Cruising Ch. 06 free porn video

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Unfortunately we woke up late or we would have had one more morning romp. I said a quick goodbye and hopped into the shower. Millie didn’t think ahead and had the walk of shame returning to her cabin in her black dress as the rest of the passengers were getting up for breakfast and passing her in the hallway.

I caught up with Laurie and we grabbed a quick bite. I made two bagels with nova, onion, tomato and cream cheese and grabbed a large coffee to go since we had to run to catch the tour we signed up for. Bob was forced to join Ronnie on another city tour and shopping.

The trip Laurie and I took had several parts. First we climbed aboard a forty seat boat taking us up the Sibun River. I knew nothing about Belize so I figured that this type of trip would be a great way of seeing the place. The boat was full and fortunately there were only a few small children. They were quiet and attentive for most of the trip but after the six thousand plant reference and the three hundredth crocodile spotting their patience ran thin and start acting up. Laurie and I caught up on each other’s activities. Apparently Laurie was getting through a good supply of men aboard ship even having two dalliances with ship staff in hidden alcoves on the boat. She told me about one experience where she left a man she was planning on sleeping with later that evening claiming to need the bathroom, going down to a lower floor where she met a crewman who took her into a linen locker and had her ass royally violated before returning to her date. I told her about Howards place. She said that she had heard about it but hadn’t ventured a visit there yet. Laurie asked if she could accompany me next time I wanted to go.

The boat trip ended at ‘The Landing’ where we mounted jeeps. I hadn’t realized that we would be driving ourselves. They pushed four adults into a single jeep and crammed as many kids into a vehicle as possible. I asked Laurie to stay to the back of the heard in hopes of getting a private jeep to ourselves but that wasn’t to be. A couple of women seemed to have the same idea and the four of us were placed in one jeep. One of the woman asked if she could drive (actually insisted on it) so Laurie and I struggled into the back seat. I didn’t mind since I got to take photos as we were moving. What I did mind was that our driver seemed to want to complete the trek in record time. There was a single lane road through the jungle that was muddy and slick and the driver was going far too fast in my opinion nearly losing control a few times. Soon we caught up to the vehicle in front of us and she had to slow down. All the bouncing around made my full bladder ache and when there was a spot to pull over I asked the driver to stop. Laurie and the other passenger both needed to relieve themselves as well so we climbed out of the jeep and stepped into the jungle away from each other for some privacy. Just as I was finished I heard someone approaching me from behind.

‘You done?’ the driver asked.

‘Yes.’ I replied as I zipped up my shorts and turning around.

‘Listen, I don’t want to intrude but that girl your with, is she your daughter or something?’ she asked.

‘No, we are not related.’ I said.

‘OK, are you in a relationship with her?’ she asked.

‘We are friends. Why do you ask?’ I said.

‘Well, if you’re with her I’ll leave you alone but if you’re available I’d like to… well… How about we meet for a drink later back on the ship?’ she stumbled.

‘A drink?’ I pried.

‘Or dinner. Or dessert. Or a stroll around the deck. Whatever!’ she said.

‘Whatever?’ I pushed.

Frustrated she said. ‘OK, I want to get you into bed but I don’t know of a cool way to ask you. So, are you available?’

‘Can I ask why?’

‘I’ve seen you pop in and out of the big women events on the ship. I checked up on you and everyone says you’re nice. I’d like to spend some time with you. All right?’ she said.

‘Why don’t we finish the drive without getting killed and we’ll talk a little later. How does that sound?’

She smiled and said, ‘I’d like that.’

We found our way back to the jeep where Laurie and the other woman were starting to worry about us. The woman who had met me in the woods relinquishing the driving to me so I handed my camera off to Laurie and we finished the drive in one piece. We were the last vehicle to arrive and everyone was waiting for us. Next we hiked over a bridge and down into the caves. I’ve always been uncomfortable underground with slight claustrophobia but as long as I kept moving and was with the group I could manage my anxiety. After the cave was another jeep ride down the mountain roads where we went to a restaurant for lunch and vast amounts of rum punch. I saw a couple of parents giving their children sips of the punch and they didn’t act up during the rest of the trip. In fact, after we boarded the bus most of the kids took naps.

The tour bus ride stopped at a small Mayan temple and we got out to take the tour of the area. We all milled around and the jeeps former driver and her friend stayed close by. Laurie was feeling uncomfortable with them following us around like stalkers so I explained the situation and asked her to wander off for a few minutes. I found a place in the shade and sat on a low wall. Nearly immediately the woman came and sat next to me. I introduced myself and waited for her reply.

‘I’m Lorena.’ She said.

‘Oh brother I guess I’d…’ was all I got out.

‘Don’t bother. I have heard every single Bobbitt joke there ever was. Hardy har har.’ She said slightly agitated.

‘I guess that’s a sore spot for you?’ I asked.

‘When you want to meet a guy and I tell them my name they suddenly are not interested. Sometimes I use a fake name just so they can get to know me before I tell them the truth. I completely understand that there is no other name out there that shrivels up a dick better than mine. Even Adolph doesn’t come close.’ Lorena said.

‘I guess you’re right. I’ll try to keep my dick from shriveling as much as possible.’ I kidded.

‘Thank you. You aren’t Jewish, are you?’ she asked.

‘No, not since the last time I checked.’ I said. ‘Is that a problem?’

‘No, not really. I am Jewish so if that’s an issue for you let me know now.’ Lorena said.

‘No, it’s not a problem for me.’ I said.

‘Good. Some guys have issues with it.’

‘So, what are you doing here on this trip?’ I asked.

‘Well, I’m happily divorced. I work a lot and when I am not working my two kids need a lot of attention. I never get time for myself. Every time I get close to having a date or meeting a man my kids develop some drama that needs my attention. So, my friend that I work with mentioned about going on this cruise. She told me about it so I made a deal with my ex to keep the kids for a week so I could have some alone time.’ Lorena explained.

‘That’s nice of him.’ I said.

‘Yeah, well he owes me. You know, I pay him alimony?’ Lorena said.


‘Yes, I made a lot more than he ever did. During the divorce he went for the throat.’ She said.

‘None of my business. So, are you enjoying yourself on this trip?’ I asked.

‘For the most part yes but one thing has been sorely lacking.’ She replied.

Knowing the answer I played into her hands. ‘What’s that?’

‘Physical companionship, from a man.’ Lorena said shyly.

‘So you’re doing all right with the ladies then?’ I asked testing the waters.

‘What? Oh no, I don’t go that way. I’ve been with one guy so far and that wasn’t all that great. He has a nice big dick but doesn’t know what to do with it.’ Lorena said blushing.

‘Sorry to hear that.’ I responded.

‘So, when we get back to the boat do you think we could spend some time together?’ she asked.

‘I’d like that.’ I said.

‘Really? Why?’ Lorena asked.

ause you asked so nicely.’


‘That, and since it seems like you could use a bit of relaxation.’ I said.

‘Unfortunately so far on this trip it’s been mostly relaxation. I want to get some activity going on.’ She said.

I laughed. ‘Point taken.’

We made some plans and went back to touring the ruins. Afterwards we boarded the bus and they took us back into town coincidently dropping us off in the center of the Belize City shopping center within sight of the ship. Laurie and I wandered about looking over all the shops clearly designed to lighted tourists wallets. Nothing of interest took my fancy but Laurie bought some local crafts. I spotted a liquor store and decided to purchase a good bottle of cognac, a liter of authentic Russian vodka (yellow, not clear), two bottles of local dark rum and a good bottle of tequila. Laurie bought a couple bottles of something but I didn’t see what. We stopped off for some local treats on the way back to the boat and got in line to get back on the ship. So many people bought so many things that getting through security was a slow process. Once on board Laurie and I separated going to our own cabins. Sergio had filled the ice bucket so I poured a drink. Before I could take a drink there was a knock on the door. Lorena was waiting in the hall.

‘Wow! You don’t mess around. Do you?’ I said after opening the door and stepping back to allow Lorena to come in.

‘Why wait?’ she grinned.

‘Well, for one I wanted to shower before we got together.’ I said.

‘So do I but I thought it might be more fun to do it together.’ Lorena smiled.

‘True. Would you like a cocktail?’ I asked.

‘It’s not even five o’clock. It’s a little early for me. Do you have any diet soda?’

I ushered Lorena into the room and she was suitably impressed. She looked around and we chatted over our drinks for about two minutes. Without a word Lorena put down her glass and started undressing. She was a big girl (of course). A big sturdily built woman with thick shoulders, large hanging D cup or better breasts, proportionally a smaller stomach ending with wide hips and thighs. I undressed as well as we maintained the conversation. I led Lorena into the bathroom and started the shower.

‘Nice! I expected that we would have to shower in shifts. My bathtub is barely big enough for one, well me anyway.’ Lorena explained.

We climbed into the tub. We had to take turns standing under the water but changing positions was fun. We took our time slowing washing each other, exploring each other’s bodies in a slow, sensual manner. Once cleaned we dried each other off playfully taking our time and enjoying each other’s erogenous zones. Lorena took my hand and led me out to the bed. She had me sit down on the edge as she kneeled down on the floor in front of me. Slipping her arms under my legs and grasping a firm hold on my buttocks she clamped her mouth on my semi erect cock and proceeded to suck me hard. Her arms under my legs made it uncomfortable to sit upright so I sat back holding myself up with my arms.

Lorena’s oral technique was, for lack of a better term, quite aggressive. Her mouth never left my dick. She sucked well as she jackhammered her head in and out seemingly trying to empty me as soon as possible. While I enjoy good head this experience became fairly monotonous fairly quickly. I closed my eyes and just let it happen. I didn’t hold off at all allowing the first twinge of orgasm happen and Lorena hungrily gobbled down my load. As soon as I was done Lorena lifted herself to her feet and climbed onto the bed. She lay with her head on the pillows on her back and legs spread. Immediately one hand went to play with her own nipple as the other one began to finger her clit. I was told that it was my turn to pleasure her orally. I don’t mind licking a slit, I don’t mind being asked to perform oral but I do have an issue being ordered to do it. And this was just the beginning of the issues I had with Lorena.

Positioning myself between her legs I began to tongue her clit (which was pleasantly large, enlarged even more as she became more excited and was very responsive) with her placing a finger on either side as if pointing out where I should look for the damn thing (like it wasn’t fairly obvious). I went to work and all seemed well for the first couple of minutes. Then I started receiving commands. Lick up and down, now in circles, apply more pressure, go side to side, finger my pussy, now suck my clit. I was being directed every step of the way. There was no creativity on my part, I was following a blueprint. After what must have been half an hour and no orgasm I was told to stop.

‘What’s the matter?’ I asked.

‘Nothing, I want you to enter me now. Are you hard again or do you need some help?’ she asked.

I crawled up to her on my knees and without any hesitation she rolled onto her side and sucked my dick and gently massaged my nut sack. Quickly she had me hard and then insisted on a condom. I covered up my unit as she waited on her back for me to mount her. She even asked to inspect the condom to make sure it was properly applied.

Positioning myself between her legs I slid inside her pussy. Quickly I found that she liked when I ground my pelvic bone against her clit. She began moaning with pleasure as I pressed against her. After several minutes of this she wanted me from behind. We repositioned with her on her knees and elbows with a white knuckle grip on a pillow. I grabbed ahold of her great ass and pushed my way inside. I began to fuck like a machine and this made Lorena cum like a machine as well. About once a minute like clockwork she started with a groan proceeding to a growl, then grunting and ending with a loud gasp with a cry of ecstasy with every orgasm. This same procedure happened over and over for about fifteen minutes. She just kept cumming over and over again with no change at all. After the fifteen minute mark the commands started up again. Go harder, faster, smack my ass, slam your dick into me. I followed instructions as best I could. It dawned on me that sex with Lorena was like opening a safe. Everything was by the numbers. She had her procedures and everything had to follow in line. 39 to the right, 17 to the left, 61 to the right unlocked her orgasms. I was getting bored and turned off with this whole thing. I was just pounding away and receiving virtually no pleasure. I was not getting anywhere close to an orgasm so I slowed down.

‘Can’t you cum?’ She asked.

‘No, I think I am spent. Probably todays activities tired me out.’ I lied.

‘I understand, it’s all right. You did great for me. Go lose the rubber and wash your dick and I’ll finish you off.’ She offered.

I pulled out and went to the bathroom to clean up. When I returned Lorna was already on her knees in the same place where she sucked me off earlier. I sat back down and she engulfed my rod again this time taking more care. She used her hands and even covered my dick with her big tits. It was all well and good but I decided it was time for me to take charge. I wrapped my fingers into her hair and pulled her head down onto my cock. I used her mouth to face fuck her and she didn’t object at all. Then I had another idea. I pushed her back withdrawing my dick and told her to sit on the floor with her back to the bed. I stood and faced her placing my feet on either side of her. I shoved my dick back into her waiting mouth and put my hands on the mattress. I was able to force fuck her down her throat and with the bed right behind her head she couldn’t move. I didn’t last long and blew my load straight down her throat. Lorna held my legs keeping me in her until I was emptied. Once I was done I stood up and sat down on the bed satisfied.

‘Wow, you really like to fuck a mouth, huh? I never had anyone do me like that before. I like to taste the cum but if it got you off its all good.’ Lorna said.

‘Yeah, that was good for me. Thanks.’ Was all I said.
Lorna stood up and said, ‘I need to use your bathroom.’

She was gone so I took the opportunity to drain my drink. Before she came back I lay on the bed with my head on the pillow looking wasted.

When Lorna came out of the bathroom she gave me a good looking over.

‘Oh, I guess you’re done for the night.’

‘Yeah, I’m pretty tired.’ I replied throwing in a yawn to accent the point.

‘Well there goes my hope for another round after dinner. I thought we could get something to eat, maybe share a bottle of wine and then go back to bed.’ Lorna informed me.

‘I think I am too wasted for that. I may have some food delivered and catch up on some sleep.’ I said hopefully shutting down the conversation.

Lorna started getting dressed saying, ‘I understand, we aren’t nineteen any more. You impressed me going so long and staying hard the whole time. Maybe we could do it again another day?’

‘Maybe.’ Was all I said having no intentions of another rendezvous.

I think Lorna sensed that this was going to be a one-time only experience and I think she was pissed off but she was keeping it hidden from me. She dressed in silence but before leaving she sat on the side of the bed.

‘Did I do something wrong?’ she asked.

So, we were going to have this conversation. ‘You did nothing wrong but I think we have different needs. You like things one way and I like a variety. I think in bed we are apples and oranges, that’s all.’

She pondered that briefly. ‘I understand what you are saying but I have to say that you got me off really well and a lot more times than most guys I’ve been with. I thought you were great and I was hoping you enjoyed me as much as I like you. Is there something more I could have done for you?’

‘Like I said, I just don’t think we are a good match.’

Lorna did not like hearing that at all. Her anger was building up. I think she wanted to yell and berate me but she kept it inside. She stood up and walked towards the door. ‘See ya.’ Was all she said before she left. I made another cocktail and relaxed for a bit. The ship was underway and I went out onto the balcony for a few minutes. I smelled someone smoking weed as it drifted in the air. I showered again and dressed casually. My travel companions and I had no dinner plans this evening figuring that we would all be tired of each other by this time. We would all do our own thing tonight.

I went to the rear of the ship where there was a burger joint I wanted to try. I have to say that it was a damn good burger but on the small size. Then it dawned on me that I could have a second or even thirds. I went for the blue cheese burger the first time then a bacon cheddar the second time. After eating I went back to the cabin to get a few things in order. I emptied my pockets of everything except condoms and my room key. In the shopping bag from the liquor store I carried the cognac and the vodka along with a sleeve of plastic shot glasses I’d purchased with the vodka. I brushed my teeth and headed back to Howard’s fun house.

I arrived at the door and knocked. Again I waited an overly long time before the door was opened a crack. This time an older black woman was in the crack and gave me a once over.

‘Yes?’ she asked.

‘I’m here to see Howard.’ I replied not knowing what else to say.

The door closed and quickly reopened. The woman didn’t let the door open any more than necessary and I squeezed on into the room. She closed the door locked it again. She was a larger woman wearing a black slip that went down to her knees. She walked slowly on a cane and made her way back into the room. Now I felt bad for being impatient.

Howard was in the same position as the last time I saw him. Sitting on the far end of the couch, drink on the end table and his dick being sucked by a head of messy brown hair.

‘Hello Howard, how are things?’ I said.

‘Very good my boy, very good. I’m pleased you came back for another visit. I’ve heard great things about you. You sir are welcome here any time.’ Howard said magnanimously.

‘Well, now I’m sorry I brought you a bribe. I guess I could find someone else to give this to.’ I said removing the cognac from the bag. Howard’s eyes lit up when he saw it.

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The next morning, after taking a shower together, I opened my closet for the first time and all of the clothes were real new looking. There were tracksuits for working out, dress clothes for going out and I opened a drawer and found some man bling. I put on some boxers, then some nice clothes. I looked through the mail and noticed something from PepsiCo. I opened it and it was a residual check for $200,000 – looking at the detail, I remembered the day I got asked, ‘Martin McTavish, you...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Karen Our First Time Conclusion

I could feel thepressure if her thighs against my ears, and if that wasn’t proof enough, her ragged breathing and ecstatic moans told me of her orgasm. Her hands both full of my hair, she pulled me up from her moist cleft. She thrust her hips against my face, saying, “Fuck me Grey! Fuck me now!” With a smile on my face and her essence on my nose and chin, I replied, “Not until I drink my fill from your cunt!”, and returned to my task of taking her over the edge once again. With my mouth...

Straight Sex
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Colors of the NightChapter 2

Travis watched the dawn spread across the sky from the front room. He could feel the heavy bags under his eyes but he refused to glance in the mirror to confirm just how bad he looked. His feet were leaden and his head was logy as well. He gazed at the teenager sitting in the overstuffed chair, drinking in again her lithe form and her face. She was dressed in black britches and a black blousy shirt that shimmered when the light hit it. Her attire was complete with black boots that reached...

2 years ago
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The Woman From Driving School

Hi Indian sex stories readers I’m Sean . From Kochi , Kerala . I have been a reader of Indian sex stories for years . Its really a great platform to know how horny our guys are and how wanting our females are . For any further conversation with me or any more insights on any aspect either in the incidents or about me you can contact me on This is my first and foremost donation to the world of Indian sex stories readers. This incident happen a year back and it took me a while to pen down my...

1 year ago
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Helena n I Br0 Breeds Ss on Cam 2

Helena and I erotically enjoy a handful occasions in a handful of years of privacy, priving private parts in public.Helena and I enormously enjoy slow seductive steps to get closer to mutual masturbation or sexual satisfaction.Helena and I erotic experiments are rare, loving looks, curious questions, some requests to get us steps further.Helena and I eat each others with our eyes only, no idea what 'eat a peach' or 'munch my banana' might mean!Helena and I is a very long love, slow seduction...

2 years ago
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Jaya Joy

While I was cherishing the sexciting moments I had with Kamini (My aunt), I was worried too. More than me Kamini was worried. (hi readers hope you would have read my earlier submission Kamini, if not, please read to know the reason for our worry). I have decided to seek pardon from Jaya, so that, she doesnot make any mess in the family about the incest I had with my aunt (Kamini). I went to Jaya’s house, which is in the same street about five houses from our home.I, rang the door bell, Jaya...

1 year ago
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Biker slut 3

A horny Biker slut Day 3The night before the bikers left the Biker bar and drove to the final destination, a chalet at a campsite on the French coast and because they arrived laid and tired, everyone crawled immediately into bed and let their Biker slut also a night's rest.When every one waked up, the sun was already high in the sky and the Bikers wants to explore the campsite. John told their Biker slut that she must shave her cunt and put on her short skirt and a tiny gold bikini top where...

2 years ago
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Die Nymphomanin Kapitel 2

Es war ein ganz normaler Mittwoch, ich gammelte nachmittags gemütlich am PC in meiner Studentenwohnung und zockte Battlefield mit Freunden, als ich eine Kurzmitteilung von Muriel erhielt. Zugegeben, seitdem ich sie auf der Studihausparty kennengelernt hatte ging alles drunter und drüber in meinem Leben, die unvergessliche Nacht mit ihr schwebte mir immer noch im Kopf rum und obwohl schon ein paar Tage vergangen waren und wir uns ständig SMS schickten, hatte ich weder eine Ahnung was das Ganze...

2 years ago
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Joey Becomes My Slave Part Five Final Chapter

Mark awoke to Joey on one side and me on the other side and we were kissing and licking his neck to wake him up. He stretched out and put one of his muscled arms around each of us and said, "Ok, I'm awake and just what do my gorgeous sluts have on those dirty minds?"I said, "We want to lick you from head to toe Master.""Ask me nice and I might allow it." Mark said.I put his hand on one of my tits and said, "Please Sir. We would very much like to put a smile on your face this morning....

1 year ago
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happy new year momy

It’s been three weeks since school ended for the year. I feel good for I did exceptionally well, as my marks will attest. I’m looking forward to high school next September. The thought of high school makes me feel grown up. I’ve watched high school girls at the malls, and on the street, and they seem to be very mature. I would love to be able to dress as they do, but, I know it’s only a dream. Mom doesn’t earn that kind of money to indulge me in designer clothing. I’ve been babysitting since I...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 5

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 Part Five : Eden in the Garden Shirley had awoken early the following morning blushing; she was almost in shock as she recalled how naughty she had been the previous night. She and Jamal had gone clubbing, and it had turned out to be even more fun than she ever thought it could be. She had downed quite a few drinks early enough for Dutch courage. As the alcohol began to take effect, her inhibitions plummeted paving the way for...

1 year ago
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He Was My Best Friend

Hey, this is my first story, and your comments would be greatly appreciated. Please point out things I could improve on. Thanks. He moved a few pieces of hair out of my face and kissed me. I cuddled closer to him, not wanting this moment to end. ‘Danielle, I love you.’ ‘I love you too Der-‘ My alarm clock went off. I woke up. It was a dream. Of course it was. Why would Derek love me? We’re friends. Derek and I had been friends since sixth grade. It was rather strange, actually. Most...

4 years ago
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A New Prescription Ch 03

Author’s Note: Sorry it took so long! All comments are welcome! The house music was intense. The bass made Charmion’s heart skip an extra beat. Involuntarily, her hips started moving. She couldn’t help it. Dancing was one of the few activities that Charmion could completely lose herself in. Tonight was going to be even better because she had a mask and the anonymity would cause her to lose a few more of those tenacious inhibitions. Charmion had chosen to dress as a phoenix. Her mask...

1 year ago
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Her arrival after night out

It wasn't even a weekend night this time. It was a Tuesday and Linda had just gone out for a drink or two after work with some of her work friends.When she finally arrived home there was alot of noise at the front door and I went to help her get insideLinda had left for work that morning in a nice business suit but had arrived home in a rather dishevelled looking summer dress. While one breast was almost visable the other was in plain view as the flimsy material of the wrap around had fallen...

2 years ago
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Friend one

Built on that house of cards called a premonition, Neon left her home on the evening of March 9th and tracing familiar steps, adventured to the heart of the city. Looking up at the night sky, blinded her; the moon in perigee trapped the Christmas-theme city in a silver moonbeam. 8:54 PM. The streets were crowded. Complicit in the shoulder-to-shoulder, shoe-stepping human contact, Neon blended in with the hustle and bustle. Spring was a few weeks away, the trees were still fast asleep. Lights...

4 years ago
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Haleys BunchChapter 19

Deena’s turn: I’m really thinking that Mister Andre’s the best possible choice for legal advice on my side. “You’re not the defendant, Deena,” he said. “You’re the victim. Theoretically, the district Attorney is supposed to have your interests in mind in the application of the laws violated in your attack.” “But the defendant’s...” “Yeah, his family’s in bed with the DA and a lot of the big wheels in the area. We’re gonna see how well those wheels spin if we put some sand in the...

2 years ago
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The Shaman 1

Introduction: This is an updated version Notes on my writing. I am greatly interested in writing, using good style. If you notice errors, please feel free to comment. If on the other hand, if you dont quite like what I write about, then read someone elses stuff. The point of what I am writing, is to be erotic, without the distractions of bad grammar or punctuation. The Shaman 1 By Mod Man Copyright 2013 My wife, Sara, and I had a pretty flexible sex life. We did threesomes occasionally, and...

3 years ago
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A Fantasy

For leannaxtsxDuring the flight he had a hard time falling asleep. He kept all her posted pics in his phone and went a few times to jerk off in the bathroom while looking at her body. When he found out he was about to go to a convention for 3 days and as it happens to be the convention was at New Orleans he arranged to stay for a few more days "to see the sites". Now he was on his way and he knew he had to wait for 3 days until he could meet her. He contacted her a week before, at first she...

3 years ago
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Danis New Life Chap 6

Dani's New Life Ch. 06 by Lauries Husband © (If you haven't already, please read Dani's New Life – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4a, Part 4b and Part 5. This will make much more sense if you do...)It had turned into a very interesting morning for the beautiful, blonde Corporate Counsel. Dani had been impressed when she heard Alan's staff give their presentations at the Sales Conference/Product Launch in the hotel the day before, but she'd never seen them doing the hard, time-consuming and...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 42 Something Im Missing

February 19, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Why does the dumb plane have to be late?” Jesse complained for the third time in forty minutes. “They ran into headwinds. They should be landing any time now. But then they have to go through passport control.” “Mom One got me a new passport for Russia!” “Yes, because the old one expired.” “I wish we didn’t have to wait five months! I want to see my soldier friends!” “And Larisa?” Jesse grinned, “Yes! But Marta is here today! «Hon är jätte sött!»”...

2 years ago
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That Sunday AfternoonChapter 6 Good Counsel

The flight to Atlanta was smooth and Tuesday's meeting was very productive. Dr. Bryant and I spent a lot of time just talking to each other while the lawyers haggled over the wording in the contracts. That night we all went out to dinner together and had an enjoyable evening. Wednesday was almost a repeat of Tuesday. We actually ended earlier than we expected so I tried to get on a flight home Wednesday evening but was unable to find an open seat on any flights. I had just hung up the phone...

2 years ago
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Lust Overcomes Shyness 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone :) I will be honest, I have been a regular visitor of this Indian sex stories site since last 5 years or more maybe. By the way my age is 20 :). So, a very loyal reader lol :d. Not wasting much time, I leave this to you whether you consider my story to be real or fantasy. :) ignore my mistakes :) a bit long story My college is in another city which is not very far away from my own city, may be 40 to 45 minutes. So I used to travel by the bus, like every guy I always wished for...

1 year ago
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House Slut 31 Halloween pt1

Arriving at the party on Sam’s arm Tegan scanned the room with some anxiety. She wasn’t entirely sure what she had agreed to when Sam invited her, but she knew he wouldn’t have done so were it not going to be sexually adventurous. All she had been told was that she would be visiting the “nine circles of hell” and he’d provided her with a costume that seemed to follow an angelic theme – she wore a skimpy white wraparound dress and matching sandals, a set of costume backpiece with wings and a...

2 years ago
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My slut wife

She was trapped in her own trap. She seduced our servant Raj and in tern got raped by sex crazed raj. I found the video in the security camera of our bed room which was secretly installed. It started like this It shows my young wife in the bed wearing a flimsy buttoned up front opening half sleeve nightie calling out for our servant raj.As he arrived she asked him for a foot massage.she pulled the nightie slightly and lied sideways. Raj startred to massage her foot .he started at her toe, her...

3 years ago
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The War of the Angels part 5

"How- what- why-" Stephanie stammered as the flame-haired Scottish girl looked at her expectantly. "I think you might need to sit down," Lauren giggled. "As I said, I've got a car waiting..." "Umm, okay," Stephanie said, following Lauren to her car in a state of near-shock. "Why- why did you-" "Why did I take the option that was best for my career?" Lauren asked. "Kinda answered your own question there, didn't you? Steph... We've gone as far as we can with out of Heaven. And sure,...

2 years ago
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In his absence

Introduction: Wrote this one a while ago. I typically like my stories to get right to the good stuff, lol, so having all this character lead in is something Im not overly familiar with. Never had this happen to me personally, so not sure how realistic it is, but it seems like it has possibilities! Lizzie let out a sigh of relief as she reached the top step of her front porch. Just one more step, and she was home free, another hectic week melting into a nice, relaxing weekend. Even though she...

3 years ago
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A Life in the ServiceChapter 3 Scout Recon

I had two days before the transport left heading out to the station where fifth regiment was based. During transit I wore my class C dress uniform which was more comfort than the other two. It consisted of soft dark blue pants with a thin sleeved dark blue turtle neck. On the plus side I did not have to wear my awards so everyone and their sister did not go to attention and salute me when they saw me. I walked off the shuttle with returning men and women. I was pulling my EQ and weapon’s bag...

2 years ago
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my sister in low 2

"Don't say anything Mitch, not now. I want you to call me next week in my office, and we'll have lunch."I had to ask. "Nikki, did Cassie put you up to this?"She smiled and walked over to the bed, kissing me soundly. "No, you amazing man, she didn't."I could have sworn just as she closed the bedroom door after walking out, she whispered, "Sara did..."I laid in bed for a bit musing over the best sex I had had in two years. I had some extraordinarily quick, but satisfying, sex with my sister in...

1 year ago
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Chachi Ka Maja Liya 8211 Part II

Hi dosto mai Rohan aap sabke liye ek or sacchi kahani lekar aya hu . . . .ummid hai ye story bhi aap logo ko jarur pasand aayegi ye kahani bhi meri pichli kahani ki tarah bilkul sacchi kahani hai to baat un dino ki hai jab mai 12th me study karta tha or mere final exams start ho chuke the…meri chachi jiska naam anita hai wo mere ghar se thodi dur par hi unka ghar hai . . Mai aksar waha jaya karta tha . . .meri chachi ki age lagbhag 38 yr hai gand to pucho mat itni badi badi hai ki use dekhkar...

3 years ago
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Pregnant MomChapter 7

Several days later I was outside mowing when my mother called to me. "David, you had better get a shower if we are going to go to the movies tonight." "Okay, Mom, be right in." I put the mower into the shed and hurried into the house. Mom and me were going to a movie, almost like a date, I figured. After my mother had let me tit fuck her, nothing happened for several days. She has not come to my room since then. I waited each night for her and finally went to sleep frustrated. I never...

4 years ago
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RunnerChapter 9

9:11 PM: Cheyenne, Wyoming: Matt: I ran over to the KFC to get dinner with Marybeth. I ordered two bucket-meals with multiple side orders for all of us. While we were over at KFC, the girls had run into Wal-Mart and picked up a few items. I felt my cell phone buzz in my pocket as I paid the bill, and we carried the food back to the RV. We enjoyed a good meal, and I booted up the laptop. I brought up the news and started checking to see what we had missed in the last few days. We watched...

3 years ago
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The Works Course

This is the story of my first gangbang and the making of a slut whilst I was away on a works course. The week I was away changed my outlook and attitude on sex, showing my husband and me what we had been missing out on, and what a slut I really was all along. It all started on the second night, the first night had been pretty boring sat in my room reading, so the second night I decided to go down to the bar for a drink. After about half an hour, two men came over and started to chat to me,...

1 year ago
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A Nice Break From Studying

I bite down hard, my teeth digging into my pencil. Time is moving too slowly and I have made no progress on my homework. I can’t do it anymore. I get up to get a glass of water and I pass by the bathroom door. It is slightly ajar and I don’t dare take a peek. I can hear my older sister, Julia, belting out her latest favorite song while showers. I resist the urge to open the door further; I just couldn’t do it. Sitting back down, my mind starts to wander. I’ve always had a… fascination with...

1 year ago
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Tables Turned

Paul and Nat invited Tina and I around for a BBQ and drinks which usually turns out to be a good night as they have a great hot tub at the back of their house. There's nothing like relaxing in the hot water with a few glassses of wine - and the girls always look very hot. Tina was going to be away in Athens with her work on the evening in question and i toyed with whether I should or shouldn't go. What the hell, I was only going to end up wanking on xnxx anyway so I agreed to go. It was...

1 year ago
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Monster Girl

Reddit Monster Girl, aka r/MonsterGirl! How confused are you by the name of this subreddit? Monster Girl, the fuck does that mean? Now, for those who do not frequently browse through hentai and other animated pornography might not be aware that monsters are like a fetish in that world… and thus, we have a subreddit that is dedicated to monster chicks. As soon as you check out r/MonsterGirl/, you will know exactly what the fuck I is a free website with thousands of other...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Bua Ki Gand Mari

Hello friends I’m sunny back again continuing the incident which I witnessed and shared with u people in last part i.e. how lawyer working in my father’s company fucked my Bua you thought the fun ended there and think again those who haven’t read my earlier story please read it this one is connected to that part lawyer ne bua ko choda let me come straight to the point now. Jaise hi lawyer uncle wahan se gaye maine lower to pehle hi nikal diya tha ab t-shirt nikal k bua k kamre me bhag kar gaya...

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