King Dong: A Monster Movie Parody Act 5 free porn video

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With the rising of the sun also came a dense morning fog, so visibility was not much better than before. The men arrived at a waterline of an inland shore. "You think these patterns in the sand might be the tracks Dong leaves behind?" Karl asked.

"Shh. You hear that?" Jack interrupted. The sound of splashing came from off in the distance. "He's just ahead of us, crossing through here. And look, the beach curves around in that direction over there. Follow me, men!" He set off around the circumference of what had to be a lake, hoping it wouldn't set them much further behind the monster's more direct route. It was still the better option though, as they couldn't swim across while carrying their weaponry, and he couldn't be certain it was shallow enough to wade through all the way, either.

As Jack ran along the beach, leading the charge towards the giant beast, he paid little notice to the large hills of sand that would be a common sight in a wind-swept desert, but not along a shoreline. He also didn't notice as pairs of large antenna began peaking out over the sand. Then the screaming started, and he did notice that.

Jack stopped and pivoted to turn towards the men behind him, his gun at the ready. Karl did the same. Most of the sailors were already firing in a panic as their ranks were overtaken by three-foot-long red ants. The unfortunate ones in the rear were already overcome, each man with two or three of the giant insects crawling up his body, stinging him repeatedly. "Fire ants! Run!" Karl shouted.

"Shit! Into the water!" Jack yelled, getting off a few shots to save the men that were still ahead of the swarm before following them in. They swam away from the shore, cutting across to the opposite side where Dong's tracks resumed, and the towering beast himself was still visible in the distance. "How many did we lose?" Jack asked.

"Too many. And the weapons, too," Karl said, noting that none of them had managed to keep hold of any guns or gas bombs.

"I still have a hunting knife with me, but that's all. Dammit. We can't stop, though," said Jack.

"Agreed. Onward, men!" Karl replied, rousing the increasingly reluctant sailors forward. The lagoon ahead of them became increasingly marsh-like, with ample vegetation around them in the form of tall grasses and trees. They caught up to the sea monster as it crossed a narrow inlet of water that stretched in either direction as far as the eye could see, almost like a river but without flow. "We've got him now! Hurry!" Karl said.

"Wait, stop!" cautioned Jack. "You see in the water? It's filled with jellyfish. Going in would almost certainly be a mistake."

"Fuck," Karl said, seeing that he was right. He didn't know which jellyfish were the safe kind and which ones gave a toxic sting at the slightest touch, and it wasn't worth taking a chance. He looked along the waterline in both directions. "There. That fallen tree reaches all the way across. We can cross there."

Jack ran over and climbed up on the dead log, testing it. He scampered across the sixty foot or so distance to the other side, than called back, "It's safe! Come on across!" Karl helped the sailors up onto the tree as they started over.

- - -

Anne was still in her post-orgasm stupor, but started to pull out of it when the gentle, rhythmic rocking of the tentacles holding her ceased and she felt something hard beneath her instead. She opened her eyes and saw that she was in the crook of a branch on a large but dead old tree. She weighed her options, including jumping down into the water below, but she wasn't sure it was deep enough for that.

Dong moved away from the tree, heading back towards the inlet crossing, where the men were not being as quiet as they should have been. Once he was within reach, one of his mighty lower tentacles lashed out and grasped the fallen tree. Karl leaped off to the ground on the far side, having not started across yet. Jack had taken cover under an enormous conch shell and hoped he hadn't been seen. The sailors were not so fortunate, however. As Dong shook the tree, and turned it side to side, they all fell into the water, one by one. Their screams soon fell silent, indicating that they were a poisonous type of jellyfish after all. Dong released the tree, this time lengthwise in the inlet, no longer bridging the two sides. Satisfied with that, he began examining the ground to make sure he hadn't missed anybody. A tentacle wrapped around the conch shell, and began to lift it from the ground.

Anne's scream suddenly rang out. The beast dropped the shell and moved back to where he'd left her. Another creature had discovered her there, this one a gigantic orange-and-white mottled crab with very long, spindly legs, and even longer arms tipped with short, sharp-looking claws. The captain would have recognized it as a Japanese spider crab, albeit one that stood fifty feet tall. Anne clutched at the tree as a claw tried to navigate its way to getting a grip on her. Dong's gurgling roar drowned out her screams as a great tentacle wrapped around the crab's arm and pulled it away.

The crab turned its attention to the great tentacled beast, its other arm swinging around to attack, only to befall the same fate as a tentacle swiftly grabbed it and held it fast. The two monsters wrestled with each other, the crab trying to push in and do damage with its claws, and Dong trying to hold it at bay. They were both only partially successful as the claws scratched harmlessly along Dong's shell. Anne looked on, still feeling the rush of her earlier panic, and wondering if the best outcome would be if the creatures managed to dispose of each other.

Dong pushed the crab's arms upwards and managed to move in closer to it. He wrapped more of his tentacles around the crab's legs and pulled hard. With a loud cracking sound, a leg broke off the crab's body, soon followed by another. Dong tossed the legs aside and reached in to grab more. The throw was careless though, and one of the legs collided with Anne's tree, toppling it over. Anne jumped away at the last moment and hit the ground rolling. It was painful, but she forced herself to her feet and took off running. It looked as though Dong had the upper hand and would come out on top. She didn't want to be around when he did.

- - -

"Jack! Jack, are you okay over there?" Karl called out.

Jack crawled out from under the shell that had been his shelter. "Yeah. That was close, though," he answered.

"Tell me about it. If I'd started across that log I'd be a goner. And now I can't get across to you," Karl said.

"That's not what we need right now anyway," said Jack. "Go back to the ship, get more of your bombs."

"And leave you out here alone?" Karl asked.

"If I lose track of them now we'll never find them. If I'm lucky there will be a chance to make off with her. If not I'll find a way to signal the location to you."

"Right, no other way to it I suppose," said Karl.

"Not that I can see. You'd better get going, and look after yourself," Jack said.

"You too. Good luck."

"To us both."

- - -

Anne ran through the swamp, thankful that the ground was fairly solid here. She stole glances behind her, checking to see if the towering monster was following. All of a sudden, she could no longer move. She felt her body spring backwards and then halt between two trees. In her haste, she hadn't seen the giant spider web that she was now caught in. She struggled against it, but the natural adhesive was too strong. Dread came over her as she realized where giant spider webs come from.

Proving her correct, a six foot long spider crawled down from the tree and across the web, looming over her. Fear paralyzed her body and her voice as she resigned herself to being the arachnid's dinner. She could see its large fangs as it leaned in and stuck them in her shoulder. She could feel them injecting venom into her body. At least she wouldn't be eaten alive, then.

The spider paused and waited for the venom to take effect. As the minutes crawled by, however, Anne didn't feel weak or sick. Something did feel different, and something about it was oddly familiar, but she couldn't quite place it. Finally the spider stirred again. When Anne saw the large organ descend from the spider's body and move towards her pussy, she groaned. "Jesus Christ, doesn't anything on this Goddammed island want to eat me instead of rape me?" she asked aloud. Despite that, her pussy was already dripping wet and the spider's tool entered her without too much effort.

Anne moaned lustfully as the arachnid filled her up. It wasted no time in pounding its large member against her cervix. It hurt, but it was a pain filled with pleasure, and her body tensed as an orgasm hit her hard. That wasn't all, though. As the monster pushed harder against the entrance to her womb, she could feel her insides reacting with a sharp pain, a level of distress she hadn't felt since…

She knew what it was: a contraction. The feeling she recognized was labor. The spider's venom was some mix of hormones that had tricked her body into thinking she was giving birth again. This time, though, she had nothing inside her to push out. This time, she had something trying to push… in. "Oh, God! Oh God no! Noooooo! Help meeeee!" she screamed, and then let out a wordless shriek as another contraction hit her, and the spider's organ advanced into her opening cervix.

"No, no, no, no, I hate my life, I hate this island, I hate Karl Dickem, fuuuuuck!" she yelled, her body given over to the intense pleasure and the crushing pain, her limbs thrashing to no avail against the sticky web. With another contraction, the spider finally pushed its way through and into her womb. Anne sobbed, unable to handle the emotional or physical violations of her innermost womanhood. The spider's organ inside her pulsed, undulating as parts of it suddenly grew thicker and pushed their way first into her cunt, then up through her cervix, both causing her to shudder with the pain or pleasure that she couldn't even differentiate anymore. She felt new weight deep inside her body.

That's when she realized, it wasn't a penis inside her. The spider wasn't even male. It was an ovipositor and it was pushing eggs into her womb. She wasn't going to die right now, no. She was going to die when they hatched and ate their way out of her. She couldn't cry, nor could she scream. Her mind went numb, refusing to process what was happening. Her eyes went into a dead thousand-yard stare, watching but not seeing as her belly stretched into a mocking semblance of pregnancy, filled with dozens of carnivorous spider eggs. She heard a scream, the most horrifying, blood-curdling scream she had ever heard in her life. Then she recognized it was coming from her.

The orgasms and contractions continued, almost overlapping each other now, as was the screaming, as was the spider pushing more of its eggs into her. Then all of a sudden, the spider was gone. Moments later, so was the web. The ground and trees fell away beneath her. Anne snapped back to reality as she found herself once again face to face with Dong, one of his large tentacles wrapped around her body. Another tentacle clutched the spider, and crushed it easily. So, it was out of the fire but back into the frying pan.

She looked down at her belly. It looked like she was at a full term pregnancy. She burst into tears again, sobbing and wailing, wondering if somehow this absurd and gruesome fate was what she'd deserved all along. Dong gazed at her carefully. One of the small tentacles from its face reached over to her and poked at her egg sac belly. He let out another of his gurgling roars, then set off at a hurried pace through the jungle swamp.

- - -

Some distance across the island, Dong arrived at some sort of lake or inland bay. The water looked clear and deep, and this was proven when the water easily came up to Dong's head as he ventured in. He transferred Anne to his small tentacles, pulling her arms behind her and holding her legs spread wide. He lifted the spider's carcass above her and gave it a squeeze, letting its blood and ichor drip down and land on her body. Anne retched from the smell and wondered if she was being prepared as a meal after all.

Dong lowered her into the water, taking care to keep her head above it and being mostly successful. Almost immediately she felt his tentacles caressing her body again. No, they felt a little different actually. As her head dunked briefly under again, she caught a glimpse of what it actually was. She was surrounded by eels. Normal sized ones, not freaky island giant sized. She whined as loudly as she could while keeping her mouth closed to avoid drowning. Every Goddamned creepy thing on the island was going to get a taste of her, it seemed.

When one of them nuzzled her pussy, she tried to recoil, but Dong's tentacles held her in place. She realized she shouldn't even be surprised by it all anymore. The eel kept at it, and after a few tries it did manage to push its way inside her. As she felt it working its way deeper in, she felt ashamed that it actually seemed to have easy time of it in her well-used cunt. Nor did it stop at her cervix, either. Her womb's entrance was still pliable enough from the spider's venom that the eel went through it easily, causing a jolt of pain but also a small orgasm. By now she was almost used to the shame of her's body's enjoyment of the horrors being visited upon it, but not quite.

Then the eel wriggled its way back out and swam away, only to be quickly replaced by another. One by one they went in and out of her, each one probing deeper inside her womb, until one of them finally went all the way inside. She cringed as she felt it moving around inside her womb. Her eyes welled up with tears. Before today, only one living thing had ever been inside there. Now, her body was continuing to be violated in a way that cut to the core of her humanity.

Suddenly though, she realized that her belly seemed smaller and lighter again. Of course! They were eating the eggs! This new insanity made sense now, though it didn't make it much easier as another eel pushed into her womb while the one was still in there. When they had their fill they left again, replaced by still others. She shut her eyes and let it happen, the disgusting eels removing the even more disgusting spider eggs from inside her. Her body orgasmed almost continuously from their comings and goings, which was a blessing since it kept her mind too blank to dwell on it all.

Finally they stopped invading her and lost interest. Her belly was back to its normal size, too. Hopefully that meant all the eggs were out of her. She felt herself being lifted out of the water as Dong crawled back up onto land. He looked at her intently, and one of his small tentacles stroked gently across her pussy as her arms were released. An insane lust fell upon Anne at that moment. She smiled at the great monster and said, "So now you're saving me. Does that mean you're not so bad after all? Why don't you go ahead? You've earned it, and God knows everything else has been filling me up into my womb today." Dong didn't respond until she reached forward, grabbed the tentacle, and guided it into her pussy.

She moaned deeply as she felt her cervix penetrated once again. Unlike the spider or the eels, however, Dong genuinely fucked her uterus, thrusting the tentacle in and out fast and hard. "Oh God! Fuuuuuuck yes! Fuck me! Fuck my Goddamn womb! Ahhhhhh!" Anne shouted. With fear left behind and her body numb to the pain, all she felt was unbelievable pleasure. With both hands she grabbed the nearest unoccupied tentacles and pushed them towards her pussy also. Dong got the message and slid them inside her for a total of three pounding all the way through her pussy and into her womb. She took them inside easily, and Anne came instantly with another loud scream.

She felt them moving around in multiple directions inside her, pushing against the walls of her womb. She looked down and could see them moving within her, the skin of her belly writhing with the motion of the tentacles within. No longer a spider nest or a buffet for eels, now the most precious part of her body was just a playground for Dong. She came again, even harder than before, reveling in it, loving every moment, her head thrown back and her back arched, her body tense as the sexual release repeatedly shot through her.

As before, Dong didn't let her remaining holes stay empty, filling her ass with a tentacle and her throat with another. She found herself wishing they could somehow fuck her so deep they met in the middle. It almost felt like they were. She could feel the symphony being played upon her body by the pounding tentacles was building to a crescendo. A muffled scream and her eyes rolling back signaled her most powerful orgasm so far, so much that she passed out.

- - -

"Captain, you wouldn't believe that island in there, or the way that monster just mercilessly shook those men off that log," Karl said.

"All of those men lost, how terrible!" the captain said.

"Enoff is going to make some kind of signal once he tracks down Anne," said Karl.

"Chances are they're both gone for good, though," Anglerod said.

"We'll wait for first light tomorrow and then go after them whether there's a signal or not. Did the islanders give you any more trouble?" Karl asked.

"They finally pissed us off enough that we shot a few rounds off over their heads. That got them to leave us alone, hiding in their odd houses," the captain answered.

"That's good, then. Get a man up on the wall as lookout, in case Enoff does get a signal out," Karl said.

Continued in Act VI

- - -

© the Perv Otaku, 2019

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


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Ding Dong Again

Ding-Dong AGAIN I really did intend to write only one story but because of the kind reviews I got from you nice people I decided to continue. To be able to understand what's going on read 'Ding-Dong' These stories are copyright by Lou Wallace © 2007. *************************************************************** Ding-Dong, Ding Dong. It was nine o'clock Saturday Morning and I knew it had to be Evey. She had called last night and said she was taking the week-end off and...

4 years ago
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Donkey Dong

It took a long time before Doug understood why his mom sometimes referred to him as “donkey dong”. It was mostly in private or when she was talking to a girlfriend. Mom was an odd one, not much like the mothers of school friends. She’d had him when she was fifteen and her parents had helped her get through school and get a job. They’d raised him as much as she had. He’d heard her talking on the phone to a girlfriend once. “My little boy has got a donkey’s dong.” They were farm people and...

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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 12 Return to Dong Kyu

Unlike the first time, Ki Jung does not find herself far out in the wilderness. Instead, she is about 25km outside of Dong Kyu. She finds herself standing on a rise that provides an overview of the town and the land around it. From this vantage point, she observes the town and all that is going on. This view is from the opposite side of the Dong Kyu and the gate she first entered through. Her vantage point doesn’t give her a good view of what is within the walls. However, it does allow her...

4 years ago
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King Dong

By Lubrican Chapter 1 Kathy was at the age where she knew she had to go to these big family gatherings, but could only think of perhaps fifteen or twenty things she'd rather be doing. She knew it wouldn't do any good to protest, and she'd gotten in the car with her sister and mother, but she hadn't been happy about it. That changed when they got to her Grandmother's house. Kathy saw her Uncle and grinned. He was so cool. He was big and strong, but when he...

2 years ago
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King Dong

Chapter 1Kathy was at the age where she knew she had to go to these big familygatherings, but could only think of perhaps fifteen or twenty things she'drather be doing. She knew it wouldn't do any good to protest, and she'dgotten in the car with her sister and mother, but she hadn't been happyabout it. That changed when they got to her Grandmother's house.Kathy saw her Uncle and grinned. He was so cool. He was big andstrong, but when he wrestled with her it was like fighting with a big...

3 years ago
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King DongChapter 1

Kathy was at the age where she knew she had to go to these big family gatherings, but could only think of perhaps fifteen or twenty things she'd rather be doing. She knew it wouldn't do any good to protest, and she'd gotten in the car with her sister and mother, but she hadn't been happy about it. That changed when they got to her Grandmother's house. Kathy saw her Uncle and grinned. He was so cool. He was big and strong, but when he wrestled with her it was like fighting with a big...

2 years ago
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King DongChapter 2

The ride home was ... interesting. Her mother didn't say a word about anything that had happened that day ... not about anything. Except "Did you apologize to your Uncle?" When Kathy said "Yes" that was it. Once, when Kathy said "Mom ... about today..." her mother glanced over and said "Not now Kathleen." Then she glanced meaningfully at Jill, who was playing with a video game. The rest of the trip was silent. When they got home, though, everything changed. As soon as Jill was...

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King DongChapter 3

Kathy kept her hand over her sister's mouth until she got her all the way back to the patio doors. Finally she let go. Jill was panting from trying to move quickly and breathe just through her nose. She wasn't happy. "What was mom talking about?" she said, staring at her sister. "What did she mean you want Uncle Bob to fuck you?" Kathy bit her lip. This wasn't turning out well at all. "Um ... while you and mom were gone shopping ... he gave me a massage. It was kind of a sexy...

3 years ago
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King DongChapter 4

Jill had a dream that night. She dreamed that she got a pony for her birthday, but when she tried to get up on it, it turned into Uncle Bob's penis. She perched on top of it, looking around. She was way up in the air. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't going in her either. She looked around and could see for miles. Then, slowly, she realized she was sinking down on it as it spread her open. Again it didn't hurt, but her hips spread apart visibly and then her belly bulged as if she had a baby...

3 years ago
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King DongChapter 5

Bob didn't actually move in with Liz and the girls, or sell his house, despite the fact that they had planned out his entire week ... or at least each night of his entire week. He still went to work and actually spent some nights there at home. While Liz and her daughters did invite him over almost every night, they still spent some nights doing other things. They established a girls' night out, and found that spending time as a family had a lot to offer. They did lots of things together....

4 years ago
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King DongChapter 6

Cora hummed to herself as she drove the car. She stopped humming abruptly when she turned the corner and saw Bob's truck parked out in front of Liz's house. She hadn't thought about the possibility that he'd be there. Then she laughed. If he had knocked up all three women he must spend a LOT of his time there. "What's funny?" asked Mindy, sitting beside her. "Nothing honey" said her mother. "I just thought of something that made me laugh." "MOM!" said Mindy sternly. Cora...

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King DongChapter 7

When Cora and Bob sauntered into the living room everyone was watching a movie. Liz was lounging in a recliner and her two daughters were lying around too, Kathy on a beanbag chair and Jill on the couch. Mindy sat on the couch too, with Jill's feet in her lap. Everyone looked up when the two adults entered the room. Jill looked pointedly at Kathy. "I told you so!" she smirked. Kathy just shook her head and rubbed her belly. The baby was beginning to move around and it felt strange. Liz...

4 years ago
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QVC Julia The Dong Part 2 The Dong

From the view of Julia.The room was like the one he abused my body in with a gimp mask.I put my costume on ready and waited for the knock on the door. I contemplated lube, as after having him in me the other week, I was quite sore. Plus, he left me there with that vibrator on. Maybe he thought I could get out, but it was a little embarrassing, especially for that young boy who rescued me. I didn’t think he knew what was going on. It’s a pity he wasn’t older. Maybe I would have, well, maybe not,...

1 year ago
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HotMovies Parodies

Are you fucking horny as hell and ready to get off to the kind of content that speaks to you? Well, mother fucker? What the hell are you in the mood for? Midgets? Lactating midgets? Midgets that are put on a spinning pedestal and suck dick while zooming around in circles?Oh, you are horny for parody adult films, eh? You may think that there is not a place you can go to get your parody XXX films fix, but I want you to know that you’re fucking wrong! Because once you head over to Hot...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
4 years ago
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King Charming

Note to readers: This single volume tale is a follow up to the Prince Charming series, that detailed how a young, arrogant Prince behaved as King following the untimely death of his father. It will probably help a bit to have read the original series, but if not, it’s not exactly Shakespeare so I’m sure you’ll pick up the plot as you go. PROLOGUE(KING NOTHING) Thomas trudged through the forest, stumbling on a tree-root and stubbing his bare toe painfully. “Ah shit!” he swore, limping slightly...

2 years ago
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King And I

King had a rough face, that managed to be both masculine and pretty. His nose had been broken at some point in the past and it was slightly crooked now. His eyes were emerald, stunningly so, and glistened when he looked anyone in the eyes. His chin was covered in 2 or 3 day old stubble, never more and never less. He was covered in scars; they ran across his hands and up his arms and further. I could see one protruding from his collar; the skin there slightly discoloured, it was lighter than his...

4 years ago
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King David and His Forbidden Destinee Book 2 Love Unleashed

Come With Me, My love. Standing alone, his powerful chest and arms are bare, garbed with white tribal harem bottoms in an immense multi-colored flowered meadow. The warm sun gleams through the callosal mountains that surround him in the distance, shimmering on the flowing river. A breeze gently rustles the grass as a cacophony of whispers fills the atmosphere of the meadow. Among the many voices he hears Destinee's voice majestically call to him, "David my love, my King come with me."...

2 years ago
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Avon Ding Dong minis the Dong Lesbian

In my job as an Avon lady I was always getting phone calls from women asking me to call on them.This call came early in the morning. I answered the phone and heard a very well spoken woman asking whether I could call on her later that afternoon. I looked at my diary and said I could. I noted her address and told her I would be there at 2.30.When I put the phone down. I thought that the voice was not the usual type of caller I got. It was sophisticated, almost posh but very well spoken. I knew...

4 years ago
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Ding Dong

This is a small rewrite of the original that was published in November 2006, to correct errors in grammar and spelling, and adding a few small details to make the story flow better. Ding-Dong I had almost finished my morning really close shave when the doorbell rang. It was only 9:30 AM. I couldn't think of anyone that would be ringing my doorbell that early, especially on a Saturday morning. I pulled a towel from the rack and swiftly wiped the remaining shaving cream from my...

2 years ago
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Ding Dong

Ding DongCopyright 2005 www.forniphilia.infoChapter OneThe girl stood on the front porch. She was tall and lithe, unusually pretty, her lightly tanned face framed exquisitely by her long, dark hair. Her wavy locks, raven black and shining in the morning sun, cascaded halfway down her back. The girl was indeed pretty ? but her hair was startling beautiful, the kind of hair that drew admiring stares from men and envious glances from women.        She was covered nearly head to toe in a...

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King Ropemaker and the Revenge of the Fairies

King Ropemaker and the Revenge of the Fairies (RopemakerStory II) By C I. The Crisis Under his wise and benevolent rule, Ropemaker's kingdom had grown rich andhappy. His favorite pastime was, and remained, fairy hunting. On many a day,the people of the kingdom would see him and his men riding back to the castlewith a line of caught fairies stumbling behind them, their wrists and wingsbound, their lovely faces red and wet from crying. Each one knew that soonshe would be kicking at the end of...

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King Rentokil PenetRATion and the Mouse King Mann

The RatArmy King sat on his throne, one hand under his chin, the other tapping nervously on the handrail. "I am bored", he said to no one in particular. He didn't had a decent fuck in hours. And with his sexual appetite, that was quite unusual. "You there!" he said to one of his goons, "C'me here and suck my dick". The servant obeyed him blindly and King Rentokil PenetRATion's dick responded immediately to the warm mouth. He looked down from his throne how the little Mouse sucked him off with...

3 years ago
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King David and His Forbidden Destinee Revised

Late on a rainy and thunderous Thursday night, David is leaving work from downtown Cincinnati. He rushes from the building to his car soaking wet he quickly starts the car and pulls off to head home. The storm is calming to him, therapeutic almost, yet he for sure wants to get off of the roads as it is becoming dangerous to drive with the strong winds, and heavily pouring rain. Ten minutes into his drive he notices a woman walking on the side of the freeway, he's no fan of picking up...

4 years ago
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King8217s Son And Mother Queen

The characters in this story are King Dhirendra ,queen Divya and their son, prince Devendra. There were many small kingdoms at that time and they were fighting with each other to become bigger kingdoms.King Dhirendra was the bravest among the kings of small kingdoms . He married the neighbouring powerful kingdom princess Divya to have her kingdom in support of his kingdom.King Dhirendra was at 26 and Divya was just 16 at the time of marriage. (She was the most beautiful princess in the entire...

3 years ago
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Saw A Sexual Parody Part 1

When I woke up I was in a bathtub, in what looked like an abandoned warehouse. I was completely naked and my arms and legs were both restrained to each other. As I was looking around I noticed cameras in each corner of the room near the ceiling, a door in the far wall and there was also a TV on one wall. The second I looked at the TV it turned on to show a little porcelain doll. After a couple of seconds of looking at this doll, a very soft, strange voice emitted from the TV. It said: “You...

4 years ago
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Celeb parody Zooey Deschanel and Rooney Mara have a fun weekend

I couldn’t believe it. Dad and mom were getting a divorce! Dad – Vincent Cassell – met mom – Monica Bellucci – in 1996 on the set of the movie The Apartment. They dated for three years before “tying the knot” August 3, 1999. I was conceived that night and born May 7, 2000. My sister Diva was born in 2004 and Lonie in 2010. My parents were only married fourteen years, I couldn’t believe it was over! I was taking it hard. I sat in the living room,...

3 years ago
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Sex parody

Charlie Brown lay on his bed in his room playing with his little dick and thinking about the pretty little red-haired girl. She was so cute and he was sure he was in love with her. He wanted her so badly and she was all he ever thought about. He remembered the first time he saw her on the way to school. She had been in front of him some twenty feet and her little ass was making her pretty green dress swing from side to side, high enough so that every once in a while he got a glimpse of her...

2 years ago
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Help from my Friends A New Years Eve Parody

What would you do if I danced in the nude, would you cum when we all make love? Hold me tightly in your arms, our bodies will fit like a glove. Gonna cum with a little help from my friends Get some with a little help from my friends What would you do when I quiver and shake, would you turn out the light and sleep? Put your tongue here and kiss me, my dear, free your mind, you have nothing to fear. Gonna cum with a little help from my friends. Get some with a little help from my friends.

4 years ago
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MODERN FAMILY SEX PARODY Phil and Claire Dunfy Teach Haley a lesson

Its 3:00 am, and Phil and Clair Dunfy are sitting at home worried sick about their 16 year old daughter Haley. She went out earlier in the night with one of her friends that everyone knows is a slut, named Jenna. Clair was wearing her wooly nightgown pants, and a white tank top. Her ass was so nice you could see it bounce side to side in the baggy pants as she paced across the living room floor waiting for Haley to arrive home. Finally, Haley stumbles in the front door, looking sexy as ever....

3 years ago
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Defense Attorney Turnabout Parody

01-31-20XX Defendant Lobby No. 3 5:30 PM "Oh god... Oh god oh god oh god, I can't believe I'm finally doing this." I'm hyperventilating. I'm actually hyperventi- I never hyperventilate! If the court sees me like this, they'll all know that I'm not ready for this! Okay... Okay, calm down Eliza. Calm calm calm calm calm- You can do this. It may be your first case, but you can do this! You've trained for this! You studied for this! YOU EARNED THIS! YOU. WILL. NOT. FAIL. My name is Eliza Hope. I'm...

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Shameless Anime Parody

Marco could feel something was odd as he got off the bus, though he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He looked down at his arms while he walked. They were the same shade of brown he remembered, or at least, the parts that weren't covered by the long sleeves of his uniform were. The same skin color. The same hands at the end, with the same ten fingers. Everything looked as Marco remembered, and yet, something about it all felt off. When he reached the school building, he got a glimpse of...

2 years ago
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Any reader old as me or any one that watches old tv sitcoms will know the Beverley Hill Billies, all about hill billy Jedd Clampett Who was out hunting raccoons with his coon hound in Kentucky and shit at a coon, but missed, but the shot brought up a fountain of black ooze which turned out to be oil or “Texas Tea”. He immediately sold his mineral rights for a fortune and decided to buy a mansion in Beverley Hills, California so loaded up his old 1929 Ford Truck with Granny, Jedd,s Daughter...

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