Minerva Ch. 07 Of 10 free porn video

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I suppose one might think that I was taking all that had happened within the previous twenty-four hours or so, a little blithely. Let me assure you, I wasn’t!

Although I must admit that the several million pounds or so, from the late Lady Tanya’s estate, that Harcourt, etcetera, had mentioned, had gone some way to allaying my fears concerning the danger they’d implied. Yeah well, I had never imagined myself as the mercenary type either, but the thought of enough cash, that I’d never to have to work again… Maybe that blurred my principles a little.

Mind you, the pure fact that I was sitting in that drawing room talking to the woman, kind of put the kibosh on the swimming in money idea, and might have dulled that enthusiasm some, to accept the inferred danger anymore, that is.

After all, Lady Tanya was sitting there, alive and well and talking to me. Don’t matter what way you look at it, that made it obvious to me that there weren’t no legacy coming my direction from her, in a bloody hurry.

But aside from that side of things, I was very curious to find out what Kylie would have to say for herself, when we met-up again. As we surely would do, at this spurious will reading fiasco Harcourt and Lady Tanya had referred to. There’s nothing as satisfying as putting someone on the spot, is there?

You should have worked out by now, that I had fallen for Kylie, hook, line and bleeding sinker, when I’d met her at the Cliff Head.

Her sudden vanishing act had caused me great emotional hurt. And then the news — some time later — that Minerva had married Fabian flash-pants… Well, that had gone a long way to convincing me that Lady Minerva had been… Yeah, all right, she was a selfish little stuck-up bitch, who’d had herself a little fun playing with a gullible fool’s emotions.

Actually she had changed my perception of all females, and ever since, I’d kept them all at arms length, as far as my heart was concerned, anyway. Being bluntly honest, since my encounter with the lady Minerva… well, I’d turned into a right ‘little shit’ myself, as far as the female of the species went anyway.

—- —- —- —- —-

Lady Tanya eventually ran out of steam. But then, before I’d had the opportunity to get my act together and deluge her with the obvious questions, that I should have asked. The Carpenter’s and Ronald Mackintosh came back into the room.

I wasn’t sure of by what means, but I got the impression that Lady Tanya had somehow summoned them.

Without much more to-do, John Carpenter launched into the details of their plan. The only trouble was, the longer he talked the more… Well, the more I began to fear that it sounded like one of ‘Baldrick’s cunning plans’ to me.

If you’re unaware of who ‘Baldrick’ was/is, by the way, then I’m sorry, but there’s not much I can add. You could try Google, of course!

Anyway I had resigned to go with the flow, as far as prudent for my own safety that is, someone had been trying to kill the old girl, after all. And it was my civic duty to help as much as practical, albeit being somewhat apprehensive. By the way ‘as far as practical’ — in my book — doesn’t include getting my head blown off, or anything stupid like that. So I resolved to be prepared to think on my feet, leg it, or come up with my own plan as circumstance dictated.

Hey look, it had been inferred that I might well be the target of an assassination attempt. If push came to shove, and things got… exciting, I would damn sure be ready to run as far, and fast, as my legs would carry me.

Anyway the premise of their plan went something like this.

Naturally all of lady Tanya’s extended family had been informed of her demise, and they had also been acquainted with ‘certain peculiarities’ of her last will and testament. i.e. being a ‘No show’ at the reading of the will — and Lady Tanya’s interment in the family vault, that would immediately precede that reading — then even if they are mentioned in the document, they would not receive one pound from her estate.

However they would receive 99 pence, to be precise. Don’t ask, I couldn’t follow that bit of legal mumbo-jumbo either.

Anyway, John informed me, that the date for Lady Tanya’s interment — and will reading — had been set for the following Thursday.

I should mention that that word ‘interment’ had brought a definite reaction from Lady Tanya for some reason, more like a stifled guffaw than anything. Most out-of-character for the lady, I thought.

Personally I found mention of her actually burial, in her presence, a little… I’m not sure, tasteless I think. Lady Tanya appeared to think it was a big joke.

I was also informed that members of her ladyship’s family who lived abroad had begun arriving in the country already, and most were being accommodated at the family seat, Tarrent Hall. Obviously I realised, not the mansion we were gathered in at the time.

Certain other members of her (non-immediate) family were apparently by then, already in residence at a near-by hotel. The schedule of my arrival at the estate was a little in the air at that time, because it was to be timed for effect.

I kind-a got the impression that I was supposed to arrive at Tarrent Hall when someone in particular, who would obviously not to be in residence at the big house, was there visiting, specifically so that they would witness my arrival.

With some amazement, I discovered that I’d correctly figured that person was going to turn out to William Burgess. Although none of the three would confirm, or deny, the fact at that time. I’m not sure why, perhaps they thought I might try to punch the bugger on the nose.

Obvious really. Besides Lady Minerva, Burgess was probably the only member of Lady Tanya’s extended family who would have any idea of who I was. Minerva, I was sure would be resident at the big house — once she had arrived in the country — so that removed her from the equation.

By the way, I was informed that Kylie was still en route from somewhere in South America at that time.

Whatever, my arrival at the big house, would be in plain sight, but steeped in enough mystery that it was hoped other members of the family would start asking questions. Then, it would be leaked that I was the main beneficiary of Lady Tanya’s estate, and then… as John Carpenter put it.

‘The bloody balloon will go up! They’ll have very limited time to take… Well, try to put you right out of the ballgame Gilroy. The terms of the will are very specific. If you aren’t present at the interment and when the will is read, then you will not inherit. We figure our man will attempt to ensure that you are a ‘no show’ for the funeral.’

‘But what will that achieve? You know, who theoretically gets everything if I don’t show up?’ I asked.

‘Well, Minerva if she’s present. Well, that’s what the leak is going to imply anyway.’ Ronny replied.

‘And if she isn’t? Present, I mean.’

‘Why wouldn’t she be? At the moment she thinks she’s going to inherit everything anyway.’

‘But what happens if she isn’t there either?’

‘I’m not sure…’ John replied, looking at Ronny for the answer to that question.

‘Well, I think the will would be null and void.’ He replied with a thoughtful expression on his face. ‘But Lady Tanya is not dead, so we really don’t have to worry about that now, do we?’

‘Oh, but we do!’ I insisted, ‘Look, according to you there’s enough wealth involved here for some bugger… Sorry milady, to attempt to murder Lady Tanya to get their hands on it. You even suspect that they are going to rush to dispose of me as well. So what if they… or someone else in the family decides to take Lady Minerva out of the equation as well?’

‘Oh my god, we never thought of that!’ Lady Tanya exclaimed.

‘Well, yes we did, but we don’t believe that that anyone else in the family would so inclined, or braz
en enough to take the risk, Lady Tanya.’ Mackintosh replied. ‘Murdering you for your estate is one thing. An outsider like Gilroy here… Well, I’m sorry to have to say this my friend, but most of them will be wondering who you are anyway and wouldn’t exactly care two hoots if you came to an untimely end. But the sudden death of Lady Minerva… No, that just isn’t cricket, old boy.’

‘Yeah, I get where you’re coming from.’ I replied.

‘Well I don’t!’ Lady Tanya interjected.


‘Tanya, please Gilroy?’

‘If you insist. But only if you’ll call me JG?’


‘It’s what my friends always call me. And, you are claming to be my friend.’

‘Not exactly young man. Your benefactor, and I hope one day your…’

Lady Tanya stopped speaking in mid-sentence, but then saw the curiosity on my face.

‘Sorry Gilroy… JG, I’ll explain my thinking there in the future. Although at present I’m hoping events will still the need.’ Lady Tanya effectively averted any further questions I had by immediately directing at Carpenter, ‘Now John, you were saying?’

‘Well that’s it really, we suspect that the instant our main suspect finds that you’re on the scene Gil, he will instruct his accomplices to remove you from the equation post-haste. We’ll be watching and waiting, and the moment he does…’

‘But only his accomplices John, remember. I’m looking forward to my big scene.’

‘Yes, all going to plan, we will just remove the accomplices, but if our suspect learns they’ve been arrested, Lady Tanya…’

‘Yes, I understand, you and your people will act as needs must.’ Lady Tanya replied, then added, ‘But do your best to humour me, please John.’ before turning her attention to me again.

‘Never mind JG. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the fun when it… goes down. That is the right term isn’t it? I’m sure that was how Bernard phrased it the other day. Oh, do you know that Bernard is going to masquerade as your valet, don’t you Gilroy.’

I didn’t get a chance to react to that piece of information straight away because John Carpenter replied, that ‘go down’ was the accepted expression, and then he went on to suggest that I returned to my hotel to prepare for my choreographed arrival at Lady Tanya’s real home.

I kind-a lost track of things for a little while after that, because Lady Tanya — taking me completely by surprise by her informality — insisted on giving all three of us a hug before she escorted us out to the main entrance. There we found — what I discovered was to be — all the members of my personal security contingent. Lady Tanya greeted every one of them by name and hugged each one as well, before requesting that they kept me safe.

I really couldn’t help laughing out loud when Bernie visibly cringed at being greeted as ‘Bernard’ by Lady Tanya.

On the return journey I queried whether I actually needed a valet. Helen Carpenter informed me that Bernie undertaking the roll of my gentleman’s gentleman, would allow him to stay close to me without people realising that he was acting as a close bodyguard. Well hopefully they wouldn’t. At the time I wondered how that was gong to work, for Bernie — as I understood him at the time — was… Well, a muscle man.

But I must add that, although I had thought Bernie was going to be out of his depth playing my valet, when it came to it, his performance outshone any portrayal of Jeeves that I’ve ever seen in my life. An almost perfect caricature of Steven Fry playing the part, as I saw it.

I very quickly learnt that both Bernie and Marco were multi-skilled and consummate actors when it came down to it. I’d first met two hard musclemen characters, who’d morphed into a couple of family men and proud fathers, who enjoyed a good joke, that same evening. Bernie went on to play an excellent and efficient valet, and Marcos — when we finally got to Lady Tanya’s estate — played a damned good assistant to her butler, who been brought in to help because of all the guests who were in residence. But that is all incidental, it just tells you how the two guys managed to stay close to me most of the time, without looking out of place.

Back at the hotel I packed and made ready, then we all sat around waiting for the go signal that didn’t come. By nine o’clock that night Bernie, Marco and I were propping the bar up again. Bernie, keeping Marco and me, — and most of the other guys — amused with his take-off of Stephen Fry’s interpretation of Jeeves. It kept my mind off what the next few days held for me anyway.

We got the go signal, just after we eaten breakfast the following morning. It came in the form of Lady Tanya’s Rolls arriving to collect Bernie and myself. Marco had done a vanishing act very early that morning and I didn’t see him until I was introduced to him in the guise of Frobisher, assistant butler, at Terrant Hall.

The place was vast, with a very impressive front entrance. I was acutely aware that numerous pairs of eyes were peering at me, out of almost closed doors, around corners and down from the upper landings of the great staircase.

Spooner — Lady Tanya’s real butler — took me by surprise and acted like we’d met before, although always very formally referring to me as Mr Gilroy and often adding my surname Jameson, for good luck. What’s more, always rather loudly.

It took me a moment or two to realise, that Spooner was ensuring that everyone in the house knew that I had arrived, and what my name was. Even if, at that time, they were completely unaware that I was named as the main beneficiary of Lady Tanya’s will. That information was going to be leaked, after enough curiosity had been created, about who the hell, this stranger was.

Several of Lady Tanya’s relatives approached me and said hello, I won’t say they welcomed me because they didn’t. Somewhat reminiscent of some of the old-farts who frequented the Cliff Head, I figured that I could… well handle them without too much trouble. I was used to ‘putting it on’ if you understand me. If you don’t… oh well, it’s a little difficult to explain.

But the buggers think that their wealth (and implied social standing) makes them important, which if you crave wealth yourself, probably does.

Yeah, I like the idea of having a good few bob tucked away in the bank, but, providing I can pay my bills, I ain’t in love with the stuff, or in awe of people who have too much of it. Wealth — more so, excessive wealth — brings with it more than a few problems, I deduced that very early in my life. This is no place for that kind of a lecture, so I will go no further with the subject.

I won’t bother to say much about most of the members of Lady Tanya’s extended family who were in temporary residence, because they played little or no part in what happened later. Except to say that those I spoke to were polite, but all were almost insanely curious about who I was, and where I’d appeared from.

I have no idea what Spooner actually told everyone, by all accounts it was he who did all the leaking, butlers know everything. But I’d kinda gathered that I’d suddenly become a longstanding and very close friend of the late Lady Tanya Simpson. Hey, maybe some of them thought I was her toy boy or something, anyway you can guess the sort of atmosphere that pervaded once even vague details of the will were spread around. From where I stood, it looked like all of them wanted me dead.

Bernie and I were shown up to my room by Marco, and left to get on with it, i.e. unpack. No Bernie was only playing the part, he didn’t wet nurse me when we were in private together.

We chatted for a while about what I was expected to do — to fill the time — and came to the conclusion that neither of us had any idea. We’d just figured that Bernie would take me on a brief tour — he obviously had been to Terrant Hall before.

When Marco returned. He informed us that William Burgess had witnessed my arrival and had hurriedly left
the Hall almost the instant we’d gone up the stairs.

Apparently he’d gone no further than the main gate at the end of the drive, where he had parked and waited for Lady Tanya’s Rolls to come along. Jimmy, Lady Tanya’s chauffer (I’m still not aware of his formal name) had been detailed to go to the airport to pick up Lady Minerva and Fabian.

Apparently Burgess had flagged the Rolls down, got in and it was assumed to be going to the airport with Jimmy.

‘John thinks to warn Lady Minerva that you are here and prepare her for any kind of confrontation.’ Marco informed us.

Bernie and I took our quick tour of the house and immediate grounds. When we were outside, Bernie amazed me by pointing out the areas of the garden where… well, places that an assassin with a gun, might hide, to bushwhack me, as the Americans say.

Mind you, he assured me they were pretty well covered by my close protection squad, who I saw no sign of, by the way. I was hoping and praying that they bloody-well were. Jesus, it was bad enough worrying about being poisoned, no bugger had mentioned firearms.

The rest of the morning I spent mostly in the Hall’s library, mulling over the thousands of books in there. I’m not sure why, but it might have been the presence of several large heavy looking wooden desks come reading tables. Plenty, of nice hardwood furniture and big wingback chairs to hide behind and amongst, if things got… intense.

My presence in the room seemed to discourage many of the other… guests from spending more than a couple of minutes in there. Although some of them attempted to make polite conversation. But nearly always trying to… well, discover exactly who I was, and what my relationship with Lady Tanya had been to start with. Later to look daggers at me.

I have no idea what time Minerva and Fabian arrived at the Hall, but they were there at luncheon. Sitting at the far end of the table, neither of them showed any surprise in my presence, Fabian did no more than nod to acknowledge me. Minerva said, ‘Good afternoon, Mr Jameson.’

Those words drew more than slightly interested expressions from all the other guests. One has to assume that Minerva had let herself in for some interrogation after the meal was over.

There was no sign of William Burgess at lunch, I could only assume he’d returned to his hotel to eat.

After the meal I headed to my room for a rest. Being alert for danger all the time, I found rather tiring. Bernie of course followed me up and I assume hung around near my room while I lay down for a while.

But it wasn’t long before I received a visit from John Carpenter. I’m not quite sure what position in the household he was supposed to be playing, but I never noticed any of the other guests questioning whom he was.

Anyway, John informed me that Burgess had made contact with the would-be assassins who were now being closely watched by the police and probably would be arrested before the day was out.

‘They won’t get anywhere near the Hall anyway. But it’s suggested that you stay within the Hall’s immediate grounds until they have been detained.’

‘I thought the plan was that you’d nick him the moment he got in contact with them.’ I blustered.

Hey, it might sound interesting when they suggest that you could well be a potential target for an assassination attempt. But once they confirm that you really are, and then they don’t grab the bugger who’s been hired to top you, straight away…. Yeah well, the old anus tends to start quivering a little. Mine did anyway. I ain’t no bleeding Hollywood hero, I was getting more than a little concerned.

‘Hold on Gil, don’t go getting excited… or worried.’

‘That’s all right for you to say, it ain’t you they’re trying to bump off.’

‘No, but a recording of a telephone conversation isn’t much to hang a conspiracy to murder charge on. We’ve had a good idea of whom for a long time, but we never had the smoking gun. Look they… or most likely we think it’s just he really. Anyway they’ve made several attempts on Lady Tanya’s life, but we’ve never had the proof. They… he simply contaminated the food that was being prepared in the kitchens here….’

Same as Minerva Ch. 07 of 10 Videos

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First Semester Finals

A bloodcurdling scream rang out through the hallowed halls of Bastion Library. Instead of being paralyzed in fear or running to the aid of whoever cried out, most of the college students present simply laughed. One or two even added their voices to the cry. It was mid-December and finals week. The stress was getting to some more than others. ‘I bet they have Professor Saxxon for chemistry too,’ I grumbled more to myself than anyone specific. That didn’t stop the people at my table from...

3 years ago
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And The Winner Is

Disclaimer: You must be at least 18 years old to read this story. It contains graphic sex and should not be read by those who find such aspects objectionable. This story belongs to me and should not be used commercially without my permission. I write for my own enjoyment and am sharing this with other members of the MC community after spending many years being entertained by numerous authors, too many to mention here. Any feedback is appreciated. It can be emailed to me. And The Winner Is… ...

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Wife Customized by Black Lovers and New Boss

Wife Customized by Black Lovers and New Bosses is a story of a woman who experiences the pleasures and frustrations of being a Hot-wife who loves Big Black Cock. It also looks at the desperation that her “husband” must endure as she is shared with a black man and given to a Master who changes her appearance without regard to how others will see her. It is a very true fictional story of how couples deal with the changes that they did not foresee when they decide to step into this lifestyle. ...

1 year ago
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Summertime Chapter One

Summertime: Chapter 1 By Tommie Summertime, and the living was easy. I had just graduated college and I was home for the summer. My parents were on vacation and I had the house to myself. I had settled into a relaxed routine. Up late, lazy breakfast, a little bit of work on the computer to keep my hand in for the programmer's job I was starting in the fall. Then, as often as not, a lazy afternoon reading in the back yard before soccer training in the evening. Soccer had paid my...

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Neeta 8211 My Maid Cum Special Friend

Hey Friends, I would like to share a story of my own. After completing my higher school in 2006, I moved to Kolkata to become a CA and pursue B.COM. I rented a 2 BHK near Bara Bazaar just across my Aunt’s house. My Aunt wanted me to stay in her house but I refused. I wanted to be alone and free. I loved the place, people and college First day of college was good… quite a number of Hot Chicks… I made breakfast myself; lunch in college canteen and Tiffin came at night from my Aunt’s place. Soon I...

2 years ago
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Ronnies Song Ch 02

Thanks for the feedback from the first volume of ‘Ronnie’s Song’! Here’s the second, hope you enjoy it. ****** I woke as a pillow struck my face. Blinking in the morning light, I saw Sam’s smug face as she turned on her heel and made her way into the bathroom. Looking down at my own body, I envied hers. Her slim stomach, perfectly formed breasts and well toned legs. I paled in comparison. I wasn’t fat – that I knew, but I didn’t exactly have the best body proportions. No wonder Aaron never...

2 years ago
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Thursdays ChildChapter 9

A very apologetic Mary Witherspoon rang at half past seven the next morning. "I'm sorry, Becca. It wasn't as though I hadn't done the work. It was just that after supper Kim badgered me into playing the piano with her for the rest of the family and I completely forgot to ring you." "Don't worry, Mary. I haven't got to ring the agent until this afternoon. What's your verdict?" "Go for it. We can afford to make up the balance of the mortgage from company funds as the new girls...

1 year ago
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The Neighbors in 3BChapter 6

A not very surprising thing happened for the next week. No one came knocking at my door. In a short time I had grown used to having a social life, and then, as suddenly as it had begun, it disappeared. My days were filled with work and commuting and my evenings were once again times for television and solitude. I wasn't sure how this had come about, but then I didn't really understand why all the social activity had begun for me in the first place. In a very real sense, my life had returned...

2 years ago
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My wife on stage at the stripper club

The phone on my desk rang loud on Tuesday afternoon. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard my wife's voice.Ana told me she wanted some entertainment that night and I should meet her later at The Hole. I knew she was referring to a strip club. The Hole was located on a side of the local highway.I had often teased Anita about taking her there sometime and she often told me she would go. But I never took her up…She recommended me to not be late. She would hate to think what would happen if she...

2 years ago
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Loving My Sexy MotherChapter 2

"I can't believe how well you look darling" dad said as he watched mum pouring out our drinks, she was wearing a floor length, white sheath dress with a slit up both sides and the tantalising outline of a minuscule, white g-string was clearly visible through the thin material. Dad had hardly taken his eyes off her since he'd arrived with his "secretary" to discuss the sale of the house, it was obvious that he was amazed at how sexy she looked. They'd agreed on everything including...

1 year ago
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StepSiblings Maya Farrell Alina Belle My Stepsisters Fucked Me To Get Into The Club

Sumptuous stepsisters Alina Belle and Maya Farrell are psyched when their stepbrother gets hired at their favorite nightclub. But the annoying guy refuses to let them in without a little persuasion first. To convince the pervy guy to put them on the list, the thicc, ebony stepsisters give up their tight, juicy pussies. They join him in the shower, making out while his cock gets rock hard. Then, they share his dick, sucking him off until they can’t wait to take him inside their tight teen...

3 years ago
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Hard PromiseChapter 10

The next few weeks were hell on me, but in my state of mind I didn't much care if I was in pain or not. Actually, my attitude probably helped me play football better, because now I had a nice, legal outlet for the mayhem I wanted to inflict. I hit harder in practice and during games, and jumped back up and asked for more if I was knocked down. Micki began dressing a little more conservatively, and stopped hitting on other guys, seemingly having learned her lesson. On the other hand, she...

1 year ago
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Becky Comes Out Of Her Shell Chapter 3

When we woke up the next morning, we both sheepishly grinned about the night before. "Wow, how about that?" I said. "Yea, it was amazing, babe," she replied, then off to the shower she went.She has a 9-5 kind of job and I either work from home or on the road, sort of like a sales job. Today I was working from home.  She came out of the bathroom ready for work. She looked sexier than the day before somehow. Funny how a man can view a woman differently when the sex between them is so good....

Wife Lovers
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Love and Family During the Great DeathChapter 2 A Long Days Wait

Alice was congratulating herself on getting her father involved with someone and David and Ellen were busy flirting, when the distant sound of the radio caught their attention. David quieted them so they could listen. “This just in, there appears to be a massive meteor shower sweeping across the country. It supposedly started West of here,” the announcer reported, signaling he was near Washington, “and it’s been sweeping steadily westward. It’s inflicted serious damage and has limited...

2 years ago
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Teaching the k**sbyrjohnson©One day, as I was working in my office at home, my wife came in and told me to come with her, quickly. I, at first, thought there was something wrong so I bolted out of my chair and followed her as she led me to our bedroom window. “I want you to see something,” she said. “But you must be very quiet.”As I got to the window, she said “Look,”Our bedroom window overlooks the pool and when I looked out the window, I saw our two sons, sunning themselves beside the pool....

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Revision with a Sting

I had always enjoyed spanking stories but never imagined I would be spanking Jenny naked or that soon afterwards she would be spanking me. We were off school with ‘study time’ and I was supposed to be revising for my end of year exams – the mock A levels, as the teachers were keen to point out. I was no worse at revising than everyone else but that didn’t make my guilty conscience any easier. The phone rang and it was Jenny, a beautiful girl but like me she needed to work hard to get results....

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Sali Ko Chodna Sikhaya

Hi mera nam raj he aur mein 33 sal ka hun mera sadi 30 sal mein hua tha padosh ki sahar ki ek ladki se.Sadi ke time mera ek choti sali thi ruby jo ki +3 ist year mein padh rahi thi.Sadi ke bad mein apni bibi se bahat khus tha.Dono bahat sex karte the koi time bound nahin tha.Din rat subah sam jab man kiya.Aise 3 sal chudai ke bad wo pregnant hui aur 7 mahine bad maikechali gayi. Ab mein akele bahat tadpa. Bhir mera najar gaya meri sali per jo mere sahar mein hostel mein padh rahi thi .Uski...

4 years ago
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Slayer Vs Succubus

Brother Hayes looked nervously around as he shuffled down the corridor. His candle sent flickering shadows across the walls. In his overwrought imagination they took on the fearful shapes of imps and demons, grasping and clutching at him. God, please preserve my humble soul, he thought as he scurried down the corridor. What had they been thinking? For research purposes? Borgnine was mad and he was even more insane for going along with it. He opened the door and entered the large cavern of...

1 year ago
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A Ghost of a Girl

The house was haunted, sure--or, at least, that's what Donna Adams, the real estate agent, told me. She had to, by California law. Ridiculous, of course, but I wasn't arguing with her, not when the rumor lowered the rent by two thirds. I couldn't pass up a deal like that. I'd been out of work for months, and my unemployment benefits were all but gone. Luckily, soon after moving to San Rafael, I landed a technical writing job. It didn't pay all that much (which made my "haunted house" all...

4 years ago
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The Duck Pond

I don't recognize the number, but the text reads: Meet me at Shilshole. Bring your camera.A few weeks ago a beautiful woman exposed herself to me at a bar. She swiped my phone to leave me a series of self-shots of her flashing in the parking lot. I also have a tantalizingly incomplete picture taken under her dress of a very wet, freshly-fucked pussy. I've been masturbating to these daily. It's practically habit. Consequently, I'm as familiar with her curving hips and sloping breasts as I'm...

1 year ago
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More Than a Movie Night

Dawn stared across the quiet room of her small apartment gazing at the clock that read 2:35. She was wondering what type of plans she could come up with for tonight. She knew her friends were probably going out with their boyfriends, so she was wanting to get into something more troublesome without staying home for the 2nd Friday in a row. She then picked up her cell phone and called a few of her old friends, but they were busy as well. A few hours had passed and she then got a random phone...

Straight Sex
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Adventure Camping

It had been a long 6 weeks that John had spent away from Emma. It had seemed like they’d hardly had any time together that year but finally the summer had arrived and John was home with some time off. They decided to spend a weekend camping in the Welsh countryside. The plan was to pitch a tent in the middle of the wilderness where they were unlikely to be disturbed. After a couple of days discussing the trip, the idea of inviting some company had surfaced. John got on the phone and spoke to...

Wife Lovers
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“Calm down! What’s gotten into you? Talk with me. Whatever it is, we can work it out!” he pleaded. “Work it out? Work this out!” I screamed, before throwing the antique vase his mother gave us as a wedding present. He ducked my throw, watching it dissolve into a million chips of porcelain as it vaporized against the wall. “That was childish. Grow up! What’s this about? Please talk with me.” He almost sounded convincing.“I have nothing to say to you except go fuck yourself, you lying, cheating...

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BackroomCastingCouch Nicole 01042021

26 year old university administrator Nicole is here this week helping us start the New Year off with a bang! She’s classy, curvy, and a huuuuuuuge slut. She’s ready for everything we throw at her smiling the whole damn time. She’s got a great attitude, it’s a shame I don’t have any real work for this girl because she’s definitely got an IT factor. We take a moment to get to know her before we get them huge ass titties out and a cock in her mouth. She really...

1 year ago
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The Proposition Part 3

Harry Blunstone asked why his wife Carol was having her breakfast of toast and coffee standing up and she said that there was no reason except that she was a bit short of time. The real reason was of course that her backside was still tender from the nine-stroke caning that she had received from her much younger boss, Duncan Henderson, the previous evening.Harry, of course, knew nothing about the caning or the fact that his sixty-year-old wife and her twenty-sex-year-old boss were now lovers....

2 years ago
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The story of a woman8217s busy and adventuresome sex life from midteens

She started in her mid-teens with an older brother who satisfied her curiosity about why she got those feelings between her legs. He was quite experienced and quickly taught her the potential her pussy had for pleasure but also the delicious feelings of good foreplay and oral sex as well. After a year or so of fucking at every opportunity and developing her erotic skills, another older brother, and then her younger one, found out and joined in on the fun. Christi learned to focus on...

3 years ago
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markie dunlap Kansas city sissy for all black Mast

I am a Sissy Faggot! I have been programed by hypnosis to write (beg) to be owned and femenized by a black Master in Kansas City Mo. For months I have watched repetedly sissy hypnoses videos and black cock worship videos. My girl freind set it all in play when she found me dressed in her panties bra and stockings. She has comanded me to tell all who read this that the phrase (black cock sissy) will in fact make me your sissy cock slave to dress me and use me as you wish. She has also instruced...

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Whats a man to do Pt

We reached the fun chamber and I unlocked the door and told the lady's to go in and get to know each other while I went and fetched some glasses and a two bottles of red and a bottle of bubbly.I returned to find the girls siting on the edge of the bed chatting and giggling like two school girls. It surprised me that Elke hadn't this hot little thing between her legs licking her pussy out. Usually my wife doesn't waste time chatting when she has an itch that needs scratching.I locked the door,...

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There Is a ReasonChapter 2

Two thousand miles away Becky stared at her cell phone as if she had never seen one before. She folded it shut, distressed and confused as a wave of emotions shot through her. Her mother had dropped a bomb on her with news about Bret. Bret, the man she loved and hated, the man who had loved her and then failed her, and then disappeared. It had been over five years since she had last seen him, but every mention of his name brought the same dull ache of longing and loss, and yes, anger. She...

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Sam 30

planetary time unit = day ---------------------------- Sam stood there looking over the scene, they needed to move if they had any chance to stop the Tetricons. He had three full Cliverstones, himself, Thantas whom he'd just discovered was his sister then Mellos. A slight gasp from the only occupied bed, had Triann and Drivas rushing to Thellus's side. "God I am so hot." She said as she like Drivas tried to rise from the bed, only to fall back. "It should pass soon, I am reading that,...

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An Alien AbroadChapter 26

It seemed my task was achieved. Not entirely in the original plan, but who cares? I had sired many a baby, we knew that; but it also seemed that there had been more male desire sublimated than had been realised. In various ways this had been released. It would take a long time, if ever, for the male lust to equal the female, which was rampant and ever up for it, so it seemed. But at least now increasing numbers of men were willing to partake of that most efficient method of procreation: full...

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I spent a few minutes rubbing her breasts with one hand and pussy through her panties with the other at the same time. I slid a couple fingers into her panties and felt her completely hair free waxed pussy. I rubbed her clit some, then slid my two fingers inside her. As my fingers slid in and out I watched the effect it made on her heart rate. I only spent a few minutes playing with this doll. I licked her wetness off my fingers, fixed her attire, washed my hands and took a seat until my...

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Randy Wendy

When I was still at school we had a lot of fun with the girls. Some were complete sluts and had several boyfriends at the same time. The dirtier and sluttier they were the more fun they were to be with. The naughtiest of all was Wendy. With long shiny black hair and a fringe which hung over her forehead to partially cover her sexy black eyes, she was a nymphomaniac who liked to be fucked by several boys at the same time, and would often manage to corrupt the teachers – both men and women – when...

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Dont Ask Dont TellChapter 6

Again I was ignored for the rest of the day, except for right after supper, when Dad was in the living room channel surfing and Mom was putting things in the dish washer. Heather pushed me up against the wall across from my bedroom door and kissed me. With tongue. "Fuck I love that," she whispered. Then she went into her room and closed the door. The next morning she looked tired. Mom noticed, and asked her if she was pushing herself too hard. She said she wasn't, and that she'd just...

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The Bet Chapter 48

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 48 (Thursday - week 7) The clock was well on its way towards morning when she dreamed her final dream of the night. She was on stage in her beautiful pink ballet costume, dancing for a huge audience in a grand theatre. But it wasn't her as she was now, it was her as she was in high-school - the last time she wore that ballet costume. She was thinner, lither... younger. Not that she noticed that in her dream. The music started and she...

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Crossing Paths Chapter 1

Davon is an African-American man in his mid-thirties, until recently he worked at UPS and loved his job. Unfortunately, fate had a different plan. 2 months ago Davon was delivering a package to an older white woman over in Rogers Park. When he got to her house she was already outside waiting for him, it seemed she'd been sitting out there for a while. But, as he climbed the stairs up to her porch to bring her the package his erect penis seemed to slip out from under his shorts and by...

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Anaxandros Year One Ch 1

Dark Damsel will continue shortly, but for now, here’s a new thread I hope you enjoy. Please note that this story is written not to glorify the acts presented within, but to place them in a context by which you may understand the actions of its characters. It contains graphic violence that may offend some readers. As always, I appreciate your feedback. – BD * * * * * One of my first years on the inside of Gotham’s underworld, I worked for Julius Watts – now deceased – former cocaine czar of...

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