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A work of fiction about sex with a stranger and is intended as entertainment. Like all stories I have written every word of it and the images are those found on abandoned on XH.

I didn’t ask her age, perhaps I should have I thought for a brief moment. But my cock was doing the thinking for me as I watched this cute young blond strip out of her skin tight shorts and pulled her top up exposing her shaved pussy and round tits that begged for attention. Her green eyes seemed to look deep into my soul and knew that my arousal was begging to take her right there in my car.

Just 20 minutes before this it was closing time at my local watering hole and a young woman at the end of the bar had been chatting me up most of the night and had me hornier than a ten puckered Billy Goat. But just as I was fantasizing about suggesting we take a ride a guy comes over from the video machines in the back and glares at me. “Got a problem Buddy?” He asked as she pulled her off the bar stool and headed for the door.

I took my last gulp of whiskey, dropped a ten dollar bill in the tip jar, and left the bar wishing I wasn’t such a fool to get horned up over someone’s wife or girlfriend. Why I let any woman get me so horned up was my failing, but this young woman had a way of looking at a guy that just made me think we could get something going. “But what the fuck old man,” I thought to myself as I unlocked my car, “you are 71 and she is, well who fuck knows how old she was.”

I got into the car and decided to take the long way home by staying on the surface streets instead of taking the expressway as I usually did. I wasn’t under the influence but I sure didn’t need any trouble at this time of night with a couple shots of whiskey still on my breath. I circled around the bar leaving the parking lot and switched the radio on to have some noise in the car.

Not more than a half block away from the bar I approached a big box store that had closed much earlier. I saw a car with the hood up under a parking lot light and a person bent over looking into the engine compartment. There wasn’t another vehicle in the lot and from the slender legs poking out of skin tight shorts I knew it was a woman. I pulled in and using the window control rolled the window down on the passenger side and asked, “Got trouble?”

I heard a voice, “Yes, the damn thing won’t turn over. Can you jump me?” Obviously it was a young woman from her voice and she made no attempt to straighten up. There was something familiar about that form lying half under the hood, the tight blue shorts had ridden up between her ass cheeks and her legs begged to be touched by hand or cock.

“Fucking A I would love to jump you,” I thought as the form twisted at the waist and I immediately recognized the young woman from the bar.

“Can you jump me?” she asked again and then, “Hey you are that cool old guy from the bar.”

I had no way to process being called a “cool old guy” by a young woman. I had no problem with being referred to old because I am 71. From my experience anyone past the age of 30 for this younger set was ancient and clueless. In fact I had been made aware of the veiled insult by the millennial crowd of “Ok Boomer.” It seems that for some reason the differences in our minds had produced this instant reaction on both sides of the divide. Boomers didn’t think much of millennials and vice versa.

I looked all around the parking lot and didn’t see the guy that had dragged her out of the bar and asked, “So your guy friend? I don’t need trouble with him.”

“Oh that’s my older brother and he seems to think he is the boss of me. He saw his buddy in this lot with two women in the car and had me pull over. Well when the talk of blow jobs started I came back to my old car and then he took off with his buddy and left me here with the car. He didn’t even wait to see if this old wreck would start again after we had trouble with it at the bar. I have had nothing but trouble with the starter thingy, do you know where it is under here?”

I shut off my car and got out to see what I could do. “What is it doing, or I guess what is it not doing?” I asked her.

“It just sort of rattles when I turn the key.” She said standing up and thrusting her tits out at me. My immediate thought was this movement was meant to be some sort of enticement to help. I needed none, she was out here after 2:00 AM in the dark with a bum car, no one should have that sort of problem. And I knew that like me she had a few whiskeys before leaving the bar and the scent of booze was never a good thing if you were calling for help.

“Get in and turn the key, let me hear the rattle,” I said as I leaned over the hood unable to see a thing in the dark.

I looked back at her as she walked around to get in the car and as she got in her tight little shorts pulled up so tight between her legs I saw a pronounced camel toe and my cock rose to the occasion. She had one foot in the car and the other out and those stretchy thin shorts, almost like tights with no legs, had me thinking of anything but her car. She turned the key and I heard what I immediately knew was a starter drive assembly problem.

“Okay, that’s enough,” I said waving my hand to stop with the key.

“Can you fix it?” she asked still setting in her car with her camel toe prominently displayed by the interior dome lights. “Can you jump me?” She asked again. And just like the first time she said it I imagined having her bent over the hood of her car with my cock shoved deep inside that beautiful camel toe she continued to display so prominently.

“There is no fixing this tonight, not out here.” I said. “It’s not a problem with the battery.”

“Shit,” she said and put her head on the steering wheel, “I am going to be in deep shit. My dad told me not to take it but my lame ass brother insisted and promised we could get us home. I guess him getting a blow job from some skank was more important that keeping his promise.”

She got out of the car and the camel toe vanished from view. “Look,” I said, “you don’t know me so here is what I suggest,” I said keeping a safe distance from her so that she wouldn’t feel like I was coming on to her. “I can call a tow truck for you or….”

“No, no, I can’t do that, my Dad will kill me. Can I beg a favor?” she asked and batted her eye lashes at me and again thrust out her tits under the thin t-shirt. “Can you take me to my friend’s house? I can make it worth your while if it is out of your way.”

I looked around the lot again, “I am not sure what to do,” I said, “after the way your brother acted in the bar I don’t need trouble.” I said knowing I wouldn’t leave her out her alone.

“Can we get in your car and talk about this,” she said, “it is kind of cold out here.”

I opened the passenger door for her and circled around and got in. By the time I got in the car she had turned her back to the door. Her left foot propped up on the seat and the camel toe outline was back in plain view and just inches away from me. My cock took over all rational thought as it throbbed at the sight of her crease showing through the shorts.

The skin tight fabric of her shorts was pulling around the edges of her pussy and made it bulge out as if being squeezed between my fingers and my lust for that cunt drove me to distraction. There was no way to look away from the display in front of me and yet my instinct was to try to ignore it. “This could all be a set up,” I thought, yet my thinking seemed be centered in the tip of my cock that was more than likely a noticeable bulge.

“I guess I could drive you to your friend’s place, but I hope you know that I don’t need trouble. I mean you appear to be a very nice young woman but how do I know you are not setting me up to get beat up by you brother?” I asked figuring I just as well let her know that all her sexuality was not preventing me from have a bit of caution.

“I really need your help,” she said as she gave me that little girl pouty look that woman never forget how to use at the right moment.

“Okay,” I said opening my door, “let me shut your car hood, anything you need out of your car?”

“Just the keys, oh yeah my cell is lying on the seat” she said as I shut my door and went to her car. I shut the hood and looked for her cell phone and grabbed the keys locking the doors. I went back to my car and when I entered the young woman was setting nearly naked in the passenger seat.

She had stripped out of the skin tight shorts and pulled her t-shirt up showing me her beautiful naked form. Her shorts, such as they were, lay on the floor. I didn’t see any panties or thong so suspected she skipped them when getting dressed. My dirty old mind told me that helped show off her crease. “I told I’d make it worth your while Daddy,” she said as she smiled and wigged her hips. She was shaved and her smooth white skin was flawless and begged to be touched. Her tits were round and I could almost feel her nipples between my lips.

“Well uh,” I said not sure what to say, “I didn’t mean that you needed to do this.” I said as my eyes focused on that smooth beautiful pussy that had been a perfect camel toe under her shorts. Now it was soft pink flesh and I could clearly see her clit waiting to be teased.

I looked up and noticed her green eyes as she held her t-shirt in her teeth. She released the shirt half covering her tits and said, “I love older guys they really know how to treat a girl.” She rolled across the seat and pulled her knees under her as she ran her hand across my cheek and down my chest.

“I noticed your bulge in the bar, were you thinking about fucking me as we chatted?” She asked. When I didn’t answer immediately she said, “Maybe you thought that a young woman wouldn’t want a man your age.”

Her hand came to rest on my cock that was aching to be released from my jeans. “Well I will tell you Daddy,” she said as she fumbled with my belt and zipper, “I love older guys because they know how to use their tools so well. And it feels like you are ready to use yours.”

My hand instinctively went to her tit hanging under her t-shirt and massaged that silky soft mound of flesh. “I knew it,” she said, “You’re a booby sort of guy, right?”

“Yes, but I also love pussy.” I said as I ran my hand down under her and cupped her smooth hairless pussy. “You did know your shorts were showing me a perfect outline of this?” I said as I ran a finger along her slit that was wet and slippery.

“I know, young guys call it a camel toe.” She said as she released my cock and immediately put her lips around the tip and I felt her tongue circle around it. “Oh that poor thing,” she said as she pulled off, “He has been all cramped up in your jeans.” She said as she tugged at my jeans to give her more access.

I continued sliding my fingers along her slit and found her clit and massaged around it and felt her tremble each time I passed over it. “I want to make you cum,” I said, “I want to feel you lose control as I bring you to that point of no return.” And as I finished speaking I pushed a finger inside of her and felt the smooth wet walls of her womanhood.

She had her lips around my cock again and bobbed up and down and I knew I had released a bit of percum which didn’t seem to bother her. I pushed her head down with my free hand and felt the tip of my cock hit the back of her throat and she moaned on my cock.

I felt her try to pull off my cock and let go as she smacked her lips when she released my cock. “I don’t think a blow job is ample payment for being such a nice guy.” She said as her hands circled my now wet cock and jerked me a couple times. “If you come around to my side I’d love to ride that cock of yours and you will know just how hard an orgasm I have.”

I didn’t need to have her repeat this as I jumped out of my side of the car with my cock pointing the way, and opened the passenger door. She stepped out and shivered with the cold night air. I got in and reclined the seat with my pants down to my knees. She got back in and with a little fuss was straddled over me. I pulled the door shut and admired her smooth young body as the dome lights dimmed and went off.

I felt her wet pussy slide along my length. She was so wet and my cock slipped along her slit and I bumped her clit with my tip. “Oh fuck Daddy,” she said “You cock is so hard, your little girl wants to be fucked with it.” Normally I don’t go in for the daddy talk but she played it perfectly and I arched my back and my cock penetrated her wet hole and with the dim lights from the parking lot I saw her eyes widen as my tip passed into her.

I could feel her pussy tighten around my shaft and then she began moving. She rocked her hips as she moved and I knew she was a well-practiced lover. Her moves were varied and perfectly timed to bring us both pleasure in the cramped front seat of my car. She placed her hand on the seat back on either side of my head which let her tits hang down seductively. I tugged at her t-shirt and felt her stop moving and pull the shirt off. “Sorry,” she said smiling down at me, “I should have known you needed something to play with.” And grinned like a school girl that had first discovered the power of her budding tits.

She returned her hands to the seat and began rocking on my cock as I played with her nipples bringing them to hard nubs that I found with my lips. At the moment my lips touched them I knew I found one of her hot buttons. She stopped moving on my cock and pressed her breast into my mouth and moaned and then began moving again.

I felt my body responding to her pussy gliding on my cock and released her nipple and whispered, “I am so close to cumming,” and watched for her reaction. I saw a gleam in her eye but she said nothing.

She quickened her rocking on my cock and as I felt my cock explode inside her pussy she bent close to my ear and whispered, “fuck yes Daddy, plant your seed in my fertile pussy and make a baby in your little girl’s tummy.”

My mind reacted immediately and I tried to pull out of her but she pushed hard against my cumming cock and I felt her orgasm begin. Her orgasm took over as she held me deep inside of her and my cum squished out between us. As her orgasm faded she looked into my eyes, “Relax Daddy, I am on the pill. I just love pretending that an older man gets me pregnant. My Dad and brother would kill me if I came home pregnant. Not that either of them would love to be the one that got me pregnant.”

I looked at her setting on top of me with my cock still buried deep inside her and tried to see in the dark if she was making that last part up. “Are you telling me that your brother and Dad have had sex with you?”

“Yeah, my brother was the one that popped my cherry and when Dad found out he really kicked his ass. But then he came into my room and well if he hadn’t of pulled out I would probably not have known which one knocked me up.” She said as if none of this really mattered. “We got the Plan B pill the next day and then Dad got me on the pill.”

I felt her move and looked down in the darkness with the parking lot light slightly illuminating her sloppy wet pussy. My cum was oozing out of her as she slid back a bit, “look at all those little baby makers you planted in me, I just love the feeling of warm cum sliding out of me.” As she looked down I watched her dip her fingers in the mess and then sucked the cum off her fingers.

“Has anyone told you how sweet your cum is?” She asked as she dipped a bit more from her wet pussy and smeared it on her lips. She smiled and bent forward and our lips met. I had never had anyone do anything like this and my cock responded immediately. She felt it, “I knew I could get you hard again, can I go to your place so we can fuck again?”

Again, I should have asked her age before getting so out of control. Setting in the bar she looked older than she did now and she was nursing a whisky sour with an empty one setting beside it. And now I had fucked her in my car and she admitted her dad and brother had used her as a sex toy. “Exactly how old are you?” I asked that seemed a little like shutting the barn door once the horse is down the lane.

“Old enough and when we get to your place maybe you will want to spank me for being late getting home and having a sloppy cum filled pussy.”

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So, that year had passed, her lover was out of town and we returned to a more normal life – although it really wasn’t. We had a small Christmas celebration with no travel, no seeing of relatives or friends. We attended one New Year’s Eve party, but that was it. During all this ‘free’ time, Sandy was closeted with her books and articles, covering and recovering the entire history of Spanish literature and all of its components, any of which could appear on the prelims that loomed over her....

3 years ago
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Marys story Part 40

Mary lay on the bed with her legs apart, and Hazel looked at her closely. Very gently, Hazel followed Mary’s instructions to clean her wounds and apply the dressings. “I did not really look at your pussy properly before, I was too upset about being tattooed last night. They really have removed all of your inner lips, and your clitoris hood. Your clitoris looks huge. What does it feel like?” “I can feel the stitches prickling a bit, and it is sore when I get aroused with my pussy juice getting...

2 years ago
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heavenly fuck

So ever heard of a game called 2 hours in heaven. I got invited to a friends party where she always plays this game. Now you have a choice, you can talk, makeout, fuck, etc. It was my go to pick from the hat and so i pulled out a silver chain. This gorgeous blonde guy (who is now my boyfriend carlos) stood up and took me into the bedroom. Lights off. Door locked.He isn't one to wait around and went straight into kissing me with passion and force, slowly moving down my body, stripping me as he...

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I was in bangkok and had been in touch with a Domme House . I was picked from hotel and to the place . After a waiting of 5 mins a mid aged lady walks down, with boots , every step with deliberate thump , my heart beating , wanting to run away but my will was stronger.She enquired abt my desires and experiences , which, i thought would be narrated to the Ladies incharge of me.But which was'nt done. Anyways i paid for 4 hrs and was handed over 2 young lady dommes , totally inexperienced machines...

4 years ago
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Sexpionage 5 Infiltration

“Infiltration - The secret movement of an operative into a target area with the intent that his or her presence will go undetected” Ekaterina’s Apartment, The Aspen Block, 4th Street NW, Washington, DC The glint of the sun broke through the gap in the curtains and caused her closed eyes to flicker. With a sigh that bordered on a groan, Ekaterina flapped out her arm into the empty space by her side … The bed in the Master bedroom of her two bedroomed apartment was large, King size and very...

4 years ago
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The Night That Stole The Virginities Part 1

Hi, Guys, STRICTLY 18+ ONLY. This is the first time I have put down my real-life incident as a sex story. Hope you all like it. Any girls/Women interested can contact me on “”. Also please mention your comments below. Before going into the sex story let me introduce the people along with their personalities so that it is easy for you to imagine. Vishal: Height 5’5″ and weight 60. Slim, Short and Medium Complexion Surya (Myself): Height 5’9″ and weight 85. Stout, Medium height and Medium...

3 years ago
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Favourite Fantasies 10

I am thirty-three years old, married with two c***dren, and have an active sexual relationship with my wife. Being an army officer, we have traveled and lived in Europe for a total of almost five and one-half years. Much of our present atti-tude toward sex has been positively influenced by the Euro-pean acceptance of male and female sexuality.We have been married for ten years. We met in college and lived together for nearly two years before we were mar-ried. My wife is three years younger than...

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Mondo s Clan part 30

We made our way back to to the walkway we had built, I stood looking at it, something was bothering me. If the lomen found their way into the entrance, they would have free access to attack us. I decided to alter our walkway we cut the strips holding the section and pulled it back onto the next section. There we repeated and pulled the two sections back this would leave a gap of at least twenty feet of open water in one of the swiftest areas of the river. We were happy to be back in...

3 years ago
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Behind the School Chapters 1 2

Timber Creek High School was located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in the western part of North Carolina. The area was relatively conservative; most of the families in the area attended church on Sundays; most people dressed fairly modestly. Chloe Davis was a senior in high school, and she was just like everyone else for the most part. She didn’t act out, do drugs, or drink. She did well in her classes and had a great relationship with her family, which consisted of a sister,...

4 years ago
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Neighbors My first 3 way

Jen and I have been married 5 years now, we met in college. She’s a marketing major, I develop computer programs for a gaming company. Life is good, we live in a high scale neighborhood that is gated. We’re both 27. Jen keeps in top shape as well as I do, we both work out at the country club. Every house in this neighborhood has a pool in the back yard at a minimum. We have great neighbors and they’re all about 28-40 years old. There are lots of parties and the wives all look hot.Our next door...

2 years ago
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I like to expose myself for my Boyfriend

by Vanessa Evans All characters involved in any sexual activities in this story were over the legal age of consent when the events took place. How I discovered that my boyfriend loves it when I expose my body to others; and so do I. Part 01 ===== It all started one night when we were at university party where the booze was flowing freely and one of the spaghetti straps on my strappy V-neck tank got ripped off in a silly drinking game. For the rest of that night I struggled to keep my...

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In the Sauna0

As you open the wood burner to start a fire you feel his hand on your shoulder. He's sitting on one of the benches beckoning you over. You quickly light the fire and pile logs on as it starts to roar. The room begins to warm as he takes your face in his hands and kisses you, gently at first and then, as you lean into his touch, firmly and with a taste of the passion you can see in his eyes. Looking down you can see his hard cock straining against the fabric of his swimming shorts and a tingle...

3 years ago
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Hot And Romantic Sex With My Aunt8217s Daughter

Have any time in your life, taste, see? Boledanni experiences for me, my relationship began with my Aunt’s Daughter from my eighth grade. When I was older than my age, the sex does to them. I come to maturity as well as a lot about sex, when I was a senior in a little more. .. I have the same experience in my life with Her. Our relationship is with a Great bond . Everything I grew up in Bangalore, Vizag our parents did. Daddy is here to work in HAL Bangalore. It is the story of when I was in...

3 years ago
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DEAR DIARY:Have I got a story for you.I have found the perfect lover for me.I cant believe he has been under my nose all this time.But that getting ahead of the story.First I'm a single mom,with a 17 year old son.I'm a SLUT,AND A SWINGER (not in that order LOL)I'm not sure weither its the slut in me or the swingin in me,but I enjoy 3-somes,gang-bangs,DP,men lots of men,and dont mind if a woman wants to suck my pussy.I do drink alcohol,beer,wine but no d**gs.when I'm drinking I get so fucking...

3 years ago
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Team Leader Ke Ghar Par Uski Chudai

Dosto main ek bar fir wapis aaya hu aapke iye ek nayi story lekar jo mere or mere call center ki team leader rashmi ki hai. hamari shift 1 p.m. Se 9 p.m. Tak thi par us din hamari group meeting thi aur hame lagbhag 11 baj gaye aur kafi barish ho rahi thi maine rashmi ko saath chalne ko kaha to wo maan gayi aur mere saath gaadi mein beth gai main aapko rashmi ke bare mein bata Du umar me wo mujhse 1 saal badi thi dekhne mein bilkul tanushree dutta ki xerox copy uski ht 5’7” uski fig 38-28-36 thi...

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 111

Nine people were invited to the suite at Calder City’s nicest hotel. Phil and Hailey had stayed in a single room the night before but Beth had decided she wanted privacy and space for the luncheon. She was determined to put the important portion of the day first. As soon as she walked in the door, she wrapped Hailey in a warm hug. “I am absolutely thrilled that you and Philip are engaged,” she said as she released the young woman and lifted her hand to look at the ring. Her smile widened....

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Katie Kush Halloween Stepsister Hammering

Petite Katie Kush is excited for her favorite holiday, Halloween. But today, when she goes out trick or treating, she comes home to find her stepbrother waiting with a big piece of candy. She wraps her fingers around his jolly rancher and sucks his cock until he shoots a gooey load of cum everywhere. Later, Katies stepbrother makes a bet with her. If he can scare her, he gets to slide his dick inside her tight teen cooch. She agrees, and he gets to work. He puts on a scary mask and throws some...

3 years ago
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Saali Ki Chut Ka Nasha823082308230

Hi, my name is Anuj Kumar. I am 35 now. I am narrating this story from my saali’s words. Hope you enjoy. My name is Archana from Delhi; I live in a joint family with my uncle, aunt, cousin sister anuradha, my mother, and my father. I am 28 years old now and have a stunning figure of 34-26-36 and height of 5’ 4”, Radha is 2 years elder to me. Two years back my uncle, aunt, and father passed away in an accident. My mother used to work, after sometime; she left the job because of illness. After...

3 years ago
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Miracle of Facebook

For my freaky friend She had always wondered about what he was like. Now by coincidence they meet at a mixer. Reunion of school mates that Facebook makes happen every week seemingly. She wasn’t going to go out with hin because those days were behind her now. They were mixed memories anyway. Especially of Roger, the star athlete. She had traveled and changed so much since than and honestly, Alicia didn’t care to reminisce about the fucking everyone else had been involved in back then....

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Emeralds Games

It's fun and sexy for me to play the various rpgs floating around CHYOA sometimes but also things can get hard to find on the bigger ones. So I wanted to add a way for anyone who follows my writing to find those if they want to. Slut World: Dr. Brian Miller A history professor at a small liberal arts college fucking his way though the coeds on campus. [Start Here] (46 chapters deep) Slut World: Daniel Turner An English teacher at a prestigious all girls academy in the mountains. [Start Here]...

2 years ago
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Randon sexual acts with Anne through town

The Two Who Were Looking For A Fun TimeBy: Alan Ross Michelle (a.k.a Micha) and Al, sat bored out of there mind in Al's truck one warm Saturday afternoon. Micha wanted to go some where local, but do something that they have never done before. Al just wanted to hook up, asking Micha ideas she had. Micha had none, and was out of ideas, asking Al if he had any plans all Al's ideas were dirty. Such things as; going to a parking lot and having sex, or giving him road head as he drove. Micha agreed...

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I finally got to swallow another man's hot cum!!!. I have this neighbor across the street and I went over one day and I tossed out some hints that I wear lingerie and have always wanted to suck a real cock. That I had never tasted cum and never had a real cock in me. SORRY, I LIED. But I had this strong feeling that he might be into that sorta thing. I was right. My feelings are right on the money most times. He told me I could come over anytime and walk around in anything I wanted. He also...

2 years ago
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The Deity Meets Innocence

Deity Meets Innocence By: A. W. Chohan [Londebaaz] A very intimidating sex tale of confession, Holy priest guiding, teaching and coaching a youngster to the truth. ********************************************************* Father Filipe ko itna afsos tha keh ounka bas chalta toh voh deewar se takkrein marnay se bhi inkaar nah kertay. Ounhoun ne electrician ko kitni dafa yaad dilaya tha keh jald az jald confessional ke bahar lagi hui light theek kerday lekin yeh kaam nahi hua tha. Koi 2 hours...

Gay Male
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Carolines MomChapter 15

My parents spent the week with us, and left after telling us to call when the babies were born. Dad said he was going to come right back and see his grandchildren. Mom said the two new mothers would need help for the first few weeks, and she is less expensive than a baby nurse. Rachel said we could afford it, but grandma and grandpa could come and play with the babies for as long as they liked. That night Rachel woke me. "My water broke! Alan, get up." "Caroline, get up, your mother's...

1 year ago
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The third year

Arrange a babysitter tomorrow night, had been the command, and she had happily complied. It was fantastic to finally be able to have a few evenings alone now that the baby was getting older. She longed for her husband, and had started to feel almost resentful at his lack of initiative. So when the evening in question finally arrived, she had high hopes. After kissing the little one goodbye, and feeling confident, that he was well taken care of, she hurried in to the living room to her waiting...

4 years ago
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Young PussyChapter 6

Elton folded the wrinkled brown paper sack into four quarters. In amongst one of the quarters was a twelve inch square piece of heavy plastic wrapping material and a twelve inch piece of much used wrinkled tin foil. He sighed a sigh of almost exhaustion and the exhalation made his shoulders droop forward. His spectacles hung from one ear and rested on his shoulder. His eyes were green blue, watery and tired. Elton licked his dry lips that were not red. They had a purplish look to them; like...

3 years ago
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The Joys Of Being A Manwich Chapter 2

Once we were safely in our hotel room, the girls went into the bedroom and told me to stay in the living room. Kelly had done a good job of hiding her surprise up to this point and didn't want me getting a peek before the big reveal. Mary wanted to get herself "presentable" before we started as well. Knowing I was outvoted with just one of the girls, I relinquished myself to the living room to wait for the girls to call me into the bedroom.It was probably only a few minutes to be truthful,...

1 year ago
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My love

I am from bangalore. This is my true experience. I am a 35-year-old married woman. I am generally good looking and have preserved myself rather well. I exercise and maintain a good figure. I am 5’4, have large breasts, of which i am really proud, and fair skin. My husband is an executive in a multinational company and very handsome. I enjoy a good sex life with him. We have a five-year- old son. A few days back ravi, a distant cousin of my husband, came to live with us in our flat. He is about...

3 years ago
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A Succubus for Valentines Day

Peter Kurtzberg couldn't resist taking a look, just a quick peek over the cubicle wall. Bobbi Ross was very pretty. She had a heart-shaped face that glowed with warmth and whenever she smiled, which was often, her blue eyes sparkled like precious stones. Her naturally blonde hair was cut short in a cute little bob. If Kurtzberg was totally sure she wasn't looking he liked to run his gaze along the trim lines of her body, wishing it was his hands rather than his eyes roaming over her...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Girlfriend Chapter 7 The Beginning of the End

“Did you pay my phone bill?” I lift my legs and a broom slides beneath them. I look up at June, and she’s pondering. Her face is wrinkled in concentration, and she pulls her lips to one side. God, I love when she does that.“I thought so,” says June. She shrugs and keeps sweeping. “I hate that the stupid auto-pay isn’t through yet.”“Did you use one of the new cards?”“Yeah.”“Not one of the old cards?”“No. Didn’t you cut them up?”“Yeah, but I thought maybe you wrote them down or memorized...

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