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[This story has no explicit sex in it. If descriptive sex is why you want to read a story, read a different story. This story is about making a difference with, by and for friends. It’s just a story, until you and I make it true.]

None of what happened was planned, at least not by me and certainly not by Ron. Ron turned seventy on May the twelfth last year. Everyone living in the Aspen Grove section of the Colorado Sunset Hills Retirement Community attended the party for him. He and Emma, his wife of almost fifty years, had lived in Aspen Grove for three years and had made lots of good friends.

What happened started at the party. At the birthday party he danced with Emma and just about every other woman in our community. He didn’t dance any of the fast stuff fast but he danced. The party lasted hours and we all had a good time. He didn’t want presents for himself. He wanted every body to bring a present to the party for a game he thought of. The presents were to be wrapped and for either a male or female. It would be embarrassing for a man to open a present and inside find perfume.

Each person would choose from the tables covered with presents and that was their birthday present from Ron and whoever actually brought it. No one put a price limit on the game and we were not to put our name on the outside of the gift.

I thought long and hard about what I could give that would mean something to the person who got it and wouldn’t break my small bank. In the end I made a gift certificate on my computer and put it in a shoe box, put a marble inside so it would make noise if someone shook it, wrapped the box in green paper and took it to the party. The gift certificate was for two days of companionship. For two days of the person’s choosing, I would be with them. Go for a walk? If that’s what you want, you’ve got it. Sit on the porch and watch the grass grow? I’m there. Whatever.

There were almost thirty people at Ron’s birthday party. None of us knew how sick he was. Well, probably Emma did, but she didn’t say how sick he was. We all noticed he had lost some weight and that he had a little less white hair, but that doesn’t always mean you have three weeks left.

After we ate everyone gathered for the celebration. Ron gave us the rules again for his game. When he gave the signal we all went to the tables and picked a package and came back to our seats. Then he would call on one person. That person could open the present they picked or trade someone for the present they picked and open that one. If they opened the present they picked they got to choose who was next. If they traded the person they traded with went next.

He looked over the crowd and he picked Carl White, his bridge partner whenever Emma wasn’t. Carl switched with John Tinker and opened what he took from John. He got two decks of very nice playing cards in a fancy box. John went next and opened what Carl had traded him, and smiled, it was a nice bottle of wine in a fancy box. He picked Carolyn to go next and she opened the box to find a gift certificate for a massage at the spa. There were plenty of offers to trade. She picked who went next and we all enjoyed seeing what people had made, bought or given. I was thinking a lot about the small thing I had given. It wasn’t, in my thinking, as good as some of the other gifts. I spent some time regretting that I hadn’t splurged and bought something.

When there were five presents left I noticed mine was one of the five. It sat on Marge Wilson’s lap. Henry Carter had opened his gift and picked Marge to go next. She traded my present to Francine and opened the present she got from Francine. It was four movie tickets to our local AMC Theatre. Francine shook the green box, heard the marble I had put inside rattle around and traded the box with Ken. She opened the box he had been holding and found a bus pass good for a month. Ken traded my green box to Pam and got tickets to the next bus trip to Las Vegas. That left Emma and Beth. Pam looked at the box and traded with Beth. Pam got a gift certificate for thirty dollars at our local market. Beth held the green box and said, ‘Seems no one wants to open this one. It must be intended to be yours, Emma.’

Emma gave up the silver wrapped box from her lap. Beth opened the silver package and got a gift certificate to one of the restaurants in our area.

Emma looked at the green box and said, ‘Green has been my favorite color for all my life. Thank you, whoever gave me this.’ She opened the box and read the certificate. She dropped the box on the floor and rushed out of the room crying. All of us sat stunned. Me, most of all. I made Emma cry. I had no idea how my gift could or would make anyone cry.

Ron followed her out of the room. Sandy had been sitting on her other side and she picked up the box. She read what I had written and looked up at me. Tears ran down her cheeks.

‘How did you know?’

‘Know what?’ I was in the dark.

‘Ron is dying. This is his last birthday.’ Sandy said. The room was silent. No one moved. ‘I thought that Emma, Ron, Beth and I were the only ones who knew.’

Beth said, ‘No wonder none of us could open it. It was for Emma.’

The party broke up. Sandy, Emma’s best friend, stayed back to be with Ron and Emma. I stayed. I didn’t know what to do but I stayed. When Emma and Ron were ready to go home I walked with them. Emma held Ron’s hand and carried the green box in the other. Sandy walked with me and held my hand.

We got them home and settled. Emma kissed my cheek and said she would wait to use the certificate. Sandy and I left and I walked her to her apartment. She held my hand and said, ‘Of all the presents Emma got the best one.’

‘I don’t know about that.’

‘She’s been living with Ron for almost fifty years. When he’s gone she will need companionship more than she ever has. You gave her the prefect gift. She burst into tears because she is terrified of being alone.’

At her front door she kissed my cheek and I walked home. I wondered how I gave the gift I gave and how it got traded enough to end up with Emma. I didn’t have any answers.

Two days later I saw a hospital bed being delivered to Ron and Emma’s place. I went over and Ron was thinner and weaker. He was in the bed and a nurse was checking his vital signs. She was from the hospice care provided through the Colorado Sunset Hills Retirement Community. I helped bring some chairs into their bedroom so visitors could sit. There was room for four chairs. One was always Emma’s.

A week went by with an almost constant stream of people in and out of their home. We moved the hospital bed into the living room and borrowed some chairs from the club house. Now as many as ten people could visit with Ron and he could watch their 60′ TV. Like all their friends I was there for part of almost every day. Every time I went to visit Emma was sitting on Ron’s right side, holding his hand. When we moved the hospital bed to the living room the guys from Aspen Grove came and put the queen bed back in the bedroom. Emma cried when she looked at it.

Every time I saw the queen bed it was made. I figured Emma for one of those people who always makes the bed as soon as they get up. In a conversation with one of the nurses she shared with me that Emma never slept in the queen bed. She squeezed into bed with Ron and held him all night long, every night.

At eleven one night my phone rang. The nurse told me Ron was gone. I dressed and went over. I held Emma’s hand as the hospice people and the people from the coroner’s office took Ron away. They were gentle and ever so careful with him and with Emma’s heart. When they were gone Sandy looked in on us and saw that I was on duty. Beth came by, as did four or five others, but when they saw I was there, they went home.

I sat on the couch and held Emma all night. At about three she fell asleep and I think I did too. Sometime about dawn we were both awake and went into
the kitchen. We made breakfast together. Toast, coffee and some jelly.

We went back into the living room and Emma started crying. Walking into the room she saw the empty bed and that was enough. She came into my arms and sobbed. After standing crying for a few minutes she walked us to the recliner that everyone knew was where Ron sat to watch movies and football before he was sick. She pushed me into the chair, tilted it back and crawled into my lap where she cuddled in and cried herself to sleep. I didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t say anything.

At ten three guys came and took the bed. I signed their paperwork. Emma just wasn’t there enough for details like that. She and Ron had planned and paid for everything before he started hospice care. A woman from the mortuary came by and finalized the time for the service and burial. I said I would let everyone know. She left me with paperwork showing directions, date and time.

At eleven, Sandy and Beth arrived together. They brought lunch. They fed Emma almost like she was a toddler. I ate the sandwich they brought me and drank the iced tea. They stayed for a while and Sandy thought I ought to go home and get a nap. When she said it Emma started to cry. She said, ‘Don’t go. Don’t leave me.’

Beth said, ‘Sandy and I will stay with you.’

Emma looked at me and said, ‘Sleep here. Don’t go.’

I went in and took a nap on the queen bed. Beth stayed until five and then she woke me so I could be with Emma. At six Carolyn and John brought dinner to us. They stayed until eight and went home. Emma and I talked until after eleven. Actually, Emma talked and I listened. She talked about life with Ron.

She started drifting to sleep after eleven. I recommended she go to bed. I told her I would stay right there on the recliner. She went into their bedroom and did her ritual. She came back out wearing a long green plaid flannel nightgown. She stood in front of me for a long time looking at me.

Her hand reached for mine. When she had it she said, ‘Hold me.’

I stood and held her. It was if she was so fragile she might break. She backed up a little and I released her. She took my hands and led me to the queen bed where she sat and began unbuttoning my shirt. I started to say something and she put a finger to my lips. Then she finished unbuttoning my shirt and tossed it to a chair. She undid my belt and unzipped my chinos.

The last woman to do that had been my wife, the night before her heart attack six years before.

I finished the job and stood before her in my boxers. She turned and crawled into bed. She held the covers open for me. We didn’t talk. I got in and she molded herself against me. I know we slept but I also know we spent most of the night just holding each other.

In the morning there was a knock at the front door. We didn’t hear it. Beth and Sandy came in and found us asleep holding each other. They backed out and came back two hours later. They made breakfast and made enough noise that we woke up and got out of bed. I dressed and Emma went into the bathroom for her morning ritual.

In the kitchen Beth kissed me good-morning and so did Sandy.

‘We saw you two sleeping.’ Sandy said.

‘I don’t know what to say.’

‘God, don’t feel bad! If someone had been there for me like you’re here for Emma I would have come back to the living lots faster than I did.’

‘All I’ve done is hold her and listen.’

Beth got up and kissed me. ‘Silly man, you say that like it wasn’t much! It is everything. She had counted on you from the day of the birthday party. You promised her you would be here for her.’

‘Would one of you do me a favor?’

‘Name it!’

‘Go to my place and get me some clean clothes. I don’t think leaving Emma would be Ok.’

They took my keys and left. While they were gone Emma came out and ate breakfast. ‘Where are they?’

‘Went to get me some clean clothes for today.’

‘I hope they bring you your clothes, Beth’s and Sandy’s would be too small for you.’ She smiled. Her sense of humor was coming back. She ate a good breakfast and we were at the sink doing dishes when Beth and Sandy returned. I thanked them for the clothes and went to take care of a shower, etc.

Emma sat them down and talked to them. She was sad, aware of the hole in her life and that it would hurt for some time… and she was back. They asked about finding me in bed.

‘The most comfort I’ve had in the last three weeks was knowing that Nick would be here for me. He held me all night long on Ron’s recliner after Ron went. He didn’t make me talk. When I cried, he cried. He helped me cry! Last night we were on the couch falling asleep and he sent me in to get ready for bed. When I came out of the bathroom in my flannel nightie I saw an empty bed. I went to him and he held me. I took his clothes off and I pulled him into bed. He held me all night long. I miss Ron. Nick doesn’t breathe like Ron. I got up once in the night and when I got back in bed Nick just gathered me close and held me. He didn’t wake up.’

When I came out feeling clean and fresh all three women kissed me. Beth’s kiss was much more than a quick kiss. I didn’t ask what they meant. I just enjoyed receiving.

The next day was the funeral. Emma went with me to my place and picked out what she wanted me to wear to the funeral. We carried my stuff back to her place and after she was ready I got ready. Everyone who had been at the birthday party was at the funeral. The three grown children of Ron and Emma were there. Their son took me aside at the gathering after the funeral and warned me not to try to move in on his mother. I asked him if he was going to take care of her.

‘I pay her rent and stuff! Yeah, I’m taking care of her!’

Sandy and Beth came and sat with us. They had heard him.

Beth said, ‘Where were you the night your father died?’

‘At home. I didn’t come because there was nothing for me to do.’

‘Nick, sat up all night holding your mother while she cried. All night!’

Sandy added, ‘And where were you for the three weeks your father was in bed dying? You weren’t here. You were the one Emma called when Ron needed hospice care. She asked you to tell Jennifer and Janice. You waited until three days before Ron died to tell them. Except when Ron and Emma slept at night we all were here. Not only were you to busy to come, you robbed your sisters of being with their Dad the last days of his life. And now you want Nick to stop being here?’

‘You have some nerve.’

‘I wanted to be here! I have a company to run! I have bills!’

‘You have excuses. I hope they keep you warm at night. Your excuses haven’t helped your mother at all. Nick has. He’s not after her money. He’s not after anything except to be comforting to her. You could take lessons.’

‘I want to protect her.’

‘From what? Love, companionship, caring people?’

‘No, from getting hurt.’

‘Don’t you think it hurt when her husband of fifty years and your father is dying and you and your sisters don’t drop everything and be here?’

‘But, she understands why I wasn’t here.’

‘When she would have been sitting on the couch all alone watching the ambulance drive away with Ron’s body in it how much good is understanding that being here wasn’t important to you?’

All three of us got up and walked away from him. Emma was surrounded by people. Her daughters had flown in from London and New York. They sat at either side of her. They stayed for two days. Her son went home before the gathering was over.

During the two days I rested a lot. Holding Emma took a toll on me emotionally. That’s not a complaint. I’d do it for every one of my friends. Sitting on my front porch the second afternoon I saw the daughters take their mother out. They left in a cab. Three hours later they came back and Emma was smiling. I decided that being the companion for any and all my friends was
my new career. My mission for the rest of my life.

The next day Emma called Beth and Sandy. They went to her and the three talked for a couple hours. Then, they came to see me.

We sat in the shade on my small patio. Emma started the conversation.

‘Nick, I cannot thank you for what you gave me. There aren’t words or actions that would even come close.’

Beth put her hand on Emma’s arm and said, ‘Emma shared something with us this morning. She wants you to know about it but it is still too hard for her to say. It took her a long time this morning to tell us. The last thing that Ron said to her was that he loved her and that she shouldn’t worry, Nick would be there for her.’

Sandy spoke, softly. ‘A couple days before Ron left he and I were alone for a few moments. He asked me if I would help you care for Emma. He said that knowing the three of us were here for her made leaving easier. She was loved and cared for.’

‘I don’t know what to say.’

‘Then listen. We have learned something here. Being alone sucks! Being loved and cared for is better. From now on, in our community, we are the companions. In sickness, loss, bad weather, or death we will do just what we did. Somehow we did what was the right thing. It hasn’t been a week and Emma can laugh.’

‘Deep inside I’m still bleeding, still in pain that all of us have been through. And, I’m back because of the three of you. We can do this for all the people we love. Can we agree to be the companions?’

I nodded. We all did. We had lunch together. I went to play bridge in the afternoon. I listened. Harvey was hurting. His son had been in rehab for a drug and alcohol problem and Harvey had his hopes up that the man would get his life in order. He found out his son had been arrested in Chicago for drunken disorderly conduct.

When the bridge time was up I called my team and we went over to Harvey’s. Sandy stayed with him until ten that night and I went and sat in his living room until two in the morning. We talked. Not much but as much as Harvey was up for.

Emma brought breakfast and Sandy spent a couple hours with him. We traded off for days until Harvey sorted out his feelings and dealt with the powerlessness of wanting someone else to change. Then he came back to us. We knew he was back when I went over to have breakfast with him and he had showered and shaved on his own.

A week went by and we didn’t hear of anyone needing the team. On Saturday night at just after nine my phone rang. I heard Beth’s voice.

‘I don’t need the team. I don’t want the team. I want and need you, Nick. I need you to come here and hold me, help me cry.’ She hung up. I walked to her home. Before I knocked she opened the door. She had already been crying. Curt’s picture was not on the wall. It was on the coffee table with a box of tissues.

We went to the couch and sat together. She held my hand, looked at Curt’s picture and cried. I realized that today was something big for them. I didn’t need to know what it was. I needed to feel her loss. I had one of my own. I had that empty space that will not get filled. I touched my the hole in my soul and we cried together. We never said a word.

At dawn she went into the bathroom and washed her face. She went into the kitchen and made a Spanish omelet for both of us. Her coffee is always good so I was thankful for a good meal and that the crisis was over. She led me to the door and kissed my cheek as I left.

At home I took the phone off the hook and went to bed. When I got up at three to pee I put the phone back on the hook. When I came back to the bed it rang.

Beth said, ‘Yesterday was six years since Curt died. Every other year I had thought about dying. Every other year I cried and hurt and didn’t share it! Last night you were there! You helped me cry! I love you for that.’

She hung up. I hadn’t said anything except, ‘Hello.’

At seven the phone rang again. The voice was Beth’s. ‘Have you had dinner?’


‘Then come over. It’s ready.’ She hung up again.

The door was open. She was standing just inside in jeans and a sweatshirt with a torn open neckline. It may have started with a crew neck but somehow now it was bigger. She had the table set and the wine poured. It was delicious. I said so.

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In winter this year I had to go to India on business. This time I came to Bhadrak city located in the south-east of India. I was there for a week talking. After the meetings, I changed into a long skirt and loose blouse and visited the city. Like this Indian city, it was picturesque and foreign. There are not many white people there, so I quickly became an attraction for the inhabitants. Women accosted me, boys asked me to take pictures with them. Several times, while posing for photographs,...

2 years ago
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The PhotographerChapter 3

The next morning it was raining hard so Dan began to work on his plan. It was in his contract that he didn't have to be on the site when the weather was bad. He printed out all of the pictures that turned out pretty good and sorted them. At first he had figured that he was going to send all of the pictures and then call but he decided to mail one or two pictures each time to heighten the suspense He pulled on a pair of latex gloves to hide his finger prints. Dan picked up the picture of...

4 years ago
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My First MILF

Was watching TV last night and flipped to the movie "Summer of 42", which got me to thinking about my "Summer of 76".I was 20 in the Army and stationed in Germany. Me and group of friends had gone on leave to Holland to be used as extras in the movie "A Bridge Too Far", which was being filmed there. We were lucky and got hired and spent three weeks as "movie stars". After the shooting was done and we were paid, we still had several days of leave and the guys wanted to do Amsterdam up right...

3 years ago
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JenniferChapter 3

“Anna Maria, Mamma, will you keep a very open mind for me, just for a minute. I need to ask you a question, for a favor, if you will, but it may freak you out. Regardless, I need you to promise that you will not shun me or hate me afterwards, and God forbid, I need you to promise not to tell your daughter, your daughters, to disavow me and leave me. If you disagree, I promise never to breathe a word of it again, but I need your help and blessing.” “What, child, in the world, could be this...

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Roleplay between a husband and a wife

Mera naam shalini hain. Main ek shaadi shuda aurat huun 26 yers ki. Meri shaadi delhi ka amit se hui thi aaj se 3 saal pehle. Main jawani se utshuk thi sex ko le k aur chahti thi ki kab meri shaadi ho aur main man lagea k sex ki bhook ko mitau. Waise to meri arranged marriage hui thi, par ghar walo ne mujhe amit se milne ki puri izazaat de rakhi thi. Hum log qutab minar, rail museum aur jantar mantar me kai baar mile. Shaadi se pehle hum sirf kiss tak apna relationship ko rakha tha. Wo bhi bina...

4 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 33 Harsh Words

Lucretia Vespucci was the lone occupant of the dining room when King Joseph finally broke away to take his midday meal. As always, the girl was seated as far away from the head of the table as she could get. “Hello,” Joseph said as he sat down across from her instead of his customary seat. “Your Highness,” Lucretia replied. She put her spoon in her bowl and prepared to depart. “Please, stay,” Joseph said. The girl immediately dropped back into her seat as though her legs no longer worked....

4 years ago
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A taste of you Part 2

The next morning saw us huddled together on the narrow bed, the single blanket crumpled by our feet. I awoke with one hand lightly on Angelika's hip and the other under her pillow. Chris was gone but the sound of the shower seemed like a good explanation for that fact. Angie was breathing lightly. She was still wearing her t-shirt and nothing else. Her soft, naked backside showed a white triangle proving she was not a friend of nude sunbathing. My stirring erection reminded me that I hadn't...

First Time
2 years ago
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Max to Maxie New Beginnings

Max to Maxie Chapter 1 - New Beginnings As I lay on the gurney, with my wife Sandi sitting next to me, Dr. Madison came in. "Good morning Maxie, good morning Sandi", as she was shaking our hands. "Maxie, I know we already went over what we are going to do today but, I want to make sure that you understand what is going to happen. I'll be doing 3 procedures on you today. Up to now, the changes that have been made are reversible. But, after today they will be irreversible. I am going...

2 years ago
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My best friend I

Well too start out this is a True story about me & my best friend that I fell In love with.. It started Couple months ago when we became friends. He was dating my exs s*s so we just kinda became friends, well we started working together then we all started staying together. Long story short he told me how shity & worthless my gf was so me & her split & she moved out well they all told me I'm more then welcome to continue staying there, well after doin little thinking I...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Remy 04282019

20 year old first-timer Remy has gorgeous blue eyes, a very healthy sexual appetite, and wants to take the porn world by storm. The “pretty girl” picture session she probably fantasises about ain’t happening today, neither are most of the other things newcomers expect. Like a makeup artist. Or time to change outfits. No, instead white camera guy Troy just tells Remy to keep an open mind and that she needs to be able to swing with the punches in this business. Showing her great...

4 years ago
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BlondeChapter 3

Dick and Jill Harte were already setting at the modern, glass topped supper table as Jane rushed in and sat down. "There you are honey. Is your brother coming," Jill asked with a smile. "I think so mom," Jane said with a thoughtful expression. "He made a funny noise and ran into his room and slammed his door. I asked him if he was going to come and eat. He yelled through the door that he would be down in just a moment." Turning to her dad she said excitedly," Guess what dad." Dick...

2 years ago
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WarlockChapter 24

Bren stopped Miller before she left his quarters. "I want you available at all times." He said in a low voice, "Who do you have that can keep Esterhazy busy while still being diplomatic?" Miller pursed her lips and stared at the ceiling for a moment, "Saul Darska, maybe. As long as he keeps his lies believable." Bren grinned as he recalled a few of Darska's most memorable antics. The man was a menace; constantly interpreting orders in a way that obeyed them to the letter while...

2 years ago
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Samantha Gardener

SAMANTHA GARDENER "You think you're so smart and beautiful," she spat, "but inside you're as plain and stupid as the rest of us!" I took this as something of a compliment, ignoring the second half of her accusation, and brushed a lick of hair back off my face. "If you'll calm down," I said, "you'll realise that my decision is the only correct one." Samantha Gardener had tears down her fat cheeks, dying her eyes a vile red, horribly visible, even through her glasses. She ran her...

1 year ago
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Debbie does Alabama Part Two

As summer approached she stopped wearing a bra and started wearing very see through blouses that showed off her gorgeous 38C sized firm tits. I noticed but never commented. This is based on a true marriage experience. Obviously names and places have been changed. Continuing from Part One: With our extravagant lifestyle we soon went through the financial endowment. I lost my job as I was drinking too much. Our marriage was in a desperate situation both at the bank and in bed. An Aunt of mine...

1 year ago
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Reddit Chubby

Reddit Chubby, aka r/Chubby! Let me fill you horny fuckers in on a little bit of wisdom. Even though it’s fucking hot as hell to pork petite chicks and the more athletic types, never, ever discount giving chubby bitches the ol’ ramrod in their fat holes. There’s nothing quite like watching those gigantic titties bouncing as you give them the fuck of their life, and have I mentioned dick sucking yet? Holy shit, if you’ve never gotten head from a chubby gal, get ready for your balls to drain so...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Jakobs Absturz Julias Aufstieg

Jakob fühlte sich unwohl. Sein Kopf schmerzte. Der 19 Jährige öffnete die Augen. Er war nicht zuhause. „Na Süßer, endlich ausgeschlafen?“ Jakob zuckte zusammen. Neben ihm stand ein Mann um die 30, muskulös mit dunklen Haaren. Jakob merkte dass er nackt war. Der Mann setzte sich zu Jakob aufs Bett. Er streichelte Jakobs Wange und sagte: „Geht es dir gut? Du hast gestern ganz schön viel getankt für so einen zarten Spross.“ Jakob fühlte sich unwohl. Er zögerte und sagte dann: „Ich, ich kann mich...

3 years ago
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The Reject

She felt great, confident and healthy, sexually stimulated by the eyes on her body, her jutting breasts, her beautiful butt, and her long legs. She knew she looked good, stretched and let her hips roll, and she was very glad she had worn her high boots. Her four-inch heels drew looks that her ripe body and busy mind enjoyed. Even the men with babies or toddlers looked at her, and she could feel, actually feel, their longing, they wanted to fuck her, all of them. She knew what they wanted to do...

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A night at the caravan site with mum

It was a lovely august weekend and we had gone away for the weekend to stay with friends on a nice carvan site. They recently bought it so we gave it a try and to be fair it was pretty nice. It was your typical site where as soon as you drove in you could see the sites club house and arcades, the big lake and the tennis courts. Once we enter the site we drove to what seemed like the furthest caravan at the back. We parked up and got out. I had drove down with my parents and we was meeting up...

4 years ago
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Army Officer Ke Biwi Ko Choda

Hi I am neel, back again with my new story.Iske pehle aapne meri stories padhi jo ki story readers k sath huwi.Response kafi acha raha mere sari stories ko.Koi bhi bhabhi/ladki milna chahati hai to mail me ye mera naya email id hai Koi bhi bhabhi pune/mumbai se no age limit milna chahati hai to mail krre.No age limit. I am neel, a 27-year-old single guy from Pune.Well educated and from a good family.Normal looks with a slim body that many ladies like.I have a good stamina and good in pussy...

2 years ago
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Pussy Flashing

This is a true story which happened a few years ago, before we married and she was still keen to play.I'd already persuaded her to go out and about without panties, her tits were too big for braless, but it was a turn-on knowing her cunt was bare and available.We went into the city for a walk around and we got peckish, so I suggested we go into the McDonalds for a burger which she agreed to. Now this particular shop has an upstairs and there's a table right at the top facing the stairs and it...

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Children of the LightChapter 3 Therefore I am

The Cataloochee House, as we referred to our new home, did become a focus of activity, but it was not the business of the Legion which focused there, it was the business of raising our gifted children. Every member of the Legion had shared my memories, as well as Ginny, Eru and Con's, of Aya, Kes and Beloth, the Ancient Guardians we had so briefly rescued from their fate. They remembered, through us, their stories of how the children of the Choctowineh were raised 'within the Light'. As...

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Cheating Wife

Friends I am Shiv middle aged, happily married business man. I have a close friend since school days called Vikram, living in the city of Tajmahal Agra. He knew about my many girl friends in college and had told his wife about my hot relationships with them. His wife’s name is Anjali a housewife, you know typical Indian woman doing all household jobs, taking care of her only son, husband, guests like her husband’s aunty etc. who visit her occasionally. A true Gharwali. Once I had some work so I...

4 years ago
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Hot Night With Friend8217s Wife 8211 Part II

After 2nd round in the shower both feeling tired went to the bed room to sleep , Of course with a little mixed feeling , Happy on side that we had a splendid session little down for the thing that we did and me doing it with my friends wife and her with me Feeling tired just got into my dress and tried to get some sleep ,it was 1 am at that time in a few minutes I was asleep . I suddenly had a very strong urge to urinate but when I tried to get up My friends wife was lying beside me naked her...

1 year ago
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In My LifeChapter 2A

Maria had no doubt what would happen next. She saw the rage in Emerson's eyes and knew he would fight Hogan. What she didn't know was how the fight would go. Emerson had learned long ago to keep his temper in check. He had lost it on occasion and the results worried him. He had made it a practice to remain in control of his emotions. This time, it was impossible for Emerson to control his feelings as he saw what Hogan had just done. Stepping between Hogan and Maria, Emerson looked Hogan...

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From Under the Mistletoe and Into Her Cameltoe

Chapter 1 Most Christmases have their own memories, the things that made each one special. This last one did as well, though not in any way that Lynn and I had expected. It all started the March before with a friend of my wife's, who was a nurse. Erica and Lynn had been friends since they were about twelve and both went to the same college and nursing school. Growing up, they both had basically the same dreams of being a nurse and when sleeping over at the other's house, they would talk...

3 years ago
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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 31

Lemme tell you something. This is not the present I tell you in this story. It has been a few years since all these happened to me. Though this story seems so long with over 30 parts by now, it is just what happened in a time span of less than 2 weeks. Yeah…that 2 weeks were the most important of my life, I would say, because they changed my life. They turned my life to the path it was supposed to go. Where I am now, what I am doing, with whom I am living, is not important yet. But now I am a...

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I brought a drink and went and sat at a couch in one of the corners about 5 minutes later this women who I had noticed earlier and not because she was hot but actually the opposite she was a large women about 35 years old, but was wearing a semi-tight black dress and looked kind of sexy for her size. She asked if she could join me on the couch I noticed a few spare ones but could do with the company, sure as I moved to the side a little. She introduced herself as Mary. She asked what I...

3 years ago
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I went back to school proud. I wasnt a virgin anymore, and my friends were all going to be so proud that I had finally gotten some instead of staying at home playing with my pussy. I walked up to school on the sidewalk, because the rain would have caught me in its muddy clutches of doom. I had dressed up that day in a black lacey top that flowed out on both sides like a poncho. I wore tight fitting jeans that made my ass shapely and sexy. To top it off, I had the sexiest pair of black cage...

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SusanChapter 7

Susan was feeling at least a little better when she drove the Cavalier back downtown. She really hadn't made up her mind about where she wanted to go to college, although she was pretty sure it wasn't going to be to Riverside, anyway. It was one of those things that she had to make up her mind on in the next few months, but for now her options were still pretty wide open. She was aware of the fact that most kids spent a lot of time in their junior year working on that issue, at least...

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As I Was Walking in the ParkChapter 8

Now evenings as it is growing dark We often go walking in the park But when our walking path is done We head to home for now we're one Now it's a quarter after six and I'm anxiously awaiting Erik's arrival. Finally I see his car pull into the drive and by the time he comes in from the garage I'm waiting for a long, hot kiss. That kiss lasts a good five minutes or more. Then in another minute we are once more going at it without waiting for the bedroom. Erik knows I love it this way...

3 years ago
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Happiness Is A Warm Gun

What kind of a man would fuck his best friend's wife? I had asked myself that very question a hundred times in the past week. It was still going through my mind as I pulled into Zack's driveway. I parked and grabbed a duffel bag off the seat. Julia was waiting for me and opened the door before I could ring the bell. "You're very punctual, Mike," smiled Julia as she ushered me into the house. "Well, the promise of a piece of your sweet ass is reason enough to be on time," I responded....

4 years ago
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Camp B

„Nur ein einziges Mädchen?“ Mr. Lorenz blickte den grobschlächtigen Mann, der vor ihm stand, verärgert an. „Was ist mit den anderen?“, wollte er wissen. Seine Partner aus der Ukraine hatten ihn augenscheinlich betrogen. Er hatte eine Anzahlung für fünf gerade eben volljährig gewordene Mädchen guten Aussehens geleistet. 12.500 Euro hatte er bezahlt, 50 % des Gesamtpreises. 5.000 Euro für jedes Mädchen. Jetzt erzählte ihm der Fahrer, er hätte nur ein Mädchen dabei. Er blickte über den...

2 years ago
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Gettysburg in the Summertime

Jack was really happy that his entire class had won the weekend trip to Gettysburg. He had studied about the famous battle of the Civil War in school and often wondered what it would have been like living in that time and place. It seemed so strange that the battles of the Civil War had been fought on the peaceful fields and small towns all over the East Coast of the United States and now the only traces left of the bloody conflict were tarnished plaques and statues in odd places near...

1 year ago
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Linda and Kevin

Linda and Kevin met in high school. Kevin was working at the school and Linda was a student there. Linda's friend Tara introduce her and another friend Becca to Kevin. Their other friend likes to sleep with volunteer firemen. Tara wanted to get them together but it didn't work out. Linda and Kevin seemed to have a good connection. They kept their relationship on a download for a while but then they got told out. Tara and the other friend found and started fighting with Linda about it. Kevin and...

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A hot summer BarBQ

First please forgive any miss spelling or grammar; this will be my first attempt at telling my stories. Let me begin with a little about me. I am average build, nice mannered, southern guy. I have an extreme sex drive I have never hidden from my lovers. Now I will tell you about my wife of the time. She is a tall girl of 5'9 a little thick not fat, but nice and thick. Nice well rounded ass, firm enough to bounce a quarter off of. She has small firm breast A cup, half dollar size nipples...

Group Sex
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Chapter 1 The situation in which I now find myself is something I never dreamed would ensue when I began corresponding with Ariana. It started seven years ago as a brief e-mail correspondence and has now become my life. But I must here digress, in order to give the reader some background information about me that relates to this tale. It will sound a bit weird to those of you who have never had a fetish.There has always been something about women smoking that aroused me. I always thought of...

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Two Moms Two Laps Two Hours Part 3

She looked like she was about to answer, when the Jeep came to a near stop, then turned onto the paved road. I held her tight while we got tossed around for a second, before the Jeep started to straighten out and pick up speed. "Everyone doing Ok?" Dad asked. Mom announced that they were alright up front. "A little uncomfortable going there for a bit, but everything's fine now," Aunt Marie answered, giving a soft tug on my cock, before tucking it back between her fine legs. It was full dark...

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