My Own Parody, How Do You Solve A Problem Like Mar free porn video

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[How do you solve a problem like Maria
A parody based on "The sound of Music"
The year is 1936 and just above an ancient convent outside Saltsberg
a pretty young blonde girl is singing on a grassy hill.
Maria was an orphan who lived at the convent as a novice
with twelve other young girls of various ages.
Maria is a slight girl of five feet in stature and has honey
blonde hair and these are her adventures at the convent
and at Captain Von Trapp's mansion where the good
captain lives with his six c***dren having been widowed some years
The convent of St Beryl's had been in existence for 600 years
and in that time had seen few changes. The old building had no modern
day facilities except for the provision of sixteen ancient toilets which gave
no privacy whatsoever having no doors or walls.
Eight old bathtubs had been installed fifty years ago and were entirely
inadequate for the nuns and novices.
The legend was that St Beryl was Martyred there in 1200 AD having been
****d savagely by Turkish marauders and had never lost her faith in the Lord.
"Oh for fucks sake" said Beatrice, a big girl of twenty years as she queued
for a seat on an urgently needed toilet bowl.
Sixteen girls of various ages and sizes were straining to shit whilst another
sixteen were desperately clenching their asshole sphincters tightly close for fear of shitting themselves.
"Fuck off Beatrice" said Penelope, a younger slim blonde girl who was poised
delicately on the shitter seat. "We all need a crap you daft cunt"
Beatrice was nude as were most of the girls and desperate.
It was the same every morning. To many girls bottoms and too few shitter seats.
Penelope let off a huge fart in defiance and a few of the girls laughed and the occasional "plop" of a turd was heard falling onto the old china bowls.
Discipline was extremely strict at the convent and swearing was a caning offence
as they all knew.
If sister Constance were to hear such language she wouldn't hesitate to use the cane on any girls fat arse ...... But sister Constance was not around and girls are girls.
Maria had been lucky that morning and had ensconced herself on the last "shitter" as the girls called them and remained quiet as she relieved herself of several large turd's.
Several of the waiting girls were turning red faced as they waited in desperation and
several girls farted in unison hoping not too shit themselves.
sister Constance was not available because she was undergoing "penance" in the Mother Superiors office. The office was large and was simply furnished with oak stools and bare wooden floors. Simple that is except for the large ornate desk that was believed to have been used by Napoleon Boneparte during the occupation of Austria and Germany over one hundred year before. Mother Superior Bernadette was sitting on a stool and sister Constance was bent over the magnificence desk,her tiny cheeks were pressed into the old leather and her habit was raised exposing her large bottom for such a slight young woman to Father Benedict who was flexing a wicked looking "senior" cane .
On the wall were a selection of ancient canes and straps which had been at the convent for as long as anyone could remember and all were kept in good order, oiled and polished by Mother Bernadette.
Father Benedict was a hugely tall man of six feet six and all of the girls said he looked like Rasputin, not that they could possibly know what Rasputin had looked like but he was strong and very thing and had a beard.
Father Benedict had come on the orders of the Bishop over a year before to "take confessions" and generally oversee the convent, although he had no duristiction over Mother Superior he was a man and a man of God and was shown the respect of a man of the cloth.
He was indeed a handsome specimen and all the girls and sister admired and more than a few had sexual fantasies over him.
He had taken confession that very morning from all of the sisters and all had confessed the usual "wicked thoughts" and some had confessed to masturbating themselves.......... Including sister Constance.
Benedict loved the confessions of the sisters as they told him there intimate secrets
without any embarrassment or shame and he would urge them to reveal all to him and describe each intimate act and thought.
Dismissing the nuns who he considered plain and sexless with a few "hail Mary's" and a good act of contrition each morning he would select three or four sisters for punishment as penance.
sister Constance, a pretty twenty nine year old with the usual Austrian blonde wispy hair, slim but with a nice plump bottom was part of today's selection.
Constance had been caned before by both Mother Superior and Benedict and it hurt like hellfire but in so many ways she craved the attention the Benedict was giving her now.
Her large arse was spread nicely for her punishment and her arsehole rosebud and plump cuntal lips were fully displayed for the sever caning she knew was to come.
Underwear was unknown and unused at the convent so that when a girl was "presented" for the cane it was always a bare bottom that greeted the good Father.
Mother Bernadette settled on the hard wooden stool to witness the caning as was the custom and her hands crept onto her damp cunt beneath her habit beyond the sight of the Father as she flicked her clitoris into action and the cuntal juices began flowing at the exiting prospect of another bare bottomed caning. How she loved to see the puckered anus and cunt of a grown woman being humiliated in this way.
"Please begin the penance Father" she called with some urgency. "You have sister Caroline to cane before vespers"!
"All in good time "said Father Benedict who wore one single item of clothing, that being his brown woollen hassock and no underwear of course. As usual his erection was evident as Bernadette has seen so many times before. The good Father looked at Bernadette as she shamelessly began to masturbate. She made no effort to conceal the fact that she enjoyed witnessing these caning's and would usually orgasm loudly before the caning was complete.
Twelve harsh strokes was the usual penance and sister Contance prepared herself for the first cut by sticking her bottom out as if inviting the Father to begin.
Her arsehole winking a message to the Father that she was indeed ready and in fact eager to begin......
The first stroke of the cane whooshed down with the wrath of God and landed neatly across the arse directly in line with the poor young woman's cunt.
"Arrrggggghhhhhhh" she cried with pain and a hint of pleasure she always felt.
The good Fathers huge ten inch cock was now clearly aroused and popping its head
clear of his simple clothing. The cock head was a bright shiny purple and seemed ready to burst at any moment.
The supple cane was brought back in a well practised arc as Constance held her arse
well up to receive her next stroke.
Thwaaaaaccck! The cane struck home on the crease where her bottom met her upper legs.
Arrrrrgggggggggghhhhhh! the pain was near unbearable but Constance knew that
she was truly deserving of this hell on earth and that the good Father was Gods representative on earth and had the right and the duty to blister her poor bottom.
Mother Bernadette was openly masturbating as she grew ever more excited as the scene played itself out in front of her. She moaned ever so slightly as she urged the
Father to lay the supple cane into the presented arse.
Constance was of course a virgin and had been caned so many times before
by the good Father and indeed Mother Bernadette had often blistered her
large bottom.
Twelve strokes of the old and well used cane were the norm but occasionally up to thirty or forty strokes were administered according to the seriousness of the offence
Constance's arse was a bright red and the lines of the strokes were clearly visible
as they painted a picture of delight onto the penitent's large bottom.
Throughout the convent small ancient signs were displayed bearing one word, and that word was "OBEDIENCE"
The Mother Superior was fast reaching her orgasm as her fingers worked the divine
magic on her cunt and she was breathing heavily and a slight moan escaped her lips as she thanked the Lord for this divine gift of pleasure bestowed on her by Jesus.
sister Caroline was pacing the stone floor outside the heavy oak door awaiting her turn to expose her naked arse to the good Father with a mixture of fear and the strange feeling of excitement she always felt within her pussy before penance.
In the toilet room all of the girls had relieved themselves and some had barely managed to contain themselves. Beatrice had come very close to an accident and had sat on the cold enamel seat, recently vacated by Maria. With a great deal of relief she let go of her p*o in the nick of time as it landed with a loud plop!
In the large communal bathroom there were ten large french style roll top baths
of white enamel which were easily large enough to accommodate two girls at a time and although the water was only luke warm it was always considered a luxury and a pleasure for the girls to linger for a few precious moments. Each bath had a large piece of red carbolic soap which would serve to cleanse both body and hair.
Even in this "puritanical" regime the girls had no concept of modesty between themselves bathing was an excellent opportunity for sexual relief under the pretence of cleansing there young bodies.
Beatrice was sharing a bath with her favourite friend Jennifer a slim redhead with long legs and a pert bottom very little pubic hair. Beatrice was fat by comparison with a large bottom and well developed tits and it was clear they were both making the most of their bathtime. Beatrice's hands had begun to wander in between Jennifer's legs and Jennifer was fondling Beatrice's fat pussy lips.
Bath time was never long enough or satisfying enough for any prolonged lovemaking and orgasms had to be hurried as sister Meg could appear at any moment with her swishy cane and on many occasion delivered a summery caning to any girl caught dallying of playing with their own or another girls cunt.
Jennifer's eyes were already rolling as she was on the verge of an early cum. She was always quick to cum first which pissed Beatrice off as she needed to get off urgently.
Jennifer's noisy orgasm would always "trigger" the mass orgasms as she would howl and pant as she came shamelessly and noisily.
Maria had the large bath all to herself and was lazily stroking her hairless pussy and fingering her labia and clitoris. Waiting for Jennifer as usual, like a starting pistol she would be the catalyst for the first of the sixteen sexually hungry girls to begin the morning ritual of the first and only cum of the day.
"Oh fuck" cried Jennifer "I'm fucking cuuumingggg" she howled. "Mmmmmmmm , Christ, I'm cummmingg......... "You cunt" said Beatrice" I haven't cum yet" ...........
It was always the same. Jennifer, once started could never be stopped and Beatrice rubbed her cunt furiously to get off in the last few seconds od bath time. One by one the girls started their noisy orgasms, some girls helping each other to climax and the rest frigging away with fingers deep inside their own or their partners twats!
Soon the whole bathhouse was a cacophony of mass orgasms including Maria who was less noisy but equally ecstatic as her head lolled backed and her eyes rolled as she reached her intense orgasm.
At that very moment the Mother Superior was frigging her cunt as Constance was receiving the last of the twelve strokes of the cane from Father Benedict. His huge cock head was purple with lust and clearly exposed for Mother Bernadette to enjoy as she began the finale of her own monumental orgasm.
Constance's arse was bright red and well lined from the severe caning she had received and her asshole was winking in both pain and pleasure and a few drops of cunt juice dripped silently to the stone floor.
In the bath house sister Meg predictably walked in, cane in hand to tell the girls to finish up and get dressed as quickly as possible. sister Meg had heard the noises coming from the girls and remembered the days when she was a novice herself and that she herself had enjoyed many a good orgasm. She was a kindly nun and chose on this occasion to turn a blind eye to the naughty girls "sexual fun".
Normally she would have made an example of three or four girls with a few strokes of the cane over the bathtub on the bare bottom ......... But not today!
The girls quickly rinsed of the last remnants of pussy juice and jumped quickly out of their baths to get dressed in there simple smocks and leather sandals in preparation for the first of their morning prayers and lessons.
"Come here Maria" said sister Meg....... "Oh fuck" thought Maria. "What the fuck have I done now?"
Maria knew full well what she had done, but so had all of the other girls. "Why pick on me" she thought.
"Maria" continued sister Meg, "The Mother Superior want to see you directly after prayers in her office at nine o'clock sharp"
"Oh Christ almighty" thought Maria," Not the cane from Father Benedict."
Maria had been caned by Mother Superior a few times as well as a few bare bottomed caning's from most of the other nuns at the convent, but never had she received a proper thrashing from the good Father as his reputation preceded him. His arms were much stronger and his punishments were legendary. She bit her lip and a tear began to form in the corner of her eye.
Standing nude in front of sister Meg caused her no shame at all but the prospect of baring her bottom to Father Benedict filled her with dread. She remembered her last confession. She had, as usual confessed to masturbating and "impure thoughts" but she had done the penance of fifty hail Mary's ...... What more could fate hold for her...................
At nine o'clock on the dot Maria presented herself out side Mother Superiors office which also served as a bedroom and the door was already open. Dressed in her simple smock and leather sandals and with a feeling of impending doom she looked inside and saw that two girls were already bent over, on top of the desk with their bottoms bared and legs lewdly spread concealing nothing of the femininity such as it was whilst Mother Bernadette was caning each of the girls. Six strokes each alternately were delivered with as much force as the Holy Mother could muster. For what reason? It was not for Maria to guess or even consider.
Maria's hands went to her own bottom as she rubbed it and anticipated her own punishment. She wore no panties. No girl wore panties as this was an order of poverty and obedience and panties were considered a luxury and a new fashion for the decadent outsiders.
After what seemed an eternity the girls punishment were completed and the two girls left the office crying and rubbing there red bottoms furiously.
All to soon Maria was standing nervously in front of the Mothers desk. Bernadette was ominously still holding the cane in her hand and flexing it ominously.
"How old are you Maria?" said Mother Bernadette.
"I am eighteen" replied Maria "Going on nineteen" she added hastily.
Maria's hands were still firmly clinging to her bare bottom as Mother Bernadette spoke.
"Are you familiar with Baron von Trapp and his family" said the good Mother
"Yes Mother" Maria said softly.
"You are no doubt aware that the Baron was widowed several years ago girl and that the poor man is trying to bring up his six daughters and son alone?"
"Yes, Mother" replied Maria still wondering if she were to be caned or not and how much it would hurt.
"It has been decided that you are to leave the Convent for a while to assist the Baron as a governess and general help to the von Trapp family"
"What you may not know is that the Baron is a strict disciplinarian but despite his best efforts is having great difficulty with maintaining order in his household"
Maria did know of the Baron and how handsome a man he was. Maria had in secret had many sexual fantasy's about the Baron and had seen several of his c***dren in their fancy clothing in and around Saltsberg and had even heard they sometimes performed as a choir of talented singers in competition and at church services.
Maria was a talented singer herself and had often been punished or reprimanded for singing silly songs whilst she was supposed to be working.
Maria could barely contain her delight and wondered if she had the confidence in herself to fulfil the needs of the Baron and his c***dren.
"You will be not only under the vow of obedience expected of the Convent but also be obedient to the Baron and subject to his discipline as he sees fit"
"I am entirely confident that you will be a great asset to the von Trapp family" the good Mother went on ...........
I have ordered two new dresses for you, both in blue, with white satin sashes and you will be required to wear knickers as in polite society these are worn at all times"
Placing two pairs of white knickers on the desk in front of her Maria could see that the knickers were white and made of quiet nice cotton material although quiet small.
"These may not be of the "high fashion" as worn by the ladies of Vienna but they will be sufficient for your use"
"I suppose you had better try them on" said Bernadette. "Although it matters not to me if they fit you or not as they are all we can obtain during these hard times"
"Get completely undressed girl" snapped the Nun.
Standing naked in front of Mother Bernadette she helped the c***d into the knickers for the first time in her life.
"Hmmmm" said Bernadette" they seem a little tight to me" and indeed they did little to hide Maria's bottom or vagina. But they would have to do. The Order of St Beryl's was not made of money!
"Pack your belongs and be ready to leave first thing in the morning after prayers" said Bernadette.
The next morning Maria was packed. Her possessions, such as they were, went easily into a small old brown leather suitcase.
Maria was dressed in the very brief white knickers and the Blue dress which must have been made for a much younger c***d as it was several sizes to small. Maria was a small breasted girl and the dress buttons were not overly tight but the hemline was extremely short being at least six inches above the knee. Any forward movement or bending down exposed Maria's knickers and most of her bottom! The blue satin sash was beautiful however and Maria was pleased with that at least.
Finally and with no farewells Maria set off on the five mile walk down the long winding road the von Trapp mansion. Walking slowly at first Maria soon began to run and skip as she grew ever more confident! "At last" she thought to herself "I am leaving behind those b**stly nuns with their awful canes" ......................................................
End of chapter one
In chapter two Maria meets the Baron von Trapp and his naughty daughters and even naughtier son...........b][/b]

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Before you EVEN close this, I have one thing to say. This is not about smoking pot. This is about something a tad more personal. No matter how much I try, I can only last seven minutes. So why the title? Do the math: seven minutes, each with sixty seconds. 420. At first I thought I was normal. I mean… seven minutes of sex is nothing to sneeze at. It wasn’t like I shot off the instant I got hard. I got the idea to time myself from listening to my friends talk about how long they...

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My Neighbor Aunt Marilee

Marilee and my mother quickly became friends and she was in our house almost every day. We all began to call her Aunt Marilee. Most of my dad’s friends wanted to bang her but she showed no interest and after a while I overheard them call her a cock tease and other names. She was so fucking cute and sexy without even trying, that I jerked off to her almost every night. It was about eight months after Marilee moved in which was the same time I started dating my first girlfriend...

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The camera zooms in on Mariko waiting outside for the host at the beginning of the scene. As they talk, she gives the host details about her marriage. The host takes the usual counterpoint, if you're married for ten years, why come here? Mariko's sex life has been bland, and her husband is not so affectionate with her. She's also interested in being filmed, which interests the host very much.The two walk to the filming location and talk more about her personal life, sex life, and why she's...

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CarleyChapter 7 Jack and Lora Tell Their Story to Marja

Lora was still naked from her shower and I hadn’t gotten dressed. I hugged Lora and we kissed. “Marja, is there anything special you want us to do?” Marja shook her head. “Just what you normally do. When you finish, Jack, I’d love it if you’d do it in Lora. I very much want to see you spill inside your sister. Lora, if you’ll let me, I want to lick you and taste your juices and Jack’s sperm.” Lora looked delighted. “Yeah! That sounds cool!” “Let me hit the head,” I said. I went into the...

2 years ago
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Mission To Mars

Mission To Mars By Alessandra Lews Even with whole technological progress that the future had brought, the world had not still liberated of an old problem... unemployment. Eduardo was unemployed for several months. Somebody that had met success for several years faced collections, late bills and was ready to be spilled of his apartment. To complete the misfortune, his girlfriend had abandoned him. 'Better this way,' he thought. 'for she was only interested in my bank...

4 years ago
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“So yeah, I’ll be late for dinner”, my wife said over the speakerphone located in the storage alcove adjacent to my classroom. I could hear papers on her desk rustling over the phone line. She was distracted by work, so I might be able to stumble my way through this, so to speak. “I might not even make it until late. Go ahead and have something on your own. You’re always eating at your desk anyways, so that’ll be fine. I just wanted to let you know before you thought anything bad happened.” On...

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The Problem Solver

They like to call you an "exorcist" but you're more than that! You don't only deal with ghosts, demons, and evil spirits! There's also thefts, "murders" , ninjas, etc.! You have a much larger scope than other people actually think you have, you'll solve anyone's problem (as long as there are cute girls involved) because you are... THE PROBLEM SOLVER - handsome - wealthy -fit -and "skilled" ! But how did a mysterious man like you get all this? Well it's quite simple really. Back when you were...

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Luxray and Samara

Samara was now fourteen with short blue-black hair and golden amber eyes. She was petite and even her breasts where tiny. She wore glasses she had ever since she was little, a navy blue tunic and a white skirt with an olive green jacket. Samara was never the one to speak up much she was just she shy girl. But with her sweet little Shinx who had evolved into mostly silent Luxray. Soon after she found Luxray all those years ago she found out that her Pokémon could use telepathy to talk to...

4 years ago
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CarleyChapter 5 The Sex Club and Marja

Carley and I ate dinner in a restaurant I knew well. Afterwards, we walked through the nightclub district of Milan, people-watching and enjoying the street performers who worked the crowds. We drank wine sitting outside a couple of bars. Carley was happy and talkative. As we walked into one of the many plazas, I glanced to my right at a particularly ugly statue. Suddenly, a hand appeared, reaching for my right side at about belt level. At home, I always carry a handgun right there and I’ve...

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Amity 2 CoercionChapter 4 Mars

The spaceship got under way, and they headed off to Mars. This Explorer ship was one of their newest at about 120m long and 60m at its widest. It looked like a flattened oblong. It had two liveable decks that were about 3m high with a meter crawl space between. Helm, food-prep, a sickbay, a rec-room and labs were on this deck. Six bunkrooms were on the second deck, with perishable storage and a communal bathroom. The third deck was the biggest and housed the transporter that seated four of...

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Problem Solved

Note: This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2012 by Kyrie Hobson. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper...

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I do my best to solve my sister8217s ugly problem

Since I was home from school on the semester break, I took my sister to a nice restaurant on the night before her 16th birthday. “How’s your love life?” I asked her with a smile as we studied the big menus. She shook her lovely head. “I have none. Boys are disgusting.” “Your pardon, miss? All of them?” “Present company excepted. You’re hardly a ‘boy’.” “What caused this?” She sniffed and raised her menu....

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Solve My Net And Sex Problem

Hi, readers, its me Raju again. I am getting overwhelming response from all readers. This time I will tell you how A young girl was fucked by me. There is A family living in our neighborhood in bhopal, they have two daughters naming ritu and komal, her mother works in A school and father is in bank out of Bhopal. Both girls are very cute and I was interested more in komal. One day komal come to me in noon saying that she is facing some problem in opening the orkut on net. I told her let me see...

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MONOLOGUE or How I Solved The Servant Problem

MONOLOGUE OR HOW I SOLVED THE SERVANT PROBLEM By Monica Graz Based on an older story by Jane Hunter It all sounds perfectly dreamy darling. You have been away four months, haven't you, on that great floating palace? Sun, sea, all you could drink and eat. Just heaven! Oh well, you certainly deserved it, though I must say I envy you dreadfully. And one of these days you really are going...

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Sweet Marianna

My name is Fiyero Andreyev. I was born and raised to the age of seventeen years, in St. Petersburg, Russia. I relocated to the promising soils of the American States with my then-fiancee, Natassia Kaczmarek in the search of a fortuitous career. After struggling through a couple of harsh years with little money and minimal food, I was blessed enough to procure employment from an eccentric and well-renowned artist from France named Cyrille Amoussou. The brilliant Amoussou paid me rather...

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Succubus Genie part 2 How to solve a problem like Erika

Of course in some ways my life had taken a massive upturn recently; Lilith, my genie, was still as eager to please as the day I got her and I fucked her most nights, the thought of a blowjob before starting on a mounting pile of homework had kept me going for the last hour and a half. When the school bus finally came to my stop I was glad to leave the chattering of year sevens behind even though it meant a ten minute trudge through the driving rain in nothing but a school uniform. Making...

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The Neighborhood MILF Marlee

The circle of friends in our neighborhood that likes to fool around is getting bigger and bigger. My friend Marlee would seem to be an obvious choice to let her lesbian urges go and join in the fun that the rest of us have on a regular basis. Marlee is a free spirited blonde that seems to still be clinging to her hippie values. Free love described this 44-year-old perfectly. She's never been married, but and has been linked romantically with several younger men in town, and rumor has been going...

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Problem Solved

Judy sat across from her mother at the table, eating her breakfast. Her mom sipped her coffee while watching her daughter. It was easy to see something was bothering her. “What’s up? You look upset about something,” Betty said. Judy shrugged her shoulders as she stared into her bowl of cereal. Betty waited a moment and said, “Well, you’re clearly upset.” “My life sucks!” Judy said. “What happened now?” Betty had listened to her daughter complaining about things for the past few years. She...

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A present from MaryBeth

True story? You decide A couple of years ago, I decided to lose weight and bought a bike for exercise. A few years later, I got a gym membership. Last Christmas, because I got tired of riding the bike in rush hour I got an elliptical machine. Between the workouts at home and at the gym and the long bike rides, I was, if I do say so myself, turning into middle-aged stud muffin. As I was trimming up, my wife of fifteen years was making no headway. She was always on the heavy side. With the...

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King Dong A Monster Movie Parody Act 7

True to his word, a huge crowd attended the premier. "Live at the Hollywood Bowl, Dong, the Eighth Wonder of the World, XXX Adult Show" the signs promised. The people took their seats, speculating on what they were about to see. Many rumors had filtered out, some mostly accurate and some much less so. Anne and Jack waited backstage. Jack in a tuxedo, Anne wearing only a lacy matching set of bra and panties. "You nervous, Anne?" Jack asked. "Mmmm, ready to soak through my panties is more...

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King Dong A Monster Movie Parody Act 6

Anne came to, already moaning, on account of Dong's tentacles slowly fucking her pussy and asshole, and gently squeezing her ample breasts. She opened her eyes, smiled, and said, "Mmmmm, baby, that feels so nice. Don't stop." They were in a large cave, with Dong mostly submerged in a subterranean lake that filled the area, though he was clearly being careful to keep Anne above water. Hearing her voice, Dong gurgled softly and started moving, climbing out of the water and into daylight....

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King Dong A Monster Movie Parody Act 5

With the rising of the sun also came a dense morning fog, so visibility was not much better than before. The men arrived at a waterline of an inland shore. "You think these patterns in the sand might be the tracks Dong leaves behind?" Karl asked. "Shh. You hear that?" Jack interrupted. The sound of splashing came from off in the distance. "He's just ahead of us, crossing through here. And look, the beach curves around in that direction over there. Follow me, men!" He set off around the...

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King Dong A Monster Movie Parody Act 4

"Alright, so in the morning we'll get another group together to go ashore. A couple of them that almost shit their pants today, they stay behind this time. Pick out guys that can handle themselves," Karl said. "We'll bring our trading materials along with us, see if we can't bribe our way into getting to see what's what around here." "So you really think we can make friends with those island assholes?" Jack asked. "And why not? Besides, there's no choice. I've got to see for...

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King Dong A Monster Movie Parody Act 3

"Do you see anything? The fog is a good sign, right?" Anne asked. "The sonar shows we're close to something, alright," Anglerod confirmed. "And it's the island we're looking for? How can we tell?" said Anne. "The mountain that looks like an erect cock and balls," Karl said. "Oh, that's right, I remember you mentioned that," Anne replied. "Here's the shore. You can hear the waves breaking," Anglerod observed. "Wait, those aren't breakers. It's drums," Jack...

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King Dong A Monster Movie Parody Act 2

"Beautiful," Jack said, coming up behind Anne as she stood at the railing, staring out over the ocean. "Yes, It's a wonderful view," she replied. "I wasn't talking about the sea," he said. She turned towards him, revealing that the plunging neckline of her dress left very little to the imagination regarding her large breasts, or to the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra. "Flatterer," she said with an inviting smile. Jack smiled back. "I hear you've been getting along well with...

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King Dong A Monster Movie Parody Act 1

by the Perv Otaku Based on "King Kong", Screen Play by James Creelman and Ruth Rose, from an idea conceived by Edgar Wallace and Marian C. Cooper And the ancestor said: "And lo, beauty looked upon the strength of the beast. And she stayed her feet from running. And from that day, she was as one enslaved." - Old Japanese Proverb ACT I The ship sat quietly at the dock as Easton approached. A single guard stood post at the gangway. "Hey, is this the film crew ship?" he asked. "The...

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Saw A Sexual Parody Part 1

When I woke up I was in a bathtub, in what looked like an abandoned warehouse. I was completely naked and my arms and legs were both restrained to each other. As I was looking around I noticed cameras in each corner of the room near the ceiling, a door in the far wall and there was also a TV on one wall. The second I looked at the TV it turned on to show a little porcelain doll. After a couple of seconds of looking at this doll, a very soft, strange voice emitted from the TV. It said: “You...

1 year ago
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King Kong XXX parody

Ann awoke. Her throat was parched. It actually hurt. Too much seawater. She could hear the waves breaking nearby. How had she survived? She remembered the fishing vessel and how it suddenly capsized in rough seas. There wasn’t time to signal the Coast Guard. The ship sank quickly. Oh. Jack. Surely he made it. She rose up. Her right shoulder was bruised and felt numb. She was alone. Something roared horrendously in the distance. She jolted to her feet. She was weak. Wobbly. She felt she...

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Celeb parody Zooey Deschanel and Rooney Mara have a fun weekend

I couldn’t believe it. Dad and mom were getting a divorce! Dad – Vincent Cassell – met mom – Monica Bellucci – in 1996 on the set of the movie The Apartment. They dated for three years before “tying the knot” August 3, 1999. I was conceived that night and born May 7, 2000. My sister Diva was born in 2004 and Lonie in 2010. My parents were only married fourteen years, I couldn’t believe it was over! I was taking it hard. I sat in the living room,...

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Sex parody

Charlie Brown lay on his bed in his room playing with his little dick and thinking about the pretty little red-haired girl. She was so cute and he was sure he was in love with her. He wanted her so badly and she was all he ever thought about. He remembered the first time he saw her on the way to school. She had been in front of him some twenty feet and her little ass was making her pretty green dress swing from side to side, high enough so that every once in a while he got a glimpse of her...

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Help from my Friends A New Years Eve Parody

What would you do if I danced in the nude, would you cum when we all make love? Hold me tightly in your arms, our bodies will fit like a glove. Gonna cum with a little help from my friends Get some with a little help from my friends What would you do when I quiver and shake, would you turn out the light and sleep? Put your tongue here and kiss me, my dear, free your mind, you have nothing to fear. Gonna cum with a little help from my friends. Get some with a little help from my friends.

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MODERN FAMILY SEX PARODY Phil and Claire Dunfy Teach Haley a lesson

Its 3:00 am, and Phil and Clair Dunfy are sitting at home worried sick about their 16 year old daughter Haley. She went out earlier in the night with one of her friends that everyone knows is a slut, named Jenna. Clair was wearing her wooly nightgown pants, and a white tank top. Her ass was so nice you could see it bounce side to side in the baggy pants as she paced across the living room floor waiting for Haley to arrive home. Finally, Haley stumbles in the front door, looking sexy as ever....

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Defense Attorney Turnabout Parody

01-31-20XX Defendant Lobby No. 3 5:30 PM "Oh god... Oh god oh god oh god, I can't believe I'm finally doing this." I'm hyperventilating. I'm actually hyperventi- I never hyperventilate! If the court sees me like this, they'll all know that I'm not ready for this! Okay... Okay, calm down Eliza. Calm calm calm calm calm- You can do this. It may be your first case, but you can do this! You've trained for this! You studied for this! YOU EARNED THIS! YOU. WILL. NOT. FAIL. My name is Eliza Hope. I'm...

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