If It’s Got To Rain, Let It… free porn video

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If It’s Got To Rain, Let It Rain On England

Sandra looked out at the wind driven rain as it beat a staccato against the window. She sighed, the weather only deepening her depression. Why couldn’t he have been a better man, she thought to herself, then things may have been different. But no, over the years he had turned into a drunken, crude, slob who thought of nothing but his own enjoyment and where the money for the next drink was coming from. The fact that it usually came from her no longer gave her the hurt or the anger it once did. She recognised in him a man who was ill. Not physically, although that was rapidly becoming debatable, but certainly a man who was so eaten up with a deep inner rage he no longer had control over his reasoning.

She smiled at her own rambling thoughts. Listen to me, I’ll be talking to the walls next, then they’ll probably have to come and take me away. Then her mood took a more serious turn. No not now, nothing could destroy my future now, nothing at all. It’s funny, her uncontrolled thoughts spilled out into her consciousness again, if it hadn’t been for Ted I would never have met Graham and we only went to Spain because I thought the change might buck him up. She looked at the curtain of rain that was now sweeping the whole street, the drops bouncing back into the air as they landed. Spain, she thought, what a holiday that had been. Her thoughts drifted back to four months previously as the heavy cloud burst disappeared from her vision to be replaced by the soft, warm nights, the guitar playing and the sound of people laughing and enjoying themselves in a land far away, a land created to fit the mood of lovers…

The hotel was excellent. Sandra had chosen it because the picture in the brochure showed her what to expect and the price was surprisingly cheap. She had read about photographs not portraying the true picture, that hotels may be next to a construction site, or that the food could be so bad as to be inedible, but she couldn’t afford to pay too much and as long as they had a roof over their heads, as far as she was concerned that’s all that mattered. But she was not disappointed. The place was perfect. The restaurant had sliding doors which were kept open during the day giving guests a view of the large pool beyond which were groups of palm trees surrounding the gardens which sloped gently down to the beach. As soon as they arrived Sandra felt a wave of contentment sweep over her and an excitement she hadn’t felt for so long. This was going to be a good holiday she thought happily. After they unpacked they took the elevator to the ground floor, she in a one piece bathing suit covered by a light green cotton robe and he in, what she considered to be a hideous, pair of baggy Union Jack shorts that reached his knees and an equally baggy T-shirt with F**K U 2 printed across the front. She had tried to dissuade him from packing the clothes but he had only turned abusive and angry and so she had kept quiet, hoping he might, after a while, realise how ridiculous he looked and get something more suitable.

For a while they both lay by the pool soaking up the sun. Sandra felt self-conscious in her bathing suit. She hadn’t had much chance to wear anything so skimpy in public for a long time and at first she felt all eyes were looking at her alone. She had slipped the robe off but continued lying on it ready to grab it and cover herself if she felt the need, but slowly she relaxed, closed her eyes and began drifting off to sleep.

‘What?’ Ted’s voice had brought her awake.

‘I said I think I’ll go for a beer, I’m bloody gasping.’

Sandra knew what one beer meant and over the years she had grown resigned to it. But this was a foreign country where they were surrounded by strangers, strangers like themselves who were on holiday to enjoy themselves. She looked around at the children running around, jumping into the pool, shrieking with excitement, whilst their parents kept a watchful eye on them. Everybody was so happy, she thought, everybody’s having a good time.

‘Must you go now Ted? It’s nearly lunchtime and we don’t want to miss that do we? We haven’t eaten since London and I know I’m starving, you must be too.’

She realised her mistake as soon as she finished the sentence. Ted stared at her with a dark sullen look.

‘Christ you’re not going to tell me what I can do and what I can’t do are you? That’s your trouble Sandra you’re always trying to control me. What’s your problem? Scared I might have one too many? Scared I might bloody well enjoy myself? His voice had grown louder drawing curious glances from the groups nearest to them.

Sandra panicked and caved in, ‘No, no Ted. I just thought you might be hungry that’s all. You go and enjoy yourself’.

With a churlish ‘Thanks’ he stood up and went into the hotel, looking for the bar.

Sandra’s contentment had dissipated in flash and the familiar tense knot began tightening in the pit of her stomach. ‘God’, she thought, ‘it’s going to happen here as well and I thought it wouldn’t. You stupid, stupid woman’. Her relaxed mood having completely vanished she pulled up her robe, rose, and started to take a walk down to the beach berating herself as she went. When she reached the sand she took off her flip-flops and walked along aimlessly her feet sinking slightly at each step. The sun was at its hottest and to cool her feet down she strolled along the water’s edge, letting the gentle ripples wash over her as they rushed in then pulled away from the shore. The sun was getting too strong and the heat on her head was almost unbearable. She wished she had brought her hat with her but it was too late now to go back and she didn’t want to bump into Ted. Then as an answer to her prayers she saw a hundred yards up the beach a large wooden building with advertising signs for cerveza and soft drinks. As she approached she saw it was really nothing more than one huge veranda supporting a rickety wooden roof and surrounding a tiny bar. In one corner there was a barbecue spitting fat and producing mouth watering smells which reminded her just how hungry she was.

Thankfully she climbed the small flight of steps into the coolness of the shade and went up to the fat middle aged man who was standing behind the bar smoking the largest cigar she had ever seen.

‘Si, senora?’ Sandra began panicking again. God she didn’t speak the language! She struggled to find a word that the man would understand. ‘Uhh, uhh yo…would like…uno cold drink…por favor,’ God what was the word for cold. ‘Frio!’ she suddenly blurted out, ‘uno frio drink!’ The man looked puzzled for a moment then as enlightenment dawned he began pointing at the various bottles. Beer, whisky, cognac, rum, Fanta. ‘Yes. Yes. Uhh…Si, Fanta. Thank you.’ The barman smiled around the cigar in his mouth, opened a bottle, and poured it into an ice filled glass. Sandra almost drank it in one go.

‘Mas?’ the barman asked pointing at the nearly empty glass. ‘Mmm. Yes please. Uh… si.’ she said with a smile. With her second glass she turned around and nearly bumped into a tall, good looking man who was standing close behind her. ‘Oh…Sorry…I mean…um’

‘Don’t worry about it I came over to meet you anyway.’ At the sound of his voice speaking English relief swept through like a wave. Then the full meaning of his words sank in.

‘What do you mean, you came over to meet me?’

‘Well I couldn’t help noticing you walking along the beach and I thought to myself, that woman has to be a visitor. Nobody here goes outside at this time of the day if they can help it. Then as you got closer I saw that you looked quite sad and so I thought to myself, that woman has to be a visitor who is sad, something must be troubling her. Then when I heard you try to order a drink in Spanish I thought to myself….’

‘Yes, yes alright. I get the picture.’ said Sandra laughing despite her mood.

‘The man smiled and offered his hand. ‘That’s better,’ he s
aid, ‘my name’s Graham. I’m sitting over there with a few of my friends eating our way through Pepe’s, ‘ and he pointed towards the fat man who smiled and raised his hand in greeting, ‘magnificent fish food specials. My friends and I would be honoured if you would join us at our table.’

Sandra was nonplussed. The man had lightened her mood that was true, but to sit down with total strangers? She wasn’t sure she was ready for that.

Graham saw her hesitation. ‘Come along,’ he said, ‘It’s my birthday today and we’re celebrating in the style we all like best, and if you don’t you’ll probably starve to death by the time you manage to find the right words to order anything in Spanish.’

That persuaded her. That and the charm of the stranger, the smell of the food and the happy looking group sitting at a long trestle table all watching her expectantly. She threw caution to the winds and said, ‘Alright, thanks very much.’ As soon as she accepted the group began clapping, then shuffling around with much confusion and hilarity to make room for her to sit down. Sandra looked around at the dozen strangers. Graham started to make some introductions but after the third, noting her confusion, he gave up and said that she would catch on who was who eventually. As the afternoon wore on she became more and more relaxed.

The food was excellent, the wine superb and she could not have asked for better company. Apart from Graham, two Americans and an Australian all the others were Spanish and Sandra began to wonder just whom Graham was to have such a pleasant group he could call friends. It was obvious they new each other well as the familiarity between them showed. After three hours the lunch was nearly over and the group began to grow quieter as the food and drink began to take affect. Some left the table and took their coffee or cognac over to the wooden railings that surrounded the veranda to talk quietly amongst themselves. Sandra was listening to the woman on her left, Isabella, as she was explaining where Sandra should visit during her holiday. It was then that she plucked up courage to ask about her host.

‘Gra’am?’ replied Isabella, ‘he is, ver’, how you say, populair. Oh, yes,’ she continued with a knowing smile, ‘an’ ver’ ‘andsome too, es verdad?’ Sandra felt the colour rising in her cheeks and wished she could change the subject, but Isabella was in full swing. ‘Ev’ry woman I know falls in love with ‘im. Me too. But a long time ago. ‘e ‘as been living ‘ere for twelve…thirteen years, not sure. ‘E owns three of the best restaurants in the distric’ and of course, this…’ Isabella waved her hand to encompass the wooden building. Sandra was shaken by what she had heard. Not only had she been rescued from a depressing moment by a charming, likeable man who seemed at ease with himself and the world, but she had also been rescued by someone who was respected and admired in the area, a man of some standing.

Suddenly she felt awkward and out of place. Her mind flashed back to Ted and guilt swept through her as she realised she hadn’t given him a thought all day. Doing the best she could she looked at her watch and said to Isabella, ‘I didn’t realise it was so late. I must get back. It’s been a long day and if I don’t go now I’ll probably fall asleep at the table!’ she laughed but even to her own ears the laugh sounded hollow. ‘But of course,’ replied Isabella. ‘You mus’ forgive me I forget you only came today. Wait a momen’ an’ I will drive you to your ‘otel.’

Sandra wouldn’t hear of it and the two women became noisier as they both insisted in having their own way. ‘Alright, alright,’ said Graham as he came across from the bar where he had been talking quietly with Pepe. ‘I’ll settle this. I’ll take Sandra back to her hotel. It’s only down the road. I’ll be there and back in ten minutes.’ Sandra couldn’t refuse without sounding churlish and so accepted the offer of his lift. She said goodnight to everyone, falling into the continental habit of kissing everyone on both cheeks in farewell. Walking slowly up to the road by Graham’s side she felt the tension rising in her body. All she wanted to do was to get there wave him goodbye as quickly as she could and go inside.

But luck was against her. Just before they turned left into the hotel grounds Graham was forced to swerve slightly to avoid a group of drunks staggering along the middle of the road and even before she saw him she knew that Ted had found a group of like-minded men. As they pulled up outside the hotel’s entrance she all but leapt out of the car babbling her thanks incoherently to Graham, hoping against hope that he would leave before Ted arrived. But again luck was against her. Graham swung his tall frame over the side of the small convertible and followed her into the hotel’s lobby. ‘Wait a minute Sandra, what’s all the rush?’ there was humour in his voice but also a hurt and confused sound. ‘I’m sorry Graham,’ said Sandra quickly, ‘it’s just that I feel very tired. It’s been a lovely afternoon, really it has. But all good things must come to an end,’ and she leant forward slightly to gently squeeze his arm. She turned quickly back to the elevator. Too late.

”ey! Sandie. San’, C’mon an’ meet my fren’s. We’r jus’ goin’ to ‘ave a li’l ole nightcap. C’mon, c’mon an’ join us. C’mon. Don’ be a spoilsport. C’mon an’ ‘ave some fun’ The burst of loud raucous laughter smashed into her like a brick wall. She had no choice and turning around with a smile on her face she went up to the group ignoring Graham but sensing his feelings as she passed him. To her relief the evening finished quickly. Both she and Ted had been up early that morning to catch their flight and with the excesses of the day both began to feel very tired soon after the first drinks appeared. She knew it was useless to try and move Ted before he was ready so she made her own excuses and left. The men didn’t notice she had left.

The next morning she waited outside the hotel for the coach that was going to take them on a day trip up into the mountains. She hadn’t seen Ted since the previous evening and had no idea where he was. She shrugged her shoulders. Judging from past experience he was probably sleeping it off somewhere and would emerge in time for another afternoon session. ‘Pity though’, she thought, ‘ but I suppose I was being a bit naïve to think he would like a tour of the mountains.’ Now she had an extra ticket that was going to go to waste unless she could find someone to give it to.

‘Well, well, well, good morning Sandra,’ the voice behind her made her jump and she knew it was Graham, ‘a spare ticket I see. Well it seems a pity to waste it, mind if I come along as well?’ Sandra was at a loss for words but managed to stutter, ‘N..no, of course not, b..but what are you doing here? Aren’t you busy or something?’ as soon as she uttered the inane words she could have bitten her tongue off. Graham just laughed out loud. ‘Not today. I need today to relax after the excesses of yesterday.’ and he gently took the ticket from her hand. The coach arrived a few minutes later and they were soon on board settled into the comfortable armchair seats.

Sandra’s mind was in turmoil. She had not expected to see Graham ever again, especially after last night, but here he was, popping up out of nowhere, rescuing her for a second time. She gave up thinking about it and sat back to enjoy the trip. Graham was the perfect tour guide, he pointed out places and told her things which weren’t on the official program. He knew the route the coach would be taking and she sat enthralled as the trip took them higher and higher up into the mountains. She found she could even look out of the large picture window at the sheer ravines that dropped below the unguarded, narrow roads. They stopped for lunch at a small bodega where they snacked on tapas and the customary glass of wine and then finally in mid afternoon they reached their destination.

The monastery had been built by the Moors as a castle during their sweep south and was perched high u
p on a mountaintop protected on all sides by its location. The monks who now inhabited part of it lived and worked in isolation but being of a liberal order had no objection to visitors arriving on a regular basis to be taken around by one of their number. If truth were told the monks were proud of what they were doing and enjoyed showing people their work and way of life.

Walking side by side holding hands, Graham and Sandra were submerged in the atmosphere of the place. Escaping from the main group they strolled through empty halls and immaculately tended gardens. The monks they met were eager to explain their work and pass them onto others of their brethren who were equally keen to show them around. To Sandra the whole trip was magical, the history, the tranquillity and the solitude washed over her leaving her drained of all emotion. They took their time as the afternoon wore on. Sandra absorbed everything, she wanted to remember this place for the rest of her life, she never, never wanted to forget it. Eventually though they had seen everything and rejoined the main group for dinner. Even here in this isolated place, Sandra discovered, Graham seemed to know more than he was telling her. They were given a table for two on one of the terraces. As they ate the large, mouth-watering paella and talked and laughed, she felt the two of them growing closer, and as they sipped their coffees and brandy she felt the bond between them grow stronger. And as they stood side by side in the rapidly cooling temperature, leaning on the balustrade of the terrace, watching the large red sun slowly sink below the horizon they kissed for the first time.

Sandra saw nothing of the return trip. She lay with her head on Graham’s shoulder breathing softly as she slept the sleep of the utterly contented. When they arrived back at the hotel she had no objection to going with Graham to his apartment and she had no objection to them exploring each other’s bodies as a prelude to a night of gentle, passionate lovemaking. She had no objection at all.

For the rest of the holiday she rarely saw Ted and on the occasions when she did bump into him, he was usually drunk, and didn’t seem to object to her prolonged absence. With Graham she had found a new way of life. Together and with his friends they visited places she would never have seen if left to her own devices. She visited museums and out of the way restaurants, witnessed the violence of Spanish fireworks at the local annual fiesta, went shopping with Isabella and generally thoroughly enjoyed herself. There was only one thing that bothered her and one night lying side by side on the huge bed at his apartment she asked him.



‘You remember the day we went to the monastery?’

‘Yeees!’ a slow, wary drawl.

‘What made you turn up at the hotel in the morning after you’d seen me and Ted the night before?’

‘Oh that. All it took was a quick word with the manager and I soon found out the truth of the situation. And as I’m certain I was in love with you even then, I took a chance, and just turned up. Don’t know what I would have done though if you had point blank refused me the ticket. Killed myself probably.’

‘You mean one word from you and the manager spreads gossip about his guests. That can’t be right!’ she felt quite distressed at the thought that talk may have been circulating about Ted and his antics.

‘True, true,’ Graham said consolingly, ‘but this is the only time I’ve known him to do it, and he is a very honest and trustworthy man.’

‘How do you know that? He told you didn’t he?’

‘Yes but you see I put him in a very awkward situation.’

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Rain of Infidelity

The rain started early this afternoon, it has not slowed or lost any of its intensity in the least. The sun is setting low over the sky. Night is approaching quickly and as it does I can see lightning in the distance making its way our direction. Curled up in my mink blanket on the back porch I hear your truck pull up the driveway, silence once again. I can’t hear the front door or anything else over the rain. I snuggle deeper into my blanket keeping any cool air from invading in the spaces or...

2 years ago
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Love Is In The Rain

Hannah walked into the girls changing room, roughly toweling her wet long blonde hair. She sat down on one of the wooden benches and watched her toned legs shake up and down."How many laps did you do?" came a sweet voice from the showers."f******n, I think," replied Hannah, pulling a key from her red one-piece swimsuit."f******n!? What are you a mermaid?"Samantha came out of the shower. She carried a towel but didn't bother to wear it, instead letting her long blond hair cling to her body as...

1 year ago
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In The Rain

Ronald Casey sighed and endured the verbal abuse being laid on him by his wife, Janice. She was complaining that the house wasn't clean. It was but not to her satisfaction. Ronald did his best but it wasn't good enough. For him, all of this was getting old.They lived in Pensacola Florida. He had been unemployed for the past month and a half and he was desperate to get back to work. Ronald had been working as a customer service rep at a telecommunications company until a recent realignment...

4 years ago
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Hunting SeasonChapter 3 Rain of Terror

It had been raining for two hours by the time Will Osler's van arrived in Marion, Virginia. The van pulled into the parking lot of the Blue Jay Motel and Restaurant. As the driver and his passenger got out of the vehicle, the storm redoubled its attack. Ferocious winds hurled buckets of rain into the faces of the hapless pair, nearly knocking Will Osler off his feet. "Let's run for the diner!" Osler shouted to his young companion as he put his own advice to effect. Will took several...

3 years ago
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Sunshine After the Rain

August. The summer was hot and the days oppressive. Nick stood by the open window smoking yet another cigarette, watching the sky darken with an approaching storm and listening to the distant rumbles and grumbles of thunder. Perhaps a good downpour would clear the air and dispel the sticky lethargy that had enveloped him. He had taken this little cottage on a six month tenancy after the breakdown of his marriage and while two sets of divorce solicitors agreed between them just what he would be...

2 years ago
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Jungle Rain

You awake to a driving rain. It takes you several seconds to force your mind to capture the situation. Costa Rica. Deep in the no-man’s land of a virginal jungle. A flash of lightening. White light exploded in every inch of the universe. Crashing thunder shakes the trees. Your hammock sways violently in the howling wind. Lightning and driving rain. Rare in the green cocoon that you have called home for the last four months. Lightening is a thing of the distant latitudes. This kind of crashing...

3 years ago
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Sex in the Rain

It had been hot and dry the past few days with the temperatures in the nineties but feeling more like it was a hundred degrees outside. Finally, they were calling for rain, which Ann could not wait for. Her and Will were on vacation and both had been too hot and tired to have much sex. Yes, they had air conditioning but the heat still seemed to creep into the house. As she stood there looking out into their backyard, she was glad that they had decided to put up a high wooden fence that...

4 years ago
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Summer Rain

I sat on the porch as it was starting to rain. The wind was blowing a cool breeze as the sun was starting to set. It was just a light rain at first. I love the smell of rain in the air-it's a bit of a turn on for me. I sat on the chair taking in the wind & rain. There's something so incredibly sensual about it. I found myself sitting & starting to daydream. I was picturing my lover caressing my shoulders his hands grazing my breasts. I sat & closed my eyes as the wind started to...

2 years ago
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Bouncy Rain

Something woke me up suddenly and I laid on my back for a few moments until my eyes came into focus. Glancing across to the glaring red digits on my alarm clock I could see it was just 9am, much too early to be waking up on a Saturday morning. I turned over with a groan and snuggled back into the bedclothes. Suddenly it hit me, Shauna had got back yesterday! I sat up abruptly and swung my legs out of the bed pushing aside the dirty work-clothes I had dragged off the night before. Working as a...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Rain and the Gazebo

The dark haze overwhelmed the dusty sky, filling the void with gray clouds. A slight thunder roared in the distance, but we kept on walking down park road, holding each other close in the damp air, our arms entwined with each others. Suddenly I felt a damp drop on my forehead and I looked up unconsciously, feeling more drops splatter on my cheeks and hair. He pulled me closer, sheltering me within the warmth of his body, as more and more drops of rain fell upon us, soaking our hair and dripping...

1 year ago
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Playing in the rain

I always like playing in the rain, especially during the summer. The summer is perfect to play in the rain because it will rain then sometimes it get back to hot, especially in the… I always like playing in the rain, especially during the summer. The summer is perfect to play in the rain because it will rain then sometimes it get back to hot, especially in the south. One day my girlfriend and I was in the living room watching TV, then it started to rain. The rain knocked out the...

3 years ago
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A Bike Ride In Rain With Female Friend

I had been to the city for two weeks for work and there was a weekend in the middle of the tour. I actually did not have any official work to do during those two days. It was end of summer in northern part of India and you can’t imagine how hot the days usually are during those days (the mercury often touches 44 degree centigrade during day time). One of my old female friends (unmarried) of my age (about 29) was living in the same city. I had contacted her before I reached the city and decided...

3 years ago
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Rain Rain Come Again 8211 To Delhi

Hi, This is Ash and Ana (Ashim and Anamika). Thanks for reading our earlier stories. After a few years of marriage, we are sharing some lovely sex incidents. This incident happened in Delhi. We had to go to an official seminar. We were invited for a formal dinner in one of the 5-star hotels. I left my son with a friend overnight. We were formally dressed wherein I was in a formal shirt and trousers. While she was in a formal dark chequered grey knee-length pencil skirt. And V neck light pink...

3 years ago
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Rhapsody in the Rain

The day started off normal enough. Well, normal enough for Melissa Holbrook, if for no one else, including Michael Edward Deford, her riding buddy. Suddenly she stopped peddling, jumped off her bike and sprinted over to a man walking his dog as he puffed on a cigarette. ‘Excuse me, but don’t you know that smoking causes lung cancer and heart disease? Not to mention that it annoys those around you and might cause collateral damage to them. You really should stop.’ They had been peddling along...

3 years ago
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Fucking In The Rain

Fucking In The RainBy: Londebaaz Chohan The other day, sitting with friends on a round-table, trying to finish the Gin bottles, talking of school, college and university days, reminiscing some special sex episodes and sharing with all, someone mentioned the bed breaking and that reminded me one of my episodes. No, I did not break any bed during fucking but something else for sure. It is rather funny than anything else and I am sharing it with all just for laughs and another quick story which I...

4 years ago
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I had been driving for several hours, after a morning flight to pick up a vehicle, and the road was starting to wear on me. I pulled over and mapped a hotel with some late hours restaurants nearby. I reserved my room and headed for the Applebee’s at the opposite end of the shopping center from the hotel. When I got there, I had to wait a minute for the manager to come and show me to my seat. I chose a booth, which turned out to be fortunate for me. He seated me, gave me a menu, and told me a...

4 years ago
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Fog and Rain Rain and Fog

 There was only one town on this, one of the smaller islands in the northernmost reaches of Puget Sound, hard by the Canadian border. There were no beaches on this side of the island and the town sat above the huge rocks on which the waves crashed below.The town had one store and a small restaurant to serve the fewer than five hundred people who lived on the island year round, most of whom lived in the town. Inland there were a few farmers who grew strawberries in the mild summers. The winters...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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In the Rain Ch 01

In the Rain – Ch 1 – Friday Night I came into the house from the pouring wet outside and found Seyla sitting in one of our two overstuffed leather chairs in the den, reading a book using the dim light from the lamp next to the chair. I was glad it was a Friday. She was wearing her usual rainy day attire, an oversized sweatshirt, some pajama pants, and some thick socks that could easily double as slippers. She looked up and gave me that calm, content smile that she gives me when we cuddle or...

3 years ago
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California Rain

Note to the reader: this story is based on a young woman from California who is currently visiting family in New York and is separated from her boyfriend. They exchanged erotic e-mails on what they would do in a rain storm, which turned into this story. Like most of my stories, the characters are real but the story is total fantasy. Let me know what you think and I’ll let them know for you. Enjoy. Thanks to Amber who looked through the story and corrected my errors. EroticaSeanStyle * * * *...

3 years ago
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Rain jazz and a womans touch

The rain fell with abandon onto the streets and windows of the club. Splattering and making it's mark where it wanted. The wind sometimes tossing it up against the glass, like a woman throwing up her hands and hitting the wall behind her as her lover forces her up against it. Giving in, submitting to it, and trailing downwards in wetness.The impending darkness of the dusk was creeping in, curling around everything like slinky tendrils of fog, and encompassing everything in it's path. It did so...

2 years ago
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Let it Rain

Just touching your hand turns me on, and the fact that we are walking down the streets of Paris does not change that. There are not many people out today, which is probably good. I’m not sure what the laws are regarding hard-ons in public. My tight jeans do not hide my arousal for you, and the sweat between our palms, tells me, it is a good thing your desire is not as visible. Whenever we are together, the sparks fly between us. If we didn’t have to go out to eat, we probably never would...

2 years ago
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Summer Rain

Your train pulls up to the platform and those butterflies in your stomach, subdued by the inevitable delays, suddenly leap back in to life and begin their merry dance again. Will I be on the platform, waiting with a crass sign in hand, your pseudonym bold black tarnishing the virginity of the white card it’s printed on? Will I be sat outside in a hire car, listening to the radio and only notice you stood there after 5 long minutes? Will I have got tired of waiting for the late train to arrive...

2 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10 the Flaming WomanChapter 5 Rain

Faoril – Asunow Princedom, The Princedoms of Zeutch The rain hammered my rain cloak, beating the oiled canvas. Water dripped off the peak, falling onto my saddle. It didn’t help. The rain was too heavy. The road drank it in like the driest earth after a monsoon, becoming sodden, thick. I didn’t care. It was hard to care about anything after what happened an hour ago. I could still smell the reek of burning flesh, like it clung to us. The roar of the dragon’s flames crackled through my...

2 years ago
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The power of rain

The rain usually it looks gloomy and dark and forbidding but sometimes it can be sensual too.I picture us somewhere alone. Probably out in the woods or somewhere isolated at a cabin with a back deck. We are watching a Barcelona championship game. In between lulls in the game, I am looking at you and your body. Marveling at it and desiring to taste and feel its pleasures once again.Near the end of the second half, a rainstorm began to come down. As the game was ending, I tip your chin to look up...

2 years ago
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Cool Lovely Rain

I wasn’t sure if it was the rocking of the boat or the stifling heat woke me from a troubled sleep. My entire body was bathed in sweat and the sheets on my bunk were damp with my perspiration. Anchored out like that, with no generator running the air conditioner didn’t work. Although the hatch was open, there just wasn’t enough breeze to push any wind currents below deck. Of course, the heat and the rocking boat was only part of the problem. I was horny as hell. I lay back down and tried to...

2 years ago
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The Girl In The Rain

I held the tea mug with both hands and looked at the rain pouring down from the heavens. It started vertical but as the wind kicked in it began to tilt and become more horizontal. I was safe on the balcony, only a few drops splashed onto my bare feet. Beyond the rain,I could make out the mountains of Sierra Nevada in Southern Spain. The building I stayed in only had six apartments and I was on the top floor in a corner suite. Below were a few villas and some other two-story buildings. It was a...

2 years ago
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Played Under The Rain With Neighbor

Hi this is Mahesh, from Kathmandu. I am an average bloke, with a slightly heavy built-up, average height sort of romantic too. I completed my studies some time ago and have been living in the suburbs for almost 6 years. Working in the city brings travel from where I live. Initially I used to travel in a public transport and since a couple of years I have my own bike. I have been renting a small 1BHK apartment. The land lord is an old man, living with his wife and a daughter, Rashmi. Rashmi is...

3 years ago
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Rent Dancing In The Rain

While Gary B.B. Coleman was singing about the sky crying, I was inside staring vacantly at my armoire, wondering what the fuck I was going to wear. A glass of red was in my right hand, to calm my nerves, but so far it hadn’t done anything, other than make me feel a little tipsy. I hadn’t eaten much at all that day, aside from the odd nibble of some seaweed crackers and a few cherries. The alcohol was going straight to my head.I turned down the stereo until Gary’s voice was no more than a low,...

2 years ago
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Coming In Out of The Rain

Today I was out running errands, and it started to rain. I made a few stops and manage to avoid getting soaked. It looked like the rain wasn't letting up, so I decided to make one more stop, then head home.I pulled into the d**gstore and went in to pick up a few things. Our local d**gstore is like a huge convenience store with all sorts of things, so I pickup up a few snacks, some vitamins and the allergy medication I came for. I checked out and headed out the front to where I had parked a...

3 years ago
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Walking In The Rain

When I was first married my wife and I would go for a walk in a nice warm summer rain. She was eighteen, tall, thin, and had the cutest 32-A titties you ever wanted to see. And I always wanted to see them. Like they say more than a mouthful is a waste! Back in those early days of marriage she would wear one of my white T-shirts without a bra and go for a walk with me. It wasn’t a downpour by any means, it was just one of those light rains on an eighty degree evenings. We would hold hands...

2 years ago
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Warm Rain Hot Lusts

“Oh my God, Jim, I’m so fucking wet! Give it to me now!” “No way, Annie, you should have brought your own umbrella.” “But it’s chucking it down! Look at me – I’m soaked already.” “Didn’t you read the weather forecast? They said there were going to be short, thundery rainstorms today. Like this one.” “But it’s baking hot,” I moaned. “It’s the middle of bloody August. How is it raining?” “That’s just when you do get short, thundery rainstorms. It’s because of that unusually high pressure front...

3 years ago
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Warm Rain Hot Lust

“Oh my God, Jim, I’m so fucking wet! Give it to me now!”“No way, Annie, you should have brought your own umbrella.”“But it’s chucking it down! Look at me – I’m soaked already.”“Didn’t you read the weather forecast? They said there were going to be short, thundery rainstorms today. Like this one.”“But it’s baking hot,” I moaned. “It’s the middle of bloody August. How is it raining?”“That’s just when you do get short, thundery rainstorms. It’s because of that unusually high pressure front coming...

4 years ago
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Warm Rain Hot Lusts

“Oh my God, Jim, I’m so fucking wet! Give it to me now!” “No way, Annie, you should have brought your own umbrella.” “But it’s chucking it down! Look at me – I’m soaked already.” “Didn’t you read the weather forecast? They said there were going to be short, thundery rainstorms today. Like this one.” “But it’s baking hot,” I moaned. “It’s the middle of bloody August. How is it raining?” “That’s just when you do get short, thundery rainstorms. It’s because of that unusually high pressure front...

Quickie Sex
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Summer Rain

Summer Rain by Carol Collins The moon was bright and full in the cloudless nighttime sky. The light from the moon and millions of stars reflected in shimmering ripples across the surface of the lake. Around the shoreline, parked in cars and sitting on park benches, people in love behaved in ways that were as old as Mankind. Some kissed. Some made love. Some talked. Some were content to simply hold hands and enjoy each other's presence. Jimmy and Suzy cuddled on the front...

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