In Ihren Augen free porn video

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In Ihren Augen
(German for In Our Love)

The day began as all the others did: gray and dismal, without a ray of warmth or pool of sunlight to be seen. Breakfast had come and gone, bringing much-desired pots of coffee and orders for me to supervise the unloading of the noon train. My chunky black boots crunched on the ash-laden ground as I trudged for what could have been my thousandth time to the train platforms. I traveled alone, with the exception of two or three workers who, having seen a superior approaching, ceased their toils and stood until I passed. The lifeless winter wind brushed against my flesh, burning my lips and ears as scarlet as the band on my left arm. I retreated deeper into my drab coat, securing it against my shivering body, my journey hastened only by the column of ebony smoke looming in the distance.

I can honestly say I never liked trains: the size, the smell, the sounds they make. As I approached the platforms, my comrades saluted my presence, and with as much eagerness as children on Christmas morning, turned attention back to the advancing diesel. At the same time the train penetrated the cast iron gates and entered the compound, I suddenly noticed how uncomfortable my uniform was, how starched and stiff the fabric felt against my skin. My comrades were all around me, waiting, ready with ledgers in their hands and dogs at their feet. The mighty black diesel screamed a final warning whistle, huffing, puffing, and threatening to dock with or without our consent. I took a deep breath as it fired its initial brakes, and tentatively reached into my coat, secretly resting my frostbitten fingers on a tiny gold ring, my good luck charm, kept forever suspended around my neck.

The last time I found myself waiting for a train was two years ago, at the old village station. I remember the anticipation, the worrying, the hum and rumble of someone else’s train roar past, my luggage three weeks planned and packed, and a tiny gold promise waiting in my pocket. But Vera, my Vera, never came. She was two blocks away from me, from our freedom, when she was bitten by a lead bug meant for some delinquent Jew kid. It came rapidly – the pain, the funeral, the memories…

The loud clang of the now halted train startled me, demanding my thoughts be focused on the metal beast resting before me. Holding back tears, I watched my comrades snap into action, prying and pulling open the iron doors that held captive the cargo. The diesel shuttered like iron death, and in one instant, vomited a sea of souls, all anxious and bewildered as to where they found themselves standing. My associates quickly filed through those pouring from the diesel’s open wounds, labeling, cataloging, selecting those who would live and those more fortunate. I stood apart from the chaos partially lost in a world all my own, mildly interested in the speed and efficiency of my comrades as they unloaded the diesel beast.

After an hour or so elapsed, the train, gutted and cleaned, uttered a last, mournful cry for its ill-fated cargo and lumbered away from the platform, fading to a monotone gray as it disappeared into the horizon. The transported men and women, standing in the shadow of the now-forgotten world, were divided and torn up into six ridged sections. The old and meek, as well as the children the mothers wept for, stood from their sections like wildflowers in a barren field and were lured away, never to see another sunrise or snowfall again.

Once the sections had been assigned, two of my fellow equals and I took charge of our designated, temporary flocks. While my comrades related instructions to the timid people, I walked around them, interested in know what they looked like. In the years I had been at my job, I had reached one conclusion: no matter where they came from, they all looked the same. Same dead eyes, hair, lips, expressions, all gray and bleak. I finished my personal rounds, walking through the middle and both sides of my sections, and I wondered why I sometimes didn’t draw my gun and put these people out of their misery, instead of letting them breathe. Returning to the front of the flocks, content that the sheep I had allotted were just as gray as the sky that faced me each morning, I barked orders for these creatures to be put to work. My associates nodded, and hoisting their weapons into view, marched two flocks down opposing sides of the main road. I watched them file away and, deciding to return to my quarters until after lunch, I headed down an adjacent road when a brief burst of light caught my eye.

I turned in the direction the radiance had sparked from and noticed a girl laughing at the end of the women’s flock, a shawl delicately draped over her head and part of her back. The mercury fabric had snagged my attention, reflecting whatever sparse light the sun had to offer. Out of a tear in the back of the shawl was one long, dark curl, streaming like a banner at a parade. She must have felt my eyes on her, for as she passed no more than fifteen feet before me, she lifted her shawl and stole a glance in my direction. She returned my gaze for no more than a breath, looking both curious and frightened. She hurried past, catching up to the others, and I remained stationary but now speechless. In the same moment, I reminisced sliding through waves of the same cascading curls, touching the same face that had marched before me. The girl I had just spied was a picture of my Vera, my lovely Vera, and though long lost to me, I felt her presence for a brief second in the face of this unknown beauty.

The memories withered as the girl faded away, and time discovered me quietly fingering my good luck charm, wondering what had just happened. I turned to my quarters, looking at nothing but coal-colored buildings and ashen people, not being able to get her blue eyes out of my thoughts. Only one thing was clear: I must have her.

I watched her for the remainder of the week. From her work in the fields, the morning assemblies, behind the mud-washed window panes of the dining hall, I focused each and every minute I could afford into memorizing the shape of her body, the fluidness in which her fragile arms and legs flowed, the same royal blue in her eyes that I had been seeing and dreaming through for the last 23 years. I couldn’t recall anyone, save for Vera, who had captivated me in such a manner.

I made my advance two weeks after she had departed from that fateful train and stepped into my presence. The frigid night air was still dead, exaggerating every sound my boots made as they touched the ground. For the first time, the stars could be seen, twinkling and playfully illuminating my path to her sleeping quarters. I nodded to a lesser associate posted outside of the door to her barrack, and after a brief exchange of reason, he returned my smile and I gained entrance to the shelter.

As I crossed the sterile doorway, the women jumped from their beds, if they could be called beds, and stood in lines in the dusky moonlight. I made my way slowly through the tiny room, peering into each of their tired faces until I was standing in front of her. I faced her, now more beautiful than I had imagined, and motioned for her to follow me. As we silently exited, the other women, their respectful faces turned down as I passed, looked to the girl with sympathy, and I was surprised that a prayer wasn’t offered out into the night.

I led the girl from her quarters to my lodging. It wasn’t uncommon for anyone of importance to take one of the worker girls for a night or two, and she must have been used to this treatment, for as I closed the door to my cabin, I turned to find her already sitting on my bed, unbuttoning her moth-eaten shirt.

‘Nein,’ I said softly, leaning forward and refitting her shirt onto her naked shoulders, ‘I don’t do that here.’

She looked at me through wild blue eyes, relieved but confused. I moved away from her to a tiny gray stove next to my bed and lit it to heat a small kettle of water. Her at
tention never left me as I scurried about my room.

‘Would you like a cup of tea?’

She did not answer me.

‘Tea?’ I repeated, now holding up a piping cup of water to illustrate. She hesitated, peering at me with a questionable face, then shyly nodded her head yes. I handed her the cup and saucer and took my seat on the other end of the lumpy mattress.

She consumed the tea readily, hungrily, and I imagined what the liquid must have felt like steaming through her fragile body.

‘What’s your name?’ I asked after a few silent minutes had elapsed, causing her to jump at the sound of my German. Her shaking hands held the cup and saucer tight and ridged, ready to use them like weapons if needed.

‘Name?’ she questioned in a heavy Romanian accent.

‘Yes, name,’ I answered, sudden realizing she did not understand my language. I swallowed, pondered the situation, and firmly placed my fingers on my chest, my tiny gold ring, carefully pronouncing, ‘Peter.’

She studied my gesture for a moment, then offered a shy smile, and mimicking my introduction, she pointed to herself, softly whispering, ‘Anna.’

‘Anna,’ I repeated, pronouncing each syllable as if I was tasting the name, ‘Anna.’

These midnight rendezvous with Anna went on for a while. Soon, she became accustomed to my presence. We would meet in my quarters and speak in a broken language, conversing about life, love, and one another. Time found me saving bread from my dinners to give her and not working her as hard as the others in my sections. I kept us as exclusive as possible, but after a few weeks, I found myself to be the subject of teasing from my peers, often being questioned in humor how my ‘Jew girl’ was.

‘Just one day closer to death,’ I’d answer them, saving my reputation. Of course, they’d laugh at the same truth that made my heart sink, and they’d pass of my relationship with Anna as being a mere joke. It didn’t bother me much, however, for as long as Anna was in my life, the grayness in their taunting was always washed blue in her eyes.

In truth, Anna wasn’t my girl, nor was she my lover. I found out through our conversations that she has a husband in our camp, a forbidden luxury kept on the men’s side of the barbed-wire fence. He was in the second section that I oversaw, and although I could not arrange for them to see each other, I’d often catch her gazing at him when working by the fence, and I always caught myself wishing she were gazing at me instead.

The only time Anna and her husband were allowed to stand together was during the morning assemblies, when all the workers from both sides of the camp were brought together for inspection. I stood decorated in front of my two flocks, one of men and one of women, accompanied by my equals. My superior, a heartless, hard man, crusted in his years paused before my flock and gazed at my sheep.

‘You’ve done good work. Best sections in the camp,’ he observed. I tipped my hat in reply. ‘We have another train,’ he went on, ‘another shipment coming tomorrow. Fresh ones, and you will break them in. I’m going to need some room…’ He trailed off and studied both sections carefully. ‘What do you have the women doing?’

‘Sir they’re rebuilding the west barrack, Sir. Sir, standard work, Sir,’ I responded, interested in knowing where our conversation was headed.

‘Good,’ he stated, a gray smile on his face as he motioned for the twenty men to step forward. ‘Take these men…’ He trailed, holding me in suspense. ‘Take these men, and dispose of them.’

An icy dart ran through my body as he finished his sentence. My good luck charm weighted heavily against my chest as I looked at the men I was told to lead to death. In a second I saw Anna’s eyes, fixed on me, pleading and begging me to help her husband, he being in the nominated section. I turned back to my superior.

‘Sir, if I may…’ Steel dominated his returned stare into my face. ‘Sir, these men… they are good workers. They are valuable to our camp. If we lose them…’

‘Fine. They can stay…’ I released a breath of relief. ‘If you dispose of your women. It’s one section or the other. The choice is yours.’

He turned away, leaving me with a heavy burden on my ill-suited shoulders. I had a choice, but in truth, I didn’t. With a cumbersome heart and remorse, I ordered four of my comrades to assist me, and I slowly, almost painfully, marched my secondary flock to the left of the camp, never to return. I glanced at Anna as we walked past, and though she knew if she had spoken one word she would be shot, she screamed at me in her eyes to do something to save him. I swallowed hard, turned my eyes away from her stare, and continued on, the choice made. There was nothing I could do for him, but I wasn’t going to lose her again.

I packed that night, stuffing as much money and bread as I could afford into my oversized coat. I also took with me my pistol, a broken compass, and a map, and quickly touching my tiny luck charm, I left my cabin and stole away into the night.

The air was quiet, magnifying every sound ten times louder, making my midnight adventure more treacherous than imagined. My first stop was at the front gates, to relieve the night guard by trading shifts. He agreed, and with a tired yawn and a stiff stretch, disappeared into the soft glow of a distant cabin. Content no one was about, I secretly unlocked the front gate and headed for Anna. I entered the barrack, woke her, and took off for the main gate, Anna following close behind. Anna, still wiping sleep from her eyes, knew nothing of my recent plans and only recognized something was wrong when she saw we weren’t going to my quarters. With confusion in her eyes as I pushed her out the gate, we escaped into the darkness, using the night like a blanket to cover out tracks.

We ran swiftly, silently, like two deer flushed by the knowledge of a hunter’s fast approaching bullet. Hand in hand, hearts racing, legs pumping, breath rapid, quicker, quicker, towards our only chance for freedom.

Suddenly, like a slack rope pulled taut, Anna froze, still grasping my hand, snapping me back from our perfect escape. In the light of a dusky waxing moon, she looked at me, her hair wild and tears streaming down her face.

‘Anna,’ I hissed through gasps of air, ‘Anna, come on! We can’t afford to waste time!’ Truth was, we were only half a mile at the most from camp, and we still danced in a dangerous risk of my fellow soldiers discovering our disappearing.

‘No… Please… Help me!’ she begged.

‘Anna, I am helping you,’ I reasoned. ‘Look, if we stay here, you’ll die. The shore is only ten miles away from here. If we keep going we can reach it by daylight. We can take a boat over to Sweden. We’ll be safe there.’ I knew by the look on her face that she didn’t understand a word I was saying, but it didn’t matter. ‘And if anyone finds us, claim that you escaped, and I’m leading you back to camp. See, this compass I have is broken, so I have an excuse to walk in the wrong direction. See? It will work…’

She gazed at me with sad eyes and shook her head.

‘No,’ she responded, and with shaking hands lifted the barrel of my gun and placed it against her temple. ‘Please,’ she repeated, ‘help me.’

Tears welded up in my eyes as I finally understood what she desired. I thought of talking her our of it, telling her that she could learn to love me and all would be peaceful again. I kissed her then, just as I had kissed my Vera two years prior, and with trembling hands, picked up my gun.

‘Forgive me,’ I whispered into the wind. And in the shadow of death, the heat of the war, and the memories within, I aimed my gun at the only thing that mattered.

A flash of light.

A drumbeat.

Anna, falling against me.

And it was over.

No sooner than a second after I fired, spotlights in the camp blew up with light, the alarms sounded, and the violent yells of soldiers filled the n
ight air. I saw the chaos like a smeared painting, heard it like a blurred song, and stood frozen, gun smoke in my lungs and love at my feet. In a few moments, I was discovered by three soldiers, and they halted upon seeing Anna’s body. They looked at me, then looked back at where she lay. Then suddenly, they began to congratulate me, never once asking me to explain myself, never once thinking that Anna and I had been escaping together. They assumed I had chased an escapee and shot her down once in range. I didn’t argue, nor did I say anything at all, but quietly followed them back to camp, lagging a few steps behind their compliments, both my hands on my tiny gold ring. I pulled hard on my good luck charm, breaking the chain around my neck and looking at the tiny ring. I tossed it into the gray world behind me, not caring where it landed. I wouldn’t need it anymore. It’s gold had lost its beauty. No longer did it captivate my eyes.

Anna’s eyes are the only color in my life now.

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Mara nam nilesh hain ya kahani mari maa k bare maye hain Maa k nam nileema hain. Unki umar 38 sal Rang gora hain. Badan unka 36-30-38 hain kafi sexy dikhti hain. House wife hain. Papa business kartai hain zadatar bahar rahete hain. Ghar maye maa or main rahta hu security gard subhas naukar ram our mali somnath rahte hain. Mali or naukar or security 3 ka ghar hamare ghar kye piche garden k dusri taraf hain. Ak din maye school saye ghar aya karib 3 baje maye 10th maye parta hu class nahi tha to...

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Luck and the Lady Chapter Four

It has now come time for me to reveal that I was, on one occasion, quite scared by Maureen. It seems so strange to make this admission, since thoughts of that day now excite me to a point at which I must seek some sort of relief. My "ordeal", as I felt it then, began with my desire to play the teasing innocent. The previous week, while passing a thrift store window, my gaze chanced upon what I can only assume had once been a figure skating costume. It was really quite a simple,...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Kyra 11022017

We don’t know if it’s in the water or just because it’s a party town, but we sure like girls from Las Vegas, and we sure like great little cock suckers like our 22 year old party girl, Kyra. She definitely likes to have fun and is open to just about anything. That might be from her black boyfriend who is really into porn and not only knew she was doing this, but got her into porn in the first place. What a guy! They do a lot a threesomes with girls, which Kyra just loves. We...

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The Date

You are a bit over excited. ‘It’s only a date’ you’ve been telling yourself, ‘and jeez, it’s only lunch’But you let yourself get excited. You deserve it.You’ve showered and plucked and shaved and scrubbed. You’re moisturised, painted and scented.You’ve just pulled on a new turquoise thong, a cute matching bra with lace edged cups and black hold up stockings. You pad around your bedroom, your dress hanging in its plastic wrap from the dry cleaners. Your phone rings. A London number.You don’t...

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DEBUT By Bea Kathy grinned at me. Put her hand on the doorknob, "Show time! Okay?" Despite the thud of my heartbeat in my chest and the closed door to the living room, I could hear the indistinct voices of my mother and mother-in-law as they gossiped in there, chuckling every so often. I took a nervous breath. Shook my head. She shook hers as well, regretfully, but took her hand away from the knob. "Ok. I'll give you a few more seconds to compose yourself. Let's have a last...

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Going Back In Time

I was fortunate enough to secure a position as the night porter at a home for elderly well to do Jewish people. I was the only non-Jewish person in the place. I was twenty-three when I started my new job. My duties were limited to nothing more than security, and if a resident pressed the alarm button I along with the duty matron would investigate what the problem was. Even though I was not of their faith I was warmly welcomed to the home.There was one lady in particular who was very helpful and...

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The Snurfs

(Credit to the artist Shiboobmura for the cover art.) "Uh...uh...uh...unh...uh...uh... You done yet?" "Shut the snurf up!" You grunt in annoyance as you pound away. He looks over his shoulder at you, the tip of his forward curving white hat bouncing up and down as you slam into him again and again. A thick application of rose pigment blush made his chubby cheeks pink with a faux blush. "Uh..uh..uh.." A flat little moan for each full penetration. "I've got four more today and..." "I SAID...shut...

3 years ago
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A Very Nice Day

If it had been anyone else besides Amanda calling to wake Hayley up after two, maybe three hours of sleep and dared to be cheery while Hayley wanted nothing more than to be allowed to be aggressively pissed off at everyone and everything in the world Hayley likely would have snapped and not just because she was tired. She was also hung over, broke and unemployed. She really hated all three, but the hangover was simply the worst. To make matters worse she'd also wasted the alcoholic buzz that...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 7

My sister Ilse had planned a fun Saturday for us. We would go to a local snooker hall in the afternoon and in the evening, we had planned to see a movie in the cinema. I had invited Illiana along and my sister a friend from her class, Nathalie. Nathalie had a car, so she drove us to the snooker place and when we arrived there, we could see that the parking lot was almost full, so it was obvious that there would be many people in the place. We walked inside and noticed that all tables were in...

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Campus Life Slut WeekChapter 14

The digital video and photo antics continued. Tylea, along with Lee, moved around and found a guy with a tattoo on his chest covered by his shirt. Lee got him to remove his shirt, with some encouragement from the guy's date, and to let Tylea kiss the tattoo while Lee got the video and some stills. The guy's date surprised him and everybody else when she raised her blouse slightly in back and turned around to let Lee kiss the tattoo she had on her lower back right above her shapely ass....

1 year ago
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Friday Night on the Town

On Friday nights, I go to Newcastle with a bunch of girlfriends, drinking, dancing and sometimes flirting a little bit. One particularly hot night, I was dancing with a couple of friends, when two asian boys joined us. “You’re Amy, aren’t you?” whispered the taller one. “Yes, who are you?” “I’m Amjed, you used to work with my mum, Sonja.” I hardly recognized him. He was about 18 now, tall, athletic and very good looking. “Can I buy you a drink?” I agreed, so we went to the bar, with his friend...

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Susan Becomes a Working GirlIn Heels and Stockings

Mike and Susan’s hometown had been devastated by the recession. Their community’s major industry, a manufacturing plant that had been the local economy’s backbone for decades, simply couldn’t survive the massive financial downturn. Then a wave of spring tornadoes had finished off what few businesses remained. Unemployment soared. Mike and Susan struggled over their budget, and things were pretty obvious. They looked at each other. Susan smiled and did her best to put a good face on things. “I...

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My Summer In The Big City

INTRODUCTION This is the second of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering. My Summer In The Big City By: Zylux The time was the late sixty's and my friends and I had managed to survive our first year at a small university on the east coast. We had lived in on campus dorm rooms, which were cramped, noisy, and...

2 years ago
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MagicianChapter 77

“Why don’t we simply drop an atomic bomb on them, my Mage, or borrow a Loegrian kinetic bolide launcher?” I asked out of curiosity during a boring planning session. “We don’t want to give them ideas, John,” Morgana chuckled, knowing how bored I was doing a necessary task. “Won’t be enough of them left to have an idea,” I grumbled. “We don’t know that, John. Besides my way means that they get to know they were beaten by humans,” she replied. “That’s true and it’s got to hurt,” I...

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Internet Lovers

Red Roses x: okay my love 5.30PM I will be waiting, Mwah… That was the message we parted on, I turned the computer off and rushed upstairs to get ready, I could not believe it I was going to see my love for the first time and have an evening together, what was I thinking? Oh, I know what I was thinking? I put on my jeans and boots and a jumper thinking its going to be cold where we are going, then brushed my hair and looked in the mirror, smiled at myself and left the room heading down the...

3 years ago
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Train Adventure

About 20 years ago I was working in Edinburgh. I had a flat in the city center and usually stayed there in the week and came home at weekends. One week my wife, who was in her early 30's at this point, decided she'd like to come up to Edinburgh for the weekend for a change, so we arranged that she'd get the Friday mid-afternoon train from Birmingham and I'd meet her when it arrived at Waverley station about 9:30 in the evening.I saw the train pull in and as I walked down the platform to meet...

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Boarding with Jim at New Outlooks

This is a story for those who enjoy reading about forced hormonal feminization, not just guys dressing up in female clothes. It tells what happens when two young boys are send to a unique school where--much to the younger one's surprise--they undergo special physical and hormonal treatment programs. The younger one is given female hormones (against his knowledge, untl it is too late), his roommate is given male hormones that turn him into a super masculine stud, with predictable...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 17 Bereaver

Trying to keep a cool head and made sure I didn’t raise my voice even a notch. I didn’t like those commanding officers who barked or yelled orders. I preferred the style of Captain Zezzh and Captain Harris and said. “Mao, full shields, extend Exo-load turret and load both bomb shafts with P Bombs. Har-Hi give me a full damage and casualties report.” Mao said. “Full real shields activated all weapons active, Bomb shafts loaded and ready for P Bomb deployment.” Har-Hi looked over his...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 18

Chuck Still Sunday I opened the door, expecting someone to be there, but no one was. I grabbed my duffel, and John grabbed his, as we deplaned. A golf cart came up to the plane and a guy in fatigues, but no rank, name, or insignia said, "Climb in and I'll give you a ride." We went down into a tunnel and traveled about ten minutes until he took a turn then headed up. We ended up in a little driveway area with doors on each side. The guy said, "Go through those doors on the right. Your...

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If one could imagine all the varieties of lifestyles considered acceptable throughout the world, and could take the time to learn or the cultures that helped to spawn these varieties, I believe we would be far more tolerant as a people. I have elected to share with you, the readers this story of both my life and lifestyle. I undertake this project for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the pride and the joy my life delivers me everyday. If by sharing with you the intimacies of my...

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Computer Problems

As usual my computer is on the fritz. Kim, our IT girl, is a sweet natured girl that has never done anything wrong in her life. I text alerting her to the problem that I was having with my computer. Kim shows few minutes later, we exchange pleasantries, she begins the hunt for the corrupted file that is having wreaking havoc on my pc. She come across a folder that is untitled, promptly she opens it, before I can stop her she opens the contents. To my dismay she opens a picture of me in all my...

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Our first MMF threesome

My wife and I have been together for at least 8 years and have an exceptional sex life and we felt like we were ready for a little more. At times, we would introduce little ideas during four-play or things we would like to bring to the bedroom to do to our significant other. So my wife, Daisy, would whisper in my ear of something that she would be doing to me and she would mention another female's name. She wanted to sit me down on the couch and unbuckle my belt, unzip my pants and have this...

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Padosi Bhabhi Ki Choda

Hello story readers … I am sam from haryana this is my first story which I want to share with you all … Himmat karke post kr rha hu kyuki lode ko ab choot chaie jo bahut time se mil nai rhi koi anty,bhabhi,girl koi ho to mujhe neche die gye mail par mesg kr dena maine unko ache se satisfy krunga … Mera loda mota or lamba h height meri 5’4 h ab main story par ata hu… Bat kuch 1 saal pehle ki hai hamare pados m ek mota sa uncle sa uncle rehta h uski age 40-45 hogi uski shadi ni huai thi ab tk...

4 years ago
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What a way to have fun

It was mid summer and I was working half days at the bugger joint, one of our regular customers, that was a college student, came in as I was clocking out. I served him and went to clock out, as I exited the side he pulled up in his car and asked if I was heading home. He looked at me and smiled and said '...let me drop you off, I've something to ask you any way...' thinking nothing of it I decided to accept the ride home. He introduced himself by saying ' name is Luther, and keep your...

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Part 22 The Typical Day Sophomore Edition

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 22: The Typical Day: Sophomore Edition Weeks went by, weather changing, and Holly and I had settled into our own routine. As you know, we have our sexual desires and urges. Controlling these can be quite important when it comes to keeping a high level of concentration. Many people can easily get by with sex a few times a week and have no problems. Holly and I don’t fall into that category. Our sex drives have gradually increased, to a point...

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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 39

It had been the first time in the three years of his disappearance Dan had slept through the whole night without waking. Was it because he was finally dealing out the justice in return for what happened to him, he didn't know. What he did know was, what he was doing he enjoyed, maybe a little too much. Even the dreams of Ray had stayed away for the night. He hoped, in some way, it was a sign that Ray was happy, and approved, with what he was doing too. Listening to the little wind up radio,...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 2

I followed John from Perlione's over to his house. As we pulled into the driveway, he rolled down his window and motioned to the left. I noticed that the driveway was made of bricks, like a chimney and there was an additional section where he was pointing that was not in front of the garage. I pulled over to the left as he drove straight into the garage. As soon as he got out, he placed a call on his cell phone and disappeared through a door in the back. I let the kids out, then we went...

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Through a Glass DimlyChapter 19

Monday, we went to the bank. We saw Pamela White first. She was walking to her desk when we came in the door. She almost ran to Lisa and hugged her. "You're okay. I was so worried though the news reports said you never went to the hospital." Lisa hugged her back. "If it hadn't been for Al, I would have been dead. He showed up in the nick of time." She had never released my hand but I was becoming used to the fact that she wasn't going to let me go for any period of time unless it's...

2 years ago
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Bangkok Diaries Part 8211 2

Bangkok Diaries… Part 2 This is the continuation of the first part. It is rather a long story and not for people who wants Sex from the first line till the last word of the story. In the first part, me and Aayush had a discussion on the old memories of our school times and also unfolded few secrets. I had mentioned he took my phone number. That day I was restless to receive a message from him. I could not concentrate on any work until at 10Pm when my phone pinged. Yes it was Aayush. Aayush:...

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The Fog

She looked back to where she was heading, seeing that ahead of her there was a pair of thrones sitting on a stone dais. She looked down, surprised and embarrassed to see that all she was wearing was a sheer silk nightgown which did very little to hide her naked body. It was then that she became aware of eyes watching her from the shadows. Whether this eyes belonged to male or female viewers she could not see, neither could she tell whether they were close enough to be able to see through her...

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Heirs to the AncientsChapter 3

As he stared at the ford, Taima wondered if he was following the right path. He had successfully followed the directions. From the heights of the mountain he had seen the river and the great bend in the distance. Perhaps he should have kept walking northward and ignored the old man. He said his name was Askuwheteau but he acted like one of the ancient spirits of the mountain. "Great-granddaughter?" Taima asked the caterpillar on the leaf where he was crouching. Scanning the area, he had...

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Ma Aur Beti Bani Randi 362836 Revenge Begins 8211 Part 2

Subah ho chuki thi main aur mom soy nangi bed par chipak kar soye hue the hum dono ki nind khuli mom ne mujhe lip kiss ki aur gud morning kaha mom to ab randi ban chuki thi factory pe unke chudai ke bad maine mom ko bataya ki mom wo log mujhe bhi chodna chahte hain aur maine mom ko kaha mom kiu na hum is bat ka fayda uthayen aur unhe apne jism ka gulam banaye mom ne kaha thik hi akhir hamein paise bhi chaie aur mard bhi hame ye karna padega mom ne kaha thik hi tayar ho jao nasta banati hu mai...

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