Bouncer free porn video

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Alan was an ex-marine. He was big, brawny, and immensely tough. During his marine days he had acquired his nickname, Force. At the age of twenty-nine he was working as a bouncer at a nightclub. The reason for his change of profession was; that eighteen months before after he had been a little too close to an exploding bomb, and spent a month in hospital. He was severely scarred, but fortunately there wasn’t any permanent damage… well… almost. Problem was, that his mobility had become somewhat compromised. He walked unaffectedly, but would never again be able to run normally, and a light jog was all he was capable of.

As a result of this encumbrance, he had received an honourable discharge. He had loved being in the marines, a lifestyle perfected suited to him, but… what was, was, as they say. Having grown up with two older brothers and a harsh father, Force was the kind of guy you simply didn’t mess with. The bouncer job was therefore right up his street, and everyone who got on his wrong side at the club, only ever did so once.

The lump sum he had received from the state, his monthly pension, and a reasonable salary at the club placed him in a fairly healthy financial position. With his pay-out, Force bought a modest home and a mother-fucker truck, before carefully investing the rest of his money. The hours he worked at the nightclub afforded him loads of free time and an easy existence. The club was closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, and from Wednesdays till Sunday he was on duty from six p.m., till four a.m. Mostly, on Wednesdays and Sundays he was home by two a.m., but Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings the club pumped, and he only got home at four-thirty in the morning.

Three days a week Force manically exercised at a gym as his marines days had taught him, to stay in shape. He also hated cooking and always went to a local diner for lunch. At night, there was always food at the club, and so his evening meals were taken care of.

Force had a very healthy libido and loved fucking. There was always some or other stray at the club, which he could take home after work. He had a special arrangement with a taxi company so that the cum-dump could be disposed of, after he had nailed her. The women he fucked held no appeal to him, because he was always looking for; ‘the right one.’ Force had once been in love prior to his accident, but after his discharge she had broken off with him.

When a new girl started working at the diner he frequented at lunchtime, Force instinctively felt that this woman could become the lady he had been waiting for. Cindy was a petite redhead with the most beautiful blue eyes you would ever see. She had hated school and had decided to leave at the end of her penultimate year. Her home life had also inspired her decision because she did not like her mother’s new boyfriend, who had started becoming a little too friendly with her. At the age of seventeen she moved in with a friend, and commenced her job at the diner.

Although the pay wasn’t great, with her looks the tips were outstanding. The diner was a breakfast and lunchtime eatery, and her hours were from six till four p.m., daily. After every six continuous days of work, she got two days off. Cindy liked the idea of this rotational setup, because her ‘weekends’ constantly changed. During her first week at the diner she came to realise that most of the clientele were blue-collar men. Cindy quickly had to learn to deal with the odd proposition, or lewd suggestion, but took it in her stride. Her best tipper was a very tough looking guy called Force, a very appropriate name for him she thought.

Force had a very solid body, stood over six feet tall, and had the large scarred hands of a fighter. Force’s hair was short, and although he had no facial hair, he had a permanent five o’clock shadow. Force had a large square jaw, and scars of the one side of his face. Although handsome in a brutish way, he scared her. Her estimation of Force, however, went up at the end of her first week, when a customer got a little touchy-feely with her. In an instant Force stood before the guy inviting the man to join him outside. The man instantly shrank back into his chair, and after profusely apologising totally yielded to the ominous look on Force’s face.

Day by day, Force became chattier with Cindy. He knew he had to win her confidence, before he made his move. His opportunity final arrived two Sundays later, when Cindy mentioned that she was looking forward to her two day break on Monday and Tuesday. With their days-off corresponding, Force decided to play his hand. After explaining his work situation, he asked Cindy if she would like to have dinner with him the following evening. Sensing her apprehension, he added, “No strings attached.” She agreed apprehensively, and gave him her number.

During his entire shift that Sunday evening, Force couldn’t get Cindy out of his mind. After arriving home at two a.m., he lay on his bed and began to play with ‘The Enforcer.’ During his marine days, not only had Force got a nickname, but his dick had also been labelled. When the guys he served with observed the incredible size of his knob, one smart-arse referred to Force’s very large cock as, ‘The Enforcer.’ The joke perpetuated, and soon even Force began using this appellation.

Stroking The Enforcer, he mulled over Cindy’s lithe body. Unlike most guys he hated huge tits, and knew that the breasts he had observed in her uniform would be perky. Force imagined her plump pink nipples, and how he would suck and nibble on them. He fantasised about her tight pussy, and how The Enforcer would be clamped by her cunt. Looking at his knob he wondered how the huge beast would fit into her small portal. As he wanked he became overexcited, dreaming about her small body under him. After shooting a dam of cum on his chest Force chastised himself, “Oh fuck… I forgot my fucking hand towel,” he groaned out aloud.

Carefully getting off his bed and trying his best not to spill jizz on the floor, he moved to the bathroom to wash his hairy chest. Once dry, he returned to the bedroom. Turning onto his stomach he attempted to drift off to sleep. Unfortunately, The Enforcer had a mind of its own. Again thinking of Cindy, his knob began to inflate once more. After ten minutes of conflict, Force again lay on his back and gave in to The Enforcer’s demands. Visualization their lovemaking sequence, Force again took The Enforcer in hand.

He wanted to be free from the baseless fucking that had become the basis of his sexual existence. He was aching to make love to a woman, rather than simply fucking her. Force craved the heavenly feeling of being united in bliss, as opposed to the mindless gratification of his pickups at the club. He could sense her small lips encased by his mouth, and how she would whimper with delight. When he shot his second load, he again grumbled aloud “Oh shit, I forgot the fucking hand towel again!” Returning to his room, after another visit to the bathroom The Enforcer had thankfully decided to relax for the night.

The following day Cindy got up at nine o’clock in the morning. She made a light breakfast after which, she watched a bit of television. At around twelve p.m. she got into a relaxing bath. As she lay in the bath soaking up the comfortable warmth, she thought about Force. Although he frightened her, there was something sexy about him.

Cindy had only had two previous sexual partners, both of whom were substandard. The jock she gifted her virginity to, was a complete failure, and had ejaculated after three minutes. She was left feeling unsatisfied and cheated. She never had sex with him again, despite numerous requests from the idiot. Number two was only slightly better, and occasionally made it to six minutes. Although they had sex a few more times, she eventually ended up spurning his further advances.

A friend of hers had told her that older guys were the real deal. Her friend had a forty-year old lover, who could go on for thirty to forty minutes, satisfying her friend completely. Gently rubbing herself she wondered if Force would be in that league. An hour later, after occasionally adding hot water, she writhed as she finally orgasmed. Force’s physique was intimidating, and with an air of anticipation, and concern, she spent the afternoon wondering what lay ahead for her that evening.

At seven-thirty Force arrived, and shortly they were seated at a delightful Italian restaurant, which he particularly liked. Cindy was introduced to Melanzane al Forno as a starter, and Gnocchi Pomodoro as a main course, two dishes that would thereafter always remain favourites of hers. Force didn’t say much, and she did most of the talking, telling him all about her life thus far. He just sat and looked at her as she spoke, totally transfixed. When they arrived back at her apartment he insisted on seeing her to the door. Before leaving, he lifted her right hand and gave it a soft kiss.

Force was overwhelmed by his self-control as he lay in bed that evening. The Enforcer once more demanded attention, and thankfully he had remembered the hand towel, avoiding the double feature from the night before.

The following afternoon Cindy repeated her previous day’s bathing routine. At around one p.m. her phone rang. She smiled as she saw Force’s name appear, immediately thanking him for the previous evening. “Good,” he replied, “then you won’t mind going out to dinner again tonight?”

“Are you sure?” she asked surprised.

“Absolutely,” he answered emphatically.

After a brief hesitation she said, “Sure… that will be very nice.”

“Then I’ll pick you up at the same time,” he concluded.

Cindy was surprised when she again received a call from Force several minutes later. “Listen… I hope that are not offended by what I’m about to suggest… But if you would like to spend the night at my place, bring a bag with your stuff, and I will drop you at work early tomorrow.”

After a brief silence Force continued, “If you decide against it, then the absence of the bag will signify your decision, and nothing further will be said… and of course, no offence taken.”

After the call Cindy’s mind went into a spin. Following an afternoon of mental turmoil, she finally packed her overnight bag. When Force collected her, he was rather disappointed when she opened her door without a bag in sight. Before leaving, however, when she retrieved a bag she had packed from her bedroom his heart leapt with joy. They had a Greek dinner that evening, and the meze starter and Kleftiko main course, met with her approval. During dinner, she also asked if she could call him Alan, if he didn’t mind. He did not.

When they arrived at Alan’s place Cindy was given a brief tour, before they entered his bedroom. Alan fleetingly thought about offering her a drink, but decided against it. He had waited too long and was yearning to make love to her. As their eyes locked he leaned over and kissed her lips gently. Moving slightly apart, Alan’s fingers began to unbutton Cindy’s dress. He then pushed the fabric off her shoulders, and let it fall to the floor. Enfolding her body and kissing her again, Alan’s hands undid her bra buckle before removing the garment. As he stood back to observe her breasts, his heart began to beat faster.

Cindy’s tits were even more beautiful than he had anticipated. Her petite pink nipples looked like tasty jelly sweets. He gently began to massage her tits with his huge fingers. As her head tilted back her quivering lips opened, uttering sighs of pleasure. Alan intuitively knew that this was the woman he would make his own. If he had his way he would have thrown her down there and then, and fucked her.

‘Foreplay… foreplay,’ his mind remedied him. The Enforcer was going crazy in his underpants, fighting for liberation from the fabric enslaving it. As Alan began to feel The Enforcer salivate, he knew a damp patch would soon start forming in front of his trousers. Alan removed his shirt as their mouths again locked in a sensual tussle. After his shirt was thrown to the floor Alan’s arms embraced her small body. Cindy smelt like lavender, and her small cherubic mouth tasted like mint. Alan’s square jaw rasped against her delicate skin, and that, combined with his powerful masculine odour made her body tingle.

When their faces moved apart Alan lifter her, and placed her body in the middle of the bed. He the slid her panties off before removing his shoes, socks, and letting his trousers drop to the floor. Cindy could clearly see all the severe scars on the side of his body, caused by shrapnel from the explosive device that had caused his injuries. He looked like a battle scarred warrior, about to claim the spoils of war.

Moving onto the bed Alan encased her body beneath him, as he hovered above her on his elbows and knees. As he began kissing her, Cindy could feel his hardness though the fabric of his boxers. His cock felt very large, and she was also aware of the moistness from his underwear. Slowly, Alan began moving down her body. When he began to lick her first nipple she sighed. Alan loved the sounds that a woman made it bed. Many women grunted exploding with obscenities, something that he found off-putting and unladylike.

Gazing up at Cindy’s face, however, pleased him enormously, as he watched her mouth quiver with excitement. Her aroused nipples tasted as good as they looked, and as his lower teeth scraped them against his upper lip, Alan moved from one to the other to murmurs of approval from her. Alan now moved south halting at her bellybutton, and licking it for a moment. No longer able restrain himself, his face arrived at her pussy. Many women had vulgar looking cunts, but as he had anticipated Cindy’s was petite and beautiful.

As his large hands began to push her legs apart a thing of wonder exposed itself to him. Her inner lips looked like two slivers of the most delectable pink Turkish delight. To Alan there was nothing more awesome than the look, and smell, of a beautiful pussy. With her magnificent clam opened up, Alan moved his face close in inhaling her clean sexual odour. Joining in with The Enforcer, Alan began salivating like a hungry wolf. With his tongue fully extended he began to lick Cindy’s pussy with eagerness of a kid, whose mother had just handed him the mixing bowl of a cake that had been decanted into its baking tin.

Cindy’s sighs and gasps excited him as he licked. ‘Fuck yeah,’ he thought, ‘there is nothing better than the sounds of a horny woman.’ His mouth manipulated her eager portal feverishly, and as her torso and head writhed, her thighs were firmly clamped by his strong hands firmly securing her for his oral exploitation. Cindy had never had never been given an oral orgasm, and her frantic hands gripped hold of Alan’s head as her climax neared. Cindy gasped a high pitched cry as her heavenly nectar pulsed into his mouth.

The Enforcer was performing a throbbing dance of lust in Alan’s boxers, demanding its entry into Cindy’s moist cove of warmth. Hurriedly, his right hand pushed his boxers down, finally liberating the beast. Alan hastily began moving up her body, and with his knees against her thighs, The Enforcer finally made contact with its prey. Supporting his weight on his elbows, Alan secured Cindy’s head in his hands, wanting to see every expression on her face as he began to fuck her. Snuggling between the folds of her snatch, The Enforcer began to take possession of her pussy.

As Alan began to move his hips back and forth, he awaited the sighs that would shortly be followed by gasps. When The Enforcer took control and began to nudge ever forward, the sounds that Alan had anticipated started to materialize. The sounds Alan was expecting shortly followed, and as The Enforcer delved deeper, Alan couldn’t wait for the panting to begin. When Cindy began panting Alan triumphantly lifted his body on extended arms. Glancing down he could clearly see the movement of the beast he had unleashed into her, moving under the skin of her stomach. The Enforcer was in command, and Alan would simply have to obey from here on.

Cindy had never felt anything more exhilarating in her life. Pinned, her divine torment got underway. Her discomfort was totally overwhelmed by the most incredible feeling of fullness she had ever experienced. Her domination by this an alpha man had given her the most unbelievable sensation of security. Never before had she felt more desired, or safe in her life. As his body steadily rocked on her a wonderful state of bliss overcame her. With her pussy stretched to the maximum due to Alan’s size, her ‘suffering’ was totally trumped by pleasure.

When The Enforcer grew anxious, insisting on marking his territory, Alan had to conform. Shortly the beast began spraying inside her, claiming her portal like a wolf demarcating his terrain. After Alan slumped onto her in post coital satisfaction he lifted his head and asked, “Am I too heavy, should I get off you?”

“No,” she replied, “I love your weight on me.”

Alan smiled, thinking that as a true-blue missionary man, he had indeed found the ‘right one.’ Happy, exactly where he was, The Enforcer had no plans of exciting her cove. Stiff and proud, he happily snuggled in Cindy’s warmth. Alan simply had to obey, and shortly after, his hips sprang to life once more. There was no holding back as Alan again began thumping into her. Cindy finally found her voice as she encouraged his pounding.

“Jesus… oh god… yes… fuck me,” Cindy began intoning. Not only had Alan found the right one, but Cindy had found the man of her dreams.

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Sis has been complaining to me that she never has enough money. Maybe if she actually did her chores around the house, mom and dad would be more generous with her allowance! Lucky for her, I have a really good idea for us both to make some cash, but it’s gonna take some convincing to get my sister on board No one has to know that we’re related!! But it’s wrong bro! What if someone I know sees it I promise that nobody you know will watch it Ugh I’m not so sure about...

2 years ago
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The Making of Emily

Making of Emily by Emily Ross Prologue I often ask myself how it all started. I was in my first year at university and was living in a hall of residence. My cousin Claire lived in the same town. She was at least five years older than me. I didn't think we had much in common so I hardly ever saw her. One day I bumped into her shopping in town. She said it was her day off and invited me to her flat that afternoon for a cup of tea. It was good to see her and I accepted without...

1 year ago
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This time she knew what I did

Note : This story is completely fictional! My Mother must have know that it was me who eat and fucked her,because she was very cool to me for the next week. At night she wore Pjs.and a robe. I had to share my night with someone so I told my ,he couldn't believe it.I told him it was the truth.He started asking question about her pussy.Was it hairy? Was it big or small? Did you suck her tits?Did she suck your cock? He was driving me crazy,why did I tell him. So I told him one last time I eat her...

1 year ago
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Be Weary Of Holiday Jobs

I guess I am the only man who truly understands how a woman feels after being raped. I am a victim myself. No, not raped by members of the opposite sex, but by one of my own species. I am Frank. I am of average height but slightly slender for a guy. The family I grow up in is not very wealthy, but well above average. My parents run their own business and have been doing reasonably well. I am fortunate enough to have the chance to follow my elder brother's and 2 sisters' footsteps in...

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Delhi Boyfriend Sleeps With His Girlfriend8217s Sister

Hi, my name is Sammy. I live in Delhi and I am 23 years old. I have a wheatish complexion and a fit body. I have been in a relationship for 2 years now. So let’s get to the story. My girlfriend and her sister live with their mom. My girlfriend’s sister is 4-5 years older than us. Once, their mother was out of town for an official trip and we got a nice chance of having a night-over at their place. I reached their home around 7 pm with some booze and food. My girlfriend’s sister opened the door...

3 years ago
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Thomas Theodore Randle the FourthChapter 3 Intruder Alert

After such a long day and too much wine with our meal the girls were soon asleep. I ran my hands along their sides and gripped their tight bums thinking I’ll keep you safe. Partway through the night I felt Eve playing with my cock. She was just toying with it. Flopping it about and pointing it in different directions. She lifted her knee up and rested it just under my balls and ran my cock head along her inner thigh. Mel gave a grunt and rolled away from us facing side of the bed. Eve took...

3 years ago
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Stories of a Post Apocalyptic World Part 12

Tumbleweed blew across the marshes as the wind began to pick up. The moon gave off little light as it sat high above the wastelands with the occasional cloud blocking it from view. Malicious creatures patrolled the barren landscape in search for their pray but to no avail. They usually gathered around this area, it was as if they could sense that someone was close. They wouldn’t be wrong either. * Tanya lived in a small cave system below the landscape and had done for the past fifteen years....

3 years ago
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Friday Night In Part 2

I feel arms wrap around my waist. As she hugs me, she whispers, "Thank you for earlier but you left before I could help you." She says it in such a way that I know this will be interesting... I try to turn around to see my beautiful wife but she stops me and begins slowly undoing the buttons of my shirt. Removing the shirt from my back, she kisses my shoulder and then starts to undo my jeans, one button at a time, very slowly, teasing me that much more. After the last button is undone, she...

Straight Sex
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Aural Sex

Bill Clinton was a-lying through his teeth. “I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky,” he said in an oft-parodied press conference. His many political enemies used that statement as the focal point for his impeachment. It’s not like Presidents don’t cheat on their wives – the list, already pretty long, would be longer if many of them hadn’t been widowers – but the leaders of the anti-Clinton faction said he was lying and covering up his activities. The second point was purely...

3 years ago
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A Trip to London Part 3

worth seeing. They drove by the major landmarks and he took a few pictures from a disposable camera. As the sun started to set he leaned towards her and kissed hr check. "I'm getting hungry, how about you babe?" She looked at him and just smiled. Then said, "Yeah I am hungry too, for your cock again. Call me addicted but I want it again." He just looks at her and smiles back. "Well, I was referring to food, not sex. But now that you mention I could go for some bare nipple or...

2 years ago
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Stir Crazy From Self Quarantine

Life is so routine and boring during this stay at home business. I tell you, I’m going stir crazy. I’ve cleaned the house top to bottom and back again and rearranged everything around my husband’s asshole sixteen-year-old son who wants to play video games day and night. It’s well over two weeks since my last non-husband coitus. I miss Dan — but even he now tells me “Stay home.” So, we text back and forth stuff but I'm really tired of masturbating to porn and his fantasy messages. I work from...

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Transformations DiversityChapter 16

To perhaps alleviate some of the confusion of many, many names, here is a list of some that are mentioned, but were introduced in previous episodes of the Transformations series. Dr. Julia Waxman, Psychiatrist, Director of Transformation Frank Waxman, Julia's husband, General Manager of Transformations, former fashion exec, General Manager of Magnuson Foundation. Gerald Magnuson, wealthy philanthropist, primary backer of Transformations. Paul Ventri, CFO of Transformations and president...

3 years ago
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Jacobs GranddaughtersChapter 8

Wednesday December 17, 2014 “Maria, have you seen the...” Kate paused for a second to search for the right word. “Pañuelo that was in the hamper?” “Sí, Señorita Jessica. I put it in la comoda with Señor Jacob’s other pañuelos.” Kate was glad the handkerchief from the trucker had not gone astray. She doubted she’d ever be able to find him again but there was comfort in knowing that he wasn’t just a figment of her tired imagination. She made a mental note to get it from Jacob’s chest of...

3 years ago
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Nashe Mai Ki Friend Ki Thukai

Hi friends, my name is prince and I am from Raipur m 23 old.Mere lund ka size 9inc aur 3inc mota aur mai ek expert hu sex mai.Maine phele bhi bhut sex kiya hai.Aur mai facebook mai bhi hu aap mujhse contact kr sakte hai. Ab mai aplogo ko apni story batata hu ye kahani aaj se ek saal phle ki.Jo ki meri aur mere frnd roshni k bich ki sex ki hai. Baat pichle saal ki garmiyo ki hai.Mere exam chal rahe the collage mai aur hum sab frnds ek sath group study karte the sath mai.Meri gf bhi hoti thi mere...

1 year ago
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The Holiday Chapter 2

Check-in was essentially uneventful, except I knew that I was the luckiest guy in the airport. Every possible opportunity you gave me the chance to not just glance, but stare down your top. Your tits are magnificent. Utterly perfect. Perfectly sized, perfectly proportioned. Perfected topped by perfect nipples. I absolutely never tire of seeing either them, or your equally perfect pussy for that matter, but especially in forbidden settings – like airports.Lets see, I had a great view of...

2 years ago
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Dirty Dirty Dogging SlutPt 1

Sitting on my bed after a bath my hubby walked in our bedroom, told me to dress up in my slutiest outfit and slick red lipstick on my plump lips.......of course i did as i was told he was my master.........walking down the stairs in my black basque, red fishnet stockings and red crutchless knickers with thigh high boots i entered the living room to see what he had in store for me.......Judging by the big bulge in his trousers i knew i looked i sank to my knees....unzipped him and...

3 years ago
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The WolvesChapter 32

Earth Spectre Base, Canadian Rockies August 16, 2019 05:00 PDT (08:00 EDT) Rather than being awoken by the alarm, I was instead awoken by a combination of the alarm and a very loud, high-pitched barking, the latter of which was directed right into my left ear. I shot up off the bed which caused the alarm to shut off, with Vixa ceasing her barking shortly thereafter. Realizing we weren’t under attack, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, before looking back to the bed. Vixa was now standing,...

1 year ago
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Love RedefinedChapter 2

Anita woke the next morning in her Dad's bed and searched for his body heat. It wasn't there, and she struggled to wake up. They had slept in a spoon position through the night. On more than one occasion she had been woken by the sensation of his hard cock easing itself between her ass cheeks as he relived their lovemaking in his dreams. By wiggling her ass just the right way, she could move it into her crotch so that his cockhead rested at her entrance. As much as she wanted to take him...

2 years ago
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P I And MagicChapter 21

According to my calculations, we had been away for almost twenty-six Earth days, now. I had made myself ready for a long-term absence from Earth, but I did not think my two companions had. We really needed to go back, and make sure everything was ok, and to make sure everything was set for an extended absence by my two friends. I stretched, and winced. Damn! I still had some pain from the knife wound in my back. I knew that I was much further along the healing process than was humanly...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Ginger and Jako Part 1

Ginger had just checked into her Hawaiian luxury vacation home rental after a grueling thirteen-hour flight and a thirty-minute cab ride to the other side of the island. Tomorrow was Gingers 41st birthday and all she wanted to do was relax and get away from it all. She wanted to sit on the beach, read, watch the waves but most of all, just center herself. She arrived at the house to find that it was a magnificent twenty eight hundred square foot home on a secluded acre and a half property...

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Slave Traders CaptiveChapter 7

The late afternoon sun filtered through the gauze-like curtains covering the windows, and Penny's eyes fluttered once and then opened wide. She was refreshed from the nap she had taken to prepare herself for the evening ahead and she stretched languidly, enjoying the feline look of her young body in the mirrors around her. The spring of her wedding to Robert had passed into fall, and now it was almost wintertime, but the Turkish sun was still strong and warm. She had spent a lot of time...

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Teen Diaries 18 Trying a BBC

I'm Geena, a Junior at Westfield High. Last Friday night, my friend Amber and I were joking around and looking at personal ads online. It introduced us to a world of new terms that we found hilarious; things like BBW (Big Beautiful Woman), DL (Down Low) and BHM (Big Handsome Man). But when I went home that night, I couldn't stop thinking about one term, BBC. It stands for Big Black Cock. I'm 5'4, 120 pounds, red-headed with lily-white, freckly skin. I combed through a few ads on Saturday...

2 years ago
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Unsatiesfied Married Rekha Ko Chod Kar Apni Rakhai Banaya

Hi iss readers kaise hai sab mera naam raj hai aur main bareilly ka rehne wala hu main iss ka regular reader hu aur ye meri pehli story hai story start karne se pehle main apne waare me bata du meri age 24 years hai aur height 5”11 hai dekhne good looking hu ab story par aata hu.. Ye story meri aur ek meried ladki rekha ki hai rekha bahut hi khubsura lady hai uska figure 34 28 32 hai lagbhag aur dekhne me doodh ki tarah gori aur bahut hi sexy hai uske lipps ek dum pink rehte hai aur jb wo...

1 year ago
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Her awakening

I wondered if she was going to try double penetration and my question was soon answered when she lay flat onto Jack’s stomach, offering her backside to Tony. He wasted no time in taking her up on her unspoken invitation. Her awakening Like a lot of husbands, after many years of marriage, I’d begun to fantasize about my petite wife fucking another man. I would get rock hard at imagining her little pussy sliding down on this long dick, covering it with her juices. I’ve suggested a...

First Time
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Dantes Slave

I watch him get up and walk towards the bathroom. Three years and I still can’t get enough of looking at that man. He was like my kryptonite. Dante was my best friend, my boyfriend, and my lover. At sixteen, he took my virginity, and I had been a slave to my passions for him since. ‘Are you day dreaming again?’ he asked from the bathroom. A smile creeped onto my face. ‘No, just remembering the first night we met,’ I replied. ‘Mm, well, stop reminiscing and go to the corner,’ he replied. I bit...

1 year ago
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The FavorChapter 36 Another Date

"You have a date on Friday night," Jeff told me. He did this quite often. He would set up a date for me, and he would have the person tell me what they paid for the date. It was usually something quite insignificant, like helping Jeff out with a job or something like that. It always humiliated me to know that there were people out there ready to do anything that Jeff asked for, because they knew they would get a sure shot at me. Some of the guys that took me out made sure to tell me what...

3 years ago
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Hawas Ka Narak 8211 Ek Randi Ki Kahani

Hello dosto, mera nam Tanya hai. Main ek prostitute hu. Waise toh har tarah se meri chudai ho chuki hai, alag alag tarah ke aadmiyo se. Par ek aadmi kuch zyada hi maza de gaya tha mujhe, main wahi kissa aapko aj batati hu. Yeh kissa padh ke har ladki puri gili ho jayegi aur har ladke ke lund khada ho jayega. Us aadmi ne jo mujhe maza diya tha, aisa maza kabi nahi mila mujhe. Chaliye kahani shuru karte hai. Ek aadmi aya ek din aur hamari malkin se kaha usey ek ladki chahiye 2 din ke liye aur...

2 years ago
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Marching Band My Ass

Marching Band My Ass My daughter wanted to join the marching band. It was not a school event but a town run activity for our children to help keep them off the streets and to help prevent them from getting into trouble. Amber and I had attended a practice session to see if it was really what she wanted to get into. I was surprised at the tight sexy outfits that the girls in the front were wearing. They were unbelievably sexy. After they had put on their show, one of the girls...

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Saturday Night in Your House

Saturday Night in Your House by julie_julia © This is a transcript of a letter I wrote to a very good friend of mine. She knows I’m publishing it on-line for your enjoyment, mine and hers. The names have not been changed. xxxxxxxxxxxx I’d found the spare key outside your front door, it wasn’t very well hidden. You obviously didn’t hear me creep in. Neither did you see me standing in the darkened doorway as you and John fucked your hearts out. Yes, I was there watching your luscious wet pussy...

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In Sickness or In Health

It was July 12, 2013 at 10:12 am, he was going thru the traffic light at Rt. 50 and the lights went out. Nine months later he woke up in a rehab center. When he opened his eyes Beth his wife of six years was leaning over him running her fingers thru his hair, with tears running down her face. He tried to talk but his mouth and throat were bone dry. The doctor said give him a sip of water. Tammy a Candy Striper put a cup of ice water with a straw in it up to his lips as he took a sip. He looked...

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Chanel and Ethan 11

I'm laying on my back, Ethan’s kneeling low in front of me with the heels of my feet on his shoulders. I'm fisting the blanket greedily while his fingertips dig into my hips. "Come on Chanel," he says through gritted teeth. The angle he's entering me is deep and harsh and I love every bit of it, but I haven't had enough, though I know he's trying to get me off. If I let him keep pumping into me at this pace, I know I won't be able to hold on. I open my legs and curl my body inward so I can...

Straight Sex

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