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Choices, Choices…. Magdalia tossed and turned in her bunk in Shattrath City on the Aldor Rise. She would flip to one side, let out a sigh, just to turn over and open her eyes to check the amount of daylight visible. After fighting with herself, trying to sleep for over an hour, she laid on her back, frustrated, staring up at the ceiling. She looked around the darkened room of the inn and tried to map out her surroundings before she moved. She climbed slowly out of the bed, trying to not wake anyone. She was rogue, so she was able to move well in the darkness and shadow, but at this point, her exhaustion made it hard to use the slightest bit of stealth.

She wrapped her cloak around herself as she walked out of the inn and onto the rise. She walked quietly to the edge and sat down, staring over the city. Her hair was disheveled so she tried to straighten it with her hands as she looked down at the city below her and listened to sounds of the night and the fountains constantly trickling water around behind her. She pulled her hair back and tied it back so that her pale face was visible and the multiple points of moonlight reflected on it. Her expression was confused but saddened at the same time. Her eyes caught sight of her hands and the stains of blood and how rough they had become over the past months disgusted her.

She looked up and gazed at the sky – the sky she found so beautiful and so terrifying at the same time. She did not long to return home to the forest of Elwynn because the sky was always so difficult to gaze at there. As she studied the features of the sky of Shattrath, her eyes began to glisten with tears. Ever since the last Sunday she had been the same, felt the same, and not been able to sleep. She played it out in her head for the thousandth time:


She arrived at the Virtue Date Auction, very excited to be back in the guild and happy to see all her old friends again. She was also nervous of the possibility that she would find Lance there.

Lance, her husband, had written to her a little more than a week before, telling her that he felt they had drifted apart and it would be better to just ‘call it quits’. At least, that’s how the letter sounded to her. After receiving this letter, she was very distraught, not knowing how to respond. She decided not to write back because she was too angry with him to do so, and too desperate to see him again before they could ever say goodbye. She used her connections and found out that her husband was now a member of a guild that she had once been a member of: Virtue. She had followed the Shadowsong family there, but left when Najila (her good friend and financier) moved on to a place where she was more useful.

Sure enough, there he was, her husband. She glared for a moment but allowed her anger to cool. She ran off to the bank to grab something nicer to wear than her pants she had been wearing in battle. She quickly changed into her lovely black dress that fell just right over her curves. She gazed around the room and try to find someone who could tell her who all was going up for auction. The moment she was about to ask, someone else did. There were many fine members and officers of Virtue going up for auction, including Lance. Her mind raced with the possibilities. She could bid on him, and win the date with him and finally, she would have a chance to talk to him and he would have no choice but to join her.

Unable to handle the stress of the situation, she began to drink, as she usually did. She reached into her bag that hung at her side and eyed the amount of money she had and then pulled out her flask of grog and took a swig. As each contestant stepped onto the stage, she would listen to what they had to offer and she would bid what she could afford, still saving enough to hopefully win Lance. She drank in between each one and between each bid. She was completely and utterly drunk. She had not won anyone so far and Lance was up. The bids rose very quickly and she was singing the song she made up for grog when she cleared her throat before shouting out a bid just higher than the last bidder. Suddenly, the bids stopped. Her heart leaped, she was going to win. She heard the auctioneer say that she had won and she could barely contain herself (but she did). She smirked at Lance but said nothing. After the auction ended, he asked if she had the time for the date right then. She told him ‘Yes,’ and they both traveled to Shattrath City.

She kept the conversation between them very ‘professional.’ She had won him for three hours and he came with the prize of twenty healing potions to use in battle. The potions were just a bonus, it felt so good to be beside him once more. It was just he and she and it felt so right. He helped her with some things she needed to complete and then he asked, ‘Well, what would you like to do for the next hour and a half?’

At this point, they were at the inn in Telaar and she only thought for a second and then found the nearest spot to sit down. ‘I want to sit and talk.’ Shock and other hidden emotions swept across his face. He was not interested in talking inside the inn, for what reason, she didn’t know. They found a place atop a hill just outside the inn and talked for a long while.

The exact words between them escape her, but they were angry at some points, sad the next, and then angry again. The conversation ended as he mounted his gryphon and shouted back something like, ‘Take the time to think about it, if you love me or not, and when you decide, let me know.’


She hated the thought that she now had to decide if she loved her husband or not. Truth-be-told, she did not know. When Lance reached the Outlands, the communication between them shortened to the point that they were only writing letters. The time that each of them had did not add up to meeting face to face, and if they did, it was awkward and rushed. She did not know if she loved him, because she felt like she did not know him anymore. She had grown up so much since she reached the Outlands and she looked at him differently because she was different. She’d had so many more experiences, though it did not seem to mature her at all.

Her eyes filled with tears as she gazed upwards and remembered all her fond memories with Lance. She thought back on the first time they met, the first promises they made to each other, the fun that they had, and the vows they made on their wedding day. It all seemed like a dream at this point. Something that happened so long ago was now just a hazy thought in the back of her mind. She whispered to herself in the night, ‘If I really loved him, I would not be crying over the memories like I would never have them again, I would be giggling about all the future possibilities.’

She grunted at herself and blinked hard to get the tears out of her eyes. ‘How could he think that giving up was the only way to deal with this problem? How could he…after all we’ve been through? Wait…is it the memories I miss, or is it him? I cannot understand my own thoughts and feelings. What is love, anyway? I was so happy to see him, and even when I was fighting with him, I wanted nothing more than to touch him.’ She sighs, remembering her tone happier, ‘Oh that kiss I stole, and I think that changed everything inside me. He gave in, it was only for a moment, but he gave into it. He liked it as much as I, if not more.’

She bit her lip as her mind raced through these possibilities. She wiped the tears from her face with her rough hands and flinched a little as they scratched her skin. She shook her head and adjusted so that her cloak was more tightly wrapped around her. She looked over both shoulders to reassure herself that she was completely alone as she talked to herself.

‘He said that he still loved me, and he wanted me, but only if he was the only one I loved and devoted myself to. Wasn’t that what our vows were all about? I mean, I don’t blame him…I know that there is no way for h
im to know or tell that I still love him or even care for him with the way I’ve been treating him and the lack of contact I have made. I hate my need for defending myself! He was becoming distant, so I pulled all the way back, and now I don’t know where to go from here…’

She started tapping one fist on her forehead as she muttered, calling herself names. She felt ridiculous that she even had to think about it. She had made her vows, she had put the effort into it. She just had to return to that. She had to remember what it was like to be with him, to kiss him, to hold him, and know that being in his arms was the safest place in the world. Her arrogance had gotten in the way of her love for her husband. How could she have been so blind?

She kicked back her heels, hitting the side of the wall that stood so tall in this city. She finally allowed a smile to creep onto her face as she saw the slightest light coming from the horizon as daylight was on its way. She adjusted herself and let go of her cloak to stand up. She shivered and quickly replaced the cloak as she turned back towards the inn. Her smile grew as she approached the mailbox and pulled a piece of paper from her bag to write a letter to him. She told him when she was available next and asked for his response. She slipped it into the mailbox quickly and bit her lip to keep from giggling with joy as she headed back to bed to finally be able to rest in peace.

As he flew away from her, he clenched his fists around the reins of his gryphon. He felt infuriated by his circumstances, by his mixed feelings of bitterness and affection. It left a bad taste in his mouth, like sagefish stirred in with underspore pod. He knew how he felt. He had always known how he felt for her. He remembered when they’d met, and the many things they had done and accomplished. The memory of when he’d started out in Westfall felt closer in time than it truly was. He remembered when it was she that was assisting him, helping him fend off the Defias mercenaries. But now, he felt an affectionate responsibility to her, an obligation, both as a Paladin of Light, and as a citizen of the Alliance, to protect her. Granted…his feelings of attraction and love had influenced his potentially overzealous desire to keep her free of harm and trapped tight in the grasp of safety.

As he traveled over Halaa, he remembered the last time he’d spent time with her. He hadn’t been able to see her for so long, and as he reminisced about fighting for the Timbermaw Hold, for their allegiance and favor, he had felt his heart soar with the possibility of reliving those memories, but this time, he would be with the one he loved. But soon after arriving, he recalled, Najila’s husband had shown up. It wasn’t that he held a dislike for him, for the night elves, or even for druids. He had just wanted to spend time with Magdalia and…be close to her, be alone with her. Was it so much to ask for one night, for an hour, alone with his wife? But apparently, it was, because instead of helping Magdalia eliminate the Winterfall tribe members, he found himself competing for slaughter against Najila’s husband. It was a serious blow to his ego that Magdalia felt that he would be unable to fend off the tribe members and help her eliminate them without the power of Elune or nature, or the power of a druid. He knew that many of Tragenn’s abilities and skills made him a better asset to Magdalia’s goals in Winterspring, but that didn’t make the pill any easier to swallow.

He remembered how his bitterness and resent had grown like an open, infected wound, eating at him from within. He had wanted to be alone with her, helping her, not competing for slaughter, and oddly enough…for his wife’s attention. The grudge he held against druids was trivial and ulterior at best. Over the course of his life, he had been swindled and conned by druids of both the Alliance…and of the Horde. For a long time he had stubbornly held the belief, that any druid of any race was not to be trusted, with a thorium fist. He didn’t have such a short-sighted perspective or belief now, but that bitterness, the bitterness of being outdone, of being unable to measure up, felt inflamed and exacerbated that night. It had happened before. There were times, that he only vaguely recalled, when the night elves had been better at protecting and assisting her than he knew he could ever hope to be. With Magdalia drifting away from him, and his heart filled with bitterness, he had written her that night. He’d stopped, on his flight back to the spawning glen, to write her. He didn’t feel any longer that her heart belonged to him, and only to him, that her affections were his and his alone. He had finally overcome the denial and embraced the realization that Magdalia’s affection and love for the night elves was not something he could overcome. He did not want to only be a part of her life, and he did not want her to be merely a fraction of his own.

She had been his everything. Virtually nothing had come before her. His priorities had always been blinded by his affection for her, and he remember that he had even left others in the lairs of true evil, in dungeons, if only to just be with her for a moment. Now, so much later, his perspectives had shifted. He felt an obligation to the Aldor, to the Naaru, and to the expedition and the Sha’tar. He did not want a fraction or a part. He wanted it all. If he was going to be in her life and see her and be around her, he knew he would not be able to bear it if her love for him, her affections, seemed to waiver and vacillate. It was not a gray issue for him. Love, had never been gray. It was black or white. Either she loved him, as she had so long ago, or her feelings of love and affection had been worn away or taken, be it by time, by distance…perhaps the very Light itself had felt apt to catalyze this change of heart, for whatever reason it saw fit. He did not know. What he did know, was he would not sacrifice his happiness and his new priorities for a woman who would not be willing to do the same for him. For a woman…who no longer loved him. He would not wait around for her to figure out if she loved him or if she loved…someone else. He wouldn’t stand by and watch her gaze fall on another individual and desperately petition for her attention and love as he watched her slip farther and farther away. He’d given her a task. ‘Make a decision: do you love me? or not…’

As his gryphon touched down in the spawning glen, he felt a new feeling of motivation. The giants in the glen were an enemy to Sporregar. He felt no remorse in unleashing his bitterness, his frustration, his hate, his enmity, on the beasts and creature of the glen. As he cut through, collecting herbs and more worthless objects, he felt his powers imbued by embracing the feelings he now felt overcome with. He would wait for her word, for her decision. But it would be a long time before he would be able to leave the glen and make it to a mailbox and receive her response…

Another day during Brewfest, Magdalia sits at the bar, listening and watching the festivities. She has lost count of how many times she heard the nearby drunk dwarfs yell, ‘Here’s looking at me bum!’ She smirks to herself after hearing it again and goes back to her souvenir stein in front of her. She looks down into the liquid seeing a small reflection of herself, and her smirk fades. She inhales the aroma of the brew and then puts the stein to her lips and finishes drinking what was left. As she passes the stein back to the bartender to be refilled, she slumps in her chair rather saddened, wishing Lance were there.

Her speech is slurred due to the fact she has had way too much drink for it to only be about noon. She doesn’t talk out loud, but she definitely hears her own words ringing in her head as she passes over her thoughts.

‘I still can’t believe that it’s fixed. I couldn’t be happier. Finally, Lance and I are back together, as it should be, and there is no more doubt between us. True, he does make a point of saying that
my actions will speak louder than my words, but I know I can prove how much I really do love him with my every waking moment. I just want so badly to be near him. Even though everything is fixed between us, I still never see him. I don’t want us to drift again, so I am clinging to him. I wonder if he’s been annoyed by how many letters I have stuffed in the mailbox for him. I miss him so much…’

She looks around as her stein is handed back to her, sloshing on the bar. She peers over the crowd of people, hoping to see a familiar face, but there isn’t one. She takes sips of her brew as she continues going over her thoughts.

‘How wonderful it is to be married…to know that he will always be there for me. I mean, not every rogue has their own warrior of the Light looking out for them. I know that if I ever got in any trouble at all, Lance would be there to make sure I was safe. Oh…I had almost forgotten the time that the Bloodsail Buccaneers found me and stripped me of all possessions. How embarrassing…having to find some linen cloth to cover myself until I could get to Stormwind. Lance found me hiding in a bush with nothing but some cloth draped over me. He was so wonderful and comforting…brought me food, water, and potions to get my spirit up. He even bought some clothes for me to wear until I could get all my stuff back. I think it was even he who helped me get back on that ship, kill their captain, and go through to cargo to find my possessions.’

She was gulping the brew down by now and losing her balance on the chair she was sitting on. She finished the stein and made sure it was empty before finding a place for it in her bags. While looking through the bags, she came across her various notes on some paper she had made about her tasks she had been given. ‘So many things to do in Terrokar forest and I don’t think I’m strong enough to handle all of them on my own.’ She sorted them out on the table between which ones she could handle and which ones she could not. The pile of achievable tasks was far smaller. She bit her lip and hiccuped at the same time. After sitting there blinking for a moment, waiting for the stars to fade from her eyes, she stared back at the blurry pages.

‘If only Lance and I could have time to go through these…’

Lance frowned as the dark, stormy expanse of Netherstorm loomed before him. He groaned inwardly. He hadn’t come back to this place until now, and for good reason. While it was the only place to find Netherbloom, other than the auction house, he generally didn’t have much need for it. As long as he had mana to spare, he could call on the power of the Light to save his life and regenerate his health. He didn’t need life-giving, healing potions. But, he had promised Mags a full stack of such healing potions, and he had never been one to go back on his word. Because of the vicious landscapes, he glided low over the cracked, dead land beneath him to expedite his search for each bloom, one after another.

Oh how he missed Mags. He wished that he could have been with her. He felt his feelings renewed, his desire for her presence like the most pleasant disease, like falling back into relapse. Even his desire to enter Karazhan, and earn favor with the factions of outland, were pushed to the back of his mind, seconded with his narrowed foresight. He wanted to return to Terrokar and the Zangarmarsh and help her grow stronger. He knew that his ability to assist her progression was limited, the same way he knew helping a creature hatch from its egg, only deprived it of the strength it gained through overcoming the experience unaided. He wanted so desperately to help her, but the strength he had found in reaching his peak now seemed to prevent him from having the one thing, the only thing, that he found himself wanting.

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While we waited we gave commands for Heidi to suck each of us off and she did one hell of a job at it, too. Apparently it wasn't the first blowjobs she'd ever given cause she got Dr. Hawthorne to shoot his load in record time. Or it might have been due to what he'd just witnessed. Who actually knew? When it came to my turn I had Heidi get on her knees and suck on my balls while I got Samantha to suck my cock like she'd already done back at ther house. I'll tell you this, for an old...

1 year ago
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As I Was Walking in the ParkChapter 1

Last evening as it was going dark And I was walking in the park I saw a boy along the way Alas, he wasn't there today It was the third week of July when I first saw him. On a Thursday. At nearly eight-thirty to be more exact. I had been walking in the county park located about a mile or so from our new home and I was just starting back when I heard a slight sound behind me. I turned and saw a boy about my age rapidly approaching on a bike. Not anyone I knew, of course, but there was...

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Honor Thy Mother Thy Father Ch 06

Note: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember, this is a NOVEL! * 18. Winners and Losers and Winners ‘He is losing too much blood, we have got to get him to the hospital.’ ‘Bull shit, William, your primary job is to get Stephano, the girls and yourself out of here, and...

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Mom catching son masturbaiting

Mom Catches Son Jerking OffMom catches her son masturbating while watching her shower and she confronts him in an unusual way.Each day when Mom comes home from work, she almost immediately goes and takes a shower before she fixes dinner. Just a short while ago, I found out that I can stand in a certain place in the master bedroom and watch her reflection in a couple of mirrors as she undresses and prepares to shower. I just love seeing her big beautiful naked tits and her lovely firm ass. Then,...

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Aimees Makeovers 7

Aimee's Makeovers Part Seven By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Tony walked out with a long beige overcoat over his outfit and stepped into the car as Melissa greeted him. "So how was the lesson, sweetie?" Melissa asked him. "Why did I need a dance lesson?" Tony answered. "Did Aimee know about that?" "No, I thought we'd surprise her. It was my idea," said Melissa. "She'll be pleasantly surprised though, I bet." "So what am I supposed to do?" whined Tony. "Dance for her?...

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The Notorious Four Chapter 1

Chapter 1 March, 1861 Somewhere in Northern Texas “Mmm, Pete, is that a gun in your holster, or are you just happy to see me?” “Abigail, you know I’m always happy to see you.” Abigail fell back onto the bed, her arms and legs spread out. Her short, curly brown hair partially covering her face, her green eyes staring back at Pete. A tight blue blouse tucked into her long brown dress covering large tits. Climbing on top of her, Pete ran his hand up the side of her slender body....

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some fun

INTRODUCTION. THE BEGINNING Bill, one of the area's best electrical engineers, was rapidlyapproaching his breaking point. For over six years he had givenhis company all he had to give, only to find that they had no realappreciation for his dedication. At the close of a long MemorialDay weekend, Bill decided to use his accumulated vacation time andtake off of work until September. A few weeks later, Bill went out with Frank, his longtimebuddy. Frank owned a successful landscaping and maintenance...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Maya Kendrick Aria Carson Seeing Red Nerdy Slumber Party Makeover

Aria Carson and Maya Kendrick are having a slumber party, remembering all the good times they had during other slumber parties in the past. It’s been too long since they’ve hung out and there’s a lot of catching up to do — like gossiping about dating! But as they catch up, it’s revealed that Maya hasn’t been dating because she’s shy about her looks, so that’s when Aria offers to give her a makeover in her parents’ in-home beauty salon....

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Sex Slave The Dance Part Two

Upon arriving at my destination, I think of how quickly the last few days have gone by. It is Saturday evening and I’m about to go to a dance to find clients. The idea makes me giggle, wanting to get the show on the road. Pulling up to the curb, I once again, see the same young man from the last time. I step out of my car, smiling at him. When I hand him my keys, I, for the first time, notice that his name is Drew. “Nice to see you again, Drew,” I grin at him.

3 years ago
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Like Smoke in the Wind

Like Smoke in the Wind By Cheryl Lynn Trying something a bit different with this story delving more into the heroine's mental state. All standard disclaimers apply and may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use strictly forbidden unless author's approval obtained. Comments and suggestions for the plot are welcome at [email protected]. "Like Smoke in the Wind" by A.A. Davis. I sat back from my computer and contemplated for a moment. "Yes, an apt title for my...

4 years ago
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Me And Lecturer In Kerala

Hi to all the wonderful,hot and sexy ladies out there. Coming to my introduction.Myself Gagan Gowda,22 years of age,doing my undergrad from a reputed college in Bengaluru. I live in an apartment in central part of Bengaluru. Both my parents are working,so I enjoy my time when I am alone in various ways (you know what I mean). Well, I am well built. I hit the gym regularly. I am a fitness freak. I have a medium sized dick, enough to satisfy many of the ladies out there. I want to enjoy my life...

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Weekend With Kate Ch 03

Part Three: Sunday Morning Nick was just barely awake. From his position on the king-sized bed, he could see the bold blue of the sky through the open bedroom window. The sun was shining and there was the smell of springtime in the air. He turned and rolled out of bed onto his feet. Reaching to the hook on the bedroom door, he grabbed a lightweight robe and made his way to the en suite. After completing his morning ablutions and running a brush through his tangled mess of greying hair, he...

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Lauras Awakening Chapter 7

As I lied in bed I could hear my parents fucking.My fingers slid between my legs and imagined I was with them. If my younger sisters weren’t home I would have joined them. At this moment I hated my sisters. I also began to resent my mother. She was my best friend, but I hated the fact that she could have daddy anytime she wanted and I couldn’t.As I rubbed my pussy I fantasized that my sisters and her were gone forever and I had daddy all to myself. After I came I felt guilty at having such...

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Sacrifices Ultimate love and ultimate evil 2000 years ago. The Sun God was awake again. The top of His head was just visible over thehorizon at the far side of the bay and the first rays of His life-giving radiancemade the four poles on either side of the dying embers of last night's firecast long shadows towards Arn. A soft moan made him turn his head. Gro hungslumped in her bonds, apparently unconscious. Her hands, tied so high up thepole that she was forced on tiptoe, were blue and swollen...

1 year ago
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6th Day Violation

6th Day Violation (Based off the movie 6th Day) Andrea Gibson was a veteran pilot at Extreme Express, a company that would fly clients to high peaks for the purposes of hiking, climbing, skiing, etc. Andrea had always had a fascination with flying but due to her controversial history decided not to enlist in the US Air Force. Instead, she became an expert in the new helicopter jets. Extreme Express had two helicopter jets in stock, each of them having helicopter blades and...

4 years ago
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Helen 8211 Office Forced Fuck

Myself RAJ and working in a good company on a good post. My friends always enjoyed my presence among them because of my light and jovial character. I am always a helping hand to others and I am always good to others. Five years back our office set up a new department and we six people had joined the team with each of them having certain responsibilities. Helen too had a particular job to do in the office. She has a average face with a nice and good personality with a adorable body….. especially...

2 years ago
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Shit Sex and Family Love

"No arguments anymore. My decision is final" There was finality in Mom's voice that sealed my brother's fate. He made a sad face and began flipping through the pages of latest edition of "Incest Today", the most read magazine at our household. We were probably the only subscribers in India of this world class, limited edition magazine that was read by select few, stinking rich and pervert across the world. I felt bad about Bhaiya. He was just two years elder to me and we always shared...

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Unexpected visitor

There was a knock at the door. Two people standing there, a man and woman. I stared at them not really taking in what they were trying to sell me, but at the fact that the female sales person had quite a nice rack on her. She carried on taking to me when I realised the man standing next to her had clocked me checking her out. He smiled so I nervously smiled back, and invited them in to carry on selling. They sat side by side on the sofa as I sat on the other sofa which sits facing it. I looked...

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Conditional Branches Showcase examples

This story introduces some examples, what you can do with Conditional Branches. To understand the examples, you should be familiar with Conditional Branches and Conditional Branches - If-Statements. There is this story to show live examples and another one to show the Chapter settings and the Chapter source code. You can use the examples or parts of it for your own stories or chapters. If you like an example, please like chapters of that branch to thank the author for his work. If you want to...

2 years ago
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Me And Sam

Me and Sam by Darla Raspberry Just throw the damned ball" Sam shouted... I stood on the pitcher's mound and stared at the target. The field was built to big league specifications and the pitcher's mound was exactly 60'6" away from home plate. I went into my wind up and released what I thought was a powerful pitch. Where is the radar gun when you need one? Sam laughed as she caught the ball, it made a soft "plop" in...

3 years ago
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An Intruder Watches

Heather was a younger version of her 45 year old mother. She was 5’-10” tall, with straight brown hair and a model’s physique. She didn’t starve herself, but you could bounce a quarter off her taut stomach and perfectly shaped ass. Heather did some modeling too but was also a very focused student. She had just graduated top in her class with a degree in psychology and was going to continue to pursue a doctorate degree and become a licensed psychologist. Heather wanted to help people, but...

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Strangers on a Steampunk Train Ch 03

No sex between our primary lovers in this chapter, but there is some sexy…I’ll keep a secret. It’s still sexy ,) Enjoy ***** Chapter 3: Demons in the Bed I opened my eyes to find a solid white ceiling staring back at me. No graffiti. No blood or mysterious holes. A solid white ceiling. It was warm. I was in a small bed, with standard-issue red sheets. Soft. It was familiar, even the air seemed familiar. I breathed in and turned my head. I certainly wasn’t in my hovel of an apartment, and I...

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Culture Shock from the Future

"beep beep beep" the noise was constant in Zoë's ears. But where was it coming from? Where was she? She was barely conscious. She couldn't see much, or move much. She remembered the skiing trip in the Alps. Quite the dangerous trip. Her mother had warned her not to go, and she was thinking she should have heeded the advice when she was buried under an avalanche. Question is, was she dead? Was this the afterlife? She heard some strange voices, she couldn't understand what they were saying. They...

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Lilys awakening Part 5

“Are you here baby?” “Yeah, I’m in the stall with Buck!” She approached but I couldn’t see them. They were in the stall right around the corner and if I left mine, I would be discovered. I had to wait it out. “I thought Lily was with you. Didn’t you guys go horse back?” “We did, but it didn’t go so well. Poor thing fell of Angel and hurt her pussy.” “Really, how did that happen?” “The saddle is too big for her. Guess it must have stretched that tender little pussy of hers....

1 year ago
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A Cad Falls to Grace Ch 01

I guess I should start this narrative out by giving a little background information. Matthew Pearson is my name. I’m 43 years of age. I am a veteran of two wars, or conflicts I guess you could call them. Saw combat in the first, when I was just a tad over 18. Killed a few men, saved a few fellow Marines, saved a few civilians. Hero stuff I suppose. I don’t talk about it much anymore, but I am not ashamed of it. I graduated high school a year and a half early. Yes, I am a very smart guy. I used...

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Marrying Carol 6

After our afternoon adventure with Peter and our nap we got up and got ready for the welcoming dinner. I asked Carol, "Did you have a fun afternoon?"She smile at me and said, "Ummmm, I did.  I'm looking forward to having more fun."We dressed in what I would call resort casual.  Carol wore a sheer white caftan, a flower in her hair and went barefoot.  I wore a pair of khaki shorts and a hawaiian shirt.  When the light hit Carol's caftan you could see that she was naked underneath.  Dinner...

Wife Lovers
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The Lake 2

The Lake Part 2 The relaxation part was well deserved after all we, the three of us, Pat her husband Paul and myself had just fucked and sucked our way through a very busy day. I was wondering how Paul would take it after all I was under the assumption that this was his first guy on guy experience or at least the first he would admit too. So I was unsure how he was going to behave. I guess I should not have worried so much because he felt totally relaxed with it. As a matter of fact, he had...

2 years ago
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Listen Very Carefully You Might Become Pregnant

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. Mary and James Wilson, both 26 years old, have been happily married for three years. They met while attending the state university and married after graduation. James was able to obtain his employment immediately as a financial advisor, but Mary had to search for employment as a graphic designer. James was fascinated with the graphics...

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A fucking in Johns office

Life goes back to normal, after all the sex sessions: John informs me that he's got a lot of big business meetings on the schedule and I have got to get back to the store for the spring remodel.After slipping on a snug grey pencil skirt, a tight pink sweater and my black heels, I head down to the garage to get my car. I see something on my windshield. It's a note from John telling me how much he loves me and that he has never had a woman who loves to have sex the way I do. He also asks that...

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School girlfriend

before we begin pls note the I'm trying to write the chapters as short as I can, so you and I can read or write it quicker, and the I'm publicing 2 or 3 chapters at the same time and somtime in the future i will link up every book but idk when thet will happen Its bin a year sinds i went to highschool, and here I'm at University in my new room. I still haven't seen my new roommate, but I hope he or she will be nice. In the time I have bin waiting for my new roommate to arrive, I have bin...

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The SparkChapter 41

Fear among your enemies is always a good thing though too little fear would make most people fight harder or do stupid reckless things. Too much fear would simply paralyze people making it harder for me to kill selected targets thereby necessitating me using my blanket of death, knowing that a target was there but could not target them specifically. My handlers were not totally pleased as I was still killing women and children, but as they were still providing targets for me I figured they...

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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 5

Summertime, 1996 'Of course, no one really knows why he chose to base his main character on Vlad the Impaler' – from a treatise on Successful Authors of the 19th Century, section on Bram Stoker His army was destroyed and his war-horse had foundered at the base of the hill. His breath ragged in his chest, he ran desperately up more than a thousand steps, ignoring the macabre remains of the dead soldiers and prisoners staked out along the path leading to the high castle. His chosen few...

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celebrity fuckfest

our main character (john) moves from a some small town to L.A to make something of himself.he had no family or any relatives basically he was a nobody but little did he know it was all about to change.he rented a tiny apartment with just a bedroom,kitchen and a bath.now it was time to put some furniture and a little bit of other necessary things.he went out for some shopping. he just had this sudden urge to into the pawn shop.he went in and was looking around when he came by what look liked an...

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Grass Stains

Copyright© 2004 My young wife's first excursion outside the limits of our marriage happened with my full knowledge and encouragement. It was wild, it was exciting. We were scared to death but too hot to care. The risk to a young career naval officer and his darling wife was immense. If we were discovered in our irresistably immoral private adventures we would be ruined. The danger was part of the thrill. It was the mid 70's and we had been toying with the "wife swapping" idea for a...

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Naked Cuddles

My best friend slept over at my place again last night. This morning, we move around each other easily as we shower and get ready for the day. I get breakfast ready in the kitchen wearing only a fuzzy bathrobe, untied and loosely draped around me.My best friend wanders in and declares that he wants a hug. Demanding hugs is kind of out of character for him, so I turn around to ask him why. That’s when I realize that he is naked.I laugh. “Too bad! You don’t get one.”“Why not?” he protests,...

Straight Sex

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