Pushing Them To The Limits VII free porn video

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Chapter 7

Laying in my bed that night, I was thinking how to make my wife's fantasy come to life... Finding the right man isn't that easy... I fell asleep dreaming of a handsome young man fucking my wife.... The next morning I woke up feeling rested and relaxed. The sun was shining, it looked to be a beautiful day.. My wife was still sleeping, I got a shower and dressed myself. I had to do some shopping. I went to the mall and bought some sandwiches for breakfast. When I came out the bakery, I saw the redhead going into the pharmacy. I wanted to say hello to her and went inside. I found her doing shopping. I walked up behind her and grabbed her at the waist. She turned around, looking surprised and gave me a quick kiss. I looked in her shopping basket and said to her she had to get some lube... She smiled at me, "Sounds a good idea... when are you going to use it.....?" I looked around if nobody was listening, but it seemed we were the only one in the shop, except a young lady cashier. I said laughing, "I want to use you whole day long.... If you can handle it...." Her eyes lit up.. "After last time, I can handle anything....." I looked around and grabbed a small jar from the racks and dropped it into her shopping basket. She looked at it, "Ohw... muscle pain..? Too much exercise lately....?" and laughed out loud. I looked around.. nobody was around.. I took the little jar from her shopping basket and opened it. This is a balm for the muscles to get them warmed up.. I pushed a finger in and got a good amount of the balm on my fingers. With the other hand I pulled her dress up and I rubbed my fingers with balm on her pussy lips.. "How convenient that you don't wear any panties... ", and I pushed two fingers in her cunt.. She wanted to scream, but realized she was in the middle of the shop. "OMG... what have you done...!!!" Slowly I screwed the lid on the jar and dropped it back in the basket. I took her by her arm and just walked around as if we were shopping around. I could hear her breathing got heavier.... She hissed at me.., "Fucking hell..... it burns..!!!! " Her face flushed and drops of sweat were appearing on her forehead. She was squirming.. "Fuuuckkkkkk...... noooooo...... I can't stand it..... " Slowly I walked to the cashier and took her basket and put it on the counter. The cashier looked at us, "Everything alright..? Your wife looks a bit heated..?" I answered, "Yes, it looks to be a hot day today... I think she is getting too hot...." and looked at the redhead, "Isn't it my dear..?" The redhead could hardly speak, but managed to say, "Yes... It's... eeuhmmm.... rather.. hot..." She managed to pay for the shoppings and wanted to leave in a hurry. I grabbed her arm and walked with her in the direction of a coffe shop, "Come.. Let's have a coffee here..." and pulled up a chair. "Sit down, and enjoy the lovely morning..." I could see she was uncomfortable, she was squirming on her chair.. "OOhhhwww.......... Fuuuucckkkkk...... my pussy..... is burning....!!!" She managed to say.... I looked at her, "Your what...???? I couldn't hear you.." Her eyes were shooting lightning bolts... "My eeuhh... cunt.. Uuugh.... is on... fire..!!" I laughed with a devilish smile.., "That's exactly what I want... to warm up the muscles..." I waved for the waitress and ordered coffee and sandwiches. "Lift your dress and let me have a look.. Embarrassed, she slowly lifted her dress a bit and gave me a look.. Her cunt was nice and red, juices were flowing out of her cunt... "Looks like you're having a good time.... " Quickly she lowered her dress. "If we weren't here, I would fuck you and get this fucking shit all over your cock and balls..... You wouldn't be laughing then....."
The waitress came back with the coffee and sandwiches, and looked at the redhead, "Everything alright here..? You look a bit flushed... " The redhead looked up and murmured a kind of 'Thanks, yes everything okay' When the waitress left, the redhead started to breath heavily... "OMG....... this is... eeuhhh..... killing me.... It feels ... like... OOOhhhwww...........mmmmmmm...." It looked like she was coming... "OOhhww..... it's... a kind of... " She couldn't speak anymore.. her hand went under her skirt and touching her pussy... "OOhhwmmmmm.... commminggggg........mmmmmmmm......." She bit her lip, otherwise she would of yelled out loud.. Luckily nobody was around this early.. She kept on rubbing her cunt, carefully looking around if nobody saw her... "MMMMMMmmmmmmm..... OOOhhhhhhh......... " She was squirming in her chair. I was sitting back, drinking my coffee, looking at her. I think she must of had a few more orgasms when I stood up and left. "Hope to see you later.. Have a nice day.. And Oh yes... I think you made a mess of your dress...It's all wet.." I gave her a kiss and left for home, leaving her behind with a beat red face..
When I got in the car I could see her stand up, her legs were a bit shaky... She paid for the coffee and went for her car. I drove home immediately.. At home I made coffee and took the sandwiches to the bedroom. The whole thing made me bloody horny, I had to give my wife a good treatment.....

Later in the morning I went to the horses, my wife wanted to stay at home to do some work. That would give me the opportunity to ask how the blonde and her husband were doing.. He was mowing the lawn, I met her in the stables. She looked amazingly relieved.. I asked her how things were doing between her and her husband. "You were right... He is not asking me anymore questions.. We shut him up for good.. " She smiled at me with a big smile.."Why don't you give me a big kiss..?" I walked up to her, grabbed the back of her head and gave her a deep kiss... When we broke up the kiss, she said, "If my husband was not around, I would fuck you here on the spot..." I held her on an arm length in front of me, "Why don't you send your husband on that trip you gave him for his birthday...? I will arrange something for my wife.. Then we'll have all the time in the world.." She thought about it for a time and said, "You really want to do that..? I would love to have you in my bed all night.....", "Of course I want that! Who wouldn't..? Just let me know in time, I'll arrange something."
I continues taking care of the horses, every now and than the blonde past me and grabbed me. I was nearly finished brushing the horses when I heard a motorcycle leave. Almost immediately the blond came almost running around the corner and jumped up to me, holding herself with her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. She started kissing me.. "Ohw my... you're enthusiastic.. !" She started to grind her hips against my belly... "Yes..... I'm happy.. and horny.... Get your trousers down.... She hung onto me like a little monkey when I pushed my trousers down, my cock in full erection standing up.. I pulled her dress up and put my arms around her waist. I pushed her a little bit down, my cock found her entrance easily.. and I pushed my fully erect cock in her already very wet cunt. "OOOhhhwwww..... yessss....... I missed you..!!!!! Yes... fuck me standing up like this.... " Carefully I stepped outside, because of my pants were pulled down, I had to take care not to fall. I pushed her against the wall and jammed my cock a few times to the hilt in her juicy cunt... "OOOHHHwww......... MMMMmmmmmmm...... Yesssssss........... fuck me !!!! Fuck my whorish cunt...!!!!" I pushed my rod completely in and nailed her against the wall. I reached for her dress and ripped it open... Her tits came out and I started to suck on her nipples.. "HHMMMMMGrrrrrrr........ OMG.... This is fantastic..!!! " Still sucking on her nipples, I put my hands under her armpits and pushed her against the wall and jammed my cock in and out of her cunt. "If anybody could see you now.... Being fucked like a slut... " Her mouth opened..,"OOhww.... Yessssss...... I love it... when you talk like that... MMMMMMmmmmmm........ Fuck me..! Fuck your slut... Fuck this whore..!!! " I really nailed her against the wall... "Let your feet go....." She unhooked her feet behind my back, her legs went down, but her feet didn't touch the ground... I nailed her against the wall ! She was literally hanging on my cock... Grinding her clit against my pubic bone.. "OOHHHHwww........... Fuuucckkkkkkk......... OOhww... Telll me....! " I could feel her pelvis twisting and turning to get enough stimulation on her clit... "Your a whore !! A fucking slut...!!! " Every time I called her a name, I pushed my pubic bone against her clit.. " YYEESSSSS......... OOHH... Make meeeeeeee commmmmm...........! " The moment her orgasm hit her, I shot all the sperm I had in me in her cunt.. My cock pulsed every time.. And every time I could feel her pussy react... " I still held her against the wall when I pulled my cock out. Slowly I lowered her until her feet touched the ground. Het legs were like jelly, she could not stand on her legs... She slid down, back against the wall, squatting... A load of sperm came out of her pussy, dripping on the ground beneath her. Her head on the same height as my still hard cock, she took it in her mouth.. "MMMMMmmmmmmmmm.............. I love it........" It was covered with cum and her own juices, but she licked it clean, like it was a lollipop.. I stepped back and looked at her. She really looked great! Sitting against the wall, her legs opened, a gaping cunt, cum dripping on the ground, her dress torn with her tits hanging out. She reached out with one hand to her cunt and tried to scoop out some of the cum. She licked her fingers clean and with her other hand trying to get more cum out... I wish I could of taped this.... When she had cleaned out her pussy, she looked up at me.. "I can't help it.... I'm a slut for you.... You make me feel so fucking nasty..., so wanted, so complete....."
She surprised me by saying.... "Please..... take a picture of me like this..... I want to remember this moment for ever..." I just smiled at her and went to take my phone from the car. When I took the pictures, she really posed like a slut.. Showing her gaping cunt, eating out her pussy.. Al tough my cock was not hard anymore I had to put it in her mouth and had to take some pictures of her, looking into my eyes.. When finished taking the pictures, I picked her up. She put her arms around my neck and I carried her to the house. The whole time she was saying how much she loved me...
Inside the house I laid her down on the couch and got her a drink. She took a sip and stared in front her.., "Why doesn't my husband treat me like this....?" I took her face in my hands, "I will send you the pictures I just took, maybe one day you show them to your husband and tell him how you want to be treated..." She looked sad at me... "That will be the day it's too late...."
I gave her a kiss.., "Listen to me.... don't worry about it. I know you love your husband, I also know your inner slut... I will keep your inner slut satisfied. Just work on your husband... Show more of your inner slut to him.. He will get used to it, maybe even addicted.. Maybe one day.... you don't need me anymore...." She really started to cry... Fuck, what have I said ?
Between sobs she told me she was envious of my wife... Envious of her sister.. Envious of every woman I touched... She had really given herself to me... She felt completely herself with me.
Fucking hell !!! where did I get myself into, my mind was racing....

That moment I felt I was a complete asshole.. What to do now? This could blow in my own face... Maybe I could better end this... but on the other hand, I was addicted myself.. I really loved these three women. Carefully I asked her, "Why...? Why are you envious?, there is no need to feel like that.." The sobbing got a little less... "Maybe you're right... Maybe it's just my period.. I'm a bit too emotional now.... but,... can I rely on you..? Can I use you when ever I want..? When I feel like a slut, I want to get used.. "
I felt a little more comfortable... "We'll work on your husband, he has to grow closer to you.., but... you have to open up yourself to him too... Remember when I first met your inner slut...? You were forced in a way.... You didn't have a choice... To open up to your husband will be your own choice.... Promise me you will try to do that.. " Tears were rolling down her cheeks... "I love you so much ! Yes, I will try.. But you have to promise me to stay on my side, whatever.." I gave her a kiss. "I'll promise you.. I will always be there for you."
Driving home I thought to myself this had to be unavoidable... This would of happened sooner or later. I had mixed feelings about her sister... I hit the break and drove to the farmhouse of her sister..I had a good look before I drove up the yard to the house. Only her car was parked near the house. She opened the door when I rang the doorbell, and immediately kissed me on the mouth. "What a surprise to see you here right now... I thought I had to wait another day to get fucked by you....." I followed her to the kitchen and I took a chair at the table. She put a drink on the table and took a seat on my lap. "This morning was fucking horny... You're coming back to taste my pu... cunt..? I'm sorry I brought myself to a climax at least a dozen times on the way home....."
I wanted to be very open and honest.., I looked at her.., " I had a serious talk to your sister, not very long ago.. and she... eeuhh... had a little problem with me, using her as a slut... while I love her as my own.." The redhead just looked me in the eyes, put her hands around my neck and kissed me deep... When she broke the kiss, she said, "I don't have a problem being a slut for you.... I enjoy it.., every moment... I loved every second with you this morning !"
I was a little bit surprised by her reaction, probably it showed on my face... "Don't look surprised..! I know you..! You care about me and my sister.. I just know... You will never hurt us.. and... I want to be a slut for you..! I don't care about my husband, if he doesn't like it, he can leave ! Just...don't get this this in the open.. That's all I ask from you"
I was surprised by her answer and just kissed her. "Nobody will ever get to know this from me..." and kissed her back. She broke off the kiss rather quickly.. "Here.., I have a pill for you.. you know I work at the pharmacy.. Just take it..! I Just want a good fuck from you..! I will punish you for this morning..."
Did I have another choice.....? She was something different than her sister.. I took the pill the had put on the table. She held my chin in her hand, "Listen very carefully... I'm not like my sister... I can control my own life! You can use me as much as you like.., I love it.., but don't betray me... Just be kind to me...."
Fuck.... Two very different sisters... My mind was working overtime... "You know I will never hurt you, I'm only giving you what you really need...." She gave me a deep kiss... "Just remember that... and I'm yours...", she said.
She was still sitting on my lap and my cock said it was time... It was growing.. "I feel the pill is working... It is a little stronger than the normal pills... get it out now..!!! "
OHW Fuck...! I had wonderful sex with my wife this morning... just less than an hour ago with her sister... I was wondering if I could do it again now.... I opened my zipper and pulled my pants down, my cock sprang to life again! The little bitch redhead looked at it. "Well... it has to fill up all my holes.... get ready for it..." Fucking hell.... I was wondering how to do this task..... I guess it was my own fault..
She walked to a closet and got a riding crop out.. She handed it over to me..... "Just use it on me... I love it..." The next thing she did was undress completely.. She looked gorgeous..! She just stood there... Hands on the back of her neck, waiting.... I just brushed the riding crop along her tits... "Mmmmmmm.....", was the only thing she said. I slapped her tits..not too hard... She didn't react... I slapped her a bit harder... "Spread your legs bitch...." She placed her legs about 3 feet apart.. She challenged me... I knew it.... Without any warning I whipped her on her cunt...... "AAAHHHHHHHHHhhh.............. " but she still remained her position... I could see her biting her lips. What happened than, I could not believe myself.... She came...!!!!!!!!! The stinging in her cunt must of made her come.... "OOhhwwmmmmm..... cummmmmminggggg......!! "
I told her to get on her hands and knees, she stuck her ass up to the air. I hit her on the ass... "AAAhhhhhh......... fuuuuccckkkkkkkkk........." How could this be...? She was coming continuously... I got behind her and jammed my cock in her pussy. "OOhww... cummmmminggg..... " she yelled.. Her pussy was, as usual, very tight.. I could feel it spasming around my cock.. I yelled at her... "You fucking whore...... Do you want to get fucked... or not...?" She thought she was being the the dominant one.. "You bastard... Just fuck me... OOOhhwmmmm.... I'm your whore.... !!! Just fuck meeeee....!!! "
I pulled my cock out of her pussy and she started whimpering... "Nooooooo........." I put the head of my cock against her brown hole and started pushing.. "OOAAAHhhhhhhh............" I had to use more force... I grabbed her hips and jammed my cock another few inches into her tight ass. "AAAAaaaaaahhhhhhh.............Yesssssssss......... hurt meeeeee...........!!!!" She started to push back at me to get my whole cock in... When I had my cock halfway in I let go of her hips.. She had to push herself onto me.... I picked up the riding crop and hit her on the ass... "AAAhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!........." Every time she went forward I hit her on the ass, every time she came backwards, she pushed herself on my cock. This went on until my cock completely disappeared in her ass. I looked down, her ass was bright red, her asshole stretched to the max. "Go on bitch! If you want my cum... You have to work for it!" She started to rock back- and forward, milking my cock.. "That's it, you little bitch.... keep on fucking! Harder!" With the crop I hit the side of her right tit.... "AAAAAaaahhhh...... FUUUUuuuccckkkk...!!! Commmmmmingggggg....!!!!!!!! " I could feel her whole body contracting..... The bitch was a real pain slut... she came on the pain alone.... I hit her other tit.. She wasn't screaming anymore.... I think she just orgasmed... I felt her whole body just shaking and trembling... I grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her head backwards, the only sound she produced was, "UUUUUgghhhhhh......." I started fucking her ass hard, yanking on her hair, her back arched, her tits pointing forward. I used her as a fuck doll.. I needed to cum in her ass..!!! I was close to coming.... When my orgasm hit me, it hit me hard... I could only see bright stars in my eyes... My balls contracted and shot their load into her bowls.. Spurt after spurt.... OMFG.... What a fuck!!!! When my orgasm subsided, I kept my cock in her ass... There was no sign it would go soft.... The redhead was softly whimpering... "Oh, my... Ohhh... ohhh......" Finally I pulled my cock out, she did not react... I saw her gaping asshole and got an idea.... I grabbed the crop and pushed the handle in her ass.... She just kept on whimpering... "Ahh.....Ohhhw....... " I stepped to the front and grabbed her hair and pulled her head up... She opened her mouth and I gave her a deep kiss.. When I broke the kiss, she couldn't say anything.. She was in some kind of trance... I smiled.. If this is what she wants, she can get it... Her mouth still opened, I couldn't resist it...... I looked at my cock.. covered in all kind of juices... She gave me this fucking pill... I pushed my cock in her mouth and pulled her head forward. She started gagging... I didn't care... "Come on you little whore, clean it....." Her tongue started working.. circling the cock head. Once or twice I pushed my cock in her throat... Until I thought it was clean enough.. Although my cock was still hard as a rock, coming another time was not an option... I was totally spent..
I pulled my cock out of her mouth and looked at her... Still on her elbows and knees, the crop sticking out of her ass, she looked used.. I had to take a few pictures of her. I took my phone and took some pictures from every angle. She tried to stand up, which was very difficult for her. I helped her stand up. "OMFG.... What a fuck was this...!!!! I love being used, but now....." She reached behind her a touched the riding crop..Slowly she pulled it out of her ass... "OOOOHHHHhhhhhhhwwwww.......... Fuck... my ass is sore......" Finally she got it out and dropped it on the table. She looked at me, "I think your dick will stay hard for a few more hours... That's my revenge for this morning....", she said laughing. "Come with me, we'll take a shower together.."
The shower was very relaxing and intimate, like we were doing this every day.. I only had a problem getting my trousers back on.. I had to force my cock inside my trousers, it was pretty painful walking around like that.. Before I left, she hugged me and told me not to worry about her. She loved every minute I spent with her, and if she needed me, she would let me know...
Luckily, my wife was not at home when I got back. I didn't have to explain the painful bulge in my pants..

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FOREWARD: To all of you who have been waiting for this one, I apologize for the wait. I won't go into the details of why it happened, but life threw me a few sudden curves over the past year. Once I got restarted on the story I also realized that getting it all into one last chapter was not going to happen, so here is the first of the new ones that will bring this part of the saga to a close. Again, my most humble apologies for the wait all of you have put up with for me to get this...

2 years ago
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Like it or not youre a girl Part VII

Part VII Like it or not, You?re a Girl by Christine One day Danielle entered my room in the morning as usual. I was of course all dressed up in a short skirt, and a white blouse with a pair of heels on, and nylons. She complimented me on my outfit and then told me she had a surprise for me. ?We?re going shopping at the mall today. Eat your breakfast and I?ll be back in a little bit to get you. Don?t forget to freshen your makeup. I want you to look really pretty.? I...

3 years ago
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Bobbys Rainy Day Adventure Chapter VII

Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure Copyright 2006 by Heather Rose Brown CHAPTER VII The first thing I noticed was how warm and comfy I felt. It was a nice change from leaning my head against a cold, hard window. I wondered who had carried me in when I'd fallen asleep in the mini-van. Slowly, I opened one eye and saw... my bedroom. It wasn't the room I'd just moved into with all the half-opened boxes scattered across the floor; this was my old bedroom. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I...

1 year ago
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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter VII

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine came to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own...

4 years ago
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Green Acres VII

"Green Acres VII" The next day, mid-morning, Mrs. Foster knelt beside the wide sweep of a white satin wedding gown and lifted the hem of the gleaming satin skirt. She seemed mesmerized as she reached underneath and gathered the voluminous layers of petticoats and fluffed them out to their maximum fullness. The sounds of nylon, satin and crisp taffeta filled the perfumed room with rustling, whispering zips. "Nine petticoats in all, all so lovely, and so deliciously feminine!" She...

2 years ago
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All Dolled Up Part VII

By Missy Crystal All Dolled Up - Part VII Jamie wants his mother to buy him a doll for a birthday present. She does and a journey of discovery begins for both of them. It had been an emotionally exhausting day. A good dinner and a hot bath before bed would do us both good. Jamie had a burger for lunch, so I wanted to make him something more nutritious. Mac and cheese was always a good, quick meal. I prepared it, made a salad, set the table and called Jamie to dinner. He came...

2 years ago
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A Year Ago part VII

A Year Ago - part VII by MadQuill This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigation. Please review the first phase of the story... I didn't sleep well, arising several times to clear the beer from the evening with Matt. His look was on my mind. Lying awake for nearly an hour I wondered about attracting men. Of course I'd considered this after my first walk in the Green. The man offering to buy me a drink that evening wasn't guilty nor was I but I needed some...

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George Isolde etc Ch VII

Chapter VII George had been sitting on the front stoop, nursing a bottle of Boh when Terry pulled up. He stood up and walked toward the car. Sticking out his hand, he said, “Hi. I’m George. Welcome. Bob said you were making hay today. There’s a hose ‘round back, if you wanna knock the dust off.” Terry shook hands and said, “Name’s Terwilliger, but everyone calls me Terry. A hose doesn’t do very well. I was thinking maybe I’d run over to Mago Vista and jump in the river.” He cocked his head...

4 years ago
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Revenge of a Goddess Part VII

Revenge of a Goddess, Part VII By Limbo's Mistress Chapter Thirteen After leaving the principal's office, I rushed to my locker and grabbed a spare pair of underwear from my locker. As I stuffed the lacey garment into my bag, I suddenly giggled at the realization that, should my activities with Principal Lewis continue, I was going to need to increase the amount of backup panties I kept on school premises. Hopefully he wouldn't make a habit out of keeping them afterwards....

3 years ago
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Mommys Chastity Boy Part VII

[All characters are age 19+ ; work of fiction] Having grown bored with how things were progressing with my sissy son, I have recently ventured into a new and fun project -filming and distributing video clips of our adventures together. Milking sessions, peggings, spankings, foot worship...over two dozen clips so far. All of them uploaded online for viewing. Did I mention how lucrative this new project is? I am amazed at what people are willing to pay for the clips and especially for...

2 years ago
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Tranisitions VII

Transitions VII by Desiree Pleasence Chapter 14 - Kandy Krush Saga As I sit here, it's hard to believe that everything seemed so carefree and decadent the day before yesterday, when I unveiled my new assets to our neighbors. But that was before yesterday. That was before Gillian and Renee had filled me in on the saga of Kandy. What I heard chilled me to the bone. They seem to have no idea what they have done. Maybe I've filled in the blanks incorrectly. Maybe I've projected my...

4 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part VII

A sissy called Jezebel Part VII - Jezebel has finished hir tour with the Head Mistress into the secretive dungeon/reform school below the fair walls of the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. But is the Head Mistress entirely done with Jezebel? Additionally, what ever does one learn in a 'sissy life skills' class? I require the gurls in my harem to crawl on the floor at home and in private at the office. So get on...

1 year ago
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Dont Be Too Familiar VII

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR VII Worn out, but victorious, Jessica rearranges her pillows to be absolutely comfortable. Wearing the sexiest lingerie and dumbfounded as to today's turn of events. She is now safe and powerful. Three hours earlier, she was about to pass out inside a ceramic sculpture that she did not model for but was a form to be developed. Two days prior, she was a nonmacho boy accustomed to being doted on by a bevy of enthusiastic older gentlemen. They would go apeshit when...

1 year ago
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Dans le Murs Part VII

Dans le Murs – Part VII Synopsis: Colin has assisted Mme Lestrade with her Asian and African acquisitions and has performed the form of punishment to Therese that she feared most. Colin became an outrageous counsellor and Simone has been fascinated by his technical systems. Now read on. Part 7 – Sonia and Pippa Authors note: As this is written in the UK any reference to the ‘Age of Consent’ is to the age in the UK, which currently stands at 18 years. Whilst consensual sexual relations between a...

Erotic Fiction
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Me and My Brothers Chapter VII

That September when school started Bobby was in the 11th grade, I was in the 9th grade, and Donny was in the 7th grade. We all arrived home on the same bus so Bobby and I had no private time any more. There would be a day now and then when Donny would visit a friend and on those days Bobby and I would enjoy each other. Also, once or twice a week Bobby had after school activities that kept him from arriving home until later so I had private time with my little brother Donny. It took me a...

3 years ago
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Mother And I 8211 Part VII

Hi all. Hope you like the seventh part of Mother – Son love affair. This is the 7th part of Mother – Son Love Saga July 19 – Part 4 We woke up at 5.30 pm and mother dressed up, went to the bathroom, refreshed herself and went to kitchen.I also went to my room and refreshed myself. Night came. We had dinner and I persuaded mother not to watch her saas-bahu serials as I had a surprise for her. She nodded and told me to come back to her room at 10.30 pm. I went to the fridge, took out butter,...

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Pushing them to the limits

Pushing them to the limits.You might think what a strange heading for a story, but this will become clear during this story. When I started to put this story on paper, I didn't think it would become a long story. But it turned out to be a quit long story. I will split it up into chapters, but I can't wait to tell you how I pushed these young women to their limits...Let me tell you about myself. I'm an ordinary guy, in my 50's and married. We have no k**s, and still enjoying each other in every...

3 years ago
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Pushing Limits

She knew better than to move, knew that if her hands wandered, she would be punished. He had ordered her to keep her hands where they were, above her head. He was not kind enough to restrain her—to keep her from moving. He wanted her to break, to disobey. His eyes told her to misbehave, that he needed to earn her submission. She whimpered as his fingers moved deeper, rougher.She wanted everything. She arched against his touch as his fingertips drew out a high-pitched whine from her throat. He...

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Pushing them to the limits V

Chapter 5The next day I was pretty busy, I almost forgot the sisters went for shopping. I got a message from a number I didn't know.. 'Coming for a drink?..' This must be the number of the redhead I thought. I didn't know where to go to, so I sent a message back where to meet. It was in a kind of beach bar, about half an hour drive. When I got there it was pretty busy. I had to park my car on the far end of the parking.I could see them from a distance, they were drinking, laughing and chatting...

1 year ago
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A Mother Pleases Her Loving HusbandMaster Part VII

If you have followed my week’s activities you already know that I still have not fully completed the tasks my loving husband assigned to me before I left him last Sunday. I still have one more lunch seduction to do and after this morning’s events I look forward to finding the perfect woman to have a little girlie fun with. Friday – November 9, 2012 continued: After arriving at work I saw Laura’s smiling face sitting behind her desk and also saw that her nipples were erect and ready for a...

2 years ago
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A Mother Pleases Her Loving HusbandMaster Part VII

If you have followed my week's activities you already know that I still have not fully completed the tasks my loving husband assigned to me before I left him last Sunday. I still have one more lunch seduction to do and after this morning's events I look forward to finding the perfect woman to have a little girlie fun with. Friday - November 9, 2012 continued: After arriving at work I saw Laura's smiling face sitting behind her desk and also saw that her nipples were erect and ready for a little...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

3 years ago
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Another Love Story 8211 Part VII

To All the ISS fans. I am Sid.. Most of you won’t remember me.. Just search this for a series of my love story ‘Another Love Story’ 4 parts and another two just titled ‘ALS’ part 5 &6. After almost 2 years of the last event finally I got some time to share with you some of the best moments of my life that I got to spend with my love Nikitha.. 2 years it has been. She is in Delhi doing her studies. I am in Mumbai. Working in a well known animation company. Working in the sense I am senior...

3 years ago
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The Doyen of Fashion LoPR Part VII

The Doyen of Fashion Mark had been summoned to the offices of the Independent Mutual Assurance Company on urgent business. They'd not said exactly what that urgent business was, but he knew that urgent business meant work for him, so he hurried to make the appointment. He headed to the office of his regular contact there Mr Walpole, and he was promptly shown in by Walpole's buxom young secretary. "Thank you for coming so quickly Mr Entwhistle-Houghton. The insurance company has a...

1 year ago
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The Dogging Diaries VII

Author's Note: Thank you for choosing to read my diaries. Please leave a review when you're done! Wet, slutty kisses, Alexandra Diary Entry: August 2007 What a night. It's 3:00AM and I can't concentrate. Ryan had me over again last night to show me my pictures and to talk about the sites. The pictures came out pretty good. I like some of them, some not so much. Modeling is fucking hard. The camera doesn't lie. I thought I was thin. Thin! Yeah right. There's a little flab...

3 years ago
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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part VII

Buffy?s cock bounced and her balls dipped and swayed as she ran, but she paid her male genitals no mind. Now that the novelty of having a penis and testicles had worn off, she found them not so much titillating, as they?d seemed at first, but, rather, something of nuisance. No wonder Xander and the rest of the boys at Sunnydale High had worn jockstraps to keep them in check. The sphere continued on its course, toward the distant mountains of ice in the frozen northlands, and the Slayer...

2 years ago
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The Platinum Chef A Tale of Delacroix Part VII

Chapter 23 With school out, Bobbie had been going to Heather's under the guise of being her model. Heather's mother, Betty; had come home with wild tales of New Zealand and bad stitching. Heather, while happy to see her mother, seemed a little annoyed after the first day. While standing in yet another blue gown with Heather affixing pins to the hem, Bobbie found out why. "You are such a beautiful girl, Bobbie. You have a boyfriend, right?" Betty asked. Bobbie got timid. "I ...I...

3 years ago
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The Sexual Saga Of My Family Me 8211 Part VII

Hi Friends thank you much for your response to Parts 1 -6. I really appreciate your good words. Any ladies, bhabhis, aunties want to contact me please do so on Now read on for Part 7 I was going to my Chacha’s house to stay for a night since it was on my way home. It had been ages I had met them and I was looking forward to my visit. Now after all experiences the I had had with my lovely relatives it was only natural that I was thinking of fucking my chachi too. She was my father’s older...

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Proclamation of the Acts of Past Divine Love Chapter VII

 Charlotte left Jamie’s room, telling herself that what she had done was strictly for the benefit of her only son, but at the same time she felt the intense fire burning deep in her groin; a fire started by the feeling of his hard cock pulsing between her lips as it flooded her mouth with his sweet young cum. As she slipped her hand between her thighs and cupped her smoldering pussy, she licked her lips, still tasting faint remnants of her son’s sperm. She was so aroused that she thought about...

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Tim the Teenage Part VII

Tim, the Teenage Part Seven By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter III: 9th Grade - Winter 1986 Part 6 - Romp in the Park (mc, exhibition) "This feels so dirty!" Suzi said as we slipped into the girl’s bathroom. "Yeah, I've never been in this girl’s bathroom before," Joey admitted. "Tim, I still can't believe you picked the bathroom on the other end of the school! Gawd. I'm so wet, it's running down my leg!" "I wonder why the girls get little trash cans in their stalls, and not the...

2 years ago
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The Cuckold Journal of Jane and Mark Part VII

Mark: There is a case to make that far from cuckolding being a threat to marriage, cuckolding actually enhances a marriage. Yes, giving your wife sexual freedom can be quite risky. There is always the chance that she will fall in love with her lover and want to leave the marital home and be with him. It does happen and will continue to happen but the majority of marital relationships last. What helps strengthen the relationship is the fact that from the man’s point of view, there is no room...

4 years ago
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One Took Over The Cuckolds Bed Part VII

It was late morning by the time Paulo returned. He had already been to the yacht and stocked up and had also brought some more shopping back for the house. We had both showered and dressed; Sue had put on a floral summer dress over a new bikini she had bought for herself at the airport.Sue had mentioned to Paulo that last time we came out here I had taken in a sea fishing trip and he had kindly bought a rod and tackle for me as well as some bait. I offered to pay for it all but he would have...

3 years ago
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The Cuckolded Reviewer Part VII

Nobody was more surprised than me when I pulled the cotton bud from Abe’s hand to find the end shortened. Trish gave a faint smile but Abe looked decidedly disappointed. I had won. I would decide how and when the cuckolding story would end. Trish sat down on the edge of the bed beside me and rested her hand on my thigh, “I suppose this is where the story ends then?” She said. I could sense the disappointment in her voice. “Abe and I were hoping that you would let us make love,” she told me...

3 years ago
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The Prom Part VII

As Renee slowly drifted off to sleep, she started to dream about her first few days at school. It was a little easier for her because of Sandy being there and the fact that Heather was also in a few of her classes. Some of the girls were a little stand offish at first but some of the boys were making a big fuss over her. She figured that might have been why some of the girls did not want to have much to do with her. But after a few days of this she found that a few of them actually...

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The Reluctant Cuckold Part VII

Billy got down on his knees and moved quickly between Jerry’s thighs. “That’s a good cuckold, Billy,” Ian quipped. “Give Jerry a good clean and enjoy your creampie.”Billy glanced up and watched them begin to kiss and cuddle. He remembered watching a movie once where the black male had just dismounted from a white wife. He had looked up at the husband and told him to clean her up as well. Billy had watched the cuckold clean up his wife as she kissed and cuddled her lover.It was an act of total...

2 years ago
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My First Erotica The Dream Part VII

March 23, 2015 Last night I had a dream about the birthday girl. We were in my shower but the water was not on and she was down low and blowing me. She felt great, better than she actually had. She was still wearing her pink lacy panties, but as she sucked, she reached behind her back and removed her bra. I grabbed her hair tightly and she began to moan and suck harder as her hands reached up to grab my ass and split my cheeks. Suddenly she stopped and looked up at me. “I have to pee,” she...

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Forever in the Underworld chapter VII

The sorrow in my heart has dried away. I feel famished, but food does nothing to dampen my hunger. There is only one kind of nourishment that can replenish me. Pain burns within, and my mind battles with my body for control. Sometimes I give in to my desires and leave my shelter, but the moment I see them, sickness wells up in me. I feel like throwing up. They do not know how close to destruction they have been as I crawl away, more devoid of life now than upon arrival. I blame my creator for...

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Down the Rabbit Hole part VII

Who are we really? Odds are, you have no idea. I know I didn't. None of us really do until we're stripped of our societal norms where we are our most raw and unvarnished. I wasn't the real 'me' when I graduated college, worked in an office, or married Mark. I was the real me when I swallowed fifty-one loads of cum in twelve hours, and have been the most real here in Chicago. Whether intended or not, it's my path to guide people to their true self. I induce passion and lust, then goad them a...


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