My Sexual Life Part 3: The Sleepover Part 2 free porn video

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The Sleepover

Part 2

The movie was over, it was time for bed. Mrs Gordon told us to go brush our teeth and get ready. We did as we were told and were soon in Danny’s room and ready for bed. When Mrs Gordon came in, we both climbed into bed. Danny had a single bed, so we were nestled together close. Mrs Gordon leaned across me to give Danny a kiss goodnight. As she leaned, both breasts rested across my face. She had removed her robe, so just the sheer fabric of the thin gown was all that was between me and her large milky breasts. She leant forward a little more to give Danny a hug and absolutely smothered me between her cleavage. Heaven again. I must have gasped because she lifted suddenly and said,

“Oh my, Michael! I’m smothering you!”

She giggled as she stood up and grabbed her breasts in both hands. She squeezed them together and jiggled them.

“I sometimes forget about these,” she laughed, “They do get in the way at times”

Her nipples were clearly visible through the fabric and I was transfixed as they bounced slowly up and down.

“Earth to Michael”

I broke my ogling of her chest and looked up at her pretty face. She was smiling at me again, that beautiful smile.

“I’m gonna have to be careful with you,” she said, “Hahaha, you’re incorrigible”

She bent down again, cupped my face in both hands and kissed me four or five times on my cheeks, making smooching noises as she did.

“Now, I don’t want you boys making too much noise in here. You can talk and whatever for a little while but then it’s sleep time. Be good you two. Nighty night”

She headed to the door, paused and turned, blew us both a kiss, then switched off the light and pulled the door almost closed behind her.

We shuffled in the bed a little, getting comfortable. Danny’s left leg was against my right, our arms and shoulders also touching. We chatted for a few minutes about the fun we had that day, then Danny said,

“My bed is really comfortable, but its quite hot in here. It’s even hotter with the two of us. Do you mind if I take my top off?

I said I didn’t, so he sat up and undid his pyjama top and removed it. He remained sitting and rubbed his finger over one of his nipples. As I watched, my little boy cock began to harden. He smiled at me as he rubbed his nipple and asked,

“Do you want to take yours off as well?”

I nodded and sat up and removed my top as well. He reached over and touched my right nipple. It sent shudders through my body as his finger lightly circled and flicked across my nipple, making it harden under his touch. I reached out and touched his left nipple, mirroring the movements he was making. This continued for a minute or so, each of us playing with our own nipples and each other’s.

“I’m getting really hot now”, said Danny, “shall we take our bottoms off too?”, he asked.

I nodded and he pushed the covers back. He arched his back up, so his ass was off the bed. His cock was visibly poking upright under his shorts. He pulled his shorts down and his hard little cock sprung up and slapped against his stomach. It was so sexy, I couldn’t take my eyes off it. He looked down at my shorts, my own cock tenting with excitement. I lifted off the bed as he had done and slipped my shorts down. My cock sprang up as well and slapped against my stomach. We both spent a minute looking at each other’s naked bodies and hard little boy cocks.

Danny turned to face me, laying on his left side and I followed suit, laying on my right. He reached out and ran his fingers over my nipples again. Then his hand ran down my side, over my hip and back up again. His hands felt incredible on me. I returned the favour, running my fingers over his thin body. He moaned as my fingers ran along his side, down over his hip and up again to run gently over his right nipple. His right hand traced over me softly as his left found its way to his hard cock. He began to slowly rub his fingers and palm against his cock, pressing against his hand in tiny thrusting movements with his hips.

Watching him gently humping his hand whilst softly running his other hand over my body was overwhelming. In a fit of uncontrollable lust I reached around, grabbing his ass cheek in my hand, and pulled him to me, at the same time moving myself to him. Our bodies slapped together, and his hot little hard cock met my groin area, pressed against the top of my hip, just an inch or two from my own hard cock. He groaned loudly in ecstasy and thrust his hips into mine, mashing his hard cock against me. I gasped in pleasure and humped him back. Our hard little cocks were now rubbing against each other’s bodies. Danny reached around and grabbed my ass cheek as I had grabbed his. I slid my other arm around his waist and hugged into him as our hips began thrusting away at each other. He wrapped his other arm around me and tucked his head into my neck as he matched my thrusts with his own.

Our breathing became heavy, our thrusting frenzied. Within a minute Danny grunted in my ear and shot his hot load of boy cum on my stomach. I gripped his ass in both hands, buried my face into his shoulder blade and moaned as I let my hot cum out onto him. Our movements slowed, but didn’t stop, as we slid our hard wet cocks against each other. It felt incredible to slide my cock against Danny’s wet body, smothering our cum into each other. Occasionally our hard cocks would touch and rub against each other. The feeling was amazing. We separated from the waist up but kept our groins together, both of us watching our cocks slide together in the clear boy cum all over our stomachs.

Danny looked up at me and, as I met his eyes, he leant forward and kissed me on the lips. I had never kissed a boy before! In fact, apart from my Mum and Dad, and Danny’s Mum, I had never kissed anyone before. A wave of feelings came over me, I was confused, but it felt good. So good, in fact, that it sent an immediate signal to my cock. As my eyes widened in surprise, my cock was instantly rock hard again. I grabbed Danny’s ass and thrusted my cock against him. I leaned forward and kissed him back as I humped madly. Thirty seconds later I was shooting another load of hot cum against his cock and stomach. This of course fired Danny up and he returned my kisses and humped his cock on me until, after about another thirty seconds, he shot his second hot load all over my cock.

We both let out sighs of pleasure as we came down from our second boygasms. We looked down again at our cocks, mine resting against his. Danny ran his hand down my chest and stomach and wiped his fingers through our combined cum. He brought his hand up to his face and licked the sticky liquid from his fingers. Our eyes met again and he smiled and offered his fingers to me. I opened my mouth and he slid a wet finger into it. I sucked and licked his finger, tasting our sweet combined cum for the first time. It was delicious. I liked to lick up my own cum, but the combination of the two loads together was amazing.

The next few minutes were spent wiping up our cum and feeding it to each other. We licked it from each other’s fingers, I smeared some on my lips and Danny licked and kissed it off. He smeared some on his and I licked and kissed it off him. Danny smiled slyly at me and shuffled down the bed. He licked my stomach, licking up the remains of our cum. Of course, this caused my cock to harden again, poking him in the cheek as it did. He turned and licked the tip of my cock. Oh! I gave an involuntary jerk as his tongue licked the dripping precum and the tip of my cock slid into his mouth. Danny required no further encouragement and began to rhythmically bob up and down on my hard cock. The sensations were incredible! I had never had my cock in anything before and Danny’s mouth was so warm and wet. Within maybe a minute I was thrusting and jerking uncontrollably as I shot my third load of cum directly into his mouth. Danny gagged and coughed, and then swallowed my whole load. He looked up at me, grinning wildly.

“Wow!” he gasped, “That was amazing!

“It was incredible!” I replied.

The light in the hallway came on and a moment later Mrs Gordon popped her head around the door. Luckily, we had enough time to pull the bedsheets up and look innocent.

“Time for lights out boys, I’m heading for bed.”

“Yes, Mum”, Danny replied.

“Goodnight Mrs Gordon” I replied.

“Goodnight boys”

Danny said we should go to sleep as his Mum’s room was right next door. She was sure to hear us if we kept up our activities. I wished I had the chance to suck Danny’s cock, but I agreed and we both eventually drifted off to sleep, naked together under his blankets.

The next morning we were woken by Mrs Gordon.

“Wakey wakey boys, time to get out of bed.”

We both stirred and opened our eyes. Mrs Gordon came into the room and leant over us.

“I’m making pancakes for breakfast, who’s keen?” she asked.

We both said “Yes, please”, and Danny jumped out of bed…completely naked. His mum raised her eyebrows a little and the tiniest of smiles flashed across her face. Danny turned to face his mother, yawned and stretched, making no effort to cover himself. Mrs Gordon looked down at me. I gathered up my courage, threw the covers back and stood up out of bed. I was just a couple of feet away from Mrs Gordon, facing directly at her, naked as a jaybird. I stretched my arms out and yawned just as Danny had done, like it was the most natural thing in the world to be completely naked in front of his mother. Mrs Gordon stared at me and I watched as her eyes scanned down my body. The effect was mind blowing. Looking at Mrs Gordon looking at me, her eyes now locked on my little cock was giving me the thrill of a lifetime.

My cock immediately began to harden. I watched her eyes widen as my cock grew to its rock hard limit of about four and a half inches and now sticking straight up in the air. I didn’t know it at the time, but I think a look of lust came over her face. It seemed like minutes went by with her staring at my hard cock pointing straight at her, but it was certainly only seconds before she somewhat gained her composure again and tore her eyes from my cock. We made eye contact briefly before she glanced over at Danny. That seemed to break her trance and bring her back to the reality of the situation.

She smiled again and, with another glance at my erect cock, she said,

“You naughty boys, sleeping naked together. I guess that explains the noises you were making, huh?”

I think my face flushed red and I looked over at Danny, immediately noticing his extremely hard cock standing at attention as well. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

“Ok, my naughty little boys, get yourselves dressed and come for breakfast”.

As she spoke, Mrs Gordon placed her right hand gently on my left shoulder and slowly, softly ran her fingers down over my chest, just brushing against my left nipple. Her hand trailed off and she turned and left the room. All I wanted to do is stroke my cock. It only would have taken a moment and I would’ve shot my cum all over Danny’s floor, instead we both got dressed and headed to the kitchen.

Mrs Gordon’s pancakes were delicious. As we ate, she fawned over us, making sure we had our milk topped up and we had enough syrup for our pancakes. She was wearing the same tight blue jeans as yesterday, with a low cut top with spaghetti straps. As she fussed over us there were many opportunities for views of her magnificent cleavage and her sexy ass, ensuring I was either hard or semi-hard for the entire time.

Once breakfast was over and we had helped with the dishes, Mrs Gordon asked what we were going to do with the day. We said we didn’t know, and she suggested, since it was such a nice day, we should get outside. Maybe play in the yard, or go to the park, or for a bike ride. We agreed on heading out on our bikes, and 20 minutes or so later Danny and I hoped on our bikes and off we went. I suggested we head to our school. It was early, around 9:30 on Sunday morning so there wouldn’t be anyone around, and I had just one thing on my mind.

We got to the school in less than five minutes and I told Danny to follow me. We headed across the main courtyard and over to where some of the play equipment for the younger k**s was located. Off to the side of the play area were some paths which wound around a small wooded area that lead to a side entrance to the junior section of the school. Off in the back of the wooded area were a few spots that were quite dense with bushes, and that was where I was headed. I got off my bike and walked it into the denser area with Danny following. I dropped my bike behind a large bush and crawled through into a secluded area behind an adjoining bush.

As Danny followed me into our secluded little area I turned, smiled at him, and removed my T shirt. Danny smiled as I slid my shorts and underwear down and stepped out of them. I stood naked in front of him, my cock hard as a rock and twitching with excitement. I leant forward and kissed him softly then, leaning back again, I grabbed the bottom of his T shirt. He lifted his arms and I brought his shirt up over his head and put it on the ground by mine. We both stared at each other for a moment before I leant forward and kissed him again, lingering more this time. I then knelt and unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts and slid them down his legs. The outline of his hard cock was clearly visible against his tight underwear and I ran my hands up his calves and thighs, around and over his tight ass. As my hands came back around to his front, I delicately ran my fingers over the outline of his cock a few times before I leant forward again and gently kissed his shaft through the fabric. He let out a soft moan as my kisses pecked up and down his twitching cock. I looked up at him and tucked my fingertips into the waistband of his underwear and gently pulled them down.

Slowly I slid them down, revealing more and more of his sexy little cock as I went, until suddenly his hard cock sprung free. It shot up and slapped me in the cheek. It got such a shock I half fell back but a quickly extended arm stopped me falling all the way back on my ass. We both laughed as I regained my balance and slid Danny’s underwear all the way down. He stepped out of them and I put them to the side with the rest of our clothes.

My attention returned to his gorgeous four inch rock hard cock pointing almost straight up against his abdomen, just inches from my face. I smiled up at him as I ran my hands up his thighs again, across his stomach and slowly past his beautiful cock and balls. I ran my fingertips gently over his tight balls and up his hard shaft. Taking his cock in my trembling hands I tilted it down until it was looking me straight in the face. I looked up again and we made eye contact as I leant forward and licked the tip of his cock. He let out a gasp and jerked forward a little, just as I had done the night before, and the tip of his cock entered my mouth. The feel of his warm hard cock in my mouth was amazing. My left hand went down to my own hard cock, now dripping precum, as I slid his cock further into my mouth. Lust overtook me completely as I began bobbing my head up and down, sliding Danny’s hard cock further in and out of my mouth. My left hand was a blur on my own hard cock, smearing my precum all over my shaft as I took Danny’s entire cock into my mouth. My tongue swirled and licked at his tip and along his shaft as he began to buck and thrust into my mouth.

“Oooooh, Michael….oooooooooohhhhh”, he shouted and grunted, as he gave a final thrust and froze, trembling and shaking. His cock jerked in my mouth and I felt the spurt of hot liquid hit the roof of my mouth. It was quickly followed by another shot of hot cum which I quickly swallowed, more as a reflex then anything else. I tilted my head back and Danny’s cock slipped out of my mouth and shot another three spurts of hot, sweet cum all over my grinning face. My hand went to his cock and I stroked out a couple of dribbles, wiping them on my lips directly from the tip of his cock. Danny fell to his knees in ecstasy and we hugged each other close as he came down from his orgasm. We kissed and he licked some of his cum from my face and kissed me again. His cum tasted delicious from his lips. It had tasted delicious exploding from his cock into my mouth as well! He licked more cum from my face and showed it to me on his tongue. I shot forward, surprising him, and sucked his tongue into my mouth, licking the cum from it. His tongue in my mouth was amazing! We spent what seemed like an eternity tongue kissing each other until all his cum had gone, shared eagerly between us.

At some stage during the proceedings, I don’t know if it was when he came in my mouth, or all over my face, or when we were engaged in French kissing his cum from my face, I had shot a huge load of cum all over the ground between us. Danny bent down and licked the dripping remnants of cum from my cock and kissed me again. We laid down together and regained our senses, staring up at the clear morning sky through the trees. We stroked each other’s bodies and cuddled and kissed as we lay there. At some stage on that morning I think I fell in love with Danny.

We played with each other for hours that day, sucking and stroking, kissing and licking each other over and over. I came six times and Danny came seven, the biggest and the most either of us had cum in one day. We even came out of the bushes for some extremely exciting exhibitionist fun. We ran around and played on the climbing frames and swings, eventually sucking each other’s cocks on the slide, and jerking off all over the slide together. I loved looking down at our combined cum dripping down the metal surface of the slide, a sexy present for the next unsuspecting visitor to the playground. My love for exhibitionism was cemented that day. Given the chance, my cock would be out in public as often as possible.

Eventually the day had to come to an end. We headed back to Danny’s and I collected my stuff, ready to head home. Mrs Gordon asked if we had had fun, we had been gone for hours she said. We hadn’t even gone home for lunch. We said we had had a blast, lots of fun. Mrs Gordon grinned and told me how wonderful she thought it was that we were getting along so well. I got the usual breast smothering sexy hug from Mrs Gordon, and a hot kiss that lasted five seconds, I know, I counted!... and off home I went.

It was an amazing weekend; I couldn’t wait to go back. We would have some incredible times together……

More to come….

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Sleepover at Billys House

                         Sleepover at Billy's House                                  Ch 1                             TJ Ryder                   Billy's been my friend since the first year of Junior high when wewere assigned to the same home room, otherwise I'd never have known himsince he lived a mile away.  Anyway we had homeroom and half of ourclasses together plus a lot of common interests so we started hanging out.  One of those common...

3 years ago
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Hi, My name's Matt. I have a problem and I need advice. I'm 15 and I live with my parents and sister, Michelle, who at 14 is a year younger than me. I'm medium height, dark-haired and athletic, and I'm in both the school cross-country team and the football team, where I play fullback or wingback. Although I'm a virgin, I'm pretty sure I'm gay. Although I'm happy to be their friend, the girls in my class don't interest me romantically, even though some of them have made it pretty...

3 years ago
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Hypnosis Sleepover

It’s not that I dislike school, per se. It’s just that… I find school easy. And things that I find easy, I find boring. I didn’t see the point in drilling verb conjugations or taking the slope of thirty lines. Once I’d done any of those once, I could do it again. There were two people who made school manageable: Tracy and Samantha. We were pretty much inseparable, both inside and outside of school. During the day, we’d communicate in elaborate sighs and eye-rolls. At night, we’d rush...

3 years ago
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Summer sleepover

They were giggling as usual. Maybe a little louder than usual, but nothing new.My daughter Ashley and her three best friends were having their monthly sleepover. They enjoyed the swimming pool during the day and the fact that Ashley had her own TV, video and a nice big bedroom at the far side of the house. I guess maybe also that Ashley's mother left us years ago, so they had only me to put up with.“Hey, you guys, a little bit quieter please… the neighbours are going to complain!”“Ok dad!”I...

2 years ago
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Secrets of a Sleepover Part 2 Secrets of Camping

One morning I woke up and found myself lying in bed on a Saturday morning. My thoughts eventually drifted to that fateful night and I felt myself getting hard again. In disgust I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom. Maybe a cold shower would get my mind off things. To my surprise, it did. But my life was destined to relive that night whether I wanted to or not. Not knowing what lay ahead for me, I went down to find some breakfast. *** At breakfast I was quiet as I had been since the...

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The Sleepover

My name is Brianna and I am sixteen years old. I have dark blond hair and baby blue eyes. I have been told that I have a baby face and am very cute. I have 32a breast that are obviously still growing, a flat belly and a shaven crotch. I am a lesbian, well sort of. It started about a month after my sweet sixteen, my best friend, Kelly, invited me over for a sleepover. There was nothing unusual about that, we had sleepovers all the time, have been for years. When I arrived at Kelly's house we...

2 years ago
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Dannie and Steff The Teen Sleepover Experience

"Thanks so much for having me over Steph!""Aw no problem Danielle, we haven't had a sleepover in such a long time! Those midterms really took a lot out of me, so I'm so happy to have some girl time. I'm gonna run to the washroom, okay? Get changed into your pajamas, and I'll be right back!" Walking down the hallway, I grinned to myself. Danielle and I have know each other for almost eighteen years now, basically since birth. We've had sleepovers since we were young girls, at that awkward...

1 year ago
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A Sweet Sexy SleepOver

AN: A Miranda/Lizzie fic. Two hot girls, a sleepover, the right atmosphere—- It’s naughty and playful. Hope y’all like it! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Lizzie got out of her car and pecked her dad on the cheek, thanking him for dropping her off at her best friend’s house for a sleepover. ‘You have fun, sweetie!’ He told her and smiled. ‘I will, Daddy.’ Lizzie, feeling childish, headed towards her best friend’s door. She hesitated for a second, feeling nervous. Still, she proceeded and rang the...

4 years ago
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Dad filmed our sleepover

Jeff, (the dad)……__I had a pretty wild daughter Jodi, and her girlfriends. They would have sleepovers at the house and play a game, ‘Let’s shock Jodi’s dad.’ They were all teens and the point of the game was to try and give me an erection. I was sure it was a girl named ‘Missy’ who’s idea it was.Jodi…..I had a plan to get my dad to have sex with me. I had wanted to since is was a very young girl. He had his limits, and had resisted all my sexually suggestive tricks so far…. I decided to get my...

2 years ago
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Sleepover at my Uncles

A few months after i turned 16, my uncle started eyeing me. I think he liked my perfectly twink body. One weekend i was at a sleepover at his place. Me and my cousin were playing in the backyard. He came with a beer in his hand and asked us to cut the grass. Me and my cousin decided to play a little longer and cut the grass later. Eventually we forgot about it and we were in for hell of a beating. Uncle was mad. He made my cousin lay on his lap and pulled his shorts down and started spanking...

1 year ago
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Summering in Femininity Part 7 To Sleepover Perchance to Dream

Author's Note: Just wanted to make another note to thank everyone for the kind reviews, and to inform everyone that if they're hankering for more, I've been experimenting with TG captions over on DeviantArt (I'm vthunder42 over there) so if you're interested, go check those out. After telling Aunt Agnes of what he'd agreed to, and her customary shaking of her head at Taylor's predicament, Taylor was soon standing in front of Emily's house carrying a small overnight bag, which...

4 years ago
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Birthday Party Sleepover

"Yeah dude i would love to go to your party' is there gonna be girls there" "Man my mom said that i cant have no girls at the party" "Wow terrible, so who all is gonna be there" " You, me, Jake, Lance, Daniel, Paul, and Christopher" "Alright man what do i gotta bring" "Me a present, and some clothes for the weekend" I said cool and went to class, The next day which was Thursday, we were sittin at lunch and Christopher came up to us and said he can"t go unless...

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The Sleepover That Changed My Life

What am I doing? Why am I here? Why am I talking to myself? Again?! This is the reason I'm here now, why can't I just be normal AND STOP DRAWING ATTENTION TO MYSELF!!!! Ok, so you're nice and confused now. Great. I tend to have that effect on people, I can count the amount of people on one hand who actually understand what I'm talking about (most of the time), including my best friend Shari.... and the mad old lady next door who has arguments with her shoes, but I don't want to talk about that....

1 year ago
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I parked the car in the drive way and then Tyler and I walked in and up the hall to the living room. When Barbara heard me open the front door she ran from the kitchen to greet me. There she was, in her new white sheer see-through top. And it left nothing to the imagination. I remember having told Barbara that I really liked her new top and how nice she looked. Tyler on the other hand just about had his eyes pop out. When he finally got his voice back, Tyler told Barbara how nice it looked on...

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The Daring Naughty Sleepover 5

Summary – The two young girls continue their naughty sleepover; teasing boys and putting on a dirty nighttime show for their neighbor. Previous Chapter Summary – Cindy and Stacy return from the mall and relax by the pool, to Mr. Wilson’s delight. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It...

3 years ago
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Going Nova ch 5 The Girls Sleepover Begins

“OMG,” Elsie said, “Remember when you wore this all the time?” Brie rolled her eyes at the oversized garment. “Yesss, I thought I was so hip-hop back then.” “Brie, hip-hop is the last thing you’ll ever be,” Elsie teased. She pulled the shirt on and flipped her hair out of it. She posed cheekily. Brie gave her a once-over, “You wear it better than I ever did. I bet even Mia would approve.” Elsie lit up at the suggestion. She twisted in the mirror, smoothing the shirt down her body as she...

2 years ago
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The Sleepover Pt1

Fuck! I can't believe what I'm seeing in my parents' living room. Three giggling teenage girls, wearing sheer lingerie are sitting on the couch cheering on a fourth girl who is attempting to deep throat a dildo. What the fuck! The cheers and laughter is probably why they didn't hear me come in through the kitchen door. I step back into the shadows of the hallway while my cock responds to the luscious, pale ass cheeks of the fourth girl. Her purple sheer nightie has ridden up over her...

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The Daring Naughty Sleepover 31

Summary - Day Two of the Daring, Naughty Sleepover continues! At the mall with the two hot teenagers, Cindy and Stacy. Where things get very daring and very naughty indeed! Previous Chapter – Cindy and Stacy have fun at the park and get a ride from Mr. Wilson. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in...

1 year ago
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The Daring Naughty Sleepover 6

Summary – Cindy and Stacy start their new job cleaning for Mr. Wilson. Previous Chapter Summary – The two young girls continue their naughty sleepover. Teasing boys and putting on a nighttime show for their neighbor, Mr. Wilson. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have...

4 years ago
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Cheerleader Sleepover The Judge and Jury EditionChapter 2

While her husband was getting the boys to think about sex, and getting them over to the house, Linda was going over all sorts of subjects with her girls, both new and old. First on the list was the question "Are all of you taking the vitamins I issued to you?" The "vitamins" she was referring to were birth control pills she got from Phil Jenson, the pharmacist who worked at the local drug store. Phil traded her the pills for sex, pure and simple. He liked anal sex, and his wife did not....

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The Big Sleepover

We were all going to high school. There were five of us: Mike, Hal, Tony, Johnny, and me. We were the typical 14 year olds: horny and wanting a girlfriend. We all jerked off in private, I’m sure, but none of us would admit it. I also thought that at least some of us would have jerked each other off, or more, if we weren’t so scared of what the others would think if they found out, so we never did anything. That is until the sleepover. It was summer, and we were out of school for the...

1 year ago
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The sleepover to remember

My best friend Angie had been friends with me for a long time. We always had each others back. But during this sleepover, I had hers. We were at school doing the things we normally do, talking about how much it sucked doing all the work our teachers gave us. To get through the day we made each other laugh to take our minds off of the classwork. Finally school ended and she asked to come to my house and of course I approved. We had so much fun playing games we didn't want to separate. We...

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Sleepover Fun Part 2

Introduction: please go easy on me, this is my first time writing a sex story of any kind. This is the second part to Sleepover Fun so please if you havent read that please do so first Name: Kate (me) Age: 14 Hair/eye color: artificially colored, shoulder length red hair and honey colored brown eyes Height: 51 Body description: short for my age, slightly chubby around the middle, average sized chest (36B) Name: Seth (my boyfriend) Age: 16 Hair/eye color: natural dirty blonde hair and blue-gray...

2 years ago
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Quarantine High School Sleepover

“Anyone wanna have a sleepover tonite?” Megan, Chloe, and Hannah all responded yes, and they were to have a girls sleepover that night. “My parents are gone for the week, so we can do ANYTHING. Make sure to bring food and swimwear if we wanna go swimming!” Adrienne texted. Later that night, Adrienne’s doorbell rang and she opened it to find her 3 friends. “Hey guys come on in! We can swim now before it gets dark.” Adrienne said. “Alright, let us get changed haha.” Said Chloe. The girls...

4 years ago
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Two College Friends have a Sleepover

Allow me to explain… I love the feeling of cold air hitting my skin and it turns me on, a lot. I once even cummed just from the AC. But, anyway, about close to six months ago I had gotten over my break-up with my boyfriend. And in a desperate craze of hormones and desires, I decided to masturbate everyday, 365 days, an entire year. I usually will do this right before bed, sometimes in the morning, and sometimes more than once a day. So, as I watched my dick grow at a continuous rate, I...

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A Wet Sleepover

Sophie snuggled further into the duvet. Next to her Emma was cradling a mug of hot chocolate as if it was a newborn child. They could hear Paul snoring upstairs. This wasn’t quite the raucous recreation of a childhood sleepover they’d planned. Sophie had suggested it the week before. A chance to have a giggle and pretend to be young again. Wear their old nighties, gossip about the people they fancied, watch bad movies, eat too much ice cream. It meant Emma’s partner being booted out of the way...

3 years ago
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B P Sleepover

*Ding-dong* The cry of the doorbell rang throughout Sarah's house. Her head immediately perked up and a smile began to spread across her face. She sprang up from her living room couch and ran to answer the door. She was a short but well-built girl with dirty-blonde hair, 38E tits, and a nice ass to compliment the rest of her attitude. Tonight she is dressed in a gray tank-top with black and white pattered yoga pants. Sarah was sure to wear her tightest pair of yoga pants tonight. Sarah's...

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"Welcome to our annual volleyball sleepover!" Coach Anderson exclaims to her young team. "I'm so glad you all could make it, before we start, I have a few things to announce such as which rooms you will be staying in! Since Cole is letting us use this awesome 8 bedroom house for our sleepover, he and some of the other baseball boys will be joining us." This revelation was met with some gasps as well as some seductive smiles. I looked around at the other girls and felt a weird pinch on my...

2 years ago
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A Wet Sleepover

Sophie snuggled further into the duvet. Next to her Emma was cradling a mug of hot chocolate as if it was a newborn child. They could hear Paul snoring upstairs. This wasn't quite the raucous recreation of a childhood sleepover they'd planned. Sophie had suggested it the week before. A chance to have a giggle and pretend to be young again. Wear their old nighties, gossip about the people they fancied, watch bad movies, eat too much ice cream. It meant Emma's partner being booted out of the way...

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Sleepover By Miss Anonna “Mom!” Hollered Seth as I was laying in the bathtub, soaking up the fresh salts I had just bought earlier. “Can Jesse spend the night?” He crept into the bathroom with a big grin on his face and sat at the edge of the tub. “Pleeeeeeeeeeze?” He begged and held his hands up as if he were praying to the Heavens to make it happen. “We want to watch this scary movie that’s on Showtime and it’s supposed to be awesome. “I thought you were hanging out at work after he got off.”...

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Daddys Rum Punch Sleepover

His wife worked midnight's and on Friday he remembered that his 14-year-old daughter was going to have her best friend Ana Leigh over, by herself . . . for a sleepover. After her previous party, he had checked out her hard drive and noticed the teens had gone to various sites that showed the male genitalia. This time he thought it might be fun to spike some punch, maybe have them smoke a joint or two and see what he could get them to do . . . to...

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Sisters First Sleepover Ch 1

Foreword: Hello, fellow Degenerates. Welcome to Sister's First Sleepover. If you are of the lower eschelons of degeneracy, I expect you'll find a lot to enjoy in this tale. It's a slow build up, but I promise you it does ramp up. My aim is to make the story feel as believable as possible, whilst also descending into utterly delicious levels of domination and humiliation.  Chapter 1: The Makeup GameBecca closed the front door and locked it; it felt strange holding her mom's house keys and being...

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A Halloween Party Sleepover in Snowy Hollow

It was a cold autumn evening on the 31st of October, in the dystopian year of 2121AD, in the small town of Snowy Hollow. Snowy Hollow was a small town located on the outer fringes of New England, going all the way back to the founding of the nation. The town itself had not seen much change in the way things are done. People still drive in cars but unlike the good old days, they run now on batteries and not on oil (after the End of Oil). The last century was much better, having been the golden...

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