Bella free porn video

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I was sitting enjoying my morning espresso at an outside table at Starbucks in Honolulu. Actually it was a Venti Java Chip Frapachino. That is my favorite drink. The girls at the store start making me one as soon as I walk in the front door. I guess I’m a creature of habit. I do get a few dirty looks from people waiting in line when one of the girls walks down the line and hands me my drink with a pleasant, ‘Good Morning Mr. Mitchell. Of course the tip may help.

It was a typical Hawaiian day, not a cloud in the sky, the temperature was in the mid 70’s, and the breeze was mild coming out of the west from the ocean. Actually that’s a dumb statement, Hawaii is an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. No matter what the direction of the wind actually is from, it’s always coming off the ocean.

I sat outside at my small table under a palm tree. The palm just provided enough shade that I was safe from a nasty sun burn. My driver (Keanu) and I enjoyed the peace and tranquility. I was trying to read the Wall Street Journal. He was checking his eyelids for light leaks. But today my mind kept wandering back over the last five years.

Yeap it’s been five years since my wife divorced me and took off with her lover.


I was living in western New York State at the time, working as a computer nerd for a large manufacturing company. I wasn’t the greatest tech employed there. In reality, I was a little lower than average,

I didn’t even try hard. I guess I wasn’t the most ambitious rep they employed. Too be exact if I finished one job, I would just wait until the next job was assigned to me instead of looking for more work.

I tended to hide a lot.

As normal I was surfing the web after finishing my last assigned task, when my supervisor walked into my cubie. He said the Department Manager want to see me.

This was an unusual request and I was just a little apprehensive. We walked to the elevators together to visit him.

When my supervisor and I reached the big boss’s office, Margaret (his secretary) asked us to take a seat. I believe she said, ‘Mr. Martin is on the phone and will see you shortly.’ Shortly turned out to be almost 30 minutes, the longest 30 minutes of my life. When we were finally escorted into his office, we weren’t even offered a chair.

‘Jim’ (that’s me), he started ‘you have been an employee of this company for ‘(he stopped to look at some paperwork on his desk) ’15 years. I regret to inform you that your services are no longer required here. You will receive one year’s severance, all your accrued vacation and personal time in your next paycheck. ‘

Well that was it. I was fired. What the hell was I going to do now? I was too old to start all over again.

‘What the hell was I going to tell Shelia, my wife?’ I thought as I packed my belongings in a box.

I’m not really sure what the next couple of hours contained, but I found myself sitting in a bar having a double, actually my third or fourth double, when the bartender suggested that I had had enough and it was time to go home.

I drove carefully home. ‘No use getting a DWI arrest,’ I thought. I pulled into my garage and promptly drove partially through the rear wall. I guess my wife had some work done today and it involved shortening the garage.

Well the noise should have brought her out to the garage. But it didn’t.

When I finally got to my feet and tried the door to the house, I found it unlocked. I opened the door to a completely empty kitchen. The table and chairs were gone. But even worse, all the kitchen appliances were also missing.

The first though entering my foggy mind was, ‘We’ve been robbed’

I staggered into the living room and everything was gone. The room was as bare as it was when we first bought the house. My head was still a little slow and I never noticed the pile of my stuff in the middle of the living room floor.

I carefully climbed the stairs to the bedroom area. I found everything missing. Well not everything. All my clothes and stuff were thrown in a pile on the bedroom floor.

The pile stunk. After a while I realized that the smell was urine. As I got closer to the pile, the smell got stronger and stronger. In my drunken state, I vomited. To culminate my day, I hit my clothes.

I went down stairs and curled up on the carpet. I won’t claim that I fell asleep. I think I just passed out.

When I awoke the next morning I had the world’s biggest hangover. My head throbbed, my mouth tasted as if an army has marched through, and my body was stiffer than a board from sleeping on the floor. I stumbled out to the garage and noticed my wife’s car was gone. I staggered back to the kitchen, planning on fixing the some coffee, if there was any left.

There wasn’t. She took that too.

It took a few minutes for my brain to engage a little more, before I saw the note on the counter. I picked it up and started reading


We have been married almost 14 years. In that length of time you have turned out to be a loser. You are not a good husband, a good provider, or a good lover. You are selfish and think only of your wants and needs.

I have moved my stuff out and into my lover’s house.

I will be contacting a lawyer to start divorce proceedings.


Well I guess I knew where today was going. Sheila was a legal secretary for a large law firm. I suspected that she was planning to upgrade to one of the attorneys as well as use the firm to gut me. Thank God we didn’t have children.

I was a little pissed. So I looked for the house phones. They were all gone. I still had my company cell phone (they forgot to ask me for it). So as a final act of defiance, I called the bank and I reported that I was mugged last night and my wallet was stolen. A very helpful young lady froze all my credit cards and my checking and savings accounts (Debit card was stolen to).

After I got off the phone, I was smiling. Boy was Sheila was going to be pissed when none of our joint cards worked. I packed my things into my car. The bitch took all the luggage. I couldn’t even find any garbage bags.

The bitch took everything.

One of the reasons ‘Some Place Else’ was my favorite watering hole was the fact that it was owned and operated by my best friend since childhood. The one person I trusted with my life.

So, I went to his bar for advice. Bartenders always give the best advice. And besides he had an ex-wife, and might know a good divorce attorney. There was also the problem of hiding my final check.

I didn’t want Sheila to get it.

Martin poured me a double as I walked into the barroom. ‘After last night, I figure you could use one.’ he stated with great sympathy.

I downed the glass in one gulp. He looked at me in shock. I really didn’t drink that way. So I told him my story from when I left his bar last night.

When I got done, I had the name of his divorce attorney, an apartment over the bar, and an IOU equaling the amount of my severance check. He was going to include the check in one of his banking deposits and just dole out the monies as I needed.

Time went on and so did my divorce.


It was a year later that I found myself a divorcee living in a small one bedroom apartment in a questionable neighborhood. My loving wife had hired a shark for a lawyer (hell, she worked for the firm) and I was cleaned out. She got the house, the 401K, the investment account, the checking and saving accounts.

However she almost got alimony payments.

But since I had no job or money, the judge took pity on me and forgave them.

Ha! I still had the severance check. No one on her legal team thought to ask about it.

It might sound as if my ex made out, but the house was upside down on the mortgage, the savings account had
less than $1000 in it, the checking account was almost empty from paying the monthly bills with no deposits and the newly started 401 had less than $2,000.00 in it.

And best of all, in my opinion, was the fact that most of the joint credit cards were near their max. It seems Sheila went on a spending spree before the divorce was final. I guess she planned on sticking me with the bill.

Since I had no income at the time, the judge stuck her with them. I think it took a week to get the smile off my face.

Eventuality, I had to get a job. I wound up as a janitor in the school system. I worked the night shift. My days consisted of either sitting at my computer or sitting at my friend’s local bar.

Guess what I did with my free time when at the bar? I was on my way to becoming an alcoholic.

One morning I found a Power Ball ticket in my pocket. I didn’t remember buying it, but I did remember that the bar I favored sold them. I tossed the ticket on my desk and went to the bathroom. I did the three S’s and started my morning coffee. I needed that wonderful elixir to feel human in the morning. Well actually it was 1:00pm but that was morning to me.

When I got out of the shower I noticed I had a ‘woody’. So I felt a little internet porn might be the answer. As I waited for my PC to boot, I noticed the Powerball ticket beckoning me. So once the PC started I fired up Firefox and went to the Powerball site.

I checked the numbers on the ticket three times. They matched the winners. I reread the web page. There was only one winning ticket sold and it was worth $250,000,000 {that’s Millions folks}. My ‘Woody’ disappeared.

I grabbed a pen and quickly signed my name on the back of the ticket.

My next item of business was to call the lawyer that represented me in the divorce. I got his answering machine (it was a Sunday). I left a detailed message asking him to call me. Two hours later he called back.

I guess he didn’t have anything going on this Sunday either.

Explained my winner, I made an appointment for Monday.

The next day we had a very long discussion about trusts, investments, tax avoidance, and most importantly, that my ex was not entitled to anything. It took almost a month to set up all the hidden bank accounts and take possession of the money.

Two weeks later I was looking at property in Hawaii. I wanted a fancy place on one of the hills near Hawaii Kai, a suburb of Honolulu.

It took almost a year before I had the new place set up to my liking. But now I was finished and enjoying the good life. My favorite memory of this period was when I got a call from my lawyer. It seems that my ex-wife wanted to talk.

She had heard about my winnings.

My lawyer shot her down.

I knew there was something I liked about him.


So there I was sipping my Frappe and enjoying my thoughts when I felt something. Did you ever have one of those funny feeling that you were being watched?

I started to alert my driver (he was also my bodyguard) when I looked around and spotted a little girl of about 5 or 6 standing there watching me. She had long dark hair and the prettiest blue eyes I had ever seen on a child. But they were very sad eyes. She had a small doll clutched to her chest and a small blanket under her nose.

She tore at my heart and I wanted to just hug her and make all her problems go away.

I looked at her and gave her my friendliest smile. There was no sense in frightening her with a dirty look. At the same time I looked for a hovering parent. No parent I knew would ever let their child wander around strangers. I widened my search, still nothing.

I got the attention of one of the counter girls and with some improvised sign language asked, ‘Who is she?’ I watched as she asked the other counter girls and all I received in return for my efforts was a shrug of her shoulders.

By now I had attracted the attention of a couple of women sitting around the court yard. As I surveyed them, they all shook their heads ‘no.’

By now the little girl was scared. There were tears dripping from her eyes. I gave her my best smile and handed her my clean hanky. She took it and just stood there with it in her hand. I took her little hand and dried her eyes.

For my efforts I got a small smile and a dirty handkerchief.

A couple of the women walked over to me and started talking to her. All their efforts accomplished was to cause the little girl to scoot under the table, kneel between my legs, and wrap her arms around my one leg.

Let me tell you, she had damn strong arms for a little kid.

One of the women pulled out her cell phone and dialed 911. I heard her talk to the operator about a lost child. When she hung up, she turned to me and said, ‘five minutes.’ The little girl started making small noises. So I started running my fingers through her hair.

I gave her a soft little kiss on the top of her head.

She looked at me and said, ‘Grazie Popie.’ It had been 20 years, but I recognized the phrase. It was Italian for ‘thank you, Grandfather.’ You see in the late 1980’s I was stationed in Italy courtesy of the US Army. I picked quite a lot of Italian while I was there. If a guy wanted to get close and personal with one of the bar girls speaking the language was necessary.

This little girl was speaking Italian.

‘Bella Ciao il mio nome è Jim,’ (Hi Beautiful my name is Jim) I said. I saw her eyes light up and a great big smile crossed her face. She hugged me tighter.

‘Qual è il tuo nome, Bella?’ (What is your name, beautiful?) I asked next.

‘Bella’.she answered.

Well I tried a couple of more times, but got nothing different. So I decided to try another direction. ‘Acqua?'(Water?) I asked. I got a little smile. So I took her hand and into the Starbucks we went. While we were looking at the cold drink cooler one of the baristias whipped up a small Caramel Frapachino and gave it to Bella.

One sip and Bella was hooked.

She gave the girl a big smile and said, ‘Grazie.’ A polite child!

We walked back out to my table and Bella sat next to me and slowly drank her treat. I spotted the Honolulu Police Cruiser pull up at the curb and waved at the officers. They walked over to me and asked what was going on. I explained that Bella appeared to be either lost or abandoned. One of the officers started talking to Bella.He was nice and polite, but he was speaking english.

I could see the frustration building in his face, when his partner noticed the smile on my face. ‘OK, do you know why she won’t talk to us?’he asked.

I nodded my head, ‘It appears that she only speaks Italian, My Italian is about 20 years old, so I can’t get a lot out of her. Do you guys have anyone who speaks the language that you can call?’

‘Bagno?’ (Bathroom) she asked.

I motioned to one of the women sitting around the patio, pointed at Bella and said, ‘Bathroom.’ One of them came to my rescue. But Bella wouldn’t go with the woman, so the three of us made the trip.

I stayed out in the hall.

Bella called me a couple of times just to make sure I was still there.

When we got back to the table I was informed that the police could not find anyone to speak Italian so they called Child Protective Services and a case worker was coming.

Two hours later the two cops, Bella and I went to McDonalds for lunch. Bella knew exactly what she wanted and by pointing made her choices known. I bought lunch for the four of us.

When we got back to Starbucks a very angry case worker was waiting for us. She started right in on the police officers. She bitched at them about wasting her time by forcing her to wait for us.

Well they weren’t about to take any shit from her, so a shouting match started.

Bella was getting scared, so I walked her away from all the noise
. The case worker saw me and started yelling that I was kidnapping the child and I should be stopped. I pulled out my cell phone and started making calls. I had been a large contributor to the current Governor’s campaign fund.

My thought process was if I gave all that money, I might as well start getting a little benefit from it.

I got one of the Governor’s underlings on the phone, explained who I was and what my problem was.

The reply was, ‘I’ll take of it.’

It took about 5 minutes when the case worker’s cell phone rang. She answered it very rudely. She was starting to yell at who ever interrupted her when suddenly she got very quiet. All I heard was a lot of ‘Yes Sirs’ from her end of the conversation.

While she was ‘listening’ an unmarked police car pulled up. I recognized the man getting out of the car. It was the Chief of Police. He walked up to his officers and they went into conference. He then walked up to the case worker and said, ‘Hang up the phone. Get in your car. Leave! And that’s an order. If you fail to obey, I’ll have you arrested.’

The case worker left.

The chief walked over to my table with his two officers and introduced himself. ‘Did either of my officers act in anyway discourteous during their interactions with you?’

‘No Sir, they were very polite and helpful. They are working to find a translator so that we could help the girl.’ I said.

The two uniformed patrolmen smiled at me.

The Chief sat down at my table and we started discussing little Bella. The two officers returned to patrol duty. The chief and I tried to deceide what to do with my new found friend. We decided that Bella would stay in my house until they found her parents or other relatives, and they would try to find an Italian translator.

My driver had returned to my house. He wanted to do a little yard work so I called home and requested pickup.

We were going to be very busy this afternoon buying Bella a wardrobe of little girl clothes. So it was off to Ala Mona Mall for an afternoon of shopping. My driver’s wife was also my housekeeper and cook. I asked if he’d bring her along to help pick out Bella’s outfits.

Keanu (my driver) and his wife Aolani showed up about 15 minutes later.Aolani spent the whole trip to the mall quizzing me all about Bella.

When we got to the mall the ‘girls’ visited all the childrens stores. Keanu and I just made trip after trip back to the car with packages. If I remember correctly,we visited The Disney Store, Gap Kids, Gymboree, Janie and Jack’s, Pitter Patter, and The Children’s Place. We didn’t exactly buy something in every store but it wasn’t for lack of trying.

My American Express got a real workout.

Bella and Aolani became the best of friends. They chattered back and for to each other, neither one understanding what the other was saying, but that didn’t stop them. They shared the universal language of women, shopping. That’s all they needed.

I don’t remember which store was selling children’s bedroom furniture, but both of them stopped and stared at all the little girls bedroom stuff.We didn’t go in that store (Thank you –God) but I had a feeling we would be back another time.

By the time we got done buying out the mall it was too late to cook dinner so I was elected to buy everyone their meal. I had a brain storm and selected Auntie Pasto’s on South Beretania Street in downtown Honolulu. I figured that I might find someone who spoke Italian there or at least find directions to someone who does.

I mean let’s face it, it was an Italian Restaurent.

No one was around that spoke Italian but the owner promised to keep an ear open for a native speaker. He was 4th generation Italian and all his Italian speaking relatives had long since departed this earth. But the food was good and Bella had pizza (like all kids).

For a little kid, Bella ate almost the whole thing.

It was getting late when we left the restaurant. I think before we reached the Freeway (H-1) there were two sleeping people in the back seat, Bella and her new friend Aolani.

Shopping takes a lot out of you.

Keanu and I unloaded all the bags into one of the spare bedrooms. Aolani and I put Bella into the bedroom right next to mine and Aolani picked out a pair of Disney PJ’s for Bella and helped her get cleaned up and dressed for bed.

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We were having a guest run a meeting for us. We were all seated around the usual round conference table. She was standing on the other side of me. The first sight of her was riveting. A tall woman, beautiful, with long straight dark hair, wearing a black skirted suit, the skirt pencil tight, the short jacket buttoned over a white blouse, both tight over her bust, the shirt unbuttoned enough to show some cleavage.Best of all, for me, she wore no stockings. The skirt was above the knee, and her...

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Life Isnt FairChapter 7

If I had given more thought to things, I would have realized how difficult this all was for poor Uncle Bob. I had him wrapped around my little finger, and didn’t even know it. I’m pretty sure he did. I’m pretty sure he kept saying, “Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” in his mind as he gave in, time after time to the whims of a teenage girl. He just couldn’t resist. As I look back on it now, I’m sure that’s why he ended up on my bed, sans shorts, with me lying perpendicular to him, my face inches from...

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Gangbang By Three Young Boys

Hello All,,, I hope you all are doing great,,,,Well I am back again with new recent incident,,but before that let me introduce my self to all who are going to read this incident. I am Gomi Patel, I am 26 from India, Gujarat state, Ahmadabad city. My stats is 36 29 39 and I am very fair in complexion,,, Please read the incident and tell me how was it at gomigpatel4u at yahoo in. So ye incident kuch ese hua, meri family 2 din ke liye native place ja rahi thi, mujhe waha jana pasand nahi to mai...

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Ferienjob als Animateurin

Ich heiße Linda, bin 21 Jahre alt und komme aus Düsseldorf, dort studiere ich auf Lehramt und habe für die Sommersemesterferien für 6 Wochen einen Ferienjob als Animateurin in einem Hotelclub in der Türkei erhalten. Da ich mehr als gut Tennis spiele soll ich dort als Assistentin der Tennislehrer eingesetzt werden. Mein Zimmer teile ich mir mit Mandy, die bereits zum dritten mal hier arbeitet. Sie hat mir den Club gezeigt und meinte, wenn du möchtest kannst du hier viel Spaß und mehr haben. Was...

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The BartenderChapter 4

The bar was empty. It was almost odd, Kent mused, that a bar as successful as this one could spend so much time with no one in it. Not that he was complaining, of course; it gave him time to collect his thoughts. And he never got bored - he knew that, given time, someone would walk in. He was never short of entertainment. As if summoned by Kent's reverie, the door swung open at that very moment and a family of three walked in. It took the large bartender a few seconds to recognise his...

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IntemperanceChapter 16A Pauline

Heritage, California January 2, 1985 It was well past 9:00 PM and Pauline was sitting behind her desk on the sixteenth floor of the Markley Building. The ultra-modern, thirty-two story building was the tallest, most exclusive high rise in Heritage. Situated directly adjacent to the Sacramento River, its westward facing offices featured spectacular views of the waterfront. Pauline didn't have one of these offices. In fact, she had no view at all. Her office featured no windows and was less...

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DDFBusty Kira Queen Kyra Hot Two Busty Babes One Thick Shaft

Busty beauties Kira Queen and Kyra Hot bring the heat in this 4K premium porn DDFBusty exclusive. Join the black-haired Russian queen of kink and her blonde Hungarian girlfriend for some threesome fun that you won’t soon forget. It’s Erik Everhard who gets to play with these to big titty glamour porn legends who are in the mood for some serious ball licking, dick sucking, and pussy fucking. Watching the girls’ titty shaking while they’re being nailed every which way in...

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Afternoon Submission

I find you at home one all alone. I grab you in my arms and lay a big kiss on you. I tell you that if you trust me, you will have one of the best sex days of your life. You bow your head and tell me that you trust me. I take you in the bedroom and tell you to strip very slowly showing me your sexy body. You are only wearing a sleep shirt with tiny panties. You take of your shirt finally showing me those perky beautiful titties with nipples just straining to be touched. Then you slowly slide...

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Liams Journey

It has been some time since Sanna'ya and Sen'ya had brought Liam deep into Harreden territory. During his journey with them, he had experienced strange things but it wasn't over. Powerful families on the Council learned of him, despite the two sisters' efforts. Greatly interested in his new powers, they sought to bring him before them. The two sisters were unable to resist under the strength of their influence, and Liam was removed from their custody. A test of sorts was planned, one that...

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Sexy Seema Wants Her Master8217s Cock

I’m so attracted to men. I have just experienced some hot and steamy sex from my lover, my boss- Karan. He has fucked me to the core and made me into a woman. I’m sharing some deep sensations that I have gone through in the whole act of deep fucking. My name is Seema and I’m a 20 year old dusky female from Nepal. I work as household help for Karan and Payal who have a big penthouse apartment in Bangalore. Payal is a housewife and Karan is a state level boxer by profession. Both have frequent...

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Late Sauna

After a long day at an international exhibition in Frankfurt I found myself in a 5-star hotel with a Spa. I got naked, slipped into my slippers and robe and headed for the basement. The Spa was very modern, dark - mostly black shiny tiles with some golden mosaics dotted around to give it a luxurious calming look. A long corridore lead to individual saunas, steam and other rest rooms. The only thing that illuminated the complete area were LED lights that changed colours from time to time from...

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Teacher seduced by MILF colleague

Nylon Tease: A Front Seat Fucking"Can you give me a ride to the city this Friday?" Collette asked.I was barely listening as I had watched her walk into my classroom and up to my desk... staring at her mocha clad silk stocking legs... my utter weakness... nylons.Pantyhose, stockings, thigh highs, tights all had my cock instantly hard and ready for action.And although I liked all colours, mocha or coffee, a dark brown, was my favourite.I answered, trying to look into her eyes and avoid looking...

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There are days - almost every day - when any stress and worry of the day start to wash away the moment I leave work, and the last traces disappear the moment I come through our gate and walk up the green and mossy path and through the front door, and anything that has gone on during the day just doesn't matter because I know I'm home and I'm with you and there is nothing else at all that matters in all the world.But there are also days - not often, just very occasionally - when the day is not...

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So We Had Sex Get Over It

So We Had Sex, Get Over It I smiled and watched as Samantha looked out the front door, adjusted her short sexy black silk robe, and then opened the door. She walked out into the bright sunlight, looked at the three busy bodies standing in the yard across the street from me, and said, “So we had sex, get over it.” Then she walked right past them with their mouths hanging open. What had led up to that point? Well, you see I live on a dead end street. There are six houses on either...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 239 the Yacht

When Alex said that he was sorry that he couldn't warn me, I expected the worse. I reached for the .22 mag revolver. I knew I was already too late even before I heard, "Congratulations Maxine, you even managed to bring everybody home." It was worse than I imagined. I probably should have pulled the pistol even thought I recognized the new england accent of my black, sometimes CIA handler, Lamar. "Well what brings you to this neighborhood?" I asked as I placed my cane onto the yacht,...

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Fist Fuck

It all started one night when my wife and I were fucking on the couch when the subject of ass fucking came up. I have been fucking my wife in the ass since we were first married, at first she didn’t like it but now I can fuck her pretty asshole any time I want. As I am fucking her she just reaches down between her legs and rubs her clit till she cums all over herself. Any time she is on her period she prefers to be ass fucked, that is just fine with me because her ass is a lot tighter than her...

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They All Wore Pearls Chapter Six

Six weeks later they went to the Chateaux for the weekend. May, Claire, Debbie and Jean. Jean was only going for the weekend as on Monday she was flying back to Glasgow. Jack along with May, Claire, Debbie and Ruth were going to Antwerp to visit Ruth’s uncle Moshe. Jack and Ruth had got married two weeks earlier in a simple ceremony in the Local Registry Office. They had stayed in Glasgow for it and gone to the French restaurant for the wedding meal, then gone back to Ruth’s penthouse...

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The Sins of the Peroxide Blonde

Rosie O'Grady had red hair. Her mother and her father thought it was beautiful because it reminded them of their birthplace Ireland. She was teased relentlessly in grade school because she was the only redhead in the entire class of thirty students. One boy had hair that looked a little bit red when the sun hit it just right but nobody made fun of him because he was pretty big and tough. Sister Immaculata told her she was lucky to have red hair because it matched her face which was a "map...

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The escort part 2

Tonight Ron had invited Sal to his house to have dinner with he and his two sons. She knew Ron would expect her to stay the night with him and she was looking forward to being with the sexy older man. She was his escort a lot as he loved being with her as she was young and sexy and beautiful and had a wild streak for sex. He loved to see her dressed sexy or better, just naked. He loved to let his private group of friends see her naked or watch him finger and fuck her. He loved for her to suck...

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Beauty and the Boots

BEAUTY AND THE BOOTSWelcome to the Country, City Girl(c) 2015 by Max Blitz     Tiffany pulled her car up beside Buford, who was crossing the dusty drive towards his farmhouse.  Buford grinned down at her.  "Well, this is a surprise," he said, "I certainly wasn't expecting to see you today."     Tiffany smiled back.  "I wanted to thank you for seeing to it that I got fed this past year."  She had gotten into some financial difficulties; and Buford had been willing to help her out, for a...

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College Changes a Boy Part 6

Thanks again to everyone for your interest in my story. I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter posted. I'll do my best to get the next done sooner. I still have lots of ideas for all the characters! **** College Changes a Boy - Part 6 Taylor Jordon Nikki was crushed by the blow-up with his new friends, and could only think of getting out of sight before he burst into tears. He gave Aiden a sad look and was partially relieved at Aiden's reassuring whisper and gentle pat on...

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Ginaacutes Gyno Club part two

In part one Leslie founded Gina´s Gyno Club. She came home from jogging to find her ten years younger sister Connie coming first time, by the continued kisses on her pussy of her own favourite love, feminine petite Gina. Leslie kisses Gina on her lips to smell her sister. "Hmmm, you taste so sweet, Connie honey! My dears, I´ll jump under the shower. Gina my love, please pull open another good Bordeaux. We have something to celebrate: our Club! ;-)". Obediently Gina opened a bottle of a good...

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The Meeting

A meeting of the Sub-Committee on Bio-Technology in Modern Medicine into the Future There were seven people seated around the table, with several assistants behind them, ready to take notes, or fetch coffee or whatever such people do as a matter of course. A meeting of the sub-committee on bio-technology in modern medicine and into the future “Madam secretary, members (there being three senators, three house representatives / three are female, and three male, three democrats / three are...

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Subway series 4 Whos Sorry Now

This story should give you a clear understanding of how I experienced Japan. I'm sorry about that. But that's the Japan I saw. I make no claims that it's a complete picture. Quite the opposite, in fact. Japan is a wonderful land full of picturesque vistas, fascinating history and friendly people. All the guidebooks say so. You won't be reading about that Japan today. Sorry about that. Almost all that I saw of Japan, aside from the lights of Tokyo as I arrived (I had an aisle seat on...

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Ex Girl friend Se Badla

Hi, mai ek 27 saal ka engineer hun, jab college mai padta tha to meri ek girl friend thi jiska naam pooja tha. Magar college khatam hua to hum log alag ho gaye. Humne alag alag college mai admission le liya. Baad mai pata chala ki uska kisi aur se chakkar chal gaya hai naye college mai. Mai kafi pareshan raha kyunki mai usse bahut pyar karta tha. Pehle uske jism ke baare mai bata dun , uski height 5 4″ thi aur wo slim ladki thi jiski sudol breast aur mast ubhari gaand thi. Maine kafi sochne ke...

4 years ago
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The Principals Slut

This was the final straw, I knew it. Three times in the past month I had been sat outside the principal’s office. I glanced at the clock briefly; each second seemed to take forever to tick before I looked back at my mirror. I gazed into my big brown eyes, trying to make them water slightly. I knew if I seemed upset by the matter, I would possibly get off the hook with a slap on the wrist. I then began to pad foundation onto my face and adjust my long chestnut-brown hair. As the minutes rolled...

Group Sex
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The Seventh SensePrologue 2

There are twelve numbered federal circuit courts of appeal in the United States. Many (but probably not most) are aware of these powerful courts. Any appeal on a decision made by these twelve courts is heard by the supreme court. What most people are not aware of is that there is a thirteenth court of appeals in the Federal Circuit, which has nationwide jurisdiction over certain cases based on specialized subject matter. It was in this 13th court of appeals that the case of The United...

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Radha 8211 The Game Of Sex 8211 Part 1

THIS IS A PIECE OF FICTION. ANY INCIDENTS RELATING TO REAL INCIDENTS IS PURELY CO-INCIDENTAL. PLEASE NOTE THAT NEITHER THE AUTHOR NOR WEBSITE PROMOTE UNPROTECTED SEX. THIS IS A IMAGINATIVE STORY AND SHOULD NOT BE THOUGHT OTHERWISE. Year: 2000 Radha watched in horror from, under the table as her mother screamed in horror. She had seen her father getting dragged out of the room by 2 men, a few minutes earlier. “Did you finish him?” asked the short man, whose voice commanded respect. “Yes, bro....

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Racial SwapNight 3

Chapter 5Eddie drove to his afternoon group unable to concentrate on anything but the memory of the wild night of uninhibited sex with Sally Dunn. She could still feel her lips around his cock sucking him dry as he parked his car. She had sucked every last ounce of sperm from his cock like she was dehydrated in the desert.Suddenly the woman that he could see in his mind's eye stuck her head out of the rear of the pro shop and called, "Eddie, you're wanted on the telephone.""Okay, Sally,...

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Fucking My Girlfriend With Her Sister And Mother Anokha Andaz 8211 Part III

Hello friends this is is the third part of my real life sex story. My firt part is fucking my girl friend with her sister and mother, then second part is fucking my girl friend with her mother (anokha andaz) – 2. Iska aur parts padhte jayiye aur maja bhi lijiye. Ab main mera asli story main aa raha hoon jise hi aunty uncle ke sath bat karte huye mujhe apni chut ko suck karne ko bola maine kiya aur aunty ki bat bhi khatam ho gaya. Phir aunty ne mujhe bola ” aj tu sonu ko kuch surprise dene wala...

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My Cousin Lost Her Virginity8230To Me

Hey guys, thank you for such an overwhelming response to my last story. This time, since you all already know how bad the COVID situation is in the US, I haven’t travelled to India since a long time and probably won’t be able to in the next few months. But, quarantine doesn’t mean I can’t have sex at all. So I did, and this story is about how I fucked my 19-year-old cousin! The COVID situation in the US is pretty tight, Indians in the US are trying to stay as close to each other. I have a...

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Pictures Never Lie A Love StoryChapter 8 Making Changes

Janet’s Story The summer wore on without any respite from my sense of guilt and emptiness. I knew that the only way we would be able to put our life back on track was if Tom and I talked things through. So, we got together for several hours each week, sat in our house and chatted about the experiences that had led us to where we were. Then we fucked and he went back to his condo. I use the term “fucked” because those sessions were more for the purpose of me maintaining my sanity than they...

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What Happened Last Night

When I woke up I got the shock of my life. I was lying naked in bed, next to my naked eighteen year old daughter. Needless to say, I was hung over. The last thing I could remember was sitting in a restaurant with my daughter drinking what was obviously too much for me. We had been "celebrating" if you can call it that, my twentieth wedding anniversary. On every previous anniversary I had celebrated with my wife at that restaurant. We went there on our first date. This year I dreaded the...

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A Few Minor Adjustments Ch 01

Stephanie is my sexy, beautiful bride. We’ve been married almost five years, and she’s my best friend in the world. It’s just that after so much time–we dated and lived together for almost ten years before we married–some of the spark had gone out of our sex life. When we first married, we’d fuck four times a week, and then it was two times a week, and then it was a couple of times a month. Our lovemaking would usually be in the missionary position, and I think that we were both really bored....

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Burglars Breasts and Bras

Burglars Breasts and Bras By Seaweed Smells Surfer's Paradise - Gold Coast Queensland, Australia Genderswap Head Office Jenny Boko knocked quietly on the smooth wooden door. "Come in Jenny." Jenny opened the door and walked into the plush office. Her boss was leaning back in a leather chair behind a luxurious red cedar desk. As usual she was a sight for sore eyes. Jenny was relieved to see Karla Bancroft back in her usual appearance. She was one very pretty...

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The Spirit of PolandChapter 18

A Goddess spoke to them. Well, a disembodied female voice which seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere. It might not be a Goddess. It could be ... well, a God who just sounded female. Felek realized he obviously wasn't thinking clearly. His grip on Ruta tightened, arms wrapping around her waist as she leaned back against him. All eyes in the tower room were on the wooden statue. Felek sensed they, too, were too shocked to speak. Well, someone had to say something. He cleared his...

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