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Valentina Bazin was the youngest competitor to have won gold medals in the women's individual and team foil event, in an Olympic Games. She was France's sweetheart. The whole world was certain she would go on to capture many more gold medals, and win every major fencing title for her country. She had the potential to become the greatest fencer in the history of the sport. She also had a temper that matched her skills. Valentina was returning as the defending women’s foil champion to the World Fencing Championships, held in her home town of Paris, France.

Giancarlo Antonelli was a member of the Italian fencing team. Giancarlo had competed in one Olympic Games, and finished in the top twenty of the men's individual foil. A result he was more than content with. He had decided that he would compete in one final tournament before starting the process of opening his own restaurant. His true love and passion had always been cooking.

Both of Giancarlo's parents were Master Chefs. He grew up in his parents' restaurant, Il Fornello, a very popular and respected dining establishment, in Napoli. He carried many fond memories of helping his mother in the kitchen. She had been, and still was, very patient with him. When Giancarlo turned twenty-three a year ago, his mother would frequently mention that he should have been married, and given her one of many grandchildren already.

It was in the stadium's cafeteria that fate brought Valentina and Giancarlo together. The World Fencing Championships opening ceremony had concluded, and they had headed with their teammates to the cafeteria for a quick bite.

One of Giancarlo's teammates nudged him and pointed out Valentina to him. She was ahead of them in line. ”She is the best in the world. She is an incredible athlete. You should ask her for an autograph. Since you always tell us how you think she is the most beautiful girl in the world,” he chuckled.

Giancarlo laughed out loud and shook his head. “Movie stars, Rock and Roll stars, and royalty line up just to get a glimpse of how beautiful she is. No other competitor has ever asked her for an autograph. I'd look like the only fool in the room if I were to.”

Valentina turned around to see who had laughed. The laugh had sounded so full of life, playful, content, and melodic. The sound made her smile. It soothed her in a new and strange way.

When Valentina's gaze met Giancarlo's, he quickly averted her eyes and pretended to be carrying on a serious conversation with his teammate. “She looked at me. Did I laugh too loud?” he whispered.

“You always laugh too loud, Giancarlo,” his teammate chuckled. “She's still looking at you, by the way.”

“Why? How is she looking at me? She must think I am an idiot,” Giancarlo blushed from embarrassment as he spoke.

His teammate shrugged his shoulders and replied, “Am I a mind reader? Ask her yourself. She doesn't have her foil, you should be relatively safe.”

Giancarlo turned around but didn't look at Valentina. He pretended to be trying to make up his mind on what to choose for his meal. Valentina stepped out of the line and made her way to Giancarlo.

“It's not as bad as it looks. The food here is quite good,” she smiled as she tapped Giancarlo on his shoulder.

Giancarlo turned to Valentina and hesitated to make any reply. He gathered his courage and asked her, “What do you recommend? I cannot decide what I want.”

Valentina pointed to a tray behind the glass, and replied, “The Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken and broccoli is very good.”

Giancarlo laughed softly at Valentina's recommendation.

“It was you who I heard laugh. You have a lovely laugh. It is melodic, filled with pure happiness. What do you find so amusing in my choice of food?” Valentina chuckled.

Giancarlo smiled and replied, “The pasta is much too overcooked. The sauce is too watery, the broccoli was added much too early, and the chicken has the consistency of bubble gum. They should call it chicken soup. I mean no disrespect to the kitchen staff, but it is breaking my heart to just look at it. I think I'll have a salad. I thank you just the same for your recommendation, Mademoiselle Bazin.”

Valentina crossed her arms and replied, “All that, from one look? How can you be sure? And, you are most welcome, just the same, Monsieur...” She extended her left hand.

A tradition among fencers is to shake an opponent's hand with their non-weapon hand. The weapon hand is always gloved, and holding the weapon, it is quicker and less clumsy after a match, to shake hands with the left hand. It is also an old tradition of the duel for fencers to shake with their non-weapon hand as a show of respect.

“I am Giancarlo Antonelli. It is a great honor and pleasure to meet you, Valentina Bazin.”

Valentina smiled and held on to Giancarlo's hand. His touch was pleasing, and set off a slight flutter in her belly.

“You are in France, and are critiquing our cuisine. Very bold, perhaps even arrogant of you, Giancarlo,” Valentina snickered.

Giancarlo felt his heart jump in his throat at the sound of his name from Valentina's lips.

“Arrogant? Not in the least. I only made an observation, Valentina. I have over cooked pasta on a rare occasion or two,” he smiled.

Giancarlo's teammate brought his hands together and shook them up and down as he addressed Valentina, “Please don't encourage him, Singnorina. If he starts talking about cooking, we'll all starve to death, and he’ll still be talking about cooking.”

Valentina laughed and asked Giancarlo, “You have a passion for cooking? Are you any good at it?”

“I can boil a pot of water without supervision,” Giancarlo chuckled. “This is my last tournament. As soon as I return to Napoli, I will begin the process to open a restaurant,” Giancarlo blushed as he tried to gather the courage to invite Valentina to sample his cooking.

“We French are also very passionate. In the old days, a disagreement would be settled by a duel,” Valentina chuckled. “Wait here, Giancarlo.”

She made her way to the utensil station and grabbed one paper napkin. When she returned to Giancarlo, she playfully struck the paper napkin across his cheek.

“I challenge you to a duel, Giancarlo Antonelli. I am obligated to defend my country's honor. Do you accept?” Valentina furrowed her brow and winked at him. “When I win, you will cook me dinner, and I get to choose the wine. I will choose a French wine, of course.”

Giancarlo laughed and asked, “And if I win?”

Valentina smiled and replied, “You still cook me dinner, but you get to choose the wine. Don't waste any time on thinking about what wine you will choose. No one can beat me. My foil's tip will find your heart.”

Giancarlo bent at his waist slightly and replied, “I gladly accept your challenge, Valentina. My heart awaits the sweet kiss of your foil's tip.”

Valentina felt heat in her cheeks as she turned to walk away, and added, “Tomorrow night I'll best you, at seven o'clock, in the main auditorium. Au revoir, Giancarlo.”

Giancarlo's teammate slapped him on his shoulder and chuckled, “When we get back home, I am moving to Napoli, and you are going to teach me to cook. Who knew that cooking was an aphrodisiac to women? What are you going to have to eat, Giancarlo?”

“I seem to have lost my appetite. It suddenly disappeared,” he replied.

Valentina made her way back in the line, next to her coach, Nathalie. Nathalie was thirty-seven years old, married with three children, and had won two silver Olympic medals. They roomed together when at a tournament.

“Who is that handsome young man you spoke with?” Nathalie coyly smiled.

“Handsome? Is he? I didn’t notice,” Valentina replied casually. “His name is Giancarlo. I challenged him to a duel. He is tall, the perfect opponent for practicing closing the distance.”

Nathalie smiled, put her arm around Valentina’s shoulder and whispered in her ear, “Handsome young men are fun to spar with, but, it is much more satisfying to kiss them, Valentina. You might want to remember that, after you have used him as a pin cushion.”

Valentina shrugged and replied, “He is not handsome enough for me to want to kiss him, Nathalie. I have kissed many boys, it is much more fun to stab them,” she giggled. “Perhaps, I will place a kiss on his cheek, to thank him for sparring with me.”

The flutter in her belly returned at the thought of kissing Giancarlo.


The first day of the competition, Valentina easily won her match by scoring five consecutive touches in under two minutes. Giancarlo was beaten by a score of four touches to two at the end of his three minute pool bout. Having lost, and scored only two touches, he would be facing one of the top finishers in the elimination round. He didn't care. All he could think about was seeing Valentina again.


Valentina was dressed in full gear when Giancarlo arrived at the auditorium. She waved at him as she gleefully called out, “Bon soir, Giancarlo!”

He waved back and made his way to her.

“Congratulations on your victory, Valentina. You fought brilliantly, as you always do,” he smiled.

“Merci Giancarlo. I am sorry you drew such a tough opponent for your pool match. He is the favorite to win the gold medal. But you performed well.” Valentina lifted herself up on to her toes and kissed Giancarlo on both his cheeks. An action that surprised Valentina, as much as it did Giancarlo.

“We can skip the sparring, Valentina. I will cook for you anytime you wish me to. I would be honored to. I don't want to impose on your training,” Giancarlo offered as he put on his jacket.

Valentina shook her head, and replied, “The meal will taste better knowing I earned it,” she snickered.

Giancarlo laughed and replied, “As you wish.”

They put on their masks and made their way to the fourteen meters long, by two meters wide strip, to begin their match.

“Five touches to win the match. En garde,” Valentina announced.

Giancarlo set the electronic timer to count down five minutes, and took his stance behind the on guard line. He struck quickly; he lunged forward and extended his arm, aiming for Valentina’s ribs, the closest legal target available to him. Before his arm was fully extended, he felt the tip of Valentina's blade strike the center of his chest. The power of the strike surprised him. After a match, it is expected to have bruises where the tip of the foil strikes a body.

The tip of the foil travels at a great speed, and strikes with the body weight, and the acceleration of the body and arm, as the combatant lunges forward and extends their arm. No accurate measurement of how fast the tip of the foil travels has ever been measured. The flick of the blade, when a lunge is parried, whips the blade over the opponent’s blade, and increases its velocity, adding to the force that is generated, and transferred to the target. Valentina generated the same force, on par, with that of any male competitor Giancarlo had faced. She possessed incredible speed and accuracy.

“Too slow, Giancarlo,” Valentina giggled as she made her way back to the on guard line on the strip.

“Too fast, Valentina,” Giancarlo laughed.

His laugh made her insides flutter again. She couldn't stop herself from smiling. The strange and new feeling that Giancarlo evoked in Valentina, although she could not name it, she was certain that she liked it.

Valentina initiated the next attack. She lunged forward with both her feet leaving the ground. When Giancarlo touched her blade to parry, Valentina twisted her wrist and let her forward momentum deflect Giancarlo's blade, and carry her blade to Giancarlo's chest.

“Too easy,” Valentina giggled again.

Giancarlo shook his head and chuckled, “Two blades to my heart. At this rate, there won't be any of my heart left for you to break.”

Valentine made her way to the on guard line walking backwards, as she asked, “And why would I want to break your heart, Giancarlo? It is much more fun to merely poke holes in it.”

“Hmm, my heart serves only as target practice for you?” he asked.

“Perhaps,” she coyly replied.

The sexual tension increased steadily between the two combatants. They both were anxious to continue their battle of innuendoes, words, and wits, more than the clashing of steel.

“There is a fury inside you, Valentina, as great and powerful as a raging ocean, in your attack and your defense. I wonder if your kiss holds the same fury as you strike at my heart with.”

“You are a much better poet than you are a fencer. You wouldn't be trying to distract me, would you, Giancarlo? Our fencing vests do not protect our hearts from words. I'd rather feel a blade pierce my heart, than feel it break.”

Giancarlo chuckled and replied, “Our sport is born from the art of killing. It is similar to love, is it not, Valentina? Both are fatal. We must take chances. When we attack, we leave ourselves unprotected, and exposed to a counterattack. When we dare to love, we expose ourselves to potential heartache.”

Valentina chuckled and replied, “I am certain you are trying to distract me.” Her voice quavered from the flutter in her belly that Giancarlo’s words invoked.

They took their stance and prepared for the attack. When Valentina saw Giancarlo's lead foot begin its slide forward, she charged at him and lunged forward. Her blade knocked his to the side. And with an inward twist of her supple wrist, the tip of her foil found Giancarlo's heart for a third time. Giancarlo grabbed her blade and pulled her close to him. He released the blade, slid his left hand to the small of her back and pulled her to him. Valentina lifted her mask and let it fall to the floor behind her. She stared at Giancarlo with fire in her eyes.

“Unhand me. I am not that type of girl,” she hissed.

Giancarlo released her. Valentina did not move away from him. The feel of his body against hers, aroused her. She shivered and suddenly had found it difficult to breathe.

“You are a one of a kind girl, Valentina. A once in a lifetime girl. You do not need a blade or words to wound my heart. Your beauty has pierced it, deeply. It is only a matter of time before you shatter it. Please promise to be swift with your blade. Plunge it deep into my heart, ensure it will never be able to feel again, the instant your beauty shatters my poet’s heart forever,” he softly replied.

Valentina swooned at his words. She reached for his mask, removed it and let it fall from her hand. She cupped Giancarlo's face in her hands, stood on her toes and placed the gentlest of kisses on his soft lips. As the kiss increased in passion, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Giancarlo wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tighter to him. She parted her lips and sent her tongue in search of his. They remained locked in the perfect kiss, and lost in the perfect moment.

They both jumped with a start and laughed when the loud buzzer marked the end of the match.

Valentina pressed her cheek against Giancarlo's chest, and announced, “I win. Three touches to nil.”

Giancarlo smiled and replied, “Four touches, if you count the kiss.”

Valentina looked deeply into Giancarlo’s eyes and confessed, “I lied to Nathalie. I told her I did not think you handsome, and that I did not want to kiss you. The way you make me feel frightens me.”

Giancarlo smiled and replied, “Nowhere near as frightened as I was when you tapped my shoulder and spoke to me yesterday, I assure you.”

Valentina smiled and asked, “Would you like to sit with me in a café? It is a beautiful summer’s night. It would be shameful to waste it locked in a hotel room.”

He smiled and replied, “Very much so.”

Valentine turned around to pick up her mask, and giggled, “I hope you cook better than you fence.”

Giancarlo gently patted her bottom with his foil as he laughed at Valentina’s joke.

He could never have imagined Valentina's reaction.


Valentina slammed the door of her hotel room shut, and cursed at the top of her lungs, “Cachon Italien! Je te hais!”

Her coach came running out of the bedroom, startled by the sound of the door slamming, and Valentina's screaming. She wasn't expecting her to be back so soon.

“Valentina! Are you alright?” Nathalie asked in a panic.

Valentina pulled the waistband of her shorts down over her hips, and jutted her right butt cheek towards Nathalie. “That monster bruised me! Look!” she shouted.

“Giancarlo did that to you?” Nathalie asked with concern as she looked at the thin, pinkish line on Valentina's butt cheek.

“He is a buffoon, an insufferable pig! I cannot stand the thought of him!” Valentine shouted as she slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand. “I should have my head checked. Why did I offer to spar with him?”

Nathalie crossed her arms and gave her upset student a stern look, as she replied, “You know why, Valentina. Because you are attracted to him. And you did not offer to spar with him. You challenged him to a duel. Tell me, how did you react to Giancarlo giving you a playful whack on your derriere? You do realize it was most certainly a show of affection.”

Valentina widened her eyes in disbelief, and replied, “Playful whack? He has scarred me for life! How can I go to beach with a hideous scar on my ass? He attacked me, like a coward, when I turned to pick up my mask. For your information, I reacted as the proper, refined young lady, and sportswoman that I am. I scolded him and explained how rude his actions were. And that I never want to see him again.”

Nathalie tapped her foot impatiently and asked, “And what else, Valentina?” Nathalie was well aware of Valentina’s temper, and how radically she could react.

Valentina walked past her coach and headed to the bathroom as she replied, “I don't remember what else I did. It all happened so fast. I might have done something else. In my defense, he started it.”

Nathalie gasped, “Valentina Bazin, tell me what horrible thing you did to that poor boy!”

Valentina stepped out of her shorts and turned her body to examine the remnants of the thin, pink line on her butt cheek that had all but faded away, and casually replied as she shrugged, “I don't know, I might have stabbed him. Maybe in his cock, maybe not.”

Nathalie covered her mouth with both hands and scolded her student, “You and that cursed temper of yours, Valentina! Are you insane? Is he hurt? Do you even care if you injured him? Good God in heaven, Valentina. Why would you... ” Nathalie let out a deep sigh, shook her head, and didn't finish asking the question.

Valentina turned to her coach and answered, “He's fine. He was in full gear. If he wasn't wearing a cup, too bad for him. He tried to apologize, but I stormed off.”

“You are much too cold, and much too quick to anger. You only need ice in your veins when you are in competition. Not every second of your life. You owe him an apology, Valentina. If he will ever talk to you again,” Nathalie replied.

Valentina, in that instant, felt an ache slowly creep into her heart. The words Nathalie spoke, ‘If he will ever talk to you again’ each syllable echoed in her mind and pierced her heart. She bravely held back a sob and turned to her coach.

“How could he possibly want to see me again, Nathalie? I do not know why I have treated him in such a horrible manner. What I feel when I think about him, scares me to death. When I see him, I forget to breathe. I am so confused. I have never felt this way before. I don’t want to see him because of what he makes me feel. And I cannot bear it when he is not near me.”

Nathalie walked to Valentina and hugged her, “There is hope for you yet, my beautiful but crazy girl. We will fix this. What Giancarlo makes you feel, is love. You don't react to love by stabbing the boy in his cock on your first date. Kissing him is a much more appropriate and acceptable show of affection. There is plenty of time to stab them after you are married, trust me.”

Valentina let out a sob and began to cry. ”We did kiss, and it was the perfect kiss. It was the most perfect and beautiful moment of my life. What if he won't ever talk to me again?”

Nathalie chuckled and replied, “I have a feeling that Giancarlo would allow you more chances than you deserve, Valentina.” She shook her head and laughed, “Even if you did stab his cock.”

Valentina sobbed and laughed in the same sound, and said, “I want to run to him, this instant, and ask him to hold me in his arms in an everlasting kiss.”

Nathalie smiled and replied, “Wait till tomorrow. Give him time to calm down.”


On the second day of the competition, after Valentina won her match, she made her way to the warm up area and greeted a female fencer on the Italian team. Nathalie followed her.

“Bon jour, Angela. Is Giancarlo here?” Valentina nervously asked.

Angela stared at Valentina in silent contempt for a moment before answering her question, “I am afraid there is no more Giancarlo. Not the one that I know. I have never seen him like this. He has withdrawn from the competition, and is on his way home. What did you do to him?”

Valentina's throat tightened to the point where she was not capable of uttering a sound. The thought of never seeing Giancarlo again was much too painful to fathom.

Angela turned her gaze to Nathalie, and asked, “Can you tell me what she did to suck the will to live out of our Giancarlo?”

Valentina let out a sob, “Has he left? Do you know where he is? Please, Angela, tell me. I must talk to him. I must make this right.”

Angela was moved by the evident pain in Valentina’s voice and eyes. “You promise to make it right? You promise to bring our Giancarlo back to us?” Valentina sobbed and nodded. “Room 1202, at our hotel. Hurry, he is packing.”

Valentina hugged Angela and thanked her. She rinsed off in the shower, stuffed her equipment in her duffle bag, and threw on her orange sundress. She left her panties and bra in her duffle bag.

Nathalie grabbed Valentina by her wrists and spoke calmly. “Valentina, take a deep breath, calm down. I will pack your gear. Take your purse and cell phone. That is all you need. I will call you in one hour if you do not call me, agreed?”

Valentina hugged her coach and nodded, “Thank you, Nathalie. Agreed. I hope I am not too late.”

Nathalie smiled warmly and reassuringly at her student, as she replied, “It is summer time in Paris, Valentina. It is impossible to be too late for love.”

Valentina ran outside and frantically waved down a taxi. She fidgeted and fought back tears the entire ride to the hotel. She kept pushing the twelfth floor button as the elevator ascended. She squeezed through the elevator doors as soon as they began to open, and ran to Giancarlo’s room.

Valentina pounded on the door with both her open palms, and sobbed, “Giancarlo! Please, I beg you, open the door! Giancarlo!”

A few anxious seconds passed, and the door opened. Valentina looked up at Giancarlo and jumped in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist. She peppered his face and neck with quick, desperate kisses.

“Forgive me, Giancarlo. Don’t leave. Please let me hear you laugh again,” she pleaded in-between the sobs and kisses.

Giancarlo laughed, and replied, “I should apologize for behaving in such an ungentlemanly manner, Valentina. It was very inappropriate to tap your bottom with my foil. When you told me you never wanted to see me again. I could not stay here knowing that you hated me.”

“I didn’t mean it, or the horrible names I called you when I talked to Nathalie. I could never hate you, Giancarlo. I reacted like a fool. I am ashamed. Tell me you will stay. Besides, it is not your fault that I have an irresistible derriere,” Valentina giggled and kissed Giancarlo on the lips.

Giancarlo placed the gentlest of kisses on Valentina’s cheek and said, “I will leave after you win the tournament. If you promise to come to Napoli and allow me cook the dinner I owe you in my parents' restaurant.”

Valentina let out a sigh of relief. “Yes! I promise!”

She unwrapped her legs from around him, and slid down his body. She stood silently looking up at him. Giancarlo ran his fingertip down her breastbone. Valentina felt her heat and wetness increase at his touch. He twisted his wrist, and caressed the curve of the bottom of her breast. Valentina took a slow, deep, ragged breath. Giancarlo cupped her breast and lifted it gently in the palm of his hand. Valentina looked down at her breast in his hand. She shivered, gasped and closed her eyes when Giancarlo stroked his thumb slowly across her nipple.

“Look at me, Valentina,” Giancarlo softly whispered to her. She looked like the most beautiful sunset he had ever seen, all dressed in orange. “You are more beautiful than all the sunsets and sunrises I have ever witnessed, Valentina.”

She tilted her head back and gazed into Giancarlo’s eyes. He pulled her to his body. He twitched when her belly pressed against his growing cock. Valentina pressed harder into him when she felt him twitch against her. She slid her right leg around Giancarlo’s left hip, and pushed her mound into his thigh.

Giancarlo nuzzled his mouth and chin against Valentina’s neck. His breath on her skin made her wetter. She moaned and bucked her hips. Giancarlo felt the heat radiating from Valentina on the top of his thigh. Her swooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. They both willingly fell onto the mattress, locked in a lover’s embrace. Their mouths locked in a desperate and hungry kiss.

Giancarlo lifted Valentina’s dress over her hips and caressed her inner thigh. Valentina reached for his belt and unbuckled it. He lifted his hips and Valentina slowly undid the button of his pants, and pulled down his zipper. Their kiss became more intense and desperate. When Giancarlo pulled his throbbing cock out of his pants and rested it on the top of Valentina’s slit, she broke the kiss and writhed under his weight. She moaned and spread her legs wider for her lover.

Valentina reached between his legs and guided Giancarlo to her slick opening. They looked at each other through glazed, lust fueled eyes. They didn’t want the magic of the moment to end. The special moment that new lovers can share only once. The moment when they become one, for the very first time. They both felt each other’s need. They both felt each other’s willingness to please the other.

Valentina cupped Giancarlo’s face in her trembling hands and gave a slight nod. “Look into my eyes as you enter me. I want to remember this moment forever,” she whispered.

Giancarlo sunk into Valentina gently and slowly. Both gasped, and moaned, and shivered as he filled her. When he was buried deep inside her, he began to thrust in and out of her. Valentina matched the movement of his hips with hers. As their passion grew, and brought them closer to release, Giancarlo kissed her lips and moaned into her mouth, “Ti amo, Valentina.”

Valentina wrapped her legs around his waist and bucked her hips quicker, with more urgency and need. “Je t’aime, Giancarlo,” she gasped.

Giancarlo stopped his thrusting and kept still as he pressed hard into Valentina. Allowing her to set the pace of their love making. He felt her grip him tighter from deep inside her. He moaned as his body stiffened. Valentina felt him twitch inside her, he was close. She squeezed him tighter. Giancarlo shivered once and spilled his seed deep into Valentina.

It took Valentina only a few more thrusts of her hips to bring her to release. Her mouth opened in a silent scream. She quivered and moaned, her body shook uncontrollably, till the waves that washed over her subsided.

Valentina’s cell phone rang as she lay on Giancarlo’s chest.

“Nathalie! I forgot to call her!” she panicked as she scrambled to reach for her purse on the bedroom floor. “I am sorry, Nathalie. I lost track of the time. You were right, thank you. Yes, yes. Arvoir.”

“Is everything all right?” Giancarlo asked.

Valentina stepped out of her orange sundress, crawled onto the bed, and placed her head back on Giancarlo’s chest. “It is summer time in Paris, Giancarlo. We are together, things could not be more perfect.”


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It was finally here. The day that Hank had been wanting to arrive for the last seven months. It was finally the first day of football season. He was again able to watch his favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys. This was even more important as they just happen to be playing his least favorite team the San Francisco 49ers. He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself. The pepperoni with extra cheese pizza he ordered had just arrived and his beer had been chilling for about an hour. So it...

4 years ago
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It was finally here. The day that Hank had been wanting to arrive for the last seven months. It was finally the first day of football season. He was again able to watch his favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys. This was even more important as they just happen to be playing his least favorite team the San Francisco 49ers. He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself. The pepperoni with extra cheese pizza he ordered had just arrived and his beer had been chilling for about an hour. So it...

2 years ago
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My hands are rough and coarse, but I touch you with the softest caress I can. I know my hands against your soft skin cause sensations that shoot into your nerves. I can feel you shudder and nervously shake as my hands touch you. Little bumps raise up under my hands as they pass over your flesh. You are hot and I feel your heat emanating up into my palms. Slowly I explore your shoulders, gently wandering over them, pausing to knead your muscles and rub deeply, breaking away tensions and...

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 Steve “I want to stay in my own home,” I almost shouted over the phone to my granddaughter who seems to think I couldn’t handle it.“But, Gramps, you said you fell and hurt your arm. Next time it could be your head. You need help.”She was right, of course, but I was having a difficult time admitting it. After all, I used to run marathons and paddle across the lake in my very own canoe. I am still strong but almost blind from macular degeneration, if I really admitted it, I couldn’t navigate...

3 years ago
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I need your touchAfter a long day of work, I finally walk through my front door. My shoulders and neck are aching, wishing your hands were kneading them, soothing the pain with firm but careful fingers.I sigh, leaving my bag by the stairs. The house is empty. Running my hands through my hair, I kick off my heels and make my way up the stairs towards my room. It's too quiet, so I put on some music and start to undress.My clothes feel heavy as I take them off, first my blazer, then my shirt. The...

4 years ago
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It’s been two years since I’ve seen and talked her. Since the fall of our three year relationship. Sometimes I like to think I’m over this incredible woman. But realistically…I know that I’m not. I like to convince myself from time to time that I don’t want to kiss her, hold her, make love to her… But truth is…I want her. I want all of her. Just for me and no one else. I know that I should be way over her by now, and the fact that I constantly think about her is perhaps on some level pathetic....

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I don’t know when it started, but when I heard my sister’s voice I knew it was happening again. Sara was singing to herself as she worked. She was was teaching herself to bake, twirling around the kitchen with bowls and mixers and pans. “How’s it going?” I asked. “Great. I hope..” she replied chipperly. She picked up a large baking sheet, “Can you get the oven for me?” “Sure,” I said, opening the oven door. I watched Sara slide the tray onto the rack, but a second later she yelped and jerked...

1 year ago
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After a long day of work, I finally walk through my front door. My shoulders and neck are aching, wishing your hands were kneading them, soothing the pain with firm but careful fingers. I sigh, leaving my bag by the stairs. The house is empty. Running my hands through my hair, I kick off my heels and make my way up the stairs towards my room. It's too quiet, so I put on some music and start to undress. My clothes feel heavy as I take them off, first my blazer, then my shirt. The buttons pop one...

1 year ago
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It's been two years since I've seen and talked her. Since the fall of our three year relationship. Sometimes I like to think I'm over this incredible woman. But realistically...I know that I'm not. I like to convince myself from time to time that I don't want to kiss her, hold her, make love to her... But truth is...I want her. I want all of her. Just for me and no one else. I know that I should be way over her by now, and the fact that I constantly think about her is perhaps on some level...

1 year ago
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Copyright© 10/31/2002 She reached over and turned out the light. Another night alone. Since his death she had found succor in time by herself. Sleep being her best release. She could still smell him in the bed clothes, still feel him in her sleep. They were so much of a couple, one came with the other. A kind of matched set. Her friends were worried about her. It had been a while since his death and she showed no signs of "coming out of it", and beginning her life without him. And yet she...

3 years ago
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I grab you in my arms. I give you a hug, lifting you to the massage table, and pull the thin silk robe off of you and tell you to lay on your belly. I reach for the warm massage oils. The smell of the oils fills the air. The candles flicker around the room. A light flute music off in the background. I pour the warm oil all over your shoulders and back, ever so slowly, lower and lower before setting the oil aside. My fingertips start making circular motions across your shoulders and slowly down...

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After a long day of work, I finally walk through my front door. My shoulders and neck are aching, wishing your hands were kneading them, soothing the pain with firm but careful fingers. I sigh, leaving my bag by the stairs. The house is empty. Running my hands through my hair, I kick off my heels and make my way up the stairs towards my room. It’s too quiet, so I put on some music and start to undress. My clothes feel heavy as I take them off, first my blazer, then my shirt. The buttons pop...

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Note: This story will NOT be updated until further notice. All future updates postponed indefinitely Game mode removed Branches removed Main story prioritized Additional sentences added "What a load of bull" You exclaim closing your laptop. You just finished reading it. The story everyone has been talking about or rather over hyping. Your childhood friend Zachary since elementary school scoffs giving you the same look he always does when you critique something, especially something he happened...

3 years ago
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Hot Blonde

Hot Blonde Part 3 I have been in Clearwater now for two months staying on the trail of my fugitive. I finally proposed a plan to my new friend Paige. I told her that the fugitive that I was chasing has a 100 thousand dollar bounty on his head and if she helped me capture him, I would split the reward with her down the middle. She was more than happy to help. She said she felt like she was in a James Bond movie. It took us about a week working together to find and take him into custody. I told...

3 years ago
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Twin Switch Conclusion

Twin Switch Conclusion By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. Heavy forced gender change, humiliation and sex. If you do not enjoy this type of story DO NOT READ or place derogatory comments. Before reading this installment please read all preceding chapters. Approval is granted by the author to download this story for personal use only. Downloading or any other use of this story for financial gain is strictly prohibited without my permission. My thanks to Toxis for the great...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 311

Two old guys, one 80 and one 87, were sitting on a park bench one morning. The 87-year-old had just finished his morning jog and wasn't even short of breath. The 80-year-old was amazed at the guy's stamina and asked him what he did to have so much energy. The 87-year-old said, "Well, I eat rye bread every day. It keeps your energy level high and you'll have great stamina with the ladies." So, on the way home the 80-year-old stopped at the bakery. As he was looking around, the...

4 years ago
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She Goes Both Ways

Eighteen fifty seven had not been a good year for Missus Amanda Williams. In February, her husband Samuel had left her. Not just left her for another woman, but of all people, an actress of twenty something. Whilst losing her husband was hard to take, for a woman rapidly approaching forty, the fact that he opted for a young thing was devastating to her. Then in July, her father had died from a massive heart attack. Being in London when that happened, it was impossible to get home to the...

1 year ago
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My Date with Mr Fantasy

“On the other side of this door, I am in control, as we agreed. When you pass through the threshold of my sanctuary, you leave the world outside. You will be perfectly safe while in my home, of course. I only ask that you leave your inhibitions at the door, and trust me to give you what you want most.” He studied her face, looking for any hint of fear. “This is your last chance to change your mind, my dear. I need to know, do you still want me to give you this fantasy? If not, my driver can...

First Time
1 year ago
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Breeding Season At The Rocking R Ranch Version AlphaChapter 2

Lunch was quiet. Cathy had put on a button up blouse, aware suddenly of how much cleavage her halter tops showed. Bobby was dressed in fresh clothes too. Cathy had difficulty deciding whether to look at her son ... or not look at him. Bobby, completely convinced that the best thing in his whole life had just happened to him, had no problem looking at his mother. As a result Cathy’s eyes darted all over, meeting Bobby’s frequently, and then glancing away like a racquetball off a wall....

2 years ago
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Contract of Leather Ch1

I need only look around my room to set the sadness burning in my chest once more. The walls of my chambers are bare, and the closet stands open and devoid of clothing. Everything I own is neatly packed away somewhere in the house, in preparation of tomorrow’s journey. The only remaining articles are the bedclothes and the gown I am to wear in the morning. It is the last night I will ever spend in my family home, and I can’t seem to stop the tears from welling in my eyes at the thought. In the...

1 year ago
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Reddit Tgifs, aka r/Tgifs! Listen, let’s get something straight. I’m straight. But I’m willing to see all kinds of sites to give you guys what you need in order to jerk off. And the last thing I would do is watch a bunch of traps jerking off on their camera or having sex with men or women. Okay, maybe trannies having sex with women isn’t so gay, but that first one and second one definitely are. Anyway, the reason I say all this is because I’m going to check out /r/Tgifs for you guys today. This...

Reddit NSFW List
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Dancing with Life

Copyright ©2003 Maureen L Reardon This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author The flames were flickering brightly; As If Dancing with life. The fireplace had already captured the heat from the fire. Ryan was sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace leaning back on the edge of the couch. Ryan sipped a cup...

1 year ago
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Dirty Laundry

With your newly meet step sister out tanning in the back you take the opportunity to snoop in her room. Going through her drawers you find the usual skimpy booty shorts and bras you’d expect from any young hot woman. Moving to the closet you find a big back cabinet full of sexy slutty lingerie, thongs, and sex toys. Looking to the left you see her laundry basket and you can’t help but pull out all her dirty bras and panties. Dumping all the slutty underwear and lingerie on her silly sheet bed...

1 year ago
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Dark Bred

It all started out harmlessly enough. Jack had invited DeWayne and Suzie over to our house for dinner -- again! I never particularly liked these occasions. I could see that DeWayne, ungrateful that Jack had befriended him and promoted him to a supervisory position, was resentful of his young boss's position in top management while he was still blue collar. He tried to hide his envy by constantly making off-color jokes and little references to their having grown up together in the same working...

1 year ago
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A Wish

(A Silent Film) Scene 1: (A young man and a young woman are studying in the boy's dorm room.) Scene 2: (The girl looks at her watch and appears to say goodbye to him.) (The boy waves goodbye as she leaves.) Scene 3: (The nerdy young man meets another beautiful girl in a library and helps her study.) Scene 4: (While they study the girl's boyfriend comes by and they talk, ignoring the young man.) (After a short conversation the girl picks up her stuff, while she smiles at the...

1 year ago
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Arsenic and Old Macks Part 4

Arsenic and Old Mack's Part 4 This is a work of fiction covering the niche subject of rainwear fetishism. If this in no way interests you then read no further! For aficionados or those willing to explore a niche subject, read on! The story is based to some extent on the work of the excellent Verna Benson and I hope that my treatment does not offend her or those others who have interpreted her work so well. Dan now convinced that he is Frieda, a 62 year old M To F Transgender in...

4 years ago
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Bottoms UpChapter 17

By the time that Carver and Sophie returned from their little quickie, Rick had moved on to Mark, while Jan worked on Sally, of course. While the latter flirted, the former kept it more or less professional, as before, but both were very good at their jobs. It turned out that Rick was a married family man, so that wasn’t likely to turn into anything raunchy, but he still seemed to be open-minded about the rest of us, thankfully. This was even more surprising when I learned that he was a...

1 year ago
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Racial SwapNight

Chapter 1 Eddie Frampton folded his tall but lithe and muscular frame into the brand new Porsche, started the motor, jerked it into reverse gear and rocketed the machine down the drive into the quiet street. Tires squealing and engine reving like mad, he headed toward Manna Avenue and back to the club. The ache in his loins and his feeling of sexual deprivation told him, only too clearly that there was a big void in his married life although in almost every other direction, his life had ...

4 years ago
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My Nephew My God

Hello Huma welcomes you all with a hot story. Write to me at Love you all. “Bindu Chaudhary, you are a bitch in heat. All women in your family are real bitches. You need cock in your cunts as you need food in your stomach.” I overheard my brother in law Mahesh say to my sister Bindu. My older sister Bindu lived just accross my house. Mahesh, my jijju is a nice handsome guy, making good money in computers. Bindu is 40 years old, 5 years older than me. I am Sandhya Malhotra, married to Mayank...

2 years ago
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First of all, I want to thank everyone for reading my previous two stories. Your comments are always appreciated. As with the other two stories, this one is not a stroke story so if that’s what you’re after, it’s best you move on now This is a romance, a character study if you will and what I’ve always enjoyed reading about is people, even here on Literotica. As with most true romances, this one may take some time to develop so be patient. Here is my contribution. As always, this is a work of...

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blossoming of a nympho2 the

Gina did not consider herself attractive, in fact she felt she was plain and fat, owing to some circumstances which had occurred earlier.Due to her developing breasts in the fifth grade, some girls (out of jealousy, though Gina did not realize this) had made fun of her and it created a self conscious feeling about her body. She was a quiet girl, did not make friends easily (or try too) and due to what she considered an abnormal body, wore loose clothing and nothing revealing. She wore glasses...

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The Exchange Tower

Sally Brightwall was on one of London’s famous double-decker buses going down the Marsh Wall Rd. She was on her way to the Harbour Exchange Square, where the London Exchange Tower could be found. This new sixteen storey high skyscraper, comprising of not one, but two giant fortifications, was just one of many modern office blocks that rose from what once was waste ground, and now formed the heart of London’s Docklands. Looking at the other passengers on the bus, Sally couldn’t help feeling...

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My Lesbian Lover

She has these timid, sultry eyes,Caramel lips and shotgun thighsHer voice is like a lustful dream,Her flesh of purest milky cream.When we kiss my body risesAnticipating her surprises.She always has something new in storeShe keeps me wanting more and more.Sexy nurse, or naughty schoolgirl,Secretary, nasty pool-girl,Softest silken angel feathersDemonic dominatrix leathersTeacher's pet or red-light districtOfficer with cuffs to restrictSupermodel on the catwalkCollared and gagged so she can't...

1 year ago
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The knock

It was a warm early summer morning, I was playing my Xbox when there was knock on the door. "knock, knock, knock” I pause my game throw the controller back at the recliner to open the door. I was greeted with our maid Violet "morning" I nodded. "this is Jocelyn" she said. I smiled at Lyn. "Come in" they walked in while they were walking pass by the living room looking at our new maid wearing mid thigh black skirt paired with a tight button up blouse. I notice her dark brown hair just a...

2 years ago
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When Twosomess Better than Threesome moms

"You ready?" she asked."Yes" I said simply.She opened her robe to expose her voluptuous naked body. Her face was round, we a slight double chin, full red lips, a small nose and plump cheeks with dimples when she smiled. Her eyes, rather large and green and tiny wrinkles around her mouth, on her forehead made her look, both mature and sexy. But I was staring her humongous tits. Size 48KK, those large natural monsters rested heavily on her chest and belly. Her waist had a single roll of fat that...

1 year ago
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Cleaning Time

My wife, being my wife. I played dumb and looked up distractedly from my laptop. “Uh?” She looked sad, annoyed. “The place. While I was working. You said you’d pick it up.” She gestured around the living room. Plates, bottles, wrappers, dust. The hair of Gunther, our black lab. I’m sure it smelled of me, too. I pretty much lived in this room and didn’t go much of anywhere these days. “Oh. Right. Sorry. I got caught up in this project.” I gestured at the laptop. Her face...

1 year ago
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A New Start The BeginningChapter 8 Fighting

My peaceful home was quickly turning into a combat zone and I did not like it. After less than 15 minutes had passed we heard what sounded like serious combat! There were numerous explosions and lots of automatic gunfire. I listened to the radio and heard CPT C Smith talking to his wife CPT L Smith. WO3 Anderson suddenly declared an emergency as she took crippling damage to her helicopter. I quickly moved to the tower and used the binoculars to see her plunging toward the ground flaming and...

2 years ago
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A Bridge Between WorldsChapter 7

Slowly opening the large, iron door, Persephone stood face-to-face with two stunningly beautiful women, one of which she immediately recognized. “Melody ... it seems you’re alive,” she mused quietly. “I’m not so easy to get rid of.” “Apparently.” Turning to the other woman, she condescendingly asked, “And you are?” “Selena. Grand Vizier to King Farzan of the Water Jinn.” “Ah, I see ... the Council is not too happy with me, it seems. Well, I told Melody, and I’m telling you: leave my...

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Gloryhole Surprise pt2

Just as my nose buried in his kinky public hair and my lips wrapped around the bottom of his cock, I heard him moan, "I'm cumming!" and then I felt him shoot his load down my throat. I was caught off guard and pulled back. The second time his balls burst forth the shot hit me in the middle of my face covering me with gooey cum. Then he shot two more times. One got on my blouse the other missed me, so I thought. Before I knew what happen or could say anything the cock disappeared through the...

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Skinnydipping Sundays

(A tryst of fate series: #2 brought to you by Dr. MaxMon) Skinny-dipping Sundays, by MaxMon The doorbell rang again and Peter answered it dressed in Hawaiian shorts with a beer in his hand. As he opened the door splashes were heard from the pool out back, along with faint yells and playful conversation from the small group of partygoers who had already arrived late in the morning. Greg and Brenda greeted Peter at the door with smiles and happy feelings since they had grown accustomed to each...

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Cartoon overlord

It is time… After years of trial and error… After years hardship and insanity… It is time, time for a new cartoon overlord! (0) Deep within the darkness of your evil lair, plot and ponder your evil plan to conquer all of the cartoon universes. Eventually you come up with seven important steps that you need in order to begin conquering cartoon worlds. One: You need a loyal henchman or henchwoman to help begin the groundwork. Two: You require an army of disposable minions that are utterly loyal...

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Path to a Kingdom or More

“We need your help,” she pleaded. Your eyes sweep over the young, widowed queen. Golden hair falls to her waist and a thick white silk dress covers her buxom frame. Blue eyes, filled with desperation meet yours, as she takes in your wandering eyes. The dress falls all the way to the ground, covering up long, soft legs, just a hint of a belly, an impressive ass and the tits that put any whore you’d ever fucked to shame. Her arms were covered by a shawl, clutched in soft hands that had never done...

3 years ago
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Geeks Rule Ch 01

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Many thanks go to RF-Fast for his editing and suggestions that enhanced the story. Any bad grammar left is wholly on me and my artistic style… and a strong reliance on spell check! LEGALESE: Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. This is a work of fiction. All characters are 18 years of age or older. Copyright (c) 2015 by Acup ***** Geeks rule! Class reunions…...

3 years ago
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Late Night Masturbation

I’m not exactly sure what initially woke me up, but it was after midnight. That much I knew for sure as I could see the time on the clock from the cable box in my bedroom. My brain and bladder where having a debate about whether or not I should get up to use the restroom. I was lying next to my husband, who was snoring softly while I couldn’t get back to sleep. I was ready to give my bladder what it wanted when he rolled over in his sleep and I felt a strange sensation. I glanced down to see...

2 years ago
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when mom was asleep

I was 20, mom – 35, dad – 40. They had an early marriage. Times when dad was not around I noticed that mom looked very sad and lonely. She was too beautiful to be seen like that. She had a damn sexy figure. She was neither excessively fat in any part nor disgustingly thin; just a perfectly proportionate sexy female body. I pitied that she had to be my mother. She always wore dark color sarees. Often she even slept in the saree. Sometimes she would wear a night gown, the two piece type. An...

2 years ago
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Pepper Learns to Drive

“Maybe you shouldn’t ride her today,” I teased. “What!? Why not, I love Mystic, she’s the best horse in the world, and she loves me too daddy. Why can’t I ride her?” I looked at my teen daughter and judged her to be about the prettiest, most loveable daughter in the world. I felt a surge of Father’s Pride that she was so vibrant, so intelligent, so spirited. A father couldn’t ask for a better child, a better person in his life. Yeah, I loved my daughter Pepper without question, without...

4 years ago
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My Wife And Our Neighbor

My Wife And Our Neighbor I have absolutely the most wonderful wife in the whole world. We have had our ups and our downs like any married couple but it has lasted through the test of time. After thirty-nine wonderful years of marriage, my wife is still a very attractive fifty-seven-year-old woman. Yes I married her at the ripe old age of eighteen while she was still in high school. No, we did not HAVE TO get married. We were just in love. I was twenty-two years old at the time, a...

1 year ago
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18 the floor housekeeping closet

The 18th floor:These pass events happen during the recent New Years during the time of Nov and Dec 2019 while I was working a huge amount of time at work. I kind of fell into it with a manager from one of the departments. During the time I was having the hots for her I unknowingly spark the hots of one and possibly my only actual friend “Subby’ for short. His a flaming queen stands about 5’8 clean and shaven cut he keeps a very nice clean look sometimes I think his a undercover cossdresser. His...

3 years ago
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My Teacher And Myself 8211 Part 2

Hi! This is Jessi again! Got Very overwhelmed by your lovely comments readers! Thank you so much guys! Love you loads! New readers just go and read my first part to get grip on my life! Let’s jump into the story… I became a private slut to my teacher n she promised me to change me into a girl. And we had fuck many times and the time she said has come! It was morning. I was wearing my panties which is full of my cum dried. She usually fucks me with panties so I will feel more girly. I love that...

3 years ago
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The Arrival

"The Arrival" by Emily Rose I stepped off of the Greyhound in Oklahoma. I had never been here before and really knew no one here except for one person from the internet, Miss Heather. I had been chatting and writing her for years about my wants and desires. She seemed to understand me like no one else did and had told me that should the time ever come in my life to make the changes which I desired to come to her and she...

1 year ago
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The Derek Thompson Plan part 1

“Good practice ladies! I’ll see you tomorrow” Coach Barbra Jones yelled as she walked into her office. “I love conditioning practices” Kayley said, slapping my ass as I bent over to get my towel from the bottom of my locker. Her slap stung my ass even through my shorts and spandex. I looked up over my shoulder at her, admiring her body. Kayley was standing behind me, naked, with a towel over her shoulder, ready for her shower. I smiled at her as I slipped out of my clothes and followed her...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Angela White Anal Australia8217s Finest Export Shows Her AssPort For Cock Clearance

Big Busted Beauty Angela White has flown in from Australia with a special delivery…her Asshole! This Aussie is always a fan favorite when she comes to JJV. She teases us in her hot pink fishnet bodysuit, playing with her all natural G-cup’s and licking her nipples to make them nice and hard. When Angela finally sees the cock that’s in store for her today she immediately shoves it down her throat to get it nice and wet. Making good use of those titties she gives an amazing boob...


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