E026: Tuesday Evening Reading free porn video

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Both now sated, so happy to be together again, Emma and Donald just lie in each other’s arms, the after-throbs running through them.  It is not even an hour since Emma arrived.

After their breathing calms, and the adrenaline slows in them both now, a deep sigh comes from Emma.  Donald, so holding himself in reins, keeps himself from doing the same.

Emma whispers in his ear that she brought the diary with her for him to see.  He kisses her forehead and tells her to get it and meet him in the living room.  He will get something for them to eat and drink and they will look at it. 

Watching her stand and hurry to her suitcase, he is in awe of her glistening mons, covered with their combined cum.  And the slight trickle which is running down her thighs from her cunt.  Such a lovely sight to watch.  He takes his time getting out of the bed, so enjoying this after-show.

He goes to the kitchen and gets the large bowl of pasta he has ready, and the bottle of wine.  The glasses are already waiting in the living room.  He arrives to find Emma sitting cross-legged on the couch, her gleaming cunt just tempting him.

The diary is on the coffee table as Emma waits for him.

He sits down next to her, pours wine in their glasses and lifts a forkful of pasta to her lips.  And then, he lifts the same fork to his own mouth, loving that her mouth has been on it.

“Emma, do you want to start reading the next entry to me?  I will feed us both as you do.”  And with that, before she answers, he lifts another forkful to her lips.  Then lifts the wine glass for her to sip.

And as she begins to read more of the diary, this is how it goes on.  He will eat and drink a little, and as Emma pauses in the story, feed her some too. And lift her drink to her lips.  They spend the next few hours like this, both so engrossed in her mother’s story unfolding, before moving on to the next level.

Emma begins to read to Donald the next entry in the diary now dated three days later, covering what happened from after her first night of being spanked.

April 21, 2018

What a few days this has been.  Only now have I found time to record it all.

Edward drove me home after our wonderful evening, my ass still stinging some from his discipline, but my pussy was also throbbing from what happened afterward.  It was close to three a.m. when I got home, he walked me to the door, kissed me, and then as I turned to go into the house he swatted both my cheeks one last time.

The juices just started flowing out of me with that.

Luckily my parents were well asleep and didn’t hear me sneak in.  I went to my bedroom and undressed, and I must confess I stood in front of my mirror and looked over my shoulder to see the fading pink hand marks on my ass. 

I so now understand how I need Edward to keep me in line, make me the perfect wife I need to be for him.  As I climbed into bed and started to try to sleep, all I could do was play over him spanking me so well, and then the feel of him throbbing in me afterward.  Yes, as he said, I am his wife now.


In the morning I heard my parents moving around in the kitchen and I got up.  Dressed just in a robe, I went into the kitchen.  Both looked at me quizzically, I guess I still had a smug, so satisfied, look on my face.  Before I could start to say anything, the phone rang.  I answered it and it was Edward.  He greeted me good morning and told me to tell my parents just the basics of what we have planned.

I so wanted to talk more intimately with him, but my parents were right there so all I could reply was yes, that I understood.  He told me he would come to pick me up at six that night after he got off work.

I just told my parents that Edward and I had reached an understanding and want to be married as soon as possible.  My father irrupted with concern, asking if we had to get married for such a rush of things.  I assured him it was not that at all, just that we reached a point where being together was all that mattered.

Somewhat reassured, he and my mother started gushing over the impending nuptials.

I went and dressed after breakfast, but all I could think of, and lust for, was Edward’s touch on me again.  In any way.

It was a long day for me.  I don’t work; Mom and Dad wanted me just to be near them and not be concerned since I graduated college.  This is probably how I have become so spoiled and bratty as Edward mentioned. I went over my flaws all day and thought that I did so want Edward to make me learn how to be a proper and polite wife.  Each time I thought of some of the sins I have committed I imagined his hands spanking me to make me realize my mistakes.

What a strange day for me, but I could feel myself as I dripped into my panties.

Six o’clock came and I was out front waiting for him.  As soon as he pulled up I jumped into the passage seat of his burgundy 1973 Thunderbird.  The smile Edward gave me melted my heart.

Edward last night was the first man I had intercourse with.  At twenty-eight now, I had in the past my share of boyfriends, but we never went beyond me jerking them off.  Edward was now thirty.  I knew he had girlfriends before and had sexual intercourse with a few. But this now between us made none of that matter.

Edward drove us to an excluded place at the lake and told me to get in the back seat with him.  I did not know what to expect, but the seats are wide there, so anything is possible.  I had worn a loose dress, which was a little low cut, but not as much as what I had worn last night.  My legs were bare as the weather is starting to warm.

In the backseat, Edward undid his pants and pulled them and his boxers down to his thighs.

“Charlotte, to be an ideal wife for me, there is something you need to learn to do and perfect doing.”

With that, he placed his hand behind the back of my head and pressed me down until my lips were just over his glans.

“Open up, Charlotte, and show me what a quick learner you are.”

Now Deep Throat had come out a couple of years ago, and everyone now did know about blow jobs and sucking cock.  I had seen a clip of the ending of the movie, so did in a way know what to do.  I opened my lips and took his glans into my mouth and began to suck on it.

The immediate sound of Edward's enjoyment encouraged me along.  I took more and more of it in my mouth, as much as I could, until I began to choke a little.  I pulled back some and ran my tongue up and down his shaft, and as he patted my head, I went and took first one ball and then the other into my mouth and sucked on them.

Back to the glans and trying to take more of him in without gagging.  I did get three-quarters of him in my mouth and was sucking hard on him when Edward pressed more of him up in me.  I felt him in the back of my mouth, moving into my throat. I tried to breathe around it and through my nose, but it was gagging me being there.

I got a rhythm then. I would pull back, get a breath, press it up in me more and suck for about a half a minute until needed to pull back some to breathe again.  Edward seemed content with this maneuver, and I soon tasted the first of his precum.

What a wonderful taste.  I had never tasted cum.  Oh okay, I did occasionally lick my fingers of my juices after masturbating, which was interesting to me too.  But Edward's scent and taste were intoxicating.  I sucked and sucked at him as he moaned with pleasure.

Edward took my hand and guided me to squeeze his balls over and over, and then my other hand to hold the base of his shaft and jerk him when I pulled away a bit.  It seemed he thought I got the hang of things pretty quickly.  I would never tell him, but I had jerked guys before.  But that was as far as I would go.

After I had been squeezing his balls for a while, he took my hand again and led them to his taint where he guided me to press my fingers against it to bring pleasure for him in his prostate too.  I soon had that timing going also.

After a while, Edward let out a great moan, and I felt his cum shooting into my mouth and down my throat.  I had to back up a little so I could swallow it all.  A little did drip on my chin as I lifted my head after he was spent.

Edward just smiled at me, ran his finger over my chin to catch it all and put that finger in my mouth which I just sucked on to clean it.

He took me in his arms and kissed my head, and then slowly worked down over my eyes, my ears, my face and finally on my lips to kiss me deeply.

In a hoarse voice, Edward said to me, “Charlotte, you did that excellently.  If I didn’t know better, I would think you have done that before.”

He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a velvet ring box. 

“Charlotte, you are going to make me an amazing wife, with some training and discipline.  This is for you.”  He opened the box and a five-carat diamond in a beautiful setting gleamed up at me.

He took it from the box and placed in on my finger.  It fit perfectly.  I just grinned at him unable to say anything.  Instead, I just leaned toward him and kissed him fully.

We were officially engaged.  I knew it would not be for long, but it felt so wonderful to be his intended.  Even if we both knew we are already married in spirit to each other.

We climbed back into the front seat and he drove us to an exclusive restaurant for dinner. 

After, he took me back to his apartment again, undressed me and had me lay on my back on the bed.  He undressed too, and kneeling beside the bed between my legs, he pulled me to him as he spread my legs.  And then it happened.  I felt his lips kissing my inner thighs, then his tongue running up and down them.  Moving closer and closer to my pussy. 

I could not believe this was happening.  Never have I felt this before, and it did feel so good.

His lips ran up me more and more, he took one of my outer lower lips in his lips and sucked on it over and over, then the other doing the same.  I felt them swelling as the blood rushed into them.  When he told me they were now nice and rosy like my bottom yesterday, he spread the lips as shivers ran through me as he ran his tongue up and down my slit.  He licked up all my juices which had been dripping out of me.  He murmured 'umms' and 'awes' at each swipe he took.

It was all wonderful, and my moans and whimpers of pleasure let him know I was enjoying this so. 

His tongue first found my vag and slipped up into it as far as he could go.  Running it round and round in my cavern.  I gasped and moaned at this new feeling.  But as wonderful as that was, and I did not want it to stop, when he licked up my slit to my clit and began to polish it with his tongue a loud cry came from my lips, and my hands held his head and pressed his lips closer on me.

When I did not think it could get any better, as he licked and teased my clit, I felt two, then three of his fingers up in my vag now, pressing, looking, finding my g-spot.  I was in ecstasy, and the moans and cries coming from me let Edward know he was doing everything right for me.

And then it happened. My back arched, and a guttural moan came out of me, and I clutched his fingers in my cunt hard as I came.  Oh, how I came.  I knew Edward had cum hard in the car, but I think what I was feeling at the moment far surpassed that.

Edward lifted his face off me when he realized how hard I had come.  He climbed up on the bed next to me, and just caressed my face and shoulders.  He leaned and kissed my neck and whispered in my ear how delicious I was, and how well I responded.

I was drained.  And he could tell.  He tenderly dressed me and then himself, and took me home.

At the door after kissing for a good while, he told me he would be over tomorrow afternoon to talk to my father about our marriage.  Just hearing those words 'our marriage' sent electric shocks running through me.


That part ends, and the pasta is down to a few more bites. Emma is overwhelmed with what she is reading.  Her parents?  But the story so far is making her lust so much more for her Donald, her Professor, her teacher, leader, into this wonderful new world.

She passes the diary to Donald and says in such a husky voice now, “Could you read the next part?   I’m not sure I can.”

Emma slides down between her Professor’s legs, spreads his thighs and takes his glans into her mouth to suck and lick.  Running her tongue back and forth over his slit and then sucking the glans until it starts to redden.  Her fingers on his shaft jerking up and down on him brings Donald to full salute quickly.  Her other hand caresses his balls.  Donald leans his head back and sighs deeply.

Emma slows her pace and just caresses him with her fingers, lips and tongue as he begins to read the next part of this entry.



I was up early for me as I realized to be Edward's excellent wife I could not be sleeping in late each day and needed to train myself.  I showered and got dressed, picking out an outfit that I thought Edward would enjoy and approve of.

At three o’clock he arrived.  I greeted him at the door and did see him glancing down my V-neck top admiring my breasts. It brought a tiny smile to my face as he lifted his eyes, took me in his arms and kissed me good.

I took him into the living room where my parents were sitting.  They know Edward rather well now and greeted him fondly.  After the basic beginning conversation was dispensed with, he asked my father if he could speak to him privately.  This surprised me some, as I thought we would all talk about what he and I have agreed on together.

Instead, he and my father went to the den, closing the door.  While they were gone, Mother saw my engagement ring for the first time and admired it and commented that Edward had to have spent a good deal on it.

“He must truly treasure you, my dear; something this valuable is only given when a man genuinely cares for a woman,” my mother told me.

I felt shivers running through me at that statement, thinking about what Edward is coming to treasure about me.  I just hope I can be all that he expects.

It was almost an hour before Edward and my father came back into the living room.  Smiles on both their faces. 

“Well, it looks like we have things to celebrate tonight.  Go get your things, girls; I am taking us all out to dinner,” my father announced.

We were soon at a very nice restaurant in the next town.  Edward and I rode in the back seat, and he just caressed my arm in such a way that lightning bolts ran through my body, leaving me very quiet for the ride.  My hand found a way to his thigh and knowing my parents could not see, stroked it up further and further until he placed his hand over mine and moved it, whispering to me, “Baby, no more or I will not be able to get out of the car.”

I just smiled as I realized what he was telling me and just kissed his chin.

At the restaurant, my father chose a smaller square table for us to sit at, having Edward and I sit across from each other with my parents on each side of us.  This made me pout a little as I wanted to sit next to my beloved.  The warning glance from Edward made me stop immediately.

Champagne was ordered and served, and as my father lifted his glass to make the first toast, I felt something between my legs.  I jumped a little at first but realized that Edward had slipped his foot out of his loafer and was working his way to my pussy with it.  I sighed behind my champagne at the touch from his toes.  It felt so different and delightful. 

I slipped off my shoe and lifted my foot to lay on his thigh.  He reached down and caressed it before directing it over his cock entrapped in his pants.

We spent the whole dinner this way.  Me, dripping through my panties, probably soaking his sock in the process.  He, lifting my foot away from time to time when he got too hard.  My parents babbled on and on but we answered mostly in monosyllabic replies.  How we maintained our outward composure is still a mystery to me.

All in all, it was a very nice dinner with my parents.  They did seem to really like Edward and accepted our desire to marry very quickly.  My mother was a little perturbed about this as she wanted me to have a big, over-planned wedding, but my father assured her it would still be nice, and enough people would be there. 

Then she was distressed if people would think we had to get married.  This made me smile broadly as Edward told her, “We do not plan to have children for a year or two, so they can think it for a while, but when there is no evidence that Charlotte is showing or no baby in less than nine months, they will just realize what fools they have made of themselves.”

We all laughed at that and my father poured more champagne.

Back at the house, my parents left us to talk in the living room and headed to their bedroom.  Edward held me tight, stroking my head and back, in between sweet kisses. 

“Charlotte, you did pout some at the restaurant but you did stop right away.  As long as you are good tomorrow, since you did toe fuck me so nicely, we will let it pass.  If not, you know what is ahead for you tomorrow afternoon.

“I should probably go now, though I do hate leaving you anymore. I will be here for you tomorrow morning to go to church.  After, we will talk with the preacher about our wedding.  May 4th seems like a good day for it.  You will have some time to prepare and invite people,” Edward continued.

Then he kissed me and taking my clinging arms from around his neck--I did so not want him to leave either--he gave me one last kiss, and left.

I went to bed and lay there and imagined his toes and feet pressed against my wet cunt over and over.


As Donald reaches that ending in the diary, Emma is sucking him so hard, jerking him faster and faster from hearing the foot-play part of his reading that he throws his head back, moans loudly and cums.  Emma takes it all into her mouth, swallowing as much as she can.  He is speechless for several minutes.

Then he pulls Emma up on the couch, kisses her gently and tells her she did a very good job.  Hearing his praises is music to Emma’s ears.

Donald hands her the diary and tells her that it is her turn to read again.  As she begins, he falls between her thighs, spreads Emma’s legs and starts a slow process of kissing and licking her inner thighs as he heads closer and closer to her prize.

Her reading of the next part of this entry in her mother’s diary is interrupted again and again as she sighs and moans from the attention Donald is paying her.


Edward was here to get me before we had even finished breakfast.  As I completed getting ready he had a cup of coffee with my parents and chatted.  They would follow in their own car to church.

He had told his parents about asking me to marry him before he came over yesterday and called them this morning to tell them the date we decided on.  They would be at church too.

We all arrived and hugs and kisses were shared with congratulations and best wishes.  I found myself so excited with the warm welcome I received from Edward’s parents, I found myself wiggling and squirming all through the service.  That is, until Edward leaned to my ear and told me to behave and sit properly.  And then leaned to me again to say, “After we meet with the minister, I think we need to go back to my place for a while; someone has earned herself a spanking today after all.”

Just the mention of what was ahead for me made me start to drip, and it took all my willpower not to squirm more from that sensation.  Edward took my hand in his and squeezed it when I got myself better in control.  Needless to say, most of the sermon was lost to me.

After church, as had been arranged, we met with the minister to arrange for the church and him for May 4th.  We were with him for over an hour, he gave us some pre-marital counseling and arranged the specifics for the day.  We decided we would only have one witness each so not to have to plan too much. 

That finally done, Edward took my elbow and led me to his car.  I felt myself becoming adrenaline-charged thinking where I would be in just minutes.

I knew we only had about three hours now until we were to meet our parents at the country club for dinner and planning.  Between our mothers, they know everyone in town and have special status from their positions in the community as the wives of the bank president and local judge.  So I know the two had been planning and scheming since we left them.

Edward was aware of the time too.  He led me to the couch immediately and had me stand next to it, facing him as he sat down.

“Charlotte, it will be important for you to tell me before your punishment what you have done wrong to earn it.”

“Edward, I was bad yesterday to pout when I didn’t get what I wanted about sitting next to you.  But you did make sitting across from you enjoyable too.  Now knowing that, it was even worse that I acted in a spoiled manner then.  And today in church I did not sit quietly or properly during the service.  I was so excited about all that was ahead I did not present myself with proper decorum.”

Edward pulled me across his lap and lifted my dress to above my waist.  He struggled a bit to lower my pantyhose and panties to my upper thighs.  And then the pre-rubbing of my cheeks began as he repeated what I did wrong and why I was being punished for it.

Without real warning, Edward raised his hand and spanked both my cheeks hard.  I could feel the initial sting.  Then again, and again.  His hand rained down on me spanking me over and over.

Spank, spank, slap, spank, slap, spank, spank, spank, smack, smack, slap, slap, spank, spank, spank.

Tears were dripping from my eyes, but just as much or more, juices were dripping from my cunt.  The tingles running through me with each spank were both painful and exhilarating to me.  My cries were combined with moans of pleasure.

When Edward slid his other hand to run his fingers up and down my slit and found how wet it was, he mumbled, “My, my, my young lady.  I would think you are enjoying this some besides being punished for improper behavior.  I will have to keep that in mind.”

“Edward, I am learning my lesson, but yes, something else comes over me as you spank me, it seems.”

With that, Edward spanked me for a few more minutes before having me stand.  He pulled my stockings and panties off me and brought me to his lap to hug and kiss me and tell me he knows I will try my best to be good.

Then he led me to his bedroom and had me undress him slowly.  Only then did he remove my dress and bra.  He had me lie on my back on the bed with my legs hanging over the side.  He pulled up a footstool and sat on it between my legs.  He spread my legs.

Edward began kissing and licking my inner thighs. It felt so good.  Then, as he had Friday, he took one of my lower lips in his mouth and sucked it until it was swollen and red as my ass.  Then the other.  Then the same treatment to my inner lips.  I was breathless as he did this.

This was becoming a new and wonderful adventure I was on, and I realized I could have this over and over again with Edward.  When his tongue then ran up and down my slit I yelled in happiness.  My juices were flowing so much, even with him licking them away, more just poured out, dripping down to my crack and over my still stinging cheeks.

That feeling of a little pain was erased by the pleasure I was experiencing.

Edward lifted my calves so my heels were now pressed against my ass, and then bent them wide and aside so I was in a frog-type position.  Well worth it when next he pressed his tongue up into my vag as far as it would go and licked the sides, sopping up all the wetness he could.  I felt his nose press against my clit as he did this.

I moaned with delight.  I felt tingles up and down my spine as he did.  Then to make me even giddier than I already was, he moved his tongue to circle and lick at my clit.

He teased at it until I was whimpering for more, and then when he started to buff it with his tongue, and three fingers went up my cunt to press in and out of it, it did not take long until my back was arching, my vag clenching at his fingers, and I cried out in orgasm.

He slowed and removed his touch and tongue as I panted and started to calm a little.

But he did not let me too much; instead, he pushed me back on the bed, climbed up between my thighs, lifted my legs to his shoulder and plunged into me hard and fast.  Both our panting increased as our passion now grew together.

He rode me in and out as I continued to clench against his cock.  It was almost like I was locked in a throbbing mode that could not stop.  He looked down on me with such desire now, his face, neck and chest as bright red as my ass must have been.  We were in a state of bliss, not caring about time or anyone but just us.

It did not take long though before we both cried out in zeal as we came together.  He collapsed on me and rolled us so we were lying on our sides.  His kisses of infatuation made me slightly cum for the third time. 

After about fifteen minutes of us just in each other’s arms, enjoying this mesh now between us, Edward told me to go clean up and then we needed to dress to go meet our parents.

A half hour later, we both looked very close to how we did when we left the church earlier.  My ass was still stinging some, but it was a reminder for me.  As we walked to the car, Edward did place his hand on my ass cheek, and when he opened the door for me to get in, he gave each one more playful smack.

I opened my purse to get out lipstick to freshen up and saw another crisp one-hundred-dollar bill there. 

As Emma reads this part of the entry Donald is still down between her thighs.  When she gets to the part about her father licking and sucking her mother, Donald begins reenacting what she reads.  She slows her reading through this part, as his touch on her is getting her into the same state her mother reached.  He does wait for her to finish reading before he turns her on the couch and fucks her the same way which was just described.

They end in the same way also. 

But, rather than tell her to go clean up, he lifts her off the couch, and carries her to her bedroom where they spend the night touching, licking, sucking, kissing, caressing and much more, besides some sleep.  It is rather late when they do just cling together to fall asleep for the night. 

Donald thinks that though they did not work on a new pearl tonight, that will come soon. The intensity of this evening together was worth every moment of it.



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tuesday nites all alone

mondays i party with all hte girls at work, then Tuesday nights i am all alone and horny.... i feel and and hungry for sex and more sex, most of the times i use a toy but on tuesdays i always experiment girls for work tell me all the erotic things they have tried alone if i thin it is hot and sounds lie plesure i will write it down and thats wat i do on tuesdays... one tuesday all alone a girl at work told me about the night she had sex with herself watching her have sex with...

1 year ago
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Tuesday Afternoon

I am told that Tuesday is the most productive day of the week. That might be true for most people and normally it would be true for me as well. Not so far this Tuesday , I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened the day before with Richard. I had never had sex at work before and I must say it was wonderful. I wouldn't mind making it a part of my daily routine. I am sitting at my desk trying to focus on work but I keep flashing back to Richard fucking me right here on this desk. I am...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Taking the Class Part 3Chapter 4 Tuesday Evening 500PM

“Moom!” whined Alaina, her face going scarlet. The blush extended down her neck to the top of her chest. Wow. She’s totally different from this morning. Just have to stay cool. Will stood up. “Hi, Mrs. Bishop, nice to see you again.” “Doctor Bishop. Now that it’s lighter out I can get a better look at you,” said the taller Bishop. She stepped forward, her short, reddish hair bobbing gently, and scrutinized him from just out of reach. She smells like lilacs. Her brows raised, and her...

3 years ago
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Monday Tuesday Saturday

‘Dear God, if only it was like that for me!’ Lorna lay back on the divan, her fingers in her vagina, desperately trying to give her self relief. She had been reading a story on an erotic web site and had masturbated three times already, and still she was in a sexual frenzy. The computer still glowered malevolently in the corner of the room as if it knew the emotional storm it created in her – a storm that no amount of masturbation seemed to relieve. Lorna gave a howl of anguish as yet...

2 years ago
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Meet and Fuck Tuesday Night

It was a long hard Tuesday at the office. The bosses were breathing down on us extra hard since corporate decided to come in with a full audit on our branch. I needed to unwind so I high tailed it on over to my favorite bar the minute I could sneak out of work. Maybe I would have invited my coworkers, but they were all still frantically trying to make themselves out to be the superstars of the branch. But I knew I was as good as downsized, so instead I was going to buy myself as many shots as I...

2 years ago
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And All Of This Was Just Because It Was Tuesday

Hi this is George and I am back with my new story. Hope you all enjoyed my last story about My High School Teacher. So girls hold up to your pussy and boys to your dick. Here I go. I woke in the morning as usual the sound of the irritating yell of the alarm screaming through my head. I roll over and kissed my lovely wife good morning. The look on her face was a glow. She is beautiful; she looks like an angel to me. Her auburn hair falling around her face, the covers pulled up tight. With a soft...

4 years ago
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A Tuesday To Remember

It was much like any Tuesday for the last year, except when I came in my wife, Deena met me at the door coming from the garage. She grabbed my arm and started leading me into the living room as she said, “You better say yes, yes to everything.” I had no idea what she was talking about as she led the way. I could see there was someone sitting on the couch in the living room, and I asked if we had company. I couldn’t think of who it could be, but I was soon to find out.I walked in and saw a good...

1 year ago
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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 3 Tuesday Morning

Robin - Tuesday morning before school I woke up thinking that I dreamed sometime during the night that I had gone to school naked yesterday. I took my morning shower and had gone downstairs to eat breakfast. When I sat down at the table I remembered that I actually went to all my classes yesterday in my birthday suit. It was not a mistake of forgetting to get dressed but The Program of course. Oh well, at the very least I have a new friend that knows how things are being a Twin. My brother...

3 years ago
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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 3 Tuesday afternoon

Editor’s Note: The next documents contain further transcripts of meetings and patient interviews written by Dr Koehler Snr (Psychiatrist). Notes of meeting, Nurse Raoul, Tuesday, 11/30; 4:50pm Dr K: I got your message. What happened? N.R: I didn’t do anything. I looked in her room to check on her and she was sitting there. Sitting up in the bed. She took one look at me and pulled back into the corner. She was all huddled up and clutching her pillow in front of her like she was hiding...

1 year ago
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Rainy tuesday evening

This happened a few years into my career just after my g f left to work as a chef on a cruise ship. It was a rainy Tuesday raining hard off and on all day, being that I didn’t have clients scheduled for that day I was busy working on suggestion scripts for clients I had scheduled sessions with later that week and a couple the following week, it must have been about 3 pm when my receptionist rang into my office to see if I would take a call. I told her put it through, it was a woman with a...

2 years ago
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Nikis New LifeChapter 16 Tuesdayrsquos Are Just Fine

Monday evening had actually been rather tame by Niki’s recent standards. Sure, she had fucked her brother while he ate his dinner, but he had taken her to the mall and gotten her a few new skirts, having nodded thoughtfully when she’d complained about having to wear the same things over and over. And even as she’d held still while Cooper woke her body up with his insistent prick, she had already began to think about Tuesday, and her second modeling session. Used to her tail, for the most...

2 years ago
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Tuesday Night

It was Tuesday night and just started another week long trip, and as usual I was bored and it was 8pm. It had been kind of a casual day in the field, so I had lots of energy, but no place to put it and I just didn’t feel like going to my hotel room for more work. I was dressed pretty well today and my pants were slightly tight showing off my round ass, which women have always complimented me on. I stopped and asked one of the bell boys where could I go, (and I made him understand I didn’t want...

1 year ago
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Ambers office life with her Master Tuesday Chapter 2

Introduction: Everything written is fiction, created by my dirty mind. This series will have 5 chapters, each for the day of the week about how Ambers life is spend in office with her Master (Lucas). Tuesday! God, Master left me so raw and exhausted on Monday, I slept so well I didnt wake up on time&hellip, and now Im running so late to work. Today, a message came with my dress code of the day. A schoolgirls uniform. I already had all the clothes, my cupboard filled with all the clothes any...

3 years ago
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Tuesday Afternoon

I am told that Tuesday is the most productive day of the week. That might be true for most people and normally it would be true for me as well. Not so far this Tuesday , I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened the day before with Richard. I had never had sex at work before and I must say it was wonderful. I wouldn’t mind making it a part of my daily routine. I am sitting at my desk trying to focus on work but I keep flashing back to Richard fucking me right here on this desk. I am...

2 years ago
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Tuesday Night

It was Tuesday night and just started another week long trip, and as usual I was bored and it was 8pm. It had been kind of a casual day in the field, so I had lots of energy, but no place to put it and I just didn’t feel like going to my hotel room for more work. I was dressed pretty well today and my pants were slightly tight showing off my round ass, which women have always complimented me on. I stopped and asked one of the bell boys where could I go, (and I made him understand I didn’t...

4 years ago
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Lorens Tuesday

Hi I'm Loren. 23 year old open minded sexually active girl. I'm not easily shocked but what happen last Tuesday night..well I can't stop thinking about it and it turns me on every time I do.I dated a guy named Ted for nearly a year. It was pretty much exclusive for me, anyway. Ted satisfied me even though he was not as adventurous as I like. (or as me). Ted has a nice cock 8 1/2 to 9" that is circumcised. It has a shaft (when stiff) that I can barely get hand around to touch my thumb and middle...

1 year ago
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Living on a Dead End StreetPart Two Tuesday

Living on a Dead End Street~ Part Two ~ Tuesday by Ginny Wolf My alarm clock sounded early on Tuesday morning. I jumped out of bed, nearly completely awake as I needed some extra time to become ready and to fix breakfast for my wife Helene. While she continued sleeping, I took a quick shower, put my hair up on electric rollers as our rough and tumble love-making last night made my hair quite disheveled, and dressed in a toffee colored bra and matching panties. Helene demands that I...

1 year ago
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First Tuesday

Agh," he gasped. "oh, ugh, ugh."He was naked and she fully dressed, her hand a blur as she knelt in front of him and pumped his hard cock. "Oh, God," he reached out to hold on to something. But he just too far away from the dining table to steady himself against the explosion that was building within him. He looked down, but dared not grab her head. So he just lifted his eyes to heaven and let out a long low moan.She kept on pumping his cock, her eyes fixed on the task at hand, regardless of...

4 years ago
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Tuesday At the Little Shop

Soapy leaned against the counter at the Little Shop, pondering his next Vicodin purchase. He'd spent a month at Ivy Hill, getting spin-dried by the counselors...but let's face it, ? Soapy wasn't a drug addict, he was a junkie. Addicts went to meetings. The raucous laughter from the Dominas Anonymous meeting upstairs was really making him irritable. What was wrong with those women? ? As he heard more annoying peals of mirth, Soapy looked behind the counter at H.Singleton Soreson Bailey,...

3 years ago
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“Would you like to join both of us on Tuesday afternoon Sarah? We could do wonderful things together.” They are both very attractive lipstick lesbians in their late thirties, five years younger than me. On the Tuesday I am looking forward to ‘the wonderful things we could do together,’ the two women had alluded to a week earlier. I took a long time to ready myself for them. No pubic hair for them I smiled to myself as I slipped on a tiny black g-string to accentuate by ass. Then an above the...

1 year ago
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“Would you like to join both of us on Tuesday afternoon Sarah? We could do wonderful things together.” They are both very attractive lipstick lesbians in their late thirties, five years younger than me. On the Tuesday I am looking forward to ‘the wonderful things we could do together,’ the two women had alluded to a week earlier. I took a long time to ready myself for them. No pubic hair for them I smiled to myself as I slipped on a tiny black g-string to accentuate my ass. Then an above the...

2 years ago
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The Chastity BallTuesday Chastity Gets With the Program

Tuesday - Chastity gets with The Program I was so mad about what happened on Monday afternoon that I wasn't even thinking about it might mean on Tuesday morning. It was bad enough that the school district lawyer forced me to leave the True Love Waits rally on Monday afternoon and I still ended up naked on the local news. I was shocked when Principal Johnson was waiting for me outside the front entrance the next morning. I knew that I would be expected to strip in front of everybody who was...

2 years ago
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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 31 Tuesday Dr Koehler

Editor’s Note: The next pages are further notes taken by Dr Koehler Snr. Notes of meeting, Nurse Cassandra, Tuesday, 12/7, 8:53am ((notes re other patients deleted)) NC: There have been no major concerns about Mischa but there have been some interesting developments. She became upset this morning because she wanted to use the bathroom but Bec was not aware enough to be her escort. Nereida accompanied them and reported that Mischa showed a high level of care for Bec. I can’t imagine the...

1 year ago
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The lucky Tuesday Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai reders here is another super incest read and cum with your nasty thoughts. Call it luck, fate or destiny, but I never thought that the huge headache that forced me to come home from college unexpectedly one lucky Tuesday afternoon last fall, would be the cause of such thankfulness for me. But it was this throbbing behind my eyes that caused me to be in just the right place at just the right time. Yes it my lucky day if Iam not returned that Tuesday...

2 years ago
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Mistress on Tuesdays

mrs_rchl1::kissychickzdigmeyup:hi!mrs_rchl1:hey there!mrs_rchl1:im so glad i caught you againchickzdigmeyup:me toomrs_rchl1:ive been so busy with work its hard for me to find time to get on heremrs_rchl1:spread those legschickzdigmeyup:can you see me?mrs_rchl1:anyone in the room with you or are you alone?mrs_rchl1:yeschickzdigmeyup:i'm alonemrs_rchl1:cant hear you thoughmrs_rchl1:rub yourself through those jeansmrs_rchl1:get into itmrs_rchl1:moanmrs_rchl1:fuckmrs_rchl1:are you all alone in the...

2 years ago
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Katie beginings Tuesday Evening

Tricia was driving home like a Zombie. The little video that Caroline had sent her just wasn't fair. She knew Tricia wasn't really meant to use her phone and couldn't look at it for long or phone to see what they were up to. What she did know was the few seconds of Katie she had seen were just so beautiful. If she dint know Katie it would have been just another young teenager showing off her ballet skills and being well aware of how sweet she looked. But then again that described Katie...

3 years ago
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Alpha Male a Continuation StoryChapter 3 Tuesday Evening

The drive home was peaceful enough. Not too much peak hour traffic which meant that I could cruise home quite happily with the music on, the windows open to let the breeze in and a chance to contemplate the events of today. I certainly would need some time this evening to share with Joan everything that had happened. I hoped the school meetings wouldn’t last too long. I was looking forward to a nice shower and love fuck with Joan later. I got home to find Joan had put some clothes on – a...

3 years ago
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The Utterly Exhausting Beguiling CassieChapter 10 Tuesday Midafternoon

Traffic inched along the Don Valley Parkway, all three lanes choked. The southbound lanes were almost empty. Sun made autumn leaves radiant, a breathtaking display of yellows, deep reds, and shades of orange. I saw none of it. My daily trades had been at margin, no profit, no loss. The usual enjoyment I had for trading was pushed aside by thoughts of Cassie. I hadn't seen her since Sunday morning, her day busy with her mother. Monday I'd had an engagement with old friends. Sitting in...

3 years ago
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Bec2 ThanksgivingChapter 2 Tuesday Evening November 23rd

I sat in the back seat of the car and stared at the profile of Dad’s face. He had that look of relaxed concentration that he always has when he’s driving and not thinking about other things. I was thinking of other things – big things. I wanted to ask Dad a big question. My problem was that I wasn’t sure how he was going to respond. That’s never good. Usually when I have a question for Dad I have some idea how he will react, so I can make sure I ask it in the right way. This time I had...

4 years ago
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BecChapter 9 Tuesday Evening

After dinner, Mum grabbed the new paint Dad had bought her and went back into my room. Dad loaded the dishwasher and then washed the things that wouldn’t go into that while Tara and I dried them and put them away. There wasn’t much to do because nobody had cooked anything. We chatted about various things while we worked, then I brought up how good it was to have Mum sitting at dinner with us instead of being hidden away in my room painting. “Does that mean she’s finished her ‘episode’...

3 years ago
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The Hitchhiker Chapter 2 A Tuesday To Remember

Mary Ann and I started to share secret texts so we could have private conversations. She started sending me naked pics but that quickly evolved into cam sessions where we both got naked and masturbated for each other. This also allowed us to plan our next date. Since my wife was going to Florida for a week in October I confirmed that she’d have her room to herself on a Tuesday and put in a request at work to take the day off. Everything was set but we still had two weeks to wait. After...

4 years ago
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Little Piggy 5 Double Detention Tuesday

Tuesday Little Piggy found it hard to concentrate in class as every time she moved the fingers of the training belt would send new sensations through her. Finally the school day was over and she hurried to Mr. Newnen's office for her detention. The brisk walk jarring her pucker and folds with each long stride. She knocked on the office door and heard Mr. Newnen invite her in. She stood inside the door of his office waiting for instructions. Mr. Newnen was correcting papers as usual....

3 years ago
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Tim And Abbie 05 Tuesday

Climbing on the bus Tuesday morning, Tim is delighted to see Abbie sitting there.  He hurries to the seat next to her, being the one to kiss her good morning first today.  “Thank you for last night,” he tells her in a low voice.  Abbie smiles in return.The ride to work is too short.  It seems to Tim to be too soon when he must leave Abbie. With a quick kiss goodbye and promises to text during the day, he makes his departure.  Knowing now how close Abbie is to him during the day, only a few...

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The Camp Part One Tuesday

Part one: Tuesday I love being the youth leader at my church... I'm 23 years old and I have a thing for the younger ladies. Nothing creepy mind you. I am just very skilled at appreciating the beauty God has given teen and preteen girls. There's a certain innocence about them that lends itself to certain fantasies. Ok, so maybe it's a bit creepy. But, I would never do anything to hurt those girls. They mean too much to me. Especially Katey.. I worry about her a lot. Katey is a...

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E092 Saying goodbye Tuesday morning

Tuesday morning all are up by nine o’clock.  Over breakfast, they chat about what Donald plans for their return trip south.  He tells Dorothy that tonight he would like to stay in their Boston home for Emma to see it.  Dorothy agrees readily with this plan. “It’s not the most opulent house, but it is old and sturdy.  It has been in our family for generations, almost since the first Ryan’s came to this country in the 1600s,” Dorothy explains.Emma is in awe.  Her family has been leaders of their...

Love Stories
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Darkroom Tuesday

The email didn’t come in until one o’clock, but the guys had been taking turns monitoring their inboxes, so they all went running for their computers when Justin yelled. This one was like the last one, addressed to all five of them by name. Hi Anthony, Steve, Gabe, Dieter, and Justin, Well boys, we think last night was a smashing success, even though it went quite a bit beyond the original plan. I trust nobody is complaining on your end. Monday ‘s face has been glowing all morning and...

3 years ago
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Tuesday Night Annie and Michelle

Tuesday has been a wonderful day and I am hoping to continue into a wonderful evening. As I follow Michelle to her house I cant help but think about how beautiful she is. She has long thick brown hair with pale blue eyes. She has kept in very good shape. You would never guess she is in her mid 30’s. Her ass is still nice and firm. And her breasts are amazing as I saw today. I could lick and massage them for days. We have always known that we both were bi-sexual but had never considered being...

2 years ago
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Tuesday morning I was up early, with the sunrise. I made a large pot coffee, left most for Nicole, and took some in my bottle, fortified with heavy cream and coffee liqueur.I pedaled my bicycle across the city to meet my trans lover Amber; I had met her in San Francisco, and introduced her to Burningman a couple years prior. Amber was now fully into the Burningman Scene.Amber’s camp was already beautifully decorated with rainbow shade structure ad a welcoming center space with a Bedouin style...

1 year ago
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Tuesday Morning 3 AM

It was early last Tuesday. I am not sure what roused me out of my slumber that time of the night. It was seemingly becoming a habit. What concerned me was the time. A quick peek at the iphone on the bedside table revealed it being just short of three am. Fuck, only an hour before I had to drag my sorry ass out of bed anyway. I took a long drink of the water next to my bed and slumped back against the pillows. Had it been earlier, as I was becoming accustomed to wake up, one am or an hour later...

Straight Sex
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Bored Tuesday

Sat at home alone again. Bored, bored, bored thats all it ever is with me all work and no play. Well not today, not if i have anything to do with it.... Mid afternoon and i can't take this twitching any longer, upstairs i go and pull out my special box, revealing all my toys. Lying on my bed speading my legs wide i start to tease my clit rubbing her gently before i start to feel myself get moist. Sliding two fingers into my now wet pussy i start to get myself off. Closing my eyes imagening a...

2 years ago
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Tuesday Afternoonbybigbrother054©Josh and Ted stopped in front of Jessie's high school. Jessie, Josh's sister, was talking to a couple of friends, waiting for her brother to pick her up. Ted nudged Josh and jerked a thumb toward the group."Your sister's friends are hot," he said, making a different jerking motion in his lap.Josh shook his head. "Jesus, Ted; is that all you ever think about?" Josh had listened to Ted's lurid description of every female under the age of thirty, as they drove down...

4 years ago
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Yankee Swap Chapter 14 Tuesday

Yankee Swap, Chapter 14: Tuesday Kim's second day at work started more smoothly than the first. She went in early and got to work on some projects she had put off for a while. They were little things that weren't on anyone's project plans, but she knew they would be needed soon, even if the project leaders didn't know it yet. She had resolved to find things to keep her busy and keep her mind off of the interactions, or lack thereof, which this week had brought. She had also...

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Yankee Swap Chapter 15 Tuesday Night Memories

Yankee Swap, Chapter 15: Tuesday Night Memories "Kim that is really amazing! I expected it to be days or weeks before you remembered anything, but to have this detailed memory come back so soon is incredible." Kim had told Narya of her dream of becoming Kendra, how the whole thing seemed to be a movie where she knew what everyone was thinking. "I will say again you need to be wary of what you attribute to other people. What you 'know' your mother was thinking may just be...

3 years ago
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The Visitor Monicas Diary Tuesday July 4

The Visitor Monica's Diary Tuesday, July 4 "Consternation to the enemies of the Republic! God save the United States of America!" This is how Nathan usually greets the holiday, after he has awakened us by firing a blank black-powder charge from a miniature cannon he took in payment for some carpentry work many years ago. He always takes this day off and always uses it to catechize the children on the Declaration of Independence. Hannah has memorized the preamble paragraph, the...

2 years ago
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Tuesday Night Annie and Michelle

Tuesday has been a wonderful day and I am hoping to continue into a wonderful evening. As I follow Michelle to her house I cant help but think about how beautiful she is. She has long thick brown hair with pale blue eyes. She has kept in very good shape. You would never guess she is in her mid 30’s. Her ass is still nice and firm. And her breasts are amazing as I saw today. I could lick and massage them for days. We have always known that we both were bi-sexual but had never considered being...

1 year ago
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A Tuesday To Remember Pt2

A Tuesday To Remember Pt.2I continued to suck Jeffery’s cock concentrating on my back and forth movements as I tried to improve my swallowing skills. I could get more of his cock in my mouth, and I wasn’t gagging as much, but he was so damn hard it was difficult getting it to make even a small turn, and then there was the problem he filled up my throat and I couldn’t breath.I felt him push my head back and he told me that he wanted me to take Deena to the bedroom and remove all her clothes....

1 year ago
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A Tuesday To Remember Pt 3

A Tuesday To Remember Pt.3Deena turned to me and declared, “That was Jeffery, and he’ll be here in about 10 min.” I followed her to the kitchen and she gave me a bottle of wine to open. I was pouring and he just came in and was talking to Deena and I brought three glasses and the bottle to the table. As I was setting it down I heard Jeffery say, “Hey girl, you’re hot.” He looked to Deena and commented on her transformation of me. I had to move away from the table so that he could take a good...

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