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“Do you like what you see?”

Her bewitching azure eyes sparkled with mischief. Astride my body and fully impaled on me, she took what she wanted with a confidence that belied her age. It was beyond my youthful comprehension how a woman so young could fuck like this. She moved with the elegance of quicksilver and kept me at her mercy on this delirious sexual plateau.

With her fingers she splayed her sex and revealed how tightly she had me. Watching for my reaction, it drew an instinctive response. The swell of my length throbbed strongly against the taut walls of her sex. With a gasp I watched as she moved effortlessly and took me slowly with intent.

Pushing a finger beyond my lips, the curt tang of her juices filled my mouth. Sucking softly, she pouted and her sharp exhalation of breath cooled my hot skin.

“You like that don’t you?”

“Yes, yes….”

“Watch me fuck you.”

Arching her back, the swell of her full breasts stretched across her frame. Puckered by the cool zephyr breeze, I grazed her hard nipples with trembling fingers. Softly kneading her breasts, the warm spring of her flesh sparked her hips to drive harder against me.

I rose to take a hard nipple into my mouth. Flicking on it, her arms embraced me. Accompanied by a litany of soft gasps, it’s a vivid memory I will never forget. Cradled tenderly against her, she maintained her steady pace. Ozone suffused with her perfume filled my nostrils. I remember the cries of distant gulls and the faint crashing of waves punctuating her moans. 

Slight hands pressed on my shoulders and forced me into the firm mattress. Curling a long lock of wavy blonde hair behind her ear, she pressed on with determination. Her hips quickened and escalated in force. Responding, I matched her and pushed harder in return.

Those perfect manicured nails I admired dug hard into my chest. She smiled innocently as I reeled at the pain and I pushed into her with more force. In unison, stronger whimpers became deeper cries of passion as we goaded each other on. Careening towards climax, neither of us wanted to give ground.

For days now, she had called me to her room and this was always the result. Exploring and tempting each other in an act of carnal discovery. Twice already tonight I had succumbed to her wiles. We went again, drawn into this passionate frenzy as Brigitte pushed at the limits of my endurance. This time we were unshackled by the inhibitions of its novelty, this was intuitive and spontaneous.

Clamped hard around my whole length, she pressed upon the full swell of my girth. I knew the tumult of her orgasm approached, I could read the signs now. Small beads of perspiration peppered her rash streaked skin as I struggled to maintain my hold of her body.

Gasping for air and the stretched sinews of our bodies matched each other thrust for thrust, I knew our endgame would be close. My own release was inevitable and I could tell by the look on her face she was there too.

Still driving on, her fingers interlocked with my own seeking to make me yield to her. It was mechanical without finesse, coarse and single-minded. The undulation of her hips rapid and hard pressed firmly onto my loins. Bucking into her matching her tempo, our bodies flailed together in tempestuous harmony.

Seared into my memory forever, there were no words as our eyes met. Her face contorted in ecstasy, her full ruby lips open as a stuttering gasp left her.

The timing was perfect, a strong twitch from her sex tipped me over the edge.

Shuddering as if electrocuted, our guttural cries merged as we pulsed together. There were no terms of reference, no experience to prepare me for what was to come.

It rose so hard inside me that its power caught me unawares. Such was the strength of each convulsion, I lurched upwards and into her tight embrace.

Thumping heavily into her quivering sex, she sat squarely onto me. Clinging to each other, time slowed as the throbbing from our loins mixed with the pounding of rushing hearts. Pressed into her generous décolletage, she convulsed her hips against me. Grinding slowly and forcefully, she milked the last of my seed.

“Good boy, good boy, let it all out.”

She kept me there pressed against her, quiet and still trembling. Holding me closely until the storm had passed.

Released from her grasp, I slumped into the bed. Weak as a kitten, a luxurious warmth washed over me and the soft breeze caressed my clammy skin. Lost in a refractory haze, her face came into view.

Glowing with pink flushed cheeks, she flashed me a smile. A playful expression of ‘I told you so’ written on her face.

I just hoped the expression on my face matched the incredulity I felt.

Her breasts dragged against my chest as she placed a soft tender kiss on my lips. Taking my limp arm to wrap around her, she sought my embrace. 

Still too breathless to speak, she poked at my flaccid wet cock with her finger and giggled. 

“B…Brigitte… F…fuck! T…that’s never happened before.”

“Mmmm, you sexy fucker. We came together, I like that.”

Swearing with that accent sounded so damn sexy, yet my body felt so numb. I was spent for the first time in my life.

Running her fingers through my short tousled hair, it was this act of tenderness that felt new. It was nurturing and non-sexual. I liked it and pulled her closer to me.

She was held my cock then let it go and then she did it again. Enjoying the slapping sound it made against my taut stomach, I felt fearful she wanted to go again. I groaned to convey a plea for mercy.

“Good, I ‘ave killed him, just like I promised.”

I nodded still a little breathless.

“You look happy Jack?”

“I am, very.”

She giggled and tilted my head to kiss me softly again.

“Brigitte? Where did that come from? Where did such a nice girl like you learn to fuck like that?”

“Oh, y’know. I am a little older than you.”

“Not much, my eighteen to your twenty-two.”

“Twenty-three in August!”

“Nineteen in September!”

Brigitte giggled, “And you are a better lover now than last week and the week before that.”


She placed a hand tenderly on my chest and lent up a little, “Yes, you were too eager to please and too self-conscious. Now, it’s animal and instinctive. This is what all good lovers do.”

I didn’t quite know how to take that, Brigitte always did speak her mind. She was a bold assertive woman and I found her confidence incredibly attractive. Combined with her devastating good looks, I went to pieces every time I spoke to her. I actually asked if I could kiss her that first time. I remember the torture of not knowing what it felt like. Asking to kiss her felt right out of fear for desecrating her beauty.

Sexual chemistry took over from that point onwards. It had been an exhilarating wild ride ever since.


Pressing her hand to the cleft of her sex, my essence must have been leaking from her. I watched as she pressed a finger inside and gasped a little.

“Oooh, you did come big. It’s leaking from me.”

“That’s what you do to me, you got it all.”

“Good, just how my lover should be. Satisfied.”

“Very satisfied.”

“You can sleep here tonight Jack, you look shattered.”

Her statement carried a gentle air of authority. I nodded, I had no wish to bargain with her.

“Good because I can’t move.”

She eased herself off the bed and stood in front of me. It was a brazen display of her body. Usually had a thing for petite girls but Brigitte was a girl in a woman’s body and she looked incredible for it. Matching me in height with long soft curves on her athletic frame. Her breasts, deep cupped and ample flared slightly from her torso. To me, she was fine art made flesh.

She raised her hand and blew me a kiss, “Sleep Jack, go to sleep. I will be beside you all night.”

With that she turned tail and flicked off the light. I watched her taut behind sashay down the landing.

An ochre and red dusk illuminated into the room, the day had drawn to a close.

Rolling on my side and listening to the faint soporific sound of distant crashing waves, I drifted off to sleep.


Startled by the sound of clattered crockery, I woke with a start.

Brigitte came into view. Fresh faced and fully dressed, she was carrying a tray. Through bleary eyes, I could see she was smiling. She was a vision and I hurriedly blinked the sleep from my eyes. She wore little make up, her rosy feline cheeks contrasted with the honey tone of her face. 

“Bonjour Jack.”

I croaked a little at first, “Erm, Bonjour Brigitte.”

Looking back now, anyone who saw her that morning would know she’d been properly fucked the night before. With a vivacious and contented smile on her face, her evocative blue eyes were brighter and her skin glowed with life.

Sitting up in bed and pulling at the sheet, I noticed that the thick line of my morning-glory cock was visible underneath.

Brigitte must have noticed it because she giggled as the tray on its short legs covered my lap. 

“I brought you some breakfast. Erm, enjoy.”


Brigitte always looked sensational in her black pinafore dress and Picasso striped top. Quite why my aunt insisted on having maids I had no idea. Seeing her dressed in her uniform though was better for me than the breakfast on the tray.

I watched as the front of the dress strained a little against her generous bosom. Standing before me, I was sure she could see the lust in my eyes. Her blonde hair was up, revealing her graceful neck and delicate jaw line. 

Happy to be admired, she sat on the edge of the bed. Reaching out, her hand rested on my tumescent cock under the breakfast tray.

“Will that be all?”

Clutching it through the sensuous Egyptian cotton, I gasped, “What again?”

Giving my cock a squeeze, she smiled, “Mmm, you are strong but not strong enough. Soon though, so eat and build up your strength for me.”


With a mischievous giggle at my helplessness, she rose and pressed her dress down over her body.

“Madam Deschamps has awoken too, I must get her breakfast. A bientot.”

“A bientot.”

Pacified by her promise, I watched her leave the room. 

Madam Elise Deschamps was my aunt through marriage and here I was at her Château deep in the French countryside. It was an expansive building with nearly a dozen bedrooms set in thousands of acres of rich fertile soil perfect for grapes. The main building was Napoleonic in construction but not too grand or ostentatious. Filled with the features of the period, it carried an air of tired homeliness and warmth.

Elise was an enigmatic and aloof figure. She only appeared at the big family occasions like my older sister’s wedding last year. My mother liked to keep in touch and her calls had been more frequent lately. Elise’s husband, my Uncle Patrick, passed away suddenly a few months ago.

Tearing off a piece of croissant, I remembered that I did not come here by choice. My mother sent me here as a punishment.

“You can keep her company, she’s not long widowed,” were her exact words.

She added, “You need to think about what you have done and get away from bad influences.”

My crime deserving this punishment was being caught in flagrante with a girl called Lauren in her car. Lauren wasn’t even my girlfriend, it was just lust at first sight. Parked up in a country lane, I had no idea that anyone would see us fucking. Even if they did, it would not really bother me. However, having the Police tap on the window was a proper passion-killer. 

We didn’t know about a long-standing anti-social problem with ‘lovers’ upsetting dog walkers. As if anyone would be ‘walking their dog’ in the middle of nowhere. Well, they were walking their dog and they complained.

With neither of us carrying any identification, the Police had to call our respective homes to verify our credentials. It was too much for my mother’s sense of propriety. The embarrassment of my parents finding out was punishment enough. The Police figured as much and gave us a stern ticking off before letting us go.

It transpired that Lauren was from a prominent family in our small provincial town. Also, Lauren’s father was very protective of his daughter and he was making enquiries as to my whereabouts.

Leaving town didn’t seem like a bad idea.

When I told Elise why I was here, she burst out laughing probably at the crestfallen look on my face. I didn’t know that my mother had already told her.

With typical Gallic nonchalance, Elise told me not to worry and make myself at home.

“A young man should sow his wild oats.”

Finishing off the croissant, Elise’s words still made me smile.

My father had even forwarded some money to Elise for my ‘board and keep’. Elise simply handed it over and told me not to spend it all at once. Coolly, she stated that my father was a miser and she would give me an allowance too.

Draining the last of my coffee, it occurred to me that for someone recently widowed, Elise was not exactly consumed by grief. My memories of Uncle Patrick were of a bon-viveur, the life and soul of the party.

Having sampled “Le Château de Hibiscus Sauvage”, I could see why Uncle Patrick would drink so much of it. It was one of Languedoc’s more popular red wines. It sold out every season and with tens of thousands of vintage bottles in reserve; Elise was a woman of means.

Yet Elise seldom mentioned Uncle Patrick and when she did, it was with a vexed tone. Uncle Patrick had a ‘fatty liver because he drank too much’. I knew of their age difference, there was almost twenty years between them. Elise was still an attractive woman, probably in her early forties.

I wondered if that was the source of her frustration - she gave him her youth and her child-bearing years. The best years of her life in exchange for a prosperous existence as the co-owner of a successful vineyard.

We had dinner together a few evenings a week and it was pleasant enough. I was not used to being around someone so complex and it was a crash course in the art of conversation. She could be remote and indifferent at times and I found myself floundering. Yet once I found a subject she liked, she was funny and engaging.

Dinner quickly flew by usually aided by a bottle of ‘Hibiscus Sauvage’. Over the last few weeks, I had warmed to her foibles, she was smart and witty. Her laconic sense of humour matched my own.

During the day, she was busy with her own life to spend too much time with me. I didn’t mind, I was enjoying this voyage of self-discovery. Here in unfamiliar surroundings, I could be who I wanted to be without the encumbrance and expectation of those at home around me.

It felt like a new chapter of my life had begun, the slate wiped clean.

Some punishment this turned out to be.


Last night, there was no chance of a repeat performance with Brigitte. Maybe I was being too presumptuous, certainly my teenage hormones had the better of me.

After dinner with Elise, I helped her sort out some paperwork regarding my Uncle’s estate. Elise had an impending meeting with her accountant to finalise his affairs. In a rare display of emotion, Elise was finding it difficult. It felt wrong to leave her to it.

I found Brigitte chatting with another member of staff, Tina, in a small ante-garden at the side of the Château. It was late and ending the evening exchanging passionate kisses, Brigitte packed me off to bed alone with a raging hard-on.

“Tomorrow you will be even stronger.”

I slept on it, just for her.


Lost gazing out onto the wide horizon of vineyards and countryside, a shadow loomed over me.

Peering up over my sunglasses, there was Brigitte. Her flaxen hair shone in the sunlight, plaited into two loose cornrows over each ear. Adorned in a white bikini, it revealed every delectable curve of her body.

Tying a vivid red sarong around her midriff, she perched a large floppy straw hat on her head. Dressed like that, she had my full attention. Giving me a twirl, she completed it her pose by placing her hands on her hips and a giggle.

“C’est bon?”

“Tres bon, erm, wow.”

There was that smile, another life-affirming moment to add to the growing collection.

“It’s my day off, want to spend it with me?”

“Erm, is that meant to be a rhetorical question?”

Her grasp of English, excellent as it was, didn’t stretch to the word ‘rhetorical’. Answering her simple question with another question was lost on her.


“I would love to. What do you have in mind?”

She beamed, “The beach. Ask your aunt if you can borrow La Fourgonnette?”

“Really? The van? Oh God.”

Brigitte threw out her hip and pouted. Right at that moment, she looked outrageously sexy. 

I was hopeless to resist.

“Okay, okay. Let’s go.”

Bouncing down a country lane, I was still searching for top gear. With a crash of cogs, the anaemic engine whined pathetically unable to get near a decent lick of speed.

With both windows open to stay cool, Brigitte pointed at the road.

“Okay, next left here and then in about three kilometres we are there.”

“Brilliant. I can’t take any more of this useless heap of shit. Couldn’t we have taken your car?”

“Non, the battery is flat.”

I pressed in the clutch and fought with the gearbox again. It was no use, the van lurched back stuck in a low gear.

Flashing a look at Brigitte, she tutted and shook her head.

“You should treat your car like you treat your woman. I can tell a lot about the way you drive, it explains a lot.”

“Oh really.”

Concentrating on the road, I gasped in surprise as her hand rested on my groin.

“What the…?”

Caressing the burgeoning lump in my shorts, she giggled.

“Now, drive the van like you would fuck me.”

“Brigitte, I’m trying to concent… oh fuck that feels good.”

With a couple of days’ abstinence literally under my belt; Brigitte taunted me to the point of a full and hard erection.

“Mmm, now you are strong and hard.”

“And trying to drive!”

To the sound of girlish laughter, I eased off the accelerator. The complaining engine quietened as I slowed to make the turn. Working the car with more empathy, I found top gear and the van eased up to speed.

“That’s better.”

Free from her clutches and nursing a stiff cock, I focused on my driving to take my mind off it.

As the van barrelled down the long slope of the headland, acres of golden sand stretched across the horizon. I could understand why so many artists were inspired to paint here. Framed by the bright vivid colours of sky, the sea and countryside made this a beautiful part of the world. The sparsity of people and buildings soon developed into a vibrant and bustling village.

Something wasn’t right though, there was more and more skin on display as I drove the van closer to the coast.

“Holy fuck! They’ve got no clothes on.”

Brigitte found my statement very amusing, it was getting busier on the road. There was no way I could gawp at the naked people milling around, the van demanded my full attention.

“Not sure I like this, where is this place?”

“It’s a nudist beach and part of a naturist resort.”

“You are fucking kidding me, right?”

It was a gut reaction, and Brigitte laughed harder probably at the look of panic on my face.

“Oh Jack, don’t be such a party pooper! Don’t you want to see me naked and rub lotion all over my body?”

I paused for a moment, maybe Brigitte did understand the word ‘rhetorical’ after all. My body clearly told me what it wanted and her hand was back between my legs again.

“Oooh, you don’t need to answer that question do you?”

“Brigitte, fuck! I have to be naked too and I’m going to get….”

“Hard and erect? Oh Jack I do hope so. It’s very liberated here. Besides I know how much you like to be outdoors.”

Dry mouthed with my heart thumping in my chest, I had no time to indulge my racing libido. The road was a melee of naked bodies and slow moving cars.

“Outdoors? I don’t know what you mean by that.”

My attempt at deflection was half-hearted at best.

“Jack, I know why you are in France.”

“You do?”

“I was with Madame Deschamps when she took the call. I heard enough.”

“Oh, I see.”

“If you like doing that in public, you can manage being naked on a beach.”

I was flummoxed, Brigitte knew and what’s more I was glad she did.

“Jack, you know I’m right, I know you well enough.”

“Okay, Okay, you got me.”

We both laughed. I was glad she knew and clearly liked the idea. I thought that maybe we could put the van to good use one day.

I followed the signs, even my dubious French understood the words ‘Plage’ and ‘Naturisme’.

France and home had smashed together in a fusion of sexual torment and promise. I was only two kilometres away from finding out what would happen next.


Parked on the shingles close to the beach, the van served as a handy place to leave our clothes. Overcome by an attack of giggles, Brigitte enjoyed my bemusement at eschewing my clothes in a public space.

Covered with a salt and pepper coloured sand, the beach stretched off to the horizon on both sides. Setting ourselves up just beyond the dunes, it was naturally sheltered and thinly populated.

A few people were milling around walking on the harder, wetter sand along the shoreline. Embracing the sense of asexual liberation, I took courage that we weren’t alone in this endeavour. We did not stand out because everyone was naked and I took comfort in their nonchalance towards us.

Laying out the commodious beach blanket, Brigitte was on fours rummaging in the beach bag. I swear she was doing it on purpose. Framed between the pert cheeks of her derriere, I was transfixed by the swell of her bare vulva and the fine lines of labia. I had to sit cross-legged to hide my burgeoning cock. I was definitely an ‘arse’ man now, namely Brigitte’s prime example of womanly derriere-hood.


Brigitte had sneaked a bottle of wine out of the Château.

“Ooh, it would be rude not to.”

“So, do you like it here Jack?”

I nodded, “It’s okay.”

Perching her sunglasses on top of her tied back hair, she focussed on turning the corkscrew into the cork.

“I like coming here. I’m surprised you haven’t asked me how I am tanned all over. It’s not as if you haven’t seen me naked before.”

I did feel a little stupid at that moment, “Good point. You enjoy being naked like this and people looking at you?”

She flashed her eyes at me with that smile of hers.

“Yes, it makes my insides burn with desire. I guess you could say it really pops my cork.”

With a jiggle of her breasts, there was a subdued pop and she held the cork up to show me.

I laughed, “Really? Well you definitely pop mine, so much so, I can’t move.”

“Really? Go on, show me.”

Opening my legs and she giggled at the sight of my erection.

Handing me a glass, “Oooh and you like being here with me then?”

“Err, yeah. I’m not sure it’s meant to be so sexual here but I can’t help it. It’s you and that fabulous body you have.”

Brigitte clattered her glass against my own, “Salut. It can be sexual here. It’s no big deal.”

“Really? Oh.”

Lost in the possibilities of what might happen here, my mind went into overdrive. The dynamics of the place excited me, nudity, sex, exhibitionism and voyeurism.

So absorbed in my racy thoughts, a tinfoil wrapped torpedo hit me square in the chest.

Brigitte laughed heartily at my surprise, “Eat your baguette then we sunbathe.”

“Huh? Okay.”

If this was Brigitte’s plan to bring me to the boil, it had worked perfectly.

A light lunch with half a bottle of wine had mellowed me out into a carefree stupor. Brigitte had thought of everything, even the book I was reading from Elise’s library that I left in my room.

It was a little busier now, some couples had also taken up residence at this part of the beach. Perhaps it was a ‘safety in numbers’ thing and Brigitte didn’t seem to mind. Some solitary males were trying desperately hard not to notice Brigitte and doing an abysmal job of it. I didn’t mind, I couldn’t care less if they wanted to get a kick out of seeing her naked.

My attitude was simple, I was the lucky bastard with the job of fucking her. I took pride in this job and so far – so good.

I looked over at her. Flat on her back catching the sun, the spill of her breasts glistened with sun lotion. She had her feet planted on the sand with her knees bent. Flashing her bare sex at anyone who cared to see, a ripple of excitement surged through me. It churned my stomach and made my loins throb.

“Do you think I need some more lotion Jack? Put it on for me?”

I didn’t need to think, she definitely needed more lotion. Left out in the sun, it was now a runny oil that allowed my greased hands to move effortlessly over her body. The pert nubs of her nipples hardened to my touch. Easing off her sunglasses for a moment, that lustful intent in her eyes was there. Caressing the smooth bone of her Mons, a small moan was her only reaction.

Her hand took mine and then placed it back on her breast.

I got the message and what developed was a slow sensuous massage. On all fours, she lingered there and I sniggered admiring her brazenness. With her arse in the air, she looked behind and threw me the most lascivious look I had ever seen from a woman in my entire life.

Lying down on the towel, I had to work hard to keep it sensual. Softly, I pressed into the muscles of her shoulders and back with my fingertips. Knowing I was teasing her, I lingered over the delicious curves of her behind and down the backs of her thighs behind her knees. With tender care, my unhurried touch was sweet revenge for how she had teased me in the van.

Rolling onto her front, I worked up from her calves with the slowest caress to the tender flesh on the inside of her thighs. With a solitary outstretched little finger I grazed her vulva. Eliciting a faint response, her hand travelled down rubbing lotion over her bare sex. Her hand found my semi-erect length and began to stroke it slowly.

In an act of auto-stimulation, her fingers parted her labia. Shimmering in the sunlight, she revealed the glistening candy pink of her wet slit to anyone that cared to look – including me.

Mesmerised as she overtly masturbated, I stiffened harder and harder to her touch. Brazenly, she stuck two fingers inside and rubbed on her clit with her thumb.

“Are they watching?”

I was lost for words, my heart was in my mouth, “Uh huh.”

Placing her arm around my neck, she pulled me towards her. As a kiss, it was searching and lustful. It lingered and I readily reciprocated.

“Jack, I think we have a large enough audience now.”

“We do?”

“Yes and I want them to watch what I do to you.”


“Lie down and enjoy.”

Another kiss came in and this one sent me light-headed. The wine had been the coup de grace, I had zero inhibitions left in me.

With only the privacy of my sunglasses to hide behind, she had taken to stroking my cock with more purpose. Slippery with lotion, she kept me hard with long slow deliberate strokes to show everyone what she had done.

I leaned up onto my elbows to see. My cock looked angry, each meandering vein plump and full. Two whole days of teasing and suggestion had led to this. I had no idea how long I could hold out for – I was rabid with lust.

On her knees and arching her back upwards, she treated our spectators to a view of her own. Parting her legs a little, she was showing the gap between her thighs and the peach of her sex and arse.

Over her sunglasses, her eyes conveyed that powerful look of sexual intent. Her smile was that ‘fuck me’ grin I knew too well. It excited and scared me in equal measure. This was bold and new, it was really going to happen. I wanted it to happen and it felt exhilarating.

“I’m soaking wet Jack, my cunt is so wet and swollen.”

She had never uttered that word in my presence and it eviscerated me.

The slippery lack of friction of her grasp up and down my length sent me reeling. As I let out a solitary loud gasp. I couldn’t care less who heard me.

“That couple over there are cute, don’t you think she has a fantastic pair of breasts?”


Still stroking my cock, she tracked my eyes as I looked over at them. No more than perhaps twenty feet away, they were a couple in spoons, their heads propped up by their elbows. Youngish, lean and slender, they were looking in this direction. His hand rested on her breast, toying with her nipple, kneading it with his hand.

They did look pretty special, weighty with large areolas.

Brigitte wasn’t going pass up the opportunity of me being distracted. Opening my legs, she rested between them. Bent over on her knees, her legs slightly parted, she fed my hard cock into her mouth.

My head snapped back as the heat of her mouth engulfed it.

Twisting her wrist up and down my length, her mouth bobbed up and down. Taking it as deeply as she could, it throbbed to the point it felt almost numb.

I could do nothing except watch.

She looked up with her mouth filled with my meat with eyes brimming with lust. A couple more passers-by stopped to watch. Looking to my left, the woman lying in spoons had his fingers inside her.

Crawling towards me on all fours and still moving as she kissed me, I found myself falling back onto the beach towel. Offering me one of her tits to suck on, her hand wrapped around my girth.

I could taste the lotion on her hard nipple as I hungrily took it. Nothing was going to stop me, the hub-bub of the crowd mingled with the sound of the incoming tide.

Straddling by body, she leant down and her wet slit came into view. Lowered onto my face, I found the cleft of her sex and pushed my tongue deep inside her. She tasted incredible. Wiggling her hips, she smeared her copious juices onto my mouth.

Her fingers weaved into my hair and held me firmly in place. Sucking on her clit, it was easy to flick at it with my tongue. Fully engorged and exposed from its hood, her clit was so hard. Pulling on my hair in her hands, she ground herself harder onto my face.

“Uhhh, fuck that’s good. Keep going.”

Brigitte gasped and squirmed making me redouble my efforts. I had no idea who would be watching, my field of vision taken up by her body.

Bucking her hips slowly, I attended to her with a delicate tenderness. Flicking a little faster, she was more vocal and pronounced. With a delicate shudder, her sex flooded with wetness.

Pushing on my face, I knew to stop. She rose, standing up in front of what looked like twenty people.

Lifting up her sunglasses, she fixed a look at me and winked. This was intense and as Brigitte straddled me, all of my focus centred on her. The audience could watch, yet all of my attention was devoted to her.

Reaching between her legs, she took me in hand. I could see the silhouette of my cock between her spread thighs. Hovering over me, she rubbed my erection slowly up and down her slit. Gratuitous and brazen, it was purely for our audience. The sensation tortured me and made me gasp out loud. Each time I felt the entrance of her sex, she took it away.

With a flash of her brilliant white teeth, she smiled widely.

“Tell me to fuck you in front of all of these people.”

“Fuck me Brigitte, ride the fuck out of my cock.”

Her mouth opened a little as the head of my cock invaded her entrance. My own groans mixed loudly with hers.

“Fuck Jack! You are so strong now.”

“Oh God!”

“Let’s give them a show.”

Leaning on one knee, she fed it inside her. Dipping down once then twice, it slid deeper into her soaking hot sex. Sat squarely on me, she took me fully and began to grind her clit on my pubic bone.

She leant forwards bracing herself against me with her arse pushed upwards. Slightly crouched over me, her pace was slow and deliberate. I tensed my prone body to match hers with a slow symbiotic thrusts.

“Feel good Jack?”

I nodded feverishly. Wiggling her hips, her sex circled my groin. It was slow and mischievous designed to stop me in my tracks. Its subtle pleasure was for show, she wanted to direct the pace.

“I know you won’t last long. Don’t worry, it’s the first of many times today.”

She leant over, feeding one of her hard nipples into my mouth. Sucking and flicking at it hungrily, I couldn’t care less.

She knew it and sat squarely on top of me. Slowly she leant forward and let me buck my cock into her. The sensual roll of her hips kept me from taking her too quickly, her soft gasps kept time as we built a steady rhythm. The throbbing dull ache in my loins was too powerful to resist.

“Jack? Are there lots of people watching?”

“Fuck yes, lots. I’m not counting. Oh fuck!”


Lifting one leg she swivelled slowly on me still impaled on my cock.

“Bend your legs for me.”

She clasped my knees to brace herself. Leaning forward, now I had the view of her sex being filled. The sight of her fucking me made my body crackle with sexual energy. The compulsion to push back was too strong to resist as our pace quickened.

I imagined how it looked to them, the hang of her breasts swaying as she mashed her hips against me.

The couple next to us were fucking too, lying in spoons with her legs open. Some of the guys were brandishing their hard cocks openly stroking them. Clearly Brigitte was enjoying the view, it seemed to invigorate her.

She sat up, leaving my cock bolt upright between my legs. Crouched over me, she fed it back into her and gasped. Leaning back, she sank down and then rose over my full length. With the spring in her thighs, she dropped harder onto my cock.

Riding me in reverse, I bucked harder to match her pace. For our audience, it was a full frontal display of her body with her sex being cleaved by my full length.

Now she was still, I did not waste the opportunity. Pistoning my cock from my hips into her, she groaned louder. Fucking her with all my strength, her body began to shake. Everything around us seemed to disappear, the addictive wet heat around my hard length was all that mattered.

Her appreciative groans grew were louder, she was pushing back matching the tempo. I knew she could feel it, the strength in my cock was at its zenith. Matching my pace, I knew she wanted to tip me over the edge.

“Brigitte, I’m gonna cum.”

Lifting off me a little, she took me in hand. With a flourish of her wrist and a deep grunt of relief, my muscles propelled my load from me. Groaning hard with each vicious spasm, another sound mingled into it.

Applause, a steady crackle of applause.

Not that I cared, my body was wracked in convulsions. She was draining my load with her deft touch and I had no idea how much I’d cum. My cock was still twitching hard as the applause petered out.

Dismounted and kneeling before me, speckles of white pearly cum adorned her stomach. Long ropes streaked up the length of her body to her breasts.

Brigitte giggled, “Mmm, Jack. It’s all over my belly and tits. You shot so big.”

As the last vestiges of my climax eased, I wanted to thank them for being such a considerate audience as they melted away. Bathed in a deep sense of relief, I chuckled to myself at the incongruous politeness of the crowd.


Swimming a little and enjoying the warm sea; Brigitte had gone back to our place on the beach. I could make out that the couple that had been fucking were leaving. It looked as if there was a brief exchange of words and I watched as they walked up to the dunes.

Letting the warm breeze dry the water off my body, Brigitte continued to act if what we did was completely ordinary. I found it exhilarating and immensely exciting and I wasn’t sure how behave. Torn between telling her how fantastic it was or to play it cool, I opted to pretend it happened all the time. I couldn’t put my finger on it but Brigitte seemed a little preoccupied.

Approaching late afternoon, my thoughts turned to something to eat. To gauge her mood, I offered take her to a local bistro in the neighbouring village. I suggested we cleaned ourselves up and made a little effort. I went as far as to call it a romantic meal for two. She was delighted and I dismissed my earlier concerns.

Gathering our things, Brigitte took my hand and squeezed it. She pressed a soft kiss onto my lips as we started to walk back to the van.

“Thank you Jack.”

“What for Brigitte?”

She looked at me and smiled, “You indulged my fantasy without complaint and you were not a, erm, prude?”

So she was appreciative after all.

I laughed partly in relief, “Well, it was going to happen wasn’t it? You knew my dirty little secret. I really enjoyed fucking you like that.”

She beamed, “You make a great fucktoy.”

“Thanks, erm, I think.”

She pulled my hand to stop me and placed another soft kiss on my lips.

“Erm, everything Okay?”

“Yes, Jack, everything is perfect.”

It had been a great afternoon, every second had been vivid and new. It would be an unforgettable memory that time would never fade.

So pleasant was the laid-back and nonchalant sexual vibe, I even looked at the van in a new light.

The van must have felt my new admiration for it too. It drove like a dream and before long we were out of the village and onto the open road.

Despite only wearing a cotton t-shirt and some shorts, I felt peeved and oddly constrained.

I made the turn back onto the narrow country road that led to the Château.

Brigitte looked at me and I glanced back.

She had a quizzical look in her eyes, “You okay Jack?”

“Dunno, not sure I like having clothes on again.”

“Well, we’ll have to go there again.”

I raised my eyebrows and flicked the van into another gear, “Mmm, I’d like that. Have you any other fantasies you want to share?”

Brigitte paused and for so long, I looked at her again.

“A few.”

“A few? Wow.”

“Not sure if I should tell you.”

I paused for a while and the smile on my face made her laugh.

“Okay you dirty boy, would you like to know what the woman said to me? She spoke to me when you were swimming.”

“The woman who got fucked as she watched us?”

“Yeah, you want to know what she said?”

“I do, tell me.”

Brigitte paused again.

I felt like a naïve teenager on tenterhooks, “Tell me. I think I’ve earned your trust now that I am a bona-fide exhibitionist.”

“Okay. She wanted to know if we would join them for some fun at their apartment tonight. She wanted to eat my pussy and for you to fuck her, he wanted to fuck me too. She gave me their phone number.”

“Oh, and you were cool with that or not?”

“Yes, I was cool with that. I liked the idea a lot but I didn’t know what your reaction would be. I let her down gently, it was very tempting. They were hot and I know you liked her. I wanted her too.”

I nearly lost control of the van. Every single pornographic fantasy I ever had rattled through my fast fusing brain. I had to double check, I was sure I wasn’t paying attention.

“You wanted her too?”

Her hand was on my groin, “Yes, I wanted them both, I wanted you all to fuck me.”

I hit the brakes of the van, they weren’t that strong but enough to bring us to a stop quickly.

“Get out of the van.”

We’d thrown off our clothes in a frenzy and created a trail of garments to the flattened green stalks of wheat where we lay.

Under the bright blue sky and on her back with her legs spread wide; I skewered her easily. Taking her breath away with one hard thrust, we were fucking with abandon. It was direct, minimalist and animal. Writhing against me, she pressed hard with her heels against the backs of my thighs.

“Is that what you’d like? Fucked like this with his cock in your mouth.”

Brigitte shuddered with a groan, “Yes, yes. I want it doggy-style being fucked at both ends.”

I slammed into her harder, she mashed her hips against me with each thrust. Her hands clasped my arse as she demanded more urgency. Such was the power of each thrust, her breasts shook hard. I buried my face into one, nibbling and sucking on her hard nipple.

Caught up in the moment, she took her confessional impaled on my cock.

“I want her mouth on my cunt Jack. Soixante-neuf, eating each other as you fuck us both. Then making us suck our juices off your hard cocks.”

Her body was livid with a rash across her torso. Her grasp on my cock tightened, she writhed against me closing in on her climax.

“And then you swap over. Jack, I want to watch you fuck her while he pounds me with his cock.”

“Fuck Brigitte, you dirty bitch!”

She shuddered a little harder, “Am I your slut? Call me your dirty slut.”

“You’re my dirty slut, Brigitte. A filthy dirty slut.”

With a deep groan, she wettened almost instantly. A broiling heat coated my cock as I piled into her hard. An explosion of torrid lust that we’d tried to contain ever since we fucked on the beach.

Now I understood why she had been so reserved afterwards.

“Jack, I wanted her cunt and his cock. I wanted you both to fuck me hard and make me cum in front of them. I wanted her to eat my freshly fucked pussy and cum on her face.”

Tightening around me, I pressed on with more urgency. She snatched deep breaths of air as our bodies flailed together. Mashing our bodies together in our quest for gratification, the revelation of her desires spurring us on.

“I want that too Brigitte. I want to see you sucking both of our cocks, getting us hard and then fucking us. Her wet cunt on your face as we fuck your slutty holes. I want to see your breasts covered with spunk as she finishes us off.”

“Yes, yes… both of you at the same time, in my arse and cunt. Then lying there taking your spunk on my body. I want her to lick it off and share it with me.”

Her muscles had lost their elasticity as she pressed her sex strongly against my own. Tightened fully, tiny tremors rose from her legs and began to escalate. Building in intensity into her sex and hips, she dug her nails into my upper arms.

“I want you to fuck his girlfriend Jack, fuck her hard as I watch.”

She paused as she gulped hard for air.

“Jack, I want to see her face as she cums on your cock.”

Tearing at my body with a sinewy violence, I had to use my full weight to hold her down. Shuddering hard, her tight muscles trapped my cock with powerful clenching spasms.

Filling the still air with louder and louder sobs, she came hard. Her body shuddering violently as it ripped through her.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…….”

The hard intensity of her climax took time to peter out. I had to slow down, I was so close too. With my rigid length clamped hard in her scorching wet sex, I fought hard to hold it back.

She pushed against me with her hands, “Brigitte?”

“Stand up!”

Bewildered I did as I was told, she rose to her knees and took hold of my cock.

“In here, you finish in here.”

Placing my cock between her breasts, she pressed them around my cock. Slick with her juices, I thrusted up and down between the springy soft flesh. Bending her neck, she sucked the tip of my cock on the upswing. It was debauched and frenzied, propelled rapidly towards my inevitable release.

“Oh fuck I’m so close.”

Holding me firmly, she took as much as she could in her mouth. With a twisting action of her wrist on my girth, she looked into my eyes. I couldn’t hold out, I didn’t want this to end. Brigitte was too good and I was too far gone.

Incredulous, I stammered fighting for words from my frazzled mind, “In there?”

Slapping my cock against her cheek, “Cum in my mouth, make me your whore.”

She pulled at my hips to fuck her mouth. Squeezing slowly and massaging my balls, my legs could barely hold me up. My head swimming, I watched as she wrapped her lips around the base of my cock.


Without hands, she sucked my climax out of me. Each convulsion pressed hard against the velvet soft of her mouth. With sharp rasps of air, she was swallowing it all, looking me in the eyes as she took every drop.


In the days and nights that followed, we were unquenchable. That one day on the beach ignited a ferocious passion that consumed us both. It was brutish and dirty yet loving and tender. We expended every scrap of strength to explore the mores of our sexual desires.

Each time we did, it was never awkward, never synthetic or induced. Each time created a deeper understanding, a deeper sense of empathy and happiness.

In her room, my ribcage rose and fell for air as I slumped into the bed. We were spent once more.

Her head on my chest in a cosy embrace, her fingertips caressed my torso. The room was still once more as we enjoyed the quiet.



“I chose you for this.”

“Huh, sorry?”

“When I heard Elise talking about what you had done on the phone.”

“Well, I’m glad you did.”

“You aren’t cross? You don’t think I am taking advantage of you?”

I squeezed her in reassurance, “No! What makes you think that?”

“No reason, I wanted to tell the truth. I don’t want you to feel trapped. I want you to want this.”

“Brigitte, I do, can’t you tell?”

She snorted a little, “When I knew you were coming here, I was hoping you were good looking and not a pig.”

“Oink, Oink.”

Brigitte laughed, “You are good looking but I made you approach me.”

“Oh I see, enjoy it did you?”

“Yes, it was so awkward. It made me so wet that you wanted me that much. You were shy though, I found it hard to believe that that you got caught fucking in a car.”

“That’s because you are so beautiful, I’m playing out of league here.”

She kissed my cheek, “No, you are not. You like the same things as me and you are honest. This is a rare quality. I find it so hard to remember you are young because you have a wise soul.”

“Well, thank you for telling me. I’m flattered you care so much. Being honest, I could really fall for you.”

With another kiss, she whispered into my ear, “Then fall for me… I have fallen for you.”

Brigitte was right, it was better when we were not so self-conscious.

If this was what a new life could feel like, remote and away from home.

I did not want this to end.

Same as

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-Maria- I felt hollowed out. As if someone had reached into me and pulled out all my insides. My muscles were too sore to even think about, let alone move. I could feel the soft silk sheets under me, and the satin pillow that I rested my head on. I cracked my eyes open. The fire had gone out, but the room wasn't cold. Devnik wasn't here. That made me sad. I shook my head violently, trying to clear the unwanted demon from my mind. The shaking reminded me of how sore I was. I...

2 years ago
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Billy Oldhams WarChapter 3

The loot consisted of three pocket watches of uncertain value, two bowie knives, two clasp knives, one small club, two Colt Navy revolvers, and $138 in gold and silver coins. Both men already had watches and bowie knives, so they went into the pile of stuff to be sold. Each took a clasp knife, and Bob took the small club. Each man took a revolver, and Bob tossed his two pistols into the pile to be sold. They divided the money in half and found that they'd had a very profitable night. Billy...

3 years ago
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Slavegirl Island Epilog

Patina GomezAs Jason Belmont had left Bianca's Island, I thought it was rather fortunate I came across the Overseer named Tariq at the side of the swimming pool. He was lying there bollock naked and displaying just about the biggest cock I had ever seen. Frankly, it both scared and excited me. I wondered what it did for the young slave-girls he trained!We had a chat and I suggested he come up to my apartment shortly. He seemed to like the idea. So we made an assignment one mid-afternoon.As I...

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Chevy in the Barn

Once there was a traveling sales man named John, selling his wares on the back roads of Iowa. One evening, he was lost, driving down a deserted country road. When he hit a pothole in the night, it threw him across the ditch and into a tree. John got out of the car, he wasn't hurt but the car wasn't going anywhere. He looked up and down the road. No one would be traveling these roads this late at night he thought. So he picked a direction and started walking. As John walked in the dark, he could...

2 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 18 Silly Old Blanke Schande

Once Tom had gotten over the disappointment of messing up his final shot at sinking the eight ball and had relaxed a bit before his two new friends - if he could call them that yet - he led them over to some lounging chairs and beckoned them to sit down. Tom then went over to the soda machine in the other corner of the rec-room and brought back three cans of drink. He then sat his naked body down opposite these two sisters and waited for them to explain. “Well,” Belinda began after popping...

3 years ago
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Prodigious CollectionChapter 13

Day 4 4 Section 51 -- Ryan's complaint "Look what the cat dragged in!" laughed Nicole as Ryan joined them in the kitchen. Katie, Jennifer and the two toddlers were right behind. "Looks like you had a tough night!" Ryan made a beeline for the coffee. "You wouldn't believe," he sighed as he poured three cups. Katie kept her head down while she got Alex into his high chair. Jennifer at least was laughing. "Mom, Dad, can we be part of your joint household?" asked Ryan. "What's...

4 years ago
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Maxs Nightmare

It is snowing, you are wearing a Santa Suit. Written across the bag slung over your shoulder is the message “Clean up the Streets!” You walk along the street, searching for people to bestow your kindness upon. You smile to yourself, thinking how grateful they will be. Ahead you see a small child, barefoot, wearing shorts and a torn shirt, playing in the snow. You move quickly to the child, pulling a package out of the bag, handing it to him. You smile as you watch him open the brand new set...

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Azur Lane Beach Festival

The cawing of seagulls. The soft lapping of ocean waves as the tide casually rises and falls. A gentle breeze calmly blowing through the air. The light of the sun shining bright on this hot summer day illuminating the beach. On this particular day there on the sand gathered a crowd of ship girls and other on lookers. Why where they gathered here on the beach? Well they were all gathered around a swiftly built stage made out of recycled ship parts. A lone figure sat upon a makeshift throne in...

3 years ago
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Trophy wife

A story I wrote on another site:Trophy Wife My husband is a successful business man that is working more on his career than his wife. But he loves to use my olive Asian body as arm candy that he loves to show off at his business parties. My 34a breasts don't need a bra and wearing a thong, there are no visible lines under my tight black dresses. Prior to one of his parties I received a peculiar email: "I know your neglected. I see it in your eyes. I want to take that neglect and make it lust. I...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 633

Ship’s Training Mission for the Miadax Crew ...”Suggestions, Sir?” “Yeah. You need a haircut,” the Captain said before turning and walking away. “Uh, Sir,” the First called after him. “Please do not answer any communications from the Alliance. They think you are in stasis.” The Captain just waved his hand a little and continued on his way. “Do I have any messages from the planet?” the First Officer asked the ship’s AI. “Yes, First. A dispatch came in addressed to you with a lengthy...

2 years ago
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I Love You Mommy

I popped a boner as my step-mom rushed through the kitchen, her heels clicking on the tile floor. She looked fabulous. Cantaloupe-size tits. Tight ass. Black mascara. A little blush on the cheeks. Not bad, for a 40 year old redhead with two biological c***dren and a step son.My dad was honking the horn, and she was running late as usual. Her tits bounced joyously inside her tight black evening dress until she stopped in front of a wall mirror to check her make-up. She reached into her purse for...

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Dost Ki Maa Ko Choda 8211 Part 1Shimla Jaate Hue

Main Lucky hun,19 saal ka Delhi se. Ye kahani hai Smita aunty ki, mere dost Aman ki mummy. Woh Bahut hi sexy hain. Unki Figure 36-32-34 hai. Jab woh saree mein aati hain toh unki gaand aur pallu se belly aur cleavage dekh ke buddhon tak ka khada ho jaye. Khair ab story pe ata hun. Main, Aman aur Smita aunty ne iss summer Shimla jaane ka plan banaya. Hum Delhi se Bolero book kar ke nikle. Main aur Aman shorts aur tees mein. Humne saaman gaadi mein load kiya. Aman aage baith gaya aur main aur...

2 years ago
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The Sun I Cant See CH 02

"The time is 7:43 am."My little talking watch told me that it was acceptable to wake him up."Morning, Miles.""Heeey, rubber girl."I slid my arms around his torso to hug him tightly. I still couldn't believe this happened. After a false start in the park, I invited this guy over for a simple dinner then ended up wearing my full latex suit and making love to him. The best thing about all of this, he was still here."Thanks for cooking last night, I couldn't feel anything through those rubber...

1 year ago
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A Time For Fun Part One

A Time For Fun "So what your saying is that we are not really sitting here" Tim joked and took a swig of his beer. Dennis rolled his eyes as he rolled another joint. This was taking a while. The latest score was mostly twigs and stems. Dennis was able to get a couple of decent joints and he was convinced that this would be the last one for the night unless they got more. That was not likely. This campus was dryer than the Mojave Desert when it came to scoring marijuana. "I...

4 years ago
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Hidden Aunt Sex

Hi, I don’t want to waste any time like others by describing my prick size and muscularity and well I am only an average man. So here is the event or its still happening. It was holidays again I was all alone at home. Guys you know how it’s like to be alone at a home. So here is what I usually do surf internet so to say watch porn. I was left ‘high’ after watching this kind of stuff. Now something to say about my room and my room was upstairs. I keep my computer near windows for obvious reason...

2 years ago
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Work In ProgressPart 6

Thoughts tumble through her mind. "Am I supposed to cry out? Am I supposed to beg to stop? Why am I having to go through this? Does Stephen still love me? Did he love me at all? Why cant I--" Seth was jerking her up by her collar. Her knees were still weak. She barely had time to compose herself, to calm herself down. Seth took her collar off, tossing it aside. He pushed her to her knees, pushing her face down. He pulled her hair up, clasping a posture collar around her neck. With this...

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Andreas DilemmaChapter 3

I told my father about meeting Collins that same night, but I was careful in how I mentioned it. “Dad, I met someone you went to high school today, and he asked me to tell you hello,” I said as we sat at the table during dinner. Dad looked up and arched his eyebrows questioningly. “I ran into my study partner from the ethics class at lunch. He was with his boss, Calvin Collins. Mr. Collins asked if I was related to you and when I said yes, he mentioned you two went to high school...

3 years ago
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Husbands Awakening

Many thanks to Jedbeaker for editing this story. A marriage might be a fragile thing in that it usually takes many years to make it work but only minutes or hours of talking to crush. Like many other Scandinavian families my wife, Johanna, our 7 year old son, Ken, 5 year old daughter, Moa and me, Glen Andersson, had a pleasant family night one recent Friday. Johanna had phoned me at work earlier that day and said that she was taking some vacation that afternoon to do some shopping. So she'd...

3 years ago
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Transformation Rock The Ice Princess

A cool breeze floated through the air, relaxing everyone it touched amidst the spring's heat. A brook babbled nearby, as the water slowly caressed the rocks contained within its bed. The whole stream was surrounded by shade provided by dense foliage of the oak trees that lined it. It was a serene spot, which brought Sean here this day, and many days before it. His dark hair was shuffled by the breeze, and he ran a hand through it, attempting to adjust it, but failing. Sean possessed...

2 years ago
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Welcome To The neighborhood Part 4

For the next seven days, Syd and I would come home from work, eat dinner, and play. We would help each other oil up and insert the butt plugs and spend the evening edging each other. Edging, but not cumming. By Saturday evening we were so ready. Syd wore a knee length silk dress in red with a plunging neckline. Underneath she had on a shelf bra that allowed her puffy nipples to indent the fabric. She had even gone out to buy a whorish looking pair of red fishnet stockings, a garter belt and a...

Group Sex
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Pahtan boos ne mom ko jam ki cohda3

Hi gayes i m asim . Apka dost yakeenan mere 2nt stories bhi apko pasand aye ho gee . Aj me app ko apni 3rd rayal sachi stroy sonane jaraha ho . Gayes app logg to mere baree me jantee hi hi .pihr bhi me dobara apna intro… Karwadeta ho apni nwe dostoo ki liyee . I m asim 23 m karachi i m mahjir urdu speek . Me jis office me job karta ho waha saree panjabi pahtan mard hi are 3 fimails hotee hi jo 3no mahjir hi hotee hi . Wese mere gahnd bhi 1st timi mere pahtan boos ni hi maree thi bohad maza aya...

3 years ago
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Whos The Boss Part 2

We showered together and climbed into bed for some much-needed rest. Nikki slept between me and Ben so that she could touch us both while we slept. There was some idle caressing and kissing, but we were all too tired to last for long, and soon we slept the sleep of the happily exhausted.I’m generally a heavy sleeper, but I awoke before the others the next morning, around 8:30. I smiled sleepily as I contemplated my lovers, then I headed for the bathroom. Upon my return, they had spread out to...

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His Halloween TrickChapter 8

Soon we all piled into our cars. Eun was going with Karen. Ms. Bonner was driving with Sarah, while Kim took a seat next to me. The women had loaded the cars and once everything - including Mrs. Jones - was packed, they had made sure that the way was clear for me to leave the apartment. Once we were safely on our way Kim turned to me. "I'm really sorry that I didn't warn you what might happen. I can only say that we didn't quite know it ourselves until we read some of Lil's...

4 years ago
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Udays Toy ft Anna KournikovaChapter 8 A Princes Passion For Purity

Entered 'Quam.' Anna had already met a diverse supporting cast thus far, but still Quam's appearance surprised her. He was not quite as strong-looking as most of the others. In fact, Anna caught herself thinking that he almost had female features. He was of slender build, about as tall as her, and had a somewhat Indian look about him, with his dark brown skin and raven-black hair and eyes. Especially his hands were the exact opposite of Tarek's: his fingers were long and looked frail and...

2 years ago
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Girl Next Door Chapter one Through my window

Her name was Katie Lortan and I fell in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her beautiful sea green eyes, her long straight brown hair, and her perky breasts that were always seeming to draw my attention. Watching her wearing tight leggings and tank tops, showing off her cleavage, and even the quick looks at her tits could not have prepared me for this. I was sitting on my bed writing about the last day of my Junior year, my completely pathetic spree of girlfriends and my failed attempts at...

3 years ago
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Carolines Party Part 1

“You definitely want to do this do you?” Asked Caroline. “Oh yes please Caroline. I feel it will be a big step forward in my development as a true, complete sissy bitch.”“OK then. Get yourself ready, as we discussed and I’ll pick you up at 6 o’clock. You will need to look really good for this. I have some important clients who will be there and they like to see their special gurls looking the part. You will need to be looking the total slut, they really enjoy that. There will be 4 other gurls...

3 years ago
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My Open Minded Sister 8211 Part 2

Continuation of my previous sex story, “My open minded sister – part 1”, the incidents between me and my sister and my family. Even though my mother gave birth to me, it was my sister who grew me up and taught each and everything in my life.She teaches the essentials of the life and everything. I love my sister. Hi all readers , thanks for your response on my own story “My open minded sister-part -1”, I got lot of mails and compliments on that. That is not a sex story, it’s true incidents with...

1 year ago
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PornDudeCasting Jackie Hoff 03262022

Jackie Hoff showed up on the PornDudeCasting couch wearing a busted pair of glasses, a result of all the wild fucking she’s been doing lately. She’s been getting banged on camera for about a year now, having made her way from pre-med school to modeling and now this. “I like the adult industry better,” the sexy cutie told me, “so I’m here to stay.” Jackie described her entry into the industry and traced her obsession to its roots, explaining, “I’d watch animated stuff. I’d watch group stuff. I’d...


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