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I liked all of my students, even the rowdy boys who disrupted the class and distracted others, even the girls who sat as far back in the corners of the classroom as possible so they could use their phones. I could never be hard on them, considering they came to the academy after grinding out a full day of school. Instead of spending their afternoon eating snacks and unwinding in front of a television, like a young student is supposed to do, they had to grind out another three to four hours of learning a language that was incredibly difficult for them. They were all exhausted, agitated—anything but calm and focused.

Along with that problem, there were the social norms and parental pressures operating under the surface. The rare kid who was overweight had a much tougher time being accepted in this country. Schooling was made so competitive that anyone who couldn’t ace a test while sleep deprived was deemed inferior. That’s why I tried to be a relaxed teacher who went easy on the students. They were under enough pressure without me trying to intimidate them.

One student in particular became my favorite. I didn’t want to have favorites, but nevertheless, she stood out from the moment I learned her name: Jisu Oh. It was my favorite of all the feminine Korean names. It sounded like the name for a woman warrior in a fantasy novel, though this Jisu was anything but that. She was inexplicably shy and quiet around everyone in the academy. Unlike the kids who had trouble fitting in because they were overweight or had a bad case of acne, Jisu was beautiful—at least by American standards. Perhaps the others thought she was too strange, with her perfectly trimmed bobbed haircut, and how she always buttoned her uniform shirt to completely cover her neck. And she was quite thin.

I taught her in an advanced course for senior high schoolers every Wednesday and Friday night, with only two other students in the class—both boys who constantly chatted with each other and mostly ignored her. A few times, when they paused in their chats and glanced at her, I sensed they were poking fun. She barely returned their glances. Maybe they were asking harmless questions that she didn’t care to answer.

As I got to know her throughout the class, her personality slowly began to emerge for me. On Fridays, the students went straight to the computers in the lobby, where they recorded a five minute speaking piece. They would come into the classroom one-by-one so that I could listen to it with them and make corrections. She would always enter the room last, pause at the door, lock her heels together, and give a proper bow in the way the students were expected to greet their teachers. Every time she did this I would tell her she shouldn’t bother to greet her American teachers this way.

After the fifth week she paused at the door awkwardly, then decided to wave and say with her slow and quiet voice, “Good evening.”

I was making progress with her. Maybe soon she would be entering the room the way I expected of a student her age, by slamming the door, slouching into the seat, putting a decent frown on her face because she was still in school after six o’clock.

She wasn’t one of those students to take school so seriously that she was constantly scribbling notes or berating herself for making a careless error on her grammar. She was just detached from school and the social life of it altogether. The way she tended to swirl her pen in the corners of her papers, and how her speaking parts tended to go off on interesting tangents from the topic—I wondered if she had an artistic soul in her that had been repressed. Korean culture only fostered cutting edge academic performances in math, science, engineering, and English. Playing instruments in a formal band was acceptable. Everything else was a waste of time.

After I finished the corrections on her parts, she was expected to return to the computers and work on an essay. That’s when I took the opportunity to keep her in the room an extra minute and try to prod into her interests. I would say, “If you don’t know what to say about your favorite movie, you could talk about a movie you’re hoping to see, maybe one you’re hoping to make. Could you envision yourself as a movie director?”

She looked at me with the most disinterested, mute reaction a student had ever given me. She definitely could have played a role in a movie, as the uninterested student who keeps the overly idealistic teacher grounded.

“You’re not into movies at all, are you?”

She shook her head.

I smiled, watching her hair swivel and fall back into place, with not a single strand sticking out. “Well, tell me, Jisu. What do you like? I’m just trying to help you generate topics here. I’m not prying into your personal life.”

For once she smiled back. She hesitated a moment. “I like reading novels.”

“Novels? That’s great. Oh good. We have something we can talk about after all.”

She laughed, with a slight amount of tension across her face. “Can I go out there and… work on my essay?”

“Yeah. Of course. Next week, I’m making the topic about novels, just for you. I want to hear everything you have to say about them. Those two guys can suffer through it. Because they probably haven’t read a whole novel in their lives.”

I found that as I dropped comments about how terrible the boys’ speaking parts had been her tense posture eased up. If I embarrassed myself by tripping over my own grammar corrections, she would laugh most genuinely.

The technique of embarrassing myself, playing the part of the overly enthusiastic teacher, worked well in front of the boys. In our reading, a well-known Korean radio show was mentioned, and I stopped to ask if Jisu knew of this show, because she had said in one of her speaking parts that she loved to listen to the radio. She shook her head and said, “I don’t listen to the radio.”

“But you said in one of your speaking parts that you listen to the radio.”

She shrugged. “I just—make that up.”

The boys chuckled. I pretended to be taken aback, as if my worldview that all students were always completely honest on their speaking parts had just been shattered. “How many of your speaking parts do you lie on?”

“I think… all of them.”

Their chuckling turned to uproarious laughter. Jisu had shown up their teacher that day, a feat even they had never dared to go for. In sessions after that, when I called on her for answers, she spoke up more easily. She kept a smile on her face.

On Fridays, she came into the room for her review with enthusiasm. She no longer sat coldly still as I made the correction. She bounced up and down in her chair and lightly hummed to herself, saying, “Okay… Okay. I will make it better.”

When I finished, she was slow to get out of her chair.

I didn’t want her to leave the room yet. “So…” I said, unsure what I even wanted to say. “Gotta get started on another of Mark’s essays?”

She sighed and put her hands over her head. “Ahh! But I’m so tired.”

“That’s okay. You can just make up a bunch of lies, like you do for my speaking topics.”

She laughed. “No. I don’t lie always.”

“Well that’s good.” I nodded. A moment of silence started building up. “That’s good. So what have you told the truth about? Do you really enjoy reading novels?”


“Cool. Me too. You know, there’s an English bookstore just down the street? It’s called ‘Buy The Book.’”

“Yes. I know.”

“Yeah… It’s a cool place. There’s a lot of English teachers in there. And they do cool stuff on Saturdays.”

“But… I don’t want to read English novels.” She laughed.

“Oh. Right. You get enough English practice in school, I guess.”


I wanted to ask her dozens of questions, about what she really thought of school, or her parents, or the boys in the class… But we had less than five minutes remaining. And she was a student. I was her teacher—not her friend or godparent or—definitely not her boyfriend. I wasn’t having thoughts like that, was I?

She left the room, with an elongated, “Bye.”

I said, “See you on Wednesday.”

She went back to the computer room, back into her apathetic mood, where she would be stuck for another week. I went back to grading what seemed like a thousand essays, and I resisted thinking about how well we were getting along, about how we would know each other if we had met in a different context, at different ages, or in a different time or place.

I didn’t even recognize Jisu when I first saw her in the bookstore. She was in the wrong place, wearing the wrong clothing. I always went there on the first Saturday of every month. The bookstore would have its front tables cleared off for a small arts and crafts market to take place. I had noticed a good looking feminine figure in the corner, wearing black pants and a plain white, long sleeve shirt, and I made a mental note to edge my way closer to her when I finished chatting with the vendors. The hair and petite frame didn’t clue me in that I was conjuring up a pickup line for one of my students. A moment later our eyes met at the shelves, and I stood in shock. She, however, came forth with a greeting right away, as if she had noticed me when I walked in and was waiting to see me.

She didn’t speak with such a sterile, slow tone like she did in class. She was slightly peppy. And she gave a nervous gush of laughter, putting her hand over her face, when I said, “But you said you didn’t want to read English novels.”

“I… changed my mind.” She looked at all the foreigners around her. “And I wanted to see the market.”

She told me the novel she was looking for. Usually her accent didn’t make our conversation difficult, but this moment was an exception. I repeated what I heard, “Old Sea?”

She laughed. She had to say the name for me four times, and finally I heard, “Odyssey.”

“You want to read The Odyssey?”


“Like, the epic poem by Homer?”


“Wow. That’s really impressive. If you read that, we could talk about it. I’ve read it.”

“Okay!” She nodded. “I want to talk about it with you.”

“Okay. Good.”

I wasn’t sure what to say next. The conversation seemed to be over, but we stood still, with that same sort of tension that bubbled between us during reviews. I knew then that I didn’t just want to pump up Jisu’s confidence in the classroom. I had a crush on her. And she seemed to have one for me. That was okay. A crush meant nothing. It existed in a vast, blurry area between friendly admiration and serious lust. My crush for Jisu was still somewhere in the earlier half of that zone, and I had no plans to push it along any further. I told her I would bring the book to class so she could borrow it, then began edging away.

“But, you live really close.” She pointed in the direction of my apartment. She knew the location, because it was right next to the academy.

“Um. Yeah. I do. Why?”

“So, I can borrow it now?”

My stomach tightened up. I gave a response without being able to think about what I was saying, “Yeah, come get it now. That’s a much better idea.”

As we drifted out the door, I glanced around. Friends of mine could have been watching me leave the bookstore with such a young girl. But Jisu didn’t look that young. She was a senior in high school. Well, when the academic year started in a month she would be. That made her at least seventeen. But if she had a really late birthday, then she would be only sixteen… So she was almost seventeen, at the youngest.

That didn’t matter. She was my student. Of course I was walking out of a bookstore with one of my students—Saturday tutoring sessions. That’s what everyone would assume. And that’s all this was. I was going to loan her the book, and that was all we would do. Jisu was walking with me to my apartment, on a Saturday afternoon, to borrow a book—The Odyssey.

We walked down those cluttered city streets, with two hearts invisible to everyone among us, invisible even to ourselves.

My apartment walls wrapped around us, lured us into the corner where my books were stacked, where we didn’t simply exchange a book for a thank you and goodbye. We picked through my small collection and chatted about each book endlessly. Eventually she took The Odyssey in her hands and read the first few pages while sitting on my bed. I stopped wondering when this encounter was going to end, if her parents were expecting her home soon, or if she didn’t want to be around me as much as I wanted to believe she did. She wasn’t going to leave until I gave her a reason to go. But I wasn’t going to give her a reason to leave.

I couldn’t think of anything to say as I watched her flip through the book. I could only notice the stillness between us, the single strand of hair that floated in front of her eyes, the two specks on her cheek that were the only imperfections on her face. And I noticed my blood getting hotter and hotter.

I was being ridiculous. Even if she had a minuscule crush on me—her teacher, who was ten years older than her—she didn’t want me to seduce her. She would have been appalled.

Wouldn’t she? She did come to the bookstore after insisting she didn’t want to read an English novel. Her sudden change of mind seemed questionable. And she was the one who suggested we get the book right away. She was the one refusing to let the moment between us resolve. She wanted something from me besides some ancient poetry. I didn’t know what I wanted. But perhaps I could push the boundaries between us, just a bit.

I touched the piece of hair hanging in front of her face.

She looked at me with plain curiosity, complete patience.

“You had a piece of hair in your face,” I said.

“Yes,” she whispered.

I sat next to her, with my hand placed between us. “That was bothering me. Usually your hair looks so—perfect.”

She nodded.

“It goes well with your face. Because it’s perfect, you know?”

She lowered the book, let it fall somewhere to the floor, then turned to look straight at me. Under the intensity of that particular gaze, I felt more comfortable around her than I had ever been.

“And your hands?” I grabbed one of her hands and massaged her soft palm. “They’re—”

“Ne,” she said—Korean for “yes.”

“Wait—you don’t know what I’m going to say.”

She laughed silently.

And I kept rubbing her hands, lingering around to find the tension between us. But I didn’t sense it. “Your hands are perfect too.”

“Thank you.”

I had expected her to get nervous and hide her face, but she was being bold with me, receiving every little advance with enthusiasm. Maybe she knew where this moment was going better than I did.

“Is the rest of you perfect too?”

She looked at me a moment, then shrugged as lightly as possible.

“Can I see?”

“Ne.” Her breath shuddered.

I grazed my fingers across the fabric of her sleeve, down her chest, to each end of her hips. I peeled her shirt away. With each garment I removed, I asked if I could see the part of her it was covering. For her socks and pants, she didn’t bother answering. She simply joined in the effort of undressing. Then she was naked, and I still fully clothed.

I admired her body, so smooth and hairless, her tiny titties, her neck and shoulders. Everything about her was small and beautiful, inviting me to keep grazing my hands across her, going from the broadest parts of her—stomach, back, and thighs—then to her sharply sensitive parts—pinching her tits, teasing her firmly tucked in clit. And to finish touching her, her lips.

I realized then I had yet to kiss her, and the moment for that was now, by tugging her chin into mine.

She put her hands around the backs of my shoulders and pressed on me uncertainely. I did the same to her, gripped her shoulders tightly and went deeper into her mouth, so that she would do the same back to me.

I released my rock hard cock from my pants. The relief in letting it spring to life couldn’t wait a second longer. She looked down at it. Shock spread across her face. “Oh!” She turned excited, knowing her allure had brought me to such arousal.

As I undressed, I watched her vulva dampen.

We were both naked. I returned to the bed, staying above her my knees. She hunched down, moving back exactly in sync with me moving forth. Her back pressed into the pillow. Her head found comfort against the wall. I brought my body within inches of her and paused for a while, with our hands locked together.

This was too perfect a moment to push onward. I loved her smell, her nervous glare, her breath, my cock throbbing right above her, already dripping onto her stomach.

“Ready?” I said.

She quickly nodded. “Ne.”

I pushed into her with difficulty, even though she was so wet. Her tightness made me aware, again, of our dynamic, how small she was under me, which was why I kept my body above hers. I moved my crotch forward as slowly as possible, stopped when I was just over halfway in her, and found my rhythm from there. She didn’t bleed. Perhaps she had gone through that breaking in process by her own means. Maybe she wasn’t even a virgin. I had no way to make that guess. I had no reason to care about that for now. All I cared was that she got comfortable. A moment went by where the tension eased on her face, and the single tear welling in her left eye dripped away. I kept staring at her. She opened her eyes to see me, and her face developed a smiled

I thrusted into Jisu. Together we breathed, hands to hands and feet to feet. I went slowly, not to be gentle on her, but to resist spurting too soon. But there was very little I could do to keep the moment alive. I was about to cum, even with almost no movement inside her.

I had to bring her up to my arousal, bring her to climax before me. I pressed a thumb against her clit while I continued in her. She gave a delightful reaction. So I kept it there, moving it in tiny circles. The tiniest of movements sent her into a trance. I pressedTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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It all started a couple of years ago

It all started a couple of years ago. She was a friend of one of my daughters and came to our house regularly. The first time I met her, I felt a disturbingly sexual tension between us. I had never felt that before, especially not with women twenty five years younger than me. I was happily married at the time, and my now ex-wife and I had a great sex life. And whatever I was not getting at home, I made sure I got when travelling. I was disturbed by the feelings I had whenever we met. It did...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Dual sex drive

TunnaldiggerAt the very base of dual sex principle is the understanding of a woman's psychological need for a variety of sex partner's. Psychologically, women are hardwired differently than men. A woman has a dual sex drive. The first is centered on finding a mate for life to help support her and her offspring. This is why (and when) love is such an important part of a women's sexual desire. The second is a desire to obtain a variety of the best genetic material to produce the best c***dren....

1 year ago
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Fun on Cape AnnChapter 1

I had been going out with Bonnie Robinson for almost a year. She's seventeen, like me, and the youngest daughter of very devout Catholic parents of two older sisters, Debbie, eighteen, and Kati, twenty, and a brother, Kenny, who was nineteen. We were both in the high school band, she played clarinet and I played trumpet. On our first date, I had suggested that we kiss each other goodnight using the lip formations we each used with our band instruments. It was good for a laugh and it got me...

2 years ago
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A Mistake Leads to Double the Fun

As Esmeralda or as her friends and family referred to her Zelda left the shop she was unaware of the two men watching her every move. As she strode down the street they to moved effortlessly along gain ground on her; till suddenly level with a side turning they were beside her, one on each side. One man flashed a six inch blade and told her to be quiet as they grabbed her arms and led her into the side street. There the black van suddenly opened its side doors and she was unceremoniously hauled...

4 years ago
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My New Gigalo Client In Pune

Coming to the introduction. My name is sam. I am a gigolo. Meri current location Pune hai. Meri age 27 hai. Mujhe bade boobs or bade gaand wali ladkiya zyada pasand hai. Koi ladies or bhabi any female jikno mari gigalo service chaye contact me.…now jyada bore na krte hue apni story pe aata hu Start story Me apko mere ek client ki kahani sunata hu jinke sath me pure 2 din bityae or sex karke unko satisfy kiya unko…. Itna khush hue ki unho me 10000 ki jaga15000 diya or ab bhi o biche biche me...

3 years ago
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Sinnndy Goes To A Bachelor Party

Billy is 31, 13 years older than me, about 6 feet tall, shoulder-length dark brown hair with very masculine features. He works out almost daily, that's where we met, at our health club, he's not steroid big, but naturally muscular and what a nice 8-1/2" cock he has, yummy. He lets me have my space and I return the favor, we just let the other one know what's going on as we both believe that communication is the most important part of any relationship. On Saturday, Billy was throwing a...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Via Video Part II

I left my private office and told my secretary I would be gone for the day as I rushed to my car. The drive home was 15 minutes but it felt like an eternity. My shaft ached in my pants as I recalled every dirty depraved thing my wife did with those two strange men. Finally, I arrived at my house. I noticed the flooring truck was gone as I pulled into my drive way. I burst through the door slamming it behind me. Lydia came out to the living room with a startled look on her face. She was...

3 years ago
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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 3

I got my things arranged and helped the kids. It had seemed like so much stuff when we were packing it but it was little different from moving into a cabin for a two week vacation. Oh, I guess there were a few more toys, DVDs and books. One thing I knew we were going to have to do was call Alex. You see, kids are shorter than most people and the housing industry rarely takes that into consideration. The first problem I saw was the closets. None of the kids were tall enough to hang up their...

3 years ago
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Shaia and the Cat

White blonde hair tumbled untidily beneath a black conical shaped hat that flopped as she walked. Well stormed was more like it. There was a tear in the thin gauzy fabric of the black skirt studded with silver stars and moons. The top, black satin and lace with thin straps, was skin tight and displayed curves that were generous and firm. The tie lacing the top together was torn also, giving glimpses of the satiny pale skin beneath. "Who the hell does he think he is anyway?" the girl muttered...

2 years ago
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Delhi Ki Aunty Ki Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, bahut der baad fir ek nayi story ke sath aaya hai aapka Sahil. Aasha hai ki baaki stories ki tarah hi, meri ye story bhi aapko pasand aayegi. So let’s have fun with the story. Maine friend request bheji to saamne se reply aaya – “Aap kon ho?” To maine apne baare mein bataya. Lekin kuch miss understanding ho gayi thi. Fir maine kaha- Main: Koi baat nahi hum dost to ban hi sakte hai? Aur fir baat done ho gayi. Fir hamari baat shuru ho gayi. Ek-doosre ko jaan-na shuru kiya hamne. Fir...

3 years ago
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The Mansion with the Morphing Manifesto

Written for Gunslinger's contest July 1998 The Mansion with the Morphing Manifesto by Steve Zink part 1 Finals had just been completed at Florida State University, and students were anxious to get on with graduation. The lucky Seniors who had completed their courses with grades high enough to satisfy their instructors, that is. There were, of course, Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors who were merely looking forward to summer vacation, and entry into the next higher realm...

3 years ago
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Destinys RoadChapter 51

Jonathan called the next day, just to let us know he still didn't know anything. It was nice of him to call, but it didn't keep me from feeling like we were in limbo, waiting to find out what happened. For a full week Emily went 'radio silent', with no real news coming from anywhere, not even from Jonathan. It seemed likely the DA would decline to prosecute her for the death of her father, citing self-defense; but he was still considering the investigation, and hadn't made a decision...

1 year ago
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Princess and the MagePart 3 Castle Leche

The Princess awoke a changed woman. She smiled up at him in reverence, adoration, and awe. Wrapping her arms and knees about him, she held him close and kept his seed within her womb. Her greatest hope was to carry his child. “I love you, slave or King makes no difference.” she whispered. While she had slept Magnus went to Meg. She had been crying in her frustration and need to be used. The magic held her frozen until he chose to come to her. He took pity on her and wished he could attend to...

4 years ago
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About me

Would you like to know a little bit about me? Okay, my name is Nikki and I am a 5’4” TS/CD (5’8” in heels LOL). I weigh about 145 lbs, have brown eyes, brown hair, and am pretty fit (at least I'd like to think I am; I play indoor soccer during the winter and baseball during the summer). I am also d**g and disease free and very discreet. Oh yeah, I am also very meek and very submissive (kinda like a little school girl)!As far as my appearance is concerned, I wear make-up (including lipstick and...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Became Threesome

I always thought its not fair just reading real sex stories of others but also need to get time to draft my real sex experiences. The fact is sex is beautiful experience which actually stays for 5 mins or less, but we wants it to stay for long long time. If any story says it was for 10 or more mins its just an exageration and fantasy of a guy to show it as big. But actual fun is guys who are good in foreplay make girls go crazy and girls dont bother for getting orgasm as males does everytime...

2 years ago
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Deanne and Me Chapter Four

It was early in the morning when I went to my truck and started off on my mission.Almost a year had passed since I last saw Deanne. Yes, I had been missing her. She really is a wonderful person but I must admit that I had been thinking more about her as a sex partner while driving to the airport. Her magnificent body had given such pleasure to me that I was hoping she would still be interested in me sexually.Having arrived at the airport early, I was wandering around to pass the time until her...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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CelebrationsChapter 2

When April's juices got running, I changed positions, arranging her on all fours. As I drilled her from behind, I instructed mom and April to lie beneath her and suck on her tits. They complied promptly. I told them to help her come fast. April was in heaven. I kneaded her ass cheeks while giving her sucking pussy, long, deep strokes. I spit down onto her wrinkled hole and massaged it with my fingers, working some of my drool into her rectum. Then I fingered her ass with the same fucking...

3 years ago
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Specialist Care

SPECIALIST CARE   SPECIALIST CARE  I fell in love with him at first glance. He was so handsome and perfect and when I looked at him my heart pounded and I desperately wanted him. I met him in a pub, he was at a table near the bar having a drink with some friends. They were all the same age, all in their early twenties and not one of them was unattractive, but he stood out. He had a lovely smile and beautiful sky blue eyes that sparkled when he laughed. I was getting a drink when I noticed...

2 years ago
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Prison Girl1

I went to one of our states many Correctional Facilities to visit my son in that state prison. I visit him about once a month on the first Saturday of the month. This time however when my son arrived in the visiting room he said hi to the inmate at the table next to me first then gave the girl sitting with him a light kiss on the cheek and said hello to the lady with them. After all of that he finally gave me a big hug and sat down. He then introduced me to the other inmate Juan, his...

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Wetwoman phone vibrator

For a number of years I have used phone vibrators. Originally gifts from my husband which enabled him to excite me when our work took us away from each other.We live in the countryside and I can wear one in our large garden or when I walk on the footpaths which cross the lane in which we live and cross our neighbour farms.The vibrator is a bullet shaped one and is connected to a small phone linked unit which clips to clothing or a stocking top. Use of a mobile phone triggers about 20 seconds of...

1 year ago
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Ashleys Dog Encounter

Ashley was unhappy. Why is she unhappy, you ask? Because, for the last—well, since she could recall—she had been working in her parents' dog kennel. Today she had had just about enough. In fact, she had had enough for some time now, and yet still she was here working, cleaning unmentionables, and generally feeling bad for herself. She mused about how unfair it was she had to be here while most of her friends were hanging out. They didn't even bother asking her if she wanted to hang out after...

2 years ago
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A Justice Providers TaleChapter 8

I kicked the Holdian, I had to admit with a dark sense of satisfaction and flung the small being right into the face of the approaching barkeep, ducked once again under a hefty swing of the bald-headed brawler, but could not completely evade the fist of the Triple Strong that scraped along the side of my jaw and made me see white flashes. I was sure a Bandrupo would have felt that uppercut, but this wasn’t my first bar fight and if I managed to get out of this one, most likely not my last. I...

3 years ago
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AnnieChapter 8

We spent a month in California with Annie's parents and my mother. My aunt had to go back to Wyoming two days after I was reunited with Annie. Even though we just met, it was hard to say goodbye. However, we made promises to see each other again soon. I would have gone back home sooner, but Charles had to close his building for a while. Annie and I tried to sneak off from time to time to be alone together, but her dad would always find us. He was determined to make sure I didn't sex with...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 481 Questions Answers Dinner

The tabloid cretin got the point and quickly crawled back under his rock. It didn’t take as long as I expected before the reporters realized that I wouldn’t say a thing about Laura, no matter how they asked me. I deflected questions about my wealth as well. “Did you lose the federal job that lets you take kids to your foster care complexes without anyone being able to stop you?” one reporter asked. I shrugged and said, “How would I know? The police lost my phone, wallet, IDs, and...

3 years ago
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Shaynas Wild WeekendChapter 5 Sunday

We all slept late. Nobody jumped out of bed and volunteered to fix breakfast that morning. When we did finally manage to get our hung-over bodies out of bed, we just sat around, staring at each other, not saying anything. Ryan looked like he could sleep for another eight hours. A couple cups of coffee finally seemed to brighten him up. Jen wanted to try the surf once more, so she grabbed Ryan's board and headed out the door. I had had enough sun on Saturday, and besides, there was one last...

3 years ago
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Poker Game

My folks owned their own business. Normally, Mom handled the office and Dad was on the road doing the work. Saturday was my day to help him on big installations. Every once in a while he'd get a really big job and the three of us would go out together. This job was even bigger; no way was it a one day installation. Mom and Dad had driven up to Palm Springs on Thursday and wouldn't be back till Sunday evening. This wasn't the first time I had been left alone, but it was the first time I had...

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Mark smiled down at his daughter as they stepped into the local bait and tackle shop. He was dressed for the day, a pair of torn and faded formerly black jeans and a long sleeved flannel shirt. Beneath he wore a fishing tee shirt baring a bikini-clad model with a bass. His wide brimmed hat was covered in various different lures and bobbers looking more funny than professional as he started walking slowly down the aisles. "First thing we gotta do honey is get us the right bait. You won't catch...

1 year ago
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Just taking a little Dicktation

"Come to my office when you get a moment" your voice came over my intercom. I wondered what you needed me in there for now, more than a little flustered over the amount of work I still had sitting on my desk to be done. I start to think of all the reasons you may want to see me. Part of me is sure that the other girls in the office have complained about the way I dress again. I pick up my notepad and pen and knock on your office door and enter without waiting for a response. You were looking...

1 year ago
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Daddy and Little One Ch 04

Little One unwrapped each dress and laid them on her bed. This was more clothes than she had in her entire life. Little One picked up the simple black dress. It was her favorite. She slipped off the short skirt and shirt she had worn home with Daddy and held the black dress to her breasts and looked in the tall mirror on the wall. Little One did not recognize herself. She turned sideways and gazed at the young woman in a lacey bra and panties and high heels. The heels made her legs look long...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 2 Best of Both Worlds

Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

3 years ago
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How I Got the Name Posh Slut and Into K9Chapter 17

We didn’t wait for Benny and allowed the middle-aged friendly looking maitre de to a booth. As it was well after eight the restaurant was fairly quiet but I noticed I still sparked some attention as I walked down to our table. I wondered if anyone could tell I had been well fucked by a dog? The maitre de waited for me to sit down and I could see him looking down at my breasts, hoping for a look at a nipple that might come exposed as I sat. He blushed when he noticed me looking. I smiled and...

1 year ago
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Just Do What Youre Told Part Three

Susan woke up as the morning light came shining through her window. Bill’s now limp cock was still in her mouth. As directed, she immediately started licking and stroking his dick back to life. She loved the idea of sucking him off for breakfast, but a part of her would not have minded being fucked. She couldn’t believe herself, one quickie with her husband, and she’s set for a week. This bastard had her in a constant state of either waiting to be fucked, or actually fucking. As Bill opened...

1 year ago
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Summer Lust

There was also some family involvement with me. When I was young then when I was older both. The earliest bi involvement was with an uncle; he was a nice guy and I think my willingness scared him away after a while. I did realize, even then at the age of 13 or 14 that he was very afraid of me saying anything to anyone about us. I did enjoy it a lot though.The first time anything happened was during the summer; he’d come to the farm for a visit and suggested we go swimming at a local spot. My...

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