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SISSY by Sissy Property of: __________________ (part 4) The hammering as they opened my crate woke me up. When they removed my gag, the hot air seared my throat. I felt several hands on me as the straps binding me to the seat were removed. Pulling me from the seat, they removed the blindfold and diaper. While they washed me down with a hose, I scrutinized the two men, trying to get an idea of where I was. They both were well over six feet tall and weighted at least 250 pounds. Their broad shoulders and muscular physic was contradicted by their clothing. From the red fez hats on top of their heads, down through the very short white vests (open, no buttons) to the white baggy pants mark them as eunuchs. But the bulges in the front of the pants said they were anything but. Before I could make a guess about my location, someone entered the room. Since He was behind me, my first indication someone was there was when the two men bowed their heads. As I started to turn my head, they grabbed me, spun me around and threw me to the floor. With a snap of his fingers, He dismissed the men. Sitting down, He wraps His right hand around me jaw and pulls my face and upper body up until I am looking straight into His cold black eyes. His white robe and dark complexion tell me I am without a doubt in the middle east, as if the smell and heat were not enough. He analyzes me carefully before He said a word. "Interesting" "Little one, you belong to me now. Where you are is not important, although you have no doubt deduced that you are in the middle east, except the fact that this is a brothel. We cater to mostly the foreigners but many of the rich are also clients. You're here to service those clients. All, little one. I have seen that look before. Many of my clients like little girls with that something extra. You will be assigned to a cubical. Under no circumstances are you to leave that cubical without permission or without an escort. Unless instructed otherwise, you will remain nude at all times. When you do wear clothing, it will be provocative. There is no place for modesty here. You will perform to everyone's satisfaction. Duty times are 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No self satisfaction allowed. All infractions will be swiftly and severely punished." With that He stands up and still holding on to my chin, leads me to a pole in the middle of the room. My hands were strapped toward the top of the pole, so I am standing on my tip toes. Then one of my black men reenters the room, carrying a long rubber strap. He then begins to whip me with it on my back, ass and legs until I feel my body is on fire. Then he turns me around and uses it on my tits until they are cherry red. My cock was his final target. The strap slapped and kissed it until I shot all my cum onto the floor. As I collapsed, I was cut down. Throwing me face down on the bed, He takes me in the ass without lubrication. His belly banging into my already painful ass only increased my level of pain. With a groan, He pumps into me and when He removes Himself, He motions to the guards to remove me. I am taken to another cubical. There, an older woman takes charge of me. Later I found out that she was a burned out whore. She looked 50-60 years old, but was only 29. She dresses me in the uniform of the brothel, filmy lingerie. Only bright colors were allowed, mine were red. Restraints were put on me. Stainless steel collar and cuffs were placed around my neck, ankles and wrists. They were custom made and required a special key to unlock them. My body rings were replaced by larger heavier rings. My cubical was toward the center of the brothel. It had four walls, much like the walls of an office cubical. They were seven feet high. There was no door in the doorway. Privacy was provided by a curtain. A four poster bed sat next to the back wall. It's firm mattress was covered by a thin blanket and black satin sheets. From the outside post at the foot of the bed hung a length of chain. Except for the chamber pot under the bed there was no other furniture. The guard who led me from the receiving room, pulled me into my cubical. Leaving my hands handcuffed behind me, he threw me facedown over the foot of the bed. Jerking down my bottom, he proceeds to ram himself into me. As he pleasures himself in me, other staff members join him in my cube. When he finishes the Brothel Master entered me. He is not as large as the guard, so it is not as painful. The next guard is huge. All I see when he rams into me is stars. As he pumps in and out of me I feel as if his pile-driver is trying to pull my insides out. The next two guards are much smaller and it almost feels pleasurable. Then the number 1 girl enters sporting a humongous strap- on dildo. Rolling me over, she mounts me as a man would a woman. I feel my insides painfully tear as she enters me. My blood lubes the invader. She got hotter as the dildo rubbed against her clit. The friction of her belly excited my cock. I received more pain from the dildo base jamming into my balls. Her quivering signaled the climax, then she withdrew with a wet plop. My new owner, the Brothel Master, locked the bed chain to my left ankle. It was all I could do to roll over. With a swat on my ass He left the room. My greeting here left no doubt of my fate. I was to be turned into a seminal sewer. To be nothing more than an outlet for men's lust. The rest of the afternoon was spent crying. Why? What did I do to Mistress Ivana to deserve this? Why me? Early that evening my first client stepped into my cube. He was almost six foot and bald. An older man, his white well tanned skin told me he was an oil field worker. His chewing tobacco didn't disagree with that analysis. Mounting me missionary style, his manhood felt much smaller than the guard's. As soon as he finished, he dismounted, pulled up his pants and left. Leaving me alone to wonder why Mistress Ivana was punishing me this way. Awhile later a swarthy looking man (definitely an arab and not just because of his headdress) strutted in to the cube. Rolling me onto my tummy he mounted me doggie style, ramming his short fat dong into my ass. He pushed into me, driving my face into the mattress. In a few strokes he shot into me and pulled out. Before he left he had me lick his cock clean. He then dried it off with my hair and with a slap on my ass, left the cube. My last visitor for the night was a huge black man. The youngest of my clients that night, he was in his early twenties. When he undressed I saw he was huge everywhere. He was hung like an elephant. Throwing me to the floor, he sat on the bed and pulled my head to his meat. All I could do was open my mouth and take it in my mouth. And it was ALL I could do. It was so tightly jammed into my mouth, I couldn't suck his manhood. I couldn't even get it out of my mouth. All I could do was rub my tongue on the underside of the obstruction until he unloaded into my tummy. After he left, I cleaned up and , upon receiving permission from the Brothel Master, crawled into bed. A few short hours of sleep later, all the lights came on and we were awaken by a loud buzzer. Each of us then cleaned up our own cubical after which we were fed. After feeding each of us were assigned additional cleaning duties. Some did laundry, others did the dishes and some like myself scrubbed the floors. I spent most of the morning on my hands and knees with a bucket of water, a rag and a scrub brush. During morning duties we were allowed to talk and I found out that every girl in this place had additional equipment. The reasoning behind that was that we were in a specialty brothel catering to clients that wanted something very different. Also we didn't become jaded as quickly. We all had been bought at auction some place or other and were in enforced slavery. Using my eyes, I noticed that all the girls were young, tall and slim. In short very beautiful. Most of the girls were white with the remainder oriental. A lot of nordic influence as there were a lot of blonds. We were supervised by the euenchs. These euenchs were guards (all other male staff with minor exceptions were also euenchs) who protected the brothel and us. Not because of who we were, women have every little value there, but because we were our Master's property. They were very much all the same. They were all black men, very large black men. Their uniforms were white with gold trim and buttons. Various patches and stripes indicated job and grade. As I found out, they were not large everywhere. They were bought by the Brothel Master from their families when very young and castrated. So they had very small cocks and no balls. However, this didn't prevent them from teasing or eyeing us. Mid-afternoon, we clean up and prepare for our night's work. After we had dressed and finished putting on our makeup, we're taken back to our cubical and chained for the night. I spend the next couple of hours on the bed wondering what I did to cause Mistress Ivana to sell me. What would tonight's clients do to me? I shortly found out. Number one was a woman. Like many brothels over here late afternoons are reserved for female customers. It's kind of twisted, but in this region although it is unacceptable for a woman to have sex with a man who is not her husband, it is acceptable for her to have sex with another woman or pseudo-girl. My first client of the day was like most of the female clients. Older, married, wealthy and white. She was in her mid forties and very attractive. With her back to me, she undressed. As she turned around, I saw she was wearing a strap-on dildo. It was flesh color and the biggest cock I had ever seen, real or otherwise. The head wouldn't fit in my mouth, so I could only lick it. When she was satisfied it was properly lubricated, I was thrown on my back as she mounted me. As she tore into me, all I could do was scream from the pain from the tearing of my hole. Once she reached fulfillment, she pulled that tree trunk out of me and pulled my mouth to it. Instantly I licked the blood and excrement from it. After I helped her dress, she left and I crawled onto the bed. An enench came into the cube and applied salve to my ass. All I could do was lay on the bed in the fetal position, cry and damn Mistress Ivana. Much later in the day my next client entered my cube. She was much younger than the first and arab. No more than eighteen, her dark hair and skin along with her black eyes gave her a sinister look. She tied me across the bar at the foot of my bed ripping my panties from me. Pulling a thin rattan cane from behind her, she used it on my buttocks and thighs with such wild abandonment that I was shortly screaming my lungs out. My only thought beyond the pain was that she was taking her frustrations out on me. Just before I lost consciousness, she stopped, released me from the bar and threw me to the floor. Where she thumped herself on my face and rubbed her snatch in my face. Like any trained animal, I responded by shoving my tongue into her. Finally she climaxed, followed by her juices flowing into my mouth. Satisfied she got up, but not before she relieved herself in my mouth. My final client for the night was a father and son. They were both white with the father being just under six feet tall maybe 35 - 40 years old with sun bleached hair. The boy was all of sixteen, six feet tall and brown hair. They entered my cube and walked up to the bed. The father told the son to watch as he pulled me to the floor. I knelt before him as he opened his pants and out popped his dong. Average size. As I serviced him, the father told his son how to control and get the best out of a slut. And he demonstrated. When he pulled away the son stepped up. As the boy started to open his pants the father told him to stop. "That the whore's job" I slowly unzipped his slacks, pulling his pants and underpants down the boys cock hit me in the face. It was long, maybe 11 inches and not too thick. It a few years with a little practice it would be a real pleasure stick. As I used my mouth, he practiced what his father taught him, as dad made pointers. After the boy had released his seed into me (it was a little watery), they tossed me on the bed, face down, and pulled my panties down. The father repeated what he did up front, demonstrated to his son how to use and control a cunt. The son used me, with dad giving pointers. Finally he came and pulled out. Father pulled his belt out and beat my ass, telling his boy that it was how you punished bad girls. His dutiful son then repeated the process. When he was done they both left. It was quite late and business had slowed down, so the Brothel Master gave me permission to go to bed. The next three days were almost exact repeats of the first two days, just different faces and different kinks. On the sixth day I had just finished with my second client of the night, an oriental man, when someone entered my cube. "How's my working girl?" The familiar voice caused me to spin around. It was Miss Susan. I threw myself at Her feet and wrapped my arms around Her legs. I cried and begged for mercy and forgiveness. Miss Susan patted my head with a, "There, there, girl. Just settle down." The brothel Master quickly entered and released me from the chain led Miss Susan and I to a room at the rear of the brothel. There a girl helped me clean up and dress. My outfit was a very conservative suit. The brothel collar was replaced by one of Mistress Ivana's and Miss Susan led me from the brothel to a limo. During the limo ride to the airport, I was allowed to sit beside Her. At the airport, Mistress Ivana's jet was there ready to go. When we climbed aboard the door closed and the airplane taxied out. Miss Susan sat in Mistress Ivana's seat and motion for me to kneel before the other seat. As I kneel, I look into Miss Susan's eyes and see that the order was made out of kindness. So I move in front of Miss Susan and kneel before Her. I bury my face in Her lap and cry my heart out. Miss Susan strokes my head and speaks comforting words to me. I am not strapped to the seat. During most of the flight Miss Susan comforts me, later on She nudges my head down Her lap until I am nuzzling Her fountain. I spent most of the remainder of the flight there. It seemed like no time at all we were landing and I was climbing into the limo behind Miss Susan. At Her direction, I sat beside her during our ride back to the farm. I had a sense of De ja vue as I followed Miss Susan up the steps and into the large front door of the main house. And who should be in the entryway, but Mistress Ivana. Miss Susan hugs Her and I prostrate myself before Her begging for my punishment. Pulling my face up, She asks, "Why, little one?" "For whatever reason my Mistress sent me away" "little one, I didn't sell you to the brothel, but I can see it did a world of wonders for your attitude. I decided to sell you to eliminate the problems with jealousy. You were sold to a woman as Her personal maid and companion. What happened was that in the shipping room you were mislabeled and shipped to the brothel. It told a lot of effort to track you down and recover you. I wouldn't have except you are special and the customer was very insistent. To placate this client, I sent Miss Susan to recover you and personally transport you to your new home. To ensure that it doesn't happen again, the entire staff of the shipping room was demoted. Slaves were transferred to the fields and the Overseers and Mistresses were demoted to house slaves. And I made sure everyone knows of the demotion. It makes them more dutiful. For the next few days you will remain here. You will be medically inspected, cleaned up and allowed to rest. Nothing but the best for my clients." With that, She turned around and left the foyer. Miss Susan led me up the stairway and to Her suite. Once there, I was stripped and sent to the bathroom. Miss Susan's girl, bambi, had a hot bath already drawn waiting for me. I slipped into the bubble bath and soaked for over an hour. When I started to feel like a woman again and before the bath got cold I washed myself and shampooed the oil and grease out of my hair. Bambi was waiting as I stepped out of the bath to dry and powder me. Back in the bedroom, I put on a small peach babydoll that was waiting for me. Miss Susan, who was already in bed, motioned for me to lay down next to Her. The night was spent with me laying next to Miss Susan. It felt so good to be held in Her arms and feel Her warmth. The next morning after breakfast, I was taken to the medical room, which is in the birthing house. I was met by the staff doctor. She was like all the staff, tall, beautiful and very dominating. With Her normal stern doctor's look, She ordered me atop the examination table. She then proceeded to examine me. After a couple hours of pokes, probes and several tests, She pronounced me to be healthy and clean and certified me as such. Returned to Miss Susan, I was to spend the next three weeks in retraining. At night, I slept in Miss Susan's suite, usually with Her in Her bed. During the day, I was remanded to the Training Mistress for training. This was special training requested by my new owner as I was fully trained. The training was as a little girl. From infant to teenager. From diapers to braids and bobby socks. I was taught to be mommy's little girl and how to be a teenage sexpot. And of course, Miss Susan had me practice on Her. The day after my training was completed, the House Overseer took me from Miss Susan's room and led me to the breeding barn. For the next week I was paired off with several females, including girl. It was a shock for her to be bred by the one she had done so dirty. I was kept so busy, I didn't have much time to think. But what thoughts I had were, is this the last time I have 'normal' sex. When Mistress Ivana was finished with my services as a breed slave, I was removed from the barn. I spent my last night on the farm in Miss Susan's arms. The next morning, Miss Susan and I sat in the limo enroute to the airport. We were both dressed in conservative suits, Her's was black with a white blouse, mine was pink with a pastel pink blouse. Her black leather purse carried not only a lady's essentials, but also our passports, tickets, my paperwork and money. My purse of white leather contained only the essentials, brush, make-up, tissue and sanitary items. At the airport we were quickly processed through the ticket counter, immigration and passport control. Our tickets were for first class, so Miss Susan selected the last row of seats in the section for privacy and I was give the window seat with Her next to me on the aisle. For the next twelve hours, we held hands, talked like sisters and slept on each other's shoulder. Much too quickly, it was over as the airplane began its descent into New York

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Cousin Introduces Me Into The World Of Sex

Hi everyone. I have been a regular fan of this site and it is finally my time to share some of my encounters. To say about me, I am 22 year old guy from Tamil Nadu. People know me as a fun guy and I love meeting new people and sharing new experiences. One such experience was with my cousin which introduced me into the world of sex. This incident happened when I was 18 years old, in the first year of my college. I was built and used to look good with long hair. My cousin Vani (name changed) was...

4 years ago
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Behind The BarnChapter 7

Sandra was applying nail-polish to her long tapering nails, when she heard Mike's car pull into the driveway. She gave a little start, surprised at his early homecoming. She hadn't really been expecting him until the morning, and already her mind had been wandering ahead to the long evening of pleasure she would experience with Sam. Her body still tingled from the incredible fucking she had received from Sam and the veterinarian simultaneously, just the previous evening, and the wild...

3 years ago
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Wild Deflowering In The Meadow

The dog nudged my crotch as I stopped to catch my breath after walking up the steep hillside. I walked this every day for exercise. It made my endurance for basketball much better. The dog always came with me, today he was a little rambunctious. Every time I stopped he nosed my crotch to keep walking. I guess he was great motivation for me to keep my ass moving. I continued up the hillside till I reached the top. When I hit the meadow at the top I flopped down on the tall grass and wildflowers...

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The Good YearsChapter 65

I was surprised that Cindy had awakened before me. She only woke me after she was already dressed and ready to leave for her place to put on a clean change of clothes. I walked her out, mostly so I could move my car enough to let her get down my driveway. We kissed and hugged, but she didn't give me any answer when I asked her if she would be coming to Ridgeline with Eddie, Dale, and me. I watched her drive away before returning to my bedroom to shower and dress for work. I believed our...

1 year ago
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JudgementsChapter 49

Shawna stumbled out of her room late the next morning to find Hope already curled up on the sofa with a cup of coffee and a book. "Morning." She managed, headed for the kitchen, and started slightly in surprise when she turned away from the kettle to find Hope standing behind her. "What?" she asked, in the face of the serious stare coming her way. "Have you apologised yet?" "I'm not sure I've awoken yet," she pointed out, resting back against the worktop. "Normally Marcus'll...

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Another Dream of Pixie

She had volunteered to be hypnotized. It was another one of her fantasies. So he had pulled some books from the library and sat her down at home. He set the mood by lighting the room with candles and putting on some soft music. He gave her a drink and a relaxing back massage with oil. Once she seemed relaxed, he asked her to sit back and watch a cut glass crystal he’d picked out at the store. He already knew she was a true submissive, the kind of girl that got off on the idea of totally...

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Charlottes Vacation

Here we are, the middle of Summer. The peak of blazing hot weather. The sun cooking people who dared to step outside into Mother Nature's oven. People walking the streets with uneven tans, some wearing sunglasses too big for their faces, people splashing around in pools in their backyards, unattractive men jogging in short shorts hidden behind their huge hairy bellies. It was a perfect summer day, and also the day before the vacation of a lifetime.It was a Friday night and I was packing my bags...

4 years ago
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Predators Hunting the Hunters

The 8 bodies fell from the sky toward the Alien world. The group of Predators watched. The new hunting program has been put into the effect. The Predators still wished to fight the greatest warriors earth had to offer. But the most worthy of the fighters would no longer be killed, but impregnated. The Predators wanted the best of the human genome introduced into theirs, with the purpose of enhancing their own abilities. However, only the most worth subject would be worthy of such honor. The...

3 years ago
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Stockings in the Office 2

Phil had taken some very sexy pics of me in the office after work and for a while was giving me a lift home once a week, I always wore stockings for him sometimes tan sometimes black, sometimes FF. Pete would get turned on when I would tell him all about what wed done, and was quite ok if I let someone else do something similar.One day I was at work and I overheard a group of the guys that I work with talking about me and my legs and what they would like to do at the top of them. It made me...

3 years ago
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Descent Into Darkness

For over a thousand years, the growth of urbanization and industrialization has all but destroyed many forests around the world. The more humans advanced, the more they destroyed the world around them. Many woodland type creatures have either been trapped inside preserved wildlife areas or gone extinct as a result. Unfortunately, though, there are creatures mostly unseen by human eyes who are also dying out as they lose their homes. These creatures, of course, are fairies. Governed by spirits...

1 year ago
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Maa Aur Bete Ki Real Story

Helow dosto mera nam raj hai aur main uttarakhand ka ek masoom ladka hu aur dosto ye meri life ki sacci ghtna hai ager apko meri story pasand aaye aur koi qn ho to pe aap muje mail ker sakte hai. Meri ek bahut hi khubsurat but adhuri family hai.Main meri mom aur ek bhai hai.Bhai ki sadi ho chuki hai aur wo dubai rehta hai.Jab bhai ki sadi hui tab tak mom gaav me rehti thi aur unhe sehar k bare me jyada kuch pata nahi tha wo gaav ki ek sadharan si grahni thi.Per bhai ki sadi k bad unhe muje...

3 years ago
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My County Tis of MineChapter 6

Who else but a loving girlfriend can give you a blow job before you pick up the girl she bird dogged for you? Dad sets up a date for you with mom. Even though I had been getting laid by a mother daughter combo, make that mother and two daughters, it was pretty exciting to be driving MY car to go pick up a girl for a trip to the drive in. I picked up Marty first, considering how many times I had seen her naked I laughed when I caught myself trying to look down her blouse. It was one of those...

2 years ago
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Girls Just want to be Girls

Look, I never claimed to be an innocent, OK, I'm a woman and yes I have the looks and the body to make men do what they want with me.I obsess with that, I want to be used and discarded like a condom being pulled from a freshly fucked cock and into the gutter, my juices on the outside and his juices inside. I'm not a nymphomaniac, I can orgasm, but I liked to be fucked in a particular way, taken roughly as in that movie 'Irreversible' the ass fuck scene in the underpass, that was beautifully...

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Brandys Ride Home

It was a Saturday night and Brandy was striding angrily down the side of the illuminated street, her fists still clenched from her anger. She had had enough of that jerk Chad to last a lifetime. And when she had stormed out of his car a few blocks back, screaming for him to stay the fuck away from her, she was pretty sure he finally got the message. She was pretty much into her own thoughts as the headlights from the large rig behind her caught her in their bright light. Glancing back for a...

1 year ago
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My Life As A Sissy Baby

My Life As A Sissy Baby By Sissy Baby Tammy Hi there my name is Bob Young or at least it use to be. It is now sissy baby tammy. How did I come upon that name? I will tell you about that and the wonderful lady I have met Goddess Andrea. But first let me tell you a little about me. I have always been a sissy, I was small for my age, and I was always picked on by both the boys and the girls. I would cry a lot when this happened and I was always told to stop acting like a baby....

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Sweet As Candy

Paul Marrs walked through the door to the apartment he shared with his identical twin brother, Peter. “Hey, Bro,” he called out as he put down his briefcase and went to the fridge for a cold beer.Peter yelled back, “Hey, man. You broke out early today.”Walking down the hallway with a beer in hand, Paul replied, “Yeah, the slave master opened the cell doors a little early today. Since it’s Friday, I was glad to have an early reprieve. What the hell are you doing?”“Just cleaning up my bedroom a...

1 year ago
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The End of Year Dance

                                               The End of Year Dance       He wandered around the hall looking for her, the music was loud, the floor vibrated, along with everything else. Lights flashed a rainbow of color that bounced off the Christmas tinsel with sprays of sparkles and although the light was low he knew she wasn’t there. He checked with his mobile phone, but hers was turned off, so he went to the bar. After he got an orange juice he stood watching the people as he waited....

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 83

Trinity gave up her measurements without much fuss – 34B-23-33. She accepted Adam's statement that the girls wanted to get her something from Vegas and was happy to be included in spirit if not in actual attendance. "When are you coming home?" she wondered. "We're leaving Saturday morning," Adam told her. "I would guess we'll be back by mid-afternoon." "Me, too," Trinity said excitedly. She had enjoyed the break but she missed her new set of friends. "I want a day or two of...

1 year ago
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Tribal Tryst

I had opportunity to meet a delightful young woman recently. She is Native American, tall, lithe, terrific long black hair (down to her waist). She is a divorced woman with two k**s and very independent in her life.We had a couple of chances to chat, and I found her to be enchanting. Her values are sound, and she's committed to doing her thing - her way. She's been out of her marriage for a few years, and she's carving out a new life.After a business day, I asked if she'd like to join me for...

2 years ago
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Her Buring Desire

Every art classroom I've ever been in smells the same: the pungent, intoxicating aroma of tempera and acrylic paints; the dry, woody perfume of construction paper; the acrid bite of paint thinner combined with old-building staples like dust and black mold. Mr. Thompson's room is no different, though I can recognize the distinct scent of coffee wafting out from his office where he reclines in his creaky, ragged desk chair, scribbling grades into a tattered binder. I long to be back there with...

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Theres Something in the WaterChapter 16

Ten women, all teachers, lined up in the science room. All stood naked in front of a table still decked out in Bunsen burners and beakers. The science class had been dismissed early. The students must have left in a hurry, eager to end the school day early before their teacher could change her mind. Some of the teachers trembled with nerves or anticipation. Some stood, with dilated pupils, breathing hard, addicts ready for their fix. All the teachers were married and showed hourglass figures...

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My drunk Mom

There was a knock on the front door. I was pretty sure who it was.So let me set this up for you. If you’ve read my stories, you know that my wife, Janice and I, share our home and bed with my sister Ginger. We’ve been living between Texas and Florida for the past few years, but Florida, where I grew up, was going to be our home from now on. And to put it plain, Florida is hot. It is hot in the winter, hot in the spring and fall. And it is really hot in the summer. Having grown up in the...

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Mitrachyaa Aaeelaa Zavale

Maajhe naav ajay. Maajhyaa barobar je ghadale tejasachyaa aaee ek satya ghatanaa aahe. Maajhe vaya 18 aahe. Nuktaacha 11veelaa gelo. Kolej laamba asalyaane mee aani maajhaa jivalaga mitr tejasa kolejalaa ekatra jaayache ek mekaamchyaa baaeeka varun aalatun palatun, kharch vaachavaayalaa naahee pana ek mekaamchee kmpaneesaathee. Mee aani tejasa ekadam sreemamta gharaanyaatale. Ekamekaamchyaa gharaat aamhaalaa saamgitale hote doghe ekatra rahaa va dostee asheech pudhe chaalu thevaa.Tejasachyaa...

1 year ago
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birthday present

at the end of a boozed up birthday my partner and her friend headed back to my flat for a cpl more drinks but my partner had too much so ended up falling asl**p on the living room floor so her friend an i carried the party on we where up dancing n just enjoying things as they went along so i went too the toilet and came back too find her friend on the couch with her legs open and black lacey panties on show i knew myself she was teasing me and wanted me too react but my partner lying on the...

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The Meteor

Bill took a long drag off his cigarette while he stood on his small back porch. His chest was tight. He wished he'd never started smoking. It was too expensive, his breath stunk, his fingers were stained with nicotine and, oh yea... it was killing him. He exhaled a blue-gray curl of smoke into the cold air and flicked the butt between his thumb and middle finger into the darkness. He briefly watched the cherry fly through the air. Suddenly with a low woosh of air something flew over his head....

Mind Control
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HandsOnHardcore Jessa Rhodes Doctors Dirty House Call

Today’s Hands On Hardcore premium porn exclusive stars glamour porn goddess Jessa Rhodes who is being a bad girl with her good Doctor. The stunning all-natural blonde has called upon Dr. Van Wylde to examine her in X-rated ways, and her dirty intentions are made clear when she begins kissing and sucking on the medical professional’s meaty cock. But where she really wants his big bratwurst is deep in her ass and pussy, as she’s been daydreaming about anal sex all AM. See her...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 59

She saw me and walked down. She said, "I saw you leave and thought you wanted some alone time." "No. I just wanted to make sure I was safe before I put you into harm's way. It was easy to learn so here I am. You may want to bring a towel with you so you can lie down. She went back and got a towel and her sunglasses. I was able to push the boat out again and made sure I had the boat pointed in the right direction before I hopped on and hauled in the sail to capture the wind and move us...

3 years ago
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Aslam ki randi biwi ban gayi main

Hello friends, I hope aap sabhi log theek honge. apne padha Aslam uncle ne mujhe apne sath shift hone ka aur unki girlfriend banne ka offer diya. Maine accept kar liya aur unke sath apne flat chor kar rehne aa gayi. To hum log mera saman mere flat se lekar Aslam ke ghar pahuch gaye. Rat ke 11 baj gaye the, pahuch ke humne sara saman hall par rakh diya. Aslam uncle bole ke woh khana lekar aate hain tab tak main taiyar ho jau. Aslam ke jane ke bad maine sabse pehle apne bag nikala. Usme se ek...

2 years ago
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Sharing his gf

I had just started working in a new town and didn't know anyone. I was bored, horny and curious. So I checked out one of those online personal ad websites. I found a guy who was looking for exactly what I wanted: a no-strings attached purely sexual relationship with another guy. Most of these ads were guys wanting a lot of kissing and things I had no interest in. I told him upfront I wanted to find a guy to fuck me in the ass and maybe watch gay and straight porn while we jacked off or sucked...

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Closing Time with Jessica

[Fiction/Fantasy]First Try at writing an actual story Sorry if it sucksI looked at the clock. 12:59. YES! Then I pull my phone out of my back pocket to confirm. 12:59. Hell fucking yes! Then I turn behind me to the timer/official clock. 12:59:35 25 Seconds till we close and are finally allowed to resume all the closing shit we have to do. It's been a fucking crazy Friday Night, with more cars rolling through than normal. *Bonnnnnnnnnggggggguh* NO MOTHER FUCKING WAY! I look at my manager,...

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Mary Part Three

Mary Part Three, Mary's Next VisitThe last time Mary had visited my wife, I made loud noises in the basement and both my wife and Mary spanked me for being "naughty" by making all of that noise. My wife also told Mary that she could spank me again, the next time she visited us. So I was NOT looking forward to another visit from Mary.Although Mary was expected to be arrive at any minute, my wife had an errand she had to take care of. So she wrote a note for Mary, and she gave it to me to give...

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Eyes closed.. arms embraced.. Soft lips barely touch.. Anticipation builds.. the kiss deepens..we search for more. Tongues caress.. lightly nibbling.. gentle sucking ... Passions flare.. shaking to the core. Hands roam.. fires ignite.. wanting.. skin on skin... Gasping breaths.. eyes glazed with lust.. heated to the brink. Moans escape.. with whispered encouragement... Wanting... needing... the desire.. in a daze... cannot think. Your shirt unbuttons.. fingers fumble.. my hands slide up ......

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