Step By Step - 5 - Tongue Twister free porn video

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“So what happens next?”

My stepbrother’s voice was soft but concerned as he lay beside me on the rumpled sheet, running his fingers lingeringly through my hair as I lay in a post-coital, post-orgasmic glow.

It was Friday afternoon, the last of our amazing holiday and we were lying naked together in his bed in our ancient and lovely holiday cottage. Mum and Dad had driven off for one final visit to a stately home leaving my brother and me to our own devices.

Jake and I had taken full advantage of this, spending the whole afternoon in bed together, talking, laughing, cuddling and of course, making love. Learning fast from our previous couplings, a large beach towel was spread on the bed beneath us and at that moment a single used condom lay wrapped in a tissue on the floor beside the bed, an open packet alongside it.

I hoped and intended that the contents of that packet would meet the same fate before long but didn’t want to tell my new lover in case it made me sound… well, like one of ‘those girls’.

Not that I had made it difficult for Jake get me into bed. Since he had taken my virginity the evening we had arrived in our favourite holiday town, we had made love every day; sometimes more than once. Indeed, the window in his room had been wide open most of the week to let the fresh air in and allow the smell of recent sex to dissipate before our parents could discover our guilty secret.

The sound of seagulls rang through the hot room as we lay there, temporarily satisfied, content but with beads of sweat on our foreheads and bodies.

I had never dreamed that I could feel as I did at that moment. The crushes I had had on boys or teachers at school were nothing compared with the all-encompassing love I now felt for Jake.

I had given him everything I had; my virginity, my love, perhaps even my soul. He had seen me naked, had explored my unresisting body many times, had found and enjoyed my secret places in ways I hadn’t imagined possible bringing me pleasures I hadn’t even dreamed of.

The intensity of my emotion was unfamiliar and frightening, made far worse by the incredible, soul-shaking orgasm he had just delivered. My body felt battered and sticky but I didn’t care; the words ‘perfectly compatible’ kept ringing round my head as I struggled to make sense of the week that had passed.

I felt exposed and vulnerable one moment, warm, complete and content the next, finally understanding what it really meant to be head-over-heels in love.


The week had passed in a kind of surreal haze. Most of our trips out had been as the family we used to be, visiting the places we had loved as children and still adored now. Normally this would have been great fun with many stories of our childhoods and plenty of laughter. But this time all I could think was that it made it very difficult for Jake and me to spend time together as a couple.

Consequently, our evening ‘trips to the arcade’ and ‘drinks at the pub’ had become longer and more frequent. As this gave our parents a few hours’ privacy in which to work on the romantic side of their own relationship, they offered no objection and were usually in bed together by the time the two of us returned.

Jake and I took care to make plenty of noise as we approached the cottage so that any sounds of our parents having sex could be kept from our innocent ears. It didn’t always work and we had several more times been forced to listen to the creaking of bedsprings and floorboards and the moaning of a familiar female voice.

Of course we were in no position to pass judgement; our ‘visits to the arcade’ were actually romantic walks along the pier, holding hands at the waterside, kissing slowly and deeply on the cliff top at sunset and on one occasion even making love on the beach in the dark like a proper boyfriend and girlfriend.

On that subject, despite all I had read, heard and even watched in movies with my girlfriends, I can now confidently say that in real life, sex on the beach is seriously over-rated.

During one passionate embrace at the far end of a late night stroll on the beach; when Jake’s fingers strayed under my micro skirt and touched my private places it became very clear what he intended to do with me and where he intended to do it.

It felt daring, exciting and arousing. In my naiveté Jakes desires had quickly become mine too and within a short time my knickers were around my ankles, my tiny skirt was around my waist and I was on my back on the sand in the semi-darkness with my brother’s strong, fit body between my thighs.

That’s when things began to go awry.

Despite Jake’s attentions to my weeping vulva, I couldn’t overcome my anxiety about being seen by passers-by and was completely clueless about how to go about my first al fresco sex. Driven by unfamiliar mutual lust, I didn’t even think to put anything beneath my bottom as Jake rolled a condom awkwardly onto his erection. When the sand moved beneath me and I became stiff and nervous, he failed to penetrate me first time, his smooth head ramming painfully into my clitoris.

I yelped; he pulled back; I fidgeted to get into a better position and as I did so, my damp labia must have touched the beach because unknown to either of us, sand began to get everywhere – and I mean everywhere!

Jake regained control quickly then penetrated me with an almost animal passion. In other circumstances it would have driven the full length of his wonderful erection deep into my inexperienced body in a single thrust, spreading my legs wide and robbing me of breath.

As it was, he only managed to penetrate half way before we realised that his wonderful erection wasn’t the only thing to have entered me.

“Shall I stop?” he whispered, holding himself still, his thick shaft stretching my gritty entrance.

“I don’t know,” I mumbled. It hurt but having got this far, the thought of Jake’s body leaving me unsatisfied was hard to take. “Maybe it‘ll get better if you keep going.”

“You’re amazing, Sexy Amy,” he grinned in the darkness, pulling himself back and thrusting into me again.

It was a mistake; it didn’t get better. In fact it got a lot worse but having gone so far it felt wrong not to see things through to their natural conclusion. The resulting sex was excruciating rather than exciting, extremely short and very embarrassing for us both.

At least no-one saw us!

The walk back to the cottage was awkward and painful and an immediate shower was essential on my return. I was sore and uncomfortable all night and the following morning and had to invent a few lies to put Mum off the scent.

I very much doubt we will do that again!


“I asked, Sexy Amy, what happens next?” Jake repeated, bringing me back from my reverie.

“It depends what you want, Gorgeous Jake,” I replied, raising my lips to meet his

We kissed gently, our passion for the moment satisfied by our most recent and most energetic lovemaking.

“I suppose we’ve gone way beyond the ‘one night stand’ stage,” I added with a sheepish grin.

“You could say that,” he chuckled. “We can’t just go back to where we were; like brother and sister, can we?”

My response was immediate.

“Write all this off as just a fling; a holiday romance?” I exclaimed, horrified. “No! Of course not; I’ve fallen in love with you. You said you love me too and...”

“And I do, Amy. I’ve never felt like this before.”

“So we’ve got to give it a try at least!”

There was another pause.

“It won’t be easy,” he said. “I mean, keeping it all secret. I’m not sure people would understand if they found out.”

“What do you mean,” I asked anxiously, my dreams of a long term romance seemingly at risk.

“I mean we know we’re not actually brother and sister but most people treat us as if we were. Mum and Dad have been together so long most of their friends never knew them before they were together.”

“I suppose you’re right,” I agreed.

“I’m not sure many of them know you and I aren’t actually blood relatives. I mean we even have the same surname; I’m not sure how they’ll react.”

That was true. When my Mum had married Jake’s Dad and taken his name, he and I had been little more than toddlers. Mum had changed my surname too so that we would feel like a real family and from that point of view it had worked very well indeed. Too well perhaps. We had always referred to each other as brother and sister and I considered Jake’s Dad to be mine too.

Of course, after this week Jake and I weren’t a normal brother and sister at all. In our new relationship this could make things very difficult.

“Most of my school friends think you’re fit,” I laughed. “One or two were planning to seduce you over the summer. They’ll be very disappointed if they find out you’re not available after all.”

At first the idea amused me but then I began to feel insecure again. What if one of my shapelier friends did try to get her hooks into my brother? And what if she succeeded? Almost all had better, more womanly figures than mine. Absolutely all had much bigger boobs, had much more experience with boys and would be much better in bed than I could possibly be.

As if reading my troubled thoughts, Jake rolled closer to me and began to stroke my tummy and the fronts of my skinny thighs.

“Well they’ll have to remain disappointed, won’t they?” he said reassuringly, his fingers now toying with my pubic hair. I opened my legs a fraction and felt his hand slide between my thighs, cupping my vulva in his palm

“And we don’t have to make any decisions yet,” he continued. “We’ve got the rest of the summer ahead of us. There’ll be plenty of time to get to know each other better – even better – before we have to let anyone know.”

My legs opened further and a long, confident finger began to trace the outline of my slit then, gently parting my outer lips, it worked its way deep between the fleshy walls and into the hot canyon within.

My body still sensitised by the lovemaking we had just enjoyed, I was already hot and wet. Jake’s finger expertly explored first the left side of my cleft, then the right, then began to toy with my clitoris.

Jake’s first penetration had been hard and energetic. I had loved every second and had climaxed quickly and easily but it had left my swollen nub quite sore. I winced.

“Does it hurt?” he asked, reading my body well.

“A little,” I blushed.

“Shall I stop?”

I shook my head emphatically.

“Perhaps not with your fingers though,” I whispered.

Who would have guessed that naive, virginal Amy would ever tell any boy how she would like him to have sex with her, let alone her drop-dead-gorgeous older brother?

“Well let’s see how you feel about this,” Jake grinned mischievously. “I think you’re ready for it.”

He rose over me; for a moment his strong, athletic body blocked out the sunlight then he lowered his head to my chest. I felt his hot breath on my nipples, first the left, then the right. Then the tip of his tongue flicked across my teats, again left then right.

A shiver passed through me. I could feel my nipples hardening and a warm, wet, familiar sensation began to grow between my thighs as I began to lubricate.

“Mmmm! That’s nice,” I purred, may hands rising slowly to stroke his shoulders and the back of his head.

Jake’s tongue danced around my boobs, toying with my teats, nibbling my nipples. I felt its warm, smooth heat around and under my tiny, pointed globes as they too firmed under his touch.

He sucked each teat into his hot mouth, his sharp teeth scraping lightly and tantalisingly over my aroused, sensitive flesh then suckled like a baby, drawing my entire nipple into between his lips, his tongue playing with its hard nub.

“Ohhh Jake!” I sighed, my arms lightly around his powerful, toned lower back.

I wanted to cradle his head in my arms, to feel him suckle on my breasts for a long, long time but it was not to be. Releasing my nipple from his lips, Jake began to place tiny kisses on and around my tiny boobs, over my shoulders, down my arms and across my tummy.

My eyes closed, I shivered again as his tongue traced a long, slow line along the ill-defined crease below my tiny boobs before moving southwards onto the flesh of my flat, skinny belly. As his mouth moved slowly downwards I felt his fingers sliding ahead, down my belly towards my groin.

His fingers tangled in my pubic hair. My legs opened instinctively; his hand was between my thighs.


I moaned softly again as his fingertips lightly stroked the flesh of my vulva, already puffy, sensitive and engorged after our previous lovemaking while his lips planted kiss after tiny kiss on and around my navel.

With every kiss his nose brushed against my skin and his hot breath made me tingle with excitement.

I felt the bed rock a little as Jake adjusted his position; I felt the warmth of his legs between my open thighs. Then his lips returned to my tummy but this time those tiny kisses were below my belly button. I felt him slide down the bed a little further; his broad shoulders pushed my thighs further apart.

Expecting to feel him rearing over me, and the now-familiar pause while he rolled on a condom; I was surprised to feel his lips on the inside of my thigh, half way to my knee.

I was more surprised to learn just how sensitive that part of me was; the heat of Jake’s breath and the touch of his tongue on my inner thigh were incredibly arousing. I could feel my lubrication flowing more freely.

Then his hot mouth began to move up my thigh towards my vulva, pausing to lick and kiss the crease where my leg and sex met.

“Ohhh that’s good,” I hissed. The new sensation was wonderful.

The warm wetness of his lips and tongue passed along my crease and over the top of my mound before descending along my other thigh.

“You taste salty, sexy Amy!” There was warmth and real affection in his voice.

My fingers left his hair and began to stroke the smooth skin of his shoulders as his mouth began the journey again. My body came alive at this new and incredible sensation; I could hear myself moaning softly over the faint wet sounds of Jake’s mouth on my body.

Then his head rose higher again and his long, smooth tongue began to lick the crease at the top of my other thigh. I writhed on the bed, my mind revelling in the dreamy delights of this new and exciting adventure.

Never before had a boy’s fingers let alone his mouth and tongue had such free access to my most private places. It felt... like nothing I had felt before.

“Just relax, ” his voice was low and seductive.

Jake’s finger joined his tongue between my thighs, stroking my flesh, dancing over my creases, toying with my puffy outer lips as his hot breath came closer and closer to my core.

“You are so beautiful,” my brother whispered softly.

His fingers were on my slit but instead of the long, slow stroke I was expected and wanted, I felt my outer lips being parted, my vulva being opened.

“Jake... what... what are you doing... please...”

“Shhh! Trust me, Sexy Amy. You’ll love it!”

The heat of his breath came closer and closer to my slit.

“Jake... Jake... mmmm... please... I’m not clean...”

“Shhh! It doesn’t matter!”

The hot breath was closer still, a single finger was entering my slit from above; it was around my entrance; it was inside my entrance; it was around my clitoris; it was on my clitoris.

“Mmmm! Oh that feels sooo goood!”

“Relax. Didn’t I tell you?”

Jake fingered me gently and lovingly, his touch soft but perfectly placed. I could feel the familiar warmth of my already well-lubricated vagina oozing even more juices onto my brother’s hand.


The bed rocked slightly as he adjusted his position between my thighs once again. I felt his tongue along the crease at the top of my left thigh, then my right. I felt his fingers on my clitoris again, one on either side, nipping it gently.

“Jaaake... Mmmm... I’ve never... no-one has ever... ohhh!”

I felt the roughness of his fingertip under my clitoris while other expert fingers spread my outer lips wide. I felt the unfamiliar sensation of my fleshy hood being raised, opening the folds of skin that hid and protected my secret core.

“What... what are you doing... I OHMYGODDD!!!”

All these years later, I can still remember vividly the shock that pulsed through my entire body the first time Jake’s tongue shot lightning-fast passed over my slit and across the fully exposed nub of my clitoris.


He did it again; my whole body convulsed, my back arched, my arms flew to his head in a vain attempt to push him away and my legs clamped hard on his shoulders.


Nothing in my life had prepared me for the unbelievable sensations that surged outwards from my formerly unexplored clitoris. Not my teenage night time fumblings under the duvet; not Jake’s wonderful, searching fingers; not even my first vaginal orgasm from his wonderful erect penis had given me an inkling of what my first oral sex would feel like.

Jake’s tongue darted out a third time, lapping my exposed clitoris from underneath, the slight roughness of its upper surface rasping across my bewildered, hyper-sensitised nub.


My hips bucked hard against his face but he didn’t budge. Instead my amazing brother began to lick me fast and relentlessly, smothering my already sensitive slit with incredible new sensations, giving me no time to recover from one stroke before the next took me even higher.

A moment later I felt the palms of his hands under my buttocks, raising my vulva, presenting my most private place helplessly to his mouth. My legs fell further apart and his tongue took maximum advantage of the new opportunity; first on my clit, then under its hood, then circling it.


I felt the tips of Jake’s tongue diving deep between my thighs to the very base of my slit then moving upwards in full, strong strokes before plunging between my inner lips and into my vagina.


My voice was high; almost a scream as the first pulse of orgasm hit me, depriving me of breath. Before I could recover, the next followed hard on its tail then seconds later a third and much more powerful orgasmic spasm gripped my whole body.


My legs clamped hard on Jakes head again, my fingers buried themselves in his hair, my dazed mind unable to decide whether to push him away or drag him harder into my crotch. Up and down my slit he licked, in and out of my vagina but every time ending up on, around or rasping against my battered, engorged clitoris.

And all the time his powerful shoulders held my thighs open wide though with every surge of orgasm they clamped as hard on his body as they could.

I lost count of the times I climaxed, my head spinning, my body rocking in bewilderment at the incredible things that were happening to it. This was pleasure the like of which I had only glimpsed before. The delights I had brought myself with my fingers; the sensations I had once thought intense were nothing compared to those my gorgeous brother was bringing me now.

There was a pause as Jake’s face left my vulva. I lay trembling, my eyes filled with tears, the after-shocks still powerful as he shook the condom packet by the bed. He swore then angrily threw it into the corner of the room and grabbed his shorts. He fumbled in their pockets then swore again.

“There’s none left,” he half-yelled in frustration. “Shit! Shit! Shit!”

My brain must have been half-addled by my orgasms because it didn’t occur to me to say anything but:

“Just do it, Jake!”

He looked down on my skinny, helpless body, taken fully by surprise.

“You mean it?”

“Mhmmm!” I nodded, still dazed and confused. “We can’t stop now!”

“But you might...”

“I don’t care,” my voice was stronger now; insistent. “Please Jake...”

What was I saying? Had I gone mad?

“And you’re really sure?”

I nodded again.

“I want you. I need you now!”

He stated down at me for a moment than smiled broadly.

“Well okay Sexy Amy. If that’s what you want!”

And with that my gorgeous stepbrother mounted me. Seconds later for the first time in my life I felt a very raw, very naked, very hard penis enter my body.

“Ohhh Mmm!”

I sighed aloud as my brother’s erection sank deep into my unprotected body. My lubrication had gone into overdrive; my body offered no resistance at all. The full, wonderful length of Jake’s erection slipped smoothly and easily into me until his pubic hair ground hard against my slightly sore but deeply aroused vulva.

“Ohhh Jaaake,” I murmured.

This was so different; up till then I had only ever felt Jake inside me through the latex barrier of a condom. I had thought that amazing feeling couldn’t be bettered.

I had been wrong. From the first long, deep penetration I could feel the difference. Devoid of the unnatural plastic barrier, I could feel all the ridges and undulations on his thick shaft as it passed through my tight, hyper-sensitive entrance.

I breathed in suddenly; he paused.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked anxiously.

I shook my head vigorously. He smiled broadly.

“That’s good!”

Then he began to make love to me as we always should have done; without barriers, without reservations. Jake began to thrust himself in and out of my body in long slow strokes, building a rhythm that grew slowly faster.

In contrast to the sharp, almost painful surges that his tongue on my clitoris had sent through me, his naked penis brought back the familiar glow that I loved, flowing through my body like warm treacle, oozing quickly from my vulva into my thighs and lower belly then moving higher into my chest and spine.


The sounds emanating from between my thighs and filling the room were crude, wet and getting louder as the pace and power of my brother’s thrusts increased. And as they increased, so the glow within me grew more and more intense.


“Mmm MMM!”

“Oh Amy this feel amaaazing!”

Jake’s voice was hoarse and passionate but there was no doubt he was right. Sex with a condom had been a life-changing experience; sex without one was in another league altogether. The feel of skin on skin; flesh on flesh, my juices flowing freely and naturally over and around his shaft as he ploughed into me was taking me to another world.


Jakes thrusts were growing faster now, the heat in my body was reaching a new and almost frightening intensity. Wafts of a pungent, earthy, feral smell passed over my nose and face as my brain lost control of my body.


The orgasm that hit me robbed me of breath. The pulse that followed seconds later stopped my heart. Jake’s thrusts grew faster and faster, the slapping noise grew wetter and louder and the smell grew stronger.

“I’m going to cum!” Jakes growled, his the rhythm of his thrusts breaking. “Gonna pull out!”


Suddenly I knew I couldn’t let him leave; having gone this far it was simply impossible not to go through to the real, natural end. I had to know what it felt like to be a real woman; I had to know what it was to have a man ejaculate inside my body.

And I had to know it now.

“Don’t pull out! Don’t pull out!” I choked, my words running over each other.

“But you’re not on the pill,” he said almost in time with his thrusts.

“I don’t care! I don’t care,” I wailed, “Just do it! Pleeeeaaase!”

But then it all became academic. The mere thought of inseminating me must have been too much for him. My brother’s body immediately went into spasm and his face contorted horribly - like I had seen before only much more so.

Without the latex barrier, everything was much more intense for me too. I felt his smooth round head suddenly swell inside me; I felt my own body tightening hard around his shaft; I felt Jake begin shudder as his ejaculation began.


Jake’s voice was little more than a croak. His back hunched, his arms went stiff, his neck twisted and his hips ground hard and painfully into mine as deep within me, his penis began to throb and for the first time in my life a boy’s semen entered my body.

It felt simply incredible! My mind was dazed; filled with images of what was happening inside me; of the sticky pale semen that would be spurting from my stepbrother’s tip, of it spreading through my vagina and across my cervix, of my body gripping his shaft as if eager to receive every last drop.

It was and remains one of the most moving and emotional moments of my entire life.

Jakes’ thrusts were wild and violent but short lived and eventually his spasming body slowed to a halt. He held himself over me, sweating and panting as the throbbing inside my vagina subsided. My chest was heaving, my mind spinning. There was a long silence as I stared into my wonderful stepbrother’s deep brown eyes, tears forming in my own.

The shaft within me began to soften and shrink then slipped messily from me.

“Have we just been very foolish?” he asked as he rolled off my spent body and lay alongside.

I couldn’t reply. Not understanding the meaning of his question, I just lay there on my back, my mind full of all that had just happened. Surely nothing that had felt that good, that emotionally powerful could possibly be foolish.

“It didn’t feel foolish,” I eventually said, my voice crackling with emotion. “It felt... oh Jake I love you so much!”

He took me in his arms and hugged me tightly, burying his face in my hair, showering my neck and shoulders with kisses. We cuddled, his strong arms making me feel safe and secure; something I desperately needed after what we had just done.

“Did it feel different?” he asked, my trembling body secure in his arms.

The words wouldn’t come to describe how different it had been for me. I had heard from my school friends how their boyfriends didn’t like using condoms; now I understood why. If sex with a plastic barrier had been amazing; sex without had been out of this world.

And to feel Jake actually ejaculating inside me had been... unbelievable.

“And you’re sure you’re safe?” he asked, his tone of voice expecting a positive answer.

Suddenly the reality dawned on me; at that moment inside my skinny body was a pool of my brother’s semen; millions of tiny sperm swimming towards my cervix; trying to get into my womb toTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Life was getting into a somewhat normal state. Andy resigned himself to the fact that things were now different, irrevocably different. Reluctantly he accepted his new role, as an outsider in his own home. Kim was now living in the house and he cringed every time she smiled at him. It was that unctuous, 'I am one up on you', smile that someone gives another person when they got the better of a competition.Kim didn't hide the fact she was Lori's master. She flaunted the reality that she was now...

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There and BackChapter 18 Templar Twister

"Sierra, I can see that you're a very useful person to have around, with your impressive knowledge of what is about to happen – however it is that you come by it." Wynne shot me a look that was part suspicious disbelief and part frustration. "However, I suspect that you'd be less than helpful if you ended up dead before we finished this. As the person who's going to have to save you if you get yourself injured, can I respectfully request that you stay out of the fighting when...

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Hurricanes and Titty Twisters

He saw her hanging onto a tree, her body buffeted like a rag doll by the intense wind and pelting rain. Can I get to her? he wondered. She's going to let go and be swept under by the water at any moment. Don drove his Ram to the highest spot he could find, and stopped, without turning off the engine. The water still covered the wheels. He picked up the binoculars he had in the glove compartment and focused them on her. She saw his vehicle. The look of total despair on her face suddenly...

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Stepdaddy Boi

‘Pomp & Circumstance’ began playing over the loudspeakers. The graduating class of Eleanor Roosevelt High School marched inside. The boys wore green robes while all of the girls were wearing white ones. In the stands, sat the family of Claro Booker. The s*******n year old’s mother, Belinda, was present with both of her sisters. His stepdad rounded out the crew that came to cheer him on. He had been a star pupil. And finished in the top ten percent of his class.When his family saw him enter,...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Introduction: Jessaica and her father take a road trip to the small california town Stepford to try a special kind of exotic meat, Bassed on a fictional town (Stepford) in the game SecondLife. Stepford Meat Swap Story: #47 Copyright 2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...

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Stepford Brothers Change to Sisters

Stepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...

4 years ago
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Stepmoms Gangbang

Ariel looked at her 18 year old stepson sternly, "don't you think you should ask?" Jordan chuckled, "I just did, and told you they were coming over." "That's not asking, that's telling," the 32 year old woman replied. "Yeah, well they'll be here in about 15 minutes," Jordan replied with a grin. "Well thanks for the heads up, and I will be talking to your dad about this," Ariel replied in disgust. Jordan laughed, "go ahead, you're not my mom, and my dad is just your sugar...

2 years ago
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*************************** My name is Stephanie. At age 26, I was on top of the world, or at least seemed to be. I am 5’10” with a slim figure, nice boobs, long blonde hair, and a pretty face. During college, I modeled part time, making good money, to pay for college and provide a nest egg for what I really wanted. I had ambitions, I had a vision, and I saw potentials for new ideas and products. While I was in college, I attracted a group of very smart, capable people around me. I needed a...

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Stepsisiter Surprise 3

Kirstin wasn't in bed with him, though, which was unfortunate since his cock was painfully hard. Henry stroked it for a few minutes, letting thoughts and images from the previous night flow through his brain. He quickly decided that it would be better if Kirstin was the one stroking him so he rose from the bed and went to find her. As he passed the bathroom, he heard the shower running. It made sense that was where Kirstin would be; she'd showered before they'd gone out to dinner the...

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Stepsons revenge part 2

Note: before the story begins allow me to say one thing, it contains scenes of graphic violence, gore, sadism, torture and death. Consider yourself duly warned. So don’t bother reading this only to bitch about how apparently psychotic or sick I am because to be quite honest I just won’t listen. Enjoy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It must’ve been a year since John and Suni killed Lorraine, and enjoyed...

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Stephanies Abusive Father amended

Introduction: Stephanies father wants nothing more than to use and abuse his daughter. Stephanies Abusive Father *amended* Julie_ I knew my dad liked his time alone. Since the days when my mother was alive, he often came home and wanted nothing more than to be left to his own devices for a couple of hours. That usually involved a six-pack of beer and the television in our living room. Now, ten years later I found myself living in the same house. Trapped with no hopes, nothing to aspire to and...

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Stephanies Home Surprise

Introduction: Stephanie was told shed be fucked, just not by whom Stephanie came into the house and turned to close the door. Just as it closed a hand came across her eyes and another across her waist. Shhh., Erik said into her ear. His body was warm against her, she could feel his nakedness, she could feel his cock getting firmer against the jeans covering her ass. Close your eyes. Stephanie did as she was told, closing her mouth unconsciously as well. She tried to steady her breathing, but...

1 year ago
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Stephanies Fun With Amy Part 1

Introduction: This is the first part of Stephanies Fun with Amy so based on these comments I might make a part 2 It was a dark and cool night in Houston as I was getting ready to go over to the Johnsons to baby sit their little 12 year old daughter named Amy. I myself am 15 and developing quiet nicely, with 38C breasts and a tight round ass, I could get just about anyone even if I only wanted the girls. Now I am no virgin in fact far from it, but I have only ever done it with girls not boys. As...

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Stephanies Halloween Party

Carl and Stephanie were invited to her friend Brenda’s annual Halloween party. They were both trying to decide what costumes to wear that would be both fun and sexy at the same time, costumes that allowed easy access to each other, but kept them anonymous. Carl is not much for costume parties and has always chosen to stay home, but this year he was going to go until a last minute phone call from a buyer changed his plans. Stephanie always wears a sexy costume and Carl has fun teasing her...

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Stephanies Dad Part 2

My eyes fluttered open quickly and I was completely out of breath. Looking around I realized that I was in Stephanie’s bed and light was shining in from her giant window. Pulling back the blankets, I looked down at myself, only to see I was still in just my panties. Last night had been a dream. I had dreamed of Mr. Jacob’s masturbating and saying my name. I had not actually played with myself watching him and we had not made out in the shower. I was saddened by this realization, but I was also...

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Stephanies Abusive Father

Introduction: Sometimes, daughters need to do as theyre told or this will happen. I knew my dad liked his time alone. He often came home from work and went directly to the fridge for a cold one. A beer. It was the only thing that calmed him and it kept him from leering at me, so many times I chose not to bother him. I was in my room on the phone with my friend Amelia. We were talking about a few boys at school and I must have been getting a little loud because my dad came storming into my...

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Stephanies night out in San Antonio

I was on business in San Antonio Texas a few years ago. I saw the opportunity for me to be Stephanie in the evenings and nights while away. There was a LBGT club down town that was a known place that shemales, transsexuals, and cross dressers frequented along with the gay and bisexual population. I packed my bras, panties, hose, make up, and dresses under my male clothing in my checked bags. Being the panty slut I am I had to wear my red silky panties under my slacks. Luckily I didn’t need to...

2 years ago
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Stephs intro to oral sex chapter 1

Introduction: This story is purely fiction My name is stephanie let me tell u a bit about myself im 16 with red hair skinny body and have average sized boobs Chapter 1 Stephs intro to oral sex This story is purely fiction I was walking with my friend from school he lived 3 houses away from me so we spend alot of time together while we were walking he asked me if i wanna come chill at his house for a while well i didint wanna go home and face my sisters they are brats so i agreed and...

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Stephanies Violation

Stephanie was glad to be leaving work after working almost fifteen hours. She didnt even notice that it was a little before ten until she turned on her car stereo. She also didnt notice until now how hungry she was. Maybe it was because she had been trying to figure how to help get her teams part of the multimillion project back on schedule and back on budget. So she pulled into Arbys to get a sandwich and a diet coke to eat when she got home because she did not want to make anything. When...

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Stephanies Dad Part 1

For as long as I could remember, staying the night at my best friend, Stephanie’s, house, was a normal occurrence. We would switch back and forth between houses, even if it was a school night. Her family had become like my family and my family like hers. We loved this about our lives, it made us feel like sisters, which we had always called ourselves with one another. I will admit though that I preferred to be at her house over my own house any day. “Can I crash at your house this evening?” I...

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Stephanies Massage

Be forewarned this story includes straight and gay sex Carl had a special surprise for Stephanie. He had told her he had planned a mutual massage date. Where they would both go in and get massages. She didn’t know that there was a special surprise, she was the only one getting the massage. So, they both got dressed and head out the door. They drove to the building where the massage was to take place. As they walked in and looked around at all eyes were upon Stephanie she was wearing a very...

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Stepdads surprise weekend

Mom was going out of town for the weekend with some of her girlfriends from work. My stepdad, who I call dad, was going to be home alone. I decided to surprise him with my own version of a girls weekend. I got on the phone and called Bree, Peni, and Tonya who live close to dad and started my planning. I told them I wanted to have a red heel party for daddy on Saturday. I told them make sure they show up in slutty red outfits with red heels. Red is dad's favorite color in sexy clothes. They all...

Group Sex
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Stepsons Revenge

Lisa Ann Davis sighed as she turned into her driveway and saw her stepson’s car parked there. “Darn it.” she said to herself as she pulled her car behind his, “Why isn’t he at work?” The 37 year old brunette shook her head in shock and disappointment that her stepson, Billy, wasn’t at work. 19 year old Billy Davis had graduated high school last year and decided to “hold off” on going to college for a bit and “take the summer off“. The young man had been a problem child ever since his mother...

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Stepsisters Whim

You close the door behind you and walk into your parent's house, finally back after driving home from your first semester away at college. Finals week was rough, as you'd expected, and you've been looking forward to being able to relax at home. Your hopes are shattered, though, when you turn into the kitchen to see your stepsister, Sarah, standing in the center of the room, looking almost as though she'd been waiting for you. You groan inwardly. Ever since your dad married her mom eight years...

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FemStephs vacation

M/F, F/F, M/M/F, consensual, oral, anal, etc Most people who try to stream as a career fail for a number of reasons but consistency and persistence, especially in the face of failure, is key. Luckily for Stephanie, aka FemSteph, she had a consistent audience of viewers. She also had a great support system with her boyfriend and friends. However, it was still a grind and took it's toll. She'd been streaming for almost two months straight with little time off but one of her best friends, Cheney,...

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Stepmum treats Stepson on Holiday Encounter 4

It was the morning of the flight. My stomach was churning as I wasn't a regular flyer. My suitcase packed from the night before, I lift it down the stairs and leave it along with all of the rest. I'm dressed in a navy blue polo shirt with a pair of black shorts. Walking into the kitchen stepmum - Cathy and dad were sitting st the table drinking tea. Cathy asks "all ready to go Hun?" I replied "I think so" she smiled, she had a wonderful smile, it could brighten up any room. Dad and Cathy both...

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Stephine McMann fan fic

One night as RAW is going off the air, Stephanie is walking back to her office from the Gorilla Position when she hears Enzo and Cass talking amongst themselves.Enzo: Nah Cass I’m sayin’ do you see the size of the fun bags on her?Cass: I hear you Zo, but after what happened to Mick Foley I think you should be more careful where you pitch your tent, if you know what I mean.Enzo: And Look at the ass…oh that sweet juicy ass. I know she’s our boss but damn! I’d love to bend her over her desk and...

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StepMommys Boy StepDaddys Girl

"Damn, Milos was right; these baked onion rings are great. Hell if I'll let him know that, though." Ben took another pull on his craft beer. As crazy as Milos was, this gay sports bar was making them both a lot of money, perhaps as much because of the irony.The waiter, with fashionable facial hair, dressed in a football jersey with a cheerleader's skirt came up, asking if he would like another beer."Sure, but make it a good German beer this time. Can I ask about the outfit? Why the...

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Stepdaddys accident

This is a story from my teens. Many coincidences led to a very special experience with Him, my father. None of us would have seen it coming and would never believe it would happen, but it did. If he hadn't been in that bicycle accident I would never have had to care for him as I did for a brief period of time. With bandaged hands, stiches and some titanium in his under arm he was more or less helpless and totally dependent of my care. The doctor had estimated 2 weeks until the stitches could be...

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Stephanies New Car repost

Stephanie gets a new car!It has been 2 weeks since I popped Stepanie's cherry.I was sleeping late As I was up all night and couldnt sleep.Stephanie called me at 11.I picked up the phone."Hey Robbie it's Stephy My grandfather just bought me a new car for my birthday and I want you to be the first to take a ride with me"She says."That's cool But I need a few more hours sleep so come over at 3pm"I replied."Too late I am outside Your Building Mom gave me your address.I am coming up now.Will your...

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Stephon fucks Sora and her sexy ass tranny ass

Ya know what fuck it since my last story wasn't good apparently imma just cut the bull and tell the whole story now shit.So my dick is in her ass and im in heaven, like on some cloud nine shit.the head board is knocking she screamming, im not sure how loud though cause im pretty focused.And like i said before she released the dragon or sme shit like that i mean, what she did quite literally was with me inside her flip her whole body so she is now all fours and im like... the fuck did i get...

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I didn't really like my Stepmother, but I did like using her panties and nighties to masturbate with. Susan, my Stepmother, was 35 and fairly attractive. She has dark brown curly hair, a 36c chest and a nice, plump ass.When I lived at home, I would routinely search my parent's bedroom for "contraband". I discovered my Stepmothers stash of porno flicks buried in her panty drawer. I would watch the movies when no one was home and masturbate, and since I had to dig through a pile of panties to get...

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Stephons first run in with Sora

I'm a young, attractive, slender, african american young man. I'm on my grind everyday. I like to drink, sleep, and fuck. I find that I can make any woman laugh until it is about that time to fuck. This is just one incident that proves this stament. Alright so I'm in one of my classes doing my regular, being a class clown, and funny as hell. all of a sudden the most amazing looking female walks through the doors of our lecture hall and im like... Fuck, its time to calm down because if i want to...

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"STEPCHILD" By: Jacki Pett My stepsisters, Amanda and Cathy, are sitting on the couch next to me in the doctor's waiting room. My stepmother is in talking with the doctor. Amanda and Cathy are both reading magazines. Janet, my other stepsister, felt bad she couldn't be there with me too. I feel kind of weird, sitting here, sort of spaced out. Mom gave me a Valium to take before we left the house. She said it was to help me relax. It's been a long time since I've felt...

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Stepmoms surprise Part 2

She told me to get on her bed and lie down, she stood at the bottom of the bed and got undressed. She leaned over and slowly started sucking my dick. It was my first blowjob, and gawd it felt good. I cried out im gonu cum, she stoped giving me head and said, not yet, and smiled. My dick was twiching, it was ready to explode. She grabbed my ankles and lifted my legs up in the air, before i knew it she was playing with my tight hole. I coyld feel her tounge going round and round it felt so good....

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Stepmoms surprise Part 1

I used to stay at my stepmoms house on saturday every two weeks to visit my stepbrother, but most of the i was there i'd be upstairs in my stepmoms room on her computer jackin off to porn, or goin through her panties even trying on her high heels, lol dont judge me, we all try on a pair of heels in our life. Anyway, this one saturday i was super horny, hadn't pleasured myself in 5 days. My stepbrother was asleep as it was late at night, my stepmom was downstairs watching TV ,and i was upstairs...

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stepmoms boyfriend inspired by a hamster pen pal

when i was in college, my step mother dogged my father in their divorce, she got everything, a cabin, 2 homes, a 40 acre ranch with 2 homes on it, everything... so she invites me over one night and has a new boyfriend living in "our house". he was not someone i would normally be attracted to, too pretty boy for me,, but i knew i could so i tempted him. we were all drinking, which was the 1st time she had treated me like an adult, offering me a drink. i've never been able to drink much without...

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Note: One-hundred stories, 100, wow! I can't believe this is my 100th effort here. I never checked the numbers over the years, I only wrote what I wanted and thankfully was allowed a place to post my work in a place that understands my particular twist in stories. Some don't like them, but most others posted grateful reviews. I've read that it's an unwritten law here that your 100th story has to be or is special. Well, I tried to write this one towards those ends. And now, after...

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Stepdaddys new boy

Stepdaddys new little boy. My name is Dave.  I love little boys. I love to be nice to them, spank them, suck them, fuck them and     teach them to please men.       I met Sandy at a restaurant  I ate at. She had been a server there for a short time. As time went by, we got to know each other and I asked her out for a date. She said YES.  She had been without a man for 6years. Raising her son Timmy on her own. Timmy just turned 12 and was a beautiful boy. He was short, thin, bubble butt, full...

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Stephenie helping

It was dark before Kyle's eyes slowly opened. The drone of the plane almost lulled him back to sleep. His eyes adjusting to the dim lights of the cabin, he peered around, attempting to make sense of his surroundings. The inside of the plane was pitch black except for the dim guide lights on the floor. Looking out the window, the night sky revealed nothing as Kyle attempted to pry past the dark. He could hear snoring coming from somewhere across the cabin, and he was suddenly aware of a head of...

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Stephenie McMahon fuck police officer

Stephanie is driving from Monday night Raw when she gets pull over by two policeman, Officer Barnes and Randal. "Hello. Say Steph you know that you was speeding", said Officer Randal. "Come on. You guys know who I am right", Stephanie asks. Both of the policeman look at each other and Officer Barnes says, "Yes you are Stephanie. Fucking slut; now if you show us your big fucking tits we will let you go." Steph face turns red. "Come Steph we wouldn't tell anyone about this. It’ll be our secret",...

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Stepsiblings Attend Wild Sex Party

Melissa Roberts (age 20) tells the story:About a week ago my younger eighteen year old brother Michael and I were sitting in the living room watching television. It was Friday evening and I normally had a date, but recently broke up with my boyfriend. Michael would also usually be out on a date with his girlfriend but she was out of town with parents visiting her grandmother.I was getting bored and decided to take a shower then play around on my computer. As I got up from the couch my brother...

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Stepsiblings Attend Wild Sex Party

Melissa Roberts (age 20) tells the story:About a week ago my younger eighteen year old brother Michael and I were sitting in the living room watching television. It was Friday evening and I normally had a date, but recently broke up with my boyfriend. Michael would also usually be out on a date with his girlfriend but she was out of town with parents visiting her grandmother.I was getting bored and decided to take a shower then play around on my computer. As I got up from the couch my brother...

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Stepmoms Special Day

Although she was not technically a mother, Mother's Day was still one of Jillian's favorite days. Her husband always made sure that he and his boys did something special for her to show their appreciation for everything she did for them. She loved the men in her life and was happy to have them all. She thought of her stepsons as her own and knew they saw her as their mom just as much as their real one. It was rocky going at first. Jillian met her husband when he was in the middle of a tricky...

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Stephanas Sugar Fix

Stephana Stevens was a very curvy chick with a huge sweet tooth. Though she eats healthily for a plus-size chick, Stephana had a penchant for anything and everything sweet. Every now and then, whether it's during her lunch break at work or after work, she would have a sweet craving. Sometimes she would go to the nearby bakery Sweet Sensations for some cookies or pastries, the cupcake shop called Cupcake Inc. for a cupcake fix, the Cold Sweet Treat ice cream parlor for an ice cream craving, or...

2 years ago
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Stepdaddys Guide to Spanking

'Once maiden starts to monthly bleed, Clear increase in her spanking need.' I do not recall the precise source of this charming couplet. Perhaps it is Marlowe's, or from Alexander Pope. Or perhaps I penned it myself in days gone by, inspired to its truth in the observation of a young niece's jutting bottom. Frankly, I don't recall (although I do vividly recollect eventually obeying the maxim to the max with the self-same niece!) An undisputed fact is that the Dr. Spock "bible" of...

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