Boy I Don't Wear No Condoms Gay free porn video

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Last summer on a business trip to Chicago, I had a life altering event which has sent my life in a whole new direction. Until then, I was happily married man with a very attractive wife and had what I assumed what was an active and healthy sex life. We've talked about having c***dren, but given that both of our jobs require us to travel quite a bit, we decided to put it off until our jobs require less time away from home.

Both my wife and I are in our early thirties and we still have our life in front of us to build a family. Ann is a beautiful blonde with a dynamite body. We met in college and she has always been up for sex. I really cannot think of a time when she turned down my advances. On the contrary, in many cases it was she who began our love play. I guess that's one reason that I might glance at other women, but never gave serious thought about cheating on my wife.

Then last summer a man seduced me on a business trip and tapped a hidden desire I never knew existed. I don't believe I ever thought much about seeing a naked guy in the shower at the local gym or even watching a porn movie with my wife or a couple of buddies. Then in one afternoon, my world was turned upside down when a total stranger made me his "bitch". I sucked my first cock and let him fuck my ass. Since that initial encounter with another man, I have not been able to get the picture out of my mind. There I was, kneeling before a man I had never met before, as I ran my tongue over his balls and sucked on his cock.

I found that when Ann and I made love, as I closed my eyes I pictured it was his dick going into my ass instead of my cock into her pussy. I would watch Ann licking on my dick and envision I was going down on that cock. Don't get me wrong. Sex with my wife was still great but I couldn't get the scenes out of my mind which played over and over.

On the occasions Ann was out of the house traveling or shopping, I would jump on our computer and surf the Internet for gay sites. The more video I watched, the more my desire for gay sex continued to build. I was always careful to erase the history on our browser so Ann did not see what her husband was viewing. On the couple of occasions we had watched porn movies together in the past, she had always cited her dislike for girl on girl scenes. If she thought me watching lesbian videos were disgusting, I could not fathom what she would think of her husband's new found desire for gay sex.

One evening I found an adult personals site and created a screen name for myself. After a couple of weeks I became brave enough to contact someone who lived in my city. His name was David and he had several photos posted. He didn't post any nude photos, but from those he featured on the site, he was well built. David had sandy blonde hair, a good tan, and appeared to be in his mid to late twenties.

I left a message for him on the website message board to contact me if interested using the screen name I had created. In a couple of days he returned my email and we started emailing each other frequently sharing a little bit about ourselves. I was careful not to reveal too much about myself but I did share my first gay experience and told him I was a married man but anxious to experience another encounter with a man.

David encouraged us to get together but each time I found an excuse why we couldn't. I suppose something in the back of mind kept saying this was a bad idea while something else kept tugging at me...pushing me to set a date for the two us to meet.

Then one evening during supper, Ann stated she wanted to visit her mom and dad for the weekend. She asked if I had any plans and I told her that I had a ton of things to do at the office and around the house but encouraged her to go ahead and visit. That evening, while my wife was in the den watching a show, I emailed David and told him my weekend was free. The next morning before I headed off to the office I checked my email and David had already read my message and emailed me back.

He provided the name and address of a bar in town which was gay friendly. While I had never heard of the bar, I was familiar with that area and told him I would be there Friday after work.

I left the office early on Friday to get a jump on the traffic. I had knots in my stomach as I drove to our rendezvous. Should I be doing this? Would it be as exciting as the first time? Entering the bar, it did not look any different than any other bar I had been to. There was quite a crowd already and I did notice some were paired off with people of the same sex but nothing quite like I had imagined. I guess I had let my imagination run wild with what people would be wearing and doing but it was pretty much like any other bar. I ordered a beer and sat at a table watching the door. I was on my third beer when David walked in the bar. He looked every bit like the pictures he posted on his site. He scanned the room before our eyes locked and I motioned him over. He smiled and walked confidently over to the table. David looked at my beer and stated he hoped he hadn't kept me waiting.

I ordered David a beer as he settled in taking a long sip from the frosty mug. We began chatting about little things in our day and I felt so comfortable around my new friend. After several beers, he began sharing how he too had been married and once considered himself to be a die-hard heterosexual. David revealed that a guy who went to work at his company began to make subtle advances. At first taken back by such overtures, he soon became curious and eventually found himself giving in. After several months, he and his wife separated and he and his coworker got an apartment together.

David saw the look in my eyes as he shared his story. He reached over and put his hand on top of mine on the table. "Don't worry Larry," "Mark knows I'm here. He actually encouraged me to contact you." My mind was racing at the thought of two guys. I had prepared myself for meeting David but it never occurred to me that it might be a threesome. Yet, I felt the warmth from David's hand and the electricity it seemed to generate through my body.

"Look, let's go back to my place and have a drink. Mark's interested in meeting you too. If you feel uncomfortable, you can leave and we'll both understand," said David. That didn't sound unreasonable. If I got into something that was over my head, I would just get the hell out. "Okay, let's do it," I replied.

We drove over to David's apartment which was not far from the bar. A good thing with all the beers I had already consumed. We pulled up in front of his apartment and David exited his car smiling at me. "Thanks for coming. Our apartment is on the second floor." We walked up a couple of flights as I felt David's hand rub across my back every time we turned a corner. He pushed open his door and entered holding the door open for me.

"Mark, we're here," he said as we both walked in. I looked around the den which was well furnished with a nice plasma TV over the fireplace mantle. A stereo was playing in the background as I took in the surroundings. Mark entered the room from the hallway and I'm sure he saw the surprise on my face. Mark was clad only in a pair of gym shorts but the real shock was Mark was black. He had to be 6'3 as he filled the hall door. "I take it you're Larry," Mark said as he extended his hand to me. I found it hard to talk as I finally managed to meekly reply, "Yes...and you're Mark?"

"From your expression I suppose Dave didn't tell you I'm black," Mark said as he walked over to the couch and sat down. "Is that a problem for you?" "No," I replied, "I guess I just wasn't thinking..." Mark cut off my rambling reply as he told David to get us all something to drink.

"I'm sorry, you were saying...," Mark said looking back at me. "Nothing really, it's nice to meet you." David handed us our beers as I watched Mark gulp down most of the bottle before setting it on the table. Mark glanced over at David and said, "Dave, why don't you get comfortable while Larry and I get to know each other better." David left the room as Larry began asking me about what I did for a living. I was hesitant to reveal much about my personal life but I guess the beer was beginning to loosen my tongue and Mark was so matter of fact about it all. I could certainly see how David's will had melted with this guy. His gaze seemed to penetrate right through me.

I heard David in the kitchen and Mark turned in that direction and said, "Dave, bring us a couple more beers when you come." I was blown away when David turned the corner from the kitchen. He held two beers in one hand and one in the other. But what blew me away was he was buck assed naked. I gazed at his tanned chest and there in each nipple was a small gold ring hanging from the hard little tips. His stomach was completely flat, with chiseled abs that would make anyone in the gym envious. My eyes were also glued to his crotch where his cock swung back and forth as he walked into the room. Then it dawned on me that he was completely shaved. There was not a hair on his crotch as he handed Mark his beer, then mine, and sat down on the floor at Mark's feet.

Mark reached out and rubbed his big hand through David's hair. "I think Larry's a bit overwhelmed," said Mark. My gaze was fixed on the little gold rings dangling from David's nipples. Mark must have noticed as he bent down and pulled on David's left nipple, rubbing it between his fingers and thumb as David closed his eyes letting his head roll back on Mark's leg.

"I see you're fascinated with David's nipples." "Actually David had his nipples pierced when he committed himself to me and moved in. "I've just never seen a guy with nipple rings," I said. "And it's the first time I've ever seen a guy who shaves his crotch." Mark smiled as he pulled on David's nipple. "I like to keep him that way."

Even with the buzz I had going from the beer, his reply shot through me... "I keep him that way!" It was the way you talk about property. Now things were perfectly clear, David was submissive to Mark. It all made sense now. I had read stories in magazines about dominant and submissive relationships; I had just not encountered one, at least not like that. My mind raced as I thought about what I had told David about my encounter in Chicago. How I let a stranger seduce me in a sauna, take me back to my hotel room, where I sucked his cock and let him fuck my ass. He had called me his bitch and I admitted... I was his bitch."

Did Mark intend to use me like he apparently uses David? Even as loaded I was on the beers, I was not about to leave my wife and get caught up in that type of relationship. "Larry?" I was pulled out of my thoughts with Mark looking dead into my eyes. "What were you thinking about? Were you thinking of what it would be like to suck on my cock? You ever had a black dick before Larry? Ever had a black dick fill your mouth? My heart was beating fast as Mark looked down at David and said, "Dave, why don't you show Larry what he wants to see. David gently kissed Mark's knee as he turned around and began pulling at the top of Mark's shorts. Mark's eyes never left mine as he took a gulp from his beer and rubbed his other hand across the back of David's head.

When David had freed Mark of the shorts and slipped them off his legs he moved to one side so that Mark's crotch came into view. His cock was enormous. I can't recall seeing one as large and it wasn't even fully erect. David reached down with his lips and lifted the head of Mark's cock, taking it into his mouth. He moved up and down on it as his lips slid over the head and down the shaft. David took his right hand and began pumping the black cock which disappeared in his mouth.

I stared at David as he knelt before Mark on his knees working his head up and down on the shaft. Mark continued to toy with David's nipple, pulling on the little gold ring, while never breaking his gaze on me. I could feel my dick getting harder and harder in my pants as I watched my new friend submitting to his lover. I watched David's dick began to swell. I was still taken back by his shaved crotch. The absence of hair seemed to make his cock and balls stand out at it began to sway back and forth and he worked on Mark's cock.

Mark broke the silence, filled only by the stereo which played faintly in the background and David's slurping sounds as he licked and swallowed his prize. "Larry, why don't you take those clothes off and show me what you've got under there."

My eyes never left the scene before me as I felt myself pulling my shirt over my head. I slipped off my shoes and socks and stood as I unbuckled my belt. I undid my trousers and pushed them down my legs. I stepped free of the pants that were bundled around my ankles standing before Mark in my boxers. He just stared at me as he said, "Those too."

I pulled my boxers off and stood there waiting for Mark's next command. That's what it was – a command. He was in control the moment he had shook my hand when we met. "Turn around Larry, I want to get a look at that ass of yours," Mark said appraisingly. I faced the other direction. "Good, now bend over and spread your cheeks." I didn't think twice as I bent over and pulled my ass apart with both hands. I heard Mark chuckle as he said, "That's good, really good. Now why don't you crawl over here and join Dave sucking my dick."

I turned around and slid down to my hands and knees and crawled over to the couch. David moved to one side as he pulled the black dick from his mouth and held it out for me. It was slick with David's saliva. "Go ahead," said David. "You'll love it." I hesitated for only a second as I bent over and kissed the head of his dick. Mark wrapped a hand around the back of my head and pushed his dick into my mouth. I moved my head up and down on the huge pole as Mark fucked my face. I felt David get up and I took my place where he had knelt. Mark reached down, and as he had with David, twisted my right nipple between his thumb and finger.

"You like that black cock don't you Larry?," Mark sneered. I didn't reply as he again questioned, "You like my black cock in your mouth don't you boy?" This time he twisted harder on my nipple as I nodded up and down, my mouth filled with his cock. "Tell me then, tell me what you like." "I like your cock in my mouth," I replied removing his dick now dripping with my saliva. Mark took his dick in his hand and rubbed it across my face, pressing it against my lips, continuing to taunt me, telling me how I was now hooked on his black dick.

He told me to turn around on all fours. I looked back as I saw him pull out some lube from the end table beside the couch. I had fantasized about taking a dick in my ass for months but a terror ran through me as I thought about how big he was. "Mark, you're way too big for me..." Mark cut me off in mid sentence. "Don't worry white boy, I'll go slow on your little cherry ass. I know you had a dick there before but you ain't never had a dick like this." I felt his thumb pushing into my ass, spreading lube, as he opened me up for the invasion of his giant pole. His thumb felt good as he pushed and twisted it in my ass. I pushed back as he grabbed a cheek in his hand. Then I felt the head of his dick at my asshole and he pushed slowly until the head popped in. My asshole clinching tightly around the crown of his dick.

Then it hit me. He wasn't wearing a condom. "Wait... I want you to fuck me but put on a condom." Mark pushed forward as he laughed, "Boy I don't wear no condoms. Believe me, before we're done, you'll be begging me to bury my come up your ass. You won't be able to get enough of my juice," he replied as he pushed further and further in my ass. "Please Mark.....," I begged. "You're a polite mother fucker aren't cha'. Just shut up and fuck."

I thought he was going to split me in two. I begged him to take it out but Mark just laughed, pulling slowly out and then pushing back in. He held firmly on my ass and laid across my back when I tried to squirm away. Eventually I knew there was no way I could squeeze out of this man's grasp as he lay across my back and pushed further into my ass.

I felt him reach around and grab my dick. I was surprised that it was limp with everything that as going on. I did have some cum that seemed to leak from the head of my dick. He wiped it up with his fingers and reached up and stuck his fingers in my mouth. I opened my mouth and tasted my own cum. "Tell me how much you like my black dick in your ass." I knew what I had to say and actually as the pain was beginning to give way I found myself meeting his thrust. I could feel his pubic hair as it rubbed up against my cheeks...the warmth of his dick in my hole. "I love your black dick in my ass. Fuck me with you big black dick. Yes, I love your cock," I cried out. "You want my cum in your white boy ass?" Mark asked. "Yes, please fill me with your cum. I want to feel your hot cum," I shouted back. Mark grunted and he pushed harder, pushing his hands into the middle of my back. Then I felt his warm liquid as he slammed into my ass over and over until he pulled his dick free with a loud pop, sliding his dick across the crack of my ass. He squirted one more time across my cheek as he rubbed his black hose across my butt, drawing little circles on my cheeks.

"Turn around," he commanded. I did and stared at the black cock that bobbled between his legs. "That was good boy....did you get it all David?, he asked, looking over to the kitchen. I looked over and there was David with a camcorder in his hands. My heart felt like it sunk into my stomach. I started to leap up when Mark caught my shoulder and pulled me roughly back to the floor. "Whoa boy. Don't worry. That's just our fun tape. It's not going anywhere. That is if you're a good boy." What the hell do you mean good boy?" I replied. "No one need ever see that except us. And one day you'll ask to see it over and over," Mark replied.

What did he mean one day? I had not meant this to be anything other than a one time thing. Clearly Mark had other plans. "Look Mark, I'm a married man...and maybe this was a bad idea." "Bad idea or not," said Mark, "You need to start listening instead of giving me lip. Now are you gonna' listen or do we need to mail a copy of that to your little wife? Let her know how much you like dick. I'll bet she'll really like seeing something like that."

What had I gotten myself into? "Now, what's it gonna' be Larry?, asked Mark" I knew he was much too big for me to overpower. I felt a cold rush over me as I dropped my head and said I'd listen. "Very good," he replied. "Now, David and I are just looking for a little fun and you've already proven you're a lot of fun. I know you're married and that's okay. But when I call you and tell you to come over, you get you ass over here. Do you understand?" I was blown away. I couldn't believe what he was asking. "Do you understand?, he asked again. "I understand," I heard myself meekly reply.

"Good, bring that over here Dave." David walked over and handed Mark the video camera. "Now to show me you fully understand, Dave here needs a blowjob." Dave walked over to where I was still sitting on the floor, his dick slightly erect. I looked over at Mark on the couch who stared at me with growing impatience. I reached up and took David's dick and brought it to my mouth. I licked the shaft and brought it back between my lips as David grasped my head with both hands. I stroked his dick with one hand as I wrapped my other around his ass.

"That's it," directed Mark from the couch. "Now suck on his balls." I took David's balls in my mouth, as I continued to stroke his dick with my hand. It was much smaller than Mark's and fit easily in my hand as I rubbed its head.

"I think he gonna' cum. You going to cum Dave?" asked Mark. David nodded as his grip on my head tightened. "Suck his cock Larry. Let him cum down your throat and don't let me find any wasted sperm or you'll do it again."

I continued to pump his cock with my hand, my mouth tightly wrapped around the head of his dick. I felt his thighs tighten under my hand as the first wave of sperm splashed the top of my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could as he shot splash after splash in my mouth. It was warm as it slid down my throat. He released the tight grip on my head as he removed his dick from my mouth. I stared at the pink head with its slit still oozing come. I moved the head back to my lips and licked the remainder from his dick as he shivered.

"That was excellent," Mark sighed. I looked over to see Mark once again filming me. I sighed but deep down I knew he already had all the video he needed from earlier as I sucked on his dick and let him fuck me in the ass. Mark had me right where he wanted me. The only thing was where was he taking me?

Mark told us to go get cleaned up. As I started to walk past him, he reached over and grabbed me by the pubic hair. I stopped dead in my tracks as it felt like a patch of hair came out in his hand. "And get rid of this. I like my boys smooth." Still reeling from the pain, I started to tell him to get fucked when I saw him give me that look. He wasn't asking me to shave it – he was telling me.

David and I went into the bathroom as he ran the shower for a second to get the temperature right. We stepped in and he looked into my eyes. "Please don't be angry with me but Mark made him bring someone home. He made it clear. Get him another boy or get the hell out. It'll be alright... I promise. You'll see... and I really, really do like you. We can have a great time together." David pushed me gently against the tile wall as he slid his body against mine. I felt the cool little rings in his nipples push against my chest, teasing my nipples, as they rubbed back and forth. We kissed as his tongue pushed past my lips as he explored my eager mouth. His lips trailed down my chin to my hardening nipple where he sucked on it, gently pulling my bud into his mouth, pulling on it with his teeth. He sank to his knees and took my growing hard on in his mouth.

David sucked on my dick, sucking better than my wife ever did. He seemed to caress my dick, holding my balls in his hands. His mouth was hot and wet as he swirled his tongue around the head of my cock. It dawned on me that with all the sex I had, I still had not cum. But it wouldn't be long with David sucking hard on my cock. The hot water from the shower splashed against his back as I felt my balls tighten and the first spurts of my semen splashed against the back of his throat. I emptied what seemed like gallons of cum until at last my tense body went limp and David scooted back up my body. His lips found mine as he once again pushed our mouths apart with his tongue. This time he was pushing my own cum back into my mouth as we both savored the warm, salty load that I had deposited in his mouth.

David ran his soft hands across my chest with the soap. His hands made me feel warm and I felt something envelope me as he held me close under the water. He had me sit on a seat built into the shower stall. He stepped out for a few seconds and retuned with scissors, a razor and shaving cream. He turned off the water and began pulling at my pubic hair, clipping it close to the skin with the scissors. When it was a fine matt, he smeared shaving cream over my cock and balls. He reached outside the shower door and pulled a small bowl into the shower that was filled with warm water. He gently stroked my crotch with the razor, careful not to cut me. After he had shaved the crotch completely bare, he took my balls into his hand and carefully shaved each one.

He dipped a washcloth in the bowl and wiped the remaining cream from my crotch. "Turn around, bend over, and pull your cheeks apart," David said. "My ass too?," I asked. "Mark will inspect you and you better be smooth," David replied. I pulled my cheeks apart. As I did so, I felt Mark's sperm seep out my ass and run down my leg. David didn't comment as he wiped it away with the cloth and spread the shaving cream on my ass. Then I felt the razor glide across my ass and asshole.

When he was through, he stood up and tuned back on the shower. Taking the nozzle from its holder, he sprayed the water directly on my ass and then turning me around, my crotch. As the remaining white foam slid off my body and down the drain, I looked down at my dick bobbing back and forth.

I hadn't seen my bald dick look like that since junior high school when I had just started sprouting hairs on my balls. It looked really strange seeing my cock without hair. After I was rinsed off. David grabbed us both a towel and we dried off. He handed me some baby oil and told me to spread it on my skin. As I spread the oil on my cock and balls, I felt my dick begin to stiffen again. David and I walked into the den where Larry was now seated in a lounge chair watching television. "Come here Larry," Mark commanded. I walked over and he rubbed his huge calloused hands across my bare skin. He took my balls in his hands and I felt him slide a finger between my crack and into my asshole. As he rubbed my bald cock and balls, I found I liked it. It felt good having his hands slide over my cock. His fingers probing in my ass. I was actually disappointed when he slid his finger out of my asshole.

"I expect you back here next Friday and I expect when you get here to leave your clothes at the door. You will undress before you come in and you better be as smooth as you are right now. Do you understand?"

"I understand," I replied.

After I dressed, David and I kissed at the door. I felt like a young sixteen year old leaving his date at the door. Not wanting to break the kiss but looking forward to the next date wondering what the next time would have in store. I drove home thinking about everything that had happened. How was I going to explain my naked crotch to my wife? What would become of the video they made? All I knew was that was not the evening that I had expected but I couldn't wait till next Friday. I wanted to be back on my knees servicing Mark. I wanted David to kiss me again. I wanted to take their come down my throat. I wanted David to fuck me like Mark had. I wanted to feel Mark's hot come splashing in my ass. I wasn't mad at David. I had to get home and e-mail him how I felt. Maybe he would encourage me to come back tomorrow. I wasn't sure I could wait a week.

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Hello reader, I am Mahesh (Pen-Name), Age 32. I am from Bangalore. I am happily married. I am a passionate engineer take the term Engineering by faith. I was a frequent visitor to this site until 2008.I recently visited this site and an idea sparked in me to narrate my passionate experiences and re-ignite the dwindling spark beneath the bed sheets. I put it again, I am not here for to find sex. I believe we have one life and everyone has right to fantasize, fantasize hard to the satisfaction...

2 years ago
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Whiteboy Whipping Club

Whiteboy Whipping Club!TJ Ryder[img][/img]    Dear Diary,     Since this is like my first installment to be published in 'Lavendar Cellblock'  I am supposed to intro myself a little forthe readers.  And nobody buys Cellblock unless theyr'e gay or at least heavily bi, and into S&M a little bit at least, so I'm taking that into consideration here.    I'm (no last names or any data that can identify me or where Iwork) a part time...

1 year ago
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NO condoms please

I’m bi and I love being sexual with women, men, crossdressers and trannies. This is due to my early training. In women I do prefer BBWs, SSBBWs, and senior-aged. In men I love average and well endowed but have a true weakness for chubs and don’t care about their size or smallness. As for crossdressers and trannies I love being a seducer…or seductress.I knew when I started dating my wife over 35 years ago and discovered she had a subbie streak I was going to take advantage of it. By advantage I...

3 years ago
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WhiteBoy Gets a Real Man Blacken

When I answered it, Jay's voice sent a thrill of excitement through my body. "Yo, whiteboy. I got me a new piece of furniture. I need some help getting into my place. Figured, you know, since you're the landlord and all, you could help me move it in.""Um, well, sure Jay. When do you need me?""In about thirty minutes whiteboy. Get your ass over here."It was across town to Jay's place, so I got under way. In about fifteen minutes, I had pulled up in front of his apartment. There was a pickup...

2 years ago
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Condoms and Pantyhose

In the end, after enough time had gone by, and I could look back semi-objectively, it was just plain stupid. No other reason, just a person jumping to conclusions, not checking, and doing something unforgivable for what she thought justified. Even after she realized her mistake, her pride dictated Hell would freeze over before she admitted she had done anything to be sorry for. I hope her pride keeps her warm at night, and her ego keeps her from ever realizing what she is, a shallow, stupid...

1 year ago
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No condoms 8211 Part 2

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any relation to people or circumstances in real life may or may not exist. Don’t think too much, just enjoy. Sometime in the middle of the night, I woke up. All that fucking made me hungry. I saw that Shruti was in a deep sleep. I walked to the kitchen to get a little snack. I was surprised to find the kitchen lights were on. It turned to excitement when I saw my mother-in-law there. She was drinking some milk. “Oh, hi! Feeling hungry?” Somehow, I felt...

4 years ago
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Pantyboy Honeymoon

Pantyboy Honeymoon By Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- The Wedding Day "You have to stop crying, Stacey," Daddy said. "You want to look pretty for Mr. Biggenstiff, don't you? The man's so excited about marrying you, he's practically jumping out of his skin." "But, Daddy," Stacey bawled. "I don't want to marry Mr. Biggenstiff! Or any man. I'm too young. I won't even be 18 until tomorrow. And I'm a boy!" Well. Stacey Wigglebottom was right on both counts. But Daddy...

1 year ago
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Twelve CondomsCondom 2 Haley Following Instructions

Sam knew he had something special. Magic. Real magic in the form of eleven condoms. With them he could fuck any woman he wanted. There were stipulations of course. Rereading the instructions on the box Sam realized he likely hadn’t knocked up Mindy the day before. The impregnation spell, ritual, whatever, was pretty straight forward. “One must maintain eye contact with said sexual partner until climax.” Sam read out loud from the back of the box. “To invoke the condoms fertility charm one...

2 years ago
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Used Condoms

My name is Kimmy and I was a college sophomore at the time. I'd just walked into the apartment I shared with my twin sister Karen. I found her sprawled on the front room floor next to her ex-boyfriend Roger. They were both naked. "What the hell are you doing here?" "What do you think I'm doing here," Roger responded. "It looks like you two have been fucking." As proof of that, a couple of used condoms were laying on the floor beside them. "Right in one. Why don't we make it a...

3 years ago
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Flashed Condoms of Champions

"Oh, Jackie," he moaned, with had one hand on her breast, the other in her panties. "Oh, Bruce! Right there. Go on. That's the spot." She ground her hips against him. He worked a finger inside her and massaged her clit with his thumb making her squeal. "Oh, I love you so much, Jak." "I love you too, Bruce. Oh, that's good." He pulled his hand from her panties and tugged at her waistband. She rushed to stop him. "Do you have... ?" "What?" "You know..." Bruce looked...

1 year ago
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PussyBoy Forever

I've always been the type of man into really feminine boys. I like skinny little twinks who want to be fucked and roughed up by a real man. Nothing makes me harder than a pussyboy begging to ride my hard cock and moaning "Daddy" as I slide in and out of his tight hole.I'm 6'-2", solid muscle and proud of it. Little fag bitches go weak when they see how big my arms are and picture how hard I could fuck them. When I finally get them on their knees and my hard 9" thick cock is in front of their...

3 years ago
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Every Man Is A Little Bit Gay

gay first time – blow job – tied up – gay husband – bisexual male – bicurious male ‘They’re doing cookery classes down at the local college. I think I might give them a go,’ Trish said, looking up from reading the Evening Gazette, our local paper. ‘The last thing you need is cookery classes,’ I replied with some feeling. Trish is the best cook I’ve ever met, that’s one of the many reasons I married her. ‘I don’t need to learn how to boil an egg but they’re offering an advanced course on...

2 years ago
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Every Man Is A Little Bit Gay

gay first time – blow job – tied up – gay husband – bisexual male – bicurious male"They're doing cookery classes down at the local college. I think I might give them a go," Trish said, looking up from reading the Evening Gazette, our local paper."The last thing you need is cookery classes," I replied with some feeling. Trish is the best cook I've ever met; that's one of the many reasons I married her."I don't need to learn how to boil an egg but they're offering an advanced course on...

4 years ago
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Are you gay

Are you gay?For the record, I’m not. If I was, I’m not sure that I would admit it, but I like to think I would.Who knows?The point is, I’m not, but I get accused of being gay all the time.Most of it is either just jealousy from weak-minded guys, or wishful thinking from gay dudes, but it does come up.The funniest example so far is this email I got the other day.What’s really funny to me is when guys say that they KNOW I’m gay.Now, I’ve met some gay dudes that were in the closet, and I actually...

3 years ago
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Femboy Autocracy

In 2027, a mad horny scientist unleashed her diabolical weapons in an attempt to turn the world into her sexual paradise. She released two custom-made viruses. one that would affect men, and one women. They rapidly spread to the entire population, brining their effects with them. For women, the effects caused futafication, causing all women to grow massive dicks, the smallest of futa dicks are around 16in, and they can grow up to even 36in and beyond in some cases, with balls to match the...

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Femboy Autocracy

In 2027, a mad horny scientist unleashed her diabolical weapons in an attempt to turn the world into her sexual paradise. She released two custom-made viruses. one that would affect men, and one women. They rapidly spread to the entire population, brining their effects with them. For women, the effects caused futafication, causing all women to grow massive dicks, the smallest of futa dicks are around 16in, and they can grow up to even 36in and beyond in some cases, with balls to match the...

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If We Were Gay

I live about forty miles from the East Coast prep school my sixteen-year-old nephew attends, and the school’s winter break coincided with our family reunion. I was happy to offer him a ride, thus saving him a long bus journey.My nephew Chad is a handsome, cheery lad. He has blond hair which he keeps cut short, a slender build and stands about five-eight. He has a girlfriend who is the same age and very pretty. When we are together, he’s always asking advice about how to get in her panties, and...

2 years ago
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WhiteBoy Gets a Real Man PT 2 Blacken

"Yo, man, it's Jay. Come on over. Yeah. In the bedroom. Just come on in. Front door's not locked. You bet he is. He'd say hi, but he's got his mouth full." Jay laughed. I stared up at him in shock, but unable to protest his inviting someone over while my mouth was full of his cock. I wondered if it was that guy, Bobby, who had been on the phone the other day. The thought of another young black stud making me service his cock was exciting. But then I realized it could just as easily be anyone,...

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Maybe you just are just a Little Gay

I was desperate and horny, and with my best friend Todd deciding to take the "straight road," I didn't see much hope of getting laid in the near future. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not dancing far outside of the closet myself. I haven't gotten around to having one of those wrenching "Hi mom, I'm gay" moments yet, and I'm not sure I will, but I am gay.Todd's gay too if he'd just lighten up about it, but he's always been more conservative, with his short dark hair and his fast track career. He...

4 years ago
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The Realisation That I Was Gay

For many years, the thought had crossed my mind about being gay. I had thought about it whilst playing with myself but could never get the courage up to try it. That added to the fact that I just didn’t find most men attractive. Very occasionally I would see a guy and think, maybe?I had dressed up in lingerie for a long time and had only once put some makeup on. The fear of being caught was just too much. I had also tried swallowing, but I hadn’t liked it and thought that I never would. For...

Gay Male
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Straight No More Youre a faggot Gay

I've read a lot of stories about a straight man turned gay. In most of them, it's obvious that the 'straight' guy was always gay in the first place. But that's not my story. Mine is about the fact that I was convinced I was straight. 100% straight. Until my friend intentionally turned me into a cocksucking faggot. Over the course of a few years. And he admitted to purposely orchestrating every step of this story.It all started when I was 25 years old. I was enjoying my youth. I fucked a lot of...

2 years ago
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Iam Not Gay You Are Gay

The shame, the paranoia, the guilt, I'd experienced it all in high school. I'd watch the other guys in the shower out of the corner of my eye, terrified I'd get an erection and be betrayed. After that you'd think I'd grow up and come out of the closet, but I pretended to myself as much as anyone else that I wasn't gay. I dated, I had sex, I got my first apartment, and still I looked at other guys out of the corner of my eye.My friend Hunter wasn't gay. Slim, tall and attractive, women d****d...

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You're not fooling anyone: Right now you're pretending to be a straight "man" but you're not fooling anyone... all you're doing is pretending and most people you know arent mean enough to call you out on your gay-ness... If you come out of the closet you have a greater chance of looking like less of an idiot because at least people wont have to pretend not to know your a fudge packed, bent over cock lover! Right now you're just looking weak and stupid and again, everyone already knows anyway -...

2 years ago
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Husband Turned Gay

this is a story i've loved for a long time, from Vicki Tern, about a cheating husband, and how the wife has him find that he isn't really a womanizer after all, but a deep seated desire to prefer being a bottom for more manly men....i would wish that my wife would do this for me....and let me be open about my desire to be with men too... I suppose it was wicked of me, what I did to him. But he did so deserve it, and it was such fun setting him up, and I was sofurious that I didn't care about...

1 year ago
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I was a CockSucker Now Gay

"Cum in my mouth. Yeah, shoot your load in my mouth. Let me swallow your cum" I repeated to myself as I jerked my cock rhythmically. The movie on the screen showed a guy sucking cock and swallowing cum. I had edged my 6" cock multiple times and was sitting at my computer table muttering to myself in bliss when I looked up. Jake, a guy from my office, was standing in the doorway of my bedroom with his phone held in front of him."You really like that gay blowjob shit, huh." Jake asked, nodding at...

3 years ago
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I Accepted the Challenge Im NOT GAY

I went to an adult bookstore to get a couple of movies for my buddy's stag party. I had never been to any before, but I had seen this one it from the road several times while driving by. I glanced at the big black muscled dude at the counter, he asked me to show my ID, you're 18? You look more like 16, he said and waved me in. I and started to check out the rows of adult rentals. I must have blushed a little when the first set I saw was all homo stuff. And all of them big black guys doing sexy...

4 years ago
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I am now 100 gay

I was determined. This weekend it would happen. I would loose my gay virginity and complete manhood. The hard way. Tonight would change everything.Until now I've never had sex with a man and I didn't consider myself as homosexual either. But I was always fascinated to anal sex. The thought of "Why would someone let herself/himself get fucked in the ass, when there's no actual pleasure of possibility to orgasm in it?" Also the thought of giving up your body for someone else's pleasure was...

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I Think I am Gay

I certainly didn't feel any different, I just did what gay guys do, suck cock. Of a random guy they solicited off Craigslist, chiding myself for the thought. But it was one of many stereotypes that I found I wanted to fulfill. These thoughts mixed with memories of all the nuances of that first encounter: the surprising fullness of his cock in my mouth, or how hard he felt when I had my hand wrapped around him, or where my tongue was when his cum started shooting out. I had been good enough to...

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Houseboy for Hire

1        A two part story of a man whose lucrative business evolves into a true vocation.  As with most of my stories it develops slowly, and I hope readers will stick with it into the second part.Houseboy For Hire, Part One        Rory retrieved the key from under the third flower pot and let himself in the back door.  He had a similar working arrangement with most of his clients, so that they wouldn’t have to be bothered letting him in every time, or even have to be home when he was there. ...

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Little did I know or suspect when arriving in LA for the very first time ever a year ago last May, that within a few short weeks I would be changed from a totally straight skirt chaser into a cock craving faggot with a brand new developed appetite for what most people consider totally bizarre!It all started late one Wednesday afternoon just a few hours after checking into some temporary run down hotel just off the Hollywood strip! Yes my Consultant job transfer from Boston to Tincel town had...

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Am I Gay

When I was young I used to hitchhike as I had no other mode of transportation. I came from a very poor background and hitching gave me the means to get to jobs and other places I needed to go. I was grateful for the lifts and always thanked my benefactors. When I grew older and had the means to buy a car, I made it a practice to pick up hitchhikers as a way of paying back for all the rides I received in my youth. One day I picked up a young hitcher on my way home. “Where are you heading,” I...

Gay Male
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My BF isnt Gay or Anything Gay

His eyes were wide with terror and now a new feeling was coming over him... a feeling of excitement. The man was now pulling the full length out of him. Moments ago, he had been stuffed and stretched and filled with so much cock he thought his insides would burst. But they didn't, and as the man held his massive cock in place, Jamie could feel his ass stretch to accommodate the intruder. Pain slowly turned to an odd pleasure.He yelped uncontrollably when the man made the first painful thrust....

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My Hobby Turning Straight Men Gay

Matt, whose anal cherry I had just taken, said, "I can't believe we just did that. I thought I was straight.""I knew you weren't," I replied, as I returned from the washroom. The irony was crazy as he was a really loud-mouthed, in your face linebacker on the field, but now in my arms he was a tame, insecure man wanting to be cuddled and loved."What do you mean?" He asked, looking offended."I just knew," I shrugged."How?" He questioned, clearly worried others would know he was a cocksucker."How...

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No seriously, I really did. I spent my whole life prior to college never once considering another guy. Oh sure I noticed how big a guy was or conversely how small, but that was it. I pursued and scored a few women in high school and well, while I'm not a lady killer by any stretch of the imagination, I did ok. But then came college, and then it all changed.OUR QUARTERBACK IS GAY???Bubba was on the couch, watching Family Feud while Adam Jones, our starting quarterback, sucked his cock.Bubba,...

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Owned By Black Daddy Gay

Eric: One more time, 18 year old guy here looking to have a conversation with a normal human being!!Two responses...Cock4Cox: I can be a totally normal human being while you fuck my face with your 18 year old cock!Eric: *Cock4Cox has been ignored*Patrick: That seems like a pretty tall order on the internet, lol.Eric: I'm beginning to understand that, holy crap!Patrick: This place can be quite interesting most of the time, and occasionally someone normal pops up with a message like yours. I bet...

4 years ago
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How my girlfriend turned me gay

Hi all, I’m Mark, a 20 year old guy and I want to share my story of how a girlfriend turned me bi and probably gay.So it all started at the beginning of the summer break, four years ago. I was done with school, had no retakes and since a long time, free to do whatever I wanted.My parents left for France like they do every year, but for the first time they left me home. As I stated that I had nothing to do here, and preferred to stay home with my friends. Which, after long debates and a lot of...

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Another month passed since Steve got his promotion and we had any time away from the k**s. That previous night alone was another memorable one in which I bought him a nice black pair of thigh highs and a black lacy garter belt that matched his black satin bikini panties. He was so aroused he came in his panties as I rubbed his crotch on the drive home from dinner. The rest of the night was memorable as well because Steve had described different panties and pieces of lingerie that he had...

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No condoms 8211 Part 1

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any relation to people or circumstances in real life may or may not exist. Don’t think too much, just enjoy. I feel fortunate to have a good relationship with my wife’s parents. I know too many people who have terrible relationships with at least one of them, if not both. My in-laws grew up traditionally, but they are very broad-minded. They are also very wise. That’s one of the things I love about them, and it’s a big reason I decided to marry Shruti. I...

2 years ago
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Looking at Gay Porn Busted Gay

Looking back over the last few months, I never would have imagined myself in this position. I have a steady girlfriend I have been seeing since college. I have a good paying job in spite of the recession we have all been dealing with over the last year. And I consider myself better than average when it comes to my social life. While I've dated quite a few women over the years, I've pretty much been going steady with Sandy since we both graduated from Duke a few years ago.Sandy is a...

1 year ago
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Come 6 Times No Way The Bet Gay

"The most I've ever come in a single night is four times," Dylan said, doubting his friend's claim."I'm telling you I made him come six times in a three-hour period in one night." Anton said again. "I'd get him over here to tell you, but he says he's a straight boy like you, so he wouldn't appreciate me outing him with open discussion of our night together.""So he was straight too?" Dylan laughed. "Now I'm really having a hard time believing you. Straight guys just can't get it up for gay guys,...

2 years ago
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The Night I Found Out For Sure I Was Gay

I just figured out I’m gay. I’ve been dating a lot of women, but I just don’t feel it with them. I mean sometimes I feel I might even be bisexual, but lately I’m feeling I really want to be with man. When I look at guys I get very excited. I love when a man has a muscular frame. I find it really sexy and exciting if a guy has defined abs. I haven’t told any of my family or even my friends that I think I’m gay. But, I’m pretty sure I am. I decided to check things out and actually go to a gay...

Gay Male
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Friend Trains Me to Suck Cock Gay

Looking back over the last few months, I never would have imagined myself in this position. I have a steady girlfriend I have been seeing since college. I have a good paying job in spite of the recession we have all been dealing with over the last year. And I consider myself better than average when it comes to my social life. While I've dated quite a few women over the years, I've pretty much been going steady with Sandy since we both graduated from Duke a few years ago.Sandy is a...

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Stroke of White Luck Gay

Malcolm sat on the subway car, angry about his life. He was in his late 30s and still worked a grill at a restaurant. He had to take orders from some stupid white k** every day. He hated being ordered around by white people.Malcolm's also gay. He's had very little luck with men lately, though, He's 5'10, 230lbs the one thing that helps him is his huge black dick.In the past, he enjoyed the discreet encounters he'd have with white guys. He always enjoyed when a white man - especially "straight"...

1 year ago
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Kyle bets Nick can turn him Gay

"It's time to wake up now."With just those six words, I regained the ability to open my eyes. Regained? I guess that's not the right word. I'd only just dozed off—nothing more."Well, how do you feel?" The hypnotist grinned at me. I didn't see why he was grinning, though. He was a friend of mine. His name was Kyle and he liked to think he was a master when it came to hypnosis. I guess in a sense he was. I did get into a trance, after all—well, I did if that's what you call falling asleep from...

1 year ago
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Black Mans Pussy Gay

I went to an adult bookstore to get a couple of movies for my buddy's stag party. I had never been to any before, but I had seen this one it from the road several times while driving by. I glanced at the big black muscled dude at the counter, he asked me to show my ID, you're 18? You look more like 16, he said and waved me in. I and started to check out the rows of adult rentals. I must have blushed a little when the first set I saw was all homo stuff. And all of them big black guys doing sexy...

3 years ago
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The ParkersChapter 19 Being gay

Matt Parker couldn't wait to get back home, after school, that Monday morning. He arrived as soon as possible and, when he did, he quickly said: "Jack, we need to talk." "What? Why?" "Upstairs, bro." As Jack was going upstairs, Matt told everybody: "No one interrupt us." Lucy asked: "What's the problem, son?" "No problem. I just have to talk to him. Everything's okay, it's just a little thing. Late I'll talk to you." Lucy was a little worried. But hell, they were...

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