She Likes It Rough free porn video

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It was a typical Saturday night, and Allyssa Williams sat in the corner of the bar nursing her third White Russian of the evening. Her husband, Daniel was out of town on another of his "runs" to God knows where. Daniel was an independent trucker and he traveled about 40 weeks of the year for his work. For a woman like Allyssa, this was unacceptable. Allyssa was a woman with needs, and leaving her alone for extended periods of time like he did, she had found ways to meet those needs. In fact, she was at her favorite bar that night to meet one of those very needs.

She had been watching the door for the last half hour, but the person she was waiting for had not shown up as of yet. Allyssa was beginning to get more than a little worried he may not show at all. Rodney wasn't exactly what one would call reliable. Impulsive and flighty, he had held numerous jobs (none for very long) and been on both sides of the law. Rodney was big, mean, and nasty, and Allyssa knew it. But she also knew that she could keep the beast under control because she had the one thing he wanted most. 

As she sat there waiting and watching, many men came and went, and part of her secretly wished one of them would come up to her and take her back to her apartment. Allyssa was very horny and if Rodney didn't show up soon, she didn't know what she would do. Other men had come up to her, offering to buy her a drink, or wanting to engage her in a conversation in hopes of winning her, but Allyssa had something particular in mind and refused to have anything to do with a man who might not be willing or able to satisfy her.

Just as she was about to give up hope and grab the first guy she could get her hands on to take home and ride, the door swung open once more and Allyssa smiled broadly as Rodney entered the bar. Rodney saw her sitting there as well and as he walked across the room towards her, she noticed the scowl on his face and her heart skipped a beat. She loved it when he was in a mean mood - just what she needed that night!

Allyssa's first husband, Paul, was a mean, abusive man and she had gotten accustomed to reading and dealing with his angry, spiteful moods. He was paranoid and controlling and didn't let her out of his sight. And on the rare occasions that she did, he would accuse her of cheating on him or plotting to leave him. Most women would have run from such a marriage, but she stayed - she kind of liked the fact that he watched her so closely. It made her feel strangely loved and close to him. But then he died in that car accident and Allyssa was lost. He had kept such control of things that she couldn't function on her own. 

That's when she met Daniel and he was the polar opposite of Paul. He was kind and sweet and treated her like she was the most important thing in the world. At first, Allyssa enjoyed the freedom and the devotion he gave her. It was a nice change and something she had never felt before. But before long, she began missing the old ways. It was too much of a change and she didn't know how to deal with being put on a pedestal. She missed being berated and yelled at, treated like she was just an object and that her opinion was stupid and didn't matter.

She had met Rodney one night when she had come down to this same bar. Daniel was off on another trucking trip and she was feeling lonesome. She came to the bar looking for some company and there she met Rodney. He was just what she had been needing and she had been seeing him since then whenever Daniel went out of town and she felt like being used.

Rodney came over to stand next to her, towering over her as she sat there at the table. Standing 6'2" tall he was nearly a foot taller than her 5'4" height. "What you doin' here, bitch?" he asked.

"Just waiting for you, baby. What do you want to drink?" she said, smiling up at him. She admired the coarse features of his dark face, and his large, muscular body. He was wearing his typical "wife-beater" t-shirt and tight faded jeans with the big heavy work boots. Allyssa was already eager for that big black body to be sprawled on top of her that night, and the sooner the better. She could feel her pussy twitching and her panties were getting damp as she thought about what this night might entail.

"You know what I fucking drink, bitch. A double Scotch, and make it quick," he said, gruffly.

Rodney looked down on the buxom, thirty five year old blonde. He didn't love the woman, in fact, he didn't have any emotional attachment to her at all. Nor did he want one. She was simply an easy lay and could be fun in the sack sometimes, particularly when he was in a pissed off mood. That night was one of those times. He was thirty years old, with a shit job as a garbageman and no prospects for anything better. With a police record, no high school diploma, and anger management issues, it was clear that this was going to be his life, and Rodney was ready to take his frustrations and general resentment of the world out on her.

Allyssa paid for his drink, putting it on her tab. He downed the Scotch in one gulp and then followed it up with a small glass of soda. Allyssa smiled at him and finished her drink. "Do you want to go back to my place now?" she asked hopefully.

"Yeah, let's go," he said.

Rodney stood up and watched as Allyssa rose and walked over to the bar to pay her tab. When he saw she was ready to go, he walked out the door, not holding it for her. Just as he started to go for the door, it opened and two other guys who were busy talking started to come in. Rodney shoved them out of the way and when one of them complained, Rodney drew back as if to knock his head off his shoulders. Allyssa knew he was in a vile mood and she smiled... he was going to be fun tonight! They walked to the car, him walking fast and making her try to keep up as best she could having had a few too many drinks and wearing her high heels to boot.

When they got to her house, Allyssa unlocked and opened the door, closing it again after they were both inside. Neither of them had said a word since leaving the bar. She took him by the hand and walked him into the living room and seated him on the sofa.

"Do you want another drink?" she asked. 

"Yeah," he said, curtly.

Allyssa got the bottle of her husband's Scotch from the bar and poured him a large glassful. She handed it to him and then cuddled up next to him patting his crotch. "I hope this is going to be nice and hard for me tonight. I have been thinking of your big black cock all day, baby."

He pushed her away roughly as he downed his drink. "I'll tell ya when, bitch. Right now I gotta piss," he said, heading for the bathroom.

He was gone for a couple minutes and Allyssa was sitting on the sofa when he came back. He walked up to her grabbing her by the upper arm. "Let's go, bitch. It's fuckin time!" he said, half-dragging her down the hallway to the bedroom.

When they got into the bedroom, he shoved her into the room and over to the bed. He came over and stood beside the bed as Allyssa began undressing him. This was the way it was with the two of them. He didn't care about her "feelings" or being gentle with her. She was there to give him something to fuck. She was a cum receptacle - nothing more. She had three holes and it was his choice which one he used and when. 

Allyssa understood this and accepted it gratefully. Truth be told, this was exactly what she wanted from him as well. She wanted to be used, to be humiliated, to be treated like a dirty back-alley cunt. She loved it when he was mad at life... it made him treat her rougher and more brutish. She loved it when he was harsh and hard on her; she wanted to be roughed up and treated like a cheap whore.

Rodney sat down on the bed while Allyssa undressed him, pulling his t-shirt over his head and laying it on the chair next to the bed. Then she dropped to her knees between his legs. She began untying and removing his heavy work boots. She had seen these boots in action, remembering that one poor sap that challenged him in the parking lot of the bar a few months ago. He'd had a bad day at work and a little too much to drink, and this guy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He paid for it too - Rodney kicked and stomped him severely with his heavy boots until a couple other guys from the bar came out to see what was going on and pulled him off the guy. Rodney had to do some time in jail for it; fortunately the guy recovered but he never came back to that bar again.

With his shirt, shoes and socks off now, Allyssa turned her attentions to his jeans. Eagerly, she reached out to unbuckle his belt. Up till then, Rodney hadn't done anything to help or hinder her, just allowing her to undress him but, when she started peeling his pants down, he stood up to let her pull them all the way down and off.

Allyssa paused once his pants were off and looked wistfully at the large bulge that was showing in his boxers. She traced her fingers along its length, smiling as it twitched under her touch. This was why he was here... why she had brought him here and why she put up with the way he treated her. Sure, she could have her pick of guys from the bar - she was a hot piece and she knew it. But this long black cock knew her innermost secrets and knew just how to please her like none other could.

"Hurry up, bitch! You wanna fuck or not?" he said, as she ran her fingers over his growing cock. She looked up and smiled, then pulled his boxers down and off like she did his jeans.

Rodney now sat on the bed completely naked, waiting for her to start licking and sucking on his cock. He wasn't completely hard yet, but her mouth would soon fix that.

But first things first, Allyssa had to get herself more comfortable. Still fully dressed, she began removing her clothes starting with the blouse. Moving quickly, her slender fingers opened the buttons on her blouse and she pulled it off her shoulders letting it fall to the floor where she stood. Her bra, with the clasp in the front where she could reach it easily, quickly joined the blouse, leaving her breasts free to sway enticingly in front of Rodney. He was not enticed by her fat, white globes, but he would fondle them later - not in loving foreplay, but roughly, harshly, the way Allyssa wanted.

She unbuttoned the waistband of her skirt and pulled down the zipper to let the garment fall and crumple around her ankles and then stepped out of it. She left her panties on knowing that he liked to take them off in his due time. For now she would just be satisfied to be able to reach her pussy with her fingers. In anticipation of what she knew was coming, she reached down and found she was already soaked there. She slipping a hand under her panties and into her pussy, moaning as she did. She couldn't help but finger herself a little, capturing her swollen clit between two fingers and rubbing on either side of it as her fingers explored inside her.

Allyssa didn't see it coming. She had closed her eyes, just for a second, as she enjoyed her fingers manipulating her clit. Suddenly she felt his strong grip in her hair and he jerked her forward pulling her to him. "Whaddaya waiting for bitch, Christmas?" he sneered. He pulled her forward into his crotch and she leaned down to take care of his big black cock, waiting impatiently for her.

It was almost fully hard, long, and too thick for Allyssa to take the shaft into her mouth, but she was able to lick the underside, and take the head between her lips. With contempt, Rodney looked at the white face with the pink tongue that was laving his cock. 

"Fuckin' useless whore, are you gonna suck it or what?" he snapped.

"I-I can't... it's too big!" she complained.

"Fuckin' white cunt!" he said, pissed at her. He dragged her by the hair around until she was kneeling and sitting on her ankles with her back pressed up against the foot of the bed. He stood, straddling her with his legs spread wide, pinning her arms to the bed and he pushed her head back onto the mattress. He slapped her face with his cock. "Open that fuckhole. I'm gonna teach you how to suck a cock!"

Allyssa opened her mouth and he immediately stuffed his cock down it so far she felt him at the back of her throat. She tried to gag, but his cock was in the way. He saw her eyes get big as dinner plates and sneered at her cruelly. He grabbed her by the throat with one hand and held her in place as he felt her squirming and struggling. He held her in place until he knew she needed air, and he pulled back until he was out of her mouth, she gagged and almost retched, saliva running out of her mouth and forming a bridge to his cock. 

He gave her a chance for a couple deep breaths before he forced his cock back down her throat. Because she knew what was coming this time, she was a little more prepared, or so she thought. But when he slid that black monster further down into her throat, past where he stopped the first time, she swore he was going to stuff it clear down into her stomach! 

But unfortunately she simply wasn't built to take him all the way into her throat. Between her small throat passage and his 10" long black python, she would never be able to deep throat him completely. But that didn't stop him from trying, as he kept pushing his cock down her throat as far as it would go and holding it there until her struggle told him he needed to back out and give her a breath. 

She was drooling as bad as her pussy now, with saliva running down her chin and her tits covered with the slimy stuff. She had gagged and nearly retched a few times trying to get his huge cock down and she was panting and gasping whenever he allowed her a breath. Allyssa was loving the harsh treatment and her pussy was on fire, eager to get stuffed with Rodney's huge black cock as well.

Almost as if on cue, Rodney leaned forward, roughly taking hold of Allyssa's stiff hard nipples, pinching them hard and using them as handles, pulling her up and onto the bed. 

"Now get up here, bitch, so I can fuck you," Rodney ordered.

It hurt, his pulling her up by her nipples like that, but she joined him eagerly, laying back on the bed with her ass on the edge and her legs splayed wide as she could get them.

Rodney reached out and grabbed her lacy pink panties and ripped them in half, pulling the shredded garment off her and throwing the scraps to the far side of the bedroom. With her pussy exposed now, Rodney could see for himself how wet and ready she was. He got a wicked smile on his face as an idea formed in his mind. 

Without any warning he shoved his two fat middle fingers deep into her pussy, curling them upwards and rubbing the tips against her spongy g-spot. The suddenness of his attack made her gasp as he entered her followed immediately by a groan as she realized what he was doing. He began sawing at her pussy with his hand as he used the other one to press down on her mound, holding her in place in spite of her hips rolling and twisting to try to escape the intruder.

Rodney used short rapid-fire thrusts as he curled his fingers over her pubic bone, trapping her clit between his fingers massaging it as his fingers moved quickly on either side of the swollen nub. With her clit, pussy, and g-spot all getting the attention they needed, Allyssa was going crazy. She moaned and clawed at her tits, pinching and tugging on her nipples ferociously in a futile attempt to divert some of the sensations from flooding her lust-wracked brain.

"Oh fuck Rodney! Oh God yes, fuck me with your fingers! Oh, that feels so good, baby!" she moaned, tossing her head to and fro, her blonde hair flailing about.

Rodney kept jackhammering her drooling pussy as her moaning got more and more desperate. He knew she was fast approaching her first orgasm of the evening. But Rodney was a selfish, egotistical, bastard... only out for his own pleasure in interests. This wasn't about her or what she wanted. She was just a convenient hole to jack off into. Her wants needs and pleasure was none of his concern. If she got off as a side note, that was fine, but he wasn't going out of his way to see that she had a good time. 

So when Rodney tired of playing with her soaking wet pussy, he pulled out of her, much to her dismay. She had been so close... but she knew Rodney and she knew he was far from finished with her. She was absolutely right.

"On your knees bitch, you know how I like to fuck... head down and ass up, and spread those fucking legs!" he ordered. Allyssa jumped to get into position. She did indeed know how Rodney liked to fuck. He liked her on her knees in front of him doggy-style. He felt more powerful and in control when she was in this position and Allyssa loved being taken from behind as well.

She got into position kneeling on the edge of the bed her feet hanging over the edge. She piled the pillows she would need later under her waist and was laying on one of them hugging it tightly. Ready and eager for what was about to happen to her, she waited for her big black stud to start shoving his monster cock into her hungry cunt.

Rodney got behind her while she reached between her spread thighs and spread her pussy lips for him. He could see her wet pinkness and knew she was more than lubricated enough for him. Resting one hand on her creamy white ass and guiding his cock with the other, he rubbed the tip of his hard stiff cock in her wetness to spread the lubricating juices. When it was ready, he thrust it into her, almost pushing her forward onto her face and wedging the head of his cock inside her dripping hole.

Already moaning in pleasure from the way her pussy was being forced open, Allyssa regained her balance and braced herself for the next thrust. Rodney pulled completely back out of her... he enjoyed splitting her pussy open and liked to see how his massive tool opened her flower. He gathered himself and thrust back into her. When she felt the big cock surging into her, she fucked back to meet it, and the moans expressing her unbridled pleasure became even louder. 

Rodney drove almost half his length inside her. Allyssa's pale body began writhing and twisting in pleasure, with her hips swiveling, driving her knees into the mattress, as if her legs were a pair of pistons. With his cock buried as deep as it was he no longer needed to guide his cock, so Rodney put his other hand on the blonde's ass for leverage, drew back slightly, and drove his thick shaft into her again and again, until its entire length was embedded deep in the place where they both wanted it.

Pain, mixed with pleasure, throbbed out from Allyssa's pussy and reverberated through her body. Rodney's monster cock was stretching her open, expanding her love channel and cramming her pussy the way she loved so much. As good as it felt already, she knew it was about to get better. His hard, black cock was one of the two things she liked about the man. And she was about to experience the other as well.

With his entire length now buried inside the white woman's cunt, Rodney no longer had to use his hands to hold her ass for leverage. So he decided to put them to what he considered a better use. The next time he plowed into her and felt her fucking back to meet him, he drew his right hand back and slapped her hard on one of her pale ass cheeks, leaving a crimson handprint on the butter-soft skin.

Allyssa expected him to slap her ass, it was the other thing she liked about Rodney, who was her favorite among the men who frequented the bar where she had been waiting. When she felt his hand slap her ass she screamed in pain, although she actually relished it, almost as much as she did the big cock in her pussy. The pain radiating from her ass cheek immediately evolved into pleasure, and her pussy gushed more lubrication.

Feeling the sudden slickness of her cunt, Rodney smiled to himself. He knew she liked it, but he didn't slap her for that reason. He did it because he actually enjoyed inflicting pain on her, maybe even as much as she enjoyed receiving it. Not to the degree of a sadist, but causing her pain made him feel better. 

After all this was a white woman, married to a white man and it was the white man that he felt kept him in such a menial job and didn't let him move up in the world. It was misguided thinking... the reality of it was that Rodney was sleeping in a bed of his own making. But it made him feel better to strike a blow against his perceived oppression. And Allyssa was more than happy to be the recipient of his resentment against "The Man". 

She loved him most when he was angry... when he was mean. So if he had a bad day or was pissed off at humanity in general, she wanted to be the one he took it out on. They were made for each other and, the next time he drove his cock into her, he swatted her other ass cheek with his other hand, producing the same results. He continued ramming his cock in and out of the bitch's cunt and slapping her upturned ass. Sometimes he used one hand, sometimes he used the other, and occasionally he smacked her with both at once, watching with delight as the skin of both her soft creamy buttocks changed color from almost translucent white to solid, bright red.

Allyssa loved everything about the fucking Rodney was giving her, especially the pain that he was inflicting on her pussy and ass. The only thing that concerned her was that Rodney not hit her in the face. That was one of her rules because it might be hard to explain the handprints that would stand out so much against her fair skin. As long as his marks of abuse were not visible to anybody, she could enjoy herself freely, and she was certainly doing that. Everything that Rodney was doing to her felt so good that she could feel her first orgasm of the night coming back, and every time his cock plunged back into her or his hand landed on her soft skin, the glorious event drew closer. She hoped he would grant her orgasm this time...

"Yes! Oh fuck, baby you feel so good in me!" Allyssa moaned as Rodney's cock rammed in and out of her pussy. Her body began writhing and twisting from the exquisite pleasure the fucking and spanking were providing. And she kept fucking back to meet the thick shaft that was jamming into her, wanting more even though he was balls deep in her slick cunt.

When Rodney heard her moans and saw how she was fucking back at him, he smiled, and started slapping the white slut even harder. He knew Allyssa was getting close to cumming and although he didn't give a shit how much fun she had, he did like the feeling of power it gave him when a woman came hard from pounding his cock in and out of her. It was good for his ego too - Rodney may only be a piece of shit garbageman, but he could fuck a woman till she couldn't walk straight!

"Harder, baby! Fuck me harder, I'm almost there!" As if to emphasize her words, Allyssa shoved her pussy harder and faster back against the hard body that was slamming up against her.

Not because she asked, but because he wanted to make her cum, Rodney started driving his cock harder and faster into the woman's cunt. Her moans and sobs and whimpers of painful pleasure increased too, and Allyssa arched her back and lowered her face to the mattress. To avoid making too much noise when she screamed from the pain and, especially, when she reached her orgasm, she shoved her face into one of the pillows so she could scream out her pleasure freely. 

The change in position made her pussy an easier target for the man to ram his jackhammer cock into and to swat her already crimson ass some more. Allyssa reached under her with one hand and start fingering her clit. Knowing he wouldn't even consider doing such a thing to help her cum, she didn't bother to ask Rodney to fondle the swollen morsel. Allyssa's other forearm was still resting on the mattress, and she pushed back from it to continue meeting the brutal thrusts of his cock.

Suddenly, but not surprisingly, Allyssa started cumming. 

"Ohh My God! Ohhh, Fuucckk!!" she screamed out joyously into the pillow, and the movements of her body became wilder and more strenuous. Even with her scream muffled, Rodney heard it clearly.

"You like that do you? You are such a fucking whore! A fucking white whore!" he growled as he plowed into her again.

When he saw how active the slut's movements were, Rodney feared she might fall over. But he didn't want to stop swatting her ass, so he reached forward and grabbed her by the hair, twisting his fingers into her long blonde mane. Over and over, he rammed his cock into her, pulling her against himself with her hair and bending her nearly in half, all while swatting her ass over and over. Her muffled cries of intense pleasure kept time with his thrusts and swats. 

Allyssa came hard, jamming her pussy back against Rodney for a final time before her body relaxed completely, and she collapsed, panting and spasming, onto the bed, ending up with the pillows under her belly holding her pussy in a position to still be a good target. Hardly missing a beat, he moved his knees slightly forward and continued driving his cock into her cunt, without stopping and just as fast as he had been doing. She lay with the pillow under her belly, whimpering from the combined pain and pleasure of his cock and the burning skin of her ass, while she recovered from her first orgasm.

It didn't take long, and Allyssa struggled back to her knees. Rodney let the bitch get back into position. But the next time he rammed his cock into her, he had another surprise for her. When she had resumed her position he took his cock and slammed it deep into her. But this time he slammed it into her tight crinkled asshole!

"Fuuuccckkk!!" Rodneeey!! she screamed at the top of her lungs. The shock and pain of her asshole being unexpectedly ripped open like that tore the breath from her throat and she grit her teeth against the sudden invasion. His cock was slick from her pussy which helped to lubricate his entry into her rectum, but his size suddenly and unexpectedly shoved into her caused a bolt of searing pain to shoot up her spine. It was quickly replaced however, with incredible pleasure as her asshole adjusted to his size and he began pumping in and out of her. Allyssa loved a cock in the ass almost as much as she loved it in her pussy and Rodney's sudden swapping holes was now giving her great pleasure. She moaned and cried and whimpered as his cock stretched her and abused her asshole. Just as before he slapped her again, this time on her thigh. Her ass was already a hot crimson and, after a few minutes, her formerly white thighs were just as red.

She adored getting fucked by a long, thick, black cock, and it didn't matter which hole he chose. She loved the pain of being abused by its wielder almost as much. In Rodney, Allyssa had the perfect man to do both. The Scotch she had given him was not enough to make him too drunk to get an erection, but it was enough to keep him from cumming for a long time. She wanted another orgasm before that happened, especially since he had started swatting her thighs, inflicting pain on a different part of her body.

For almost ten minutes, they continued like that, fucking quietly except for Rodney's grunts as his cock plowed into the ass in front of him, and Allyssa's sighs and moans as she once again approached ecstasy. With one hand under her toying with her hyper-sensitized clit, her body had begun swaying from side to side. Finally, Rodney felt his climax approaching, welling up inside his groin, and he stopped swatting the slutty white bitch so he could concentrate on his approaching eruption. When she felt the change in his rhythm, Allyssa was elated, because she could feel her second orgasm of the night, just seconds away.

Rodney's hands clutched her hips as he pounded his cock into her ass, pulling her back hard onto his cock and skewering her even deeper. She sobbed and whimpered from the excruciating sensations that flooded her body. 

"Oh my God! Oh fuck me Rodney! Fuck my ass! I'm cumming... I'm Cuummminggg!!" she cried out joyfully, as she crested, then plunged over the edge again.

Rodney did nothing different, except starting to ram his cock into her even faster, although he was still worried about her toppling over. Allyssa did just that, after screaming in ecstasy, but she fell forward. He let her go, never pausing in the thrusts of his cock into her, until the volcano that had built up inside his groin erupted. He shot a big wad into the slut's ass filling her with his white hot cum. He blasted load after load into her as he pumped his nuts dry into the creamy crimson ass. He pumped four or five huge spurts before he was finally empty. He sprawled on top of her, tired and satisfied, at least for the time being.

They lay in a happy pile, the full lengths of their naked torsos together, but with no affectionate cuddling, and no whispers of endearment. After a while, the well-fucked blonde slid off the bed and looked lovingly at the man who had just brought her two great orgasms. Her pussy and ass were both throbbing and sore from the big cock that had stretched her so much, and her ass and thighs were crimson and so painful they radiated heat. Sexually, it had been a perfect night for her, and she hoped it wasn't over yet. Allyssa wanted Rodney to stay with her for the rest of the night, hoping he would wake up in a few hours and fuck and swat her some more, and do it once more in the morning before taking his departure.

The exquisite pain she was enjoying so much might keep her from sleeping that night, but the tremendous pleasure she had gotten already, and expected to get more of, would easily make up for that. She would be able to catch up on her sleep on Saturday afternoon, after Rodney had left, and she had all day Sunday to treat the redness and pain with some of the lotions she kept for that purpose. Daniel wasn't due back until Tuesday at the earliest and later than that if he could catch another run right away. 

So far, it had been a great weekend for her, and there promised to be more fun before it was over!

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Jane likes to take her time while having sex but on occasion she also likes to go fast. Her favorite way to have sex is rough. She can’t control herself when she gets it rough. Her boyfriend even likes to give her everything she asks for. He loves to give it to her fast and rough. Tonight she wants it everywhere and every way. Jane confronts her boyfriend and tells him just what she wants and his eyes go wide as she goes into every detail with enthusiasm in her voice. He shakes his head in...

3 years ago
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Loving it Rough

Jane likes to take her time while having sex but on occasion she also likes to go fast. Her favorite way to have sex is rough. She can't control herself when she gets it rough. Her boyfriend even likes to give her everything she asks for. He loves to give it to her fast and rough. Tonight she wants it everywhere and every way. Jane confronts her boyfriend and tells him just what she wants and his eyes go wide as she goes into every detail with enthusiasm in her voice. He shakes his head in...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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My Bitch Likes it Rough

This is a true account of my introduction to sadism and masochism.I was 29 married with two c***dren and the most innofensive vanilla wife you could ever ask for. Sex was straight, missionary, no coming in her mouth, and never going anywhere near her asshole. IT WAS BORING!Then I met Anna (name changed). She was 48 unhappily married and had been a friend through my work for about a year. I had an office in the local hospital and she was one of my operatives. We would flirt occasionally but...

3 years ago
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Sissy likes it rough

I was devastated by the sudden presence of the young black stud at our front door. After I finished relieving myself, I walked out of the bathroom with the front of pants partially wet. I looked over to my wife, Julie, who was still passed out cold on the bed.Numerous black ink spade stamps were strategically placed all over her body and face, and they were a blatant show of disrespect for me by the young black. It was a humiliating and demoralizing reality and I feared hearing what her...

2 years ago
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Girl likes it rough

‘Monday, Wednesday’ he said loudly, and looked towards me. ‘What?’ I said, shocked. ‘You where late’ he replied, looking bored. ‘Yes, sorry about that. You see, so where you…’ I said, holding back my laughter. ‘I was?!’ he questioned, sarcastically. ‘That’s what happens when you fuck a student, sir’ I said, biting the corner of my lip. His coy smile spread across his face. It was obvious why I fucked him, he was so hot. Just thinking about what we did turned me on all over again. ‘Will you be...

3 years ago
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My shy wife in Scarborough

Another night another play, as you will be able to tell we are new to this lifestyle, well we decided to have a night in Scarborough we did the usual a few drinks then a great meal then back to the night life, we settled in in the Turks head on the hill down to the sea front, we got settled in a corner and started to enjoy the entertainment, after a while we needed our drinks replenishing MrsC said she would go because she needed a toilet break anyway, a few minutes passed and I began to wonder...

3 years ago
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Gentle or rough

Nicole’s breasts were pressed into my back and arms wrapped around me, clutching me tight. We were both warm and a little sweaty after a good, hard, late-night fuck. Her fingers raked through my pubic hair tickling me with a soft, light touch. We were both drifting, close to sleep when I decided to casually throw it out there.“Have you ever been curious about trying anal sex?”Her fingers stopped their wandering abruptly. The silence seemed to hang forever and I fought to not tense up my body in...

1 year ago
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Beverly Takes It Rough

She sat on the bed beside me looking slightly uncomfortable. She knew that her husband was in the next bedroom over with my wife. She hadn’t really wanted to do this, but she loved her husband and it was what he wanted. I turned to look at her. While she was slightly overweight, it was not so much that she could in any way be considered fat. She had curves in all the right places and filled he white sweater nicely. Her blond hair was cut short and at 5’2″ she made me feel...

1 year ago
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Angels Play Rough

Angels Play Rough  He was sweet and humble and gentle. Not the kind of guy you’d look at and know he’d done two tours in Iraq and three in Afghanistan. Except for his short hair. And the oh so proper posture. All that helped make him attractive to the two girls stranded by the side of the road. That and his kindness. The women weren’t out hunting for a boy they could play rough with. They’d done that last night. They’d both satisfied their dark appetites for a while. Kim had loved using the boy...

4 years ago
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Beverly Takes It Rough

She sat on the bed beside me looking slightly uncomfortable. She knew that her huband was in the next bedroom over with my wife. She hadn't really wanted to do this, but she loved her husband and it was what he wanted. I turned to look at her. While she was slightly overweight, it was not so much that she could in any way be considered fat. She had curves in all the right places and filled he white sweater nicely. Her blond hair was cut short and at 5'2" she made me feel like a giant even...

4 years ago
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ESSENTIAL FUCK MissJACKSON from Peterborough

I have a weakness for blondes, love to chase a sexy younger blonde and fuck her anyway I can, and I don’t mind paying for it. As sex is always better with a sexy fit blonde who is not a known whore. In the past I’ve fucked my brother’s girlfriend and my boss’s daughter. My latest conquest is Miss Louise Jackson , a delightful blonde lady, the best massage therapist in the Peterborough area. Found her quite my accident , while just messing around with google. Typed in massage Pboro and up she...

3 years ago
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Her shoulders ached as they strained against the bonds. Her hands twisted in the cord loops attached to the headboard of the bed. The crop came down across her spine and she yelped, squealing like a pig when the crop came down on her ribs several times in quick succession. "Does my little lady need a gag?" His voice was teasing, soft and hard and a little menacing. She arched her back against his stomach and he held his cock deep inside her. His fingers traced her cheek from her lip to her ear....

2 years ago
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A Little Roughhousing

The party was one week ago now; where you met Ashley. As someone who doesn't find himself invited to many collegiate festivities, it was surprising you were there at all, and even more surprising that you had the luck to get close with such a pretty girl. Actually, luck doesn't even begin to describe it. Slender, pretty girls who go to State always seem to be obsessed with the same stuff; drinking, partying, looking good, and getting with the most attractive guys. Your first glimpse at her left...

2 years ago
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chinese escort middlesbrough

I normally write about my adventures from many years ago but this one is from only 3 months ago.First time seeing a Chinese massage escort in Middlesbrough.I saw a few adverts for Chinese massage on a couple of different websites, plenty of photos, lady looked nice then 1 of the reviews said not the lady in photos, so I phoned and asked and was told lady only works for 2 weeks at a time then they change over, in advertisement it also said you would receive a professional massage and be...

1 year ago
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First streetwalker escort Middlesbrough

Around 20 years ago, I was back home in Middlesbrough after working away. I had some money so I wanted to see an escort, I went to local pub with sport newspaper and looked in classifieds section not as many listed as normal, phoned all the ones that were and no one seemed to be answering. as only few listed I presumed they were all busy. So I thought I would walk around union street as I had heard that that was were all prostitutes hung around, I had never picked one up on street before as...

3 years ago
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It was the speed of the attack that did it. One minute I was walking the short distance from the main road to my house in the silent darkness, the next someone hurtled into me, knocking all the breath out of me and slamming me against the wall. I was stunned and disorientated. I was aware of dropping my bag of shopping and hearing the bottle of wine break on the floor; I was aware that already hands were gripping my shoulders and spinning me round. I was jerked roughly forward, my feet...

1 year ago
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Curved Cock in Westborough

Dildo shopping. I didn’t need another dildo, it was more of a “want” kind of thing. And I was bored. I’d finished my work for the day, had a little dinner and a couple whiskeys, and needed to get out of the house. Now I stood in front of the dildos at Amazing Superstore, trying to make a tough choice. The 8” All American Whopper had an intriguing curve to it, but had kind of a small head. The James Dean Realistic Cock had a nice head and a thick shaft, but was really pricey. I had one in each...

1 year ago
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ESSENTIAL FUCK MissJACKSON from Peterborough

I have a weakness for blondes, love to chase a sexy younger blonde and fuck her anyway I can, and I don’t mind paying for it. As sex is always better with a sexy fit blonde who is not a known whore. In the past I’ve fucked my brother’s girlfriend and my boss’s daughter. My latest conquest is Miss Louise Jackson , a delightful blonde lady, the best massage therapist in the Peterborough area. Found her quite my accident , while just messing around with google. Typed in massage Pboro and up she...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e15 Amy 34 chemical researcher from Middlesbrough

Welcome to Middlesbrough in the north-east of England. Once an industrial city specialising in the chemical industry, the place has been cleaned up considerably over the last 20 years and is now slowly regaining its green parks and gardens. We close in on a city centre shopping mall. A hundred or so stores under the same roof. The Cleveland Shopping Centre. Inside we see shoppers shopping all around, but focus in on a married couple looking in the window of a pet-store, watching a couple of...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e16 Ruth 46 dentist from Peterborough

Tucked away in the east of England, a town that few outside the country have even heard of ... Half of the country has barely heard of it. We’re in the sleepy town of Peterborough, watching a fairly anonymous middle-aged woman walking along a street out the outskirts of the city centre. She has curly dark hair, tied up in a loose bun, a fair face with high cheekbones and thin lips, and a pleasant demeanour. Dressed in trousers and a jacket. She walks across to the camera and stops right on...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11 E06 Lucinda Glass 46 from Middlesbrough

We start this week’s show with establishing footage from our drone camera as it flies over a large area of well-appointed parkland – bowling greens, rows of trees in large curves, recently mown lawns, a children’s play park, over a small lake, more trees and then down to the neat semi-detached houses beyond... Dropping all the way down to street level, bringing our host into view – a white speck on the pavement at first, then as we get closer – a nicer, more attractive speck ... Closer...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess12e03 Sandra Huillet 41 from Loughborough

We begin with establishing shots of quiet residential streets with mock-Tudor homes and lots of trees – then coming to rest on a petrol service station ... Almost as soon as we come to a halt, we hear the familiar gruff Cockney tones on our dog-owning geezer, beginning his introduction... “Ello, welcome to another edition of the ‘United Kingdom of Zoo’...” – he’s been walking into view from behind a petrol pump, but we can now clearly see his big belly, sweaty West Ham shirt, and round,...

3 years ago
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Alices Daughter was rough

As I was sat out on a beautiful warm day, the wife had gone to a meeting, Alice was sat out a couple of houses away, you remember Alice I told the story - look in my stories. Anyway we were sat out and Alice asked if she could come round with her daughter, I said "Ok", as they both came round, her daughter was 19, single, and lived in a rough part of town.She looked rough, her blonde hair was unkemp, bordering on dirty, she had tattoo's up her arms, she was wearing an off white blouse top thing...

2 years ago
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Likes and Dislikes

For each activity, there are two answers. The first is whether you have done the activity, and the second is how much you enjoy the activity or (if you’ve not done it), or how much you want to try it (if you haven’t already) answer with yes or no.SEX:Anal Sex (get): YesArmpit Sex (get): NoAss Cheek Sex (get): YesButt Plugs (get): YesDildo – Anal (get): YesDildo – Oral (get): NoFinger Sex (get): YesGenital Intercourse: YesHand Job (give): NoIncluding others: NoLicking (get): YesLicking (give):...

3 years ago
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likes and dislikes

For each activity, there are two answers. The first is whether you have done the activity, and the second is how much you enjoy the activity or (if you’ve not done it), or how much you want to try it (if you haven’t already) answer with yes or no and numbers 1-5 for degree of interest with 1 being low interest and 5 being highest.SEX:Anal Sex (get): + 5Armpit Sex (get): - 1Ass Cheek Sex (get): +3Butt Plugs (get): + 5Dildo – Anal (get): + 5Dildo – Oral (get): + 5Finger Sex (get): + 2Genital...

4 years ago
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Missy Likes It Chapter 02 of 05

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

4 years ago
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Missy Likes It Chapter 02 of 05

Introduction: A five part story of a young woman growing up in a BDSM family In Chapter 02 she talks about her junior high years. WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the...

3 years ago
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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 23 Double Breakthrough

Once Ki Jung got back home, she informs Auntie and little brother that she was going to cultivate in seclusion for the next couple of days. She wants to attempt to breakthrough with both her Blessed Whole arts to further improve her inner body and the depth and breadth of her Dantians and meridians. Ki Jung hopes to achieve this through intense cultivation while in seclusion at the Pergola at the Academy. As an instructor, she has full-time access to the academy grounds and most of its...

4 years ago
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She wants it so rough

I’ve normally written blogs about my life but sadly this is only a story although it is based upon something that should have happened last month. The woman it is about is on here and we had arranged to meet to carry out what I am about to tell you. We were so close to meeting and it was me who let her down so by way of an apology here is what I think she wanted to happen. We had chatted for a long time about certain fantasies her reading my building site blog had her wanting to be the woman...

2 years ago
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She wants it so rough

I've normally written blogs about my life but sadly this is only a story although it is based upon something that should have happened last month. The woman it is about is on here and we had arranged to meet to carry out what I am about to tell you. We were so close to meeting and it was me who let her down so by way of an apology here is what I think she wanted to happen. We had chatted for a long time about certain fantasies her reading my building site blog had her wanting to be the woman...

2 years ago
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Some Like It Rough

Why are you crying? Shut up bitch! Im taking what I want tonight! Im sitting here still amazed, as I reminisce about the harsh words that I said to you last night. It seems that every now and then to prove my love, I must sometimes become nasty and beat the shit out of you while I rape your asshole. Last night was one of those nights where I felt it was time for some sexual bondage. As soon as you came home from work, I wasted no time grabbing you by the throat and throwing you to the ground....

3 years ago
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What Helen Likes

What Helen likesA lot of you have asked questions about my dear wife, Helen – what she likes and does not like.Physical things first – she is in her mid to late 50s. She is 5 feet 10 inches tall. She weighs about 80 kilogrammes – (which is about 175 pounds)She is a size 14, sometimes 16. She has a narrow waist but quite full and curvy hips and a round full bum.Her bust size in the UK is 34E or 34F. Her tits are full, but heavy and I like them a lot because whilst they are heavy, they do not...

2 years ago
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ROUGH Kimiko walked silently into the living room, wearing just a loose, short tank top and panties, and found her husband sitting in his favorite chair. Eric, who had come home from work about an hour earlier, was clad only in his navy blue terrycloth bath robe, the belt untied. His habit was to take a quick shower when he came home, and now he was relaxing with a drink, his eyes closed, listening to music on his headphones. Without warning, Kimi dropped to her knees between his spread...

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Missy Likes It Chapter 03 of 05

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

2 years ago
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Missy Likes It Chapter 03 of 05

Introduction: A five part story of a young woman growing up in a BDSM family In Chapter 03 Missy talks about Summer Camp. WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18...

2 years ago
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A Three Year Drought

So i have this ladyfriend we will call Charlie who, like me, tends to go long durations without sex. Funny that some pansexuals such as ourselves will be open to anything and then end up with nothing. It's a matter of standards, it's a matter of wanting to be single and it's a matter of simply not being the desperate kind, believe me!Charlie and I met through friends a few years back and found it funny that not only did we share the same birthday, we were both single for the same duration and...

3 years ago
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Diamond in the Rough

Authors note: Hello, I am a new writer here and this is my first and serious attempt writing erotica, so if it sucks I apologize. This was an idea I came up with. They always make the female love interest beautiful etc- but what if she was ugly? How would that complicate things. I just wanted to twist around a cliche and see what I got. WARNING: There is abuse and possible rape/dubcon. Also, some stockholm is no happy ending, but it may be interpreted as bittersweet or totally downer...

3 years ago
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I never seen myself as the type that wanted rough

I never seen myself as the type that wanted rough, forceful sex. I even thought those who were into such kink were deviants. Then one night I found myself at the sexual mercy of a man, and I loved every second of what he did to me.I was barely 20 years old at the time. I enjoyed going out and partying, so I worked as a bartender. One Monday night tending bar it was quiet, the bar and town were dead really. I had only one guy there for a few hours, his name was Zachary. We hung out talking,doing...

1 year ago
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True Story bro A diamond in the rough

"She came riding fast, like a phoenix out of fire flames ..."She swept into my life like a bad storm settling over a beach littered with families on holiday. An internet find, from a random dating site I'd long given up on. Turns out we have history - from the same small town, with some distant relatives together through marriage. Turns out we also have some similar tragedy in our lives - addiction, broken families, broken marriages, pain, abuse. Eight years my junior, she proved an untamed...

2 years ago
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A bit of rough

Since my wife started a part time job on weekends I ususally just enjoy myself here on xhamster but the last time she worked she left me a shopping list. I was down the first aisle when I saw her, she was about 5' 10", taller than me, 36D tits, shoulder length blondish her, wearing a cream skirt that was hugging a little chub, cream blouse, she had big calfs, she looked posh.As I got to the 4th aisle I was standing next to her, breathing in her perfume, she asked me where the magazines...

3 years ago
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Young Mother from garage sale fucked rough

I waited until Friday and then called Katrina's cell number.I told her who it was and asked if she was still game for a good time. She was nervous, somewhat hesitant, but she said, "OK, I will do the same as last time for $500" I told her "No, you will do the same as last time and I will fuck you for $500 dollars"She asked where and I told her to slip away from her friends (see earlier story) and to meet me at a nice hotel where I would have a room reserved. She was to go to the desk, ask...

3 years ago
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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 15 Playing Rough

Dottie got the same running start that Linda and Janey too, charged Barb the same way the two Sigs did, and hit Barb right where Linda hit Rox. Barb went down flat on her back, like she'd been hit by a truck. Dottie grabbed Barb's bra by the cups, and ripped it off. She was waving it in the air at 20 seconds. I was really worried, as our third girl was now half-naked. Only one of the Sig's garments had even been touched. We had lost seven garments in 2 minutes and a few seconds. Barb had...

1 year ago
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Too rough

It all started one january day, so cold with snow everywhere. Where we find Wendy by the fire, warming herself, talking to her online lover in chat room. Her hand gently playing with herself. As the chat goes on, and she gets closer and closer, She relizes shes being domniated online and is loving it. Hes calling her all kinds of names. Right before she cums the conversation goes like this. Wendy: fuck me harder Wendys lover: *my hand has your hair, your body is trembling about to cum, as a...

2 years ago
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Missy Likes It Chapter 01 of 05

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

2 years ago
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Missy Likes It Chapter 01 of 05

Introduction: A five part story of a young woman growing up in a BDSM family Chapter 01 goes back to the beginning of her urges and needs WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are...

4 years ago
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Chance encounter with chub at park trough

Spotting the restroom was a welcome relief. I had been hiking these trails for hours, with tree fatigue messing with my eyes from these endless paths of heavy brush. It was the beginning of summer and not yet a squelcher of a day. But I had already worn through both my water bottles. And they were now wearing on me.I had found myself a clearing about an hour back, well off a remote path but with enough of a view to spot someone coming up it. I fished my dick over the waistband of my running...

1 year ago
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The Power of Science Chapter 2 Evan Makes a Breakthrough

Evan Weiss started attending Excelsior, a fancy private school after he made a scientific breakthrough, proving his genius. He recently looked through one of his old notebooks and discovered one of his old ideas about time travel or time manipulation. He decided to try it out in hopes that it might work. ===== Evan spent most of his Saturday at the school's lab doing research. He was planning on building a machine that would allow him to manipulate time. It was crazy, but Evan decided he...

2 years ago
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Midlife Breakthrough

As a recently divorced man pushing fifty, with few social skills and even fewer dating prospects, I felt a change of scenery was in order. I was fortunate to have some money saved up after the breakup, and as I work online as a consultant, I could go anywhere. As the wind whipped the snowfall into the tavern window, my friend suggested I take a trip out of town awhile, and suggested Florida. “The weather is better and you may get your groove going again.” My groove! I had to laugh, I was the...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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A wife's breakthrough to act out her fantasyYou are sitting on the bed, blindfolded, naked except for the soft, velvet collar at your throat and sheer hold-ups with your high-heeled shoes, in nervous anticipation of what is to follow.Your senses are acute to any changes around you and you hear the door open, with quiet murmurings of several voices. Your heart beats faster and the warmth in your body seems to concentrate in your cunt – sensitive, wet and throbbing in anticipation.You are...

2 years ago
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The Preparation of Helena VoutrakisChapter 11 A Breakthrough

Some of the greatest scientific discoveries have been made as a matter of chance. Fleming and penicillin, for example, or Calthorpe finding the fabulously appointed tomb of Nefertiti. My own breakthrough in the re-shaping of Helena Voutrakis came about by chance as well. After my call on Aristides Poloi, it had occurred to me that an excess of sexual stimulation might possibly produce a helpful response. As a result I had arranged a series of sessions for Helena on the Orrery. The Orrery is...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 418 Breakthrough

Tuesday, June 25 to Thursday, July 24, 2008 Everything was going so great, and I especially loved the gains I was making from understanding my abilities better, so a couple of days later I did another round of upgrades with my Second-Tier Helpers. Last time I'd copied upgrades from the twelve lowest-minded helpers. This time I upgraded with all fifteen of them, leaving them with one of my minds but keeping the copies of all of theirs. That added 9,421 minds, giving me a total of 16,592. I...

3 years ago
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My Boyfriend likes to expose me Part 31

or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist no longer in denial by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the earlier parts. They will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 31 – Enjoying my new found liberation --------------------------------------------------- Naked at Work ------------------ Work just gets better and better. Where else can a girl flaunt her naked body, get fucked and have countless...

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