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My 60th entry in Fictionmania! How they do add up when you're having fun! This story portrays fictitious teenage kids experimenting with sex. It's their own idea, but anyone offended might just keep repeating "It didn't really happen, it didn't really happen," until they're persuaded that it doesn't really happen. Or else not read it. All others, enjoy! Sleepover By Vickie Tern "Is that you, Tim? Welcome home, honey! Did you have a good time? Don't rush upstairs like that -- first come here into the kitchen and tell me all about it!" "I will, Mom, but first I need to ...." "Tim, please! What you need to do is what I ask you to do! I asked you to come into the kitchen. I've been bursting with curiosity how it went. Was it fun?" "Mom. I .... It went fine. Can't I just ...." "Not yet. Not until you tell me all about it. Then you can go upstairs and do whatever it is you're so eager to do. I have to finish rolling out these pie crusts, and I can't leave them just yet or they'll get all soggy. They're for your favorite, cherry pie, a welcome home dessert to help you celebrate your very first sleepover. I bought ice cream for it, too. So come in here, please, young man! I hope I won't have to ask you a third time." "No, Mom." "'No, Mom.' 'No Mom' indeed! What a grump! I must say, Tim, I .... I ... Well, just look at you! I never! What...?" "Mom! Oh, Mom! I knew I shouldn't have ....!" "Oh, Tim, please, please, no need to get all upset! Please honey! It's just that you startled me, that's all! I didn't expect .... it's quite a surprise to see ... Oh, no need to blush or feel ashamed, either, Timmy baby! You're pretty as a picture, really, that's such a sweet outfit! Is that why you wanted to run upstairs just now, so I wouldn't see you before you managed to change? Well, I'm glad you didn't -- I think you look just darling! Though I'd never have imagined ...! Did Cherisse lend you that dress? It's lovely! And it fits you so well!" "Mom, it's a girl's dress!" "Well, I should hope so! Do you know any dresses that aren't? I would never have guessed you two were the same size. She looks like such a slight, delicate thing, the little bit I saw of her, while you're always galumphing all over the place like an elephant. But now you look so ...delicate too. I guess quick impressions can be deceiving." "You don't care that I came home wearing a girl's dress?" "Of course I care! I care about you, I'm trying to spare you embarrassment, that's all, if you must know! Not only about the dress, Timmy! About the strappy sandals too, and look at your hair, kind of full and done up in barettes, and there's pink color on your lips -- someone gave you lipstick to wear so you'd look proper while walking home from Cherisse's house?" "Yes. Marcia did. That's just what she said, too. So I'd look proper." "And I suspect from the fullness in your chest that you're wearing a bra too. And probably panties to complete the picture? Am I right?" [silence] "I'm trying to .... Your perfume is delightful, Tim, I love it, so fresh! Honey, I'm a little ... confused, that's all. I don't understand it, why you've come home dressed up like a girl. Oh, do stand still and let me see, stop trying to hide yourself! That's better! Now, why the fuss? You look nice and you smell nice, and wearing a dress is nothing to be ashamed of. Lots of people wear dresses. All sorts of girls your age wear dresses, and bras too. As you must certainly know by now -- I mean, you just spent the night with ... how many girls did Cherisse invite to her sleepover? Five? Six? "Six girls were there altogether. Counting me. This morning they made me an honorary girl." "Well, that was sweet of them! Come here, my honorary girl, and let me give you a proper welcome home hug and kiss, and then you can tell me all about what happened last night. OK? I'm really curious how come you ...." "OK. You aren't mad at me? You don't think I look funny?" "Do you think you look funny?" "I didn't while I was there. I liked it. A whole lot. Now I don't know." "Well, I'm not mad, and I don't think you look funny, not at all. I've already told you, I think you look pretty. That beige plaid dress is very becoming, and I like the way your hair curves out over your ears. And you have very nice legs, honey. I never notice them when you're lounging around in shorts -- that little bit of heel on your sandals does a lot to put them on display." "Thank you, Mom. I like them too." "So cheer up and tell me how come all this. But first I want my hug and kiss. Hug? Big hug? .... Mmmmmmmm! Mmmmm, that's better. They gave you something to fill out the cups of that bra too, didn't they?" "Yes. Anne had them, breast forms she called them. She used them herself until her own finally grew in. Then when she heard I was coming to the sleepover she brought them for me to use. She says I can keep them until mine get to be the right size, then maybe I can pass them on to someone else." "Hmmmmmm. You're planning to grow ... ? Ahhh, honey, please try to understand me. It isn't that I think anything's wrong, exactly. I always want what'd best for you, you know that. And with something like this, whatever you think is best for you might well be what's best for you. I don't want to be one of those parents who ... I mean, I just want to understand you, that's all. I admit I'm puzzled. I mean, it isn't every day your son comes home dressed up to look just like a girl and talking about growing her own ... I mean his own .... Ah, did the girls at that sleepover play a trick on you? Did you lose a bet with them or something? Or are you dressed this way because you want to? You prefer to? Because it expresses your inner ...." "Mom, what do you mean?" "Do the clothes feel nice?" "Yes, as a matter of fact they do feel nice. Really great! They're smooth, and they're loose in the right places and sort of huggy in others. And they don't bunch up or bind the way pants do. They ...flow. It's a little like swimming in air." "Yes. That's interesting. Well, I'm sure you have your own good reasons and you'll tell me in your own good time. What you choose to wear is your decision, I've always told you that. " "I ... I didn't exactly choose this stuff, Mom. Not right off. I had to wear it. The girls told me I had to look like them, like a girl, or else I couldn't stay at the sleepover, I'd have to go home. They told me that first thing. Cherisse's parents don't allow her to have boys at sleepovers, she said. But they're out of town for the night -- they gave her permission to have this sleepover with her friends so she wouldn't feel lonely. It's a big house." "Unsupervised?" "Cherisse says she has them all the time, so her parents trust her. She had one just last week. That was the problem. The girls got a little bored with the idea of spending one more night playing games and fixing each others' hair and gossiping about boys and all. So they wanted to invite someone new for this one, and find new things to do. "I see." "Well yesterday Cherisse saw the moving van in front of our house and saw me standing and watching those men carry in our beds and sofas and stuff, and she got this terrific idea, the way she tells it. Ask a boy to her sleepover but fix him up to look like a girl. Then no one will know. She checked with her girlfriends and they all thought that was a great idea too. Then when she saw me more closely she thought, better still. That's why she invited me. Because I'm brand new here and nobody knows me. Nobody knows yet what I am." "No, I suppose not. And looking at you, I guess it's still sometimes hard to tell. You are a little late reaching puberty. Doctor Harris told me that's a family trait, nothing to worry about. So I figured, all in good time." "Back at my old school the guys all thought I was too small to hang with them. Not tough enough. Just a kid. And the girls didn't want me either. Not manly enough. Not manly at all." "I know. I've been hoping that now you're a little taller you'd be able to make a fresh beginning here when school starts. Make new friends." "I've got friends now, Mom. Cherisse and Anne and Jessica and Marcia and Caitlyn. And all I had to do was pretend to be one of them. A girl. No big deal. That's what they told me. Pretend I'm a girl the best I can, even to myself, and then I can stay. Because Cherisse's folks would hit the roof if they ever heard she had a boy in for a sleepover. The other girls' parents wouldn't be too happy either. Also because girls like to tell each other secrets about stuff during a sleepover, and they won't want to if they think there's a boy listening in. Someone who thinks he's a boy." "Did you have any idea you'd have to disguise yourself as a girl when you accepted Cherisse's invitation? You didn't mention anything like that to me when you asked for permission to sleep at her house, I know that much." "No, I was just glad that she came up and introduced herself and asked me right off. I don't know anyone in this part of town. I mean, school doesn't begin for another month, and there aren't any boys my age in this neighborhood, none I can see, only old people. And boys never want to pal around with me anyhow. So yesterday when Cherisse saw me and came over and introduced herself and asked me to come join her sleepover, I was pretty happy about it. 'It's a chance to meet a lot of girls all at once and get to know us all real well,' that was how she put it. 'You do like girls, don't you?' 'I guess so,' I told her. I mean, at my old school lots of guys in my class were already going with girls and stuff, and I always wanted to. But girls weren't interested in me. I'm not very buff, that was what one girl told me." "Was that what all those muscle magazines and weightlifting things were about last year? Attracting girls? I remember wondering about you around that time, but I didn't want to say anything. Because I thought it might be to attract boys." "Mom! You mean you thought I was gay? You mean like Jay Sullivan, that guy in my class who looks at pictures of body builders all the time, and it turned out he was gay, he likes other guys' bodies? No, that isn't what it was about. I just wanted to look more like what girls like, that's all. But it didn't work out. I just don't have the build to begin with." "I did wonder. You put all those weights into the yard sale when we cleared out the old house, didn't you." "Yeh. I hadn't touched them for months. Anyhow, Cherisse was right. Last night worked out fine. I know lots of girls now. They're my girlfriends and I'm theirs." "You're a girlfriend now? That's what you just said?" "That's right. I sort of belong now. Like we're a girl's club, that's what they said. We'll do lots of stuff together from now on, they said." "I see. Well, these pies are ready for the oven, but first maybe we'd better sit down over there and discuss this a little, Timmy? I want to know a lot more. Have you had breakfast yet?" "Yes,'m. At Cherisse's. French toast and syrup. We all pitched in and had such a good time!" "That's nice. No, not like that, that's not how girls sit, Timmy. Smooth your skirt out from under your bottom when you lower yourself into a chair. Like this. And if you're going to wear a skirt, learn how to sit properly, knees together, always! Never spread your legs if you aren't wearing pants, it gives people the wrong impression! That's it! Now, you were saying, honey? Tell me about all this from the beginning." "Well, I went to the sleepover last night, you know, and I brought the little bag with the clean underwear and PJ's you laid out for me, just like you said I should, and my hair brush and toothbrush. Cherisse met me at the door and said none of those things would be necessary except maybe the toothbrush. That surprised me, but it turned out she was right. Anyhow, when I went into her house all the other girls were already there. And the house was dark except for lots of candles burning in every room. It was warm and cosy. Mysterious, a little." "Wait, honey. 'The other girls.' When you say that, do you mean other girls besides you? Or do you mean Cherisse's other friends, other girls you hadn't yet met." "All of us. I mean, what's the difference?" "I just wanted to know. Your state of mind right now is important to me, honey. I'm a mother, and whatever your problems and issues I want to provide you the very best guidance and support I can. You thought you were one of the girls once you got to Cherisse's?" "No, not till I was already there and they told me I had to try. Even before I got past her front hallway Cherisse told me this has to be a girls' sleepover and all, and she told me why, and stuff, and how I have to imagine I'm a girl and be a girl the same as them or else I can't be one of them and I'll have to go back home. I told you that already. Mom. So she says this and all the while I'm thinking there's nothing for me at home tonight, only Mom, my computer isn't even set up or anything. And I remember how you were so happy for me that I got invited to a neighbor's house already my very first day here. And I thought how you'd really be disappointed if I came home. A real bummer. So I told Cherisse, 'Sure!'" "That was very considerate of you, Tim." "Mom, you never saw anyone so happy! She says, 'Really? You'll stay? You're willing to be a girl like the rest of us?' And I say 'Sure, but where're the rest of us?' And she says, 'We're all upstairs playing dressup. Jessica brought over a lot of costumes from the last school play she was in, "Dinner at Eight," where all the women wear slinky gowns, and the other girls brought over some of their Moms' long gowns. We're trying them all on.' I say, 'OK' because I don't know what else to say. She says, 'C'mon up. I'll bet you'll look just gorgeous with your hair piled high, Tammy. And you have great cheek bones!' So what can I say? I say "Thank you, I hope so.'" "'Tammy?' Is that your girl name now, Timmy?" "Yeh. She said the girls decided that before I even got there. If I stayed I'd be 'Tammy.'" "Do you like that name ... Tammy?" "I don't mind. Yeh, it's nice. 'Timmy' is kind of a baby name." "I see. So, then?" 'So then we went upstairs, and there are all these girls trying on different dresses. 'Evening Gowns' they called them. A couple were Prom Gowns. Marcia brought her mother's wedding gown for everyone to try on. Jessica, she's the one who loves costumes, she told me girls don't call colors 'red' and 'purple' and stuff, they're 'mauve' and 'lemon' and 'aubergine,' colors like that. Even red isn't 'red' she said, it's 'blush' or 'crimson' or 'scarlet' or 'vermilion.' They told me I would have to learn which is which if I want to be a girl. But they'd help." "And do you want to be a girl, Tim? Ahh, Tammy?" "When I'm with them, Mom, sure. So far. That's what I promised them." "That's nice. So, go on?" "The gowns, they're all made out of silk and satin and other shiny and fluffy stuff with lots more different names like 'taffeta' and 'charmeuse,' and 'organza' and they're all shaped and gathered into all kinds of different styles. The girls knew what to call all of them, and they're going to teach me. I mean even different hemlines and waistlines have different names, did you know that?" "Yes, baby. Every woman knows that." "Jessica told me I'd learn little by little so I can be in on all their talk about things and not feel left out. They taught Anne stuff like that last year when she moved here from a farm way out in the country and didn't know anything. No more than me. But now Anne says she can wow even her Mom and her Aunt when she goes shopping with them. She knows everything. She wants to be a fashion designer when she finishes growing up. She'll be real good at it, too, you know? She was giving all the girls all sorts of advice about belts and jewelry and scarves and things to go with different gowns, colors that clash and colors that sing to each other. Stuff like that. And me too. She fixed me up with a headband with a feather that everyone said looked just scrumptious with my earrings. 'A little retro but very sophisticated,' that's what Anne said." "That's commendable. I'm glad to hear you take an interest in things like that, sweetheart. Because I do. Boys don't, usually. But ahhh ... you mentioned earrings. You aren't wearing any now. You decided that maybe earrings are a little bit too girly? Is that it?" "No. Cherisse had only one pair of clip-ons, an old pair of her mother's. That's what they call them, clip-ons, the kind that don't need a hole in your ear. She couldn't let me take them home, they're an antique, too expensive. But those are the only kind I can wear until I get my ears pierced. Then they'll let me borrow any of their earrings. They're always lending each other earrings." "And do you think that will happen? Will you want to get your ears pierced?" "Mom, they told me I have to ask you first. Do you mind? Just a single hole in each earlobe for now? The girls want to take me in for it next Tuesday because Tuesday is when Caitlyn works at the Piercing Pagoda in the Mall, sorting out stuff. Caitlyn wants to give me advice about which earrings to wear first and then which ones later with my shape of face. My 'look' is what she calls it." "You want pierced ears? I hadn't thought .... No, I suppose I don't mind, not if you really want to get them pierced, honey. Boys do wear earrings all the time these days, I've noticed. Studs and little gold hoops." "With evening gowns we wear chandeliers, Mom. Anne proved it by holding a pair of chandeliers up to my ears. They dangled practically to my bare shoulders. They looked soooo delicious! Everyone said so." "But we don't wear chandeliers all the time, Timmy. I mean Tammy honey. For daytime they're a little too dressy." "I guess. But I did like how they looked. A lot! Anyhow, for an hour or so we played dressup. It was fun. Embarrassing at first, but I got used to it." "Embarrassing? How so?" "Well, the girls ... the other girls I mean, they were all taking off this dress and putting on that dress, I mean this or that 'gown,' and they were ooohing and aahhing and asking each other's advice, and in between they were just standing around or leaning over or holding gowns up to themselves while they were just in their underwear." "You mean you were in a roomful of girls who were wearing only bras and panties? Oh, my, Timmy! I mean, Tammy! But I suppose that's no more revealing than when a girl wears a bikini, so I guess it was all right. No, I see, it's the intimacy of it. A girl is always considered dressed when she's wearing a bikini, at least on a beach or by a pool, but she's undressed wherever she is if she's in her bras and panties. So you were in a room with girls who were practically naked. Being wicked together. And that embarrassed you. Did it excite you a little too?" "Yes ma'am. A little. It did. Especially when Cherisse first told me that I had to strip down and put on the same kind of underwear, you're right, a bra and also panties of course, so I could try on different gowns too. That's when I got really scared. I almost freaked out. Get practically naked in front of all those girls? Cherisse had to talk me down." "How did she do that?" "She said stuff like 'We have nothing to hide from each other, Tammy. We're all being girls together, after all, right?' 'Even though I look like a boy when I'm naked?' I asked her? Because that was what I was really embarrassed about. I'm so straight and skinny. I don't have the right shape to be a girl. 'Yes,' Cherisse says. 'We'll deal with it if there's a problem. We'll pretend you're really a girl the same way you do. You're thin but that's an advantage. Because your face is very pretty, you know that?' And so on, she talked for a while. Till I began to feel just like everybody else. Then we all joined hands and sang a song that went "I'm a girl, I'm a girl, I'm glad to be a girl, and I want to be a girl until I die." We just kept chanting it and looking into each other's eyes and smiling at each other. And we hugged. And they all kissed me. I loved it! We were all being girls together. We still are, Mom. I feel that way now, anyhow. It's really nice!" "Cherisse sounds very clever." "Yes. So once I got naked they gave me a pair of panties and a bra to wear the same as the rest of them, and I started trying on gowns too. You know, different gowns can give you all sorts of different shapes? It's really magic! I could look like such a fashionable lady in this one, or slinky like in the movies in that one, or really dignified, full of myself, a 'grande dame' Jessica called me when I was wearing a gown that swept way back and had no shoulders or sleeves at all. I needed a strapless bra for that one. But Mom?" "I'm listening, Tammy." "Every time I took a gown off, I looked like a boy again. It was very disappointing. Because girls are round in all sorts of places where boys aren't. I mean, Cherisse has this rear end, for example, it's shaped like two cute little pillows, and her bodice, her bosom I mean, her chest has these ... I mean, they don't sag, her mammaries -- is that what you call them? The things you use to feed babies? That's what they called them in Biology." "'Breasts.' honey. We call them 'breasts.' That's a perfectly proper word to use in public. It means the same thing as "mammaries' but it's less ...ah, clinical. Yes, that's how it is with young girls. I remember. When you first grow them, they're like soft, gorgeous globes, and boys love them. But eventually they get pendulous, and finally they get like mine, sagging, and I sometimes think only babies can get excited by the sight of them. Mine were once like theirs." "All the other girls are a lot rounder than me all over. Anne's breasts are really huge. She says she took hormones up until last year to get them that way -- the same kind they feed cows on her farm to make them give more milk. She wanted big breasts the worst way, and now she's got them. They asked me if I wanted some too." "Oh? And .... what did you reply, sweetheart?" "I told them I didn't know. I was only a pretend girl. They said that even if I was pretending, I should do my very best to want everything they wanted, and do everything they did. The same way I'd done with my hairdo. When I was wearing my grande dame gown, I mean. I looked so 'regal,' that's what Jessica said, that I just had to have a fancy upsweep to go with it. So everyone stopped doing what they were doing, and gave me a perm so my hair would hold its shape when they put it up and set it." "A perm! You do know, honey, that now you'll have to set it every day for it to stay pretty. Rollers for soft waves and a careful comb out every morning. Or it'll look too tight-curled, too kinky. That can be a bother. Also, it'll look odd on a boy." "Marcia told me that. But the girls all said that having to fix my hair all the time will keep me in practice being a girl. And when they were done I really did look regal! Like a queen! They took pictures -- I'll get some to show you." "I'd like to see them. So these girls talked you into letting them give you a perm?" "Mom, it wasn't like that! I really did want my hair fixed so I could shape it to look nice." "Well, it does look nice. Very nice, sweetheart. And if I may say so, your make-up also looks nice. Your eye shadow is quite subtle. Three shades blended together, I see. You look all grown up. Did you do that too, or did your girlfriends do it for you?" "They showed me how, Mom. Marcia, mainly, she works in her mom's beauty salon after school. She was very nice about it, but she made me do it over and over myself until she thought it was right. 'It has to become second nature' she kept saying. And this morning, when everyone was getting ready to go home, it was! No problem! You really think it looks nice? When I finally got the right touches they thought so." "Yes, I think it looks nice. A little more mature than I'd wish, but young girls all want to look older than they are these days. So why not you?" "They told me never go anywhere without make-up on. It's important to feel good about my looks no matter what. 'You need to build up your poise and confidence is all,' is what they told me." "That's true. Last year when boys didn't want you on their teams and girls wouldn't talk to you, you looked so sad sometimes that it broke my heart. That was one reason why I decided we should move here to a different part of the city, so you could begin with a fresh slate. That and your father finally deciding to pay out our divorce settlement, so we could finally afford a nice house in a nice neighborhood like this one." "Even so, Mom, I was worried what you'd think, me coming home wearing this stuff. That's why I didn't have a lot of poise and confidence when I came in. I mean, my girlfriends think this is just great. And I like it. But you're my Mom! What you think is what really matters. That's why I was trying to sneak upstairs when you called me to come in here." "Tammy, understand me. As long as you're decent, what you look like and what you are is for you to decide. I want whatever you want. OK? I mean it. I will never blame you for any decisions you may make about ... ahhh, whether you want to be a boy or a girl or about whether you like ... being with other boys or girls. I just want you to be happy. OK? But there seem to have been quite a few decisions made last night -- I just need to understand them is all. I need to know that they're your decisions. Was there anything else you decided you wanted?" "Well, after we compared nipples, I really wanted nipples like my girlfriends' nipples too. I thought that would be so cool!" "You compared nipples? I don't understand. What are you saying, Tammy? Nipples grow on breasts for the same reason breasts grow on bodies. Hormones. Boys never have the kinds of hormones or nipples girls have. You 'girls' actually compared your nipples?" "Just for fun. We took off our bras and looked at each of our nipples. Anne's are thick and long, really impressive. I guess because of those hormones she took. Cherisse's are pink and dimpled, and Marcia puts blush on hers so she can feel more feminine. Mine are practically nothing. Even so, we celebrated having them by putting a drop of perfume on each one." "I'm not sure I want to know any more details, Tammy. I've already seen all kinds of nipples and boobs too, thank you." "'Boobs'? Is that another word for 'breasts'? "Yes," "Then that's what the joke was! I was wondering! I was so embarrassed because I didn't have anything on my chest, so to cheer me up the other girls awarded me what they called a 'Booby Prize.' And kept giggling and laughing the whole time. Until finally Cherisse said 'Girls, this isn't fair, Tammy is trying very hard to be one of us, and we shouldn't be making fun of her. It isn't her fault that she hasn't grown her breasts and nipples yet. What we need to do is give her some incentive. Meanwhile I think we should all share ours with her so she won't feel deprived.'" "Share breasts? How in the world can they ...? What did she mean?" "They told me to get naked and lie down on my back on the bed. 'Just lie there,' that was what Cherisse told me. 'And we'll prove to you that we love you.' So I did." "You did. You lay there naked on a bed in a room full of undressed girls." "It was sheer heaven, Mom! I never dreamed it could be like .... They got naked too and they all lay down next to me or on top of me, their skin pressing on mine everywhere. Then for the next half-hour or so, two of the girls took turns kissing and caressing and licking and sucking on each of my nipples, even though they're teeny, and I got to feeling so strange! And two other girls took turns feeding me their breasts, all soft and full and ripe and warm and plump in my mouth. And the fifth girl, I think it was Anne but I couldn't see, she took my peter in her mouth and she licked it and blew on it and sucked it. So gently? It felt like warm air and warm water! So very good. I was in heaven! Blissful! You can't believe how it was, Mom! To feel all those warm soft bodies all around you squeezing and rubbing against your own body and your face and head, all those smooth pillowy parts girls have, hugging and pushing against you all over! I nearly passed out." "I can believe it, baby. I lived in a girls' dorm in college for three years. We played like that sometimes. I'm glad that now you've had that experience too. Boys almost never get the opportunity." "I guess. Anyhow, I was still on my back and Anne still had her mouth wrapped around my peter. I didn't know anyone ever did that, but Cherisse told me it happens a lot and I'll find that out for myself when school begins again, if I'm still a girl when school begins. Anne made it all stiff and wet, my peter. Then I'm just lying there with it sticking straight up in the air and you'll never guess, Anne moved away and Cherisse climbed on top of me and sat down on it, on my peter, and I thought she'd crush it but instead it slipped into a kind of slot with a hole in it she has there between her legs. They all do, it turns out. Girls, I mean." "Yes, I know. It's called a vagina. I have one too." "You do? They had a different name for it. 'Pussy' is what they called it. Anyhow, then one at a time they all took turns poking my peter into their virginas. Their pussies. Once they got it all the way into them, they wriggled their hips a few times and then asked me to push it in and out of them a few more times. That felt soooo good! I never felt anything like that in my whole life! Really super! They liked feeling me inside them too, they said, same as I liked being there. Then the next one got on top of me, and it was the same thing all over again. One after another. Except for Anne, she got on me facing the other way and her virgina felt very tight once I managed to push into her. 'I just had to see how it feels,' she told me over her shoulder. You know, I don't think that was her virgina. I think I was inside her you know what. You know?" "Yes, I know. Have these girls done things like this before, do you think?" "They told me no, except for Caitlyn. She said she does that a lot with her boy friend. She was the last girl to mount me. And after she sat down on me with my peter inside her she leaned way forward and kissed me and put her tongue into my mouth and held it there, and then let her hair fall all over my face so I couldn't see what else she was doing." "Tammy, I don't think ...." "I could feel her tongue though. She was wriggling and poking it in and out of my mouth, and down below she was kind of sliding and rolling her hips up and down and around my peter. And I began to feel very -- it was yummy! This great feeling started to grow. Really great! I mean really really great -- I got all tense, and then it was like I was yawning and stretching, you know, and holding my breath at the same time. But it was my peter that was doing all the yawning and stretching, and I couldn't help it, it just sort of got paralyzed and then it started to squirt and squirt into her. Like that last drop of pee, you know, you sort of squeeze it out? Over and over? But I couldn't help myself, I just squeezed and squeezed and kept squeezing and it felt ... just great! You know?" "No, sweetheart, I don't know. That's happens only with boys and men. Your father did that kind of thing with me in the early days, before I found out about the other women he was doing it with. But it's natural, honey, nothing to worry about. Like father like son. I imagine he's still doing that kind of thing somewhere. And now you too. Don't worry about it. So you squirted inside what's her name, Kate?" "Caitlyn. The girls were all watching. And they got all excited, and when Caitlyn squealed all the rest of them applauded. But then she began bouncing up and down on me on me like a wild animal, and her face got all screwed up like I was hurting her, and I got frightened. She started kind of moaning out loud three or four times with her mouth wide open, as if she couldn't catch her breath." "Yes. That's what happens to girls. It's like what happens to boys but different." "When she finally caught her breath again I apologized for huring her, but she said no it was nothing like that, but would I mind kissing her down there where my peter had been, kissing it and making it better?" "And did you, baby?" "I thought I ought to. So I told her no I didn't mind. She sort of scrunched up on her knees all the way up my body till her pussy was up over my face, and then she sort of leaned it down onto my mouth. So gently! Her bottom felt so soft, and there were these puffy lips pressing on my lips, sort of. Only they were all warm and slippery, her lips, really wet. She asked me to kiss that part of her a few times the way she'd been kissing my mouth, meaning poke my tongue into it. So I did. I got my tongue in quite a ways! 'Lick!' she said. So I did that too. It tasted sort of salty and slick, like a runny egg. 'Keep going,' she said. So I did. And I don't know, she began breathing hard again, as if she was suffocating, and finally she sort of gasped and let out another moan. I was the one short of air, it was my mouth and nose she was sitting on, and I had to twist my head back and forth under her pussy in order to breathe, but she was the one who was gasping. Very strange. Then she began going 'Oh! Oh! Oh!' and squeezing her legs tight against my ears and pushing her bottom really hard into my mouth, and she filled it up with all the saliva and stuff she had in there, my squirtings too probably. She squeezed it all right into my mouth. And then when she stopped going 'Oh! Oh!' she told me to swallow it all so as not to get the sheets wet." "Did it taste bad?" "Not too bad. I got used to it. They each taste a little different you know, though sort of the same too. You know?" "No, I don't know. What do you mean, Tim?" "Each of the girls. After Caitlyn sat on my face the other girls wanted to also. So I could kiss and lick the their pussies too. 'We all let you put your thing into us down there, so it's the least you can do for us,' that was what Marcia said. 'I'm afraid she's right,' Cherisse told me. 'Do you mind?' So what could I say? I told her no, I didn't mind. And I really didn't. I mean it was like they were kissing me and I was kissing them, but not mouth to mouth the usual way, that's all. Like I was kissing them right in the middle of something soft and warm and wet. It was good. Girls feel really good!" Then Cherisse handed me a nightgown and told me it was time for us all to go to sleep. A very pretty lacy nightgown, sort of soft gauze too, you could see through it. When I slipped it over my head it was like standing under a waterfall. 'You'll share this bed with Anne,' Cherisse told me. 'She's been waiting very patiently. Anne doesn't have a pussy just yet, not exactly, she won't be allowed to get one until she's 18. But she really hopes you'll do her peter the way she did yours, lick and suck it while she does yours some more. That's such a nice way to fall asleep. Better than nursing on a nipple!' 'Sure,' I said. 'No problem.'" "Well, that must have been a surprise!" "Not really. So that was what we did. I lay down with my head next to Anne's peter and she lay down with hers next to mine, and we began to suck on each other. It got pretty exciting for a while, it felt really super good! A couple of times she stiffened and squirted and I got the same flavor from her that I tasted in Caitlyn's pussy. And a couple of times I squeezed my own stuff into Anne's mouth. I loved it. Now and then I'd wake up there it still was soft in my mouth, so I'd suck on it some more, sort of like a baby with a pacifier, and go right back to sleep." "So my baby has sucked her first cock and she loved it." "I guess I did. Is that bad, Mom? This morning I wondered if that meant I was like Jay Sullivan, he was always trying to get his mouth wrapped around someone's peter. But Cherisse told me it's different because Anne is already a girl except for her pussy, that's how she goes to school and everything, and I look like a girl with my hairdo and all, and I'm thinking I'm a girl, so we were really only just like all the other girls. We all of us went to sleep licking our bed partner's pussy, or whatever we found down there. That's what girls do all the time at sleepovers, Cherisse says." "Well, honey! You had a long night! Maybe you should get to bed now? You must be exhausted!" "Not really. I slept good, though I did get up early. Anne was still asleep, so I fixed my hair like Marcia showed me and I put on my makeup like it is now, it really is second nature now, and I went down to have breakfast. When everyone else came down they declared that I had done everything a girl ever does so now I was an honorary girl who can participate in all the rites and privileges." "Rights and Privileges? What were they?" "I'm not sure. I guess I get to wear girls' clothes whenever I want, now. Cherisse gave me this skirt and blouse to wear, and the other stuff -- she said that she'd bring over my nightgown as a gift and also my boy's pants and T-shirt and sneakers and so on when she remembers where she put them. They awarded me the bra and panties I've got on now, the same ones I wore last night. O yeh, I get to carry a purse now too, that's another thing. They put all my make-up in one of Cherisse's old purses, and the rest of my morning pills for this month." "What was that?" "What was what, Mom?" "You mentioned pills." "That's right." "What kind?" "Girl pills. They come in a little sort of wheel the four girls with pussies carry around. They take one each morning so they won't get pregnant if a boy should put his peter into them the way I did, though mine was their first. So far. Except for Caitlyn. They wanted a trial run with a small one, and now that they know what it's like they can move on. 'This is what bonds us as girlfriends forever,' that's what Cherisse said, looking at me while she swallowed her own pill. And each of the other girls swallowed theirs. And looked at me and waited, and didn't say a word." "And?" "I told them, 'I don't do drugs, I'm sorry, my Mom would kill me. My Dad did some now and then and that led to other women and ruined their marriage. So I just can't!'" "I am so proud of you, Tammy! So very proud! What did they say?" "Jessica said it. 'Why, Tammy, these aren't drugs, they're only birth control pills. Hormones. You don't want this kind anyhow. You need Anne's kind.' It turns out that every morning Anne takes special pills her doctor gave her to develop her round places the way she likes. She wants a big ass to match her big breasts, she told me. She gave me a spare month's supply so I can get started getting soft and round like everybody else. I took one, and the rest are in my purse. "I see. You took one already? So you too can be 'soft and round'? Is that what you want, Tammy? To be soft and round? Really and truly? Are you saying you want to be a girl?" "Mom, I have to be a girl! I just have to! I was a girl last night and it was so much better than being a boy! I had such a good time." "That's nonsense! What do you mean, you 'have to be a girl'? You don't have to be anything you don't want to be!" "Mom, I have to be. I want to be! Or else I can't be their girlfriend! They said this morning that when people get to know me, if they find out I'm not a girl and the word gets out that I've been hanging with them at sleepovers and everything, their reputations will be ruined and they'll all be grounded for life and their parents will kill them. And the boys will mock me, and maybe Caitlyn's boyfriend will kill me." "Well, sweetheart, that's mostly their problem! They invited you! You don't owe them anything!" "Oh yes I do, Mom. I owe them everything!" "Everything? What do you mean? Oh, dearest, don't cry! Please don't cry! Tammy, please, stop!" "Mom, you know! You know! You must know!" "Honey, Tammy girl, please. Take some deep breaths. Please, sweetheart. Just wait. That's it. Take another. I'm here. I'll be here. Go real slow and just talk to me, OK?" Mom? Mom? Mom, as a boy I'm a total washout! I've always been a washout! I've never had any friends at all! Not one! And now here we are, we've been here only one day, and already I have five dear girlfriends. And they all love me, and they all want me to be happy. When we kissed each other goodbye this morning we arranged to get together again this afternoon so they can take me to Marcia's Mom's beauty salon and do my hair better, put in streaks and frosting, and do the rest of me too, fix me up so I'm even more feminine and beautiful all the time, just like they are. Maybe even start me wearing the right kinds of clothes, what girls wear these days, so when school begins I'll be right up there with the really in chicks, not dressed dorky like usual. I haven't a clue about what's in, what're the latest styles, but they want to give me all the help I need because I'm one of them now! We belong together! I'm sort of their project, they say, a kind of grown up Barbie they can have fun with! As a boy I was a dweeb, but as a girl I can't help but be popular, they swear that's true. I mean, when I was a boy no one ever called me handsome or manly or anything, but here I am, I've been a girl only since last night, and already you've told me I'm pretty and sweet and beautiful and darling, and already you've talked more about things that matter to me than we've ever talked about anything ever before in our whole lives! Because now we aren't being a mother and son with nothing much to say to each other. Not any more. We're mother and daughter! That's what we've been this whole time this morning, ever since I came home, and I love it! I've never been happier! Oh Mom, I do want to be a girl! I need to! Please help me!" "Oh my sweet, dearest, darling baby." "Please, please, please?" "Honey, it just never occurred to me, that's all. How can you forgive me? No more tears! Ever! Of course I'll help! Of course! Please, honey, don't cry any more! Whatever you need, you'll have! You'll see! This very morning we'll go shopping! OK? Let me kiss away those tears before they mess up your mascara!" "You will? Really? I need so much stuff, Mom! I need everything!" "Well, we'll buy the basics together, and then you can go off with your friends to buy the rest. Lingerie right off. Bras and things. I don't want you wearing anything not suitable for a girl your age. Like, no belly button rings. And no lace, not yet!" "Caitlyn wears lace. And a deep plunge bra, too." "Caitlyn has a boyfriend, you mentioned him yourself. She wants to be attractive to him. And you don't have anything to put into a deep plunge bra, not yet. Do you have a boyfriend?" "No, Mom." "Then you'll wear things more appropriate to your situation. A starter bra you can grow into, for example. We'll see if Dr. Harris has anything he can recommend to speed your breast growth but still keep things proportional. I'm sure you won't want breasts like a cow's udders, like maybe your friend Anne wants, bless her heart. With your delicate features you'll be quite attractive with a lot less up top. 'Perky' will do you quite well, I should think." "Mom, you are everything I ever wanted in a Mom! I love you." "I just want you to be happy, Tammy. You know that." "Yes. I sure do. So ... could I ask you for another favor too? Would you mind?" "Not at all, sweetheart. What?" "We were all talking about another sleepover next weekend at Caitlyn's house? Please? Can I go?" "So soon? Maybe, if it's with your friends. It's just with your friends?" "Yes, Mom. Just us. This morning we were talking. Except for Caitlyn, none of us have ever put anything into our virginas, our pussies, except for when the other girls put my peter into theirs to see how it felt. That was why they wanted a boy to sleep over with last night, even though he had to be a boy who's a girl. So they could see what it's like with a peter in them that wasn't too big. Now they want to try it out with full size things. Like, Caitlyn's folks have a lot of rubber peters in their bedside drawer, she says. Some look like flashlights and some look just like her boy friend's when he's excited, she says. So that's what we all want to do next time. Push them in and out of each other." "To see what it's like." "Yes." "You too? You want to see what it's like?" "Yes, Mom. Even though I don't have a real pussy yet. Anne says I don't really need one for now. When she climbed on top of me she really did put my peter in her bum, she says, and that worked out great she says. So can I go?" "Will Caitlyn's parents be there?" "Her father'll be away on business. Her mother told her she'll be visiting with an old friend she hasn't seen in years, and they'll probably end up in his hotel room talking all about old times, so she probably won't be home till morning. Caitlyn thinks not till noon from the way her face gets all flushed and excited when she talks about him." "So you'll be unsupervised. I don't know. There won't be any boys attending this sleepover this time, will there?" "No, ma'am. None. This time it's strictly 'girls only.' We don't want boys knowing how we use those things. It can get pretty personal. It might give them ideas". "Very sensible. As long as there are no boys, all right honey, you can go. But afterward you'll tell me all about it, OK? There're still some things I want to advise you about that kind of thing, girl to girl. Lots of things. "Of course, Mom. I hope so. I'm counting on it! Because Marcia's sweet sixteen birthday party is next month, just before school starts, and she wants to invite boys enough over for all of us. The really big kind of boy, football guys and so on. This sleepover is supposed to be our practice session for how to handle them after Marcia's folks go to bed. I don't know much about what boys like, not yet. So I'll need all the advice I can get!" "You'll get it, honey!" "You're the best Mom a girl could ever have!" "And you're the best girl I ever had. This'll be such marvelous fun! How about one more hug? Mmmmmm! Now then, don't you think it's time we put those cherry pies in the oven?" End (c)2005 by Vickie Tern. Free archives, feel free to copy it. But do let me know.

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There is always another train Part Four Sunday

SundayIt was late when we woke on Sunday. Sun flooded into the room as I pulled back the curtains.Chantel was staring at me, resting her head on her hand.“Good morning baby. Well after all that exertion, we need some R and R. I know just the place. The beach,” she enthused.We showered, and I went to put my costume on under my clothes, I always hated changing on the beach.“No panties… remember?” she stated.“But it’s a costume…” I replied.“No panties… I want access to you at all times.”I relented...

2 years ago
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The Best 13 hours

I am a 28 year old and live alone in my small house, and have just got a girl as a tenant for making up for my expenses. She lives on the first floor and me on the ground. She is not a head turner when you look at her first, but when you get a closer look, you ll find that Nidhi is damn attractive and sultry. Her black eyes, her thin yet delicious lips, her sexy feet, and her darkish and such smooth n sexy skin.The more you look at her, the more you would desire her on your bed, her soft hands...

3 years ago
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Bad HeatherChapter 4

When he got back from his morning meeting, he headed for his bedroom and changed out of his suit into sweats and a t-shirt. He was riding high on excitement and adrenaline. The interview had gone so well, he had half expected them to offer him the position on the spot. He would report to Martha Abbot, the congressman's aide, but she insisted he have a meeting with the congressman himself, when he was in town the following week. Harold headed to his study to compose a thank-you letter for...

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Lara and Pat

Aren’t fantasies wonderful? I think so and I will tell you why. Because inside my head I can be anything I want and I can bring anyone along to help support what pleases and arouses me. So how does a fantasy start? Well it could be something absolutely true that you witnessed, were told about, or perhaps read. It might be one little snippet or an entire event.Now I want to tell you a story, but before I get to the really good parts I want to tell you the true parts. This list is absolutely...

3 years ago
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The Silver Spoon Set

The Silver Spoon Setby MorlockThis story will stand alone, but is built on characters, settings and situations from the story The Hotel.Prolog---------------------------------------------------A steel cabin, somewhere on a boat.I woke up as usual, wondering where I was.  Unfortunately, it only took a few seconds to remember.  Jill was still asleep on the filthy rug that served for our bed.  Like me, she was totally naked. The room smelled like a pigsty, I guess - I never saw one - but between...

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The Barbaric Milking of Cock

In the Year of the Milking Fist, by the sixth moon, I was captured by Amazon raiders carried by Valkyrie ships to raid our coasts. I don't know why, but it was said that the Amazon milked their male prisoners. It is said that the Amazon, a terrible, fierce horde from the East, ****d and pillaged males across the known lands - the Chroini Empire fell, as did the Durkestal, Jormania, Wiropa, Olorland, and Torotia. It is said that the Amazon laid siege to Qorina for two years until that great city...

3 years ago
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Showing Off SusanChapter 4

Chet and Joe helped Susan back into the booth at the western club after the trip to the restroom. She had been crying and had the look of a frightened animal on her face. But she was still helpless and she didn't show any signs that the drug was wearing off as she slumped against Joe in the booth. The bartender had been keeping an eye on them. It looked to him like she was passed out. He stopped at their table and warned them that the local town cops were due to stop by the club and make...

5 years ago
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A True Submissives Fantasy

Hurt Me PLEASE Hurt Me PLEASE !!!! ?I want to be invited to a dinner party and after dinner, stripped naked and beg in front of my closest friends to be hit- on my bum, on my breasts, on my stomach, my legs, my face, and most importantly, right on my pussy.. ?? I want to sit through the whole dinner fully clothed and taking part in the conversation as normal, with everyone knowing exactly what is going to happen, that at any minute I will become their complete sexual slave, and will beg...

4 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 58

Well I was up and at 'em bright and early the next morning. Balzai was still clinging to me, her right arm over top as she laid spoons with me. I gently moved her hand off and carefully got out of the furs. First thing I wanted to do was drain the lily. My morning wood could poke your eye out if you were too close. Once relieved, I went into the office to do some work. I specifically wanted to check the scans from last night. I wanted to see if Mr. Hagan was overextending his welcome. I...

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A night to remember

It had been seemingly ages since we’d actually laid eyes on one another. I had to take care of some personal matters and was in the States for a few days, when she happened to be on an erotic website we both enjoyed. I poked her to let her know I saw her online and that was I available to chat if she was up for it. A few minutes went by and we were chatting again like time hadn’t passed between us. After talking about things that had developed in our own lives, I let her know that I was in...

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Another Summer Game

I'm still writing just for fun. If you'd like to contact me, I'm [email protected] and [email protected]. The characters are still flat, and it's still plot-free, but I'm not concerned. The real purpose of this story is to release a new source of chaos into the outside world. Feel free to write stories about this device. Specific rules are included at the end of the story. This may be posted on any free site. Another Summer Game By Allison Voorhees The...

4 years ago
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PissHard in family

I woke up this morning, with a piss-hard-on. This is NOT unusual for me, as I find it harder to hold my bladder all night long as I get older, and still ignore the call of nature in the morning. I turned over, and cuddled up to my wife, Marsha. At 32 years old, she is no longer the teenager’s wet-dream she was when I first married her, but she still has a body to put most models to shame. Even more exciting, the smooth sexy feel of her skin, and the heady aroma of her silky...

3 years ago
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Her Christmas Wish

It was certainly no surprise then when I was sent home early from work one afternoon. The snow had started late morning, and by noon it was falling in earnest. The boss had decided to let us go shortly afterward, and as it was the last work day before Christmas, I was looking forward to getting home early and enjoying an afternoon of relaxation. What I did not count on was the increasing intensity of the snowfall and the length of time it would take me to get home. It took me nearly three...

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Balcony Flashing

We holidayed a few years ago in a small beachside resort that had 3 levels of units surrounding and overlooking a pool. We've stayed there many times in the past and each time we have made good use of the balcony. One time we were on level 2 with the sun on our balcony most of the day. Each morning we would go down for a swim and afterward go back upstairs for breakfast on the balcony. Once we got inside, I would swap my wife's bikini bottoms for a very small sarong wrap that tied around her...

2 years ago
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Fucking the Cheerleader Next Door

I walked out of the Economics building after my last class on Friday afternoon. It was unseasonably warm for the middle of February in suburban Ohio. It felt much more like the middle of May and I knew the students would start drinking anytime soon. I hurried across campus to my dorm room so I could join in on the action.After a short walk across the small campus, I entered my apartment-style dorm and saw Corey, my roommate, sitting in the living room.“What’s up, C?” I said to him as I set my...

College Sex
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Summers Night

Constructive criticism appreciated. *Ktsssk- The Ice cold beer can sounded heavenly as my fingers made quick work of opening it. Leaning back on the coach I sipped the cold one and flicked through the TV channels, ready to dull my senses. It had been an exceptionally hard week at work; well I say it was “hard” but more mentally then physically. I had withdrawn from the forces- after my daughter’s mother left us- so I could take care of my little girl. Since then I had been through lots of...

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Raising Little Tabby Jack Part Two

Tabby got down to basics rather quick, and far too openly for my own liking. “I was good enough for four rapists and murderers but not good enough for you, Jack? Am I someone else's used trash now or what?” I could tell this little genius had been formulating her arguments, and I dreaded their effects on me. I rolled off her, thrust my arms toward the ceiling, and pleaded, “Lord, please take me now!” Tabby wasn’t buying that line of crap, she knows I’m not the religious type, and I was...

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Sucking Cock in Saudi

First of all this is not my story and I quoted it from "edlangston". I am a petroleum engineer working for a major oil company headquartered in the Houston area, and at the time of this story I was forty years old and preparing for a one-year consulting assignment at one of our affiliates near Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. My wife Joan and our two c***dren weren’t happy that I would be away from home for that long, but they also understood that this was a great opportunity for me to enhance my work...

4 years ago
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Helping My Friend Mom In Hard Times Gives Me Pleasure

Hi fndz I am mahesh from vizag, na age 25 , 5’10 height and 70 kgs weight, emanna tappulu unte kshaminchandi edi na 1st story , nenu roju jogging ki veltha kabatti naku stamina ekkuve na tool vachesi 6 inches, inka na heroin gurinchi chepalante tanu ma fnd valla amma, age 45 ala untadi, house wife, tanaki oka babu papa , babu na classmate and papa na kanna 2 years chinnadi, inka unty structure vachi tipical south indian lady, sizes 35d 38 40, chudadaniki avg a untundi height kuda 5’4 . But...

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Horny Black Mom likes young BBC

A few months ago I stopped over to my teammateRobert house after practice to pick up a video game that heHad borrowed from me. When I rang the doorbell his motherMrs. Jackie answered the door. Mrs. Jackie was an African AmericanMILF that stood around 5’3 and weighed 125. She had a nice Slender figure. The clothing she had on fit her body to perfection.I had fantasized about sucking on her apple sized tits numerous times.As I trailed her to the kitchen were Robert was attempting to findA repair...

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After Corona In The DormsChapter 4

I discovered something even stranger and scarier than having a girl in your arms all night. Closing the door and leaving one alone in your room. What secret was she going to discover causing her to walk away, or worse, ridicule me? Each step I took twisted something in my gut, what was she doing unseen in my room? The entire time I collected my food and asked for Tim’s share since he was “taking a shower” I couldn’t get the images out of my head. I hoped I didn’t look like I was actually...

5 years ago
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coastal fuck

I hadn't been to my friends in ages so when i got the phone call inviting me to come to party I was really up for it. It was a few hours drive away but being on the east coast there are plenty of bnb's and hotels. I picked one near where my friend lived and booked a couple of nights there now really looking forward to the weekend.Now my friend always has loads of people over and being from the north of england really likes to party, so i was beginning to plan my early drive down and a good...

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Jimmy Ts Family Fun Bk 1 MomChapter 2 Nightime June 30th 2011

I woke up the next morning knowing that I was going to be able to convince mom to go with me. I was absolutely certain of it. Mind you I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I'd woken early and I left the house before mom had gotten up. And stayed away all day. I wanted her to stew a bit before I gave her my 'nude beach' sales spiel. I bought two wigs that day. Some body paint. Some weird sunglasses – a man's pair and a woman's. A wide brimmed hat. A beard. Fake moustaches. More than...

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Grace and the Longest TieChapter 7

THE PRESENT Dylan had stopped his fucking but his cock was still pumping his sperm into me. It was so warm and every spurt gave me an instant short orgasm. I could feel his heart breathing and hear his short pants that made his body shake. His fur tickled my back legs and they smarted from his nails that had scratched them when he was thrusting his cock into me as he strived to get more purchase. I was thankful for the heavy corset I was wearing. Otherwise my belly would have been scratched...

2 years ago
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My Student the Escort

Being a university professor has brought great satisfactions to my life in both personal and professional aspects. Something I have always tried to do is not just to fill my students with tons of information, but also get to see their human side and try to help them as much as I can.Recently, one of my brightest students, Natalia, came to me to ask for advice. Her family and her were about to be evicted as they hadn’t been able to pay rent for the last three months. She wanted to know if I...

Group Sex
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Wild Call of the Moose Part 4

Kari made shrimp marinara that night for dinner. It was wonderful! She was a great cook and never complained about doing work around the house. She was very loving and honest and sincere and everything else I was looking for. I had no plans of ever hooking up with a girl, even though I was turned on by them and had previous experience with them. We were just finishing dinner and a glass of wine, when all of a sudden there was a knock at the door. The only people we knew in Grayson were...

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World of Fetishes

The stories you are about to read take place in a world very much like our own. However, there are a few major differences. Every woman in the world has at least one fetish or sexual behavior that they are compelled to indulge in whenever given the opportunity. This urge manifests itself once a woman reaches sexual maturity around their 18th birthday, and persists for the rest of their lives. While some women do fight their own instincts, the urge is strong enough that it is considered...

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Body Swap

Body Swapby The TechnicianNon-consensual Sex, Future = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Prisoner agrees to a body swap, but it isn't what he thought.In some future time, prisoners can agree to a body swap with someone older than themselves so that they become the age they would be when their sentence is complete. Robert Voleman sees this as a way to get out of jail early to continue his predatory life. The final result, however, is not quite what he expected.This story deals with forceful,...

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For the first couple of months after Dad left, Mom was a mess. She was always crying or depressed. I did my best to comfort her, without trying to make any moves. I didn't want to take advantage of the situation just yet. If I moved too quickly, it could blow up in my face. The next part of my plan was subtle. I slowly started to take over the "Husband" role. That is, fix things around the house, dealing with insurance issues, organize and take care of bills, ect. Mom let me help because she...

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Andy TaylorChapter 19

Sarah Duncan had refused her father's offer to meet her at Penn Station. Although most people fly between Washington and New York City, Sarah — known as Sally — had elected to take the Metroliner. For some reason she wanted the extra time to decompress from the Washington pressures and reorient her thoughts to her parents. She really had not given them any thought in months, a fact that bothered her. Sally had even been remiss about talking to them on the phone. All she knew was that they...

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Me And My Maids 8211 Part 4 Nikki

Anybody hasnt read the previous parts, then please click on the links provided with the story. After ravishing shanti and choti for months. I got selected for a seat in a pvt college in Karnataka. I didn’t really get any maid action in those years. But when I came back. Shanti and choti were gone. We had moved to new house and the maid was also new. Her name was Nikki. She was super sexy….. She resembled Rani mukherjee in looks and had really nice tits and a juicy wobbly buttock. I didn’t...

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