four months since Gayatri started working for Ernie he’s had her visit with all of the other families working on the farms. She gets on with the other women so well she’s often over in their houses for part of the day or they’re visiting her at the manor. They get on so well they start regular morning meetings where they all go to the one house to talk while sharing cooking tricks and recipes. This has a flow-on effect to the various households with Mexican, Chinese, Indian, English,...
Two months later Ernie and Gayatri are in Rivers shopping when Ernie goes into the store called Lambert Jewellery. By now Gayatri is used to Ernie doing almost anything because he does so much that seems not to be connected, yet it later turns out to be linked. At the counter he asks the young woman, “May I speak to ‘Enri Lamber,’ please?” She glances at him, turns, goes to the curtain to the back of the store, and pulls it aside while saying, with a French accent, “Papa, counter,” before...
Soon after returning from their honeymoon Ernie and Gayatri have a visit from John to discuss the Argent Estate income. This is separate from the Mount Station trust as it’s part of the Wells Trust. Estate rental income is now twenty-one thousand dollars a week. Add in his book royalties and the trust income is just over one and a quarter million dollars a year. John wants to know how Ernie wants to deal with it. Previously he put all of his inheritances and compensation pay-outs into stocks,...
The nice summer cool breeze blow through the camp, it had been a hard day at the beach, the sun pounding down all day. There were 7 of us camping down on the east coast enjoying our summer break and celebrating the end of the school year and just having a good time. It was getting late at night but the moon was all but full so there was some light illuminating my path back to the camp from taking a leak. I was expecting there to be no one else about as the previous nigh after we had finished...
EroticI paste a smile on my face as the unmistakable hand of my father lands on my shoulder. Sitting at his fourth dinner as Mayor of Serenity, I have never felt more like a piece of meat or an overdressed commodity at the very least. "Lana, Sweetheart, May I introduce you to a friend of the campaign?" I turn slowly, preparing myself for further boredom, the pasted smile, I'm sure, looking more fake than ever now. "Lana, this is Damian Knight, CEO of Phoenix Technologies. He has donated over three...
ReluctanceHi friends I am Deepa. This is a true story in my life happened when I was studying and working in gym as physical trainer, 2 yrs back. Let me tell you something about myself. I am 25 and used to be 23, two yrs ago, with a well toned, slim body beaming face and good smile. My figure for the last 5 yrs or so has remained the same and I still have school girl innocence as told by my friends, 5’6” height, 52 kg and 35:26.5:36. I have firm and round buts and my thighs are wide due to exercise....
LesbianWe had been out on the lake for a couple of hours now. I was really enjoying her company at this point. We decided that we wanted to take a quick dip to cool off, so I dropped the anchor and we dove in. We spent some time playing around and splashing each other. Not only was Alexandra one of the most gorgeous women I had ever seen, but she was really fun to be around. I got out of the water and on to the boat first, and then helped her back in. Taking her by the hand, I pulled her into the...
DAMAGED GOODSBy VelvetgloveCopyright and Disclaimer‘Damaged Goods’ is an original work of fiction. Neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality. Any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. This is the final part of the trilogy including ‘Used Goods’ and ‘Soiled Goods’.WARNING: like its predecessors, this story contains gratuitous violence. Please do not read any further if imaginary cruelty offends or provokes you. The author utterly condemns such behaviour in...
One morning, towards the end of that first week, Quentin joined Julia on the sun-deck. “What gives?” he enquired pleasantly.Julia, looking through her glasses, replied: “She’s being bum-fucked by the nigger...”Quentin picked up his glasses and also looked. He focused on the reflection of Melissa’s face, and saw the revulsion vividly displayed on it. Her eyes were screwed tight, her mouth was slack and sagging, saliva dribbled down her chin.“Doesn’t appear to be enjoying it,” he remarked.“I...
Karen moved to stand beside Wendy. She and Dan kissed as Wendy continued sucking on his cock. “Wendy, please take off my skirt,” Karen ordered. She let Dan’s cock slide out of her mouth. It bobbed up and down to his pulse, the shaft glistening from her mouth. She put her hands on Karen’s skirt and slid it down her slender legs. She looked a Karen’s shaved pussy coming into view. She put her hand on Wendy’s shoulder, stepping out of her skirt. “You like the look of my shaved pussy?” “Yes, I...
The story was a national sensation. Sex, drugs, movie people, the tabliods ate it up. After living quietly for years, we were in the limelight, and I didn't like it. It got so bad I called all the networks, telling them we'd give one interview, at our studios, in one week. They could all film it, but only two journalists were allowed to ask questions, and we had veto rights over who. It would be up to them to pick them, or we'd choose our own, film it independently, and release it on the...
This continues from part 1, please read it first. https://xhamster.com/stories/in-the-neighborhood-695348Mr. V's House was neat and tidy, and despite the fact that his wife had been gone for a few years, it still had that woman's touch to it. He guided me through the living room to the stairwell by the front door. As I started up, he stopped me and spun me into him, giving me a big hug and deep kiss. My hard cock was poking into him and he slid one hand down onto it and stroked me. He then...
I am moving out of my husband's house in less than a week, to a place where I can't be used like I once was because facilities won't be as accommodating...Knowing it would be my last time to tie me up in the garage from the rafters and use me as hard as my Master wants to, he made plans to come over to this house one last time for a complete discipline session.First thing this morning when I saw he was online, I texted him asking what should I wear for you? He said he was debating on my body...
He sat down on the couch and I sat right next to him. Within the matter of a few seconds, we were passionately kissing, our arms around each other. There was a lot of lip action, but even more tongue action. Our tongues played for a little and he gently ran his teeth along my tongue. After about a minute, he told me to lie down. We kicked off our shoes and both lay down on the couch, on our sides, facing each other. We continued to kiss. Our legs locked and our bodies were right against one...
Even though my wife only danced part time at Lorraine’s Lounge, that dancing led to lots of other local experiences in the Lafayette, IN area during the early nineteen seventies. Lorraine’s was a dive bar, and literally down in the Wabash river valley, and also literally on the wrong side of the railroad track. It was the kind of place that would cause even the Blues Brothers to go into protective mode.The bar prided itself in serving booze within an environment that had live bands and trim...
HardcoreMy early birthday present,My life had been like a fairy tale of the adult sort lately anyone who had read previous stories would under stand that. Just to be clear though with everything that has recently happened I just want to make clear that my wife Lisa truly is all any man could or would ever need she is very sexy and has a naughty side. When we go on vacations especially she has her wicked weasel sheer when wet bikini, which our daughter Amy found and started down a path of her own. Lisa...
“Hey girl, what you up to?” A stranger in a truck said pulling up next to me.“Just walking home from school.” I said stopping and turning to the guy.“Oh, do you live around here.” The guy asked.“Yeah just a couple blocks that way.” I said pointing down the street.“I see, so why isn't your boyfriend walking you home?” The man asked.“He wanted to hang out with his friends today.” I said.“Doesn't sound like a very good boyfriend, to make you walk all the way home alone. Anyways the reason I...
It all started with innocent comments on Facebook one evening. My friend Louisa was flirting back and forth with me like we have done since we've known each other. This time though Ty joined in and made a few comments hinting that we should have a threesome. I played along, knowing how much the thought if it would drive her crazy and knowing that just using it to fuel her mind would bring on a new experience for the two of us. Louisa jokingly said she would be over on Friday night and I told...
These are the thoughts that were running through my mind as I was driving back from the school run. Then my mobile rang...guess who! yes it was Jenny. My cock stirred in my trousers. Bloody hell I thought I have turned into a Pavlov dog! "Hello You", I said playing it cool. "Hi..how are you?" she enquired in a coy but smouldering voice. "Fine.." I replied "..and you?" "Alright.." she said with an edge "..sorry I haven't been in touch" "No problem...everthing ok?" I asked, a...
Jenny's gorgeous berry flavored lips, followed by juicy juice from the strawberry, followed by her wet tongue covered in sweet cream from the Whipped Cream, mixed with some leftover sweet cream from Gracie's load from earlier. Soft wet tongues met, licked and swirled around each other mixing all those flavors letting them spill, ooze and drip between two gooey creamy dripping sets of lips and tongues. Gracie's eyes rolled back once again from the pleasure and as she felt her she cock harden...
They both complementing each other nicely and dad was also transferring grapes from his mouth to her mouth. Dad took mom in her lap and gave her huge and tight hug for tonight treat. They both lied and grabbed each other like a mom is giving sleeping hug to her baby. Both are nude. Dad?s leg on her waist and he hided his face inside her huge boobs. Mom was gently squeezing his ass cheeks and sometimes creasing his ass lining too. I think they did fuck session before I reached and...
Darin spotted the young gal up on the stage the moment he walked into the bar. The gaudy sign outside clearly showed that this was a dancer bar, so having some time to kill, he wandered in. One thing Darin liked most of all was watching girls on stage putting on a show. Often he could see just as much out at the beach, but it just wasn’t as much fun. On stage they were teasing, it was deliberate. The girl up there at the moment was slender, muscular like most dancers were if they had been at...
Hello friends, I am extremely sorry itne late se story post karne ke liye. Me samir k sath ek mahine ke vacation pe gayi thi aur us time I did not want to spend time using my phone. I wanted to enjoy every second of our time. And now I am back to share my sexiest experience with you all. Jin logo ne meri stories nahi parhi hai pehle ki. Please parh lijiye. Mera naam hanshika hai or main kolkata me parhti hu. Mere stats ab change ho rahe hai. Currently I am 36 32 36. But I feel meri chuchiya ab...
It had been one long ‘mother’ of a drive from San Francisco to Hollywood , Florida all by myself. I had really pushed to make the trip as quick as I could so I would have a few days to rest up before I started the two week position for the excursion airline. It was a start up and I was doing my friend a huge favor. I had consented after much pleading when he ‘sweetened’ the deal with a free apartment on the beach. I knew it would be hot in July, but never as hot as it was. The humidity was...
I couldn’t believe how long it took to get a follow up visit with Dr. Hills, but five weeks later I finally found myself sitting anxiously in one of her exam rooms, already stripped to my boxers, sitting on the exam table in sweet anticipation. Dr. Hills came in with a manila folder and sat in the chair by the table. She opened the manila folder and began commenting. “I’ve reviewed the results and comments reported by my sister’s office. She was impressed with your progress, Mr. Jameson.” ...
Office SexFrom the instant we kicked off I found that Jason was not kidding about wanting to take out some aggression. The Chester Arthur QB spent the first quarter running for his life as Jason dodged blockers and leveled running backs. When the second quarter started Jason was yet to record a sack, but his intense play had inspired the offense and we were up fourteen to three. It was two plays into the second quarter that Jason finally recorded his first sack. He followed it up with another sack on...
I was very excited for my boyfriend, Dean, to get home from his business trip. One month apart, one month of no sex was almost too much for me to take. That wasn't the only reason I was excited though. I was excited because when he got home I had a big surprise for him. I loved surprising him, especially with sexy surprises. I looked at my watch. His plane should be landing any minute now. I was feeling a bit giddy. I couldn't wait to show him just how much I missed him this last month. The...
Oral SexMonday, May 06th, 1996, Sanford Maine BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! “Ugh,” I grunted, trying to reach over and smack off my alarm. At first, I was super confused; why couldn’t I roll over and get to my nightstand? I was perplexed for a few seconds. I will admit, I am not a morning person at all. That doesn’t mean that I am grumpy because I’m really not; my brain just doesn’t have any higher function capabilities before coffee. Okay, my sister and my parents would probably say that I had zero brain...
We met after I answered Lynne’s advert for companionship in a porno mag. We decided to meet at a coffee bar near her flat, and soon found that we had a lot in common. Before long we were chatting about everything, from the prices in the supermarket to different shades of lipstick. It’s strange but at the age of eighteen and with Lynne at the age of fifty-eight I might have felt in awe of her experience, compared to mine but she treated me as an equal and for that I have the utmost respect.After...
Once in a lifetime does a man find a woman, so eager to please HIS cock, willing to do whatever he pleases and cum where ever he wants. MY whore is that woman.She loved being my whore, so much so that she wanted people to know how she was treated. She didnt care who saw, didnt care who knew.That day at work, while in the office, she purposefully stuck her tongue out of her mouth, just so that i could see the wetness that she had. Immediately, i took out my phone and sent her a text. "My cock...
My college-time girlfriend waited for me at the university parking lot. We were invited to stay at her best friend's place for the weekend. They are both nurses and were roommates during their training. Melanie, my girlfriend, was so keen on seeing Lisa again. Lisa lived a two hours' drive away from where I went to university - and still farther from where Mel worked. I knew they had been very close those three years in the same apartment. Back then, I didn't know just how close.As soon as we...
MasturbationWendy: 4:40 PM“Okay, Okay, hold your damned horses,” Wendy yelled at the door. After ringing constantly for half a minute the door buzzer finally relented. Fresh out of the shower and dripping water all over her apartment, Wendy checked the time as she ran for the door. Andy was twenty minutes early. Wendy jabbed the intercom button, “That better not be you, Andy.” Jerking her finger off the button, she added, “because I’m getting tired of your fuck ups.”“It’s me, can I come up?”“Alex?” Wendy...
IncestWe were both a sticky mess below the waist, and sweaty all over, so a shower was an essential next step. Being California, and economy with water being a habit, we took it together. I asked Mel if I could wash her hair; she seemed a little startled that I’d actually want to do that, but happily agreed when I reassured her that it would absolutely be a pleasure. There’s a real intimacy to washing someone else’s hair. No, I’m not talking about at the salon, where it’s part of the assembly...
Friday morning and early afternoon seemed to pass in a flash, but then it slowed down to a drag during crafts as it neared the time our parents were due to arrive. Although we had fun at camp, things tended to become very predictable and... well, dull. The entire camp was restless, everyone knowing that there would be a even bigger wow than when the helicopter came unannounced. The worst of it was I was looking forward to it myself. We almost failed to notice them when they did finally show...
BEFORE ANYBODY SAYS SOMETHING, LET ME SAY THAT THIS IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL._______________________ My BBW mom_______________________I came home after school one day and was feeling a bit horny. Nobody was home, so I headed up to my room. I shut my door and turned on my computer. I took off my shirt and opened the internet. I started watching BBW porn. I slipped my hand into my pants and started rubbing my dick. The moaning and gasping of the BBW made me as hard as steel. I took off...
Hi guys, I am reading ISS since long & become addicted for this site. I am Alok( name changed obviously) staying in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad. I am 31 years old & working in highly reputed company. I am fond off to have sex with girl & sexy woman. Anyone for having discrete relationship, please feel free to contact me on I love big boobs & become horny to see that. I always stare to married woman who managed herself well at that age & having amazing figure. Now, without wasting any more time, I...