The United Kingdom Of Zoo (A Fake BBC Documentary Series)s2e15: Amy (34) Chemical Researcher From Middlesbrough free porn video

Welcome to Middlesbrough in the north-east of England. Once an industrial city specialising in the chemical industry, the place has been cleaned up considerably over the last 20 years and is now slowly regaining its green parks and gardens.
We close in on a city centre shopping mall. A hundred or so stores under the same roof. The Cleveland Shopping Centre.
Inside we see shoppers shopping all around, but focus in on a married couple looking in the window of a pet-store, watching a couple of puppies rolling around and play-fighting each other. The couple are both in their thirties, both slim, both fairly attractive. She has long black hair, over her shoulders and beyond, a narrow, gentle face, and sad eyes. The one strange thing about this couple – they never touch. They seem disconnected.
We cut to a shot of them sitting side by side at a table outside a Starbucks. Again, despite being next to one another, they don’t so much as hold hands.
She talks with a soft Teesside accent, educated but local. “My name is Amy Santon. I’m 34, and I’m a chemical engineer from Middiesbrough in the north-east of England.”
Her looks into camera rather than at her. “And I’m Lawrence Santon. I’m also 34 years old and a chemical engineer from Middlesbrough in the north-east of England.”
She continues. “We’ve been married for 6 years, and ... We’ve recently had some issues, and we’re here today because we want to put those issues behind us.”
She looks a little distant and embarrassed as Lawrence tells the story. “Basically, we were happily married, or I thought happily married for 4 years ... Then I found out she had been having an affair behind my back.”
She doesn’t look like the affair type, but she doesn’t argue. It takes all sorts. To be fair, even after seeing 35 other women having sex with dogs on previous episodes, she doesn’t look like the type to fuck a dog either. Again, it takes all sorts.
Lawrence continues. “She begged me not to leave. Told me she loved me. Said she’d do anything to prove it. Then your show came on tv and I thought – let’s see if she really means it.”
Does dogsex turn you on?
Lawrence, “To be honest, I think it’s disgusting, I can’t imagine anything more disgusting ... But that’s why I want to see her doing it. If she’ll do that for me, I’ll know she’s serious.”
Amy, “No. Not at all. I’m scared of dogs. They’re not sexy at all. We don’t even watch your show that much. This is all for Lawrence.”
If you do enjoy it – do you think it could become a part of your life?
Lawrence, “I can’t imagine enjoying it. But if I do, I’d have to see how I feel about her afterwards ... Especially if she enjoys it.”
Amy, “I don’t know. If he enjoys it, and if he wants to see me do it again ... I said I’d do anything for him, that promise doesn’t only count for today – it’s for the rest of our marriage.”
She looks to Lawrence with a kind of desperate love in her eyes. He’s still got pain in his.
A few minutes later, the cameras are set up around them – and Amy is ready to undress. She looks over to Lawrence, seeking confirmation that this is what he wants. He nods.
Okay, so what we’re going to do now, is head back to your place – and meet up with a nice doggy ... And make a video of him fucking you ... Is that right?
Amy, “Yes. Absolutely.”
Lawrence nods. They pause, and then stand to leave the shop. Side by side but not hand in hand.
We cut to an establishing shot of their home, a neat semi-detached home in the suburbs of town.
Inside, in the loungeroom, Amy stands and removes her blouse in near silence, revealing a very slim, frankly skinny flat stomach and a plain white bra which holds two small, slightly wobbly 34B boobs. Her skirt comes off next, she has to twist it slightly to get to the zip, which she slides down before nervously letting the skirt fall to the floor. She’s wearing dark pantyhose and white panties now, with low heeled shoes. The shoes come off so that she can remove the pantyhose, rolling them down her legs and off her feet, then pausing as she decides whether to put her shoes back on or to go barefoot. She looks to Lawrence again, he shakes his head, and then she goes barefoot. Standing there in bra, panties and pantyhose.
She removes the bra, shoulder straps down, then reaching back to unhook the back, releasing those little boobs from their confinement, they may be 34B, but they’re the smallest B you’ll ever see. They’re not big, but they look like they would be fun to play with. She pinches her nipples, making sure they are as hard as possible.
“Do I look okay?” She asks, looking from Lawrence to the director, seeking approval from both...
Cut to outside where we’re watching the familiar rear-end of a slim and muscular boxer dog as he trots along the pavement, his big balls jiggling between his powerful hindlegs as he walks. This is Bruno, and we haven’t seen him since series 1. His white haired, mean looking short-arse owner Drew has him walking strictly to heel.
Direct as ever, Drew introduces his pet as they walk. “This is Bruno. He’s six years old, and he’s an experienced slut-fucker.”
They reach the front pathway of Amy’s home and Drew opens the gate, letting Bruno hurry through infront of him. Up the path to the front door, which Drew knocks on firmly. When it opens to reveal Lawrence. Drew makes a deal of raising an imaginary clipboard and ‘reading’ from it. “Hello sir, I have a dog here to service a...” He fakes reading carefully, “dirty ... fucking ... slut.” He pauses. “Is there a dirty fucking slut here?”
Lawrence smiles, “There certainly is.” He shows Drew and Bruno into the house and closes the door on us.
Back in the living room, Amy forces a smile as the Boxer enters. Drew stands in the doorway, takes one look at Amy and says, “Aye, that’s a dirty fucking slut alright.” He releases Bruno from the leash and leans against the door as the dog bounds over to the slim naked woman on the floor.
Amy welcomes him with an outstretched hand, not quite managing to look comfortable. He stands beside her, pushing against her legs, leaning into her and trying to assert his authority over her. She keeps her back straight as she strokes him, keeping her face about as far from him as possible. Looking over to her husband for moral support.
“Is this what you want?” She asks genuinely, “I just want to make you happy...” She forces a smile again and tries her best to talk dirty. “Do you want to see this big, bad, doggy riding on my back?”
“I wanna see the dog doing everything that your ‘lover’ did to you ... I wanna see him fucking you, I wanna see you sucking his cock ... I wanna see the lot. You’re going to do it all, aren’t you?” It’s half a question, half an order.
She smiles weakly back at him, then looks at the dog and strokes him again. He’s looking up at her with his mouth a little open and his tongue hanging out. She leans into him and offers her face, her mouth shut in a tight-lipped smile. Bruno tries to lick her but the gap between the height of his head and her is just too great so he ends up licking fresh air ... She hesitates before moving close enough for him to make contact. His big wet tongue makes contact with her face and she instinctively recoils, giving off a little squeak of panic ... Then leans back in so the dog can ‘kiss’ her again. Slopping that fat tongue over her face a few times, as many as she can handle before recoiling again and gasping in a big breath.
And then she’s got her arm around him, stroking his side, holding him close but still looking more than a little nervous about him. Her line of sight flicks between her husband, at Drew, and the camera and she slowly works her hand down under the dog’s belly. Breathing hard as it reaches his sheath and gently takes hold. A few seconds later and she’s jerking him off, in slow little bursts, not wanting to get carried away, working on building an erection. Looking up at Lawrence, making sure he’s enjoying the show. “Do you like this? Is this good?”
Looking down at the cock –surprised as it shoots its first little jet of jizz eighteen inches through the air onto her chest. Jumping a little as it hits her between the tits. “Shit!” Catching her surprise, flashing a look to camera and saying, “Sorry.” Then back to the wanking.
Over to Lawrence, watching on, “You should suck that cock, Amy. I’d like to see that.”
She tries to force a smile but she’s clearly not into the idea of putting that ugly fat discoloured cock into her mouth. She shakes her head apologetically. “I’ll have sex with him, but I won’t do that. I never did that with ... Him...” She clearly means her lover. Indicating the dog, “So I don’t have to do it him.”
“Okay then ... Just let the dog fuck you then...” Concedes Lawrence.
Amy looks over to Lawrence, breathing hard as the moment approaches. She wants to make him happy but she’s dreading the big moment ahead. She looks back to camera.
You don’t look too sure ... Are you positive you’re ready for this?
“Yes.” She replies, putting on a confident front. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.” She strokes her long hair from her face. Looking down at the dog, then up at the camera. “He’s quite a handsome boy ... This should be fun, shouldn’t it?” The question is asked with hope rather than belief.
Drew chirps in from across the room. “He’ll fuck you harder and faster than you’ve ever been fucked before ... And it WILL hurt ... You just have to hang on and hope you enjoy it!” Laughs Drew.
This doesn’t help to calm her down. She looks very fragile next to the muscular beast. She might not be the smallest, or slimmest, we’ve had on the show, but she’s certainly the most nervous. She clearly doesn’t want to be here despite her statements of contrition to Lawrence. She assumes the position she’s seen so many girls take on the show before. Knees a shoulder width apart, weight forward on her elbows, her arse as high in the air as she can manage. Back arched down to push her pussy out between her slim thighs ... And Bruno, ever the professional woman fucker, moves forward and takes a sniff at the crotch of her panties ... She reaches back between her thighs and pulls the gusset of the panties to one side, exposing her pussy and allowing him to go to work...
His cold nose makes contact with her pussy and she jumps ... He goes for her with his tongue – working her pussy, up the crack of her ass, then back to her pussy. Making her gasp with delight.
We move around her, from watching the dog’s tongue at work on her pussy to looking down at her face from above. She looks up at us. Not a sexy look, but no fear – just a direct look into the lens, then a sudden “oh” face as the dog’s tongue hits her clit and she gets a good feeling.

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