The United Kingdom Of Zoo (A Fake BBC Documentary Series)S14, E06 - Grace Wong Pei Qing (33) From Stoke-on-Trent, With Dennis free porn video

We open this week’s show with a dreary, rain-soaked, grey-skied scene ... An establishing shot of a wide street, an industrial district on the edge of a large city. Long car-park/fore-courts, leading back to unexciting, single story industrial units ... Car dealerships, mechanics, etc.
A large caption fills the screen, telling us that we are in: “STOKE-ON-TRENT, ENGLAND.”
The caption fades as we come to rest on a car rental yard. Signage out front in green and black reads, “Enterprise Rentals”.
Several vans, in company colours, are parked on the forecourt – and as we watch, our host steps out from behind one of them ... He’s a big, fat, balding man, with half a beard worth of facial hair. Wrapped up in a big blue parker coat, he walks toward us with his big Doberman by his side. The dog appears to be trying to shelter from the rain behind his master’s bulk.
The man speaks in a gravelly, harsh Cockney accent, introducing himself and the show, direct to camera. “‘Ello ... Welcome to ‘The United Kingdom of Zoo’ ... My name’s Dennis Baxter, this is my boy Romeo ... And if there’s one thing I enjoy more than watching him banging into a woman ... It’s him banging into a beautiful young woman ... And this week, I’m really gunna enjoy myself!” He seems finished, but we leave the shot going long enough to catch his following comment as he turns away, “I’ll bloody enjoy myself once I get out of this fuckin’ rain!”
We cut to inside the car rental office – and our attention is immediately drawn toward the fit young lady behind the counter.
Her uniform – a polo shirt and a pair of black pants, is designed to be functional rather than attractive, but she somehow makes it look good. The top tucked into the pants to keep it as tight to her slim body as possible. The pants worn with a belt, synched in tight to highlight how small her waist is.
Above the shoulders – it gets better ... Thin faced, Asian, with perfect bone structure – she looks fit but fragile. Long dark hair hangs down on either side of her head, the last few inches died an orange/blonde colour (we’re not sure if she died it this way, or if she’s letting an old dye-job grow out. Either way, it’s a striking visual.
She welcomes us with a very welcoming smile, then introduces herself in a perky, enthusiastic tone, her accent sounding like a cross between Manchester and Birmingham... “Hallohhhh ... I’m Wong Pei Qing ... But you can call me Grace ... I’m 33-years-old, and I’m from Stoke-on-Trent – and I just love to make people horny!” She flashes another smile, this time a wide, deviant smile that leaves us in no doubt that she makes people horny all the time!
Our overwhelming reaction to her introduction is that there’s something wrong with the sound. Did she say 33? Because she barely looks 23!
We cut to a shot of her standing with Dennis. He looks happy to be talking to her (a little known secret of the show is that our East Ender is quite fond of ladies from the far East, that coupled with her being a sexy little thing makes her just about the perfect guest for him to introduce to the joys of bestiality)...
Beside him, she’s wearing a smile that says she knows how he feels, and she’s enjoying it.
Dennis leans in a little, trying to play it cool. “‘Ello there, Grace ... Why don’t you tell us why you applied to be on the show...”
Boss only gave her a job because he wants to fuck her.
Grace smiles confidently, hands behind her back, chest pushed out, straining the front of her uniform polo shirt. Moving a little as she speaks, one shoulder forward, then the other, twisting from the hips. She cheerily tells us her life story... “I was just a child when we left Hong Kong to come to England, my parents told me it was because the communists were coming, and we wouldn’t be free ... When we got here they told me I should always remember I am free to do whatever I want ... So all my life, I’ve always done what I wanted to do ... Especially when it comes to sex!” She grins again, then continues. “Just about everything I do is for sex ... I work very hard to keep in shape so I can get fit boyfriends, and ‘perform’ at the highest level...”
We cut to a close-up, a cutaway shot as she looks right into camera and tells us, “If there was an Olympics for sex, I’d win gold!”
Then we’re back to her telling her story. “I LOVE to watch your show of course ... It really turned me on to dogsex ... I think it looks amazing, and I’ve wanted to try it for a few years now. I don’t just watch it on UK of Zoo, I watch the videos online too ... I like them, but I wouldn’t want to go on one of them – to get paid to do it ... I’m not a prostitute, I’m a slut ... I have sex because I love it! And I want it to be the same way with a dog!”
“What is it about dogsex that attracts you?” Asks Dennis.
Grace shrugs, “It’s sexy!” She nods, smiling, confident in herself. “I think the idea of giving yourself to a beast ... When you could have anyone you want - and I know I could have anyone I want – but when you can, it’s sometimes fun to lower yourself to someone you’d never touch ... And a dog is like the lowest you can go. It’s sexy just to think about it ... So actually doing it will be amazing!”
She pauses until Dennis is about to ask another question, then suddenly starts talking again as something else occurs to her. “And the other thing is ... So many of your girls – they look good, but fuck bad ... Or they look bad, but fuck good ... But the good-looking girls don’t seems to fuck that good ... I really want to look this way ... And fuck like a champion!”
We don’t doubt her for a second, and neither does Dennis... “Going for gold, eh?”
Grace’s expression turns to something so genuinely slutty that we can’t even describe it – it’s just an attitude. “You better believe it!” And then she laughs a little, slightly demented. We have no doubt that this sexy, slightly crazy, Chinese slut will give us a great show – and we can’t wait for it to start...
Dennis looks around the office. “What do you think your employer will think about this?”
She already knows this one, “Ohh, he’ll love it ... He only hired me because he wants to fuck me ... I kept him hanging on for two years now ... He’ll be happy to see me naked, on his floor, with your dog!!” We can tell that she enjoys saying this. She’s clearly thought about it.
We hold this image for a second, then cut to the exterior of the building – out in the yard, looking at the gates to the yard, which are now closed and padlocked. It’s still raining, and the lights around the yard are reflecting of the wet concrete and the parked un-rented cars. We look back toward the office and see lights inside, along with a lot of people moving around – our whole crew, setting up lights, cameras, and microphones ... And in amongst them, half hidden, teasing glimpses of an olive-skinned, naked, slim woman...
We cut inside and get a clear look at her ... Our guest, Grace, is now all-but naked (with just the smallest, tightest black g-string covering her crotch) – her body is toned and lean, with strong legs, slim arms, a rock-hard belly, and a small but perfectly formed pair of boobs sitting proud, and a little wide, on her chest.
She’s bouncing from heel to toe, swinging her arms, smiling ... Managing to call, “Okay, ready!!” between her beaming grins ... Excited and keen to get started...
We get a shot of Dennis, over-experienced in the wonders of women with dogs, but still looking like a little boy at Christmas, licking his fat lips at the prospect of watching his boy take this energetic and sexy little Asian delight ... He unhooks Romeo’s collar and gives him a good pat on the side, “Go get ‘er!”
The big Doberman hurries across the room, his nails skidding and scraping against the tiled floor – and our guest shows absolutely no fear, actually stepping toward him and bending to greet him as he approaches – reaching out as he jumps up at her – catching his front paws on one arm and wrapping the other around him, pulling him against her body, clearly keen to feel his short black hair against her olive skin...
Her broad smile continues to shine as she twists herself around, pulling against the upright beast, trying to get her face infront of his – and making kissing sounds ... Then she laughs as his long tongue slops out and over her mouth ... It’s a full laugh, her mouth opening - and the dog takes advantage of it to slop his tongue between her lips ... She manages to stop laughing long enough to poke her tongue out to meet his ... Licking at him as he licks at her...
When he finally pulls away so he can return to four legs, she’s still laughing – sweeping her hair back from her face and looking into our camera ... We can tell how giddy she is with excitement from the way she staggers a little as he bounces around her...
He moves around behind her, close to her legs, angling his narrow snout to sniff between her thighs, cold nose against her g-string ... Making her laugh again as she skips forward a little, making sure that she steadies herself with her legs a little apart and her arse pushed back toward the beast – she reaches down between her thighs and hooks the gusset of her underwear to one side of her pussy, letting him get a better idea of what he’s dealing with...
Whatever it is that he can smell there, he clearly likes it, because he immediately lurches up behind her, standing upright again, wrapping his front paws around her narrow hips and hard midriff.
Grace lets out a squeal of delight, which turns into more laughter, letting the weight of the dog push her forward a few steps – twisting and look back down at him, giggling “Noooo ... Silly boy ... You have to let me get down on the floor so you can fuck me for real!!”
She’s not trying to be sexy – she just is ... It’s the most natural display of someone who genuinely loves perversion. Every glance toward our cameras seems to be confirming that she’s having fun, rather than making sure we’re filming it ... Every look at the dog filled with anticipation ... Every giggle from pure delight.
We cut to a shot of her removing her g-string, the dog still eagerly dancing around her, trying to get behind her ... She’s laughing as she stumbles from foot to foot, stepping out of the panties whilst trying to keep the beast from getting behind her again ... She’s finding it all very amusing ... And we’re finding it very entertaining – especially the sight of clean shaved, apparently almost lipless pussy - it all looks so perfect and tight down there!
Then dropping to her knees and assuming the position as fast as she can, dropping her firm tits straight to the cold floor, taking her weight on the front of her shoulders, reaching back with both hands to grab the back of her thighs and twist her pussy crack wide open...
The dog – and our camera-man – moves around behind her to see what she’s showing off ... A lovely wet pink slit ... It looks as good from the back as it did from the front – but we can’t see it for long before the dog takes up his position ... Stepping up over her, front legs wrapping around her...
We cut to the side angle – looking at her slim profile, arse in the air, dog over her back ... Her head turned toward us, allowing us to see the anticipation on her face as she looks back and up as the beast pulls up tight behind her ... His head coming up over hers as his chest slides down her back toward her shoulders, pushing her tits harder against the floor as he begins to shuffle and bump experimentally against her – looking for a place to stick his dick...
We cut to a close-up of the rear-end of the action – peeking in between the dog’s thighs and the woman’s firm behind – watching as the tip of his cock bumps and pokes her neat little pussy ... Buffeting her around ... Noting that she’s still twisting her thighs apart to expose as much of her pussy as possible ... Losing focus at times as we try to get that illusive moment of penetration ... And then losing the image altogether as a hard thrust knocks the little slut forward out of the shot.
We cut back to a wider-angle as the dog pushes forward over the top of her, loosening his grip around her middle and steadying himself on all four feet over her ... Still pumping at her – his front legs wide of her chest now as he bends his hindlegs and his back in an effort to get into her...
We can hear Dennis in the background, off camera, encouraging his dog to, “Go on, son ... Give it to ‘er...”
She’s still smiling, but it seems more forced than before ... The continued pumping and thrusting over her, the roughing up she’s getting, appears to be changing the mood - taking some of the fun out of the moment and making the experience altogether more intense – but there’s still the occasional half-giggle between an increasing number of gasps.
And then ... A sudden shrieked, “AARRRGGHH!” – as the dog lurches forward into her ... Sinking his hard cock into her tight pussy...

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