Flames Of LifeChapter 09 free porn video

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In the four months since Gayatri started working for Ernie he’s had her visit with all of the other families working on the farms. She gets on with the other women so well she’s often over in their houses for part of the day or they’re visiting her at the manor. They get on so well they start regular morning meetings where they all go to the one house to talk while sharing cooking tricks and recipes. This has a flow-on effect to the various households with Mexican, Chinese, Indian, English, and Aussie traditional foods turning up on everyone’s daily menus. The fish-farm is now producing lots of commercial fish which is in great demand in the local shops and restaurants as well as on the tables of the farm workers who get the fish-farm products at a discounted rate.

The new farm fields are laid out. Jason starts on the fencing as soon as the new equipment is delivered. The old fences are all taken out with the fencing along the river and the road done first with the new gutters and fences. Right now the men are fencing around the house areas and the new orchards near the staff housing.

The work on the gully needed specialists for some of it so Will has a crew from Serge doing that with Jason as the overall supervisor. The shire engineer approved the plans, but he pointed out the mini-dams and pools are only just small enough to count as anti-erosion measures and not dams. The men working their way down from the council bridge have it half done. Luckily there’s not been much rain while they work on it. What rain there has been is mostly caught in the first few pools they made and the stock are enjoying the easier access to the water. Some of the farm staff have put in several ridges along the hill that are angled a little toward the road, that also helps to slow down the water movement when it rains as well as directing water up stream.

Ernie had Serge’s people out to build large greenhouses to protect the vegetable gardens from birds and insects, one at each residential area. They also build the cover and protection for the dock area. Three sides are like the outer walls of the verandahs, the roof is like the manor, and the beach side is open with a railing along it. Three large barbecue grills are set in it as well as several tables to sit at and eat. A few solar panels on the roof charge batteries for the LED lights for evening use.

All the farm staff spend a little time working on their veggie gardens because they like the reduced food bills and eating fresh produce. Each family has an allotted area within the greenhouse nearest them.

Thursday is the day most of the families go into Rivers to do their shopping, and they all end up having dinner at Mistri Meals. This gives Gayatri a chance to visit with her family while she gets to be waited on instead of serving Ernie his dinner.

The trike is the most used vehicle because both Gayatri and Ernie use it for getting around on the farm, with the car being the next most used. On the few times they’ve a lot to get in Rivers or Bowen’s Creek they take the van because it has more storage space in the centre.

Much of Ernie’s day is spent on the Internet doing research for the farm or his books, with some time spent wandering around to keep an eye on things on all three properties: Mount Station, Wells Number 2 Farm, and Argent Estate.

Wells Number 2 Farm

The bio-diesel units are available in a range of sizes based on their production quantity capabilities with the smaller production units being for use by single households or small operations. Thus there are a number of different sized units in each group range. After much study and discussions with experts John has four of the larger sized small bio-diesel plants built on the Barker Road side of the houses, he also has four new houses built between the existing houses and where the plants are built for the extra staff to work on the farm.

Three men are employed full-time to work the bio-diesel operation, but that only takes up eighty percent of their time so they help out on the farms as well. A light weight 3,000 litre fuel tanker is also bought so they can deliver the end product to the many fuel tanks the farms have.

One of the new houses is rented to an extra farm worker Jason hires and the farm’s operations are fully integrated with Mount Station’s.

Argent Estate

The shire council approved the plans a few weeks after the meeting about the estate, and John got construction started right away.

The fuel depot is all finished and in the middle of the internal fit-out. A local man and his family lease the facility to run a combination fuel station, take-away food stop, and mini-restaurant at the crossroads.

Beside it is a separate grocery and general store that’s also in the fit-out stage, and it’s leased to the younger son of the man who owns the farm on the other side of Barker Road. This allows him to go into the retail grocery work he wants to do while still staying near his home and family.

Two large buildings are behind the businesses. One is a depot for the local volunteer Rural Fire Service (RFS) and the other is a combination ambulance depot and clinic with a community hall attached.

The large dam is in place with a big picnic and recreation area beside it that’s for use by residents, leaseholders, and their friends. The only way to get to it is via foot from the Argent Estate properties and it’s not visible from either road.

Each of the commercial properties has a good residence in it and the rest of the land along Barker Road is a series of residences. Each is a five bedroom house with a large yard, fair sized greenhouse with vegetable garden, and a garage. Each has a large rainwater tank, a wind turbine, and enough solar panels to meet their individual needs. The buildings are up, but the internal work is still being done. John has people who’ve signed leases and are waiting to move in as soon as they can. It seems Ernie underestimated how many people want a rustic lifestyle. He thought fifty houses excessive, but the demand is so high John has plans to put in another fifteen houses along Mount Road when these are all finished. The estate will be a good sized village in the near future.

John surprises Ernie by contacting the National Broadband Network Company (NBN Co.). Telstra has a major fibre trunk cable going along Barker Road, so it’s an easy task for the NBN people to cut into that and set up one of their Fixed Wireless Towers to provide phone and Internet access to the new village as well as many of the farms nearby and most of Mount Station, just not the last few residences near the ridge. The seventy plus existing residences they’ll hit from the tower justifies them putting one in there.

An extra item John convinces the shire council to approve is the construction of a concrete truck parking area and picnic place on the north side of the river on the left side of the road for the traffic heading north. The council already owns the land but they were doing nothing about it due to a lack of funds. Ernie wants a pump station for the RFS near there so he pays to have the area concreted and the pump station put in while the council pays to put in the toilets and the picnic area. The result is a nice wayside stop for north bound traffic, but it’s after they pass the Argent Estate shops on their right just before crossing the river.

One More Change

With the Wells Number 2 Farm now all set up and running well, plus the high demand for housing, a section of the land of the farm along Mount Road that’s not assigned for crops is sold from the farm to the estate to add a further seven houses to the estate village. This gives the village land an ‘L’ shape and expands it to seventy-two residences with twenty-two on Mount Road plus the business linked residences. Two days after the processing of the sale the Wells Number 2 Farm is sold to the Mount Station Trust and it’s incorporated into Mount Station, thus making Mount Station a little larger than its original size.

These last two land changes finalise Ernie’s real estate deals and set the stage for the long-term well-being of Mount Station and both trusts.

Life flows on at a smooth and easy pace for Ernie and Gayatri while they get to know a lot more about each other.

Thursday’s Thugs

Mid-afternoon on a Thursday almost a year after Ernie moved to live at Mount Station Constable Henry Adams, stationed at Bowen’s Creek, is driving along Barker Road to serve some court orders on a couple of farmers involved in legal disputes. No one expects any trouble so he’s by himself in the police car, as is the usual practice in these rural areas.

He’s about a kilometre before the junction at Mount Road when he sees a car with three men on the side of the road. Something about them doesn’t seem right so he slows down to look them over. He pulls over to park about ten metres in front of their vehicle. Before turning the ignition off he gets on the radio, “Rivers Control, Rivers Five Nine,” seeking contact. They answer, and he says, “Rivers Control, Rivers Five Nine. Stopping on Barker Road short of Mount Road to check on a car parked by the road,” and he gives the registration plate number of the vehicle. Control acknowledges his report and checks the plate - it’s not wanted for anything so they pass that information on to him.

Henry gets out of his car and he walks back to the other vehicle. He notices the rear passenger is now behind the driver and all three men have their windows down. Something about the situation makes him nervous so he undoes the thumb strap on his firearm, but he leaves it in the holster because he sees no reason to draw it. Reaching the driver’s window he leans down, puts his right hand on the car door at the window level, and asks, “Are you people right? Need any help?”

The driver has both his hands on the wheel when he responds, “No, Sir! We don’t need any help. Just having a short break to discuss something without worrying about driving.”

The use of the word ‘Sir’ like that and the tone he says it in worries Henry as it indicates a lot of experience with police from the wrong side of life. The front passenger has both hands under a coat in his lap and Henry can’t see the hands of the rear passenger. He has no reason to do or say anything else so he simply moves back and starts to stand upright prior to returning to his car. Due to him starting from a forward leaning position the movement to stand upright has his right hand falling back from the side of the car to beside his hip and near to his firearm.

The man in the back seat suddenly raises his right hand as he snarls, “Fuck, the pig’s going for his gun!” This makes Henry step back more and reach for his gun. The man’s hand rises above the window edge to show he has a pistol in it. He points the pistol at Henry and fires. The high calibre round fired at such close range hurts a lot when it hits his chest. Also, the energy of the impact shoves Henry away so he loses his balance to fall over backward. His vest has saved his life, for the moment, but he’s sure he’s got some broken ribs and his head hurts.

While hearing and seeing the car doors open he gets out his firearm and he points it toward the vehicle. First out is the guy from the back seat. The door opens and he steps out while bringing his gun to bear. At the same time the driver’s door is half open and the driver has a leg out while getting out, and he now has a gun in his right hand while saying, “Idiot, Snapper, he was leaving us be until you spoke and fired.”

Both men are armed, one already shot him, so Henry thinks they’re going to finish him off. His right hand comes up and he snaps off two fast rounds at the guy from the back seat because he’s the most danger at the moment. Both rounds hit him in the chest to fling him back. The driver steps half out of the car and turns more toward Henry. Two more fast rounds and he’s knocked back into the car with a red chest at the same moment Henry is hit in the left thigh by the round the driver fires.

Turning his head makes Henry nauseous, but it allows him to see the third man is now beside the car and swinging a sawn-off shotgun to shoot over the car roof. Henry can’t lift his hand up fast enough to deal with him with a ‘centre of mass’ shot like he was trained to use and did use with the first two, so he looks along the road, shifts his hand, and aims at the man’s ankle. Henry fires first. The man screams as he starts to fall forward and sideways. The shotgun is pointing in the air when it goes off to discharge both barrels, so it’s no longer a problem.

The man falls forward and sideways to be facing away from the car. His body hits the car door and he slides down the door to tightly wedge his neck in the angle of the door and the car body. The jolt of stopping causes him to drop the shotgun. The angle he’s now at doesn’t allow him to grab anything to pull himself out of the angle, and he’s in great pain.

Henry sees the situation is now under control, but he’s hurt and bleeding. He holsters his firearm and he starts to sit up so he can use the personal radio clipped to his shoulder. The movement makes his head spin and he passes out.

Ernie and Gayatri are in the van on the way to Bowen’s Creek to get some things from a speciality shop there before going to Rivers for their main shopping of the week. They turn into Barker Road and head up it. Ernie is driving so he soon sees the police car and the other car on the opposite side of the road. At first he doesn’t think much about it, but when he gets close enough to see the policeman lying on the road and the state of the people at the other car he’s quick to change his mind.

Putting the hazard lights on so all the indicators blink Ernie pulls up just past the policeman on the ground. Both get out of the car and move to the policeman as fast as they can. Gayatri running and Ernie at his pace. He checks the pulses of the two on this side when he passes them.

At the back of the van he opens it to get his main trauma kit out while Gayatri checks pulse and breathing, just as she was shown in the first aid course Ernie had her do. He kneels on the ground beside the officer and is worried about all of the blood he sees. The worst being the leg. Triage time. First is a large compression bandage on the leg wound, done up tight to reduce the bleeding. Followed by another check of his vital signs. He’s not happy about the man being unconscious.

While Ernie applies bandages Gayatri does a careful check of the rest of him. While checking his head she looks up and says, “His skull feels like it’s fractured back here.” Ernie checks the officer’s head and agrees.

With the immediate dangers treated it’s now time to get better help. Ernie grabs the radio off the officer’s shoulder, activates it, and says, “Control, urgent, control urgent!”

The radio says, “Rivers Control, who’s making the urgent call?”

Ernie glances down at the officer while saying, “Rivers Control, I’m in Barker Road near Mount Road beside a Constable Adams, he’s shot and needs an ambulance. There’s another car here with three others.” While he’s talking Gayatri is checking the man on the other side of the car. She checks his pulse, looks at Ernie, and shakes her head no. He adds, “The others are dead. We need an intensive care ambulance and Constable Adams will need immediate surgery. Alert the hospital.”

The operator at Rivers Control repeats and acknowledges what he said, then asks, “Who are you?”

“Ernest Mount. Driving into Bowen’s Creek I came across the scene and stopped to render aid. I’m a qualified paramedic and have done all I can for Adams. He now needs a doctor.” When they ask for some ID confirmation he gives them his driver’s licence number. They tell him an ambulance and other officers are on the way to him.

Fifteen minutes later the ambulance from Bowen’s Creek arrives. A police car is right behind it with a sergeant in it. The ambulance crew check what Ernie did, agree all they can do is to take care to immobilise Adams’ head and put him in the ambulance. Then they leave to take him to the hospital while the sergeant gets statements from Gayatri and Ernie.

After using his laptop computer to copy the files Ernie hands over a USB drive with copies of the video files of their approach to the scene and their actions on arrival. This’ll help the police with their evaluation of what the two did.

While Gayatri is giving her statement Ernie has a closer look at the three dead men. They look slightly familiar. It takes a while for him to make the link and he has to open a file on his computer to confirm it, yep all three are from the gang in Sydney he had troubles with. Now he’s really concerned. That also reminds him about his last talk with Sergeant Bannerman, and Ernie hasn’t heard about the licences.

He rings Dave to tell him about the incident. Dave’s reply is, “We now know they know you’re down there, somewhere. I’ll see if we can find out just what they do know. I’ll also look into what happened with the licences for you.”

Ernie tells the local sergeant about his call to Sydney and the names of the dead men. Which gets a response of, “I’m glad you’ve got their real names because the documents on them say something else and I can see they’re fake. And thanks for looking after Constable Adams.”

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First time with a prostitute in Amsterdam

After finishing up my grad school I had some time left to start my job, I was bored and had not visited many places , also student loans had sucked all the money out of my back account,somehow I saved up some money to travel. I didn't wanted to spend majority of my money on transport so I decided to travel somewhere nearby. I had already visited France and Belgium as a k**,the only closest place to the UK was Holland.So I packed my bags and set off.Having just broken off with my girlfriend I...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 6 Pearl Harbor

Sunday, July 11, 1971 Of the forty-seven people on board the Tri-Star (not counting me), I can safely say that the vast majority of them were, to some extent, unhappy with me. While I’m reasonably sure that the four guys, Robert, Jimmy, Kip, and David, as well as the pilot, co-pilot, and flight engineer, were not on that list, I wouldn’t bet either way on the two stewardesses. As for the other thirty-eight passengers, there was one toss-up and one that just didn’t care because she loved me...

3 years ago
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My Daughter My Mistress

My wife Loretta is thirty-four years old and a very voluptuous redhead. She is very sexually attractive with her full shapely figure. She has nice full breasts too. Her waist is tiny in comparison and her hips flare out rather nicely. She sure turns heads wherever she goes with her 36D-22-34 body. Then there is the fact that my wife’s soft red downy pussy hairs can glisten ever so wonderfully in the morning light as it comes in the window with her lying there naked after sex. I love that...

2 years ago
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Beewi ki chudai

Hello viewers, aap sab ne meri story “wife swapping by old couple padi, mujhe bahut achha response mila. Ab main usi silsile ko aage badhata hu aur aapko ek purani sachhi story sonata hu jo aaj se karib 26-27 saal pehle ki hai. Yeh story Narendra aur Suman ki hai jo khud Narendra ne mujhe bataai. Ab aage ki kahani Narendra ki muh jabaani hi suniye. Hi viewers me Narendra aur meri wife Suman. Me karib 5’ height badan bhara hua vajan 67 Kg age 56 aur Suman 50 years age height laghbhag mere...

1 year ago
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Perfectly Timed Visit

It was my sister's thirty-ninth birthday and though she and her husband lived over two hours away and decided I would go and visit her on her birthday. This was an unusual for it was the first time I had gone to see Jacquee without my wife Becky; her father was ill and was staying with him for a few days to look after him, the trip seemed slightly longer and very boring without company. When I finally arrived at Jacquee's house at ten-thirty in the morning it was raining, rain was not...

2 years ago
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Gay Action at the Gas Station 8211 Part 2

This continues my story, ‘Gay Action at the Gas Station.’ To recap, I have been living in Canada for some years. I had an organic gay encounter with a desi hot guy in the washroom of the gas station where I worked. He left without any contact info and left me longing for more. I am writing the next part now because he showed up one day. It led to the ringing of bells in my heart and also in my pants. He browsed around the store, picked a couple of items and came to the register. Of course, I...

2 years ago
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Well its finnaly happened!!!Late on friday evening my g.f took a phone call to say her daughter(21 yr old) wanted to come home from uni for the weekend, so off we went to pick her up.Ive always had a fantasy about my step daughter but apart from sniffing her panties and having a wank while doing it, nothing more as ever happened....until saturday night.She decided to catch up with a few old friends and go out for drinks, She asked if i'd pick her up at closing time, which i gladly said yes...

4 years ago
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The Love Monk or Zen in the BedroomChapter 2

What got him out of the funk was opening his present. First was the card signed by all six of his lovers, a beautiful watercolor image on the outside of the six surrounding Joseph all in high spirited conversation and each with a halo particular to them, and discretely inside the card was an orgy scene with the seven of them in the throes of orgasm, bodies flowing together and a great glow emanating from the mass of naked flesh and written over the image obviously rendered by Candice along...

2 years ago
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A Friend in Need Part 1 Sucking Tom

My wife and I are now in our fifties, and although I seem to have an insatiable thirst for sex, my wife, Joan, lost her desire for sex many years ago.  I occupy myself by reading primarily cuckold, creampie, and bisexual stories, and although I like pussy the most, I also have some bi-sexual tendencies. But my real bias is for oral sex of almost any kind, and maybe that’s because I have a below-average-sized cock and tend to cum too quickly.  With oral sex, I can enjoy the encounter for much...

Gay Male
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 49

Ah, Friday morning, perhaps I can get out a little early and relax. What I need is that little bi-plane, go soar in the clouds, and feel the mist on my face. I need one of those Snoopy hats with the goggles. The smile on my face woke Brandy who had her cheek resting against mine. "What's making you smile, Honey?" "I'm lying here with two beauties, a very special person snuggled up and greeting me when I first wake up, what more could make me happy?" "How about flying, were you...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Angela White Angela Jugs Fucked Gaping Ass Reamed

Australian sex goddess Angela White flashes a charming smile and giant, 32DD jugs! The flirtatious fleshpot flaunts luscious lady parts in tight workout apparel and shares a primal ass fuck with director/stud Mike Adriano. She nurses Mike with her monster knockers, gives a spit-slathered suck job, rims his asshole and smothers his husky boner in massive jugs. The spunky slut trembles in orgasm through intense anal plowing that leaves her asshole gaping. And he reams her throat ass-to-mouth....

3 years ago
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Darkness and LightChapter 3 The wish of a Queen

After Athea’s decision to leave Falkath, they sent servants to call for the Clan-Chiefs. Now back at the hall, Roban had taken his seat on the Throne of Blood. He watched the opposing forces; about fifty Norgar Clan-Chiefs, Ognar and Gyorak among them, were facing his little sister with Iane at her side. The rest of their friends had fanned out behind them. “I called for you to let you know about some decisions I have made,” Athea told the gathered Chiefs. “You mean decisions, the...

2 years ago
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Private Jasmine Black Simonne Style Outdoor Threesome with Anal and Squirting

Today on www.private.com, we recover yet more incredible action from Private Gold, Orgy at the Villa as the stunning babes Simonne Style and Jasmine Black show us the true meaning of fun in the sun. Simonne and her man Mike Angelo have no patience in this one as they get the fun started with a nice blowjob on the patio before the busty Jasmine joins in to put her big natural tits to work with a hot titfuck. Then watch these incredible brunettes in a breath taking outdoor threesome as they suck,...

3 years ago
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Im sitting in front of my computer camming and playing, there is a knock the the door and i know that knock....my heart begins to race as i go answer it. He comes in and sits on the sofa and i sit across the room deciding if I'm gonna make a move or not..see we had a past..long story short we got high together and got freaky. Anyhow i told him that i missed getting high with him and hes says back to me "I think about that all the time" I got bold and asked him if he needed some incentive and...

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with a dominat married top

I know him over a year from manjam.com but we haven’t seen each other in real. Because he lives far from where I live. He’s 46 yrs old civil eng. Married but his f****y lives in Lebanon and he’s here alone for work. Last week he came to my town for a training course. He asked me to meet him in his hotel room but I was so busy in the first two days of his visit and didn’t go. Plus, I was a bit hairy and I had to shave my body. On the third day, I left work early.. Bought me hair removal cream...

4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 11 Losing It

Of Zushi's group of eight, the five boys walked barefooted in the shallow water of the river, less than a meter from the river's banks, where the three girls followed at the same pace. Zax turned his Soul Sense On and Off every ten minutes as if it was a light switch. If there were Earth's Cores in the river, his Soul Sense only enabled him to tell where they were not. One positive thing, which evolved from this tedious repetitiveness, was that little by little Zax got more used to the...

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A Little Pussy

When the back doorbell rang it caught me off guard because no one ever goes to the backdoor. The front door goes ding-dong while the backdoor just goes ding. So after opening the front door and finding no one there the back doorbell rang again. This time I headed right for it. When I opened the door my new neighbor was standing there. She was about twenty years old, beautiful, and had gorgeous brown curly hair to her breasts. It was thick enough that I believe she could had gone topless...

2 years ago
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Lust And Passion With A Stranger Met In A Park

Hi guys..This is sunny or you can call me Sam also. Well am26 yr old and from Chennai. I am a new member in ISS and going to share you all with my real life experience. I am bit dark ,5.11” high with absolute clean body without hairs so that ,each tongue running through by body can have a smooth pass and every bit of my body can be licked and tasted. Ok I guess that would be enough of my small introduction and rest of it can be described in your private mails ,which am very much hoping that I...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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A Hot Summer Afternoon

My very first story! I'm so excited please rate and leave comments! I stepped into the cool, forgiving water of my in-ground pool. My lack of sex from my recent breakup with my boyfriend had me in an almost constant state of horniness, so obviously the "water" was the force gently pulling down my bikini straps, revealing my perky B-Cups with rock-hard nipples. I was just pulling down my thong when a knock on the door jerked me back to reality."Stef? Anyone home?" A male voice called. Damn, I...

Straight Sex
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Jennifer and Allison Part 1

"I know," Jennifer hissed back when Mrs. Miller, the algebra teacher turned her back to write another problem on the board. "It's like torture having to sit here listening to her voice when we could be at your place laying out!" Allison continued at the next opportune moment. Jennifer's house had a great backyard with a pool, hot tub, and big lawn. The weather in central Florida was perfect for swimming this time of year, and the two best friends couldn't wait to get to the...

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New Found Hope

I lay here thinking about the past month. Things only went from bad to worse. My now ex fiancé and I were kicked out of one place, found another only to have are relationship dissolve before my eyes. My name is Jason Porter. I am 5’11, blue eyes, dark dirty blonde hair which I keep buzzed, and an average slim body. For the past 2 years I was with a wonderful girl. Problem was she has 4 girls ages 11, 8, 6, and 5. Her oldest looks like she is 18. The problems started when the 11 year old started...

1 year ago
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Shirly finds her father

Jerry Anderson went to high school with Nancy Phillips. They fell in love and one night had sex in the back seat of his car. Nancy got pregnant. Jerry and his family mysteriously moved away to parts unknown. Nancy never saw him again. She cried continually and searched for the father of her baby and the man she loved. It was no use so Nancy had her baby girl heart broken and alone. She named the girl Sally and transferred all of her love and attention to her beautiful blond drunk girl on his...

2 years ago
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Center of MassChapter 20

The next morning, I was expecting to find a resumption of the battle. However, the neighborhood was strangely quiet. I scanned our entire perimeter with my binoculars, but could not see a single Navajo. Where the hell did they go? For that mater, where were Joe and Running Fox? Alice was cooking breakfast when the prodigals came in. As soon as I saw them, I knew something serious had gone wrong. Joe was slumped over his saddle and was in the saddle more by Running Fox's efforts than his...

4 years ago
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Harem Building The Southern California ConnectionChapter 5

Waking to my cock being sucked while bright light came streaming into the room is something I am learning to enjoy. I glanced over at the clock it was just after 11:00 am. Suzie leaned over to kiss me as Lee continued her ministrations. While her mouth and throat created a wonderful sensation. My mind told me that it was pussy fucking time. I reached down and grabbed Lee by the hair pulling her off my cock and up into position. She kissed me deeply when her mouth was near mine and then I...

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The Party Aftermath

Marie feels her head throbbing as she starts to wake up. Opening her eyes is a process because they feel gooey and irritated like when she once had pink eye. When she rubs them they feel crusty. In fact, touching her cheeks and her nose her whole face feels a little crusty. Still too groggy, maybe even still a little drunk, to fully feel panicked. Once she gets her eyes open there's very little to see. The room is pitch-black. She runs her hands down her body and discovers she's buck naked. Not...

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jims wanking gets him in trouble part 8

a'everyone please lets sit around the table thankyou for coming to jim's birthday party ' ben saysaround the table are jim and his mother amanda ,bens sister jen her husband darryl and their 2 sons kev and martin 'i know all about the games you have been playing with my son jim and also your sons kev and martin and i don't care they are all lazy wankers and deserve all they get , however i want to make one thing understood , the only person who works and put roofs over all your heads is me as...

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Weapons of Math Instruction 4 Truth or Dare

We're in Master-slave relations with both neighbour mom Jenny & tasty teasing tiny tit teen dear dirty dod Sara.We're with Sara in power now, as we can blackmail mom with the video Sara shot of mom's painful punishment!We promised them a competition for first school holiday, lasting two weeks around Easter: Who is best in bed?We promised them not yet the preceding part of our potent patent of interesting 'Intimate Inspection & Interview'!We order both to show up together, immediately...

2 years ago
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mom and son

Chrismas Party-Fill in * Jim walked in the house and tossed his keys on the table by the door. ‘Hey Mom, you home?’ he yelled and went looking for her. He stopped by her door and heard something odd. It sounded like she was moaning and having sex. ‘Oh man,’ he moaned with disgust, starting to walk away, but he heard something else and went back. ‘Yeah, that’s it, baby! Fuck me with that big, beautiful cock! Fuck my pussy! Fuck it, fuck it, baby!’ Mom groaned and Jim wanted to rush in and...

3 years ago
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Sharing The Mrs

The Mrs and I have been dabbling in swinging for several years. We have had lots of fun, both fulfilling most of the fantasies. But there was still one big one to go. The one we had spoken about for the longest and the one that got us the hottest between the sheets. A Bi MMF threesome. This is where we had built up to. We had both had Bi experience, Mrs was laid by my side as I sucked a cock, but we had never managed to share the same cock. This was going to be the best night of our sexual...

4 years ago
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The Babysitter Part 6

"Did you enjoy that Stephen?" she queried as she surveyed her prey. "Would you like to know a little secret?" Stephen nodded and Mrs. Holmes removed the hood from the slave's head. It was Stephen's father, with a look of complete and utter fear on his face! Then came the second part of the surprise - Stephen's mother stepped out from the shadows. His jaw dropped as he moved his head up and down, tracing the outline of his mother's body. His friends had always k**ded him about her. "What a fox!"...

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