Poor little Superman
- 3 years ago
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Just for some context, this story was inspired by the article of the same name, written by a friend of mine.
But I should note: any similarities to any persons living or dead is purely a coincidence.
Would I lie?
God Hates…. Superman?
A story of Sean Ryan.
Security specialist Sean Aloysius Patricus Ryan did not like working science fiction conventions. There were too many places to hide real weaponry under fake weapons. While plastic ties were useful, anyone who had come prepared for mischief could bring a proper pair of cutters, untie their weapon in a bathroom, and be ready for havoc.
Not to mention that dealing with the convention and the con-goers was akin to herding cats. The convention centers were typically so crowded, he was certain that fire safety laws were perilously close to being violated. And reporting a crime was tough when the only description you can get was ‘He was tall, wore a black helmet, cape, and he breathed funny.’
And then there were days like this.
Electric blue eyes flicked out over the crowd outside the convention center, and Ryan sighed. ‘I know California is where all the celebrities are, but I hate this damn state. The land of fruits and nuts.’
‘They’re not from around here,’ rumbled the voice of Edward over his shoulder.
Ryan looked away from the window and glanced at his partner in crime. Edward ‘Call me Eddie and you die,’ Murphy was two meters tall, and one wide, a shade of skin that was the opposite end of the spectrum from Ryan’s pale white—Edward liked to say that he was Black Irish.
‘I’ve considered automatic gunfire,’ Edward said, ‘but that doesn’t look good in headlines.’
Ryan pointed at the crowd and their ‘God hates Fags’ signs. ‘I don’t think that does either.’
‘An appellate court said that they had the right to say whatever they like.’
‘I’ll go outside an abortion clinic with a sign that says ‘Jesus loves babies’ and see if they say the same thing,’ Ryan muttered.
‘Sean,’ his colleague said, ‘you’ve laid waste to more property than some earthquakes. I’m surprised you don’t have a restraining order filed against you by most major cities.’
‘Granted … though are you sure that Paris will let me back in after the last time?’
Edward paused for a moment, uncertain about how to answer that. One the one hand, there was nothing official. One the other hand, there was an offhand mention of shoot-to-kill orders.
Sean waved at the gathering outside. ‘What do you know about this group and the loser who leads them?’
‘From the midwest,’ he began, ‘and the loser runs the same protests at military funerals. A father filed against his sorry ass for showing up at his son’s military funeral. The court basically said that the signs had words, therefore it was covered under freedom of speech.’
Ryan blinked. ‘I suppose I could go out there and say I’m going to kill each and every one of them—that’s covered by freedom of speech too, right?’ He sighed, and rolled his eyes. ‘Anything else?’
‘Nothing important. Disbarred in 1977. Now a Midwest minister who runs his own church who wants to spread ‘God’s hate’. The church hates Catholics, Jews, gays, the country—’
‘Anyone who isn’t them,’ Ryan finished, ‘got it.’
‘—and Sweden,’ Edward finished.
Ryan gave him a glance. ‘Seriously? He has too much time on his hands.’
‘He’s run for office several times as a Democrat—’
‘Another reason to vote anarchist.’
‘Hey,’ Edward laughed, ‘Robert Byrd was a Democrat, and a Klansman. If the white hood fits—’
Ryan rolled his eyes. ‘So, that’s it?’
‘Well, he hates the country because it tolerates gays—’
‘I’m Catholic. I tolerate gays insomuch as they don’t hit on me too often.’
Edward arched a brow. ‘That’s a problem for you?’ he asked dryly.
‘You’d be surprised….’ Ryan frowned thoughtfully, staring back out the window at the crowd of protestors. ‘Okay, so America tolerates gays, military people protect the country which protects gays … he protests at the funerals. Okay, fine, this idiot can move to Afghanistan. He shows up at a convention…. why?’
Edward sighed. ‘That’s the problem. It’s not just military funerals. Random high schools, celebrity deaths, the San Francisco office of Twitter—’
Ryan laughed. ‘He has signs about hating gays, and made it out of San Francisco alive? I’m shocked.’
‘I don’t think he went through Castro.’
Ryan nodded sagely. ‘Got it. So, that’s it?’
‘Well, he says that the conventions are for idol worshippers—’
Ryan laughed. ‘And this moron thought, what? ‘I’m going to stand outside and yell, hoping to get attention amid superheroes, aliens, and a menagerie out of a science fiction encyclopedia’?’
Edward shrugged. ‘I try not to read the minds of people crazier than I am. This includes you.’
Ryan smiled. ‘Gotcha.’ He looked over his shoulder at Edward. ‘Remember that creationist museum?’
Edward rolled his eyes. ‘You mean the one with a Garden of Eden setting … with a Velociraptor off to the side? I wish I could forget. Why?’
‘I never felt the need to disavow every single stupid thing a Christian group has ever done. After all, I’m Catholic, so most Christian denominations, have already disavowed me. So when other folks in other Christian groups do something stupid, I generally don’t care.’ He nodded outside. ‘This guy, though, is pissing me off. He’s a failed politician, failed lawyer, all around failed human being.’
‘Oh, he’s just another ‘Christian’ moron—’
Ryan shook his head. ‘This idiot isn’t a Christian. He actually belongs to no organized religion that I have ever heard of. ‘God’s hate’ my ass. While God’s somewhat cranky in the Torah, it’s a matter of ‘Screw With My People, I Will End You.’ Hate is never stressed as a key component of any modern faith I know of, the others were wiped out centuries ago.
‘You know what he does remind me of? Well, if ‘God hates’ everyone who isn’t part of his little band of twits … I suspect that if there’s a headline media story, this moron will chase it, and park his people in front of it, lodging a protest, because God suddenly ‘hates’ everyone involved. But only after it becomes front page news. So, if you take any attention away from this idiot, God hates you.
‘No. When you consider that a Christian is defined as someone who follows the principles of Jesus Christ, this jerkoff is not a Christian. At no point did Christ mention anything about ‘God hates [this large body of people].’ In fact, He generally preferred using examples of social outcasts who acted as better models of proper behavior than the high priests. There’s a good reason why the Catholic Church has never declared that any individual person has gone to Hell—the Vatican condemns certain behaviors, not certain people. It has never tried to take on the moral authority assumed by Dante.
‘Taken together: he has a small, insular body of people who clearly demonstrate an attitude that it is ‘us’ versus ‘them.’ In this case, ‘them’ is ‘the world.’ Also, this guy … let’s call him Mr. Felps, is using the Gospel according to … Felps. Not to mention that Felps is very interested in having the cameras on him at all times. It seems that the most dangerous place in America to be is between Felps a microphone. A narcissist with delusions of godhood … there’s a term for that, isn’t there? Let me think about that a moment. Wait, it’s coming to me … it’s coming to me … Yes, I have it. I think the term I want is ‘cult leader.’ And ‘attention-seeking media whore.’ ‘
‘Well,’ Edward said, ‘He has been put on the hit list of the Anti-Defamation League, gay rights groups, and Ann Coulter… I bet you’d never see those all on the same side, did you?’ He looked past Sean at the street. ‘What do you want to do about them?’
Felps is here, so we must have cameras down there, right?’
‘Of course. Why?’
‘I think it’s time that Mr. Felps gets a little bad press.’ Ryan shrugged. ‘You know how I like to have evidence that shows the other guy threw first.’
‘You think we need to move them?’
Ryan frowned. The line to get into the convention was hemmed in by a small legion of stormtroopers—all of them volunteers from the 501st Vader’s Fist regiment, and most of them were ex-marines, retired cops, the sort of people you wanted between you and a horde of fanatics. ‘I dislike kegs of gunpowder just lying around. Consider how many G8 summits have had a riot.’
Edward chuckled. ‘You mean all of them?’
Ryan nodded. ‘If not all, then darn near. I’d rather not have these idiots catch us flatfooted, or decide that they’re going to throw a temper tantrum in order to get a few extra news crews down here.’
‘A tantrum defined as…?’
‘Provoking a few Cos-players into beating them down, starting a riot, that sort of thing.’
‘We’ve come close already,’ Edward told him. ‘There were complaints.’
‘Oh?’ Ryan asked, still looking out the window.
‘Some people claimed they were assaults by ‘the freaks.’ ‘
‘Really? Who?’
‘Couldn’t say, they were all wearing matching stormtrooper armor.’
Ryan shook his head. ‘Sounds like bull to me. Conventions are surprisingly orderly. Unlike soccer games, there are few major outbreaks of violence. None, to my knowledge. I like to think it’s my job to prevent such things. Besides, our stormtroopers would have broken their jaws.’
‘And you want to—’
Ryan turned and gave Edward a large, slightly insane grin, one that made the eyes sparkle like Tesla coils. ‘How do bomb squads defuse bombs after they’re safe to move?’
Edward nodded. ‘They detonate the explosives. Got it. So, you have a plan in mind?’
He smiled. ‘Oh, I’m just going to talk to him.’
‘That’ll do it.’
‘And if it doesn’t, well… tell Athena I may need her to go to Plan G20.’
Sean AP Ryan pushed open the doors, and moved towards the crowd of idiots. ‘One of these days,’ he muttered to himself, ‘I’m going to raise the rates on jobs like this.’
Ryan, despite being 5’6′, moved like a man who had taken martial arts all of his life, an image incongruous with the suit and tie he wore—the tie was a clip on so it couldn’t be used to pull him, and the suit covered his gun and his tactical baton. He slipped on sunglasses for a better poker face.
The building was like every other Javits Center, a great big gray slab of concrete that looked like a bunker with windows. The only real art involved in the construction was the multilevel lobby, and perhaps the labyrinthine halls in the lower level.
When Ryan closed on the protestors, he kept a straight face, instead of laughing at all of them—he didn’t want to set them off early. The leader of the group spotted him and thought his intent was harassment, and moved to meet Ryan in the middle. Ryan stopped, waiting for him. When he was certain the minister was close enough to hear him, he said, ‘Good morning, Mr. Felps.’
Blink. ‘What the hell are you talking about? It’s already afternoon, and my name is not—’
Ryan held up his hand and smiled. ‘I just figured that if you’re going to try doing the impossible, you should adopt the name of the leader of the Mission: Impossible task force.’
The protest leader smiled…. it looked like a cross between a smirk and a sneer, the sort you get on bullies who know that they couldn’t be harmed. Ryan knew this type of person, he had to beat up his fair share of them growing up—and no one believed them when they claimed to have been trounced by the smallest person in the class.
‘And what are you going to do, Mister….’
‘Ryan. Sean Ryan. I’m just going to ask that you move your thugs back another, oh, say, hundred feet? You’re blocking the view of the street, and your crowd is rather unsightly.’
There was a snicker, and a long, rambling speech about his first amendment rights, freedom of speech, assembly, the courts had deemed him covered by the constitution, and do-you-know-who-I-am …
Ryan tuned him out, and could probably write him a better speech. In his time in security, Sean had been railed at by experts. Lawyers, political consultants, handlers for celebrities, and practically anyone who could string together a grammatically correct compound, complex sentence had given him a piece of their mind.
Though in this case, he thought, I might tell this guy to hold onto what little of his he has left. He cleared his throat when the minister took a breath and said, ‘Make that a hundred yards.’
‘Didn’t you hear a word I just—’
‘A hundred meters.’
‘Who do you think you—’
‘Okay,’ Ryan sighed, ‘now I just want you to leave the city. This town can’t be a hundred kilometers long.’
There was another snicker. ‘You can’t make us.’
Ryan cocked his head, then pointed down the street at the local police standing guard near one of the exits, and said, ‘No, but they can.’
‘We haven’t done anything that we can be arrested for.’
‘No?’ Ryan caught a bit of reflected movement in the lens of his sunglasses. ‘But look, I wonder what this is.’
He stepped back, and the protestors slowly went silent at the two people who had come out of the main doors. A small crowd had gathered within the convention lobby to look, several of the con goers already giggling.
One was dressed in typical Jedi Knight attire of long brown robes, white karate uniform, and purple light saber. The only object out of place was a placard around the female Jedi’s neck—an 8.5’x11′ sheet that read ‘I [Heart] The Pope,’ with a large silver Star of David pinned to the upper corner. The other carried a sign that looked like it had been stolen from one of the protestors on the street, with the trademark ‘God Hates [fill in the blank],’ and the only thing he wore was a bright lavender bodystocking with great big glittery fairy wings.
Then they started a mock-dual reminiscent of a Richard Lester slapstick routine. The fairy looked more like he was prancing than fighting with his protest sign, and the Jedi took her job of cutting him to ribbons very seriously. The con crowd laughed hysterically—either at the fight or the blank stares of the protestors, no one could be sure.
‘Hey,’ someone called out from the group of protestors, ‘are they calling us fairies?’
A bottle came through the air, shattering on the ground between the protestors and the mock fighters.
Like pebbles starting an avalanche, mob mentalities were easy—it only takes one person to spark the casual simmer of rage and turn it into a full boil of violent action. Immediately after the glass shattered on the ground, there came a rain of water bottles, concrete stones from the pavement, rocks, and signs, accompanied by screams of pure hate.
Sean Ryan was already off to the side, standing next to a line of stormtroopers, who had all taken firing squad positions facing the protestors. When the line of bigots looked like they were ready to charge, Ryan held up a fist—a signal to hold fire. He reached down, grabbed one of the stormtroopers’ weapons, and raised it to his shoulder.
Ryan dropped to one knee, and the stormtroopers followed suit. ‘Aim for the body.’
It was at that point that the minister who led this protest wished he knew slightly more about science fiction. While the guns the stormtroopers held looked like blasters from Star Wars, they were actually H&K G11 submachine gun.
The minister turned to his flock of sheep, but they were already moving on the con goers. The convention attendees stayed inside the hall, and they looked like they were ready to meet the invaders.
Ryan nodded at one person in the crowd as he broke away, and ran towards
the line of stormtroopers. Ryan called out, ‘Hold fire. Wait for the signal!’
The faux protestor made it to the line of stormtroopers and stopped behind them, like he had just reached home plate.
The protestors and the convention goers were only yards apart now.
Sean touched his iPod. The iPod was connected to his radio, so it immediately sent out the tune he picked to the earpieces of all of the stormtroopers.
The tune was John Williams’ Imperial March.
Everyone opened fire.
Rubber bullets hurt. That is a fact of life. And while making the bullets out of rubber limits the odds of penetration into the body, the worst thing that can happen is if someone takes one in the eye, but that is about it. However, shoot someone in the chest or stomach area, the worst that can happen is that will be a lot of pain involved.
Ryan’s first target was the leader, putting three rounds deliberately into his chest. The rest of his minions went down in a hail of rubber.
When all of the noise was over, a kid came out, who couldn’t have been more than eight years old. He was dressed in red and yellow scarf, wire rimmed spectacles, and carried a wand. He walked over to the heavily bruised body of the fallen minister, and shouted ‘Avada Kedavra!’accompanying it with a solid kick between his legs.
As the police hauled the protestors away, Ryan looked at the protestor who ran behind the line of stormtroopers. ‘So, why a bottle?’
Gregory Crawford, one of associates in Sean AP Ryan & Associates, smiled. ‘Well, I figured that the glass wouldn’t penetrate Athena’s Jedi robes, and the other guy was out of reach. And shattering glass is more dramatic than a rock going thud.’
‘True,’ Ryan said with a nod. ‘Terry Pratchett isn’t here, and I think he copywrited Thud! already.’ He looked back to the front of the Javits Center at the Jedi Knight he had sent out to entertain the convention goers, and to provoke the protestors.
Athena Marcowitz was built for her namesake—she was a 6’2′ African-Cuban-Irish-Jewish-Japanese-Chinese-Puerto Rican ex-Secret Service Agent and one of Ryan’s senior associates. Currently, she was with the police, giving them a statement in full, professional, Secret Service standard formality—possibly in triplicate, knowing her. By the time she was done, the police would be bored to death.
Ryan glanced over to the police wagon and smiled as the minister was the last one loaded on board. The police had the option of hauling all of them away in ambulances, but since there weren’t enough EMTs in the area to tend to everyone hit with a rubber bullet, the nearest prison infirmary was going to tend to the minister and his minions.
He put his hand next to his mouth and called out, ‘Hey, Mr. Felps, I guess the secretary will have to disavow all knowledge of your existence.’
The minister turned his head towards Ryan, and winced—apparently, one shouldn’t make too many sharp turns of the head after one has bounced their skull against the concrete.
‘I have to ask,’ Crawford began. ‘Where did you get the idea to provoke the crowd like that?’
‘What? You mean plant someone in the crowd at one end, provoke them at the other? You really should pay attention to how they break up protestors in Iran.’
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I swore I would never drink like that again. My head pounded, and my mouth felt like the whole Viet Cong army had camped in it overnight. I managed to get out of bed after three previously futile attempts. I looked around at my sorry living conditions. An efficiency apartment, the owner had billed it. The space was one large room with a couple of partitions tossed together on either side. One partition hid a kitchen and postage stamp dining area, the other a dressing room, and bath. The center...
Jenny was asleep in another room and the thought of her asleep in that very thin pajamas that I saw her put on after her shower was making my cock even harder and excited so then and there I decided ill go pay her a little visit. I didn’t go with anything in mind really but just wanted to see her body as she slept, we had a very full day before and very eventful night so I figured she would be asleep soundly and as I approached the doorway I could hear light snoring so I knew that she was....
This is the story of my sexlife with my Godmother/cousin. I say godmother/cousin because she is actually both as choosing a relative to be a God parent is common place in the Caribbean. Yes I am from the Caribbean and my name is Kenny, 32 yrs old, I’m 6’2” tall, a well built 250 lbs, educated and better looking than I am not. My god mother’s name is jenny (not real name) and she is 20 yrs older than me and was always a hot natural Caribbean woman about 5’5” light skinned ample 36c boobs, very...
Colonel Redding sat at the security desk, laying back in the chair, eyes darting from t.v to t.v trying to see how on earth Project X escaped. He'd been doing this for over an hour now, ever since at 0100 hours he escaped. At 0300 hours they stopped searching and had resorted to using their satellites, tracking devices and anything else that would aid them in their search for him. He had been furious at the guard for letting him escape and was now hellbent on finding some clue as to to how he...
I work in the head office so the owner of the company also use to visit here to check everything is working fine. The owner is a multimillionaire business tycoon in this country and she is one of the 10 richest persons in this country. I could not get her appointment for 1st 1 week then her PS called me one night and told that she (the boss) wanted me to meet her and inform about the current business status. I was a little bit tensed all through the night and the next morning I got a phone...
"shit not again!" percy said as he looked at his graded paper....it was an F. if he could not pass this Ancient History class then he was Fucking Screwed and would not graduate.He was eighteen he thought himself....he should be able to produce Percy looked at his teacher he saw as he normally did with teachers he hated a slight flicker in the air before him which then fixed itself...his teacher was a largish bald head with very bad breathe...But seemed to be very convincing. it was even said...
You don't remember circumstances you got your power, or received your training with it. There was some lights involved, you think, and a voice mentioning "Hey guys, watch this, it'll be REALLY funny. C'mon, hold my beer." Then you woke up in your bed, understanding your new potential. The first day was small things - adding money to your wallet, cleaning your room in an instant, fixing your car - and from there, you've started playing around with it more and more. Now, though, you were ready...
Mind ControlDean Fawkes was a bit of a loser in high school with no friends and especially no girlfriends. This caused him to drift into an outsider and toughens up to fit what society had deemed him to be. His luck changed one day in his senior year when he was visited by a girl during lunch. Beatrix Winters, a very attractive junior girl, saw the tough unwanted boy and sought to show him love and affection. Their relationship blossomed and remained to this day three years later. But it seemed as though...
Hello dear ISS Reader. I hopes every one of you will be fine. I am From Pakistan and currently reside in the hostel in Sargodha city. My Name is Yourlover (name changed, the purpose u know). My age is 21,average body, height is 5 ft 11 inches and good looking. Now I am doing Bsc from a well known college in Sargodha city. My email id is ”” Everybody is allowed to contact with me. Share your problems with me. May be I am helpful to you, so you are welcome! I am a kind hearted person but sex is...
Amar naam Hobu.Tokhon amar boyosh baro ki tero.Ami ar amar Ma tokhon bhara thaktam Bhalo Didar barite.Bhalo didar ek chele,Goda Kaku.Mayer boyosh tokhon matro 29.Aporup shundor dekhte,golapi gayer rong,patla shorir,tight bhora buk,gol nitol pacha,gaye ekta misti madhurjo ache.Amar Baba chilo ekta matal lompot.Ma ke khub mardhor korto.Ek din Goda Kaku Baba ke dhore besh thengalo are baba shedin raat ei gelo paliye. Bhalo dida ma ke bollo,Sona Ma amar,tomar kono chinta nei.Tumi amar baritei...
Blake Mathers wakes up as his phone pings with a notification. The young man recently turned 18, and in his last year of high school. He has some time before he needs to get ready for school. He stretches his arms as he yawns. Blake rubs his eyes and checks his phone. 'Apps you might like' notification along the top banner of his screen. Blake groans, "Why the Hell would they send something like that this early in the morning?" The dark-haired young man taps the notification. The app store...
BisexualHe’d battled them throughout the swamp, his hammer having little effect. Brute force failed to defeat them. Instead, he looked for other monsters and the dumb swamp slimes would get distracted and engage them instead. Using this method, he made his way through the forest with swamp slimes acting as his unknowing allies. He needed more varied skills. For one, when force failed him, he found himself in a disadvantageous position. Another point he wrote in his notes. They also needed another...
He’d seen twisted trees, sickly grass, and muddy ground ever since leaving the miasma. Checking Axel’s pulse and breath, Rayner saw no improvement in his condition. As he rested among the cursed land, he took out his list. In only a short time it had gotten long and increasingly ambitious. But now he wanted to focus on the basics. The game-like system has several key differences from what he was familiar with back home. A review of what he had learned was in order. Attributes like speed,...
He had to buy it, and Axel thought they should have given it to them for free as a thank you for saving them. Rayner insisted the refugees were not in a position to give anything away for free. Besides, he had checked its authenticity, and it was a good map. “So, what’s the plan?” Rayner said. “I know you have one. You must, because we’re heading off into the countryside on our own. That has not worked out too well in the past.” “You’re the one who signed up for this quest,” Axel said. “I...
They had escaped the forest and now traveled across rolling hills and farmland, looking for civilization. After much discussion they agreed to avoid cities, not wanting to be near the center of events. They still did not know what to do in this world. Yazid wanted them to be a force that did not have any loyalty to the gods, to help people without asking for permission. “Is that smoke?” Rayner said. “Yes, I can smell it from here. Let’s go around it,” Axel said. “There could be people in...
A dozen students were ahead of him and he didn’t feel like wasting the remainder of his lunchtime, opting to grab the tasteless burgers from the shorter line instead. After loading up his tray with food, he looked for his friend Rayner. Axel saw him near the back by the window, chatting with Yazid. He did not want to deal with the eccentric teen. He just wanted to have a peaceful lunch. There was no avoiding it, sitting with anyone else was not an option. It was the price for having such a...
To start this story we have to go a ways back. For a little framework, I was born to an already broken marriage. My father a serial cheater and my mother could never fully let him go. I know they maintained a physical relationship years after the divorce, everyone saw the signs. He had too much charm and equally excessive libido. I guess that is where I get it. I was always told I was just like him. I was great at sports, was a natural leader, good looking, and you guessed it, i did...
In the now crowded brothel, Axel sat with his own full mug of devil’s water, brooding over the events since he was summoned to this world. Almost from the beginning, he and his best friend Rayner had been embroiled in conflict, battling goblins, Inimi soldiers, bandits, and even dragons. All he wanted now was to slip into obscurity and keep a low profile. Too much attention brought the wrong kind of scrutiny. People would start asking dangerous questions about them. Questions they could not...
All Axel knew of the man was that he clashed with Evans who also held the rank of captain. Their roles differed in that Evans patrolled the outside of the city and Kreg patrolled the inside. Evans received greater attention and accolades for his work, spawning jealously from the longtime captain. At the other side of the table the representative of the merchant class, Ivan, poured over a ledger. He would remove his nose from the ledger only to scribble notes. Every so often he would remove...
The town of Ridgehill deserved its name. Ridges surrounded it, providing a suitable defense. The three armies camped outside the town used those Ridges as cover. However, as Vix and his two companions sneaked past the camp and into the town, it was clear their natural defenses bred a lack of security. The town brimmed with activity and desperation. Women haggled with street vendors and the homeless hustled used goods on street corners. It reminded Vix of a poor city instead of town in a...
When Axel exited the cramped tunnel, he found the worshipers already engaged in combat. Rayner, however, was nowhere in sight, meaning he’d gone deeper into the battle to fight more fearsome foes. Axel knew Rayner was alive because of the way the worshipers fought. They were all under the effects of Rayner’s skill, Battle Cry. It meant Rayner was doing his part and Axel had to do his own. Since all the monsters were engaged and Colin and Haro were taking up the task of keeping other enemies...
its been a long time goddess sarita kept me as her slave forcefully she was now sure even if she lets me go it will b hard for me to manage outside.. with 2 years of some workouts I had a toned body workouts were done at home goddess instructed everything.. I had a toned body curvy waist and a lot of legs workout I have a bubblo shaped ass my lower chest is bigger den upper chest its more like man boobs.. I hav a waxed body long sholder length hair no facial hairs .. it looks like a girl and...
it was a long week with mistress sara and goddess sarita came home at a early flight and picked me up on her way home.. goddess was too tired from the long journey she sat on the sofa I was kneeling infront I undo her shoes then had to liks her feet covered in sweat as she was too tired I was told to clean the house and she went off to sleep.. I did as she said cleaned the home made lunch unpacked her luggage and putted the dirty coltes for laundry .. when I was done I was kneeling beside the...
next morning it was all a mess mistress unlocked me I was dehydrated and pale I cleaned up myself it was time for goddess to go to work I preapered breakfast .. goddess finished breakfast and before leaving she told to kneel in doggy style a lubed butt plug was inserted she pumped it till I screamed .. I was commanded to get ready with the cloths on the bed and clean the whole hose and make food as her frnds would be coming over tonight..I went to the bed there was a red bra and red panties it...
I woke up having a nice sleep.. it was 6 am mistress released me from my bed my body hurts from last nights treatment..goddess took the screw off I was allowed to go to toilet and clean my self take my dump while mistress was checking out the news papper .. my back hurts but it was quiet ok compared to the pain last night.. after coming there were clothes on the bed a black bra black panty pantyhose .. upon that it was a skinny jeans and tshirt the tshirt was da only manly thing .. she put a...
mistress came home at evening got freashen up and came to me as there was a lot of water I could not finish all of it few remained may b 1 liter.. I was covered with crystal clear piss and my jaws hurt mistress checked the video released me let me took shower while she obserbed I wasnot allowed to touch my cock and balls after I was clean she made me sit on the toilet shaved my butt hole cock and balls usually she does this and I shave rest of my body I was arosed by her touch she digger her...
before going to sleep mistress tied me to my bed I was spread eagle and on my stomach there was a pillow under my stomach with my ass spread wide . aftr a few hour when I was about to sleep mistress came back with a black medium 8 inch strapon on her she sat between my legs slowly removed the butt plug it was such a relief then she started to figure my hole with two fingures it didn't hurt at first as my ole was a bit loose for the plug.. then she putted her strapon in slowly all da way in I...
It only took a few minutes to walk to the edge of the Fount. Bright energy-laden Ether spurted up like water under high pressure from the rift in the ground in front of him. Jake saw what the others could not: the rift between the planes was only about a eighteen inches across, but the stream was nearly quarter of a mile across itself, and shot nearly ten times as high. Jake marveled at the care that must have gone into constructing such a well of power in the mortal plane. Brent had...
The Goddess' Blessing By Angie "kitn" Hughes Spring equinox had finally arrived, tonight was the night. The moon was nicely full, too, an added bonus. Tracy turned off the monitor on his computer and walked over to his personal altar. All the components for the spell he was researching were gathered and waiting. He looked around his room to be sure everything was in place, his bed neatly made, his clothes clean and put away, his floor clean as he could manage... All of the...
Girl-worship has been my life, from the very first hard-on. Mostly I’d cum thinking about them, using the entries in my little black book recording what they’d worn that day, things they said and did. Occasionally I’d be lucky enough to get ‘lucky views’ as I call them, seeing a bulging jumper or even knickers. It was rare back then that I got the opportunity to spunk seeing them for real, but as I looked out my window every day after school, I was treated once or twice to the joy of seeing one...