Flames Ch. 04 free porn video

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Here’s the conclusion to the story of Erin. I originally wasn’t going to write a conclusion, but I had a little spare time during summer so here it is! Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It would help if you read the parts before this, but it’s not completely necessary. There will just be some small holes missing.

I couldn’t sleep the whole night. It had been about a month since the events at the library and the thing that had kept my mind up that night was the same thing that had me sleeping fitfully for quite a while. I was falling in love with Erin and I still don’t know why that bothered me so much. It was rather strange because I was overjoyed that I was actually developing deep feelings for a girl, but there was still some things bugging me. Did she feel the same way? Was I really feeling that way or was the sex just getting to my head? Was a serious relationship really what I wanted at this point in my life? So on and so forth. These questions kept hitting me like a light drizzle of softball-sized hail.

My eyes were closed but I could almost feel her gaze on me. She told me she would only ever leave the bed if I was snoring so she could gauge how much noise she could make and how much she could shift around before I woke up. My guess is, she was waiting for me to start snoring before she got out. I kinda had to go to the bathroom so I pretended that I just woke up and let her go to the bathroom first then went in after she got back into bed. I made sure to shake off thoroughly because it was pretty much guaranteed we were going to have sex. Pretty much every night we spent together, we had sex, which was basically every night she wasn’t on her period. We would also do it in the morning before we went to class. It sounds like I’m complaining, but I assure you I’m not. I only had two girlfriends before Erin who I had sex with more than once. Both of them would have sex with me at most 3 times a week. You would expect those three times to be awesome, but it always felt like they both just wanted to get it over with.

It was different with Erin. I got the feeling that she enjoyed me more than she enjoyed sex. I got back into bed. Of course, we were both naked because of the night before. Erin wasted no time in cuddling up to me. She squeezed her leg between mine and moved it upward to make contact with my penis.

The soft skin on her thigh felt amazing and soon my fully erect member was aching for a little more. But, in typical Erin fashion, she took her time. It was a Sunday morning after all. Why rush? She kissed me lightly, only giving me occasional hints of tongue. It was maddening but in the best way possible. Regardless of how much she teased me, I always remained patient because I knew it would pay off in the end, especially when we weren’t in a rush.

It was things like that that made me wonder why I was so hesitant about falling in love with her. She was clearly the most amazing woman I had ever been with, if not the most amazing woman I had ever met. She treated me as an equal in the sense that she was neither generally submissive nor controlling. She called out my bullshit and let me call out hers. Even though I felt below her on so many levels, she always made me feel like I was on her level at all times. That, no offense to my female readers, is a quality that not many women I’d met have. Erin crashed my train of thoughts when she stopped moving.

‘Are you okay?’ she asked.

‘Yeah, why?’ I lied.

‘You seem distracted.’

‘I’m just tired.’

She looked down at my very erect penis. ‘Really now?’ she grinned.

‘Just parts of me. That thing can never get tired of you.’ I put my musings aside. My primitive brain started to take over my body.

She surprised me by grabbing my penis and sliding it into her. This wasn’t the first time I she had let me in without protection. It was always just for a quick dip though. Neither of us could afford the time for a pregnancy not to mention we both had to finish college first and had plans for grad school. So, I was always cautiously appreciative with just a quick dip. It was an amazing respite from the restrictive condoms. There was also a concern about STD’s, but we mutually agreed to get tested after we got a little too hump-happy one night and my penis ended up in her without protection. That was the first time without a condom, but thankfully not the last.

‘So, I was going to wait another week to tell you this, but I can’t wait any longer. I went to see my gynecologist two weeks ago and I told her that I’d been sexually active. So, she suggested I started taking the pill. I agreed.’ She smiled wide. I smiled wide too. I still had my doubts in the effectiveness of birth control. A few of my friends got pregnant even though they were on birth control. That being said, they admitted they missed a day or two or sometimes didn’t take their pill on time. I doubted Erin would make those mistakes.

I scooted in closer to her and felt my penis go deeper into her. She inhaled quietly, a subtle sign that she was enjoying the sensation, but I knew she wasn’t enjoying it nearly as much as I was. She put her leg over my hip then pushed me onto my back so she could get on top of me. All that time, she never let me out of her. Then, she began moving her hips up and down really slowly. The motion was subtle but effective. It was an intense experience to the head of my penis. I shuddered as it got more sensitive and she leaned down and placed her lips onto mine. She held a light kiss while her breathing got faster. Although she wasn’t moving a lot, this position seemed to be putting quite a strain on her. I could feel her abs contracting, becoming rock hard as she pulled her hips down and forward, then relaxing as she raised them.

Already I could feel her back getting slick with sweat and I started feeling like I should’ve been doing more work. When I tried to roll her over, with her lips still attached to mine, she shook her head and let out a small moan in protest.

In all that time, I had been ignoring just how amazing it felt to be in her without a condom. I became aware of the new sensations. The ridges running against my frenulum, the intense heat of her core, the slight contractions of her inner muscles. That awareness quickly drove me to the edge and I tried to announce that I was cumming. The words wouldn’t come out though. The experience was too intense and all I could let out was a strained groan. Erin continued at the same pace, justifiably unconcerned about my impending orgasm.

It hit me with the force of a freight train. The buildup to the peak was long and all I could do in that short time was contract my abs and hold my breath. Then, I hit the peak and the hyper-sensitivity immediately set in. I shuddered as the ridges and folds in her vagina ran over my overly sensitive glans. It became too intense way too quick and I had to pull out.

Erin pulled her mouth away from mine and then stared into my eyes. My mind was filled with post-orgasmic fog and disbelief that I had just cum in her. It was amazing! It was like I had just had sex for the first time, except this felt a lot better. There was also something else I felt. This was a big stepping stone in mine and Erin’s relationship. This made me feel so much more attached to her, and so much more in love with her. I am in love! I thought, and this time it was certain. It was like a gong going off in my head. It was certain, there was no hesitation. There was no why, there was just love. The elation attached to the epiphany took over, so I couldn’t have possibly stopped myself from saying, ‘Oh god! Erin, I love you.’

Her eyes went wide and her mouth opened in what I hoped was amazement rather than shock.

It’s very hard to come back from one of those verbal expulsions but I did my best after seeing disbelief in her eyes.

‘You don’t have to say it, in fact, forget I ever said it. I’m so sorry
, my timing was terrible-‘

She cut me off in a calm, flat voice. ‘We can talk about this later. Just don’t worry about it.’ That response was typically feminine. It had no tone, no hint as to what was about to happen, nothing. It was as vague as the meaning of existence. I wanted a reaction out of her, whether it was good or bad didn’t matter. But, she had made up her mind. She just wasn’t going to let me know what she thought.

‘Okay,’ I said calmly, betraying the hurricane of thoughts going on inside my head.

She kissed me lightly again and then got off me to lay down at my side. I turned over. She turned her head upward and presented her slender neck to me. I kissed it gladly and delighted in the soft moan I received. She took one of my hands and placed it on her lower belly. I took the hint and let my hand travel south. She had grown a little bush which I found to be a lot more appealing than a clean shave. My fingers ran through the crisp, short hairs before venturing downwards until they met the telltale soft-as-a-cloud flesh of her outer labia. I slid my index finger past her clit and into the wetness below. I knew that very little of that fluid was mine because I had cum twice the night before. There’s only so much semen a man can produce. I dipped my finger in deeper and started massaging her G-spot. She snaked a hand down her body and lightly rubbed the very tip of her clit. Her muscles contracted in response then relaxed as she found a steady rhythm on her clit.

It was physically impossible for me not to get hard while watching her creep towards orgasm. It was going to take a while though seeing as I had over-exerted my poor member throughout the weekend. Thankfully I had plenty of time. Over the weeks, it took her longer and longer to get to orgasm, but the reward was that her orgasms got stronger and stronger. The night before, she came so hard her abs and thighs cramped up. She burst out laughing after the cramp passed and playfully slapped my chest for rubbing her clit after she became hyper-sensitive.

‘A little harder,’ she said, her eyes lightly closed in concentration. I pushed up harder against her G-spot as per her order and got a satisfactory sigh out of her. Then, I alternated between a firm push up against her G-spot and a deep dip in. I knew she liked that. Soon, she was slowly pumping her hips up and down. Her breathing got faster but she was still quiet.

Abruptly, she stopped, opened her eyes, and looked over at me. ‘Are you ready?’ Her eyes darted down and she frowned. I wasn’t hard yet, but, she quickly fixed that by cuddling up to me and using her thigh to get me hard again. When she saw that I was hard enough, she turned onto her belly and raised her hips. Without hesitation, I got up and slid into her pussy with deliberation. As her warmth enveloped me again it took all my will power to not go all-out.

She moaned appreciatively and then said, ‘Come closer.’

It took a few seconds to figure out what she was asking for. I lowered my body onto hers so I basically covered her. I tried to keep most of my weight off her but it was an awkward position to say the least. She took one of my hands, put the back of it close to her mouth and gave it a soft kiss.

‘I love you too,’ she said quietly but with conviction. I knew she believed it, but I also knew that she was afraid, afraid just like me. The words hit me and I instantly tried to get off of her to kiss her but she stopped me with a gentle tug to my hand. ‘No babe.’ She raised her hips to signify she wanted to me to continue, so I did.

This time, we weren’t having sex. We were making love. Sure, it may have looked no different, but it felt different because, for the first time, we were truly naked. Both of us let go of our fears and completely opened up to each other. It was a euphoric sensation, like an orgasm for the soul, and I could tell Erin felt it too. She still gripped my hand while her other hand made its way between her legs. I was still slowly pumping when I felt her fingernail lightly scrape against the bottom of my penis. She quickly caressed my balls then her hands disappeared, presumably to rub her clit.

I don’t know how much time passed after she said the magic words but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that Erin was right there. I got off her and gently turned her over. I looked into her eyes for the first time since she said she loved me and saw that she wasn’t the same. Her eyes were a darker green and her pupils opened wider. There was almost a sadness in them and that took me by surprise. ‘Erin, are you okay?’

She closed her eyes and looked away. I pulled her head gently so I could see her face again. There were tears forming.

‘What’s wrong?’ I asked with desperation. Maybe she didn’t feel the same way I did. Maybe there was no conviction, maybe there was no orgasm for her soul, maybe she didn’t open up. In a moment, all the doubts that I had about my relationship with her, that I buried weeks before, explosively surfaced. Panic clung to my nerves.

‘I can’t do this right now. I’m really sorry.’ She shuffled out from under me, now sobbing. She put on her underwear and clothes quickly and grabbed her purse. She started towards the bedroom door. I was shocked into inaction and I couldn’t do anything to stop her. All I did was just sit on the edge of the bed and watch her walk out. The sound of her car’s starter motor pierced through my shock and I quickly put on a pair of boxers and ran out of the apartment. She had already backed out the parking lot and was pulling away from the complex. There was nothing I could do, and I didn’t want to be another idiot running after a car in his underwear. I walked back into the apartment and laid down on the couch, my mind swarming with questions and doubts. ‘What the fuck just happened?’ I asked the ceiling. It certainly had more of an idea than I did.

A week passed and I still hadn’t heard from Erin. I was extremely upset, but not upset enough to lose my mind. I didn’t call her nor did I stalk her. I kept my distance from her, both physically and mentally. Physically, it was easy because she didn’t attend the one class we had together for the whole week. I watched the door with my peripheral vision but I never saw the beautiful redhead.

Mentally, it was tough. Pretty much everywhere I went held a memory of her. The mystery of her breakdown made it that much harder because it made me wonder why she walked out like that.

But, life had to go on. By Saturday, I was feeling a little better. Erin was still in my mind most of the time but I spared less brainpower on her. I figured if she wanted to talk, she would call me and all I could do was be patient. In light of that, I invited a few of my friends over to play video games. I promised them alcohol and pizza so they dropped everything they were doing and rushed to my door. College students can be so predictable.

The night was going great. The 4 of us had already finished a 12-pack and were starting to work on the next one. The pizza was a few minutes overdue which left all of us a little more than annoyed. Thankfully we had the distraction of Halo.

There was a knock at the door which I assumed was the pizza delivery guy. I’m glad that when I opened the door, there wasn’t a slightly overweight delivery driver with an ugly hat and a black uniform. It was Erin in a bright blue shirt and black shorts. Her green eyes still showed the same sadness they showed the weekend before and I could tell she had been crying. She bit her lip and looked down to the floor.

I told my friends to continue without me then walked out and closed the door behind me muffling a shout: ‘Where’s the fucking pizza!?’. I would’ve taken her into my room, but I got the feeling that she didn’t want to be seen by my friends in her current state.

‘You didn’t call,’ she said the moment the door closed. Her voice broke.

‘Neither did you,’ I replied, trying my best not to sound angry. It didn’t wo

‘I know. I’m sorry.’ She was still looking at the floor. Then, she quietly broke into tears.

Without thinking, I put my arms around her and held her tight. I didn’t know what was wrong, and as much as I wanted to know, I wanted to stop the tears more. Someone as beautiful and lively as Erin should never be in that state. A feeling of helplessness came over me. If I couldn’t keep tears from her eyes, was I worthy of her at all? Erin interrupted my thoughts.

‘Can we take a walk?’ she asked between sobs.

I released one of my arms and started walking towards the apartment pool. I figured no one would be there and the lack of splashing sounds when we got close proved my theory.

We walked into the pool area and laid down together on a reclining beach chair

After a long silence, she spoke.

‘My gynecologist didn’t recommend the pill,’ she said quietly. I looked over at her but she was content at looking up at the dark sky. ‘I.. I can’t get pregnant.’ A new wave of tears washed over her and I held her tightly. ‘I’m not saying that I want to have a baby with you right now and I don’t know if I will want to in the future. It’s just, I didn’t.. Why would you want a girl who is.. broken?’ That struck my core. Whether or not I could have kids with her didn’t matter, even if we did end up spending the rest of our lives together. I never correlated the quality of a woman with her baby-making abilities. That was sick and cruel, and based on how she felt about that, someone else had told her that she was less of a woman because she couldn’t have babies.

But then I realized I was no better than that person. The week that we spent apart with me refusing to call or text her was the one week that we truly needed to be together. Or maybe she didn’t need me there. She was strong enough to pull through hearing the news, strong enough to be the shining light in my life for so many weeks, strong enough to go so long believing she was broken and, yet, be able to put on a smile so beautiful it made my knees week.

I realized then that I didn’t just love her, no, this was more than just love. As much as I loved her, I respected her more. If I had been told my little guys couldn’t get a girl pregnant, I wouldn’t have been able to function, never mind smile.

‘I shouldn’t have come. I’m so sorry,’ she said. Her eyes showed something that I hoped I would never see again: fear, fear that I would let her walk away from me. She shifted to get off the chair.

‘I love you,’ was all I could say before I pulled her back to me and kiss her. For a moment, she seemed shocked, but then she kissed back with intensity.

When we finally broke apart, I looked at her. Her eyes were closed and they leaked new tears.

‘I love you too,’ she said, this time with her voice stronger. She still hadn’t opened her eyes.

‘Erin, open your eyes,’ I said calmly. She opened her eyes and glanced at my eyes but looked away quickly. I put my hand on her cheek to calm her down and make her meet my gaze. ‘Erin, you are not broken, far from it. You are the strongest, most amazing woman I have ever met. Don’t let anyone make you believe otherwise.’

A genuine smile slowly appeared on her face. She coughed as a sob met with a laugh in her throat.

She leaned in to kiss me again and I happily obliged. A wave of arousal hit both of us. She jumped on top of me and straddled my hips. Her mound ground into the growing lump on my jeans. The heat emanating off it took me to a whole new level of horniness.

Then, we heard footsteps close by. A father and his little girl were walking by the pool and they both saw us. The father covered his daughter’s eyes then rushed her along while giving us an angry look. Erin and I watched them as they disappeared from our sight, then caught each other’s eyes and burst out laughing.

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By Dina PetroTamara is a middle aged woman of mid-thirties, who happened to be a very good looking woman with a nice, sexy, curvy body that would attract men’s eye sight and turn heads in the streets; she had lived a very classic, conservative life, where she had to cover her beauty and her attractive assets, all the time.Tamara was married to an older, rich business man, who was so kind and so sweet, but the only and major problem she faced with him, was being a very cold man in bed, he wasn’t...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed WifeChapter 16

Ann sat before the table for a long moment looking at the thin brown cigarettes and pondering Sidney's words. "The gentleman is a brutal pig... you may need the consolation," kept spinning through her confused mind until she reached slowly forward and picked up one from the small silver tray. She knew better than to stop and think about it--she would never be able to go through with it--she would suddenly give way to revulsion as she had done with Max last night and her last chance of...

3 years ago
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Harrys Ladies 3

Harrys Ladies Harry was ushered into Ragnuks office and the Goblin king looked grim. Lord Potter I have had you escorted hear to demand that you return that sword, It is precious to us. Harry nodded and asked the sword is Goblin made I assume? Correct, Matter of fact the sword was taken in battle, by Gryffindor from my many greats grandfather and should be returned to us when Gryffindor died. Harry nodded his head knowing the sword could just be redrawn from the sorting hat. He unstrapped...

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Free Use Laws Human Resource Management

This story follows Emma who is 24 years at the beginning of the story. It also covers the experience of her friends Carol, Alice, Amy ... The story is set in a future alternative world where some key scientific discoveries has lead to a new age of industrial revolution. Humans are a key resource in the new age. It all started 5 years ago when Emma had just been 18. The space company SPACELINK went out to deep space explorations to find new minerals for human use. They found a mineral named...

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Whats in a dry old fuck

WHAT’S IN A DRY OLD FUCK? By The Tall Man Chapter One: Len’s Bar, early days…a self-made man…Jenny…the gang bang Len’s Bar on a Friday evening after a hard week was the place to go in those days. Everybody and his secretary and his brother and his mistress (or his would-be mistress) were there. At the end of the working week, it was the popular den of iniquity to go to unwind, relax, flirt, pick up people for unsavoury purposes. Most hedonists' kind of scenario. A chance meeting...

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First sex experience

Mini hamare ghar jhadu ponchha lagane aati thi. Uski shaadi ho chuki thi aur uska pati shahar mein kam karta tha. Mahine mein ek baar 2-3 din ke liye ghar aata tha. Mini bahut matak matak kar chalti thi aur mujhe uski chaal bahut achchhi lagti thi. Ek Baar Ghar par koi nahin tha is liye ghar par raat mini ko rukne ko bol kar gaye the.Raat ke 9 baje callbell baji aur main darwaza kholne gaya to dekha ki mini thi aur mujhe azeeb see nigahon se dekh rahi thi. Mein mini se pahle hi sari baat kar...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Julie Kay Rides Her Stepfathers Giant Cock

Julie Kay is one horny chick. She scraped a dildo to her giant stuffed toy and decided to ride it. Her step-father, walked oil the house from work and over heard her moaning loudly. HE proceeded to follow the moaning, which lead him to her bedroom. Once he discovered that she was riding her stuffed toy. He surprised her with a real dick. His very own giant black cock. Julie Was delighted to have the real deal in front of her face, she shoved her step-dad’s cock far down her throat. From there,...

2 years ago
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I was driving my teacher Mrs Johnson home because her car wouldn't start, I was trying not to let her catch me looking at her. She was wearing a short black skirt that was riding up so i could see the lace top of her stockings, heels and a tight white button down blouse with the top couple of buttons undone with her school ID hanging between her ample breasts. She said its a nice day why don't we drive home the back way, I said sure and turned off the main road and drove along a secluded part...

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Pussy Boy Creampie

My fetish, to my understanding, was still undiscovered by my Wife. It involved eating another man's cum from her well fucked pussy. My Wife may not have known, but a "friend" who had hacked my laptop knew. The following events explain what happened next.........I'm a 39yr old man, married, with 2 c***dren, who's sex life had become non-existent. I became reliant on the internet for my sexual gratification. I trawled through pictures and videos, then came upon Xhamster. God, some of the stories...

1 year ago
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Taking the Plunge With Daddy Part 2

I was on my knees, fully dressed and self-femmed, looking down at his black leather shoes and black dress pants. He's in a chair sitting right in front of me. I'm in a position i've only dreamed of, one that took me years of denial to overcome, my stomach is queasy I'm so nervous, but I'm happy too, and I hope he is. Then he said it. "Hello, Trisha." "Hello, Daddy." His warm deep voice touching me somewhere in my psyche, and my soft high femme voice that I've been practicing,...

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Mothers Submission Chapter 16

"I thought I might find you here", Alex heard suddenly. He looked back to see his father walking over and sitting down next to him. "Why are you here", Alex asked angrily. "Do you just enjoy destroying our lives?" "That's not it at all", Will said, looking at his son. "I know I made horrible choices in the past, but I want your mother back. What I can't figure out is why it bothers you so much." "Because", Alex said, but he couldn't finish speaking. He couldn't explain to his...

1 year ago
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Silver Surfer 7 Take Two and Call Me in the Morning

NOTE: They used to talk about Stagedoor Johnnies, the men who hung around theaters with flowers and candy for the showgirls. Then women and girls got liberated and got horny, and they called the starstruck ones groupies. But there are some of us who call ourselves by another name. We are drawn to a special class of classy ladies, to those mature beauties who appreciate a man who appreciates a vintage affair. We call ourselves the silver surfers. And this is one of our stories. Alan D.,...

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Interstellar Defense LeagueChapter 11

He stared in utter disbelief at the Council of Ten. "Pardon me?" Preliator asked in a harsh tone. "Exactly what do you mean by, 'we can't spare the resources?' We aren't talking about a god damned business deal here! In case you have forgotten, the particular topic of discussion is the Earth- a planet with intelligent beings living on it that is about to be attacked! Humanity is a pre-interstellar flight civilization, do you expect them to have the technology to fight effectively by...

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Jacksonville Or Bust

"Fuck you Jimmy!" she yelled as she stormed out of the wooden house."Fuck me? Fuck you! You're a stupid whiny bitch!" Jimmy said chasing after slamming the screen door as he left."What did you call me?" she turned around as he approached her in his white tank top and blue jeans."Bitch, want me to spell it for you?" he said looking down at her."You know what?" she shook her head. "You're not even worth it!"She stormed off into the dark of the night. She didn't even look back at him. She hated...

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PureTaboo Carolina Sweets Lily Rader Girls Night

Scene opens on a beautiful summer day as 18-year-old Kacey drives over to her friend Andi’s house. A backpack, board games, and pillow are tossed in the back seat and the radio is on. Kacey and Andi have been best friends since childhood and are practically inseparable … even after Kacey’s family moved out of town. Now, it’s the final weekend before both girls move out of state to attend different colleges so Andi has invited Kacey over for a ‘girls’...

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Miss KevenJeanne Sissyfag

Mmmmm - lipstick, short skirts, high heels - MAN! I feel like a woman! Ladyboi Queen Keven-Jeanne Sissyfag keeps pushing her hard penis down as she walks to the adult arcade. It's a steaming hot afternoon, and the horny little bitch is already thinking about the hard cock she's gonna suck tonight. Sissyboi is wearing a black halter top, purple butt baring short shorts, high heels, and red lipstick. She has beautiful silky legs, and not a HAIR on that fine sissy ass! Most of the mile walk is...

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The Angel and The Whore

We were still dating when I first called Jessica my angel. On our fifth anniversary, she declared that she wanted me to always call her Angel. Now that we have been married more than sixteen years, I only call her Jessica when doing official legal things like insurance papers. My hands were on her breasts. Each a little larger than could fit in my hands, her flesh bulged around my fingers. “May I suck one?” Angel leaned closer, bringing her left breast to my mouth. We always made love with her...

Wife Lovers
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All American BoyChapter 23

When we all came out of the showers, Bonnie joined Brandy and me in a pretty hot embrace. The three of us were hugged up and groping as if we had never seen each other naked. No matter how many times I see my sister naked, I’ll always be amazed at the way she looks. Some people just don’t look as good naked as others (I remembered all the people we saw at the nude resort), Bonnie isn’t one of those. Then there is Brandy. Even at fourteen, she has the looks and body of someone Bonnie’s...

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Cuckold couple

Recently my co-worker King sent me an email with a Sex video where this hung black guy made loveTo this slim white lady in front of her husband. As I checkedOut the video my wife Susan walked over beforeI could close the clip. I was shocked that she liked Seeing a black guy bareback fuck a married white lady in frontOf her husband. Half way thru the clip Susan was Giving me a world class blow job. Susan was actingLike a totally different person. I didn’t say anythingBecause I was afraid that...

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HandsOnHardcore Liya Silver Ready For Cum Shower

Extremely hot bombshell Liya Silver is ready for a cum shower in today’s DDF Network porn masterpiece. This brunette goddess of endless lust can’t wait to ride Raul Costa’s enormous boner and yes, he knows how to please that sexy hump bunny in a variety of positions. He takes her in doggy style and slides his big veiny dick deep into her throbbing pussy which makes Liya Silver scream for more. He gets a hard-on while that super hot girlfriend poses in front of the mirror. As...

4 years ago
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She Needs to be Punished

Jack grabbed his girl Emily by the wrist and dragged her to the bathroom. “I’m s…sorry,” she whispered. “No, that’s not good enough!” Jack replied. He was outraged, his face red with fury, half running while Emily dangled from behind, her mascara beginning to run. She was a gorgeous girl, 5’ 8’’ with long flowing brown hair and deep blue eyes. Her lips were thick and moist; her body was shaped well, with a firm ass and c-cup breasts. She was still wearing her pajamas when Jack grabbed her, a...

Oral Sex
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Harry Potter Chapter 1

Harry quietly opened the door and peered out for any signs of movement. Uncle Vernon was loudly snoring in his room, Dudley seemed to be playing his PS2 and Aunt Petunia was out for the week. Harry quietly tiptoed out of his room, walked down the staircase and out of the house. Everyday since he arrived from Hogwarts, he had been sneaking out to practice flying. He came back in the house at 4:00AM to find Uncle Vernon waiting in the kitchen. “How Dare You” barked Uncle Vernon “You...

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A ruined friendship

I love my job, and getting to work with my best friend Chloe just makes it so much better. Chloe and I met when I applied for a Christmas job in a little lingerie shop in town, the manager was running behind so we got chatting while I waited to have my interview. I got the job and we quickly became friends, we would go out dancing after work on Saturdays, then crash at my flat and recover together on Sunday watching DVDs and eating bacon sarnies. We had so much fun at work, trying on stock and...

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Matts Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 10 Delivery Guys

Carefully draping Lydia’s legs up the front of his chest, Matt leaned forward. He pushed her knees up close to her ears and jackhammered down into her tight little pussy. When he was close to coming, Matt used his thumb and massaged her clit, causing her to have an orgasm seconds before his. When he came, Matt pumped several blasts of cum inside her. When he finished coming, Matt rolled over and held her on top, ignoring the protests from his ribs. “Mmmmm, I liked that,” she purred. “Have...

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WPC Lucas Goes It Alone

WPC Lucas was determined that the pushers who got her younger brother hooked on drugs would be brought to justice. She had been to see the inspector about the drug problem in the area but of course she did not mention her brother. He was in rehab but was still being pestered on occasions by pushers. She was told to pass any information to the drug squad who were dealing with it but having difficulty in finding the supplier. "It looks like it's down to me then she sighed" as she left the...

3 years ago
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My Brother BradChapter 7

An Unhealthy Addiction Brad felt awkward, sitting there with his stiff cock still oozing while Rachel stared at her soiled hand with disgust, “Slip off your necktie for me Brad.” she said. Blankly, I stared at her? “Brad; your necktie; hand it to me!” Dumbly I complied, loosen it and slipped it off over my head and passed it to her. Taking it, she then noosed my cock, just beneath the helmet and drew the slipknot tight! “Jesus Christ!” I yelped. “Don’t be a baby Brad!” Then forcing...

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Sex With My Cousin Sister

I am Raju 27 years old from Chennai 6 ft tall and fit guy, again with a beautiful true sex story about a relationship between myself and my cousin sister. Her name is Harini and she is 6 years elder to me. This happened in my native village near Chennai.Before going into it Girls, ladies of any age can contact me to have chat, sex chat, sex which will be secure.Please share your views with feedback To say about her she is typical south Indian girl with medium sized boobs any guy will love to...

2 years ago
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Family Love

You wake up to the feeling of lips gently moving up and down your erection, and just in time to feel your ejaculation. When you hear a pleasured moan, you look down and meet Helena's gleeful gaze. You smile at each other when you lock eyes. Helena Bay is your girlfriend. She's a 19 year old girl (2 years younger than you) with long black hair and blue eyes. She's a quiet and reserved person, that's for sure. But when she gets a hold of you, that changes. Being used to other guys pushing her...

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Interstate MeetingAn early Xmas Present

I sent her a quick message, “meeting was changed, I can meet you on Monday”. I sat at work waiting for her reply thinking about the last time we were together. My only hope was that this time would be just as memorable as the last. I headed up the interstate with her on my mind or at least what was going to take place when we met again. As the miles passed and our last night together replayed in my mind, I began to formulate items to take off the sexual bucket list! Once the meeting was over, I...

Office Sex
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My Sick Dick Inside My DaughterInLaw

My dick was misbehaving that night. I had kept the lights off. I didn’t want my bahu (daughter-in-law) to realize what was bothering me. Even when I covered myself with a blanket, my dick was constantly active in my pants like a struggling snake. It was not in my control. “Father… father…” she called me in a low tone when she opened the door. I did not respond. As she stood there I could see her silhouette. The lights behind made her frock see-through. I was looking at her figure in its purest...

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Boss wife

Hi folks, this is sheik again. first of all hope you have had a nice fucking new year. today i am going to tell you my real sex encounter with my boss wife.in fact we work in the same company.we are currently woking with six staffs.there are my boss,his wife and four other staffs.my boss wife’s name is reema and she is about 38 yrs old.she is not so sexy and she never wears revealing clothes.she is fair and medium sized body. I don’t know why but these last few months,i really wanted to fuck...

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That Questioning Look Ch 2

Author’s Note: This story takes place following “That Questioning Look” and is meant to be read in sequence. Any comments would be welcome and very much appreciated. Special thanks to RTNorth, author… and editor… extraordinaire… though he doesn’t call himself one! You rock, brother. That Questioning Look – Chapter 2 I’m back on the road again, ostensibly for work, but my mind is going somewhere else entirely. Six months ago, I went away on a conference, and came away with far more than just a...

Straight Sex
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 52

By the time I made it onstage, Shelly was huddled with Wanda, Vanna and Marlene. I could see them peeking through the curtains on the right of the stage, and I had an idea what they were doing. Before she stepped through the curtains to introduce me, she whispered. “There are two - overweight, blonde girls sitting on the second row, in the two end seats. Those are the Board President’s daughters. “On the other end, there are three brunette’s sitting together - who - I’m sure will be proud...

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