Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 2 - Sex HighChapter 5: School Inauguration free porn video

Ana awoke the next morning to the same glorious sensations Lana had two days earlier. Opening her eyes, she was greeted by Hannah's winking twat and pulling her down on her mouth had an early morning drink.
After they had both cum, Hannah turned around and lying face to face on her sister kissed her with true sisterly love, and probably a lot more.
"So," Hannah said, "did you think I'd forgotten I had promised you a good wake up?"
Rolling off the bed Hannah stood up and Ana noticed her dog collar. "So I see that you're back to yourself," Ana said.
Hannah gave her a confused look and said, "What does that mean?" But before Ana could answer she noticed Lana awake and looking at her. "Oh Lana, you're awake, I thought you'd never want to wake up. That must have been some incredible dream you were having last night; both of you actually. I swear, the moaning and groaning you two were doing made me want to sneak into my Master's room and try to get him to fuck me I was so wet."
"Dreaming," Lana said curiously, wondering.
"I had promised Amy I'd help her with breakfast today, I'll see you both there," Hannah rushed out of the room as she said this.
Ana looked at Lana and said, "we weren't dreaming were we?"
"You don't sound very sure," Lana said giggling.
"Well are you?"
"Let me think, large torture rooms, enormous round vibrating beds, mini-pool sized bathtub with soothing vibrations, why would I doubt any of that was real?" She smiled and Ana broke out laughing.
"So, do you think we'll ever get the Mistress to tell us what really happened, where we were and how she got us there?"
"Right now," Lana said, "there is no Mistress to ask."
"Wow," Ron said as he walked into the kitchen with his brothers, "what is this, 'Father Knows Best'?" He looked over the stacks of pancakes, bowls of scrambled eggs, sausages, and bacon. Looking at Amy he said, "Amy, you really outdid yourself today."
"Actually," Amy said, "I just got up. Someone," she cast an eye at Hannah, "was a little eager to serve us all this morning, too eager if you ask me."
As Lana and Ana walked in and also stared at all the food on the table they couldn't decide where to start.
Trying to justify her actions Hannah said, "Well, today is a special day, it's the first day of the rest of our lives!"
"Isn't it that day every day," Don asked, placing some pancakes and sausages on a plate.
"Well, yes actually," Hannah said, "but if you're asking if I'm going to prepare breakfast like this every day, the answer is no way!" Then catching Ron's eye she said, "that is unless my Master orders it so."
"Actually," Ron said, "That's what the cook is for." He started digging into his eggs and bacon. Then he said, "You just come into my bedroom every morning like you did today and let me eat a special meal. I promise to have a little something for you to snack on too."
"Hey," Don said angrily to Ron, "you promised us you'd keep her off our bed from now on. It took us forever to clean up after her last visit."
"I promise to always go to the bathroom first, before ever stepping in your room again," Hannah said, almost begging not to be banned from their room.
Don and Ron threw a look at John and he knew that they were waiting for him to be the tie breaker in the decision, he looked over at Hannah's sad eyes and said, "Okay, just don't forget to empty yourself real good." Don shot him an angry look and John said, "Oh come on, how could I say no when she used that sad, puppy-dog eye, look on me?"
"Talking about the first day," Lana said, "I guess Pietro is driving us in the family car right?"
They heard something crash to the floor and turning caught a glimpse of Amy's tear filled face as she ran out of the kitchen and down the stairs.
"What happened to her," Ana said.
"Great going, Queen!" Ron said angrily to Lana.
"Me," Lana said confused, "what did I do?"
"You had to go and remind her we'd be driving to our first day of school today!" John said.
"And," Lana said confused but defiant.
"Amy doesn't like the subject much," Don said, "we don't really know why. Driving doesn't bother her, neither does school, but driving to school on the first day, never mention it again."
"Oh," Hannah said suddenly running down after Amy, leaving her brothers and sisters with shocked looks.
Hannah ran into Amy's room and found her crying on the bed. She walked over to her and, sitting next to her, gently raised her head and had Amy suck on one of her tits. Though this technique was usually used by the Anderson woman for calming each other when terribly upset, Hannah happened to know that Amy's mother also used it a lot.
As Amy started calming down a bit, Hannah started fingering Amy's cunt gently and said, "They all died didn't they? It happened while driving on the first day of school."
Amy looked up at Hannah's eyes and smiling she let Hannah's tit fall from her mouth and pushing Hannah's head between her legs, slowly studied her soft blond hair.
After a while, she said, "I was only eleven you know. Technically I was even still a virgin; Mom had promised to break in my pussy on my twelfth birthday. I saw all the videos on the TV, I know you know more about me than Stan and the boys ever have."
Amy continued stroking Hannah's head. "I should have been with them you know; but I woke up sick that day. Mom insisted I stay in bed until she got back from dropping my brothers and sister off at school; she was going to take me to the doctor as soon as she returned. Since the doctor's office was in the opposite direction from the school, she didn't see any logic in having me locked in the car with the others while she drove them to school. The unnecessary car ride could have made me sicker, and it would have exposed the others to whatever I had."
Amy gave another sob, but this one was actually a joyous sob as Hannah started expertly tongue fucking her pussy. "She never came back for me," Amy said sadly, "none of them did. Instead what showed up was a social worker taking me to my first foster home."
Hannah stopped sucking long enough to look up and ask, "Did you find out exactly how it happened?"
"It was a drunk driver apparently; witnesses said he came out of nowhere at almost 100 miles an hour right into Mom's car. They say the four of them, along with the drunken bastard must have died instantly."
"I'm sorry," Hannah said, once more looking up, "your mother, she seemed like an incredible woman."
"Yeah," Amy said pulling Hannah up and locking tits with her for several minutes, "however, someone reminded me, only last night, that no one is ever truly completely gone."
"So you're not mad at me," Hannah said shyly.
"Never," Amy said, "especially when you tell me where the entrance to the Mistress' Lair is."
"Don't you know?" Hannah asked puzzled.
"Honey, not only had I not been there since I was eleven, but whenever I was there I was taken there in my sleep and removed from there in the same way. That was like Mom's batcave, she kept its location secret from everyone."
Pietro stepped into the room and said, "Young mistress your brothers and sisters are all getting ready to leave, you should be dressed already."
"Oh," Hannah said jumping out of bed. "Pietro, when you and Amy are alone at some time, take her to the room we were in last night."
"You know where it is," Amy said to Pietro.
"You didn't really think I got all of you up there alone did you?" Hannah asked stepping out of the room.
"Well," Ron said in the ride to school, "I guess that explains why Amy never allowed any of us to as much as taste a beer."
"It's so sad about her family," Lana said actually sniffing.
"Yeah," Don said sadly, "we never knew."
"And I get the feeling there's more we still don't know," John said looking suspiciously at Hannah.
Hannah looked nervously at the car floor; her master had ordered her to say what was wrong with Amy, so she had told them what Amy said about her mother's accident. She had not, however, mentioned anything about the original Mistress of Pain.

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