Extra-curricular Activities. free porn video

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I sat down at my desk and sighed angrily as the person I had just finished interviewing left. They would not be getting the job. This set of interviews was turning out to be a right pain in the ass. I looked at my list of names and saw that I had one left for the day, and I wasn't holding out hope that this person would shine or be any better than the others I had interviewed.

I looked at the name on the sheet; Gabrielle Davidson. It seemed vaguely familiar to me, but I paid this no attention. I had been in teaching for a while now, names repeated themselves and often seemed familiar to me. 

I glanced briefly over her resume again, not paying much attention to it. Her resume was very impressive, but I still wasn't holding out much hope. Several of the other interviewees resumes and references had been impressive, but that was only on paper. In person it was a different story. I stood up and stretched, groaning slightly after a day of sitting down. I walked around my office and threw open one of the windows; a light afternoon breeze wafted in. 

There was a knock on the door and my secretary came into the office. "Mr Goodman," she said, "Miss Davidson is here for her interview."

"She is?" She was ten minutes early, which impressed me slightly and gave me a good feeling about her, but still I wasn't fully confident. "Send her in then," I said. I sat down and straightened myself up. Into my office walked a very attractive young woman, with shiny dark brown eyes and a friendly smile that held the hint of flirtation in it. Gabrielle Davidson, I thought, oh my God, it's you. I couldn't believe this. I actually could not believe this. 

"May I?" she asked, pointing to the chair in front of my desk. All I could do was nod dumbly, and she smiled at me again. Sitting in front of me was one of my old students, from when I had been new to the teaching game. I had been in my third year of teaching, she was sixteen years old and full of promise with a bright future ahead of her. I had predicted ten years ago that she would go on to do something great. Now, here she was in front of me, at age twenty six, and I was interviewing for her a teaching position in my school. 

She had been a good student, not my best ever student, but she was a good student. Some of the more loud and aggressively intelligentsia had overtaken her. Gabrielle seemed happy to sit back and let the know-it-all's take the spotlight. But she could snap, boy could she. She had been on the debate team at school, I remembered that. I had watched some of them where she'd participated. Her voice, while not the loudest, was still commanding and it carried. She had a quick wit and a sharp tongue, and I remembered in one of the debates, she had reduced her opponent to red-faced embarrassment with one simple comment. It wasn't what she said, it was how she said it.

Sitting in my office ten years on, she was no longer a baby-faced, slightly chubby sixteen-year-old, but a grown woman. She still had the same, almost innocent look in her face, but the chubby cheeks and babyish qualities had faded. Now she had a good, strong bone structure that was very nearly severe but saved itself from being that way from the innocent look she still carried. Perhaps it was her dark eyes? So dark brown that they looked almost black. Not harsh black, but a subtle, smokey brownish/black. Her hair, in contrast to her eyes, was a light mahogany brown, with hints of gold and red. Whether this was natural or obtained from a bottle, I didn't know, but she suited it very well. 

"Gabrielle," I said, hating that my voice sounded as if it were full of awe and wonderment at her being here.

"Mr Goodman," she said in return, sounding very confidant in comparison. She smiled at me again and I almost lost it for a second time. She should have been nervous and a bumbling mess, not me. Get a grip man. Pull yourself together. 

"So, tell me about yourself, since High School," I said, trying to regain some control of the situation. I was in charge, not her. 

"After graduating High School I worked for a year, earning money and saving up before I went off to college. I attended the University of New Hampshire, studying sociology and art history. After I graduated I decided to turn that knowledge into a teaching degree, so I went off and trained to be a teacher," she explained. 

"You've had teaching jobs in the past?" I asked. 

"Yes. I've been a substitute teacher for a year now. My last job was at a High School in New York for seven months while the teacher was away on maternity leave. I ended up staying longer because her father died while she was away."

"That was at..." I said, reading back through her file, which I had partially neglected earlier, "Andrew Jackson High School? The principal and other teachers wrote a sterling review of you. So did the principal at the other school you taught at for a brief period. You have been very popular it seems, Gabrielle," I said. "Sorry, Miss Davidson," I said. This girl was no longer my student, she was my equal, and though I hadn't seen her in years, it was hard to break the habit. 

"It's okay," she said, smiling. "It happens; after all you were my teacher, but now, here we are."

Yes, I thought, here we are. I had to admit, that at this stage I was very, very impressed with Gabrielle, as well as being attracted to her, which was odd because when I knew her, she was a teenager. Barely a woman. So seeing her now all grown and looking as womanly as hell, it was confusing. I asked a few more questions and explained to her the position as I was certain that I would hire her. I was keen to find out more about her and her life after I had left the school. She may be a Miss, but that didn't mean that she didn't have a boyfriend or significant other.

A year after Gabrielle had been in my class, I left the school and moved West to California, gaining employment in a small school, but I left after just a year as I was having issues with faculty and administration. I then went on to New Jersey, where I was the Vice Principal of a middle school for six years before leaving for the job I currently held. I moved back to Virginia with my wife, who I had met while in California, and gained a job as Principal of James Madison High School. 

"So, tell me," I said, leaning back in my chair slightly, "why did you not stay local for College? Why New Hampshire, of all places?"

"Change of pace, I wanted something different. The small town was just that - small, so I packed up and moved away. I also followed my boyfriend to New England."

"Boyfriend?" I asked. "Any plans to get married and settle down with him?" Perhaps it wasn't my place to pry into her personal life, but I was curious. 

Gabrielle, though, seemed unfazed with my line of questioning. "Oh no," she said. "We're not together anymore. We've been on and off for the past three years but we finally split a few months ago."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that."

Gabrielle shrugged. "It happens. Long-distance relationships don't always work, and ours was no exception. I see you are married now. Congratulations."

"Thank you." 

"So, who is the lucky lady? Anyone from school?" She was, of course, referring to the rumored relationship between myself and Ms Rivers, a fellow teacher at the school where I first taught and where Gabrielle was a student. The rumor wasn't entirely false, Leslie Rivers and I would get together on occasion and bang, but it wasn't as intense as the student rumors made it out to be. We weren't secretly married and we weren't all loved up. In any case, she was still technically married. She was separating, but if we had married, as the rumors suggested, then it would have been illegal. 

"No, no. Her name is Nina. We met when I was in California and married three months after meeting."

"Congratulations," Gabrielle smiled warmly. 

"Yes," I mumbled. As of late I had been having problems in my marriage. Nina seemed disinterested in sex and intimacy. She wouldn't even entertain the idea of anything, it was always a firm and harsh "No" from her. Even when I offered to be there for her fully, she said no. I didn't even have to get off myself, it could be all about her, but still she refused. I had no idea what was going on. She wouldn't even talk to me. So for the good part of a year, I had been mostly shut out, maybe having sex three times. 

"How long have you been the Principal here?" she asked. 

"Coming up three years. I love it here, this is a great school."

"I'm sure it is," she said, smiling at me again, a gorgeous little grin. 

"Perhaps this is presumptuous of me," I started, deciding then and there that I would hire her. My cock may have had a part in that decision, as every time she grinned at me, it hardened slightly in my pants. "But I would love it, if you would come and work for us in the Social Studies department."

"Really? Thank you so much, Mr Goodman."

"My pleasure," I answered, standing up. "Can you come back tomorrow? We can do all the paper work and induction stuff then."

"Of course I can," she smiled, standing up and shaking my hand. "I look forward to working with you Mr Goodman." She smiled at me once more, her flirtatious little grin, and then left my office, leaving me with some very awkward phone calls to make.

When she came in the next day to go through paper work and all the formalities of starting a new job, she was dressed slightly more casually. She was still presented nicely, but gone was the high waisted skirt and light pink blouse. She was now wearing tight jeans, which clung to her ass and legs and gave me a good view of everything she had to offer, pretty heels and a floral shirt. She also wore her hair down, which flowed down most of her back in gorgeous brown and red/gold waves. For the duration of that brief meeting it was hard for me to stay focused. If it was like this now, what would it be like when she was working for me and when she was a staff member?

At one point, I was even too scared to stand up for fear of her seeing the effect she was having on me and my cock, which was growing harder by the second, pressed up against my pants. Thankfully, I was able to control myself enough to give her a tour of the school and show her to her new classroom. It was strange for me to see Gabrielle all grown up and womanly. I had only ever known her ten years ago when she was a teenager. Sure she was pretty back then, but I never gave it much notice. Mostly because she was only sixteen and it was illegal, but also because I had never taken any notice of the female students at the school. 

But now here she was, no longer sixteen years old. It was confusing but at the same time I was enjoying having her around. On her first official day of teaching, I made sure to check in on her a few times between classes, in case she was having trouble with any of the students, but she assured me that she was fine. Truth be told, I had an ulterior motive for checking in. I just wanted to see her.

Since meeting her again, I'd had a few naughty dreams about Gabrielle, which made for an interesting masturbation session in the shower. My fantasies always revolved around us either being in my office or her new classroom, where she would find me absolutely irresistible. I would either have her bent over the desk, or she would be on top of the desk and I would be in between her legs. I got quite detailed with my fantasies, especially as Nina was never in the mood. 

Maybe I was conceited, but at thirty-eight years old I was still a good looking guy. At five foot ten, I was tall, muscular and toned; I had most of my hair, which was a dirty blond color. Perhaps not as thick as it once was, but I was by no means bald. My hazel eyes were still bright and alert and they did their job well, though I did sometimes wear reading glasses. I was also not doing too bad in the downstairs department with a circumcised cock that was just over eight inches.

In my dreams, Gabrielle found me so irresistible and appealing that she couldn't control herself, but whether or not that was reality I didn't know. I saw her looking at me a few times but I always doubted myself afterwards. In my mind it was a schoolgirl crush, except she wasn't a schoolgirl anymore. She was a woman.

At the end of her first week, I checked in with her again and asked how she was finding things. It was four-thirty on a Friday afternoon, most of the staff had gone home and all of students had, except for those in detention, and that was on the other side of the school. 

"How was your first week?" I asked, standing in the doorway of her classroom, which she was slowly transforming into one of the best looking classrooms and learning environments in the school. 

"It was good thank you," she answered. "Please, come in."

I strode in and perched myself on a front row desk that was nearest to her. "Any issues with the students?"

"A few, but that is to be expected. It's nothing I can't handle, just stupid boys making remarks."

"You shouldn't have to put up with that. If you have any issues, send the students to my office."

"Okay," considered Gabrielle. "But that would be the equivalent of me 'running to mommy'. They would think that I couldn't handle myself if I went to you at the first sign of trouble."

"Fair point," I conceded. "But, the offer still stands, as does my statement. You shouldn't have to put up with foul language and vulgar remarks. No teacher should. But, if I remember correctly, you had quite a sharp tongue on you. If it so pleased you, you could reduce the troublesome students to red-faced embarrassment and insignificance."

Gabrielle laughed a little. "Mr Goodman, they're my students, not members of an opposing debating team."

"I was on the receiving end of your sarcastic comments a few times. Never before have I felt so small and belittled in my life," I replied, laughing with her. "But the offer still stands."

"Thank you, Mr Goodman."

"Call me Richard." 

"Okay... Richard." I thought I heard her falter slightly and I wondered if perhaps I wasn't as crazy as I first thought. 

"Any plans for the weekend?" I asked. 

"I'm having lunch with my parents on Sunday, but that is as exciting as it gets for me."

"An attractive girl like you, I would have thought the offers were flying in," I stated.

Again, I saw her falter slightly and again I thought that maybe I wasn't crazy, that maybe there was something there. I stood up from where I was perched and went and sat on the corner of Gabrielle's desk. She turned her head away from me slightly and I could see her blushing, which turned me on. I held her hand and placed it gently across the faint bulge in my suit pants, which grew when her hand was placed on it. 

She didn't move her hand straight away, she kept it there, but still she wouldn't give me eye contact. I heard the slight change in her breathing pattern and I wondered if she was becoming turned on by all of this like I was. She was so very attractive and appealing to me, and the fact that not only was she a member of staff, but also one of my old students, made it all the naughtier for me and slightly taboo. I mean, sure she was no longer my student, and this version of Gabrielle, the sexy, intelligent woman, I would rather have than the shy sixteen year old. 

I put my hand on top of hers where it rested on the ever-growing bulge in my pants, and I squeezed. I saw her swallow, but still she didn't look at me. I then moved her hand up and down on me. It was at this moment that she pulled her hand away and stood up suddenly, obviously conflicted about the situation.

"Mr Goodman... Richard," she said, turning to face me. "We can't do this."

"Why not?" 

"Because you're my boss for starters, as well as being my past teacher. You're also married."


"Don't you see the compromising position that would put both of us in?" She had a point, but I wasn't about to back up her point. I wanted this and I was fairly certain that she did also, but she was being sensible about things. I, however, was not. Sense be damned. 

"Nobody has to know. It would, of course, stay between us," I said. 

"What about at work? Things could become incredibly awkward, and I don't want to ruin a good thing. I enjoy working here, I like my job."

"Again, nobody else needs to know. It would be our secret. Why would it make things awkward? You say that as if you're expecting disaster."

She had slowly made her way back to her desk, thinking about what she was going to say next. Her defenses were weakening, I could tell. Maybe the prospect was becoming more and more attractive to her? I walked towards her and slipped my arms around her waist and drew her closer to me. She didn't fight me, but she didn't fully welcome the attention either. I could almost see the thoughts in her head. She was torn between giving in, and leaving. Admittedly, her reluctance was a turn on. 

"We shouldn't," she said, her voice sounding weak. She was losing her internal battle, she was letting her body win, rather than her brain. I leaned down and kissed her, softly at first to try and gauge her reaction to me. When I felt her kiss me back, I increased the pressure of my kiss and slipped my tongue into her mouth, drawing her into me more. She moaned against me and gave in, letting her body win the battle. She ran fingers through my hair and down my back before bringing her hands back around to the front, where they rested once more on the bulge in my pants, stroking and gripping it, making it grow harder. 

I moved my hands down her body and gripped her ass, which was firm and round. When I gripped her ass, I pulled her in closer and, for a brief moment, she was grinding me, which felt very, very good. The urgency took over after that, as we both unbuttoned each other's shirts and let them fall to the floor. Her fingers were fast and deft, while I was slightly clumsy with my movements. It had been a long time since I'd taken the time to undress a lady and rid her of a satin shirt. 

Gabrielle slipped out of her heels and we were no longer eye to eye, but she was still tall at five foot eight. She ran her fingers lightly through the hair on my chest, running her finger tips over my nipples. I noticed also that her nipples were two firm little points through the material of her black bra. She was as turned on as I was, and I wagered that she wanted this as much as I did. We kissed again and I pulled her hair loose, feeling it tumble through my fingers and down her back, the subtle scent of her shampoo filling the space around us. Her hair was thick and wavy, but also silky and soft. I loved it when women's hair smelled like pretty things, I found it incredibly sexy.

As we kissed, I found myself being pushed into the large chair behind the desk. My pants were undone and pushed down, and my cock was freed. I saw Gabrielle's eyes widen slightly, but this was very brief as she got down on her knees and started sucking me.

She sucked on the head first, taking that into her warm mouth, and then she licked up and down my length and all around, teasing me. My wife didn't like to perform oral sex on me. It was a treat when she did, usually reserved for my birthday. In the last two years, we hadn't even done that, we'd just had straight sex. Nothing wild or adventurous like when we first got together and first married. For whatever reason, that spark was gone. I was trying to get it back and rekindle the flame, but she wasn't open to any suggestions or new ideas. 

But I forced all thoughts of my wife from my mind and concentrated on the beautiful young woman with a mouthful of my dick, sucking it and taking it deeper into her mouth. It had been so long since I had last received a blowjob, that I was in danger of reaching an orgasm a lot quicker than I would have liked. Her mouth felt so good around me, so warm and wet, and the suction was so tight. Though it pained me to stop her, I pulled her off my dick and got her to sit on the edge of the desk.

Her dark gray pencil skirt was unzipped and fell to the floor, so that she was in front of me in just her underwear. Her bra was plain black, slightly sheer material and her panties, while black, were lacy and sexy and also slightly sheer. But they were quickly removed. 

She was mostly bare down there and it was obvious that she either shaved or waxed. Some dark hair still remained up top but she was mostly free of hair. I got Gabrielle to lean back slightly and spread her legs, revealing herself to me. I realized in that moment, that if anyone had caught us it would be obvious what was going on, and hard to talk ourselves out of the situation. But I was confident that this would not be the case as it was after four thirty on a Friday afternoon and everyone was keen to get out of the place. I brought the chair in closer to the desk, and leaned down, seeing how wet and turned on she was. 

I licked up and down her slit and the lips, using teasing strokes of my tongue. Gabrielle leaned back further and she was revealed to me even more, and I had easier access to her most private and intimate area. I licked her folds, managing to dodge her clitoris, instead going around it, teasing her even more before running my tongue over it, making her shudder and sigh. I repeated this several times, teasing her and missing the obvious target, and then paying it attention, licking and sucking her clitoris. I then focused my attentions lower, running my tongue from her clitoris and further down to her center. 

I licked all around this and then dipped my tongue in. I licked back up to her clitoris, and then went down lower again, dipping and probing with my tongue, very clearly driving her crazy with my teasing. I was bringing her closer and closer to the edge, I could tell. Her breathing was heavier and her moans were louder, though she was conscious of how much noise she was making. Getting caught would put us both in a very awkward position. 

I went back and sucked on her clit, swirling my tongue around. While I did this I slipped one finger inside of her, feeling how tight and wet she was around me. Gabrielle moaned and bucked her hips, creeping ever closer. I managed, though there was some resistance, to get a second finger inside her. I moved my fingers back and forth, sucking on her clit, swirling my tongue around it. This took her over the edge and she had a very loud and intense orgasm, which lasted for a while as I kept going, not letting up. 

When I allowed her to calm down, I pulled my fingers from her and sat back, admiring her post orgasmic body. She was panting and breathing heavily, her nipples firm nubs through the material of her bra. Her skin was flushed rosy pink. She looked stunning.

I pulled her into me so she was on my lap and we kissed again, my tongue in her mouth, allowing her to taste herself, which I guessed her ex-boyfriend had probably never done. She placed her thighs astride mine and grabbed my cock, lowering herself slightly so she could run it up and down her pussy, lubricating it. Slowly, very slowly, she pressed it into her. It being rather big and Gabrielle being very tight, it took some time, but soon I was in, and it was only a matter of time before I was thrusting fully inside her. We kissed as she ground her hips, moaning against my mouth. 

"Oh God," she whispered, breaking the kiss off. "You're so deep inside me."

She let out a loud moan as we continued to fuck. Except it was something more than fucking. It wasn't quite lovemaking, but it wasn't just a quick fuck. It was sex between two people who were attracted to each other and had feelings, but it wasn't full lovemaking. I grabbed Gabrielle's hips and thrust up to her, which she met, moving up and down on me. Her tits looked pretty amazing, bouncing in front of my face. I kissed each milky white breast that was still in her bra and licked the skin. Again she moaned. 

I was building up to an orgasm, I could feel it. It was that familiar tingle that started small and then radiated out until it was a warm glow all over my body. I wrapped my arms around her back, drawing her into me, changing the angle and depth slightly. We were matching each other for volume, both of us making a similar series of noises as I felt my orgasm approach and then explode from me deep into Gabrielle. 

After the act was over, we stood up and dressed in silence, pondering what had just happened and if it would change things between us. Gabrielle straightened herself up, faastening the last button on her shirt. She smiled at me, her friendly and flirtatious grin, and then kissed me as she collected her handbag and belongings. 

"See you on Monday, Mr Goodman," she said seductively. In that moment, I was glad I had hired Gabrielle Davidson, a former student of mine.

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ExtraCurricular Part 6

Your sins will find you out … Hell, and sometimes they’ll bite you full on the ass. Mandy knew that the green micro-bikini was not a coincidence. She had no clear recollection of having told Gavin about it, but maybe she had mentioned Mandy Summers at some point during their reckless evening, provided enough information for him to track down the photos online; the swimwear he had located was virtually identical to that from which she had stripped during her bygone shoot. Christ, he must have...

4 years ago
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ExtraCurricular Part 7

Josh’s cock was a protrusion of aching granite, the pre-cum oozing like syrup all over his knuckles. The scene to which he was bearing witness had all but overwhelmed him. Pretty Christina, his one-off fuck from the restaurant, had been turned into an orgasm-raddled play toy before his eyes, with her precious Miss Winter extracting the climax. The sixth-form student was shuddering out of control, Gavin releasing her breasts so that they could shiver and bounce all through her helpless pleasure....

2 years ago
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ExtraCurricular Part 8

My terms. This should be on my fucking terms.So raged Amanda Winter’s mind as Gavin McClain’s cock provided her with the reaming of her life.Not that she’d have let it happen—there was the rub—however much she masturbated to memories of the previous evening. Gavin’s engineering of this event was catering to the darkest desires of her heart and Mandy revelled in it even as her counterpart plotted revenge. For revenge there would be. Somehow. Someday …For now she’d enjoy his control and use of...

3 years ago
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ExtraCurricular Part 9

Christ, he has me fucking a damned cucumber!In the midst of her erotic haze, Amanda added to her list of reasons why this cocky youngster deserved her wrath. But she kept moving on the cucumber, not least because her sexy schoolgirl charge was on the other end, sweaty and bedraggled with mascara-smeared cheeks. Good God, what a hot slutty mess that girl’s become. It’s a really good look for her.She had recovered from Gavin’s face-fucking barrage in time to witness some weirdly tender interlude...

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ExtraCurricular Part 10

Up to the moment when Gavin shoved the item before her face, Amanda was entranced.She hadn’t wished these circumstances upon Christina, but now that the girl was immersed, well look at her. Absorbing the discomfort of Josh’s anal intrusion and, having done it, becoming so clearly possessed by the pleasure. Uttering unearthly sounds with her head lolling, as sexual need consumed her, body and mind. The nice-girl yielding to her true slut-self with nothing to be done about it, and at such a...

2 years ago
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Extra Curricular StudiesChapter 5 Pain and love

Stephen Nervously I parked in front of the Blythe's large house. Jenny had been several times before and knew what to expect but I'd kept myself away from social occasions for obvious reasons. Two other cars were in the drive; one I recognised as Clarissa's and the other Jenny said, belonged to Howard's sister, Mary Chatwin and her husband Costain. "Her two twin twenty-year old daughters, Marika and Katrina, may well be with her. They're doing arts courses in Edinburgh so they're...

2 years ago
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my girlfriends extra curricular activities are exposed1

Me: you were too distracted by matt playing with your pussy under your dress as you were kissing to notice me crouched in the bushes right in front of the building next door to the studio . I knew you’d eventually show up at your studio because after admitting to me your interest to fuck him without pause named that as solution to having no other location that could offer such ideal conditions for you to have the kind of time you needed to have that cock without fear of interruption or...

3 years ago
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Submissive bisexual activities

For those of you who are also submissive (and either gay or bisexual), what submissive experiences have you had that you really enjoyed? Any of the above activities, or something else? Do you have suggestions for things that I might want to try?In recent years, I noticed that I really had more and more submissive tendencies. And not just submissive, but also tendencies to be bisexual.The first step was getting over the hump and actually sucking a cock. To be honest, this took a while for me as...

4 years ago
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Husband is a witness to his neighbors swinging activities

The candle light was flickering between the bushes at the house next door and Don knew something was going on again. He hurried over and slipped into his tennis shoes and hollered out to his wife Kelly. “Honey. I’m going for a short walk. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Don rushed out the back door before Kelly had time to question him on where he was going or perhaps ask him if she could join him on his walk. Don’s heart began to beat at a faster rate as he...

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Daughters DelightsChapter 8 Social Activities

The solution to the difficulties of guarding the Princess in formal University academic activities did not make it any easier for her to take part in the various social activities which constitute such an important part of the University experience. She wanted to join the Chess Club, and like most youngsters she wanted to go to the dances and other events, but being accompanied by four large and menacing bodyguards did not make for much approachability in a relaxed setting. Slowly, as the...

3 years ago
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The Art of Anal Book One of Guide to Sexy Activities

Introduction: Are you curious? This is for anyone who has a butthole and wants to know how to use it. Lots of Lube and Patience. There might be poop. Everyone has a butthole. This means everyone has the opportunity to experience the pleasure of butt play. Those are three universal truths regarding the Art of Anal. Confidence is always the first step to any sexual encounter. This is something I post at the beginning of all my guides. Whether you are attracting a mate, trying something new,...

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Extra Credit0

She had plenty of friends but the last thing she wanted to do was ask them about this and get a label. She did not know what she was going to do but she was sure that she had to live her fantasy, and soon. And as she sat at her desk grading papers, the idea hit her: she could be with some of her students. After all, she was a college teacher so it was not as if her students were underage or anything. In fact, many of them were her age, 27 years old. There were a few guys that she liked and was...

3 years ago
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Extra Classes 2

This is the continuation of my previous story “Extra Classes” (please read it if not done so yet, for information about me and my fantasy). As usual your positive comments would be delightfully appreciated and I would accept any negative comment with utmost PLEASURE too (oh the pun!). Here a brief recap of Extra Classes, I was having extra classes with my Science teacher Mrs. Sophie (who, by the way, is my fantasy). I was too attracted to her sexy looks and huge tits (don’t forget the asses...

2 years ago
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Extra classes

This is my first story so please be a bit easy on me. I would love your suggestions for my future stories and you are most welcome to point out my mistakes (although I’ll try not to commit any) And now for the story… Here it goes… It was maybe about 3 months ago that I had joined a private coaching center because I was lagging a bit in studies and my parents wanted me to score well. It was their idea to send me to a coaching center so that I could get some help and perform better and after a...

4 years ago
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After School Activities

I stood up and moved to the front of the class. After clapping my hands a couple of times and clearing my throat very loudly, the attention of 4B, St Mary's High School, was finally mine."Okay, boys and girls, before you all go, I'd like once again to thank Mr. Harrison for taking the lesson and you lot for not making things too difficult for him, and we'll look forward to seeing him next week." Throughout the classroom faces, with expressions of innate boredom, began nodding whilst others...

3 years ago
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After Work activities

After Work activities : Part 1"Thank goodness" I said to myself as I recounted the extremely busy week the staff had at our Technology Firm..Almost in disbelief that it was friday and that i had done loads of overtime,It completely skipped my mind That there was an office party to farewell our Human resources Manager (now that she was taking maternity leave).And I didn't even Organise an outfit or heels to attend in style..So naturally one can understand my frustration,when the secure...

2 years ago
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Valentine8217s Day Activities

This story is about Valentine’s day activities when I was in Chennai for my MBA. I was staying at an apartment with a local family. The apartment was a 3 BHK, but I stayed in one room, and other rooms were used by the family members. The family consisted of a husband, wife, and son. The husband was an engineer and would come to the house only for sleep and go abroad for many months. The wife, Shruti, was a homemaker and would pamper me with all kinds of dishes. Their son was a year younger than...

1 year ago
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Extracurricular Adventures

Looking back at my early days at college, most people that met me then probably wouldn't even recognize me now. At the time, my hair was a basic shoulder-length cut without any coloring or styling, and I wore some dorky-looking prescription glasses. My wardrobe consisted of ankle-length skirts, some loose-fitting pants, and several long-sleeve blouses. My attire was considerably more conservative than that of other girls in the rural Midwest because my family was rather strict about enforcing...

2 years ago
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Extra Credit part 1

One day at school Sara was in the middle of her algebra class and she dropped her pencil. She never bends down to get it herself incase her boobs fall out of her top. So she kindly asked the boy sitting next to her, “Could you pick up my pencil for me, please? I dropped it.” The boy’s name was Jason, he had short brown hair and blue eyes and was always kind to Sara even though she liked to tease him. He picked the pencil up and handed it back to her. “Thank you.” Sara said. She noticed...

1 year ago
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Extra Credit4

Chapter 1 As the bell continues to ring, I hear "Mr Gates" from over my shoulder. "A moment please." My least favorite teacher, Mr Hill, beckons. As my fellow students exit the classroom, I reluctantly walk over to Mr Hill or Miss Hill as we refer to him in the locker room. Closing the door behind the last student, he starts, "Mr Gates, your classroom performance, rather nonperformance, is about to take you off the field. If you don't pass the test this Friday, you're done for the...

3 years ago
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Extra Credit Part 1

Every single day seemed to be one more day of torture. I mean, how could someone so perfect, someone so handsome, someone so…sexy, be my teacher? “People, this is gym class, the easiest class to pass! Why are some of you nearly failing?” Mr. Parker’s deep voice rang throughout the gymnasium, though no one responded. “Alright,” the man sighed, “if you know that you have a bad grade, come up to me sometime after class to talk to me about extra credit. You guys can do a paper or something, I...

2 years ago
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Extra Credit I Brianna

Introduction: More than one way to make a grade I flipped over another paper, another one with a subpar grade on it. I guess that makes sense, I am a very subpar person who has lead a subpar life, why should my students put out more effort than I do? Some people figure out what their talents are, and use them to supercede their limitations. But some times, I would rationalize to myself, you just have too many detractions. I stopped growing at 14, never breaching 5 7, and the hair began to thin...

4 years ago
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Extra Credit

“Does anyone know the underlying causes of World War One?” Daniel asked, drumming his pencil on his palm. He looked across the classroom, spanning for someone to raise their hand. The glazed, hung over looks of his students settled on their faces. “Anyone read last night’s assignment?” He sighed. No one even rustled. “No wonder nobody passed the quiz. Class dismissed for the day, we’ll talk about this next week.” He watched as they packed up their book bags and filed out of the classroom. He...

4 years ago
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Extra Credit

From the moment she walked into his classroom, Naomi was wildly attracted to her Professor. He sparked something within her, ignited a sexual flame that she never knew she had. She spent his lessons fantasizing about him, wondering what was underneath his clothing, the image of her bent over the desk with him behind her, played in her mind. This man was responsible for starting her personal sexual revolution. Something within her was awoken when she first laid eyes on that man.Of course he...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Extra Credit

"Well there is one thing you can do." My ears perked up immediately. "Yes, yes! I'll do anything," I begged. I had just finished giving Mr. West a long story of why I really needed some form of extra credit; I was prepared to do anything, even if that meant throwing away my morals and begging. "Come over here," he said in a rush. I nodded and went over to his side of his desk. He turned his chair towards me and wiggled his pointer finger, signaling for me to come forward. I took steps towards...

4 years ago
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Extra Credit

“Does anyone know the underlying causes of World War One?” Daniel asked, drumming his pencil on his palm. He looked across the classroom, spanning for someone to raise their hand. The glazed, hung over looks of his students settled on their faces. “Anyone read last night’s assignment?” He sighed. No one even rustled. “No wonder nobody passed the quiz. Class dismissed for the day, we’ll talk about this next week.” He watched as they packed up their book bags and filed out of the classroom. He...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Extramarital sex with a womenizer

Hello everybody, I am a 27 yrs old married women & this is my story. I am working in a very reputed AD agency in Bangalore which has it’s head office in Delhi & I have a very good friend of mine, she is also married & working with me & when I told her about my affairs she encouraged me to post my story in ISS & before she told me about this site I did not know that such a site existed. I am posting this true story of mine for all you readers enjoyment & specially for...

2 years ago
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Extramarital sex with a womenizer

Hello everybody, I am a 27 yrs old married women & this is my story. I am working in a very reputed AD agency in Bangalore which has it’s head office in Delhi & I have a very good friend of mine, she is also married & working with me & when I told her about my affairs she encouraged me to post my story in ISS & before she told me about this site I did not know that such a site existed. I am posting this true story of mine for all you readers enjoyment & specially for those married women who...

3 years ago
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Extramarital fantasy

I wish to meet a lady who is looking for an extramarital friend. Any woman looking for a naughty relationship in discreetness. If ur hubby/ boy friend is not interested in you then let us talk I am male 42 married and looking for u who is hungry like me I wish to meet a lady who is looking for an extramarital friend now in Coimbatore talk to me to know me more if u r a married lonely women U can talk to me- U can confidently discuss you feelings and problems with me I can understand since we r...

4 years ago
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Extra towels

Extra TowelsThe day was sunny and hot, just right for watching those bikini clad beauties down at the pool. But for me this would be a lonely day stuck in the hotel room with my computer working on the new specifications for the equipment my company had to install. This was a resort town and I was on vacation but my boss phoned me with an emergency, the client needed a last minute upgrade to the equipment. The work was supposed to have been finished with me enjoying some rays, cool beers and...

2 years ago
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Extra Lecture

By: Kshitiz Hello! I am Kshitiz from Delhi. I am 22 years old. We are three children (Me, My elder sister Sapna (28) and my younger sister Neha (19) of my parents. I was staying with my married sister and Jiju due to my studies. My sister (sapna) is 28 and Jiju is 34. My Jiju works as a sales representative for a well known Computer company and for that reason he many times goes out for work. My Sister is a schoolteacher in a nearby school. The entire story begins because of a cheap reason. One...

3 years ago
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Extracts Of Fear

EXTRACTS OF FEAR. Hers January 10 th 2003 Dear diary, He wasn't in the best of moods again today. I didn't catch most of his rantingbut it was as usual about work. I know he hates his job. Why doesn't he dosomething about it? We don't seem to be close anymore. We never talk or maketime for fun. Can three years of marriage really do such damage to a relationship? I don't think ill try and talk to him about it tonight. He'll probably godown the pub soon anyway, and then I can clean up. His ...

4 years ago
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Book of Blowjobs Part Two of Guide to Sexy Activities

Introduction: How to surprise your lover with an oral delight! my stories are all gender neutral, so the advice is universal. as long as at least one person has a penis, they can experience a blowjob. Blowjobs I highly suggest reading through the Anal section, the first book in my instructional series titled the Art of Anal. Preparing for oral with potential deepthroating is pretty similar to the prepwork required for anal. My two biggest points are: Your mouth is dirtier than a public...

2 years ago
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Black VelvetChapter 11 Pack Activities

“Thanks, Noza. I appreciate the help,” Jules said as he walked beside the giant male at the front of the pack. His strides were so long that Jules had to practically power walk to keep up with him. He was still somewhat wary of the giant creature, his sheer mass alone made him intimidating, even if he seemed friendly enough. Zuki was being guided along behind them, two of the pack members still supporting her weight as she stumbled and chatted incessantly. “It is our duty,” the Alpha...

2 years ago
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Extra Tuition Punished by German Frau 3

Having failed my German language mock GCSE, I ended up going to a private tutor twice a week. Frau Gunther is about twenty-eight and attractive. I’m nearly seventeen, I’m fit and like to go to the gym, so I was unhappy about two more evenings spent on school work, but my dad insisted. I was punished in part two and was then comforted by the two girls on the same course after Frau dismissed the class.Last week I was spanked nude by Frau in front of Lisa and Marie, and it hurt, both the spanking...

4 years ago
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Extra Tuition Punished by German Frau

The school headmaster told my dad that it was not worth me continuing with German language to GCSE as my mock exam results were so poor. Dad argued it was important for me to get a foreign language. The headmaster suggested that my only chance was extra tuition and discipline and he recommended Frau Gunther. I was nearly seventeen, very fit and like to spend time in the gym so the last thing I wanted was more evenings spent on school work, but dad insisted and took me to my first lesson.We...

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Extra credit

When a class teacher decided to target a below average girl by reducing her already down marks. The girl asks the teacher for extra credit but the teacher has some demands from the student. Will the student reject and fail the class or will she accept it to pass the class. Characters: EMILY: STUDENT 18 year old girl. Not good in studies. Doesn't have many friends. Wears Almost non revealing clothes. Virgin. Petite but has d cup breast. Also has a sexy figure. In desperate need to increase her...

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Extra lessons from Mrs Renauldrsquos

It was just under two and a half years before l finished my education to joined the big wide world as far as l was concerned there was nothing else anyone could teach me, but l was wrong very wrong. I was part of a small group who needed extra English lessons and as you read my story, you’ll see l didn’t pay much attention. I never took much notice, but the teacher Mrs Renauld’s would run her fingers through my hair as she passed me while l was sat at my desk and often tell me l had soft...

3 years ago
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Extra Credit

*My first attempt at a story. Somewhat based on real-life.*After working in a major technological field for over 4 years, I unexpectedly was laid off. After hammering the pavement for weeks without any leads, things were getting a bit tight financially; I was getting worried. As luck would have it, I ran into an old co-worker of mine, Bill, at a birthday party one night. He talked up his position at the local community college as a Professor. He detailed to me that they always needed...

4 years ago
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extra hour with my wife this morning

We ordered some thick bed pillows and this morning she had an extra hr. We both woke at her normal time and looked at each other. I sure enjoy her first thing in the morning. She's one of those who gets soaked with juice sleeping. She is always horny and that's a true benefit. I put that new pillow under her ass and body, took position. Had kissed and played around with her some. Did not need it, she wanted it the second her eyes opened. It forced me to take one knee and one foot. Using my...

3 years ago
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Extra Credit

I stood frozen outside of my professors office, my hand raised to knock at the door. I knew I didn't have a choice at this point, it was time for me to face the music. In the last quarter I'd really let my focus go, especially in English (usually my favorite subject). I just couldn't seem to think about work. I kept getting distracted by my professor. Watching his mouth while he lectures and the way he smooths his tie when he's sitting at his desk. I was supposed to be finishing the final draft...

2 years ago
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ExtraMarital Affair With Bhabhi

This is my second story! Thanks for the comments and personal mails the raiders sent me! This sex story is about my other post marriage experience and this actually went on to be my first extra marital affair.. Hope you will like the sex story! It had been 7 months of my wedding and me and my wife were having great sexual life! My parents in law asked who used to live in the same town told us that they are planning to take us both with their son and his wife Ananya and their three months old...


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