Minerva Ch. 07 Of 10 free porn video

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I suppose one might think that I was taking all that had happened within the previous twenty-four hours or so, a little blithely. Let me assure you, I wasn’t!

Although I must admit that the several million pounds or so, from the late Lady Tanya’s estate, that Harcourt, etcetera, had mentioned, had gone some way to allaying my fears concerning the danger they’d implied. Yeah well, I had never imagined myself as the mercenary type either, but the thought of enough cash, that I’d never to have to work again… Maybe that blurred my principles a little.

Mind you, the pure fact that I was sitting in that drawing room talking to the woman, kind of put the kibosh on the swimming in money idea, and might have dulled that enthusiasm some, to accept the inferred danger anymore, that is.

After all, Lady Tanya was sitting there, alive and well and talking to me. Don’t matter what way you look at it, that made it obvious to me that there weren’t no legacy coming my direction from her, in a bloody hurry.

But aside from that side of things, I was very curious to find out what Kylie would have to say for herself, when we met-up again. As we surely would do, at this spurious will reading fiasco Harcourt and Lady Tanya had referred to. There’s nothing as satisfying as putting someone on the spot, is there?

You should have worked out by now, that I had fallen for Kylie, hook, line and bleeding sinker, when I’d met her at the Cliff Head.

Her sudden vanishing act had caused me great emotional hurt. And then the news — some time later — that Minerva had married Fabian flash-pants… Well, that had gone a long way to convincing me that Lady Minerva had been… Yeah, all right, she was a selfish little stuck-up bitch, who’d had herself a little fun playing with a gullible fool’s emotions.

Actually she had changed my perception of all females, and ever since, I’d kept them all at arms length, as far as my heart was concerned, anyway. Being bluntly honest, since my encounter with the lady Minerva… well, I’d turned into a right ‘little shit’ myself, as far as the female of the species went anyway.

—- —- —- —- —-

Lady Tanya eventually ran out of steam. But then, before I’d had the opportunity to get my act together and deluge her with the obvious questions, that I should have asked. The Carpenter’s and Ronald Mackintosh came back into the room.

I wasn’t sure of by what means, but I got the impression that Lady Tanya had somehow summoned them.

Without much more to-do, John Carpenter launched into the details of their plan. The only trouble was, the longer he talked the more… Well, the more I began to fear that it sounded like one of ‘Baldrick’s cunning plans’ to me.

If you’re unaware of who ‘Baldrick’ was/is, by the way, then I’m sorry, but there’s not much I can add. You could try Google, of course!

Anyway I had resigned to go with the flow, as far as prudent for my own safety that is, someone had been trying to kill the old girl, after all. And it was my civic duty to help as much as practical, albeit being somewhat apprehensive. By the way ‘as far as practical’ — in my book — doesn’t include getting my head blown off, or anything stupid like that. So I resolved to be prepared to think on my feet, leg it, or come up with my own plan as circumstance dictated.

Hey look, it had been inferred that I might well be the target of an assassination attempt. If push came to shove, and things got… exciting, I would damn sure be ready to run as far, and fast, as my legs would carry me.

Anyway the premise of their plan went something like this.

Naturally all of lady Tanya’s extended family had been informed of her demise, and they had also been acquainted with ‘certain peculiarities’ of her last will and testament. i.e. being a ‘No show’ at the reading of the will — and Lady Tanya’s interment in the family vault, that would immediately precede that reading — then even if they are mentioned in the document, they would not receive one pound from her estate.

However they would receive 99 pence, to be precise. Don’t ask, I couldn’t follow that bit of legal mumbo-jumbo either.

Anyway, John informed me, that the date for Lady Tanya’s interment — and will reading — had been set for the following Thursday.

I should mention that that word ‘interment’ had brought a definite reaction from Lady Tanya for some reason, more like a stifled guffaw than anything. Most out-of-character for the lady, I thought.

Personally I found mention of her actually burial, in her presence, a little… I’m not sure, tasteless I think. Lady Tanya appeared to think it was a big joke.

I was also informed that members of her ladyship’s family who lived abroad had begun arriving in the country already, and most were being accommodated at the family seat, Tarrent Hall. Obviously I realised, not the mansion we were gathered in at the time.

Certain other members of her (non-immediate) family were apparently by then, already in residence at a near-by hotel. The schedule of my arrival at the estate was a little in the air at that time, because it was to be timed for effect.

I kind-a got the impression that I was supposed to arrive at Tarrent Hall when someone in particular, who would obviously not to be in residence at the big house, was there visiting, specifically so that they would witness my arrival.

With some amazement, I discovered that I’d correctly figured that person was going to turn out to William Burgess. Although none of the three would confirm, or deny, the fact at that time. I’m not sure why, perhaps they thought I might try to punch the bugger on the nose.

Obvious really. Besides Lady Minerva, Burgess was probably the only member of Lady Tanya’s extended family who would have any idea of who I was. Minerva, I was sure would be resident at the big house — once she had arrived in the country — so that removed her from the equation.

By the way, I was informed that Kylie was still en route from somewhere in South America at that time.

Whatever, my arrival at the big house, would be in plain sight, but steeped in enough mystery that it was hoped other members of the family would start asking questions. Then, it would be leaked that I was the main beneficiary of Lady Tanya’s estate, and then… as John Carpenter put it.

‘The bloody balloon will go up! They’ll have very limited time to take… Well, try to put you right out of the ballgame Gilroy. The terms of the will are very specific. If you aren’t present at the interment and when the will is read, then you will not inherit. We figure our man will attempt to ensure that you are a ‘no show’ for the funeral.’

‘But what will that achieve? You know, who theoretically gets everything if I don’t show up?’ I asked.

‘Well, Minerva if she’s present. Well, that’s what the leak is going to imply anyway.’ Ronny replied.

‘And if she isn’t? Present, I mean.’

‘Why wouldn’t she be? At the moment she thinks she’s going to inherit everything anyway.’

‘But what happens if she isn’t there either?’

‘I’m not sure…’ John replied, looking at Ronny for the answer to that question.

‘Well, I think the will would be null and void.’ He replied with a thoughtful expression on his face. ‘But Lady Tanya is not dead, so we really don’t have to worry about that now, do we?’

‘Oh, but we do!’ I insisted, ‘Look, according to you there’s enough wealth involved here for some bugger… Sorry milady, to attempt to murder Lady Tanya to get their hands on it. You even suspect that they are going to rush to dispose of me as well. So what if they… or someone else in the family decides to take Lady Minerva out of the equation as well?’

‘Oh my god, we never thought of that!’ Lady Tanya exclaimed.

‘Well, yes we did, but we don’t believe that that anyone else in the family would so inclined, or braz
en enough to take the risk, Lady Tanya.’ Mackintosh replied. ‘Murdering you for your estate is one thing. An outsider like Gilroy here… Well, I’m sorry to have to say this my friend, but most of them will be wondering who you are anyway and wouldn’t exactly care two hoots if you came to an untimely end. But the sudden death of Lady Minerva… No, that just isn’t cricket, old boy.’

‘Yeah, I get where you’re coming from.’ I replied.

‘Well I don’t!’ Lady Tanya interjected.


‘Tanya, please Gilroy?’

‘If you insist. But only if you’ll call me JG?’


‘It’s what my friends always call me. And, you are claming to be my friend.’

‘Not exactly young man. Your benefactor, and I hope one day your…’

Lady Tanya stopped speaking in mid-sentence, but then saw the curiosity on my face.

‘Sorry Gilroy… JG, I’ll explain my thinking there in the future. Although at present I’m hoping events will still the need.’ Lady Tanya effectively averted any further questions I had by immediately directing at Carpenter, ‘Now John, you were saying?’

‘Well that’s it really, we suspect that the instant our main suspect finds that you’re on the scene Gil, he will instruct his accomplices to remove you from the equation post-haste. We’ll be watching and waiting, and the moment he does…’

‘But only his accomplices John, remember. I’m looking forward to my big scene.’

‘Yes, all going to plan, we will just remove the accomplices, but if our suspect learns they’ve been arrested, Lady Tanya…’

‘Yes, I understand, you and your people will act as needs must.’ Lady Tanya replied, then added, ‘But do your best to humour me, please John.’ before turning her attention to me again.

‘Never mind JG. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the fun when it… goes down. That is the right term isn’t it? I’m sure that was how Bernard phrased it the other day. Oh, do you know that Bernard is going to masquerade as your valet, don’t you Gilroy.’

I didn’t get a chance to react to that piece of information straight away because John Carpenter replied, that ‘go down’ was the accepted expression, and then he went on to suggest that I returned to my hotel to prepare for my choreographed arrival at Lady Tanya’s real home.

I kind-a lost track of things for a little while after that, because Lady Tanya — taking me completely by surprise by her informality — insisted on giving all three of us a hug before she escorted us out to the main entrance. There we found — what I discovered was to be — all the members of my personal security contingent. Lady Tanya greeted every one of them by name and hugged each one as well, before requesting that they kept me safe.

I really couldn’t help laughing out loud when Bernie visibly cringed at being greeted as ‘Bernard’ by Lady Tanya.

On the return journey I queried whether I actually needed a valet. Helen Carpenter informed me that Bernie undertaking the roll of my gentleman’s gentleman, would allow him to stay close to me without people realising that he was acting as a close bodyguard. Well hopefully they wouldn’t. At the time I wondered how that was gong to work, for Bernie — as I understood him at the time — was… Well, a muscle man.

But I must add that, although I had thought Bernie was going to be out of his depth playing my valet, when it came to it, his performance outshone any portrayal of Jeeves that I’ve ever seen in my life. An almost perfect caricature of Steven Fry playing the part, as I saw it.

I very quickly learnt that both Bernie and Marco were multi-skilled and consummate actors when it came down to it. I’d first met two hard musclemen characters, who’d morphed into a couple of family men and proud fathers, who enjoyed a good joke, that same evening. Bernie went on to play an excellent and efficient valet, and Marcos — when we finally got to Lady Tanya’s estate — played a damned good assistant to her butler, who been brought in to help because of all the guests who were in residence. But that is all incidental, it just tells you how the two guys managed to stay close to me most of the time, without looking out of place.

Back at the hotel I packed and made ready, then we all sat around waiting for the go signal that didn’t come. By nine o’clock that night Bernie, Marco and I were propping the bar up again. Bernie, keeping Marco and me, — and most of the other guys — amused with his take-off of Stephen Fry’s interpretation of Jeeves. It kept my mind off what the next few days held for me anyway.

We got the go signal, just after we eaten breakfast the following morning. It came in the form of Lady Tanya’s Rolls arriving to collect Bernie and myself. Marco had done a vanishing act very early that morning and I didn’t see him until I was introduced to him in the guise of Frobisher, assistant butler, at Terrant Hall.

The place was vast, with a very impressive front entrance. I was acutely aware that numerous pairs of eyes were peering at me, out of almost closed doors, around corners and down from the upper landings of the great staircase.

Spooner — Lady Tanya’s real butler — took me by surprise and acted like we’d met before, although always very formally referring to me as Mr Gilroy and often adding my surname Jameson, for good luck. What’s more, always rather loudly.

It took me a moment or two to realise, that Spooner was ensuring that everyone in the house knew that I had arrived, and what my name was. Even if, at that time, they were completely unaware that I was named as the main beneficiary of Lady Tanya’s will. That information was going to be leaked, after enough curiosity had been created, about who the hell, this stranger was.

Several of Lady Tanya’s relatives approached me and said hello, I won’t say they welcomed me because they didn’t. Somewhat reminiscent of some of the old-farts who frequented the Cliff Head, I figured that I could… well handle them without too much trouble. I was used to ‘putting it on’ if you understand me. If you don’t… oh well, it’s a little difficult to explain.

But the buggers think that their wealth (and implied social standing) makes them important, which if you crave wealth yourself, probably does.

Yeah, I like the idea of having a good few bob tucked away in the bank, but, providing I can pay my bills, I ain’t in love with the stuff, or in awe of people who have too much of it. Wealth — more so, excessive wealth — brings with it more than a few problems, I deduced that very early in my life. This is no place for that kind of a lecture, so I will go no further with the subject.

I won’t bother to say much about most of the members of Lady Tanya’s extended family who were in temporary residence, because they played little or no part in what happened later. Except to say that those I spoke to were polite, but all were almost insanely curious about who I was, and where I’d appeared from.

I have no idea what Spooner actually told everyone, by all accounts it was he who did all the leaking, butlers know everything. But I’d kinda gathered that I’d suddenly become a longstanding and very close friend of the late Lady Tanya Simpson. Hey, maybe some of them thought I was her toy boy or something, anyway you can guess the sort of atmosphere that pervaded once even vague details of the will were spread around. From where I stood, it looked like all of them wanted me dead.

Bernie and I were shown up to my room by Marco, and left to get on with it, i.e. unpack. No Bernie was only playing the part, he didn’t wet nurse me when we were in private together.

We chatted for a while about what I was expected to do — to fill the time — and came to the conclusion that neither of us had any idea. We’d just figured that Bernie would take me on a brief tour — he obviously had been to Terrant Hall before.

When Marco returned. He informed us that William Burgess had witnessed my arrival and had hurriedly left
the Hall almost the instant we’d gone up the stairs.

Apparently he’d gone no further than the main gate at the end of the drive, where he had parked and waited for Lady Tanya’s Rolls to come along. Jimmy, Lady Tanya’s chauffer (I’m still not aware of his formal name) had been detailed to go to the airport to pick up Lady Minerva and Fabian.

Apparently Burgess had flagged the Rolls down, got in and it was assumed to be going to the airport with Jimmy.

‘John thinks to warn Lady Minerva that you are here and prepare her for any kind of confrontation.’ Marco informed us.

Bernie and I took our quick tour of the house and immediate grounds. When we were outside, Bernie amazed me by pointing out the areas of the garden where… well, places that an assassin with a gun, might hide, to bushwhack me, as the Americans say.

Mind you, he assured me they were pretty well covered by my close protection squad, who I saw no sign of, by the way. I was hoping and praying that they bloody-well were. Jesus, it was bad enough worrying about being poisoned, no bugger had mentioned firearms.

The rest of the morning I spent mostly in the Hall’s library, mulling over the thousands of books in there. I’m not sure why, but it might have been the presence of several large heavy looking wooden desks come reading tables. Plenty, of nice hardwood furniture and big wingback chairs to hide behind and amongst, if things got… intense.

My presence in the room seemed to discourage many of the other… guests from spending more than a couple of minutes in there. Although some of them attempted to make polite conversation. But nearly always trying to… well, discover exactly who I was, and what my relationship with Lady Tanya had been to start with. Later to look daggers at me.

I have no idea what time Minerva and Fabian arrived at the Hall, but they were there at luncheon. Sitting at the far end of the table, neither of them showed any surprise in my presence, Fabian did no more than nod to acknowledge me. Minerva said, ‘Good afternoon, Mr Jameson.’

Those words drew more than slightly interested expressions from all the other guests. One has to assume that Minerva had let herself in for some interrogation after the meal was over.

There was no sign of William Burgess at lunch, I could only assume he’d returned to his hotel to eat.

After the meal I headed to my room for a rest. Being alert for danger all the time, I found rather tiring. Bernie of course followed me up and I assume hung around near my room while I lay down for a while.

But it wasn’t long before I received a visit from John Carpenter. I’m not quite sure what position in the household he was supposed to be playing, but I never noticed any of the other guests questioning whom he was.

Anyway, John informed me that Burgess had made contact with the would-be assassins who were now being closely watched by the police and probably would be arrested before the day was out.

‘They won’t get anywhere near the Hall anyway. But it’s suggested that you stay within the Hall’s immediate grounds until they have been detained.’

‘I thought the plan was that you’d nick him the moment he got in contact with them.’ I blustered.

Hey, it might sound interesting when they suggest that you could well be a potential target for an assassination attempt. But once they confirm that you really are, and then they don’t grab the bugger who’s been hired to top you, straight away…. Yeah well, the old anus tends to start quivering a little. Mine did anyway. I ain’t no bleeding Hollywood hero, I was getting more than a little concerned.

‘Hold on Gil, don’t go getting excited… or worried.’

‘That’s all right for you to say, it ain’t you they’re trying to bump off.’

‘No, but a recording of a telephone conversation isn’t much to hang a conspiracy to murder charge on. We’ve had a good idea of whom for a long time, but we never had the smoking gun. Look they… or most likely we think it’s just he really. Anyway they’ve made several attempts on Lady Tanya’s life, but we’ve never had the proof. They… he simply contaminated the food that was being prepared in the kitchens here….’

Same as Minerva Ch. 07 of 10 Videos

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       We’d been fighting for weeks and both knew the break up was coming.  It had all started over something small but just kept growing until there was no way to stop it.  Both of us were furious and it all came to a boil that night.        ?Fuck you!? screamed Laura.  ?I am done dealing with this crap, get out of my house!?  Laura was blonde, about 140 pounds, and shaking with rage as she yelled at me.  She was about 5’ 6? but with her heels seemed taller and had great legs, a nice tight...

4 years ago
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First Time i Had Sex

Introduction: Be nice.. its short, but you asked for it I had made it through most of my high school years without giving in and having sex. For some reason, although I had pretty much ignored most of the other expectations about myself, I had kept the keeping myself lodged in the back of my head. Let me back up a bit. I had started getting involved in the dating scene about the time I got my license. It allowed me to get out of the house, go where I wanted, and see whomever I wanted. My...

2 years ago
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That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual fetishes.” When I arrive at their hotel suite I quickly decide the pics Ada showed me do not do them justice. They are both around their late-thirties, obviously a professional business couple. I soon leant despite their French accents they both...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 531

The Retreat By 1:00 P.M. the women, as well as the Prime, were cold, tired and frustrated, but the pallets of frozen foods were unloaded from the trucks and stored in the main freezer. None of the drivers had given Diana any trouble as she told them where each pallet should go – it was just a lot of work unloading and arranging everything, and ... most of it couldn’t be done standing outside the freezer. Each truck had arrived with its own forklift hanging on the back, and as each driver...

4 years ago
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 25 Two Weeks

TWO WEEKS Over the next two weeks, Laura sunk further into her degradation. *At the office* Every morning that Laura worked at the office, she visited Alistair in the morning for her counselling, and showed him her tits and cunt, and either told him something slutty as he masturbated or licked at the photo of her twat. On her first day back after the changes at her house, Alistair had a particular question for her. "I received some interesting information last night," he...

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Slaves of the Amethyst Part Four

(See Part One for preamble.) Chapter Fifty Nine.It wasn’t bread and water for dinner, not that Rachel’s threat had really sounded very serious of course. Sebastian had provided a simple but nourishing meal of soup and a cold collation. The soup was a rich thick Scotch broth of mutton, diced vegetables and barley. If they had have been restricted to bread and water Jennifer wouldn’t have minded much because the freshly baked crusty bread, still warm from the oven,...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 7

I called Raymond Whitfield, who’s helped my Dad with a number of Real Estate transactions in the past. He’d be there in about 15 minutes. I told this to Molly. Less than 90 minutes later, Caroline and I were the sole owners of a beautiful 4-bedroom 3-bathroom home, with all existing furniture. My hand is always sore after a deal, with all the documents you must sign. Especially as a buyer I estimated that between the original $1.2 million price and the finished deal we saved close to 460K...

2 years ago
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Step Daughter Figured It Out For Me

Genetics are a bitch, I remember from my youth that my grandmother had giant breasts. When you are young, and she is coming at you to give you a big hug and kiss, her breasts just are enormous and swallow you whole until she releases you. Later, I see that my mother is also ginormous. She is not overly over weight, but her bras on the line just caught the wind and exploded in a giant sail. And then, my sister was also so big that she had to have a reduction just to be able to walk normal. So,...

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SheLovesBlack Alyx Starr Craves Black Cock In Quarantine

All alone in her house with no visitors, Alyx has been craving some cock when the “Social Distancing Task Force” comes by for an in-depth inspection. A stranger with a big black cock and a thermometer takes her temperature, checking out her sexy body and all its parts. Quarantine has made Alex super horny, craving human connection, like sucking a nasty big black cock. Alyx decides to whip out her perfectly large tits, sucking on her nipples, showing off her titty-fucking skills for...

3 years ago
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Hotel Date

Their comes a time in a relationship where you just have to reconnect, change your location, change your perspective and just dedicate some time to fucking each other's brains out. For Cassidy and Rhys that time was this weekend. They knew it and they were excited to do it. Neither of them knew who's idea it was this time to spend the week teasing each other teasing and denying each other sex, but it added something neither of them had experienced in a long time, virtually uncontrollable...

4 years ago
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Happy Holiday

When I was around 16 my parents decided to take me and my sister on a family holiday to a resort on one of the Spanish Islands. The day before we were due to leave, something came up in my father’s job and he had to stay behind. Ten days of sun, sea, sand and my sister and mother nagging me, and dragging me around the shops.We arrived late in the evening and had a quick look around the resort. It seemed to be your standard holiday resort, a group of buildings surrounding a large swimming pool...

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Beach Vacation Part 3

We started getting ready for dinner with John and Mike. Since we were in a hurry, Ann showered first, as it would take her longer to get dressed. I showered quickly, and when I stepped out I heard a knock at our door and Ann moving across the room to answer it. I wondered if I had zoned out in the shower, or if she had just gotten dressed much faster than normal. As I walked out of the bathroom with a towel on, I could hear John and Mike's voices and Ann letting them know we'd be ready in a...

Wife Lovers
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Phoenix ch 06

Tanya called out from the kitchen, “Supper’s almost ready, wash up, both of you!” Frank hugged his two-year-old daughter tightly, then looked at her tiny, delicate, but very dirty little hands. “What have you been doing?” he asked, grinning at Alicia and showing her how dirty her hands were. “I was hunting!” Alicia exclaimed proudly. "Mole Rats!" “Well, now you’re going to be washing!” Frank laughed, then picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. It was after dinner and...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 251

This one is compliments of elo An Indian chief lived together with his tribe on a reservation. One year the previous winter had been very harsh and the tribe had been freezing as they still used firewood in their houses. As fall came the tribe asked the chief if he thought it was going to be another cold winter. Not really sure what to answer the chief told the tribe to gather some extra firewood just in case. After the chief thought it would be prudent to check with the local...

2 years ago
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The man of the house

"Billy your breakfast is ready hon" I come inside the kitchen from outback, having just finished the chores. And washing up. It's 7am and I started at 4am , it's a lot harder taking care of our small farm with dad out looking for work. He's been gone a couple of days now. Anyway let me describe our little family I am billy a teenager five foot six inches and built like a bull, growing up on a farm ain't easy. There is my dad Rob just over six foot and very broad and  lean, not very many...

3 years ago
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The English Teacher Part Three

The English Teacher - Part Three By Katherine Day (Copyright 2008, by Katherine Day) Chapter Five My affair with Paul had to end. Yes, it was an "affair," and it was so wrong. As a teacher, I had no right to seduce a student, even though it was Paul who had come on to me. Yet, I had dressed for class in a way that I knew would excite the young man. I had grown to accept the fact that my beauty as a woman was quite remarkable, and it was such a contrast to the shame and...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 220 Yahikos True Fight 2

(The police and Yahiko stand at one end of the narrow street, behind a low barricade of rubble; Kujiranami at the other.) Kujiranami (charging): BATTOUSAI! Yahiko (thinking): His weapon's different--that's not a cannon. (aloud) Shinichi! What is that! Shin'ichi: It's... It's called a grenade launcher-- (Kujiranami fires, blasting the barricade to pieces. His second shot is aimed at Yahiko on the roof.) Shin'ichi: Though its force and range are less than that of the cannon, its...

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Paula and Tina Our first time

For as long as I can remember I’ve been in love with Tina. Of course I didn’t always know her, wasn’t always friends with her. I bounced around when I was really young with a few foster families, spent a little time in a home with Nuns. But that time of my life is like a blur now. I don’t really remember much of it other than people always feeling sorry for me. I never wanted anyone to feel sorry for me. Tina was different. I met her at a church function when we were both just girls really,...

4 years ago
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Evening At The CastleChapter 8 Bridgetts Kinky Secrets

Richard arrived at my hotel suite around seven, dressed informally in faded jeans, an open-necked white shirt under a lightweight, pale blue sweater and ox blood loafers. We hadn't discussed suitable attire for the evening during our previous phone conversation, so when I opened the door for him I felt more than a little foolish in my all-purpose little black dress with its mini-skirt and spaghetti straps... and the black fishnet hose weren't going to work either. Not a problem, however. We...

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Sally awakes Chapter 12

I was pondering about Sid and Sue and also about Abby. It seemed that men wanted to see their wives with another woman. I had experienced it but I didn’t think it was that “usual”. I was soon to learn that it was more “normal” than I first thought. Of course it also meant easy money for anyone who would do it. I was happy to join a couple wanting to spice things up. My next adventure was with Peter and Vivian. Peter was a hunk and I would have fucked him for free. Vivian was gorgeous. Large...

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My Blonde Mother Becomes A Naturist

As long back as I can remember my mother and I have lived alone. My father I know, but he and mom got divorced when I was just a year old and since then I have hardly met him. Once in a while he phones and we have an awkward conversation for a minute or two. He also sends birthday and Christmas gifts, but other than that he does as little as possible to keep in touch. The meager child-support he's paying is the meagerest of all time. Not that mom and I need his money, we cope. Neither of us...

1 year ago
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Up the Creek

I never have been one for camping. But, when you're only 18 years old, and it's considered to be "important family time", you don't usually get a choice in whether or not you get dragged along. Such was the case this weekend. had decided that they'd pick me up from school and we'd head straight off to go camping. We were headed up into the El Dorado hills along the Cosumnes River, "we" meaning my parents my sister, her friend Patti, and me. Riding in the camper isn't necessarily bad, and in the...

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the seduction of my mother

The Seduction of My Mother My name is Jeff, I am 18 yr.’s old and I love my mom. Her name is Mary You may think so what we all love our moms, BUT I make love to my mom. It all started when my dad left my mom for another woman, it was the worst day of her life, and she did everything for him and worshiped the ground he walked on. He came in one day and packed a bag and left, not a word why or a reason. We found out three days later when a letter came from his lawyer stating he wanted a...

5 years ago
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Neighbours Part 2

Hayley knocked on Jack’s frontdoor. Fifty-two-year-old Jack opened the door and blushed as he saw his eighteen-year-old neighbour. Jack was wearing a short-sleeved blue shirt and jeans. He wasn’t wearing any socks but had on slip-ons. Hayley wore a red vest top and a very short cream mini-skirt. Jack thought she looked really lovely; in fact as stunning as usual actually. “Come in, Hayley,” Jack said standing aside to let Hayley through. Hayley didn’t look very happy as she stomped in passed...

2 years ago
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Model FantasyChapter 5

You tell me how much you want to masterbate with me and watch me cum so I lie back naked on the bed while you do the same. We take up opposite sides of the bed propping ourselves up with pillows. Using some lube I begin stroking my member as I watch you playing with your pussy. You slip your fingers inside curling your fingers watching me as I stroke a little faster. Your fingers begin to blur inside you bringing yourself to an orgasm and I quickly follow suite coming with you. Cleaning my...

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Toms DiaryChapter 4

Monday, March 18, 2002 I slept well, and when I awoke it was to the sound of my alarm clock ringing in the start of a new day. JR wiggled her butt, and said, "Get the alarm, sleepy head!" I hated to move away, but I did. JR sat up, grinned at me. "You were a good boy last night!" "I was," I agreed, "and you'll find out I'll be a good boy again after school." She grinned, and went to the closet, got out clothes and vanished towards the bathroom. I lay in bed, stroking my rod,...

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EvilAngel Adriana Chechik A For Anal

Stunning superstar Adriana Chechik wraps her lush lips around a black dildo and plunges her sphincter. Crazy Russian stud Markus Dupree gives her a rim job and fills her bunghole with his dick while she masturbates. Adriana moans in ecstasy as his prick pounds her butt. She stuffs a big toy down her throat and cums on Markus’s thick prick. When he slides his fingers into her rectum, orgasmic Adriana squirts girl juice all over herself! Markus laps up her fuck fluid and snowballs it into...

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the hardest and sweetest kiss

We had been sitting out the back on the verandah for over 2 hours, the breaze from the ocean felt great after the heat of the day. I looked at her in the moon light, sitting next to me. She was different from all the other girls I had met, self aware and knew what she wanted. Only one small problem, when she started talking she would go on for hours. Every time I opened my mouth to say something she would tell me to shut up because she was talking. Losing track of what she was saying, I closed...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 185 Whatever You Need to Do

I saw Rhonda slip out of the studio. Donna and her parents were talking with the others and I followed Rhonda. "Thank you," she said. "I love you." "I meant for the chocolate." "I still love you." "Please stop, Brian." We wandered to a couple chairs in the lobby. Since it was Saturday, the place was pretty deserted. We sat in silence for a minute. I was so happy to see her that I couldn't think straight, but I was still so torn up inside I wanted to throw up again. "I'm...

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Letters From Rose

John Henry Bartlett III laid back on his bunk and closed his eyes, exhausted after another long day at sea. It had been another stressful day, causing him to question once again why he had joined the Navy. The answer was simple: his family legacy. Father and grandfather before him, along with scores of uncles and cousins…men in his family were supposed to be Navy men. He hadn’t even questioned it, the choice was made for him before he was born and he stepped into his role like a pair of...

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The Pendant 5

Chapter Five The next day was Friday so I was glad when school got out. But then I got to thinking that on the weekend my mom was probably going to be home so I would have no private time to use the Pendant. When Bobby arrived I told him to ahead while I got some towels. I had been going through sheets pretty fast and couldn’t think of an explanation if my mom asked. When I walked into the room Bobby was already naked and wearing the Pendant. In spite of having seen her a lot it...

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Killer BsChapter 2

One of the girls used her cellphone to call 911 to request cops and EMS (Emergency Medical Services). I used my cellphone to call home to ask Mom and Dad to come pick us up. None of us, except for me, was dressed in undamaged clothes. Beth reclaimed her skirt before the cops or EMS showed up, and she stole a belt from one of the downed boys to keep it in place. The cops, EMS, Mom and Dad, and a TV crew all arrived at about the same time, and the next hour was spent in answering...

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Took Gf8217s Virginity At Nightout

Hi guys. I m a physch guy frm Pune. I m 5′ 8″ and 21 yrs of age. I m regular reader of iss. I want share my story about two yrs back. I took my gf’s virginity. She is also of my age. The story started when we were in clg. Then i send her request on social site. She didn’t accept but gave a rpy to my msg. Time turned we became close frd then one day she proposed me. I agreed. We were too happy in our relation. We used to travel a lot. So as the days passed we came closer. After six months we...

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Stand in TimeChapter 06

The next morning I gather my black girls together to tell them not to leave the wagon circle for any reason unless I’m with them. We set up a temporary latrine in the inner circle for them to use. They don’t like being restricted until after I explain this is the town where they were going to be given over to be prostitutes and I don’t want to risk having some idiot grab them. Donna suggests a way for them to keep busy within the circle. I end up surrendering another bolt of cloth to the...

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SRU Teachers Pet

SRU: Teachers Pet By Morpheus Gordon Teller quickly made sure his teacher Ms. Parker wasn't looking, then threw a ball of paper several chairs up, catching Sara Brecker alongside the head. Sara turned around, glaring to see who did it, while Gordon looked away and tried to look as innocent as all the other 9 year olds in the class. "Someone hit me," Sara whined to Ms. Parker. "And I think it was Gordy." Ms. Parker let out an exasperated sigh and looked at Gordon, warning him, "Don't...

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Gym Glory Pt 3

Mapquest that I held in my hands. I arrived a short time later in front of a large Victorian style house. I took a deep breath, walked up the front steps, and raing the doorbell. I looked through the window next to the door and saw Davy jogging to the door. He opened it, and when he saw it was me he smiled so big I thought his dimple would implode. "Hi, James. I see you've thought about this." He motioned into the hallway and I stepped into his house. I looked around, seeing...

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Body SwapChapter 19

It turned out that Margaret stayed for the whole time that Jim and Ellie were in the pool and she seemed to be getting on well with Isa and Joe. The four of us who had been swimming made our way to the rooms where we could change and shower. When we returned Isa had made us all, including the adults, hot chocolate and offered us a plate of biscuits. As they got up to leave, Margaret turned to Jim and Ellie and asked, "Have you two got plans for this afternoon?" We thought you might drop...

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