flames as Paris
- 4 years ago
- 31
- 0
Two months later Ernie and Gayatri are in Rivers shopping when Ernie goes into the store called Lambert Jewellery. By now Gayatri is used to Ernie doing almost anything because he does so much that seems not to be connected, yet it later turns out to be linked. At the counter he asks the young woman, “May I speak to ‘Enri Lamber,’ please?”
She glances at him, turns, goes to the curtain to the back of the store, and pulls it aside while saying, with a French accent, “Papa, counter,” before going on to serve the next customer. When a man walks out and looks at her she points at Ernie, “That gentleman, Papa!”
He walks up to Ernie and asks, with a much stronger French accent, “How may I help you, Sir?”
Ernie replies, “A friend of mine in Sydney recently purchased some jewellery from your brother Jacques which he said was made by you.” He hands over a picture of a ring. Henri looks at the photo and nods yes. Ernie glances at Gayatri and sees she’s looking at some gold chains a bit further along the counter, then he asks, “Do you have the same style in a bracelet?” Another nod, and Henri turns to go get something so Ernie is quick to say, “Before you get them to look at I also have some other work.” He places a ring box on the counter, “I’d like these three rings re-sized and also engraved with two intertwining vines.”
Henri opens the box, looks at them, and says, “Re-sizing is no issue. I wish to study these before I can comment on the engraving.” Ernie nods his approval and Henri takes them into the back room to look at them.
A few minutes later he comes out with the ring box and a tray with six bracelets on it done in the Navaratna jewellery style of India. Henri places the tray on the counter as he says, “These rings are high quality and very old work. I very strongly recommend you do not engrave them. I can make a pair of matching intertwining rings to go with them. Here is my selection of Navaratna bracelets.”
Ernie thinks on what Henri said while he studies the bracelets. He’s soon aware Gayatri is beside him looking at the bracelets then glancing at him as well. He selects one that’s about three fingers wide and holds it up to look at. After a moment he nods yes and says, “Gayatri, do you think you’d have a problem wearing this bracelet?”
She’s stunned by his question and she turns to look at him for a moment before she takes it from him to try it on. After a moment more she says, “This is a bit too heavy for me to wear each day.” She puts it down and selects one just a little thinner to try on. A moment later, “If this is for me, I prefer this one.” She places it back on the tray and only then does she notice they have no price tags on them.
A smiling Ernie nods, turns to Henri, and says, “I’ll have this bracelet and the rings re-sized. I think that’ll be enough jewellery.” He gets out his debit card while Henry gets a device to measure their ring sizes.
Gayatri’s eyes go wide when Henri takes her left hand to measure the size of her wedding ring finger, then he does the same for Ernie. She turns to look at Ernie while Henri takes the card to his register and does the sale. After a quick smile to Gayatri Ernie follows to enter his PIN for the card to pay for the bracelet and work. He hands over his card with his contact details while saying, “Send me an email when the rings are ready, please.” Henri smiles as he nods yes, mainly because the expensive bracelet purchase goes through without any issues.
They move back to Gayatri and Henri hands her the bracelet to put on while Ernie answers his phone. It’s his bank wishing to confirm he just made a very expensive purchase of jewellery, which he confirms.
They leave the store and do their grocery shopping.
While driving down to Mistri Meals for their dinner Ernie says, “Gayatri, please try to keep the bracelet hidden from view when we first walk in. I want to surprise your family after I speak to your father.” She has a huge grin while she nods her agreement.
They arrive at the restaurant and go through the usual greetings. Ernie sees Mr Mistri looking out from the kitchen. He waves him out to speak with him. He walks out and Ernie hands him an envelope while saying, “You’ll be happy to know the Barramundi are now ready for commercial sale as well. So you can now plan on putting some on your menu. I’ll email you with some recipes I’ve found and Gayatri says you should offer to the clients. She’s tried them at home and they’re good.”
Mr Mistri nods while he opens the envelope. There’s a cheque in it, and nothing else. He frowns while looking at it. He asks, “What’s this?”
Mrs Mistri is looking the other way while talking to another client, an old friend. They’re gossiping while processing the payment for the meal her friend’s family just finished. Both almost break their necks when their heads spin around at Ernie’s reply of, “That’s Gayatri’s bride price you said you wanted.”
Gayatri’s youngest sister is nearby when Ernie speaks, and she squeals while racing over to give Gayatri a hug. In seconds Gayatri is in the middle of a large scrum of females she knows while a smiling father stands nearby watching the women all talk at once. Ernie stands beside him slowly shaking his head while asking, “Do you think any of them are hearing what the others are saying?”
Mr Mistri laughs and replies, “Sure, I am, they all hear each other.” Ernie almost laughs because Mr Mistri has lapsed into his native tongue way of speaking, it uses a different syntax and it sounds odd in English.
“I think it’s time you called Dilip to tell him to send you a cheque.”
While laughing Mr Mistri says, “That is in the bank, long ago. My second daughter made him pay to ensure he doesn’t change his mind.”
“Then you may wish to save money and organise a double wedding for both of us. You can hold it out at Mount Manor, if you want to!”
“I save much more and will have one big wedding for all four of my daughters. The other three are all spoken for and paid, just waiting for Gayatri to find a man. This is good, because I need only remember one day since I’ll arrange to have them marry in three months on the same day as I was married. It’s a Sunday this year.”
Ernie’s loud laugh results in all the ladies looking his way. A moment later the scrum starts to break up as people return to their work and meals etc. When asked why he laughed so hard he tells them, and all four girls laugh when Mrs Mistri rounds on Mr Mistri, “Only three months, that is not enough time. Suitable venues are booked six months in advance, or more. No, it can’t be done in three months!”
He responds, “Three months. You can do it, you will do it! Ernie has offered Mount Manor as the place to have the wedding. Lots of room in the great hall there. Anyway, you’ve been planning this for many years, so it should be easy to do. Our anniversary is Sunday this year and we’re already set to be closed that day. So there’s no extra loss of business.”
Gayatri reaches her left hand out to her touch her mother’s arm while she says, “We all know what we want to do so we can get this done in that time.” Gayatri’s new bracelet is visible for the first time since they entered as it had been hidden in her sleeve until now. Her sisters and mother see it, and that results in another scrum while they look at it. The other ladies in the restaurant soon come over to see what the new issue is. Ernie enjoys the big smile on Gayatri’s face due to her being the centre of so much good attention.
Mr Mistri has a laugh in his voice when saying, “You’ve no idea how much work you just caused me!” Ernie turns to him, “Now I have to train three nieces to replace the daughters who will stop working here. This is more work for me, but good for the rest of my family because we will now have more working and earning money for their families.”
Ernie grins as he nods. Yes, this is all about family: and that’s good!
Several minutes later they’re sitting down and ordering their meal when Ernie’s phone rings. He answers it to hear Dilip say, “Couldn’t you decide earlier. Now I only have three months to get my house in order.” He’s laughing and it’s obvious he’s really happy.
Ernie replies, “Tell your mother you need her help and everything will be ready within three days, and it’s only that long because she’ll need a day to travel to Sydney.” The phone cuts off and he laughs as he knows every time Dilip’s mother visits she rearranges his house for him while giving it a thorough cleaning as well as delivering a long speech about his living habits and how he should get a wife to look after him.
The phone does cause Ernie to stop and think for a moment. He turns to Gayatri to say, “I’m happy to pay for your grandparents’ airfares to be here for the wedding! I can afford it.” She smiles and gives him a hug before going to talk with her mother about it.
The rest of the evening goes very well.
The next morning Ernie is just sitting down to his computer to send a few emails when his phone rings. He answers it and John says, “I hear you’ve got some work for me! Like a new will!”
“How did you find out so fast?”
“Dinner last night, about half an hour after you left. Gayatri’s family was telling everyone they knew about her good fortune. I figure only half of the city residents know at this time. But by Sunday that’ll be up to just about everyone in the district at the rate the gossip circuit goes.”
“Well, you know how to write up a basic will for a newly married man and his wife. Do so for us both. The only special provision is half my cash in bank goes to the Mount Station Trust, everything else goes to Gayatri or her family, unless I have surviving children. I’ll let you do your thing with the actual wording, but make it such I don’t have to do it again when we start a family.”
“Yeah. That’s simple stuff. Congratulations!”
“On another issue. I’m sending you the latest book. It’s done now! So just get with the other people and organise a contract.”
“Will do. They’ve been asking about when it’ll be ready. I’ll go with the same terms as before.”
“Actually, I want a minor change. I want approval to organise a few signings at stores at my discretion. Gayatri’s uncle owns one of the local book stores. Being a local author now I figure it’ll help to do one there. If I do that the publishers will want others. I don’t want a huge list and a lot of travelling, but I don’t mind a few at times and places of my choice where they can promote them to their advantage.”
“Oh, man! Do you know how much extra work that will be for me, but it will get you more money because they want some of that stuff.”
The rest of his morning is spent answering phone calls from past workmates in the Fire Service. It seems Dilip is passing along the word about their mutual wedding plans. Jason and Belinda drop by during the day to congratulate them as well as they’d eaten and left before Ernie and Gayatri got there the night before, so they only just heard about it.
On a Wednesday of the following month Ernie is in the shade on the old dock. He’s on a chair reading a book while he has a cool drink and fruit by him with a fishing rod clipped to the rail in front of him and a line is out in the river at an angle. Will walks up and sees how comfortable Ernie is. While shaking his head Will says, “No wonder you don’t answer the phone in the house!”
Ernie turns and says, “You know you could’ve asked Gayatri to bring me the phone instead of driving out!”
“I rang to tell you I was coming out, so I decided to just come out when she told me you were out here fishing. Why fishing?”
Understanding the real question due to the fish-farm only a short walk away, Ernie says, “Pull the line in and we’ll go talk in the office.”
Will takes up the fishing rod and reels in the line. He’s surprised to see there’s no hook or lure on the end. There’s a float, a weight, and an odd device with small cupped wings on the end. He gives Ernie an odd look while he finishes reeling in the line.
Ernie laughs, “Every now and then I like to get out of the house and sitting down here having a quiet read is a good option. If I sit here reading just about everyone feels they have to come up and talk to me, so I can’t get a quiet read out here. However, if they think I’m fishing they keep away so they won’t disturb the fish I’m trying to catch. The thing on the end I made to keep the end low in the water and move around a bit like a fish is nibbling on the bait. The fact I never reel in anything while here, or put on any bait, isn’t noticed or remarked on. I’m not sure if they realise I do it to be left alone or not, but they leave me alone when I have the rod set up and the line is in the water.” Will laughs as well.
A few minutes later they’re sitting in Ernie’s office. Will opens the briefcase he has and he gets out a few papers. He says, “It’s been a bit over a year since you took over control of Mount Station. I didn’t give you a preliminary annual report last year because you were still getting settled in. I’ve got all the figures and things here for you to look at.”
“I don’t understand most of that stuff. Just hit the highlights for me.”
“OK. We ended last year with a great reduction in the liquid assets due to all of the land buying. We then emptied the rest of the bank account to pay for all of the expansion and improvement works. We also went into debt to Wells Trust for the purchase of Wells Farm Number Two during the year. We recently had the farm appraised for insurance purposes because of all of the work done on the farm, both what we paid for and what you gave us for free. The farm physical assets are one hundred and seventy percent of what they were assessed at when you bought them in the first place. Which is very good.”
“I don’t understand that! Why?”
“The improvements to the gully, the fences, and the houses, as well as the fish-farm. The residences have more than tripled in value, but the rent is the same as before because I see no need to increase the rents. The fields are more useful and in a much better condition, as well as with a lot more usable land due to the changes with the fences and roads.”
“OK! I get it now. Continue with the summary, please.”
“The improvements to the fields increased the yield per hectare, and that’s more income. The fish-farm income is higher than we expected. In fact, instead of the original ten year payback predicted by the experts we look like having full cost recovery in less than five years. Part of that is the way the fish are breeding and growing faster than predicted. The university has two students with grants to study our operation to see if they can work out what we’re doing to get such good results. They’ll start out here next month, and they’re renting the empty residence in your building to be close to the work. Rental income from the staff is as per last year’s budget, but the extra housing in the manor and the last farm we incorporated is good and it boosted revenue beyond the budget. Heck, those places are so good we’ve got a waiting list, and the current tenants don’t want to leave. One refused a promotion because the extra money didn’t cover the increased living costs of the city they want to move him to. They ended up doubling the offer before he agreed to go.” Ernie laughs, he expected people would like the housing but this is much better. “Non-salary expenses dropped twenty percent due to having our own diesel fuel and electricity. We’ve used some of the savings there to pay for a lot of farm vehicle upgrades and getting electric cars for most of the running around on the farm, with diesel vehicles for the rest. The big boost to revenue is the payments from the power company. They’re paying us a heck of a lot for the output of the wind farm. A side event there is the way the other farmers out here like us for putting an end to the weekly brown-outs and power shortages.”
“Yeah! I know about that. A few weeks back someone took out the lines just outside of Bowen’s Creek. No one out here knew about it until afterwards when the repair guys came out to shut down the wind farm input so they could hook up the replacement line. Everyone on this side of the break was kept going by the wind farm.”
“Well, a lot of people who used to have issues with Mount Station and the trust now see us as good neighbours because of that plus the better phone and Internet service due to the unplanned NBN tower put in for the Argent Estate, they equate that with the changes here. I never did get John to tell me how he got them to do that! Do you know?”
“They put it on the end of their schedule and weren’t going to do it until then because they didn’t have the staff to build it. I told him to ask if they’d give us the hardware and we’d put it in. Serge built the system and had some qualified techs set it all up for them. They only needed to send a tech out to hook into the trunk line and activate the system. They like the idea of the income for very little cost, and our people like the quicker service it provides at a lower rate than what we had before.”
The dinner conversation on Ernie’s second Tuesday at the farm is on what Jason’s daughter, Linda, can take to school for her turn at ‘Show and Tell.’ A big issue with this program is so many of the students are farm kids with limited options of what to bring in, so it’s hard to find something another child hasn’t taken in over the last couple of years. It’s because of this each child has to do this just once a year due to the program being one child in each class once a week for each week of...
The flames dance along the wall as the fire flickers. Sending waves of warmth around us as we stand illuminated in the soft glow of the burning embers. You gently pull me to the floor. The fire flickering off our bodies as a lover’s touch would caress the soul. We gaze deeply into each other’s eyes and recognize the burning desire within their depths. With the cool soft fur of the bearskin rug caressing us as we lay there surrendering to the touch of each other. I hear a sigh escape your lips...
“Well Mother, I don’t have a real girlfriend to spend my allowance on, so we stopped at Victoria’s Secret for Roxy and Maurice’s for me.” “Why don’t you show us something you got for your sister, son?” Dad said in quiet anticipation. I walked into her room and suggested the red dress and her tallest heels. After a few moments I stepped up and announced, “Lady and Sir, I give you Roxanne Marie Flame in a red dress that will take your breath away!” With the start of ‘Lady in Red,’ (on my...
This is a completely fictional story and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. So, I’m resubmitting this story because I made a mistake in my first submission where I put a bit of part two into the file that I uploaded. I’ve removed that part and fixed a few minor errors I made in the story. Also, I’ve scrapped the original second part and am rewriting it completely since most of the surprise is pretty much already ruined. I appreciated all the comments I...
We left arm in arm, and I was flying high as though I had taken a pill to get high. I have never done that, it’s just an expression. I know one of those guys is going to say something on Twitter or Facebook. I needed a shower badly, so Roxy drove us to our hotel, where I took a shower, then changed into a T-shirt version of my uniform top. I deserved it after that. My hot sister agreed. I was very hungry, so we drove along until I saw a place to stop. The Red Robin logo caught my eye. We...
When dad came through the front door, he had a big smile on his face again. With a quick dinner on the table, we ate and found out that his deal has a $5000 bonus if he can be there in the next 30 days. They must really want him! Mom agreed it was too good to pass up, so after dinner she called her best friend at ReMax to come over and look at our place, for evaluation purposes. Roxy and I had agreed it was an awesome motivator to help give Dad a running start at the new job. After dinner...
In the shower we talked about some of the things we said end it ended up with a wallfuck! We fell asleep in each other’s arms. I love her so damn much!!! After our nap (3 hours) we walked out and heard a small kerfuffle of applause, mostly guys. Then I said, “Please meet my wife, sister, and mother Roxanne! She is 38C-23–34.” I paused for her separate applause. Her turn; “This stud is George, my husband, daddy, and brother in between the sheets, a perfect lover!” Instead of applauding...
We got to our front door, and I said as I opened it, “I have a proposition for you, Mrs. Flame!” “I love being called that ... sorry, go on Hubby!” I took her hand and we sat on our sofa, when after a moment of thought, I said, “First, based on where I would like to live, the Indiana Pacers are my first choice. Let’s wait until I am a Junior here at K-State. That year, after our KSU season, I wait to see where I am rated, amongst all college players, including those who had already...
Quick recap: I’m George W. Flame with a sister named Roxanne, who lets me call her Roxy. Along the way from being best friends when we were still only single digits old, she is now 18, I am a few months past my 16th b-day, things have changed. We are not best friends anymore, we have become lovers, in public, although we have relocated from our original home. I finished my first year as a K-State Wildcat, looking ahead to the possibility of becoming an NBA player. We lost the NCAA Finals...
After the four on four practice, I was worn out. I got some high fives from all the guys. Roxy was the arbiter, if a foul may have been called. She was fair. Dwight’s four beat my four, 77 to 71. I had 42 of our points, not being greedy, but was being passed to by everybody, so I took the shot! Playing with real pros for nearly the length of a real game was amazing. I had plenty of energy and stamina for the whole time. Roxanne took me back to our hotel so I could take a nice hot...
We visited the Denver Nuggets, Las Vegas High Rollers, and the Utah Jazz before the summer was over, and got back in time to start working out for my second year at K-State. My fellow Wildcats razzed me about going out to find out who wanted me. I tried to explain my reasons, which they seemed to understand, but still kept on giving me shit about it. We had some high schoolers practice with us, including one guy I recognized from where I came from. He was short (6ft0) by college and pro...
One Tuesday afternoon a taxi stops in front of a set of apartments in Shortland Street, Telopea, New South Wales, right opposite the Telopea Railway Station. The passenger pays the driver and says, “Have a good day, Hadi. I’ll call you the next time I need a taxi. Keep the change!” The driver grins while replying in his an accent, “In other words, the same as always. Thanks for the tip. I’ll see you next time, Ernie.” The passenger, Ernie Wells, opens the front passenger door while he lifts...
Arriving at work at 8:45 a.m. Will turns into the entrance to the staff car park at the rear of the firm’s building. The building is on a street corner so their rear access is a driveway in the side street. He’s thinking on what he has organised for today when he starts his turn, but the sight of the large flame coloured van parked on the street in the spot right next to his firm’s driveway grabs his attention. He’s quick to park his car and walk out of the gateway to look at the van instead...
So, I shall begin by apologizing for that stupid mistake on the first part. You’ll have to omit the last part of part 1 (The part after Erin and the narrator cuddle). That was part of Part 2, which I have decided to rewrite completely. So, based on the ratings of my first story, I’m guessing that my very first erotic story was received very well. I originally wasn’t going to make more than two parts, but I’ve already started work on part 3, and part 4 flashes through my mind every now and...
Here’s the conclusion to the story of Erin. I originally wasn’t going to write a conclusion, but I had a little spare time during summer so here it is! Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It would help if you read the parts before this, but it’s not completely necessary. There will just be some small holes missing. I couldn’t sleep the whole night. It had been about a month since the events at the library and the thing that had kept my mind up that night was the same...
So, this is part 3 of my series. It’s a pretty fun part because it has the narrator and Erin getting more experimental and crazy. The reason it’s been so delayed is that my classes really kicked my butt and I wasn’t able to write much if at all. But, I finally have it done, so enjoy! On Saturday, Erin came over to my apartment unannounced. Needless to say, it was a welcomed intrusion. She was wearing a green sundress that perfectly complimented her eyes. Her hair was glowing in the intense...
“Do you guys serve any food?” I meekly asked the bartender, while I tried to settle myself on a particularly uncomfortable stool.He stared at me, scrunching his eyebrows a little, and turned away. I must have looked like an absolute tourist, because the regulars glanced over at me, shaking their heads. He reached under the counter to grab a canister of mixed peanuts and unceremoniously poured them into a Styrofoam bowl. He didn’t say a word after sliding it across the counter, but instead left...
SpankingWe went back and forth, and front and back until we were tired. Dad and I doubled mom, but Roxy politely refused. My season averages were 19 Assists, 17 Rebounds, and 44 points ... pretty good, huh? My ‘35’ is the best-selling jersey in both pro and college basketball. I wear one with my name on the back wherever I travel, and Roxy has pens for me to use, on either the home or away jersey. I found out online that 171 basketball players have worn the number 35 over the years: (These...
I woke up with a bad headache! My eyes locked onto hers, wondering what just happened? “Sorry, Baby,” she said. “I bought a set of pregnancy pads recently to see how I looked. There are 6 different sizes to try on; did I scare you?” My brain hurt, but not so bad to say anything except, “Scare is not the right word to use. But I was confused.” NOW, I noticed the pad, she raised her shirt to show off. It was flesh-colored, makes sense? I started the car up, drove by the trash can, she...
After our game of switching elevators, we quietly laid together on the bed just like when we were hiding from mom and dad, or our sometime babysitter. We felt like kids of 10 and 12 again. But now we were much older and have fallen in love with one another. My closed eyes opened when I felt the lips of the most beautiful girl in the world. She let down her ponytail and her luscious tresses felt remarkable as my mouth opened to let in her tongue. My pants felt tight and I was reaching down,...
As per the hospital doctrine Ernie is taken to the front entrance in a wheelchair after he finishes with the admin staff. He stands and walks to the nearby taxi rank. The trip home is quick, and he gets out. He has several letters to deal with when he checks his mail. Once in his apartment he takes time to go through and deal with his mail while making a light snack and a hot drink. Next is the computer to check his email, with several he replies to. He has no phone messages to answer...
Saturday morning is busy with the processing of all of the paperwork and signatures. Ernie spends the afternoon working on his book, except for his shower and the changing of his bandages. Another dinner served by Gayatri, and a typical early night. Sunday morning Ernie is up and at the local Uniting Church service to see what it’s like. Lunch at an eatery on his way back to the hotel, and the rest of the day is like Saturday. Monday Morning The documents for the ownership changes and...
After his action packed week life settles down for Ernie until the tenth week after the start of work on the Manor when he’s surprised to be asked to do the final inspection of the work as he thinks it’s too soon. When he drives up to it Ernie is happy to see the Manor blends into the granite mound quite well. Only in the last hundred metres or so is it clear there are buildings there and it’s not all a large granite boulder. The drive comes up on the east side of the buildings to curve...
In the four months since Gayatri started working for Ernie he’s had her visit with all of the other families working on the farms. She gets on with the other women so well she’s often over in their houses for part of the day or they’re visiting her at the manor. They get on so well they start regular morning meetings where they all go to the one house to talk while sharing cooking tricks and recipes. This has a flow-on effect to the various households with Mexican, Chinese, Indian, English,...
Soon after returning from their honeymoon Ernie and Gayatri have a visit from John to discuss the Argent Estate income. This is separate from the Mount Station trust as it’s part of the Wells Trust. Estate rental income is now twenty-one thousand dollars a week. Add in his book royalties and the trust income is just over one and a quarter million dollars a year. John wants to know how Ernie wants to deal with it. Previously he put all of his inheritances and compensation pay-outs into stocks,...
The nice summer cool breeze blow through the camp, it had been a hard day at the beach, the sun pounding down all day. There were 7 of us camping down on the east coast enjoying our summer break and celebrating the end of the school year and just having a good time. It was getting late at night but the moon was all but full so there was some light illuminating my path back to the camp from taking a leak. I was expecting there to be no one else about as the previous nigh after we had finished...
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He called her up one night and said “Meet me at the movie theater at the corner of Sheridan and Oak at tonight at 7pm. Wear a skirt.” He hung up the phone before she could say anything. Of course she would comply. He was always opening her eyes to new adventures and had never steered her wrong. She drove to the theater and arrived a few minutes early so they could get their popcorn and drinks. He greeted her with a kiss and then he grinned mischievously and she knew then that this was...
So, this is another thing that happened.I was in class again with Ms D and she announced that she had a guest to introduce us to. I was curious about who it could be. A woman walked into the room and Ms D told us all that her name was Madame E and that she was a friend of hers that she met on a trip to France.I watched her walk across the room and kiss Ms D on both cheeks. I giggled a little bit and so did some of the other students. Ms D glared at me and I wanted to hide under my desk. She...
It’s Monday and medical students Billie Star, Eveline Dellai, Alexa Flexy, and Josh have a long week ahead of them. In order to be excused from class, Eveline pretends to be sick and she’s quickly sent to the school’s doctor. During her check-up, the teenage student seduces Dr. Mugur and within a couple of minutes, he’s fucking her on the examination table. Meanwhile, in the classroom, Billie Star, Alexa Flexy, and Josh have been left to their own devices when the two horny chicks start licking...
xmoviesforyouSusan’s asked to leave Hannah’s spare bedroom in Hershey, PA. Susan sat on her twin, lumpy bed in Hannah’s small, spare bedroom talking to herself through her tears. Albeit much better than living at the shelter, she was still unhappy nonetheless. Without having a car or money to travel anywhere, she felt much like a prisoner living in a 12′ by 12′ room in the house of a kind, elderly Mennonite woman. She’s lucky to have a place to stay. It’s been a long time since she felt free aimlessly...
It was a bright but chilly December day in Southern California as Veronica stood in the queue to get on to the 180 bus to Glendale. Sunday, she reflected quietly to herself. It’s been a long week…. All those finals… She didn’t want to even think of what her grades would be like. Her stomach tied into a knot at the very thought. ‘Well, what can you expect,’ she muttered to herself as she nodded in greeting to the driver, ‘If you don’t study you’re not going to do well. Whatever. I shouldn’t...
Two attractive, and mostly naked college freshmen were having a blast. They were on a drop cloth in an old high school gym. Paint was everywhere. It was on the drop cloth, on the ladders, but mostly on them. Angie had tubes of art paint in each hand. Gretchen had just given up her brush and had grabbed the whole bucket of house paint. Before the inevitable happened… ‘Cut. Girls this isn’t supposed to be about paint fights. This is supposed to be about SEX. And don’t make such a big mess to...
“In my last story, my wife Vicki, Ginny, and I met a young couple at Light’s Out who wanted us to watch them fuck in the coatroom. We did, and then they watched us fuck. Since the young girl was amazed at how Vicki and Ginny could squirt, they taught her how outside behind a tree. Then, when the police came, Vicki seduced the cop in Dan’s parking lot. After that we rented a sexy hotel room, showered, and headed to Bi-Standers.” The Finale: Lets get started… When we arrived at Bi-Standers it...
BisexualShreeja and Neha looked at their husbands lovingly. They both have bonded together very well and they were glad since they themselves have been inseparable since childhood. Naman put an arm around his new buddy Raghav and looked back at his wife chatting happily with her friend. He announced they are going into his study for watching the game and having a few drinks. Naman and Raghav entered the study, closed the door and hugged each other. They started kissing passionately. They met in a bar...
GayI was 17 when this Christmas story took place. Both of my older sisters and their families were coming over for dinner and to exchange gifts. Each sister had 2 k**s, 1 boy and 1 girl. Both boys were 9 and both girls were 11.We finally finished eating and were gathering in the den to open gifts. The adults took all the seats and the k**s were expected to sit on the floor. The den wasn't very big, so by the time my nephews and one niece sat down, there was no room for my other niece, Jessica.I...
Fin and Travis Ch. 02 by Jena121© Chapter 2: Making a baby I have been requested to do a follow up on this story by a number of feedback fans — it was only meant to be a one-off — but I will try and follow up with some interesting events. Fin is a 36 year old single mother who had her daughter adopted when she was only 16. Jessica was her daughter who is now 26. Travis now 45 was part of the couple who adopted Jessica but his wife had passed on about 7 years ago of pneumonia.
I watched my mother looking through the window.She was in the kitchen washing the dishes on a weekend morning. She's a lawyer. Her schedule is always hectic. Often times she spends long hours in the office meeting with clients or writing legal briefs. If she had a courtroom appearance, she would spend her nights doing research on the computer and preparing for strenuous oral arguments. She has always been a naturally hard worker with a powerful drive to be successful.On the rare occasion that...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...
When the news of this reached the harem, Maryam could not believe her luck. Most of the others crowded round her expressing their congratulations and envy, even some who had never spoken to her before because of her inferior status as a hostess. Even Djamilla came in and warned her that sleeping with the Emir was no guarantee that she wouldn't be strangled. As Maryam knew, the old Emir Ibrahim had occasionally had girls in his room with no eunuch attending them and they were always found to...
The summer of 1961 was not all that significant. My beat up old 1951 Chevy was in the garage for some work and as it was a lovely day I decided to walk to the local lake and try some fishing. Travelling light this time only carried my spinning outfit with artificial lures rather than carry a heavy bucket for live minnows, tackle box, metal stringer and lunch box with me. It only took forty minutes to make the walk to my favourite spot, snap a spoon on to my line and start casting out thirty or...
Hi All iam Rohith from Mumbai. This story is about the incident happened very near future which was actually dint meant not planned. But urge of both was the same but both feared to put it in front and take it forward. I am slim fair working in Mumbai staying alone at a company provided quest house. So got to be boring in the eve and sat and sun during week off’s . Reading ISS makes my day and accompanied …also at the same time trying to search for the like-minded people who live like me here...
Beth handed her mom the notepad and pen from the bedside table, "Write down his name and number." I heard Beth read the name her mom had written on the paper, "Karl Ellis". Then, in a whisper, she spoke another name, "Beth Ellis. Bethany Ann Ellis." Was she imagining a life that could have been? She had been deprived of so much and, from recent revelations, had suffered so. Beth picked up the bag of clothes and walked over to the bed to dump out the contents of the groceries. My...
Hi indian sex stories dot net doston readers edi nenu rastunna and share chesukuntunna second real life experience.Nenu chpeydi everything nijam and imaginative story kadu.Thank you na last story experienece ki baga response vachindi and 1 aunty sex ki sye andi kuda and thankyou ISS for the great platform.In case evaranna na first experience miss aitey edigo e link copy chesukuni chadavandi Na peru Tarun nenu currently hyderabad lo untunna na height 6 feet fair and na sulla size 14 cms height...
My Sexual Awakening I open my eyes this morning and I look at your sweet face as you sleep, I smile and stretch. I have this desire to wake you and arouse you like you were last night. Your gorgeous cock was so hard, so big, and fit perfectly inside my pussy. You have touched me like no other man. I resist the temptation for now. Instead, I slide out from under the covers and head into the bathroom. My nipples are still hard, or is it … hard again. I’m not sure, nor do I care. I just know that...
My wife and I met in a little Stromboli shop. Marie is a beautiful Italian woman, five foot six, with deep dark brown hair, and stunning brown eyes. We started dating shortly after meeting and things moved quickly. She told me early on that she thought she loved me and I said I felt the same. Honestly, I never felt sure of my love for her.We were married the next summer and shortly after had our first c***d. I was very excited as he was a strapping blond haired blue eyed baby boy, nearly...
The fact was that what was rubbing his penis made it feel good too, and he felt the tingle that meant it was going to get hard again. He wasn't sure Becky would appreciate that, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. He decided to warn her. "Uh ... Becky ... my willy is going to get hard again." "It is?" She was still worried about whatever had bit her, and still looking around. "Why?" "Cause you're rubbing against it," he said. "Something bit me," she insisted. "A...
Monday's classes flew by. I'm not sure if it was in anticipation of joining the "team" or if it was just that I was settling in so quickly. I guess I had expected more problems, but in this structured environment, life was relatively easy. Hell, it was downright pleasant! Here I was, with a new life and a new body, even if it was a girl's body, and young and healthy. In my former life, I realized too late the mistakes I had made. This time I knew what life could and would dish out and I...
Kofe shifted positions, shuffling up towards the top of the bed and leaning back against the headboard, sitting upright on the mattress. Before Miller could protest, she had hooked him with her prehensile tail and had sat him between her legs, her arms crossing around his chest as her heavy breasts pressed down on him. It was like trying to carry a whole extra person across his shoulders, her fur brushing his cheeks and spilling down his chest as they molded around him, cushioning his head....
Toh dosto mera name hai nimku aur mera lund 7inch ka hai toh koi aunty ya girl sex ke liye interested ho toh mail karo Toh ab story pe aate hai. Mein ek flat mein rehta hun aur yahan niche ke flat mein ek sexy aunty hai name meet(changed) jo bilkul jacquline jaisi dekhti hai.Figure 36-28-36. Chuchi toh itna bada hai ki mano kapde phad ke bahar aa jaye. Air gand toh itne bade hai ki kya bataun man toh karta hai apne mun mein unko bolu ki aao aur baith jaao. Aur unke sexy wax skinny legs woow...
David Jay was beside himself with anticipation!!! He had been dating Betty Lou for over two years now, and now finally he had won her hand in marriage and they were on their way to Vegas for their honeymoon!!! Since both of them had had a little bit too much to drink at the reception, Betty Lou had fallen into a restful slumber while David held her small soft hand in his own and looked out the cabin window at the patchwork of farm fields thirty thousand feet below!! "How lucky can a guy get,"...
Erotic[Note to readers: This chapter follows a completely rewritten Chapter 5 and slightly modified Chapter 4. If you have read the original version, you might consider rereading them to make this chapter more understandable.] “Sir?” “Yes, Mike?” “The fellow on the island has spelled out a number, using stones, that appears to be a comm channel frequency number. When we listened in, there was a repeating message.” “And?” “It says, ‘This is Harvey Long, speaking for the entity that controls...
“Hi, Dad, I’m your daughter, Julia.” I stared at her blankly for a few moments, and she gave me a cute smile. Alwyn’s shout brought me back, and I could see that the lock gates were open and ‘Never’ was blocking the other boat’s passage. “We’re loose,” Alwyn called out, and I eased the boat through the gates and pulled up to the bank as soon as it was safe. “Tie us off, Alwyn,” I told him and then turned the girl. “Who the h ... heck are you?” “I told you, I’m your daughter, Julia. Mum’s...
Hai friends, indru kathaiyil maanavan karupu naatu katai teacherai eppadi oothan enbathai paarkalam. En peyar Kavin, vayathu 22 aagugirathu, ippozhuthu naan kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu varugiren, enaku oru class teacher irunthaal. Aval peyar saranya parka karupaaga miga sexiyaaga naatu katai pondru irupaal. Karupaaga irunthaalum mulai perithaaga pazhuthu irukum, aval mulai azhagai paarthu rasithu konde irukalam endru thondrum. Avalavu perithaaga vaithu irunthaal mulaiyai, soothum thukalaaga...