The United Kingdom Of Zoo (A Fake BBC Documentary Series)S11: E06: Lucinda Glass (46), From Middlesbrough free porn video

We start this week’s show with establishing footage from our drone camera as it flies over a large area of well-appointed parkland – bowling greens, rows of trees in large curves, recently mown lawns, a children’s play park, over a small lake, more trees and then down to the neat semi-detached houses beyond...
Dropping all the way down to street level, bringing our host into view – a white speck on the pavement at first, then as we get closer – a nicer, more attractive speck ... Closer still and we can see her fit body, wrapped in a tight black mini-dress that presents her surgically enhanced tits as if they were an art exhibit ... It’s our Blackburn-born ex-pornstar, the dimpled-dogfucker, the one and only – Renae Russell ... Her arms outstretched to welcome us, a wide deep-dimpled smile on her face. Beside her, standing and barking at the approaching drone, a big blue-grey Weimaraner dog.
She begins her introduction as only she can ... Squeaky and innocent sounding, yet capable of such filth... “Hello, welcome to another edition of the ‘United Kingdom of Zoo’ ... I’m Renae ... This is Logan ... And this week, we’re back up in the Naughty North to meet another sexy skank who wants to join us in our kinky kingdom...”
She points toward the house behind her and we follow her finger with our camera – the front door opens and another woman steps into view...
She has look-at-me peroxide blonde hair, big lips, and is in pretty good shape (but she’s no spring chicken). She looks like she belongs on a California beach in 1987 rather than the middle of a housing estate in Middlesbrough.
We cut to close-up where we can see how much make-up she’s wearing to try and cover up at least a decade of her actual age. Crow’s feet around the corners of her eyes can’t be hidden with foundation...
She introduces herself, a slight Teesside accent muffled by what sounds like a 40-cigarette-a-day lifestyle. “I’m Lucinda Glass...” She pronounces it Gl-ass, not Gl-arse. “I’m 46, unfortunately ... I’m from Middlesbrough, and...” She tries to hide her smirk, “I’ve always wanted to have sex with a dog!”
We cut to the living room of her home – to a two-shot of Lucinda and Renae sitting at either end of a three-seater couch, twisting inward to face each other. Two fake-tittied sluts, both trying hard to look at least a decade younger than they actually are, but Renae doing a better job of it, not needing nearly as much make-up.
Lucinda is telling her story, and Renae is doing her best to look interested - nodding to indicate that she’s taking in every word.
“I’ve always been pretty adventurous, and I’ve always been a bit of a slut, to be honest ... I think I’m still doing okay, but when I was a young’un I was a bit hot, like ... Nice body, pretty face ... Real tits!” She nods toward her tits and Renae’s, acknowledging that neither of them has ‘real’ tits anymore, then continues... “I was already ‘dating’ older-men when I was still in school, and as soon as I was old enough to move away, I didn’t head off to university ... I went straight to London to chase the big money...”
We cut to a different angle, skipping some of her story, just sticking to the relevant, and interesting, bits... “I was escorting for six years ... Put on a nice dress, eat a nice meal, take off the nice dress, and then have some nice sex ... Or some nasty sex ... It was an easy way to earn good money ... And I luuurrrve sex, like ... Love it ... So getting paid to have sex was always, like, the perfect job for me ... I had a lot of fun ... I never felt cheap, or used, or bad about myself ... I just had a laugh.”
She laughs about the fun she used to have, flicking her bleach blonde hair out of her face (an affectation we’ll get used to), and then continues - “It was through my ‘work’ that I developed this little obsession ... This was long, long before UK of Zoo was on the tele, back before all of ‘this’ became such a big deal ... I had this client, Kenneth ... And Kenneth was obsessed with women having sex with dogs. I had never even heard of it. Why would a woman do that? How could it be fun? But Kenneth loved it – and he loved to talk to me about it ... So I’d talk back to him about it, ‘Oh I love fucking dogs’, ‘I love that big doggy cock’ ... All that stupid stuff ... And we had a lot of fun, and he paid me plenty ... I hope he’s watching this show – he’ll see me and remember, and we’ll both have a lovely trip down memory lane!” She laughs.
Cut to a different angle, looking up at this middle-aged, ex-whore, as she gets to the meat of her story. “So, skip forward a few years ... I’ve ‘retired’, and I’m married, I’ve got the children, I’ve got this house ... Which I paid for ... Very secure ... But quite boring ... And then your show comes on, and I’m watching it – because I’ll watch anything to do with sex...”
Renae can’t resist interrupting, “Your husband – does he know about your ‘career’?”
“Oh yes...” Confirms Lucinda. “I told him early on – you can’t keep that kind of secret from your partner...” She pauses, waiting to continue her story, making sure Renae isn’t going to interrupt again ... Then starting up, “‘United Kingdom of Zoo’ comes on ... And we were watching together ... And he’s sort of looking sideways at me ... And he goes, ‘Did you...? Ever?’, and I’m like, ‘Nooooooooo’ ... And suddenly I’m transported back to Kenneth ... I tell my husband all about the things me and Kenneth used to talk about ... And he said he’d never seen me so animated ... And that’s when it dawned on me – that I actually wanted to do this...” She smiles, “And that’s why I’m here today.”
Back to our host as she smiles and confirms, “And that’s why WE’RE HERE today...” Noting that they are at Lucinda’s home, rather than Lucinda being anywhere unusual. “And that’s why we have THIS guy with us...” She indicates the big dog laying at her feet, half asleep, waiting to be called to action.
“Exactly!” Confirms our guest, with a sharp smile that barely covers her nervous anticipation.
“And where is hubby today?” Checks Renae, looking around as if she expects to see him.
“He’s at work ... He’s looking forward to seeing it on the show at the same time as everyone else!” She smirks, the smirk spreading to a white-toothed smile of anticipation.
We pause on the smile, then mix through to the same location a few minutes later – with our guest already stripped down to her bra and panties ... Her body is tight, with a flat stomach, long limbs, smooth skin and fake-tan.
In a little ‘off camera’ behind-the-scenes moment that was captured as we prepared to shoot the scene - the big dog is dancing around Lucinda’s legs as she removes her bra - smiling and chatting to Renae as she frees a big pair round boobs that barely move when she does. “ ... got them when I was escorting, I, like, doubled my nightly rate ... Men saw the pictures online and they were booking me weeks in advance...”
“Yeah ... I got mine right after I got into the business...” Notes Renae, adjusting the front of her top as she talks about her assets. “I went from the girl at the side, to the girl in the middle overnight!”
But Lucinda has already lost interest in boob-talk, having disposed of her bra she is turning her attention to the excitable dog – reaching down to stroke the top of his head and smiling at him as he leans into her. “Hi there ... Hi there, lover boy!” She giggles playfully. “Are you going to fuck me? Are you? Are you...?”
The tone, rather than the words, and the smile on her face – the strokes and pats on his head and neck, drive the beast wild ... He knows why she’s here, and he clearly can’t wait – skipping around her legs, looking up at and sniffing/snorting toward her panties ... All of which just raises our guest’s level of excitement further, making her talk more... “Big doggy cock for me? Have you got a big doggy cock for me?”
We cut to a moment later, with Lucinda now down on her knees, still pushing the dog around, knees well spread – reaching under the dog’s belly to fondle his sheath as she gets comfortable on the floor ... Still chatting away to the beast, “Getting hard? Eh? Big doggy cock getting hard for me? Yeah!?” - smiling up to our camera to check we’re still filming.
Then we’re watching as our guest pushes the dog away to give herself enough space to assume the position – leaning forward onto her hands, lifting one off the floor to sweep her peroxide blonde hair from her face, around the back of her head and away from our cameras – making sure we can see her...
The dog immediately moves around behind her – knowing this position well, knowing exactly where he needs to be ... Sniffing at her panties and the bulging pussy lips within. She reaches back between her thighs and hooks the gusset of her g-string to one side of her cunt. The thin line of material sitting happily between the protruding outer lips and her inner thigh. Then she’s back to resting on knees and both hands - her pussy proudly presented to beast and camera alike... “Come on then ... Come and fuck me...!” She gasps, the moment getting almost too much for her.
He moves up behind her, his chest against her arse, then pushing forward – pulling with his front legs under her belly...
She shuffles her knees a little wider, bends forward further, dropping her hard tits to the floor as she shifts from hands to elbows – pushing her arse out, presenting an even easier target to the beast. “Here you go ... Come on ... Yes...!”
The big dog pumps at her pussy, his hard cock poking a few inches out of its sheath, stabbing and rubbing against the top of her crack ... She angles her arse slightly more, arching her back and keeping her shoulders low, rocking herself back to help line his cock up with her pussy...
“Please ... Please...” She gasps, desperate to get started.
She moves one arm, leaning slightly on the other elbow, and pushes her hand back between her legs again – trying to guide the dog’s growing cock into her pussy, not quite able to reach...
“Lift your bum up a little ... He’s a bit bigger than you...” Advises Renae, who knows all about this dog’s size.
Lucinda shuffles her knees a little closer together and shifts her body a little backwards, raising her rear end a few inches – and then, as the dog lurches forward again, she is finally able to trap his meat between her fingers – then bring her hand to her pussy, pointing him in the right direction rather than guiding him home...
We cut back to the rear view, looking up between the dog’s hindlegs just in time to see that purple/pink tip slip beyond the gusset of her panties, and between her fat pussy lips – the shaft swelling as it follows in...
“UUaaarrrhhhhh!” She gasps, then begins to yelp as the beast kicks into immediate over-drive.
We cut back to the wide angle in time to see Logan beginning to pound at his slim blonde whore... “Ohhhh oohhh ooohh...” for the first dozen speedy thrusts, before she manages to collect herself a little and switches to, “Fuck me ... Yes ... Fuck me ... Fuck my cunt ... Yes...”
The beast’s muscular body ripples as he bends in toward her, his rear end a blur of movement as he builds up a real head of steam ... Our guest beneath him, taking his weight and the force of his thrusts as he pushes her forward against her tits and chest, the side of her face pressed down against the floor. The obscenities keep coming, “OOhhh ffuccck yes ... Fuck me ... Fuck me...”

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