Watching my step sister
- 2 years ago
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The humans had plenty of time to get ready for an attack from ants if it ever came. They had even gone so far as to cut loopholes in the walls of the house and to refit the "master bedroom" into a pillbox. The windows in the door still worked on their hand-cranks (that's how old the car was when it made its last trip), so it was an ideal fighting position when the bed was removed and a bench was constructed running from front to back. Two crossbows and 60 poisoned bolts were stored there to repel an attack from that side of the house.
The master bedroom was moved to the main part of the house by the simple expedient of installing a new bed in there. The bed was super king size and made of a number of sewn-together scorpion skins stretched between the headboard, the footboard, and the side rails. The bed was large enough for four people, and it was intended that it be occupied by Jeff, Julie, Mary, and Tricia. They would work out some accommodation for more women when the need arose.
Jeff was finally reconciled with the necessity for sex with his daughters, and Julie had decided that she was entering the early stages of menopause, so she had no problem moving back into Jeff's bed. The two eldest girls were now sleeping there, too, but Jeff was not having sex with Tricia yet, though she was masturbating or enjoying girl-on-girl sex with her mother or her sister whenever the other one was occupied with Jeff. Not only was he avoiding intercourse with Tricia, but he was holding off on cunnilingus with her until she was old enough for full sex. Everybody, including Tricia, agreed to this because it made the whole sexual experience more exciting and meaningful.
Meanwhile, the other daughters were masturbating and enjoying girl-on-girl sex as the mood struck them. Several of the girls were not old enough to care, but even the youngest wanted to be included in the group when they had their weekly pussy shaving sessions. Jeff was invited to observe, and he made a point of telling even the younger ones how cute their pussy looked after it had been "shaved" by Julie. That was also when Jeff received his weekly facial shave. Nobody had asked him to remove his pubic hair, yet, so that was ignored, though it would probably happen eventually.
Finally, the time came for Tricia's initiation into the game of full scale sex. She decided that she wanted everybody to observe her first time, even the toddler. Jeff was a little dubious, but he was OK with it if that was what Tricia wanted. He had been engaging in public sex every since Mary had been born, so it was not a shock to him.
They made quite a celebration of the event. Julie and Mary created a banquet with dragon fly meat and several vegetables from their garden, including the newly discovered cattail. Both a kind of tuber on the root and the pod-thingys on the stem were included in a stew. Everybody except Jeff and Tricia ate until they were stuffed. The younger children went to sleep after eating that much, but most of the family trooped into the bedroom for Tricia's ceremonial deflowering.
Tricia, too, had long since lost her hymen, so that was not a problem. Mary had regaled Tricia with the details of her experience and how much she had enjoyed every step of the way, so Tricia wanted exactly the same things done to and for her. That's how the event became ceremonial.
Tricia was not quite as tall as Mary, so there had to be a slight modification of the ankles on shoulders part of the event, but Tricia didn't notice the difference, she was so thoroughly soaked in the pleasure that she had received so far. A small item was added to the ritual this time as Mary helped support her sister's buttocks while Julie, her mother, aimed Jeff's cock into Tricia's vagina. All of this was lost on Tricia, though she would hear of it in loving detail from the other female participants the next day. Jeff certainly noticed the assistance, and it almost caused him to fire too soon.
However, Jeff was able to control himself as he worked his cock into his daughter's cunt. She, too, was a moaner, but she was not the shouter that Mary was. Nevertheless, when he bottomed out, there was a loud moan of contentment from Tricia. He pumped back and forth, and Tricia had her first orgasm very soon after that initial penetration. Jeff had worked her up to so near her pinnacle that it took very little to push her over the edge. From then on, she just kept climaxing almost at a machine gun rate, and Jeff built to another explosive orgasm just as he had with Mary.
Finally, when Jeff squirted, Tricia shouted her acceptance as a woman and fainted dead away. She recovered before Jeff had a chance to shrink all of the way, and he managed to stay plugged in as he rolled them over and they went to sleep. Jeff came unplugged during the night, but Tricia never woke up. However, Mary did wake up enough to stuff some of the ubiquitous absorbent leaves between Tricia's thighs and against her pussy so that she would not leak all over herself and the bed.
The next morning, Tricia woke up before Jeff and slipped his erect cock between her legs before going back to sleep. Jeff finally woke up and went to the toilet to piss, but he hurried back to perform the rest of the ritual: the morning quickie with Tricia on top. They both enjoyed that, too, and were soon ready for breakfast.
Tricia was very proud of her new status and just had to talk about it to anyone who would listen, as if they didn't know about it already. But everybody was patient with her and let her rave on about how wonderful the experience had been. Jeff was ready for it this time, so he let Tricia trail him around everywhere he went, even to piss!
Four weeks later, Mary went into labor. Her labor was a bit longer than Julie's first time had been, but it wasn't too bad. The whole family attended the trip to the birthing chair, and everybody was ecstatic when Mary produced a BOY! Mary had discussed this possibility with Julie, so they had a name available: Jeff, Jr. Jeff was also very pleased with himself, now that the pressure was off. Before long, Jeff, Jr. could take over the strain of producing offspring. Jeff could hardly wait!
If the baby had been a girl, Tricia would probably have been miffed that some of the luster was stolen from her initiation into womanhood, but the birth of a boy and all that meant, withdrew the sting from the event. Tricia was as happy as everybody else, but she hoped that she could soon produce a boy, too, so that Jeff, Jr. would not be burdened the way his father was.
Temporarily, Mary was given her private bed where she could nurse and coddle Jeff, Jr. to her heart's content. In a couple of weeks, she and Jeff, Jr. would move back into Jeff's bed so that he could know the pleasures of close family ties.
Jeff and Julie decided that it was now time to start their third daughter on her way to adulthood by having her accompany Tricia and Jeff on hunting trips. That was when Sue officially received her bow, though she had been practicing with it for about a year. Actually, Sue was a good shot with both the bow and the crossbow, so she was an asset on the hunt, once she learned to stop talking all of the time.
Jeff and Tricia were patient with her, and, out of necessity, she did learn quickly to keep her natural exuberance under control so that she did not make too much noise. On her first trip, she had the honor of making the first kill of the day. Jeff spotted a caterpillar that was edible, so she was allowed to be the only one who shot at it. She missed her first shot completely through excitement, but managed to dispose of the caterpillar with only four more arrows. This was par for the course, so she had every right to be pleased with herself. However, she vowed to herself to be more careful next time, because it was no fun to hunt down the missing arrow while her companions waited for her in the shade from the wagon. Neither one said anything about it, but they were both keeping a sharp lookout for any danger to her while Sue searched for her arrow.
Later that day, a more serious prey showed up, and they all participated in killing the dragon fly that was their last kill of the day. They turned home, and Tricia and Sue did most of the pulling of the wagon this time. Sue was feted when they ate supper, and she was served first with a slice of her roasted caterpillar before anyone else got a section of the delicacy. The meal that night included cattail, which they all seemed to have become addicted to.
This is a sequel to ‘Perfect Picture’ and will be a multi chapter story. This is a work of fiction and all characters are consenting adults over 21. I want to thank everyone for their feedback on Perfect Picture and that encouraged me to continue this story. I especially want to thank NadiaLove17 for her incredible editing, dialog, plot and story ideas they made this a much better story. Chapter 1 The Proposal It was November 1, the day after I claimed, marked and collared Cindy as my Sub....
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Josh, Will, and John were surprised when Andy and Elizabeth rode up. Andy quickly gave a short description of his adventure and why Elizabeth was with him. They headed the herd toward the pool where Andy had found Elizabeth, and Andy headed back to clean up the horse and human bodies before everybody else got there. His instructions were quite detailed on how to find the place, and Elizabeth could provide directions if that were not enough. They arrived at the pool about an hour before dark,...
It was on a business trip to Dallas that I first met Bonnie. The first thing you noticed was the thousand watt smile. She was adorable. She could have been my daughter. She was awfully sweet looking and she was having a ball in that club downtown.I had arrived at the Dallas-Ft. Worth airport, gone to my hotel downtown, and gotten myself well-groomed for a night on the town. My business has nothing to do with this story so let's just leave that aside. Suffice it to say I had plenty of extra time...
MoneyWARNING: This story is an act of fiction that contains graphic sexual descriptions and language. If you are a minor (under 21) or if you are offended by this kind of material then you should stop reading now. Any resemblance between this story and a real event is purely coincidental. The participants are imaginary; their actions have no negative consequences other than those portrayed in the story. The story is intended for entertainment only and should not be emulated in the real...
“Peter Patter here. This just in, breaking news from PTEN, your Fair and Balanced NEWS station: SETI, Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, organization is right now announcing it has made incontestible contact with an alien species not-of-this-Earth! Behind me is a panel of experts from SETI, NASA and ESA explaining in detail how they made contact. Spokesman Carl Sagan has explained”: “SETI has been scanning the skies for decades. We have been listening to the skies using radio...
I opened my eyes. They hurt, my eyeballs, stinging. I closed them again. 'Where am I?' is such a cliche, but sometimes it fit the situation. Let's review. I was in bed, but it wasn't my bed. It didn't feel right. Besides, the ceiling was green. Puke green. Who would paint their ceiling puke green? It was hard to concentrate. My shoulder itched. I decided that was more important than where I was. I lifted my hand. It felt funny and I couldn't wiggle my fingers. I reached up to...
Baby Jenny Part 4 Beverly was already busy soaping up a wash mitten as Mary pushed the teat of the bottle into my mouth and sat on the edge of the bath as she held the bottle. Taking the teat in to my mouth was so almost indescribable. I felt so incredibly content, I sighed into the teat and began to suck. In my mind I just see myself sucking on Mary's huge breasts while she cuddled me and held me close to her. I sucked deeply on teat of the bottle, as Beverly washed me. Mary...
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