Wheelchair Accessibility free porn video

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Donna was happy to be home from work. "Another day another fifty cents after taxes", she muttered under her breath." She took out her keys and began to open the outside door to her apartment building. As she opened the door, her neighbor in the wheelchair was coming home from wherever he spent his days. She decided to wait for him and to hold the door knowing it was difficult for him to pull it open.

Donna waited for him to cruise up to the door and into the foyer. As they both stopped to check their mailboxes, Donna glanced sideways at him. He wasn't an unattractive man, but his condition, and the wheelchair, had kept her from getting to know him. For some reason, she decided to change that right now.

"So how was your day neighbor?" she asked smiling at him. She glanced down at her mail while waiting for his reply.

Jerome was arriving home from work. He worked in the accounts receivable department at his father's investment firm.

Jerome felt depressed because a gal at work had rejected him for a date. This was not uncommon. His disability was a turn off for most women. They generally looked at him as either a friend, or brother, or someone they could mother. Very few considered him dateable. The few that did were more interested in his condition than in him.

As he rolled down the street in his depressive funk, he saw Donna standing by the door, waiting for him. His mood brightened. Donna was a very pleasant lady and always smiled at him when they passed in the halls.

When she asked about his day, Jerome decided to take a shot. Pulling out his iPad, he replied using the voice app, and said "Fine, thanks for asking. Would you like to join me for dinner tonight? I don't want to go out, but don't want to be alone either. We could get to know each other better."

The words made Donna freeze. "Tonight, come over, I...I...don't know..."

Jerome knew that Donna found him intriguing, and not for his condition. She was kind enough to wait for him to respond. Most people got irritated when he took so long to answer even the simplest of questions. He typed on his iPad and pressed speak, "Come on, I have seen the way you have smiled at me. You know that you want to get to know me. Give me a shot."

"NO!" She exclaimed when the iPad fell silent.

Seeing his face at her harsh response she realized she needed to clarify her meaning. "You misunderstood. I was always taught that it's rude to visit someone empty-handed. I don't have anything I can bring over, but I can run to the store. What time should I be there?"

Jerome's iPad said, "Don't worry about it. You don't need to bring anything. How's 7ish?"

"I'll be there, with something." She smiles at him and started up the stairs.

Jerome rolled into his apartment and changed into a dress shirt, and a comfortable pair of jeans. Putting The Very Best of The Eagles on his sound system, he went into the kitchen humming along. He put a frozen Lasagna in the oven, and some sparkling grape juice on the table. Using his good china, and cloth napkins, he set the table for two. As a finishing touch, he put two new candles out and lit them.

Donna went to her apartment and dropped her stuff. She stripped off her work clothes and looked in her closet for something to wear. Shaking her head she felt betrayed by her wardrobe. 'Way too many work outfits, not enough casual outfits,' she thought to herself grimacing as she tried to figure out what to wear to dinner with a cute neighbor.

Settling on a pair of jean shorts that emphasized her shapely ass, and left her long legs bare. She slipped her feet into her favorite cowboy boots. Then she pulled on a pink spaghetti strap top with a white button-down blouse over it. She tied the ends of the under her breasts, to lift and expose a bit more cleavage. She smiled at her reflection, debating on wearing her cowboy hat. She decided to let her long wavy locks hang free, then grabbed her keys and wallet. She headed to the local grocer and bought a fresh dutch apple pie, some ice cream, and cool whip. She was three minutes late when she knocked on Jerome's door.

Jerome pulled open his door and looked her over not believing how sexy she looked in her outfit. "You look amazing," the iPad said as Jerome stared at her legs.

Remembering his manners, he took the desert from her and gestured for her to follow him. He wanted to show her how independent he was despite his condition.

Donna stepped into the apartment and looked around. "Did you do this yourself. I didn't know that you were able too... er uh... I mean that... that is..." Her face turned red when she realized that she sounded like she was talking to a small child.

"I always thought you had some help, but I guess you don't need any help. It's very nice," she said hoping she didn't sound as condescending as she felt saying it.

Taking a deep breath, she looked at him "Lasagna? Homemade or delivery?" she asked wondering how he knew it was one of her favorite foods.

"It's Stouffer's," Jerome admitted on his iPad. "Shall we sit down to eat?"

"Well... if it's Stouffers, it's got to be good." She giggles at her joke, then says "I'm guessing it's ready to eat, huh?"

Jerome didn't say anything during dinner. He concentrated on staying neat. He didn't want to look like an uncoordinated slob in front of her. He let his mind and his eyes wander over Donna's legs and the boots.

He remembered the night he was sitting by his window and she was going out. She had looked so damn sexy, in those boots, he had to masturbate as he watched her walk down the street.

When the lasagna was almost gone, Jerome got out his iPad and it asked "Any questions for me?"

"Well I don't want to sound rude, but I can't think of another way to put this. What is wrong with you?" She asked kindly.

"Nothing is wrong with me. I am healthy as a horse. I do have a condition called cerebral palsy that affects my legs, joints, and speech. I do have help a few mornings a week to help with some tasks I have trouble doing. Showering and certain housework. Otherwise, I'm pretty independent. Any more questions?" He asked not taking offense at the phrasing of her question.

"So all your bodily functions...function? Is there any treatment or way to lessen or reverse the effects or how it affects you?"

"I did have some therapy when I was young, but there's no treatment," he replies. "What do you mean by function?"

"Do you need any medical devices or help with biological functions. Like in the bathroom, or...bedroom?" Her face flushed red, and she turned her face away embarrassed. But she had often wondered how he dealt with tasks she took for granted.

"I do need help in the bathroom, sometimes. As for the bedroom...," his face flushes when he hears the iPad say what he typed, "...I don't have much experience. I have the desire, never had anything more than a pity blow job from my step sister. Except for this one time at a concert, a stoned chick thought it would be cool to blow the cripple."

Donna could see the anger and contempt he had for this woman who used him for her own selfish reasons. "Wow, that's umm okay, damn." She had no idea what to say. She could tell he didn't want pity. She pitied the shallow girl who never got to know Jerome as a person. 'Her loss my gain' she thought to herself.

Enjoying their conversation, she asked "When were you diagnosed? How long have you been in the chair?" leaning forward exposing a bit more of her cleavage to his gaze.

"I was born with cerebral palsy. I started using the chair in elementary school," he said without rancor. "I can tell there's something you're especially curious about. What is it," The iPad asks.

"I'm want to get to know you. We've been neighbors for years, and we've never talked. So, you've been in the wheelchair since you were a kid? That must have made school painful for you? Hell, I had braces in 7th grade and cried myself to sleep every night because of the teasing. I can't imagine what you went through." Donna says, trying to empathize with him.

Smiling, Jerome admitted, "It took me 14 years to get through college. Too many professors didn't know how to work with someone in a wheelchair."

Donna nods in sympathy, as she realized she was interrogating Jerome. She hadn't offered anything of herself in return. Sitting up straighter, she asks "Am I being rude? Interrogating you about your life without talking about mine? Do you have any questions?"

Jerome figured to the bold goes the victory, and only hesitated for a moment, "Are you dating anyone? If you are not, would you like to date me?"

"Well, there's this one guy I hook up with on occasion. It's somewhere between a booty call and friends with bennies. We aren't serious, and to be honest I'm getting a bit tired of him. So no, I'm not dating anyone. As for dating you, you'll have to ask me to find out."

"Can you at least tell me if you think I am attractive?"

"You answered my personal questions. I guess I don't have the right to refuse to answer yours." She paused to take a breath. "You're not unpleasant to look at." She said winking him, "As for how I thought about you... I've often wondered if you could enjoy life's carnal pleasures. I never thought of us...until tonight."

Jerome smiled at her admission and wondered how far she would go on a first date. He unbuttoned one more button on his shirt, and said, "I can please you if you give me a chance."

Her eyes widened at the turn of events. Donna found herself considering his offer. She had planned on calling her part-time lover, but his offer somehow sounded more fun. "Well should we have our dessert, or would you like some warm apple pie and cold ice cream topped with some cool whip?" She asked, teasingly.

Jerome looked at her and with a smile said "Define dessert?"

Walking over to his bookcase, she pulls out Webster's abridged dictionary. Finding the entry she was looking for, she walks over to Jerome and puts the book in front of him, pointing to:

des•sert /dəˈzərt/


the sweet course eaten at the end of a meal.

His body was shaking in laughter as he used his iPad to say "Very funny! You know what I mean." Rolling away from the table he took a gamble and blatently unzipped his pants.

"Well, I guess it would be an interesting experience, to take a grown man's virginity in a wheelchair." She says standing up and untying the white blouse and letting it waft its way down to the floor. With only the pink tank top covering her breasts, she walks over to him and sat on his lap. "Can you take this off, or should I do it for you?"

Jerome had hoped to get a kiss goodnight and a second date. A handjob was the best-case scenario, this was...unexpected, but wonderful. He loved feeling Donna on his lap, but he got a bit nervous. Reaching for his iPad, he typed, "I was only kidding. We don't have to do this. I don't know if I'll be able to..."

"There's only one way to find out," Donna said and plastered her mouth against his. Her tongue probing into his mouth.

Jerome let her tongue take the lead since he had limited tongue movement. He loved how soft and moist her lips were. As they kissed, she pulled her top up exposing her breasts. Pulling her head back, Donna pulled her shirt off and offered her tits to Jerome.

His lips felt good on her tits. She hadn't realized how horny she was. It had been a few weeks since she had been with a man, and her need had been building. She needed this, as much as he did. Donna stood up, opened her shorts, and pushed them down her legs. She kicked off her boots and stepped out of her shorts, leaving herself naked.

She was about to lower herself onto Jerome but paused to let him slide his pants off. She was inclined to help, but she realized that Jerome prized independence. She stood there ready to help if asked. Once his pants were off, Donna started rubbing her damp pussy on his hardening shaft.

Jerome was more than ready for this to happen, but he didn't want to disappoint her. He worried about his size, his stamina, and that he would fail to please her. "Let's go to my bedroom," the iPad intoned, as Donna rubbed herself on him.

"What's wrong with right here?" Donna asks sliding her body back closer to him. His cock sprang up between her legs and she took it in her hand, happy to see he was already pretty hard. She lowered herself onto his shaft and began to slide up and down on his cock.

As his dick got harder, and she got wetter she started bouncing faster and getting into a good rhythm. Grabbing his hands she put them on her breasts and held them there.

Jerome had a reason to want to use his bedroom. But the exquisite feeling of his cock in pussy for the first time belied his arguments. The feeling of her wet warm tight pussy enveloping his cock was amazing. It was better than what he imagined when he stroked himself as he watched her walk in her sexy boots. He prayed that he would last long enough to give her as much pleasure as she had already given him.

A light sheen of sweat started to form on her body as she said, "Oh God baby I can't wait till you fill my wet cunt with your cum."

Jerome freed one of his hands from her breasts and signaled that he wanted her to turn around. Donna stood up letting his shiny hard dick slip out of her body. Turning around she worked her legs into the wheelchair and took his shaft back into her.

Putting her hands onto the armrests she used them to lift herself up and then ease back down. Pulling his head to her right breast she fed her nipple to him.

Jerome was loving Donna's take control attitude, and how she forced him to suck her tits. He was getting close and he was fighting to hold his impending ejaculation back. he pulled his mouth off her nipple and puckered his lips hoping she would get the message.

Donna leaned down and put her lips against his, biting his lower lip as she felt him start to quiver inside her.

Jerome moaned as his cock exploded inside her, his cum blasting free of his dick and flooding into her. When his orgasm, ended, Jerome wondered how it felt when a man shot his load into a woman.

Donna released his lip, and using the muscles in her pussy she milked every drop of cum out of him. When she had caught her breath, she looked Jerome in the eyes, "Well that was fast." she said to him.

Jerome's face fell when he heard her words, and he turned his head away from her. It took Donna a few seconds to realize what she had said.

"Dammit, I did it again!" Grabbing his face in her hands she forced him to look at her. "Oh Jerome," she says kissing him. I didn't mean it like that. I only meant that we went from 'have dinner with me' to 'fill me with your cum' a bit fast. Faster than I usually do. It's kinda making me feel a bit uncomfortable," she admitted to him.

Jerome grabs the iPad, "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I could have told you to stop. I am the only one to blame here. I have been lusting for you since I first saw you when you moved in."

Standing up, she grabbed a blanket off the back of a chair and wrapped herself in it. "I'm not blaming you. I'm a big girl. I could've said no. I was the one who took my clothes off. You have nothing to feel bad about. I've never acted like such a slut, especially with a guy I like. I don't know what came over me." She shook her head, "We don't know each, hell we only started to have a friendship, and we did that." She sat down and crosses her legs. "I hate to be a cliche, but I do want you to respect me. Especially if there's something between us. I'm tired of being someone's booty call or a friend with bennies. I want a relationship."

On his iPad, Jerome said, "I never thought of you as a slut. What we did tonight was the best gift anyone has ever given me. There are no words to express how I appreciate what you did for me. You seem to need something in your life, and I want to fill that need. I know you'll fill the emptiness in mine."

She smiles at his words. Taking a deep breath she tosses the blanket aside, exposing her sweaty, naked body. "Well, I guess in for a penny in for a pound. You said something about a bedroom earlier?"

Jerome made a follow me gesture, and rolled to his bedroom.

Gesturing with his hands he told Donna to lay down in his bed. Once she had done so, he transferred himself to the bed from his chair. Grabbing the headboard, he raised his body above hers. Using the custom headboard, he was able to guide himself into her and began to thrust into her. Donna groaned in pleasure and wrapped her legs around his back, welcoming him into her. He was doing all out thrusting into her encouraged by her moans and gasps as she met his thrust with her own.

"Fuck me real good baby. Bang me hard and make me cum," Donna gasped out as their groins slapped together.

Jerome slammed his hips into Donna as hard as he could, wanting to prove he was as good a lover as anyone she'd had before. He needed to show her he was a man. All man. He paused to check on Donna, he saw her breasts heaving, sweat glistening, and eyes begging him to continue.

Donna began rocking and gyrating her hips, determined to get there first this time. Her hands grabbed the sheets, as he pumped into her, both of them savoring every thrust.

Donna held his shoulder with one hand to offer added support, while she rubbed her clit like mad. Jerome feared she felt miffed about not getting to cum the first time. 'My God, I'm gonna make her cum, if it kills me' he thought to himself while drilling her hard! Donna was moaning and panting in pleasure from the rough fucking.

Donna couldn't believe this was the same man who was so passive their first time. She enjoyed their lovemaking, but this...this was pure fucking. Bodies slamming together, grunts, and moans filled the room.

Hearing her moans of pleasure, only served to make Jerome grow thicker and harder in Donna's twat. He moaned in delight, as he felt a spasm building. Despite that, he kept going full force, drilling his cock into her.

"OHH baby so good, so fucking good. Pound my wet twat. fuck me silly." Donna moaned encouraging him as she got close to her first climax of the evening.

Jerome's spams grew worse, but he wanted, nay he needed to continue. Donna pulled her hand from her clit and supported him with both hands so he could fuck her with even more vigor. Her pussy tightened on his wet slick cock.

"Yes baby, drive that monster into me. Fill me with your cum." She started to breathe heavy and she shuddered each time a drop of sweat fell off his body and landed on her.

He could tell she was close, he was going to make a woman cum. the thought that he could do that sent a surge of pride through him. His legs start to shake with his ongoing efforts, but he refused to stop, to give in to his body's weakness. 'Keep fucking going Jerome,' he thought to himself.

Donna's hand returned to her clit when she sensed that Jerome was close to finishing for a second time. "So good baby, so fucking good," she moaned as she frigged herself trying to cum with him.

Jerome's legs trembled as his cock swelled inside her. He was trying to hold himself back until Donna got her release. Her eyes fluttered closed as the beginnings of her orgasm flowed through her body. Waves of pleasure emanated from the core of her being, driving her climax ever closer. Her orgasm exploded inside her, and she thrashed around, which made Jerome spill his seed into her.

After her climax subsided, she felt drained. She lay there next to Jerome and rested her head on his chest. Her breasts pressed into him, and she drifted into sleep. The future of their relationship uncertain, but for now, she felt sated.



Please let me know whether or not you liked this story. I do not make money from writing. My sole reward are your comments, votes, likes, follows, shares and emails. Hearing from readers is what encourages me to keep writing. I truly believe feedback is a gift, and I like gifts.

Sal De Klerk The Salacious Scribe.

Follow me on Twitter @scribesalacious


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“I think it will be OK,” I answered. “Men generally appreciate a flash of stockings almost as much as a glimpse of panties.” Kathy laughed. “Is that what you’ve heard” she asked. “Because you certainly wouldn’t know what a man likes from personal experience. You haven’t been a woman long enough to know and you certainly weren’t a man before that.” I absorbed the insult in silence and grabbed some coffee as she suggested, “Why don’t you drive yourself to work today? That way I won’t get...

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CuckoldSessions Amara Romani 12252016

Amara Romani is dating a degenerate gambler. You’ve probably known one in your life. All they seem to truly care about are things like the “over/under”, the “money line”…the favorites and the “dogs”. And how to profit off it all. Amara’s man just had a terrible weekend, and he owes The Man “five dimes”. Amara doesn’t know what that means, but she knows what five thousand dollars means, and she knows her man doesn’t...

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My Aunt

Note: This story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live! My family and I have a summer camp in New York.  We go every summer with my parents and our relatives.  One day my whole family decided to go into town.  I decided to stay home and swim in the lake.  After about an hour or so I got really tired and bored so I got out of the water and went inside.  I was heading to my room upstairs when all of a sudden my aunt walked out of the bathroom completely naked!  My aunt is very...

4 years ago
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Choices John And The Dragon

How had I got myself into this situation, I was asking myself. Why me? What had I done to deserve this? Well, the answer was — if I was being truthful with myself, that is — that it wasn't what I had done; it was more a question of what I hadn't done. Sound confusing to you? Yeah, me, too, but now it was time for me to do something drastic, and bloody quickly as well, before things reached the point of no return. Let's go back a little and I'll try to explain what happened. What it had...

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Victorias new flat mate

Victoria had moved to a new flat with a former flat mate, Katy. Katy was a voluptuous woman, to the casual observer, a MILF (although she wasn’t in fact a mother, but you get the picture – I hope).The two ladies had lived together before, in a multiple occupancy house, but now circumstances had brought them together again.Soon after moving in, both women were sharing an evening meal, when Katy said,“It’s so nice that we’re back together again.”“Ah, I’m glad that you think so, “replied Victoria....

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Steamy Session With Roshni

Hi guys, this is Sanjay () from Chennai narrating my first experience with my girl friend Roshni. About me I am a software engineer working in Chennai, decently built, athletic. Now coming to the heroine of the story Roshni, man she is a damn sex goddess, she is a Mallu, average height, milky white. There are two great things about her, one is her boobs and the other is her ass. She has 34c boobs, wow those are like huge melons, pretty stiff and always eager to tear away the top she wears. And...

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The Library Book

You walk into the chilly library with your friend, Kate. You are on a "mission" to find the 10 sources that are required for your school report which is due on Monday. Deep in the stacks of books, you find an interesting book! "Hey Kate, come here and look at this book!" you shout.

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A Lesbian Love Storyof Sorts Chapter 7

CHAPTER 7: CUPID’S QUEST-THE TRUTH REVEALED Friday February 14 th That day, I sent no note. When I saw her at school, I was happy to notice she was wearing the perfume I had bought her yesterday. I looked at her in her conservative black skirt and simple white blouse and my cunt got wet. I said, “Happy Valentine’s Day, gorgeous.” “You too,” she replied. I handed her a Mickey Mouse Valentine’s Card that said, “I heart you.” I signed it saying ‘I hope all your romantic dreams come true.’ She...

3 years ago
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The Poolside Question I Was Not Expecting Part 2

Read these in order please.John went straight from the pool to pour wine and I went to the bedroom to get out of my suit. I slipped out of my suit and just wrapped in a short robe before heading to the sun porch where John and I often spent our evenings. We took our usual seats snuggled close together facing the sunset out the windows. He handed me an extra full glass of white wine and I immediately took a very long drink of the beautifully cool chardonnay. John also took a small sip and then...

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Its Greek To Me

It's Greek To Me By J.L. Williams, [email protected] With the most sincere apologies to The Professor From the first Ovid story, Jim had become a fan. It wasn't like him to be that involved, but he loved the writing, and the cleverness of the stories. He enjoyed reading CD stories, and had refined his taste to enjoy the R ratings as opposed to the X and XXX versions. He had even written a couple of notes to The Professor praising his work, and had written reviews on at least...

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How Christi Paid for College Ch 07

Chapter Seven Asian Boys Back at Kappa house, Christi studied hard. She stayed up late nights writing papers. The temptation was strong to dump it, procrastinate, write them the night before like other students did, but Christi didn’t want to be that kind of student. She wanted to excel, to do things the right way. She wrote drafts early and sent them in for professors’ comment even when it wasn’t required, angling for how to get the A’s. Midterm was approaching and she didn’t want it to...

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Daughter Likes To Suck Daddys Love Muscle

Kelly gasped as she saw her daddy's large balls swinging up and smacking against her mother's asscheeks. The man was snorting and panting as he humped on top of his wife like a wild beast. Alice, Kelly's mother, was raking her fingernails across her husband's tautened asscheeks. From the sounds they were both making, Kelly could tell that they were both getting off on this fuck in a very big way. In a matter of seconds, Kelly's little pussy began to drool and her cunt juices flooded her...

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Whoring Her Mother Ch 04

by BrettJ © 2011 Sandy stretched out her legs and put her feet up on the rich oak desk she had purchased last year. It was then she realized the shoes she was wearing, fancy stilettos, had cost nearly a thousand dollars. A thousand dollars. How many women who weren’t Hiltons or Kardashians wore shoes that cost that much? The desk itself had been several thousand. She looked around her office and thought about the place in which she lived. She had done very well for a woman in her 20’s, she’d...

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Will Work For Panties

Found these stories on the web. A bit of a long read, but if youre into panties, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.Will Work for Panties Ch. 01by Vincent E ©Life is too short to go through it stupid and careless. I guess that you can be either one thing or the other and you will not inflict too much damage on yourself, but the combination of the two can prove tragic. For instance, if you are going to raid your aunt’s underwear hamper on a holiday visit – stupid – you should not leave the door to the...

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Full it service

My mother was acting strangely. She had been for the last month or so, though not in any overt manner, no specific ways that stuck out, but in much more subtle ways that anybody who didn't know her as well as I do after eighteen years would ever notice. Other than bitching at me about little things, (growing up, learning the meaning of 'responsibility', getting a job, how I'm so impossible) it was as though something had been on her mind, distracting her and, while we didn't dislike each other,...

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Der Lottogewinn

Der LottogewinnMarina hat schon so einiges in ihrem Leben erlebt. Sie hat als Callcenteragent gearbeitet, war Dessousverkäuferin, Sekretärin.. aber all das hat ihr Leben nicht wirklich erfüllt. Jetzt, mit 39 Jahren meint es das Glück aber mal so richtig gut mit ihr! In einer Klassenlotterie hat sie 5 Millionen Euro gewonnen! Man stelle sich vor… das ist eine 5 mit 6 Nullen dahinter vor dem Komma! Selbst bei 2% Verzinsung ergibt das, nach Steuern, immerhin noch etwa 60.000 Euro. Pro Jahr! Mehr,...

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The Caravan Park

It had been over a year since their last holiday, work commitments putting pay to any of their plans. Then Nicola's workmate explained she had a family caravan in Scotland, and a short break seemed more than possible. Peter and Nicola had been together since university and moved in together soon after. Since graduating and finding employment, they had found themselves dropping into a rut, each day falling into the same routine. Their sex life equally had dropped off to the occasional effort...

Gay Male
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Prudish InlawsChapter 2

Becky lay back on the green and had me eat her pussy out through her thin shorts while she manipulated her own tits and nipples. While we did our thing, Greg emerged chasing bottomless Marcia. Her tits bounced as she ran. They greeted us and disappeared inside the house. In a couple of minutes, I had Becky gasping and convulsing as she gushed generously into my mouth, her juices filtered by her thin bottoms. Beth watched, her back supported by a tall tree. "Now we got to change our wet...

2 years ago
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Fear of Flying

Preface- I am the editor/co-author on this story. Notlooking5 was the creator of the story and other author. It was her brain child. Credit where credit is due. I was flattered that she asked me to assist her on writing this erotic literary work of fiction dealing with FemDom and other realted topics. It is rather lengthy, so hope you have the patience to read it throuhly. Please enjoy! I can’t believe this is happening to me! How did I get in this humiliating position? After my arrival at JFK...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 59

"New rule, guys." I said when we got back to the hotel in St Tropez. "The trial period is thirty days." "Really?" Zane perked up. "Yeah. Watching you climb the walls is fun, but cruel. And another thing, I'm kind of getting into this fetish thing with you guys, but I don't want it to interfere with money when I get home. I've been letting it get out of hand, and that's my fault. But when we get back, the rule is at home, do what you want so long as I get off on it. In public,...

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I got a phone call from an old friend last week. We hadn't seen each other in about a year since he moved away, got married and bought a home near a lake. He invited me to come stay for a week and do some fishing. I packed a bag and put my fishing gear in the car and the next afternoon I set off for the two hour drive to his house. When I arrived Bob and his wife Janet greeted me and helped me get settled in. We talked for a while catching up on old times. He said we had a little time before...

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Two Girls Are Better Than One

My girlfriend, Sherry, had nice, big C-cup titties and a face like a young Marilyn Monroe. Needless to say, she got hit on by lots of men wherever she went. She was also a nyphomaniac who liked to be fucked ten times a day, so we had a great sex life. She found out I enjoyed wearing lingerie, so, as part of our sex play, she would dress me up in her panties and bras and stockings and put lipstick and makeup and eye shadow on me. This kept me hard for her for hours and she really enjoyed all...

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High School1

It was just another day at school. I parked my car and grabbed my backpack from the passenger seat. I stared up at my High School wishing I was somewhere else. Its not that I was unpopular or anything, I was on the varsity wrestling team and was state ranked with college scholarships as a junior. I was 5’9” and weighed 145 and was about five percent body fat and the girls wanted me and I had been with most of them. It was that I could not have the one girl that I wanted most. The...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E18 Audrey Moncur 43 from Sunderland NE

We open with an establishing shot of a windswept sandy beach - panning around over the sea (which looks a bit rough), and then seeing a long concrete pier curving out into the sea – waves crashing against it sending spray high into the air, and then continue panning across the pier as we complete our turn and come back to the beach ... Then behind the beach, a low raised, concrete beach-break walk ... And behind the walk, a row of (currently shuttered) low buildings – game arcades,...

2 years ago
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Aunty Ko Pata Ke Sex Kiya

Hello dosto, fir ek new story lekar aya hu. Aur ha meri last story padhne walo ne muje kafi sare comments aut mails bhi kiya in sabka bohat bohat sukhriya. Ab story pe aata hu. Ye story karib 2 month pehle ki hai jab me social networking site pe ek aunty ke sath baat kiya, wese me bata du ki muje unmarried girls se jyada married Bhabhi, aunty me jyada interest hai. Isliye mene unki profile dekhte hai unko msg kiya aur dusre din reply mila..uska nam Leena tha aur uski age kariban 33 thi. Kafi...

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Price of Power 2aJack gets his wish contined

Price of Power 9-Jack gets his wish II-college and beyond Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these...

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My New Hobby

To be honest, from the few times the boys at my high school had shown me photos trying to flirt with me, I was expecting older women with huge boobs and lots of makeup. Wow was I surprised. This girl I found that started this passion was about my age. She was very athletic and cute but seemed so relaxed while showing EVERYTHING off. In most of her pictures, she was arching her back to expose her butt to the camera. I took off my shorts and compared myself to her in the mirror. I arched...

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You are alone and going to be for a few hours. You have decided to read the story I wrote. You start to read and you are getting horny. Since you are alone, you decide to indulge yourself. But first, you get up to wear something you know I would like. You go to change and come back to the computer. You are wearing a short silk robe and black stockings. You know how I love the feel of your delicious legs wearing silky stockings on my shoulders when I have my tongue in your pussy!As you...

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How I Became a Lesbian Slave

Introduction:A first person narrative of a woman who became a lesbian slaveI've written this story from the point of view of a married woman. For the record, I am a middle aged married man who likes to write porn stories in my spare time. This is my first attempt at writing in the first person perspective, so I hope to see lots of feedback and none of that bullshit spam trolling. Please, if you take the time to read the whole story, take a second to rate it and tell me what was good or bad...

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Girdled grannies find what keeps them satisfied

Joan and Muriel both within a few years of each other in their early sixties were widowed. They may have lost their husbands cocks they still had a strong sex drive.Going on the prowl at bingo, afternoon dances and other potential ‘watering holes’ did not cut the mustard – most of the guys were older and could not get it up.They were not beautiful – but still attractive for their age. What they thought let them down was their size which hovered between 20 and 22, and sizeable tits. But what...

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A Friend Who Needed Attention

I was accepted to the local state college and was looking forward to trying out some college tail. After graduation, I spent the summer working for my dad and kicking around town in search of a piece of ass. This is the story of one of the times, the summer before college.I worked hard for my dad and he knew it. He would let me out early on Fridays and I'd go searching for the weekend's entertainment.One weekend I started searching my old high school town for girls I had known and one night I...

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An Incest Birthday The Final Chapter Part 11

(Randy) We made it. I couldn’t believe we were actually here. It had been a whole year since the incident that changed our lives forever. It was our birthday and our one year anniversary all rolled into one, and I would make it a day Rita would never forget. I made sure I woke up before she did so I could get an early start on the day. I planned to have a pampering type thing for her throughout the entire day with everyone helping me out, well everyone who knows about us that is,...

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PetiteHDPorn Kate Bloom Dating My Younger Step Sister

Kate Bloom and her older step brother Nathan Bronson have been into each other for a while. They go on a low-key date to the arcade, where they have a great time together. Throughout the night, Kate knows that Nathan is checking out her ass and she plays up to it, hiking up her miniskirt for a peek at her panties. When they get home, Kate stops all the pretense as she flashes Nathan her boobs and pulls her shorts off so he can see her clit. Watching his stepsister flaunt herself like that gives...

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Halloween at the swinger club

It was a few weeks before Halloween, my girl and myself was looking for some sexy costumes and something to do this year. One of us was looking for costumes and the other was… It was a few weeks before Halloween, my girl and myself was looking for some sexy costumes and something to do this year. One of us was looking for costumes and the other was looking for something to do. She yelled out and said I know what we can do for Halloween, but it will be expensive. She didn't say anything...

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Vegas Ch 09

A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story, in tribute to them. Without their inspiration, this story would not have been told. CHAPTER 9: GRACE AND LISA PERFORM Daniel was exhausted when he returned to his room, the happenings of the entire day had him running on empty. Grace had not yet arrived back from the club and although he...

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How Savita started sexercise Comic Video

Everyone knows about Savita Bhabhi’s hot and sexy figure. She always looks fresh and ready to fuck any time. Her big boobs and tight pussy are always ready to give and get pleasure. Not just that, she can fuck in any possible position, and that too for a long time! But what are the secrets of her stamina and supple body? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 30 – Sexercise – How it all began.   Liked the trailer? You can watch the full video by going to Google.com and...

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