Sleepover free porn video

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As Sara looked through the last night’s texts it became clear that Kay and Shelby had gotten her drunk again and essentially handed her off to the nearest guy who was interested. This made Sara’s blood boil. It wasn’t that this alone was such a violation of her trust but seeing the play by play record in the group chat as she was essentially dragged off to this apartment as a fuck doll. She’d thought of splitting ties with Kay and Shelby before and this seemed like the right time.

“Fuck you all, I hope you die.” She sent out to the group text and then blocked the two girls’ numbers. Although she didn’t feel too violated when she woke up, the more she thought about it the angrier she became. By the time she got home she was fuming. She needed a way to get back at these two bitches.

About a week had passed when Sara ran into Kay and Shelby at one of their regular bars. Before Sara could storm out Shelby grabbed her arm.

“Sara, we’re sorry. We know you don’t like going out.” Shelby started talking and Sara immediately realized that Shelby didn’t even see what had happened to her as a violation. Shelby continued to drone on about how they were best friend and how they’d get through this, and how they meant too much to each other. Finally, Sara could tell she was winding down.

“So, in the spirit of friendship I think we should have a girl’s night, like we used to have. All of us hanging out all night, getting drunk, and probably having an impromptu sleep over.” Shelby’s idea sparked a wicked thought in Sara’s mind. She didn’t know how she’d get back at them but she knew she could do something terrible at a sleep over.

“It’d really mean a lot to us, we both really love you Sara.” Kay was piping in but Sara’s mind was running a mile a minute.

“You know what, that’s a good idea. But I’m still fucking pissed. How about I cool down for a bit and we have the sleep over next Friday?” Friday was a week away; she’d have time to piece together a plan by then.

“Friday, would be great! Oh, I love you so much!” Shelby hugged Sara, shook her a little, and then released her.

“Well I guess I’ll unblock your numbers, see you Friday.” Sara practically ran out of the bar, and she did run the four blocks back to her apartment.

She got home and poured herself a large glass of wine. Sitting down in front of her computer she began brainstorming. She knew she wanted both those girls to get fucked, but she wasn’t comfortable involving any of the guys they all knew. So where would she find guys to fuck her friends? She opened up her web browser and after a bottle of wine and several hours she’d found a pretty sketchy personals forum that looked promising. She didn’t want to outright ask guys to fuck these two girls but she wanted to make sure she would have some takers. Opening up a new thread she started, “28/Girl/H Street looking for willing partners to fuck me while I’m drunk or already passed out. Will provide you with time and location. Must be comfortable being filmed.”

She immediately started getting responses. Most guys were asking for pictures, which she promptly refused. This was going to be sight unseen for both parties. After weeding though them, she DM’d a couple guys. It was clear two of them just wanted to have chat sex so she ignored them, all in all only four guys seemed serious. She asked each of them to switch to a different messaging system so she could chat more freely. At this point though she realized it was too late for her, and she told them all that if it went down it’d be next Friday, and she’d be in touch.

She closed her computer and went to her bedroom. Sara hadn’t been in the mood since that violating morning but the idea that’d she’d get her friends fucked was getting her hot. She got undressed and crawled into her bed. Taking off her glasses she ran a hand down her stomach to her dampening pussy. Running her finder into her hole, she moistened the tip and ran it back up to her clit. She had been working herself like this since she learned how, never really putting anything into her, just using her pussy for its juices. Tonight was different though, she wanted to be fucked like she was going to have her friends be. Reaching with her free hand she groped her nightstand for something to insert into her. Feeling her brush she let out a sigh of relief. Bringing it down she started pushing the brush handle into her cunt. She was a little ahead of her body, which wasn’t quite wet enough for the brush handle. She rubbed her clit even harder and tried deep throating the handle. She gagged almost immediately but pushed through. She hated giving head and avoided it at all costs. She even once offered up her asshole in order to avoid sucking a dick, much to her regret. This handle wasn’t much better than a cock but even the physical violation of her throat was starting to get her wetter.

Between her juices and her slobber the brush handle eased into her on the second try. She never noticed how ribbed the handle was until now. Rolling onto her side she squeezed her legs together as she pumped the brush into herself and rubbed her clit furiously. She felt it building and was a little relieved; she was battling between her hands getting tired and needing to get off. Soon she’d built it up enough, she let go of the brushed and with one hand on top of the other rubbed herself to completion. When she finally gathered her breath and thoughts she realized she hadn’t cum like that ever before.

When she woke up Sunday morning she went to check her messages. She was shocked at what was waiting for her. After she had signed off the night before, three of the guys immediately became angry and violent in their messages. She was amazed by lines like “I hope the guy you have fuck you rips your ass apart”, “I hope you get AIDs”, “I hope you get kidnapped”, and “I’m going to find you and use hot sauce as lube as I rape you”. The one guy who didn’t reply with anything extreme simply had messaged “Okay.”

Reading back through the messages Sara started to get aroused again. Maybe these kinda of fucked up guys were exactly who she wanted to rip into her friends. She decided not to discount them just yet. Wanting to keep them on the hook she messaged each of them “I’ll pretend like I didn’t see those remarks, but just so you know, I am serious, it will happen next Friday, and I will be filming my tryst. If you are still interested let me know and I will update you later in the week.”

Turning her attention back to the outlier she messaged, “Hey, so I have a friend who is also interested in coming over that night. I don’t know how much it’d take her to get drunk enough to actually go through with it, and I don’t want anything to go wrong. Do you have anything that might be able to help me keep her down?”

Sara got up and showered, taking extra time to get off again. She didn’t have any more responses when she got out so she decided to go about her day. While running errands she decided it’d be best to get some supplies for the night. She’d wait till it was for sure going to happen, but she wanted to be guaranteed these girls would be humiliated. It was easy enough to find a couple teddy cams. The resolution was okay, but the frame angle wasn’t what she wanted. She got two anyways, figuring the more footage the better. At an electronics she explained that she lived with several other people, one of which she was pretty sure was sleeping with her boyfriend, and that she needed some discrete cameras to catch them in the act. The somewhat creepy guy working in the home security department understood, and four cameras would be ready for pickup by Wednesday. Lastly, she got a regular old camcorder and tripod, figuring she already told them they’d be on camera; maybe they’d have fun if they saw it out in the open.

She felt ill with how much this all was going to cost but she felt so turned on by the situation she couldn’t bring herself to stop. When she got home she checked her messages and was disappointed to see nothing new. After figuring out the teddy cams and camcorder she decided to get on with her day.

The following day at work she could hardly focus. She’d invested so much time thinking about her friends getting fucked she was considering just asking guys at a nearby bar once she’d gotten her friends to pass out. She couldn’t get home fast enough and was relieved when she saw she had new messages. Two of the vile individuals said they were still down, and one of them even apologized. What got her really excited was that she got a response to her question, “I might be able to get something to help her, I can probably get enough to keep you out too. How’d you like to hand it off?”

She thought for a minute, “Put it in an envelope tomorrow and drop it by the trashcan at the 14th street subway. At least before 5:30.” This’d be easy for her since it was a crowded intersection and she passed there on her way home. Almost immediately she got her reply, “Will do.” So it was on.

Sara found the envelope waiting for her the next day and took a long way home making sure she wasn’t followed. She didn’t know what any date rape drugs looked like but in the envelope were six ordinary looking pills. There was a message waiting for her when she got to her computer, “One pill is enough to keep you or your friend down all night. The rest are just in case you want to make a regular thing of this ;)” She wasn’t planning on doing this ever again but she put the envelope away and sent a message out to all four guys. “Okay, so we’re all set up for Friday. There has been a slight change and my friend will be joining us, but don’t worry she’ll be passed out too. Just to be clear you will not be the only visitor we’re having over Friday night. Each of you will be given a one hour window to do with us as you please. Condoms will be provided but bring your own toys. Times and location will go out Friday.” Sara felt like this set the right business like tone, she didn’t want to sound like too much of an amateur.

She followed up with a message to her pill provider, “Since you made this all come together do you have any preference on time slot?” She figured it was the least she could do. Once again she got a near immediate reply, “Last.”

The rest of the week was a blur, Thursday night rolled around and Sara asked Shelby if they could have their sleep over at her apartment since it was a little bigger and her place was a mess. Shelby pushed back at first but ultimately gave in. Shelby only lived two blocks from Sara which was her real motivation. When Friday finally came Sara got home from work, sent out Shelby’s apartment’s address, key code, and when each guy should show, starting at 10 and ending at 1. Once the message went out she grabbed the pills and her duffel bag with all her cameras and headed to Shelby’s.

Sara was surprised that it wasn’t even six yet and both Shelby and Kay had already downed their first drinks. This’ll be easy she thought to herself. Kay asked about the duffel but Sara just told them it was a surprise for later and that they should probably start taking some shots. They got a good hour and a half of drinking in before Sara decided it was time. Taking two pills she poured shots for everyone and made a toast to their friendship. Fifteen minutes later they were both incoherent so Sara began setting up. It took longer to get all the devices on Shelby’s internet than to actually hide them, and she had just finished laying out some condoms when her phone alarm went off letting her know it was time to head home. Grabbing a bottle of wine and her stuff she headed back to her place.

Sitting on her couch she settled in with a glass of wine and her computer. She hadn’t decided yet if she’d ever share the video with these bitches but she knew she wanted a copy of everything. Almost exactly at 10 the door to the apartment opened. Sara chuckled a little when she saw suitor number 1, he was pretty much exactly who she had wanted to respond to her messages. Overweight, ugly facial hair, pretty non-de*********** but definitely pathetic. Sara watched as he carefully approached Shelby and shook her shoulder. Shelby just slouched forward. He quickly moved to Kay and after getting a similar non-response from her moved to take off his pants.

As no surprise to Sara, this guy started with Kay. She was always kinda the hot one in the group but didn’t have tits and wasn’t anything too special but compared to a fatty like Shelby it was no shock someone would start with her. Once he was undressed he took out his phone and began undressing Kay. Sara started rubbing her pussy through her leggings as she watched this disgusting man remove her friend’s dress. He struggled with her bra a little, almost ripping it off in frustration. He took plenty of pictures of her and was soon working her panties off of her limp legs. Once she was completely naked he spent more time taking shots of her bald little cunt. He spread Kay open and began lapping at her pussy. After a few minutes he got up, spread her legs and plunged his cock into her. Sara had suggested condoms but once again wasn’t surprised the first guy didn’t use one. Sara watched as he fucked her spread apart, passed out friend till he abruptly stopped in a twitching climax. He slowly pulled himself from Kay and checked his phone. He had already burned through most of his time. He looked over to Shelby and waddled over to her slumped over body. Propping her upright he reached into the top of her dress and pulled her fat tits out one at a time. Bracing one of her fat legs on the couch’s armrest he exposed her panties. Pulling them to the side he took more pictures. Sara saw he only had a couple more minutes left and he clearly knew it. She’d never seen a guy get dressed as quickly as he did, and before she knew it he was gone, with only minutes to spare.

The two guys probably passed in the hallway, because the door was already opening again and an average built, average looking, all together plain guy walked in. He looked around the room and started nodding his head. He too took out his phone and started snapping pictures. Sara decided she’d ask for all their photos tomorrow so she could dump them on the internet if she ever got pissed at her friends again.

Man number two moved around the room and then disappeared into the kitchen, returning with a beer bottle and a spoon. Sara understood the beer, he was gulping it down excitedly, the spoon eluded her though. She watched with fascination as Kay was spread apart and the cum that was leaking from her pussy was gathered up in the spoon. She was nearing an orgasm as she watched the spoon emptied into Kay’s mouth. Number two then turned to Shelby, and with some effort worked her dress and remaining clothes off of her. Manhandling this fat slut he pulled her from the couch and bent her over one of the armrests, exposing her fat ass and cunt. He then removed his belt. Sara knew number two had said some vile things but she was surprised at him actually following through with it and she was shocked at how aroused she was watching as he beat Shelby’s obese ass over and over again with his belt. From the welts Sara could see she was sure Shelby wouldn’t be walking normally tomorrow. After almost twenty hits, it looked like his arm was getting tired. He dropped his pants and got behind Shelby, pulled her pussy lips apart and started trying to jam his cock into her. She wasn’t wet at all so it was slow going. Sara watched him go back to his pants and pull a bottle from his pocket. He applied a little lube to his cock and went back to Shelby. He pumped in and out of her a couple of times but didn’t seem too interested. Sara didn’t realize how lose Shelby had gotten over the years. Normally guys were so drunk that they didn’t notice or they’d just fuck her up the ass. However this was not one of those times.

He pulled out of her pussy and walked over to Kay. It was a lot easier to bend her over an armrest, and he was sure to take some shots of her ass and pussy just hanging out. He went back to grab the lube and picked up his belt for good measure. He gave her a couple good hits but wanted to get off. Since Kay’s pussy had already been fucked he decided to go with Kay’s fresher hole. Lubing up his pointer finger he applied pressure to her rosebud. After some initial resistance it opened up and he worked his whole finger into her. Sara was pretty sure Kay was still an anal virgin. Shelby always bragged about how many guys want to fuck her fat ass but Kay never made a peep about anal. Sara watched as man number two lubed up his cock and pressed it against her friend’s asshole. Much like his finger, there was resistance at first but pretty quickly he was pounding away. Now this is what Sara had really wanted to see, her supposedly hot friend limply taking it in the ass. Her face and small tits were rubbing into the couch, and her feet were coming off the floor with each of his thrusts. Sara didn’t notice it but she was moaning loudly as she rubbed her clit and watched her friend get raped. She tried to hold out but she came before number 2 did. She watched in a slight daze as he quickened his pace and then released. No sooner had he pulled his cock out that he had the spoon back at her hole, collecting his cum. Grabbing Kay by her dirty blonde hair, he emptied the spoonful of jizz down her throat.

Sara got up to get another bottle of wine. When she came back she saw number two had gone back to Shelby already. It appeared that he’d finished his bottle of beer and was fucking Shelby’s fat pussy with the neck of the bottle. Sara watched as he pretty easily got the bottle up inside of her fat pussy. He pulled the bottle out and placed it on the coffee, getting up he went back to the kitchen. He came back with the vodka bottle they had finished of that night. Getting back down behind Shelby, he lubed up the neck of the bottle. Sara knew her friend was loose but she didn’t think this would go well for her. He spread the juicy pussy lips and worked the neck of the bottle into the sleeping fat-ass. This was the easy part. About four inches down the neck of the bottle it widened pretty abruptly, and he was now pushing this into her snatch. He went from pushing with one hand, to two hands, to leaning his body into it as he pumped the neck of the bottle in and out. He grabbed the bottle of lube, and held the bottle in place with his chest. This freed up his hands to pull her lips out of the way and lube them up a little more. He leaned in and kept constant pressure on as he went back and forth from lip to lip pulling it out and finger some lube in. Once he was satisfied he grabbed one of her pussy lips in each hand, stopped leaning in, and pushed the neck of the bottle out a little using her lips. It came about an inch out and he then pulled her open and leaned in again. Sara thought this would do it, but it barely moved deeper. He repeated the motion again. Before the third attempt he lubed her up a little more, and then strained as he pulled her open. This time it ripped in two inches deeper. Sara couldn’t quite see but she was sure girth of the bottle was in her friend. Number two slump back a little and began fucking her with the bottle, pumping it in and out of her to find the bottom. There were still a couple inches of the bottle sticking out when it stopped moving forward again.

He grabbed his phone and looked at the time. He only had another 10 minutes before the next guy would be coming through. He snapped a few more pictures and got dressed. He didn’t seem to notice but the bottle started to slowly slip from Shelby’s cunt. When it hit the floor number two jumped. He finished getting dressed and checked the time again. He only had a couple minutes left but still went back to the bottle. He lubed up his hand and easily slipped it into Shelby’s pussy. With his bottle in the other hand he worked it into her bottom first this time. This was a lot smoother and pretty soon only a couple inches of the neck were sticking out. Number two took some final shots, grabbed both girl’s panties, and was out the door.

Sara enjoyed the second guy but was really excited to see what the final act would be like. This was after all the guy who had supplied her with the drugs that allowed all this to happen. About ten minutes after midnight Shelby’s door opened again. It was clear this guy wasn’t in a hurry. He walked in looked at the two girls and started to poke around the apartment. He went to Shelby’s room for a couple minutes and came back with two pairs of fuzzy handcuffs, what looked like shoe laces, and a 12” long dildo. Rifling through their clothes and belongings he pulled out both their phones and their drivers licenses. He carefully took pictures of their IDs, then their passed out faces, and then their cunts. He left the bottle in Shelby for the photo. Putting the IDs away he used their hands to unlock their phones. Sara couldn’t really tell what he was doing but he was going through their photos and such and sending him anything hot he found. Kay didn’t have much but there were a couple hot pictures she’d exchanged with a past boyfriend. Shelby had plenty but he wasn’t really that interested in them.

Sara was getting anxious and disappointed. She wanted to see them get ruined, but she was worried this third guy would see the text messages setting this whole thing up. She watched as he finally put their phones back and took a good hard look at the girls.

He delicately traced the welts on Shelby’s ass before smacking her as hard as he could, leaving a perfect hand print. He rolled Kay over and laid her down on the carpet. He bent down and sniffed her pussy. Noticeably disappointed he stood up and looked at the pile of unused condoms. He grabbed one and got undressed. Before returning to Kay he went to the closet by the door and took the broom out. Taking Kay’s right leg above the inside of her knee, he bent it as far back as he could get it. Replacing his hand with the broom, he pushed until the end of the handle was under Kay’s back, holding her right leg in place. With much more difficulty he got her left leg pinned back and pulled the broom through. He propped a couple pillows behind her back so he wouldn’t cripple her when he was fucking her. Sara was sure this was painful and that Kay would be feeling this in her hips tomorrow. Kay did look great though, in this position her wide hips and her cute little tits looked great. He took several pictures of her and slipped the condom on. Not taking any time he plunged right into her. After the last two guys, Sara was surprised by his endurance. She didn’t have a great angle but she could see enough to know that Kay’s pussy was getting pounded. After a couple minutes Sara watched as he spasmed and crumpled over her friend. He rolled off of her and removed the condom he turned it inside out as best he could and put it in Shelby’s mouth. Then, carefully not to choke her he worked it down her throat and got her to swallow it. Sara was getting wet thinking her friend would be shitting out a condom tomorrow.

Once he was sure the condom wasn’t a choking hazard he got up and grabbed a beer. He sat down on the coffee table, facing the couch Shelby was draped over. After catching his breath he got up again and rolled Shelby back onto the couch. He situated her in the middle and started to try to prop her legs open. He took special care throughout this process to make sure the bottle didn’t come out. He wasn’t having much luck with her legs so he went to her bedroom and returned with all her belts. After cinching a belt around each of the back feet of the couch, he was able to daisy chain more belts to the point he could tie Shelby’s legs back. Her first leg was easy to get over to the side, but she wasn’t flexible at all so by the time he’d tied up the second leg she was at a wonky angle. She may have been cockeyed, but she was also fully exposed. He took care getting her propped up again and once he was done he took some pictures and grabbed the shoelaces again. Sara realized that this guy was going to take a while, she was just hoping that they’d be enough time left in the drugs that she could clean up a bit after he left. She was also trying to work herself up to another orgasm, but all this tieing up wasn’t really doing anything for her. The last guy took the shoelaces and one at a time tied them around each of Shelby’s fat breast. He made sure they were tight enough to start cutting off circulation.

He inspected the bottle that was still shoved in her pussy and realized that although it must have been lubed up going in, at this point her outer lips were pretty dry and her hole had relaxed over to the point he’d have to stretch her out again to get it out. He gave it a couple of tugs and was sure she’d be waking up with it. Pulling her cheeks apart he found her asshole, he could finger it without lube so it’s wasn’t all that tight. He grabbed Shelby’s dildo from the table and began working that into her hole. He knew that he was tearing her up a little but wanted to see how much he could get into her without any lubrication. At about halfway he was running into too much friction. He pulled hard and the dildo came out, he could see there was a little blood on it. Lubing it up he sent it into her asshole once more, this time getting it all the way in with ease. Sara was amazed at her friend’s holes, she would never have guessed she was so loose.

He seemed satisfied with Shelby and went back to Kay. Leaving her in the same position he grabbed another condom and slipped it on. Sara noticed he didn’t lube up, but he did go straight for Kay’s asshole. Sara watched as he put his whole body weight into penetrating her ass. Even though she’d been fucked there recently there was enough time for it to almost relax back to it’s initial tightness. He got a couple inches in and Sara realized she was moaning out loud again. Kay’s thighs were spread too far apart, she was more exposed than she’d even been before, and now her tight little asshole was getting torn apart by a complete stranger. Sara thought she saw red in her friend’s crack and that put her over the edge. He was just getting into rhythm when he felt his load building, he wanted this all to last a bit longer, but her ass was just so tight. She was pretty cute and seeing her little tits bouncing around and he pummeled her shitter just was too much to handle. Soon he was coming in Kay again.

Sara was still panting as she watched him pull out and roll off the condom, she could tell right away it was at least a little blood stained. Her cunt twitched a little as he propped Kay up and worked the condom down her throat too. She figured this was over so she got up to clean up a little. When she came back a minute or two later she saw he was still at work. He had removed the broom from Kay and it looked like put it back, and more importantly, it looked like he was propping Kay on Shelby. He was working Kay’s legs around Shelby, but keeping enough room so he could handcuff her ankles in place. When she was situated like that he took Shelby’s arms and wrapped them around Kay and handcuffed her too. Sara knew she should remove them from this position before they woke up but it seemed wasteful. As she contemplated this she watched him push the keys into Kays bloody asshole. Man number three started getting dressed. He stopped before putting on his coat and stared at his empty beer bottle. Picking it up he sat back down in front of the couch. Dousing the bottle with lube he started pushing it bottom first into Kay. Lucky for Kay, her pussy had taken such a beating today this wasn’t too hard to accomplish. Wanting to replicate what had happened to the fatty, he pulled open Kays lips a bit and wiped the remaining lube away with whosever’s dress was closest. When he was satisfied he grabbed the rest of his stuff and left.

Sara got dressed again and grabbed her phone and keys to go remove all the cameras and such from Shelby’s. As she walked the couple of blocks to the apartment she felt her phone buzz. It was a message from and unknown number “Thanks for tonight, next time pick hotter friends. We should do it again some time.”


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After talking to friends about my sleepover experiences, I quickly discovered how different mine had been. For me, I didn't go over to a friend's house just to stay up late, watch movies, play video games, and eat pizza until the early hours. I initially had thought that but my first time sleeping over turned into many first times.....I was thirteen when I had my first sleepover. It was a youth group event, where there were two boys (me included) and three girls ( at one of the girl's house )....

1 year ago
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Amy 15 Pretty in Punk

Amy 15: Pretty in Punk by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2012 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Willis Wallace on the Scene Even though I was feeling like a rock star, I still had to deal with the fact that in the real world, I was nothing but a teeny bopper who had to go to school five days a week, where half the people didn't...

1 year ago
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Family Revelations Part 2

Introduction: The sisters birth is explained Part 2: How can you be my father? She asked me. I layed there next to her, my cum dripping from her tight young pussy, trying to think of where to begin. I started with the wedding. My dad and her mom were married when I was 15. They had gone on their honeymoon, and when they came back, it was time for my summer stay with my father. I was there for only a few days when he got called away on an emergency at his job. He had to fly to the Midwest, to...

3 years ago
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Heather and Michelles wild weekend

She sits in front of me in American History class. Her long thick brunette hair drapes across your desk when she sits back and the scent drives you wild. I dont quite understand it, I've never had these feeling for another girl before but Heather just drives me wild. She has a locker about 6 down from mine and we are friendly to each other but I wouldn't call us friends. The senior dance is coming up on Friday and I overheard her trying to catch a ride. "I can drive to the dance" you say to her...

2 years ago
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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 28

Jean had no way of knowing how far they had nakedly followed her animal-lover along the darkened tunnels, turn-offs, and ever- climbing way! Nor did she have any idea in God's world where he was leading them, but she would have followed him, regardless. Several times, in the near-ink darkness, she stumbled, once falling onto her knees, Carol, close behind her, helping her to her feet again. "Oh God, Jean! Where are they taking us... ?" "It'll be all right, Darling! Don't be afraid!"...

2 years ago
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The Lady With the Pretty Smile

He sat on his usual bench in the small neighborhood park and smoked his cigarette. On nice days like today there were usually several others in the park having their lunch or smoking or both. Some times in company with small children or infants. Today for some reason the park was empty. It was beginning to turn cool. It had been nice and sunny earlier. This time of year you couldn't depend on the weather. It might be sunny one day and chilly the next or both in the same day. The leaves were...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Vanessa Sky Payback Fuck With Yoga Instructor

Vanessa Sky is planning to get back on her cheating husband. The best way she can think of is to hook up with her friend’s hot yoga instructor. Vanessa tries to play along with Danny Mountain as he teaches her yoga. However, it doesn’t take long before the gorgeous brunette succumbs to her lustful desires. She lets Danny enjoy her pussy before giving his cock a blowjob. The tattooed hottie lets out moans of delight as Danny fucks her doggystyle. Vanessa shivers in delight while...

1 year ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 3

The forest of Labrador was calm as usual. Bird chirps could be heard from far away. Various animals were seen in every corner. The peace was overwhelming, but not for the two companions. They made a camp two miles away from the village. Around them were thick walls of trees of the Labrador forest. The day was pretty hot for an autumn day. Atrus looked at the surroundings to make sure they were not being watched. His instinct told him it was safe. He returned and found that the girl had made...

3 years ago
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Abducted Ch 07

Chapter 7 – Recovery {AUTHOR’S NOTE: – Apologies to my few ardent fans about the delay in publishing Chapter 7 of Emma’s Saga. Blame holidays, pressure of work, lack of time for research, and writer’s block – in no particular order. Emma doesn’t get fucked a lot in the next few chapters, but I’m still developing some important characters. Chapters 8 to 11 follow almost immediately. There may be more, but only if you want it. Please take the time to give me your reactions – for good or ill....

2 years ago
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Seasons of The Heart Fall Ch 05

The week following the incident in the museum was like a living hell for Michael, she was constantly goading him on in the class room, many time causing him to cower behind his podium or his desk to hide the growing erection she aroused. The things she wore to his class, he knew were meant to tempt him. He had never seen her in anything but jeans and sweaters, but all of a sudden she was wearing tiny little skirts, very low cut sweaters, and jeans and t-shirts tight enough to make him have to...

3 years ago
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Megan Part 3

Megan woke up with a start a dark black feeling in her stomach from the vivid dream she had just had. As she opened her eyes she smiled as she realised it was just a bad dream and it was all over now. She rolled onto her back and looked at her desk chair which had the short denim mini skirt draped over it and the events of the day before came crashing down and she realised that she wished she was still dreaming. She thought back to how she had been innocently chatting online when she had...

1 year ago
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When the Role Play Backfired

It had been a very long time since I had last seen Janeen. Her athletic body enticed me to want things that she didn’t agree with and my requests for dates were politely and continually refused. Also, the last time I had called her for a date she was about to elope with a male trainer with whom she was working, so I knew she was done with me. Consequently I was almost shocked when she called and asked me to dinner. I gushed like a teenager about to get his first piece of ass but she was...

2 years ago
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Vetri With Iyengar Sisters Part 8211 2

Two months after Malini had left for the USA, Vetri was really busy with office work and other Chores at home, when one day he got a call from an unknown number, he ignored it as he does not usually pick up unknown numbers. By the fourth call curiosity killed the cat, he picked it up and heard a pretty voice at the other end. “Enna Vetri ,Phonaey eddukka maataengringho”.Chimed Jaishree.(What Vetri , why are you not picking up the phone) Caught by surprise as he was not very familiar with her...

4 years ago
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Artificial Affection

It sounds like a lie but I was so close to developing a real-life love potion. Obviously, it wouldn’t work exactly how it does in the movies and it was created using science, not magic, so it’s more of a chemical than a potion. Regardless, I was close to making it a reality! There were several problems with it that I had to work out and if I did I knew it’s use would still be unethical. “Finish your love potion yet Joey?” Victoria teased. Her big, brown eyes glowed with excitement. She...

3 years ago
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Two Naughty Maids

Janette was enjoying one of her rare days off. She got one day off a month and was today walking through the park with a friend, Angela, also a maid but for another family. Like Janette, Angela was sixty-three-years old. Today, being their day off, they weren’t in their maid’s uniforms but wearing summery sleeveless dresses with very short hems. Both were very happy with their figures, even with their turtlenecks, bat wings, fleshy tummies and thighs, and enjoyed what they believed were envious...

2 years ago
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One stormy night 1st half

Hi my name is Joe. I'm 22, I'm 5'9 and have black hair and brown eyes. My girlfriend named Kayla lives in an apartment that's not too far away. I was on my way over there one Saturday night to surprise her for a possible date night. But by time I got there, it was storming out. So probably not the best night. But I was already there. So I went to the door and knocked. It took a minute for anyone to answer. Her female roommate Hope answered the door. She was 22 as well and she was 5'4 with...

Straight Sex
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Theres Something in the WaterChapter 11

Sally woke in the morning feeling quite guilty for listening to her mother give her eighteen-year-old brother a blowjob. What would Sally’s husband, Jack, say if he knew she’d touched herself while sounds of that perversion crept through her thin bedroom walls? Sally also felt terrible for her father. What was Susy thinking, getting Patrick off like that? So what if her dumb little brother had a big one? She pulled herself out of bed, still in her flannel pajamas. She needed to confront...

2 years ago
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Exploring Even Further

For the rest of the week I was a total wreck, dreading, craving, anticipating, and fearing, the arrival of Jerry’s wife and Rocketman69, whose real name I'd discovered was Jim. Just thinking about all of the possibilities had me literally trembling with lust and, at times, fear. Jerry, too, was in a constant state of arousal. Neither of us could believe what a slut I was becoming.After work on Friday, Jerry dropped me at the hotel before going to pick Sarah up at the airport. I gathered...

2 years ago
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Billys Mum teaches Sex Ed 2

You are about to read a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys and a woman and man. You need to be over 18 years old to continue reading this story. A fictional story. Bb bb Mb Mb Wb WM young first virgin Written by EnglishBoy Thank you for your comments and stories. Contact me by email [email protected] Billy’s Mum teaches Sex Ed 2 Chapter Two John got home and went straight to his room thinking about what he had just experienced. His...

2 years ago
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A Tale Of Lust 8211 Vanita 8211 Part 3

I came home at night to avoid any interaction with her husband, I was at bed thinking about the incident just took place with me. I was in heaven and recalling each and every thing that has happened.Sooner my tool has started saluting I played with it imagining vanita in the bed with me, I came again with a thought of tomorrow’s session. I woke up late, was having my bath when the door bell rang… I didn’t paid attention since my tool was in total erected position and I was playing with it while...

2 years ago
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Life as a Rich Brat Halle Berry

My name is Cy and I’m a horny 18 year old. But I’m a rich 18 year old. My Dad own this huge hollywood production company and is crazy rich. He is actually on the same level as Bill Gates. Yeah just take my word for it. So I get a bit of money from him and own this big fancy apartment in LA. So I live in paradise smoking weed everyday, playing video games before they are even out, and of course fucking every bitch I can. My Dad has contacts with some of the biggest stars in hollywood and...

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Bondhur Babar Sathe 10 Din

tomader sathe ekta vinno golpo share korbo. Aamar boyos 18. Thaki Jessore e. Dhaka versity te admission exam dibo. Kintu problem hoche Dhaka te amar kono relative chilo na.Dolon, amar bondhu o exam dibe. Or baba Dhaka te job kore. Tai amra thik korlam onar basa tei uthbo. Khub e excited chilam Dhaka te jabo bole. Somoy o hoye elo. Kintu jaoar ager din theke Dolon er khub Jor. Ami porlam bipode. O amake bollo “ kono problem nai, babar mess ei uthe ja, ami sob babostha korchi”. Jei kotha sei kaj....

2 years ago
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Mommy Sits on my Lap part 3

My sister Shelly sprawled on the couch, one leg hanging over the armrest the other on lay out straight along the couch. She was wearing her favourite Venosan Ultima Lycra-Nylon Leggings. The sheer fabric moulded to her cunt and it was obvious she wasn't wearing panties underneath. Her feet were bare and she wore a loose fitting vest, which was slack enough for me to see her satin bra through the armhole. My cock was hard and despite my best efforts I couldn't take my eyes off her.We were both...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Park Day 1

Author’s Note: This was an idea for a sci-fi/robot/sex doll story I’ve wanted to get down for some time. You might be able to guess where my inspiration came from! I might keep writing chapters if people enjoy this one, so please let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading! _______________________________________________________________________________________________We had barely stopped arguing from the moment we’d arrived at the transfer station. I’d packed too many bags to carry; we...

2 years ago
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My Blue Indian Saree

I went to see ma gal at her place and her mom opened the door. She had an attractive eyes and stared into mine."she is not home" she said softly."Ok then I will come later". I quickly answered and tried to walk away.Before I could move, she said "Come in!" opening the door and showing her slim body. She is not a woman of shape. But she had those dark black hair and small breast which is compact for a hand and a curvy hip. "she will come in a while" she completed and snapped out of ma...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Gizelle Blanco Desiring So Much More

Gizelle Blanco has confession… she desires someone that is not her boyfriend. As he eats her out she imagines it is her Alex Legend with his face buried deep in her pussy. She wants that French dick and feel how his girthy cock stretches her wide. She loves it, she wants it, she lusts after it. Nothing would make her more happy than to stare up into his eyes as he stuffs her mouth full of his cock. Her pussy gets so wet just thinking about it. Finally her greatest desire comes true, and...

4 years ago
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Hawk Chapter 7

Tuesday was filled with text messages between Elizabeth and Tommy. Any doubt in Tommy’s mind that Betts wasn’t consistently thinking of him was dismissed.Elizabeth Good morning, my love. I hate waking up on dry sheets.Tommy I’ll remedy that situation when you get home.Elizabeth I can’t wait. I want you so much.At 10:30, another message arrived.Elizabeth I’ve been thinking about you. My panties are wet!Tommy Take them off!Elizabeth I prefer for you to take them off of me.Tommy Always happy to...

1 year ago
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Private School Teacher

"Mr. Doe?" "Oh, sorry. I must have been day dreaming." As you wake up from your day dream, you realize that your class is starting to fill their seats for another period of English Literature. Your name is John Doe, you are a grade 12 teacher at a very expensive private school, and you are paid very well for your expertise in literature. You are 29 years old, have dark brown hair and a strong muscular body. All of your students are 18 or 19 years old and are getting ready to graduate. The girl...

1 year ago
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Oh My

Introduction: A young girls first kiss, lick and fuck Oh My! As Anne weeded her rose garden, Heather walked up silently falling to her knees beside Anne began to help. Anne looked at Heather and smiled. The help was welcome and knowing Heather was a deaf mute she just smiled her thanks. As Heather continued to pull weeds, Anne got up filling the watering can brought it back and poured the water at the base of the roses. Some of the water splashed up on Heather getting the front of her shirt...

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do you want to keep your job

jane had so much fun playing with the guys she decided to try the same with 2 of her feamle employees 'look i'm sorry ladies but i just cannot afford to keep you both on one of you has to go''please no please i really need this job my husband just got laid off please' says julie'this is my 1st job it took ages for me to get this job theres just not much about please let me stay' begs emma'i'm sorry but i can't keep both of you' jane says'please i'll do anything ' julie says'anything really ?'...

2 years ago
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Showing off My Desi Wife to Driver

I am M 38yrs ,married, a content person, happy with life and wife. We had an arranged marriage .I am married for 13 years and have 2 c***dren. I do a job away from my home & have to remain away for quite a few months. When I am away from home and on phone if I tell my wife that today I am on an outing with friend’s .After the general conversation, she adds, it’s ok to think and talk about ladies with your friends, but do it only for fun sake and don’t join them & go to any females. She...

3 years ago
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Back in Wheeling

Back in Wheeling (I Loved that Town!)By the second or third time I made a trip to Wheeling I had some nice contacts. There were old fuck buddies but also some new ones I’d made by chatting. The people who ran the motel were tolerant of me and the comings and goings of my friends…like most places they didn’t really care as long as there were no problems. Before leaving home I contacted a few fucking friends and let them know I’d be in town. There was one guy in particular who wanted a...

4 years ago
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I arrived home after leaving LeeAnne's house in eager anticipation of out dinner date later that evening. Ten minutes after I got in the door, the phone rang. The caller was my "aunt" Lorene's sister Dara who lived in Texas. "Hello Trev, how are you?", she asked. I replied that I was doing well and asked her the same. She informed me she had spoken to Lorene on the phone, and was coming up to our city to help run Lorene's local business while she developed the new out of town venture. "Lori...

2 years ago
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Good Neighbors Chapter 9

Todd had been so busy the past few weeks that he had somewhat lost track of time from one day to the next. When he wasn't working with Meg in his home office, he was helping someone with a home problem in his neighborhood. And when he wasn't doing one of those things, he was fucking Meg or one or more of his neighbors. This morning was no different. He was a little late getting up and finally wondered into his office to find Meg already at her desk, naked as usual, working away. Todd thought he...

2 years ago
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Doing a Naughty NieceChapter 2

I'd taken Jessica, my young niece who was 20-something, into my home for as long as she needed a place. One understanding, however, was that she'd have to put out. I'd had long-time sexual fantasies about Jessica and I planned to make them all reality while she was within my reach. I'd gone into the TV room that first evening and demanded that Jessica suck my cock. She finally gotten my message and done a pretty decent job of bringing me off with her sexy hot young mouth. Then it was my...

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Heathers cousin

I saw him sitting there, he looked calm as usual as he chatted politely with our aunts and uncles.My cousin who I thought was absolutely gorgeous was only sitting a few feet away, and yet I knew I could never have him. I do not know when this attraction began but I could not keep my eyes off of him. He stood at about six feet and two inches with broad shoulders and muscular arms. All the nights I dreamed of the arms around me were the nights I masturbated visioning him in my bed. I know it is...

4 years ago
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HorseplayChapter 21 Goodbyes

Neil woke early, snuck to the bathroom and returned with a plan to wake Ruth. He stripped, climbed onto the bed naked and worked his way up behind Ruth's sleeping form. He nuzzled up behind her and she rolled completely onto her side. Neil pushed one leg slightly forward over the other, giving him access to her most intimate areas. With one hand lubricated with baby oil, Neil began to gently massage her pussy. Ruth shifted, but didn't move much and Neil continued. He gently oiled her slit,...

1 year ago
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Ute Trucking Darlene 2

Ute Trucking, Darlene, 2 I was kind of sad as we left the school behind, knowing it would be a while before I got to see my little sister Rose again. But all had to do to cheer myself up again was look at my loving husband TooTall, or our adopted daughter Daffodil. Still it was hard to believe that I was married and had my own precious daughter who really needed me. "You know I think Longreach has a thing for Rose," TooTall said jolting me out of my thoughts. "What? I'm...

2 years ago
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TornadoChapter 5

I woke up early the next morning to strange sounds. It sounded like trucks but in my state of half-consciousness, I wondered why I was hearing trucks. Then the fog lifted and I realized that they were outside and more than likely trying to clean up the debris that was our house. I woke up Mom and told her what was happening. "We're rescued, sweetie!" she exclaimed as she hugged me. I said, "We better get dressed before they see us like this." "Good point," Mom replied. "They may...

3 years ago
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She Had No Panties

She Had No Panties.My second woman lover come years later, I just never has theguts to push it myself! I had a friend, divorced, about tenyears older, who used to live in the neighborhood and whom Ivisited quite often. She also visited me, somehow usually when Iwas alone at home. Very feminine brunette, a bit plump, flashy,not fat, just little extra padding on hips and tights. I used tolike her figure very much...After work I would end up at her place for a cup of coffee andchat. She would be...

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Nick (wearing a classic Nixon mask) was trailing behind the other pledges and, being self-conscious about his nudity (especially with his obvious speedo tan lines – he was on the swim team), just wanted this day to be over. No such luck. Looking back to make sure no one was chasing him, Nick turned and was face to face (or rather face-to-breasts) with Coach Laurie. Coach Laurie was an imposing figure, with her short, platinum-blonde hair, high cheekbones, full red lips and her...

2 years ago
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Eros University Chapter 2 The Blonde Seductress

On his first day at Eros—a secret university of dark desires, forbidden pleasures and carnal delights—Enyo meets his ravishing blonde teacher, a foxy redhead in skimpy schoolgirl's uniform, and is seduced by his wickedly hot counselor...all in 24 hours! Chapter 2: The Blonde SeductressThe blaring beeps of my bedside alarm-clock forced me awake. "Why did I have to sleep so late last night?" I groaned, sitting up on my bed with the white blanket disarrayed over my lap. "Oh, right," I remembered...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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My Second Slave With My Friend

Hi friends I am with my new story how are you I send you a new experience with my slave email me at or call me I am master and slave top for only woman if anyone want come to my world, He had explained it carefully to her; the time had come for him to share his most treasured possession with friends. Good friends, carefully chosen by him for their good conversation, differing personalities and ability to be discreet. He explained he was proud of her, she had developed her skills to the best of...

4 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 70

"I'm not looking for a job. I have an idea I want to pitch to you. We can both benefit from it. I really would prefer to pitch it over dinner." He said it smiling his boyish smile of course. "What time?" I asked. "I know I'm going to regret this maybe not tonight or tomorrow but someday soon and for the rest of my life." I know it was a flagrant violation of some copyright law somewhere, but there it was. "I'll be by at seven, and trust me you want regret this," he said. "Yeah,...

3 years ago
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Devlins StoryChapter 66

"I'm having second thoughts about this," Krissi said as they pulled into the parking lot at the Naturalist Park. "Oh?" Devlin glanced at her friend. "What's the problem?" "The sun," Krissi said, gesturing at the sun-drenched parking lot. "You know how I tan. I'm going to look like a lobster by the time we leave. I can already feel the sun burning my arm." "You're just now realizing all this?" Devlin asked. She eased into the parking space and turned off the...

3 years ago
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First time Anal Fucking True Story

I have been practicing using my Tiani double prong vibe. Its awesome and hooks into my pussy and ass which is the one on my photos :) Plus it has a wireless remote so I can play everywhere! Basically, from practising with the toy and having it in while Im fucking, I've been starting to enjoy anal stimulation more and more. Last week I had a few glasses of wine, put on my sexy new lingerie and started playing with my bunny while lying by the fire. My partner came to lay down next to me and was...

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