She Was Locked Out free porn video

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As I was having a smoke in my alcove one night, I noticed that the lights in the two windows of garage apartment were on. The garage sits way behind a house two up from me. Over the years, I’ve seen several tenants rent out the place.

I wasn’t meaning to spy or anything, I’d just not seen the lights on like that before. There weren’t any window coverings, but I couldn’t see anything, and I just went about my business. A little later on, I went back out there for another cigarette, and I noticed the lights were still on and I caught a quick shadow.

I still didn’t think much of it as I lit my cigarette and sat there, but I kept seeing things in my peripheral vision. I looked over each time. Then I saw a rather young blonde haired girl. She was obviously moving furniture around. I assumed that she was the new tenant, but again didn’t think much of it.

A few minutes later, she stood facing the window and was looking out. The distance between us was still pretty far, but I could certainly tell that she was a rather good looking young lady. She had on a cut off t-shirt, and I could see her belly button on her flat stomach just above the window sill. Our eyes met and she quickly backed away from the window.

It made me smile and my dick did twitch a little at the sight. I hoped that she didn’t think that I was a ‘peeping Tom’ or anything even though my name is Tom. It wasn’t like I was spying on her; it was just happenstance. It was pretty late, and that was my last smoke before I went to bed.

I’m a divorced guy in my mid-fifties and hadn’t dated or been with a woman in a while. Sex had been the equivalent of one hand or the other for a while. The next morning, I was in my bathrobe casually playing with myself while I had my coffee and my morning cigarette.

The thought of that girl came to mind as my hard cock flexed harder at the thought of her. Naturally, I glanced over at the apartment windows, but couldn’t see anything. Of course, it was daylight as well. I didn’t really expect to see anything either.

I went back inside and took my bathrobe back off and sat down naked as I do every morning. I take my time jacking off in the morning, getting myself aroused and backing off as I read and/or write erotic stories. I put my bathrobe back on and went back out there with my coffee and had another smoke.

I was still teasing my cock in between sips of coffee and smoking, and I noticed movement again in my peripheral vision.. I looked over at the apartment windows again. My cock flexed really hard and leaked out some pre-cum as I saw that girl in the back window from the side.

She had her arms over her head and was stretching and wearing a nightie of some sort. Of course, because of the distance and the light, I couldn’t really make out details. But the way she was stretching, her chest stuck out prominently, and I could tell that she had ample sized breasts.

Thank God she didn’t see me. She finished stretching as I started stroking my cock a little more than I normally would out there always discreetly as to not be seen. The back window, I now knew was the bedroom. She walked through the door, and then I saw her in the next window which must be the living room.

I only saw her briefly from the side and then she turned away to go further into the apartment and out of my sight. I went back inside and and took my robe off again. I jacked off with images of her in my mind and came pretty hard.

A few days went by and I hadn’t seen any activity over there. I always looked at the windows now. Then one afternoon I was sitting out there in just shorts having a smoke, a late model white compact car pulled in and parked in the spot on the street right beside my driveway.

Two girls got out of the car. One of them I recognized as my new blonde neighbor. I was literally shocked. I mean, I could tell even in the distance before that she was a nice slender decent looking girl, but no details.

My cock immediately got hard as I saw her for the first time, much closer in the light. Her blond hair was straight and ran right down to just above her ass. Speaking of asses, her ass was beautifully round and stuck out perfectly as I saw her in the shorts she was wearing. She looked to be about 5’ 5" tall.

She was in the passenger’s side of the vehicle, so, she was closest to me and faced me as she got out. I don’t know if she recognized me from the other night, but she smiled at me and gave me a friendly wave. My God, she had a beautiful face with blue eyes and her smile was intoxicating. My cock flexed even harder as I returned her smile and waved.

The driver of the car was almost as good looking. She was a brunette a tad bit shorter. Both of girls looked pretty young. If I was guessing, I would say somewhere between eighteen and twenty-one.

After I waved and watched the blonde girls ass swaying as she walked around the car, I heard the brunette ask, "Who’s that? Do you know that guy?"

"No, but I’ve seen him. He’s my neighbor I guess, so might as well be friendly, right?" the blonde said as I watched them walk up the street to the corner. A moment later, I saw them as I looked across my neighbors back yard. They were walking up to the garage and along the side. The blonde opened up the door and they went in.

Then I saw both of them in the window of the living room. I tried not to be obvious that I was looking and I don’t think they really even noticed me. I went back inside and back to work.

That night I was back outside smoking again just after ten. The lights were on and couldn’t help it as my eyes were drawn to them. It was a week night, and I assumed that the blonde girl was a college student.

My cock was already swelling, just from the thought of the possibility of seeing her. I noticed her walk through the living room and then the light went off. Then I saw her from the side in the bedroom. My cock flexed harder, thinking I might get lucky since it seemed that she was going to bed now.

Watching her in there at night was so much better. It’s kind of like an aquarium with the lights on at night. Tonight she was wearing a sports bra and yoga pants. As she walked into her bedroom, she crossed her arms and took her sports bra off, freeing her ample breasts.

My cock flexed hard, and I had to grab it over my shorts as I watched them bounce. She walked across the bedroom topless, and I watched her bend over. Then she went out of view. A few moments later, she appeared again and had a nightie on.

Even through the distance I could clearly tell that the top was see through as my cock flexed even harder. She turned facing me and walked right up to the window and bent down. She opened the window up about a foot and then stood back up.

That’s when she noticed me and our eyes met. She waved at me, and then she must have realized what she was wearing and her eyes went wide. She quickly crossed her arms over her breasts and stepped back from the window.

A moment later, the light went off. I went back inside and jacked off thinking of her. I didn’t see her for the next two weeks. There were a few times I saw the lights on at night, but I never saw her through the windows.

A few days later, I had just come back from the convenience store and parked in my driveway. I saw that familiar white compact car drive up and parked in the same spot right beside my driveway as they got out of the car at the same time I got out of mine.

My cock twitched, but I didn’t get a hardon. I looked over at them and said hi. They both turned and looked at me and said hi back and smiled. The brunette closed her door and then turned and started walking across the street.

I was already walking behind my car and was only a few feet from the blonde. She kept her gaze and smile at me as she closed her door. I had my bag of items from the store in one hand as I approached her.

I said, "Aren’t you my new neighbor that rented the apartment over there?" I asked as I pointed across the lawn across the street to the garage. I felt my cock swelling a little more as I looked at her.

She giggled and then she blushed and said, "Yeah. I am."

"I thought so. Welcome to the neighborhood. I’m Tom," I said as I walked up to her and extended my hand out to her.

She took my hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Tom. I’m Julie. Ummm… Sorry about the other night," and then blushed again.

"What do you mean?" I said as I felt my cock grew harder as I knew what she was talking about.

She blushed a brighter red and said, "You know… I didn't’ mean to… Flash you," and then she giggled.

"Oh that," I said as I noticed that we were still holding hands as my cock got fully hard and flexed "Don’t worry about it, the pleasure was all mine. No harm done. Besides, it’s not like I haven’t seen them before. I’m old and been married twice," I added and chuckled.

She released my hand and her eyes widened and a little gasp escaped her lips. She said, "Oh my, I see that," and then giggled as I noticed her gaze was at the front of my shorts and got even more red.

"Oh shit, I’m sorry," I said and quickly covered my tented shorts.

She looked at me again and said, "I guess that makes us even," and giggled and then added, "well, almost even, but close enough. Nice to meet you Tom," giggling more and she turned and walked away.

A couple days later, I saw that she put up mini blinds in the windows. I chuckled when I saw them, but admittedly was disappointed.

A couple more weeks went by without seeing her. I saw the lights on in the windows, but now with mini blinds, I couldn’t see anything except an occasional shadow.

Then on Saturday morning around eight, I was doing my usual morning thing in my bathrobe when I saw that brunette’s car pull up and park. She got up and noticed me in the alcove. She gave me a kind of smirk, waved and immediately turned and walked away.

I saw her a moment later at Julie’s door. She stood there for a moment and even though it was light, the outside light at the front door came on and Julie came out carrying a plastic grocery bag. They walked away, and then I saw them walking back to the brunette’s car.

Julie saw me in my alcove. She gave me a big smile and waved at me. I saw the brunette roll her eyes at Julie. Then she glanced at me again and unlocked her door and got in the car. She reached over and unlocked Julie’s door and she got in. As they pulled away, Julie was looking at me, smiled and waved again. I waved back at her as my cock twitched.

I again fantasized about Julie when I went back inside and jacked off.

That night around ten, I was smoking again in the alcove and I noticed Julie walk up to her door with the same bag from the previous morning. Then I saw her frantically checking her shorts and the bag she was carrying.

It looked like she must have lost her keys or something. I saw her bend down and then she walked along the side of the garage and reached up and tried to open the small window where the steps go from the door upstairs to the apartment.

It was obviously locked. I watched as she walked back to her door and frantically tried to open it again to no avail. Then I saw her use her phone to call someone, but quickly hung up. She looked all around, and then she saw me in my alcove, and I saw her smile.

She turned back and tried the door again as I went back inside. I thought about maybe walking over there to see if she needed some help, but since she had her phone and already made a phone call, I thought that she probably worked something out.

I went into the living room and sat down. I don’t have any air conditioning except a small window unit in my bedroom. I was just wearing shorts and I never wear underwear. I turned on the TV and started looking through my recorded shows on my Tivo when the doorbell rang.

My cock immediately twitched as I suspected it might be Julie. I got up and opened the door and sure enough, it was Julie. My cock swelled immediately as I saw her in short shorts and a very small tank top and obviously without a bra.

"Julie? Are you okay? Come on in," I said as I saw she was almost in tears and had that bag she was carrying earlier.

"Oh, Tom. I think I locked my keys in my apartment. I can’t believe it. I’m so stupid," she said and started to come in as I held the storm door open for her.

"I tried calling the landlord, but it’s so late and I just got his stupid voicemail. I don’t know what to do. Who locks themselves out of their own apartment? God, I’m so stupid!" she said and then actually started to cry.

I felt horrible and hugged her and said, "It’s okay. Everything will be alright. Don’t worry about it," as she sobbed into my shoulder.

My cock flexed and got completely hard. I just couldn’t help it. I know I shouldn’t have had such a reaction, but this beautiful young lady felt so good. Her soft breasts rubbing against me and my arms wrapped around her sexy, slender body was just too arousing.

"I know I shouldn’t be bothering you. I mean, I don’t even know you. I saw you out back and I just didn’t know what else to do, Tom. I’m sorry," she said and started crying even harder.

I knew she had to feel my hard cock between us, but there was nothing that I could do. I held her even tighter to me as she starting crying more. I ran my hand up and down her back trying to comfort her.

I continued to hold and comfort her for a couple more minutes as my cock continued to flex in excitement. She finally stopped crying and just sniffled.

"Let me get you some Kleenex. Why don’t you have a seat and make yourself at home. I’ll be right back," I said as I released her and we backed away from the hug.

She sniffled more and looked up at me and said, "Thanks, Tom. You’re such a nice guy. I’m sorry to bother you. Thank you so much," she said and she started to sit down as I started walking away to get the Kleenex.

"Do you want something to drink? I’m ready for a beer myself," I said.

"Oh, a beer sounds great!" she said.

I stopped and looked over my shoulder at her and said, "Do you have any ID? Are you old enough to be drinking?"

She giggled and then she looked down in her lap and said, "No. I’m not twenty one yet, but I really could use a beer, Tom. If that’s okay."

I thought about it for a moment and wondered if I really should be giving a beer to someone underage? Then I convinced myself, what difference does it make? It’s in my own house and who’s gonna know, so I just said, "Coming right up," and walked out.

I grabbed a couple of beers out of the fridge and set them down on the counter and then went into the bathroom to grab the box of Kleenex. I noticed how badly my shorts were tented out in the mirror. I squeezed myself. There was nothing I could do about it. I grabbed the box of Kleenex and went back to the kitchen grabbed the beers in my other hand and went back to the living room.

I walked over to the other side of the coffee table in front of her seated on the couch and put the box of kleenex down and said, "Here you go," and then stood back up.

"Thanks, Tom," she said, sniffled and gave me a little smile.

She leaned forward to grab a Kleenex from the box and her gaze went to my crotch. I saw her half smile turn into a big smile and then she actually giggled. She looked back up into my eyes again. Then she blushed and quickly looked back down to the box of Kleenex and grabbed one.

I walked around the coffee table and sat down next to her, but left ample space between us. She blew her nose and crumpled the kleenex and set it on the table as I cracked open a beer and handed it to her.

"Thanks, Tom," she said and held it waiting for me to open my beer too.

I quickly opened my beer and she smiled at me and clinked her can to mine.Then we both took a sip of beer. She started to giggle and she slid a little closer to me and placed her hand on my thigh. She glanced at the tent in my shorts briefly and giggled again.

Then she looked up at me and said, "You’re not trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me, are you, Tom?"

"What? No! I’d never do that," I said sincerely.

She laughed, took another sip of her beer and then said, "It probably wouldn’t take much. I’ve actually had a few today when we were at the beach at the lake," and giggled again.

"Oh my, then I’m cutting you off, young lady," and I leaned over and grabbed her beer and mockingly tried to pull it away from her.

"No, Tom. Uh-uh!’ she said laughing and was trying to the pull the beer back.

As we were tugging at her beer her other hand slid up and over my hard cock. She instinctively gripped it for a moment and then suddenly pulled her hand back.

"Oh my God. I’m sorry, Tom. I didn’t mean to do that. I’m so sorry," and turned beet red, but staring at my cock flexing in my shorts.

"Oh sure you didn’t. Just like you didn’t mean to flash me in your bedroom. You’re such a tease," I said joking with her.

"Oh my God, Tom. No. It was an accident I didn’t mean to do that or just now. Oh my God. I’m not like that, Tom! Maybe I need to go," she said and started to stand up.

I grabbed her hand and said, "I was joking, Julie. I didn’t mean that at all. I was just joking. Really, Stay. Besides, seriously where are you going to go?"

She looked at me and her eyes started welling up and said, "Seriously, Tom. I didn’t mean to do either of those things. I’m not like that. Really. I’m not," she said.

"It’s okay, Julie. I really was just joking. I know you’re not like that. Hell, if you were like that, you probably wouldn’t have just flashed me, you would have a done a full out strip tease," I said and laughed.

She started to giggle and said, "Oh my God. I could never do that, Tom. That’s funny. No not me. I wouldn’t do that," and she sat back down.

We both took another sip of beer and I noticed that she looked at my tented shorts again and then asked, "How old are you, Tom?" and after asking, she looked up into my eyes.

"Fifty-six. How old are you?" I asked.

She blushed and said, "Nineteen."

"Why did you want to know how old I am?" I asked her.

She blushed again and looked again at my tented shorts and then she said, "Well, because you looked to be around the same age as my dad and he can’t… Well… He can’t… Ummm, you know… Get like that, but every time I see you, you’re hard," and then turned even more red. Then she looked at me again and said, "He’s actually only fifty-two, so… How come you’re like that when I see you?"

I couldn’t help it and laughed out loud.

"What’s so funny, Tom?"

"Well, I’m like that around you, because… Holy crap, Julie. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? You’re gorgeous, and I’m easily excited. It’s just natural. I can’t help it," I said.

"Really?" she said looking at me astonished.

I looked at her thinking she’s just putting on an act and said, "Oh come on, Julie. You can’t tell me that you don’t know how beautiful you are."

"Well, my mom and dad tell me that all the time and I have to admit, now that I’m in college, it seems like the guys are like… Hitting on me. At least that’s what my friend, Kara calls it. She’s that girl that you saw before with the brown hair and that white car," she replied.

"So none of the boys paid any attention to you before college? I don’t believe that," I said.

"I went to Catholic all girls school. I wasn’t allowed to date either. This is like the first I’ve really been out in the real world. Let alone on my own," she said.

"Oh, that explains it. Well, it’s official, Julie. I’m telling you, you’re a very beautiful young lady, and the proof is in the pudding. That’s why I get like this. Because of you," I said.

She blushed some more, took another drink of her beer and then she set it down on the table. She leaned in and placed her hand on my thigh again and looked right at my tent again.

"Tom? I know this might sound weird, but… Can I… Can I see it? I’ve always wanted to see one. I mean, I accidentally saw my dad’s a couple of times in the bathroom, but it was just like a second and it wasn’t… You know… Like yours is now. Can i?"

My cock flexed in my shorts and she gasped when she saw it move like that.

"Why does it do that, Tom?"

I chuckled and said, "From excitement. When it’s already hard and gets more excited, it flexes."

"Wow. That’s weird. So, can I Tom. Will you let me see it. Please?"

I was so hard and aroused. I thought I I could almost cum without even touching myself. It flexed more and she giggled every time it did it.

"Come on, please Tom. Please, let me see it," she begged me.

"Oh, Julie. I don’t want anyone to think that I’m trying to take advantage of you, so… You can see it, but only if you take it out. I’m not going to help. You can take my shorts off or, just opened up my fly and the top of my shorts and pull it out, oky?" I said.

She actually squealed out in excitement and reached over and quickly unzipped my fly. Then she unbuttoned the top of my shorts. She looked with wide eyes, but could only see the pubic hair and the base.

My cock flexed and she gasped.

"Go ahead and pull it out, if you want to see it, Julie," I said as my cock kept on flexing hard.

She stared as it flexed again and she let out a little giggle and then looked up at me and said, "I don’t know if I can do that. You know… Touch it… But, I want to see it, Tom."

"Well, then why don’t you get down on your knees and pull my shorts off. Then you won’t have to touch it, okay?"

She looked at it again and then looked back up at me and smiled. She took a deep breath and dropped down to her knees. She hesitantly reached up and I lifted my ass up as she started to pull my shorts down. My hard cock popped right up as soon as my shorts cleared its length.

"Ahhhh," screamed out, when it sprung up and moved around in a little circle just a foot from her face.

"Take them all the way off, Julie. Please, take my shorts completely off."

She stared at my cock and then grabbed my shorts again and pulled them completely off. She straightened herself back up and I spread my legs out.

"Go ahead and get between my legs so you can have a better look," I said.

"Okayh," she agreed and moved around my leg and up between them.

"It’s so much bigger than my dad’s," she said.

"Well, probably just because your dad’s wasn’t hard when you saw it."

"I don’t know, Tom. I don’t think that even if it got… Hard, that it would be that big," she said and then she leaned forward and turned her head, looking at my cock from the side.

My cock flexed and she quickly pulled back and then she giggled.

"You don’t need to be scared of it, Julie. It won’t hurt you in any way. You can touch it or hold it or whatever want to," I said.

She looked up at me and then giggled and said,"Yeah, I know it won’t hurt me. It’s just that, well, it’s my first time. It’s… wow… It’s amazing," she said and leaned back down and inspected it from the side again.

It flexed again, but this time she just giggled and then she moved her face to the other side. Then she brought her hand up and put it on my thigh again. She slowly slid it up until it was right beside my hard cock.

Then she looked up at me for approval. I shook my head up and down and said, "Go ahead."

She stared at my cock. Her face was only about two inches away from it. She very slowly slid her hand to the side until the shaft was against her hand between her thumb and index finger. It made my cock flex from the touch and she slid her hand back just little and giggled again.

Then she looked right at my cock steadily concentrating intently on it as she slid her hand back over. Just as slowly, she started to move her hand up slightly to wrap her fingers around the base.

I couldn’t help it as I let out a little moan and my cock flexed in her hand and I released some pre-cum.

"Oh my God!" she gasped and quickly let go of me staring at the pre-cum as it slowly started to run over my tip and down over my crown. "Did you just… Ummm…. you know… Cum?" she asked staring at that pre-cum.

"No, that’s just pre-cum. It’s from being so aroused and it does that as lubricant to… Well, you know. For intercourse."

"Wow. Tom? Is it really true that girls suck on a guys hard penis until it, you know… Cums and then even eat it?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Have any girls done that to you, Tom?"

"Yes, Julie. Oooooh, you’re driving me crazy, Julie. Would you hold it again, please?" I said.

She giggled and looked up at me and said, "You like it when I hold it?"

"Oh, yes. It feels so good," I said.

"Okay," she said and looked down, concentrating again, and she wrapped her hand around the base again and squeezed it gently.

"Mmmmm," I moaned out and she looked up at me and smiled broadly.

I reached down, and I wrapped my hand around hers and moved it up my shaft and groaned out loud.

"Wow. It feels so… I don’t know. It’s like hard, but it’s like soft too," she said as our hands came up my shaft and the top of her hand hit the corona.

My cock flexed again and even more pre-cum oozed out and ran down over her top finger.

"Ooooh, Julie, that feel so good. Use your hand to rub it in. The pre-cum. Rub it in for lubrication, Please," I said as I moved my hand away.

She pulled her hand away and then brought it up to her nose. She sniffed the pre-cum on her finger and then she stuck her tongue out and lightly flicked it over the pre-cum and then brought her tongue back in to her mouth.

She giggled and said, "I can’t taste anything. It smells kind of weird," and then she extended two fingers out and stuck them into the pre-cum.

My cock flexed from the touch and let out even more pre-cum. She giggled again and then brought her left hand up and grabbed my base with it. Then she continued rubbing the pre-cum all around my cock head and the top of my shaft as I moaned out loud.

Then she let go with her left hand and wrapped her right hand around me again and looked up at me again and said, "Do you want me to rub it more for you?"

"Oh yes. Please," I moaned out.

She smiled and looked at my cock again and started to stroke it slowly up and down as I moaned out louder and louder.

"Wow. You really do like that don’t you?" she asked and giggled as she started to stroke me faster.

She went faster and faster and started laughing the more I moaned out.

"Oh, Julie. Julie. I’m going to… Oh, Ooooh, Oooh, I’m coming!" I yelled out loud and I started to cum.

I shot out and it hit her right on the nose and splashed up into her eyes and all over her face. She screamed out and quickly let go of me as I shot out again and hit her chin and neck.

"Eww. Tom!" she screamed out as I shot again and hit her halter top as she was pulling herself back trying to get away. "Gross!" she yelled as I shot out again all over her top.

More cum oozed out as my cock continued to flex and dribbled down over my cock and onto the couch too.

"Oooooh, Oooooh," I moaned out as my orgasm was coming to an end and I closed my eyes as I sank into the back of the couch and my cock softened.

"Eww, you got it in my mouth!" I heard her say and heard her lips smacking.

I opened my eyes and saw her sitting back on her ankles in front of me, my cum all over her face and top. She scrunched her nose as I saw her swallow. Her eyes were closed as she stuck her tongue out and licked around her lips and then swallowed the cum she gathered on her tongue and giggled.

She brought her fingers up to her eyes and wiped them both clear of cum and then sucked her fingers clean.

She opened her eyes and looked and me and giggled again and said, "Wow, Tom I wasn’t expecting that. That was like gross at first, but it was also like really exciting too," and then she licked around her lips again quickly and swallowed more of my cum.

"It’s not that bad. I thought it would be really gross. I can see why girls would, you know, like it. Did you like that, Tom. Did I do it right? I’m thinking yeah," she said and then started laughing.

I laughed too and said, "Oh yeah, I loved it. That was great."

"Tom, that made me feel… Well… Like weird down there. Like I have to pee," she said as she moved her hand between her legs and rubbed the front of her pussy. "Sometimes when I trim and shave myself down there it feels like that, but not as bad as it does right now. Is that weird?" she said.

Then she suddenly got up and said, I think I need to use the bathroom and ran out of the room. I slid myself up to the edge of the couch and I grabbed some Kleenex and cleaned my cock off. Then I got some more and wiped the couch off and a few small spots that were on the carpet.

I sat back down and my cock started to swell again as I thought about what happened. I couldn’t believe I just came all over a nineteen year old girl who had never even seen an erect cock before. I closed my eyes as I watched myself cum all over her in my head as my cock continued to swell more.

Julie still hadn’t come back yet and I was worried about her so I got up and walked to the bathroom.

I knocked on the door and asked, "Are you alright, Julie?"

She didn’t answer right away, but I heard the toilet paper roll and then a moment later the toilet flushed.

"I don’t know, Tom. I thought I had to pee, but I couldn’t. I’m like really wet down there and I feel really, really funny. I don’t know what to do,"

My cock flexed again and got completely hard again. "May I come in, Julie?"

"Wait a second, Tom. Let me pull my shorts back on," she said.

"Julie, I’m naked and you’ve already seen me. I know what’s wrong. I can help you. Leave them down," I said and opened the door without waiting for a reply.

"Tom!" she said looking shocked and moved her hand over her pussy. "You’re… You’re hard again, Tom!" she said staring at my hard cock bouncing in front of me as I walked up to her.

"Yeah, it’s because of you. That was really exciting what you did for me," I said as she stared at my hard cock.

"Ohhh, Tom. It’s getting wetter!"

"Yeah, and I know why," I said.

"Why, Tom. It feels so weird."

"Do you trust me, Julie?" I asked her.

She looked up at me with a little fear in her eyes and then she shook her head up and down and said, "Yes. I do trust you, Tom," just barely above a whisper.

I was now standing right in front of her. My hard cock just inches from her mouth.

"Move your hand and let me see you and I will show you what’s wrong, okay?" I said.

She looked really scared but she shook her head and said, "Okay," and then slowly moved her hand away and put it on her thigh.

"Ooooh, Julie. You’re so beautiful," I said as my cock flexed in front of her and I looked at her wet young pussy.

I slowly moved my hand down and between her legs and said, "You know how I told you my cock was hard from looking at you, because you’re beautiful and it excited me?"


"It goes both ways. You seem to like my hard cock and your pussy’s getting wet like that is the same thing as my cock getting hard. You stroked my hard excited cock until it made me cum. Your pussy wants to be stimulated and cum too," I said as I moved my finger to her wet slit.

I felt my cock now rubbing against her cheek as she turned her face. I then slowly ran my finger from the bottom of her slit to the top.

"Oh, ooooh, oooooh, Tom. Uh. Uh… Ungh,"

"That feels good doesn’t it? Just like it felt good when you stroked my cock," I said.

"Yes, Oh God. Yes. It feels good, Tom."

I applied a little more pressure and ran my finger from the bottom to the top, just opening her lips up.

"Oooooooh, Tom," she moaned out loud as I felt her turn her head and her lips rubbed against my cock head, making it flex.

I added a finger and ran them both up and down a smaller area, opening her up even further.

"OOOOOHHHHH," she yelled out, opening her mouth and my cock head slipped between her lips.

I couldn’t help it as I naturally pushed my cock forward and further into her mouth as I slid my two fingers deeper inside of her pussy.

"Mmmmmm, ungh," she moaned out over my cock as her lips closed around my shaft.

It felt so good as I moaned out from her warm, wet mouth, and I pushed even deeper inside of her pussy. It also felt awkward as well.

I pulled my fingers out of her and pulled my cock from her mouth.

"Tom? Did I do something wrong?" she looked at me and looked like she was going to cry again.

"No, Not at all," I said and I reached down and grabbed her hand in mine and said, "We need to do this elsewhere," as I pulled her up from the toilet.

I lead her out of the bathroom as she pulled her shorts up slightly so that she could walk better. I led her to my bedroom. I moved her to the foot of my bed and sat her down as I dropped down to my knees.

"I have a washer and dryer, so we can wash your clothes. Why don’t you take your top off while I take your shorts off," and started pulling her shorts and panties down her legs and off of her.

She pulled her top off and laid it down on my bed beside her. I put her shorts and panties on top of her top and then looked at her and said, "My God, Julie. You really are beautiful!"

She blushed and said, "Thank you, Tom."

"Don’t thank me, thank your mom and dad. I sure am," I said.

She giggled and then she reached out and grabbed my cock head in her hand and said, "You’re not so bad yourself. For an old man," she said and giggled.

"Hey now!" I said laughing.

Then she squeezed my cock head in her hand and said, "Can I try sucking it, Tom. It felt kind of cool when I did in the bathroom."

"Sure, but not right now. It’s my turn to make you cum," I said and pulled her hand away from my cock.

I leaned forward and I kissed her on the lips. As we kissed I inhaled deeply through my nose as her scent was filling the room. Then I started to kiss around her mouth. Then I kissed her cheek and slowly kept kissing her down her neck and should and then over to her breasts. She cooed and softly moaned.

I cupped a breast in my hand and lightly held the other up with my other hand as I kissed all around it. I kissed circles all around her areola and nipple as she moaned out loud and said my name. Then I sucked her nipple into my lips and flicked my tongue over it.

"Oooooh, Tom. Oooooh," she moaned out loudly as I felt her hips buck.

I kissed my way over to her other breast to give it the same treatment as I moved my hand down her naked flat front. I found her nub with my finger and ran my finger all around it without touching it as she called my name over and over and louder and louder.

Then I slid my finger down to her slit and slid it from just under her clit down to the bottom as I pushed her onto her back and continued kissing her breast. Her breath became erratic as I pushed my finger up to the first knuckle and started to kiss my way down her nakedness.

I added a second finger as my tongue found her belly button and I twisted inside of it. Her hips started to buck as she continued to make odd grunts, groans and other animalistic noises.

I pushed my two fingers deeply inside of her as my lips found her clit. I sucked her nub into my lips as I curled my fingers up and she screamed out loud. She tried to raise her hips up, but I held her down as she screamed out again.

As I started to pull my fingers out, keeping the fingertips curled up, looking for her g-spot. She screamed out even louder as an orgasm took over her body. Her pussy flooded with her juices as it gripped my fingers like a vice.

She continued trying to buck her hips up and down as she rode out her orgasm as I held her clit in my lips and my tongue flicked over it. Her juices flooded over my hand and down to the comforter underneath.

As she finally settled down and relaxed, I straightened myself up on my knees. My cock was so hard as I looked at her laying on my bed. She looked like a goddess. Her beautiful blonde hair was spread out all around her beautiful face. Her breasts were perfectly rounded and pert, silver dollar areolas in their centers with erect pink nipples.

I watched those perfect breasts rise and fall with each of her deep breaths. Not one centerfold that I had seen over the years had anything on this young beauty. I stroked my hard cock as I looked at her. Her legs hanging over the end of the bed with her pussy open and on display inches from my hard cock.

I wanted to grab her legs and drape them over my shoulders and fuck her senseless, but I knew I couldn’t do that to her. I closed my eyes, stroking my hardness as I imagined sliding it in and out of her beautiful tight virgin pussy.

I was quite aroused, but not close to coming as I came earlier. I remembered that she told me that she wanted to try sucking my cock. I squeezed my cock in my hand as I opened my eyes again.

Her eyes were still shut and her breathing was now steady. She appeared to be sleeping. Again, her beauty had me in awe.

"Julie?" I whispered, "Julie? Julie?" I repeated.

She was asleep and didn’t respond. I gave my cock a last squeeze. I didn’t want to do anything that I or she would regret. I stood back up, looking at her again. I considered taking a picture with my phone, but decided against it.

I saw her clothes lying on the bed beside her and remembered how I came all over her earlier as my cock flexed hard at the memory. I needed a diversion or I knew that I’d do something I’d regret. I picked up her clothes and took them with me down to the basement where the washer and dryer were.

I set the washer to the smallest load and measured the detergent and poured it in. I grabbed her top, holding it up remembered seeing it filled with her breasts and my cum splayed over it. She had wiped the cum from it in the bathroom, but it still had a faint smell of my semen.

My cock still hard, flexed from the smell and the memory. I put her shorts in the the water. Then I picked up her panties. They were soaking wet and her scent was strong, filling the room as my cock flexed even harder and leaked out pre-cum.

I brought the panties to my nose inhaling deeply as my cock flexed even harder. I stroked my cock as I stuck out my tongue and licked the panties.

"Mmmmmm, Julie. You taste so fucking good," I said in my mind as I savored her taste again as I stroked myself faster.

I finally stopped myself and pulled the panties from my face and dropped them into the washing machine. I took a deep breath as my cock flexed again aching for more attention. I closed the lid to the washer and walked back upstairs and to my bedroom.

Julie was still asleep, but had moved herself up with her head on the pillow. She was l ying on her side, her smooth sexy ass facing me. I took another deep breath as my cock flexed over and over in desire as my gaze went up and down her beautiful naked body.

I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. How could an old man like me have such a beautiful young girl lying in his bed naked?

"My God, you’re so beautiful," I said to myself as I stroked myself again looking at her.

I glanced at the clock radio, it was already 11:30. So, I turned the light off and I crawled up onto the bed behind her on my side. I kissed her neck softly as my cock flexed hard against her ass.

"Mmmm," she moaned out softly and wiggled her body back into me.

My cock slid down the crack of her ass, flexing hard against her. She was still sleeping as I moved my arm around the top of her and snuggled in closer and fell asleep.

Same as She Was Locked Out Videos

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Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters. Cadet Survey Chapter 1 - The Problem Chapter...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 6

The Oolsans were welcomed into the new interstellar family that was forming. They did not have much more to contribute beyond the sample of Inklus' piss, since their body shape did not lend itself well to fitting into a spacetub. Nevertheless, they were given equal rights along with everybody else and were provided with replicators so that they could move into a more comfortable living standard. The invading Wasps had been easily eliminated, since they had just arrived and had not had time...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 6

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 7

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 7

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 8

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Sheryls Experience at the Edgewater

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Vishwas And Akila 8211 Part I

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Shelia The Shark

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Sheena Jungle Queen Ch 02

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Sheryl and the Straitjacket Incident

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Sheela teacher tho naa sex experience

Hai naa peru ramky! Nennu ikhada meeku chepe visayam real ga jarigindhi.adhi naa 10th class chdive rojulu,maa teacher peru sheela ,thanu chala andamuga untundhi, valla native place challa duramuga untundhi,sheela okkare oka room tesukuni job chesthundhi.maa class lo 4 members thana dagara tution chepinchukunevam. Sheela ki monthly some tution fees kuda ichevallam.roju 4:30pm nundi 6:30 varaku chepedhi.e incidedent oka roju jarigindhi,aa roju enduko naa friends evarru tution ki raledhu,neenu...

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Sheena Jungle Queen

Our project was meant to preserve the African jungle, The irony of tearing down a stand of old growth forest to set up the satellite data links we would need and the structures to house our operation was lost on none of us. We justified it by the fact that once our buildings and antennas were up we would be able to monitor wildlife over a broad area, spot poachers in record time, and preserve the habitats of large numbers of species both threatened and endangered. We had support from several...

1 year ago
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Sheri and Jeanette Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Jeanette followed her cousin downstairs. She had to make an effort not to cross her arms over her chest. Her nipples were hard, knowing that they were going to ask Ethan to fuck them. "Where is he?" she said. "I don’t see him yet." Jeanette nudged Sheri and pointed. "Look, there he is," she said, leaning closer and lowering her voice. "Check out his pants. He’s already got a woody. Let’s ask him. That woody will fix that funny feeling inside you."...

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Shepard and Veetor

~Hey, am silling working on my other story right now , but I have been thinking about wirteing this for some time now. Am thinking of putting this under Non-Erotic, seeing as this is much more about love, than sex. If you don’t know the story line to the game mass effect I wouldn’t even try to read this, but your welcome to. Just know this is about Female shepard and Veetor (the quarian she saved in mass effect2. P.s. mass effect is a game played in the furture and quarians are just another...

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Sheetal and Nisha Love Part 1

hi sweethearts this is raghav from hyd reply comment at … iam a big fan of iss since the website has been establised iss has shared many moment of lonelyness turning it to hot. about me iam a simple guy with lot of simplycity and knowledge abt market statergy and fund management.with 30 yrs around 65kg weight,5.10″height,weatish skin and people do say tht i have a very masquline voice while my body shaped like a college going student. this is about a shetal of 23yrs wheatish tone around5.6″...

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The Wasps

??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? The Wasps Page 1. ??????????? Sometimes, a spectacular approach to torturing a woman just presents itself. All of a sudden the possibilities are there and it's all too enticing and fascinating to pass up.??????????? So it was with the wasps. Some call them hornets or yellow jackets. All I knew was, get them mad and they would sting like Hell.??????????? It didn't take long with the Internet to determine their behavior. Only...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 4

Coolie said that she would be more comfortable riding in the same van as Sue, so she joined that group for the rest of the trip. Coolie remembered Bill from her course work at Auburn, he was her favorite professor. Likewise, Bill had always been impressed by Coolie's work, so he was delighted that she would be joining him in the lab. Bill was already plotting how he could make her the prime chemist on the poison production job. They were doing well on the trip until they had almost reached...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 4

As soon as the first uninfected slugs were found, an effort was made to contact them. No matter what was tried, the slugs seemed to be totally nonreactive. Finally, somebody had a brilliant idea: the sensors that the AI had used were brought into play. There was definite activity with their brains in the range the AI considered to represent sentience, but no sensible contact could be made. Then there was another brilliant idea: maybe the cognitive rate for the slugs was too slow for humans or...

1 year ago
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Sheri and Jeanette Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Sheri and Jeanette ran to Sheri’s room, giggling. They shut the door and bounced on the bed. Jeanette’s excitement overflowed and she couldn’t stop giggling. Sheri touched her hand. “Guess who I went out with.” “Who?” “Richie Jeeter.” “Oh my God. You really went out with Richie Jeeter?” Sheri nodded, grinning. “On our first date, we went to the school dance. When we were dancing, he was feeling me up. Then, after, he drove me up to the lookout. I was...

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Shelia and Thomas

Chapter 1 — Shelia and Thomas Meet It was late at night and Shelia was lonely. After dumping her boyfriend two months ago, for cheating, she had finally gotten over the ‘all men are dogs’ theory and wanted to simply have someone appreciate her for her. Not wanting to just meet someone at a bar she had started complaining to her girlfriends about there not being any good men left. With their agreement she sank deeper into her loneliness. Work was always the same. There was Mark in Marketing,...

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Sheena by Jennifer Lorissa-Leigh "I tell you, Arnie, something's going on in there." Jeremy spoke as he and his friend looked upon the university's Institute for Human Sexual Studies. "I know Jerry went in there, and never came out." "Maybe he just quit school and went home to Nebraska, like they said," Arnie suggested. "What could possibly be in there that would cause someone to disappear?" "I don't know. Some kind of foul play's going on... maybe one of the...

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by Jennifer Lorissa-Leigh"I tell you, Arnie, something's going on in there." Jeremy spoke as he and his friend looked upon the university's Institute for Human Sexual Studies. "I know Jerry went in there, and never came out.""Maybe he just quit school and went home to Nebraska, like they said," Arnie suggested. "What could possibly be in there that would cause someone to disappear?""I don't know. Some kind of foul play's going on... maybe one of the professors is a serial killer, or something...

4 years ago
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Sheena8217s Defloweration

This is my first submission to this site and if you like it please leave a comment so that and I get to know your feelings. Any suggestions are also welcome in form of comments. all dialog are in Hindi while the narrative is kept in English according to your comments I would come up with complete Hindi or complete English version as soon as possible. Now enjoy the story. I hope you enjoy the experience like I did. Another summer day in Delhi and the mercury was shooting above 40. Sheena was...

1 year ago
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Sheena Ryder 200 420000

I love this new globalized world we're living in, where more and more people are pumping out mixed babies. It's already become clear that these mixed folks are generally sexier than their purebred counterparts. That's why all the pure breeds get mad about it. Competition is getting tough, and the mutts are winning.That's why when I heard that a new half-Puerto Rican and half-Greek bitch was entering the industry, I was all eyes and ears. That sound's like a blend I need in my life right away....

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2 years ago
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Sherrys Test Ch 20

This is a continuation of the Sherry’s Test Series. It will make more sense if it is read in order but each chapter stands on it’s own. This chapter contains light spanking and humiliation in a family environment. It does not contain any sex. It is mainly about submissive females and dominant males. This story is meant as a completely fictional, unrealistic fantasy and the characters bear no resemblance any real person. Feedback, votes and comments greatly appreciated. I put a lot of effort...

3 years ago
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Sheik Omar Ch 02

Sheik Omar had been taking good care of the golden haired girl he had found in the desert alongside the crashed airplane. He kept feeding her small sips of water and was surprisingly delighted to notice that during the night she had been peeing all over his best robe he had dressed her in. Because at least that meant her kidneys worked again. So he had removed the robe and washed it as the dry desert air would dry it in an hour and had bathed her again in one of the lakes in the oasis. When he...

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Sherris black sex instructor part 2

After several months of incredible sex with Richard, Sherri accepted a date to go with him to a friends bar on the outskirts of town. She wore a tight, stretchable, body hugging black dress that clung to her body and showed everything she had. Richard insisted she wear no panties or bra and she happily obliged as she said she felt so alive and very sexy. Not to mention horny and wet!They drove for a short while to a house in the hills just outside of the city limits. It was an older house...

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Shelia and Thomas Ch 02

Chapter 2 — Shelia Returns Home Shelia had made a decision. Tonight she would have her satisfaction. For the first time she was going all out with a man where she would be in control. Thomas was excited beyond belief. For the first time he looked at what she was wearing. Monica (as he knew her) wore jeans and a sweater. It was a cool night. Her curves made the outfit stunning. Sexy in that casual way real woman are Thomas was breathing fast. Shelia was getting aroused. She was taking...

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Sherrys Test Ch 17b

This is a continuation of the Sherry’s Test Series. It will make more sense if it is read in order. Each chapter stands on it’s own but this chapter is a continuation of 17a and it would be good to read that first. It is meant as a completely fictional, unrealistic fantasy and bears no resemblance any persons spanked or unspanked. Feedback, votes and comments greatly appreciated. I put a lot of effort in writing this, so please take a moment to vote and comment. – – – – – – – – – – – – – –...

3 years ago
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Sheena receives an unexpected punishment

My busty girlfriend Sheena called me, saying she was home alone during the afternoon. She asked me if I was free to enjoy a good time at her house. Sheena had always been a fun time, but since her divorce, she had been even a better lover. She convinced me, saying some other girlfriend had given her a brand new huge dildo as a present and so she wanted to use it for the very first time with me...The bitch really knew how to stimulate me sexually. She used to play rough enough to get me off...

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Hi friends thank you for your comments on my mail for my stories. Now I am telling you the next experience which I had with Sheela aunty. I would really appreciate if you could give me your comments about the same good or bad. My mail is After mt girlfriend left suddenly I was really upset and was slowly getting over it and moving on with life when suddenly after about 3 months I got a call from Sheela aunty. I was really surprised to receive her call and we chatted generally as to how was I...

3 years ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 5

Now that John had worked out how the humans could use the antigravity belts and they had enough tubs and belts on hand, Bill wanted John to teach others how to pilot the ridiculous looking, but effective, craft. John reluctantly agreed to take time out from hunting Wasps to teach some new pilots, but he was in a hurry to get back to hunting down the enemy. Two men and one woman volunteered to be the first class of pilots, so John spent three days introducing each one to the controls and how...

3 years ago
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Sheena yude shankhojam reji othukki

Orikkal Mum-Bah yaathrak aayi Sheena boarding formalities complete cheydhu, yennal yendho shaankedhika prasanam moolam flight thaamasiche poakoo, pasangers ne avarude flatil poakaan anuvadhichilla, Air port nu aduthulla Hotelil yella yaatra kaarkkum free accommodation offer cheydhu, problem solve cheydhaal immediate aayi flight purappedunnadhinaal yaatrakkarkk avide thaamasichu wait cheyuka alladhe mattu maargham yillayirunnu; mattonnu confirm ticket ulla yaathrakaarkk maathrame accommodation...

1 year ago
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Sheri and Jeanette Part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! Ethan dropped her panties. “You’re so beautiful,” he said, staring between her legs. He put his hand around his woody and moved it back and forth. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Jeanette stared at his penis. “Yes. I’ve been a virgin as long as I want to be. I want a penis in me and I want you to put your’s there. But you better not hurt me. You know I’m a virgin.” “I’ll ease it in slow and gentle. I’ll take it real easy. I won’t hurt you a bit.”...

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Sheetal Mami Ka Gussa Hua Shant

Hello everybody, mera naam vikas hai, age 21, height 6 feet, size 7 inches aur mai delhi se hun bhenchod.Mai sabhi ko pranam karta hu aur females ko bahut saare fun ke lie invite karta hu.Mai iss ka fan aur ye meri pheli story hai, bhul chuk maaf Ab sidha story pai aate hain Mera naam vikas hai aur mai 21 saal ka, delhi ka launda hu. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai 19 saal ka tha. Mai mere college ke exams ke baad ki chuttion mai apni nani ke ghar jaane ka plan bana raha tha. Yaha mai bata dun ki...

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Sherrys Test Ch 18

This is a continuation of the Sherry’s Test Series. It will make more sense if it is read in order but each chapter stands on it’s own. This chapter contains light MMF/F spanking and humiliation in a family environment. It does not contain any sex. This story is meant as a completely fictional, unrealistic fantasy and bears no resemblance any persons spanked or unspanked. Feedback, votes and comments greatly appreciated. I put a lot of effort in writing this, so please take a moment to vote...

3 years ago
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Sherri takes pity on her Guinea Pig8217s enforced celibacy and gives him some pleasure

An original story based on a real-life experience. Sherri turned off the living room TV and yawned as she walked into the kitchen to fetch a bedtime Diet Coke, her firm breasts outlined under her t-shirt as she lazily stretched her arms upward. As she opened the refrigerator door a blast of cold air raised goosebumps on her bare legs; just panties and a shirt was Sherri’s standard nighttime garb. The noise of the refrigerator door was followed almost instantly by a high-pitched...

4 years ago
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Sheela Ki Jawani

Hi guys I’m shivam, I’m 5’7″ fare complexion guy with an average body and 7″ dick, I’ll write this story in hindi, so that every reader understands it better So ye story start hue 2 sal pehle, basically mai mysore ka rehne vala hu vahi pe maine apni graduation ki, during my education I had a huge crush on a girl name sheela, vi ek bihat hi khoobsurat ladki this, bhari bhari si thi, uske body me sabse zyada akarshit karne vali cheese use aankhe this, but mai use kabhi apne dil ii baat nahi kar...

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