Female Anatomy ClassChapter 7
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Ai Korobase is on line.
Faustus Mortal is on line.
Ai Korobase: Tal Master.
Faustus Mortal: Tal girl. How is a Kajira today?
Ai Korobase: A girl is fine, Master. Thank you for asking.
Faustus Mortal: And you are here at Toy Euler’s behest no doubt, trying to purloin more knowledge on the creation of cheap, clean, copious energy?
Ai Korobase: No, Master, this girl is here to see you.
Faustus Mortal blinks.
Faustus Mortal: Do explain Ai!
Ai Korobase: This girl wants you to teach her all you know of the deity, Master.
Faustus Mortal: Are you both serious and sane girl?
Ai Korobase: A girl thinks so, Master.
Faustus Mortal frowns and draws a deep breath. Then pauses for a minute and composes a reply.
Faustus Mortal: I am Faustus, Initiate of Gor. My Caste, the Blessed Caste, also known as the White Caste, is forbidden to eat meat or beans, to drink any alcoholic beverages, to touch or be touched by a woman, among other restrictions. We perform ablutions several times a day and wear distinctive white robes. We offer comely supplications, divine oblations, exquisite sacrifices, and expensive offerings to those ethereal ‘Powers-that-be.’
Ai Korobase: This girl knows your role, Master. She is seeking the ultimate in Third Knowledge.
Faustus Mortal gags.
Faustus Mortal: ‘Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.’
Ai Korobase: A girl hopes so, Master.
Faustus Mortal: To understand the deity, one should understand the limitations of man’s mind. And appreciate the fact that man is constantly trying to somehow limit the deity. First and foremost, let me blaspheme and say the first axiom: ‘If there is a god (whatever her name might be), she is certainly going to be pissed off at mankind for blaming religion on her.’ Having said that, let me continue with the so-called ‘butterfly scenario.’
Ai Korobase: Butterfly scenario, Master?
Faustus Mortal: Yes. This is a paradigm surrounding the mathematical concept of the Strange Attractor. A butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil and twenty years later it causes a blizzard in Siberia. Tiny perturbations in the initial values may result in very large variations in the outcome values. Does a girl understand this?
Ai Korobase: She thinks so, Master.
Faustus Mortal: I seriously doubt that, but the model (or paradigm) is necessary. So assume for a moment that there is a deity. By the minutest tweak of an electron at the precise instance of the Big Bang, the entire universe could be rearranged.
Ai Korobase: Oh!
Faustus Mortal: Oh yes. Is a girl lost?
Ai Korobase: So God can change the universe by touching it at the moment of its creation?
Faustus Mortal: More than that. Not being subject to time, the entire universe is dynamic and can be restructured at any moment. Those bound to time cannot even be aware of the change. It is instantaneous.
Ai Korobase: Oh, a girl is so confused.
Faustus Mortal: See! Now how can you understand the Third Knowledge?
Ai Korobase: Please tell a girl more.
Faustus Mortal: Consider far Alpha Centauri, a distant star. Suppose a sunspot explodes there eons ago. A single ray of light, a most tiny photon, reaches earth and strikes the butterfly’s wing. Then the history of the earth may be changed.
Ai Korobase: So the stars do influence humanity.
Faustus Mortal: Yes, they always have. But ‘how’ is the question. It is not for man to know.
Ai Korobase: Why not?
Faustus Mortal: Mankind is bound by the laws of statistics, probability, and the various uncertainty principles. Our existence is determined by entropy, the arrow of time.
Ai Korobase: So the stars might influence us but there is no way we could ever know how? That sucks, Master!
Faustus Mortal: The Supreme Being is able to transcend time and change the universe, controlling each event like a puppet on a set of strings.
Ai Korobase: So there is no free will?
Faustus Mortal: Quite the contrary. From a human point of view the very uncertainty, the ‘Big U’ is free will.
Ai Korobase is confused.
Faustus Mortal: Our religions limit god. But she need only change the most minute particle in the Ur-atom at the moment of the Big Bang to create an entirely new universe. But the Supreme Being is not bound by time. This means that she may create an infinity of universes, knowing exactly the behavior of each.
Ai Korobase: So she could change our reality.
Faustus Mortal: Yes. But there is no way that we could know that it happened.
Ai Korobase: OMG!
Faustus Mortal: This is the ultimate power. Petition the almighty and everything may or may not be changed depending on her mind.
Ai Korobase: So yesterday would change and we would not even know it? That doesn’t seem fair.
Faustus Mortal: Life is not fair.
Ai Korobase: True, Master.
Ai Korobase: May a girl ask more, Master?
Faustus Mortal: Yes, but I fear that she won’t understand.
Ai Korobase: Why is Sharon Stone considered the greatest woman of the millennium?
Faustus Mortal: Because of her model.
Ai Korobase: Aren’t there many models?
Faustus Mortal: I am not talking about a girl modeling fashions on a runway or an actor.
Ai Korobase: A girl doesn’t understand, Master.
Faustus Mortal: Never mind, it is hard to explain with some scientific and mathematical underpinnings.
Ai Korobase: Underpinnings, Master.
Faustus Mortal realizes that he is making no progress at this point.
Ai Korobase: Please, Master!
Faustus Mortal: Consider the spider. Can she be caught in her own web?
Ai Korobase: No Master, a girl doesn’t think so. She has never seen a spider caught in her own web.
Faustus Mortal: Pluck a spider from her web and drop her back into it. She will get stuck.
Ai Korobase:?
Faustus Mortal: There are two kinds of filaments in the web. The sticky ones run circular and the structural ones radiate. Spiders ‘walk’ on those that are not sticky.
Ai Korobase: Cool.
Faustus Mortal: And mankind is like a fly suck on some part of the web of time and space. But this is a very poor example.
Ai Korobase: Oh?
Faustus Mortal: Time is like the paths of each particle from the Big Bang. But that isn’t right either. Change any position, velocity, or momentum of a particle at the instant of the Big Bang changes the whole universe thereafter. But man’s mind could never tell what would result from which change. The deity, if she exists, could. But if she doesn’t exist, then the universe is set in its ways and prayers would change nothing.
Ai Korobase: We believe in prayers.
Faustus Mortal: I am talking Pascal’s Wager now. What are the odds? An infinity against but only one change that the deity exists! Pluck a number from the number interval from zero to one. What is the probability of getting a rational or algebraic irrational number? Zero. But does this mean that we should not pluck? The problem is much more complicated than that. There is also the matter of a choice function, which we cannot construct with our knowledge.
Ai Korobase: A girl remembers a poem: ‘Who has choices need not choose, we must who have none, and to love is but to lose, what is gone is gone….’
Faustus Mortal nods.
Ai Korobase: So what you are telling me, Master, is that the universe is like a huge cone, expanding with time?
Faustus Mortal: Somewhat. More like a family of three dimensional (3D) worlds, somehow tied together, or concatenated as IBM would have said.
Ai Korobase: This is all so confusing. Master says something about statistics and something about uncertainty.
Faustus Mortal: Let me try and clarify with some examples. First consider a L
as Vegas fair die. Toss it against a back board and let it fall to the table top. It will fall with one side up, numbered one to six. Now by the Law of Large Numbers each side is equally likely to occur. And any given result is unpredictable. Right!
Ai Korobase: Like shooting craps at a casino, Master.
Faustus Mortal: Precisely and exactly so. No suppose that the velocity and rotation of the thrown die was perfectly known and the elasticity of the die and backboard know exactly and the surface of the table all calculated to many decimal places. With such perfect knowledge could one predict the face that would land up.
Ai Korobase: A girl doesn’t know, but she thinks so.
Faustus Mortal: So what kind of measurement would it take to know the velocity, air resistance, rotation, and momentum, linear and angular, of a tossed die?
Ai Korobase: A girl would have no idea.
Faustus Mortal: With extreme slow motion maybe the velocities, accelerations, positions, and elasticity might be approximated.
Ai Korobase: Maybe Master.
Faustus Mortal: But to know all this in advance? Plausible but actually improbable! The Rare Event Rule applies. Another example is the drawing on the lottery. Same lack of ability of the observer to determine the exact location and velocity of the lotto balls at any one moment. Here we are only considering the nearly impossible job of getting calculations of a few balls. The idea of Uncertainty, as mentioned in the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is another matter. It is the final ‘Big U.’
Ai Korobase listens to the Initiate expound on the Third Knowledge.
Faustus Mortal: But suppose one could traverse time backwards and forwards and not be worried about the ‘Big U’? Does it not make sense under such circumstances to perfectly know the outcome of a tossed die or the lotto balls selected?
Ai Korobase: A girl isn’t sure, Master.
Faustus Mortal: That gynoid Toy Euler isn’t permitted in a casino. The reason—some androids and gynoids have high speed cameras that can seize several frames of a tossed die and approximate from it the final position. Then she is able to back-engineer to obtain a statistical likelihood. A tiny edge is more than enough.
Ai Korobase: Ah!
Faustus Mortal: Now the whole universe is composed of protons, electrons, and energy, and nothing more. Of course there are combinations of these entities that make stable atoms. But the indestructible building blocks are three: electron, proton, and energy. The neutron decomposes to a proton and an electron—a Hydrogen atom. Slam together two Deuterium atoms and get back an alpha particle—a Helium nucleus.
Ai Korobase: Ah!
Faustus Mortal: Now if at the precise instant of the Big Bang the exact position and momentum of each particle were known, then there would be no guess work as to the future. But mortal man is unable to overcome the ‘Big U.’
Ai Korobase: So the past can be predicted?
Faustus Mortal: The entire universe can be predicted. And changed! All that’s needed is to tinker with the basics at the moment of the Big Bang to create a new universe and dissolve the old.
Ai Korobase: What happens to the old universe?
Faustus Mortal: It is gone.
Ai Korobase: Oh!
Ai Korobase: Toy Euler was trying to sell something about energy to the F^3.
Faustus Mortal: That is another issue. Suppose an electron was created at the precise moment of the Big Bang. It would transverse time and space as a thread might. Then suppose that there was nearby a pair-production and a positron-electron pair were formed. It the positron annihilated the electron then the electron from the pair production would remain. Nothing changed except for a discontinuity in the time-space continuum. Something also predicted. But now suppose that a proton were unraveled to reveal energy and a positron core. An electron would be annihilated and no discontinuity would occur. Instead there would be a bifurcation of matter into energy. If all the matter were consumed then the Supreme Being might have to create a new universe, if she wanted to. Hehe. Googols and Googolplexes of matter would be needed!
Ai Korobase: All this is so confusing.
Faustus Mortal: This is the total annihilation of matter and its transformation into energy.
Ai Korobase: What about a proton-electron pair production?
Faustus Mortal: It’s like the proton is a combination pad lock. Unlock it with the combination or smash it with a sledge hammer. A combination like: 64-48-8 or so. But the scientists and physicists prefer the sledge hammer. Lots of sparks and heat, but after the initial blow, nothing at all has changed. ‘Full of sound and fury and symbolizing nothing.’
Faustus Mortal smiles.
Ai Korobase: So you would undo creation herself?
Faustus Mortal: You are the one who said it.
Ai Korobase: Isn’t that witchcraft?
Faustus Mortal: At the sub-atomic level, maybe!
Ai Korobase: Will the F^3 buy off on it?
Faustus Mortal: Probably not, but they would likely pay for a funeral to bury it.
Ai Korobase: That’s for sure. Anything to keep Ole King Coal on the throne.
Faustus Mortal: That is a true statement and worthy of all men to be received. Ole King Coal is the titular head of the F^3!
Ai Korobase: So, Master, after all you have told me you still can remain an Initiate in Gor and a Roman Catholic priest on earth.
Faustus Mortal: Yes.
Ai Korobase: Isn’t that a contradiction.
Faustus Mortal: The Big Bang was the first contradiction.
Ai Korobase is confused.
Faustus Mortal is off line.
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LesbianI can't believe what just happened. I love Kim so much. I hope this doesn't scare her or something. She is so precious to me I would not be able to stand it. It wasn't meant to be this way but it just happened. It happened to me and I turned out okay. Well, mostly okay. I think she will be fine. This is all John's fault. I know he's cheating on me. It all started today when I got home from work. John is away on his "business" trip. But I know he's up to something. I was...
They arrived together at 3PM. In the old days there would have been files and drawings to spread on my dining room table. Since it wasn't the old days, we sat at the table with laptops. I stared at the screen of my laptop at the images provided by their flash drive. "So what am I looking at?" I asked. I knew exactly what I was looking at. There were three house models in the village at Hart's Mill. The image on my screen which was labeled Bluebird was one of the house plans. "It's one...
I took her by her waist and said, “Cory, the movie is about to start.” “Sorry Johnny, you are my guy, but I was just being nice!” I was impressed by how much she was flirting, and I was getting hard with her on my lap. She will eventually feel it. How she reacts is something I am interested in, hopeful not another slap in the face, Thankfully, the music, and Taye Diggs began and we were instantly enjoying ourselves. I had seen this movie many times, so I was enjoying my mother on my lap....
When morning came to the apartment, Nate had left, gone to class for the first time in a week. Melisa and Allison were left to sleep alone without even knowing it. When Nate had vacated the bed earlier that morning, he left a small space between the two girls, but when Melisa had awoken, she found her legs wound around the other girl and her arms around her shoulders. Mel’s dark eyes opened to see the resting eyes of the other girl two inches from her face. She could taste her breath and feel...
NovelsNote : This story is completely fictional! It all started when Ricks father died on his way home from work in a serious car wreak that also killed two other parents. Five months after the tragedy, Rick and his mom are still recovering but its nowhere near the severe pain they went threough those few weeks following the tragedy. Those past few months were spent bonding and repairing their realationship and trying to reel in the slack, it was slow but steady and things were getting better but she...
IncestYou wont believe this 3 As soon as Sara got in the car she reached over and grabbed Chris hand. "Oh Chrissy. Wasnt this so exciting? Our first girly outing. Lol. Well more of a shopping spree for me. With you getting outed. Lol. Just think. Now every week you can go visit Momma Roxy and play with her two black studs and for her to check and adjust your Sissyfier. It will be just like having two girlfriends in on your little secret," Sara gushed. "And im so sorry about me sucking that...
Noah’s Problems In the year 2016, the Lord came unto Noah, Who was now living in America and said: “Once again, the earth has become wicked and over -populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me.” “Build another ark and save 2 of every living thing Along with a few good humans.” He gave Noah the blueprints, saying: “You have 6 months to build the ark before I will Start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights.” Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah Weeping in his...
Romi Rain finds Ryan Driller doing some work from home, but that won’t do for this busty babe. She struts out in a bra and panties, determined to get Ryan’s attention. Ryan resists Romi’s charms, doing his best to maintain his focus. That works right up until Romi pops her enhanced tits out of her bra and leans forward so they cover Ryan’s screen. That’s too much for one man to handle, so he palms Romi’s jugs and pulls her closer. Romi comes to Ryan...
xmoviesforyou“Uh, Uh, Uh, OOOOOO!” Buzz!!! Mika’s phone buzzed and rattled atop her dresser just as she was nearly at the peak of her orgasm. She had been imagining that she had finally found a guy who would spend time kissing her, maybe even one who would dine at the Y. That she had begun to believe was an imaginary beast akin to a unicorn, but a girl who was dialing OH! on the pink telephone could imagine unicorns, as long as she didn’t imagine doing naughty things with the equine sort. She almost...
Marcy told me "Roy you can't cum in me, you have more ladies to service." I pulled out and got up and went to the redhead who was cleaning Toms cock. She had medium size breast with light purple nipples, nipple rings and a cute little pussy. I noticed another guy between Gina's legs and he was only 5 inches but he fucked her like a dog in heat. I could see cum being pushed out of her pussy with every stroke.
SwingerI stood in front of my full length mirror wearing my new black heels. Not just the heels of course! I had a sexy, short black dress to go with them. Underneath, I had some incredible purple and black underwear; all silk and lace. I twisted on my heels and pulled my dress up a little, wiggling my thong covered ass at the mirror pretending somebody could see... ...And that’s when he knocked! My flatmate Derek knocked on my bedroom door and shouted me. I had thought he was out for the night so...
CrossdressingAlexandra Rasputin, teeth digging into a ball gag and breathing through her nose, is hanging from the ceiling of the Rumpo Room. She is wearing a white lace bra and panties, hold up white stocking and killer heels. Her hands are bound, not too tightly, behind her back, and she is suspended from the ceiling by a rope, weighted to cause mild discomfort in her arms. A spreader bar is attached to her ankles, her idea. She enjoys the strappado and finds it stylistically pleasing, the sense of...
Doc came for breakfast the morning after the confrontation with the drunk, telling everyone that he was there to take me to the DMV to get my motorcycle endorsement. It was while we were eating that DeDe came to me and asked, "Sal, we're short a right seat or first officer for a charter to Chicago and back. Could you help us out?" I looked at Doc then back at DeDe, "What time is it scheduled for, and you know I don't have my Airline Transport Pilot ticket yet. It's coming in about...
Hello Readers! Thanks again for all your responses. They encourage me to write more and more but believe me i don’t get so much time to write. As i mentioned in my last story some of the responses are too good and some are more cheaper than i thought. I am writing story that doesn’t mean i am slut or prostitute or start chatting with anyone. Give some respect to a lady, if you can’t then go lick your assholes by yourself or ask your sisters and mothers. Sorry for the harsh words i am...
Here a fantasy of mines. And well most of us right?Starts now"Bull shit," I called Ralph out, who was usually full of shit. If ten percent of what came out of his mouth was the truth that was a very good day."Seriously," he said, more animated than usual."You're telling me that you got a blow job at lunch time at the adult store?" I asked, still not remotely believing it."And she swallowed every drop," he continued."How do you know it was a girl?" Joey asked.I laughed, "Yeah Ralph, you probably...
I don’t recall a time in my life when I didn’t feel some sort of attraction to men. As a k**, starting around fifth grade, I took every opportunity to look at men's cocks and the bodies that sported them. I remember being fascinated by the different sizes, shapes and colors that cocks came in. It wasn’t until I was in my early teen years that I began to realize why I was so interested in the site of other men,s cocks and what I wanted to do with them. Occasionally I would jack off with my buddy...
Sam left and I put my shorts on and laid down on the sofa reflecting on my day, my knee really was sore as I had been kneeling on the cut which didn’t help. I was comfortable with my knee bent up and resting on the back of the sofa and the other leg flat, I was resting my eyes when I heard Lisa come in with a friend from the sound of it, I pretended to be asleep as her friend walked in the lounge and I heard a ‘gasp’ and she immediately ran to the kitchen with Lisa, “OMG!” she said softly...
Welcome John Doe to "virtual sex with Jennifer Anniston"< you will soon find out for yourself that this is one of the most detailed and descriptive interactive sex scenes you will ever have the privilege to witness. The first ten or so steps of the story are to set up your specific sex scene, out of the options that we provide you. The first option listed is to choose what attitude Miss Aniston has towards you, it could be any of the three below: 1) Innocent 2) Naughty 3) Dirty Girl 4) Sexy...
Hjaipur ja raha tha to edhar se to kuch nahi hua lekin jab mai laut rha tha,meri train lagbhag adhi duri tay kar chuki thi trai me khaphi bhid thi so mai khada tha aur maja nahi aa rha tha aur train me koi mast mal bhi nahi tha.agra stion par ten log mere compatment me chade,ma bap aur uski shadi shuda ladki jiski age 35 sal se upar hogi dikhne me kafi mast maal thi bade bade dud jinko dekh mera land khada ho gya wo kala tranrparen blouse pahne thi jisme se uske chuchi saf dikh rahi thi.mai...
It was almost Christmas and an old friend had summoned me to a party. Standing around drink in hand, exchanging gossip with old friends and meeting new ones, more particularly a very fetching blond called Alice. From somewhere in the next room I heard a voice I knew only too well. “I’m sorry, I have asked you politely to give me some space, but now I’m going to tell you to go away.” It was Angela an ex-girlfriend, I guess I still fancied her, she was OK in bed, but I also got to fuck her Mom...
Hello friends, I am here again presenting you another story.Those who haven’t read my first story this is Rishi Kapur from Mumbai age 20.Teens and milfs can mail me at for naughty conservation.But all the people here please give your feedback of my desi sex story. Kunal Uttar Pradesh ek gaon me apne parivar ke sath rheta h. Uski family middle class ko belong karti h. Vo ek honhar student h usne apni mehnat ke balbutte par desh ke bahut bade college me admission le liya.Vaise toh parivaar me...