East Coast, West Coast (Part 1) free porn video

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It was a wet, windy New York evening when I first met Scott. I was supposed to be having dinner with my parents that evening but in usual style, my mother had another most important thing to attend to, and so it was to be my father and I. I didn’t mind. To be honest, the only time I could really have an easy conversation with Dad was when we were making fun of my mother.

But that evening, he brought Scott. He apologised profusely. Scott was an old friend from out of town who didn’t have any other company and surely I didn’t mind having him there? It wasn’t as if I could protest, even if I’d wanted to. They’d both showed up without any prior warning and by the time I got to the restaurant, the pair of them were already seated.


My dad stood up but he didn’t hug me. We weren’t the hugging kind. He just kind of slapped me on the back which to be honest, was the most affection I’d ever gotten from him. When I was growing up, he used to go away a lot on work trips and every time he left the house he’d say goodbye and just sort of pat me on the back. It was embarrassing for both of us. I sometimes wonder if he ever even held me when I was a baby. My mother assures me that he did but I don’t believe half of what she says.

“Ally, this is Scott Banks, an old college friend from LA. He was in town and I invited him along. You don’t mind do you?”

“No. Not at all.” I said, ingrained manners kicking in.

“Nice to meet you, Ally,” Scott said, extending a hand.

“You too.”

I should’ve known from that first touch. Usually handshakes are a formality; meaningless but necessary, especially at work. When Scott and I touched hands, I didn’t want to let go. His fingers were strong and warm, his grip gentle. I couldn’t help checking him out. He wore blue chinos and a white button down shirt which was open at the collar. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. His forearms were strong and tanned. He looked about the same age as my dad which was late forties but he still had good hair, sun-bleached as it was. His eyes were brown and he smiled with them more than he did with his mouth. Instinctively, my eyes flicked to his ring finger. It was bare.

Not that it meant anything. I sat down hard in my chair, conscious that I’d been staring. Thankfully, neither of them seemed to notice. We ordered dinner. Usually, my dad would make a point of asking me how work was going but he and Scott had enough to catch up on, though they did their best to include me in the conversation. They talked a lot about old friends, some of whom I’d briefly heard of, then about jobs and cars, families and houses. Scott lived in LA and had a half-share in a country club.

“The GPM is ridiculous,” he was saying. “But then, of course, you include the labour as direct and it shoots down. Either way though, I can’t complain. So long as it keeps going the way it’s going, I think I’ve landed on my feet.”

It sounded lovely, the way he talked about it, even though he wasn’t trying to make it so. I could half imagine living out in sunny California, sauntering into a country club, playing tennis, swimming, drinking champagne and socialising with a load of insipid blonde women. It sure would beat the long, rainy working days in NYC.

The evening wore on. I didn’t mind at all that Scott was there; it saved me from having to explain to my father why I hadn’t demanded the pay rise he’d told me I was due. The thing is, I know my father loves me unconditionally. He’s always been on my side, always had my back, even though I was a pretty awful teenager. He always thinks people are trying to put one over on me, that I’m worth more than what they value me at. When I got my first graduate job, he was so incensed at my salary, he wanted to set up a meeting with my boss. I don’t even know how I managed to talk him out of it.

Scott was good company. He was genuine, intelligent and had a great sense of humour. There was hardly a break in the conversation and the three of us talked at length about people, news, music, movies. We were in the middle of dessert when my father’s cellphone rang. He glanced at it, and swiftly excused himself. From the way he walked, I knew it was my mother.

Scott and I exchanged glances. He raised an eyebrow.

“What?” I asked.

“D’you get on with your dad?” The way he asked it made me feel like a child.

“Yeah,” I said nevertheless. “He’s the best.”

The first awkward silence of the evening set in. I dug my spoon into the ice-cream in front of me.

“So are you over here for long?” I asked.

“A week.”

“Just a vacation?”

“No. Work.” He didn’t elaborate.

“Oh. Okay.”

He caught my eye.

“You like living here?” he asked. “In New York, I mean.”

“It’s not bad. Pretty expensive.”

“I’ll bet. How ‘bout the people? Decent? Or pretentious?”

I rolled my eyes. “Strictly pretentious.” I said, and I wasn’t kidding. “This one girl I work with got evicted. She’s not poor. She just spent all her money on one pair of shoes.”

“Good shoes?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think she’s ever worn them.”

“I got evicted once. When I was younger.”

“What? Why?”

He looked at me, then looked away, something of a smile hovering at the corner of his mouth.

“I had this girlfriend. Crazy. Totally crazy. She used to be very, let’s say, vocal, when we fucked. The neighbours complained. All the neighbours. Above below, left, right.” He let out a sigh, still smiling at the memory. “Thing was, the sex wasn’t even that good. For me, I mean. Maybe it was for her. Or maybe she was just loud. I don’t even know.”

I sipped sparkling water and tried not to look shocked by how candid he was being.

“But that was when I was young and ignorant. I would’ve fucked any girl who looked at me twice. You know?”

He caught my eye and the way he looked at me, half-challenging, half-playful, made it obvious that he wasn’t oblivious to how uncomfortable he was making me feel. To be brutally honest, nobody had ever directly said ‘fucked’ to me before, at least in the context he’d said it. It was always toned down to ‘screwed’, ‘nailed’ or even – God help me – ‘made love’. And there he was, this insanely attractive guy, old enough to be my father, talking about fucking and looking at me like my reaction was priceless.

“So you were pretty desperate, then?” I asked, in what I hoped was a disapproving voice.

He smiled. His eyes didn’t shift from mine. My God, I could hardly take the way he was looking at me. It made me want to go home, watch porn and get myself off ten times over.

“Not desperate. Just – young, I guess. I’m sure you know how it is. I was probably about your age. You’re what? Twenty-five?”

“Twenty three.”

“Same thing,” he said offhandedly, which offended me a little. “It’s just sex isn’t it? Attraction? Maybe you’re a little more reserved but the core feelings are the same.”

Instinctively, I crossed my legs beneath the table.

“Actually, it’s not the same,” I said. It was a wonder I could even speak. “I wouldn’t get with someone just because I found them attractive.”

“You wouldn’t?” Scott raised an eyebrow. “So what would it take? The whole dating thing? Weeks of pretending you didn’t want him when all you could think of was fucking him?”

I swallowed hard. My palms were sweating.

“We’re not animals, you know,” I snapped.

Scott’s smile didn’t waver. It was such a dangerous smile.

“No,” he agreed. “We’re not. We’re humans. Aren’t humans way more into sex than animals are anyway?”

I was saved from his question by my father’s return to the table. He apologised over and over and ate his
half-melted ice-cream between explaining what my mother had been saying. I couldn’t even concentrate. I felt as though I’d betrayed him. All of a sudden, Scott and I were accomplices in something clandestine and totally wrong. We’d been talking about sex, for God’s sake! My father would have had a heart attack if he’d known.

“So will you, Ally?” Dad was asking.

“I’m sorry?”

He sighed.

“I asked if you would call your mother,” he said. “And send her some goddamn flowers or something. All she ever says is that you’ve abandoned her.” He rolled his eyes. “You know the flowers she likes? Those Peruvian lilies? They always have them in that place on West 64th. And don’t just call. Go in. Write the goddamn note or she’ll kill the pair of us.”

“What am I meant to write?”

He fixed me with a glare. “You’re her daughter, for god’s sake! Happy fiftieth or something. No, don’t mention fifty. Just say happy birthday. Or else she’ll go on about how goddamn old she is. Now, where’s that waiter gone? And don’t reach for your goddamn purse. You either, Scott.”

“I don’t have a purse,” Scott said amiably.

I looked at him. He didn’t look at me but he was smiling. Tanned skin. White teeth. Dark stubble. Flicks of grey hair at his temples. Creases around his eyes. I couldn’t get over how good his white shirt looked against his skin.

Handsome guys are always so goddamn sure of themselves. His hand was resting on the table. I couldn’t stop looking at it. Men always have such unapologetically masculine hands. Strong. Veins. Rough. I tried not to but before I could help myself I was imagining his hand between my legs. The thought made my stomach flip.
But what the hell. It had been an unsettling evening. A girl’s allowed to let her mind wander. Besides, chances were, I’d never have to see Mr Scott Banks ever again.


I saw him the next day. The Flower Emporium on West 64th closed at half six and I only got out of work at six so I had to make a mad dash across the city to make it before closing time. Even at that time, it was busy.

It was called an emporium but it was a tiny shop really; wedged between a bakery and a toy store. I figured the little trio of shops would be a good place for last minute Christmas shopping. As it was, the stores were already getting into the festive spirit, even though December had a week to land. The bouquets in the window of the Emporium were Xmas-ed with gold and silver snowflakes and the cellophane was covered in Christmas designs. I ordered the flowers for my mother, scrawled down some words on the card and wondered if it would be extravagant to get a cab home.

Out on the sidewalk, it was cold. Cold enough for snow, though there wasn’t any. I hesitated there a minute, debating cab versus morning coffee when I heard someone yelling my name. I turned a little foolishly from side to side, not seeing anyone apparent. Then I saw him coming across the road towards me.

“Hey,” Scott said, as he approached. “Fancy seeing you again.”

I was glad it was dark because my mind was humiliating me with memories of how much of a state I’d gotten myself into over him. It wasn’t just at the restaurant. In fact, that was just the start of it. As soon as I’d got home, I’d collapsed against the front door, dragged up my skirt and coaxed my dripping snatch to an ecstatic orgasm. Twice. And then once more in the shower. I’d even gasped his name, for Christ’s sake! And this was me, sensible me, Allison Sara Oxford, the kind of girl who never masturbated, save maybe once a year.

And now he was there, right in front of me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I was meant to meet a friend for coffee, only she never showed up. So I guess I’ve been stood up.”

If I’d been less dazzled by him, I probably would have been highly suspicious. As it was, my lust-drenched mind accepted his answer as if it were the word of God.

“You wanna get coffee?” he asked. “Only I felt like we only just started getting to know each other yesterday.”

I could’ve said no. I should’ve said no. I didn’t though. I said yes.

We went across the road to this place called Excessive Coffee. I’d passed by it before but had never been inside. There were tables and chairs under the canopy outside the shop and there were a couple of people smoking near the entrance. Inside, it was bigger than I’d expected with a high ceiling, tables for two, four and six, seats to look out the window, sofas and even a goddamn rug on the floor, upon which a bunch of students were sitting.

The café had all the regular kinds of coffee but they also had spiked versions, some of which were so elaborate that it was like being in an upmarket bar. The guy behind the counter asked for my ID which secretly pleased me. It’s funny; I spent all my teenage years wanting to be older and now I just want to stay young.

We drank Café Don Juans to start which were made from hot coffee, dark rum and coffee liqueur, and then topped with whipped cream. Honestly, I hardly tasted the damn thing. For one, I was busy wondering whether it was even remotely appropriate to be having coffee with Scott and having coffee with Scott came with its own cornucopia of distractions. Like the way he talked about everything but the one thing I wanted to know. The way he smiled. The flicker of his eyelashes. The smell of mint and soap. The way he held my gaze until I had to look away. I hated how composed, how self-assured and confident he was around me.

It wasn’t fair. I don’t remember what we talked about, how long we talked, how many drinks we had. All I remember was a slight lull in the conversation. I was pointedly looking out of the window so I couldn’t be caught staring at him. Commuters were hurrying past, wrapping their coats tighter around themselves. Traffic had come to a standstill; cars stuck in a unmoving queue, the drizzling rain lit up my bright headlights. Wet fumes. It was so quintessentially New York.

“Don’t do that,” Scott said quietly.

I look at him. “Don’t do what?”

He shifted a little opposite me, like he was uncomfortable.

“Don’t – do that with your tongue. It’s – distracting.”

Absentmindedly, I’d been licking the sugar off the rim of my glass. I put the glass down carefully.


Scott’s eyes met mine. They were dark, soft, hard, liquid. He swallowed.

“Don’t play games with me, Ally.”

“Me? You’re the one who’s playing games.”

He leaned back in his chair, surveying me.

“Really? How?”

“You sit here talking about all this normal stuff when last night, you were being so inappropriate. I don’t even know what you want.”

He smiled. “Does it matter what I want?”

“Yes. There must be some reason why we’re sitting here like we’re friends. We’re not friends. We hardly know each other.”

His mouth opened and then closed again. He drained the last of his absinthe-and-gin-infused espresso, his eyes flickering around the café. Defiantly, I picked up my glass and licked more sugar off the rim. He tried not to react but I felt him shift imperceptibly. His mouth tightened. Our eyes locked.

“Actually, Ally, I do need a favour,” he said finally, his voice neutral and controlled. “I picked up your father’s cell phone by mistake last night and obviously, if I’ve got his phone I can’t call him to arrange to give it back. As it is, I’m leaving tomorrow afternoon. Could you get it back to him for me?”

“Sure,” I said, vaguely confused. “You’ve got it with you?”

He looked contrite.

“Well, I left it in my hotel room.”

He looked at me expectantly. I wondered briefly if I was reading too far into it. Like hell I was.

“And you think I should come with you and collect it?” I asked levelly.

“Well. If it’s not too much trouble.”

I sat there, a little stunned and a little scared. The Weeknd was playing from the speakers. People were talking, laughing, fighting, drinking expensive coffee cocktails. The guy at the next table was talking about his screenplay. Something about a stalker, a maid, and the Upper East Side. Scott Banks was asking me back to his hotel room.
I reached for my glass a little shakily only to find it was empty.

“You need another?” Scott asked.


He eyed me deliberatively. Then he went over to the counter to pay the bill. I reached into my bag, extracted my phone and speed-dialled my father. He picked up on the third ring, his voice concerned. I made out like I was calling him to tell him I’d sent the flowers. For a second, I didn’t move, trying to process what it all meant. Then I stood up, dragging on my jacket.

Scott was in a queue, watching me languorously. I wondered if he knew I’d just been calling my father. Did it matter? We both knew he’d been lying. We both knew what he really wanted. And yet, I could hardly believe it. He seemed like so much more than me. He had so much more of a presence, was so comfortable in himself, not to mention outrageously attractive. When he walked across the room, every woman’s head turned. Everyone wanted to make conversation with him. He was like a dream.

“You ready?” He was next to me while I was still lost in disbelief. “I had them call a cab.”

I smiled. “Great.”

Great? Great?! Great that you called a cab so we can go to your hotel room and fuck.

Jesus. What was wrong with me? I wasn’t the kind of girl who had sex with guys I’d barely met. And yet, it was like I was watching myself from one of the security camera on the ceiling, as I led the way out of the café, consciously aware of Scott’s eyes on my ass.

The cab ride seemed too short. We sat in the back, not saying much. There was still time to back out, I told myself. When the cabbie pulled up outside Scott’s hotel, I could always say I’d had a change of heart. The cabbie would drop Scott off and drive me home. Home sweet home. Safe. Secure. The wall lamps and the second-hand couch. I could read the latest Vogue, catch up on the news, watch a sitcom. It wasn’t as if I had no choice.

But when the time came, I didn’t say a word. I followed Scott out of the cab, into the brightly-lit foyer of his hotel and into the elevator. It was a busy evening. The elevator was crowded and stopped at every floor. We got out on the fifth, walked past doors with gold numbers and ‘Do Not Disturb’ signs. A chambermaid went by, pushing a cart stacked neatly with clean linen. I heard televisions, music, conversations from behind closed doors. Hotels must have millions of secrets.

Scott’s room was number 511. He put his card in the door, clicked it open and let me in first. I looked around for a light switch. He got there first. The room was modern, clean, and tasteful. He shut the door behind us. The blinds were open but he didn’t close them. He moved past me, pulled off his jacket and dropped it onto the bed. I couldn’t look at him. My eyes focused on the view out of the window, the thousands of lights, buildings, people.


He’d stepped closer to me and as soon as I looked up at him, he closed the distance between us.

His mouth was on mine, rough, insistent, his tongue pushing as his hands pinned mine to the wall. I felt his immovable body press against mine, hard muscle beneath his shirt. He tasted like coffee and mint. His hand was under my dress, pushing between my legs, even as I pressed them together. He broke the kiss for a second, his mouth moving to my neck. I felt his teeth graze my skin.

“Open your legs,” he breathed. I didn’t move. His mouth moved to my ear, the tip of his tongue tracing the edge of it before flickering inside.

“Open them for me, Ally.”

I still didn’t move.

“You wanna play hard to get?” His whisper was like a drug. “Do it my way, or else you’re not gonna get to cum all night long.”

I bit my lip, shifting my feet apart infinitesimally. It was enough for Scott. His strong fingers pushed against my panties, and I heard him groan, deep in his throat.

“My god,” he hissed. “You are one hot little tease.”

His mouth was on mine again and the more I kissed him back, the more dominantly he responded, his tongue invading my mouth and robbing me of breath. His free hand groped a path beneath my dress and squeezed one of my tits hard.

“My god, this is gonna be good,” he murmured. “I’m gonna have fun with you, princess.”

Without warning, he pulled back, his hands moving to my waist and spinning me around to face the wall.

“Put your hands against the wall. Flat. Lean forward. Stick your ass out. No – yes. Yes.” His foot moved to the inside of my ankle, encouraging me to push my legs wider apart. Then, he’d grasped the hem of my dress and pulled it up, exposing my ass. His hand groped it momentarily before pulling back and slapping me hard enough to make me jump.

“You’ve got a fucking nice ass,” he breathed. “I could watch you walk away for hours.”

He slapped me again and pushed his fingers against the heat of my snatch. I was so wet.

“You like it when I spank you?” Scott asked. His body leaned into mine, so close that it made me shudder. “Tell me, princess.”

I didn’t say anything and he pulled back and spanked me again, and again, until I was struggling not to make a sound.

“I think you like it,” he said, almost conspiratorially. “’Cause bad girls need to get punished. And for so long you’ve gotten away with it. Acting like Little Miss Sunshine when really, you know what you do to men like me. You know how hard, and angry and desperate we get over little kittens like you. You might act like you’re all light and innocent, Ally, but I know you. I knew you the minute I saw your pretty little face.”

“You’re wrong.” I gasped, as he pulled my panties flush against my snatch.

“I’m wrong?” His tone was amused. “Don’t give me that. You love it. You love knowing the effect you have on guys like me. You’re just a tease. A hot, tight little tease. None of the guys ever get this far, do they? You need to be taught a fucking lesson.”

His hand slapped down on my ass again and he squeezed the burning flesh until I moaned. His hand went between my legs and his fingers rubbed my snatch through my panties, making my breath come out shaky. I’d always thought spanking was such a demeaning thing but despite the pain, my snatch was dripping wet.

“You know last night?” he growled. “All I could think of was bringing you back here and fucking you until you screamed. That’s what I wanna hear, Ally. I wanna hear you scream. I don’t know why. Maybe when I make you cum so many times that you don’t know which way is up. Or maybe when I make you wait so long that you think it’ll never end. Or maybe just when I inch my way into every one of yourTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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East Coast Slavers Organization

My apologies for any confusion caused by the way I screwed up the numberingon the first story I posted from this series. As my draft approached sevenhundred pages, I realized that the single story I envisioned starting withwas too long and too complicated to remain a single story. Then, to my furtherhorror, I realized that A Caribbean Adventure was actually number two in theEast Coast Slavers Organization Series. Anyhow, I have reassigned 'A CaribbeanAdventure' to ECSO 2. The novel-length...

1 year ago
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Slaves Of The Copper Coast 3

SLAVES OF THE COPPER COAST 3.* Every so often, the ruling junta of Kupro Marbordo, the Copper Coast, sends the cavalry to sweep the distant, lawless Pine Mountains free of brigands. A great opportunity for Ensign Fernando Bartro to make a name for himself – and maybe capture a slave-girl. But there are dangers ahead for the young officer. Will he make it through? This story is set just after my earlier stories, 'Slaves of the Copper Coast 1 & 2'. However, it is a stand-alone story and you do...

2 years ago
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Coast Watch

I wasn’t sure if I should wear gloves. Maybe they’ll be like the ladies in Charleston, I wondered, but unpacking and buying furniture had left me no chance to find out in advance. Anyway, I stuck them in my purse and could slip them on if I saw they were in season. I’d not be here if Dwight hadn’t received papers to Tongue Point and I’d taken the train all this way and was setting up our apartment when he got diverted to Puerto Rico. Nazi subs dropping Spanish spies, I guess they’re worried...

4 years ago
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Wendy and Miss West II

It was exactly 7 pm as Wendy knocked on the door to Miss West’s office. This was her second evening at her new place of employment. She was being paid extremely well by a posh woman to allow her to use her as she pleased. Wendy didn’t consider herself to be attracted to other women but if this intelligent pretty lady wanted to look at or even touch her naked body then, as long as nobody found out, that was just fine by Wendy as long as she received her money. And what’s more, on her...

3 years ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 23 The Barbary Coast Revisited

Seven days after arriving at Sant’Antioco, the British ships weighed anchor with three of the prizes. The other xebecs had to be burnt, being far too damaged by Unicorn and Northumberland’s broadsides to be restored to seaworthiness. Dido was not joining them. She needed a replacement of her lower mizzen mast and was sailing straight for Gibraltar. She carried Mr. Treleven as passenger who had returned from the shore with a violent fever, no doubt caused by one of the dreaded agues that...

1 year ago
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Wendy and Miss West

She picked up the paper first thing on Tuesday morning, as she had done for the previous 6 weeks hoping to find the right job. She searched the ads quickly and the only job offering flexible working hours was as an assistant to a manager just out of town. The ad wasn’t very uninformative. There were no clues as to what the company did or what her role would be. But the hours and rates of pay looked good so she gave the number a call. “Hello, Pam West speaking.” A well spoken lady...

2 years ago
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West Coast Orgy

Blake was a very likeable guy and popular at college. He fitted the stereotype, tall, dark and handsome, everyone thought he was cool, and all the girls fancied him. A lot of the college girls he knew were very horny and looking to sexually explore themselves. It gave him the idea of organising a sex party and he enlisted the help of friends, Marcus, Leyna and Jerry.Marcus was the complete opposite to Blake, he wasn’t a good-looking guy, he was dorky and forever lived in a t-shirt and baseball...

Group Sex
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 136 Mr and Mrs West the Easy Half

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 (Continued) It was well after my normal dinnertime and I was hungry, plus there were some excellent smells to encourage my hunger, so I was getting underfoot searching around in the kitchen for any surplus pieces of food when the Wests arrived. I suddenly realized that no one had told me the plan for tonight! I didn't even know if there was a plan for tonight. Tonight was IMPORTANT, and I was very uncomfortable with not knowing anything about anything. I...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 137 Mr and Mrs West the Tricky Half

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 (Continued) "Very well. A few months ago Ava started measuring guys according to your system, which led her to discover Mark. The more she studied him, the more impressed and attracted she was. Soon she was hooked, which is hardly surprising, given what we've already told you about him. Unfortunately for Ava, there were two aspects of Mark that Ava thought you would disapprove of, so she didn't discuss him with you. She feared that you would tell her to forget...

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Slaves Of The Copper Coast

SLAVES OF THE COPPER COAST.© Morris Kenyon April 2012.When wealthy young broker James Baxter is sent to the tropical country of Kupro Marbordo, the Copper Coast, he is amazed to find that slavery is a well established custom there. Initially shocked, he soon finds himself owning a beautiful slave-girl – with all that implies regarding her discipline and training.WARNING! This book contains scenes of a sexual nature, graphic v******e against women and strong language, It is not intended for the...

2 years ago
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Slaves Of The Copper Coast

SLAVES OF THE COPPER COAST.? Morris KenyonWhen wealthy young broker James Baxter is sent to the tropical country of Kupro Marbordo, the Copper Coast, he is amazed to find that slavery is a well established custom there. Initially shocked, he soon finds himself owning a beautiful slave-girl – with all that implies regarding her discipline and training.WARNING! This book contains scenes of a sexual nature, graphic violence against women and strong language, It is not intended for the easily...

3 years ago
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Tales from a Small Republic The Desolate Coast

The grim little fishing village of Portuselvan lies on the remote rock-bound east coast.  Before the collapse of the Republic's economy and the coup by the Generals the inhabitants had just about managed to make  a living from fishing, setting drift nets from bluff rugged open clinker built boats launched from the open beach in the little bay.  But now there wasn't even a market for the sardines caught there.  As they no longer received any cash for their catches the inhabitants could no longer...

4 years ago
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East of the Sun West of the Moon

This is a re-telling of the Norwegian fairy tale, with a twist or two. Once upon a time, there was a simple poor peasant but he was very handsome and had won the hand of the strongest woman in the country, Olga. She was strong of body, strong of mind and strong of character. She had given him many children and they were all above average, handsome and strong in different ways. The youngest was the prettiest and the strongest, a true inheritance of the best in both her mother and her father....

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East Meets West Pt 01 Ch 02

When we reached my house, I was shocked to notice that less than an hour had elapsed since getting the phone call from Colonel James. It seemed like hours and hours had passed. I put Jiao to work loading canned food into boxes, and had her start taking them out to my SUV. Meanwhile I went back to the basement, and grabbed as many weapons and as much ammo as I could carry with one arm. I had to make several trips, and finally had to ask Jiao to help me. Within a few minutes the SUV was loaded,...

1 year ago
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East Meets West Pt 01 Ch 04

I had told Jiao that even if the Chinese, or the traitor that sold out the location of the safe house, found our hidden valley, it would take at least two, or probably three weeks. It actually took 13 days. We had just finished breakfast one morning when Jiao suddenly jumped up. Her face turned white as snow, and she blurted out, ‘They’re here!’ I didn’t even bother asking who ‘they’ were, or if she was sure, rather I only asked ‘How many?’ ‘A bunch of men,’ was all she could offer. About...

3 years ago
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East Or West Neighbor Sex Is The Best

Hi friends this is Jay from Mumbai. I am very big fan of ISS. I m although married but still I enjoy reading stories from ISS. Here I m going to tell u the story which happened with my neighbor few years back when I was not married. Its an fiction story… I will tell this story in hindi and gujarati. Us waqt hamare flat ke samne wale flat mein ek family rehta tha. They were also gujju. Hamara kafi acha relation tha. Ek dusro ke ghar ana jaana laga rehta tha. Unki ek beti thi Jo same meri age ki...

3 years ago
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East or west mausi is bset

Hi dosto mujha ap kee e-mail sa andaza huva ap na mare story bohat pasand ke hai ab doosree story share kar raha haoin. Un logo ka leya jinho na mare 1st or 2nd story nahi parhi us ka leya mara introduction. Maan upper middle class sa hoain age 25 name sunny or mumbai ka reha vala haoin. Hum family maan 3 log hayin me mom age 52 dad age 60.father Gov sector maan job karta hayin or scale 20 kaa officer hayin looking forwaed ur reply on this id (). Ap log janta hyin ka mare radha (kam vale) 2 sal...

4 years ago
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East or west didi is best

Hi dosto mujha ap kee e-mail sa andaza huva ap na mare story bohat pasand ke hai ab doosree story share kar raha haoin. Un logo ka leya jinho na mare 1st story nahi parhi us ka leya mara introduction. Maan upper middle class sa hoain age 25 name sunny or mumbai ka reha vala haoin. Hum family maan 3 log hayin me mom age 52 dad age 60.father Gov sector maan job karta hayin or scale 20 kaa officer hayin or pasa itna hai ka hum log bohat khush hayin, matlab na zayada na kam. E-mail id maan ap ko...

3 years ago
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East or west radha is best

Maan upper middle class sa hoain age 25 name sunny or mumbai ka reha vala haoin. Hum family maan 3 log hayin me mom age 52 dad age 60.father Gov sector maan job karta hayin or scale 20 kaa officer hayin or pasa itna hai ka hum log bohat khush hayin, matlab na zayada na kam. Aj maan pehli story bata raha hoain ap ko agar pasand ae or ap na mujha email kee or mare story pasand ke to baqe be ap dostoon ka sath share karoon ga. jab maan 18 ka huva or O Level ka exam pass keya to mujha parents na...

4 years ago
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East or west sis cunt is the best

My sister, Sarita, who is now 20, is one very tall girl. At 5’11”, she towers over most girls her age, and even a few guys. All of her height is in her sexy legs. She has the longest and sexiest legs I have ever seen. As her older brother, I never used to think of Sarita in a sexual manner. But several years ago, one only had to look at her to tell she was going to be model type material. She had the long black hair, blue eyes, and the body most young girls die for. She had firm breasts, a...

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Eastwest realtions

Kimiko groaned softly to herself as the wide straps of her bra dug deep into her slender shoulders, and while only standing five feet tall and weighing in at a scant ninety five pounds, you'd swear that at least half of that weight was residing inside of the 32DD lace bra of the cute twenty three year old Japanese-American flight attendant!!! After being on her feet all day inside the cramped airliner, she was dying to get checked into her hotel room and just soak for and hour in a hot tub!!!...

4 years ago
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Tales from a Small Republic The Desolate Coast

But now there wasn't even a market for the sardines caught there. As they no longer received any cash for their catches the inhabitants could no longer buy flour to make bread and had to resort to eating just the fish they had caught, along with the few vegetables they managed to grow in the thin stony soil in their gardens. More importantly the fishermen could no longer afford to pay boat builders to repair or replace their boats, nor to buy new nets, although their wives did quite a...

2 years ago
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Overnight on the Coast Starlight

Natives of the west coast usually have a right to be smug about their weather. The climate is mild with snow usually falling only in the mountains, the unbearable heat confined to the deserts, an ocean breeze caressing the coast, and little change among the seasons.But Mother Nature can be capricious. Santa Ana winds can spread devasting wildfires, cold fronts can swoop down from Canada, and Pacific storms can bring rains that extend for days on end. The rains come in the winter and clouds can...

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Overnight on the Coast Starlight

Natives of the west coast usually have a right to be smug about their weather. The climate is mild with snow usually falling only in the mountains, the unbearable heat confined to the deserts, an ocean breeze caressing the coast, and little change among the seasons.But Mother Nature can be capricious. Santa Ana winds can spread devasting wildfires, cold fronts can swoop down from Canada, and Pacific storms can bring rains that extend for days on end. The rains come in the winter and clouds can...

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Key West Fantasy Fest

Key West Fantasy Fest by Michelle bitv Part 1 It all started this past September when my wife told me she had booked reservations at a hotel in Key West Florida for the week leading up to Halloween. We had never been to Key West but our friends Ted and Laura had been there the previous year for the Halloween celebration and said it was a blast. Both Jennifer and I had been working hard all year so we deserved a break and the stories Ted and Laura told us made it...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 16 TriDelt West

-- FEBRUARY 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- Sasha appeared in the archway between the hallway and the living room, clad in a plush terrycloth bathrobe over dark green and red plaid flannel pajamas. "Rough night?" I picked my head up and immediately winced, my temples throbbing as my field of vision moved faster than my sense of balance could handle at the moment. I once had looked up the symptoms of an alcohol hangover. They included dehydration, fatigue, headache, body aches, elevated body...

1 year ago
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Journeys West Chapter 2 The Saga is Set in Motion

Chapter 2 - The Saga is Set in Motion Trying to figure out what was going on was going to give her a headache. She had not thought that she believed in ghosts, but that might be the only way to explain where the girl had gone. There was no way she could have run away without being seen. Walking back to her work area, Mary Sue checked the book she carried for any damage. It looked like it had not suffered from being mistreated, so she decided that the best thing to do was to leave...

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My Sons Secret Desire Ms West

Tony was thrilled with how things were going. His mom was his lover and his sweet teen girlfriend Samantha was a part if their love group. It had been so sexy watching the two women he cared so much about have sex with each other. Even better he and Samantha now knew how much they wanted to have sex with other people.Samantha's tastes were varied as she wanted to try different ages of men and women. Tony still had his biggest desire to fuck mature women. He was already thinking of who he would...

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A Genny Story Key West

  When we go on vacation, Melly and I like to have fun. We let our hair down and don't care what anyone else thinks. This is the story of our vacation and all the fun we had in wonderful Key West.                         A Genny Story... Key WestI am Genny.Getting from Lansing, Michigan to Key West, Florida is no easy task. Wehad to fly from Lansing to Detroit. Then from there to Atlanta, and thenon to Miami and then down to Key West. Not an easy day, but if you haveever spent a long Michigan...

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Girls Out West

The first time I heard about Girls Out West, I kind of assumed it was going to be yet another porn site devoted to the horny, photogenic babes of Los Angeles County. One of the most beloved schizophrenic songwriters of the 20th century famously said he wished they all could be California girls, but maybe Brian Wilson just hadn’t seen how freaky and how sexy they grow ‘em if you just keep heading west, across the ocean and a bit to the south.Yes, ladies and gentlemen and perverts of all stripes,...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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Wagons West

Chapter 1 Our wagons moved across the plains slowly carrying all our possessions as we moved West. Riding my pony as an outrider, to guard the flank. The War between the States has claimed so many men including my father and his brothers. Each of us outriders were riding along with Navy Revolvers, a Henry Rifle and Greener Coach Guns that made our wagon train safe. Our group could not afford a Wagon Master, Scout or crew but we moved Westward using a semi-military organization and methods....

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Jodi West 2900 145000

Most of us fuckers on these porn sites have a thing for chicks over fifty. They call it fine as wine, and for many of us, it started with Stifler's mom from American Pie. However, so many women in their prime are in their fifties. Take Jodi West, for example, she's one of the greatest stars in porn to ever exist, and her best work is as a slutty milf. With her entrepreneurial spirit, she's built several businesses in porn as well as received several nominations. With the amount of pussy...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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December at the Coast part 1

December at the coast. Part 1The school year ended, as well as the work year for my parents and like most inland families, mine headed to the coast to have a relaxing holiday after a long busy year. A parting different ways from my girlfriend Amanda as her family went to a different holiday destination. It was always gonna be hard not seeing her for almost a whole month, but once arriving at the coast fun soon began as my cousin Steven was and his family were also down for holiday. My dad and...

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Tim and Abbie 46 A Trip To The Coast

By mid-August, Abbie and Tim are settled into their new home and lives.  It is incredible how far they had come since that night last April when they met for the first time. Four months for so many changes, and all so positive to happen.  Let alone that it just feels like how it should be.The house looks wonderful, thanks to Grace’s diligence.  The yard and garden now a showplace which they both like to work in.  Finding new interests together and learning more and more about each other’s past...

2 years ago
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I fucked The Flash by Iris West

Introduction: Im a huge comic book fan, so heres a story about The Flash and his love-interest (later wife) Iris West. You dont need to be a fan to enjoy this story ,) If you dont think superheroes are sexy, you are out of your damn mind. I mean, come on, the skin-tight suits? The perfect bodies? The sexy smiles? Its incredible how damn hot these guys are, not to mention the fact that they save our skins on a daily basis. Its a huge turn-on&hellip, for me at least. If you hadnt guessed by...

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We Head West

We leave and head west.This is just one story in a series about my life with my ex-wife, Sue. The story so far.Sue and I had married young. We were hardly out of nappies at nineteen years of age. We had married because Sue was pregnant and my strict family upbringing had taught me to always live up to my responsibilities. My girlfriend was pregnant so that meant she required me to marry her to make sure that the child had a father. At the time I had some doubts about being the father but had no...

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South by Key West The Peequel to the Golden Series

Back in the late eighties my girlfriend Chelsea and I spent a summer in Key West. We were both in our early twenties and had really just started seeing one another. She had long wavy honey blond hair with big brown eyes, stood 5’ 7” and weighed about 125 lbs. I was 6’, 180 lbs with wavy brown hair to my shoulders and green eyes. At the time I knew she was really good looking, but thinking back now, we were both probably pretty good. When we met, Chelsea already had plans to stay with a friend...

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Going to the Wild West Part I

Don’t ask me what made me do it, but something in the piece of “junk mail” that I received from the local junior college district caught my eye. The colorful flier was inviting (on a first come, first served basis) a group of adults to volunteer to be part of a two week incursion into the past. That’s right, the project was to explore how modern day people might take to the rigors to which the pioneers in this country were subject to years ago. There were to be five men and five women that...

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The Trail West Ch 01

For those of you who have read my work, you will find that this story is in a different vein. I’m trying to grow and branch out from my normal efforts and you the reader will hopefully tell me if it is worth the hard work. It is a multi-chaptered yarn which I will post on consecutive days, hopefully that will make the story easier to follow for the readers. Some of the characters in this story were based on real people. They are part of my family tree and some of the events depicted here are...

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The Trail West Ch 04

This chapter can be read as a standalone story, but I suggest you read Chapters 1-3. It will give you a better understanding of the characters and the story to this point. As always, constructive comments and emails are welcome and appreciated. Also as usual there are no graphic sex scenes in my stories. Thank you for taking the time to read my work. I hope you enjoy the story. ********************* The Hobart wagon train was four days west of Amarillo and young Josh Kelly was scouting...

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I fucked The Flash by Iris West

I mean, come on; the skin-tight suits? The perfect bodies? The sexy smiles? It’s incredible how damn hot these guys are, not to mention the fact that they save our skins on a daily basis. It’s a huge turn-on… for me at least. If you hadn’t guessed by now, I’m a little repressed on the sexual side. No, I’m not a virgin or some crazed sex freak. As a journalist for Picture News, I’m busy constantly and finding the time to maintain a romantic (or at least sexual) relationship is nearly...

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Run to the West Pt 1

Erika Hoffmann was afraid as she walked through the dark, rain soaked streets of Eisenach, a small town just inside the border of East Germany. She should not have been out at this hour, ninety minutes after the curfew of ten o’clock which had been imposed in January.The soviet rulers had been worried about people attempting to escape to the west and if she was caught by the Stasi who knows what would happen to her.People sometimes disappeared without warning.The fact that she had been visiting...


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