Little Monster - Chapter 1 free porn video

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I was in the parking lot, in Tyler’s Mercedes, when I saw her for the first time. He parked in the back row, I was between classes and Tyler was blowing his off to stick his dick in me. He was in the driver’s seat and I was on his lap. I’m short, just 5’5” so I can straddle a boy in the front seat of a car and rock his world, even when he’s driving. But like I was saying, I was getting some vitamin D, Tyler was breathing into my neck and holding onto my hips while I milked his cock and I was looking out the back window, when I saw her walking toward the arts building.

I don’t know why I paid attention to her. I mean, there wasn’t really anything remarkable about her. She was cute in a teacher kind of way. She was older than me, maybe ten years, she looked like she took pretty good care of herself. I don’t really know why she caught my eye though. She had a confident walk, like she was still proud of her tits and her ass, which she had every right to be. Maybe that was it - she was confident, like me.

Of course, I didn’t even know who she was then. I guessed a teacher because of the outfit, but that didn’t mean much at a school as large as mine, she could have been an older student who dressed like a teacher, or maybe she was one of those women that works in admin or as a teacher’s aide. But she had piqued my curiosity and I made up my mind right there that I was going to find out who she was.

“Oh, I’m gonna cum!” Tyler’s fingers dug into my flesh.

I had completely forgotten about him steadily pumping his adequate dick in and out of me. His face that sad, almost pained look, and I could feel his cock twitching deep inside me. I sat back and ground my hips into him, squeezing him tight. “Do it, baby.” I leaned forward and licked his lips. “Give it to me.”

Tyler was one of five. What can I say, I like some dick in my life. He was a junior studying economics and wealthy, which made up for the fact that he was only alright in bed. Like most guys with too much money, he was raised on porn which makes him think he knows what a girl like me wants, when in reality, he has no idea what he’s doing. Thankfully, he also liked to impress me with his daddy’s money and he had a pretty long cock, I mean a solid eight inches, and I liked it when he went deep.

So, yeah, that was the first time I saw her. She was walking into the admin building and I was fucking one of my five. But I already knew what was coming. I knew it like I knew I knew the sun was going to rise the next day. My world and Olivia Jacobson’s world were going to collide. I was going to see to it.

So, it was pretty simple. I mean, it was the first time I had done it myself, but it was easier than I thought it would be. I decided to do it a few days after the first time saw her. I cut through the Arts building on my way to volleyball and she was standing outside of a classroom on the phone. She saw me walking toward her, we made eye contact, and she smiled at me.

I was so nervous. I mean, it’s a big deal, marking someone as your own. It’s like picking a mate or getting a puppy, everyone always said there was a lot of responsibility that goes along with it. And so, yeah, I was super nervous.

But I had never experienced anything like what I was feeling. She was all I had thought about for three days. Seriously, I had done everything I could to forget about her, but I couldn’t. It was like every time I closed my eyes, I saw her and I wanted her, and I wanted her to be mine. I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

I went to volleyball practice and kept wondering what she was doing. I fucked number four, and while I was buried between his thighs, sucking his cock while he licked and devoured my cunt, all I could imagine was Olivia between my legs. I sat in class and wondered how she would smell. It was insane, I couldn’t get the woman out of my head.

And normally, it would have been an easy thing to get over. I mean, I had lost boyfriends and girlfriends before. I had had crushes that didn’t work out or that I had to fix, but nothing was like this. I was obsessed.

I even tried to talk myself out of marking her. I mean, it didn’t take rocket scientist to know that none of it was really possible. I mean, I was a student, she was teacher, and she was so much older than me. I mean, I didn’t normally go after older women. She was probably straight and I was whatever I was. But in the end, none of that mattered, I had to mark her. I had to make her mine. It was the weirdest thing that ever happened to me, the overwhelming desire to mark someone else. It didn’t make sense, but then there’s a lot about being me that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. But we’ll get to me later on.

So, I made a plan, well an outline, I had an idea of how to do it. It was tricky cause I didn’t want her to know. I mean, she could have known, I had heard about people volunteering to be marked, but I had no idea how I was supposed to broach the subject with a total stranger. So, I went for top secret route.

She had no idea when it happened. It’s not a complicated thing. I mean, if this was a movie, there would have been some special effects, I would have probably had to wear some kind of hooded-robe, and maybe a candle, and there could have been an altar. But in reality it was nothing.

Like I said she was standing in the hall on the telephone, a student clumsily tried to slip by her but the folder he was carrying fell and dumped his papers all over the floor around her feet. I was passing at the same time and stopped to help.

Olivia was still on the phone, looking back and forth between us while we tried to get the papers off the floor around her feet. And she reached down and picked up a piece of paper at the same time I did. Our hands touched. And I muttered the words under my breath, barely loud enough for anyone to hear. And that was it. There were no strange lights, no clouds of magic smoke, nothing.

That was where it started, the first real step toward where we are now. One moment, two seconds of physical contact, and a few words no one could understand except me. And then I walked away, fast, like I was on fire.

My stomach was a tangle of knots. I couldn’t believe I had done it. I had marked someone, a woman, a teacher, that I barely knew anything about. I mean, I only knew her name because it was on the name tag outside of her class.

I skipped the rest of classes that day. I went back to my room and just sat there, wondering and worrying. I tried to remember what I knew about the way marking worked. When did the person show the first signs? What was going to happen next? I paced the floor. I tried to eat but wasn’t hungry. I tried to do some homework, but that wouldn’t work. Number four called but I made an excuse.

And then it was morning. I had worried all night.

My alarm went off and I couldn’t believe it. That’s when I realized that I was going to have to let it go. And then I had to let it go, which wasn’t even, not by a long shot. I mean, I had marked her, or I was pretty sure I had, but I had no real idea of what happened next. I mean, it had been years since I had met someone who had been marked. I was nervous. No, fuck that, I was scared half to death.

It was like one of those things you are confident about until you do it, like gambling, you make a bet and then wait, and second-guess yourself, and wish you had made a different decision. That’s how it was for the first week.

Every time I had five seconds to think, it was all I worried about. I had no idea what was happening, how it was supposed to happen. I mean, the mark was a big deal, it bound us together, but there was no signs that it had happened or that it was working. I saw her in the hall the next day and she didn’t even notice me. She also didn’t look any different than the day before, maybe a little more tired, like she hadn’t slept well, but I was expecting more.

And then I noticed the ring on her finger and my stomach flipped. She was married. My heart sank. I hadn’t even thought about the fact that she might be married.

It’s a common problem with me. I tend to do things without really thinking. It’s been that way forever. I mean, I get an idea and I just do it. I don’t know why. I try to think about stuff, you know, plan stuff out, but it’s not what I’m best at.

That night, the second day after I had marked Olivia. I decided that it must not have worked. That I must have messed something up. I almost convinced myself that I had done it wrong, that maybe I hadn’t touched her long enough or that I had said the words wrong or maybe she hadn’t heard them, she was on the phone after all. And I was worried and angry and frustrated.

So, I did what I do best. I texted Thomas, number 2 on my list.

I needed dick.

He got back to me pretty quickly. He had just finishing up football practice, and then he was supposed to go meet with his tutor, but I talked him out of it. No, that’s not true, I didn’t talk him out of it. Instead, cause I am little slut, I laid back on my bed, completely naked, pulled my left tit toward my lips, and sent him the selfie.

That did it. I got a text back, a dark picture of his cock at half-mast. It looked delicious and, he was standing at my door knocking less than ten minutes later.

Now, Thomas was usually the perfect choice when I was frustrated. Thomas liked to play rough. Thomas had a Mandingo-sized dick, a monster, and he was the king of fucking. It was also nice that he was big, six foot four and built of chiseled, black muscle.

As crazy as it sounds, I felt safe in Thomas’ arms. I was small and he was big, but when we were fucking, he appreciated my size and strength, he also followed instructions quite well.

He walked into the room, kissed me for a couple of seconds while I stroked him to a full erection, and then we went at it like animals. I mean, we fucked for over an hour, steady. I sucked his cock until he shot his first load all over my chest (his favorite way to cum). Then he finger-fucked me until I came and he was back at attention. Then he took me standing up, my back pressed against the door. Then I was on my back on the bed. Then he took me from behind over my desk. Like I said, Thomas was the king of fucking. He could go forever before he blew his load.

But the entire time he was ramming his monster into me, all I could think about was Olivia and how much I wanted her, how much I wanted her to be mine. How I wanted to watch her cum.

Now, what I didn’t know at the time, was that actually, the mark started working right away. I know everything that happened the first week from Lucas, Olivia’s husband. We’ve talked about it a lot actually. He’s pretty good in bed, likes to cuddle, but I’ll get to that part in a minute.

Apparently, the day that I marked Olivia she went home early, said she wasn’t feeling well. When she got home, Lucas tried to help. He took her temperature but there wasn’t one. He ran her a bath and made her a cup of hot tea.

You see, Lucas and Olivia weren’t like most married couples I had ever known. No, Lucas loves his wife with everything he’s got and Olivia is the same. So, when she came not feeling well, Lucas started to worry, but there wasn’t much they could. Olivia didn’t have any real symptoms, she was just kind of achy and tired.

But after dinner, Olivia said she was feeling better. They thought it was a bug, like a little stomach bug, maybe something she ate at lunch. They decided to go on a walk around the neighborhood. Then they came home and had a glass of whiskey and talked and laughed. Eventually, they started making out and then had sex.

I’m telling you all of this because it’s pertinent, it’s important. I didn’t know Olivia was married when I marked her. And even if I had known, I don’t think I would have done it if I had known how close they were. I’m a little monster, but I’m not a homewrecker. Well, I have...I mean, I have wrecked a few homes, you know, in the past, but that was before all of this, before I had a family.

So, those two had sex like normal and then do the normal grown up, gotta work in the morning thing, turn off the lights and go to sleep. Everything was great. Olivia was feeling better. They had a wonderful evening together. And then it hit her.

Lucas says it was like two thirty in the morning when Olivia woke him up. I can’t imagine what those two must have looked like.

Olivia woke up. Lucas felt her move in the bed beside him, but he decided to try and go back to sleep, but after a couple minutes, Olivia put her hand on his shoulder and started to shake him.

“Luc? Lucas? Oh my god. Is this real?” Olivia’s voice got higher and higher.

Lucas rolled over and looked up at his wife but as soon as he saw her face, his blood ran cold. She was staring down at her lap, her eyes as wide as dinner plates, and her mouth slightly agape.

“What is it?” Lucas sat up as fast as he could.

“That.” Olivia pointed but her facial expression didn’t change.

Lucas looked down and saw a flaccid penis between his wife’s legs. He blinked hard a couple of times and then pinched his arm to make sure he was awake. But he was. He looked down to Olivia’s knees and then started back up. His stomach felt like someone had just punched him. But there were his wife’s thighs, smooth and trim. And there was her dick. He shook his head and blinked again. “What happened?”

“What happened?” She looked at him and then back down at the three or four inches of soft tissue. I just woke up and found. She reached between her thighs and tugged on it, like she wasn’t sure it was attached. The flesh stretched and then sprung back when she let go.

“Do you still have…?”

Olivia picked up her cock and below it was the usual, swollen peach they were used to. “Okay.” Olivia turned the flesh over and examined it in earnest. “What the fuck?”

Lucas sat back. It didn’t make any sense. No one grows at dick later in life?

“What the...what am I…?” Olivia went from shock to horror in the time it takes me to get my bra off. She started crying, sobbing. “What the fuck, Lucas? What the fuck is this?” She reached between her legs and tugged on it again, pulled it as far as she could before it became painful, and then just a tiny bit further. The flesh went from cream-colored to pink as she stretched it.

“I don’t know,” Lucas cuddled up closer to his wife, worried, and afraid, and just a little fascinated which, I am pretty sure, surprised him.

“I’ve got to call the hospital,” Olivia looked around for her cell phone. “No, we’ve got to go to the hospital.”

“Right now?”

Olivia turned on Lucas like a cornered animal. “What?! Of course right now!” She screamed. “Do you see this?” She reached down and grabbed her new appendage. “Look at this!”

But Olivia’s cock was a little larger this time. All the attention, the pulling and tugging and curiosity had served a purpose. “Fuck!”

Lucas stared at it. It was already larger than his by about half an inch in length and girth, but it was still flaccid.

And then they just sort of stood there, you know, like watching it.

Olivia the back of her hand across her cheek. “Why do I have a dick?” She stared down at it like it could answer the question.

“I don’t know,” Lucas said softly. “Do you want to go to the hospital?”

Olivia sat down on the edge of the bed next to Lucas. “Yes,” she put a hand on his and squeezed. “Your wife has a dick.”

Lucas watched as Olivia went to her dresser. It was strange. Not only was she sporting a cock, she was also seemed a little taller, just a little bit, and maybe stronger, thicker? He couldn’t really put a finger on the difference, but he could see it. She had changed, even if only slightly.

They got dressed and Lucas was just about to grab his car keys when Olivia shook her head. “I have to pee.” She ran back down the hall.

Lucas stood in the doorway and thought about what was happening. Because that’s the kind of guy Lucas is. He’s a thinker. The kind of guy who thinks before he says anything. A quiet guy you wouldn’t even notice at a party.

And he said he just kind of stood there in the doorway trying to imagine what his life was going to be like if Olivia stayed that way. Until she screamed and he went running into the bathroom.

“It’s gone!” Olivia laughed. “Look! No dick!” She turned with her jeans around her ankles. And sure enough, her cock was gone.

Lucas dropped to one knee and looked at the lovely peach of a pussy he was used to. She was right. There was no trace of the penis, it was like it had never happened, like it had simply disappeared. “Maybe we were dreaming?” He said the words without thinking.

“No, it was there,” she reached down and ran her fingers around and through her pussy. “What the fuck happened to it?”

“You sound like you want it back?” Lucas gave her a mischievous grin.

“No, but that was fucked up, right?” Olivia stepped out her jeans. “Fuck, it’s four in the morning.”

“Let’s go back to bed,” Lucas took his wife’s hand and they wandered back down the hall.

Thanks for reading!
Check out my other stories on Smashwords or Amazon as well.

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For ages now, humanity has stood strong against the Monster Girls, and has managed to avoid becoming their foot-sniffing slaves. However, the Demon Queen of the Monster Girls has come up with a plan to crush humanity's resistance to her. She has created Six Monster Queens of Stink, and has sent them out into the world to enslave as many humans as they can. These Queens have all created their own kingdoms, and relentlessly attack the kingdoms of humanity. These six monster Queens include the...

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At the feet of the Monster Girls

The human kingdoms on the continent of Luxurica never had it easy to survive. Ever since first settlers appeared there, they have been periodically harrassed, used as slaves, and for procreation by the various kinds of monster girl tribes that lived there. For some reason, unlike monster girls living on other continents, most of them seem to have very sensitive feet(Regardless if they are more human-like or paw-like), and love using them on those they defeat or capture. Until recently however,...

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Monster Girl Island

Picture this: you’re alone and stranded in the middle of a tropical island with nothing but the clothes on your back and a hard-on. Okay. Yeah, I know most of you nerds would die from heat exhaustion, asthma, heart attack, or whatever the fuck. Just humor me and imagine that you actually have what it takes to survive. Now, picture your dream inhabitants to fuck. There are loads of great options. But if you thought of kinky monster girls who want nothing more than to milk you for every last drop...

Free Sex Games
3 years ago
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Monster Lab

Elric stood with chest spread wide, naked, his muscles gleamed in the moonlight. His skin was a sickly dark navy blue. His eyes were an aluring green. With long pointed ears and long canine teeth the creature spread it's wings. It's powerful legs lunching off the roof in a powerful roar into the night toward his new mistress. His had been living for 300 years, he has kept his hands off of humans for the last 30 years of his captivity, no rapes, no kills, he deserved this one human, he needed...

2 years ago
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SAGBA CatGirl vs Tentacle Monster

Tim: WELCOME to the Super Anime Girl Battle Arena Network! Our contestants for tonights match are! (Camera pans off to the right, and it shows a young girl with hazel eyes, light brown hair, cat ears, a tail, and a yellow bikini on. She shyly turns away) Tim: Fresh, young Marlene! -=[Marlene]=-/ [Strength] 7 [Defence] 10 [Speed] 13 [Will] 18 [Spirit] 13 Tim:19 years old and just from the mountains of Kira, she's ready to rock! And why do you wish to compete...

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Dr Hilda and the Monster

Olga was cleaning up in the lab when a harrowing howl echoed along the drafty chambers of the ancient manor from the direction of the mistresses’ bedchamber.  “Oh no,” she thought, “the time has finally come.”  She rushed there.Sitting bedside and sobbing over an inert young woman of exquisite beauty was the lady doctor.  Olga approached the bed and rested a hand on her convulsing shoulder.  The pale blue eyes of the deceased stared upwards into eternity.So Bridget had at last succumbed after...

2 years ago
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Three Monster Cocks Fucked Me That Night

P.S. The character names in this story are imaginary. About me, I have an athletic body. My face is a little girl-like. I have rose lips and thick eyelashes. Hope you all have I had in my last story. This is a story that I experienced again at Bangalore. I went to Bangalore to check out a college campus. I was ready to join there as my friends suggested that it was a nice college. So I started the journey by train in the early morning and reached Bangalore by afternoon. I reached the...

Gay Male
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Little Dickie and the One eyed Monster

My wife Sally and I moved into a bungalow in a nice neighborhood.  She looked out the window and said, "The guy next door looks a bit creepy."I said, "I should go meet him."He was on the front porch of his own bungalow, not a very big guy about thirty five with a shaved head and black-rimmed eyeglasses.  It was a warm day and he was in shorts and a tight tank-top.  His name was Victor.  We shook hands and he invited me inside.It was in his living room that I first noticed his dramatic...

4 years ago
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Monster Girl Life

Hello! This story is a collection of short monster girl stories. They're split up into different catagories depending on what family of monster they belong to, each route has different paths that lead to different girls. I'm planning on expanding this story over time. The story is open for submissions, so if one of the scenarios catches your fancy, you can submit your own chapters. If you'd like to support me I have a patreon @ What is a monster girl? A monster...

1 year ago
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Black Monster Terror

BlackMonsterTerror! I’ll start by stating the obvious; everyone loves big cocks. Every dude I’ve met wants to pack a monster meat rod in their pants while many girls want them in their pussies. Those of you with tiny dicks might not think bigger is better, but I’m yet to meet a bitch that is down for being fucked by a 3-inch prick. How are you going to give her pleasure with that dud anyway? In any case, it is easier to claim that bigger isn't necessarily always better when you are not gifted...

Interracial Porn Sites
3 years ago
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lonely night with monster dildo

cumcraverbottom's Blog  Lonely night at home with a 2 foot dildoIt all started one night, my wife was working the seasonal 2nd job and she had been too tired as of late to service my cock when I needed to cum. I had dropped her off to her 2nd job and thought about stopping by the local adult store to look for a good porn movie to watch. I arrived at the store and looked over many good titles, finally settling on one with men cumming from monster dildoes shoved up their asses. Looking at the...

2 years ago
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Monster Slayer

Laura, cut off from her friends and sister, walked the sinister fields alone. There were monsters here. There had been reports of people being burned to ashes yet the fields were untouched. Magic was her first thought. Yet when they arrived there were no signs of a wizard, sorcerer, nor even a pyromancer. Could it be some kind of new monster not known as of yet? New ones sprouted everyday. However the only strong and dangerous ones came from the old world. A time before time. Could this be...

3 years ago
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Monster Lab Outbreak Incident

The helicopter was mostly drowned out by her headset. Her eyes were shut as she breathed deep. She worked for the corporation that made the monster labs and sell the creatures or rent them, to people, and businesses. Emily finally had to lift her eye lids when the new guy opened his mouth. “So… what are we, like, dealing with here?” Codename Trooper asked, “Some war lord bought a virus, a zombie one. The company told him that it was only meant for human beings, and if it spreads to wildlife...

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Create a Tentacle Monster

Welcome to Tentacles Inc, the world's premier tentacle monster delivery service! Through the following ordering process we will determine your preferred style of tentacle monster based on your specifications and guarantee your satisfaction! Please note: Tentacles Inc denies responsibility of all products once delivered to the customer and is not responsible for damage to persons or property. Please note: To allow any Tentacle Monster to escape the customer's assigned residence is a federal...

4 years ago
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My Lover8217s Monster

Hi…all I am kumar from Bangalore like to share one of my nice experiences with a co-passenger named veera. Daily Morning I used to travel by VOLVO bus to office. I used to see a person who travels in the same bus daily but we never introduced our self except a small smile. He is tall handsome and used to wear formals every day. I looks little fatty with hip size 36 and 5.8 feet ht. the bus will be always tightly packed and we have to travel at least 1 hour to reach my stop. One fine Wednesday I...

Gay Male
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Tara the Barbarian verse the Slimy Tentacle Monster

The sage said only use the potion as a last resort as he stared hard enough to catch a peek at her nipple under the barbarian’s chain armor. He walked over to the edge of his tent and placed the potion on the ground and hurried to the other side. Not thinking much, Tara walked and bent over to receive the free gift. The old man inhaled quickly and grabbed a pillow to cover lower belt area. The ranger quickly pointed out the Barbarian had neglected to were panties that day which made Tara...

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Monster U

Author's Note: This story is, for the most part, written in the first person from the perspective of the main character, Jeff. However when the need arises to tell a part of the story, in which Jeff isn't present, I will switch to third person, the narrator's view. The narrator is still Jeff relating a part of the story that was relayed to him at a later time. Also there is no sex in this one but will be in following chapters. Words between ' ' are thoughts. Ex.= 'I want...

3 years ago
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Pregnant with a monster

This story is not sent in our world but is set in another. In an alternate universe, humans co – exist with various monsters, from vampires to werewolves to mermaids to dragons. After centuries of conflicts, mankind finally managed to make peace with all the monsters and many of which integrated into human society. Werewolves have become vegetarian, vampires no longer target humans, dragons have immigrated into island reserves with the exception of dwarf dragons, mermaids and mermen hardly ever...

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Tentacle Monster Calamari Party Part 2 of 2

June was rolling the sushi while Lorna made another small batch of fried calamari. The luscious tentacles could easily be sliced or diced or shaved, and readily blended into a myriad of sushi styles. Cooking it, though, was trickier than cooking ‘normal’ squid, which was tricky enough by itself. Lorna knew her way around seafood though and soon found the right combinations of marinades and oils, and cooking temperatures and times. The downside, or upside, was having to do all that...

Monster Sex
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Samora the monster hunter

A folder lies on a table under a lamp, the entire room is pitch black safe this table. Someone sits down and a large red coloured hand reaches into the light opening the folder. Inside of the folder is a single file on a Girl called Samora. Name: Samora Gender: female Age: 23 Place of Birth: N/A Nationality: N/A Hair Color: jet black Eye Color: emerald green Ethnicity: N/A Skin Tone: pale Pubic Hair: no Distinguishing features: a large tattoo on her back, looks like a flaming orb Height: 5'...

2 years ago
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King Dong A Monster Movie Parody Act 5

With the rising of the sun also came a dense morning fog, so visibility was not much better than before. The men arrived at a waterline of an inland shore. "You think these patterns in the sand might be the tracks Dong leaves behind?" Karl asked. "Shh. You hear that?" Jack interrupted. The sound of splashing came from off in the distance. "He's just ahead of us, crossing through here. And look, the beach curves around in that direction over there. Follow me, men!" He set off around the...

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"Quick," he said, "grab the forty miles per hour sign." She bent down and felt around under her seat for the A3-sized placards that he had made up. She pulled them out and flipped through them, looking for the one he wanted. "Good grief, would you look at this idiot?" growled Michael. "Doesn't he know what a de-restricted sign means, for heaven's sake?" He changed down into third gear and cruised up to a few yards behind the bumper of the car in front, edging out towards the...

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TRC Oni and the Farmer Ch 10 Male x Monster Girl

"No touching," she said breathlessly, putting a hand on the back of his head and pressing his face into her. Kal growled in annoyance, the vibration making her body shudder for a moment. He sucked her clit into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the sensitive nub until the oni gasped and her legs began to shake, flooding his mouth with her fluids as she came. The oni stepped away and let the leather flap fall, hiding her pussy from him. "Now-now," she said smiling as her breathing...

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The Monster

Introduction: Our intro into swapping The Monster #1 His Story Part One An Introduction and seduction This is a story about our introduction to swapping. Were 50ish and our neighbors are in their 30ies. Me, Frank WM, 6, 210 lbs with a 6 dick & my wife Bonnie WF, 5, 140 lbs with soft 38 DS Roger & Shellie hes a WM, 6 4, slim & tanned with a really big cock shes a WF, 5 8, about 140 lbs with hard 42 DDS It was about 6:30 in the evening and we were sitting at the table having just finished...

2 years ago
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Tentacly monster 02 Tattoo Girl

Introduction: a sort of a sequel to tentacly monster She caught my stare and I quickly looked away, noticing at the last moment a wicked smile spread across her lips. I turned to go to the bar, feeling a bit embarassed, when she suddenly appeared in front of me. Her eyes were glistening and that smile I saw earlier was still dancing around her lips. Saw something you liked? she asked playfully. Turning red I somehow managed to mumble: Sorry, I didnt mean to stare but your tattoos are quite...

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The Monster Cock Nerd

Slobber and spit flew all over Kenny's rigid boner as the girl on her knees worked the hard shaft with everything she had. Nasty, sloppy noises mixed in with the delighted moans and sucks of the cock crazed whore before him. With both of her hands roaming up and down the 12 inch monster cock, massaging the over-sized beast, the head of the cock was lodged down the throat of the poor girl, who gleefully tried to take more of the yummy monster down. She lodged half the shaft down her tight little...

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Furry pirates on Monster Islands Sea

The Monster Island Sea was largely ignored by the great naval powers of the world. It was too far away and too dangerous. The Canine Empire was far to the west, the Feline Theocracy began leagues to the east and the Equine Collective positioned far to the north. The sea had temptation though. Each of the three powers denied engaging in any trade with one another but if for whatever reason they did want to send a merchant vessel or two, perhaps carrying silk, spice or salt, then the Monster...

4 years ago
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Monster Cock Male Multiple Orgasms

The phone rung and it was my baby on it asking me what I was doing. I told him that I wasn't doing anything but being bored out of my mind. It was a Friday night and I had nothing to do, my baby asked me if I wanted to come over and chill for a while. I answered real quick that I would like that very much and I asked my baby what we was going to do.He laughed out loud and said to me, we will find something to do. I laughed back and said, ok whatever you say. We hung up from each other and I...

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my monster experience

I must admit this story is hard to tell. I've told it before only to be told I'm lying, fantasizing, or daydreaming about an experience I had involving the biggest cock I've ever faced. I can understand why people are skeptical since if I wasn't there I probably would question it as well but since I was there and my ass hurt for days after being ruined by a huge cock I know it to be true. Anyone that has had a cock that's in the double digits can testify to the fact that such men that are...

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Monster Dicks

Reddit Monster Dicks, aka r/MonsterDicks! Reddit is obviously not a foreign term if you like to invest some of your time fapping your sorrows away. These little fucks refer to themselves as the ‘front page of the internet,’ and I can assure you that’s not empty braggadocio. After all, the internet is porn, for the most part, so you can guess Reddit is a big part of it. In layman’s language, Reddit is a massive collection of forums where people can share all manner of adult content and interact...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Monster Girl ENFCFNM

The stories in this interactive can be about two things: Either its about monster girls who, through some magic, happenstance, work of a lecherous adventurer, however it may happen, wind up naked and embarrassed. From there, it follows the pattern of any given ENF story, albeit with a unique touches involving the setting and specific monster girl in question. For instance, maybe the story is about a werewolf who shreds her clothes transforming? A vampire who turns into a bat, leaving her cloak...

4 years ago
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Im the Monster Now

Hi Folks. Thanks as usual for all of the comments both positive and negative about last week's story. Your opinions really do matter to us. I did want to clear up one thing. I got a bunch of E-mails this week that suggested that I should delete some of the comments that were extremely vicious or personal. My slant on that is pretty much the same as it ever was. I really believe in free speech and usually when someone writes something that's more of a personal attack on either me or another...

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Bob the gay tentacle monster 1

“Hey Diesel, do you and your gal have plans for the weekend?” Bob asked with his deep low voice. I shook my head no. “Nope, she had to go out of town for some training. Why do you ask?” Bob sighed. “I have tickets to a concert but my blind date canceled. I don’t want them going to waste.” “I’ll go to it with you, been trying to think of a reason to get out of the house anyways.” I said and smiled when Bob’s face lit up with his own toothy smile. “Right on, it’s at seven tomorrow. Want to go...

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