Libby Left Her Penis Home
- 3 years ago
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Dante and Marci were on a trip, staying at the Excelsior, when they met Libby Laura and Mars. Mars: dark and good-looking and sixteen. At the party, Marci began conversing with Mars and found out about his knowing Mercury from school. Libby Laura had been talking to him when Marci introduced herself to him, and Marci had taken her for his girlfriend. Libby Laura was a classmate of Mars's at Summerhill and they had just encountered each other at the party. Libby Laura was a petite and pretty young lady with short yellow and brown hair swept back on the sides. Her nose, sprinkled with freckles, was large proportionally to her small, narrow face. She had small teeth except for the two front ones, which were unusually long, and a small mouth with a plump lower lip, and huge brown eyes. There was a patch of acne on each cheek. Her skin was fair, but she had dark skin just under her eyes. She was wearing a black crepe dress. When they were alone a little later, Dante said to Marci, "I see or think I see you have your eye on little Mars."
"He's not so little. Five foot nine."
"A hundred and thirty pounds."
"Okay, he's little."
"And that eye of yours."
"Ah yes, the eye." Marci tossed her mane of white hair jauntily. "I like the girl. She's quite mature and serious and intellectual - belied by her waifish looks, sort of. And she has the proverbial eye on you, I think. She says, 'Your husband is ever so handsome.' What is that apropos of, I wonder?"
"And you said..."
"And I said, 'Isn't he a bit old?'"
"And she said..."
"I'm getting to that. She says, 'Not hardly, I should say.' I had to laugh right at her. She's a good sport and smiled back. So good luck, Mr. Dante. I'm following my inclinations and you should follow yours."
"So you're taking the high road and leaving me with the low one?"
Marci laughed good-naturedly. "Do as you like, Mr. Dante. Do as you like." She patted his chest affectionately with her open palm. As an afterthought, she added, "Ever have sex with a really skinny female?" She turned and headed for the food table.
"Lots of times," Dante said to her back, as if defending himself. He watched a few minutes as Marci began stuffing herself--rather aggressively, he reflected. Perhaps, his thoughts went on, she is preparing herself for the sexual encounter with Mars. Looking at her satiny flanks swaying and rippling beneath the shiny fabric of her tight, dark blue party gown. He felt considerable excitement as he contemplated the soft flesh of her voluptuous hips and stomach swelling from her gluttony.
"Look at Dante," Marci said to Mars moments later, "holding forth in front of Libby Laura. He can be so charming, if a little pompous. Such a handsome man." Then she sighed as if lost in the contemplation of her beautiful husband. Mars was gazing up into her eyes rather than looking at the beautiful man in question and the skinny female. Marci tossed down her glass of red wine while the slender and handsome Mars sipped his delicately, watching her over the rim of his wine glass. Then the four of them took a table together and sat around it making conversation. Dante caught sight of Marci's voluptuous curves stuffed into her tight satin dress, the short skirt of which had hitched itself up so that apparently the young boy could see a good deal of thigh and perhaps even the lips between them. This reverie was interrupted by a comment from Libby Laura, who leaned close to his face and whispered into his ear, her breath sweet and pleasant, the delicate breeze of her voice erotically stimulating..."Dante," she began.
"What, dear?"
"I love it when you call me dear."
"How nice."
"Yes, dear."
She gave a soft explosion of whispered laughter into his ear at this second use of the word "dear."
"Yes, dear," Dante repeated.
"I just wanted to say that..."
"--that I love older men. Especially when they're ever so slightly bald."
"Why don't the two of you dance," Marci suggested to them. Libby Laura jumped up right away and grabbing Dante's arm, unceremoniously jerked him to his feet. On the dance floor, Libby Laura pressed her slender body tight against Dante's and slid her torso up and down, rubbing against him. After twenty minutes of dancing, Dante said, "I need a drink. How about you, dear?"
Libby Laura shrugged. "I don't care, I guess," she answered with a show of indifference. However, when he handed her a glass of red wine, she gulped it down. Back at their table, they found themselves alone. "They're gone, dear," Libby Laura said to Dante.
"I don't see them on the dance floor, either," Dante said and then added, "I love it when you call me 'dear.'"
"Let's go to your room," she blurted out, rather loudly, almost shouting, it seemed. Dante winced. "Sorry," she continued, looking down. "I didn't mean to yell."
Dante took her empty wine glass and set it down on the table. He took her hand and started for the door. Alone in the elevator, Libby Laura lit a cigarette and Dante, standing behind her, lightly - ever so lightly - brushed his lips on the back of her neck, feeling the long, delicate, curling down that grew there. Libby Laura flinched, jumped, in fact, reached over and smashed out her cigarette in the ashtray, and then whirled around and kissed Dante on the lips as she flung her arms around his neck.
They went into the bedroom of Dante and Marci's suite, and Dante rolled a joint. When they had finished smoking it, Libby Laura suggested taking a shower together. Dante got into the shower while Libby Laura was rolling another joint to smoke before she joined him. While Dante was showering, the shower door opened and Dante, expecting Libby Laura, was surprised that it was Mars. Without a word, the boy pressed his lithe, naked body up against Dante's back and put his arms around the older man's strong, hairy chest. Dante felt Mars's erect penis pushing between his buttocks as Mars kissed the back of his neck, much as Dante had recently kissed Libby Laura's neck. Dante turned around, and they rubbed their wet bodies against one another and kissed. When they left the shower, they came out into the sitting room where Dante was surprised to see Marci and Libby Laura dancing naked to the notes of Ravel's Bolero, which was playing on the radio. They made quite a contrast, the two females: Marci, buxom and dark (that is, olive skinned; her hair was white) and Libby Laura, fair and as flat-chested as a boy. Mars's penis, which was of unusual thickness, stood out along a perpendicular line. Marci signaled with her arms for the boy to come closer. She put her arms high above her head and writhed at the hips, her long, drooping breasts swaying dramatically. "Fuck me," she said to Mars in a quiet, guttural voice and fell backwards onto the sofa, spreading and lifting her fleshy and well-muscled thighs, exposing a vulva shaved but surrounded by a dark shadow of stubble. The boy, as if in a hypnotic trance, approached slowly, seemingly in time to the seductive, seemingly inexorable strains of Bolero. Leaning over her, his slender hips and ass flexed, he slipped his erection into the waiting - the inviting - yawning body cavern. Marci wrapped her strong legs around the boy's hips and pushed him deeply into her. Mars thrust rhythmically to the music, while the other couple watching entranced, gaping in their stoned haze. Then Libby Laura seemed to snap out of her trance and turning towards Dante and looking him up and down, smiled and said, in as much of a low guttural tone as she - with her habitually squeaky little voice - could muster, "Dante, fuck me." He stepped towards her and as he embraced her, she jumped up and in one motion threw her legs around him, impaling herself suddenly and purposefully on his penis, pushing her tangled mat of brown pubic hair right up to meet his. She held onto his neck and kissed him frantically on the lips as she heaved her slight torso up and down on Dante's erection. Meanwhile, Dante had a clear view of Mars sprawled over the sofa, thrusting himself fast and rhythmically. Marci's breasts flopped on either side of her torso and bounced wildly around to the motion of her partner. Those breasts - narrow where they met her chest and broad like nippled sacks of grain where they hung and danced beside her - that is, on either side of her. She snuffled and snorted as Mars pounded repeatedly against her.
Libby Laura whimpered and wriggled, wrapped around clinging with her thighs to Dante's flanks. Dante sidled to the sofa and laid Libby Laura back onto the cushions next to Mars and Marci. While Marci snorted, Mars said quietly, "I like feeling my penis inside you, Marci."
"Not very imaginative, but sincere," Libby Laura giggled between whimpers. Dante groaned. This empassionment of the two couples went on for several minutes. Dante awoke from a fog of ecstasy to the sight of Mars - deus ex machina - getting astride Libby Laura's face, his balls dropping neatly into the young lady's mouth. While Libby Laura sucked Mars's balls, Dante took hold of Mars's erection and jacked him off.
Their hotel - an old one - had its own beach on the Adriatic. The foursome lounged around on the beach during the mornings. Libby Laura and Marci went topless. Mars wore a tiny g-string from which his balls had a tendency to hang out. "You could just as well go naked. Or wear a sock on your penis," Dante commented as they drank beer on the beach.
"It's your wife, sir, who's good for the local tourist industry," Mars said laughing. "Her breasts are coated with sand, as if posed for an erotic calendar."
"Dante looks so ravishing in his conventional short swimming trunks. Just look at that brawny creature. And the sexy Mars beside him." She laughed vivaciously, her naked torso shaking.
Back in the room, still drinking beer, Dante and Mars removed their swimming suits and embraced, falling back on the bed, while Libby Laura, still drinking beer, sat naked and cross-legged on the hassock and watched. Wrapped about each other, Mars and Dante kissed each other's lips and face and neck. They lay head to foot and suckled each other's penises. Then Dante got on his knees and thrust himself inside the boy's anus. Marci bent over Mars and suckled his penis.
The four of them had Turkish coffee sent up to the room and sat on the small balcony overlooking the turquoise sea. The ladies were in negligees and smoking cigarettes and Libby Laura, a cigarette dangling rakishly from her lips, her yellow and brown hair neatly swept back and gelled into place, was plaiting Marci's hair into a French braid, and the two men wore silk boxers. Mars related a story about his past. "When I was thirteen, there was this little girl who lived on our block, Colleen, who was ten. Not to go on and on, but she was extraordinarily pretty. Or pert or something like that. She had wavy black hair, huge eyes, and a slender little figure. Her face was very white behind an extraordinary peppering of freckles. One time in the dirt alley behind my house, behind a huge oak tree that grow on one side of the alley and half obstructed it, she came up behind me, put her arms around my chest, and kissed the back of my neck. It was so erotic. After that, I wanted her terribly. I wanted to get her alone and get her to kiss me again. Maybe kiss her on the lips. I fantasized about French kissing her. Then I even imagined kissing her between her legs. It was spring when she kissed my neck, and it wasn't until summer was well advanced that I got an opportunity to work my wiles on her. I was sitting behind the oak tree when she walked by. I called to her and she turned around and walked over to me. Some large freckles around one eye and the fact that one of her two front teeth was noticeably longer than the other tended, when she looked straight at you, to make it look like she was winking and leering. Also, her full lips curved unevenly when she smiled.
"I ached inside when she looked down at me. That was a period when I was getting woodies real often, spontaneously..."
"So to speak," Dante added.
"Anyway, so I invited her to sit down and as she sat, I scooted over into the shrubbery, so that when she sat down close beside me, we were hidden in the undergrowth around the side of the tree that faced an overgrown, almost abandoned bit of the back yard of one of the neighbors. She pulled out a cigarette and matches and lit up. She passed it to me and we shared the cigarette. She leaned back against the tree, blowing smoke out her mouth. I put my arm around he and she didn't seem to mind. In fact, she rested her head on my chest and cuddled up to me. I inhaled the smell of her wavy black hair. She began to spin a fantasy about how we were hiding out from bad guys and had to scooch down in the shrubbery so as not to be discovered. So then we were lying down with me half on top of her, our breath in each other's faces. I put my lips on the side of her neck and she wiggled with delight. Then I kissed her lips. She squirmed uncomfortably for an instant and then pressed her lips against mine. After a moment, I put my tongue into her mouth. She squirmed and grunted a little, but then she thrust her tongue into my mouth. Then ... uh oh ... I began to stroke her torso. I brushed one hand across her chest, which was of course as flat as mine. I could feel her nipples through the material of her shirt. I was breathing fast. But then, she yelped a little and pushed me away and said breathlessly, "What are you doing?" Then she got up and ran away."
"Is that it?" Libby Laura asked.
"There's more."
Libby Laura smiled and put out her cigarette while smoke streamed from her nostrils. "I'm glad of that. Although this is getting long. I've a feeling you're building up to something really tremendous, Mars. I'm anxious for you to get to it. Maybe it would help if one of us sucked your dick while you told the story."
"No," Marci suggested, "Let's make him wait. That'll be his reward for finishing the story. So you must get on with it, Mars, but don't leave out anything important - or lascivious - or importantly lascivious. So when did you see Colleen next and what happened?" She puckered her lips, lined and puckered with age, around her cigarette while Mars gawked at her, obviously entranced. She caught his look and laughed at him, smoke billowing out of her mouth and nostrils. She coughed. Mars cleared his throat and continued...
"The next time I saw her, she was in the garage behind her house. The big door was open facing the alley as I walked by, and there she was smoking a cigarette. She offered to share it with me and then, while we crouched in one corner of the garage, she pulled down the top of her shorts to show me her underpants and then quickly pulled her pants back up. I don't know where I got the nerve, but I urged her to take down the underpants too and show me everything..."
"So to speak," Libby Laura added.
"Well, yes ... and then, finally, after much ardent persuasion on my part, she did. A quick flash at first, but I insisted on a longer look. So she held her pants down for me while I ogled her pudendum."
"You must have been in ecstasy," Marci said.
"I was, as a matter of fact. But then her sister came in."
"What? You were caught?" Dante said.
"Yes. It was sort of funny. The sister, who was the same age as me - her name was Clarissa - gasped and stood there a moment with her hands on her hips. Colleen covered her dishabille and stood up, brushing off her shorts and clearing her throat. I leaned back against the wall of the garage and just sat there."
"What did the sister say?" Marci put a fresh cigarette in her mouth.
"'I'm telling mom.'"
"Of course," Dante said, lighting Marci's cigarette, "what else!"
"Of course, then I scuttled off and left Colleen to sort things out by herself. I didn't figure I would be of any use anyway. But then I couldn't get little Colleen's pussy out of my mind. There it was in my mind's eye, in my vivid memory picture of it, smooth and gaping and convoluted and crinkled."
"I suppose it was the first one you'd ever seen in real life," Libby Laura taunted.
"It was the first time I'd ever seen one being shown off to me close up and gaping - that's for sure."
"So what became of this sensitive situation?" Dante asked.
"The next day, I was taking trash out to the alley - I hadn't been out much because I thought I should probably lay low - and Colleen's mother was out in the alley by our garbage can. Yikes, I thought, I'm in for it now."
"Oooooo," Laura Libby murmured, patting the braid she had just completed on Marci.
"Then what," Marci urged. "What did she say?"
"'I want to talk to you, Mars.'"
"Uh oh," Laura Libby put in, for effect.
"'Come here, ' she said, and I walked slowly - attempting dignity - towards her. She put her face right up to mine. I could feel the heat from her face."
"I bet that turned you on, didn't it," Marci giggled.
"I'm getting to that. Anyway, she said something like, 'I know what you've been up to. I just want to you know that.' And then she turned around and walked down the alley towards her own house."
"And that was it?" Dante asked.
"That was it for that scene."
"Then what happened?" Libby Laura asked. "Surely, there's more."
"The next time I saw Colleen in the alley, she told me she wasn't allowed to play with me anymore. Then she slumped off, looking a little forlorn, I thought. Or maybe I was just flattering myself. The next day after that, my father told me he had talked to Mrs. Fogarty about me: Colleen's mother - Edna Fogarty. Jesus, my heart stopped. I could feel my face shake while I tried to hold it still and look nonchalant. I sat down. My dad asked if I felt all right. I said I was fine, but I started to cough. My dad brought me a glass of water, which I drank all the way down at once. 'Boy you must have been thirsty, ' he said. Then he went on to tell me that Edna Fogarty was going to check in on my while he was out of town the next weekend. I was flabbergasted but thought that I must not have been ratted on by Mrs. Fogarty, at least. Anyway, the weekend came. Mrs. Fogarty came over on Friday even and saw my dad off with me. When we were alone, she put her hand on my shoulder and said...
"Uh oh," Libby Laura said, "I was afraid of this."
" ... and said..."
"What did she look like?" Marci asked.
"She looked a lot like Colleen, actually, with black hair and freckles and she wasn't really all that much bigger than colleen either. A slight, compactly built woman - about forty, I guess. Her hair was long and sort of wild."
"And what did she say," Dante asked.
"'So show me the house.' I started to take her into the living room - we were in the front hall - but she said she'd already seen the downstairs. So I led her upstairs, pointing out the various rooms. 'And this is your room, I suppose, ' she said as we were approaching my open door. 'Let's see how neat you are.' And she waltzed right into my bedroom. She sat right down on the bed and looked around and said, "Well, it's not so bad, I guess." Then she got up and left the house, saying she'd be back in the morning. I woke up in the morning to the sounds and smells of cooking in the kitchen. I went downstairs in my pajamas."
"Did you have a woody?" Marci inquired.
"Well, not too much, maybe a little at that point. So I waltzed into the kitchen and there was Mrs. Fogarty - Edna - standing in front of the stove making pancakes. Anyway, I ate breakfast in my pajamas with Edna Fogarty. That night she came back at nightfall and insisted I should go to bed while she was there. So even though it was absurdly early, I let her tuck me in. Then I did something really bold."
"You kissed her?" Libby Laura asked.
"No. I said, 'Edna, maybe you should come over here and check up on things later tonight. I mean I'm here all by myself and everything.'"
"She bought that?" Libby Laura exclaimed.
"I didn't know at the time. She just patted my chest - I loved that - and left the house."
"Uh oh," muttered Libby Laura.
"I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of the back door opening. I was only half awake and I was thinking of Edna Fogarty entering the house, but I was too much still asleep to respond rationally. I dozed a little then and next became conscious of a figure standing next to the bed. I shifted a little as if asleep, hoping she wouldn't go away, not sure whether to open my eyes or continue feigning sleep. I opened my eyes just a little. Edna was frowning down at me. I smiled and opened my eyes farther. I took her hand. 'Sit down, please, ' I said. God, I can't believe how brazen I was. I must have been nuts. Anyway, she sat down. I set my hand lightly on her back. She bent down laid her cheek next to mine. I was wild with excitement. I bent my head towards her and lightly kissed the side of her neck. At that point, one of us sighed loudly and I'm still not sure which one of us it was. Maybe both."
"Then what happened?" Marci was agog and her voice rattled. She cleared her throat.
"The inevitable, of course." Libby Laura rolled her eyes.
"I reached up and, as if I didn't know where my hand was actually going, I placed it on Edna Fogarty's breast. It felt soft and squishy through her tee-shirt. Instinctually, I tugged at her so that she would lie down on the bed with me. She leaned over me with her sweet, freckled face and her full lips and big eyelids with long lashes. She planted those soft lips on mine. Etcetera etcetera etcetera."
"Did you screw?" Marci asked.
She came early every morning to wake me up, much earlier than I would normally have got up. She would lean over my bed and say, "Time to rise and shine, sweetie." I loved that. And I would raise my face up and kiss the side of her neck. One morning when she woke me up, my erection was obvious through the sheet and..."
Marci laughed. "I love this story."
"It's pretty good, at that," Libby Laura admitted. "I bet both the boys are getting stiff. I guess we better jack them both off when the story's over."
"In that case, I'd better get on with it."
"We're all ears," Marci said.
"Hush," came from Libby Laura.
"I went down on her. Actually, I went up on her. I wriggled between her thighs - and she spread her legs and sighed - until my face was underneath her pussy. She rode my face. Oh God. She came with my mouth on her. Then she rolled over on her back. I jumped up and got over her and spread her legs apart with my hands. I took a stab at her and missed. She grabbed my penis and as she poked it into her vagina, she said, 'You shouldn't really be doing this.' I sighed and began thrusting etcetera etcetera etcetera."
"Wow," Libby Laura sighed.
She jumped up and grabbed Dante's hand and pulled him to his feet. "Let's go, old timer," she said and started to lead him inside.
"But wait, there's more," Mars said.
"I guess it'll have to wait," Marci said. "Let's go inside." They all got onto the enormous bed together, naked, having left a trail of clothes behind them as they charged into the bedroom. They pushed Mars onto his back. Marci squatted down over him and straddled his face.
Later, the four of them were sitting in the bedroom, naked, smoking cigars. Dante and Mars were seated on the bed, and Marci was seated on the soft carpet, leaning against the front of a chair, and Libby Laura leaned back between Marci's soft breasts, caressing them with delicate strokes of her fingers. Marci told a story.
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My good girlfriend Laura was not a saint girlie. She was bisexual, had sex with me from time to time and cheated on her loving hubby Peter also. Her last lover was a giant, muscular and well endowed black man. She used to say his monster black cock drove her crazy every time he fucked her.One night Laura and I were lying naked in her bed, no loving husbands at sight, when she confessed me that she had always had fantasies of being fucked by my beloved hubby Victor.“Go ahead, babe; I think my...
Chapter 7 Fuck, yes. Fuck, yes. FUCK, YESSSSS!!!Jan van Es had certainly died and gone to heaven. He was inside Laura Vandervoort. His cock was buried deep in her cunt, and she was screaming his name in pleasure. He had always known it would be like this, but had never thought it would feel this good, this pure, this perfect. He’d imagined it, dreamed of it, fantasized about it, even written stories about it, but the reality of it put all his late night Laura fantasies to shame. He...
The spaceship got under way, and they headed off to Mars. This Explorer ship was one of their newest at about 120m long and 60m at its widest. It looked like a flattened oblong. It had two liveable decks that were about 3m high with a meter crawl space between. Helm, food-prep, a sickbay, a rec-room and labs were on this deck. Six bunkrooms were on the second deck, with perishable storage and a communal bathroom. The third deck was the biggest and housed the transporter that seated four of...
Chapter 5 Finally Laura relented and uncuffed my aching arms. Success! As soon as my hands were free, I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her towards me in a sticky hug. “I’ve missed you,” I whispered, kissing her hair. “I missed you too, Jan,” she whispered. “I can really be myself when I’m with you.” I leaned back and smiled at her. “What took you so long to come back to me?” “I wanted to be sure,” she said simply. “And now I am.” I smiled. “I’m so glad. I yearned for you every night...
Chapter 3 After she’d rested for a few minutes, she sat up and looked at me. “You’re a mess,” she said. “Your face is covered in cum.” “And whose fault is that?” I asked, returning her smile. She leaned down and licked her cum off my face, lapping all around until she’d gotten all of it. When she was done she kissed me, and I savoured the flavour of her on her own tongue. Mmm, nice, I thought. “You were good to me, Jan,” she whispered. “I knew you’d be.” “Care to untie me then, so I can...
Chapter 3Laura looked up at Jan in disgust and turned her face away. Quick as lightning, he grabbed her chin and forced her head back to face him. “I don’t think you heard me,” he said smoothly. “Suck my cock, Laura.” “Go to hell!” she spat. Angered, Jan used his heavy penis to slap her in the face. “That’s not a nice thing to say, Ms Vandervoort,” he said, hitting her cheek over and over with his cock till her skin reddened. “First you break into my house, and now you insult me in my own...
Title: INTRUDERSynopsis: Jan van Es confronts a very unexpected but much desired intruder in his apartment, and uses the situation to his advantage. Most of the story is written from Jan's POV, but towards the end of the story we see Laura's thoughts in one or two sections.I love lots of comments, and you'll have to give me some in order to keep getting new chapters.Rated NC-17. ***WARNING! ***This story is very erotic. It contains graphic descriptions of non?consensual sex, dubious consent,...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
They finally joined the other three in the kitchen. DT had been cooking and teaching Zarka, with a very attentive KJ helping. Raina wondered which boy was going to get lucky because she had a feeling one of, if not both were also going. She had been as surprised as Ben when Zarka made herself known to them. She had also realised Zarka didn’t really need her to fly the ship. She was obviously capable of doing it herself, since she was apparently, also the ship. That was an explanation,...
Introduction: This is my first story, any advoice is welcome. Hope you enjoy it. Libbys great night time adventures (1) – Libby and Tiffany Libby was 12 years old when she had her first great night time adventure. Her friend Tiffany had told her how she and her older sister had their own adventures and all the neat things they learned on their excursions. The one adventure Libby was especially interested in was of Tiffanys mommy and daddy and the games they played at night. Tiffany didnt want...
A Teachers Education, the Humiliation of Laura Hall Part One of A continuing Story By Laura [email protected] Chapter 1Thankful the long school day was finally over and her hoard of rowdy students had departed, the diminutive yet shapely figure of the thirty six year old Laura Hall slumped back upon her seemingly forever uncomfortable wooded swivel chair behind the large desk of her...
steve and laura were a happy couple they had been together for five years and were always happy together, thier sex life had been a typical one, they both enjoyed sex and trying things most coupples try, sex outdoors, tying up, videoing themselves ect. they had never gone to any extremes eventhough they had both thought of things they had never had the nerve to ask he other out of fear of being judged. one thing laura liked to do was watch lesbian porn while her and steve had sex, steve would...
The PartyIt wasn't one of those noisy and over the top costume parties rather it was a relaxed and leisurely get together of professional-looking people. In no circumstances could it be described as stiff, nevertheless, it represented a somewhat sober image to be called a party. The food and drinks were impeccable and even the pickiest of picky people would find it hard to complain about it. The lights were comfortably bright, not too harsh for the eyes, and neither so dim that you would have...
Laura looks at the ?stakes? with mixed disgust and anger Laura?s ordeal Part One 31 04 2089 Laura looks at the ?instruments? with mixed disgust and anger. She turns to face the executioner, a big man in his mid-fifties and almost literally spits at him: ?what have I done to deserve this?? The executioner shrugs. -?Don?t you know it? You?ve been arrested and found guilty of theft. Therefore you?ve been condemned to receive the present corporal punishment. Wasn?t the judge clear about it? I...
glanced at the clock on the mantle and rolled my eyes. It was 7pm which meant Laura had gotten stuck working late again. It also meant more time that I would have to wait for my weekend with her to officially start. I sighed and stretched out on the living room couch goddamn I was horny! The only time I have with Laura is from Friday night until Sunday night. Because of that it's a looong five day wait that's usually spent fantasizing about what we'll do during the upcoming weekend, as I've...
I glanced at the clock on the mantle and rolled my eyes. It was 7pm which meant Laura had gotten stuck working late again. It also meant more time that I would have to wait for my weekend with her to officially start. I sighed and stretched out on the living room couch goddamn I was horny! The only time I have with Laura is from Friday night until Sunday night. Because of that it's a looong five day wait that's usually spent fantasizing about what we'll do during the upcoming weekend, as I've...
Laura and the two West African businessmenAt the age of 31 Laura was delighted the way her career at the bank had been going. She had started as a junior immediately after leaving university and was now an important member of the team dealing with loans to large corporations. Her manager called her into her office on Monday morning and told her that she had been chosen to close a deal with a large West African oil exploration company who were about to float on the London Stock Exchange. She was...
I have been dating Laura for a year now, and things have been going great. At 25, she's a full 15 years younger than me, but we get along fine.We usually have sex at my apartment, since even though she's a buyer for a major NYC firm, she still lives at home with her mom and younger sister Michele. This weekend though, with her mom out of town, I was going to spend the night at her house for the first time, which meant, aside from the fact that I was going to spend the weekend banging my...
At the age of 31 Laura was delighted the way her career at the bank had been going. She had started as a junior immediately after leaving university and was now an important member of the team dealing with loans to large corporations. Her manager called her into her office on Monday morning and told her that she had been chosen to close a deal with a large West African oil exploration company who were about to float on the London Stock Exchange. She was told that due diligence had been...
Laura Croft and the The Venus Thigh TrapPlant/F, L Croft, NC, BDSM, Lact, Hum, Archaeology, SillyAll that legal guff about how you might be an innocent child, or living under a censorious government, puritanical legal system, your mother wouldn't approve, you should not be here, you really must stop now, etc. Sigh... What a fucked up world. Anyway, what follows is an explicit, graphic, extreme sexual fantasy. You have been warned. Leave now if not already corrupted.This story was written by...
STATE OF Pacifica DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Pacifica Women?s Correctional Institute - Sing Sing EXECUTION REPORT Prisoner ID No. 00-0212825 Name: Laura {last name deleted} Date of Birth: June 17, 2068 Crime(s): Immoral Turpitude (Habitual Offender) Sentence: Death by Electrocution Height: 5?6? Measurements: 32B-24-26 Hair: Blonde Eyes: Green LAURA?S Execution"You will be taken to a place of execution where you will be put to death in a manner prescribed by law..." the...
The next morning when Penny got up she had voice mail about the second bedroom. As she listened to it she jotted down notes about the caller. It was a woman named Laura who said she saw the flyer in the lobby on her way to work and was currently looking for a place closer to the downtown area. When Penny called her back they spoke for a few minutes and agreed to grab lunch together today and get to know each other and discuss the living situation.At lunch time Penny waited down in the lobby for...
LesbianI had begun to feel lonely. I had graduated quite some time back and, true, I had got a job doing accountancy, but I didn't find it satisfying. And I had had to go to a new part of the country where I didn't know anybody. At university, I had had a good number of friends, and from time to time I had gone out with girls, but nothing had become serious. Yes, we had enjoyed each other's company, but somehow that special something needed for a deeper relationship had not been there. Now...
Laura was unhappy it was her 23rd birthday and it wasn't much of a birthday. Her and Jimmy had moved here right after she graduated from nursing school. They had been married for three years and Jimmy had always had a big get together with her family for her birthday when they lived back home. Now they lived in the city and Laura worked from 7p.m. to 7 the hospital and Jimmy worked days at the factory so they did not see a great deal of each other. In fact Jimmy had not even made it home...
We sat in Cole’s garage, smoking a giant blunt. Me, Sarah, Cole, Chris, Salem, Samm, and Tyler. We all sold drugs. Last year, We all worked at a coffee shop called, “the magic bean”. It was owned by a guy called Mr. J. As it turned out he was a big dealer. He sold pretty much everything from under the counter. After the police shut it down, he asked us to start selling for him. It was good. It was our last year of high school, but I thinks e all knew that we would continue selling...
Laura Loghan, the Actual Television Interview. This is a pretty accurate transcript of the actual television interview of our intrepid multiple rape victim. (Following this is a revised and I believe much improved version.) Laura: When we drove from the airport into Cairo that night, moments after Mubarak had stepped down, it was unbelievable. It was like unleashing a champagne cork on Egypt. I'm anxious to get to the square. I've got to be there because this is a...
LAURA THE WHORE The Mayim Clinic's next step for Laura was one of the worst. And they made her beg for it. When Laura turned up, high on her aphrodisiacs, pussy dripping, she wasn't strapped to a machine or shown any films. Instead she was merely stripped naked, made to stand against a wall, and watch as a naked Roy approached her, and eased his hard cock into her cunt. Laura made a token attempt to resist, but her well-conditioned arms refused to obey, and her soaking wet snatch...
I can empathize with the characters, but legally cannot condone sexual relations between a minor and an adult. Laura and her Youth Minister Chapter 5 Laura was dressed and waiting by the street. She was in a good mood. The little exercise she had got in before drifting to sleep the night before had done a lot to clear the sexual tension that had been growing in her. Sometimes it wasn’t so easy, sometimes she had to keep after it until she hit upon something that did the trick,...
Laura B. has been reduced to barely making ends meet for university tuition, so she has taken a part-time job with Avon, doing door-to-door sales mainly through appointments - when she can. She has met a woman at the mall, managed to get her interested in the Avon products, and they make an appointment for Saturday afternoon. So Laura shows up at the address given — it is a mansion in a mainly enclosed treed yard, and a decent sized one at that. She has been asked by the woman to show the...
Introduction: ok heres another story building off of part one if you havent read it go on give it a peek =) The train ride was long making frequent stops while we were still in Illinois, but after we left state we really started taking off. I didnt mind though because soon it would be dark and I might get Laura to do somethings I only seen in fuzzy made for t.v. porn movies. Laura and me havent spoken much about what happened just a few hours ago. It all most seemed like it didnt need...
Ich bin ein begeisterter Hobbyfotograf und Fußliebhaber. Oft überlege ich wie ich meine beiden Vorlieben miteinander verknüpfen kann. Als ich auf einer Fußfetischseite sehe, dass Fotografen Bildserien einreichen und für Nutzer zum Kauf anbieten können, überkommt mich die Idee Freundinnen zu fragen, ob sie sich für ein kleines Taschengeld für den Zweck fotografieren lassen wollen. Ich gehe in Gedanken die Frauen in meinem Bekanntenkreis durch, deren Füße ich schon immer einmal aus der Nähe sehen...
Laura closed the door behind Tonya, walked back to the couch and crashed down. She smelled her fingers.Yes, it had happened!Finally, or maybe already, she had been laid by a woman again. She always knew this day would come, and it had surpassed expectations. Laura inhaled again. The fragrance was so similar to solo-sex, yet so much better. She stretched her tired body.God, this had been good.Laura’s thoughts turned to her husband. She pushed them away. Eric could have been more attentive the...
LesbianI passed the blunt to Chris, as Samm leaned on my shoulder. We were on the folding chairs and one couch Cole kept in the garage, It was separate from the condo, so we could smoke without being obvious about it. Tyler was just finishing his story about the first time he tripped acid, last night. “While I was the house, picking up Brad, there were these chicks there man, like, his sister and her friends. One of em over heard me and him talking about it, and asked if we had any to spare. I was...
In recent years I’ve rediscovered going to live music gigs. Where I live in the West Midlands, there is a thriving tribute band circuit. You can see many good outfits playing the music of groups who have either died or grown too rich and lazy to play anymore. You know the ones I mean. I prefer 1970’s and 1980’s rock bands and my wife likes pop acts and we usually take turns in choosing who to see. In this story, it was my turn and I booked for a 1980’s soft rock group. You can probably guess...
MatureWaiting for a girl like LauraThis is a true story so I‘ve had to be a bit vague in places. Please bear with the slow start. I promise you it has a sizzling ending.In recent years I’ve rediscovered going to live music gigs. Where I live in the West Midlands there is a thriving tribute band circuit and you can see many good outfits playing the music of groups who have either died or grown too rich and lazy to play anymore. You know the ones I mean. I prefer 1970’s and 1980’s rock bands and my...
We arrived at the studio 5 minutes earlier and were greeted by a smiling young girl who ushers us into a waiting room. Laura looked nervous. I try to make small talk, but she is not really listening. She looks gorgeous as usual in short jean skirt, white vest and flip flops. We wait for a few minutes when another girl walks in and moves us into an office across the room. We are greeted by a man, middle aged, quite slim, dark balding hair, about 5ft 11” tall.“Hello Laura” He beams and shakes her...
Group SexI was sitting on the hood of the car parked in front of room 128 when the door opened and they came out. She saw me and her face lost its color. Her eyes couldn't meet mine and she looked away. As I slid off the hood of the car he put his hands up in a defensive gesture and I said: "Don't bother. Neither one of you is worth wasting my time on." I walked over to my car, got in and drove away. There was a long story that led up to that confrontation. I met Jim when his family moved into...
Tommy“So, what did she say?” asked Laura, always patient.She had been that way since we were little. I smiled at the memory of the seven-year-old girl sat opposite me. She was nagging her mother to tell her what the surprise was on the day before her birthday. Pouting at being put off, before trotting off to see if dad would tell her.“What are you smirking at?” she asked, the questions starting to back up now.“Who?”“What? You, who else?”“I’m not a she,” she looked delightful. Confusion followed...
IncestWe arrived at the studio 5 minutes earlier and were greeted by a smiling young girl who ushers us into a waiting room. Laura looked nervous. I try to make small talk, but she is not really listening. She looks gorgeous as usual in short jean skirt, white vest and flip flops. We wait for a few minutes when another girl walks in and moves us into an office across the room. We are greeted by a man, middle aged, quite slim, dark balding hair, about 5ft 11” tall. “Hello Laura” He beams and shakes...
author: angieseroticpenLaura settled back on the settee, nervous, yet sexually excited. She enjoyed her 'fantasy nights' with her husband Tom.She could feel the coldness of the steel handcuffs that bound her wrists firmly behind her back and she could also feel her own dampness between her thighs. Wearing a thin black dress with just a pair of black stockings and suspenders underneath, she could feel a chill too. She was also in darkness. A black silk scarf covered her eyes to give everything...
Laura settled back on the settee, nervous, yet sexually excited. She enjoyed her ‘fantasy nights’ with her husband Tom. She could feel the coldness of the steel handcuffs that bound her wrists firmly behind her back and she could also feel her own dampness between her thighs. Wearing a thin black dress with just a pair of black stockings and suspenders underneath, she could feel a chill too. She was also in darkness. A black silk scarf covered her eyes to give everything added effect. Tonight...
InterracialLaura was a small girl, 5’0”, maybe getting up to 100lbs soaking wet, short brown hair fell just over her ears in waves, and her pale skin was marked with freckles, and she had small perky tits that were just barely bigger than an A-cup. She was sitting on her front porch looking out at the woods thinking about the things that were getting her down, she hated being so short, her dad always kept things high up in the house so she was constantly having to climb on everything to reach them,...