Suburbia free porn video

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Suburbia, what a shithole, I thought as I stood on the sidewalk. I looked up and down the street where lush trees lined both sidewalks. The newly washed cars reflected the sunlight and most of them were European imports. It was early morning and not a soul in sight. Maybe it was because it was Sunday and people had the day off from school and work?

I turned around and walked to the gate behind me which was locked. A white seven-foot wall ran down the sidewalk as far as I could see. I pressed the button and waited.

“Yes?” said a metallic voice.

“Open up, it’s me.”

I heard a buzzing sound and the gate opened slowly on hinges that must have been well oiled. When there was enough space for me to get through I began walking up the driveway towards the white colonial house standing at the end of it. On both sides of the driveway were well maintain lawns with a few trees and flower beds. Not a leaf or dead branch in sight.

When I reached the house the double doors opened and my sister stepped out.

“What’s up sis,” I called out.

“Oh Ellie, it’s so nice to see you.”

I dumped my bag on the steps and hugged her hard. I could feel her tears wetting my cheeks.

When we came apart she wiped her tears away and sobbed, “Sorry, I am just a mess.”

I looked down at her belly. “How many months, three, four?”


I picked up my bag and she led the way inside. I hadn’t been at my sister’s place in over two years and since then it had changed. There used to be a lot of expensive art on the walls in the hallway and imported rugs from the Middle East on the floor. Now the walls were empty and there were no rugs as far as I could see.

“He took it, didn’t he?” I said.

“Yes, that fucking asshole took everything except the house.”

I followed her up the stairs to the second floor where we turned right. She opened one of the five guest rooms and let me in.

“You will be comfortable here, you have your private bathroom a walk in closet and the sun doesn’t shine in during the morning so you can sleep in,” she said.

I dropped my bag on the king size bed and looked out the window above it. Across the lawn, maybe forty yards away stood a similar house. A man and a woman sat by the pool having breakfast under a large parasol.

“So, what’s the plan, Pam?” I said after turning around to face my sister.

“Come, I have made some tea and we can talk out on the terrace.”

Pam headed for the kitchen and I checked out the living room or salon as she called it. Like the hallway, it was void of all the art that had hung on the walls and the white marble floor was showing where rugs had laid before. There used to be a huge LED TV one wall and that was gone too, leaving the large room with a slight echo. I walked to the French doors and out into the terrace and heard my footsteps bounce off the walls.


“Milk, sugar?” she said and pointed.

“No thanks. So, what happened? Mom and Dad only told me the short version.”

Pam sighed and drank from her tea. “He met someone else I guess, some rich bitch from up north. It must have been going on for a while because he just upped and left one morning while I was still in bed. He did leave a note that he would send for his stuff and that I could keep the house and he would give me a monthly allowance, oh and I could also keep the old car.”

The old car was a 2014 BMW M5 which I had seen parked in the driveway.

“How much is the allowance?” I asked.

“A miserable fifty grand a month, what a cheap fuck!”

I almost choked on my tea. “Fifty grand, that’s a lot of money.”

She scoffed. “That’s what he used to give every two weeks.”

My head was spinning at the amounts of money she spoke about.


At this point of the story, I think it’s important to explain where Pam and I came from.

We grew up in a lower-middle-class neighborhood in the city. My father was a janitor in a public school and my mother worked in a pharmacy as an assistant. We always had food on the table and clean clothes but that was as far as it went. We never took vacations away from the city, and going to the movies was out of the question.

Pam is ten years older than I and when she was eighteen she won a scholarship to a university. Our parents were overwhelmed because it was the first time in history anyone on both sides of the family had gone to university.

Pam was a good student and worked hard. In her third year, she met Drake and it was love at first sight. He attended an upper-class university an hour’s drive from the city and they met at the movies. He was there with some friends and so was she.

At first, everything was fine, he would come and pick her up from our house and drop her off in the evening. My parents were glad that Pam had met such a nice young man. The guys in the neighborhood were either losers or had very basic jobs with no future of advancement.

When Pam asked when she could meet Drake’s parents he always had an excuse but after a couple of weeks, he agreed that it was time.

When Pam came back she told my parents and me that Drake came from a fabulously rich family who lived in a large house outside the city. Everything had gone fine even though Drake’s parents had asked a lot of questions about her and her family.

At the time I was only eight and didn’t understand how the world worked so I never picked up on the possibility of disaster but my parents did. They talked late into the night with Pam and her future with Drake.

Six months later Drake popped the question and Pam said yes. My parents were not happy and I had no clue why not. My sister was so pretty and would look like a princess in her wedding gown.

The wedding was set for after their graduation and it was a huge affair with several hundred people invited, almost all of them from Drake’s side. After the party, he and the bride got on a private jet and flew to Bali for a two-week long honeymoon.

Pam was set for life, or so we all thought.

After coming back from the honeymoon it took four months before Pam announced that she was pregnant. My parents were overwhelmed with joy and I looked forward to being an aunt.

When she was in the third-trimester disaster struck, she lost her baby and we all cried for weeks. They decided to wait before having another.

Fast forward eight years and we are in the present. Pam had told us that she was pregnant again and the doctors said everything was going fine with the pregnancy. She was happy and seemed to be over the horrible experience of losing her first child. Drake was being his old happy self and everything looked good, until that morning he had left.

My parents got the phone call at ten in the morning and by six the following morning I was dispatched to my sister’s place in the suburbs to give her emotional support. She had lost most of her old friends when she had begun to swim in the rich people’s water and it had been hard for her to make new ones since she didn’t quite fit in among them.

It was my summer vacation and I had nothing else planned and I looked forward to spending some time with Pam.


“I have to go to work now but please feel as if you were at home,” she said and got up.

“Cool, is there anything I can help you with while you are gone?” I asked while she picked up the tray with the teapot and cups.

“Yes, there is. There are a few boxes in my bedroom and in one of the walk-in closets are some old clothes Drake left behind. If you could put them in the boxes and leave them by the door I will have them collected.”

I waved her goodbye and the BMW glided down the driveway. I went back inside and up to the second floor. I turned left and walked down to the master bedroom which was bigger than my parent’s apartment.

The boxes were lined up along one wall and I opened the first walk-in closet. It was full of my sister’s clothes and rows upon rows of shoes. Clothes were thrown on the floor and some of the shoes were mismatched. I went to the closet on the opposite wall and opened it.

There weren’t much there, a few suits, shirts, pants, and underwear. I packed them into the boxes and then labeled them using a black marker that lay on one of the boxes. After carrying them down to the entrance door I went back up to sort out my sister’s closet, it had been a mess.

She usually was very neat and tidy but I guessed the shock of Drake leaving her had her brain all over the place.

I was returning her underwear to a drawer and observed that they must have been very expensive. I had to pull out the drawer as far as it went to fit everything inside and as I did something caught my eye.

“Oh, you dirty girl,” I said out loud.

I picked up a nine-inch vibrator. It had a thin cable attached to it and at the end a controller. It wasn’t the first time I had seen one, a friend of mine had shown me hers but this thing was clearly of much better quality.

The skin was soft like a real dick and it was much more flexible that my friend’s. Out of curiosity, I turned it on and it began to hum and vibrate in my hand. I giggled and then had a naughty thought.

Back in my room, I lay down on my bed and quickly got rid of my jeans and blouse I had had been wearing. My panties ended up on the floor next to the jeans.


At sixteen I was no longer a virgin. Jack, who lived two floors below my parent’s place, had taken care of that a few months earlier. We had been flirting on and off all winter and when he invited me over to watch movies while his parents were out of town one thing had led to another. At first, I blamed it on the beer but the next morning when I woke up I realized that I had wanted it.

My friends at school had told me about sex and fucking and it sounded fun, but it wasn’t the first time. It actually hurt and didn’t last very long.

A few days later I was alone at home when Jack knocked. We talked for a while and he helped me with some homework. Then there was an uncomfortable silence.

“So, what do we do now?” he said.

“Don’t know.”

His eyes lingered on my C-cups that pressed against my tight top. “Do you want to do it again?” he almost whispered.

I knew what he meant and his horny gaze that hadn’t left my tits yet made me feel the same way.


It wasn’t pretty, but it was so fucking good this time. He took me right there over the kitchen table. I was wearing a skirt and he simply pushed it up to my hips and slid his fingers inside me after pulling my panties to the side. I quickly became wet and when I was ready he pressed his dick head against my lips and slid inside.

This time it didn’t hurt. He fondled my boobs and his hips slapped into my buttocks. His cock made wonders to my tight cunt and in a short while, he brought me to my first orgasm. My legs trembled and my knees went weak. He pulled out and then jerked off sending his seed flying over my ass cheeks.

“Wow, that was so different,” I said and pulled down my skirt.

“Yeah, did you like it?”

I turned and kissed him on the lips, my fingers played with his still semi-erect cock.

“I did, and I want to do it again.”

We spent the afternoon in my bed and by the time he left my pussy was sore after all the fucking. I had tried to suck him and realized I loved it. He had licked my cunt and brought me to a long hard orgasm that made me grab the sheets until my knuckles turned white.


I turned on the vibrator and held it against my slit. The tiny vibrations felt so good that I almost immediately began to moan. When I angled it so it touched my clit I gasped as my body responded to the intense pleasure.

When I was wet enough I slowly pushed it inside me. It was bigger than Jack’s dick and I bit my lip as my pussy tried to take it in. After a couple of minutes of pushing, it was all the way inside and as I increased the vibrations by pressing the controller. “Oh, wow, wow, holy shit!” I almost screamed.

I began to fuck myself with it and as my pussy adjusted to its girth I slid the toy in and out faster and faster.

When I came it was more of an explosion than with Jack. With him, my orgasm had sneaked up on me slowly from deep inside but with the vibrator, it was only a few seconds of that special warm feeling before my body convulsed and my legs shot forward.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I moaned as my body tensed and then relaxed as the orgasm ebbed out.

I slid the toy out and held it up to my face. I gave it a kiss on the tip and tasted myself. “You are my new best friend,” I said and giggled.

After returning the toy I continued with my sister’s closet and when I was done I decided to take a walk to check out the neighborhood.


I walked a couple of blocks and ended up at a strip mall. There were a few clothing stores, up-market of course and way too expensive, but I had a walk through and looked at the items I could never afford to buy.

I went to a grocery store and bought a soda and sat down at a table outside. The sun was warm and there were more people around than when I had arrived, mostly families with small children heading for a park next to the mall. I decided to go there and threw the empty can in a bin.

“Hi,” said a voice behind me.

I turned and saw a guy about my age standing behind me. He was eating an ice cream.

“Hi, can I help you?” I said.

His eyes ran up and down my body and I knew he liked what he saw. Dressed in tight jeans and the blouse knotted under my boobs I was quite the sight.

“Not really, only that I haven’t seen you before. Did you just move here?”

“No, I am visiting my sister, she lives a few blocks that way,” I said and pointed.

“What’s her name?”

I took a closer look at the guy, neat haircut, black slacks and a white shirt. Not my type, too preppy, I thought.

“Why do you ask?”

“Just curious, maybe I know her?”

“I doubt it, she is much older than us, but her name is Pam.”

His eyes widened. “Not Pam Northgate?”

He had used her married name. “Yeah, that’s her. How do you know her?”

He gave me a sly smile. “All the guys now her, or at least know of her. She is awesome and so good looking.”

I was confused. “What do you mean?”

“Well, your sister is the sexiest girl next door that has ever lived around here, as far as I can remember at least.”

“You are aware that she is married, don’t you?” No need to tell him about Drake leaving.

He shrugged his shoulders. “Doesn’t matter and by the way, now that she is pregnant she will become the hottest MILF around.”

I stepped up to his face. “Respect my sister or I will fuck you up, do you hear me?”

He took a step back and held up his hands. “Calm down, I do respect her. I was just trying to say that she is a nice person.”

“Uhu, why don’t you keep your opinion to yourself?”

He finished his ice-cream and then walked around me. “You are pretty hot too, in an urban kind of way. Let me guess, you live in the city, and go to a public school?”

“Fuck you, I am leaving.”

I turned and walked towards the park clenching and unclenching my fists, what an asshole, I thought.


The park was filled with parents and their offspring. I really don’t like small children, I think of them as insects buzzing around me. I headed over to a bench as far away as possible from the mayhem and sat down. I took off my blouse and sat in my halter top taking in the warm rays.

“Hi again,” said a voice a recognized.

Without opening my eyes or turning to look at him I said, “Fuck off and leave me alone.”

“C’mon, I am sorry if I was an ass before. I thought maybe you wanted to come over to my place, my sister is having a pool party.”

At the word party, I opened my eyes. “Don’t you have other friends to invite?”

“Sure, but they are all out of town.”

“Uhu, so you decided to invite the urban girl as a novelty or what?”

He laughed and sat down next to me. “To be honest, my sister always gives me a hard time since I don’t go on dates.”

“Not strange considering your attitude towards women in general.”

“Please, I promise to behave. The food is good at there is plenty to drink if you are into that.”

I checked the time, it was only noon and Pam wouldn’t be back until seven or eight.

“Okay, I’m in.”

He got up and his face was just one big smile. “Come by at two and if you have a bikini, bring it, we have a pool.”

After he gave me the directions he took off and I watched him thread his way through the parents and the screaming kids. Suburbia might not be as shitty as I had thought.


At the house, I raided my sister’s closet and found a bikini and also a cute summer dress. I usually don’t wear dresses but since I was going to mix with the upper crust I decided it would be better to wear something with a decent brand. The dress I chose was an Armani so it would do.


At two thirty I rang the bell and when it opened a woman a few years older than I said, “Who are you?”

“Ellie, Rick invited me.”

She took in the dress and stepped aside. “He’s at the pool, nice dress by the way.”

I looked down at it and said, “This little thing? I just put on the first thing I found.”

“I’m Carla, Rick’s sister.”

“Nice to meet you.”

Carla was something else, tall, curvy and with a mane of honey-blond hair. She walked in front of me and I swear to God that she must have taken classes in how to walk in public. One foot in front of the other and her hips moved like I had never seen before.

There were at least fifty people hanging around the pool. Their ages ranged from mine up to their early twenties. There were more girls than guys, which was fine with me. I wasn’t looking for anyone; I just wanted a relaxing summer vacation with Pam.

I spotted Rick by the bar and headed that way.

“Hi,” I said.

He looked up from cutting lemons. “Hey, you made it. What do you think?”

I looked out over the pool and slowly nodded my head. “Nice crowd, not too rowdy, I like it.”

“Can I get you a drink?”

“Yeah, something non-alcoholic.”

He handed me a bottle of water and I sipped it slowly while watching him. “So your sister has you on bar duty?”

“Yeah, but I’m not complaining, I get to see her sexy friends when they come to get a drink.”

I laughed. “Must be a good bonus.”

“Have you met her, Carla I mean?”

“Yes, she opened the door for me. She is very good looking and I bet all the guys want to be with her.”

Rick looked up me and said, “yeah and it’s driving our parents insane. Phone calls at all hours and her phone constantly beeps with messages.”

“I thought she would have someone steady?”

He laughed. “Between you and me, she is a bit slutty, likes to play around a bit, if you know what I mean.”

I nodded and looked out across the pool where Carla was talking to some friends. Her black bikini showed off her body and I wondered if she spent much time in the gym. She saw me looking at her and she waved. I waved back and then turned back to Rick.

“Is there any food around?”

“Sure, if you go inside there is a buffet, help yourself.”


The buffet was hard to miss since it ran along an entire wall. I picked up a paper plate a plastic fork and a napkin and then began to fill up the plate.

“Someone is hungry.”

I turned and Carla was standing next to me. “Yeah, and this looks so good.”

There was a faint smell of coconut oil coming off her golden brown skin. She picked up a plate and began to fill it.

“How did you meet my brother?”

“At the strip mall.”

“Ah, that’s what I thought. He likes to hang out there, hoping to hook up with some trailer trash girl that is lost.”

“What did you say?” my body tensed.

She gave me a beautiful smile showing white teeth and a pink tongue.

“Oh, you might wear an Armani, but you are not from around here.”

“How do you know?”

“First of all, your hair is a mess, you nails are plain and haven’t seen a manicure in years if ever, and the way you walk reminds me of a guy. I must say you have a great body, nice natural boobs, and a firm ass, but still, you are from the other side of the tracks.”

“You bitch!”

“Hey, relax. Hang around, eat, drink, but don’t expect to be a fixture in this house, okay?”

She took her plate and walk away from me. I was seething but didn’t want to make a scene. I went back to Rick and asked for a Mojito.

“What’s wrong,” he asked after serving the drink.

“Your sister just insulted me.”

He laughed. “Don’t worry, she does that to everyone.”

“But she called me trailer trash.”

“Anyone who lives past the mall is trailer trash to her, don’t worry, you are here because I invited you. She won’t bother you anymore, trust me.”

I ate and drank at the bar watching the steady flow of people asking for drinks. Some of the guys tried to start a conversation with me but I wasn’t in the mood.

I caught Carla watching me and Rick a few times but she didn’t come over. When I had finished eating I decided to go for a swim and took off the dress which Rick took and hid behind the bar.

When I walked up to the edge of the pool a lot of heads turned and I felt eyes eating me alive. I bet a few cocks went hard in that moment before I dove in.

There were too many people in the pool to actually swim so I just hung from the edge cooling down. The water was ridiculously warm and didn’t do its job very well.

When I was back at the bar Rick had another Mojito ready for me. This one wasn’t as strong as the first which I thanked him for. While I sipped it I noticed Carla walking towards us. Her back straight, boobs bouncing and hips worked the crowd.

“Hey, Rick. I see the stray is still here,” she said when she put her elbows on the bar looking at me.

“Fuck off Carla. If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything,” said Rick.

She smiled at me and said to her brother. “She is cute, but not even a trashy bitch like her will give you honey.” She laughed at her own joke and then turned and walked away.

Rick had his head down and I figured he was really hurt. “Hey, don’t pay any attention to what she says. You are a good looking guy and I am sure you will meet a girl someday.”

“Sure, meanwhile I have to take her bullshit.”

“Bartender, give me another drink,” I said trying to get his mind of what his sister had said.

We talked about his school and mine and at one point I asked him how old Carla was.

“Eighteen, she graduated this spring and has been accepted to three Ivy League schools.”

“So she smart and a bitch.”

He smiled and the said, “see all those girls? Carla was the Queen Bitch in high school and those women are hanging on to her like a hive. She will become somebody at one point and they are hoping she will open roads to successful careers. What they don’t know is that she doesn’t give a shit, all she cares about is herself and how others can help her reach what she wants.”


The sun moved across the sky and I became a little drunk. I watched Rick working the bar and the more I saw and heard the more I liked him. At one point I thought I should give him what my friends call a welfare fuck. That’s when you fuck a guy just to be nice to him, so he can feel better about himself. I had never done it but if someone needed one it was poor Rick.

By five in the afternoon, most of the people had left. Only the hardcore members of Carla’s fan club was still milling around her. They sat at the other end of the pool talking and drinking.

“Hey, Rick, why don’t you show me where the bathroom is?” I said.

“Oh, that’s easy, walk past the buffet table and it’s down the corridor to the left.”

I took his hand and led him out from behind the bar. “C’mon, show me, I don’t want to get lost and Carla finding me wandering around.”

He opened the door to the bathroom and was about to let go of my hand when I shoved him inside and kicked the door closed and locked it.

“What..?” he said.

“Shut up, and enjoy.”

I pressed my lips against his and then began to open his shorts. At first, he didn’t respond but within seconds his tongue was fencing with mine and his hands were grabbing at my ass and trying to get inside the bikini. I got his shorts off him and stuck my hand inside his underwear. His cock was hard in my hand and he moaned as I began to stroke him.

I slowly slid down to my knees and then pulled down his briefs.

“Have you ever had a blowjob?” I said, looking up at him.

“No,” his voice was weak.

I licked his shaft and then sucked on his cock head while keeping eye contact with him.

“Oh, oh, that feels so good,” he moaned and closed his eyes.

His cock wasn’t very thick but quite long. I began to bob my head up and down and massaging his balls. I was surprised when he begged me to stop.

“Why, don’t you like it?” I said.

He gave me a sheepish look. “I do, the thing is, I’m almost coming.”

“Oh, that is so cute.”

I stood up and took off my bikini so I was naked. His eyes zoomed in on my boobs and his hands grabbed them.

“Wow, they are so firm.”

He kissed each nipple and then settled on the left and sucked on it.

“Do you want to fuck me?” I said.

“Yeah, I do.”

I gently pushed him away and then leaned against the wash basin serving him my ass. I spread my legs and grabbed my ass cheeks. Looking at him over my shoulder, I said, “Give it to me Rick, and fuck my pussy.”

He stepped up and after a bit of fumbling he found my cunt and his cock slid in. Grabbing my hips he fucked me hard and fast. I knew he wouldn’t last long.

I didn’t see what happened next coming.

There was a bang on the door and before Rick or I had a change to stop the door flew open and there stood Carla with a key in her hand.

“I knew it, I fucking knew it, you are a little trailer slut.”

Rick had pulled out of me and turned around to face his sister. “Get the fuck out!”

Over Rick’s shoulder, I saw Carla’s eyes run over my body, and there was something in them that didn’t make any sense at all. She licked her lips and then said, “She is hot your little fuck buddy but I want her out of the house now.”

She slammed the door shut and Rick turned back to me.

“I’m sorry, but you better go.”

I bent down to pick up my bikini and after putting it on I said, “We need to finish this.”

“Really?” his face was smiling and he looked so happy.

“Sure, come by my sister’s place tomorrow around eleven, we will have the house to ourselves.”

When I picked up my dress at the bar I wrote down my phone number on a napkin and gave it to him. “If anything happens and you can’t make it tomorrow, call me.”

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and headed to the gate.

When I passed Carla and her friends I flicked them the finger and they laughed at my back as I walked out.


“How was your day? I saw the boxes by the door, thanks,” said Pam before putting the fork in her mouth.

She was one of those people that eat pizza with a knife and fork. I am the kind who takes a slice and shove it in my mouth.

“Fine, I went over to Rick, his sister was having a pool party.”

She looked up at me and her eyes changed. Then she snarled, “You mean Rick and Carla Hawthorne?”


“He is okay I guess, a bit of an ogler maybe, but Carla, she is a real bitch.”

“Yeah, I noticed, she threw me out of the house.”

“What?” she put down the glass that had been halfway to her mouth.

There was no point in telling her the truth so I just said, “we had a disagreement about something.”

“She was picking on you, right?”

“I guess, yes.”

“Stay away from her, she is poison. She tried to get into Drake’s pants a few times but he kept her away, not that that meant anything.”

She sobbed and began to cry. “Oh I miss him so much, I know I shouldn’t but I do.”

“C’mon, go and take a shower and then we can sit on the terrace and you can cry your eyes out. I’ll do the dishes.”

“Thanks,” she mumbled and left.


The next morning I was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine when my phone rang. Pam had left for work and I was alone, waiting for Rick.


“Hi, it’s me, Rick. I’m so sorry but my parents are forcing me to go with them to visit my grandparents, so I can’t come by today.”

My pussy was disappointed and so was I. “Okay, I understand, maybe tomorrow? Give me a call when you come back.”

He hung up and went back to reading the magazine. An hour later I was bored and thought about using my sister’s toy. I was still horny after the abrupt stop to Rick’s and my sex in the bathroom. I had thought about playing with myself when I woke up but since Risk was supposed to come by I hadn’t, and now I regretted it.

Toy it was I decided and got up. I had walked a few steps up the stairs when the doorbell rang. I smile crossed my lips; Rick had managed to get out of the visit.

I was so happy I skipped all the way to the door and threw it open.

And there stood Carla. Honey colored hair flowing in the wind and dressed in a short pink summer dress with white sandals on her feet. She wore no bra as far as I could see.

“What’s up bitch?” I said.

She smiled and said, “I know that Rick was about to come by this morning to finish off what you started yesterday.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about, get off the property.”

She cocked a hip and put her index finger to her lips. “You know what, you are a very hot girl, and I completely understand what Rick sees in you. Those boobs of yours must be fantastic to suck and lick and mmm, that pert ass.”

“You are a psycho,” I said and began closing the door.

She put her foot in the way and stepped closer, so close in fact that I felt her boobs brush against mine. She looked down at me and her eyes searched my face.

“He won’t be fucking you this morning, but I wouldn’t mind.”

My head was spinning, and at first, her words didn’t register and when they had sunk in and my brain had masticated them I said, “what, you are a lesbian?”

“Not really, I just like a bit of everything, and you are just too delicious not to sample.”

“Get lost, I am no clit licker, go and fuck one of your minions.”

She laughed and then put her hands behind my head and pulled me closer until her lips touched mine.

“Get off me...”

I didn’t get any further because her tongue found mine and while she kissed me she walked me backwards into the house and kicked the door behind her so it closed with a bang. Her hands slid down my back and she grabbed my ass and lifted me up. She carried me across to the sofa where she dropped me on my ass.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?” I said getting up again.

“Don’t knock until you tried it.”

She pulled her dress over her head and as I had thought she wore no bra and no panties. Her tits were smaller than mine but full with small pink nipples and her pubic hair was cut in a tiny triangle just above her clit.

I am proud of my figure but Carla’s was better, I had to admit that. She came closer so her pussy was just inches from my face.

I to this day don’t know what made me stay on the sofa instead of getting up and leave. I think it was because of my teenage curiosity about sex.

Some girls at school would kiss behind the building. I had seen them and at least one of them had a steady boyfriend so I was aware of bisexuality and trying new things.

While all these thoughts ran through my mind Carla had cupped her boobs and massaged them while keeping eye contact with me.

“Don’t be shy, Ellie, it’s okay to be adventurous and I am sure you will enjoy it. Just put your hands on my hips, feel my skin against yours.”

Her voice had changed, instead of being cold and sarcastic it was a purr, dripping with sweetness and seduction. It was like if the old Carla had left and this new woman was standing naked in front of me.

“I don’t know,” I whispered.

“There is nothing wrong in exploring new things; all I am asking is that you put your hands on my hips, honey.”

Slowly I raised my hands and while my mind screamed no, I watched as they settled on her hips. It was like an electric shock between us. Her skin was impossibly soft and warm. She put her hands on top of mine and then moved them back and down over her ass cheeks.

“Do you like it?” she purred.

“Your skin is so soft and warm.”

“Mm, you make my all warm and horny. Kiss my tummy.”

She was so close I could smell her sex and it smelt of soap and coconut oil. I closed my eyes and kissed her. She also tasted of coconut oil and my lips lingered against her skin.

I realized she had let go of my hands and that I was now grabbing her ass cheeks digging my nails into her skin and pulling her towards me.

“Yes, just like that, now kiss my honey pot.”

I giggled at the words she used, they sounded so lame but cute at the same time. I lowered my head a little and stuck out my tongue until it reached the top of her slit. Soap, something salty and tangy was the sensation my brain received.

“Good, no lick it, slowly,” she whispered.

“I don’t know,” I said. My mind was spinning again; the smell was playing games with my head. The room was dead quiet only our breathing could be heard.

“Do it, I know you want to,” she said.

I closed my eyes again and licked her. Her lips parted and I tasted more of her. Flickering my tongue over her clit and then pushing it inside her as far as it went made her moan and press my head harder against herself.

“Yes, Ellie, taste my pussy, lick it, suck it, eat it.”

Her voice was hypnotic and before I knew it I had my face buried in her, licking, sucking and drinking her juices. She was incredible wet and when she spread her legs apart by taking a step to the side I slid a finger inside her.

“Oh, you dirty little girl, but I love it, keep doing that,” she whispered.

I inserted a second finger and began to rub her G-spot.

“Oh, God, you know so much for being only sixteen,” she said.

“I guess I do.”

“Oh, oh, oh here I come, yes, fuck me, Ellie, fuck my pussy!”

She actually squirted on me and since I wasn’t ready for it I jumped back and my fingers slid out of her.

She collapsed on the floor in front of the sofa and breathed deeply. Then she giggled.

“No one has made me squirt in a long time, thank you, Ellie.”

I was still in shock over what had just happened. From insulting each other at the door to bringing Carla to an orgasm had all happened within fifteen minutes.

“Now it’s your turn, come here,” she sad and pulled me closer by my feet.

Not bothering with my dress she simply pushed it up around my hips and then ripped off my panties.

“Take it easy,” I said.

Instead of answering she pulled me closer until my ass was on the edge and then she began to lick me.

“Holy shit!” I screamed as she slid a finger into my asshole.

She didn’t say anything because her mouth was sucking and licking my wet pussy.

The finger in my ass was out of this world, it made all the things she did to my cunt multiply by ten and within minutes I came harder than I had ever come before.

“See, I know a few tricks,” she said and sat back.

My chest was heaving and my pussy craved more attention. One orgasm hadn’t been enough.

“Carla, what the hell just happened?”

She wiped her lips with the back of her hand and her eyes bore into mine. “I just had my way with my little brother’s new fuck friend.”

Her voice was again cold and sarcastic, I was so confused. “Why do you treat me like this?”

She got up and put on her dress. Before she left she turned around and said, “My brother does everything I say and when I told him I wanted you, he gave you up at once. There was no visit to the grandparents and I bet he is sitting in his room jerking off while thinking about what I am doing to you.”

With those words, she left and I didn’t move until I heard the door close behind her. Then I straightened my dress and sat staring into space.

I had been played, that was for sure, but I wasn’t angry, instead I began to laugh hysterically and then said out aloud, “fucking suburbia!”

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OVERBOARDChapter 36 A Long Distance Relationship Does Nothing for the Body

Wednesday morning Garrett was at the door to my suite by eight-thirty. He had two other techs from his office with him. Dale and Amy were younger than and not nearly as experienced as Garrett but eager to help. As it sat right now, with the main system as damaged as it was and completely shut down, they had very little to do. It would be to their benefit to get the system back up and running as quickly as possible. While Garrett and I were removing and sorting components on Tuesday the hotel...

1 year ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 34 Get Over It

Zupena’s House, Ilderton, Ontario 11:12am, Tuesday, December 18, 1979 “Ohhhh! Gawddd! Zupenaaaaa!” I cried out as my blonde Amazonian beauty took my large cockhead into her throat with swallowing actions that pressured it in indescribable ways. Zupena had me sitting on the edge of the extra-large bathtub as she knelt on the bath mat between my spread legs. Both of us had finished our Tuesday morning exams at Medway, and were definitely enjoying this activity more so than our written...

4 years ago
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Celeb body swap

You don't know how or why but for some reason you now have the ability to become any person over the age of 18 you want by simply wishing it before you sleep (you return to yourself in the same way and can also access their memorys). So...

1 year ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 67

Allie, it turned out, needed no assistance from anyone but Adam. She had already cum four times and she was starting to tire. Still, she didn't want to quit. It still felt good to be wrapped around Adam's pole. It still felt wonderful to have her arms wrapped around his neck and her lips pressed against his. Karlie took no convincing. She had been given a week's worth of orgasms in a five-hour window and she wanted more. She had never been more aroused in her life. She linked hands with...

2 years ago
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Holiday Break Girl

I was home from college on Christmas break when a few of my friends and I decided to go out. Mark was home with his girlfriend from college, Karen. Karen was also from our town, she just went to a different high school, so she brought a few of her friends along. It was your typical college night out with everyone getting drunk. One girl, Anna, and I started playing pool against Mark and Karen. Three games in a row Mark and Karen beat us so I kept having to buy drinks. Finally, I said I had...

3 years ago
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The Sacrificial Boy Chapter 12

Aislin's mind wandered while the two gnome women got her ready for bed. Too many things she didn't understand, which included almost everything that had come from the creature's mouth, swirled around in her head. Well before she met the Prince in her dreams, Aislin had started to be able to tell when someone lied to her. Unfortunately, the beast had been either truthful, which seemed unlikely, or she just couldn't read him. However, whatever he might have said to her during the feast,...

1 year ago
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Sharing Robs Secret

When I moved to Dayton, Ohio, I was in my second year of high school and made friends with Rob Green who, it turned out had a lot in common with me. So, this whole thing started one night when I was spending the night at his house and about eleven he told me he remembered something he had to do and went out from his room. It was several minutes and I needed to go to the bathroom so I went out into the hallway and was quietly going past his sister's room when I saw the door was open...

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Buddys Little bro 3

Well, as you should know by reading the first two stories (if you haven't, I highly recommend reading them. They're in my profile, and remember rate and comment please :), I showed Ian how to masturbate, and then one night, we went a little farther than we intended to. This is the true story about how we again went a little too far, but it would be a night that neither of us would ever forget.It started the summer after my sophomore year. That previous summer was when Ian and I explored out...

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GreeniesChapter 8B

The nearest MPG recruiting office was forty blocks away, in the south portion of Helvetia Heights. They rode the public transit train there, utilizing one of the transport tokens that came with their monthly welfare allotment. They stepped off at the nearest station nervously, knowing that they were now deep in enemy gang territory, an act that could easily lead to their deaths if they were discovered. Sure enough, they made it no more than two blocks from the station before a group of...

4 years ago
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Virginity Lost

Hi there. my name is Sajan, and I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories. this time I wanted to share my once in a life time experience I had about six months ago, with my nineteen year old cousin. I lost my virginity on that fateful day, as did she. about me; I am a twenty two year old male, reaching to about six feet in height. I have got a particularly well toned muscular frame, and, well, not bad to look at either. it all began when Saranya, the cousin I above mentioned, came to my home...

3 years ago
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Woke up to SO masturbating

My significant other had gone to bed a couple of hours before me. I tend to stay up until I get too tired, which means I fall asleep fairly quickly once in bed.At some point during the night I woke up. I felt something was not right. I almost rolled over to check on my partner when I felt through the bed the distinctive buzzing of her vibrator. Her breathing was heavy, but muffled.My partner is a tall woman, long legs that go on forever. Nice big breasts, cute little waist that curves out to...

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