Aspen weekend
- 4 years ago
- 34
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[This story has no explicit sex in it. If descriptive sex is why you want to read a story, read a different story. This story is about making a difference with, by and for friends. It’s just a story, until you and I make it true.]
None of what happened was planned, at least not by me and certainly not by Ron. Ron turned seventy on May the twelfth last year. Everyone living in the Aspen Grove section of the Colorado Sunset Hills Retirement Community attended the party for him. He and Emma, his wife of almost fifty years, had lived in Aspen Grove for three years and had made lots of good friends.
What happened started at the party. At the birthday party he danced with Emma and just about every other woman in our community. He didn’t dance any of the fast stuff fast but he danced. The party lasted hours and we all had a good time. He didn’t want presents for himself. He wanted every body to bring a present to the party for a game he thought of. The presents were to be wrapped and for either a male or female. It would be embarrassing for a man to open a present and inside find perfume.
Each person would choose from the tables covered with presents and that was their birthday present from Ron and whoever actually brought it. No one put a price limit on the game and we were not to put our name on the outside of the gift.
I thought long and hard about what I could give that would mean something to the person who got it and wouldn’t break my small bank. In the end I made a gift certificate on my computer and put it in a shoe box, put a marble inside so it would make noise if someone shook it, wrapped the box in green paper and took it to the party. The gift certificate was for two days of companionship. For two days of the person’s choosing, I would be with them. Go for a walk? If that’s what you want, you’ve got it. Sit on the porch and watch the grass grow? I’m there. Whatever.
There were almost thirty people at Ron’s birthday party. None of us knew how sick he was. Well, probably Emma did, but she didn’t say how sick he was. We all noticed he had lost some weight and that he had a little less white hair, but that doesn’t always mean you have three weeks left.
After we ate everyone gathered for the celebration. Ron gave us the rules again for his game. When he gave the signal we all went to the tables and picked a package and came back to our seats. Then he would call on one person. That person could open the present they picked or trade someone for the present they picked and open that one. If they opened the present they picked they got to choose who was next. If they traded the person they traded with went next.
He looked over the crowd and he picked Carl White, his bridge partner whenever Emma wasn’t. Carl switched with John Tinker and opened what he took from John. He got two decks of very nice playing cards in a fancy box. John went next and opened what Carl had traded him, and smiled, it was a nice bottle of wine in a fancy box. He picked Carolyn to go next and she opened the box to find a gift certificate for a massage at the spa. There were plenty of offers to trade. She picked who went next and we all enjoyed seeing what people had made, bought or given. I was thinking a lot about the small thing I had given. It wasn’t, in my thinking, as good as some of the other gifts. I spent some time regretting that I hadn’t splurged and bought something.
When there were five presents left I noticed mine was one of the five. It sat on Marge Wilson’s lap. Henry Carter had opened his gift and picked Marge to go next. She traded my present to Francine and opened the present she got from Francine. It was four movie tickets to our local AMC Theatre. Francine shook the green box, heard the marble I had put inside rattle around and traded the box with Ken. She opened the box he had been holding and found a bus pass good for a month. Ken traded my green box to Pam and got tickets to the next bus trip to Las Vegas. That left Emma and Beth. Pam looked at the box and traded with Beth. Pam got a gift certificate for thirty dollars at our local market. Beth held the green box and said, ‘Seems no one wants to open this one. It must be intended to be yours, Emma.’
Emma gave up the silver wrapped box from her lap. Beth opened the silver package and got a gift certificate to one of the restaurants in our area.
Emma looked at the green box and said, ‘Green has been my favorite color for all my life. Thank you, whoever gave me this.’ She opened the box and read the certificate. She dropped the box on the floor and rushed out of the room crying. All of us sat stunned. Me, most of all. I made Emma cry. I had no idea how my gift could or would make anyone cry.
Ron followed her out of the room. Sandy had been sitting on her other side and she picked up the box. She read what I had written and looked up at me. Tears ran down her cheeks.
‘How did you know?’
‘Know what?’ I was in the dark.
‘Ron is dying. This is his last birthday.’ Sandy said. The room was silent. No one moved. ‘I thought that Emma, Ron, Beth and I were the only ones who knew.’
Beth said, ‘No wonder none of us could open it. It was for Emma.’
The party broke up. Sandy, Emma’s best friend, stayed back to be with Ron and Emma. I stayed. I didn’t know what to do but I stayed. When Emma and Ron were ready to go home I walked with them. Emma held Ron’s hand and carried the green box in the other. Sandy walked with me and held my hand.
We got them home and settled. Emma kissed my cheek and said she would wait to use the certificate. Sandy and I left and I walked her to her apartment. She held my hand and said, ‘Of all the presents Emma got the best one.’
‘I don’t know about that.’
‘She’s been living with Ron for almost fifty years. When he’s gone she will need companionship more than she ever has. You gave her the prefect gift. She burst into tears because she is terrified of being alone.’
At her front door she kissed my cheek and I walked home. I wondered how I gave the gift I gave and how it got traded enough to end up with Emma. I didn’t have any answers.
Two days later I saw a hospital bed being delivered to Ron and Emma’s place. I went over and Ron was thinner and weaker. He was in the bed and a nurse was checking his vital signs. She was from the hospice care provided through the Colorado Sunset Hills Retirement Community. I helped bring some chairs into their bedroom so visitors could sit. There was room for four chairs. One was always Emma’s.
A week went by with an almost constant stream of people in and out of their home. We moved the hospital bed into the living room and borrowed some chairs from the club house. Now as many as ten people could visit with Ron and he could watch their 60′ TV. Like all their friends I was there for part of almost every day. Every time I went to visit Emma was sitting on Ron’s right side, holding his hand. When we moved the hospital bed to the living room the guys from Aspen Grove came and put the queen bed back in the bedroom. Emma cried when she looked at it.
Every time I saw the queen bed it was made. I figured Emma for one of those people who always makes the bed as soon as they get up. In a conversation with one of the nurses she shared with me that Emma never slept in the queen bed. She squeezed into bed with Ron and held him all night long, every night.
At eleven one night my phone rang. The nurse told me Ron was gone. I dressed and went over. I held Emma’s hand as the hospice people and the people from the coroner’s office took Ron away. They were gentle and ever so careful with him and with Emma’s heart. When they were gone Sandy looked in on us and saw that I was on duty. Beth came by, as did four or five others, but when they saw I was there, they went home.
I sat on the couch and held Emma all night. At about three she fell asleep and I think I did too. Sometime about dawn we were both awake and went into
the kitchen. We made breakfast together. Toast, coffee and some jelly.
We went back into the living room and Emma started crying. Walking into the room she saw the empty bed and that was enough. She came into my arms and sobbed. After standing crying for a few minutes she walked us to the recliner that everyone knew was where Ron sat to watch movies and football before he was sick. She pushed me into the chair, tilted it back and crawled into my lap where she cuddled in and cried herself to sleep. I didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t say anything.
At ten three guys came and took the bed. I signed their paperwork. Emma just wasn’t there enough for details like that. She and Ron had planned and paid for everything before he started hospice care. A woman from the mortuary came by and finalized the time for the service and burial. I said I would let everyone know. She left me with paperwork showing directions, date and time.
At eleven, Sandy and Beth arrived together. They brought lunch. They fed Emma almost like she was a toddler. I ate the sandwich they brought me and drank the iced tea. They stayed for a while and Sandy thought I ought to go home and get a nap. When she said it Emma started to cry. She said, ‘Don’t go. Don’t leave me.’
Beth said, ‘Sandy and I will stay with you.’
Emma looked at me and said, ‘Sleep here. Don’t go.’
I went in and took a nap on the queen bed. Beth stayed until five and then she woke me so I could be with Emma. At six Carolyn and John brought dinner to us. They stayed until eight and went home. Emma and I talked until after eleven. Actually, Emma talked and I listened. She talked about life with Ron.
She started drifting to sleep after eleven. I recommended she go to bed. I told her I would stay right there on the recliner. She went into their bedroom and did her ritual. She came back out wearing a long green plaid flannel nightgown. She stood in front of me for a long time looking at me.
Her hand reached for mine. When she had it she said, ‘Hold me.’
I stood and held her. It was if she was so fragile she might break. She backed up a little and I released her. She took my hands and led me to the queen bed where she sat and began unbuttoning my shirt. I started to say something and she put a finger to my lips. Then she finished unbuttoning my shirt and tossed it to a chair. She undid my belt and unzipped my chinos.
The last woman to do that had been my wife, the night before her heart attack six years before.
I finished the job and stood before her in my boxers. She turned and crawled into bed. She held the covers open for me. We didn’t talk. I got in and she molded herself against me. I know we slept but I also know we spent most of the night just holding each other.
In the morning there was a knock at the front door. We didn’t hear it. Beth and Sandy came in and found us asleep holding each other. They backed out and came back two hours later. They made breakfast and made enough noise that we woke up and got out of bed. I dressed and Emma went into the bathroom for her morning ritual.
In the kitchen Beth kissed me good-morning and so did Sandy.
‘We saw you two sleeping.’ Sandy said.
‘I don’t know what to say.’
‘God, don’t feel bad! If someone had been there for me like you’re here for Emma I would have come back to the living lots faster than I did.’
‘All I’ve done is hold her and listen.’
Beth got up and kissed me. ‘Silly man, you say that like it wasn’t much! It is everything. She had counted on you from the day of the birthday party. You promised her you would be here for her.’
‘Would one of you do me a favor?’
‘Name it!’
‘Go to my place and get me some clean clothes. I don’t think leaving Emma would be Ok.’
They took my keys and left. While they were gone Emma came out and ate breakfast. ‘Where are they?’
‘Went to get me some clean clothes for today.’
‘I hope they bring you your clothes, Beth’s and Sandy’s would be too small for you.’ She smiled. Her sense of humor was coming back. She ate a good breakfast and we were at the sink doing dishes when Beth and Sandy returned. I thanked them for the clothes and went to take care of a shower, etc.
Emma sat them down and talked to them. She was sad, aware of the hole in her life and that it would hurt for some time… and she was back. They asked about finding me in bed.
‘The most comfort I’ve had in the last three weeks was knowing that Nick would be here for me. He held me all night long on Ron’s recliner after Ron went. He didn’t make me talk. When I cried, he cried. He helped me cry! Last night we were on the couch falling asleep and he sent me in to get ready for bed. When I came out of the bathroom in my flannel nightie I saw an empty bed. I went to him and he held me. I took his clothes off and I pulled him into bed. He held me all night long. I miss Ron. Nick doesn’t breathe like Ron. I got up once in the night and when I got back in bed Nick just gathered me close and held me. He didn’t wake up.’
When I came out feeling clean and fresh all three women kissed me. Beth’s kiss was much more than a quick kiss. I didn’t ask what they meant. I just enjoyed receiving.
The next day was the funeral. Emma went with me to my place and picked out what she wanted me to wear to the funeral. We carried my stuff back to her place and after she was ready I got ready. Everyone who had been at the birthday party was at the funeral. The three grown children of Ron and Emma were there. Their son took me aside at the gathering after the funeral and warned me not to try to move in on his mother. I asked him if he was going to take care of her.
‘I pay her rent and stuff! Yeah, I’m taking care of her!’
Sandy and Beth came and sat with us. They had heard him.
Beth said, ‘Where were you the night your father died?’
‘At home. I didn’t come because there was nothing for me to do.’
‘Nick, sat up all night holding your mother while she cried. All night!’
Sandy added, ‘And where were you for the three weeks your father was in bed dying? You weren’t here. You were the one Emma called when Ron needed hospice care. She asked you to tell Jennifer and Janice. You waited until three days before Ron died to tell them. Except when Ron and Emma slept at night we all were here. Not only were you to busy to come, you robbed your sisters of being with their Dad the last days of his life. And now you want Nick to stop being here?’
‘You have some nerve.’
‘I wanted to be here! I have a company to run! I have bills!’
‘You have excuses. I hope they keep you warm at night. Your excuses haven’t helped your mother at all. Nick has. He’s not after her money. He’s not after anything except to be comforting to her. You could take lessons.’
‘I want to protect her.’
‘From what? Love, companionship, caring people?’
‘No, from getting hurt.’
‘Don’t you think it hurt when her husband of fifty years and your father is dying and you and your sisters don’t drop everything and be here?’
‘But, she understands why I wasn’t here.’
‘When she would have been sitting on the couch all alone watching the ambulance drive away with Ron’s body in it how much good is understanding that being here wasn’t important to you?’
All three of us got up and walked away from him. Emma was surrounded by people. Her daughters had flown in from London and New York. They sat at either side of her. They stayed for two days. Her son went home before the gathering was over.
During the two days I rested a lot. Holding Emma took a toll on me emotionally. That’s not a complaint. I’d do it for every one of my friends. Sitting on my front porch the second afternoon I saw the daughters take their mother out. They left in a cab. Three hours later they came back and Emma was smiling. I decided that being the companion for any and all my friends was
my new career. My mission for the rest of my life.
The next day Emma called Beth and Sandy. They went to her and the three talked for a couple hours. Then, they came to see me.
We sat in the shade on my small patio. Emma started the conversation.
‘Nick, I cannot thank you for what you gave me. There aren’t words or actions that would even come close.’
Beth put her hand on Emma’s arm and said, ‘Emma shared something with us this morning. She wants you to know about it but it is still too hard for her to say. It took her a long time this morning to tell us. The last thing that Ron said to her was that he loved her and that she shouldn’t worry, Nick would be there for her.’
Sandy spoke, softly. ‘A couple days before Ron left he and I were alone for a few moments. He asked me if I would help you care for Emma. He said that knowing the three of us were here for her made leaving easier. She was loved and cared for.’
‘I don’t know what to say.’
‘Then listen. We have learned something here. Being alone sucks! Being loved and cared for is better. From now on, in our community, we are the companions. In sickness, loss, bad weather, or death we will do just what we did. Somehow we did what was the right thing. It hasn’t been a week and Emma can laugh.’
‘Deep inside I’m still bleeding, still in pain that all of us have been through. And, I’m back because of the three of you. We can do this for all the people we love. Can we agree to be the companions?’
I nodded. We all did. We had lunch together. I went to play bridge in the afternoon. I listened. Harvey was hurting. His son had been in rehab for a drug and alcohol problem and Harvey had his hopes up that the man would get his life in order. He found out his son had been arrested in Chicago for drunken disorderly conduct.
When the bridge time was up I called my team and we went over to Harvey’s. Sandy stayed with him until ten that night and I went and sat in his living room until two in the morning. We talked. Not much but as much as Harvey was up for.
Emma brought breakfast and Sandy spent a couple hours with him. We traded off for days until Harvey sorted out his feelings and dealt with the powerlessness of wanting someone else to change. Then he came back to us. We knew he was back when I went over to have breakfast with him and he had showered and shaved on his own.
A week went by and we didn’t hear of anyone needing the team. On Saturday night at just after nine my phone rang. I heard Beth’s voice.
‘I don’t need the team. I don’t want the team. I want and need you, Nick. I need you to come here and hold me, help me cry.’ She hung up. I walked to her home. Before I knocked she opened the door. She had already been crying. Curt’s picture was not on the wall. It was on the coffee table with a box of tissues.
We went to the couch and sat together. She held my hand, looked at Curt’s picture and cried. I realized that today was something big for them. I didn’t need to know what it was. I needed to feel her loss. I had one of my own. I had that empty space that will not get filled. I touched my the hole in my soul and we cried together. We never said a word.
At dawn she went into the bathroom and washed her face. She went into the kitchen and made a Spanish omelet for both of us. Her coffee is always good so I was thankful for a good meal and that the crisis was over. She led me to the door and kissed my cheek as I left.
At home I took the phone off the hook and went to bed. When I got up at three to pee I put the phone back on the hook. When I came back to the bed it rang.
Beth said, ‘Yesterday was six years since Curt died. Every other year I had thought about dying. Every other year I cried and hurt and didn’t share it! Last night you were there! You helped me cry! I love you for that.’
She hung up. I hadn’t said anything except, ‘Hello.’
At seven the phone rang again. The voice was Beth’s. ‘Have you had dinner?’
‘Then come over. It’s ready.’ She hung up again.
The door was open. She was standing just inside in jeans and a sweatshirt with a torn open neckline. It may have started with a crew neck but somehow now it was bigger. She had the table set and the wine poured. It was delicious. I said so.
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The following is based on a true story… My mom has been fucking my best friend (Ryan) for the past several months. My mom (who I haven’t named in my first story) is a nurse named Trish. She is a divorced mother of one (me) and she is in her early forties. She has a beautiful face, a good sized rack, and a lean body. Ryan is my age (in his early twenties). He works out a lot and is the ideal alpha male. All of the girls in high school and college desired him over me. One time I was kissing this...
"You were one of Witherfang's. A werewolf." I could feel Alistair shift at my back, and Aedan took a protective half-step forward. I suddenly felt like I'd been transported into a teen romance novel instead of a fantasy RPG. A bitter smile passed across his lips, and he visibly relaxed his tense shoulders, keeping his hands up and away from his weapons. "Yes, I was. I was there, when ... the Lady died." "I am-" He cut me off. "Don't say you're sorry." His tone was clipped,...
"I said stand up straight, nigger." She wears a plain brown sleeveless burlap dress. It almost looks like a potato sack with holes cut out for the arms and head. She stands tall and dark, with full hips and chest, and a rounded face with a flat nose. Her curly black hair has been cut short, so the shape of her head stands out. She speaks no English. The dress scratches and chafes, so she tries not to move. "I said stand up straight, nigger." He puts one hand on her back, and another...
Your life has been quite stressful lately, with exams ending and your parents divorce, but you finally found some time to relax and get away from your daily troubles. You decided to go camping this weekend, but everyone you wanted to invite was busy. This didn’t stop you from enjoying your personal time, however, so you chose to go alone.
ww "The Ambitious Race for Collecting Art" A Piece of Fiction by Traveller Chapter: 1 The brunette squirmed helplessly on the marble floor of the dimly lit room. The bob of her hair hid the sweat formed on her forehead. Her struggling hiked up the skirt of her French maid uniform, revealing the lace top of her ruined stockings and the rest of her garter belt. She let out a high pitched noise muffled effectively by the ace bandage wrapped around her lower face. The man with the thin...
Nina Elle loves to be naked and her step son, Connor Kennedy loves it too. He’s constantly spying and admiring her, as she does every day things in the nude. One day he began watching her as she did naked yoga. Unable to contain himself, he began masturbating to her. In the middle of this, his father, John Strong, caught him. Instead of getting upset, he joined his son as they both masturbated too Nina. Once she noticed what they were doing, the real party started. She began sucking both of...
xmoviesforyouThe need to vomit hit me as soon as I shifted, the pain in my head seemingly connected straight to my stomach. I tilted my head to the side and felt a metal can pressed into my hand just in time. When I was finished, a cool glass was placed to my lips. I took a sip, swished and spat the fouled water into the trash can. By the time I laid back, I was weak and shaking, the pain in my head pounding with my accelerated heart rate as I broke out in a cold sweat. I just laid there for a while,...
Hi guys this is Harsha 24,m, from Chennai. I first of all want to thank this wonderful website, it gives pleasure of sharing our real life incident with our fellow friends and enjoy. I love this website more than anything else. My native is from Rajasthan and we settled in Chennai very long back before my birth. My sex life was started very long before while I don’t know anything about cock, pussy or sex plays. In my family it was just me and my mom Sunitha. we don’t know...
IncestFirst I'll start off by saying, I'm no great story teller, but here's what I got about a recent event. Now, my younger brother & I have always been close. Since our late teens, we have always been attracted to the same type of women. We used to date & share a lot of them also, by means of we look very much alike with the same type of build & we attracted the same type of girls, ones that loved to have a good time & fuck. Occasionally we would get into fights about certain women...
Hi, guys back to you is Deepthi. Coming to the story. After the Saturday incident of showing my naked body to my students, I became very famous between the students and the teachers. All the eyes were seeing me differently. They might have known what a sexy slut I am inside. It became very casual for all the students to talk to me. I always used to get accidental touches on my body where ever I go which I liked. But I never exposed to them again after that incident. But fate had other plans...
When David came in from work a few days later the attractive divorcée was wallowing in the warm water of the bath in his en suite, slowly allowing her fingers to investigate the depths of her feminine folds under the foam covered surface. One look at her expression in the mirror tiles confirmed her lustful behaviour hidden from view. He stood there enthralled. As she realised that he was watching her she hit that all important plateau quicker than she had ever done before and after that it...
Note :This story is completely fictional! I was a member of a gaming group (we played D&D, Werewolf and other games like that) that included 2 couples (a third couple for a short time),3 single males (me included) and single female. I had a tendency to be sexual in the games if at all possible and was vocal about the fun my ex and I had had with another couple before she left. Nobody in the group was a prude so we had some great discussions about sex and passed a lot of sexual innuendo between...
IncestAs it turned out, Karen only had to allocate six apartments, but she had to come up with seven more radios. AI promised to deliver them by tomorrow morning. Ed, Hank, and Shirli were the first three in line, so they got the available radios. Hank and Shirli were married with two children, George, 15, and Helen 12. The others were Tom (73) and John (16), traveling together. The others were Lois, Sue, and Albert. Ed and Lois partnered very early, and it wasn’t long before Sue and Albert became...
Dono ne kapde change kiye aur raat hone ko aayi khana khane ke baad nani boli ki kamre nahi hai , to main aur maa ek room main hi soyenge , ye sunte hi maa dari hui meri tarah dekhi aur maine takat ki goli nikali jo main laaya tha aur 2 goli kha li aur hanste hue bola “aaj bahut sir dard ho raha hai zara goliya kha ke neend acchi aayegi””chal maa mujhe to neend aa rahi hai , tu bhi aa jaa , pair daba deta hoon tere “nani boli “bhagwaan kare aisa beta sabko mile “main maa ko pyaar se utha ke...
A few months back, my boyfriend and I went on a weekend getaway to the beach. I always get a little frisky when traveling, but this was my first trip with my new boyfriend and I knew I was in store for a lot time on my knees sucking cock and getting my ass plowed. I was feeling particularly hot and bothered and I could tell by Joe's hard-on bulging in his pants during the car ride, that he was too.I met Joe online, but we're a good fit. He works in insurance and would be totally boring if it...
CHAPTER 1 Jasper K Collins fired Luke Coleman indirectly. Jasper told his seven department heads at the end of the weekly executive meeting. ‘Now return to your offices, call one person of your choice in and fire him or her, saying to those lazy jerks times are tough and that Mr Collins ordered that seven people, one from each department must be fired.’ The unlucky guy in pre-production department was Luke Coleman. His manager said, ‘I’m sorry Luke, but you are fired. Pick up your...
I was clueless sometimes. It didn't occur to me until much later, when I was lying on my bed, that Megan might not appreciate me flirting with her cousin. Which was exactly what we were doing. I liked Yolanda, and the attention that I received from the four beauties felt great. Speaking of. "Tara, would you see if you can get a tailor in here to fit me for some new clothes? I would like you to also stop at Chandra's and ask her to talk to Megan or Yolanda and see about getting a formal...
Sajitha was a departmental secretary in our company. Upon my transfer or deputation to Mumbai as one might want to call it, she was assigned to me for some time in addition to her usual roles. While she did not belong to my department, half her time was to be with me. I was on an important mission to this office and I had clear directives as to what was expected of me. To work better I had requested for a helping hand to take care of the mundane matters like getting tea/coffee, taking meeting...
I was 58 years old when I married my second wife, Anna. I had been widowed for several years after my first wife died of cancer. I had given up on the idea of ever remarrying, and had even reached a kind of contented place in my life. I owned a construction business which kept me busy, and while I wasn't rich I was certainly well fixed, and for that matter still am. I was still active sexually as well, but now when I wanted to get laid I simply contacted an escort service and satisfied my...
Crystal looked out the window at the downtown scene. There was snow everywhere, cars abandoned in the middle of the street, and a few hardy souls braving the elements as they hurried from doorway to doorway to escape winter's icy blast. "It doesn't look like I'll be getting out of here any time soon," she told Carl. "I don't even see busses running." "The State Patrol is telling people to stay where you are." She made up her mind. "Don't come get me. I'll stay here at work....
Two Birds in one stone Author—Ranju Panda Hey readers, This is Ranju Panda from Bhubaneswar again appearing with a new story. My previous stories in this site have been appreciated by many readers and they have encouraged me to keep up writing. I was serving in an office in my local town and being a bachelor was staying in our own house in the old town with my parents. My cousin brother, who is the son of my maternal uncle, one day came to our house. He is a Lecturer and has been transferred...
IncestI was so nervous. I couldn't believe I actually went through with this! I had actually bought a sex slave and she was on her way today! A couple months ago, I had opened an e-mail that was titled "The Perfect Sex Toy". I was expecting it to be another hook up site which I could try to find free nudes. Instead, I found This site had girls who were willingly selling themselves. I thought it sounded too good to be true, but I got curious and it didn't cost anything to browse...
BDSMHe sat next to me in Computer Science every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The teacher would talk about loops and object oriented programming and all the while, half listening, he would be sitting next to me. Breathing. His presence was so entirely sexual, and I bet he didn’t even know it. I’d get out of class and just be wet. Oh, Seth. Fantasies and computer science became so inextricably tied in my mind that I’d get turned on just by reading the textbook. The sexual tension was so unbearable...
Victoria had just turned 18 and was still in high school. She was popular at 5' 1" with nice C cups a tight little petite 100 pound body complete with a hot sexy ass. She was dating the football quarterback Mike at her high school when we met. She started working at one of my favorite bars and we both knew there was a instant connection. After a few nights chatting after she got off work she started telling me about her sexual experiences. She had been fucked by her quarterback boyfriend...
CHAPTER 1 Jimmy Palin left the bus at the smallish city with the name that appealed to him. Jimmy was still smarting from being kicked out of home. His dad Paul, an attorney, had been grumpy ever since Jimmy decided not to return to college for his second year and now at twenty-two and having dabbled in the job market for two years he’d almost doubled his age in salary and commission selling pre-owned cars when disaster struck. Reading in bed on Saturday morning, Jimmy had been disturbed by...
Mum came back from her singing thing in Scotland, just as I was leaving for my driving lesson. I had a week before my test so I had a few extra lessons lined up. When I got home she and Andrew were arguing again. I went to see Maria, but her mum said she was out, and I couldn’t get her on her mobile either. Lucy was going to some baby class thing, Jackie was out for the night, and I was fast getting pissed off with everyone. Even Fat Gloria gave me the evil eye when I tried to talk to her in...
The sky looked ominous as Jason Dobbins made his way into town. Storms had been predicted for most of the day and Jason did not doubt for a second they would arrive sometime soon. Eyeing the sky periodically as he drove, Jason made the ten minute trip in normal time as he parked behind the row of businesses that lined the main street of Hicksville, Ohio. Hicksville is a sleepy little mid-west town, population of about 3700 in the upper western part of the state near the Indiana border. He...
Teeny tiny Asian superstar Lulu Chu is just eighteen years old, but she is ready to take on the world of porn with us here at TeamSkeet! She struts her perky, petite body, showing off her pierced nipples and her bubble butt in fishnet stockings. After oiling her toned body up, she is ready for a thick cock inside her young pussy. Our stud handcuffs the Asian cutie and slams her hard, making her scream like she has never screamed before. He bangs her tight Asian twat, and she begs for more of...
xmoviesforyouDay 46: William "Who was that ... creature and where did it take my mother?" Susan asked. "Susan, I assume he took her up to his ship, as he said he was going to do. His name is Kalib and he says he is in charge of this experiment," I replied as I sat on the bed. "What is this experiment you two keep talking about?" Angela asked. "I am supposed to help the natives become civilized and advance them into a technology based society," I replied, and then I looked up at them and...
SISSY by Sissy Property of: __________________ (part 4) The hammering as they opened my crate woke me up. When they removed my gag, the hot air seared my throat. I felt several hands on me as the straps binding me to the seat were removed. Pulling me from the seat, they removed the blindfold and diaper. While they washed me down with a hose, I scrutinized the two...
From the author: As has occurred frequently In my last several tales I give my respects and devotions to Lady_Silver for her correction of my stupid mistakes, and her kindly suggestions, to RedHairedandFriendly for her kind guidance and suggestions when I painted myself into a corner, and to Barbara for her astute comments. Blame every failing on me. Long after my wife died from sepsis caused by complications from her ovarian cancer I wrote, ‘Waltzing With Jean,’ my tribute to the love of my...
Car Troublebytoomuchinmyhead©AUTHOR'S NOTE: All participants are over 18. This is a fantasy. Not a true story. Civil comments welcome. *I was only about fifteen minutes into my hour and twenty commute when the car died. I had just entered the highway, and struggled for control of the vehicle, trying to get to the shoulder so as not to cause an accident. I managed to pull off out of the traffic without incident. I called work first, told them I wouldn't be in, and then tried my wife's phone, but...
A number of people have told me that I'm mature for my age. I like that and I like it when they mistakenly think I'm older than I am. I personally don't think I'm all that mature. I like to think that I'm just more responsible than the average sixteen-year-old guy. To me, maturity comes with life experience and I was woefully short in that area. I think people mistook me being a responsible, big and quiet person to mean I was mature. Being responsible I'll cop to. Because for a Pulaski...
My wife Diane is a typical 24 year old young woman in every way, except for the fact that she has grown more and more sexual as she gets older. She is beautiful, five foot six inches, 127 pounds carrying a 36C chest with shoulder length auburn hair. She inherited her long, sexy legs from her mother's side of the family. She loves to dress to show off her great shape that she works hard at the gym to maintain. Sometimes, she undresses to show off her incredible body. We have experimented with a...
Group Sex