Bitched Out By A Bitchmaker -by By Cy Black free porn video

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My name is Cy Black. Born in Harlem, pure Nubian, dark-skinned, take no shit black man. I’m 5 foot 11’, powerfully built, with 9’ cock and a straight-up ‘Black Lion’ Bitchmaker. Now my particular fetish is bitching outsmart, intellectual whitebois, or as I like to call them, white-breads. I can’t say when it started but I’ve been doing it for quite a few years and it never gets tired. I’ve had more than my share of white girls and all racial favors, but there’s something enticing about breeding an intellectual know-it-all, self-righteous white-bread who talks shit. Once I get my cock in ‘em, game over. I take no prisoners, that pale pink hole belongs to me.
I want to tell you about this pretty little sissy I met a few years ago. While I’ve bred many white chicks and white sissy bois, there is just some that stick out from all the others. This particular white-bread’s name was for the purpose of this piece, I’ll call him Jes. So, let me start here.
About two years ago, Jes was at a bad point in his life. from what the bitch told me, his best friend, fell in love and dropped out of school to marry his pregnant girlfriend. To make matters worse, his girlfriend (what a joke), starts spending more and more time with the point guard on their college basketball team. It didn’t take the fool long to realize when it comes to brothers, he was outgunned. Depressed and lonely, Jes went to a local bar and drank himself drunk. Then to compile this idiot move, this fool’s so drunk he decides to not catch a cab home, he walks not around but through the park to get back to the dorms. Now check this out. He decides to stroll through one of the most dangerous parks in the city at 2 am in the morning. That’s where we met.
I guess I should be honest, I after a year in prison fucking sissy pussies were high on my menu. Usually, when I go to the park to buy some herb or go on the hunt for some stray sissy and the moment, I saw this white-bread, pussyboi, my eyes lit up as I, declared, jackpot.” I knew this k** was in deep shit, he was easy prey for the predators in this park, especially at this time of night. I moved in quickly and in a minute or so I was perhaps about twenty yards behind and closing. I’ll never forget the look of fear in this bitch’s eyes when he saw me approach. He quickened his step but I was on him by that time. In his haste to escape, he tripped over a part of broken pavement and fell on his face.
I quickly darted in front of him, folded my arms across my big black chest. My black leather jacket hung open and glistened with a coat of sweat beneath my flaming red tank-top on this hot late spring night.
“Looks like you’re a long way from home my man.”
“I guess I took a misstep.” He replied.
“Among several my dude, here let me help you up.”
“Oh, that’s okay,” He answers.
As he climbs to his feet, I can already see and smell he was a ‘SIW’ ‘Sissy in Waiting’.
“It’s a little late to be hanging out in the park for someone like you.” I step in front of him and block his path forward.
“Oh, I guess I had a little too much to drink.”
“That much is obvious. You must be on your way back to campus.”
“Yes, and thanks but I’m okay. Have a goodnight.” He tries to walk around me, but I block his path.
“Hey sir, please, I don’t want any trouble.”
“Bullshit, the way I see it, the moment you stepped in this park you were looking for trouble. A whiteboi like you strolling through the roughest park in the city is like cutting yourself in shark-infested waters.”
“But I told you I got a little drunk, I know I should’ve walked around the park or caught a ride. I’ll be fine, now can you move out my way?”
“Sure, no problem, but I feel I should warn you. You’re about 100 yards from the entrance, but in reality, I’d bet money you never make it there.”
“I’ll take my chances.” He answers trying to put on the brave face.
“No problem but the wolves have your scent, I say you make it another 20 yards before they move in on you.”
The punk slows his pace, scans the area, and looks back at me. “Why’d you say that?”
“Because you see that big boulder over there at the top of the hill?”
“Well, that’s where two stickup k**s hide, wait, and keep a lookout for their victims. Can you see the three shadows at the main exit?”
“Yes, but vaguely”
“They beat a muthafucka so bad the other night, the bloodstains are still on the grass.”
“I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to frighten me.”
“No, I’m trying to open your eyes to realize the fucked-up position you’re in but if you think you’re tough enough, see ya, and I wouldn’t wanna be ya.”
The punk started to walk when he saw shadows move just beyond the large rock.
“Excuse me mister but you seem to know you’re way around here. Is there any way I could go to avoid them?”
“Yeah, you should’ve walked your lazy ass around the park or caught that ride, but now, you’re the one caught. I gotta tell you white bread, you’re in some deep shit. I wanted to help you out but seems to me, you think you have all the answers so now you’re on your own.”
For all you predators and victims, that’s the setup line. Make a subtle offer to help in this way the victim voluntarily surrenders themselves to you and he took the bait, just as I knew he would.
“I’m sorry I was so arrogant, can you help me, please?”
“Sure, I can help you but it’s not gonna be easy. These guys are roughnecks ghetto bangers, predators. They’ve already caught your scent. If you want to get passed them, you’ll have to do everything and I mean everything I say, you feel me white-bread?”
“Why are you calling me that?”
“No time for questions whiteboi, now do you want my help or not?” Once the bait is taken, you have to reel them in quick, in other words, don’t give them time to think.
“Yes, I guess so.
“No, that’s not good enough white-bread. If you need my help, then I need you to say it out loud so there can be no mistakes.
“Okay, sir, I’ll do whatever you say, just please…please just help me get out of this park?”
The Intimidation
I step into his space. My big dark muscular chest just inches from his mouth. I look down on this pretty treat with shoulder-length dark brown hair, nicely tanned and cute symmetrical physique and I say boldly. “Kiss me.”
“Huh…hey wait, what’s going on, I’m not gay.”
“I don’t recall asking if you were. I gave you an instruction, and you keep acting all dense and shit. Listen, man, I don’t have time for this bullshit.” I pull out a blunt and take a deep puff, to let this sissy twist in the wind, then I say. “Listen, man, you asked for my help, but since you’re too fucking dense to do what the fuck I tell ya, then fuck it. Remember I’m putting my neck on the line here for your dumbass…you know what…fuck it and fuck you.” This is a crucial moment for an alpha black Lion Bitchmaker and his SIW. I turn to walk away, he runs up behind me and says, “Okay, he’s about 5-foot 6’ so he has to raise up on his toes slightly to kiss me on the cheek.
Establishing Dependence Through Fear
I chuckle and shake my head. “You know something man, you’re pathetic. What the fuck do I look like to you punk, your Santa Claus. I want your lips on my lips and mean it when you do it.” I no sooner finish the statement, than his lips give me a quick peck on my lips.
“Lousy effort, try again and mean it,” I demand.
“He attempts to kiss me, just as I take a long deep puff on my herb, and cocaine laced herb cigar then I snatch him into my muscular arms and kiss him strongly. My tongue forces its way into his mouth as I hold him there and force the smoke into his lungs. He attempts to break free but between the booze and my grip he’s forced to accept whatever I dish out. I let him go. I can see the kiss has had a predicable effect on him.
“Very good white-bread, you’re getting better, now one more time and this time throw your arms on my shoulders. We gotta convince these dogs that you’re my bitch.”
I take another deep puff off my cigar right before the sissy kisses me again with a lot less fight. I stifle my desire to laugh at how easily I’m breaking down his resistance. I Slid my arms around his waist and kiss him with passion, I can feel his lips tremble when I pull back.
“Very good sissy now here comes the fun part. Now, listen up cause we’re only gonna get one shot at this. I’m gonna put my arm around your waist, then we’re going to leave this park-like boyfriend and girlfriend, you feel me sissy.”
“Oh, wish you wouldn’t call me that.”
“Don’t worry, once we’re out the park and a safe distance away, you’re free to go, but until then, you are my bitch. You got that?”
“I…Uhh, I guess so.”
“You guess so, not good enough, either you’re down with this shit or you’ll get beat down. I don’t want to have to go through this exercise again with you, do you understand?
“Yes sir”
“Fuck that, from this point you call me Simba Mweusi, that means Black Lion or just Simba, now put your hand on my back. I wrap my arm around his waist and lead him past the large rock. I glance up at the two thugs and I could see the look of disgust on their faces as we pass. As we approached the entrance, I could see the wolves as they repositioned themselves on either side of the entrance gate. “Okay white-bread, kiss me again and make it count.” He did just that, threw his arms over my shoulders, his tongue darted about inside my mouth and got my dick hard but the real payoff came when I heard him groan as I pushed him away at arms distance, then yanked him by my side like a sweet little hoe as we approached the crew.
“Yo, Simba, didn’t know you roll like that.” One of the men said.
“That’s cause it’s not your business to know Dogg.”
“So, you like them fagboi’s huh Nigga?”
“As I said, it’s not your business Dogg.”
I could see they were pissed cause I stole away their prey but fuck ‘em. I’m the Black Lion and I rule this fuckin jungle. We walked for about a half a block when this sissy tries to reestablish her masculinity.
“Okay, I think we’re at a safe distance from the park, we can stop now.” He attempted to pull away, but I snatch his ass back.
“Oh, so that’s it huh, I help you out and you think you’re just gonna scamper away like some little squirrel, Nah bitch, ain’t that type of ballgame. Where I’m from, when a man does something for someone, that person compensates that man for his assistance.”
“But I don’t have much money.”
“There are other ways to make good. You got a roommate?”
He said no, then informed me about his best friend leaving school to marry his pregnant girlfriend.
“Was he fucking you?”
“What…no, I keep telling you, I am not gay.”
“And why do you keep answering questions that haven’t been asked. I don’t give a fuck what you think you are. Now, why don’t we pick some beer and discuss how you’re going to pay me back for helping you out.
He was reluctant, but I convinced him to buy a case of beer, and we entered the apartments just off-campus.
As we entered his apartment building, a security guard approached.
The Acid Test
Pay attention this is a point I like to call the Acid Test of for a Bitchmaker. You could liken it to when the master takes the leash of his bitch to see what she’ll do. It’s a critical moment perhaps the most critical because you’re trusting that you’ve exerted enough authority on your bitch, that even when she has the advantage, she’s still dependent on you. With just a word, she could have me fighting this guard and even arrested. It’s a risky but necessary step in the transitional process of converting a covert sissy into an all-out bitch.
“You follow my lead and don’t fuck it up.” I bark as the guard addresses us.
“Good morning, you guys look like you had a fun night.” The guard asks.
“Yes, we did, as you can see, my buddy is still a little woozy. I’m taking him home so he can sleep it off. Would you believe he's got a big test in a few hours?” I lie.
“Well, don’t let me stop you, and I suggest plenty of coffee, plenty of coffee.” The guard and I laughed as we continued on our way.
As we entered the elevator, he staggered.
“Oh wow, I feel do feel woozy.”
“Yeah, you had a crazy night.” I snickered knowing that the cocaine and herb mixing with the alcohol already in his blood this guy must be blasted.
By the time we reached his apartment, actually it was more of a kitchenette, he’s got this distant look in his eyes. Now comes the…
I guided him over to a loveseat, then took off my leather jack and tossed it behind me. I rolled back my shoulders as I flex the muscles of my chest and deltoids. My red wifebeater stretches to hold my dark chocolate, hard muscles. I stretch my arms and flex my tri and biceps, then throw up my arms to perform a double bicep pose and display my 26’ guns. All the while I watched my ‘BIW’ (Bitch in waiting). Now I see it, the bitch revealed herself finally. A bitch can never resist the influence of a Bitchmaker, no matter how hard she tries, and it can also be fairly said, a Bitchmaker is also vulnerable to being seduced by a potential bitch so in many ways it balances out.
“Wow man, you are huge.” The bitch cries.
“Yeah, I gotta keep my body hard for all these cock loving sluts out here. Listen, I got a little bit of a cramp in my arm, you think you can massage it out, please.” The please additive is to ease the fears of the potential bitch and give them a sense of innocence.
I extend my arm and I instruct him to massage my forearm, then had her to continue to squeeze up to my biceps. I flexed my arm at the elbow, and I can see this sissy is breathing heavily and yes, I can also see the bulge in his pants.
“Dayam Yo, that shit feels good. Your hands feel warm and soft. I looked away and use the moment of honesty to ask an honest question. “It feels good to you to…right?”
“Yes, your muscles feel so hard and warm as well.” The Bitch answered.
“How about giving my body a massage, you seem really good at it.”
“You think I don’t know what you’re…you’re trying to do. You’re trying to get me excited so you can…” her voice trails off.
“Trying to do what fagboi?”
“You’re trying to get me to suck, suck…your big black cock.”
“Now this is some shit. Did you figure that shit out all on your own? I chuckled knowing I got his ass in a corner.
“How do you know I have a big black cock?”
“Because all you black guys have big cocks.”
“Oh, really and I imagine you took a survey. What’d you do, go around with a ruler and measure them, or maybe you watched some brothers dicking down a cute little honey, but you weren’t watching the honey were you?” With that said, I closed my arm at the elbow and trapped his fingers between them.
“Ouch…ouch, oh that hurts, let me go please.”
“I will when you fess the fuck up and tell me you’re a cock loving fagboi bitch.” I snarl.
“No, no I’m not gay.” The bitch shouts.
“Did I say you were gay…huh…huh.” I bark as I squeeze my arms tighter.
“No, please Simba…please let me go, you’re breaking my fingers!”
“You want the pain to stop, fess the fuck up,” I demand.
“No…wait…please Simba!”
“I can hear your bones cracking bitch, better fess up.”
“Okay, okay I’m a fagboi!”
“Now that’s better.” I snap as I release his hand.
Tears are falling down his face as he massaged his hand.
“I think you brought my fingers.”
“I didn’t break your fingers; I’m just helping you find yourself.”
“But I keep telling you, I’m not gay. I got a girlfriend.”
“I bet you can’t satisfy her cause your hearts, not in it.” I grab my crouch. “This is the only thing that can satisfy her pussy, but you know what. I got too much pussy out here to be chasing your faggot ass around, fuck that. I’m out, I’ll take the beer as payment for how I helped you out, ungrateful piece of shit.” I bark, snatch the beer of the table and make my way to the door. This is called…
The Surrender
This is the point where the Bitch has to submit or suffer the consequences of blowing the opportunity they’ve craved for so long. The thoughts that have kept them up at night, the thoughts they entertain while watching porno flicks, and having Black Cock Fever. Once again, it’s a calculated but necessary risk.
“Wait, wait please Simba. You don’t have to go. I really am grateful for all you’ve done for me, you can finish your beer, maybe stay around for few hours, but I’m just not…”
“Stop it right now Bitch before you really piss me off. Now if you want me to stay, say it.” I demand.
“Okay Simba, can you hang out here…please, there is some truth to what you’re saying. I just don’t think I’m ready to…”
“Get off that shit bitch…you don’t think you’re ready yet. Get the fuck out of here, what are you stupid. You think I haven’t heard that shit before from you white-breads. Spoiled pampered little whitebois, fresh off mommy’s tit, thinking you’re above it all. Then you see a big black cock and your eyes like up like a Christmas tree. You’re fascinated by all those big black dicks going in and out of the girls, and then one day, you realize you can never have that. It is all beyond your present reality. You grow envious, jealous, how can I compete which such a big black dick. Even if you have the size, you don’t have the color or the swag behind it. You dream about them, knowing all along you can never, ever have one, and even if you did, it’s still the wrong color. Then slowly but surely you realize you’re fascinated by big black dicks. Hey, I understand, it must be very, very frustrating but Yo boy Simba’s gonna hook you up. I have a way for you to have a nice big black Johnson.”
“Huh, I don’t understand, exactly how is that possible; how can I ever have a big black dick, you just said it was beyond my reality, so how can I have a big black dick?”
I reach down, take his hand, and rub it about the bulge in my pants.
“Oh shit, that’s not what I meant.” He cried.
“Are you sure, here’s your opportunity. You can have every inch of this big black tool, just pull it out and it’s all yours.” I slyly.
The bitch stares up at me, then down at my cock, imprisoned inside my pants. His hands moved as if they had a mind of its own, but I knew who’s controlled that hand, the bitch is fighting her way to the surface of his mind.
The Threshold of Bitch-hood
The second this pussy pulled out my cock and kissed about the crown, I didn’t say a word. When a bitch enters the threshold of bitch-hood, it is important not to push, intimidate or otherwise interfere. To do so would lessen your power. The point being the bitch must surrender to all on their own. Now after another minute the…
Domination Begins
“Look at you bitch with your lips stretched open and sucking my big dick, you like it don’t you pussy?”
She moans to signify her lust for my hard flesh. I take my time but soon I face fucked this sissy’s mouth like a well-lubed pussy. Occasionally, I am forced nearly 8 inches down his throat. When I release her head, it jerks back with a trail of precum, saliva mixture behind her. before this sissy could utter a word, I force my hard cock right back inside her mouth. It’s important to understand. A sub sissy bitch is a lot like fucking any bitch, however, a sub sissy craves validation. She doesn’t just want to be forced and dominated, many to most desire to also be humiliated and debased. You see they’re afraid of learning more about themselves, they know they’re in the rabbit hole, now it’s up to you to get them to see exactly how far it goes. When a Bitchmaker takes charge and exerts his authority over the sub sissy it liberates them from having to face who they really are by simply letting go and allowing their bitch within to take over. “Look at you just sucking my cock like a crackhead hoe. Who was trying to fool slut, you’re a fucking cock-hound slut? This is in your nature to suck dick, and I know it cause it speaks to my nature which is to fuck your mouth and that cute little pink ring down there. What the fuck were you thinking trying to fool me…you know what?”
I push away her head and dick slap this dizzy bitch repeatedly, smeared my precum saliva mixture all over her face, then I slid my hand up the length of my black dagger, gathering a hand full of slimy juice and smear it over her face and hair. I take a wide-legged stance, cradle her head, and long-dick her mouth until I bathe her belly with my white chocolate seed. There outta be a law against what I did next.
I take a seat on the loveseat. I tie a bungee cord around her waist, wrap the far end of the cord around my wrist, tightened it until there’s less than 3’ between us, then I slid her down on my black lumber. I took my jockey underwear and stuffed in his mouth. It took a lot of lube, but I impaled this sissy-in-waiting. Once that happened, game over, I used the positioning of my feet for leverage, used the power of my ankles, calves, thighs, hamstrings, and hard buttocks to bounce that Bitch senseless. She babbled like a toddler, then I wrapped my arm and bicep around her throat, and the other around her waist as I rose up on my feet, thrust up and practically lift her off her feet. I fucked this bitch from one end of the room to the other. I lowered her down then forced her down on all fours and allowed the bungee cord a little slack. I snatch her up and down liberally and drill my cock into her like a b**st. I grind down into her pressing down with all my might, my cock is close to the point of no return, when I kissed her shoulder, licked her neck and bit her earlobe as I say in cadence with my grin down; “As a Bitchmaker, I claim, and I breed, you now and forever…a cumdump…slut…cum drinking, black dick loving, baby momma wannabe, fagboi hoe.” My cock feels like it’s spitting lava inside this hot hungry hole.
I fucked him many times throughout the day. When I left, he was limping and carrying on about how I took advantage of him because of the d**gs. That’s when I told him if he thought this was some one night fling, he’d better smell what’s coming out his mouth cause it smells a lot like bullshit and to prove it ordered him to arrive at my place at no later than 6 pm that next night. “Like that’s going to happen.” He remarked, yet he was there at 5:45 pm.
There’s a lot more to this adventure
watch this space for part 2…

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 2

“Wake up slut! It’s time to put that hot little body to work, you got a long day ahead of you,” one of the bikers declared, slapping Hannah roughly across the face. Hannah yelped in pain as she was abruptly and painfully woken up. Immediately the horrible reality of her situation set in and she started whimpering miserably. She didn’t know what time she fell asleep, but it had taken her at least a couple hours and she felt like she’d hardly slept at all. There were at least 15 bikers...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 8

Hannah had no idea how she survived the next several days with Big Joe. Over the course of that time, the huge beast continued to take Hannah with him to many different towns and neighborhoods. Her purpose on these trips, of course, was to fuck whoever he commanded her to. Then, in the evenings, she was forced to pleasure the sadistic biker in unimaginably cruel ways. Every single night the Outlaw raped Hannah at least two or three times, and since he was such an anal aficionado, he...

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Mrs Margo Richmond relaxed in her bath-tub after a trying day at the university office; her head rested back; her eyes closed as she softly sponged her shapely breasts while her thoughts roamed freely. She’d had an important staff meeting with her underlings and at 39 she still enjoyed the lecherous admiration that emanated from male colleagues, for there was no doubt she was still a sexy looking vixen. That’s what had frustrated Margo; she could so easily have an affair; get some proper...

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BitchedChapter 2

The baby-change cubicle Joey had shown me into was clean and spacious. I was in a state of arousal at the audacity of what we were doing and Captain’s snout was nudging at my panties as though he sensed the purpose of things. My memory flashed back to those bedtimes at aunties, when her doggy did the same thing to me; to encourage me to start playing with him. Joey seemed calm though and simply lifted his dog up onto the small bench. He began smoothing and cooing softly to him and his hand...

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A Visit From Blackjack

Hi! After seeing the bits on cliches in TG fiction on the Fictionmania Hyperboard, I decided a story was needed that played a bit with them. Blackjack was created by the late great Osamu Tezuka;all you need to know about him for the story is included. It's okay to post this on sites that don't charge readers. A VISIT FROM BLACKJACK by Scott K. Jamison (Blackjack created by Osamu Tezuka. North American rights held by Viz Comics, and no infringement is...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 5

Rebecca was at a loss for words when she walked into the last tent in the line and found young Raymond James face down in his bunk sobbing like he had just lost both his parent in an airplane crash. She knew that wasn’t even a remote possibility because the James family was one of those “never go out” families and were the only family in the neighborhood to never light up their porch for Halloween. Of course, that wasn’t a reason to take a dim view of their social skills, it was just...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 13

Summer camp was drawing to a close. It had been a memorable summer with lots of private little unsuspected tingles that made Rebecca start to feel like a teenager once again. She had made quite a few new friends in the younger crowd of seventeen and eighteen year old category and she was looking forward to some interesting sleepovers at her home for her twin’s sex education needs and exercises in social interaction that was not texting or looking at some silly screen like a trained...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 16

Rebecca was slightly depressed because she had suffered some redness on her backside from the oversexed male scoutmasters who pestered her to drop her drawers for them because she was female and definitely not of jailbait age. Of course, her attitude and her appearance were misleading, and she reveled in the attention she received because she looked like one of the underage female scouts and not a scoutmaster in her own right. A couple of the good old boys got carried away by the sight of...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 13

Less than 50 miles away from where Hannah was suffering, inside a tavern also owned by the Outlaws, another whore was having a miserable night of her own. Ellen Duffy, the incredibly hot redhead and Miss Washington contestant, was on her back with her legs spread while a fat, greasy Mexican fucked her pussy raw. He was the fourth Mexican in the past 20 minutes to fuck the young redhead, and he was in a state of euphoria as he pounded into Ellen like a savage. “So boys, we got a deal?”...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 6

Hannah was rudely awoken, like always, with a hard smack to her face. She yelped in pain and immediately began whining in terror. She could hardly remember getting pulled from the shower and tied to the bed last night. However, she did recall puking up a huge amount of sperm and piss into the tub. Her jaws and throat were still extremely sore from the dozens of blowjobs she’d been forced to give, and the burn mark on her back was still very raw and inflamed. “Get your ass up cunt, you...

3 years ago
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De toutes sortes

It provides a list of the “in” places to go, but I’m not really an “in” place person. However at the end of the listings I came across a series of Petites Annonces – Personal Ads. I was just looking at it out of curiosity – yes curiosity I was not looking for the advert which ran “jolie fille sexy recherche rencontre hot sur Paris” and I did not answer that one (honest). Then I noticed a section headed Photos - Modeles which seemed to consist mainly of photographers looking for lady models...

2 years ago
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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 1 Seven Hole Washout

Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter One -- Seven Hole Washout My wife's mother called to tell her she wasn't feeling well and she wanted my wife, Kay, to come up to Chicago to be with her. She is a hypochondriac and it's not unusual for her to interrupt our vacation, or whatever we're doing, with her demands. I was hoping to play golf this day but it was getting cloudy as I drove my wife to the Fort Lauderdale Airport. As I kissed her goodbye, I told her to give my love to her mother....

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e21 The Portsmouth Womens Institute

Series 6, Episode 20 The Portsmouth Women’s Institute (ages 50-60), from Portsmouth We open with a very simple and idyllic establishing shot of the front of an unobtrusive building with a little square of grass around it. A sign reads, “PORTSMOUTH WOMEN’S INSTITUTE” A small car park is half filled with sensible middle-class cars a Volvo, an Audi, a nice VW, etc. Trees rustle as the wind blows through them. Very safe violin music plays on the soundtrack and then The needle on the record...

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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 22 Outposts

I learnt a new form of love the day my daughter was born. When Tory had started her next group of girls incubating, I found myself gravitating to one of them in particular. I knew she was very special. I knew she was a true sister to me and that I would need to raise her as my daughter. Call it a premonition if you wish, but the certainty was there all the same. She wouldn’t take the place of my precious lost daughter, yet I knew this little girl was very special to me. I was glad that one...

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The Blacksmith

The BlacksmithThe divorce had been final for almost a year.? Maria and the business were long gone, it was her concept and hard work anyway.? I kept the 2 acres in Connecticut and the beach house in Laguna, both already paid for, and more than enough money to enjoy them both.? I wanted out and she wanted more.? We were both very different people now, I had taught Maria business, and she taught me the intimacy of sex.? She showed me ways to enjoy sex my rigid Connecticut upbringing never dreamed...

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Give Me Some Sugar Part 1 Rochelles Tryout

Introduction: A man goes from an obscure loser to a wealthy writer, and reaps more benefits than just money. ​ Life sure is funny is how it plays out. I have never been a religious man, still am not, but I did listen to the Joel Olsteen guy when the times were bad. He was so positive, that helped, but he also talked about how God could make up for decades of crap, in just a few years through super natural increase. Like I said, I am no Christian and am agnostic about the existence of a deity,...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 1

PROPERTY OF DEVIL’S OUTLAWS Chapter 1: Taken As the sun began quickly setting behind the beautiful mountain ranges far away, Hannah could feel her frustration growing larger by the second. She should have known better than to rely solely on her navigation system and not bring a map with her on this trip. She was on her way to join some friends in Cabo for a few days of summer fun and relaxation. She had just a couple more hours of driving, but her normally dependable navigation tool...

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Property of Devils Outlaws

PROPERTY OF DEVIL’S OUTLAWSChapter 1: Taken        As the sun began quickly setting behind the beautiful mountain ranges far away, Hannah could feel her frustration growing larger by the second.  She should have known better than to rely solely on her navigation system and not bring a map with her on this trip.  She was on her way to join some friends in Cabo for a few days of summer fun and relaxation.  She had just a couple more hours of driving, but her normally dependable navigation tool...

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Normally, I enjoyed the Friday night dances at the works when I was the duty manager. All I had to do was to ensure there was no trouble and to make sure the bar shut at 10.30 and the room was clear by 11.00pm so that security could release the guard dogs. I loved to dance, but tonight all the best girls seemed to have partners. But then my attention was drawn to a young lady dancing with one of the single men, she looked utterly bored, and the glance she threw me as she passed close by me...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 4 Summer Camp Initiation

The newly appointed Boy Scoutmaster Rebecca Anderson made her nightly check of all her teenaged charges and made certain they were all wearing regulation nightwear because the tents were coed and embarrassing situations could arise unintentionally if some young lady or young lad accidently went to answer a call of nature without proper attire. Rebecca felt a bit hypocritical about her actions because she usually slept in the raw loving the feel of smooth sheets on her hot female skin. When...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 9

The beautiful Boy Scout Scoutmaster Rebecca sat daydreaming in the snake cabin right in the middle of mostly non-poisonous reptiles slithering passively in their glass cages that separated them from the always curious and often reckless young boys and even some of the more adventurous girls more for their own safety than the rambunctious youngsters. She was not one of those persons that felt comfortable in close proximity to snakes. It was probably some ancient genetic trait that kept her...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 12

Right at the beginning of the final two week session of the summer camp, Rebecca was tasked with leading the Eagle Scout prospects out on a long two night hike that would take them completely around the long narrow lake that was far better to canoe or rowboat rather than hike in the dense underbrush surrounding the lush shorelines. She found that there were four male Boy Scouts and three female Boy Scouts in the pool of applicants and it worked out just fine for four two person tents to...

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Wanna Makeout

Dave and Kim had dated early in their life, before they actually new what dating was and after their breakup became close friends. It was after Kim’s boyfriend, John, who was also Dave’s best friend, left for Germany to study there for a year that the jokes began. It started small, jokes with John before he left that Dave and Kim would hookup while he was gone. These jokes always would upset John and make Dave and Kim chuckle. The jokes continued after John left, and even after Kim and John...

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Cat and Mouse The Tryout

Cat and Mouse: The Tryout by Bluto "Good afternoon, this is Della Delargio reporting live for WNBC from the financial district. The Protectors, NYC's newest superhero team, has just foiled a bold daylight robbery attempt by The Destroyers, a gang of supervillains who have been increasingly active in recent months. "The Destroyers staged a lightning raid on the Federal Reserve Bank and were about to make a rooftop getaway when The Protectors came charging to the rescue. Here...

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The Princess and the Blacksmith

The Princess and the BlacksmithOnce upon a time, in a castle on a mountain surrounded by forests there lived a beautiful young girl called Princess Lilla who everyone fell in love with until they met her and realised what a spoiled, vicious tongued, vindictive, vile little madam she really was.Her father loved her and would do anything for her because she was completely impossible if he didn't, and her mother left years ago because she couldn't stand the constant tantrums.Meanwhile at the edge...

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The Dugout

Cherie is a lovely Asian woman. She seems like a typical wife and mother. But there is a dark side to her. Cherie is one of those fiery tiger moms who thinks her son can do no wrong and that she deserves to be in control. Not always. Cherie was watching her son play little league baseball with the other moms. The game was intense, and Cherie was really animated and vocal about what was going on in the field. Her son was at bat and had two strikes against him. Both were questionable calls, in...

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The Princess and the Blacksmith

Once upon a time, in a castle on a mountain surrounded by forests there lived a beautiful young girl called Princess Lilla who everyone fell in love with until they met her and realised what a spoiled, vicious tongued, vindictive, vile little madam she really was. Her father loved her and would do anything for her because she was completely impossible if he didn't, and her mother left years ago because she couldn't stand the constant tantrums. Meanwhile at the edge of the same forest...

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Cheerleader Tryouts

From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Cheerleading (what else?) Hey Em, it's your very-best-friend-in-the-world, but I guess you knew that when you saw the "from" line, right? Duh, my blond is showing again. Anyway, how are you holding up in godawful Cleveland... I still CANNOT believe that your parents could just up and move from beautiful SoCal to the midwest for gods sake... and break up the dynamic duo of Smithfield High cheereleading... but anyway, I still...

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My family isn’t uber-rich, but we’re not poor by any means. Our house is pretty big and I’m a bit spoilt sometimes. I’m a bit of a nerd, I spend most of the time on my laptop, but I go out with my friends a lot too, so I’m not a complete geek. The rest of my family is fairly large; I have 10 cousins and aunts & uncles, although they don’t live very near to us. Now you know my life story, l shall begin with the actual story. My parents usually leave me home alone and I babysit for other...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12 E16 Tamara Cooper 32 from Southampton

We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of St Mary’s Stadium, home of Southampton Football Club ... Then spinning around to look over the River Solent, zooming in on a large, gray-green structure with little round windows ... Then we cut to that building – on a dusty industrial estate - with the river and St Mary’s Stadium in the background. A sign on the front of the building reads “MAIN AGGREGATES”. Our host steps into frame from the side, immediately making the scene better to...

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The Outlaw and the Innkeepers Daughter

Author’s Note: This story was written at the suggestion of a medieval re-enactor friend who served as the template for the main character. She has recently passed away and this story is now dedicated to her memory. Goodbye Artemas Innkeeper of the Inn of the Drunken Hare, March 5, 2008. * The two forest outlaws watched nervously from the edge of Barnesdale Woods. Well concealed, they took their time to assure themselves that no one along the Nottingham road would see them approach the old...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 37 Outpost Zulu and Other Iraqi Delights

July 2006 - September 2006 Things got back to normal. The next day our families flew back home, and Bravo Three was kicked out of the Al Faw Palace and sent back to Anaconda Three. Riley looked even worse that morning; he was storing up debauchery for the future like a squirrel storing up nuts for the winter. We pretty much had to carry him out of there, and Bixley asked us what he had done to get in his condition. “Sarge, if I told you, you wouldn’t believe us. Riley committed every sin in...

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TangentChapter 10 Outpost

Judy was woken for the second day in a row by a kick on the foot. She cracked an eye and saw Tanda Havra once again standing over her. "Breakfast," Tanda informed Judy. "Then horse or wagon." Judy looked around the tent, empty except for the two of them. She must have been tired to sleep past the others getting up! "Horse," Judy said almost without thinking. She'd seen the wagons yesterday. They bumped and jolted you; there were no springs. "Be ready, be quick!" Tanda told her,...

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Strip BlackJack

Strip Blackjack is less popular than Strip Poker. You can read all over erotica stories about Strip Poker, about there is only a very few about Strip Blackjack, which I considered a mistake. Strip Blackjack could be so entertaining, even more; it could be naughtier than Strip Poker, since it plays faster than Strip Poker. Therefore, I decided to create a story about Strip Blackjack. You can play the game as a male or female, following the next game rules: • Each entry is a single hand in the...

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Outpost Hetero EditionChapter 3 Charity

Schaffer dreamed that he was warm, no, hot. Growing hotter. Sweat coated his body, he felt as if he were on fire. Was he in hell? Was that what fate had decreed? His mind was muddled, unfocused. He reached out his hand, feeling downy fur and yielding fat. He opened his eyes with a start, this was not a dream. He was awake, out of the snow and out of his suit, too. It was too dark for him to see anything, and all around him, the same soft fur pressed against his naked skin. There was an odd,...

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Outpost Bisexual EditionChapter 3 Charity

Schaffer dreamed that he was warm, no, hot. Growing hotter. Sweat coated his body, he felt as if he were on fire. Was he in hell? Was that what fate had decreed? His mind was muddled, unfocused. He reached out his hand, feeling downy fur and yielding fat. He opened his eyes with a start, this was not a dream. He was awake, out of the snow and out of his suit, too. It was too dark for him to see anything, and all around him, the same soft fur pressed against his naked skin. There was an odd,...

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Slave of the Outcast

Chapter 1Charles Greene and his three mates were loitering around the lower floor of the mall. There were lots pf people in the mall. Kids running around and screaming. Cliques of women pacing around,  carrying bags of purchases. Elderly couples eating their ice cream cones.  Charles Green’s mates were also his classmates and their names were Jim, Casper and Norman.  They had finally finished their secondary school education. They had finally finished school and were now on holiday....

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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 10 Baseball Tryouts

First thing, I went looking for Tracy. She didn't see me come up behind her. I figured a little payback was in order so I gave her a hip check. Her head snapped around, and when she saw it was me, she got a big grin. "Hey, sexy boy," she purred. That got everyone's attention, and I actually blushed. She winked at me as she turned to go to her locker. It was nice to see her smiling. After school, I went to baseball tryouts. There were a lot of guys and even a few girls trying out. I...

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Earths CoreChapter 3 The Official Elite Tryouts Start

Everyone in the crowd froze in a various array of postures. Moments after they got to their seats the group battle ended, and in both ghastly and bloody manner, at that. “Is ... is that it?” Someone asked in a barely audible voice. “In just a few seconds he took out five of the eight of them, killing three of them, not less...” Another person mentioned waveringly. “How terrible, he even didn’t spare the woman...” “Dad, dad, what Martial school this expert belongs to? Please sign me in!”...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 15 Youth Are Not Pampered

After lunch our team was issued minimal clothing. We were told that it was deemed not appropriate to keep us nude since we would be outside of Masterson facilities and in the presence of young teens not accustomed to seeing naked slaves. However our masters wanted to be sure that these youth understood that some of their visitors were, in fact, slaves. Accordingly we had to wear our slave collars along with tee shirts and women were issued only thong bottoms, men were issued Speedos. The...

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Blacked! Need some exclusive interracial blacked porn videos? You know, I’m not even gonna lie to you, as a white dude, I’ve always had trouble getting into videos that feature black actors fucking chicks. Not because I have a problem with it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about the swirl. It is just that, for me, I have a much easier time getting off to videos in which I can easily picture myself doing the fucking … videos where the dick doing the fucking could conceivably, with a little bit...

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