My Georgia Peach free porn video

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It was just getting dark in the back corner of the truck stop. I'd intentionally found this parking spot when I'd pulled in from the interstate

I was just off I-75 in lower Georgia near the town of Cordelle, headed for Florida for a morning delivery. I had a load of beer destined to slake the thirst of thousands of Floridians. At 16 ounces per can, I figured I had almost 45,000 smiles in the back of my trailer.

My little slice of heaven was the back corner of 'Party Row', the back row of many truck stops where things get to poppin' when the sun goes down. After dark Party Row came to life, the lot lizards ply their trade, a few pimps try to compete with the freelance talent, line up their girls for fun and profit.

A couple of dope dealers were out, shoving anything from meth to cocaine to heroin, some serious party favors for sure. Sometimes Ol' One Eye Jack would be out, his specialty was road dope, prescription uppers to keep them peepers jacked open so the driver could make that delivery on time. Black Beauties, Bathtubs, Yellow Jackets (my favorite), Pink Hearts, a dozen other types of prescription 'diet' pills. You'd lose weight alright; getting a good buzz on and not eating for a few days will help shed those unhealthy pounds. You'd also be kept busy scratching your head as your hair crawled all over it and feeling your socks creeping up and down your shins,

Jack was my boy for pharmaceuticals, even though I wasn't half his age yet.

So, I'd gotten parked, went in and had a nice hot shower, a decent meal, drank about a half gallon of good strong coffee. I felt like I was part of the human race again, instead of a mind numbed robot jockeying 80,000 pounds of steel down the highway.

I went back out to Party Row, stowed my bag in the side compartment of the cab, climbed into the cab and fired up my diesel and flipped the A/C on high to get rid of the oppressive humidity. Working my way into the bunk involved levering myself across the 'doghouse', that large hump between the seats of most cab over tractors. I pulled my curtains mostly closed, leaving a space I could see through just in case I needed to see what was going on outside. You never know on Party Row.

I fell asleep in the cool blowing air. My Screamin' Meanie alarm went off a couple hours later and I awoke, more or less. When a trucker has a chance to sleep he (or she) will usually sleep so hard that when they do wake up they're like a zombie for a bit until the cotton in their head gets sorted out.

I slid across the doghouse and planted my butt in the driver's seat, looking around to see what activity was happening. There were the usual hustlers, and a lot of drivers sitting up looking around, same as me.

I was pretty lucid after ten minutes of sitting and was about to put my rig in gear and get rolling on the final leg of this trip to Florida when I saw her. She was slipping along slowly, keeping a lookout for her safety, looking somehow seriously out of place. She was slender and dressed in a light sleeveless tangerine top with white shorts and sandals. She looked like she had just come from the mall. Her straight blonde hair fell just short of her shoulders.

I knew what she was doing on Party Row, maybe even more than she knew. She looked kind of lost, uncertain, a marked contrast to the women who usually were there. They were brassy, confident, dressed with some sizzle, not like Lil' Miss Soccer Mom.

I sat there and watched. She didn't go up to trucks and knock on the door, ask if the driver wanted a 'date' or some company. A few guys flashed their headlights to attract her attention but she didn't go to them but kept easing along.

I was curious, I have to say. I knew I needed to get my ass in gear and get that rig rolling south, but curiosity killed the cat. I couldn't make myself do what I knew was best.

She made it back to my corner and saw me sitting there, just visible in the overhead lighting. She came over and stood beside my door, didn't knock or try to talk. I rolled my window down and said, "What happened to you, did your Audi get lost back here in a chuck hole?"

She gave me a weak smile and shrugged her slender shoulders. "I didn't lose my car, and it wouldn't be an Audi if I did."

I smiled down at her and said "If you need a place to sit, you can share my space. The A/C is working and it's not quite as dusty in here as it is out there."

She said thanks, and I popped the driver's door open and slid up onto the doghouse to give her room in my seat. She climbed in awkwardly and settled herself.

"You don't look like you know a whole lot about trucks. I thought I was going to have to toss you a rope to help you get up in here."

"I'm starting to think I don't know a lot about much of anything."

"Hey, I hear ya. I'm an alright listener if you care to talk."

The floodgates opened like old Moses parting the Red Sea. She started to tell me her hard luck story about how she and her husband had split. She had 2 kids to look after, and she'd just lost her job. She was down to her last few bucks and had come out tonight to try and make some money the only way she could think of trying. That sounded like life to me: when it rains you can bet it'll be a shit storm.

She was being brave about it. I could imagine being in a similar situation. Hell, I had been in a similar situation myself not so very long ago. I'd been married with two stepkids to help support. Neither baby's daddy was paying a dime in child support and I was running my ass off trying to get ahead and somehow I just kept getting more behind. Finally the transmission went out on my old truck and I had no money for the replacement, and the dealership wouldn't budge. Hello, repo man...I'd lost my truck and that's why I was driving the junk I was in. You might say I could identify.

I found out later (after I'd been forced into bankruptcy) that my fair wife had been cashing my settlement checks and stashing the loot in a little getaway fund she had created. I didn't know any of this until after she had split and the dozens of 'PAST DUE' notices started piling up in my mailbox. Instead of paying our bills she was merrily salting away everything I earned., trashing the late payment notices and keeping me in the dark.

After the split, I met with her and asked her exactly how much she had taken me for. She smiled sweetly and said, "Oh, I can't tell you THAT!" That was probably one of the smarter decisions she ever made. I figured she got me for around forty thousand dollars.

My visitor was quiet, not saying a lot. I thought things over a bit and said, "Maybe you don't want to be doing what you're thinking about doing."

"My kids have got to eat." She gave me a sad little ghost of a smile. "I'm down to less than ten dollars and I have to put five of that in gas for my car so I can get back home again.

She had never asked me if I wanted a date, if I wanted to party, anything at all. I reached around and got my wallet out of my hip pocket and fished out a Benjamin. Yeah, that's right, after my ex pulled up stakes I had a little money again.

I held it out and asked, "Will this help you get through the week?"

She looked at it but didn't reach out to take it from my proffering hand.

"Yes." She said it so softly I could barely hear her voice. A tear escaped her eye and traced it's way down her cheek.

I reached and got a paper towel off the roll and softly blotted that tear away.

As I did she looked into my eyes and suddenly threw her arms around my neck and almost squeezed me in half. Her upper body was so close to me a paper clip dropped between us wouldn't have made it to the floor. She crushed her mouth against mine in a kiss so hard I though teeth were going to chip. She levered my lips apart with her tongue and it hungrily danced with mine.

"Whoa, girl, hold on a second! I'm giving this to you, no strings attached, not at all. I've been through a rough patch before so I know how it feels. I just want to help you is all- hell, I don't even know your name!"

She laughed, and it came out as a kind of strangled sob. "I'm Kristi! Thank you SO much, I don't know what to say. I was SO scared out there, afraid I'd get killed or something. Thank you, thank you!" She stopped talking and started kissing me again, and damn that girl could kiss.

I came up for air in a few minutes and really looked at her. She was maybe five feet four inches and I doubt she weighed a hundred pounds. Her face was narrow, tanned, and she had large luminous eyes. I could just make out a sprinkling of freckles dusted on her cheeks below her eyes. Her lips were narrow but she had a wide generous mouth. It was smiling at me, revealing small even white teeth. She could have been a model for an orthodontist.

Her shoulders were narrow as well. Her breasts were just bumps against her tangerine top, and below them, her belly was as flat as a dime. Her hips flaired, nicely though, and for a short girl, her legs seemed to stretch long ways.

She took my face between her slender hands and kissed me some more. I relaxed and started to just let things happen. I felt her fingers fumbling at my shirt buttons. I didn't stop her. She got my shirt open and started rubbing my chest with her hands. Her touch was cool and dry and I have to say it felt good.

"Can we go back there?" She nodded back to the bunk behind the seat.

"Are you sure that's what you want to do?" I asked the question, giving her an out if she wanted it.

"Yes, that just exactly what I want to do." Her smile was brilliant.

I just had to roll my butt around to be on my mattress. She clambered up onto the doghouse and more or less fell onto me as I sat there. She started to giggle and that sounded really good coming from her.

She pushed me back until I was stretched out, then lay close to me, her left leg bent and lying across my own. Her face was nuzzled into my neck, her arm across my chest. She started to kiss my neck softly, many tender kisses. Her hand dropped down my chest onto my belly, her fingers lightly caressing me.

I turned my head and we kissed some more, less urgently now, but very erotically. She tasted wonderful, her mouth as succulent as fresh fruit just brought in from the sun. I was content to lie there doing what we were doing. Kristi had more on her mine, though. Her hand on my belly found my belt and started tugging it to free it. She succeeded and undid the snap of my jeans, then worked her hands down the front, grasping my firm and growing cock.

I reached down and slid my zipper down, giving her a little more room. She gently worked my cock free and it sprang to full attention, standing there framed by my open zipper. Her hand grasped it firmly and she started stroking it slowly,

She stopped for a moment, raised herself and slipped her flimsy top off over her head. Her small bra followed and I bet that came from a discount rack at Wally World. Very simple, no frills, plain Jane white. Kristi hadn't been exactly living in the lap of luxury. I don't live there myself, but I don't mind. As long as I have enough for today and prospects of getting enough for tomorrow, I'm good with that.

She put her hands into my waistband and worked my jeans down, followed by my boxers. She quickly had me buck naked.

Kristi started kissing her way down my chest, my belly, lower. I watched her kiss my cock, first the head, then down the shaft. Her kisses were tender, languid, and I realized she was actually as much into this as I was myself. She took me into her mouth, and slowly wrapped my cock in her warmth. She held me there, doing nothing for several seconds, then slowly started to go up and down on me, maintaining her warm silken pressure on my cock.

Her free hand was playing with my balls, her nails softly raking my sack. She'd squeeze them gently, letting them fill her hand, then go back to playing with them. Wonderful doesn't quite describe how what she was doing felt to me.

She sat up and. raising her cute round bottom, slipped her white shorts and panties down and off in one fluid motion. Her panties were white cotton high rise hip huggers and I figured they were in the same bin as the bras. In the dim light I could make out her bush, trimmed very short but full, not shaved into a landing strip. Her hip bones jutted into small mounds, framing her lower abdomen perfectly. I was being treated to an erotic view I knew I'd remember for a very long time.

She straddled me quickly, took my cock into her hand and guided it to her opening. When she had me at the door she lowered herself onto me and she was so wet I went in easily. She took me all the way in, every iota. Kristi sat there, eyes closed, a little smile framing her wide mouth.

"You feel sooo good inside of me. It's been such a long time since I've made love. I need this soooo badly." She sighed loudly and I could see the pleasure on her face. My hands went to her small breasts and I cupped them, teased her aureoles, gently pinched her rapidly hardening nipples, pulled on them. She wasn't more than a size A cup, but they were perfect. She arched her back, pushing her boobs closer to me, wanting more of what I was doing.

She started to move, riding my cock standing erect inside of her. She rode slowly at first, a gentle rocking rhythm. Her hands were spread on my belly, helping her to maintain her balance. She increased the speed and pressure as she rode my cock, making me harder than ever. I could feel the fringe of my cock raking against her cervix as she rode. She felt it too, started to groan with her pleasure.

Finally, she was whipping herself back and forth, thrashing her pussy on my cock. She suddenly tensed and squealed, stopped dead still and I could feel her small pussy contracting as she came very hard. She sat there for a couple minutes and the contractions became less intense and slower in their rhythm. Her hair had fallen into her eyes as she rode. She blew her breath up in an effort to relocate it and started to laugh, her slim belly jiggling as she did.

"Oh my, that felt just too damned good." She looked like the cat that got the cream. I loved the sight of her like that, relaxed and happy, feeling contentment for the first time in a while.

For a miracle, I hadn't blown my load yet. I was still hard within her as she sat there, her legs spread with me deep within her.

I sat up, put an arm around her back and flipped us over. Now I was on top, still deep inside her, and she gasped at my sudden move, eyes widened in surprise.

I started to stroke her, as slowly as she had stroked me. I could feel that she was extremely wet now from her own cum. I drove myself into her, putting power into it as my body slapped against hers, my groin pounding hers with every thrust. I speeded up and was pouring my cock into her, hard and fast, shaking her entire body as I worked her. My hands were planted beside her shoulders for support and she wrapped her hands behind my neck and held on. I simply could not go like this for a long time, so I didn't even let up as my orgasm exploded, unloading every bit of my stored up semen deep inside of her.

It was intense and I wallowed in the sensation of being inside of her. I kept my weight off her but had my body against hers as we regrouped. My cock finally started to wilt inside her and she giggled and grinned at me. "I love to feel a man as he goes soft inside of me." She smiled again, looking into my eyes.

As my cock became soft, I slowly withdrew it from her. I slid down her sweat slickened body, kissing her breasts, her belly, her soft downy patch. I licked the pouty outer lips of her pussy, kissed them. She had a surprisingly long pussy, matching her wide mouth. I remembered my Sunday School teacher saying, "As above, so below." I somehow doubt that's what he had in mind, but who knows?

I put my tongue to her warm moist crevice and started to lick away the nectar freely flowing there. She tasted a bit salty and musky, and a little bit raw from my efforts. She was intensely delicious and I cleaned her from top to bottom. I found her tiny nub of a clit and kissed it, flicked it with the tip of my tongue, soft butterfly flutterings which made her wriggle her ass in delight.

I concentrated on her clit, being gentle with her. I had my hands under her ass, one cheek in each palm and it was a perfect fit. It felt very nice, my hands cupping her ass. She was pushing her pussy toward my tongue, demanding my attention and I happily complied. I kept licking and flicking until she finally almost screamed and pushed her cunt hard against my mouth. I could feel a warm gush as she squirted into my mouth. I swallowed it eagerly, surprised to experience that- I had never been with a woman who could squirt as she came before.

We relaxed and lay there beside each other in the semi-darkness. She told me about how she was so proud if her kids, both of whom were in grade school. She told me about the divorce and the hell that had been for her. I told her some of the things in my train wreck of a life. It was all stuff we didn't really need to share, but it was also a catharsis for us, an unburdening.

We finally untangled from each other and got dressed. We both needed a shower, but it wasn't in the cards for me until the next day.

She said she'd better get going, her kids were at her Mom's and they had school the next day. I wondered what she'd told Mom her reason was for being out this late on a week night.

"Do you think you'll be okay?" I asked, hoping to hear something positive.

"Yeah, I hope so. I'm going out tomorrow and find a job, somewhere, somehow. I can't be doing what I almost did. That's just not me. I guess I was desperate." There came that small sad smile again. "Thank you for what you did for us. That'll get us through this weekend and something might turn up for me by then."

"Maybe when I come back through here I can call?" I was hopeful.

"My phone got turned off last week, so you can't get me. My Momma has a phone, but I don't want to answer her hundred questions. I have a friend who works inside the truck stop, her name is Kitty. Look her up and she'll get hold of me when you know you're coming back. I'd love to see you again." The smile this time was spring morning bright.

"Okay, we'll work it out. I have to get to Florida, so where did you park? I'll drop you off close to your car so you don't have to be on foot out here, alright?"

She gave me another smile followed with a kiss. "I like you. Who are you, anyway?"

I laughed and realized I'd never given her my name. "Hey, I'm Brad. I'm sorry, my manners are out to the cleaners."

"Ok, Brad, we have a date for when you come back down this way. I can't wait! I'll cook you a real southern Georgia meal you won't forget!"

I slipped the transmission into gear and started for the entrance. Her car was parked in an abandoned gas station beside the truck stop. It definitely wasn't an Audi, but an old beat up shit brown Chevy that looked like it needed to find a junkyard, crawl in and die there.She kissed me one last time and slipped away, walking with a spring in her step.

Two weeks later I came back. I tried to find Kitty but learned she'd suddenly quit. I asked if they had her number but they wouldn't give it out, probably thinking I was some ax-wielding homicidal maniac disguised as a truck driver. I couldn't blame them, there ARE a lot of freaks and weirdos out there. So, all I have are my memories of one fantastic evening I spent with a Georgia Peach named Kristi. I think of her often and wish her well, hoping things finally went her way.

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Georgia goes to University Part 006

by Vanessa Evans Part 06 – A couple of not so exciting days followed by a really exciting day. I quickly checked my Wi-Fi camera’s recordings and was pleased that I’d masturbated twice during the night. I was still annoyed that I hadn’t reached Riley’s 3 but maybe that was a one-off or my 2 was because I was too tired. I decided to give her the camera and get her to repeat the exercise. Most of Thursday was boring, two lessons at the university followed by some homework followed by a solo...

2 years ago
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Georgia goes to University Part 008

by Vanessa Evans Part 08 – Things start to get a bit routine except for - When I say that, the Sunday morning was the first time ever that I have been woken up by a man fucking me. I’d thought that it would be an amazing experience and I was right. I invited Matt to do the same anytime that he wanted to. We fucked again in the shower then I went back to my apartment thinking that I was very lucky to have a good friend with excellent benefits. My head wasn’t quite as clear as it could have...

3 years ago
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Georgia Part 18

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 18 It was ‘Fucking Machines’ night at the club. I was excited as I’d never been on a fucking machine before. When I got there I had a quick look behind the closed curtains and saw some things that were obvious and some that I hadn’t a clue about. I looked forward to finding out what they were. I went into the...

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Georgia Part 10

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 10 Daddy must have come to terms with what had happened as he slept, and realised that I was right, because I woke next morning to the feeling of daddy licking my clit. “Your mother used to like me waking her like that.” Daddy said when he realised that I was awake. “Did she like being woken by you fucking her...

1 year ago
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Georgia and Kris

Kyle’s look was made clear when we got to Georgia’s room. There were wet spots on our blouses, and our faces were shiny from where we had cleaned off Kris’ splatters. I didn’t know if Kyle knew what had happened, but he was wondering what those crazy girls were up to. I pointed out the wet spots to Georgia and smiled. We stripped off our blouses and went rummaging in her closet for new clothes. Seeing my friend’s full breasts nestled in a lacy white bra was too tempting. As she led me in the...

2 years ago
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Georgia goes to University Part 002

by Vanessa Evans Part 02 – Still Settling In. The next morning I woke alone on my back on my bed, my right hand on my wet pussy. “I really must get a motion activated camera and stick it between my legs when I go to bed.” I thought as I lay there for a few minutes trying to decide if my head hurt or not. It didn’t and I got up and went to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and ready for the day. I put some coffee on and started making a mental...

4 years ago
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Georgia Part 26

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 26 When I got to the club I discovered that Daniella was going to the Private Humiliation event with me. As I had no idea what was involved I asked Daniella if she’d been to one before. She first told me that it was a private gathering of like-minded people in one room of a workshop that would be cleared out,...

2 years ago
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Georgia Part 05

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 05 James parked in the station car park then went to the back of the car. “What are you doing James?” “I take it that you are staying in the car Georgia.” “Correct – unfortunately, I’m not that brave.” “Nor are you stupid Georgia, there’s bound to be at least one policeman in there. This Charlotte doesn’t know...

3 years ago
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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 8 Things start to get a bit routine except for

When I say that, the Sunday morning was the first time ever that I have been woken up by a man fucking me. I’d thought that it would be an amazing experience and I was right. I invited Matt to do the same anytime that he wanted to. We fucked again in the shower then I went back to my apartment thinking that I was very lucky to have a good friend with excellent benefits. My head wasn’t quite as clear as it could have been and I had a little nap before waking in the afternoon when Roxy was...

1 year ago
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Georgia Part 14

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 14 It was lunchtime when I woke-up to the sound of the boat’s engines starting-up. I guessed that it was the captain making sure that everything was okay, but to make sure that I wasn’t being kidnapped, I wandered up onto the deck without putting anything on. I was right and the captain and I exchanged a few...

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Georgia Part 07

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 07 When I woke up, I was on my back and Charlotte was asleep on her side facing me, one arm across me holding my tit. I gently lifted her arm off me and went and had another shower during which I had a good look at my pussy to make sure that the aching wasn’t from any injury. It wasn’t and a refreshed me almost...

2 years ago
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Georgia on My MindChapter 2

Jed, as Jamie's dad was known, had left Savanna, seldom to return, to attend the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. After graduation he got a masters degree in finance at The Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania. Instead of returning to Savanna to work in his papa's bank he took a job with the Jameson Company, Limited, an investment banking firm located in Philadelphia. After a few successful years with the company Jed was invited to the Christmas party at...

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Georgia Part 06

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 06 “That was fun last night.” Charlotte said to me as soon as I woke up. “Have you got lots of other toys in that drawer?” “Yes I have, I haven’t had the chance to try a lot of them yet but you’re welcome to have a look and experiment. Hey, what time is it?” “9:15 why?” “Shit, you have an appointment to get rid...

1 year ago
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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 4 Sleeping with a Camera Between my Knees

I woke up that Tuesday morning with my right hand on my wet pussy. I sat up, looked down and was happy to see that my legs were where they were when I went to sleep and that the camera was still where I had left it. I jumped up and almost ran to my laptop. It took me seconds to find the files for the camera and the ones date-stamped during the night. Happy that the camera was motion activated, I immediately saw my right hand slide down to my pussy, obscuring the view of my right nipple, the...

3 years ago
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Georgia on My MindChapter 13

They had hit a lucky day. There was hardly anyone at the DMV and Jamie had quickly gotten his learner's permit and he and Aunt Ellie were gone before the possible rush. Jamie was reading his Driver's Manual and hadn't noticed where they were going but wherever it was it didn't take overly long before he realized they were parking in front of a very large house near one of the small parks spread throughout upscale residential Savannah. "Where are we Aunt Ellie and who lives...

3 years ago
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Georgia goes to University Part 009

by Vanessa Evans Part 09 – I was a public disgrace. Just as the Saturday night party at the end of November was starting, Matt asked me if I was still interested in being abused somewhere very public. I hadn’t thought much about it since that Truth or Dare night and I’d confessed to one of my fantasies, but it soon all came back to me and I replied that I was. “Right, everyone up to their apartments and get dressed as we discussed. Georgia, I’m coming with you and sorting out what you are...

1 year ago
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Georgia goes to University Part 010

by Vanessa Evans Part 10 – The Spanking Society and the Top Brass see me naked. The Friday after my public humiliation (that I loved every seconds of) was the meeting of the Spanking Society. Riley had agreed to come along with me, and to get spanked. Wearing just very short dresses and a warm jacket, we got a taxi to the pub, got ourselves a drink then asked where the function room was. As with the Orgasm Club there was a huge bouncer outside the door who opened it when I said that we...

3 years ago
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The Poor Peach

(Or: An Erotic Adventure) I guess you could view this part of the story as my 'disclaimer'. For you see, I didn't know The Peach when it was still an innocent. By the time I had come in contact with The Peach it had already been sorted and shipped. It was already taken from the only home it had ever known. Plucked from the very branch which had given it life and nurtured it, by a heartless orchard owner. His only concern was making a profit. After being ripped away from the life-giving...

1 year ago
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Georgia Part 08

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 08 Thursday started with me realising that Charlotte was holding my right tit as we slept. I smiled to myself and gently lifted her hand off me. I got up and went downstairs to put some coffee on. While I was down there I looked at clock and discovered that it was 11:30. “Wow,” I thought, “the weeks fun must have...

2 years ago
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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 5 We Order Riley Her New Wardrobe

Wednesday saw me wake up at about 9 a.m. and the first thing that I did was to open my laptop to see if there were any new files archived from my Wi-Fi camera. Imagine my surprise when I saw 5 new files. Okay, the first one was Riley setting up the camera between her knees, and the last one was her waking up but the other 3 were all about the same file size and when I viewed each of them the contents was just about the same. Riley’s right hand moving to her pussy and her masturbating to an...

3 years ago
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Nomming The Peach

This story only available on Lush Stories.That morning, she saw the late September sun streaming through the window. As Winter wearily left the house, she grabbed her thin green hoodie, and breathed in the fresh, dew-laden air. Work was such a blasphemy on a glorious day like this, she thought, grumpily getting into her car.On the way to work, she saw crowds of rowdy school children jostling each other, and bus queues of commuters, all conflicted between the bright sunshine, and the grey,...

Oral Sex
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Georgia Part 19

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 19 It was the middle of the afternoon when I woke up and after some time in the bathroom I put some coffee on then went up onto the deck. I looked over to where the enormous grey monster had parked but it was gone. I wondered if all the sailors got back on board before it left. I had my first day since I’d...

4 years ago
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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 2 Still Settling In

The next morning I woke alone on my back on my bed, my right hand on my wet pussy. “I really must get a motion activated camera and stick it between my legs when I go to bed.” I thought as I lay there for a few minutes trying to decide if my head hurt or not. It didn’t and I got up and went to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and ready for the day. I put some coffee on and started making a mental list of what I had to do that day. It was a...

3 years ago
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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 9 I Was a Public Disgrace

Just as the Saturday night party at the end of November was starting, Matt asked me if I was still interested in being abused somewhere very public. I hadn’t thought much about it since that Truth or Dare night and I’d confessed to one of my fantasies, but it soon all came back to me and I replied that I was. “Right, everyone up to their apartments and get dressed as we discussed. Georgia, I’m coming with you and sorting out what you are going to wear and put a few of your toys into a bag....

3 years ago
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TGS Georgia Peach

Georgia Peach A Timber Grove Story by Trinity Ada Wright was standing across the street of the Timber Grove Community Pool smoking a cigarette. It was mid July, and the pool was packed to the brim with gorgeous young college kids from the nearby TGCC. To any onlookers Ada would look like any other college girl. Her figure was very voluptuous, and the boys walking around took notice. She was wearing a white bikini with jean shorts, while her long blonde hair was pulled into a...

4 years ago
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Georgia Part one

Georgia Whenever I play “Georgia” I can’t help but think of Ray Charles. But this time was different. The bridesmaid was just so hot that I couldn’t take my eyes off her, and I stared straight into her eyes as the song poured out of my saxophone. For some reason today, the reed was just right. It blew free and easy, with a sound as big as your back yard. For a fleeting instant, the thought crossed my mind that it was getting ready to die, that it would make a sound like a duck in the middle of...

1 year ago
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Georgia Part one

GeorgiaWhenever I play “Georgia” I can’t help but think of Ray Charles. But this time was different. The bridesmaid was just so hot that I couldn’t take my eyes off her, and I stared straight into her eyes as the song poured out of my saxophone. For some reason today, the reed was just right. It blew free and easy, with a sound as big as your back yard. For a fleeting instant, the thought crossed my mind that it was getting ready to die; that it would make a sound like a duck in the middle of a...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Georgia on My MindChapter 17

When Jamie stepped into the darkness of the Next Street Over it took him a moment to adjust his vision to the point that he could make out the familiar surroundings. Little had changed. The fixtures had been spruced up but the bar was the same albeit with newer barstools. As he proceeded deeper into the room he was met once again by a gaggle of well-wisher cousins who treated him as if they had known him all his life. Jamie felt welcomed just as he had that first summer only the women...

3 years ago
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The AlmostTrue and SlightlyEmbellished Adventures of Captain Handsome and Mrs Peach

She knew he would publish it on an adult website. She was excited. It was one of several adventures she and Captain Handsome were having.Mrs Peach re-read the email she was sending:"Oh my stars, Captain Handsome! I love you!"I can hardly wait for you to come home! Three days at that convention in Chicago is enough! Do you miss me? I miss you!"There isn't much to do in Minneapolis without you. And it's so cold outside; I don't even want to go shopping at Mall of America. I know you'll be...

Straight Sex
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The taxi rolled slowly along the tree-lined street in suburbia. I watched kids bicycling and grown-ups setting up BBQs or lounging in the warm sunlight. It was a Sunday in July, and I had been gone for almost two years. Two long dusty years I had spent with my wife in a hell hole in Africa. We were both freelancers and had decided to fly over to report on the situation. The first eighteen months were fine that was until a group of German freelancers arrived and among them was Boris. Big, blond,...

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Just to see what difference it made, Geoff had selected ‘shortest route’ on the hired car SatNav.  He soon found out.  The ‘Southern Belle’ voice directed him off the Freeway and onto country roads, but he didn’t realise it was going to take him directly to a wonderful sexual experience.  It was early afternoon and he was just north of Marshallville in deep Georgian country side, with about one hundred miles to go to Atlanta and the airport hotel he was staying in for his last night in the...

Straight Sex
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As a child, my favorite season was summer. I remember being young, perhaps six or seven, and my grandmother, my brother, my sisters and I would go to an orchard several miles away to pick peaches. We could have bought them at the supermarket, but store bought peaches were never as good as fresh ones. Picking peaches was yearly ritual until I was in my early teens. I reached puberty and thought that I was too mature to go pick fruit with my family. I never realized how lucky I was until I no...

4 years ago
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Georgia Part two

Georgia – Part Two By the time I got to the third floor, I was huffing and puffing. Lugging that tray pack sax/clarinet/flute case up six flights of stairs was no picnic. And, of course, I had packed an instrument stand and a bunch of tools in it, so it weighed about seventy five pounds. I’m getting too old for this shit, I thought to myself. I leaned against the wall in the landing, trying to get my breath, before opening the door, and venturing out to the hallway. I stood the case on it’s...

3 years ago
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Georgia Road Trip Mishap

My wife, Regina, and I were driving through rural Georgia making our way to Savannah for a weekend getaway. I was driving pretty fast through the back country since it was pretty desolate out on the road. I was also driving fast as my wife’s head was in my lap taking my engorged cock deep in her mouth. My one hand was on the steering wheel and the other was down the back of her skirt. Regina wasn’t wearing panties giving me easy access to her hot asshole and wet pussy. I had a finger in each...

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Georgia Part Three

Georgia – Part Three “I have a better idea,” Mel – or was it Melissa? – replied softly. “Let’s put this on him.” I wondered what “this” was, but soon found out, as they slipped the sleep mask over my eyes, and tightened the band around the back of my head. Then I felt the strap across the back of my neck being loosened. I moved my head then, and was rewarded by feeling Doris’ clit against my upper lip. It was hard, and felt as I imagined a little cock would, complete with foreskin sliding...

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