Burn After Reading free porn video

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Disclaimer/Spoiler: This story is a fictional fantasy that touches on the sad, sensitive subject of suicide and someone seeking solace after its occurrence, which can cause the reader to feel uneasy. There may be characters within this story that may also seem familiar to the reader in any way and if so, kindly note that this is purely coincidental and unintentional. Please, if you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, immediately reach out to loved ones, friends, and people who you know, trust, care about and seek their help. I hope that you enjoy reading this story as much as I did writing it, and your constructive criticism and feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank You. Shay.

Mike had just finished the burial of his wife Karina yesterday. And yet here he was, the day after her funeral, ready to screw some girl he had barely met between their bedsheets. Karina was a Native American woman from a reservation in Oklahoma. He had met her while they were freshmen in college. She was an art major while he was studying pre-law and sparks just seemed to suddenly fly out between the two of them. Karina was quite beautiful with long raven hair and gorgeous almond colored eyes that drew anyone in who dared to stare at her. Her body was beyond voluptuous, with mouthwatering full breasts that were D cups, and round hips that accentuated each of her body’s natural curves.

She had a very cute and toned little waist from her years of helping the women with work on the reservation. Mike was certainly not too bad on the eyes either, with his own a shimmering aquamarine hue. He was in very good shape, having frequented the gym often, at least five days out of the week, and he kept his dirty blonde hair medium length, resting on the back of his neck with a lazy man bun on top. Often, he found himself tanning in the sunlight because his wife loved to tease him about how cute his chiseled face looked when the blood would rise under his cheeks as she would catch him staring at her from a distance, admiring her from afar. Mike was definitely blessed to have Karina as his wife. He was over the moon when she finally decided to accept his proposal and take his hand in marriage, moving her into their Californian home, just after Mike had finished his law degree and started to practice while she pursued her teaching career at a nearby elementary school.

Karina was a very bright individual, a kind-hearted woman who stood by her husband Mike as he successfully sought out his career. She supported him day and night, relieving his stress in many ways, both emotionally and sexually, an overall perfect wife. Of course, Mike adored his wife and he loved her immensely, it crushed him to know that she was no longer a part of his life. After Karina’s death, Mike had arranged for her body to be transported back to the reservation she had grew up on. Mike’s family was saddened to hear the news of his wife’s death, they had grown attached to Karina as much as Mike did. Her mother and father were devastated to hear the news of their only daughter, as she was the youngest of her four brothers. Everyone was just in a state of shock at what had happened, though there was no one to fault for what had occurred. Karina had ultimately taken her own life that night. Mike could see it so painfully vivid in his mind, it hurt him to shut his eyes at times.

He had finished his duties in his office for that day and he headed straight home to his wife, who always finished up at the school early, but stayed late to offer help to some of the students who needed extra credits for their classes. Mike could almost sense that something was wrong, there was a silence that filled the air of the hallways, as all of the lights in the house were off, which was strange to say the least. The only light visible came from their bedroom, a sort of warm glow escaped from the edge of the door as it was slightly ajar. As Mike entered the room, he saw his wife seemingly asleep on their bed, but as he approached her, he realized it was not the case, as stark fear began to creep over him. There his wife lay, in a sort of peaceful and relaxed state, a small smile present upon her lips, an empty bottle of mixed medications adjacent to her body in one hand, and a tiny handwritten letter in the other. Mike couldn’t bring himself to read the letter that night, and so he grabbed it from her hand and taped it to the back of a picture on their nightstand, it was a photo of them from their fifth wedding anniversary trip only a few months before, and seeing it then just deepened the wound that Mike could feel growing stronger in his chest.

The funeral back in Oklahoma was very moving. Karina’s brothers played an appreciation song on the sacred tribal drum for their departed sister, while her parents performed a celebration of life dance for their daughter. Once the funeral service had concluded, Karina’s mother and father went up to Mike and embraced him, her mother removing a piece of jewelry from her neck as Mike allowed her to place it around his own. He held up the turquoise colored beads which displayed a topaz stone within the center, amazed at how bright it shone when the sun would hit it at the right angle. Mike offered his appreciation and condolences to Karina’s family and he soon left afterwards, having to make the long journey back to California by plane. Karina’s family did not blame Mike for what had happened, as they knew that it was the way of life, that things did indeed happen for a reason. Still, Mike couldn’t help but feel a sense of regret in his heart that he wasn’t there to comfort and console his wife during her times of need. Mike blamed himself for what happened, even though it was not his fault that his wife made the decisions which she had acted upon. Mike’s family and friends reached out to him after the funeral that day, wanting to talk to him, but he just didn’t feel up to it. The plane ride was beyond tiring, and he just needed to take a nap and hopefully clear his mind of everything.

Mike slept for what seemed like hours on end and when he finally awoke, he knew that he couldn’t continue to lay there in their bed feeling sorry for himself about everything. It was around noon the following day after the funeral, and Mike got up and walked into the kitchen. There was that now familiar sadness which started to haunt over on him again, and as he stood there motionless looking into the refrigerator, he felt that if he got out of the house, it would help to start making him feel just a bit better. He figured the least he could do was head over to the supermarket in the nearest city and grab some groceries for the house, though he hadn’t felt a tinge of hunger since his wife had died. Lifting up the necklace that adorned his neck his mother-in-law had given him, he touched the topaz stone he hadn’t taken off since and called for an uber to pick him up and take him to the plaza. As he made his way into the supermarket, he found himself sort of wandering down each and every aisle, seemingly lost and confused. He kept flashing back to the days when Karina would beg him to shop with her and he would reluctantly, but once they’d make their way down the various corners of spaghetti sauce and cake mix batter, he realized that he enjoyed being able to just spend time with his loving wife, that all the seconds they spent together were filled with happiness and belonging. All of that was long gone, and the only thing that Mike felt now was emptiness and loneliness.

As the minutes seemed to drag by, Mike knew that he wasn’t going to be able to purchase any groceries that day, so instead he picked up a bottle of lighter fluid and made his way to a checkout counter. He opened one of those for-your-convenience coolers, reaching his hand in to grab a bottle of water to pay for as well. Standing there in line, his eyes started to drift over towards the girl who stood there in front of him, a basket clinging onto her arm filled with her own groceries. She caught his eye as she stared back towards him in response, and gave him the biggest smile, clearly impressed and amused that such a handsome man like himself was giving her so much attention. Though, she was quite the looker herself with pretty brunette hair and a cute petite butt that outlined the seams of her blue jean shorts, flawless fair skin and the most perky set of tits any man had ever gotten the pleasure to feast their pupils upon. As if drifting back to reality, he realized soon what he was doing, and he cleared his throat nervously, turning his gaze down towards the floor to await his turn to pay for his beverage. She gave a small giggle, noticing his embarrassment and she placed her basket of goodies onto the counter for the checkout lady to scan. As the woman finished punching in codes onto the screen, the girl slid her credit card into the plastic mechanism and typed her credentials into the keypad. The cashier soon handed the girl her receipt and she stared back towards Mike, raising her eyebrow just slightly to see if she had caught him staring at her again. Of course, he was looking at her again, but this time he was smart enough to hide the fact that he was doing so, and he commenced to paying for his merchandise before making his way out of the supermarket, the girl long gone ahead of him.

He exited the supermarket and stood outside for a minute, taking in a deep breath when he heard a bubbly, high-pitched voice speaking to him. “Um, excuse me Sir? Could you help me carry these to my car, please?” Turning around, he noticed that same face of the pretty girl who stood ahead of him inside of the store and he stared down at her, her hands filled with bags of her groceries that she’d just bought moments before. She seemed to be struggling with carrying the weight of all of her purchases and she stopped next to him to see if he would assist her in carrying them back to her car, once she had come to return the basket inside of the store. “Ah, yes?” Suddenly realizing what she wanted, Mike reached down and grabbed the groceries from her weakened arms, able to carry all of the bags with ease. “Thank you kindly.” She started to walk off and Mike followed closely behind her, watching in awe as her butt started to sway back and forth with each and every step she took. He felt ashamed that he was looking at another woman this way, especially so soon after his wife had passed, but he was still a man after all. It was not his fault in the least she was such a pretty girl, and he was a gentleman after all, of course he was going to help her with her bags.

As they made their way to the girl’s car in the parking lot, she opened the back door of the driver’s side and she turned around to face Mike, reaching her arms out to grab half of the bags before she turned around on her heels, leaning in to place the bags down onto the floor of her car, her ass sticking high up into the air as she did so. Her bum was just inches away from the front of Mike’s pants and he could feel the spit catch in his throat as he swallowed hard, a bit taken aback by the girl’s apparent display of nonchalance. She whizzed around again to grab the rest of the groceries to place onto the floor and just before she leaned back to stand up again, she gave a small wiggle, teasing him. Mike only stood there, unmoving and quiet as the embarrassment once again crept onto his face. She stood upright and stared into his eyes, grinning like an opossum. Reaching out her hand, she grabbed at his which held his own measly bottle of water and she cracked the lid, placing it to her lips to take a small sip, her eyes never departing from his own. As she replaced the cap onto the water, she handed it back to Mike as he reached out a shaky hand to retrieved it, watching her curiously for her next move.

“Well, thank you again for your help…Did you drive here?” the girl asked, clearly interested in learning more about this cute man who helped her ever so kindly carry her groceries for her. “Um, actually I just took an uber here, I didn’t really feel like driving my Silverado today,” he replied, unsure of what to do next as he looked down at his phone, thinking about taking a different uber home, maybe even the subway. As he looked at her again, he noticed that the small tank top she wore seemed to be two sizes too small, as her nipples were clearly poking out from the fabric, erect for all to see. He rubbed his arm and he cleared his throat again, becoming even more nervous around this stranger as he backed up slightly, unsure of how he got into the situation he now found himself in. “Ah, well if that’s all for now, I think I’ll just head home now…” he spoke, starting to walk away from her, desperate to escape from her path before she tried something else. “Wait!” he could hear her say, and she reached out her hands and grabbed at his arm, preventing him from moving away from her and she held onto him a bit too tightly for such a small girl, her soft hands clinging to his muscular brachium. He raised an eyebrow towards her and sighed softly, turning back to stare at her captivating emerald eyes, lost in the throes of her sweet and shy nature. “Yes?” he asked, pretending to seem annoyed with her, but wondering what she could possibly want from him. It wouldn’t be too hard to guess. They had both been flirting with each other from the moment their eyes met. “Sorry…I was just wondering if maybe you wanted a ride back to your home, uh, with me?” she told him, sounding genuinely concerned for him.

He stood there unmoving for a couple of seconds, pondering whether or not he should take her up on her offer. In these days you can never be too careful, it could possibly be a ploy to steal from him, or worse, as it’s all in the news to be warry of unsuspecting strangers. Staring over at her again, he shrugged his shoulders a gave her a small nod. She didn’t seem all that sinister, and she did come across politely with her gesture. “Sure, I suppose that’s fine, as long as you’re okay with it?” he spoke, seeing her eyes light up with excitement as she gave a small squeal, releasing his arm to move around to the driver’s door to get in. “Great! Oh, I don’t mind at all! I love to help those in need,” giggling softly as she spoke, she got into her car before she closed the door. He chuckled under his breath and went around the car to climb into the passenger side, closing the door.

As she drove them back to his place, he couldn’t help but stare out of the corner of his eye towards her while she drove. He was really taken aback by her, in a way that she seemed to be just a bit naïve, but perhaps she was just trying to be helpful. Adjusting the seat forwards slightly, he leaned his head back and inhaled deeply through his nostrils, directing her to his home. There was minimal conversation on their way there, a bit unnerving to say the least, but he didn’t mind at all. To be honest, he didn’t really know what to say to her exactly. So, he just rode there in silence, other than giving her the proper directions, just watching her every move. Making sure that she knew which exits and roads to take. After some time, they finally made their way to Mike’s house and the girl drove up onto his driveway, bringing her car to a halt. Offering his grateful words of thanks, Mike undid his seatbelt and started to exit the vehicle with his own bag in hand, when the girl suddenly threw herself at Mike. Clinging to his arms and pressing her upper torso against his own, she planted her lips onto his and went in for a deep kiss. Mike was beyond confused, yet excited at the same time as he leaned into her kiss, returning the embrace.

He thought that maybe she was mental, as what kind of person randomly offers to take someone home and then kiss them unexpectedly? After what seemed like forever, Mike pulled himself away from her and stared into her eyes, watching her. “What the hell are you doing?” he asked, speaking before thinking about what he was really saying. She looked at him and giggled, her cheeks flushing a bright reddish hue. “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to do that…It’s just that you’re so cute, I couldn’t help myself.” Mike raised an eyebrow of concern at her and then he leaned in to initiate this time, kissing her deeply on her soft, plush lips. Wiggling his tongue between her teeth, he wrapped the pink membrane around her own, their saliva mingling inside of their mouths as they deepened the connection, clinging onto each other’s arms. Pulling away from her again, he grabbed his keys from his back pocket and stared back into her eyes, soon realizing she wanted something else as much as he needed it for himself, an all too familiar hard nodule throbbing between his legs.

They quickly got out of the car and walked up to the front steps as Mike scrambled with finding the correct key for the lock, eventually opening the door as he ushered her inside, looking back over his shoulder and feeling a sense of uncertainty, as if someone were watching him, though his house was well secluded with trees and shrubbery. “Wow! Your house is huge and beautiful!” he heard her say as he knelt down to place his bag on the floor, shutting and locking the door behind them. “Thanks…I actually haven’t really had time to tidy up the place,” he told her, watching her walk by as she looked around his home. “Oh, it’s fine,” she smiled and lunged herself towards him again, pressing her body back onto his own. Mike grabbed her waist and escorted her into his bedroom as she grabbed at his shirt, ripping the buttons off while yanking it from his shoulders. He couldn’t help but feel guilty and ashamed of himself, having such a young woman inside of his home just days after his wife had died. Unsure of what she might do next, he allowed her to do whatever she intended to, watching her kneel in front of him and fumble with his jeans. “Are you sure you want to do this? We don’t even know each other…” He spoke, thinking for a moment that now might not be the appropriate time for sex. The girl only giggled and looked up into his eyes, eager to calm his uneasiness. “Alright then. My name’s Sophie, I’m a junior at the local college and yes, I really want to do this,” she told him, nodding up at him as she twirled her fingers around his belt buckle, unclasping the metal.

Reaching her hands up to unzip him, she slipped her fingers underneath the waistband of his trousers whilst she tugged them down along with his boxers, leaving them to rest at his ankles. As she did so, his thick meaty rod bounced out, finally free from its constraints as it almost hit her in the nose. “Oh my God! It’s so big!” She cooed excitedly at the ten inches long member and carefully wrapped her palm around the base of his shaft, rubbing the smooth veiny cock meat between her fingertips. He watched her every move and inhaled deeply, allowing her to manipulate him at her whim as he was in no position to stop her at this point. Leaning his body back against the wall, he kept his hands at his side and stared at her while she worked him over, all hope of turning back and retreating now gone and never to return. He kept himself as still as he could, his heart seemingly pounding through his chest. As she toyed with him, she brought her other free hand up to play with his gonads, squeezing and rolling the round orbs inside of her hand gently, careful not to injure him accidentally. She stuck out her pink tongue and curled the tip of it slowly around the head of his cock, tasting him. Her eyes started to drift away towards the nightstand by his bed and she noticed the picture of him and his wife, as curiosity had gotten the better of her. Pulling herself away for a moment, she looked at the picture yet kept her hands on him, staring at the photo. “Who’s this woman here in the photo? My, she’s very beau-” She stopped mid-sentence as Mike had grabbed the back of her head suddenly and shoved her mouth back down around his penis, the tip of him sliding well past her uvula. “No more talking,” he spoke in a stern tone and stared down at her, smirking at her expression, surprised at his brazenness. She groaned a bit in approval as he had once again taken control, and so she leaned her head back, allowing him to stuff more of his throbbing meat down her windpipe.

He humped her face for a few more seconds before pulling away, allowing her to breathe as her saliva started to dribble down the corners of her mouth and chin, falling onto her thighs. As she inhaled air back into her deprived lungs, he slid himself once more inside of her sloppy mouth, her tongue now curling around the slimy, slippery shaft. He watched her as she took his cock quite well without so much as a gag reflex, her mouth just seemed to melt around his tool as he began to grind and gyrate his pelvis against her face, needing to feel more pleasure from her. She moved a free hand down inside of her shorts, rubbing herself over her panties whilst her other hand made its ways to his balls, giving them a well-needed massage. Willing himself to pull away from her warm mouth again, Mike retreated his thick rod and placed it over her forehead, his aching sac now level with her lips. “Suck them,” he spoke, more of a command than anything as she nodded and complied with him, twirling her tongue around his soft, pliable jewels, eager to please and satisfy him. She trailed her tongue around each one, coating them both in her saliva as she popped them into her mouth like candy just before he pulled away again, replacing them with his cock. She willingly opened her mouth like a good girl and he happily fed her his rod, eager to feel her throat constrict and tighten around him again, something he always craved from his wife, she really knew how to make him a happy husband.

He allowed her to service him using her mouth for a few more brief moments before he pulled away and grabbed her, helping her up onto her feet. Slipping his arms underneath her, he picked her body up as if she weighed nothing and tossed the nineteen year old onto his bed, instantly mounting himself over her lower torso, his hands snaking their way between her knees to spread her open, eagerly awaiting to taste her own sticky sweetness. She giggled in ecstatic bliss as he finally wedged her shorts off with her panties, baring her naked slit for his view. He leaned his face down in closely to her pussy and he parted her vulva open, exposing her wet orifice to the cool air of the room, the glistening of her sex juices all too visible on her skin, the sight of her was beyond appetizing. As he spotted her clit resting just below her mound, he pounced on it instantaneously, circling and twirling his tongue roughly against her tiny love button, causing her to moan out in pleasure. She raised herself up onto her elbows and pulled at her top, eventually taking it off and tossing it down along with the other articles of clothing, now fully naked for him. He reached up a free hand towards her pussy and split her lower lips open with his middle and third digits before curling them up inside to the knuckle, causing her to writhe and squirm with pleasure. She lay back onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling, her body already close to its climax as Mike was quite experienced in the act of cunnilingus, having performed it many times on many women prior to his wife.

He knew she was close and yet he continued his toil on her pussy, jabbing his expert fingers in and out of her unexpectedly tight hole, feeling the warm, soft velvet-like walls squeeze around them like a vise, eager to succumb to a mind-numbing orgasm. Sophie gently placed her hand on top of Mike’s scalp and slowly started to wiggle her hips against him as he pulled his fingers away from her pussy and replaced them with his tongue, able to lick her clit and tongue-fuck her hole at the same time, driving her over the edge. One of his strong hands crawled its way up her petite frame, wrapping around her pert tits as he massaged and fondled the indulgent flesh, teasing and tugging on her nipples in small semi-circles. He stared at her as he ate her delicious wanton cunt and he knew he had her right where he wanted her, using his teeth to grind gently over the skin of her clit as he started to piston his tongue wildly inside of her snatch, causing her to convulse and twitch as her orgasm now began to wash over her body in waves of ecstasy. “Fuck…I’m cumming!” Sophie began to curse uncontrollably as she rode out her orgasm, unable to move at all as Mike just kept sucking on her pussy, her mind feeling like mush from the overwhelming pleasure. As her orgasm finally began to subside, Sophie only lay there catching her breath as she watched Mike climbed off of the bed, walking over to a nearby dresser, searching through various bits of clothing. She raised an eyebrow for a moment, wondering what he was doing then realized he was only grabbing a condom out, seeing the reflective aluminum wrapper. Mike was lucky to find this one, he hadn’t the need to use condoms since he had married Karina, but he ripped open the foil packet and applied it to his more than awake member, climbing back onto the bed as he mounted himself between Sophie’s legs, eager to fuck her.

He positioned the tip of his hefty rod against her drenched slit and was barely met with any sort of resistance as he slid himself deeply into her, his hands holding her legs behind her head as he sunk the full length of his cock inside of her pussy. She cried out softly and wrapped her arms around Mike’s back, holding him tightly as her pussy molded itself around his cock, adjusting itself to such size before he started to move back and forth into her, letting out a groan of much needed ecstasy. “Fuck me…Yes!” he could hear her moan out and he kept rocking his hips forward against her own, his pelvis rubbing against her clit with each deep thrust he made. Mike couldn’t fathom what was happening, all he could focus on was the desire that continued to build up inside of him, needing to feel its release from his body. “You like fucking random men? Dirty slut,” he scolded her, feeling her pussy once more tighten up as he spoke, he knew she liked what he was doing to her, thinking of all the naughty things he could convince her to perform. “Yes! I really fucking love it! Please fuck me harder, Sir!” she replied without a care in the world of how much of a whore she must seem to this stranger, dispersing her thighs for him, and she didn’t even know what his name was for crying out loud! She was truly a very mischievous girl. As he used her body for his own pleasure, he was like an a****l, fucking her with such stamina, making her tits bounce up and down with each of his precise movements.

She brought her hands down towards the back of his legs, wanting to close any unnecessary space between their bodies, craving for his thick dick to reach even the farthest depths of her pussy. Whilst he fucked her harder, he could feel her pussy tighten around him again like a vise as she began to cum, her slippery juices seeping out of her fuck hole and drenching both of their thighs with fluids. She screamed at the top of her lungs from all the pleasure she began to fall victim to, and she didn’t know how to contain herself, slowly becoming addicted to his prick. He fucked her in that position for what seemed like ages when he pulled away and grabbed her again, tossing her onto her stomach, slamming his cock back inside of her hungry hole. Sophie couldn’t help but to cry out in sheer pleasure, his cock felt too fucking good inside of her. Mike had lost all conscious control at this point and just gave in to his yearning. He reached a hand around Sophie’s neck and applied just the right amount of pressure onto her throat, using his other hand to grab and hold her head steady, his two fingers hooked into her mouth as her tongue limped out, her saliva dripping out onto the bed as she moaned even louder now, unable to ignore the ecstasy shooting through her body. He fucked her like a madman, slamming his rod nonstop into her jellied orifice, the noises of their combined bodies filled the small area of the room as it escaped and traveled throughout the vast house, the unmistakable sounds of pleasant copulation.

As she began to surrender to another orgasm, he allowed her to finish before he grabbed her and positioned her over his chest, her back rested flat against his torso as he held her legs high up into the air, using his muscular thighs for support as he jammed his cock inside of her, the slippery grooves of her steamy slit massaging over the smooth veins of his throbbing cock. He spread her wide open and slammed his pelvis against her ass, manipulating his cock to twist and wedge itself around the insides of her cunt, the tip of his dick slamming against the door of her cervix with every thrust, threatening to break through and meet her uterus. She yelped loudly and grabbed at his arms, holding on to his body so she wouldn’t fall, but Mike had quite a good grip on Sophie and he used his arms to hold both of her legs back whilst reaching around with a free hand to rub and toy with her clit again, making her react perfectly, her hips grinding back against his abdomen as he strained another orgasm out of her, leaving her breathlessly with a loss for language, unable to vocally express the pleasure she was feeling. He knew she was close to her limit as well as himself, and he turned around and placed Sophie back against the bed, holding her legs bent as he eased his cock once more into her cunt, longing for a slow release this time. She wrapped her arms back around him and hugged him close to her body, sticking her tongue out as he leaned down to kiss her again, their saliva coexisting within their cheeks. As he fucked her gentler this time, he took it very slow and calculated, with deep, long strokes that massaged the inside edges of her pussy, the tip of his cock feeling each of her indentations within her vagina.

Sophie started to grind and gyrate her hips back and forth against the slow thrusts of his cock and she knew she was awfully close to another orgasm, finally moving her hand back down over her pussy mound, rubbing her excessively sensitive clitoris. “Fuck…I’m going to cum again! Yes…Oh God!” Sophie yelled out as her pussy started to contract tightly around Mike’s cock for the final time, bringing about his own orgasm as he busted himself inside of her, thankful for the condom to catch his seed, the rubber filling up nicely with his semen. “Mmm…me…too,” he replied in response to her, feeling her warmth wrap around him again as both orgasms lastly subsided, leaving them extremely exhausted. Mike rolled off of her body and lay there beside of her for a moment, catching his breath when he felt her snuggle up closer to him, feeling her soft lips touch his once more, watching her curiously as she gave him a wink. “Thanks sweetie, I really had fun today! I would love to do it again sometime!” she spoke, giggling as she climbed out of his bed, allowing him to catch his breath as she put her clothes back on in front of him, teasing him some more by wiggling her cute butt as she did.

She walked back over to the bed and leaned down to kiss his cheek, smiling as she grabbed his phone nearby and typed her number into it before she texted her own phone a message using it, handing it over to him. “Call me when you want another round, cutie!” she told him and walked out of the bedroom, leaving him in a state of confusion. He could hear her car rev up outside in his driveway and he finally got up out of his bed, tossing his phone down onto it when he knew she had finally left. Mike went into his bathroom and took a long shower, still trapped in a state of shock and surprise from the eventful evening. After he was finished and had put on a fresh pair of jeans, he grabbed the photo from the nightstand with the note tapped to the back of it, placing his phone and a match into his pocket as he walked out of the bedroom to the doorway, picking up the bottle of lighter fluid he had bought earlier in the day. He went outside to the back of the house with the photo and lighter fluid in hand, and he sat the bottle down onto the ground infront of a barrel filled with various items from his house that belonged to his wife Karina.

Mike flipped the photo from their anniversary over and he removed the letter, unfolding it. He read it in its entirety and when he was finished, Mike wiped the sorrowful tears from his eyes. Though he still felt the pain and hurt in his heart, there was something there that wasn’t existent before, relief, closure, and understanding. He sighed deeply and tossed the letter into the barrel along with the photo, and he leaned down to pick up the lighter fluid, pouring the entire bottle into the barrel before striking the match, tossing both of the items into the cask. He stood there for a few brief moments, watching the flames extinguish all of the remaining remnants that were left of the belongings of his wife, lost in a sort of daze. The phone in his pocket began to buzz and he reached inside, grabbing it. He read the message on his screen from Sophie and he gave a half-hearted smile as he replied, turning around to walk back inside of his house for some long overdue sleep. Grabbing the topaz stone that adorned his neck, Mike rubbed the piece of jewelry before he opened the door and stepped back inside of his home, locking it shut behind him.

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Three weeks had passed since Lisa and I visited the Nudist Colony. In those three weeks, we had sex everywhere and every way imaginable. She was just as insatiable as I was. We also had our regular reading meeting. Trisha, Lisa’s best friend, Amanda, the woman who offered her home for the nude reading, and Anna, the nudist colony owner’s granddaughter were all there. The night went very well, and Anna’s boyfriend Tom, turned out to be a fairly good author. This was the night that our nude...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Residential Marriage Guidance Aftercare

Residential Marriage Guidance - Aftercare Xxx So, a sequel to a sequel or the third part of a trilogy? The idea for this came to me as I was finishing "Advanced Residential Marriage Guidance" and I just had to write it. You'll probably have to read "Advanced Residential Marriage Guidance to learn the characters and background and get the most from this story. As always, feedback on what you find hot and what is not is gratefully appreciated - same goes for my other stories if...

4 years ago
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Self Administered Aftercare

SELF-ADMINISTERED AFTERCARE By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT MY WEEKEND I woke up wanting to kill someone. I lay on my bed in my...

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About the afterlife 8211 A spanking story

It was a distinct surprise to Mr. Duchose to find himself in the empty white room, still lying in bed, but clearly not the bed, nor the room, where he had fallen asleep. He didn’t seem to feel entirely himself in other ways. When he’d retired for the night, he felt a distinct soreness in the throat which usually indicated the onset of a bad cold or flu, accompanied by a feverishness and headache. His body had the normal aches of a 68-year old man, but more intense tonight, more...

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Glimpses of the Afterlife

Glimpses of the Afterlife By Ellie Dauber © 2006 Saddam Hussein closed his eyes for a moment as the noose was lowered down over his head. He felt the rope, coarse fiber against his throat under his beard. "Go to hell," someone yelled. "You first," he answered back. He saw the executioner reach for the lever that would drop the floor beneath him, and he began to recite the Koranic verse of acceptance. "There is no G-d but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. The floor fell...

1 year ago
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E026 Tuesday Evening Reading

Both now sated, so happy to be together again, Emma and Donald just lie in each other’s arms, the after-throbs running through them.  It is not even an hour since Emma arrived.After their breathing calms, and the adrenaline slows in them both now, a deep sigh comes from Emma.  Donald, so holding himself in reins, keeps himself from doing the same.Emma whispers in his ear that she brought the diary with her for him to see.  He kisses her forehead and tells her to get it and meet him in the...

Love Stories
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E026 Tuesday Evening Reading

Both now sated, so happy to be together again, Emma and Donald just lie in each other’s arms, the after-throbs running through them.  It is not even an hour since Emma arrived.After their breathing calms, and the adrenaline slows in them both now, a deep sigh comes from Emma.  Donald, so holding himself in reins, keeps himself from doing the same.Emma whispers in his ear that she brought the diary with her for him to see.  He kisses her forehead and tells her to get it and meet him in the...

Love Stories
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Hung from the Barns Rafters

He was my newest consenting slave. I found him yesterday at work and invited him into my lair for some heavy bondage. After he followed me home, he agreed to let me tie him upon the workbench where he could stew all night in the dark. Now, this new morning, I was ready to make him suffer even more. He was going to like it. I was sure of that. His six-foot-four lanky twenty-five year old naked frame stretched out nicely on the wooden table where I tied him. The leather cuffs I was going to...

1 year ago
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After the Energists Start of the 11th GradeAfterword The Aoeline Hall Concert and Chapter Songs from Book 4

I’ve put together web-links for The Aoeline Hall concert, and all the chapter title songs that I’ve included in this 4th Book of The Energists series. I am not including a web-links for the chapter songs that I have already included in the ‘concert playlist’ for The Aoeline Hall concert. If I used some special videos of a song to help with writing this story, I will include them. I’ve also included any ‘extra songs’ in this book, such as: Running with the Devil, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap,...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsAfterword The Glencoe Concert and Chapter Title Songs from Book 3

I’ve put together web-links for the Glencoe High concert from Chapter 50, and all the chapter title songs included in this 3rd Book of The Energists series. I have not including a web-link to songs that I included in the ‘concert playlist’ for the Glencoe concert in the chapter list. If I used some special videos of a song to help with writing this story, I have include it in either the concert or chapter lists. I’ve also included any ‘extra songs’ I used in this book, such as: Lost in Love,...

3 years ago
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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekAfterword The Halloween Dance and Chapter Title Songs from Book 5

I’ve put together web-links for the Medway’s Halloween Dance during Mike’s and Tempe’s NIS Week, and all the chapter title songs that were in this 5th Book of The Energists series. I am not including a web-link to songs that I already included in the ‘concert playlist’ for the Halloween Dance in the chapter song list. If I used a special video of a song to help with writing this story, I have included it in these lists. I’ve also included any ‘extra songs’ in this book, such as: Runaround...

3 years ago
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Dinner party with amazing afters

I’d been married about 5 years when the sex life with my husband started to deteriorate. It didn’t help when he started doing night shifts with work. But we carried on regardless and just had sex every month or sometimes less. Most of my orgasms came from my self-pleasuring whilst watching porn videos on Xhamster..One day out of the blue I met with my Mum for lunch. I didn’t see her very often as she was single now and always off dating new guys. She had me at just s*******n and she still...

4 years ago
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Nobody Fakes Unconscious Aftershocks

'Nobody Fakes Unconscious Aftershocks.' Was written on his shirt above his left pectoral. I had to lean fairly close to read it, and I noticed my nostrils flared slightly at his scent. Rolling the phrase around in my mind, I glanced up at his eyes just as the image came into my mind. He saw the flush spread over my chest, of course, because he was the kind of a guy who never missed signals of any kind from a woman. "Would you care to elucidate that, a little?" I pointed with my chin, not...

3 years ago
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Burn Notice

Micheal Westen recently burned american spy looking for anyway to get his old job back. The three main characters are the serious and patriotic Michael Westen, the ex Navy SEAL now heavy drinker Sam Axe, And the beautiful and unstable gun running Fiona Glenanne. Michael Westen is tall has short brown hair he is very muscular and have a 9 inch cock that Fiona loves to suck and fuck he also has very good knowledge of womens tactical needs and he is willing to do almost anything Sam Axe once a...

2 years ago
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The room at the Metro PD station was an institutional gray color with obvious Government Issue table and chairs that had seen better days. The place did not look like any of the interrogation rooms you saw on police TV shows, mainly because the room was so small. The cramped location was not much bigger than an average sized home bathroom. An older burly man with 'law enforcement' written all over his face maneuvered his bulk around the beaten metal table and plopped into a chair. He dropped...

1 year ago
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Lunch then afters

Lesley and Sandra had enjoyed a lovely lunch catching up on the last six months. They had also enjoyed a lovely bottle of wine, and as they walked arm in arm back to Lesley’s house for a coffee they were a little giggly. Once they got there Lesley let them in and went to put on the coffee machine. “Fancy a little something in that?” asked Lesley “Oh, go on then. You’ve twisted my arm” laughed Sandra. Lesley added two very large measures of brandy to the coffee and they went through to the...

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One moment, you are in bed, and the next, you are standing in your underwear outside a gate which seems to be the entrance to a park. A man in a white uniform greets you. "Hello," he says. "Welcome to Afterlife, the place you go when you die. Normally, I would check you in," he tells you, "but today, we are short on staff and our maximum has been reached. So instead, you get to go back to Earth, as a different person. Choose."

4 years ago
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Afterlife When Your Descendants Have SexChapter 2

Molly came to consciousness as a vagina -- a very tight one. A new one. It hurt. “Oh, Daphne, oh, baby...” The penis got deep enough into Daphne to wake up the clan. “What the hell is going on?” came a loud voice, very close by. It could be no one else but Adam. “Hi, Adam,” said Molly quickly. “Don’t worry. You’re dead. You come alive when your descendants have sex.” The penis poked in and out, the live boy gasping. “What? Come off it!” shouted Adam. “Yes, Daphne, yes!” said the boy,...

4 years ago
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Afterlife When Your Descendants Have SexChapter 6

“Dad, I’ve gotta say, that was the nicest dinner we’ve had in a long time. It’s really nice when you don’t make those digs about, ‘When do I get my grandchild?’” Zach’s stomach went cold. If she only knew... As they drove back from the fancy restaurant in the big city to her suburban home, Jen’s eyes drooped. A few minutes later her eyes were shut, mouth open a bit. “Hey, Jen?” he asked. “Jen?” “Huh?” she said very groggily, then went back to sleep. The drug was taking effect. Five...

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Sunburned. Do you remember the summer of ’76? Probably not, you’re probably too young. So was I way back then, when I think about it now…. And I still think about it… Atlantic shore, NJ, the sea blue as turquoise and the glare of the sun off the sand bright enough to water my eyes even behind my aviator Ray-Bans… I was on summer vacation from Brown where I was studying law on a swim scholarship. My prowess as a swimmer and scuba-diver had helped me gain a position as a life-guard on a small...

4 years ago
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The Restaurant Afters

As I left the restaurant, my mind still in a state from my recent orgasm, I saw Susie get in to the black taxi parked by the curb and settle herself on the back seat. As I moved to sit beside her, she pointed at the bucket seat opposite and told me to sit there. I assumed she wanted to continue our game of footsie or something similar, so I went to close the door before sitting down opposite her. "Leave the door," she told me and with a confused look on my face, I left the door open and sat...

3 years ago
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The couple Afterparty

On the other side next to him sat Mary. Seth whispered something in her ear and he noticed that Mary was blushing. Her lips formed a word, she then sighted and walked off into the kitchen. John looked surprised but Seth ignored his slave. When Mary came back, she bend forwards, with her back to Seth, to put a fresh beer on the table. He hiked up her skirt and saw her thong inside her pussy, just as Seth had ordered her minutes before. Mary put the skirt back and walked away, He noticed that...

1 year ago
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House Slut 5 Later that afternoon0

It was just around 3:30pm and she expected that Sam would be home shortly as his construction job tended to start early and end early. On her days off from work in the past he could arrive anywhere from 4 to 5, while Angus was typically 6:15pm practically like clockwork. She was under no illusion that Sam’s mind would be on her as soon as he walked in the door. Thinking back to her earlier fantasy she threw on an apron and cinched it at her waist leaving herself naked from behind, wondering...

2 years ago
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pretended he was the boss. I was ok with him telling me what to do though, maybe it's because I'm submissive. It was 11:50Pm, I had counted down my till, put the cash in the safe and clocked out at 12. I watched Kris drive off. It was time to walk home. After being on my feet for nine hours, I was tired. My aching feet made me decide to walk in the grass on the way home. The grass path takes you away from the road. A group of trees blocks the view from the road. I crossed the street and...

3 years ago
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One Lucky Afternoon1

A day later, while on Facebook, she came across an old high school friend, Ryan, who'd sent her an invite. Wanting to catch up on things and send invitations of her own to some of his FB women friends she'd lost touch with, she accepted. She'd learned that he and his family lived not far across town and that he worked in sales at a business even closer. Not thinking anything about it, she'd exchanged some chat with him about his mom, siblings, what was going on in her life, things back...

4 years ago
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Innocence Enslaved part 4 Afterparty

Emily lay still, exhausted. She could feel the prickly fur of the dog that had mounted her, stuck to her soft, smooth skin of her bare body, stuck to the dried saliva, sweat and cum of multiple men. Even now she could feel remnants of the creatures cum slowly leaking from her sore, stretched pussy to mingle with the sperm of her father and uncle dripping down her round buttocks. The pretty young redhead had given up. Just hours ago she had woken, dazed and confused, strapped naked to a...

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The aftermath1

Notice: No one was harmed, fucked, sucked, cream-pied or molested during the writing of this story! If you don't like stories about sex then DON'T read it. Note: this fiction no one was hurt, fucked, sucked or molested during the writing of this story. Her toes, how sweet looking they are, with the red polished nails offsetting their negligible stoutness. As she teeters back and forth, raising one foot then the other exposing the heels of her feet, still tender without any sign of the...

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Saturday Afternoon0

It had been a while since I’d seen Jim. We didn’t talk as much as we used to. We used to hook up as teenagers. Have a few beers, get naked. Mostly teenage experiments. We’d got chatting online, and out of the blue he said to me “I want to come see you, it’s been too long”. I wasn’t sure, but he was right, it had been a long time. He’d always had a certain hold over me. I can’t explain it. But as a teenager, he’d always loved coming all over my face, cleaning it off with my panties, then...

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Afterschool pleasure

Afterschool pleasure[/b] At Golden Star High school, class 12 D was having an English lesson and the teacher is Ms Taylor. Taylor is a 30 year old woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes; she also has an amazing figure that almost every girl dreamed of having. “Class open your book to page 25” Ms Taylor said. In the front row sat Cindy. Cindy was eyeing the teacher from head to toe and she couldn’t help fantasizing about the teacher. For some time now Cindy have been thinking of...

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Taking One For The Team 5 Afterparty

______ A deadly hush descended on the pitch. Dave, 12 yards out from the goalline, measured himself up. I watched from way behind, the other end of the pitch, silently screaming.This was it. This ws the moment. Full-time, a sideways dig had landed Shaughnessy with a welt above his left eye, and us with one final penalty kick. One more goal, and we were ahead. One more score and Reid would win us the match. He drew his hand over his brow, and the screech of the ref's whistle signalled the...

3 years ago
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Chantelle Sunday Afternnon

Sunday Afternoon Hearing the first car arrive excited the girls, far more than I would have thought, actually. The three of them were chattering and giggling, thrilled at the prospect of what was going to begin happening in a very short while. I told them to go to the bedroom, and remain there until I called for them. I heard a second, and then a third car arrive before the occupants of the first car had even entered the house. Five of my friends were already here, and apparently the...

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The Morning After2

I woke up freezing cold, sore from head to toe, and still quite foggy. The phone in the next room was ringing. I remembered the night before as if it were a mostly forgotten dream. It was just a blur of men, laughing, grunting, cuming. I began to sit up my hair an face was sticky mostly dried cum made a peeling sound as I pulled away from the puddle I was laying in. As I got to my feet my knees were shaking, and I could feel a wet trickle running down the back of my thy. I looked in the...

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Dog day afternoon1

“So where are we going Marco?” “It’s not far now.” I said as we drove along the leafy country lanes outside Worcester. Rose was excited and probably a little nervous as I had promised her ‘something you have never seen or done before’ which given the range of her experience was hard for her to believe. Eventually the satnav directed me to a long driveway with an old Victorian house, shaded by deferential pines, at the end. “C’mon, we are just in time.” I said as I parked my...

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Dog day afternoon0

by Styxx Her cunt was stretched beyond any limit it had been before. The dog's knot had at last been pushed into her, past her tight lips and beyond the muscle of her opening. The slightest movement of either her or the dog sent new waves of pleasurable thrill through her system and made sure she climaxed over and over. The dog heaved one last time and, if it was at all possible, shoved the huge purple weapon further into her and through the neck of her womb. A deep pain immediately told...

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The aftermath0

"So was I good at that?" Jason asked. "Hell that was the best I've had." I said, "Never had a lass that managed to get the whole thing in." "Ha! Thanks." he replied "You're not half bad neither for a straight guy." I laughed. I was getting turned on again by the video. I turned to see that Jason was already rock hard. He grinned, looking slightly embarrassed. I went and sat next to him, and he sat up. Absent-mindedly I started to jack him off as I watched the computer...

2 years ago
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afterschool activites

This day was no different except for this fateful day, I was caught. She turned her head inquiring of a question she was on and I hadn't heard her or saw her movement my eyes glued to the lower portion of her body. What shook me of my daze was the giggle that came from her as my eyes darted to hers and my face reddened in embarassment. Her look was telling me she saw, but she was not shocked, embarassed, or upset to what I had been looking at. I was then shocked as I saw through the...

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Saturday Afternoon1

Helen arrived at the door and being of the average height for a sixth former was able to read with little difficulty, the inscription on the plaque. It identified the door as that to the study of the Headmaster. She glanced at the clock above and saw that a further minute had elapsed and that a mere four minutes remained before the hour would be reached. She stood quite still outside the door praying that nobody who knew her would appear at the far end of the corridor. There was only one...

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The Morning After1

I'd used her as a dinner plate and as a urinal and as the oral receptacle of 2 loads of my hot thick spunk. Flipside, I did buy her a slice of pizza and did spread her legs wide and lick for all I was worth! Then, there's this nice motel room I rented and the drive I was giving her.... OK, I may be an asshole, but just hours ago - Maggie told me that she loved me! I didn't respond to her, in return - maybe that confirms my being an asshole or maybe that shows my sensitivity....

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P03After the Pics Go Online

Poindexter and Charlene wake with the sun stabbing in their eyes. The others were still asleep, they realized they had slept together, but she didn’t know if they had just slept together or he popped her cherry first. They went out and made themselves hot tea (with help of a microwave). Neither were seeing too well (mornings like this she needed her glasses to find her glasses). She felt the instinct to drink water while the microwave spent two minutes heating their mugs, teabags and water....

4 years ago
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Taking One For The Team 5 Afterparty

Introduction: A little celebration….. Comment if you like/hate/have a comment ,) ______ A deadly hush descended on the pitch. Dave, 12 yards out from the goalline, measured himself up. I watched from way behind, the other end of the pitch, silently screaming.This was it. This ws the moment. Full-time, a sideways dig had landed Shaughnessy with a welt above his left eye, and us with one final penalty kick. One more goal, and we were ahead. One more score and Reid would win us the match. He drew...

2 years ago
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The Afterparty Part 2

As Summer lay in a pool of sperm soaken sheets, she dazed in and out from the hangover and the multiple orgasms she just had. She dazed in and out, coming into consciousness as she heard voices of two men down the hall. Neither one was the voice of Pete. The door was still open and the voices got closer. It took a lot of her strength just to try and pry her legs close as much as possible as she turned her head away. Her legs began to tremble as they approached the door. They did not enter,...

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The Afterparty

Steve awoke dizzy and confused. His head was spinning from all the alcohol he consumed from the party last night. As he tried to focus his eyes in the pitch black bedroom he realized he was bound to each corner of the bed. He struggled to free himself but the straps were to tight. It wasn’t his bedroom, the sheets didn’t feel the same and the bed was much bigger than his. Perhaps someone at the party was playing a joke on him. As Steve struggled he noticed the clothes he was wearing were not...

1 year ago
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Afterschool Special

Isabelle, a sweet, young, innocent virgin who had recently turned 18 lived in a small suburban town of Melbourne, Australia. Everyone knew Isabelle as ‘that’ girl. What did ‘that’ girl mean? Well, ‘that’ girl was the town’s ‘sweetheart’. None for being an angel. Isabelle was proud of being the sweet, innocent girl she was known for. She loved helping others, achieving her goals and she played a great roll in her community, but little did anyone know that Isabelle had a completely different side...

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Afterschool Rendevous

I’m sitting on my desk, a ruler in my hand, legs crossed. Jason is looking over at me, a bit nervous. ‘Misses, am I in trouble?’ he asks, looking up at me. ‘Yes, you’ve been a bad boy,’ I reply with a smirk. I get of the desk, and walk over to where he’s sitting. ‘Jason, how old are you?’ I ask, poking him in the chest with the ruler. ‘I’ve just turned eighteen misses,’ he answers. ‘Do you know why I asked you to stay after school, when noone else is here?’ I ask. ‘No…,’ he says. ‘I want to...

2 years ago
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Vacation with Teens 6 The Afterparty

“Well, I guess I’ll be getting into my own bed.” Leah whispered. By the uproar in the hallway, they heard Lily had returned from the party. The loudness of the noises made her assume that Lily was slightly drunk. “Yeah… you should.” As much as he wanted to keep his little teen close to him, Robert knew his wife must never find out about this. “Remember. You’re not telling anyone right?” He added to make sure she understood. Leah nodded as she got up from the bed. Robert had replaced the...

3 years ago
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The Afterparty

The party was over. Almost everybody had left, leaving you and five of your friends alone. Aside from you, there was Miranda, Nicole, Sarah, Matt, and Tom. You've had a crush on Miranda since as long as you remember. She was perfect in your eyes. She had beautiful brown and you would love to run your fingers through it, or... lace your fingers in it as her head bobbed up and down on your cock. You imagine either option would be pleasant. She had also had a wonderful pair of 36C boobs that you...

Group Sex
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Die Tchter des Botschafters

Die fetten Jahre der Balkan Gang, einer Verbrecherbande, die sich seit der Auflösung von Jugoslawien zu einer mächtigen Organisation hervor gearbeitet hatte schienen langsam gezählt. Friede war in den Teilrepubliken eingezogen und die Bevölkerung wandte sich nun gegen das organisierte Verbrechen, welches man jahrelang geduldet hatte und sei es nur um günstig an Waffen, Alkohol oder sonstigen illegalen Dinge zu kommen. Auch die Politiker die die Organisation lange gedeckt hatten kämpften nun...

4 years ago
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Super Bowl Afterparty Turns Wild Part 1

Over the years I've had several loving relationships, many of them spanning several years. Luckily I've been able to maintain strong friendships with most of them. My current girlfriend, Megan, is very secure with our relationship and welcoming to anyone wanting to be a part of our inner circle, including my ex-girlfriends. The other factor that's helpful is that Megan and my exes are very similar regarding their interests, and I’m not referring to their sexual interests.For Super Bowl LI...

Wife Lovers
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Jessies Fantasy Chapter 5 Afterthoughts

After Tracy mouthed, “I love you” to me, I knew right then and there that Tracy not only loved me as a male but also me as Jessie. I could feel my cheeks get warm and flushed from her comment and my thoughts. This was turning out to be the best day of my life. My thoughts were interrupted when Mark’s cock softened to the point that he slid out of my backside. Now my thoughts were replaced by something totally different.It was the thought of sudden emptiness. Something that truly belonged, but...

2 years ago
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Afterschool Lesson

It was my senior year in high school. Still being a virgin, I began questioning my sexuality. I wanted to find that perfect relationship, where we liked each other, yet enjoyed the naughty in life. I liked guys alright - I guess - I just never saw it going anywhere. To be honest, they kind of freaked me out. Often times I was at the end of all of their attention. A month before Christmas vacation, I no longer questioned my sensual hungers. I also was no longer a virgin of any sort. One of my...

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Clay Leather Afterhours with Sir coach and Me

Sir Mark, Jeff and I made our way out of the party to their car which was a big US made pick up. I started to ask a few questions now that the thump of the dance floor was behind us, and I could really see how hot both Sir Mark and his boy are. Sir Mark stopped, pulled my mouth to his and whispered “Shhh boy. No talking until I say!” And I nodded.I got in the middle of the front seat while Sir Mark made his way through North Hollywood to a private club associated with a Nasty Kinky Pig play...

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Afterschool Hours 01 Intro to characters

It is the eleventh grade and most of my classmates are around 17 years old. Of course it is still one year before they turned 18, the legal age when they could start doing whatever they want. But in this High School in Albany, NY, nobody cares for the rules; sometimes not even the adults that do know what happens care. Hell, they were our age once before. The thing is, while most of the other guys are able to do what they want under the noses of their oblivious parents or behind the backs of...

4 years ago
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Hi Honey, Here is what happened a while ago.........I replied to Rubio’s text message and told him that I was willing to meet him on Friday night. He said “you are willing to taste me now! I’m excited to see you again”. I texted him back “I’m horny lately and I want have a wild sex now…. hmmm”. He replied, “I’m glad finally you decided to have fun with me, ok see you then, what time and where?” I replied “I have to meet some friends so I’m free at 10 and I prefer to meet at Italianis at...

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