From Straight To Gay! free porn video

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Three times a week, I go to a gym after work -- one, to work off stress of the day and two, to keep in shape.

One night after work, I stopped by the gym and went through a serious workout. The first half, I worked on the lower part of body and the second half on the upper.

After the workout, I was soaked with sweat to I decided to take a shower there before going home. I always try to keep a change of clothes in my locker for such occasions.

The water felt great so I just stood there for about 10 minutes before actually lathering up.

I was about halfway through and was trying to get my back. Without a back brush, it's kind of tough to get at certain parts.

I thought I had achieved success when the bar of soap slipped out of my hand and to the floor and slid over to a guy I had never seen before. As he handed it, he said that he noticed I was struggling with my back and asked if he could be of some assistance.

I thought it was a come on and politely declined and started to work on my back -- struggling as I had been earlier.

He then walked over, took the soap out of my hand and said, "You're never going to get it," and proceeded to wash my back.

Since I no longer had possession of the soap, I conceded and let him work on my back. After a few minutes I was starting to get aroused and had him stop. I thanked him, rinsed off, dried myself, got dressed and headed home.

For the rest of the night, I tried to clear my mind of what happened in the shower. I had never, repeat NEVER, had any interest of doing anything with a guy and was sure I didn't want to.

After a couple of hours of trying to clear my head, I turned on the television and decided to watch the news. That seemed to work as I was getting tired and headed off to bed.

However, the minute my head hit the pillow my thoughts were back at the gym. And the more I tried to think of something else, the harder, no pun intended, it became to forget about it.

I finally decided to head to the bathroom and jack off, thinking that might ease the situation.

After I came, I laid down and closed my eyes. Back to the gym my thoughts went. After about 2 ½ hours of this, I finally dozed off.

The next day at work was miserable, having only gotten three hours of sleep. After work, I headed home and laid down. It didn't take me long to go to sleep.

This happened on a Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday was my day at the gym. I couldn't go that day. If I saw him, I wouldn't be able to concentrate and no telling what might arise.

I couldn't think of anything to do to occupy my time. Three times a week, the gym occupied two hours every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

It took about two months before I returned to the gym. I had to because the lack of exercise was beginning to take effect.

It was a Monday and I nervously walked through the doors. I glanced around the gym and didn't see him so I proceeded to go through my workout. After the workout, I headed home.

On Wednesday, I returned to the gym and he wasn't there. I was beginning to wonder what I was so nervous about. I was relieved.

So for the next two months, life went about as before - work 9-5, go to the gym three times a week, an occasionally shower. The one day...

I saw him walk in and I tried not to make eye contact. He looked at me and just walked by. I thought, "Maybe he's forgotten about me." After my workout, I went home.

Two weeks later, I finished my workout and decided to take a shower. Halfway through, he walked in. I was embarrassed and turned away. Then I said to myself, "What are you fucking afraid of?"

I finished my shower and went to get a bite to eat, then home.

The next time I went to the gym, he was there again but I paid him no mind. During the workout, he came and sat at the bench next to mine.

We were going through several apparatuses when he stopped and asked, "Aren't you the guy that I helped out with that back problem?"

I nearly dropped the bar on my throat. I didn't look at him but I admitted to him I was. He stuck out his right hand and said, "Name's Marty."


We continued to work out and even spotted for each other. Afterwards, I headed to the shower and thought he was headed home. After a few minutes, Marty walked in and over to the stall next to mine.

When it came to me needing to wash my back, Marty offered his assistance. I held onto my bar of soap but he used his.

Once again, after a few minutes I started to get aroused. This time, Marty kept going and I was getting harder.

All at once, he reached around, lathered hand and all, and grabbed my cock. I swore I jumped 15 feet in the air. I pushed his hand away but he returned it and began stroking.

Then something happened that I didn't expect. I just froze and let him continue. I swear my cock got harder and harder, and his stroking got softer and softer.

The more Marty continued, the more I relaxed until I caught myself leaning into him. He ran his other hand across my forehead and pulled my head into his.

I could feel him getting hard against my ass so my curiosity took over and I reached down and grabbed his cock. It felt gigantic and for some reason, I began stroking him.

"Yes, yes. Feels good doesn't it?" I just moaned and he picked up the pace.

I felt myself getting close to losing my load when he must have sensed it and stopped. It was like jumping into a cold pool of water.

I whipped around and must have had a "what the hell" look on my face.

"You're not ready for this," he said. And with that, he left.

I stood there stunned. I couldn't believe he could just stop like that much less me wanting him to continue.

I dried off and headed out of the shower into the locker room -- but he was gone. I was so pissed and thought "The next time I see him, he was going to hear it."

A month went by, then two then three. What happened to Marty?

I couldn't believe there were times I was missing him. Or was it the experience I was craving?

Then one day, Marty was there. I asked him where he'd been. He said his job takes him out of town for months at a time and he had just returned.

After we worked out, I asked him if he wanted to go get something to eat. He switched it and asked if he wanted to go to his place for drinks.

Wow. His place for drinks? And what else I wondered.

I agreed to his place and we picked up a pizza on the way.

He lived in a three bedroom, two bath colonial that looked right out of the 1920's. I entered the living room and he directed me to the sofa. He came back with a bottle of vodka and two glasses and an ice bucket.

He poured the drinks and turned on the TV. There was a movie on I had never seen before so I got interested in it.

We had been watching the movie and drinking vodka for a while when I had to get up to go to the bathroom. I asked him where it was and he pointed down the hall.

When I stood up, I nearly fell back down. I didn't think I had drank that much. What I didn't realize was Marty had given me a "bottomless glass".

Marty put his hand on my back to steady me and I headed to the bathroom. I was standing there and noticed myself swaying. I didn't think I was that drunk but I was drinking on a fairly empty stomach.

I made my way back to the sofa and told Marty enough with the vodka.

"If I have much more, I might not be able to control myself," I said.

"Really?" he chirped back.

"Oh shit," I thought. "Wrong statement to make." He just laughed.

So I laid my head back and continued to watch the movie. Soon, my eyes were getting heavy and I closed them. Then I felt Marty's hand rubbing my crotch and getting me hard.

I just laid there and let him do what he wanted. Once he got me hard, he opened my fly and extricated my cock.

He had me rock hard in what seemed like seconds. A few minutes, precum oozed out and he smeared it all over my cock -- and there was a lot of it.

Marty then brought his fingers up to my lips and rubbed them with some of my precum. I had never tasted myself and it wasn't bad.

But Marty just kept running his finger across my lips. So soft. I couldn't believe I open my mouth to allow him to put his finger in.

He began to run his finger in and out of my mouth. He was fucking my mouth with his finger, and I was liking it. He was also scratching my tongue with his finger nail -- what a turn on that was.

As he tried to pull his finger out, I grabbed his wrist and began sucking on his finger.

"Oh. I found something Adam likes," he said.

I just smiled then continue to suck his finger.

He then laid me down across the couch and began taking off my pants. From one year ago to know, I had gone to not even considering doing something with a guy, even thinking it was disgusting, to having a guy wanting to hurry up and get my pants off, and his too.

Once I was naked from the waist down, Marty lowered his mouth onto my cock. It was awesome and he took his sweet time. Up and down, licking and sucking -- even scr****g his teeth along the shaft. Every time he did that, I shuddered.

It wasn't long before I was close to cumming and let him know. He then started running his finger inside my ass crack.

What he did next caught me totally off guard. He pushed the tip of one of his fingers inside my hole. Slowly, he pushed it further and further in until he was in all the way to his palm. He waited and then began to pull it out, but stopping just short of full extraction.

Meanwhile, he kept working his magic with his mouth. I had finally had enough and grabbed his head and pulled it down on top of my cock.

He stopped.

"I'm in control," he said. "You just lay there and enjoy it."

With that, he began to push his finger in and out with a little more speed. I was getting finger-fucked by a guy and loving it.

Every once in a while, he would curl his finger and run it along my prostate. That was awesome. I swear my cock would shudder when he did that.

Then he asked me if I was ready to cum and told him yes.

"Tell me to make you cum."

"Marty, make me cum, please?"

With that, he began to thrust his finger faster and pull on my cock harder. He had his timing down to where every time he pulled on my cock, he pulled on his finger. Pushed down on my cock, pushed the finger in.

I was in heaven. I wanted him to go on forever. I had never had anything done like that to me and I was loving it.

He then began to go faster and I knew it wasn't going to be long. I tried to hold back because I knew when I came, I was done for about 20 minutes.

"Cum for me," he said.

And I did. I must have sent out five gallons of cum. I had never cum that hard in my life, or that much.

Marty didn't even try to catch it. He let it spray all over the place. I mean on the sofa, on my shirt, on him...everywhere.

He managed to get some on one of his fingers and brought it to my lips. I just looked at him with a "What's that for?" look.

He rubbed some on my lips and I instinctively liked my lips. A bit salty, but not bad.

He kept scr****g more cum up and feeding it to me. And I kept licking it up. My cum, I was eating my cum. And it was good.

Then it hit me. I had just been finger-fucked and given a hand job by a guy. A GUY! AND I WANTED MORE.

I then noticed his finger was still in me and still going through the motion but it felt a little different.

Wait a minute. It wasn't one finger any more. It was two and it felt slick.

"What's on your finger?" I asked.

"I'm putting back in what you pushed out."

He had taken some of my cum and was rubbing it all over my ass hole, and inside.

And I was getting hard again. Just five minutes and I was getting hard again. How is he doing this? I want to know his secret.

He then lifted me up off the couch and sat next to me. Marty then took my hand and place it on his cock. I had felt it that one time but never saw it. It was about 6 inches in length and 1 ½ inches in diameter.

As far as cocks go, it was very nice looking, remembering I have only seen my own up this close.

I was just staring at it with my hand wrapped around it. Then it started to stir and grow some more.

I drew my hand back and Marty grabbed my hand and put it back in place.

It was so soft. I don't know what possessed my to do this but I started to stroke it.

"That's it. Nice and soft. Slow and even," he said.

"I didn't know it could feel this way," I said. "I had never even thought about doing something like this with a guy. Matter of fact, I had even thought it disgusting."

"I could tell you had never had a guy touch you before that day in the shower," Marty said. "The way you started getting hard just by me rubbing your back let me know. I just had to be careful not to go too fast."

By now, his cock had grown to 8 inches and 2 inches in diameter. A small drop of precum had oozed out of his slit. I looked at it for a second or two then leaned over and licked it off.

I had just licked a guy's cock. Oh what the fuck.

I lowered my mouth onto his cock. Marty pulled my head up.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

I just nodded.


And with that, I took him in my mouth and began licking him all over. I tried to go all the way down but I began to gag.

"Take it easy," he said. "You can't just go all out at once."

"How do I do it?"

"Relax your tongue, like this," he said. He opened his mouth and showed me his flat tongue.

"Like this?" I made my tongue as flat as I could get it.

"Try it and see."

I lowered my mouth down and got further than the first time. Marty then put his hand on the back of my head and shoved it down.

I thought I was going to suffocate. He wouldn't let me up. I was having trouble breathing. Then all of a sudden, he was all the way in and I was OK.

"That's it Adam," he said. "Sorry I had to do it that way but it worked."

I was deep throating him and enjoying it. I licked him all over, sucked on him and even nibbled.

He was caressing my head now and twirling my hair. I was oblivious to it. I was loving his cock in my mouth. I couldn't get enough of it.

I hadn't even considered what would happen if I kept this up, and Marty wasn't about to tell me for fear I would stop.

Well, I soon found out. I felt his cock in my mouth swell up and it was then I realized it.

He began shooting his cum and filling my mouth. Even powering his cum down the back of my throat. I tried to get my mouth off him but he held me tight.

Fortunately, for me, he didn't cum for long. When he finished, he let me up. I was pissed.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to cum?"

"You were enjoying yourself and I didn't want to spoil your fun."

He then asked me if I had ever had a girlfriend use a dildo on me.

"Once, in college."

"And you had never thought of doing something with a guy?"


"Well...did you like it."

"It hurt at first, then it got better and I enjoyed," I said. "I even came without touching myself."

"Do you want to know what the real thing feels like?"

"That enormous thing?" I asked. "Now way."

"I'll be gentle," he said. "I promise."

"Yeah. Just like warning me you were about to cum."

"No, I really promise," he said. "If I go too fast, I could do some damage."

I sat there for a little bit, grabbed the bottle of vodka and took a big swig.


So we went to his bedroom and took my shirt off, laid me on my back and pushed my legs up.

"Pull your legs back," he said.

So I grabbed behind my knees and pulled my legs towards me. He then opened up a drawer in the nightstand and pulled out a jar of Vasoline. He put a big dab on his finger and worked it into my hole.

"That's a little cold," I said. He just snickered.

"You ready?" he asked.

"I guess so."

He put the head of his cock at the entrance and pushed a little. Nothing bad. Who said it was going to hurt.

He then began pushing a little harder and his head popped in.


"You okay," he asked.

"Fuck it hurts."

He stopped and just stood there with the head of his cock in my ass. Slowly the pain started to recede.

Every time he pushed further in, the pain returned and every time he stopped until the pain subsided.

Before long, I felt his ball sac on my cheeks. He was all the way in. All 8 inches.

"Well, how does it feel?"

"I feel full."

"Okay, I'm going to start pulling it out," he said. And with that he began. Still a little painful but not as bad.

He got all the way to the end and began pushing in again. The pain was now being replaced with a pleasurable feeling. I closed my eyes and was moaning.

"Your going to enjoying this now?"

"Yes," I said. "Starting to feel good."

He was now picking up the tempo. And I was trying to meet his movements. My cock was also rock hard -- so hard it wasn't moving.

Now he was going faster and I was having a feeling like no other. I was getting fucked by a guy and was in absolute heaven.

He kept it up for what seemed like an hour but it was only about 10 minutes. I could have stayed attached to the end of his cock for the rest of the night.

I felt my cock stirring so I grabbed it and pointed it towards my mouth. But Marty lowered his head and took it in his mouth.

The second the head hit the back of his throat, I exploded. I came and came and came.

Within seconds, he pulled out and began cumming on my stomach.

I watched the cum shoot out of his cock and it was the most fascinating thing I had ever seen. I wanted to watch it all night long.

When he finished cumming, took a break. Before we got up off the bed, he laid on top of me and swished around, rubbing his cum all over both of us. He rolled off me and we just laid there. I fell asleep just like that.

When I woke up I could Adam's cock had the morning wood effect as my hand start to stroke Marty cock, he open his eyes and ask I see your ready for round two.

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I am now 100 gay

I was determined. This weekend it would happen. I would loose my gay virginity and complete manhood. The hard way. Tonight would change everything.Until now I've never had sex with a man and I didn't consider myself as homosexual either. But I was always fascinated to anal sex. The thought of "Why would someone let herself/himself get fucked in the ass, when there's no actual pleasure of possibility to orgasm in it?" Also the thought of giving up your body for someone else's pleasure was...

2 years ago
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Straight but Gay

I was a typical married guy 35 years old with a beautiful wife but our sex life was in the toilet. Like a couples in the beginning we fucked like rabbits as the years went on I my wife would never orgasm with me. She found that her vibrators made her happier and my hand became my new lover. As I would jerk off watching porn let all guys. At first it was always straight or lesbian but than you know you click on the wrong video and bam you start watch chicks with dicks and gay porn more with an...

3 years ago
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I Think I am Gay

I certainly didn't feel any different, I just did what gay guys do, suck cock. Of a random guy they solicited off Craigslist, chiding myself for the thought. But it was one of many stereotypes that I found I wanted to fulfill. These thoughts mixed with memories of all the nuances of that first encounter: the surprising fullness of his cock in my mouth, or how hard he felt when I had my hand wrapped around him, or where my tongue was when his cum started shooting out. I had been good enough to...

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Little did I know or suspect when arriving in LA for the very first time ever a year ago last May, that within a few short weeks I would be changed from a totally straight skirt chaser into a cock craving faggot with a brand new developed appetite for what most people consider totally bizarre!It all started late one Wednesday afternoon just a few hours after checking into some temporary run down hotel just off the Hollywood strip! Yes my Consultant job transfer from Boston to Tincel town had...

2 years ago
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Am I Gay

When I was young I used to hitchhike as I had no other mode of transportation. I came from a very poor background and hitching gave me the means to get to jobs and other places I needed to go. I was grateful for the lifts and always thanked my benefactors. When I grew older and had the means to buy a car, I made it a practice to pick up hitchhikers as a way of paying back for all the rides I received in my youth. One day I picked up a young hitcher on my way home. “Where are you heading,” I...

Gay Male
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My BF isnt Gay or Anything Gay

His eyes were wide with terror and now a new feeling was coming over him... a feeling of excitement. The man was now pulling the full length out of him. Moments ago, he had been stuffed and stretched and filled with so much cock he thought his insides would burst. But they didn't, and as the man held his massive cock in place, Jamie could feel his ass stretch to accommodate the intruder. Pain slowly turned to an odd pleasure.He yelped uncontrollably when the man made the first painful thrust....

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Owned By Black Daddy Gay

Eric: One more time, 18 year old guy here looking to have a conversation with a normal human being!!Two responses...Cock4Cox: I can be a totally normal human being while you fuck my face with your 18 year old cock!Eric: *Cock4Cox has been ignored*Patrick: That seems like a pretty tall order on the internet, lol.Eric: I'm beginning to understand that, holy crap!Patrick: This place can be quite interesting most of the time, and occasionally someone normal pops up with a message like yours. I bet...

4 years ago
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How my girlfriend turned me gay

Hi all, I’m Mark, a 20 year old guy and I want to share my story of how a girlfriend turned me bi and probably gay.So it all started at the beginning of the summer break, four years ago. I was done with school, had no retakes and since a long time, free to do whatever I wanted.My parents left for France like they do every year, but for the first time they left me home. As I stated that I had nothing to do here, and preferred to stay home with my friends. Which, after long debates and a lot of...

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Looking at Gay Porn Busted Gay

Looking back over the last few months, I never would have imagined myself in this position. I have a steady girlfriend I have been seeing since college. I have a good paying job in spite of the recession we have all been dealing with over the last year. And I consider myself better than average when it comes to my social life. While I've dated quite a few women over the years, I've pretty much been going steady with Sandy since we both graduated from Duke a few years ago.Sandy is a...

1 year ago
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Come 6 Times No Way The Bet Gay

"The most I've ever come in a single night is four times," Dylan said, doubting his friend's claim."I'm telling you I made him come six times in a three-hour period in one night." Anton said again. "I'd get him over here to tell you, but he says he's a straight boy like you, so he wouldn't appreciate me outing him with open discussion of our night together.""So he was straight too?" Dylan laughed. "Now I'm really having a hard time believing you. Straight guys just can't get it up for gay guys,...

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The Night I Found Out For Sure I Was Gay

I just figured out I’m gay. I’ve been dating a lot of women, but I just don’t feel it with them. I mean sometimes I feel I might even be bisexual, but lately I’m feeling I really want to be with man. When I look at guys I get very excited. I love when a man has a muscular frame. I find it really sexy and exciting if a guy has defined abs. I haven’t told any of my family or even my friends that I think I’m gay. But, I’m pretty sure I am. I decided to check things out and actually go to a gay...

Gay Male
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Friend Trains Me to Suck Cock Gay

Looking back over the last few months, I never would have imagined myself in this position. I have a steady girlfriend I have been seeing since college. I have a good paying job in spite of the recession we have all been dealing with over the last year. And I consider myself better than average when it comes to my social life. While I've dated quite a few women over the years, I've pretty much been going steady with Sandy since we both graduated from Duke a few years ago.Sandy is a...

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Stroke of White Luck Gay

Malcolm sat on the subway car, angry about his life. He was in his late 30s and still worked a grill at a restaurant. He had to take orders from some stupid white k** every day. He hated being ordered around by white people.Malcolm's also gay. He's had very little luck with men lately, though, He's 5'10, 230lbs the one thing that helps him is his huge black dick.In the past, he enjoyed the discreet encounters he'd have with white guys. He always enjoyed when a white man - especially "straight"...

1 year ago
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Kyle bets Nick can turn him Gay

"It's time to wake up now."With just those six words, I regained the ability to open my eyes. Regained? I guess that's not the right word. I'd only just dozed off—nothing more."Well, how do you feel?" The hypnotist grinned at me. I didn't see why he was grinning, though. He was a friend of mine. His name was Kyle and he liked to think he was a master when it came to hypnosis. I guess in a sense he was. I did get into a trance, after all—well, I did if that's what you call falling asleep from...

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Black Mans Pussy Gay

I went to an adult bookstore to get a couple of movies for my buddy's stag party. I had never been to any before, but I had seen this one it from the road several times while driving by. I glanced at the big black muscled dude at the counter, he asked me to show my ID, you're 18? You look more like 16, he said and waved me in. I and started to check out the rows of adult rentals. I must have blushed a little when the first set I saw was all homo stuff. And all of them big black guys doing sexy...

3 years ago
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The ParkersChapter 19 Being gay

Matt Parker couldn't wait to get back home, after school, that Monday morning. He arrived as soon as possible and, when he did, he quickly said: "Jack, we need to talk." "What? Why?" "Upstairs, bro." As Jack was going upstairs, Matt told everybody: "No one interrupt us." Lucy asked: "What's the problem, son?" "No problem. I just have to talk to him. Everything's okay, it's just a little thing. Late I'll talk to you." Lucy was a little worried. But hell, they were...

4 years ago
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Deal or NO Deal Switch Teams Gay

"I caught Mark cheating on me again. That bastard!" "Wow...sorry sis. What are you going to do?" asked Frank."I don't know. I need to teach him a lesson." "Why don't you just break up with him," Jerry wondered. "Oh I'm going to break up with him alright. But before I do...I'm going to get him back. This is the third time I've caught him." "What you need is the gay maker," Frank said. "Dude...that's pretty rash," Jerry said. "This guy is fucking it up for the rest. He's pissing off all the women...

2 years ago
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Faggot Fuck me Gay

This faggot deserved all the public humiliation he endured at our hands. I mean the guy dressed constantly in pink, his wrist was so bent he wouldn't be able to catch a basketball if his life depended on it and his voice was so high-pitched we all figured he had a cunt. I'd picked on him as far back as I could remember; he was just a weird, skinny, uncoordinated loser who didn't remotely fit into a southern Texas town where football was the true gospel. And his parents hadn't helped any either...

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First time going gay

I was in my late twenties, and had a huge circle of friends, mostly male. Everyone was straight, many of the guys having girlfriends or wives. It was a social group too; lots of barbeques, parties and get-togethers; we'd basically use any excuse we could to be together. Sports were a big part of our group; everyone loved the 'Vikes'. I cared about most of the people in our group and I truly enjoyed our time together. I was one of the quieter members of the gang though I wasn't shy. I dated...

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Married official CockSucker I am not gay

What the hell am I doing? A couple hours ago I was just going out for a drink and now I am driving in my car following a guy to his house. I am a married man, 57 years old and as straight as they come. My hands are sweating, I can feel my heart pounding and I am as scared and nervous as I have ever been. It is like the first time I felt up my date when I was 16 years old in high school. Excited, yet scared to death.I have been married for 30 years to a gorgeous woman and we have a great sex...

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Nothing Gay Right Gay

For Phoenix and Damon, it was just another day playing video games. Phoenix had golden honey straight hair, a rich deep tan, and sapphire blue eyes. Damon was the opposite he night black curly hair, skin as white as fresh snow, and brown eyes like mud. Both were in college and both did Parkour in their free time. Today they were playing on Phoenix's Xbox one. Phoenix was thinking about some of the hottest girls in school and things that would do with him."Hey what's the most recent piece of...

1 year ago
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Wife Talks him into getting FUCKED Gay

When Sally met her husband three years ago, a year before they got married, she discovered his stash of porn DVDs. He blushed and was embarrassed and started to make apologies, but Sally smiled and told him not to worry. She had the same 'secret.' Sally also loved porn and had loads of porn sites bookmarked on her computer. They laughed and realized they shared this common interest. Men often assume women either aren't very interested in porn, or will be made uncomfortable if their guys show...

4 years ago
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I think my son is gay

"Christopher, are you gay?" came the voice from the doorway.The eightteen-year-old sat silently on his bed, too shocked to answer the question his father was asking. He could feel his face starting to blush."Answer me, son, are you gay? Or maybe you're just curious? I'm not mad, I just want to know."Stuart Sloan was not angry at his son. To the contrary, he was rather aroused by the idea that his son might be a faggot who would let a man shove his penis up his tight little ass. Like many...

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Sorrows And Lust Of An Indian Gay

By : Aditya_top I am a 26 year old Indian guy. I am 5,7” tall good looking but slightly fat. I am bisexual but sometimes I feel like I am pure gay. I’m not very certain about my sexuality. I am here to narrate my story in front of you all. Life was not so happy for me since childhood. Yet having lots of care and love for family still i was alone ever. I always thought that nobody understand me. That feeling stands till now. My first gay sex experience happened was I was 18 years old. At that...

Gay Male
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He doesnt know hes gay

When I was a college freshman, I got to be friends with a guy down the hall who came from a place near my hometown. Although it was a big state school, it turned out we had one late-afternoon class together, and about the third week we started going out afterward for beers before heading back to the dorm. Dan and I didn’t have a lot in common -- he had been a pretty good athlete in high school, I was more the studious type; he was religious as a kid, I never set foot in a churchl -- but we...

Gay Male
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No way was he Gay PT3 Gay

Forty-five minutes later I was alone on my computer doing research.I read a lot of articles that shocked me... again.Titles like:Straight Men are a Lot More Bisexual Than You think; What is the Psychological Need to Suck a Man's Cock and Does Sucking Cock Make Me Gay?The key things I learned included:1. More men fantasize about sucking cock than I could have possibly imagined.2. For many men, it's an outlet for a secret submissive side. It's nothing more than the need to serve that causes a...

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Wife Gets Me a Special Massage Gay

It was Scott's birthday and I had surprises in mind for him. Last night my husband and I had arrived at this luxurious desert spa near Miami and I had a whole day of treats planned for him today. First we'd have a special caviar breakfast and take a quick swim, and then, for later in the afternoon, I had arranged for a masseur to come up to the room. I had requested a specific special masseur, and not another or a masseuse, because that masseur, I hoped, was going to be a big part of the very...

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Quiz Are You Gay

It's quite common for a person to fantasize about same-sex intercourse. In fact, many psychologists have theorized that we are all bisexual to a certain degree, the percentages varying from person to person. Have you ever asked yourself Am I gay? or Am I bisexual? Take this quiz and find out! The questions are in stages, just follow along and continue when prompted to find out just how gay you really are.STAGE 1=======1. Do you like shemale pornography? (y/n)2. When you watch straight...

2 years ago
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turning gay

I've always been straight. I have always been attracted to females, and never to guys. I have had many girlfriends over the years. however, I'm realizing that I'm slowly turning gay.I think my path to being gay started on the internet. I posted pics of my cock on newbienudes many years ago. I was only on there to see amateur women. the only responses I got on my pics were from gay guys who wanted to suck my cock. that's when I realized that I could also look at amateur guys there. I've always...

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Kevin Made Me Gay

Kevin and I have been friends for a long time, not whole life kind of time, but second grade is quite a long time when you’re only eight-teen. I remember the first time we saw each other and I knew we were going to be friends instantly. Kevin was dressed in a brown jumpsuit, the kind worn by ghost busters. I come from a small town and was with my parents at the school, meeting the teacher before the start date. Another family showed up today and that was a tad usually for a normal one-on-one...

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Turning A White Boi Out Gay

That k** is picked on more than most people in this school. Mostly because he's small, meek, and looks more like a girl than most of the girls in this school. I wouldn't say he's skinny because he's got the widest hips I've ever seen, but his upper body is the stereotypical nerd torso.His ass though... Damn, he's got an ass most girls would be jealous of. Most of the time I can't stop thinking of what it would feel like to have my big black dick 9 inches deep in that ass. Or his pink luscious...

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GF dumps Him Now Gay

When summer came, just before they headed home, Kevin's girlfriend made him promise that he wouldn't have sex with any other girls. He did and asked her to make the same promise."Okay," she said, "I promise not to have sex with any other girls I mean guys." They both laughed.That was on May 16th.Over the summer they fell out of touch with each other. Not right away, of course, slowly. Calls and video chats almost every day at first. By the end of June it was maybe twice a week. By the end of...

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Owned By Black Daddy PT 2 Gay

Suddenly the video cut out, Eric had been so entranced by it that he hadn't noticed Patrick return to the room. He found himself wondering what they boy had said in response to Patrick's question, thinking it might be information which could benefit him in this situation, but also partly out of pure curiosity. Patrick walked towards Eric and wrapped his large hand around Eric rock hard cock, it felt so sensitive Eric thought he was going to cum right then and there. Eric gasped and Patrick...

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Friend Trains Me Part 2 Gay

I tossed and turned trying to sleep. I couldn't get the images out of my head - me, kneeling naked, sucking on a friend's cock. Up until a couple of weeks ago, I hadn't given any serious thought of sex with another man. Now here I was trying to come to grips with how I found myself in this position. I have a steady girlfriend and consider, still consider, myself a straight guy. Yet a few nights ago, I found myself surfing the web and came across a slew of free porn sites.It's nothing I hadn't...

3 years ago
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How I make complete gay

hello is all this is my 100/: true stroyi am born in pakistan .and i have is one cousin is near to my house is boy .i am is 9 years old .he may be 15 years old .i don't know what is gay sex .because i am very young age .my cousin is boy .i am go to sport with my cousin. i am playing sports with my cousin .and another boy.when game is finish .all boy going home .and my cousin not going home .he say just wait after going .i am say ok .he put hand in my body .and slowly slowly .he get cock .and...

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