AlishaChapter 3 free porn video

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“Hi, Dad, I’m your daughter, Julia.”

I stared at her blankly for a few moments, and she gave me a cute smile. Alwyn’s shout brought me back, and I could see that the lock gates were open and ‘Never’ was blocking the other boat’s passage.

“We’re loose,” Alwyn called out, and I eased the boat through the gates and pulled up to the bank as soon as it was safe.

“Tie us off, Alwyn,” I told him and then turned the girl.

“Who the h ... heck are you?”

“I told you, I’m your daughter, Julia. Mum’s been looking for you for ages.”

“And Mum is?”

She pointed back along the towpath towards the woman in the sundress and straw hat. “That’s Mum, and she’s missed you.”

The woman took her hat off, and long black hair spilled over her shoulders.

“Ali,” I whispered. I should have recognized her immediately. I turned cold; what sort of sick fantasy was this? I couldn’t be Julia’s father; I hadn’t seen Ali for over 13 years. The girl was too young, eleven or maybe twelve at most.

She looked like her mother, and I saw no hint of my Scottish ancestry in her. What was Ali’s game?

Ali started walking towards us; I asked Julie to stay on the boat with Alwyn and went to meet Ali.

She stopped in front of me and my stomach twisted. The intervening years had been very kind to her; she was older but more beautiful than I remembered.

She gave me a sad smile, “It hasn’t been easy to find you, love, and anyone would think you didn’t want to be found.”

“I’m impressed you did! I didn’t make it easy.”

She nodded and then said, “What do you think about your daughter, she’s beautiful isn’t she!”

There was a bench a few yards away, so I went and sat down, Ali sat beside me. I said with a tinge of bitterness, “What makes you think I’m her father? She’s too young to be mine.”

“Oh, she’s most definitely yours, Ben, and she’ll be 13 in two months.”

I wasn’t convinced, “How? I thought you were on the pill.”

Ali gave a quick laugh, “I was, and she completely ignored the fact. We must have conceived her on that last shoot.”

I sat back and grunted. Images of the actor and those other two assholes coursed through my head and the bitterness I’d thought I had suppressed surged up again. Anyone of them could be Julia’s father.

Ali saw me blanch and quickly said. “I made two of biggest mistakes of my life on that trip. I bought into the garbage Ryan and Tony were telling me, and then I didn’t come running after you.”

“Ryan, is he Julie’s father?”

“No, you’re her father, and I can prove it. He was that obnoxious actor at the party.”

“Fuck yes, I remember him, the asshole who thought it was okay to grope your ass. The same one you went back to apologize to after I told him to get his hand off your ass.”

Ali winced, “I was young and stupid. Tony thought a role on Ryan’s show would help make my career and had been urging me to consider it all day. I didn’t even notice you’d gone until the next morning; I’d thought you’d just gone for a walk around the garden.”

“So who did you stay with and where were you that night, because you sure as fuck weren’t in the hotel room with me.”

“I stayed in the guest room at the villa, and I was on my own. Ryan tried it on, but my knee to his balls put a damper on that.”

I smiled at that image. “But why didn’t you come back to the hotel?”

“Because I was young and stupid. I wanted you to accept that I knew what I was doing and make you come back for me.” She shifted on the wooden bench. “Tony said you’d be back, and the woman who owned the villa had offered you and me the use of a guest room for the night. Tony was supposed to have told you that you and I were both supposed to stay there that night.”

She paused, turning to watch her daughter as she scrambled over the deck of the boat. “Our shoot the next day was to be on the grounds of the same villa, around the garden and pool. I didn’t get back to our hotel room until that evening. You weren’t there, and that’s when I found that your clothes and bags were missing, as well. The hotel manager said that you’d ordered a taxi to the airport in the morning.”

Her hands were twisting the brim of her hat, and I put my hand out to stop her. The first time we’d touched in over 13 years. We both looked at our hands, a little surprised at the spark that seemed to jump between us.

“I was so pissed with you,” she continued, “and when Tony said I was wanted for another assignment in Spain in a couple of days, I left you that stupid message. I’m so sorry, but everyone was telling me that you needed some time to get over your temper tantrum, when in truth it was me having one, not you.”

“Ben!” Alwyn called from the boat, “We can’t stay here much longer, the lock keeper is asking us to move on so the boats waiting to go through can tie up here.”

“Crap,” I muttered and acknowledged Alwyn with a wave.

I rose to my feet; the next decent mooring with water and power was ten kilometers and another two locks along the canal.

“Wait, where are you going,” Ali said as she grasped my arm.

“You heard Alwyn,” I said. “I’ve got to move the ‘Never.’ We’ll need to go now if we want to find a good place to moor before the locks close for the day.”

“Oh, okay,” she said, and she followed me back towards the boat.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“We are coming with you, of course.”

I stopped and caught her by her arms and pulled her back. “I don’t think so, Ali. 13 years after you dumped me, you turn up with some cock and bull story that I’m Julia’s father...” My words were stopped in midstream as I was grasped from behind and pushed violently aside.

“What the fuck...” I gasped out as a man mountain moved between Ali and me.

“Jamal, stop,” Ali ordered.

“He was attacking you, Ali!” The voice was as deep as the man was large.

“No, he wasn’t, and even if he was, I deserved it. Never get between my husband and me again.”

“What, who...” shit, there was just too much information and too many questions, and my brain and mouth disconnected.

“Ben, this is Jamal. He’s the head of my security team,” Ali said as stepped back close to me and took hold of my arm. Jamal nodded in my direction.

“Don’t you mean ex-husband, Alisha?” I said.

She smiled at me and said to Jamal, “When he calls me Alisha, you know he’s pissed off with me, and I’m in trouble.”

Jamal nodded and moved a few yards away to give us a sense of privacy while seemingly watching all directions at the same time.


“No, we’re not divorced. I may have been stupid once, but I wasn’t going to compound my stupidity.” She reached up to her neck and pulled a gold chain out from under her dress. The emerald I’d given her for her 18th birthday shone in the harsh sunlight, the wedding ring I had left behind hung beside it on the same chain.

My eyes were drawn down to her hand; she still wore the rings I’d given her all those years ago, but they were on her right hand, not her left.

“Ben,” Alwyn called out urgently again. He was on the boat holding the end of the last mooring line.

Shit, “Get on,” I told her.

Ali stepped onboard, and Jamal went to follow her. “Not him,” I said

“Ali!” he protested.

“This is my boat, and you’re not welcome onboard.”

“Ali, it’s not safe for you to be without any security nearby. I have to insist I travel with you,” Jamal said angrily

“It’s not my boat, Jamal; I can’t make Ben let you onboard.”

“Then you need to get off. I can’t do my job if I’m not nearby, and it’s not just you; there’s also Julia safety to think about.”

Alwyn was coiling up the mooring line, and we were beginning to drift away from the bank.

“You need to make up your mind, Ali,” I said as I used the bow thruster to try and hold ‘Never‘ in place.

Ali hesitated then called over to Jamal, “We’ll be fine Jamal, get our bags from the hotel. Julia and I will be staying with Ben. I don’t need any security, so please keep the team away from us.”

He didn’t look happy as he started to jog along the towpath to keep up with us.

“Ali, you’re irresponsible,” he called to her. “How the hell can we keep you and Julia safe if we’re not with you?”

“We’re on a boat; we’ll be fine; in any case, my husband will keep us both safe.”

“I’m aiming to moor in Beziers this evening,” I called over to him. “You can meet up with us there. Ali won’t need her bags; she’s not staying. You’ll be able to pick them up from there.” With that, I pushed the throttle forward, and we moved away from him. Ali came and stood beside me, Julia sat on the cabin roof so she could see both of us.

“He’s going to give me so much grief when he catches up with us,” Ali said as she settled in by my side.

“So I gather we are still married.”

She nodded, “We are unless there’s something you haven’t told me. There was no way I was going to divorce you, not when everything was my fault. I lived in our flat and brought up Julia there for a little while until we had to move. I had some problems with stalkers, and the security firm couldn’t make the place safe. I bought the old Anderson place near your parents.”

I remembered the building; it was a rambling old house set in a couple of acres of land with a tall wall all around the grounds. As a boy, I’d climbed that wall to scrump apples from the orchard. “Nice place for the pair of you,” I said.

She looked at me coyly, “I bought it in both our names, so you own it as well.”

I called Alwyn over and asked him to take over the wheel. There was a good half an hour before we reached the next lock, and I wanted to talk while not being distracted by steering the boat.

Julia was sitting on a cushion on the roof at the front of the boat, so I took Ali to the sun deck at the rear. We settled down on a couple of easy chairs

“Ali, what do you want, why are you here?” I asked.

“I want you to be my husband again, for us to be a family, and you to be a father to our daughter.”

She still hadn’t convinced me I was Julia’s father. Given what I’d seen on the island, there had to be several other men in the frame.

“I loved you, Ali, and yet you threw me away for your career. The slap that evening told me exactly how you felt about me. Just how long did it take you to forget me that evening?”

A thought crossed my mind. Ali was 35 and probably approaching the twilight of her career, was that why she’d come looking for me now?

“I didn’t mean to; I regretted my stupidity almost immediately. You weren’t at the hotel and by the time I got back to the flat you’d packed and were gone. I hadn’t understood how much I’d hurt you until I saw that photograph. Was I that stupid?”

As much as I wanted to say yes, I couldn’t, so I waffled. “I guess you were getting a lot of bad advice from people who had their agenda.

“You were right when you warned me. Tony was the worst of them; I dropped the agency because of him.”

Tears were running down her face, and she sobbed, “I lost the only person I’ve ever loved because I was stupid and big-headed enough to believe the garbage they told me. Nobody knew where you were, or how to get in touch.”

“Ali, you keep saying Julia’s my daughter, but where’s the proof?”

Ali swallowed to try and get her emotions under control. “Ben, you only have to look at her, everyone says that they can see you in her.”

No, I couldn’t, and that was half the problem. Julia was a young version of her mother, olive skin, and dark almost black hair. I was fair skinned with bleached red hair. The other half of the problem was that I seemed to recall the actor who was all over Ali at the party was an Italian stallion.

I shook my head, “She’s beautiful, just like her mother. But...” and I gestured at myself.

She shook her head violently. “Ben I was a virgin when I met you, and you are the only man I’d ever made love to while we were together. You are her father, and I have the proof back at the hotel.”

“Daddy, there’s a lock coming up,” Julia called from her place at the bow.

I stepped down from the sun deck and stood by the door into the wheelhouse. Alwyn was peering through the binoculars and muttered, “There’s got to be at least ten Noddy boats waiting to go through from this side, Ben!”

“Slow down and sound the horn to get the keeper’s attention when we reach the end of the queue,” I said.

Alwyn did as I suggested and we paused alongside the last boat. As I suspected, the lock-keeper waved and a moment later I heard his voice over the radio telling us to come forward. The ‘Never’ was a well-known boat on this stretch of the canal, and I had been fairly sure we would get priority.

“Move her up, Alwyn; he’ll be opening the gates in a moment.”

The gates slowly opened inwards, and two Noddy boats eased their way out. I took over the controls and kept out of their way as ‘Never‘ eased her way to the front of the line of moored boats.

There was a shout, “Hey, we’re first!”

Alwyn who had moved to his position at the bow shook his head and pointed at the lock-keeper who was waving us into the lock. “No, we go first, you come in after us.”

Julia was standing beside Alwyn, and he was showing her how to coil the mooring line.

The lock was a deep one, with a three-and-a-half meter rise. The curved wet stone walls rose far above our heads. Alwyn was showing Julia how to throw a line around a bollard to hold the bow steady. I threw up a stern line, the lock keeper passed it around a bollard for me and tossed the end back down onto the deck. Ali took hold of the line and held onto it with a pleased smile.

‘Never‘ rocked slightly as one of the Noddy boats pushed against her hull as it maneuvered into the lock. A second boat came in behind the first, and the gates began to close, sealing us in.

“Hey, why were you allowed to go first?” a red-faced Australian called from the first of the boats. There was a woman his age and a younger couple on the boat as well

“There’s a simple rule mate,” I replied. “Commercial boats have priority, followed by the larger steel hulled boats like mine. ‘Never‘ weighs over 40 tons, if I come in after you, there’s a good chance I could crush your plastic hull like an eggshell. You wouldn’t be getting your no damage deposit back!”

His wife, and I guess his daughter as there was a family resemblance, were staring at Ali and whispering together. Finally, the daughter called over to Alisha, “Excuse me, but are you Ali Mac?”

“Sorry, no,” Ali said shaking her head. “I know I look a bit like her; I just wish I was that pretty.”

“Oh,” the woman replied. “Sorry, but you look just like her.”

Ali smiled, “It’s alright, you’re not the first person that’s mistaken me for her, but she’s a lot prettier than me.”

I bent close to Ali and whispered, “Liar, liar, pants on fire.” I’d used to say that to her when she’d told a fib.

She smiled at the memory and whispered back, “Who said I was wearing any!”

I snorted and then put a hand on the mooring line she was holding, helping her control the boat while she rocked and jostled as the water flowed into the lock. ‘Never‘ steadily rose, the wet green slime encrusted walls, slowly slipping down, until the lip of the lock came into view.

“Ben, comment vas-tu?“ the lock-keeper asked.

“Je vais bien, Anton, “ I replied, “et vous?“

“Bon, bon, je serais mieux si il n’y avait pas ces touristes sanglantes.“

I laughed at his description of the ‘bloody tourists.’ I gave the line a casual flick, it came off the bollard, and I coiled the rope and stepped back into the wheelhouse. Alwyn waved to tell me the bowline was free and the gates were opening. Pushing the throttle forward, we left the lock and cruised past the boats that were waiting for their turn to go through the lock on their way to the Mediterranean.

“Does that often happen, people, recognizing you?” I asked.

“All the time, I’m supposedly one of the ten most recognizable faces in the world,” Ali said resignedly. “Why do you think I have bodyguards? Usually, people are far more insistent when they recognize me. Those women probably accepted my story because they’d expect to see me on a superyacht, not messing about on a canal.”

She looked around with a smile, “This is the first time in months there hasn’t been security in shouting distance, and it’s nice to be able to relax without one of them checking up on me all the time.”

“I’m not so sure,” I said and pointed back along the canal at the towpath. A man and a woman were cycling along the towpath in the same direction we were traveling in. They stood out because they were keeping station about a hundred meters behind us, and most cyclists were a lot faster than the eight kilometers an hour speed limit the boats are required to keep.

Ali moved to the door of the wheelhouse and stared back at them. She sighed and said, “Can you pull over to the side and stop.”

“Sure, but you know they’ll just stop as well.”

“Like fuck they will,” Ali snapped.

I put the boat into reverse for a couple of moments to kill our forward motion, the water boiling at our stern. I eased the boat over towards the towpath.

Ali shouted to the confused bodyguards, who hadn’t anticipated Never’s sudden stop. “Don’t you dare stop; you two get your asses over here!”

Alwyn and Julia appeared looking a little confused. Julia asked, “Why are you shouting at Steve and Janice, Mummy?”

“Because Mummy is just a bit pis... ; upset with them and Jamal, Honey.”

I stifled a laugh and Ali glared at me.

“You better tie us off, Alwyn; we may be here a while,” I said, and he jumped down to the towpath and tied us up to a pair of convenient trees. Christ, at this rate I was beginning to doubt if we’d reach the port at Beziers before the locks closed for the day, then we wouldn’t be able to get into the harbor basin.

Ali verbally launched into the two bodyguards, and I saw a side of her I’d never seen before, strong, confident and ruthless.

“I take it Jamal told you to follow me? Even though I gave him explicit instructions that there was to be no security following me?” Ali’s voice was icy

Two heads nodded, both wisely deciding not to speak.

“I don’t want to see any of you until this evening. Jamal knows where we will be mooring. What we do after that will depend on what Ben agrees to.”

She gave me a hopeful look, before saying to them. “Julia and I are hoping he’ll let us stay with him, so you need to start planning how to sort out our security.”

Crap, she was trying to turn my life upside down, and I wasn’t sure I wanted that heartache again.

“No, you need to stop this, I agreed to take you as far as Beziers so that we could talk and that’s all,” I said. “You’ve not given me any good reasons why I should put my life on hold to suit you, the woman who ripped my life apart in pursuit of her own goals, and you need to understand I live either on Never, or in my cottage. There’s no room for hordes of bloody security.”

Ali sobbed, and suddenly I could see the 17-year-old girl from our first meeting. The confident woman of a few moments ago was gone, the nervous girl was back.

“Please, Ben, don’t send us away. Julia needs to get to know her father. It may be too late for me, but don’t punish your daughter because of how I treated you. I’ve loved you ever since that first time we met, I may have had a brief wobble, but even then I never stopped loving you.”

I snorted, a brief wobble was an interesting way of describing the past 13 years.

A small hand took hold of mine and squeezed hard. “Mom’s been telling me stories about you ever since I can remember; I want to find out how true they are. Please, can we stay with you?”

Shit, shit, I felt like a turd. Ali was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever known. Deep down, as much as I’d tried to bury it over the years, I’d never stopped loving her. Erasing all evidence of her from after I’d walked away had been my only defense, and I had a daughter about who I knew absolutely nothing.

“You’ve got five minutes to sort these two out, then the Never is gone,” I told Ali. I stepped back on board closely followed by Julia. Alwyn had wisely retreated to the safety of the wheelhouse as soon as Ali had started shouting.

“I miss the diesel in these situations,” I admitted to Alwyn. “Starting that damn noisy thing was a great way to ensure everyone knew you were just about to leave, now nothing.” I silently flicked the electric drive master switch from standby, to on, just to prove my point.

Alwyn laughed and reached across me and pressed the switch that started the auxiliary diesel generator. With a low rumble, the generator started, and a haze of exhaust wafted across the towpath.

“That’ll get her attention,” he said with a smile. “Ben, I’ll move my stuff into the single cabin, you’re going to need the guest cabin for Ali and Julia.”

“Christ, not you, too!”

He laughed and said, “I might be a lot younger than you, but even I know when I’m fucked; you just need to give in gracefully.”

Ali stepped on board; the two bodyguards were already cycling down the towpath in the direction of the town of Beziers.

“Can we stay?” she asked.

“For the moment,” I replied. “Alwyn’s going to give you and Julia the large guest cabin. It’s the one up forward.”

“We’re still married,” Ali pointed out. “I could share with you.”

“I may regret saying this, but I don’t think that’s a good idea at the moment,” I said. “You are pushing this too fast, and I’m not sure I trust you anymore. Tell me, what’s going to happen when your next big contract shows up?”

“I never need to work again, Ben; there is only one next big thing in my future, and that’s me regaining your trust and us becoming a family again.”

I gave a resigned shrug which Ali seemed to take as my acceptance. Alwyn, assisted by my new junior crew girl, had untied us from the trees, and we recommenced our journey.

We eased out of the lock into the harbor basin at Beziers. Simone, the harbor captain, was standing outside her office and gave me a smile and a wave.

She called over, “Pull in over there, please, Ben.” She pointed to a suitable space about 50 meters up from her office. I acknowledged her with a wave.

It only took Alwyn and I a few minutes to safely moor the boat alongside the harbor wall. The ‘Never Again‘ is too long to moor stern in like the Noddy boats that hemmed her in on both sides. We took up the space that four hire boats could use, and from the looks I’d got from the crew on one or two of them they’d been asked to move from this prime spot to make way for us. Simone had walked down and was there to take the lines. I gave her the €25 mooting fee and said I’d see her later.

I was getting the gangplank secured when I felt a presence behind me.

“Where do you want these,” said a deep voice.

Turning, I saw Jamal and a pretty blond woman in her mid-twenties, standing by three expensive looking suitcases.

“Personally I’d prefer if they were going back at the hotel, but,” and I shrugged. “Ali and Julia’s bags can go in the cabin up front.”

“And mine?” the woman asked.

“Who the hell are you?”

“This is Sandy, she’s my assistant as well as one of my best friends,” Ali said as she stepped off the boat to stand beside me.

“I’m not running a bloody hotel. There’s no room, and I sure as hell don’t want your friendly assistant on my boat. Let me make it plain to you. NO bodyguards and NO assistants or whatever she is, just you and Julia.”

Jamal took two of the bags, one in each hand and said, “Forward cabin, you said?”

I nodded and asked Alwyn to show him. I made a shooing gesture to Sandy. “There’s no room at the inn; you need to take your bag and go back to whichever hotel you came from.”

“But Al,” was as far as Sandy got before Ali interrupted her.

“You can’t stay on board, Sandy; there are only three bedrooms,” Ali said. “I’m sharing with Julia and Alwyn and Ben have the other two.”

“But there’s so much we have to sort out Al. There’s the Paris fashion week coming up soon, and you’ve still not decided which of the shows you’re going to do.”

“I’m not going to do any of them this year. I want to spend the time making Ben fall in love with me again, and he has a daughter he didn’t know he had.

“Come with me,” Jamal said to Sandy as he reappeared. “You can stay with us.” He took her bag and led her over to one of the larger 14-meter hire boats moored next to ‘Never.’ I had to admire his solution to the problem of keeping an eye on his charges. No one was going to notice one more hire boat amongst many.

We moved to the sun deck where Alwyn had been raising the canopy. Jamal reappeared on the harbor wall a few moments later. I waved him over, and after a nod from Ali, he sat down.

He said, “She’s not happy, and do you know how much it cost for us to hire that bloody thing.”

I couldn’t help it; I started laughing. “I’m surprised you found one.”

“There’s a group of American tourists who are going to be sadly disappointed tomorrow morning,” he said dryly.

He turned to Ali, “We do have a problem, though. The office spotted that some woman posted some pictures of you on the boat. The only thing in our favor is that she tagged them as ‘met a woman who could be Ali Mac’s twin, wasn’t though.’ But you can bet your bottom dollar some paparazzi will hear about it and want to check it out.”

Ali looked annoyed. “Damn it; I don’t want anyone to know I’m here. Ben, you said you have a secluded cottage nearby. Can we go there tonight?”

Christ, less than a day and she was already giving me orders again. “You can if you want,” I replied. “I’ll give you the address and the keys, but I’ve got a boat I need to get to Carcassonne, and I can’t leave her here; it’s the peak tourist season.”

Ali looked worried, “I’m not sure you understand how awkward this could be for Julia and me. Half the paparazzi in Europe could be here soon. I dropped out of a well-publicized event to come here, and the speculation is rife! I only stopped to pick up Julia before flying over to see if it was you. I’ve managed to keep Julia out of the limelight, and I don’t want it to happen now.”

“I understand, but I still don’t see the problem, you can stay at the cottage or a hotel if you prefer. Alwyn and I will take the boat, and we can all meet up in a couple of days,”

Jamal seemed pleased at my suggestion but Ali looked annoyed, and Julia horrified.

“Can I stay with Daddy, the paps won’t bother me if I’m with my daddy, and most of them don’t know what I look like anyway. Please.”

“I can’t leave you with a stranger,” Ali said. Both Julia and I gave her a surprised look at her words.

I said, “Whose fault is it that I’m a stranger to my daughter?” Julia hugged me, and I rested a hand on her back.”

Ali turned to Jamal, “Plan B.”

He gave her a puzzled look, “What the hell is Plan B.”

“I don’t know; just I’ve always wanted to say that to you. We’re staying on the boat, you better plan accordingly.”

“And when we get to Carcassonne?” Jamal asked me.

“We go a couple of kilometers past the town and then stop at a private mooring next to the cottage. The property is set back about 50 meters from the canal on a small rise surrounded by vineyards.”


“One small dirt track with restricted access, and the canal of course!”

“Why is it restricted?”

“Because the land and the cottage used to belong to a friend of mine who owns the rest of the surrounding land. The only way in is across his property.”

“Is it registered in your name?”

“No, I have my reasons as to why not. The cottage is called ‘The Wanderer’s Rest.’ It’s registered to a holiday home letting company; one I’m a silent partner in.”

“We can work with that,” Jamal said. “It’s just going to be the day of the canal it takes us to get there that worries me.”

Alwyn snorted, and I shook my head. “It’ll take us at least two days if we’re lucky, more likely three. It’s the peak vacation season, and it’ll take forever to get through the locks. We’ll be lucky to make ten kilometers tomorrow.”

I pointed along the full harbor basin, “There’s a lock at the far end, followed by a narrow viaduct over the river, then there’s the staircase locks, all seven of them.”

“We’ll deal with it!”

Alwyn and I glanced at each other and just managed to keep the smiles off our faces. Immovable object meets irresistible force was my first thought. Obviously, Jamal hadn’t met the lock-keepers in charge of the staircase locks.

Then something Ali had said a little earlier triggered a question. “What did you mean when you said, come and see if it was me?”

Julia answered, “I found you. Mummy has all these photos of you all over the place. You look a lot younger of course. My friend Siobhan posted some photos of her family eating at a restaurant in Agde a few days ago. There were a couple of you sitting on the deck of your boat; you were moored next to the restaurant. Siobhan thought you looked hunky and took a few close-ups of you. The name of the boat was in one of the pictures.”

Same as Alisha
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Bullshit. See, Zach was friends with Dylan’s roommate. And from what he heard, the dude hardly pulled anyone at all. Maybe one or two girls in a month, if he was lucky. And apparently his room smelled like dead fish. Dylan’s big-guy talk was clearly an act he put up to make himself look like the hottest guy on campus. Zach wished someone would - “Hey! Get the fuck off of me!” A shrill, irritated voice dragged Zach back to the present, and he saw Dylan holding a beautifully average-looking...

4 years ago
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I live on a farm about twelve miles outside of Lubbock, so I guess you could call me a country k**. Other than the bus ride to school and the limitation on extracur-ricular activities, living so far out isn't bad at all.Our "farm house" is as modern as any you'll find intown, and we have all the conveniences everyone else has.The main restriction of country living has been its effect on my social life. It's a rare occasion for a friend from school to come to see me, and with no neighbor k**s...

2 years ago
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Moiras Friends

Moira's Friends By "C.C." My wife' Moira is a mixed-media artist with a blossoming career. I'm rich enough not to need one--a career, that is--and when we married I wondered a bit whether she was more attracted to me, my money, or the spacious apartment I owned in a trendy section of the City. She had been very willing to sign the pre-nup, so I- guess I should have left it at that, but somehow I kept wondering.... How l wish now I had never tried to find out! But I did, and the way...

2 years ago
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ButleredChapter 26

Mr Jeeves, I am going to pass to you in confidence a little knowledge of our investigations. The lawyer is telling us that Mrs Dawes’ former husband was instrumental in the forgery. He apparently was persuaded to assist, in an apparent apology for planting listening devices on his ex-wife.” “Of course!” I exclaimed. “The listening devices were in the car that he provided as part of the divorce settlement. We only discovered them recently, and had to conclude they were installed at his...

1 year ago
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A Satisfying Climax to Finals Week

Emily had just gotten out of her last class for finals. She was finally done with her sophomore year in college, which made her very excited. She was ready for the summer, but had very few plans. She took a trip to the library, where she got a text from her boyfriend, Tyler. He said, ‘Where are you? I need to see you.’ Emily became worried. She texted him immediately and told him that she was getting a few books, and that she’d like to meet up with him in the library at school. While she...

3 years ago
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A Harem Girls Wants

He called to her, she could feel it in her soul. As she made her way to him, her body thrummed with need. Her master sat regally on a lush cushion at the end of the room. Julissa approached slowly, eyes down. She let the sheer gossamer robe she wore over her nakedness, slip from her shoulders and pool on the tiled floor. She had led another life once upon a time, but now, as she kneeled obediently on the floor at the feet of her master, she was merely a slave. Julissa had been a devoted and...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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My Exdaughter In Law Part 10

It was the day after, the night before and as I woke all I could think about was the surprise I had planned for Debbie tonight. As she laid at my side, still asleep, little did she know that tonight her wish would come true, not only of having sex with a black man, but also of having a threesome. To top it all, it secretly was something I fantasised about too. 7.30am came and the alarm went off, We quickly got up, had breakfast and Debbie showered first as she had to go out to help her Mam with...

2 years ago
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The swimsuit contestant0

Anyway, I've done several more contests since then and have been fortunate enough to win every one. Now I plan on moving to New York to pursue my modeling career. Until then, I've been staying with my mom and Craig to save up money and to keep things less confusing for the imminent move. Mom's still working, she's only forty-five and planned a business trip to Canada for the next couple weeks. I was totally bummed because that means I'm stuck with Craig alone that whole time. Julie is...

3 years ago
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The story of how i began crossdressing Part 13

Entry #1:I guess i was 17 years old and broke up with my first gf back then. barely had any sex, so was horny all the time :PI decided to look online for couples and women who would be interested in camming with me, and a mistress responded to one of my advertisements on some swinger site (i cant remember why i actually registered there) She told me she’s looking for a slave to entertain “them”Thought it was a spelling mistake (since it was german its not really much of a difference)So i agreed...

3 years ago
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First time Drunk with mom

My mother, a beautiful woman standing tall at 5'8" kept her curvy body in shape. She's thirty eight and is packing a nice set of 36D's. They fit her body perfect her ass is nice and full. He name is Carol and she works hard at her job. Being a lawyer, she doesn't have time to date anyone. There were some people here and there but none stuck. She always says I'm the love of her life. Me. I'm Kallie, or Kal. I'm 16 and follow close to my mother in beauty people say, though I can...

2 years ago
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Mind Controlled Mothers ClubChapter 5 Creating MommySluts

Ulrich thrust into his mother’s pussy. She was bent over the break room table for the shipping department of the Institute of Apotheosis. Ulrich was one of the young men who worked there, all devotees of the new god, Henry Archer. They had formed their own Mother Fuckers Club, Ulrich’s mom, the supervisor of the shipping department, was the first recruit. “Ulrich, yes!” she moaned, her sloppy cunt clenching down around him. He wasn’t the first guy to fuck her during the break. She took on...

1 year ago
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Call me lover Chapter three

Call Me, Lover! Ch. 03If you are just reading this I suggest you read the two previous chapters to get up to speed.This is a work of fiction and all persons involved are 18 years of age or older. *Jenna made the first move, as Trish was dumbstruck."Hello, my name is Jenna." She said to Trish and me."Hello." Trish said when she regained her voice. "This is my husband Kevin, and I am Trish."We exchange small pleasantries for a moment then decide to retire to the dining room for dinner. Upon...

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New Lesson 3

It wasn't even a week later that Miss Winslow acted up in class again. I had prepared a pop quiz and as I began to hand the papers out she was fussing at her desk, chatting with her neighbors. I shushed her and continued the quiz distribution but was distracted by her unceasing prattle. When I was two rows away I heard her mutter a sexual innuendo to one of the boys. Besides the anger at her blatant disobedience and disruption, I felt a completely unreasonable flash of jealousy. I halted my...

1 year ago
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Enough Bickering Chapter 2

The next morning, Gavin woke Natasha and led her into the bathroom so both of them could shower and brush their teeth. "Thank you, master. I'm glad that we fucked last night. I've been wanting you to screw me for a while now. I love you, Master," she declared. "I love you too, Natasha. You're a damn good slave. Now, together we need to plan for the party tonight. I want to use my mind powers to hypnotize people into fucking each other. Once we cause the orgy, I plan to use it to transform...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Its for the Best FIN

It's for the Best - Part 3 [email protected] The continuing story about love, transformation, growth, acceptance, and peace. Sunday around noon I heard the door open and heard Dani finally get back home. I was all emotional and needed to talk to her about so many things that happened in the last 24 hours. I had just showered and put on a denim skirt and tee shirt over my bra and pantyhose. (She requested that I wear pantyhose all the time and I was happy to oblige...

3 years ago
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Tempted by Eve Part Two

Eve walked to the restaurant with her fingers intertwined within Channing’s large, strong hand. They chatted about random topics as they made their way there before arriving. The restaurant was elegantly furnished with some traditional Thai art decorating the wall which caught her attention. Telling Channing about her trip to Thailand the year before, he listened quietly. Eve had a way of speaking which captured his attention instantly and perhaps, this was how he’d fallen in love. The meal...

3 years ago
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Proving A Theory

I checked the device in my pocket--it was fully charged and ready. I took a deep breath, calmed myself and entered the faculty lounge. Including myself, it was now full of half a dozen sociology professors. Only one of them was important to me though: my target, Dr. Cynthia Lowe. The middle aged woman with the tight brunette bun, mannish gray suit, and horn-rimmed glasses was drinking tee, pinkie extended, and talking to the cute new red-headed assistant professor who looked like she was...

2 years ago
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Vox Populi

Violet wakes up, groggy, not knowing where she is or how she got there. Unable to see anything but a small red light indicator just a few metres away from her, softly pulsing. She's tied to a solid iron chair that's bolted to the floor, wearing a little black dress and her favourite boots. She remember some sort of party last night but it seems vague, her head hurts thinking back on it. Even though Violet is seated in the dark she can hear there's people around. Quite a few. Her arms touch a...

1 year ago
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50PlusMilfs Janet Mason A Woman With Skills

First, 54-year-old wife and mom Janet Mason tells us about herself. Then she sucks and fucks cock, which is why she came here in the first place. Janet is a beautiful, very fuckable redhead with a spectacular body. She’s no rookie to fucking on-camera, and she definitely knows what she’s doing, displaying superb blow job skills and really bouncing on that hard-on when she’s on top. She’s very flexible, too, and she talks dirty when she’s getting fucked. No cum...

2 years ago
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Strip Mall Exhibition

There were several women at the mall that day. Post Christmas sales meant the place would be jam-packed with shoppers, mostly women, and college girls because school term had yet to resume. Those 18 to 19 year-old girls would be returning gifts or taking advantage of bargains. Guys don't shop the malls, they cruise them, so it was inevitable they're would be mostly women in the mall food-court at noon when I happened by. What I did not know was that the mall's Art Studio would be holding...

3 years ago
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Power Struggle

"Power Struggle" (An Erotic Story bySnert's kitten) I feel Beautiful. I feelSexy. I feel Powerful. Come hither… This little kitten wants to play… Growling playfully, Ipounce. I throw you to the bed and pin you under my weight. You weigh morethan I do, but…when I want you helpless under me, you definitely are.(I want you helpless and mine…and you will be). Pinning you to the bed,I lick at your lips and look down, staring into your eyes. At first, yourgaze meets mine, equally strong and...

3 years ago
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Soup of the Day 190

John Allen Lucy Allen Seabolt / Martin and /Rita Jerome Morris the director of vocational education for the Cleveland school system Bobbi James the radio personality Amos Hardee deputy sheriff Lori Moore deputy sheriff Marcus hostage taker Sara Thomas newspaper writer Everett Martin the current leader of the Cleveland meetings of Freebird. Mark and Happy Jones swingers. Jethro Morris murder victim. James Western the second murder victim. Sarah the cousin who sold him he land. I woke up in my...

1 year ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 8 A Test Case and a New Friend

Mark Damn. I forgot that my security team had an unobstructed view of the beach right where Cindy, Elsa, and I had fucked away a large chunk of the afternoon before falling asleep in a sexual stupor in the warm afternoon. We were all asleep under some palms and naked when Lucas, my head bodyguard, woke me with a concern about some approaching boats. We responded by going up to the house, but any exhibitionist damage had been done long before. The girls were slightly concerned and partly...

2 years ago
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Adventures at Hardonis Academy

New Student=s First Day Part 1By Victor Lavay "Welcome to Hardonis Academy." The distinguished looking Principal said from behind his desk as Sandra walked into his office. "Have a seat." He pointed the young girl to a big comfortable chair in the centre of the room. She quickly took her place as ordered. Her parents had told her that the school could be a lot of fun, but it would be strict on discipline. They assured her, the punishments were not something she would ever forget. So Sandra...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Alex Coal Evelyn Claire Girl Talk

Evelyn Claire and her friend Alex Coal have started an intimacy podcast. Today’s episode is a discussion of sexual fantasies. Evelyn dreams of being tied up and helpless, while Alex is into having her hair pulled or being choked. As the girls chat, Evelyn’s boyfriend, Codey Steele, begins listening in. Just as Codey tunes in, Evelyn asks Alex if she’s ever been with a girl. Alex claims she hasn’t but that she’s curious. That’s all the encouragement Evelyn...

3 years ago
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Thewedding Reception

After years of reading slut wife stories in various magazines and on Internet sites I finally have one of my own to tell. It is not about my wife, at least not this time, and it happened at a very unlikely place - my daughter's wedding. The slut? None other that the mother of the groom. Rick and Anna had been a couple for several years before Rick popped the question and Anna said yes. Jean (my wife) and I had met and had socialized with Rick's parents for over two years. There was nothing...

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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now.I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it's thin enough that when my...

Straight Sex
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Your Mothers Room

Being 18 and horny as usual, I took advantage of any time I was home alone. Whenever I could I would sneak into my moms room and raid her lingerie drawer. I would slip the silky or lacy stuff on and masturbate with a fervor, or sometimes I'd just jerk off into the panty crotches, bra cups, or the toes of her stockings. Today was no different, or so I thought. Except today was the day that I got caught with my dick in my hand and the head literally drooling precum when I heard my mother cough...

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Several times a week I go to the health club for a mild workout. I often see a guy named Mike. We chat as we workout. Now I am a secret TS so I'm totally clean shaven but also lots of guys who are into working out are also. Anyhow Mike is a real hunk! As most guys do Mike will make an occasional joke about the size of his penis. The bulge I secretely glance at looks pretty good but real size hard to tell. So last week we were done together so we were showering & boy was he right...

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Rangila sasural

Hi, this is ladyfucker again with next part of maa ka balidan with new title. Maine pahle ek aurat ki kahani me aapko bataya ki maine mere dost ki maa ko choda. Fir maine usase pucha ki tum apne bete se kyon chudwati ho to usne muze story batayi jo main aapke samne pes kar raha hun. Pichli story me padha ki bharti ki maa ko bharti ke sasur aur sasur ke bade bhai ne choda. Aage ki kahani bharti ki jabani. Uske bad meri sadi ho gayi. Meri suhag rat thi. Maine us din pahli bar chudwaya. Ek bar...

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Another world

You are a sexy woman at the age of 22. You were exploring the jungle when you stumbled across an ancient forgotten temple. The first room is a large and empty space with a stair case leading down at the opposite end you entered. Down there, there is a hallway leading to a room with a portal. The portal is a large white circle with a rainbow ring around it. You debate on whether or not you should jump through

2 years ago
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Condemnation RedemptionChapter 12 Current Day Nashville Soireacutee at the Adamsrsquo

On my way to the luxury condominium where the Adams were having their ‘house warming’ party, I was both incredibly anxious with joyous anticipation at seeing Aurora (or ‘Stephanie’ I suppose) again, simultaneously suffering from a horrible lingering fear that I would find myself rejected by a woman who was the exact image of my lover of three hundred years before. After her death, eventually I was almost able to exist without yearning for my love every minute of every day, only to have all...

4 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 17 BATUS Redux

I took Big Ben's advice and got more involved with the section and platoon. Since returning from my abortive leave I had retreated into a bubble of self-pity, guilt and anger, but now that I was interacting with the boys, and discussing with them how we felt about what we had seen in Bosnia, I began to sleep better at nights, and the incidence of flashbacks fell. I remembered the psychiatrist at the sniper school held the theory that PTSD sufferers began to be affected when they were away...

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Aufstieg der Goblins

(Die Bilder sind von IronHawk-R, zu finden bei "DeviantArt" und mit seinem Einverständnis veröffentlicht, bisher nur das Startbild, aber passend zum Storyverlauf kommen vielleicht auch noch weitere dazu) Die wilden Lande verdienten ihren Namen eigentlich nicht mehr. Früher war es hier wahrlich wild zugegangen, plündernde Orks, Zentauren und viele andere Schrecken hatten das Land unsicher gemacht. Doch dann kamen die Amazonen! Sie sorgten für Sicherheit und brachten tatsächlich den Frieden. Die...

1 year ago
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Desert DroppingChapter 6 A little fun

"Oh, look at that," Dave mumbled, in a voice not much louder than a whisper. "It's just not fair. I mean, just look at that." I was looking; I just wasn't as interested in it. I was actually more interested in the sunset, which had colored the sky various oranges and reds. We probably had a good hour left before it was completely dark, and that was fine with me, considering we were sitting in the middle of the park, in the grass, and watching the varying activities around us. Luke and...

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My Sexy New Spaceship

It had taken me years, but I finally had my own space pod. I bought it free and clear, complete with an android crew, and I never had to go back to Earth again if I didn't want to. It was brand new and unused. The gravitational systems, navigation, communications, light engines, and even a few things I had yet to check out were all tested and guaranteed to work or I get my credits back. At less than 2 million credits, this mansion of a starship was a steal. It was looking like 3257 was...

3 years ago
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The importance of knowing yourself

Right off the bat let me say this story does not have a happy ending (no pun intended).As I stated in another story/account, ever since I was sexually aware I enjoyed a hightened sexual sensation when something was in my rectum. The closer the size to a large male penis the better the sensation, the more powerful the orgasm. The desire for something in my rectum would come in a cycle, every 8 or 9 months, but the instant I came the desire was gone and all I felt was akin to shame or...

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The Harem

Deep in the land of Terem, in the grassy hillsides of the Gel'ant Fields lay the secret estate of the Lady Haydia. She was a respected member of the Kings Court, and although her title was inherented from her deceased parents, the real reason for her importance had to do with the estate which remained a secret from the people. Whenever young King Faedyn found his duties becoming too burdensome, Lady Haydia brought him to her castle where he could release his stress through sexual...

3 years ago
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It was a lot of little things that first made me suspicious that my beautiful, sexy wife of just three years had found other avenues of expression in her life. Things continued to be great at home. We enjoyed everything together, especially sex. Both of us had been in our late twenties when we decided to get married. Neither of us were strangers to robust sex when we met. Then we had lived together for a year prior to taking the step. We shared so many common interests together that we never...

1 year ago
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A Night At Your Girlfriends

After a long week of working, you finally have a night alone with your girlfriend. You plan on using the whole night to both your advantages. You arrive around 7pm, and your girlfriend is in the other room, getting ready. You decide to sneak a quick peek, so you peer through the half open door to see your girlfriend with only a top on, looking through her underwear drawer. You see her pick something up that you can't quite see from here. She giggles and quickly brings it to her mouth and kisses...

1 year ago
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Real Life Behind Shining 8211 Part III

Hi to Iss readers I hope you got and read my 2nd story and now 3rd story .I am Sarapa 39 white as snow 5.7ft tall, round face with big eyes nice lips with figure 38,28,38 I got a flashy hips and have very beautiful feet now straight to story Ramu told me his simple words and went and I started to think I called Neha and told her all about she said don’t think just call him and enjoy At 7 I came downstairs to have my dinner but still thinking then I finally decided to go ahead After the maids...

2 years ago
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Last Rites

Naked beneath the silvery-blue hue of the full moon, I enter the shallow woodland clearing, just as the book instructed. Branches stripped of leaves lace the sky like frail wooden capillaries around me, whispering in the light breeze that greets my sensitive skin. I'm aware of my nipples firming under the dappled droplets of mist that cling to my breasts; hair follicles contracting to commence an all-over shiver. I should feel cold but inner heat swamps it. Excitement, perhaps. Or fear. I'm...

3 years ago
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Anybodys slut

My name is Valerie. I'm 38 years old and married with two almost grown c***dren, a 14 year old boy and a 16 year old girl. My husband, Hal, treats me very well and understands my problems and needs. No one man is capable of satisfying my need for sex and I wouldn't want someone I love to see me humiliated and degraded. Hal's only stipulations are that I not get pregnant to anyone but him, I always insist on my men wearing condoms and that I'm always available to him for sex. The first condition...

3 years ago
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My First Gigolo Service

Hello dosto aap sabhi ko mera namaskar. Mera naam Sonu he or me Ghaziabad ka rahanewala hu. Me ek call boy hu. Me ek midil classe faely se hu. Meri height 5.9 hai. Or body average hai. Ma iss ka bhut bada fan hu. Mane iss ke laghbag sabhi stores padhi ha. Socha qyu na aapna bhi expience aap sb se seare karu aap sab ko jyada bor nhi karta hu or sidha story par aata hu……. Baat un dino ki he jab me aapni graduate khatm kar ke job dhund raha tha or Delhi me ek call centre me mujhe job mil gye. Call...

1 year ago
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After The Late Night Part 1

It's 6pm the day after. I haven't came out from my room at all...except that one time he went to bathroom and I quickly grabbed something to eat, brought it back to my room, just to realize I can't eat. As I was in my room, not particularly doing anything, he suddenly knocked.-Hey...I still have the Freddie Kruger movie...I'll need to return it tomorrow. You want to watch it?I am so if... I dont even know what to compare it with...exams are nothing compared to this...The door opens...

2 years ago
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Jackie Sexy Teacher and MILFChapter 8

Jackie began to show her knocked up condition about five months into her pregnancy as her baby bump became obvious in her clothes. She, of course, had known much earlier that she was expecting a second baby, and it had first taken clear effect on her womanly figure when she had to go shopping for a bigger size bra. Jackie enjoyed everything about being pregnant and the natural increase in her bra size made her feel even more like a sexy woman. Jackie continued to enjoy being pregnant again,...

3 years ago
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Sweet Lemonade

It wasn’t the lemonade stand itself that caught my attention, quaint as it was. What kid sells lemonade anymore? It was the girl watching the kids running it. Although I couldn’t really call her a girl. She could have been 16, but her curves clearly had woman written all over them. Curves that her pretty white top and cut jean daisy dukes didn’t make any effort to hide. She was bending over to pick a toppled pile of paper napkins from the lawn, and from where I was walking on the other side of...

1 year ago
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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 11

8PHE0011 Word count 1534 ******** Day 11, Friday "New rules," Jazz said, as she booted up the game. She held up a tentacle dildo. "Loser has to deep-throat the garglemeister. Garglemeister meistergargle." "You are so stoned." "You, too, Elsie." "Elsie?" "Because you're like Borden's cow. Ninety milliliters last feeding." "How can you tell?" Jazz looked startled. "Oh. Because, um. Ninety em el the last time you strapped into the machine." Kinny rubbed his...

2 years ago
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Tourist Girl

I see her in the subway, sitting across and to the left from me, engrossed in a book. A large, curvy, soft-looking woman with big heavy breasts. Plump round face, pretty enough to be called beautiful, with a short, slightly upturned nose and big blue eyes behind the thin frame of glasses, pretty pink mouth, a mass of dark blond curls falling on her shoulders. She could be anything from her early twenties to early forties: plump faces like hers are slow to acquire wrinkles. Serious expression...

4 years ago
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There Is Life After Retirement

Pure fiction as most of you know Hazel is my sexy wife but she likes me to write stories like this as she lies in bed playing with one of her many toys.There Is Life After Retirement(Hazel 1) When I retired from my job as area manager for a large industrial cleaning firm in the West Midlands I decided I needed a fresh start in new surroundings. One of the contracts I managed was the cleaning contract for the Tesco supermarket in Bangor, North Wales. I’d spent quite a bit of time up there and...

2 years ago
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J is for Jerk Off

Paul bit the cornered portion of his toast after having first dipped it into the runny yoke of the egg. He preferred his eggs 'sunny-side-up' as opposed to anything else. He had smiled at the waitress as she freshened his coffee, grinning politely, managing the words "Thank you" as she did. Penny, his wife of barely a year sat beside him. She preferred pancakes smothered in rich thick syrup, perhaps overdoing it, but she'd explained that it reminded her of the way his cum sometimes...

3 years ago
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Lazy aunt

I am Rishi from Mumbai. Any one want to contact me to share their experience and interested contact me in & I am a student studying in college. I am 20 yrs old and I used to watch lot of porn. This is about me and my Hot mom’s elder sister. It is not exactly a hardcore sexual incident but some thing that turns me on even today. She was 45 then medium built 5 ft 8 in 60-65 kgs with good buttocks and medium breasts. I always had a hard on for her because of her lazy elegance. She had this...

2 years ago
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Georgia Part 01

by Vanessa Evans Georgia is an 18 year old girl who spent the last 6 years in an all-girls boarding school. She decides to take a gap year to have some fun. Part 01 Hi, my name is Georgia and I am about to tell you about the fun that I had on my gap year. But before that it would make sense for me to tell you a bit about myself. You see, I’m stinking rich, well daddy is, and it will all be mine when he pops his clogs. Mummy died when I was 12 and I have no brothers or sisters. Her death...

3 years ago
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Janice and Wayne

We went to the The Craven Heifer Inn Grassington Road, Skipton. We had arranged it by email he had sent a lovely invite to my address [email protected] Arrived just after 12 noon, parked the car then Wayne left the car to make a phone call outside round the back of his car. After the call, as we entered the Inn Wayne commented on the beautiful colourful flower tubs outside and the fact that the Inn had accommodation. We went to the bar and I went to find a table, in the lighter,...

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